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If you manage technology today, you know the story: everything is
mobile, connected, interactive, immediate, and fluid. Expectations
are high.
On any given day, it’s all about service delivery. You need to
provide technology-enabled services to your people whenever and
wherever they need them—and you need to do it cost-effectively,
securely, and quickly.
This is one of the driving forces behind the rise in cloud computing.
Cloud computing can provide new levels of collaboration,
agility, speed, and cost savings for enterprises of any size
and type.
Finding the right cloud solutions
for your organization
Business white paper
Table of contents
Executive summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
An “Instant-On” world demands hybrid delivery . . . . . . 3
The cloud offers new choices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Capitalizing on the cloud: four actions every
CIO should take  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
How we see the cloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
What analysts and others are saying . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Typical challenges that enterprises face when
moving to cloud solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
The HP cloud services portfolio for hybrid delivery . . . . 7
Solutions that help you build cloud services . . . . . . . . 8
Services that help you consume cloud resources . . . . . 8
Software and services that help you manage
and secure your environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Services that help you transform your infrastructure . . . 9
Our outlook for the future of cloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Who is already gaining from cloud initiatives? . . . . . . 10
Why HP? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Take the next step with cloud computing . . . . . . . . . . 11
HP cloud services portfolio for hybrid delivery . . . . . . 12
Executive summary
If you manage technology today, you know the
story: everything is mobile, connected, interactive,
immediate, and fluid. Expectations are high.
On any given day, it’s all about service delivery. You
need to provide technology-enabled services to your
people whenever and wherever they need them—and
you need to do it cost-effectively, securely, and quickly.
This is one of the driving forces behind the rise in
cloud computing. Cloud computing can provide new
levels of collaboration, agility, speed, and cost savings
for enterprises of any size and type.
But getting the most out of the cloud is not a simple
exercise. All services are not created equal. Each
has its own requirements in terms of performance,
security, control, and availability. You need a clear
understanding of where and how cloud computing
can most effectively be applied to your portfolio of
services. That means you need to weigh cloud against
traditional delivery models and select the best service
delivery method to get what you need done—at the
right cost and in the right amount of time. Delivery
models include traditional IT, private cloud, and
public cloud.
An “Instant-On” world demands
hybrid delivery
IT is no longer just a supplier of applications and
other resources, but now a key service broker as
well. Today’s smartest enterprises weave technology
services into everything they do, so they can respond
faster to their users’ demands. These agile enterprises
focus on the possibilities of an “Instant-On” world
and what’s coming next. They don’t simply adapt to
trends—they create them.
HP is driving the evolution of what we call the
Instant-On Enterprise. It is an enterprise that embeds
technology into everything it does to better serve
citizens, partners, employees, and clients. We believe
that today’s Instant-On Enterprises need to think
differently about how they source and deliver services
that are enabled by technology. They need to take
advantage of a hybrid delivery model—one that truly
optimizes the mix between traditional IT, private cloud,
and public cloud.
Tomorrow’s leading enterprises will
be those that master the art of service
sourcing and service delivery today. 
The cloud offers new choices
Cloud computing brings with it the promise of choice:
choice in how you source and deliver services to drive
out cost, in how you ramp up delivery time, and in
how you achieve higher quality. But choice typically
comes with complexity, raising questions like these:
How do I know which services are right for cloud•	
and which are not?
What is the most effective way to build a private•	
cloud for today and tomorrow?
What is the appropriate mix of private cloud and•	
public cloud, and how does it change over time?
How secure are my cloud services?•	
How do I manage my service portfolio to see that•	
I get the benefits I expected?
How do I build a flexible environment that can•	
adjust rapidly to changing business requirements?
Capitalizing on the cloud: four
actions every CIO should take
The best cloud solutions are designed to help you and
your IT organization become the builder and broker
of services—maintaining control, building value, and
leveraging the power of private and public clouds.
Most enterprises are creating a hybrid service
portfolio comprising services from many sources—
traditional, private cloud, and public cloud services.
It’s critical that you align the right model to the right
service. And to be able to do that, you have to build,
consume, and manage appropriate cloud services in
an effective and secure way.
We believe that every CIO should take four key
actions associated with enterprise cloud computing.
Wherever you are in the transition to cloud-based
solutions and services, a clear focus on these actions
will help frame your decision-making.
Build1.	 cloud services. Deploy an on-demand hybrid
service delivery environment that provides easy
access to self-service resources from a secure,
on-premises environment.
Consume2.	 new cloud services so that they can
quickly and easily make the connections that
improve data flow and service quality while
reducing the capital outlay in comparison with
alternative sourcing options.
Manage and secure3.	 the entire service portfolio to
effectively govern across a flexible, hybrid delivery
model. Integrated processes and technologies
let you match each service to the best source
according to its needs. The result is an enterprise
that dynamically leverages technology to meet
changing market demands.
Transform4.	 legacy IT operational models to adapt
to a service-centric, hybrid delivery model. Both
applications and infrastructure services take on
new, shared characteristics that can help drive
new efficiency and opportunity.
Capitalizing on Hybrid Delivery Cloud
Transform legacy
infrastructure and
Build on-premises
cloud services
Manage and
Secure across
legacy applications
and cloud assets
services securely
“The significant benefits of agility and cost savings
delivered by cloud computing are too compelling
to ignore. Forward-thinking enterprises are
answering the questions of cloud computing not
with an ‘if’ but with a ‘when.’ The challenge is to
understand, based on a risk/reward evaluation,
what cloud services are appropriate for adoption,
when they are appropriate, and the best
practices, technologies and vendors that should be
– Gartner, Inc., Cloud Computing: The Why, When
and How of Adoption, November 2010
How we see the cloud
Cloud computing is a delivery model for technology-
enabled services that provides on-demand access
to an elastic pool of shared computing assets. These
assets include applications, servers, storage, and
networks—all of which can be rapidly provisioned
with minimal service provider interaction. The entire
pool can be scaled up or down as needed on a pay-
per-use basis. In other words, these assets can now be
consumed “as a service.” Offerings such as software
as a service (SaaS) and infrastructure as a service
(IaaS) are the two prominent examples of making
assets available in this new and flexible way.
Deployment models
There are currently two deployment models for
cloud computing services. A set of core attributes
characterizes each model in a successful enterprise
cloud service.
Private cloud1.	 . Cloud assets are operated solely
for a single entity and may be located on or off
premises. They may be owned and managed by
that entity or by a third party.
Public cloud.2.	 Cloud assets are shared, and service
is provided on a pay-per-use basis to multiple
entities. All assets are owned and operated by the
What analysts and others are saying
Without exception, industry analysts across the globe
are weighing in on cloud computing definitions,
predictions, and measurements of success.
Gartner, for example, defines cloud computing as
a style of computing in which “scalable and elastic
IT-enabled capabilities are provided as a service to
consumers using Internet technology.” Gartner defines
the five characteristics of a cloud service as follows:
service-based, shareable, scalable and elastic,
metered by use, and delivered via the Internet.
IDC defines cloud computing as “an emerging IT
development, deployment and delivery model, enabling
real-time delivery of products, services, and solutions
over the Internet” (i.e., enabling cloud services).
Forrester focuses more on the “utility” usage model
of cloud computing, calling it “a standardized IT
capability (services, software, or infrastructure)
delivered via the Internet in a pay-per-use and self-
service way.”
The National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) believes that cloud computing is a model for
enabling convenient, on-demand network access to
a shared pool of configurable computing resources
(for example, networks, servers, storage, applications,
and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and
released with minimal management effort or service
provider interaction.
At HP, we’ve leveraged the knowledge gained from
years of global technology and service engagements
to define the unique needs of the enterprise. Our view
is distinctly different from others because we focus
heavily on what we believe the enterprise needs in
cloud services—and on the specific business benefits
these can help achieve.
Enterprise-class attributes for successful cloud
We believe that a successful cloud solution for any
enterprise must be:
Secure•	 —delivering agreed-upon security levels
(for example, threat protection, privacy, compliance)
and data and intellectual property protection
Open, not locked in•	 —comprising modular
infrastructure and services that support
heterogeneous environments
Automated•	 —incorporating policy-based automation
and management that integrates cloud with legacy
assets and services to provide integrated service
catalogs and end-to-end service quality
Resilient•	 —providing sure delivery of agreed-upon
availability, quality, and performance service levels
Seamless•	 —combining public and private cloud
services with traditionally deployed services and
outsourced services to deliver a seamless experience
Electricity—an apt analogy
“Nineteenth-century use of electricity is an apt analogy for considering
how companies use cloud computing. The 1800s was a time when
companies spent significant resources, time, and energy thinking about
how best to create their own electricity on private infrastructure. Today,
by contrast, notwithstanding the fact that electricity is more important than
ever, we simply plug in and use it as a service. This allows companies to
concentrate on how best to use electricity to meet their customers’ needs,
as opposed to how actually to generate it. While companies moved from
generating 90% of their own electricity to consuming 90% from public
utilities over a span of just 50 years, many scientists predict that the move
to cloud computing will occur much more quickly.”
–Cloudsourcing: Consero Insights
Cloud Computing, SaaS, Cloud Platforms, Cloud Aggregators, September 24, 2010
Typical challenges that enterprises
face when moving to cloud solutions
In working with enterprises like yours to design and
deploy cloud solutions, we’ve learned quite a bit about
the challenges that can hinder the success of cloud
delivery. Typical challenges that you may encounter
include the following:
Limitations of a virtual infrastructure
A defining characteristic of a cloud platform is the
ability to deliver applications and all the resources
required to support them quickly. Many businesses
have applications running on virtual machines, but
these are typically backed by a database running on
a physical server. Today’s virtual-only environments,
which automate virtual machine provisioning and
monitoring, address only a fraction of what’s needed
to provision a complete application. They are a
stepping-stone to the next phase—evolving to the
cloud. Virtual infrastructure investments must be
extended to automate provisioning and monitoring
of application and physical infrastructure, providing
end-to-end lifecycle service management and security
across applications—both virtual and physical.
Closed environments
Other approaches proclaimed as “cloud-in-a-box”
are siloed solutions that are isolated and simply
can’t scale beyond the box. They limit your choice
of applications, operating systems, databases, and
hypervisors. In this “proprietary cloud” approach,
clients are locked into one vendor solution from top
to bottom. Once capacity limits are reached, such an
approach lacks the flexibility to scale up and down
or to incorporate additional services and resources
beyond the data center. Because of this, you lose
one of the biggest advantages of cloud computing:
elasticity. Enterprises require a unified architecture
that brings legacy investments forward, is open to any
application, and can scale resources elastically from
the best source—inside or outside the data center.
Cloud sprawl
With multiple types of internal and external cloud
platforms supporting the enterprise, CIOs face “cloud
sprawl”—with no way to unify control of services,
monitor service levels, or achieve compliance. Multiple
cloud types, each with different (siloed) management
tools and processes, introduce risks to the business
and can quickly consume resources needed for
innovation. CIOs need a standard way to guarantee
security, governance, and compliance to protect data,
reduce risk, and ensure service quality at the right
levels for various business functions.
The HP cloud services portfolio
for hybrid delivery
HP delivers the industry’s broadest cloud solution
portfolio, backed by world-class cloud consulting
services. Our hybrid delivery model enables you to
deploy the right service source—traditional IT, private
cloud, or public cloud—to add immediate value to
your organization without sacrificing your existing
We’ve aligned our services and solutions around the
four key initiatives we believe an enterprise should
follow when adopting cloud computing:
Manage and secure3.	
Solutions that help you build cloud services
Whether you’re a large corporation or a service
provider, when you are ready to build cloud services
for your enterprise, we can assist you with platforms
and solutions that are secure, open, scalable, and
HP CloudSystem is the most complete, integrated
system to build, manage, and consume services across
private, public, and hybrid cloud environments.
HP CloudSystem combines the strength of
HP Converged Infrastructure with the established
leadership of HP Cloud Service Automation software.
This offering delivers unified security, governance,
and compliance across applications, as well as
physical and virtual infrastructure. It supports
HP Cloud Maps, an industry first that automatically
provisions and optimizes application and infrastructure
resources by leveraging preconfigured catalog
objects. HP CloudSystem allows new cloud services
to be up and running in minutes.
Services that help you consume cloud resources
Many enterprises find that it makes the most sense
to consume cloud resources on a flexible basis—
scaling and adding capacity as needed. HP
infrastructure and application services help you
do just that, assisting you in designing and building
the right cloud platforms and technologies to support
your organization’s business needs.
HP Enterprise Cloud Service—Compute is a
highlighted offering in this category. It makes bundles
of server, storage, network, and security available to
be consumed as a service. Enterprises can access IT
capacity that rapidly adjusts within a range that they
specify, paying only for the resources used within
that range. It lets businesses and government entities
scale their cloud capacity as much as they like within
a range that they can define. It provides the resources
needed to run the applications and processes that
make up core business workloads, and to access them
securely over a network, 24x7, from an HP data center.
“By 2014, the overall market for
public cloud services will be worth
more than $55 billion—more than
three times the 2009 estimated
market worth of $16.5 billion.”
– IDC, November 2010
Software and services that help you manage
and secure your environment
Security and management are key concerns of any
enterprise moving to a public or private cloud. We
can help you deploy solutions that take the worry out
of managing, testing, and securing your applications
and infrastructure.
HP Cloud Service Automation enables one-touch
infrastructure and application ordering, provisioning,
and management from a single self-service portal,
across a hybrid delivery cloud environment.
Services that help you transform your
We deliver a broad selection of professional services
designed to help you plan and implement your use of
private and public clouds. From initial assessment to
design and implementation, our services experts work
with you to find the right solutions for your unique
needs. Start with the following service:
HP Cloud Discovery Workshop provides information
and discussions to help get your key decision-makers
(CIO, key management, and business owners) aligned
on taking the journey to cloud solutions.
Our outlook for the future of cloud
Without a doubt, cloud computing is here to stay, and
it will gain increasing momentum in the next three to
five years. Those who gain the most success from their
adoption of cloud computing will be those who focus
on the quality of service delivery.
For the foreseeable future, enterprises will use a
hybrid delivery model that combines traditional IT,
private cloud, and public cloud. Infrastructures will
continue to be complex and heterogeneous, requiring
careful planning and testing prior to the deployment
of cloud solutions and services. The transition to cloud
computing is very similar to other major IT transitions
we have seen (the move to client/server computing,
for example).
The number of technological solutions for private and
public clouds is growing fast, as is the number of
creative ways to deliver IT applications as a service.
As these choices continue to multiply, it will become
increasingly difficult to manage tomorrow’s highly
complex data center environments. New management,
automation, and security solutions will assume
increasing importance. Enterprises will look to partner
with highly experienced cloud-solution providers
with the staying power and expertise to guide them
through choices in cloud infrastructure, applications,
and services.
Who is already gaining from cloud
We’ve worked with several leading enterprises across
the globe to design and deploy cloud solutions, and
they are achieving measurable results. Below are two
FICO—a leader in predictive analytics solutions
that drive smarter decisions
Challenge: an array of disparate defect- and test-
management tools spread across numerous product
lines—a consequence of FICO’s acquisitions-based
Solution: private cloud transformation, plus a suite
of integrated tools for global enterprise management
Improved audit compliance to meet business•	
Audits that had taken 15 to 20 hours now•	
took minutes
Achieved a 21% improvement in change-process•	
Lowered QA expenses by approximately•	
33% in one year
Reduced the number of QA administrators•	
from 8 to 2
GS1 Canada—international association for
supply chain standards
Challenge: develop a standardized process and
protocol for communicating product recall information
between businesses
Solution: HP Cloud Optimized Infrastructure,
HP Cloud Platform, and HP and partner services
Reduced cost of managing recall processes•	
Improved quality of recall information•	
Decreased tracking errors with audit points•	
throughout the system, providing a record of each
Why HP?
You need a partner that has the experience to know
which service models are right for your business and
how best to source, build, deliver, and manage them.
HP solutions allow you to implement cloud in the way
that’s right for your enterprise, by leveraging your
existing technologies to build private cloud, consume
enterprise cloud services, manage and secure all
services to gain competitive or service advantage, and
transform applications and infrastructure.
Few cloud vendors truly understand the unique needs
of service design and delivery for the largest companies
in the world. HP’s experience in running these services
in complex, multi-application environments allows us to
avoid significant management issues once all services
in a hybrid delivery environment are in place. And
our unique delivery of enterprise cloud services sets
us apart from other vendors—because enterprises
know that our solutions are secure, open, automated,
resilient, and seamless.
Take the next step with
cloud computing
Work with us to discover the next important step in
deploying cloud solutions for your enterprise. The
HP Cloud Discovery Workshop is perhaps the best
way to get your key decision-makers (CIO, key
management, and business owners) aligned on
taking the journey to cloud solutions. Contact your
local HP representative for more information.
Get connected
Get the insider view on tech trends, alerts, and
HP solutions for better business outcomes
For more information on Hybrid Cloud Solutions, go to
Š Copyright 2011 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only
warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein
should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.
4AA3-2633ENW, Created January 2011
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HP cloud services portfolio for hybrid delivery
Build Consume Manage and secure Transform
Scalable private and public cloud
Flexible, secure, pay-as-you-go
cloud services
Service management, automation,
and governance solutions
Professional services to
plan, design, and implement
transformation to the cloud
Scalable cloud solutions
• HP CloudSystem
Enterprise cloud extensions
• HP Cloud Maps
Foundational private cloud
• HP CloudStart
• HP Enterprise Cloud Services—
Infrastructure services•	
(utility services)
Application services•	
Industry-specific services•	
Application development•	
HP Cloud Service Automation•	
HP Cloud Assure•	
Application test SaaS offerings•	
Comprehensive security, threat•	
analysis, and management
HP BTO Management Suite•	
for heterogeneous environments
HP Cloud Discovery Workshop•	
HP Cloud Roadmap Service•	
HP Cloud Application•	
Transformation Services
HP Cloud Infrastructure•	
Transformation Services
HP Cloud Security Service•

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  • 1. If you manage technology today, you know the story: everything is mobile, connected, interactive, immediate, and fluid. Expectations are high. On any given day, it’s all about service delivery. You need to provide technology-enabled services to your people whenever and wherever they need them—and you need to do it cost-effectively, securely, and quickly. This is one of the driving forces behind the rise in cloud computing. Cloud computing can provide new levels of collaboration, agility, speed, and cost savings for enterprises of any size and type. Finding the right cloud solutions for your organization Business white paper
  • 2. Table of contents Executive summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 An “Instant-On” world demands hybrid delivery . . . . . . 3 The cloud offers new choices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Capitalizing on the cloud: four actions every CIO should take . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 How we see the cloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 What analysts and others are saying . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Typical challenges that enterprises face when moving to cloud solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 The HP cloud services portfolio for hybrid delivery . . . . 7 Solutions that help you build cloud services . . . . . . . . 8 Services that help you consume cloud resources . . . . . 8 Software and services that help you manage and secure your environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Services that help you transform your infrastructure . . . 9 Our outlook for the future of cloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Who is already gaining from cloud initiatives? . . . . . . 10 Why HP? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Take the next step with cloud computing . . . . . . . . . . 11 HP cloud services portfolio for hybrid delivery . . . . . . 12
  • 3. 3 Executive summary If you manage technology today, you know the story: everything is mobile, connected, interactive, immediate, and fluid. Expectations are high. On any given day, it’s all about service delivery. You need to provide technology-enabled services to your people whenever and wherever they need them—and you need to do it cost-effectively, securely, and quickly. This is one of the driving forces behind the rise in cloud computing. Cloud computing can provide new levels of collaboration, agility, speed, and cost savings for enterprises of any size and type. But getting the most out of the cloud is not a simple exercise. All services are not created equal. Each has its own requirements in terms of performance, security, control, and availability. You need a clear understanding of where and how cloud computing can most effectively be applied to your portfolio of services. That means you need to weigh cloud against traditional delivery models and select the best service delivery method to get what you need done—at the right cost and in the right amount of time. Delivery models include traditional IT, private cloud, and public cloud. An “Instant-On” world demands hybrid delivery IT is no longer just a supplier of applications and other resources, but now a key service broker as well. Today’s smartest enterprises weave technology services into everything they do, so they can respond faster to their users’ demands. These agile enterprises focus on the possibilities of an “Instant-On” world and what’s coming next. They don’t simply adapt to trends—they create them. HP is driving the evolution of what we call the Instant-On Enterprise. It is an enterprise that embeds technology into everything it does to better serve citizens, partners, employees, and clients. We believe that today’s Instant-On Enterprises need to think differently about how they source and deliver services that are enabled by technology. They need to take advantage of a hybrid delivery model—one that truly optimizes the mix between traditional IT, private cloud, and public cloud. Tomorrow’s leading enterprises will be those that master the art of service sourcing and service delivery today. 
  • 4. 4 The cloud offers new choices Cloud computing brings with it the promise of choice: choice in how you source and deliver services to drive out cost, in how you ramp up delivery time, and in how you achieve higher quality. But choice typically comes with complexity, raising questions like these: How do I know which services are right for cloud• and which are not? What is the most effective way to build a private• cloud for today and tomorrow? What is the appropriate mix of private cloud and• public cloud, and how does it change over time? How secure are my cloud services?• How do I manage my service portfolio to see that• I get the benefits I expected? How do I build a flexible environment that can• adjust rapidly to changing business requirements? Capitalizing on the cloud: four actions every CIO should take The best cloud solutions are designed to help you and your IT organization become the builder and broker of services—maintaining control, building value, and leveraging the power of private and public clouds. Most enterprises are creating a hybrid service portfolio comprising services from many sources— traditional, private cloud, and public cloud services. It’s critical that you align the right model to the right service. And to be able to do that, you have to build, consume, and manage appropriate cloud services in an effective and secure way. We believe that every CIO should take four key actions associated with enterprise cloud computing. Wherever you are in the transition to cloud-based solutions and services, a clear focus on these actions will help frame your decision-making. Build1. cloud services. Deploy an on-demand hybrid service delivery environment that provides easy access to self-service resources from a secure, on-premises environment. Consume2. new cloud services so that they can quickly and easily make the connections that improve data flow and service quality while reducing the capital outlay in comparison with alternative sourcing options. Manage and secure3. the entire service portfolio to effectively govern across a flexible, hybrid delivery model. Integrated processes and technologies let you match each service to the best source according to its needs. The result is an enterprise that dynamically leverages technology to meet changing market demands. Transform4. legacy IT operational models to adapt to a service-centric, hybrid delivery model. Both applications and infrastructure services take on new, shared characteristics that can help drive new efficiency and opportunity. Capitalizing on Hybrid Delivery Cloud Transform legacy infrastructure and applications Build on-premises cloud services Manage and Secure across legacy applications and cloud assets Consume off-premises services securely
  • 5. 5 “The significant benefits of agility and cost savings delivered by cloud computing are too compelling to ignore. Forward-thinking enterprises are answering the questions of cloud computing not with an ‘if’ but with a ‘when.’ The challenge is to understand, based on a risk/reward evaluation, what cloud services are appropriate for adoption, when they are appropriate, and the best practices, technologies and vendors that should be employed.” – Gartner, Inc., Cloud Computing: The Why, When and How of Adoption, November 2010 How we see the cloud Cloud computing is a delivery model for technology- enabled services that provides on-demand access to an elastic pool of shared computing assets. These assets include applications, servers, storage, and networks—all of which can be rapidly provisioned with minimal service provider interaction. The entire pool can be scaled up or down as needed on a pay- per-use basis. In other words, these assets can now be consumed “as a service.” Offerings such as software as a service (SaaS) and infrastructure as a service (IaaS) are the two prominent examples of making assets available in this new and flexible way. Deployment models There are currently two deployment models for cloud computing services. A set of core attributes characterizes each model in a successful enterprise cloud service. Private cloud1. . Cloud assets are operated solely for a single entity and may be located on or off premises. They may be owned and managed by that entity or by a third party. Public cloud.2. Cloud assets are shared, and service is provided on a pay-per-use basis to multiple entities. All assets are owned and operated by the provider. What analysts and others are saying Without exception, industry analysts across the globe are weighing in on cloud computing definitions, predictions, and measurements of success. Gartner, for example, defines cloud computing as a style of computing in which “scalable and elastic IT-enabled capabilities are provided as a service to consumers using Internet technology.” Gartner defines the five characteristics of a cloud service as follows: service-based, shareable, scalable and elastic, metered by use, and delivered via the Internet. IDC defines cloud computing as “an emerging IT development, deployment and delivery model, enabling real-time delivery of products, services, and solutions over the Internet” (i.e., enabling cloud services).
  • 6. 6 Forrester focuses more on the “utility” usage model of cloud computing, calling it “a standardized IT capability (services, software, or infrastructure) delivered via the Internet in a pay-per-use and self- service way.” The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) believes that cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (for example, networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. At HP, we’ve leveraged the knowledge gained from years of global technology and service engagements to define the unique needs of the enterprise. Our view is distinctly different from others because we focus heavily on what we believe the enterprise needs in cloud services—and on the specific business benefits these can help achieve. Enterprise-class attributes for successful cloud solutions We believe that a successful cloud solution for any enterprise must be: Secure• —delivering agreed-upon security levels (for example, threat protection, privacy, compliance) and data and intellectual property protection Open, not locked in• —comprising modular infrastructure and services that support heterogeneous environments Automated• —incorporating policy-based automation and management that integrates cloud with legacy assets and services to provide integrated service catalogs and end-to-end service quality Resilient• —providing sure delivery of agreed-upon availability, quality, and performance service levels Seamless• —combining public and private cloud services with traditionally deployed services and outsourced services to deliver a seamless experience Electricity—an apt analogy “Nineteenth-century use of electricity is an apt analogy for considering how companies use cloud computing. The 1800s was a time when companies spent significant resources, time, and energy thinking about how best to create their own electricity on private infrastructure. Today, by contrast, notwithstanding the fact that electricity is more important than ever, we simply plug in and use it as a service. This allows companies to concentrate on how best to use electricity to meet their customers’ needs, as opposed to how actually to generate it. While companies moved from generating 90% of their own electricity to consuming 90% from public utilities over a span of just 50 years, many scientists predict that the move to cloud computing will occur much more quickly.” –Cloudsourcing: Consero Insights Cloud Computing, SaaS, Cloud Platforms, Cloud Aggregators, September 24, 2010
  • 7. 7 Typical challenges that enterprises face when moving to cloud solutions In working with enterprises like yours to design and deploy cloud solutions, we’ve learned quite a bit about the challenges that can hinder the success of cloud delivery. Typical challenges that you may encounter include the following: Limitations of a virtual infrastructure A defining characteristic of a cloud platform is the ability to deliver applications and all the resources required to support them quickly. Many businesses have applications running on virtual machines, but these are typically backed by a database running on a physical server. Today’s virtual-only environments, which automate virtual machine provisioning and monitoring, address only a fraction of what’s needed to provision a complete application. They are a stepping-stone to the next phase—evolving to the cloud. Virtual infrastructure investments must be extended to automate provisioning and monitoring of application and physical infrastructure, providing end-to-end lifecycle service management and security across applications—both virtual and physical. Closed environments Other approaches proclaimed as “cloud-in-a-box” are siloed solutions that are isolated and simply can’t scale beyond the box. They limit your choice of applications, operating systems, databases, and hypervisors. In this “proprietary cloud” approach, clients are locked into one vendor solution from top to bottom. Once capacity limits are reached, such an approach lacks the flexibility to scale up and down or to incorporate additional services and resources beyond the data center. Because of this, you lose one of the biggest advantages of cloud computing: elasticity. Enterprises require a unified architecture that brings legacy investments forward, is open to any application, and can scale resources elastically from the best source—inside or outside the data center. Cloud sprawl With multiple types of internal and external cloud platforms supporting the enterprise, CIOs face “cloud sprawl”—with no way to unify control of services, monitor service levels, or achieve compliance. Multiple cloud types, each with different (siloed) management tools and processes, introduce risks to the business and can quickly consume resources needed for innovation. CIOs need a standard way to guarantee security, governance, and compliance to protect data, reduce risk, and ensure service quality at the right levels for various business functions. The HP cloud services portfolio for hybrid delivery HP delivers the industry’s broadest cloud solution portfolio, backed by world-class cloud consulting services. Our hybrid delivery model enables you to deploy the right service source—traditional IT, private cloud, or public cloud—to add immediate value to your organization without sacrificing your existing investments. We’ve aligned our services and solutions around the four key initiatives we believe an enterprise should follow when adopting cloud computing: Build1. Consume2. Manage and secure3. Transform4.
  • 8. 8 Solutions that help you build cloud services Whether you’re a large corporation or a service provider, when you are ready to build cloud services for your enterprise, we can assist you with platforms and solutions that are secure, open, scalable, and cost-effective. HP CloudSystem is the most complete, integrated system to build, manage, and consume services across private, public, and hybrid cloud environments. HP CloudSystem combines the strength of HP Converged Infrastructure with the established leadership of HP Cloud Service Automation software. This offering delivers unified security, governance, and compliance across applications, as well as physical and virtual infrastructure. It supports HP Cloud Maps, an industry first that automatically provisions and optimizes application and infrastructure resources by leveraging preconfigured catalog objects. HP CloudSystem allows new cloud services to be up and running in minutes. Services that help you consume cloud resources Many enterprises find that it makes the most sense to consume cloud resources on a flexible basis— scaling and adding capacity as needed. HP infrastructure and application services help you do just that, assisting you in designing and building the right cloud platforms and technologies to support your organization’s business needs. HP Enterprise Cloud Service—Compute is a highlighted offering in this category. It makes bundles of server, storage, network, and security available to be consumed as a service. Enterprises can access IT capacity that rapidly adjusts within a range that they specify, paying only for the resources used within that range. It lets businesses and government entities scale their cloud capacity as much as they like within a range that they can define. It provides the resources needed to run the applications and processes that make up core business workloads, and to access them securely over a network, 24x7, from an HP data center. “By 2014, the overall market for public cloud services will be worth more than $55 billion—more than three times the 2009 estimated market worth of $16.5 billion.” – IDC, November 2010
  • 9. 9 Software and services that help you manage and secure your environment Security and management are key concerns of any enterprise moving to a public or private cloud. We can help you deploy solutions that take the worry out of managing, testing, and securing your applications and infrastructure. HP Cloud Service Automation enables one-touch infrastructure and application ordering, provisioning, and management from a single self-service portal, across a hybrid delivery cloud environment. Services that help you transform your infrastructure We deliver a broad selection of professional services designed to help you plan and implement your use of private and public clouds. From initial assessment to design and implementation, our services experts work with you to find the right solutions for your unique needs. Start with the following service: HP Cloud Discovery Workshop provides information and discussions to help get your key decision-makers (CIO, key management, and business owners) aligned on taking the journey to cloud solutions. Our outlook for the future of cloud Without a doubt, cloud computing is here to stay, and it will gain increasing momentum in the next three to five years. Those who gain the most success from their adoption of cloud computing will be those who focus on the quality of service delivery. For the foreseeable future, enterprises will use a hybrid delivery model that combines traditional IT, private cloud, and public cloud. Infrastructures will continue to be complex and heterogeneous, requiring careful planning and testing prior to the deployment of cloud solutions and services. The transition to cloud computing is very similar to other major IT transitions we have seen (the move to client/server computing, for example). The number of technological solutions for private and public clouds is growing fast, as is the number of creative ways to deliver IT applications as a service. As these choices continue to multiply, it will become increasingly difficult to manage tomorrow’s highly complex data center environments. New management, automation, and security solutions will assume increasing importance. Enterprises will look to partner with highly experienced cloud-solution providers with the staying power and expertise to guide them through choices in cloud infrastructure, applications, and services.
  • 10. Who is already gaining from cloud initiatives? We’ve worked with several leading enterprises across the globe to design and deploy cloud solutions, and they are achieving measurable results. Below are two examples. FICO—a leader in predictive analytics solutions that drive smarter decisions Challenge: an array of disparate defect- and test- management tools spread across numerous product lines—a consequence of FICO’s acquisitions-based growth Solution: private cloud transformation, plus a suite of integrated tools for global enterprise management Benefits: Improved audit compliance to meet business• objectives Audits that had taken 15 to 20 hours now• took minutes Achieved a 21% improvement in change-process• compliance Lowered QA expenses by approximately• 33% in one year Reduced the number of QA administrators• from 8 to 2 GS1 Canada—international association for supply chain standards Challenge: develop a standardized process and protocol for communicating product recall information between businesses Solution: HP Cloud Optimized Infrastructure, HP Cloud Platform, and HP and partner services Benefits: Reduced cost of managing recall processes• Improved quality of recall information• Decreased tracking errors with audit points• throughout the system, providing a record of each recall 10
  • 11. 11 Why HP? You need a partner that has the experience to know which service models are right for your business and how best to source, build, deliver, and manage them. HP solutions allow you to implement cloud in the way that’s right for your enterprise, by leveraging your existing technologies to build private cloud, consume enterprise cloud services, manage and secure all services to gain competitive or service advantage, and transform applications and infrastructure. Few cloud vendors truly understand the unique needs of service design and delivery for the largest companies in the world. HP’s experience in running these services in complex, multi-application environments allows us to avoid significant management issues once all services in a hybrid delivery environment are in place. And our unique delivery of enterprise cloud services sets us apart from other vendors—because enterprises know that our solutions are secure, open, automated, resilient, and seamless. Take the next step with cloud computing Work with us to discover the next important step in deploying cloud solutions for your enterprise. The HP Cloud Discovery Workshop is perhaps the best way to get your key decision-makers (CIO, key management, and business owners) aligned on taking the journey to cloud solutions. Contact your local HP representative for more information.
  • 12. Get connected Get the insider view on tech trends, alerts, and HP solutions for better business outcomes For more information on Hybrid Cloud Solutions, go to Š Copyright 2011 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. 4AA3-2633ENW, Created January 2011 Share with colleagues HP cloud services portfolio for hybrid delivery Build Consume Manage and secure Transform Scalable private and public cloud solutions Flexible, secure, pay-as-you-go cloud services Service management, automation, and governance solutions Professional services to plan, design, and implement transformation to the cloud Scalable cloud solutions • HP CloudSystem Enterprise cloud extensions • HP Cloud Maps Foundational private cloud implementation • HP CloudStart • HP Enterprise Cloud Services— Compute Infrastructure services• (utility services) Application services• Industry-specific services• Application development• services HP Cloud Service Automation• HP Cloud Assure• Application test SaaS offerings• Comprehensive security, threat• analysis, and management HP BTO Management Suite• for heterogeneous environments HP Cloud Discovery Workshop• HP Cloud Roadmap Service• HP Cloud Application• Transformation Services HP Cloud Infrastructure• Transformation Services HP Cloud Security Service•