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Unit 3 Group Project
System Architecture
Group 4
John Holmberg, Sean Austin, Christian Dillon, Charles
Williams, Matthew Serdy, Frank Opoku
24 April 2019
IT487 – IT Capstone 1
Nolyn Johnson
Table of Contents
Section 1 - Overview of Company and Client Business Case 3
Section 2 - Application Requirement Elicitation Strategy 5
Section 3 - System Components and Design Requirements 7
Section 4 - Methodology for Application Development Process
Section 5 - Complete Features and Trade-off Analysis 12
Section 6 - Milestones and Deliverables Based on Date and
Dependencies 15
Section 7 - System Architecture Aligned with System
Requirements 21
Section 8 - Technical Design Document 24
Section 9 - Design Review Checklist 25
Section 10 - Testing and Deployment 26
References 27
Section 1 - Overview of Company and Client Business Case
The company Education Information Systems. (EiS) is an
information and management company that specializes in the
creation and care of large-scale educational information and
technology systems. EiS has implemented and managed systems
ranging from the pre-K to 12th year primary school systems,
and is developing larger scale systems to facilitate collegiate,
graduate and post graduate educational institutions. EiS is a
privately held organization that has the primary focus of
providing the best possible systems to help grow the educational
sector. Previous clients have implemented system wide software
replacement and upgrades. With a stellar track record of
previous educational institutions, and references, EiS has
completed all the projects on time, and within budgetary
guidelines. All problem issues or negative feedback from clients
were handled in professional and timely manner that resulted in
a completely satisfied client.
Moving toward post high school educational institutions, EiS is
working with an extremely talented development team to move
into the graduate and post graduate sector with ease. With new
projects being developed, and more clients, EiS also works to
recruit the best talent in the development, and technical aspects
of information technology.
The information system to be developed by EiS for the
institution will allow for all student, and faculty to store, share,
and secure data. Utilizing a web-based UI, the information will
be easily accessed, with the proper credentials. Data can be
shared among staff, and students with preferences designed to
mitigate corruption of data, loss of information, especially
personal and financial information. All faculty and staff can be
added to the application via an admin portal and all security is
designated there. All remote access to the application will
require a 2 factor
authentication system for another level of security to ensure that
the proper access protocols are being followed. All information
that is stored will be designed to the student or faculty member,
and kept throughout the students’ academic career or the faculty
member’s tenure. The system will also track course credits for
the student and all previous history from that student. Including
previous course work, and any materials uploaded into the
By utilizing the new system supplied by EiS, this will allow the
educational institutions to move forward with the latest in
software development, move to and adapt as the needs change,
as well as keep a history of past data to ensure that the students
and faculty have the best chances of success in the ever
changing world of online learning.
(Christian Dillon – Monday, 08 April 2019)
Section 2 - Application Requirement Elicitation Strategy
At the start of the requirement phase of the project is just
that the beginning of all involved in the discussion of
requirements by the business, stakeholders, IT personnel, fellow
project designers, vendors, finance personnel, and those
personnel that take on different sections of the project to bring
it all together. There are a number of ways to elicit information
from everyone involved. To include interviews with a select
group of people, mainly our target audience. During these
interviews, each person will begin by answering a ten-question
survey aimed at gathering information about the project about to
be developed. Some example questions are listed below:
· Question 1: What problems/issues does this project solve.
· Question 2: How would you solve the problem/issues?
· Question 3: What will it cost to implement the project?
· Question 4: Will this project solve those issues and make
greater improvements for all?
· Question 5: What are the risk factors?
· Question 6: With risks comes issues of side effects, if the
risks cause problems, will the project be on time?
· Question 7: If the risks are minimal, will the implementation
perform as needed by the university?
· Question 8: Granted you are not formulating a solution to an
existing problem you are improving a viable system to have
greater performance and student satisfaction. How would you
implement this new system?
· Question 9: Can you express your opinions on how to ease the
access of information to all users on all platforms?
· Question 10: How can we make this new system user friendly,
so that any skill level in dealing with it can access the right
information on all levels of access in the university while
keeping all information secure?
These are just some sample questions that could be asked with
each person during the interview process. After all interviews
are conducted, the interviewees will meet based on their
schedules and skill levels in terms of technology and project
management. Each brainstorming group will be headed by a
member of the project team that has been briefed on the project
at hand and has reviewed the information presented in the
The main questions that need to be answered are all
encompassing efforts involved with project information,
collaborating and sharing pertinent information so that the
university has a viable system for keeping information secure
but at the same time available for all students, faculty, and
professors to access.
· Who is the target audience based on the results of all surveys
and brainstorming sessions?
· What is the timeline for implementation of work that needs to
be done on the project?
· When will the time for information gathering stops, and
project development begins?
· Where is all of the project development taking place? On
campus ground? Will students be actively involved with the
development and implementation of the school’s own system?
· Why, is a question that comes to mind. Why is the project
necessary? This will not only provide a learning experience for
students currently attending, but will also provide the school
with a much-needed upgrade to its processes.
(John Homberg and Sean Austin – Sunday, 07 April 2019
Section 3 - System Components and Design Requirements
Based on the elicitation results, finalize the system components
and design requirements that are needed for your business case.
The information and management systems that are essential in
my company, Education Information system which is concerned
about provision and care of large-scale information on
education and technological systems. For this my business case,
the system components that will be required include the
hardware, software and the interface, (Guanfu & Ershun, 2018)
a) Hardware
My business hardware configuration in concern with
information and management will have these components are
the entry data overview devices which will help run the
My business will also have one LAN network which will allow
the interconnection of all devices in the company. I will also
ensure I have units that hoard information It is also necessary to
implant Information display equipment.
b) Software
Software applications are also necessary for designing an
appropriate EIS. The elementary software needed for my
business case are; graphics software, basic software-text, and
c) Interface
I believe that an interface is an Executive Information System
that will be necessary for my management and information
company. This must be designed to ensure that the information
presented is comprehensible and easy to make an interpretation,
(Walls, et al., 2015). This interface is necessary for
representing the component of contact between us as the users
and the relevant information stored. This will aid my business
in that the individual who relates to the information will be
capable of monitoring the processes and receive the response
needed for decision making. I need the exit-allows users to see
the consequences of their interface with the input system.
The system design requirements for my business case will
require that the designer will have to take the following strategy
a) Development procedure: this is the innovative stage that
allows both the customers and employees to come up with
b) System advancement technique: Any way to deal with the
framework improvement operational versus utilitarian,
Accounting versus examination, database versus different
databases c) Resources for framework advancement: concentrate
on the inside users versus outsider. At this point, the design
should be meant for the improvement and the utilization of
bundles, (Collins, et al., 2015).
d) Manpower structure: Analyst, software engineer expertise
and ability. Plausibility studies can influence arranging of MIS,
the equipment and programming which is chosen for MIS plan
ought to be in fact sound and modern, determination of
legitimate equipment and programming ought to be a piece of
key dimension choices.
Does the design solution support all the customer needs?
Yes, this design is meant to be customer-oriented, in that it
focusses mostly on the needs of the customers. The development
procedure allows the client to be free to comment on the ways
in which the company can develop according to their point of
view, (Davis, et al., 2018). The system advancement method is
meant to make the customer work easy and understandable. The
resource framework is meant to reduce the amount of data that
our customer will be incurring when looking for information
regarding our company.
Provide specifics that the proposed application should address
The UI idea incorporates intuitive viewpoints that encourage
framework task and connection with its segments
Teachers, this proposed business idea is meant to address the
teacher in that it will be easier for them to access information
regarding the curriculum and the management board at large,
(Alvarado, et al., 2018).
Board of management, this idea is meant to attract the board of
management in schools or learning institutions to inform them
about any changes regarding information, the new technology,
and the new management methods.
Learners; this system is meant to also target learners in all
educational institution. This system is meant to provide the
necessary information regarding research, new software and
efficient hardware for their studies.
(Charles Williams – Wednesday, 10 April 2019)
Section 4 - Methodology for Application Development Process
Through collaboration we will see our final successes
come to fruition. With this in mind the methodology that best
suit our needs, and has proven successful for our previous
development, and will continue for the foreseeable future as a
successful system is the Spiral Methodology. At EIS we have
entrusted our software development to Spiral methodology, in
this marketplace it has proven the most successful and the most
decisive when it comes to risk and in being able to maintain
trust with our project sponsors and team members. Our focus
continues to rely eliminating risk and being able to deal with
risk as it arises while we develop our ever-expanding system.
We strive to be agile enough to handle any challenge that take
place and being able to handle any hurdle leads us to need the
benefits that come from a methodology that the Spiral Model
brings. In essence what the Spiral model does for our
development rests heavily on the ideals of designing a great
We invest the time and resources into the planning stage of our
system which include a strong initial outline of the goals of our
desired outcome. Utilizing the session in which our outline is
developed we then move into a preliminary design and
prototype. Utilizing our first prototype to try and understand the
needs our software is attempting to mitigate we have a team
session and utilize our collaborative environment to really
understand the direction of our project. From this point after
our first prototype is developed, we move into the stage of our
second prototype. When we plan the stage of our second
prototype, we are given the chance to make any changes in our
direction. What worked and what didn't, as well as, during the
development or our first prototype did something new occur in
the market. After the second prototype is completed, we partner
with our project sponsors. Numerous trials are completed and
any feedback is recorded and changes are notated. At this point
the project sponsor, in collaboration with our team at EIS, will
decide if we continue with the project. This is to mitigate risk
and to make a determination regarding to continue or to abort.
Some of the risk factors would entail the budgetary concerns or
the risk of a poor final product. We produce a third prototype
based on these meetings and trials and continue until we have a
product that meets the conditions of the sponsor and our team.
As a company we will also allocate resources and a dedicated
team invested in the maintenance of the program and a team that
is available to handle any need that arises. (Matthew Serdy –
Sunday, 07 April 2019)
Section 5 - Complete Features and Trade-off Analysis
Project requirements are something that projects undertake with
both project developers, such as us, and the clients, in this case
the institution. The requirement phases are those phases of
which, we as developers have multiple meetings with those
involved, stakeholders, IT personnel, project managers, project
developers and end-users for the greater good of the project’s
successes and failures.
Functionality issues are considered those specific functions that
the system will operate on. The FDS or Functional Design
Software, does have many benefits that can aid in the
developers of the project. It is in the best interest of the
institution and the project team to have an FDS in place at the
start of and all through the project phases. With the FDS, this
helps the project team to know exactly what is expected of them
as they proceed and what system protocols will be utilized
throughout the project. If you don’t have a good FDS in place it
can lead to many unfortunate issues that can be costly and delay
in completion, (M.U.S.E. © 2019). This FDS is a key part of
information that will assist the project team, start to finish.
Analysis is one of the many phases of the project and before
one gets started, there should be a user design team in place to
assist with how users do use the new system(s).
As we move into the planning phase there are some factors that
must be addressed. As a company we will need to look at the
trade-off between what our company can bring as well what we
can afford to lost. As far as our budget for this project we will
have to weigh the costs versus the amount of money we can
bring in based on our product as a whole. Our cost structure
will focus on the usage of school districts and through
governmental contracts. We are providing a system which will
change the way school districts will be able to interact with
their students as well as the way in which communication will
occur between the educators and the students and their families.
There are certain factors that will have to be involved in our
product. The interface is obviously a main factor in our system
but the way in which our interface interacts with the users is
open for change based on the answers and needs we ascertain
from our focus groups during our planning stage. We are
seeking for our system to be able to very user-friendly while
being very streamlined and agile when it comes to coding and
the way in which our intended audience uses the system.
With the intention of providing a secure database that has
great accessibility for all our intended users we will be able to
run a tradeoff while still providing a strong architecture for our
intended users. Within our architecture we will utilize a strong
database system with a secure system which will ensure that our
information stays private while at the same protecting the
students that will become our users. It we consider that the two
of the main priorities for our system are security and the
reliability of our database then these two systems will be our
main focus. Since the database will take the majority of the
upkeep, we will devote most of our time and resources to
database management and upkeep. Every system dreams of that
flashy GUI but the speed and performance of our database will
be our main focus. We will devote our time and resources to
this algorithm. In focusing on our database this will limit our
cost in the long run. We will not need to spend time with
upgrades and maintenance for our GUI which will ensure
maximizing our database performance. The time frame for our
project will also not be truly affected based on the leveraging of
our time towards database management. We can limit the
amount of time we spend on design of our GUI and incorporate
this time into algorithm development and design. With the
result in mind we will maintain a strong system that will have
great functionality while at the same time meet the needs of our
desired customers. Also, if we focus our time and resources on
ensuring that our system will work properly and be properly
maintained the system will act in a reliable manner which will
ensure customer satisfaction.
Below is a diagram of what the trade-off analysis will look
like. Using this structure as a guideline, all of the teams
involved in the production of the education system and how it
can be managed better. There can be many examples of this but
having a general idea of what to work with will help each team
plan for each step of the process. In order to get the correct
project deliverables, all variables must be considered and each
step of the process taken diligently.
Continuing the process and accomplishing the task at hand is
the ultimate goal. Using the diagram above will help in aiding
the project along and briefing all the information necessary to
all the people necessary in planning the next steps.
(John Holmberg, Matthew Serdy – Sunday, 14 April 2019)
(Sean Austin – Wednesday, 17 April 2019)
Section 6 - Milestones and Deliverables Based on Date and
Milestone defines the overview of a project which is
represented by an event or show one or more project activities
that are complete. Milestones represents completed key tasks or
events including how the project was completed. For example,
“document current processes” and “document requirements” are
milestones that support the creation of the deliverable “high-
level requirements” for a help desk implementation project.
(Billie Nordmeyer, April 13, 2018)
Importance of Milestones
Project managers uses milestone listing as a quick reference of
on-going project milestone. It helps identify who completed a
task, date and time. Milestone helps project managers identify
completed task; good completion of the milestone helps
customers sign-off. Education Information System has the
following milestones.
1st Milestone: Completion of Concept and Product Testing
This current stage's motivation is to decide if to continue with
any further improvement. Our organizers will think about
whether a genuine market need exists for the item as they have
considered it or the model they have created, or whether it has a
possibly lethal defect. At this achievement, we may find an
alternate open door as the aftereffect of testing our unique idea
and transforming it. This will be due on 28th April.
2nd Milestone: Completion of Prototype
At this milestone EIS will acquire much valuable data from
cautiously breaking down model advancement. Then take gander
at what caused barriers and dissatisfactions and how they
conquered them; the seeds of noteworthy, concealed open doors
lie in the imaginative answers for these disappointments,
(Grandjean, et al., 2015). This will be done on by 3rd May this
3rd Milestone: First Financing
EIT will start-up funding for item improvement and market
analysis for the main phase financing to start assembling and
deals. Now we will attempt and see how financial specialists see
the endeavor. This will be due on 15th May this year.
4th Milestone: Completion of the original Plant Tests
EIT will work on utilizing plant tests to challenge their
presumptions and to deliver data about the accompanying:
dismiss rates, material reasonableness and costs, Investment
essentials, Training requirements for generation work force,
Processing expenses and aptitudes, and expenses, and quality
control prerequisites, Material consistency from providers,
Processing details, run time, and upkeep, (Nicholas & Steyn,
2017). This will be due 20th May.
5th Milestone: Market Testing
The primary requesting difficulties of the endeavor's
fundamental market presumptions happen at this achievement.
EIT will concentrate on creating a couple of hundred units for
market testing. EIT will have no promise to fixed expenses until
we gain from market tests at what volumes the item would sell,
(Poon, et al., 2016). This will be carried out on the end of May
that is on 30th.
6th Milestone: Production Start-up
With the principal effective creation run tests the updated
presumptions produced from pilot tasks. The principal runs are
probably going to uncover a large group of issues that need
tackling. Most vital, EIT will at that point direct the
undertaking organizers to set the genuine expenses of creating a
relentless progression of the item and of gathering the quality
necessities. This might take a long time it might be due on 30th
7th Milestone: Bellwether Sale
In the mechanical market, EIT has this as its primary significant
deal to a normal real record. For EIT, this is the primary
essential deal to a noteworthy wholesaler. Accomplishing this
deal is probably going to give the EIT a major push forward;
inability to accomplish it can turn into a hindrance to deals
development? This will be due on 5th July.
8th Milestone: First Significant Price Change
For EIT we will set up the pro forma exercises on suppositions
regarding costs, expenses, and rivalry, however the genuine
estimation of an item or administration is hard to know until the
organization dispatches it in a focused domain. We will think
about changes in rivalry, innovation, and expenses may compel
a huge value correction, which can make our achievement the
most vital in deciding if to surrender an undertaking or divert it,
(Howarth & Greenwood, 2017). Due on 25th July.
Dependencies are the connections among errands which decide
the request in which exercises should be performed. This is the
reliance connections that are identified with EIT.
Types of dependencies in EIT management
Finish to start – One thing must finish so that the next can start.
Just as our milestones, one after another.
Predecessor must finish before the Successor can start.
Renting of premises must be done before partitioning.
Partitioning must start before painting.
Painting must be complete before placement of equipment.
Placing equipment must start before allocation of offices.
Below is a simple diagram used to develop the evolution of the
project from start to finish.
EIT Chiefs - are purposed to regulate executing a task quality
administration plan, in order to accomplish the fundamental
thought, to convey items and administrations to the details of
our clients, (Liu, 2016)
Customer Satisfaction - EIT comprehends that without
consumer loyalty there can be no quality, henceforth our
principle objective is to fulfill our clients.
Prevention Over Inspection - EIT the board realize that quality
doesn't come free consequently EIT is eager to cause the Cost of
Quality which is cash gone through managing issues amid the
venture, and afterward after the undertaking, to fix any
disappointments, (Pedersen, et al., 2017)
Continuous Improvement - EIT is wanting to accomplish this of
value venture the board in Six Sigma.
The following are ways EIT will achieve Quality Management
Plan Quality - first is to distinguish the necessities for the
nature of the deliverable and how the venture should be
overseen. EIT the executives will concede to how this procedure
will be archived and how that data will be conveyed, (Drugan,
et al., 2018).
Quality assurance - EIT will likewise concentrate on arranged
and fundamental exercises executed in a quality framework so
quality prerequisites for our items or administration will be
satisfied, with no inconsistencies.
Quality Control - EIT comprehends that each procedure needs a
policeman, in a manner of speaking, to ensure that the tenets are
being following and that the normal quality is being met. EIT
will utilize standards and guideline officer likewise for the
required nature of the expectations is being accomplished is
through friend surveys and testing.
Due date
Completion of Concept and Product Testing
28th April
Let us all work hand I hand in understanding the completion
concept and carrying out the product testing. Unity is the key to
our success.
Completion of Prototype
3rd May
The completion of the process is almost through patience and
hard work will lead us to the next successful step. Everyone
efforts are needed in the completion of prototype.
First Financing
15th May
It is time to put our first foot forward. We will invest so much
in the building of this project but eventually we will rejoice.
Completion of the original Plant Tests
20th May
We will complete the plan tests that we initially had set so that
we can realize any issues.
Market testing
30th May
Customers are always right. We will take our products out in
the market and see the society response.
Production Start-up
30th June
Time to startup our business. We will produce our first products
for sales.
Bellwether Sale
5th July
Matching our sales and receiving necessary comments to any
changes or improvements.
First Significant Price Change
25th July
Prices fluctuates and demand decreases or increase. The need to
change the prices which obviously is inevitable regarding
changing demands and supply.
(Collaboration by C. Williams, C. Dillon, F. Opoku)
Section 7 - System Architecture Aligned with System
How the system will streamline the business process?
In my company EIS, the System Architecture is a crucial
element to be implemented. In reference to the discussion we
had as a group I believe that system architecture is a significant
feature of the scheme life series. The system architecture will
streamline my business by creating easier communication
among the stakeholders. The Software architecture will help in
representing a common concept of a scheme that might not be
included in the system's stakeholders, to create mutual
consideration, negotiation, agreement, and all communications.
The system Architecture will create early design choices. The
Software architecture will manifest the initial design choices
about a scheme, and these initial bindings carry heft faraway of
amount to their discrete gravity with regards to the system's
outstanding progress, its placement, and its upkeep life. This
will help our company in the earliest section where the design
choices governing the scheme will be analyzed, (Crawley, et al.,
The Architecture will also streamline the business by offering
transferable concept of a system. The Software architecture will
constitute a comparatively small, rationally graspable ideal
concerning how a scheme is organized and how its rudiments
work in pair, and this ideal will be movable across all the
schemes. In specific, it will be useful to other schemes
exhibiting alike quality characteristic and efficient necessities
which can promote large-scale recycling in our business,
(Watson, et al., 2016)
Stakeholders’ requirement
Our key stakeholders for our company include the customers,
project managers, executives, project sponsors, project team
members, and the resource managers.
Customers - This are the straight users of our products and
service. These people include students’ teachers and directors,
we will work of providing the correct services to them.
Project manager - These are the project's leaders. This will be
required to maintain the companies’ radar.
Project team members - These group will be required for
executing the scheme under the scheme manager's management.
Project sponsor - These are the project's financier. They require
report regarding financial progress of the company.
Sellers/suppliers - These group are the one responsible for
supplying necessary equipment to our business, (Tung, et al.,
Cost, Features, and Quality
All the project cost will be managed by the project sponsors.
The cost of partition, arrangements and that of buying the
Features of System architecture
The end client be concerned about natural and right conduct,
execution, and unwavering quality, ease of use, accessibility,
and security.
· The framework executive will be concerned about natural
conduct, organization, and instruments to help checking.
· The advertiser will be concerned about focused highlights,
time to showcase, situating with different items, and cost.
· The client will be concerned about cost, strength, and
· The engineer will worry about clear prerequisites, and a basic
and steady structure approach.
· The undertaking chief is worried about consistency in the
following of the task, plan, profitable utilization of assets, and
spending plan.
· The maintainer is worried about an intelligible, reliable, and
recorded plan approach, and the simplicity with which
adjustments can be made, (Kimmel, et al., 2015).
Qualities of the System Architecture
Justifiable - The fundamental principles can be immediately
gotten a handle on and comprehended by people all through the
Vigorous - Empower great quality choices about designs and
plans to be made, and enforceable arrangements and guidelines
to be made
Complete - Each possibly essential rule administering the
administration of data and innovation for the association is
Predictable - Severe adherence to one standard may require a
free understanding of another guideline.
Section 8 - Technical Design Document
Section 9 - Design Review Checklist
Section 10 - Testing and Deployment
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Running Header 1SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE2Unit .docx

  • 1. Running Header: 1 SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE 2 Unit 3 Group Project System Architecture Group 4 John Holmberg, Sean Austin, Christian Dillon, Charles Williams, Matthew Serdy, Frank Opoku 24 April 2019 IT487 – IT Capstone 1 Nolyn Johnson Table of Contents Section 1 - Overview of Company and Client Business Case 3 Section 2 - Application Requirement Elicitation Strategy 5 Section 3 - System Components and Design Requirements 7 Section 4 - Methodology for Application Development Process 10 Section 5 - Complete Features and Trade-off Analysis 12 Section 6 - Milestones and Deliverables Based on Date and Dependencies 15 Section 7 - System Architecture Aligned with System Requirements 21 Section 8 - Technical Design Document 24 Section 9 - Design Review Checklist 25 Section 10 - Testing and Deployment 26 References 27
  • 2. Section 1 - Overview of Company and Client Business Case The company Education Information Systems. (EiS) is an information and management company that specializes in the creation and care of large-scale educational information and technology systems. EiS has implemented and managed systems ranging from the pre-K to 12th year primary school systems, and is developing larger scale systems to facilitate collegiate, graduate and post graduate educational institutions. EiS is a privately held organization that has the primary focus of providing the best possible systems to help grow the educational sector. Previous clients have implemented system wide software replacement and upgrades. With a stellar track record of previous educational institutions, and references, EiS has completed all the projects on time, and within budgetary guidelines. All problem issues or negative feedback from clients were handled in professional and timely manner that resulted in a completely satisfied client. Moving toward post high school educational institutions, EiS is working with an extremely talented development team to move into the graduate and post graduate sector with ease. With new projects being developed, and more clients, EiS also works to recruit the best talent in the development, and technical aspects of information technology. The information system to be developed by EiS for the institution will allow for all student, and faculty to store, share, and secure data. Utilizing a web-based UI, the information will be easily accessed, with the proper credentials. Data can be shared among staff, and students with preferences designed to mitigate corruption of data, loss of information, especially personal and financial information. All faculty and staff can be added to the application via an admin portal and all security is designated there. All remote access to the application will require a 2 factor authentication system for another level of security to ensure that the proper access protocols are being followed. All information that is stored will be designed to the student or faculty member,
  • 3. and kept throughout the students’ academic career or the faculty member’s tenure. The system will also track course credits for the student and all previous history from that student. Including previous course work, and any materials uploaded into the system. By utilizing the new system supplied by EiS, this will allow the educational institutions to move forward with the latest in software development, move to and adapt as the needs change, as well as keep a history of past data to ensure that the students and faculty have the best chances of success in the ever changing world of online learning. (Christian Dillon – Monday, 08 April 2019) Section 2 - Application Requirement Elicitation Strategy At the start of the requirement phase of the project is just that the beginning of all involved in the discussion of requirements by the business, stakeholders, IT personnel, fellow project designers, vendors, finance personnel, and those personnel that take on different sections of the project to bring it all together. There are a number of ways to elicit information from everyone involved. To include interviews with a select group of people, mainly our target audience. During these interviews, each person will begin by answering a ten-question survey aimed at gathering information about the project about to be developed. Some example questions are listed below: · Question 1: What problems/issues does this project solve. · Question 2: How would you solve the problem/issues? · Question 3: What will it cost to implement the project? · Question 4: Will this project solve those issues and make greater improvements for all? · Question 5: What are the risk factors? · Question 6: With risks comes issues of side effects, if the risks cause problems, will the project be on time? · Question 7: If the risks are minimal, will the implementation perform as needed by the university? · Question 8: Granted you are not formulating a solution to an
  • 4. existing problem you are improving a viable system to have greater performance and student satisfaction. How would you implement this new system? · Question 9: Can you express your opinions on how to ease the access of information to all users on all platforms? · Question 10: How can we make this new system user friendly, so that any skill level in dealing with it can access the right information on all levels of access in the university while keeping all information secure? These are just some sample questions that could be asked with each person during the interview process. After all interviews are conducted, the interviewees will meet based on their schedules and skill levels in terms of technology and project management. Each brainstorming group will be headed by a member of the project team that has been briefed on the project at hand and has reviewed the information presented in the surveys. The main questions that need to be answered are all encompassing efforts involved with project information, collaborating and sharing pertinent information so that the university has a viable system for keeping information secure but at the same time available for all students, faculty, and professors to access. · Who is the target audience based on the results of all surveys and brainstorming sessions? · What is the timeline for implementation of work that needs to be done on the project? · When will the time for information gathering stops, and project development begins? · Where is all of the project development taking place? On campus ground? Will students be actively involved with the development and implementation of the school’s own system? · Why, is a question that comes to mind. Why is the project necessary? This will not only provide a learning experience for students currently attending, but will also provide the school with a much-needed upgrade to its processes.
  • 5. (John Homberg and Sean Austin – Sunday, 07 April 2019 Section 3 - System Components and Design Requirements Based on the elicitation results, finalize the system components and design requirements that are needed for your business case. The information and management systems that are essential in my company, Education Information system which is concerned about provision and care of large-scale information on education and technological systems. For this my business case, the system components that will be required include the hardware, software and the interface, (Guanfu & Ershun, 2018) a) Hardware My business hardware configuration in concern with information and management will have these components are the entry data overview devices which will help run the information. My business will also have one LAN network which will allow the interconnection of all devices in the company. I will also ensure I have units that hoard information It is also necessary to implant Information display equipment. b) Software Software applications are also necessary for designing an appropriate EIS. The elementary software needed for my business case are; graphics software, basic software-text, and database. c) Interface I believe that an interface is an Executive Information System that will be necessary for my management and information company. This must be designed to ensure that the information presented is comprehensible and easy to make an interpretation, (Walls, et al., 2015). This interface is necessary for representing the component of contact between us as the users and the relevant information stored. This will aid my business in that the individual who relates to the information will be capable of monitoring the processes and receive the response needed for decision making. I need the exit-allows users to see the consequences of their interface with the input system.
  • 6. The system design requirements for my business case will require that the designer will have to take the following strategy decision. a) Development procedure: this is the innovative stage that allows both the customers and employees to come up with strategies. b) System advancement technique: Any way to deal with the framework improvement operational versus utilitarian, Accounting versus examination, database versus different databases c) Resources for framework advancement: concentrate on the inside users versus outsider. At this point, the design should be meant for the improvement and the utilization of bundles, (Collins, et al., 2015). d) Manpower structure: Analyst, software engineer expertise and ability. Plausibility studies can influence arranging of MIS, the equipment and programming which is chosen for MIS plan ought to be in fact sound and modern, determination of legitimate equipment and programming ought to be a piece of key dimension choices. Does the design solution support all the customer needs? Yes, this design is meant to be customer-oriented, in that it focusses mostly on the needs of the customers. The development procedure allows the client to be free to comment on the ways in which the company can develop according to their point of view, (Davis, et al., 2018). The system advancement method is meant to make the customer work easy and understandable. The resource framework is meant to reduce the amount of data that our customer will be incurring when looking for information regarding our company. Provide specifics that the proposed application should address The UI idea incorporates intuitive viewpoints that encourage framework task and connection with its segments Teachers, this proposed business idea is meant to address the teacher in that it will be easier for them to access information regarding the curriculum and the management board at large, (Alvarado, et al., 2018).
  • 7. Board of management, this idea is meant to attract the board of management in schools or learning institutions to inform them about any changes regarding information, the new technology, and the new management methods. Learners; this system is meant to also target learners in all educational institution. This system is meant to provide the necessary information regarding research, new software and efficient hardware for their studies. (Charles Williams – Wednesday, 10 April 2019) Section 4 - Methodology for Application Development Process Through collaboration we will see our final successes come to fruition. With this in mind the methodology that best suit our needs, and has proven successful for our previous development, and will continue for the foreseeable future as a successful system is the Spiral Methodology. At EIS we have entrusted our software development to Spiral methodology, in this marketplace it has proven the most successful and the most decisive when it comes to risk and in being able to maintain trust with our project sponsors and team members. Our focus continues to rely eliminating risk and being able to deal with risk as it arises while we develop our ever-expanding system. We strive to be agile enough to handle any challenge that take place and being able to handle any hurdle leads us to need the benefits that come from a methodology that the Spiral Model brings. In essence what the Spiral model does for our development rests heavily on the ideals of designing a great product. We invest the time and resources into the planning stage of our system which include a strong initial outline of the goals of our desired outcome. Utilizing the session in which our outline is developed we then move into a preliminary design and prototype. Utilizing our first prototype to try and understand the needs our software is attempting to mitigate we have a team session and utilize our collaborative environment to really understand the direction of our project. From this point after our first prototype is developed, we move into the stage of our
  • 8. second prototype. When we plan the stage of our second prototype, we are given the chance to make any changes in our direction. What worked and what didn't, as well as, during the development or our first prototype did something new occur in the market. After the second prototype is completed, we partner with our project sponsors. Numerous trials are completed and any feedback is recorded and changes are notated. At this point the project sponsor, in collaboration with our team at EIS, will decide if we continue with the project. This is to mitigate risk and to make a determination regarding to continue or to abort. Some of the risk factors would entail the budgetary concerns or the risk of a poor final product. We produce a third prototype based on these meetings and trials and continue until we have a product that meets the conditions of the sponsor and our team. As a company we will also allocate resources and a dedicated team invested in the maintenance of the program and a team that is available to handle any need that arises. (Matthew Serdy – Sunday, 07 April 2019) Section 5 - Complete Features and Trade-off Analysis Project requirements are something that projects undertake with both project developers, such as us, and the clients, in this case the institution. The requirement phases are those phases of which, we as developers have multiple meetings with those involved, stakeholders, IT personnel, project managers, project developers and end-users for the greater good of the project’s successes and failures. Functionality issues are considered those specific functions that the system will operate on. The FDS or Functional Design Software, does have many benefits that can aid in the developers of the project. It is in the best interest of the institution and the project team to have an FDS in place at the start of and all through the project phases. With the FDS, this helps the project team to know exactly what is expected of them as they proceed and what system protocols will be utilized throughout the project. If you don’t have a good FDS in place it can lead to many unfortunate issues that can be costly and delay
  • 9. in completion, (M.U.S.E. © 2019). This FDS is a key part of information that will assist the project team, start to finish. Analysis is one of the many phases of the project and before one gets started, there should be a user design team in place to assist with how users do use the new system(s). As we move into the planning phase there are some factors that must be addressed. As a company we will need to look at the trade-off between what our company can bring as well what we can afford to lost. As far as our budget for this project we will have to weigh the costs versus the amount of money we can bring in based on our product as a whole. Our cost structure will focus on the usage of school districts and through governmental contracts. We are providing a system which will change the way school districts will be able to interact with their students as well as the way in which communication will occur between the educators and the students and their families. There are certain factors that will have to be involved in our product. The interface is obviously a main factor in our system but the way in which our interface interacts with the users is open for change based on the answers and needs we ascertain from our focus groups during our planning stage. We are seeking for our system to be able to very user-friendly while being very streamlined and agile when it comes to coding and the way in which our intended audience uses the system. With the intention of providing a secure database that has great accessibility for all our intended users we will be able to run a tradeoff while still providing a strong architecture for our intended users. Within our architecture we will utilize a strong database system with a secure system which will ensure that our information stays private while at the same protecting the students that will become our users. It we consider that the two of the main priorities for our system are security and the reliability of our database then these two systems will be our main focus. Since the database will take the majority of the upkeep, we will devote most of our time and resources to database management and upkeep. Every system dreams of that
  • 10. flashy GUI but the speed and performance of our database will be our main focus. We will devote our time and resources to this algorithm. In focusing on our database this will limit our cost in the long run. We will not need to spend time with upgrades and maintenance for our GUI which will ensure maximizing our database performance. The time frame for our project will also not be truly affected based on the leveraging of our time towards database management. We can limit the amount of time we spend on design of our GUI and incorporate this time into algorithm development and design. With the result in mind we will maintain a strong system that will have great functionality while at the same time meet the needs of our desired customers. Also, if we focus our time and resources on ensuring that our system will work properly and be properly maintained the system will act in a reliable manner which will ensure customer satisfaction. Below is a diagram of what the trade-off analysis will look like. Using this structure as a guideline, all of the teams involved in the production of the education system and how it can be managed better. There can be many examples of this but having a general idea of what to work with will help each team plan for each step of the process. In order to get the correct project deliverables, all variables must be considered and each step of the process taken diligently. Continuing the process and accomplishing the task at hand is the ultimate goal. Using the diagram above will help in aiding the project along and briefing all the information necessary to all the people necessary in planning the next steps. (John Holmberg, Matthew Serdy – Sunday, 14 April 2019) (Sean Austin – Wednesday, 17 April 2019) Section 6 - Milestones and Deliverables Based on Date and Dependencies Milestones Milestone defines the overview of a project which is represented by an event or show one or more project activities
  • 11. that are complete. Milestones represents completed key tasks or events including how the project was completed. For example, “document current processes” and “document requirements” are milestones that support the creation of the deliverable “high- level requirements” for a help desk implementation project. (Billie Nordmeyer, April 13, 2018) Importance of Milestones Project managers uses milestone listing as a quick reference of on-going project milestone. It helps identify who completed a task, date and time. Milestone helps project managers identify completed task; good completion of the milestone helps customers sign-off. Education Information System has the following milestones. 1st Milestone: Completion of Concept and Product Testing This current stage's motivation is to decide if to continue with any further improvement. Our organizers will think about whether a genuine market need exists for the item as they have considered it or the model they have created, or whether it has a possibly lethal defect. At this achievement, we may find an alternate open door as the aftereffect of testing our unique idea and transforming it. This will be due on 28th April. 2nd Milestone: Completion of Prototype At this milestone EIS will acquire much valuable data from cautiously breaking down model advancement. Then take gander at what caused barriers and dissatisfactions and how they conquered them; the seeds of noteworthy, concealed open doors lie in the imaginative answers for these disappointments, (Grandjean, et al., 2015). This will be done on by 3rd May this year. 3rd Milestone: First Financing EIT will start-up funding for item improvement and market analysis for the main phase financing to start assembling and deals. Now we will attempt and see how financial specialists see the endeavor. This will be due on 15th May this year. 4th Milestone: Completion of the original Plant Tests EIT will work on utilizing plant tests to challenge their
  • 12. presumptions and to deliver data about the accompanying: dismiss rates, material reasonableness and costs, Investment essentials, Training requirements for generation work force, Processing expenses and aptitudes, and expenses, and quality control prerequisites, Material consistency from providers, Processing details, run time, and upkeep, (Nicholas & Steyn, 2017). This will be due 20th May. 5th Milestone: Market Testing The primary requesting difficulties of the endeavor's fundamental market presumptions happen at this achievement. EIT will concentrate on creating a couple of hundred units for market testing. EIT will have no promise to fixed expenses until we gain from market tests at what volumes the item would sell, (Poon, et al., 2016). This will be carried out on the end of May that is on 30th. 6th Milestone: Production Start-up With the principal effective creation run tests the updated presumptions produced from pilot tasks. The principal runs are probably going to uncover a large group of issues that need tackling. Most vital, EIT will at that point direct the undertaking organizers to set the genuine expenses of creating a relentless progression of the item and of gathering the quality necessities. This might take a long time it might be due on 30th June. 7th Milestone: Bellwether Sale In the mechanical market, EIT has this as its primary significant deal to a normal real record. For EIT, this is the primary essential deal to a noteworthy wholesaler. Accomplishing this deal is probably going to give the EIT a major push forward; inability to accomplish it can turn into a hindrance to deals development? This will be due on 5th July. 8th Milestone: First Significant Price Change For EIT we will set up the pro forma exercises on suppositions regarding costs, expenses, and rivalry, however the genuine estimation of an item or administration is hard to know until the organization dispatches it in a focused domain. We will think
  • 13. about changes in rivalry, innovation, and expenses may compel a huge value correction, which can make our achievement the most vital in deciding if to surrender an undertaking or divert it, (Howarth & Greenwood, 2017). Due on 25th July. Dependencies are the connections among errands which decide the request in which exercises should be performed. This is the reliance connections that are identified with EIT. Types of dependencies in EIT management Finish to start – One thing must finish so that the next can start. Just as our milestones, one after another. Predecessor must finish before the Successor can start. Renting of premises must be done before partitioning. Partitioning must start before painting. Painting must be complete before placement of equipment. Placing equipment must start before allocation of offices. Below is a simple diagram used to develop the evolution of the project from start to finish. EIT Chiefs - are purposed to regulate executing a task quality administration plan, in order to accomplish the fundamental thought, to convey items and administrations to the details of our clients, (Liu, 2016) Customer Satisfaction - EIT comprehends that without consumer loyalty there can be no quality, henceforth our principle objective is to fulfill our clients. Prevention Over Inspection - EIT the board realize that quality doesn't come free consequently EIT is eager to cause the Cost of Quality which is cash gone through managing issues amid the venture, and afterward after the undertaking, to fix any disappointments, (Pedersen, et al., 2017) Continuous Improvement - EIT is wanting to accomplish this of value venture the board in Six Sigma. The following are ways EIT will achieve Quality Management Plan Quality - first is to distinguish the necessities for the nature of the deliverable and how the venture should be overseen. EIT the executives will concede to how this procedure
  • 14. will be archived and how that data will be conveyed, (Drugan, et al., 2018). Quality assurance - EIT will likewise concentrate on arranged and fundamental exercises executed in a quality framework so quality prerequisites for our items or administration will be satisfied, with no inconsistencies. Quality Control - EIT comprehends that each procedure needs a policeman, in a manner of speaking, to ensure that the tenets are being following and that the normal quality is being met. EIT will utilize standards and guideline officer likewise for the required nature of the expectations is being accomplished is through friend surveys and testing. Milestone Due date Details Completion of Concept and Product Testing 28th April Let us all work hand I hand in understanding the completion concept and carrying out the product testing. Unity is the key to our success. Completion of Prototype 3rd May The completion of the process is almost through patience and hard work will lead us to the next successful step. Everyone efforts are needed in the completion of prototype. First Financing 15th May It is time to put our first foot forward. We will invest so much in the building of this project but eventually we will rejoice. Completion of the original Plant Tests 20th May We will complete the plan tests that we initially had set so that we can realize any issues.
  • 15. Market testing 30th May Customers are always right. We will take our products out in the market and see the society response. Production Start-up 30th June Time to startup our business. We will produce our first products for sales. Bellwether Sale 5th July Matching our sales and receiving necessary comments to any changes or improvements. First Significant Price Change 25th July Prices fluctuates and demand decreases or increase. The need to change the prices which obviously is inevitable regarding changing demands and supply. (Collaboration by C. Williams, C. Dillon, F. Opoku) Section 7 - System Architecture Aligned with System Requirements How the system will streamline the business process? In my company EIS, the System Architecture is a crucial element to be implemented. In reference to the discussion we had as a group I believe that system architecture is a significant feature of the scheme life series. The system architecture will streamline my business by creating easier communication among the stakeholders. The Software architecture will help in representing a common concept of a scheme that might not be included in the system's stakeholders, to create mutual consideration, negotiation, agreement, and all communications.
  • 16. The system Architecture will create early design choices. The Software architecture will manifest the initial design choices about a scheme, and these initial bindings carry heft faraway of amount to their discrete gravity with regards to the system's outstanding progress, its placement, and its upkeep life. This will help our company in the earliest section where the design choices governing the scheme will be analyzed, (Crawley, et al., 2015). The Architecture will also streamline the business by offering transferable concept of a system. The Software architecture will constitute a comparatively small, rationally graspable ideal concerning how a scheme is organized and how its rudiments work in pair, and this ideal will be movable across all the schemes. In specific, it will be useful to other schemes exhibiting alike quality characteristic and efficient necessities which can promote large-scale recycling in our business, (Watson, et al., 2016) Stakeholders’ requirement Our key stakeholders for our company include the customers, project managers, executives, project sponsors, project team members, and the resource managers. Customers - This are the straight users of our products and service. These people include students’ teachers and directors, we will work of providing the correct services to them. Project manager - These are the project's leaders. This will be required to maintain the companies’ radar. Project team members - These group will be required for executing the scheme under the scheme manager's management. Project sponsor - These are the project's financier. They require report regarding financial progress of the company. Sellers/suppliers - These group are the one responsible for supplying necessary equipment to our business, (Tung, et al., 2018) Cost, Features, and Quality Cost All the project cost will be managed by the project sponsors.
  • 17. The cost of partition, arrangements and that of buying the equipment’s. Features of System architecture The end client be concerned about natural and right conduct, execution, and unwavering quality, ease of use, accessibility, and security. · The framework executive will be concerned about natural conduct, organization, and instruments to help checking. · The advertiser will be concerned about focused highlights, time to showcase, situating with different items, and cost. · The client will be concerned about cost, strength, and timetable. · The engineer will worry about clear prerequisites, and a basic and steady structure approach. · The undertaking chief is worried about consistency in the following of the task, plan, profitable utilization of assets, and spending plan. · The maintainer is worried about an intelligible, reliable, and recorded plan approach, and the simplicity with which adjustments can be made, (Kimmel, et al., 2015). Qualities of the System Architecture Justifiable - The fundamental principles can be immediately gotten a handle on and comprehended by people all through the association. Vigorous - Empower great quality choices about designs and plans to be made, and enforceable arrangements and guidelines to be made Complete - Each possibly essential rule administering the administration of data and innovation for the association is characterized. Predictable - Severe adherence to one standard may require a free understanding of another guideline. Section 8 - Technical Design Document
  • 18. Section 9 - Design Review Checklist Section 10 - Testing and Deployment References Alvarado, D., Bailey, E. I., & Carver, W. R. (2018). U.S. Patent No. 9,880,592. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Collins, N., Theurich, G., Deluca, C., Suarez, M., Trayanov, A., Balaji, V., ... & Da Silva, A. (2015). Design and implementation of components in the Earth System Modeling Framework. The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 19(3), 341-350. Davis, W. S., & Yen, D. C. (2018). The information system consultant's handbook: Systems analysis and design. CRC press. Deliverables vs. Milestones by Billie Nordmeyer (April 13, 2018) retrieved from 16232.html Drugan, J., Strandvik, I., & Vuorinen, E. (2018). Translation quality, quality management and agency: principles and practice in the European Union institutions. In Translation Quality Assessment (pp. 39-68). Springer, Cham. Grandjean, P., Weihe, P., & White, R. F. (2015). Milestone development in infants exposed to methylmercury from human milk. Neurotoxicology, 16(1), 27-33. Griffin, R. D. (2016). Principles of air quality management. CRC Press. Guanfu, S., & Ershun, Z. (2018). Research and Development of Components Geographic Information Systems [J]. Journal of Image and Graphics, 4. Howarth, T., & Greenwood, D. (2017). Construction quality management: Principles and practice. Routledge. Liu, T. (2016). Motor milestone development in young children with autism spectrum disorders: An exploratory study. Educational Psychology in Practice, 28(3), 315-326. Nicholas, J. M., & Steyn, H. (2017). Project management for engineering, business and technology. Routledge.
  • 19. Pedersen, L. H., Henriksen, T. B., & Olsen, J. (2017). Fetal exposure to antidepressants and normal milestone development at 6 and 19 months of age. Pediatrics, 125(3), e600-e608. Poon, S. J., Nelson, L. S., Hoppe, J. A., Perrone, J., Sande, M. K., Yealy, D. M., ... & Weiner, S. G. (2016). Consensus-based recommendations for an emergency medicine pain management curriculum. The Journal of emergency medicine, 51(2), 147- 154. Project trade-off analysis. (n.d.). Retrieved from analysis/ Software Engineering | Requirements Elicitation. (2018, April 09). Retrieved from engineering-requirements-elicitation/ Walls, J. G., Widmeyer, G. R., & El Sawy, O. A. (2015). Building an information system design theory for vigilant EIS. Information systems research, 3(1), 36-59.