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Strategic Objectives of Airtel
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It's a common knowledge to all entrepreneurs that for a business
to prosper there must be a route that is followed in order to
attain its goal. The goals being sought are the objectives of a
business organization. In this regard, Airtel Company must have
strategic business objectives in order to attain its potential.
Therefore, Airtel company has incorporated all the major
stakeholders in order to find the objectives that each aim to
attain and through achieving their goals the company will be
heading in the right direction.
Strategic Objectives
Shareholder value
The Airtel Company intends to ensure that the shares of the
company increase by at least 3% by the end of the three years.
The company has put in place strategies to ensure that this
objective is achieved by ensuring that all the unexploited
market coverage are exploited and better services are provided.
Through this wide coverage of the market the company targets
to have an increase in revenue collection and costs of operation
which will likely lead to high amounts being collected as profits
after all operational costs are deducted from the revenue
obtained. Therefore, through increased profits, the company
aims at making her products the best in the market in order to
be able to fight the competition from other companies. Besides
that, the company will also be able to fight competition from
other companies by offering cheaper services to their customers,
having frequent and different types of promotion services that
are likely to attract more customers (Armstrong et al, 2015).
Customer value Perspective
The company has a plan of ensuring that her customers feel on
what really happens in the company`s daily operation activities.
This is set to be achieved by sampling some of the customers
and involving them in the daily decisions that are made in the
company as from the start of the next financial year. In
addition, the company will also be gaining from these customers
as they will get first information on what services should be
provided and those that should be improved; these will ensure
that the company meets their customers` specifications.
Besides that, by involving the customers in the decision-making
process, will not only make them feel value but it will also
make feel them wanted by the company. As a result, these
customers are likely to act as the ambassadors of the company
in various locations that they come from (Trainor et al, 2014).
Internal Operation Perspective
Running the company without an internal audit may lead one to
bigger losses. Therefore, Airtel; Company aims to carry out an
internal assessment at the end of end the year in order to
determine the progress of the company. These assessments will
have to take care of the human personnel employed by the
company, their professionalism, skills, and knowledge, the level
of technology employed in the company, the machines, and
labor employed in the company. These assessments will also
help in determining the effects that are likely to occur with the
change in operation. Besides that, this shall also enable the
company makes decisions on critical issues that have to be
adjusted in order to make the performance of the company
improve (Horkoff et al, 2014).
Learning and Growth Perspective
The company intends to have at least two training seminars and
workshops per year for the employees. This will ensure that the
employees sharpen their skills and knowledge. In addition, the
qualified employees will be allowed to apply for any vacant
post of higher rank and they shall be considered in order to
ensure that they also grow with time. Besides that, the company
will also involve the employees in the decision-making process
of the company in order to make them feel involved in the
operation and running of the business.
The company shall also cultivate a culture that is all
inclusive and all rounds in order to ensure that all the
employees feel comfortable in daily activities. This shall also
be supplemented by the use of modern technology and
technological innovations that meets the customers' needs easily
without straining the employees to meet the needs (Trainor et
al, 2014).
Potential Alternatives to the Opportunities
The major opportunities available for the company as
highlighted earlier are the inadequate coverage of Airtel
network and service providers in some areas. Therefore, in this
regard, the company intends to use all available resources to
ensure that adequate services are provided in the regions that
presented reports. In addition, the company shall ensure that the
network coverage is also increased in order to make sure that
the company ensures all these available opportunities. Through
carrying out these processes the company shall have provided
the best alternatives and solution to the problem (Horkoff et al,
Communication Plan of Airtel Company
The company shall then adopt the most effective communication
channel that ensures all the employees get the information as
fast as possible. This channel can be the use of notices being
placed on the notice boards and of use of social media site that
comprises of mostly the employees of the company. There shall
also be the removal of barriers that might bar the subordinate
staff from reaching the management teams. The company also
intends to have suggestion boxes that shall be opened on every
Friday in order to get views from employees and customers who
seek anonymity. This communication channel shall mainly
target the employees within the company premises and to some
extent the customers.
In addition, the purpose of the channel is to pass information
effectively to the employees in the company. It also serves the
purpose of socialization and bonding between employees on a
social site. However, the company can resort to the use of the
mass media for the purpose of passing information to their
customers. In addition, the company can also use the billboards.
These methods are the best for this purpose because they easily
capture a large area of customers and they are also cheaper in
passing information. The advertising of new products and
massive communication by the company to the customers can be
initiated due to the introduction of a new product of the
company in the market or reminding the customers of the
available services that the company offers and their easy
availability (Cornelissen, & Cornelissen, 2017).
It's true that for better performance of an organization good
communication channels must be established, there must be
objectives set in order to be achieved and the company must,
therefore, be able to exploit the available opportunities in the
market in order to reduce the chances of the competitors
approaching this opportunity.
Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M., & Brennan, R. (2015).
Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Education.
Cornelissen, J., & Cornelissen, J. P. (2017). Corporate
communication: A guide to theory and practice. Sage.
Horkoff, J., Barone, D., Jiang, L., Yu, E., Amyot, D., Borgida,
A., & Mylopoulos, J. (2014). Strategic business modeling:
representation and reasoning. Software & Systems Modeling,
13(3), 1015-1041.
Trainor, K. J., Andzulis, J. M., Rapp, A., & Agnihotri, R.
(2014). Social media technology usage and customer
relationship performance: A capabilities-based examination of
social CRM. Journal of Business Research, 67(6), 1201-1208.
Forming a New Division in a
Students Name
Institution Affiliation
Over the year’s business organizations have formed divisions
and branches of their own in order to help deal with competition
within the area of operation. Besides that, in some cases,
business organizations have formed divisions in order to sell the
new product that has been introduced in the market. However,
this formation of branches and divisions by an organization
cannot be done overnight as there are procedures that are
followed in order to ensure that all is well within the operation
of the of the division, management of the staff and working
plan, finances involved in the operation and the legality of the
division at the place of its operation. As such, this study aims to
focus on the division section of the main organization and how
it carries out its activities. This is likely to be the turning point
of the division as the other networks are still offering monetary
services across their own network subscribers which limit their
own capability in the market. In addition, the new division has
also a vision of being the leading network provider corporation
in the state
Division in a Business
As stated earlier division in a business organization takes place
when either one wants to take care of the competition or wants
to introduce a new product in the market. As such, these two
activities require one to be very innovative in order to survive
in the market. Therefore, we are going to deal with division of
Airtel Company and on how it has created branches in order to
deal with the dynamic changes in the market and competition
(Galaskiewicz, 2016).
As a result, the division sets out with the mission of being the
best telecommunication company offering the best network
services to its customers. However, this division faces stiff
competition from other companies and there is need to get
innovative in order to outsmart her competitors. In this regard,
the division provides the bets network services to the largest
coverage as far as possible in order to satisfy her customers. For
instance, recently there has been introduction of the 4G network
that covers most of the regions and provides the swiftest and
easy to connect network in the market today. In addition, Airtel
company has to be applauded for making these services
available and very economical to the users. As such this makes
the company meet be on the right track of attaining her mission
of being the best and strongest network providers in the market.
Besides that, the mission of the division can be met by being
innovative with services that we offer. For instance, apart from
offering cheap internet bundles, credit cards and message
services, the corporation can also provide cheap and easy
transfer of money services across all the networks. This is
likely to be the turning point of the division as the other
networks are still offering monetary services across their own
network subscribers which limit their own capability in the
In addition, the new division has also a vision of being the
leading network provider corporation in the state. This is a tall
order for the new division because most her competitors have
already established themselves in this region. They all know the
business booming period and business low season of the area.
However, experience should not be the only way that one can
become successful. Therefore, the division has the task to
improve on the services provided, open up more retail shops
that sells and registers customers as the Airtel subscribers in the
region. Besides that, these agents can also sell other minor
things that travelers need as they travel. Argyrols, 2017).
Besides that, the division has to set values for the customers,
clients and the staff in order to have the daily norms that drive
the performance of the corporation. Therefore, the main value
of this division is the teamwork. There should be no
specialization of work but all individuals are all around,
knowing what expected at each place and identifying a mistake
easily and correcting before it becomes worse. Teamwork not
only brings about efficiency but also brings about the required
mutual respect within the workers, creates trust and
understanding among the workers. As a result, anyone can stand
for any of the missing or ill member of the team.
In addition, good cultural values created within the division will
control on how the workers talk, act and perform in their
service delivery. As such, good values will most likely attract
the customers into our corporation and thus make it the most oil
selling corporation in the state. This shall also act as a mode of
advertising our services to the customers as they shall be
guaranteed of quality service delivery.
However, in order to coop with the competition in the market,
the division will also register customers free of charge unlike
the other network subscribers that register at a cost; they shall
also renew lines free of charge to their customers. This is in
order to diversify the area of operation and make it the most
active corporation by ensuring their stocks are readily available
and are the best in the market (Argyrols, 2017).
The division will use franchise model of business in its
operation. In this case, the division will get products from the
parent corporation. In this regard, the division will operate like
a retailer whereby it will receive the products from the
corporation and sell directly to the customers. This will ensure
that the corporations market increases as the new regions that
were previously not exploited will be exploited by the division.
In addition, this model of business organization provides
flexibility upon which the division can easily change into a
manufacturer by producing other products but at the same time
selling the parent products of the organization (Wheelen et al,
In this regard, the mission of the division will help the
organization reach its objective by ensuring that the employees
follow the set rules in order to ensure the performance of the
division is high and the required standards are met. The
innovativeness created in order to meet the mission and vision
of the corporation will also work to ensure that the corporation
really meets its objective at the end of the operation.
The guiding principle of the division is the paramount discipline
for the rule of law in the business operations. As such, all the
operations carried at the division shall have to fall under the
stipulated laws of the operational states. In addition, the
cultural values incorporated by the workers in the division must
be values that are value-adding and are likely to make the
corporation have a higher performance in the new market
formed (Argyrols, 2017). The values should not only be
observed by the subordinate staff but all the individuals in the
Airtel company inclusive of the managers in order to make it
easier to implement the new rules and regulations within the
Airtel company. In addition, when the cultural values are put in
use by the senior officers in the company the junior officers are
also likely to follow suit. As a result, the Airtel company shall
be on the right track of attaining her goal and mission.
Therefore, in summary, the division of the corporation is not
only meant to create a wide market for the corporation but also
creates an avenue for more sells within the region of operation.
Besides that, this acts as an avenue of job creation opportunities
as many people are employed within the division created. This
is likely to be the turning point of the division as the other
networks are still offering monetary services across their own
network subscribers which limit their own capability in the
In addition, the new division has also a vision of being the
leading network provider corporation in the state In addition,
well connected internet network creates a good business hub for
the internet users who use internet to advertise and sell their
products. As a result, the economic growth of the country is
likely to boost.
Argyrols, C. (2017). Integrating the Individual and the
Organization. Routledge.
Galaskiewicz, J. (2016). The social organization of an urban
grants economy: A study of business philanthropy and nonprofit
organizations. Elsevier.
Strauss, A. L. (2018). Work and the division of labor. In
Creating Sociological Awareness (pp. 85-110). Routledge.
Wheelen, T. L., Hunger, J. D., Hoffman, A. N., & Bamford, C.
E. (2017). Strategic management and business policy. pearson.
SWOTT analysis of Airtel Company
Student’s Name
Institution Affiliation
It’s a norm among the business organizations to carry out both
an internal and external evaluation of its key factors in order to
determine its progress. This has been the practice over the years
for most of the progressive oriented organizations in the
business market. As such Airtel Company being a development
oriented company has no objection to the trend but to carry out
both an internal and external business in order to evaluate its
progress in the relation to its competitors and the prevailing
conditions in the market. In this regard, SWOTT analysis has
been the most utilized method of carrying out the analysis and
it’s in this regard that we shall employ this tool in evaluating
both the internal and external evaluation of the company
(Wheelen et al, 2017).
An Internal Environment Analysis
It’s clear that for a business to prosper an internal assessment of
its resources and capabilities should be analyzed in order for the
company to focus on attaining its capabilities. This internal
assessment provides the organization with the knowledge on its
strengths that it should dwell on and its weakness that have to
be improved in order to maximize the production of the
company. These strengths have to be in terms of the financial
resources, employees, wages, technology and other key factors
that the Airtel Company has employed in its performance.
Therefore, for the case of the Airtel Company an analysis of the
managerial team and the whole functional fraternity of the
company in order to come up with clear picture of its strengths,
weakness, opportunities and target (Teubner, 2018).
The company has a strong technological base as it has employed
the best internet network across the entire network making it
one of the best network providers in the market. In addition, the
company has also internal opportunities such as exclusive
support from its managerial board that gives it an edge to
exploit all the markets. If this opportunity is well exploited the
company can improve massively and make it one of the best
service providers in the market with a wider coverage. This can
further be exploited by the company`s internal employees by
selling and offering low prices of their products to their
employees at a subsidized price. However, the company has
internal issues such as inadequate financial muscles that can
make it have bargaining power in the market. This weakness
makes it a less performing company that requires a good
financial management and marketing strategies in order to
revamp its financial muscles in the market.
In addition, there should be an internal analysis of the available
skills and knowledge within the staff. A staff that is well
equipped with the required skills and knowledge is likely to
make the company have a high performance yield. This has to
work hand in hand with the technology in order to maximize the
production process in the company. As such the company should
aim to hire staff that is well equipped with the dynamic changes
in technology and the required skills of the operation (Grant,
The goals of the Airtel Company should also be within the
achievable limits. These goals should be set with relation to the
available skills, technology and labor at the company. For the
goals to be achieved a well worked out plan to be executed
should be formulated in order. This plan should have an
elaborate on the extensive use of the available resources in
order to achieve the set goals. As such, the Airtel Company has
set her own goals that are within her reach if the available
resources are put into the correct use. In addition, for this goals
to be achieved each employer has been made to understand
her/his minimum goal per day. This works progressively from
the subordinate staff to the managerial team each executing
his/her role as stipulated in the company`s set goals.
An External Environment Analysis
External environment plays a major role in the long run of any
organization. Therefore, for an effective business operation
within an organization, external environment is very critical has
to be considered in order achieving its goals. The most pressing
external factors of a business enterprise are her competitors,
technologies, strategies, and leadership structures. As such, the
Airtel company has to consider these factors in order to
evaluate its external environment and either improve on its
strength or focus on the identified weakness of the business
(Armstrong et al, 2015).
Airtel Company has its strength in terms of the technology. The
technology employed in the market today is the best as they are
the best providers of the internet network of 3G connectivity.
This has worked on the benefit of the company as the
introduction of the divisions has meant wider coverage of the
network to her markets. This meant that Airtel are the largest
providers of the internet network in the region. In addition, the
company enjoys massive support due to the affordable services
that it offers to her customers. These strengths have made the
Airtel Company be among the best in the market as they
progress to attain their goal. This has also meant that the
company can open up more branches and make more financials
in order to obtain the financial powers to bargain on the
international bargaining table.
However, the company also suffers external weaknesses. These
are such as not meeting customers’ specifications, and needs. In
this regard, there are regions that experience shortage in
network coverage. As a result it has sometimes led to an outcry
by the customers of the poor network in such regions. In
addition, there are some places that the company has strong
network connectivity but there is inadequate supply of the
Airtel services such as there is less number of Airtel agents
offering their services to these consumers. These weaknesses
have made our branches and company e targeted as a company
that offers unsatisfactory services and they should therefore be
seen as future opportunities that should be exhaustively be
In that regard, there are various opportunities that Airtel
Company should exploit in order to attain its full potential in
the market. For instance, the company has to employ more
agents and equip them with the most required items in the
market. This will ensure that the external markets are lying
unutilized are fully utilized for the company to gain
extensively. In addition, the company should also improve on
its technology and network coverage in order to reduce cases of
complains from the customers on the low level of the services
provided in the market (Armstrong et al, 2015).
In addition the company has utilized its culture of teamwork
among her employees in order to ensure the services provided
meet the customers’ specification. This culture in the market
has made the Airtel Company one of the best performers in the
market. Therefore, it’s important that the company incorporates
this culture fully in order to maintain the high performance.
The company`s innovation has also worked well in bolstering
the performance of the company. For instance, its decision to
have branches increased the area of coverage; as a result the
number of households served by the company’s network also
increased tremendously which meant high revenue collection for
the company. Besides that, the introduction of 4G network has
increased the number of the customers as many of them have
subscribed in order to get accessed to the network.
Summary of the External Environment Analysis
The use of 4G network and division of Airtel Company has
increased the number of customers
Some areas have no access to Airtel services and network
Venturing into regions that have no network and services will
increase the number of customers
Inadequate financial power and the changing technology are the
major threats
All companies are employing technology to provide good
Financial costs involved in innovation process are too high
Innovation of new products will make the company enjoy more
market monopoly before other companies counter it
Companies are heavily investing on the innovation sector
Offering unique services with good quality that meets
customers’ needs
Build a stronger business empire that can overtake other
business competitors
Other companies providing better services than Airtel Company
With no barrier to entry to the business makes it competitive on
daily basis
Provides a norm that all employees absorb at work
When the culture is not well incorporated may work on the
downfall of the company
When the culture is exploited extensively it provides an
opportunity to maximize the production
Companies may copy from each other’s culture
Teamwork has remained to be the best culture incorporated in
most companies
A better strategy provides the company with an opportunity to
have high production
A poorly executed plan leads to poor performance
A strategy that offers innovation and exploitation of other
markets provides an opportunity
Companies are adapting strategies that are effective and less
costly with high performance
As we have observed the company adopts quickly to the
changes in the market. This is evidence with the innovation of
the 4G networks and division of the company in order to have
wider market coverage. However, the company has also to be on
the blaming side as it seems to have dome lots of advertising
yet its products have not reached to some regions.
The existing supply chain of the division is just similar to that
of the parent company. However, the division works as a
retailer by receiving products from the mother company and
selling them directly to the customers. This strategic plan has
meant that the division has a direct contact with the customers
and as a result there is high performance of the company.
In addition, the company has a good strategy plan that takes
care of her key factors. These key factors are the technology,
culture, innovations, competitors and the threats that the
company faces. Through taking care of these key factors the
company has the potential of attaining its potential (Grant,
Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M., & Brennan, R. (2015).
Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Education.
Grant, R. M. (2016). Contemporary strategy analysis: Text and
cases edition. John Wiley & Sons.
Teubner, G. (2018). Substantive and reflexive elements in
modern law. In The law and society canon (pp. 73-119).
Wheelen, T. L., Hunger, J. D., Hoffman, A. N., & Bamford, C.
E. (2017). Strategic management and business policy. pearson.
Vision and the Mission Statement Of Company
Student’s Name
Institution Affiliation
The company that I have decided to choose is Airtel Company
which is considered to be an Indian communication company
which is operating within 19 countries which are found around
the Asia and Africa continents with around 200 million clients.
This communication company deals with communication
mobile, broadband internet and home phone lines (Abukari &
Abdul-Hamid, 2018).
Mission statement
The mission statement of Airtel Communication Company was
that they have the spirit which is charged with the energy which
is team driven and creativity to help in seizing the day and this
contains the ambition to be the best telecom company which is
admired in the services that they provide globally (Khan, 2016).
The vision of the company
The vision of the Airtel communication company is that they are
to be globally admired in the telecommunication that delights
the customers. This vision is to help the company to achieve its
goals which are meant by the company (Abukari & Abdul-
Hamid, 2018).
The vision of the Airtel communication and the mission
statement are playing an important role in the company, we
have realized that the mission statement of the company plays
the role of the identifying the purpose of the business in the
company. The mission statement has helped in the outlining of
the overall goal of the company and this has actually made the
company to even understand better about what they are to work
about and the mission statement has also helped the company to
stay focused on the goals that they are willing to achieve in
order to promote their business. The vision of this company has
also played a vital role in ensuring that they are working
towards the measures that are put down and ensure that their
business id admired globally and retain their customers. This
has helped to achieve the goals of the business which are long
term and also the short-term goals of the company (Khan,
The action of the company is actually aligned with the mission
statement and the vision because e have realized that the
company is trying to spread its branches and in most cases we
have seen that their services are used in most Africa countries
and in Asia and this has helped to promote the goals of the
business because they are able to provide for their customers.
The company is also aligned to its mission statement in which
they are actually working as one team to ensure that their
services are consumed and this makes them get more clients and
be concerned about their clients' needs and complaints (Abukari
& Abdul-Hamid, 2018).
The vision and the mission of the company can actually guide as
the manager or the employee of the company because they will
help you as the manager to realize the purpose of the business
and also come to know the goals which are required to be
achieved in the company and this will keep the manager to lay
down the good strategies which will help the workers of the
company to work towards the purpose of the company and also
to ensure that the goals of the business are achieved. If the
mission and the vision are not observed keenly then the
company will e affected because the employees will not value
their responsibilities and this will affect the business and the
employers since they will not be able to deliver hence this
might lead to the collapse of the company (Khan, 2016).
If the company did not have the mission statement and the
vision therefore, the company could have not realized the
important goals and the purpose that the business could actually
work towards and this could not make the company have
strategies meet needs of the clients and this could have led to
the collapse of the company, therefore we have realize that the
mission statement and the vision of the business helps the
company to achieve the purpose of the company and short and
long term goals of the business and therefore if the vision and
the statement cold have not been there, then the business could
not proceed because there could not be motivating factors to
shape the goals of the business.
Abukari, A. J., & Abdul-Hamid, I. K. (2018). Corporate social
responsibility reporting in the telecommunications sector in
Ghana. International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility,
3(1), 2.
Khan, A. S. (2016). Physical asset verification project:
Banglalink Digital Communications Ltd.

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  • 1. Running head: STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES OF AIRTEL COMPANY 1 Strategic Objectives of Airtel Company Students Name Institution Affiliation Introduction It's a common knowledge to all entrepreneurs that for a business to prosper there must be a route that is followed in order to attain its goal. The goals being sought are the objectives of a business organization. In this regard, Airtel Company must have strategic business objectives in order to attain its potential. Therefore, Airtel company has incorporated all the major stakeholders in order to find the objectives that each aim to attain and through achieving their goals the company will be heading in the right direction. Strategic Objectives Shareholder value The Airtel Company intends to ensure that the shares of the
  • 2. company increase by at least 3% by the end of the three years. The company has put in place strategies to ensure that this objective is achieved by ensuring that all the unexploited market coverage are exploited and better services are provided. Through this wide coverage of the market the company targets to have an increase in revenue collection and costs of operation which will likely lead to high amounts being collected as profits after all operational costs are deducted from the revenue obtained. Therefore, through increased profits, the company aims at making her products the best in the market in order to be able to fight the competition from other companies. Besides that, the company will also be able to fight competition from other companies by offering cheaper services to their customers, having frequent and different types of promotion services that are likely to attract more customers (Armstrong et al, 2015). Customer value Perspective The company has a plan of ensuring that her customers feel on what really happens in the company`s daily operation activities. This is set to be achieved by sampling some of the customers and involving them in the daily decisions that are made in the company as from the start of the next financial year. In addition, the company will also be gaining from these customers as they will get first information on what services should be provided and those that should be improved; these will ensure that the company meets their customers` specifications. Besides that, by involving the customers in the decision-making process, will not only make them feel value but it will also make feel them wanted by the company. As a result, these customers are likely to act as the ambassadors of the company in various locations that they come from (Trainor et al, 2014). Internal Operation Perspective Running the company without an internal audit may lead one to bigger losses. Therefore, Airtel; Company aims to carry out an internal assessment at the end of end the year in order to determine the progress of the company. These assessments will have to take care of the human personnel employed by the
  • 3. company, their professionalism, skills, and knowledge, the level of technology employed in the company, the machines, and labor employed in the company. These assessments will also help in determining the effects that are likely to occur with the change in operation. Besides that, this shall also enable the company makes decisions on critical issues that have to be adjusted in order to make the performance of the company improve (Horkoff et al, 2014). Learning and Growth Perspective The company intends to have at least two training seminars and workshops per year for the employees. This will ensure that the employees sharpen their skills and knowledge. In addition, the qualified employees will be allowed to apply for any vacant post of higher rank and they shall be considered in order to ensure that they also grow with time. Besides that, the company will also involve the employees in the decision-making process of the company in order to make them feel involved in the operation and running of the business. The company shall also cultivate a culture that is all inclusive and all rounds in order to ensure that all the employees feel comfortable in daily activities. This shall also be supplemented by the use of modern technology and technological innovations that meets the customers' needs easily without straining the employees to meet the needs (Trainor et al, 2014). Potential Alternatives to the Opportunities The major opportunities available for the company as highlighted earlier are the inadequate coverage of Airtel network and service providers in some areas. Therefore, in this regard, the company intends to use all available resources to ensure that adequate services are provided in the regions that presented reports. In addition, the company shall ensure that the network coverage is also increased in order to make sure that the company ensures all these available opportunities. Through carrying out these processes the company shall have provided the best alternatives and solution to the problem (Horkoff et al,
  • 4. 2014). Communication Plan of Airtel Company The company shall then adopt the most effective communication channel that ensures all the employees get the information as fast as possible. This channel can be the use of notices being placed on the notice boards and of use of social media site that comprises of mostly the employees of the company. There shall also be the removal of barriers that might bar the subordinate staff from reaching the management teams. The company also intends to have suggestion boxes that shall be opened on every Friday in order to get views from employees and customers who seek anonymity. This communication channel shall mainly target the employees within the company premises and to some extent the customers. In addition, the purpose of the channel is to pass information effectively to the employees in the company. It also serves the purpose of socialization and bonding between employees on a social site. However, the company can resort to the use of the mass media for the purpose of passing information to their customers. In addition, the company can also use the billboards. These methods are the best for this purpose because they easily capture a large area of customers and they are also cheaper in passing information. The advertising of new products and massive communication by the company to the customers can be initiated due to the introduction of a new product of the company in the market or reminding the customers of the available services that the company offers and their easy availability (Cornelissen, & Cornelissen, 2017). Conclusion It's true that for better performance of an organization good communication channels must be established, there must be objectives set in order to be achieved and the company must, therefore, be able to exploit the available opportunities in the market in order to reduce the chances of the competitors approaching this opportunity.
  • 5. References Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M., & Brennan, R. (2015). Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Education. Cornelissen, J., & Cornelissen, J. P. (2017). Corporate communication: A guide to theory and practice. Sage. Horkoff, J., Barone, D., Jiang, L., Yu, E., Amyot, D., Borgida, A., & Mylopoulos, J. (2014). Strategic business modeling: representation and reasoning. Software & Systems Modeling, 13(3), 1015-1041. Trainor, K. J., Andzulis, J. M., Rapp, A., & Agnihotri, R. (2014). Social media technology usage and customer relationship performance: A capabilities-based examination of social CRM. Journal of Business Research, 67(6), 1201-1208. Running head: FORMING A NEW DIVISION IN A BUSINESS 1 FORMING A NEW DIVISION IN A BUSINESS 6
  • 6. Forming a New Division in a Business Students Name Institution Affiliation Introduction Over the year’s business organizations have formed divisions and branches of their own in order to help deal with competition within the area of operation. Besides that, in some cases, business organizations have formed divisions in order to sell the new product that has been introduced in the market. However, this formation of branches and divisions by an organization cannot be done overnight as there are procedures that are followed in order to ensure that all is well within the operation of the of the division, management of the staff and working plan, finances involved in the operation and the legality of the division at the place of its operation. As such, this study aims to focus on the division section of the main organization and how it carries out its activities. This is likely to be the turning point of the division as the other networks are still offering monetary services across their own network subscribers which limit their own capability in the market. In addition, the new division has also a vision of being the leading network provider corporation in the state Division in a Business As stated earlier division in a business organization takes place
  • 7. when either one wants to take care of the competition or wants to introduce a new product in the market. As such, these two activities require one to be very innovative in order to survive in the market. Therefore, we are going to deal with division of Airtel Company and on how it has created branches in order to deal with the dynamic changes in the market and competition (Galaskiewicz, 2016). As a result, the division sets out with the mission of being the best telecommunication company offering the best network services to its customers. However, this division faces stiff competition from other companies and there is need to get innovative in order to outsmart her competitors. In this regard, the division provides the bets network services to the largest coverage as far as possible in order to satisfy her customers. For instance, recently there has been introduction of the 4G network that covers most of the regions and provides the swiftest and easy to connect network in the market today. In addition, Airtel company has to be applauded for making these services available and very economical to the users. As such this makes the company meet be on the right track of attaining her mission of being the best and strongest network providers in the market. Besides that, the mission of the division can be met by being innovative with services that we offer. For instance, apart from offering cheap internet bundles, credit cards and message services, the corporation can also provide cheap and easy transfer of money services across all the networks. This is likely to be the turning point of the division as the other networks are still offering monetary services across their own network subscribers which limit their own capability in the market. In addition, the new division has also a vision of being the leading network provider corporation in the state. This is a tall order for the new division because most her competitors have already established themselves in this region. They all know the business booming period and business low season of the area. However, experience should not be the only way that one can
  • 8. become successful. Therefore, the division has the task to improve on the services provided, open up more retail shops that sells and registers customers as the Airtel subscribers in the region. Besides that, these agents can also sell other minor things that travelers need as they travel. Argyrols, 2017). Besides that, the division has to set values for the customers, clients and the staff in order to have the daily norms that drive the performance of the corporation. Therefore, the main value of this division is the teamwork. There should be no specialization of work but all individuals are all around, knowing what expected at each place and identifying a mistake easily and correcting before it becomes worse. Teamwork not only brings about efficiency but also brings about the required mutual respect within the workers, creates trust and understanding among the workers. As a result, anyone can stand for any of the missing or ill member of the team. In addition, good cultural values created within the division will control on how the workers talk, act and perform in their service delivery. As such, good values will most likely attract the customers into our corporation and thus make it the most oil selling corporation in the state. This shall also act as a mode of advertising our services to the customers as they shall be guaranteed of quality service delivery. However, in order to coop with the competition in the market, the division will also register customers free of charge unlike the other network subscribers that register at a cost; they shall also renew lines free of charge to their customers. This is in order to diversify the area of operation and make it the most active corporation by ensuring their stocks are readily available and are the best in the market (Argyrols, 2017). The division will use franchise model of business in its operation. In this case, the division will get products from the parent corporation. In this regard, the division will operate like a retailer whereby it will receive the products from the corporation and sell directly to the customers. This will ensure that the corporations market increases as the new regions that
  • 9. were previously not exploited will be exploited by the division. In addition, this model of business organization provides flexibility upon which the division can easily change into a manufacturer by producing other products but at the same time selling the parent products of the organization (Wheelen et al, 2017). In this regard, the mission of the division will help the organization reach its objective by ensuring that the employees follow the set rules in order to ensure the performance of the division is high and the required standards are met. The innovativeness created in order to meet the mission and vision of the corporation will also work to ensure that the corporation really meets its objective at the end of the operation. The guiding principle of the division is the paramount discipline for the rule of law in the business operations. As such, all the operations carried at the division shall have to fall under the stipulated laws of the operational states. In addition, the cultural values incorporated by the workers in the division must be values that are value-adding and are likely to make the corporation have a higher performance in the new market formed (Argyrols, 2017). The values should not only be observed by the subordinate staff but all the individuals in the Airtel company inclusive of the managers in order to make it easier to implement the new rules and regulations within the Airtel company. In addition, when the cultural values are put in use by the senior officers in the company the junior officers are also likely to follow suit. As a result, the Airtel company shall be on the right track of attaining her goal and mission. Therefore, in summary, the division of the corporation is not only meant to create a wide market for the corporation but also creates an avenue for more sells within the region of operation. Besides that, this acts as an avenue of job creation opportunities as many people are employed within the division created. This is likely to be the turning point of the division as the other networks are still offering monetary services across their own network subscribers which limit their own capability in the
  • 10. market. In addition, the new division has also a vision of being the leading network provider corporation in the state In addition, well connected internet network creates a good business hub for the internet users who use internet to advertise and sell their products. As a result, the economic growth of the country is likely to boost. References Argyrols, C. (2017). Integrating the Individual and the Organization. Routledge. Galaskiewicz, J. (2016). The social organization of an urban grants economy: A study of business philanthropy and nonprofit organizations. Elsevier. Strauss, A. L. (2018). Work and the division of labor. In Creating Sociological Awareness (pp. 85-110). Routledge. Wheelen, T. L., Hunger, J. D., Hoffman, A. N., & Bamford, C. E. (2017). Strategic management and business policy. pearson. Running head: SWOTT ANALYSIS OF AIRTEL COMPANY 1 SWOTT ANALYSIS OF AIRTEL COMPANY 8
  • 11. SWOTT analysis of Airtel Company Student’s Name Institution Affiliation Introduction It’s a norm among the business organizations to carry out both an internal and external evaluation of its key factors in order to determine its progress. This has been the practice over the years for most of the progressive oriented organizations in the business market. As such Airtel Company being a development oriented company has no objection to the trend but to carry out both an internal and external business in order to evaluate its progress in the relation to its competitors and the prevailing conditions in the market. In this regard, SWOTT analysis has been the most utilized method of carrying out the analysis and it’s in this regard that we shall employ this tool in evaluating both the internal and external evaluation of the company (Wheelen et al, 2017). An Internal Environment Analysis It’s clear that for a business to prosper an internal assessment of its resources and capabilities should be analyzed in order for the company to focus on attaining its capabilities. This internal assessment provides the organization with the knowledge on its strengths that it should dwell on and its weakness that have to be improved in order to maximize the production of the company. These strengths have to be in terms of the financial
  • 12. resources, employees, wages, technology and other key factors that the Airtel Company has employed in its performance. Therefore, for the case of the Airtel Company an analysis of the managerial team and the whole functional fraternity of the company in order to come up with clear picture of its strengths, weakness, opportunities and target (Teubner, 2018). The company has a strong technological base as it has employed the best internet network across the entire network making it one of the best network providers in the market. In addition, the company has also internal opportunities such as exclusive support from its managerial board that gives it an edge to exploit all the markets. If this opportunity is well exploited the company can improve massively and make it one of the best service providers in the market with a wider coverage. This can further be exploited by the company`s internal employees by selling and offering low prices of their products to their employees at a subsidized price. However, the company has internal issues such as inadequate financial muscles that can make it have bargaining power in the market. This weakness makes it a less performing company that requires a good financial management and marketing strategies in order to revamp its financial muscles in the market. In addition, there should be an internal analysis of the available skills and knowledge within the staff. A staff that is well equipped with the required skills and knowledge is likely to make the company have a high performance yield. This has to work hand in hand with the technology in order to maximize the production process in the company. As such the company should aim to hire staff that is well equipped with the dynamic changes in technology and the required skills of the operation (Grant, 2016). The goals of the Airtel Company should also be within the achievable limits. These goals should be set with relation to the available skills, technology and labor at the company. For the goals to be achieved a well worked out plan to be executed should be formulated in order. This plan should have an
  • 13. elaborate on the extensive use of the available resources in order to achieve the set goals. As such, the Airtel Company has set her own goals that are within her reach if the available resources are put into the correct use. In addition, for this goals to be achieved each employer has been made to understand her/his minimum goal per day. This works progressively from the subordinate staff to the managerial team each executing his/her role as stipulated in the company`s set goals. An External Environment Analysis External environment plays a major role in the long run of any organization. Therefore, for an effective business operation within an organization, external environment is very critical has to be considered in order achieving its goals. The most pressing external factors of a business enterprise are her competitors, technologies, strategies, and leadership structures. As such, the Airtel company has to consider these factors in order to evaluate its external environment and either improve on its strength or focus on the identified weakness of the business (Armstrong et al, 2015). Airtel Company has its strength in terms of the technology. The technology employed in the market today is the best as they are the best providers of the internet network of 3G connectivity. This has worked on the benefit of the company as the introduction of the divisions has meant wider coverage of the network to her markets. This meant that Airtel are the largest providers of the internet network in the region. In addition, the company enjoys massive support due to the affordable services that it offers to her customers. These strengths have made the Airtel Company be among the best in the market as they progress to attain their goal. This has also meant that the company can open up more branches and make more financials in order to obtain the financial powers to bargain on the international bargaining table. However, the company also suffers external weaknesses. These are such as not meeting customers’ specifications, and needs. In this regard, there are regions that experience shortage in
  • 14. network coverage. As a result it has sometimes led to an outcry by the customers of the poor network in such regions. In addition, there are some places that the company has strong network connectivity but there is inadequate supply of the Airtel services such as there is less number of Airtel agents offering their services to these consumers. These weaknesses have made our branches and company e targeted as a company that offers unsatisfactory services and they should therefore be seen as future opportunities that should be exhaustively be utilized. In that regard, there are various opportunities that Airtel Company should exploit in order to attain its full potential in the market. For instance, the company has to employ more agents and equip them with the most required items in the market. This will ensure that the external markets are lying unutilized are fully utilized for the company to gain extensively. In addition, the company should also improve on its technology and network coverage in order to reduce cases of complains from the customers on the low level of the services provided in the market (Armstrong et al, 2015). In addition the company has utilized its culture of teamwork among her employees in order to ensure the services provided meet the customers’ specification. This culture in the market has made the Airtel Company one of the best performers in the market. Therefore, it’s important that the company incorporates this culture fully in order to maintain the high performance. The company`s innovation has also worked well in bolstering the performance of the company. For instance, its decision to have branches increased the area of coverage; as a result the number of households served by the company’s network also increased tremendously which meant high revenue collection for the company. Besides that, the introduction of 4G network has increased the number of the customers as many of them have subscribed in order to get accessed to the network. Summary of the External Environment Analysis Factor
  • 15. Strength Weaknesses opportunities Threats Trends Technology The use of 4G network and division of Airtel Company has increased the number of customers Some areas have no access to Airtel services and network Venturing into regions that have no network and services will increase the number of customers Inadequate financial power and the changing technology are the major threats All companies are employing technology to provide good services innovation Financial costs involved in innovation process are too high Innovation of new products will make the company enjoy more market monopoly before other companies counter it Companies are heavily investing on the innovation sector competition Offering unique services with good quality that meets customers’ needs Build a stronger business empire that can overtake other business competitors Other companies providing better services than Airtel Company With no barrier to entry to the business makes it competitive on daily basis Culture Provides a norm that all employees absorb at work When the culture is not well incorporated may work on the downfall of the company When the culture is exploited extensively it provides an
  • 16. opportunity to maximize the production Companies may copy from each other’s culture Teamwork has remained to be the best culture incorporated in most companies Strategy A better strategy provides the company with an opportunity to have high production A poorly executed plan leads to poor performance A strategy that offers innovation and exploitation of other markets provides an opportunity Companies are adapting strategies that are effective and less costly with high performance As we have observed the company adopts quickly to the changes in the market. This is evidence with the innovation of the 4G networks and division of the company in order to have wider market coverage. However, the company has also to be on the blaming side as it seems to have dome lots of advertising yet its products have not reached to some regions. The existing supply chain of the division is just similar to that of the parent company. However, the division works as a retailer by receiving products from the mother company and selling them directly to the customers. This strategic plan has meant that the division has a direct contact with the customers and as a result there is high performance of the company. In addition, the company has a good strategy plan that takes care of her key factors. These key factors are the technology, culture, innovations, competitors and the threats that the company faces. Through taking care of these key factors the company has the potential of attaining its potential (Grant, 2016). References Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M., & Brennan, R. (2015). Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Education.
  • 17. Grant, R. M. (2016). Contemporary strategy analysis: Text and cases edition. John Wiley & Sons. Teubner, G. (2018). Substantive and reflexive elements in modern law. In The law and society canon (pp. 73-119). Routledge. Wheelen, T. L., Hunger, J. D., Hoffman, A. N., & Bamford, C. E. (2017). Strategic management and business policy. pearson. Running head: VISION AND THE MISSION STATEMENT OF COMPANY 1 VISION AND THE MISSION STATEMENT OF COMPANY 2 Vision and the Mission Statement Of Company Student’s Name Institution Affiliation The company that I have decided to choose is Airtel Company which is considered to be an Indian communication company which is operating within 19 countries which are found around the Asia and Africa continents with around 200 million clients. This communication company deals with communication mobile, broadband internet and home phone lines (Abukari & Abdul-Hamid, 2018). Mission statement The mission statement of Airtel Communication Company was that they have the spirit which is charged with the energy which is team driven and creativity to help in seizing the day and this contains the ambition to be the best telecom company which is admired in the services that they provide globally (Khan, 2016).
  • 18. The vision of the company The vision of the Airtel communication company is that they are to be globally admired in the telecommunication that delights the customers. This vision is to help the company to achieve its goals which are meant by the company (Abukari & Abdul- Hamid, 2018). The vision of the Airtel communication and the mission statement are playing an important role in the company, we have realized that the mission statement of the company plays the role of the identifying the purpose of the business in the company. The mission statement has helped in the outlining of the overall goal of the company and this has actually made the company to even understand better about what they are to work about and the mission statement has also helped the company to stay focused on the goals that they are willing to achieve in order to promote their business. The vision of this company has also played a vital role in ensuring that they are working towards the measures that are put down and ensure that their business id admired globally and retain their customers. This has helped to achieve the goals of the business which are long term and also the short-term goals of the company (Khan, 2016). The action of the company is actually aligned with the mission statement and the vision because e have realized that the company is trying to spread its branches and in most cases we have seen that their services are used in most Africa countries and in Asia and this has helped to promote the goals of the business because they are able to provide for their customers. The company is also aligned to its mission statement in which they are actually working as one team to ensure that their services are consumed and this makes them get more clients and be concerned about their clients' needs and complaints (Abukari & Abdul-Hamid, 2018).
  • 19. The vision and the mission of the company can actually guide as the manager or the employee of the company because they will help you as the manager to realize the purpose of the business and also come to know the goals which are required to be achieved in the company and this will keep the manager to lay down the good strategies which will help the workers of the company to work towards the purpose of the company and also to ensure that the goals of the business are achieved. If the mission and the vision are not observed keenly then the company will e affected because the employees will not value their responsibilities and this will affect the business and the employers since they will not be able to deliver hence this might lead to the collapse of the company (Khan, 2016). If the company did not have the mission statement and the vision therefore, the company could have not realized the important goals and the purpose that the business could actually work towards and this could not make the company have strategies meet needs of the clients and this could have led to the collapse of the company, therefore we have realize that the mission statement and the vision of the business helps the company to achieve the purpose of the company and short and long term goals of the business and therefore if the vision and the statement cold have not been there, then the business could not proceed because there could not be motivating factors to shape the goals of the business. References Abukari, A. J., & Abdul-Hamid, I. K. (2018). Corporate social responsibility reporting in the telecommunications sector in Ghana. International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility, 3(1), 2. Khan, A. S. (2016). Physical asset verification project: