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Running head: What factors affect the quality of our
What factors affect the quality of our relationships?(Autumn R.
Scrivens)University of West Georgia
Risky attachment styles are behaviors that are high risk and
enacted by an impulse that can eventually lead to engaging in
sexual acts with a person who has a sexually transmitted
infection/ disease or someone who is at risk of becoming
pregnant. Girls who grew up in a two-parent household or one
parent household but the father was present during adolescent
years have shown to engage in less risky attachment styles;
whereas girls who grew up without a father figure or a non-
parent household have shown to engage in riskier attachment
styles such as avoidant and insecure/ambivalent styles. Past
research experiences shows’ evidence that the impact of a
fatherly figure can affect how young girls choose their
relationships but this impact was not as definite in young males.
Because the research is so biased, the following research
identifies the factors that affect the quality of our relationships
based on the impact of a fatherly figure and how this impact
affects young girls' attachment styles when in a
relationship. Finally, I offer implications for this research from
a social and psychological aspect.
Keywords: attachment styles, relationships, Introduction
The factors that affect the quality of our relationships provides
researchers with a qualitative framework for the understanding
of the overall effects of the parental figure being a part of the
development of the child; and how this development affects how
young ladies and men get involved in quality relationships.
These factors also give researchers the opportunity to
understand how the emotional and physical relationship between
a father and daughter affect how the daughters that did not grow
up with healthy paternal relationships have underlying sexual
factors and attachment styles. The significance of this research
is to identify which factors from various upbringing whether
being one parent, two-parent, or care system household affect
the quality of our relationships. Furthermore, this research will
explain what our upbringing says about those who we enter
relationships with or keep in our life. At this stage in the
research, the factors that define the quality of relationships for
young ladies and men between the ages of 15 to 24 are scarce.
Some deficiencies within each article in regards to research
between the physical and emotional bond are described as
strong emotional bonds and a need for a consistent partner but
there were no articles that related to emotional development and
how fathers play a major part in this development. Because of
these various deficiencies, by using qualitative methods during
my research I hope to explore the emotional and physical bond
between a father and daughter while using personal experiences
and various data resources to help find the understanding
between the factors that build our relationships and what factors
help define quality relationships. Likewise, the purpose of this
research is to explore if dating is easier for girls who’s father
made an impact on their life in comparison to those who grew
up without good fatherly figures; in hopes to define the
implications around the need to feel cherished or wanted in a
relationship uprooting from attachment styles learned during
childhood development?
Literature Review
Young ladies between the ages of 18 to 36 tend to have less
risky or unprotected sex then those between the ages 16-25.
Past research recognizes greater accelerated ranges of parental
checking facts and diminished affiliation with degenerate
buddies as the main reason for these effects. The “fatherly
assignment hypothesis” stated that the impact of fathers does
have causal effects. Likewise, this research stated in “ Impact of
Fathers on Parental Monitoring” uses the differential relatives
presentation plan to create data to show the impact of
differential relations advent to the circle of relatives such as
disturbance/father nonappearance and nature of fathering. Taken
collectively, the discoveries found were based on households
with siblings only and those discoveries endorse that present
fathering can also diminish ladies' commitment in relationships
and with the aid of expanding the degree of parental checking
that they may receive decreases their association with peers who
promote risky sexual behaviors and or unprotected sex. This
article is a great source of data for my research problem because
it uses siblings to show the impact of fathers before being a part
of risky sexual behaviors by providing support for low quality
father and daughter relationships leading to daughters engaging
in risky sexual behaviors.
In terms of father and daughter relationships,Pre-Adult conduct
can be defined as a brief period before adulthood that usually
defines how you will react later in life. Because of this, Sex-
Specific pathways that are experienced at an early age are found
to lead to risky sexual behaviors later on. “The Desire for
Sexual Attention” attempted to research within sex-explicit
pathways in relation to early puberty, sexual creation, and
sexual risk-taking, as decided by way of a coordinated
transformative formative version of pre-puberty sexual conduct.
This examination was based on young people between the ages
of 12 to 18 where there were more girls than boys apart from
the examination. They attempted to pull data between internal
triggers, the circle of relatives’ connections, the participants’
overall pubertal improvement, self-noticed mate esteem, and
sexual risk-taking amongst the girls and boys. The research
found that father nonattendance outcomes affected women’s
sexual consequences but not male sexual effects. Whereas those
who had the impact of their father legitimately expected no
sexual creation and this overall led to less risky sexual behavior
practices. This article is an asset to my research problem
because the authors focus their research on the impact of a
father’s on both young girls and boys. Likewise, this article
provides crictism to the research at hand because it does not go
into details of the effects of those who’s father impacted their
life but only those impacted because their father was not
The hypothesis of “Implications for Early Pair Bonding” is
based on connection theory shows that the structure of our
adolescence began with the development of attachment styles
learned in the household. This research makes use of a
connection shape to portray the comfy connections in
adolescents and a gathering technique for young people with
risky attachment styles to acknowledge the connection from
various kinds of affectional securities. Likewise, the authors
talk approximately how social elegance, culture, and intercourse
affect the association of young people's bonds with attachment
styles. Lastly, this article connects risky sexual behaviors and
underage pregnancies as output for adolescent growth but it
does not focus on the parental aspects of my research. Because
of this, this article is an asset to current research because it
shows that all risky sexual behaviors do not always come from
things we missed during adolescence development.
The hypothesis of “ The Desire of Sexual Attention” suggests
the need for paternal bonding is also associated with the need
for sexual attention amongst women but not men. This article
examined individual contrasts in the longing for sexual
consideration. With the hypothesis in play, research proves
there are suited proof for the utility of sexual consideration, but
little notion about mental indicators. Likewise, the authors of
the article found the participant’s craved sexual consideration
increased in adolescents. Sexual consideration is defined as
partaking in sexual misconduct such as multiple sexual partners
at one time. This experiment was based around two hundred
Australians, half being boys and the other half being girls. For
guys, the craving for sexual consideration was based on sexual
thinking instead of the impact of a father figure. The girls who
were a part of the examination “Machiavellianism” became the
overall factor instead of sexual thinking like the boys. The only
relation the researchers found between the impacts of fathers
amongst their daughters was that there were no definite answers
that likewise linked with more noteworthy requirements for
sexual attention in girls but not guys. Lastly, this article is an
asset to current research because it indicates what information
is missing. It also shows how important my research problem is
and why it should be studied. There is simply not enough
information on the effects of growing up in a single-parent
home or a non-parent home. This article will also help me defer
between the young ladies’ need for sexual consideration instead
of sexual risky behaviors as the two articles before.
Lastly, this experiment based on the need to feel cherished
affects the quality of our relationships and uses abbreviations to
identify the parties as a part of their research. The abbreviations
helped to analyze individuals' emotional influence on the impact
of these encounters with the aid of always searching for the
need to feel cherished. The results from the examination were
numbers of staggering men or women who's the contrast in
those attributes and those individual contrasts associated
methodically to each intellectual prosperity and character who
was a part of this examination. Lastly, the examination found
those who felt love patterns had more prominent mental
prosperity. This article would be an asset to my research
problem because it depicts where the need for feeling cherished
first comes from and then it identifies the factors that affect the
relationships of those who needed to feel cherished and those
who did not. These results will help me decipher my hypothesis
between the overall effects of the impact of a parent and the
effects when there are no parents or only one parent involved.
What Factors Affect The Quality of Our Relationships?
Many expanding theories place spotlight on the advantages of
two-parent households decreasing risky attachment styles.
Within these theories, the comparison between what factors
affect the quality of our relationships are based on parental
figures during childhood development and the development of
risky sexual behaviors when a parent is not involved in
childhood development. This study tested the hypothesis that
parental involvement during childhood development can affect
the quality of our relationships and attachment styles. This
studies hypothesis suggest that the attachment styles learned
during childhood development may lead to involvement in
unhealthy or little to no quality relationships. Here, we will
highlight methods used for conducting this research.
This study using the qualitative approach will test the
hypothesis that paternal involvement during childhood
development can affect the quality of young girls relationships
and attachment styles. Under qualitataive research methods, I
will use the emergent design because this design leave room for
changes amongst my collection of data such as using both blogs
and survery methods. Assessments and Measures
To execute my study I will be using various blogs based on the
impact of fathers amongst young girls between the ages of 13 to
25. By using various blogs I am able to obtain nonbiased and
biased data while meeting ethical research standards. As stated,
if my data seems to change as I begin to collect data, then I
would use the anoymous survery method on campus through the
organization Breaking the Stigma. Through this organization I
plan to ask four to five open-ended questions based on the
number of parents in the household and what impact if any; did
the paternal parent have on them growing up. This organization
members numbers run between 8-10 women of different ages
and classifications; and would be able to freely provide their
The definition of Emergent Design suggests the initial plan for
research cannot be tightly prescribed, and some or all phases of
the process may change after the researcher enters the field and
collects data. This design would be the best fit to excute data
because it leaves room for research to be unbiased by using both
blogs and survey methods. The assumptions of this method
suggests by using this design some questions may change, the
forms of data collection may shift and the individuals may be
modified. (Creswell, 2009)
A subset of interviews with the women members of Breaking
the STIGMA studying the impact of their father during their
childhood development. The data will be analyzed using the
Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis with a reflexive,
feminist, and social constructionist approach. Within this
analysis, two themes were defined and illustrated: Avoidant
attachment styles,Women identifying triggers from their
childhood and Threats of untreated trauma from previous
relationships. Definitions and illustrations from members of
Breaking the STIGMA help clarify how the open-ended survey
questions add detail to the research. In the end, Avoidant
attachment styles and identifying triggers help shape the
direction of the study because it leaves room for the data to be
viewed from two viewpoints. As the author, I have lived in
both a two parent and single parent household and dealt with
experiences that leave me biased to the data.The point of the
child who grew up with a father who made an impact on their
life and a daughter who grew up in a single parent household
with little to no impact from their father. I believe these biases
will adhere with the emergent design and leave room for
evidence that your childhood may affect the quality of
relationships for young girls between the ages of 15 to 25.
· DelPriore, D. J., Schlomer, G. L., & Ellis, B. J. (2017). Impact
of fathers on parental monitoring of daughters and their
affiliation with sexually promiscuous peers: A genetically and
environmentally controlled sibling study. Developmental
Psychology, 53(7), 1330–1343.
· James, J., Ellis, B. J., Schlomer, G. L., & Garber, J. (2012).
Sex-Specific Pathways to Early Puberty, Sexual Debut, and
Sexual Risk Taking: Tests of an Integrated Evolutionary-
Developmental Model. Developmental Psychology, 48(3), 687–
· Connor, P. J. O., Spark, A., & Kaya, M. (2020). The desire for
sexual attention: Relationship with dark triad traits and parental
bonding factors. Personality and Individual Differences, 155.
· Kobak, R., & Herres, J. (2012). Social networks and
attachment bonds during adolescence: Implications for early
pair bonding and risky behaviors. In L. Campbell & T. J.
Loving (Eds.), Interdisciplinary research on close relationships:
The case for integration. (pp. 135–152). American
Psychological Association.
· Oravecz, Z., Dirsmith, J., Heshmati, S., Vandekerckhove, J., &
Brick, T. R. (2020). Psychological well-being and personality
traits are associated with experiencing love in everyday life.
Personality and Individual Differences, 153.
Second Heading 4 level in the section. Duis sit amet ipsum
pretium erat accumsan iaculis vitae eget risus. Donec ut dui in
lorem volutpat fermentum bibendum pulvinar libero. Nunc
imperdiet eros et mi posuere pellentesque. Donec tincidunt
ipsum eget nisl ullamcorper eu placerat libero ullamcorper.
Maecenas id luctus ligula. Cras condimentum eleifend nibh sit
amet iaculis. Suspendisse placerat sollicitudin mi, vel ornare
augue hendrerit ac. Nulla sed suscipit sapien. Cras pellentesque
orci lectus, eu consequat enim.
First Heading 5 level in the section. Nulla congue egestas ante,
id ultricies orci dignissim commodo. Fusce placerat, libero eu
pharetra pulvinar, lorem dui pulvinar nisi, et semper orci orci
vitae magna. Nullam sodales, felis id feugiat scelerisque, tortor
nulla interdum mauris, ac porttitor odio dolor eget eros.
Second Heading 5 level in the section. Duis sit amet ipsum
pretium erat accumsan iaculis vitae eget risus. Donec ut dui in
lorem volutpat fermentum bibendum pulvinar libero. Nunc
imperdiet eros et mi posuere pellentesque. Donec tincidunt
ipsum eget nisl ullamcorper eu placerat libero ullamcorper.
Maecenas id luctus ligula. Cras condimentum eleifend nibh sit
amet iaculis. Suspendisse placerat sollicitudin mi, vel ornare
augue hendrerit ac. Nulla sed suscipit sapien. Cras pellentesque
orci lectus, eu consequat enim.
Maecenas id luctus ligula. Cras condimentum eleifend nibh sit
amet iaculis. Suspendisse placerat sollicitudin mi, vel ornare
augue hendrerit ac. Nulla sed suscipit sapien. Cras pellentesque
orci lectus, eu consequat enim.Outcome 1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit,
sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore
magna aliquam erat volutpat. Outcome 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit,
sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore
magna aliquam erat volutpat. Discussion
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sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore
magna aliquam erat volutpat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in
hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum
dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et
Lastname, C. (2008). Title of the source without caps except
Proper Nouns or: First word after colon. The Journal or
Publication Italicized and Capped, Vol#(Issue#), Page numbers.
Lastname, O. (2010). Online journal using DOI or digital
object identifier. Main Online Journal Name, Vol#(Issue#), 159-
192. doi: 10.1000/182
Lastname, W. (2009). If there is no DOI use the URL of the
main website referenced. Article Without DOI Reference,
Vol#(Issue#), 166-212. Retrieved from
Grading rubric for APA paper 40%
Name of student _____________________ __/40
A - excellent
B – good
C – average
D -poor
Organization and adherence to APA style. Make sure that you
read through for typos and grammatical errors and formatting
issues (e.g., hanging titles or sub-titles). Format your study
according to APA style including for your list of references at
the end of your write up (6 is still fine). 2%
Start with a good introductory sentence or two presenting the
overall research problem and your topic. 1%
Literature review. This is the review you included in your
proposal document, so you can edit this and include that
component here. Discuss at least 5 relevant research to inform
the research topic you are exploring. Write the review as a good
narrative (linking their relevance back to your research topic).
Spend approximately half a page per study. This should be put
into your own words. Discuss what is missing from prior
research and how your project addresses the gap and is novel in
A good theoretical rationale and clearly defined purpose
statement are presented for the current study (for all study
designs including qualitative studies that are inductive in terms
of theorizing). Use an edited version of what you included for
your proposal. 1%
What is your research question(s) and hypotheses (if this is a
quantitative or mixed methods design with a quantitative
component, make sure that you list a hypothesis for each
comparison/correlation you will compute in your study).
Hypotheses and/or research questions should flow from the
literature discussed in your introduction section. 1%
Good design section. Outline the methodological approach you
are adopting (quantitative (which type? Differences or
correlational, etc), qual (which type) or mixed methods – which
type?) and why this approach is a good fit for your research
question. Note how this relates to possible ways of analyzing
your data. 2
Participants section
How were your participants recruited? How many participants
were there in total? What was the gender distribution of your
participants? Any other demographic information? Age 2%
Materials section
Include a summary of ALL materials used in the study. If you
use existing measures talk about reliability and validity
(psychometric information). Include all materials used as an
appendix to your study. 2%
Ethics – talk about how your study adheres to ethical principles
of the APA. Include reference to a consent form. 1%
Procedure - describe in detail the entire experience of the
participants in your study or what was done if you are using
existing data (e.g., how did you find blogs, reddit posts, etc.)
Summary of data. Include at least 1 table labeled to represent
the main patterns (descriptive statistics for quantitative studies
– i.e. means and standard deviations or frequencies per
comparison category for a frequency analysis, frequency of
themes and their definitions and example quotes for each theme
identified) and comment on the main patterns in your data –
what do the data look like? For themes, which are more
common? Provide meaningful titles for your table(s) 5
Summarize the analytic method used to make sense of your data
and how it answers your research question. Then present the
results of the inferential statistics or more detailed qualitative
analytic procedures. Present the inferential statistics for each of
your hypotheses or engage in qualitative analysis for your data
5 %
Summarize the main findings. If quantitative, which hypotheses
were supported (which tests were significant) and which were
not supported (not significant). If qualitative, describe the main
themes that were identified in words. 2%
What do your results mean (in terms of the prior research
literature that you discussed in your introduction section). Link
your results back to the research you discussed in your
introduction and literature review. What is the same? what is
different? 5%
Give a critique of your own methodology and what you would
do differently if you did the same study again? Think about
limitations of your design and restrictions in terms of access to
participants, etc. 4%
What are some interesting future directions (i.e., different
studies exploring the same research question) for this research
topic? This is where you think creatively and ponder what you
would do perhaps if you had a grant to explore this topic 1%
Conclusions -summarize the study and its findings and overall
relevance. 1%

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  • 1. Running head: What factors affect the quality of our relationships? WHAT FACTORS AFFECT THE QUALITY OF OUR RELATIONSHIPS? 1 What factors affect the quality of our relationships?(Autumn R. Scrivens)University of West Georgia Abstract Risky attachment styles are behaviors that are high risk and enacted by an impulse that can eventually lead to engaging in sexual acts with a person who has a sexually transmitted infection/ disease or someone who is at risk of becoming pregnant. Girls who grew up in a two-parent household or one parent household but the father was present during adolescent years have shown to engage in less risky attachment styles; whereas girls who grew up without a father figure or a non- parent household have shown to engage in riskier attachment styles such as avoidant and insecure/ambivalent styles. Past research experiences shows’ evidence that the impact of a fatherly figure can affect how young girls choose their relationships but this impact was not as definite in young males. Because the research is so biased, the following research identifies the factors that affect the quality of our relationships based on the impact of a fatherly figure and how this impact affects young girls' attachment styles when in a relationship. Finally, I offer implications for this research from a social and psychological aspect. Keywords: attachment styles, relationships, Introduction The factors that affect the quality of our relationships provides researchers with a qualitative framework for the understanding of the overall effects of the parental figure being a part of the
  • 2. development of the child; and how this development affects how young ladies and men get involved in quality relationships. These factors also give researchers the opportunity to understand how the emotional and physical relationship between a father and daughter affect how the daughters that did not grow up with healthy paternal relationships have underlying sexual factors and attachment styles. The significance of this research is to identify which factors from various upbringing whether being one parent, two-parent, or care system household affect the quality of our relationships. Furthermore, this research will explain what our upbringing says about those who we enter relationships with or keep in our life. At this stage in the research, the factors that define the quality of relationships for young ladies and men between the ages of 15 to 24 are scarce. Some deficiencies within each article in regards to research between the physical and emotional bond are described as strong emotional bonds and a need for a consistent partner but there were no articles that related to emotional development and how fathers play a major part in this development. Because of these various deficiencies, by using qualitative methods during my research I hope to explore the emotional and physical bond between a father and daughter while using personal experiences and various data resources to help find the understanding between the factors that build our relationships and what factors help define quality relationships. Likewise, the purpose of this research is to explore if dating is easier for girls who’s father made an impact on their life in comparison to those who grew up without good fatherly figures; in hopes to define the implications around the need to feel cherished or wanted in a relationship uprooting from attachment styles learned during childhood development? Literature Review Young ladies between the ages of 18 to 36 tend to have less risky or unprotected sex then those between the ages 16-25.
  • 3. Past research recognizes greater accelerated ranges of parental checking facts and diminished affiliation with degenerate buddies as the main reason for these effects. The “fatherly assignment hypothesis” stated that the impact of fathers does have causal effects. Likewise, this research stated in “ Impact of Fathers on Parental Monitoring” uses the differential relatives presentation plan to create data to show the impact of differential relations advent to the circle of relatives such as disturbance/father nonappearance and nature of fathering. Taken collectively, the discoveries found were based on households with siblings only and those discoveries endorse that present fathering can also diminish ladies' commitment in relationships and with the aid of expanding the degree of parental checking that they may receive decreases their association with peers who promote risky sexual behaviors and or unprotected sex. This article is a great source of data for my research problem because it uses siblings to show the impact of fathers before being a part of risky sexual behaviors by providing support for low quality father and daughter relationships leading to daughters engaging in risky sexual behaviors. In terms of father and daughter relationships,Pre-Adult conduct can be defined as a brief period before adulthood that usually defines how you will react later in life. Because of this, Sex- Specific pathways that are experienced at an early age are found to lead to risky sexual behaviors later on. “The Desire for Sexual Attention” attempted to research within sex-explicit pathways in relation to early puberty, sexual creation, and sexual risk-taking, as decided by way of a coordinated transformative formative version of pre-puberty sexual conduct. This examination was based on young people between the ages of 12 to 18 where there were more girls than boys apart from the examination. They attempted to pull data between internal triggers, the circle of relatives’ connections, the participants’
  • 4. overall pubertal improvement, self-noticed mate esteem, and sexual risk-taking amongst the girls and boys. The research found that father nonattendance outcomes affected women’s sexual consequences but not male sexual effects. Whereas those who had the impact of their father legitimately expected no sexual creation and this overall led to less risky sexual behavior practices. This article is an asset to my research problem because the authors focus their research on the impact of a father’s on both young girls and boys. Likewise, this article provides crictism to the research at hand because it does not go into details of the effects of those who’s father impacted their life but only those impacted because their father was not present. The hypothesis of “Implications for Early Pair Bonding” is based on connection theory shows that the structure of our adolescence began with the development of attachment styles learned in the household. This research makes use of a connection shape to portray the comfy connections in adolescents and a gathering technique for young people with risky attachment styles to acknowledge the connection from various kinds of affectional securities. Likewise, the authors talk approximately how social elegance, culture, and intercourse affect the association of young people's bonds with attachment styles. Lastly, this article connects risky sexual behaviors and underage pregnancies as output for adolescent growth but it does not focus on the parental aspects of my research. Because of this, this article is an asset to current research because it shows that all risky sexual behaviors do not always come from things we missed during adolescence development. The hypothesis of “ The Desire of Sexual Attention” suggests the need for paternal bonding is also associated with the need for sexual attention amongst women but not men. This article examined individual contrasts in the longing for sexual consideration. With the hypothesis in play, research proves there are suited proof for the utility of sexual consideration, but
  • 5. little notion about mental indicators. Likewise, the authors of the article found the participant’s craved sexual consideration increased in adolescents. Sexual consideration is defined as partaking in sexual misconduct such as multiple sexual partners at one time. This experiment was based around two hundred Australians, half being boys and the other half being girls. For guys, the craving for sexual consideration was based on sexual thinking instead of the impact of a father figure. The girls who were a part of the examination “Machiavellianism” became the overall factor instead of sexual thinking like the boys. The only relation the researchers found between the impacts of fathers amongst their daughters was that there were no definite answers that likewise linked with more noteworthy requirements for sexual attention in girls but not guys. Lastly, this article is an asset to current research because it indicates what information is missing. It also shows how important my research problem is and why it should be studied. There is simply not enough information on the effects of growing up in a single-parent home or a non-parent home. This article will also help me defer between the young ladies’ need for sexual consideration instead of sexual risky behaviors as the two articles before. Lastly, this experiment based on the need to feel cherished affects the quality of our relationships and uses abbreviations to identify the parties as a part of their research. The abbreviations helped to analyze individuals' emotional influence on the impact of these encounters with the aid of always searching for the need to feel cherished. The results from the examination were numbers of staggering men or women who's the contrast in those attributes and those individual contrasts associated methodically to each intellectual prosperity and character who was a part of this examination. Lastly, the examination found those who felt love patterns had more prominent mental prosperity. This article would be an asset to my research problem because it depicts where the need for feeling cherished first comes from and then it identifies the factors that affect the
  • 6. relationships of those who needed to feel cherished and those who did not. These results will help me decipher my hypothesis between the overall effects of the impact of a parent and the effects when there are no parents or only one parent involved. What Factors Affect The Quality of Our Relationships? Many expanding theories place spotlight on the advantages of two-parent households decreasing risky attachment styles. Within these theories, the comparison between what factors affect the quality of our relationships are based on parental figures during childhood development and the development of risky sexual behaviors when a parent is not involved in childhood development. This study tested the hypothesis that parental involvement during childhood development can affect the quality of our relationships and attachment styles. This studies hypothesis suggest that the attachment styles learned during childhood development may lead to involvement in unhealthy or little to no quality relationships. Here, we will highlight methods used for conducting this research. MethodParticipants This study using the qualitative approach will test the hypothesis that paternal involvement during childhood development can affect the quality of young girls relationships and attachment styles. Under qualitataive research methods, I will use the emergent design because this design leave room for changes amongst my collection of data such as using both blogs and survery methods. Assessments and Measures To execute my study I will be using various blogs based on the impact of fathers amongst young girls between the ages of 13 to 25. By using various blogs I am able to obtain nonbiased and biased data while meeting ethical research standards. As stated, if my data seems to change as I begin to collect data, then I would use the anoymous survery method on campus through the organization Breaking the Stigma. Through this organization I plan to ask four to five open-ended questions based on the number of parents in the household and what impact if any; did the paternal parent have on them growing up. This organization
  • 7. members numbers run between 8-10 women of different ages and classifications; and would be able to freely provide their experiences. The definition of Emergent Design suggests the initial plan for research cannot be tightly prescribed, and some or all phases of the process may change after the researcher enters the field and collects data. This design would be the best fit to excute data because it leaves room for research to be unbiased by using both blogs and survey methods. The assumptions of this method suggests by using this design some questions may change, the forms of data collection may shift and the individuals may be modified. (Creswell, 2009) A subset of interviews with the women members of Breaking the STIGMA studying the impact of their father during their childhood development. The data will be analyzed using the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis with a reflexive, feminist, and social constructionist approach. Within this analysis, two themes were defined and illustrated: Avoidant attachment styles,Women identifying triggers from their childhood and Threats of untreated trauma from previous relationships. Definitions and illustrations from members of Breaking the STIGMA help clarify how the open-ended survey questions add detail to the research. In the end, Avoidant attachment styles and identifying triggers help shape the direction of the study because it leaves room for the data to be viewed from two viewpoints. As the author, I have lived in both a two parent and single parent household and dealt with experiences that leave me biased to the data.The point of the child who grew up with a father who made an impact on their life and a daughter who grew up in a single parent household with little to no impact from their father. I believe these biases will adhere with the emergent design and leave room for evidence that your childhood may affect the quality of relationships for young girls between the ages of 15 to 25.
  • 8. References · DelPriore, D. J., Schlomer, G. L., & Ellis, B. J. (2017). Impact of fathers on parental monitoring of daughters and their affiliation with sexually promiscuous peers: A genetically and environmentally controlled sibling study. Developmental Psychology, 53(7), 1330–1343. · James, J., Ellis, B. J., Schlomer, G. L., & Garber, J. (2012). Sex-Specific Pathways to Early Puberty, Sexual Debut, and Sexual Risk Taking: Tests of an Integrated Evolutionary- Developmental Model. Developmental Psychology, 48(3), 687– 702. · Connor, P. J. O., Spark, A., & Kaya, M. (2020). The desire for sexual attention: Relationship with dark triad traits and parental bonding factors. Personality and Individual Differences, 155. · Kobak, R., & Herres, J. (2012). Social networks and attachment bonds during adolescence: Implications for early pair bonding and risky behaviors. In L. Campbell & T. J. Loving (Eds.), Interdisciplinary research on close relationships: The case for integration. (pp. 135–152). American Psychological Association. · Oravecz, Z., Dirsmith, J., Heshmati, S., Vandekerckhove, J., & Brick, T. R. (2020). Psychological well-being and personality traits are associated with experiencing love in everyday life. Personality and Individual Differences, 153.
  • 9. Second Heading 4 level in the section. Duis sit amet ipsum pretium erat accumsan iaculis vitae eget risus. Donec ut dui in lorem volutpat fermentum bibendum pulvinar libero. Nunc imperdiet eros et mi posuere pellentesque. Donec tincidunt ipsum eget nisl ullamcorper eu placerat libero ullamcorper. Maecenas id luctus ligula. Cras condimentum eleifend nibh sit amet iaculis. Suspendisse placerat sollicitudin mi, vel ornare augue hendrerit ac. Nulla sed suscipit sapien. Cras pellentesque orci lectus, eu consequat enim. First Heading 5 level in the section. Nulla congue egestas ante, id ultricies orci dignissim commodo. Fusce placerat, libero eu pharetra pulvinar, lorem dui pulvinar nisi, et semper orci orci vitae magna. Nullam sodales, felis id feugiat scelerisque, tortor nulla interdum mauris, ac porttitor odio dolor eget eros. Second Heading 5 level in the section. Duis sit amet ipsum pretium erat accumsan iaculis vitae eget risus. Donec ut dui in lorem volutpat fermentum bibendum pulvinar libero. Nunc imperdiet eros et mi posuere pellentesque. Donec tincidunt ipsum eget nisl ullamcorper eu placerat libero ullamcorper. Maecenas id luctus ligula. Cras condimentum eleifend nibh sit amet iaculis. Suspendisse placerat sollicitudin mi, vel ornare augue hendrerit ac. Nulla sed suscipit sapien. Cras pellentesque orci lectus, eu consequat enim. Results Maecenas id luctus ligula. Cras condimentum eleifend nibh sit amet iaculis. Suspendisse placerat sollicitudin mi, vel ornare augue hendrerit ac. Nulla sed suscipit sapien. Cras pellentesque orci lectus, eu consequat enim.Outcome 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Outcome 2 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore
  • 10. magna aliquam erat volutpat. Discussion Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan.References Lastname, C. (2008). Title of the source without caps except Proper Nouns or: First word after colon. The Journal or Publication Italicized and Capped, Vol#(Issue#), Page numbers. Lastname, O. (2010). Online journal using DOI or digital object identifier. Main Online Journal Name, Vol#(Issue#), 159- 192. doi: 10.1000/182 Lastname, W. (2009). If there is no DOI use the URL of the main website referenced. Article Without DOI Reference, Vol#(Issue#), 166-212. Retrieved from 1 Grading rubric for APA paper 40% Name of student _____________________ __/40 Component A - excellent B – good C – average D -poor Failing Organization and adherence to APA style. Make sure that you read through for typos and grammatical errors and formatting issues (e.g., hanging titles or sub-titles). Format your study according to APA style including for your list of references at the end of your write up (6 is still fine). 2% 2 1.6
  • 11. 1.4 1.2 <.1.19 INTRODUCTION Start with a good introductory sentence or two presenting the overall research problem and your topic. 1% 1 .8 .7 .6 <.59 Literature review. This is the review you included in your proposal document, so you can edit this and include that component here. Discuss at least 5 relevant research to inform the research topic you are exploring. Write the review as a good narrative (linking their relevance back to your research topic). Spend approximately half a page per study. This should be put into your own words. Discuss what is missing from prior research and how your project addresses the gap and is novel in this 2% 2 1.6 1.4 1.2 <1.2 A good theoretical rationale and clearly defined purpose statement are presented for the current study (for all study designs including qualitative studies that are inductive in terms of theorizing). Use an edited version of what you included for your proposal. 1%
  • 12. 1 .8 .7 .6 <.6 What is your research question(s) and hypotheses (if this is a quantitative or mixed methods design with a quantitative component, make sure that you list a hypothesis for each comparison/correlation you will compute in your study). Hypotheses and/or research questions should flow from the literature discussed in your introduction section. 1% 1 .8 .7 .6 <.6 METHOD SECTION Good design section. Outline the methodological approach you are adopting (quantitative (which type? Differences or correlational, etc), qual (which type) or mixed methods – which type?) and why this approach is a good fit for your research question. Note how this relates to possible ways of analyzing your data. 2 2 1.6 1.4 1.2 <.1.19 Participants section How were your participants recruited? How many participants
  • 13. were there in total? What was the gender distribution of your participants? Any other demographic information? Age 2% 2 1.6 1.4 1.2 <.1.19 Materials section Include a summary of ALL materials used in the study. If you use existing measures talk about reliability and validity (psychometric information). Include all materials used as an appendix to your study. 2% 2 1.6 1.4 1.2 <.1.19 Ethics – talk about how your study adheres to ethical principles of the APA. Include reference to a consent form. 1% 1 .8 .7 .6 <.059 Procedure - describe in detail the entire experience of the participants in your study or what was done if you are using existing data (e.g., how did you find blogs, reddit posts, etc.) 3% 3 2.4 2.1 1.8 <1.8 RESULTS
  • 14. Summary of data. Include at least 1 table labeled to represent the main patterns (descriptive statistics for quantitative studies – i.e. means and standard deviations or frequencies per comparison category for a frequency analysis, frequency of themes and their definitions and example quotes for each theme identified) and comment on the main patterns in your data – what do the data look like? For themes, which are more common? Provide meaningful titles for your table(s) 5 5 4 3.5 3.0 <3.0 Summarize the analytic method used to make sense of your data and how it answers your research question. Then present the results of the inferential statistics or more detailed qualitative analytic procedures. Present the inferential statistics for each of your hypotheses or engage in qualitative analysis for your data 5 % 5 4 3.5 3.0 <3.0 DISCUSSION Summarize the main findings. If quantitative, which hypotheses were supported (which tests were significant) and which were not supported (not significant). If qualitative, describe the main
  • 15. themes that were identified in words. 2% 2 1.6 1.4 1.2 <.1.19 What do your results mean (in terms of the prior research literature that you discussed in your introduction section). Link your results back to the research you discussed in your introduction and literature review. What is the same? what is different? 5% 5 4 3.5 3.0 <3.0 Give a critique of your own methodology and what you would do differently if you did the same study again? Think about limitations of your design and restrictions in terms of access to participants, etc. 4% 4 3.2 2.8 2.4 <2.4 What are some interesting future directions (i.e., different studies exploring the same research question) for this research topic? This is where you think creatively and ponder what you would do perhaps if you had a grant to explore this topic 1% 1 .8 .7 .6 <.059 Conclusions -summarize the study and its findings and overall relevance. 1%