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Rwanda Genocide Failures
In three separate instances, thousands of innocent people have lost their lives, due to the inaction of the United Nations. Three genocides which all
could've been avoided, occurred. The slight attempt the UN made to each country was of no assistance, and each failure of the UN caused more loss
of life. Though the United Nations is ashamed of their failures, they could've put more effort in to prevent the genocides. The heinous acts that occurred
in Cambodia, Rwanda, and Sudan were ignored and interminable by the UN, resulting in the mass destruction of the populations in all three locations.
When the Khmer Rouge government came into power in Cambodia in 1975, the extremist communist government was ruled by Pol Pot, a ruthless
leader (Fitzgerald). ... Show more content on ...
The attacks affected the civilians living in the region, leaving as many as 300,000 dead and 2.8 million displaced (Darfur Conflict). Aicha el Basri, a
former UN spokesperson, stated, "In one instance last September, peacekeepers "watched" the pro–government Janjaweed militia group carry out an
assault on civilians travelling in a truck, but did not intervene (Darfur Conflict)." The UN hasn't acted on the attacks occurring right in front of them.
The civilians of Darfur feel the UN has betrayed them, by standing back and not protecting them. The UN organization, the African Union Mission In
Darfur (UNAMID), has also failed to bring safety to the civilians. According to Ahmed H. Adam, "...UNAMID neither has a mandate nor the equipment
for intervention, so even in the midst of conflict; it is unable to effectively respond (Adam)." The destruction of the population by their own
government is the most recent failure of the UN, since the genocide in Darfur still continues
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The Communist Movement: Pol Pot And The Khmer Rouge
Pol Pot and his communist movement, the Khmer Rouge, ruled in Cambodia from 1975 until 1979, they undertook a wanton attack on the lives of all
Cambodian people. Pol Pot's actions to enforce a communist structure have had an impact which has carried though into 21st century Cambodia. The
rich national culture was stripped back as they were forced into the 'Year Zero'. The acts of Pol Pot and theKhmer Rouge are linked to the poverty being
experienced by five million people.
Saloth Sar, commonly known as Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge seized control of Cambodia's capital Phnom Penh on April 17th, 1975. Pol Pot's travels
had taken him to communist China where he witnessed first hand the effect of Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution. Using the Chinese ... Show more
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The population was depleted and many people suffered from illness and disability. The genocide of intellectual and educated workers has made the
recovery period longer and more difficult for the nation. Cambodia is working towards stability and with the end of Vietnamese occupation this has
been made easier. The support of the global population has enabled the poverty rate to be slashed from 53% to 20%. However many people still live
on less than $2.30 a day and are vulnerable to economic shocks. The widespread genocide Pol Pot committed will take generations to be recovered
from, as evidenced in the slow improvements in Cambodian society as it attempts to return to its original rich
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Stephen T. Asma 's Book On Monsters
There is such kind of monsters, remain their appearance as a human, yet the things they do can only describe as monstrosities. They are not monsters
in books and literature, a fear of unknown or sexual desires. People were, or still are facing actual brutal violence or psychological terror from those
monsters. More importantly, the monster being talked here is one of our kind. They are human, yet described as "inhuman", under the inhuman
category of Stephen T. Asma's book On Monsters, a bloody history, a dark past of humanity have been introduced as a monster. It isKhmer Rouge's
infamous security prison S21: the representation of the massacre took place in Cambodia in 20th century and this kind of monster, unfortunately, is
still relevant to the world, even till this day.
In just three years of its power in control, Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge turned the country of Cambodia into a living hell. "By 1976 approximately
twenty–five hundred prisoners had passed through the bloody corridors of S21, and each year that followed saw increased numbers of tortured
prisoners, until they totaled around seventeen thousand by 1979, when the Vietnamese Army liberatedPhnom Penh."пј€8Asma) Most prisoners
brought to S21 was innocent, they were brought here only because the people in power believe they were enemies of the revolution or associated with
western culture. Ironically, the torture chamber used to be a school. People associate hope and bright future with school, especially with
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The Vietnam War: The Cambodian Civil War
The Cambodian Civil War took place from 1970–1975, however, the violence in the country was to only get worse. Immediately following the war, the
Khmer Rouge took control of Cambodia from 1975–1979. Khmer Rouge was the name given to the followers of the Communist Party of Kampuchea
in Cambodia. The Khmer Rouge committed crimes against humanity and killed over one million people. Pol Pot and the members of the Khmer Rouge
who are responsible for over a million deaths in the Cambodian Killing Fields, and 20,000 mass graves, are being brought to justice 30 years later, but
the families of those who suffered will never forget their cruel and unthinkable acts against humanity.
Saloth Sar was born on May 19th, 1925. He is more famously known as Pol
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Analysis Of A Daughter Of Cambodia Remember By Loung
The critics stated that Loung perpetuate racial tension in her book but the critics was wrong. From their argument, They stated that "Ung wants to
distant herself from everything Khmer, but she should not have cashed in a subtitle "A Daughter of Cambodia Remember" and mislead the public
into buying a book many assumed would be written from a Cambodian perspective"(Lay). The critics is like stating that she is not Cambodian but she
is Cambodian who have a half Cambodian mother and a Cambodian father. This is like you are not a human but it is false but kinda true because
human count as a high class animal. This is not Loung's problem but it was the critics proclaimed she is not Cambodian. Someone stated in ung's book,
"We Cambodian have someone
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The Vietnamese Refugees Faced Different Issues During...
On the other hand, the Vietnamese refugees faced different issues during their escape from their homeland. A staggering statistic states, "It is
estimated that half of the boat people were drowned at sea or killed during their journey to find freedom" (Cao 6). Moreover, it states that, while fleeing
Vietnam by boat, there were cases of robbery and of pirate raids.
Based on Uong experience, fleeing into America was not an easy journey. "Those who escaped death by drowning had to endure multiple robberies,
rape, or assault at the hands of the Thai pirates (an estimate two–thirds of boats were raided)" (Cao 6). Due to complications, there were individuals
who were not able to flee the country by boat. "Those who did not flee the country via the seas escaped Vietnam by dangerous land routes through
Cambodia to Thailand" (Cao 7). As for Uong experience, he escaped Vietnam very easily. "It was April 30, 1975, and Saigon, the capital of South
Vietnam, was under siege. I was 10, the youngest of eight children" (Uong 1). Only being 10 years old, he was forced to run away from home in
order to search for a better life. Hoping that he and his siblings would make it to safety, Uong parents told them to leave. Uong stated, "My parents,
hoping to get us away from the chaos, told my brothers and sister to get on our bikes and ride away. When things calmed down, they said, we should
come back" (Uong 2). After they had ridden away, they were able to see a "small South Vietnamese navy ship
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How Did Cambodia Begin Of 1975 Khmer Rouge
During the 1970s, Cambodia was under the communist government and started to have the war within the own nation. Begin of 1975 Khmer Rouge
(pol pot) got the chance to control the whole nation and started to evacuate all the rich and educated residents from the capital city (Phnom Penh) to
live in every far villages from the city. The prime minister of Khmer Rouge put the order for the soldiers killed all the educated such as professors,
singers, actors, reporters, and included the doctors.
As my mother told me that during that time, they had to search in the forest to find the herbals and ailments because it was the only remedy to cure
their sickness. My mother told me that when her whole family first moved to the village, they didn't know anything about the ... Show more content on ...
While working on a hug rice field, one of my aunts got slipped in the slippery mud and sprained her left ankle, she was really in pain. One of the local
residents in the village told my
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Children In The Khmer Rouge
Think about the soldiers that serve your country. They all go through tough challenges. Whether it's an easy to go through challenge, or a challenge
that is almost impossible to go through. Now, think of those grown up soldiers as children. By children, meaning younger than 18. In the past, there
were groups of bad soldiers that recruited young children that are eighteen and younger. These children, who just wanted to live at least a semi normal
life, were now killing to keep their own lives. They have to kill, even if they don't want to. Whether it's an innocent person, a bad person, or it might be
their family that they have to kill. The group named The Khmer Rouge killed anyone who was in their way. Although some may argue otherwise, that...
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The child soldiers brains have not fully developed yet since they're young children. The Khmer Rouge had tricked their undeveloped brains into
thinking that killing is a good thing, or just a normal thing to do. They are traumatized by the gruesome images, which most likely re–play in their
heads, over and over, giving them harrowing nightmares. The Khmer Rouge, they are"...making young recruits to drink the blood or eat the flesh of
their victims"(Leahy). Eating flesh and drinking blood is not at all normal, they are basically treated like animals, and they don't know what they're
doing. The child soldiers get confused on what to do and the Khmer Rouge take advantage of that confusion. "Those who attempt escape are severely
punished. Girls are routinely raped" (Child Soldiers, Steel)what punishment does to a child's mind is basically trying to tame a dog of sorts. They are
tricking them and making them stay through rough punishment, that way they won't attempt to leave again. The Khmer Rouge are destroying the
children's minds. Forcing them, since the punishments are something that the child soldiers have no power at all of. Resisting will lead them to more
trouble. If they were to be granted amnesty, they will be released of worries that they shouldn't have to
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Cambodian Culture Vs American Culture Essay
Many people do notice at first, but I am half Asian. I practice both the American and Asian cultures. My mother is Khmer and my dad is white. Khmer
people come from Cambodia which is a small part of Asia. There are many differences between american and cambodian cultures, here are some of
The first noticeable difference are the kinds of foods. Some of american foods are, burgers, hotdogs, and more others. Then the most popular
cambodian foods are, pho, spring rolls, and rice with different flavored soups. A normal american breakfast would be something like, pancakes, and
eggs with bacon. Traditional cambodian breakfasts are, pho and a liquid rice soup with dry fish called, babawl. Most americans eat steak, burgers, and
rice with chicken for dinner. While cambodians eat curry in banana leaves called amok, and the most popularfood kuy tieu, which is a noodle soup
which meats and vegetables. Now my favorite, the desserts. There's the american desserts like, ice cream, cake, and cookies. But cambodian desserts
are much different. There's this sweet juice with noodles that are similar to spaghetti, there's taro ice cream, then my personal favorite is the mochi ice
creams. They are shaped in a circle, with dough wrapped around the ice cream. ... Show more content on ...
Americans can wear their shoes around the house, while cambodians have to take their shoes off right when you get in the house because it shows a
sign of respect. One rule that I don't practice or believe in is the marriage. In America you get to choose your partner based on love. In Cambodia
your parents choose who you get to marry based on who they like. Instead of going to church every Sunday like americans, cambodians practice
buddhism daily. The Buddha is like the cambodian god or
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Power In The Tempest
As English historian Lord Acton one said, "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Regardless of culture, time period, or
social standing there are numerous studies and historical examples proving Lord Acton's claim to be true. Some of the most notable examples of this
are world leaders who assumed power and used that authority to abuse the population of their countries. One instance where this applies is in England
in the year of 1590 when a countess by the name of Elizabeth BГЎthory de Ecsed known today as The Blood Countess takes power. During her 20
year reign she would trick destitute peasant women to her castle under the impression that coming there to work as maids. She would then torture and
kill the unsuspecting... Show more content on ...
Brought to life with the knowledge of an infant, but the figure of a beast the monster was absolutely clueless. Victor didn't have power by money or
influence, but rather in the knowledge and the ability to create the monster however he choses. Throughout the story the monster became a victim of
the choices Victor made. First Victor didn't consider what the monster's situation would be once he was alive, then he abandoned the monster when he
created it, and finally he refused to create a friend for the monster which tortured the poor lonely creature. The power that Victor Frankenstein had was
knowledge, and amongst the excitement of that knowledge to create life he neglected to consider what consequences for his creation may be. In the
end this selfishness blinded him from the fact that life would be awful for his outcast creation, and society wouldn't accept the monster. After failing to
consider the future, Frankenstein proceeded with his creation and the day the monster came to life he ran away. Frankenstein let the fear of his
creation drive him away in chapter 5, "Unable to endure the aspect of the being I had created, I rushed out of the room and continued a long time
traversing my bed–chamber" (Shelly, 5.199). Feeling no obligation to help the creature whom he had already dehumanized, he didn't
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Khmer Rouge Revolution In Cambodia Essay
In 1975, the Khmer Rouge invaded Phnom Penh. Lon Nol, the self–proclaimed president of Khmer Republic escaped Cambodia into exile. The Khmer
Rouge won the Cambodian civil war and the national executive power. However, in the 1960s, the Khmer Rouge was the armed wing of the
Communist Party of Kampuchea and was operating in remote mountain areas of Cambodia. The Khmer Rouge mobilizes farmers, especially the youth,
in rural areas for support. The Prince Sihanouk's disfavor and the Communist agrarian ideology of Pol Pot, who was the leader of the Khmer Rouge,
deterred the party from gaining support from urban dwellers. The turning point came in 1970. A military coup led by Lon Nol overthrew Prince
Sihanouk and China encouraged Prince Sihanouk ... Show more content on ...
If the cultural perspective still plays the major role, different leaders in different countries came into power after a regime change would propose
different rules. Nevertheless, phenomenon such as repression of opponents, political manipulation and attempt to construct a new national identity
have been shared among many countries, such as China and Iran, after revolutions. Instead of trying to find similar characters among leaders came into
power during regime changes, scholars explaining revolutions through a structural perspective think that the need of eliminating opponents was created
and people are carriers of structures. Since the case study demands both structural and cultural theoretical explanation, the following literature review
would address the discourse of the definition of revolution, the rise of the structural theory, and the call for more analysis of agents. Revolution cannot
be regarded as a universal concept; under different social contexts and in a different time, both Structuralism and cultural studies need to be considered
to generate more substantive explanations. Structuralism rose when earlier theoretical explanations could not set the definition of revolution and could
not explain why revolutions happened. Goldstone detailed the history of theoretical explanations (Goldstone). In the 1920s and 1930s, scholars only
studied successful revolutions and identified ten common stages of the
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Asian Ethnic Identity In The United States
In 2012, Pew Research Center characterized Asian Americans as the "highest–income, best–educated, and fastest–growing racial group in the United
States." However, Asians in the United States weren't always considered the "model minority." Early Asian immigrants
–who were mostly from Japan,
China, India, and a smaller number coming from Korea–in the United States were mostly low–skilled male laborers, concentrated in ethnic ghettos, and
were provided no paths to naturalized citizenship (J.Lee and Bean 2010). Scholars point to the passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965
as the keystone moment in Asian immigration that contributed to the current demographic characteristics and assimilation experiences of Asian
Americans (J.Lee 2015; ... Show more content on ...
According to his tri–racial order theory, Chinese–, Japanese–, Korean–, Filipino–, and (East) Indian– Americans will achieve the "honorary white"
status in the newly emerging racial order, while Vietnamese, Cambodian, and Laotians will be absorbed into the "collective black" status
(Bonilla–Silva 2004; Bonilla–Silva and Glover 2005). He points at the developing distinctions between native–born and foreign–born and between
economically successful and unsuccessful Asians as well as the racialized intra–Asian preferences hierarchy to support his argument (see also Saito
1998; Tuan 1998; Moran 2001). An especially notable trend in this is the diverging patterns of economic mobility and success within the Asian group,
which shows that the occupational (and consequently, socioeconomic) segregation of Asians as a racial group that once contributed to the development
of the pan–Asian identity (Okamoto 2014) is no longer in place to forge a pan–ethnic identification and consciousness. The 2012 Pew Report on Asian
Americans also shows that the majority of Asians in the United States does not identify with the pan–Asian label: only 19% of the sample and 22% of
the US–born Asians identified as "Asian/Asian
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Who Is Loung Ung
One of the main characters in the story was Loung Ung, a 5 year old and a second last born who comes from a middle class family of eight
children. She was a daughter of a former member of the Cambodian Royal secret service and they lived in Phnom Penh. Loung's father loved
gambling and used to win most of the times until the day he went too far and bet all his money and house on a game to the extent of almost losing his
own family. TheKhmer rouge was a group of communists who stormed Phnom Penh city in 1975 which forced the Ung family to flee their home and
move from one village to another in order for them to hide their identity for safety. Not only is the Ung family fleeing, other families that lived in the
city were also fleeing the area
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Khmer Rouge Genocide
The Khmer Rouge were followers of a communist party of Kampuchea, which took control of Cambodia on April 17, 1975. The party's existence was
kept a secret until 1977, anyone outside of CPK knew the leaders as Angkar Padevat. A genocide was born, where they tortured and killed thousands of
innocents under the order of dictator Pol Pot. They set policies and rules to reach their main goal, which was to build a new Cambodia focused on
agricultural success. When the Khmer Rouge took power people were forced into the countryside to work. In order to ensure this they banned money,
private property, schools, churches, shops, government builds, universities. Prisons and reeducation camps were formed from schools and buildings.
They would murder ... Show more content on ...
It wouldn't matter whether it killed them or not since they were all buried dead or alive. Working out in the fields, the new people were expected
to produce an average yield of 3 metric tons of rice per hectare throughout the country. It did not matter if they met their rice ration, they were only
allowed to eat the scraps given to them, if they were caught eating anything extra such as grass or bugs then they would be sent out to a killing
field. When they were not working out in fields they would be given lectures by the Khmer Rouge about their communist ideals. People saw these
meetings as an chance to be redeemed in the eyes of the Khmer Rouge, like in a Christian church, and confess their past ideological sins. They
would be applauded and later escorted from the camp and would have their lives ended. Everyone was deprived of their rights so nothing was
allowed and that is why this time was called year zero since nothing was allowed. Nearly two million Cambodians died from various reasons, but the
main reason for this bloodshed was that the Khmer Rouge only cared for Angka and for their selfish leader Pol Pot. Fields have been bathed in blood,
schools turned to slaughter houses, and families destroyed, children, men, and women killed. This is why we should never forgive or forget what the
Khmer Rouge has done to the Cambodians and we all need to ensure that another Holocaust does not
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The Kmer Rouge Genocide
History always repeats itself. From world wars to economic slumps and even genocides, there is always evil and corruption present where the goal is
to obtain power. In order to claim power, evil must oppress the innocent, even if the innocent attempts to break loose, evil continues to push down. An
example of evil's oppression is the genocide that occurred in the 1970's. A communist group known as theKhmer Rouge invaded Cambodia to
transform its society into a communist agrarian society (Cambodian Genocide). The Khmer Rouge believed that all Cambodians must work as
one huge federation of collective farmers. Anyone who opposed this was killed. If anyone questioned what the Khmer Rouge was doing, didn't
work or showed any emotion, they were killed. The Khmer Rouge wanted equality among the people. The Khmer Rouge also questioned its own
members, and frequently executed members for suspicions of treason. Survival in Cambodia was determined by one's ability to work. Therefore,
Cambodia's elderly, handicapped, ill, and children suffered. If someone wore glasses, they were considered an intellectual who would cause trouble
and therefore was killed. If they had a watch, they were considered wealthy and killed (McCormick). Before that in 1934, a rival to Stalin, Sergey
Kirov, was murdered. Stalin was accused of being behind the assassination, and he used this as an excuse to arrest thousands of people. Who, in his
words, "could have been responsible for Kirov's murder
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Cambodia Genocide Essay
The Cambodian Genocide was the result of imperialism, ethnic supremacy, ultra–nationalism, anti–colonialism, a power grab, and religion. It began
with the Cambodian people struggling against French colonization and grew in inspiration from Vietnam (end genocide). The French believed that
Cambodia was a gateway into China to expand their trade with Southeast Asia. The French occupied southernVietnam and wanted to expand their
territory. There were many civil wars and invasions inCambodia fought between the Vietnamese and Thai, and it greatly affected Cambodia. While the
French did help Cambodia become independent and grew their infrastructure, while exploiting Cambodian labor, they failed to educate Cambodian
people and establish a solid and effective judiciary system (Cambodia tribunal). Thus began their feelings of anti–colonialism. During the Vietnam War,
the U.S. used Cambodia as a base to regroup, but also bombed the country to kill suspected Viet Cong targets. This began their feelings of imperialism
and ultra–nationalism. The Khmer Rouge began feeling great animosity towards the West for their influenced corruption to Cambodian land and its
people. Between January and August of 1973, 300,000 Cambodians were killed by American bombers that had joined forces with Lon Nol, head of
the Khmer Republic. The killing of so many Cambodian people fueled the Khmer Rouge to begin a power grab, where they staged a coup to take
control of the government. They succeeded and
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The Cambodian Homicide: The Native American Genocide
No matter how many times history repeats itself, people still have the tendency to not learn from their mistakes. This statement is relevant when
discussing the topic of genocide. When a person hears the word genocide they think of the Holocaust. But really there are multiple genocides with at
least an equal to greater impact on the world today. Most people don't even know what the most devastating genocide wads. It was the Native American
Genocide. Another example of deadly genocides is the Cambodian Genocide. This was an attempt to form an utopian society. More so it was a ethnic
cleansing of the entire Cambodian population. This essay will compare and Contrast the Native American Genocide to the deadly Cambodian
Genocide. The Cambodian ... Show more content on ...
People trying to exterminate another type of human is just flat out horrible. People need to know what these people went through. Especially the
United States, they need to open up about their past and face it head on. On the other hand people need to lend a hand into aiding the people of
Cambodia rebuild their beautiful nation. People need to come together and stop focusing on degrading people based on their differences. We need to
be able to embrace each other's differences and build a foundation to grow from. Once people can do that no evil force will be able to penetrate that
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Asian Americans In The Documentary 'Pass Or Fail In...
In my second week of Asian American Studies, I got to learn about how the reality of Asian Americans being in poverty level are often overlooked by
popular myths about how Asian Americans are best educated, high income, and very successful. The common theme through all the readings in class is
that Asians are commonly discriminated as one monolithic group and are often judged by their race and culture. In fact, I used to face such
discrimination during my childhood from other kids assuming I am Chinese and have small eyes as well as any other common Asian stereotypes.
Asian Americans do not resemble just the high end of the spectrum to being very successful and intelligent, but they also resemble the lower end of
the spectrum to those living in poverty and do not have a good chance of a good future. ... Show more content on ...
After watching the documentary, I feel very fortunate that I was not living in poverty, but I share some of the similarities I have with the Cambodian
Americans. For example, I am also a son of my father who was a Vietnamese refugee. So, I am a second–generation Asian American who had to find
my own way of succeeding with my education, so I can achieve a better future than my parents. One unique thing I learned from the documentary is
that some Cambodian Americans joined gangs because they wanted to seek protection for themselves from school. Originally, I thought that people
who joined gangs were bad people that wanted to do horrible acts to society such as commit crimes, involve in violence, and form a bad community.
But from this documentary, I now acknowledge that people also join gangs because people need protection from their life struggles and a new
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Graduation Speech : An American Born Cambodian
As an American–born Cambodian, I embrace my culture and share it with those who want to learn more. My parents escaped from the Khmer Rouge
in search of political freedom and economic opportunity for themselves and their children in America. As a part of a first–generation immigrant family,
I grew up in an environment where many of my peer's values were different from mine. My family celebrates Chaul Chnam Themey (Cambodian
New Year) every year in April where there is a joyful celebration at the temple. We bring along various Cambodian foods such as "num ansom," a
banana rice dessert wrapped in banana leaf, for monks to pray to our ancestors. In high school, I began to meet peers who had similar backgrounds,
such as other first generation students, and I gained the confidence to be open about my culture and my experiences in America. Now, incollege, my
cultural awareness has grown to understanding others' experiences.
I started my higher education journey at Bellevue College (BC) set on achieving a Business Associate's degree. My performance in college has
changed since attending high school. In high school, I was not as motivated to excel in school work and simply wanted to complete all of my
assignments. In college, my determination and drive has risen within myself due to being on campus when I need to whereas in high school, I stayed
on campus for at least six hours a day. I am inspired by the professors here and subject contents relevant to my major interest,
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The Evilest Man Pol Pot Sparknotes
Here, we have one of Earth's evilest men to get ahold of an excruciating amount of power. Saloth Sar, later changing his name to "Pol Pot" was
Cambodia's communist leader from 1975 to 1979. He was the 8th of 9 children and was the second of two sons. His family was prestigious and the
Cambodian King Sisowath Monivong made many visits. Along with the Khmer Rouge movement, Mr. Pot managed to kill about 1.5 million
Cambodians out of the 8 million at the time. His rise into power is a story of great triumph to evil, but for now let us see the origins of the Evilest
Man on Earth.
Pol Pot was born in Prek Sbauv, a small village in 1925. This village was approximately 100 miles north ofPhnom Penh, the Cambodian Capital. His
family was a little more than middle ... Show more content on ...
After that, he began to go to a French Catholic primary school. He continued his learning until 1949, where he went to Paris, France. He studied radio
technology and was an avid communist. After his arrival back to Cambodia, he had found that its people were rebelling against French rule, a year later
they got their independence. From 1956, Pot had taught history, geography and French literature, all while he had joined a secret communist party and
plotting a revolution. In the 60s, he made the party exclusively focusing on Marxism–Leninism. The group moved deep in the countryside and in 1968
they began a national uprising that led to his total command of the country. In 1970, while the Prince of Cambodia was out of the country, the
group started a civil war. The Prince had been kicked out of power and turned to the Khmer Rouge movement. He supported Pol Pot in the uprising.
By 1975, the Khmer Rouge took control of the capital. As its leader, Pol Pot became the leader of the country. Life under the Rouge was deadly.
Everyone was stripped of their belongings and worked in the fields as part of a re–education program. Anyone that refused would be taken to detention
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Summary Of ' Never Fall Down '
Pehrnel Poppitz
Hr. 3 During the rule of the Khmer Rouge, many innocent people were put through harsh treatment including rape, slavery, and torture. Along with
all of these things, many of these Cambodians were killed for being too weak to work or do anything else. Pol Pot, who was the leader at this time,
has been estimated at killing around 2,500,000 Cambodians, which is nearly 20% of the population. During the novel it is apparent that the author 's
purpose is to describe how life was during this time for a young boy named Arn, show how brutal survival was for those who did, and how the Khmer
Rouge brainwashed their victims. In the book "Never Fall Down", Arn starts off as a lower class kid who does anything he can to make an extra
buck. He sells ice cream to kids, but also gambles with adults. However, he shows he doesn't want this money all for himself. After acquiring the
money, he buys gifts along with food, for his family to help them live a little better. Soon after, everything changes as the Khmer Rouge take over the
town filling them with lies about the Americans bombing them if they don't evacuate. Right away turmoil begins as everyone floods the streets
getting out of the city with as much of their belongings as they can carry. For the 12 mile walk, they were given little food making everyone weak.
Families were dying on the side of the road from starvation and people began to accept that death was happening. If they were to show any emotion
for the people
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Cambodian Refugee’s and their adjustment to American...
Cambodian Refugee's and their adjustment to American Society One of the youngest ethnic groups of Southeast Asians migrated to the United States
during the mid 1970s was the Cambodian population. They are considered one of the youngest generations of immigrants in American society along
with the rest of the Southeast Asians or Indo–Chinese; Vietnamese, Lao, and Hmong. All of the ethnic groups in the Cold War era were seeking
political asylum to the States from their respective homeland caused by a Civil War spreading across Vietnam. Nearly hundreds of thousands of
Cambodians refugees fled to Thailand, Europe and other safe haven Asian countries but majority had escaped to the United States. Unlike earlier Asian
immigrants like the Chinese... Show more content on ...
Therefore many fled, seeking political asylum during the reign. But prior to the event, the American and Cambodian countries have already established
a relationship with one another. A small number of Cambodians lived in the Long Beach area where Cambodian students attending schools such as
California State University of Long Beach (Kitano and Daniels 74). The presence of settled Cambodians within U.S. soil attracted many of the 1975
refugees to the Long Beach area. Thus it sparked a huge migration movement, but many foreigners faced even greater challenges in their new home. It
should be noted that measuring the demographics of the Cambodian American community has historically been challenging; it is widely suspected that
the community is repeatedly undercounted by the Census Bureau. A 1992 report of the Census Bureau identified several problems that lead an
inaccurate count of this particular ethnic group (Bunte and Joesph Cenus data). They include language barriers, mistrust of strangers and the
government due to the post–traumatic effects of the Khmer Rouge also known as, "Pol Pot Syndrome" and the unusual residence and household
composition as significantly affected Census counts. To sum it up, the statistics are usually generalized as a whole to easily identify the migration
patterns, social behaviors and economic resources of the Cambodian Americans. The,
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Asia To America Interview
February 22nd, 2016, on a rare sunny afternoon in the middle of a forested, I interviewed my mother Theresa Lim in our home in Federal Way,
Washington. It was a simple and friendly conversation to know about one specific person for an English assignment. We sat in our kitchen at the
dinner table, both across each other, we started the interview. Luckily, the two other people living in the household, my brother and father, were not
home and were running errands out of town. The house was calm and quiet, an echo could be heard from from upstairs if someone spoke with the
intent to be heard. I wanted her story to be heard because not only would the interview be conducted easily and smoothly, but her journey from Asia to
America was an interesting
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Personal Narrative: I Am Cambodian/Americans
The topic that decided to write about is something that has special ties to me. I am Cambodian/American. I chose this topic because it would give
a better insight on the history of Cambodia and what relationship it has with the United States. I was curious as to how it was possible for so many
Cambodians to make it overseas into the U.S. and was able to get a green card or sponsors. I really wanted to know, what was the role America had
when helping Cambodia during the past? I have heard several stories from my parents and several relatives of their experiences during the civil
war and genocide. They spoke about how they kept hearing of these people coming in and taking people to 'America' to get away from the war.
The closest place for the majority of the citizens to go to be "safe" was to a refugee camp in Thailand. This is where my parents had escaped to (along
with my 3 older siblings) to try and get the family safe. My mom had told me that is when the family had received a sponsor from America and they
were finally able to have a new beginning to life. Growing up, I have always heard my parents speak so highly of the United... Show more content on ...
First he killed anyone of status which could possibly threaten his position...doctors, scientists, teachers....anyone who was held in high esteem by their
communities. He then made all work in the fields towards agricultural dominance in that part of the world exporting so much to Viet Nam and other
countries that his own people were starved. Anyone who expressed views against was cruelly murdered, with lots of petrified witnesses to pass on
their accounts. The result was mass starvation of the entire population fueled by the greed of an egocentric leader who cared more about money and
control than the lives of people who were forced to work toward his twisted goals.
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Holocaust And The Cambodian Genocide
Generally, when people first hear the word holocaust or genocide they immediately think of the Jewish holocaust during World War II. Ever since
then people have said that another holocaust can never happen again, that it's evil, disgusting, horrible and so on. However it has happened again,
it's happened again many times. Mass genocide was not eliminated in 1945 when Jews were liberated, it is still happening in our world all around us
but just as during WWII people have looked the other way. Such as with the Cambodian Genocide that took place over a course of four years from
1975 until 1979.
This period of time started to spiral down hill in 1975 when the government in Cambodia was overthrown by the Khmer Rouge. The Khmer Rouge was
a small
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Asian American And Pacific Islanders Essay
Introduction Asians have migrated to and have lived in the Americas since the days of our founding fathers. The first to come from the Eastern
Hemisphere were a small group of Filipinos in the early 18th century that settled in present day Louisiana. The first major influx of Asian Americans
was Chinese Americans who came in the 1800's to find financial opportunity during the California gold rush. They settled in the Golden State and
eventually spread out all over the United States, creating the now–famous Chinatowns that millions of Americans visit every year. There is a continual
migration of well educated South Asians and East Asians for job and education opportunities and their success has formed the basis for the "myth of
the model minority" (MMM). This is the idea that all people who are Asian American and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) are successful both
socioeconomically and educationally. This does have a logical basis rooted in statistics–AAPI students are reported to have higher grade point averages,
math scores, and overall standardized tests scores on tests such as the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and the American College Testing Exam (ACT).
Other studies often use a racialized rhetoric comparing Asian Americans to white Americans in terms of education and socioeconomic status while
contrasting them to the so–called "lazy" and "incapable" Hispanic and African Americans.
The term "model minority" was first coined in a 1966 New York Times article written by William
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The Vietnam War : The Holocaust And Cambodian Genocide
Throughout history, instances of genocide, mass murder, and extreme acts of violence are widespread and pervade through every culture and society.
As demonstrated by Panh, Lifton, and O'Brien, similar examples of excessive violence can occur in widely different situations. In order for such
violence to occur, there first must exist certain systematic factors. In this paper, I will argue that conditions of instability within a country allow for
changes in belief and perception, and these changed perceptions leads to dehumanization and the loss of human rights. The Holocaust, the Cambodian
genocide and the Vietnam War, all follow this pattern to some extent. First, I will compare and contrast the ways in which the Holocaust and
Cambodian genocide follow this pattern, as well as explore the separate factors within each and possible solutions to these factors. Next, I will discuss
the dramatically different Vietnam War, compare and contrast it to the other two, and explore how the uniqueness of the Vietnam War impacts the
possible solutions for the loss of human rights within this situation. Conditions of crisis and instability within a country or situation render it impossible
for human rights to flourish. In The Nazi Doctors, Lifton explores the psychology of the doctors during the Nazi regime who were able to commit
atrocities such as sterilization, human experimentation, and mass murder. Throughout the book, Lifton demonstrates how in order to commit violence,
there is no
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Pol Pot And The Cambodian Genocide
Genocide has been used in many different countries, trying to kill a specific race or types of people. There are some popular genocides that get
talked about a lot like the holocaust, but other genocides like the Cambodian genocide are rarely talked about in the US because the US indirectly
helped the Cambodian Genocide with its bombings of Cambodia. The Cambodian genocide was a huge tragedy that took place after the US bombed
parts of Cambodia to help Vietnam. After the bombing the Khmer Rouge, along with its leader Pol Pot, started to take over Cambodia and changed
people's lifestyles. Many people believed Pol Pot's motivating desire was because of his communist ideology, but that was false. Due to Pol Pot's
opportunist nature and the use of the communist title, he was able to gain power and kill many Cambodians who had conformed to western
influence because he wanted to create the ideal society for himself. In order for Pol Pot to create his own society, he needed to surround himself
with people and buildings that were not influenced by western culture. When Pol Pot took over "he started to force everyone to live as laborers and
killed anyone who was a threat to his power"(Peace). Pol Pot had a layout of who to target which was "This list of "potential opposition" included, but
was not limited to, journalists, lawyers, doctors, professionals, intellectuals, such as students and professors, and members of the upper class"(World).
Pol Pot prefered to target educated
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Asian-Americans: Orientalist A Grain Of Sand
Orientalism has led to a false representation of Asia and the people who come from and live there. Due to these false assumptions of how Asians are
portrayed as, many Asian–Americans have struggled with their lives. These struggles ranged from some being persecuted for being a certain race and
others for finding it hard to see themselves being represented fairly in media. Asian–Americans have been largely misrepresented and are seen as the
"Others". However, many Asian–American artist, all with different backgrounds, have found ways to bring Orientalist views into questioning and tried
to better represent themselves and the Asian–American community. Dumbfounded, Mary Im, and the trio Iijima, Miyamoto, and Chin have all
challenged Orientalist... Show more content on ...
The song "Somos Asiaticos" was made by both Asians and Latinos to show a sense of two not so different groups of people coming together. The song
challenges the way Orientalism portrays Asian–Americans as "Other" by demonstrating their own view of how they see themselves. The song was
made to help Asians introduce themselves to the Latino community through the Spanish language. The writers of the song want people to see that
Asian–Americans and Latin–American people can talk, sing, and fight together. Asian–Americans are not as different from any other group that is
sharing their fair share struggles, so if they have the same goals and difficulties then why are they the ones considered as the "Others"? The artists
of this song show that people need to focus on the what is the same instead of what is different with the lyrics, "They speak the same language
/ Because we struggle for the same things/ The language of liberty/ Lyrics of love/ Songs of struggle/ The music for the people." (A Grain of Sand,
1:10–1:40) Orientalists see Asian people as alien because they do not follow the social norms that the West sees as normal and custom. Because of
this, the idea that Asian people are different from the rest of the world is strongly embraced and many people will be accustomed to see their many
differences and therefore see them as the "Others". This song strongly challenges the idea because the it focuses on the similarities Asians and
Latinos share, and never address their differences. They are trying to pull people closer together, because in the end they are people who share the
same struggles. They use the word language in the song to represent their similar views. They are saying the language they share is the language of
justice and liberty because they both know what it is like to struggle and want to
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Analysis Of Gabriell Needham 's ' The Killing Fields '
Gabriell Needham, Making of the Modern World I found the film, "The Killing Fields", very moving. There were countless scenes where my heart
melted and I felt as if I could feel the pain of the innocent Cambodians in a minute sense. There is absolutely no way I could ever imagine what it was
like to live though such a brutal and emotional part of history. The actors who portrayed individuals in the film seemed to be very connected and the
relationship between Pran and Sydney was brilliantly displayed. Throughout the movie, I was genuinely intrigued. I think that the friendship between
Pran and Sydney captured my attention well and it made the rest of the movie very emotional and meaningful. Even though Pran could have... Show
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Lastly, I feel as if Pran finished the movie as a hero. After Pran escaped from the re–education camp, he came across a family consisting of Khmer
Rouge official and his son. Even though the official knew Pran was against the revolution, which would normally be very deadly knowledge, he
let him stay because his son had grown attached to him. The official thought that it was time for his son to leave because the war was starting to
get worse so he left him under the care of Pran. The boy 's father was eventually killed and Pran took the young boy and carried him through a mine
filled jungle along with a few other soldiers in hopes of giving him a new life. I was surprised by the fact that the Khmer Rouge official allowed
Pran to be around his son in the first place. I found the leader to be very easy going considering that he did not have Pran killed when he learned that
he could speak French. I feel as if the official knew that the war was turning into something that had gotten way out of control and before he could stop
the madness, it was too late.
Cambodia was torn to shreds when Pol Pot 's regime took over. As seen in the movie, so many innocent people were killed by ruthless soldiers and
U.S. bombs. Cambodians were forced to leave their homes with as little as possible. They were assured that they would be taken care of and that they
did not need to bring much of anything since Angkor would provide for them. Thousands of people were forced
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Why Vietnam Invaded Vietnam
To commence, I decided to peruse historical novels associating with the Cambodian–Vietnamese Conflict. The Martin Luther King Jr. library was the
only library I could think that held numerous, historical chronicles. Primarily, I strived to find a specific book called Why Vietnam Invaded
Cambodia: Political Culture and the Causes of War by Stephen J. Morris. By quickly examining the book on the Internet, this book was perfect for
my topic; the title of the book was even a giveaway. However, the library lost the novel; I looked everywhere on the shelf and came up with nothing.
So I had to improvise to find similar books, I found two novels which would greatly satisfy my research topic. One was The Rise and Demise of
Democratic Kampuchea by Craig... Show more content on ...
Reactions from the Cambodians fluctuated negatively; when the invasion was victorious for the Vietnamese, the Cambodians felt relieved about
foreign influence. Also, they believed foreign control would be quite the benefit for the nation. However, the educated population migrated to Thailand
because they did not want to more exposure to Socialism. Numerous countries felt threatened by the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia; Thailand
authorized for Khmer Rouge authorities to seek refuge in their nation. The United States was insecure about the situation as they believed Vietnam
strived to spread Communism with Soviet Union's assistance through their alliance. In 1981, the U.S. Secretary of State, Alexander Haig, condemned
Vietnam and the Soviet Union of using chemical weapons against Democratic Kampuchea; which violates the 1925 Geneva Accord. However, China
expressed the most vexation; after Vietnam signed a treaty of cooperation with the new Cambodia and Laos, China began to invade Vietnam. Despite
this, China suffered numerous losses and withdrawn the troops. Within Cambodia, there have been multiple attempts to overthrow the new
government. Politicians, including Son Sann and Khieu Samphan, and King Sihanouk have planned many operations to establish domestic authority
over Vietnamese control. In terms of the
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Cambodian Genocide Essay
Cambodian Genocide Dead bodies everywhere you turn. The smell of gunpowder, filth, and death choke your lungs. You wonder everyday whether
it will be your last. All your body feels is pain; all your heart feels is emptiness. One might think this is how life was for Jews during the Jewish
Holocaust. In reality, this is how life was for many Cambodians during the reign of Pol Pot between 1975 and 1979. This event, known to many as the
Cambodian genocide, left a profound mark on the world around us.
In the late 70's, nearly 2 million Cambodians died of overwork, starvation, torture, and execution in what became known as the Cambodian genocide. A
group known as the Khmer Rouge took control of the country in April 1975. Over the course of ... Show more content on ...
People were ordered out their houses so that the Khmer Rouge could convert them into bases of operation. Houses that weren't being used as bases
were instead being used as make shift orphanages.
Besides having labor camps, Pol Pot used many prisons to get rid of many Cambodians. Out of 150 death camps spread across the country, the most
famous is Tuol Sleng Prison, or S–21 as it is more commonly referred to. There are only 7 known survivors out of an estimated 14,00 total prisoners.
The purpose for the prisons was to question and kill those that were opposed to the Khmer Rouge. Even people from Western and European
nationalities were kept as criminals. Before being placed in cells, prisoners were photographed. They would then be tortured until a confession could be
made about whatever crime they were charged with. These confessions and photographs were then sent to High–ranking officials in the Khmer Rouge
as a confirmation that the "traitors" were eliminated. Those that were waiting for their time come had to endure many horrible things. Their legs
were shackled onto iron bars placed around the room. Permission from the guards was needed to do things like adjust themselves while sleeping or
even defecating into buckets that were provided for them. Bathing was merely opening a hose on a room filled with prisoners. Babies that were
brought in were killed either by a Machete or by being thrown into walls and trees. Those who died in the
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Pol Pot Essay
Pol Pot killed 25% of Cambodia, equivalent to the entire city of Philadelphia. In a four year period, over 1.7 million Cambodians died of overwork,
starvation, torture and execution. Pol Pot's Communist ideals, extremely similar to the Stalinist USSR, called for a total collectivization of agriculture
and for a complete nationalization of all sectors of the economy. Pol Pot's ideology, Socialist Agrarianism, valued farmers, and wanted to rid the
country of all other professions. Pol Pot was "creating a complete Communist society without wasting time on the intermediate steps," as the Khmer
Rouge said to China in 1975 (Kiernan, Ben). Believing the city people to be contaminated by their past lives, Pol Pot would re–write their histories. ...
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While there were many benefits of French control, the negatives made a lasting effect.
Without the intervention of the French, Cambodia could have become integrated into another South Asian country, and disappear as a sovereign
nation. (Cambodia Tribunal) While the French seem to be a blessing to Cambodia, the few negative effects created the poor, naive Cambodia that Pol
Pot came to power in. In the early 20th century, education was severely neglected. Over time, it was slightly increased, but was never up to par.
According to Cambodia, a Country Study, there was only one "institution of higher learning" in Cambodia in 1950. The country was not educated. The
Khmer Rouge/Democratic Party of Campuchea's Socio–Communist ideas took advantage of the unknowledgeable Cambodians, and ended up herding
them like sheep, eventually leading them to their death. French colonists did not allow Cambodians to participate in the government, so they did not
know what to do when independence finally arrived at their front door in 1945.
Under the rule of Prince Sihanouk, the government that had declared independance from France, Cambodia had remained neutral during the Vietnam
War. They allowed the Viet Cong to use a Cambodian port to ship munitions, and the U.S. was allowed to bomb suspected Communist holdouts in
Cambodia, but there was little conflict in Cambodia. America aided Lon Nol to
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Demographic Transition
Pol Pot
Pol Pot was a young man who led the Khmer Rouge. Being a leader of the Khmer Rouge, Pol Pot led a rebellion alongside the regime of Cambodia.
Due this, he was, therefore, elected leader of Cambodia in the year 1975. Pol Pot's leadership was cruel, harsh and brutal. For instance, he confidently
commanded civilians to move out of towns and cities into the country side. When they discarded his command, he forced them to move. This led to the
creation of several camps and farms in the country side. However, the increased movement of people into the country side led to the accumulation of
starvation and death of around half a million civilians (Weltig,... Show more content on ...
He, therefore, continued with his cruelty and brutality.
Pol Pot relied on coercive power in leadership. He used threats to influence his people to do what he desired. He forced his people to submit to his
demands and command. For instance, pot used the threat tactic to force his people to move from the cities into the country side. During the war
between his revolutionary army and the Vietnamese representatives over the disputed border and islands in Thailand, he forced his people into the
army. He used threats to influence them. Similarly, Pot also used the threat tactic to influence young teenagers to remain his followers (Ganeri, 2010).
Dictator Pol Pot held goals of attaining independence in Cambodia. He was also determined in making both social and economic reforms in
Cambodia. However, he did not achieve his goals. This was due to his fall in the year 1978. The effects of his poor leadership were the major
causes of his fall. Based on the behaviorism approach, a leader should portray good characters that are beneficial to his people. Good behavior is
rewarded while bad behavior is punished (Chandler, 1999). Therefore, his behavioral consequences were punished because he failed in his leadership.
Due to his harsh and brutal leadership, revolts were made against him. As a result, he lost power before achieving his goals. Therefore, good
leadership traits and behavior would lead pol to achieving
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From 1975 To 1979 Pol Pot Was The Leader Of The Khmer Rouge
From 1975 to 1979 Pol Pot, the leader of the Khmer Rouge regime, had a goal to create a society that was completely self–sufficient. In four years the
Khmer Rouge killed, tortured and starved to death somewhere between 1.7 and 2 million innocent Cambodian civilians, ultimately destroying any trace
of humanity within Cambodia. Forty years later the people of Cambodia are still suffering and the country is still trying to put the pieces back together,
both physically and emotionally.
When visiting the killing fields, where approximately 1.4 million people were taken to be executed, I was listening to a tape recording and in it, one
of the speakers said "During the Khmer Rouge, life had no meaning. I see myself as a broken glass and only I can
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Asian Immigrants Coming To The United States
Despite their similar appearances, Asian Americans a diverse group people. The stories are different for each ethnic group from culture, immigration
history, religion, and more. Asians are a rapidly growing population in America that it could reach ten million. "Immigrants are coming in plane loads
that is raising the number of ethnic Chinese, Filipino, Indian, Korean, Vietnamese, as well as Cambodian citizens."3 Half of the legal immigrants
coming to the United States in 1980 were from Asia and were easily outnumbering the percentage of Latin and Europeans. 3 As states by
Asians–Americans, "besides the Slave trade happening centuries ago, America is witnessing the first major immigration by non–whites."3 Asian
Americans are at the top of
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The Genocide In Cambodia
Cambodian Genocide
The history of Cambodia is something quite remarkable. This country has somehow seemed to prevail through their most difficult time ever, the
Cambodian Genocide. Before the Genocide actually happened, Cambodia was in another country's war. Cambodia is settled right next to Vietnam,
which had also fought against the French to gain independence.
Prince Sihanouk helped to keep Cambodia at a neutral state during the Vietnamese Civil war by allowing both sides to keep doing things; Vietnamese
communists were able to use a Cambodian port to ship in necessities, the USA was allowed to bomb Viet Cong hideouts in Cambodia. When the US
decided to move back, Lon Nol took control. US troops then made the decision to
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Essay on Ethnography on Cambodian Americans
I chose Cambodian Americans for my target culture because it was a place I knew very little about. My ignorance of that side of the world is
laughable to say the least. Cambodian American was a great choice because both the people and the culture are very captivating to me. While some
Cambodian Americans become very westernized, accepting most of America's cultural norms, some hold strong to their Cambodian traditions and way
of life. Through Geert Hofstede's Taxonomy, I will explore the dynamics of theCambodian American culture. Through Identity, Hierarchy, Gender,
Truth and Virtue I will attempt to describe a culture previously virtually unknown to me. I chose Hofstede's Taxonomy over Bond's because Michael
Bond himself told me to. ... Show more content on ...
While most Cambodian Americans are loyal to their own family units it is not uncommon for them to be hesitant about close interaction with
strangers even other Cambodians. The hesitation that some Cambodian Americans face when meeting with strangers is due to the fact that the
Cambodian culture is one of high power distance. Hierarchy is determined usually by age or economic status. Social hierarchy of age is evident in
the greetings. Depending on who you are greeting determines the type of greeting. If one were to greet someone who is Cambodian, they should
do the formal put hands together and bow. At chest level to someone who is of the same age or status, at mouth level to a superior such as a boss
and at nose level to someone who is an elder, such as a grandparent. (Vorani) If greeting someone who isn't Cambodian, we just normally do the
American "hi" while waving. It just really depends. For the Cambodian culture, we have to make sure we greet using again the hands together while
bowing especially to those who are older than your parents. You also have to say a formal saying in Khmer but I forgot the translation for it in one
must to refer them as "ming", "bou", or "orm". This is based on both age and gender. (Eam) There is a clear delineation between superiors and
subordinates and between the young and the old. (Serpa)
While the Cambodian culture itself is more feminine there is a high level of respect paid to the men of the household. The
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Essay On Pol Pot
"Your life becomes so much better when you remove all the negative people from it" was the mentality of cambodian dictator, Pol Pot.The cambodian
genocide killed more than a quarter of the country due to execution, mass killings, starvation, and torture.The cambodian genocide was one of the
worst genocides in the 20th century due to the rise to power, number of fatalities and how they managed to hide it from the rest of the world. Who is Pol
Pot? The Notorious Pol pot was born in educated in france but was a strong admirer of chinese communism. In 1962, Pol pot had become the leader of
the cambodian communist party, yet had fled to the jungle to build the khmer rouge. The Khmer Rouge start small at first but the 13 years Pol pot was in
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18 hour days with two rest periods. Most foreigners were expelled, embassies closed, and any foreign economic or medical assistance was refused.
Foreign languages was banned. Newspapers and television stations were shut down, radios and bicycles were taken, and mail and telephone usage was
prohibited. Money was forbidden. All businesses were shut down, religion was banned, education halted, health care eliminated, and parental authority
revoked. Thus Cambodia was sealed off from the outside world. Immediately after they gain power the began placing the population into labor camps
"where physical abuse, disease, exhaustion, and starvation were extremely prevalent". The most common cause of death was starvation and stepping
on landmines placed by soldiers to prevent inmates from escaping. Children were not exempt from these actions, in fact they helped the rouge
achieve more, "Child soldiers were a huge tool of the Khmer Rouge, as they were easy to control and would follow orders without hesitation, to the
point where many were forced to shoot their own parents." international purges were hosted to "eliminate remnants of the 'old society'". During this
time U.S. planes dropped more than three times the amount of bombs than Japan in world war II. Death was not only a problem from 1962–1965 yet
there was an estimated 650,000 deaths in the year following due to disease.the mentality of Pol Pot is "Better to kill an innocent by mistake then to
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Rwanda Genocide Failures

  • 1. Rwanda Genocide Failures In three separate instances, thousands of innocent people have lost their lives, due to the inaction of the United Nations. Three genocides which all could've been avoided, occurred. The slight attempt the UN made to each country was of no assistance, and each failure of the UN caused more loss of life. Though the United Nations is ashamed of their failures, they could've put more effort in to prevent the genocides. The heinous acts that occurred in Cambodia, Rwanda, and Sudan were ignored and interminable by the UN, resulting in the mass destruction of the populations in all three locations. When the Khmer Rouge government came into power in Cambodia in 1975, the extremist communist government was ruled by Pol Pot, a ruthless leader (Fitzgerald). ... Show more content on ... The attacks affected the civilians living in the region, leaving as many as 300,000 dead and 2.8 million displaced (Darfur Conflict). Aicha el Basri, a former UN spokesperson, stated, "In one instance last September, peacekeepers "watched" the pro–government Janjaweed militia group carry out an assault on civilians travelling in a truck, but did not intervene (Darfur Conflict)." The UN hasn't acted on the attacks occurring right in front of them. The civilians of Darfur feel the UN has betrayed them, by standing back and not protecting them. The UN organization, the African Union Mission In Darfur (UNAMID), has also failed to bring safety to the civilians. According to Ahmed H. Adam, "...UNAMID neither has a mandate nor the equipment for intervention, so even in the midst of conflict; it is unable to effectively respond (Adam)." The destruction of the population by their own government is the most recent failure of the UN, since the genocide in Darfur still continues ... Get more on ...
  • 2. The Communist Movement: Pol Pot And The Khmer Rouge Pol Pot and his communist movement, the Khmer Rouge, ruled in Cambodia from 1975 until 1979, they undertook a wanton attack on the lives of all Cambodian people. Pol Pot's actions to enforce a communist structure have had an impact which has carried though into 21st century Cambodia. The rich national culture was stripped back as they were forced into the 'Year Zero'. The acts of Pol Pot and theKhmer Rouge are linked to the poverty being experienced by five million people. Saloth Sar, commonly known as Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge seized control of Cambodia's capital Phnom Penh on April 17th, 1975. Pol Pot's travels had taken him to communist China where he witnessed first hand the effect of Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution. Using the Chinese ... Show more content on ... The population was depleted and many people suffered from illness and disability. The genocide of intellectual and educated workers has made the recovery period longer and more difficult for the nation. Cambodia is working towards stability and with the end of Vietnamese occupation this has been made easier. The support of the global population has enabled the poverty rate to be slashed from 53% to 20%. However many people still live on less than $2.30 a day and are vulnerable to economic shocks. The widespread genocide Pol Pot committed will take generations to be recovered from, as evidenced in the slow improvements in Cambodian society as it attempts to return to its original rich ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Stephen T. Asma 's Book On Monsters There is such kind of monsters, remain their appearance as a human, yet the things they do can only describe as monstrosities. They are not monsters in books and literature, a fear of unknown or sexual desires. People were, or still are facing actual brutal violence or psychological terror from those monsters. More importantly, the monster being talked here is one of our kind. They are human, yet described as "inhuman", under the inhuman category of Stephen T. Asma's book On Monsters, a bloody history, a dark past of humanity have been introduced as a monster. It isKhmer Rouge's infamous security prison S21: the representation of the massacre took place in Cambodia in 20th century and this kind of monster, unfortunately, is still relevant to the world, even till this day. In just three years of its power in control, Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge turned the country of Cambodia into a living hell. "By 1976 approximately twenty–five hundred prisoners had passed through the bloody corridors of S21, and each year that followed saw increased numbers of tortured prisoners, until they totaled around seventeen thousand by 1979, when the Vietnamese Army liberatedPhnom Penh."пј€8Asma) Most prisoners brought to S21 was innocent, they were brought here only because the people in power believe they were enemies of the revolution or associated with western culture. Ironically, the torture chamber used to be a school. People associate hope and bright future with school, especially with ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Vietnam War: The Cambodian Civil War The Cambodian Civil War took place from 1970–1975, however, the violence in the country was to only get worse. Immediately following the war, the Khmer Rouge took control of Cambodia from 1975–1979. Khmer Rouge was the name given to the followers of the Communist Party of Kampuchea in Cambodia. The Khmer Rouge committed crimes against humanity and killed over one million people. Pol Pot and the members of the Khmer Rouge who are responsible for over a million deaths in the Cambodian Killing Fields, and 20,000 mass graves, are being brought to justice 30 years later, but the families of those who suffered will never forget their cruel and unthinkable acts against humanity. Saloth Sar was born on May 19th, 1925. He is more famously known as Pol ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Analysis Of A Daughter Of Cambodia Remember By Loung The critics stated that Loung perpetuate racial tension in her book but the critics was wrong. From their argument, They stated that "Ung wants to distant herself from everything Khmer, but she should not have cashed in a subtitle "A Daughter of Cambodia Remember" and mislead the public into buying a book many assumed would be written from a Cambodian perspective"(Lay). The critics is like stating that she is not Cambodian but she is Cambodian who have a half Cambodian mother and a Cambodian father. This is like you are not a human but it is false but kinda true because human count as a high class animal. This is not Loung's problem but it was the critics proclaimed she is not Cambodian. Someone stated in ung's book, "We Cambodian have someone ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Vietnamese Refugees Faced Different Issues During... On the other hand, the Vietnamese refugees faced different issues during their escape from their homeland. A staggering statistic states, "It is estimated that half of the boat people were drowned at sea or killed during their journey to find freedom" (Cao 6). Moreover, it states that, while fleeing Vietnam by boat, there were cases of robbery and of pirate raids. Based on Uong experience, fleeing into America was not an easy journey. "Those who escaped death by drowning had to endure multiple robberies, rape, or assault at the hands of the Thai pirates (an estimate two–thirds of boats were raided)" (Cao 6). Due to complications, there were individuals who were not able to flee the country by boat. "Those who did not flee the country via the seas escaped Vietnam by dangerous land routes through Cambodia to Thailand" (Cao 7). As for Uong experience, he escaped Vietnam very easily. "It was April 30, 1975, and Saigon, the capital of South Vietnam, was under siege. I was 10, the youngest of eight children" (Uong 1). Only being 10 years old, he was forced to run away from home in order to search for a better life. Hoping that he and his siblings would make it to safety, Uong parents told them to leave. Uong stated, "My parents, hoping to get us away from the chaos, told my brothers and sister to get on our bikes and ride away. When things calmed down, they said, we should come back" (Uong 2). After they had ridden away, they were able to see a "small South Vietnamese navy ship ... Get more on ...
  • 7. How Did Cambodia Begin Of 1975 Khmer Rouge During the 1970s, Cambodia was under the communist government and started to have the war within the own nation. Begin of 1975 Khmer Rouge (pol pot) got the chance to control the whole nation and started to evacuate all the rich and educated residents from the capital city (Phnom Penh) to live in every far villages from the city. The prime minister of Khmer Rouge put the order for the soldiers killed all the educated such as professors, singers, actors, reporters, and included the doctors. As my mother told me that during that time, they had to search in the forest to find the herbals and ailments because it was the only remedy to cure their sickness. My mother told me that when her whole family first moved to the village, they didn't know anything about the ... Show more content on ... While working on a hug rice field, one of my aunts got slipped in the slippery mud and sprained her left ankle, she was really in pain. One of the local residents in the village told my ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Children In The Khmer Rouge Think about the soldiers that serve your country. They all go through tough challenges. Whether it's an easy to go through challenge, or a challenge that is almost impossible to go through. Now, think of those grown up soldiers as children. By children, meaning younger than 18. In the past, there were groups of bad soldiers that recruited young children that are eighteen and younger. These children, who just wanted to live at least a semi normal life, were now killing to keep their own lives. They have to kill, even if they don't want to. Whether it's an innocent person, a bad person, or it might be their family that they have to kill. The group named The Khmer Rouge killed anyone who was in their way. Although some may argue otherwise, that... Show more content on ... The child soldiers brains have not fully developed yet since they're young children. The Khmer Rouge had tricked their undeveloped brains into thinking that killing is a good thing, or just a normal thing to do. They are traumatized by the gruesome images, which most likely re–play in their heads, over and over, giving them harrowing nightmares. The Khmer Rouge, they are"...making young recruits to drink the blood or eat the flesh of their victims"(Leahy). Eating flesh and drinking blood is not at all normal, they are basically treated like animals, and they don't know what they're doing. The child soldiers get confused on what to do and the Khmer Rouge take advantage of that confusion. "Those who attempt escape are severely punished. Girls are routinely raped" (Child Soldiers, Steel)what punishment does to a child's mind is basically trying to tame a dog of sorts. They are tricking them and making them stay through rough punishment, that way they won't attempt to leave again. The Khmer Rouge are destroying the children's minds. Forcing them, since the punishments are something that the child soldiers have no power at all of. Resisting will lead them to more trouble. If they were to be granted amnesty, they will be released of worries that they shouldn't have to ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Cambodian Culture Vs American Culture Essay Many people do notice at first, but I am half Asian. I practice both the American and Asian cultures. My mother is Khmer and my dad is white. Khmer people come from Cambodia which is a small part of Asia. There are many differences between american and cambodian cultures, here are some of them. The first noticeable difference are the kinds of foods. Some of american foods are, burgers, hotdogs, and more others. Then the most popular cambodian foods are, pho, spring rolls, and rice with different flavored soups. A normal american breakfast would be something like, pancakes, and eggs with bacon. Traditional cambodian breakfasts are, pho and a liquid rice soup with dry fish called, babawl. Most americans eat steak, burgers, and rice with chicken for dinner. While cambodians eat curry in banana leaves called amok, and the most popularfood kuy tieu, which is a noodle soup which meats and vegetables. Now my favorite, the desserts. There's the american desserts like, ice cream, cake, and cookies. But cambodian desserts are much different. There's this sweet juice with noodles that are similar to spaghetti, there's taro ice cream, then my personal favorite is the mochi ice creams. They are shaped in a circle, with dough wrapped around the ice cream. ... Show more content on ... Americans can wear their shoes around the house, while cambodians have to take their shoes off right when you get in the house because it shows a sign of respect. One rule that I don't practice or believe in is the marriage. In America you get to choose your partner based on love. In Cambodia your parents choose who you get to marry based on who they like. Instead of going to church every Sunday like americans, cambodians practice buddhism daily. The Buddha is like the cambodian god or ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Power In The Tempest As English historian Lord Acton one said, "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Regardless of culture, time period, or social standing there are numerous studies and historical examples proving Lord Acton's claim to be true. Some of the most notable examples of this are world leaders who assumed power and used that authority to abuse the population of their countries. One instance where this applies is in England in the year of 1590 when a countess by the name of Elizabeth BГЎthory de Ecsed known today as The Blood Countess takes power. During her 20 year reign she would trick destitute peasant women to her castle under the impression that coming there to work as maids. She would then torture and kill the unsuspecting... Show more content on ... Brought to life with the knowledge of an infant, but the figure of a beast the monster was absolutely clueless. Victor didn't have power by money or influence, but rather in the knowledge and the ability to create the monster however he choses. Throughout the story the monster became a victim of the choices Victor made. First Victor didn't consider what the monster's situation would be once he was alive, then he abandoned the monster when he created it, and finally he refused to create a friend for the monster which tortured the poor lonely creature. The power that Victor Frankenstein had was knowledge, and amongst the excitement of that knowledge to create life he neglected to consider what consequences for his creation may be. In the end this selfishness blinded him from the fact that life would be awful for his outcast creation, and society wouldn't accept the monster. After failing to consider the future, Frankenstein proceeded with his creation and the day the monster came to life he ran away. Frankenstein let the fear of his creation drive him away in chapter 5, "Unable to endure the aspect of the being I had created, I rushed out of the room and continued a long time traversing my bed–chamber" (Shelly, 5.199). Feeling no obligation to help the creature whom he had already dehumanized, he didn't ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Khmer Rouge Revolution In Cambodia Essay In 1975, the Khmer Rouge invaded Phnom Penh. Lon Nol, the self–proclaimed president of Khmer Republic escaped Cambodia into exile. The Khmer Rouge won the Cambodian civil war and the national executive power. However, in the 1960s, the Khmer Rouge was the armed wing of the Communist Party of Kampuchea and was operating in remote mountain areas of Cambodia. The Khmer Rouge mobilizes farmers, especially the youth, in rural areas for support. The Prince Sihanouk's disfavor and the Communist agrarian ideology of Pol Pot, who was the leader of the Khmer Rouge, deterred the party from gaining support from urban dwellers. The turning point came in 1970. A military coup led by Lon Nol overthrew Prince Sihanouk and China encouraged Prince Sihanouk ... Show more content on ... If the cultural perspective still plays the major role, different leaders in different countries came into power after a regime change would propose different rules. Nevertheless, phenomenon such as repression of opponents, political manipulation and attempt to construct a new national identity have been shared among many countries, such as China and Iran, after revolutions. Instead of trying to find similar characters among leaders came into power during regime changes, scholars explaining revolutions through a structural perspective think that the need of eliminating opponents was created and people are carriers of structures. Since the case study demands both structural and cultural theoretical explanation, the following literature review would address the discourse of the definition of revolution, the rise of the structural theory, and the call for more analysis of agents. Revolution cannot be regarded as a universal concept; under different social contexts and in a different time, both Structuralism and cultural studies need to be considered to generate more substantive explanations. Structuralism rose when earlier theoretical explanations could not set the definition of revolution and could not explain why revolutions happened. Goldstone detailed the history of theoretical explanations (Goldstone). In the 1920s and 1930s, scholars only studied successful revolutions and identified ten common stages of the ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Asian Ethnic Identity In The United States In 2012, Pew Research Center characterized Asian Americans as the "highest–income, best–educated, and fastest–growing racial group in the United States." However, Asians in the United States weren't always considered the "model minority." Early Asian immigrants –who were mostly from Japan, China, India, and a smaller number coming from Korea–in the United States were mostly low–skilled male laborers, concentrated in ethnic ghettos, and were provided no paths to naturalized citizenship (J.Lee and Bean 2010). Scholars point to the passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 as the keystone moment in Asian immigration that contributed to the current demographic characteristics and assimilation experiences of Asian Americans (J.Lee 2015; ... Show more content on ... According to his tri–racial order theory, Chinese–, Japanese–, Korean–, Filipino–, and (East) Indian– Americans will achieve the "honorary white" status in the newly emerging racial order, while Vietnamese, Cambodian, and Laotians will be absorbed into the "collective black" status (Bonilla–Silva 2004; Bonilla–Silva and Glover 2005). He points at the developing distinctions between native–born and foreign–born and between economically successful and unsuccessful Asians as well as the racialized intra–Asian preferences hierarchy to support his argument (see also Saito 1998; Tuan 1998; Moran 2001). An especially notable trend in this is the diverging patterns of economic mobility and success within the Asian group, which shows that the occupational (and consequently, socioeconomic) segregation of Asians as a racial group that once contributed to the development of the pan–Asian identity (Okamoto 2014) is no longer in place to forge a pan–ethnic identification and consciousness. The 2012 Pew Report on Asian Americans also shows that the majority of Asians in the United States does not identify with the pan–Asian label: only 19% of the sample and 22% of the US–born Asians identified as "Asian/Asian ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Who Is Loung Ung One of the main characters in the story was Loung Ung, a 5 year old and a second last born who comes from a middle class family of eight children. She was a daughter of a former member of the Cambodian Royal secret service and they lived in Phnom Penh. Loung's father loved gambling and used to win most of the times until the day he went too far and bet all his money and house on a game to the extent of almost losing his own family. TheKhmer rouge was a group of communists who stormed Phnom Penh city in 1975 which forced the Ung family to flee their home and move from one village to another in order for them to hide their identity for safety. Not only is the Ung family fleeing, other families that lived in the city were also fleeing the area ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Khmer Rouge Genocide The Khmer Rouge were followers of a communist party of Kampuchea, which took control of Cambodia on April 17, 1975. The party's existence was kept a secret until 1977, anyone outside of CPK knew the leaders as Angkar Padevat. A genocide was born, where they tortured and killed thousands of innocents under the order of dictator Pol Pot. They set policies and rules to reach their main goal, which was to build a new Cambodia focused on agricultural success. When the Khmer Rouge took power people were forced into the countryside to work. In order to ensure this they banned money, private property, schools, churches, shops, government builds, universities. Prisons and reeducation camps were formed from schools and buildings. They would murder ... Show more content on ... It wouldn't matter whether it killed them or not since they were all buried dead or alive. Working out in the fields, the new people were expected to produce an average yield of 3 metric tons of rice per hectare throughout the country. It did not matter if they met their rice ration, they were only allowed to eat the scraps given to them, if they were caught eating anything extra such as grass or bugs then they would be sent out to a killing field. When they were not working out in fields they would be given lectures by the Khmer Rouge about their communist ideals. People saw these meetings as an chance to be redeemed in the eyes of the Khmer Rouge, like in a Christian church, and confess their past ideological sins. They would be applauded and later escorted from the camp and would have their lives ended. Everyone was deprived of their rights so nothing was allowed and that is why this time was called year zero since nothing was allowed. Nearly two million Cambodians died from various reasons, but the main reason for this bloodshed was that the Khmer Rouge only cared for Angka and for their selfish leader Pol Pot. Fields have been bathed in blood, schools turned to slaughter houses, and families destroyed, children, men, and women killed. This is why we should never forgive or forget what the Khmer Rouge has done to the Cambodians and we all need to ensure that another Holocaust does not ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Kmer Rouge Genocide History always repeats itself. From world wars to economic slumps and even genocides, there is always evil and corruption present where the goal is to obtain power. In order to claim power, evil must oppress the innocent, even if the innocent attempts to break loose, evil continues to push down. An example of evil's oppression is the genocide that occurred in the 1970's. A communist group known as theKhmer Rouge invaded Cambodia to transform its society into a communist agrarian society (Cambodian Genocide). The Khmer Rouge believed that all Cambodians must work as one huge federation of collective farmers. Anyone who opposed this was killed. If anyone questioned what the Khmer Rouge was doing, didn't work or showed any emotion, they were killed. The Khmer Rouge wanted equality among the people. The Khmer Rouge also questioned its own members, and frequently executed members for suspicions of treason. Survival in Cambodia was determined by one's ability to work. Therefore, Cambodia's elderly, handicapped, ill, and children suffered. If someone wore glasses, they were considered an intellectual who would cause trouble and therefore was killed. If they had a watch, they were considered wealthy and killed (McCormick). Before that in 1934, a rival to Stalin, Sergey Kirov, was murdered. Stalin was accused of being behind the assassination, and he used this as an excuse to arrest thousands of people. Who, in his words, "could have been responsible for Kirov's murder ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Cambodia Genocide Essay The Cambodian Genocide was the result of imperialism, ethnic supremacy, ultra–nationalism, anti–colonialism, a power grab, and religion. It began with the Cambodian people struggling against French colonization and grew in inspiration from Vietnam (end genocide). The French believed that Cambodia was a gateway into China to expand their trade with Southeast Asia. The French occupied southernVietnam and wanted to expand their territory. There were many civil wars and invasions inCambodia fought between the Vietnamese and Thai, and it greatly affected Cambodia. While the French did help Cambodia become independent and grew their infrastructure, while exploiting Cambodian labor, they failed to educate Cambodian people and establish a solid and effective judiciary system (Cambodia tribunal). Thus began their feelings of anti–colonialism. During the Vietnam War, the U.S. used Cambodia as a base to regroup, but also bombed the country to kill suspected Viet Cong targets. This began their feelings of imperialism and ultra–nationalism. The Khmer Rouge began feeling great animosity towards the West for their influenced corruption to Cambodian land and its people. Between January and August of 1973, 300,000 Cambodians were killed by American bombers that had joined forces with Lon Nol, head of the Khmer Republic. The killing of so many Cambodian people fueled the Khmer Rouge to begin a power grab, where they staged a coup to take control of the government. They succeeded and ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Cambodian Homicide: The Native American Genocide No matter how many times history repeats itself, people still have the tendency to not learn from their mistakes. This statement is relevant when discussing the topic of genocide. When a person hears the word genocide they think of the Holocaust. But really there are multiple genocides with at least an equal to greater impact on the world today. Most people don't even know what the most devastating genocide wads. It was the Native American Genocide. Another example of deadly genocides is the Cambodian Genocide. This was an attempt to form an utopian society. More so it was a ethnic cleansing of the entire Cambodian population. This essay will compare and Contrast the Native American Genocide to the deadly Cambodian Genocide. The Cambodian ... Show more content on ... People trying to exterminate another type of human is just flat out horrible. People need to know what these people went through. Especially the United States, they need to open up about their past and face it head on. On the other hand people need to lend a hand into aiding the people of Cambodia rebuild their beautiful nation. People need to come together and stop focusing on degrading people based on their differences. We need to be able to embrace each other's differences and build a foundation to grow from. Once people can do that no evil force will be able to penetrate that ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Asian Americans In The Documentary 'Pass Or Fail In... In my second week of Asian American Studies, I got to learn about how the reality of Asian Americans being in poverty level are often overlooked by popular myths about how Asian Americans are best educated, high income, and very successful. The common theme through all the readings in class is that Asians are commonly discriminated as one monolithic group and are often judged by their race and culture. In fact, I used to face such discrimination during my childhood from other kids assuming I am Chinese and have small eyes as well as any other common Asian stereotypes. Asian Americans do not resemble just the high end of the spectrum to being very successful and intelligent, but they also resemble the lower end of the spectrum to those living in poverty and do not have a good chance of a good future. ... Show more content on ... After watching the documentary, I feel very fortunate that I was not living in poverty, but I share some of the similarities I have with the Cambodian Americans. For example, I am also a son of my father who was a Vietnamese refugee. So, I am a second–generation Asian American who had to find my own way of succeeding with my education, so I can achieve a better future than my parents. One unique thing I learned from the documentary is that some Cambodian Americans joined gangs because they wanted to seek protection for themselves from school. Originally, I thought that people who joined gangs were bad people that wanted to do horrible acts to society such as commit crimes, involve in violence, and form a bad community. But from this documentary, I now acknowledge that people also join gangs because people need protection from their life struggles and a new ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Graduation Speech : An American Born Cambodian As an American–born Cambodian, I embrace my culture and share it with those who want to learn more. My parents escaped from the Khmer Rouge in search of political freedom and economic opportunity for themselves and their children in America. As a part of a first–generation immigrant family, I grew up in an environment where many of my peer's values were different from mine. My family celebrates Chaul Chnam Themey (Cambodian New Year) every year in April where there is a joyful celebration at the temple. We bring along various Cambodian foods such as "num ansom," a banana rice dessert wrapped in banana leaf, for monks to pray to our ancestors. In high school, I began to meet peers who had similar backgrounds, such as other first generation students, and I gained the confidence to be open about my culture and my experiences in America. Now, incollege, my cultural awareness has grown to understanding others' experiences. I started my higher education journey at Bellevue College (BC) set on achieving a Business Associate's degree. My performance in college has changed since attending high school. In high school, I was not as motivated to excel in school work and simply wanted to complete all of my assignments. In college, my determination and drive has risen within myself due to being on campus when I need to whereas in high school, I stayed on campus for at least six hours a day. I am inspired by the professors here and subject contents relevant to my major interest, ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Evilest Man Pol Pot Sparknotes Here, we have one of Earth's evilest men to get ahold of an excruciating amount of power. Saloth Sar, later changing his name to "Pol Pot" was Cambodia's communist leader from 1975 to 1979. He was the 8th of 9 children and was the second of two sons. His family was prestigious and the Cambodian King Sisowath Monivong made many visits. Along with the Khmer Rouge movement, Mr. Pot managed to kill about 1.5 million Cambodians out of the 8 million at the time. His rise into power is a story of great triumph to evil, but for now let us see the origins of the Evilest Man on Earth. Pol Pot was born in Prek Sbauv, a small village in 1925. This village was approximately 100 miles north ofPhnom Penh, the Cambodian Capital. His family was a little more than middle ... Show more content on ... After that, he began to go to a French Catholic primary school. He continued his learning until 1949, where he went to Paris, France. He studied radio technology and was an avid communist. After his arrival back to Cambodia, he had found that its people were rebelling against French rule, a year later they got their independence. From 1956, Pot had taught history, geography and French literature, all while he had joined a secret communist party and plotting a revolution. In the 60s, he made the party exclusively focusing on Marxism–Leninism. The group moved deep in the countryside and in 1968 they began a national uprising that led to his total command of the country. In 1970, while the Prince of Cambodia was out of the country, the group started a civil war. The Prince had been kicked out of power and turned to the Khmer Rouge movement. He supported Pol Pot in the uprising. By 1975, the Khmer Rouge took control of the capital. As its leader, Pol Pot became the leader of the country. Life under the Rouge was deadly. Everyone was stripped of their belongings and worked in the fields as part of a re–education program. Anyone that refused would be taken to detention centers, ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Summary Of ' Never Fall Down ' Pehrnel Poppitz Hr. 3 During the rule of the Khmer Rouge, many innocent people were put through harsh treatment including rape, slavery, and torture. Along with all of these things, many of these Cambodians were killed for being too weak to work or do anything else. Pol Pot, who was the leader at this time, has been estimated at killing around 2,500,000 Cambodians, which is nearly 20% of the population. During the novel it is apparent that the author 's purpose is to describe how life was during this time for a young boy named Arn, show how brutal survival was for those who did, and how the Khmer Rouge brainwashed their victims. In the book "Never Fall Down", Arn starts off as a lower class kid who does anything he can to make an extra buck. He sells ice cream to kids, but also gambles with adults. However, he shows he doesn't want this money all for himself. After acquiring the money, he buys gifts along with food, for his family to help them live a little better. Soon after, everything changes as the Khmer Rouge take over the town filling them with lies about the Americans bombing them if they don't evacuate. Right away turmoil begins as everyone floods the streets getting out of the city with as much of their belongings as they can carry. For the 12 mile walk, they were given little food making everyone weak. Families were dying on the side of the road from starvation and people began to accept that death was happening. If they were to show any emotion for the people ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Cambodian Refugee’s and their adjustment to American... Cambodian Refugee's and their adjustment to American Society One of the youngest ethnic groups of Southeast Asians migrated to the United States during the mid 1970s was the Cambodian population. They are considered one of the youngest generations of immigrants in American society along with the rest of the Southeast Asians or Indo–Chinese; Vietnamese, Lao, and Hmong. All of the ethnic groups in the Cold War era were seeking political asylum to the States from their respective homeland caused by a Civil War spreading across Vietnam. Nearly hundreds of thousands of Cambodians refugees fled to Thailand, Europe and other safe haven Asian countries but majority had escaped to the United States. Unlike earlier Asian immigrants like the Chinese... Show more content on ... Therefore many fled, seeking political asylum during the reign. But prior to the event, the American and Cambodian countries have already established a relationship with one another. A small number of Cambodians lived in the Long Beach area where Cambodian students attending schools such as California State University of Long Beach (Kitano and Daniels 74). The presence of settled Cambodians within U.S. soil attracted many of the 1975 refugees to the Long Beach area. Thus it sparked a huge migration movement, but many foreigners faced even greater challenges in their new home. It should be noted that measuring the demographics of the Cambodian American community has historically been challenging; it is widely suspected that the community is repeatedly undercounted by the Census Bureau. A 1992 report of the Census Bureau identified several problems that lead an inaccurate count of this particular ethnic group (Bunte and Joesph Cenus data). They include language barriers, mistrust of strangers and the government due to the post–traumatic effects of the Khmer Rouge also known as, "Pol Pot Syndrome" and the unusual residence and household composition as significantly affected Census counts. To sum it up, the statistics are usually generalized as a whole to easily identify the migration patterns, social behaviors and economic resources of the Cambodian Americans. The, ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Asia To America Interview February 22nd, 2016, on a rare sunny afternoon in the middle of a forested, I interviewed my mother Theresa Lim in our home in Federal Way, Washington. It was a simple and friendly conversation to know about one specific person for an English assignment. We sat in our kitchen at the dinner table, both across each other, we started the interview. Luckily, the two other people living in the household, my brother and father, were not home and were running errands out of town. The house was calm and quiet, an echo could be heard from from upstairs if someone spoke with the intent to be heard. I wanted her story to be heard because not only would the interview be conducted easily and smoothly, but her journey from Asia to America was an interesting ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Personal Narrative: I Am Cambodian/Americans The topic that decided to write about is something that has special ties to me. I am Cambodian/American. I chose this topic because it would give a better insight on the history of Cambodia and what relationship it has with the United States. I was curious as to how it was possible for so many Cambodians to make it overseas into the U.S. and was able to get a green card or sponsors. I really wanted to know, what was the role America had when helping Cambodia during the past? I have heard several stories from my parents and several relatives of their experiences during the civil war and genocide. They spoke about how they kept hearing of these people coming in and taking people to 'America' to get away from the war. The closest place for the majority of the citizens to go to be "safe" was to a refugee camp in Thailand. This is where my parents had escaped to (along with my 3 older siblings) to try and get the family safe. My mom had told me that is when the family had received a sponsor from America and they were finally able to have a new beginning to life. Growing up, I have always heard my parents speak so highly of the United... Show more content on ... First he killed anyone of status which could possibly threaten his position...doctors, scientists, teachers....anyone who was held in high esteem by their communities. He then made all work in the fields towards agricultural dominance in that part of the world exporting so much to Viet Nam and other countries that his own people were starved. Anyone who expressed views against was cruelly murdered, with lots of petrified witnesses to pass on their accounts. The result was mass starvation of the entire population fueled by the greed of an egocentric leader who cared more about money and control than the lives of people who were forced to work toward his twisted goals. ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Holocaust And The Cambodian Genocide Generally, when people first hear the word holocaust or genocide they immediately think of the Jewish holocaust during World War II. Ever since then people have said that another holocaust can never happen again, that it's evil, disgusting, horrible and so on. However it has happened again, it's happened again many times. Mass genocide was not eliminated in 1945 when Jews were liberated, it is still happening in our world all around us but just as during WWII people have looked the other way. Such as with the Cambodian Genocide that took place over a course of four years from 1975 until 1979. This period of time started to spiral down hill in 1975 when the government in Cambodia was overthrown by the Khmer Rouge. The Khmer Rouge was a small ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Asian American And Pacific Islanders Essay Introduction Asians have migrated to and have lived in the Americas since the days of our founding fathers. The first to come from the Eastern Hemisphere were a small group of Filipinos in the early 18th century that settled in present day Louisiana. The first major influx of Asian Americans was Chinese Americans who came in the 1800's to find financial opportunity during the California gold rush. They settled in the Golden State and eventually spread out all over the United States, creating the now–famous Chinatowns that millions of Americans visit every year. There is a continual migration of well educated South Asians and East Asians for job and education opportunities and their success has formed the basis for the "myth of the model minority" (MMM). This is the idea that all people who are Asian American and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) are successful both socioeconomically and educationally. This does have a logical basis rooted in statistics–AAPI students are reported to have higher grade point averages, math scores, and overall standardized tests scores on tests such as the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and the American College Testing Exam (ACT). Other studies often use a racialized rhetoric comparing Asian Americans to white Americans in terms of education and socioeconomic status while contrasting them to the so–called "lazy" and "incapable" Hispanic and African Americans. The term "model minority" was first coined in a 1966 New York Times article written by William ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Vietnam War : The Holocaust And Cambodian Genocide Throughout history, instances of genocide, mass murder, and extreme acts of violence are widespread and pervade through every culture and society. As demonstrated by Panh, Lifton, and O'Brien, similar examples of excessive violence can occur in widely different situations. In order for such violence to occur, there first must exist certain systematic factors. In this paper, I will argue that conditions of instability within a country allow for changes in belief and perception, and these changed perceptions leads to dehumanization and the loss of human rights. The Holocaust, the Cambodian genocide and the Vietnam War, all follow this pattern to some extent. First, I will compare and contrast the ways in which the Holocaust and Cambodian genocide follow this pattern, as well as explore the separate factors within each and possible solutions to these factors. Next, I will discuss the dramatically different Vietnam War, compare and contrast it to the other two, and explore how the uniqueness of the Vietnam War impacts the possible solutions for the loss of human rights within this situation. Conditions of crisis and instability within a country or situation render it impossible for human rights to flourish. In The Nazi Doctors, Lifton explores the psychology of the doctors during the Nazi regime who were able to commit atrocities such as sterilization, human experimentation, and mass murder. Throughout the book, Lifton demonstrates how in order to commit violence, there is no ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Pol Pot And The Cambodian Genocide Genocide has been used in many different countries, trying to kill a specific race or types of people. There are some popular genocides that get talked about a lot like the holocaust, but other genocides like the Cambodian genocide are rarely talked about in the US because the US indirectly helped the Cambodian Genocide with its bombings of Cambodia. The Cambodian genocide was a huge tragedy that took place after the US bombed parts of Cambodia to help Vietnam. After the bombing the Khmer Rouge, along with its leader Pol Pot, started to take over Cambodia and changed people's lifestyles. Many people believed Pol Pot's motivating desire was because of his communist ideology, but that was false. Due to Pol Pot's opportunist nature and the use of the communist title, he was able to gain power and kill many Cambodians who had conformed to western influence because he wanted to create the ideal society for himself. In order for Pol Pot to create his own society, he needed to surround himself with people and buildings that were not influenced by western culture. When Pol Pot took over "he started to force everyone to live as laborers and killed anyone who was a threat to his power"(Peace). Pol Pot had a layout of who to target which was "This list of "potential opposition" included, but was not limited to, journalists, lawyers, doctors, professionals, intellectuals, such as students and professors, and members of the upper class"(World). Pol Pot prefered to target educated ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Asian-Americans: Orientalist A Grain Of Sand Orientalism has led to a false representation of Asia and the people who come from and live there. Due to these false assumptions of how Asians are portrayed as, many Asian–Americans have struggled with their lives. These struggles ranged from some being persecuted for being a certain race and others for finding it hard to see themselves being represented fairly in media. Asian–Americans have been largely misrepresented and are seen as the "Others". However, many Asian–American artist, all with different backgrounds, have found ways to bring Orientalist views into questioning and tried to better represent themselves and the Asian–American community. Dumbfounded, Mary Im, and the trio Iijima, Miyamoto, and Chin have all challenged Orientalist... Show more content on ... The song "Somos Asiaticos" was made by both Asians and Latinos to show a sense of two not so different groups of people coming together. The song challenges the way Orientalism portrays Asian–Americans as "Other" by demonstrating their own view of how they see themselves. The song was made to help Asians introduce themselves to the Latino community through the Spanish language. The writers of the song want people to see that Asian–Americans and Latin–American people can talk, sing, and fight together. Asian–Americans are not as different from any other group that is sharing their fair share struggles, so if they have the same goals and difficulties then why are they the ones considered as the "Others"? The artists of this song show that people need to focus on the what is the same instead of what is different with the lyrics, "They speak the same language / Because we struggle for the same things/ The language of liberty/ Lyrics of love/ Songs of struggle/ The music for the people." (A Grain of Sand, 1:10–1:40) Orientalists see Asian people as alien because they do not follow the social norms that the West sees as normal and custom. Because of this, the idea that Asian people are different from the rest of the world is strongly embraced and many people will be accustomed to see their many differences and therefore see them as the "Others". This song strongly challenges the idea because the it focuses on the similarities Asians and Latinos share, and never address their differences. They are trying to pull people closer together, because in the end they are people who share the same struggles. They use the word language in the song to represent their similar views. They are saying the language they share is the language of justice and liberty because they both know what it is like to struggle and want to ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Analysis Of Gabriell Needham 's ' The Killing Fields ' Gabriell Needham, Making of the Modern World I found the film, "The Killing Fields", very moving. There were countless scenes where my heart melted and I felt as if I could feel the pain of the innocent Cambodians in a minute sense. There is absolutely no way I could ever imagine what it was like to live though such a brutal and emotional part of history. The actors who portrayed individuals in the film seemed to be very connected and the relationship between Pran and Sydney was brilliantly displayed. Throughout the movie, I was genuinely intrigued. I think that the friendship between Pran and Sydney captured my attention well and it made the rest of the movie very emotional and meaningful. Even though Pran could have... Show more content on ... Lastly, I feel as if Pran finished the movie as a hero. After Pran escaped from the re–education camp, he came across a family consisting of Khmer Rouge official and his son. Even though the official knew Pran was against the revolution, which would normally be very deadly knowledge, he let him stay because his son had grown attached to him. The official thought that it was time for his son to leave because the war was starting to get worse so he left him under the care of Pran. The boy 's father was eventually killed and Pran took the young boy and carried him through a mine filled jungle along with a few other soldiers in hopes of giving him a new life. I was surprised by the fact that the Khmer Rouge official allowed Pran to be around his son in the first place. I found the leader to be very easy going considering that he did not have Pran killed when he learned that he could speak French. I feel as if the official knew that the war was turning into something that had gotten way out of control and before he could stop the madness, it was too late. Cambodia was torn to shreds when Pol Pot 's regime took over. As seen in the movie, so many innocent people were killed by ruthless soldiers and U.S. bombs. Cambodians were forced to leave their homes with as little as possible. They were assured that they would be taken care of and that they did not need to bring much of anything since Angkor would provide for them. Thousands of people were forced ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Why Vietnam Invaded Vietnam To commence, I decided to peruse historical novels associating with the Cambodian–Vietnamese Conflict. The Martin Luther King Jr. library was the only library I could think that held numerous, historical chronicles. Primarily, I strived to find a specific book called Why Vietnam Invaded Cambodia: Political Culture and the Causes of War by Stephen J. Morris. By quickly examining the book on the Internet, this book was perfect for my topic; the title of the book was even a giveaway. However, the library lost the novel; I looked everywhere on the shelf and came up with nothing. So I had to improvise to find similar books, I found two novels which would greatly satisfy my research topic. One was The Rise and Demise of Democratic Kampuchea by Craig... Show more content on ... Reactions from the Cambodians fluctuated negatively; when the invasion was victorious for the Vietnamese, the Cambodians felt relieved about foreign influence. Also, they believed foreign control would be quite the benefit for the nation. However, the educated population migrated to Thailand because they did not want to more exposure to Socialism. Numerous countries felt threatened by the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia; Thailand authorized for Khmer Rouge authorities to seek refuge in their nation. The United States was insecure about the situation as they believed Vietnam strived to spread Communism with Soviet Union's assistance through their alliance. In 1981, the U.S. Secretary of State, Alexander Haig, condemned Vietnam and the Soviet Union of using chemical weapons against Democratic Kampuchea; which violates the 1925 Geneva Accord. However, China expressed the most vexation; after Vietnam signed a treaty of cooperation with the new Cambodia and Laos, China began to invade Vietnam. Despite this, China suffered numerous losses and withdrawn the troops. Within Cambodia, there have been multiple attempts to overthrow the new government. Politicians, including Son Sann and Khieu Samphan, and King Sihanouk have planned many operations to establish domestic authority over Vietnamese control. In terms of the ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Cambodian Genocide Essay Cambodian Genocide Dead bodies everywhere you turn. The smell of gunpowder, filth, and death choke your lungs. You wonder everyday whether it will be your last. All your body feels is pain; all your heart feels is emptiness. One might think this is how life was for Jews during the Jewish Holocaust. In reality, this is how life was for many Cambodians during the reign of Pol Pot between 1975 and 1979. This event, known to many as the Cambodian genocide, left a profound mark on the world around us. In the late 70's, nearly 2 million Cambodians died of overwork, starvation, torture, and execution in what became known as the Cambodian genocide. A group known as the Khmer Rouge took control of the country in April 1975. Over the course of ... Show more content on ... People were ordered out their houses so that the Khmer Rouge could convert them into bases of operation. Houses that weren't being used as bases were instead being used as make shift orphanages. Besides having labor camps, Pol Pot used many prisons to get rid of many Cambodians. Out of 150 death camps spread across the country, the most famous is Tuol Sleng Prison, or S–21 as it is more commonly referred to. There are only 7 known survivors out of an estimated 14,00 total prisoners. The purpose for the prisons was to question and kill those that were opposed to the Khmer Rouge. Even people from Western and European nationalities were kept as criminals. Before being placed in cells, prisoners were photographed. They would then be tortured until a confession could be made about whatever crime they were charged with. These confessions and photographs were then sent to High–ranking officials in the Khmer Rouge as a confirmation that the "traitors" were eliminated. Those that were waiting for their time come had to endure many horrible things. Their legs were shackled onto iron bars placed around the room. Permission from the guards was needed to do things like adjust themselves while sleeping or even defecating into buckets that were provided for them. Bathing was merely opening a hose on a room filled with prisoners. Babies that were brought in were killed either by a Machete or by being thrown into walls and trees. Those who died in the ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Pol Pot Essay Pol Pot killed 25% of Cambodia, equivalent to the entire city of Philadelphia. In a four year period, over 1.7 million Cambodians died of overwork, starvation, torture and execution. Pol Pot's Communist ideals, extremely similar to the Stalinist USSR, called for a total collectivization of agriculture and for a complete nationalization of all sectors of the economy. Pol Pot's ideology, Socialist Agrarianism, valued farmers, and wanted to rid the country of all other professions. Pol Pot was "creating a complete Communist society without wasting time on the intermediate steps," as the Khmer Rouge said to China in 1975 (Kiernan, Ben). Believing the city people to be contaminated by their past lives, Pol Pot would re–write their histories. ... Show more content on ... While there were many benefits of French control, the negatives made a lasting effect. Without the intervention of the French, Cambodia could have become integrated into another South Asian country, and disappear as a sovereign nation. (Cambodia Tribunal) While the French seem to be a blessing to Cambodia, the few negative effects created the poor, naive Cambodia that Pol Pot came to power in. In the early 20th century, education was severely neglected. Over time, it was slightly increased, but was never up to par. According to Cambodia, a Country Study, there was only one "institution of higher learning" in Cambodia in 1950. The country was not educated. The Khmer Rouge/Democratic Party of Campuchea's Socio–Communist ideas took advantage of the unknowledgeable Cambodians, and ended up herding them like sheep, eventually leading them to their death. French colonists did not allow Cambodians to participate in the government, so they did not know what to do when independence finally arrived at their front door in 1945. Under the rule of Prince Sihanouk, the government that had declared independance from France, Cambodia had remained neutral during the Vietnam War. They allowed the Viet Cong to use a Cambodian port to ship munitions, and the U.S. was allowed to bomb suspected Communist holdouts in Cambodia, but there was little conflict in Cambodia. America aided Lon Nol to ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Demographic Transition Pol Pot Name: Tutor: Course: College: Date: Introduction Pol Pot was a young man who led the Khmer Rouge. Being a leader of the Khmer Rouge, Pol Pot led a rebellion alongside the regime of Cambodia. Due this, he was, therefore, elected leader of Cambodia in the year 1975. Pol Pot's leadership was cruel, harsh and brutal. For instance, he confidently commanded civilians to move out of towns and cities into the country side. When they discarded his command, he forced them to move. This led to the creation of several camps and farms in the country side. However, the increased movement of people into the country side led to the accumulation of starvation and death of around half a million civilians (Weltig,... Show more content on ... He, therefore, continued with his cruelty and brutality. Pol Pot relied on coercive power in leadership. He used threats to influence his people to do what he desired. He forced his people to submit to his demands and command. For instance, pot used the threat tactic to force his people to move from the cities into the country side. During the war between his revolutionary army and the Vietnamese representatives over the disputed border and islands in Thailand, he forced his people into the army. He used threats to influence them. Similarly, Pot also used the threat tactic to influence young teenagers to remain his followers (Ganeri, 2010). Dictator Pol Pot held goals of attaining independence in Cambodia. He was also determined in making both social and economic reforms in
  • 35. Cambodia. However, he did not achieve his goals. This was due to his fall in the year 1978. The effects of his poor leadership were the major causes of his fall. Based on the behaviorism approach, a leader should portray good characters that are beneficial to his people. Good behavior is rewarded while bad behavior is punished (Chandler, 1999). Therefore, his behavioral consequences were punished because he failed in his leadership. Due to his harsh and brutal leadership, revolts were made against him. As a result, he lost power before achieving his goals. Therefore, good leadership traits and behavior would lead pol to achieving ... Get more on ...
  • 36. From 1975 To 1979 Pol Pot Was The Leader Of The Khmer Rouge From 1975 to 1979 Pol Pot, the leader of the Khmer Rouge regime, had a goal to create a society that was completely self–sufficient. In four years the Khmer Rouge killed, tortured and starved to death somewhere between 1.7 and 2 million innocent Cambodian civilians, ultimately destroying any trace of humanity within Cambodia. Forty years later the people of Cambodia are still suffering and the country is still trying to put the pieces back together, both physically and emotionally. When visiting the killing fields, where approximately 1.4 million people were taken to be executed, I was listening to a tape recording and in it, one of the speakers said "During the Khmer Rouge, life had no meaning. I see myself as a broken glass and only I can ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Asian Immigrants Coming To The United States Despite their similar appearances, Asian Americans a diverse group people. The stories are different for each ethnic group from culture, immigration history, religion, and more. Asians are a rapidly growing population in America that it could reach ten million. "Immigrants are coming in plane loads that is raising the number of ethnic Chinese, Filipino, Indian, Korean, Vietnamese, as well as Cambodian citizens."3 Half of the legal immigrants coming to the United States in 1980 were from Asia and were easily outnumbering the percentage of Latin and Europeans. 3 As states by Asians–Americans, "besides the Slave trade happening centuries ago, America is witnessing the first major immigration by non–whites."3 Asian Americans are at the top of ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Genocide In Cambodia Cambodian Genocide The history of Cambodia is something quite remarkable. This country has somehow seemed to prevail through their most difficult time ever, the Cambodian Genocide. Before the Genocide actually happened, Cambodia was in another country's war. Cambodia is settled right next to Vietnam, which had also fought against the French to gain independence. Prince Sihanouk helped to keep Cambodia at a neutral state during the Vietnamese Civil war by allowing both sides to keep doing things; Vietnamese communists were able to use a Cambodian port to ship in necessities, the USA was allowed to bomb Viet Cong hideouts in Cambodia. When the US decided to move back, Lon Nol took control. US troops then made the decision to ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Essay on Ethnography on Cambodian Americans I chose Cambodian Americans for my target culture because it was a place I knew very little about. My ignorance of that side of the world is laughable to say the least. Cambodian American was a great choice because both the people and the culture are very captivating to me. While some Cambodian Americans become very westernized, accepting most of America's cultural norms, some hold strong to their Cambodian traditions and way of life. Through Geert Hofstede's Taxonomy, I will explore the dynamics of theCambodian American culture. Through Identity, Hierarchy, Gender, Truth and Virtue I will attempt to describe a culture previously virtually unknown to me. I chose Hofstede's Taxonomy over Bond's because Michael Bond himself told me to. ... Show more content on ... While most Cambodian Americans are loyal to their own family units it is not uncommon for them to be hesitant about close interaction with strangers even other Cambodians. The hesitation that some Cambodian Americans face when meeting with strangers is due to the fact that the Cambodian culture is one of high power distance. Hierarchy is determined usually by age or economic status. Social hierarchy of age is evident in the greetings. Depending on who you are greeting determines the type of greeting. If one were to greet someone who is Cambodian, they should do the formal put hands together and bow. At chest level to someone who is of the same age or status, at mouth level to a superior such as a boss and at nose level to someone who is an elder, such as a grandparent. (Vorani) If greeting someone who isn't Cambodian, we just normally do the American "hi" while waving. It just really depends. For the Cambodian culture, we have to make sure we greet using again the hands together while bowing especially to those who are older than your parents. You also have to say a formal saying in Khmer but I forgot the translation for it in one must to refer them as "ming", "bou", or "orm". This is based on both age and gender. (Eam) There is a clear delineation between superiors and subordinates and between the young and the old. (Serpa) While the Cambodian culture itself is more feminine there is a high level of respect paid to the men of the household. The ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Essay On Pol Pot "Your life becomes so much better when you remove all the negative people from it" was the mentality of cambodian dictator, Pol Pot.The cambodian genocide killed more than a quarter of the country due to execution, mass killings, starvation, and torture.The cambodian genocide was one of the worst genocides in the 20th century due to the rise to power, number of fatalities and how they managed to hide it from the rest of the world. Who is Pol Pot? The Notorious Pol pot was born in educated in france but was a strong admirer of chinese communism. In 1962, Pol pot had become the leader of the cambodian communist party, yet had fled to the jungle to build the khmer rouge. The Khmer Rouge start small at first but the 13 years Pol pot was in ... Show more content on ... 18 hour days with two rest periods. Most foreigners were expelled, embassies closed, and any foreign economic or medical assistance was refused. Foreign languages was banned. Newspapers and television stations were shut down, radios and bicycles were taken, and mail and telephone usage was prohibited. Money was forbidden. All businesses were shut down, religion was banned, education halted, health care eliminated, and parental authority revoked. Thus Cambodia was sealed off from the outside world. Immediately after they gain power the began placing the population into labor camps "where physical abuse, disease, exhaustion, and starvation were extremely prevalent". The most common cause of death was starvation and stepping on landmines placed by soldiers to prevent inmates from escaping. Children were not exempt from these actions, in fact they helped the rouge achieve more, "Child soldiers were a huge tool of the Khmer Rouge, as they were easy to control and would follow orders without hesitation, to the point where many were forced to shoot their own parents." international purges were hosted to "eliminate remnants of the 'old society'". During this time U.S. planes dropped more than three times the amount of bombs than Japan in world war II. Death was not only a problem from 1962–1965 yet there was an estimated 650,000 deaths in the year following due to disease.the mentality of Pol Pot is "Better to kill an innocent by mistake then to ... Get more on ...