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Sharitza Bailey
October 17th, 2016
Prof. Linda Mc Kee
This is the balanced scorecard and communication plan for Inc. and its new web technology division. The
balanced scorecard will analyze the strategic objectives in the
context of key trends, assumptions, and risks. It will also show
what the company is trying to achieve. For the communication
plan, its primary purpose was to enable interaction both
internally (staff) and externally (customers). The
communication strategy allows each to know what the other is
thinking hence helping in improving efficiency and
coordination. Communication with stakeholders ensures they
have access to information about the company and the company
has their feedback to enhance service delivery. The main
channels will include meetings, emails, phone calls and
discussions between both staff members and customers.
Some of the key trends include; increase in the use of online
shopping as more people have access to the internet and devices
such as computers and smartphones. Also, most customers want
to interact with the companies they are doing business with to
enhance their experience and satisfaction and also customer
focus such that the clients get what they want quickly. The
assumptions made include; the company has a large enough
market share that will sustain this new division, it will generate
the required revenue to ensure profitability, it will enhance
customer value and satisfaction, it will improve the companies
efficiency and effectiveness and it will improve learning and
growth among employees and increase innovation. Risks
involved include the market share not being big enough to
sustain the new division and make the company profitable, the
customer not responding well to the new product, not meeting
performance standards and a decrease in productivity.
They must also consider the ethical implications that their
product may have on members of the society. They should have
high ethical standards to protect its reputation ensuring that the
operational moves they do work towards improving the lives of
people and maintain environmental sustainability. Unethical
practices may have an adverse effect in the opinion of
customers as well as negative effect on market share.
Strategic Objectives
The first will be the financial target whereby the goal would be
to increase revenue. We would do this by increasing market
share by ensuring that it grows by 10% annually for the next
three years which will also enhance its competitive advantage
especially after the introduction of the new web technology.
The division is based on customer focus, concentrating on the
customer to ensure his or her satisfaction and experience when
interacting with the company or using its product. This will be
measured by retaining the customer it already has, gaining new
clients and undertaking customer surveys and questionnaires to
enhance customer experience and feedback.
Target is to tap into new markets and increase customer revenue
by 10% every year for the next three years. For processes and
internal operations, it would be ideal to have stable operations
and process to ensure the new division will reach its full
potential by enhancing the accessibility of the products, having
personnel available around the clock to assist customers. In the
last part of strategic objectives is learning and growth. The
primary objective is to decrease employee turnover enabling
them to grow with the company. This can be achieved by hiring
high quality, dependable and intelligent personnel to undertake
what is to be done. As the new division starts, the employees
will be trained to enable them to know the goals of the
company. With time these employee’s ideas will be used to
enhance customer experience. These are great tools to measure
the success of the new division.
Balanced Scorecard-Shareholder Value
Increase market shares in the online shopping market
Increase market share to 40% of online shopping market
Increase market share by 10% per year for the next three years
Use of the new web technology where they do not require the
Improve competition in the online shopping industry
Control 70% of the online sales
Increase online sales by 25% per quarter after launch of the web
Start web technology
Decrease costs to increase revenue
Reduce cost by $ 300 million
Average $15million reduction per quarter.
Improving efficiency of the various task and employing the use
of technology.
Balanced Scorecard-Customer Value
Increase the number of customer undertaking online shopping
Improve access to people with mobile phones by 30%
Increase sales by 5% per quarter for 3years
Give information on how to access the web technology
Improve customer interaction
Improve customer service in international markets
Improve quality and responsiveness by 50%
Reduce complaints by 40%
Increase flexibility and innovation by 5% per quarter
Show a 10% decrease in complaints per half year
Send out surveys and questionnaires
Create a dedicated customer hub for international markets
Balanced Scorecard-Process and internal operations
Increased efficiency of supply chain
Increased efficiency of supply chain by 20%
Increase production rates by 4% per year
Do away with platforms or areas that are not performing
Increase resources
Have sufficient resources
Show a 5% increase in resources available annually for five
Diversify markets and customer base
Improve communication internally
Improve flow of commands and feedback by 50%
Enhance communication by 10% annually
Conduct surveys within the organization
Balanced Scorecard-Learning and Growth
Improve employee job satisfaction
Decrease employee turnover by 5%
Decrease turnover by 2% per year
Create a healthy working environment
Enhance technological innovation
Enter 2 emerging technical markets
Enter 1 technical market per year
Acquire small startup companies that have a head start in latest
Enhance training of new employees
Increase internal promotion by 15%
Promote 5% of the employees per year
Train promising employees to be managers.
The above strategic objective state what the company strives to
achieve concerning measures of performance, how the company
will know that it has achieved its objectives including the
targets which are broken down into smaller goals to be
accomplished within a defined period. The above table shows
how the goals are broken down into a balanced scorecard format
which includes customer, shareholder value, process and
internal operations as well as learning and growth focusing on
both the clients and external environments as well as internal
ones that make sure that the companies objectives are achieved.
Burris, T. (2014). Six Strategic Business Objectives. Retrieved
objectives-14492.html on
October 12, 2016.
Mission vs. Goals vs. Objectives vs. Strategy vs. Executions vs.
Tactics. (2000 to
2014). Retrieved from on October
12, 2016.
The balanced Scorecard—Measures that drive performance.
(1992, January 1). Retrieved
from Accounting,
drive-performance-2 on October 12, 2016.
Running head: STRATEGIC PLAN PART 2 1
Strategic Plan Part 2
Sharitza Bailey
October 6, 2016
Prof. Linda McKee
Strategic Plan Part 2
Internal and external environmental analysis, and Supply chain
SWOT analysis is the course of analyzing the internal and
external environment of a company so as to locate the primary
factors that benefit the organization appropriately. Internal
environment refers to those strengths and weaknesses that
mainly affect the operations in the business (Böhm, 2009).
Therefore, the new division, Web technology of the Amazon
Company Inc. should identify the necessary changes that will
help it achieve success. It includes some factors like
management, skills, and experience, structure of the business
and some of the processes used, the method used to produce the
products and also some of the strategies used to ensure goals are
met. External environment comprises of opportunities and
threats that the business is exposed. However, it is the mandate
of Amazon Company to come up with new methods and
techniques that will make sure that it uses the available
opportunities to eliminate the threats that may lead to adverse
effects on the organization. The corporation has the
responsibility of using the strengths to eradicate the weaknesses
as a way of achieving efficiency (Fine, 2009).
SWOT analysis table of the new division of Amazon Company
External forces
Sound rules and policies
Lack of adequate rules
Government control
Poor rules and policies
Broad market
Barriers to entry in the market
Huge market
Sufficient capital
Scarce capital
Large market
Lack of monetary funds
Use of developed technology
Lack of improved technology
Advanced technical practices
lack of technology
Innovative management
Unskilled personnel
Modern innovations
Unfortunate innovations
Social responsibility
Unethical values
Lack of manual labor
Adequate resources
Insufficient resources
Diversity of resources
Poor relationships with customers
Competitive analysis
Competitive advantage
Lack of strategic plans
Competition from large corporations
Internal forces
Valuable strategies
Unproductive rules
Extensive strategies
Unfortunate strategies
Determined management
Unskilled personnel
Sound Culture
Ineffective management
Sufficient resources
Inadequate resources
Diverse resources
Unlimited wants
Strong mission and vision
Lack of sound goals
Achievable goals
Ineffective goals
Strategic capabilities
Creation of competitive advantage
Unrealistic objectives
Diverse strategies
Conflicting plans
Strong culture
Lack of teamwork
Wide selection of moral values
Cultural differences
Use of developed technology
Poor research
Developed technology
Unskilled individuals
Strong processes
Ineffective plans
Diverse processes
Competing processes
Efficient leadership
Unskilled leaders and managers
Professionals and experts in the market
Poor research
Modern technology
Lack of skills
Increased innovations
Lack of research
Intellectual property
Creativity and innovations
Unskilled personnel
Advanced technology
Limited resources
The recommendable product for the Amazon Company is
the web technology which is a customer relationship
management type of service. The service will enrich the
customers by making sure that they have the ability to
communicate in the best manner possible (Spector, 2000). The
product allows people around the world to connect to without the need of Wi-Fi or internet. The
technology product holds its capability to connect to Amazon
and shop offline. However, it is the mandate of the new division
of Amazon Company to come up with new strategies and plans
that will enable it to achieve all the set goals and objectives of
the entire organization. Also, since Amazon Company operates
globally, it is necessary to be ready and willing to compete with
the already established organizations in the firms. Therefore, it
is necessary that the new division raises new capital that will
enable it to fund all the activities and operations allowing it to
satisfy all the needs of the customers.
It would thus be advisable that the new division seeks
assistance from the potential experts and professionals in the
market who will guide the employees on how to conduct
activities in the market. Rules, regulations, and policies should
be formulated and implemented in due time so as to ensure that
the employees' actions are controlled. Also, so as to make sure
that the customers do not end up misusing the new product of
web technology, the implementation of sound rules will make
sure that the operations of the customers are monitored enabling
them to achieve effectiveness and efficiency in the market.
Also, the law suggests that every single business should
pay taxes to the authorities after the agreed period. Therefore,
the ability of the new division to pay regular payments to the
authorities without delays would make sure that the business
operates smoothly without interference by law. Also, taxes have
been identified to be the key source of revenue of most of the
states which make it possible for the government to provide
public goods and services to the society.
It is inevitable for the company to locate the most
effective ways and methods on how to adapt to the new changes.
For instance, the company has the mandate to seek assistance
from the creative and innovative leaders and managers who
have the ability to guide the team on how to conduct the
activities. Also, there is always need for a backup plan in case
the implemented plan fails. Therefore, the new division through
the entire organization should identify the best ways and come
up with a risk management plan. Also, implementing the active
mission and vision will enable the employees to be aware of
what is expected of them. Therefore, it will be easier for them
to strive and work to their level best so as to ensure that all the
goals of the organization are achieved in the prescribed time.
The new division through the entire organization
should make sure that it continually conducts research so as to
be able to identify any new technology in the market. The
organization should maintain continuous update of the system
so as to ensure that the market appreciates the continued efforts
to provide quality services. Also, some of the systems are
supplied by other firms which call for the new division to come
up with diplomatic means that will ensure that it maintains good
relationships with the suppliers.
Also, it is necessary that the new division identifies the
secure source of income that will make it possible for it to
finance all the activities in time. Also, the new division should
seek feedback from the customers that will enable it to identify
any mistakes that could have been made when coming up with
web technology. The primary reason is so as to make all the
possible changes that will make sure that the new division
achieves customer satisfaction. Also, it would be strategic to
train all the personnel on the new system so as to make them
familiar with it.
The company has the opportunity of a good image in the
society which has been created and maintained for an extended
period. Therefore, the new division can enter the market with
limited barriers to entry to the market that will result in the
success of the firm. Also, because the firm operates globally, it
has been able to deal with the issue of failure that would result
if it only dealt with one country. Also, the firm faces the threat
of the already established companies which continually compete
by being innovative. However, the company can outdo the
organizations by the use of developed technology which some
of the firms cannot afford making sure that the firm stands out
to be the best in the market.
Some of the questions that the business should ask itself
are what market strategies to be used so as to reach a large
market? The market segments to invest? How to advertise the
new product? How to maintain customer satisfaction? How to
attract more clients? How to motivate the employees to work
towards success? Therefore, the new division will be in better
position to identify the market segment that will result in more
sales through the effective marketing strategies. The firm will
determine the best method to advertise the new product, web
technology so as achieve customer satisfaction. Also, the ability
to conduct research enables the new division to access any new
technology in the market that will allow it to update the
Therefore, conduction of business analysis is
paramount when it comes to identifying the best methods to use
so as to attain the goals and objectives. Amazon Company
through the new division has a great opportunity of excelling
and succeeding since it will achieve diversity in its operations
which help it reduce any risks associated with its operations.
Böhm, Anja (2009). The SWOT Analysis. München: GRIN
Fine, Lawerence G. (2009). The SWOT analysis : using your
strength to overcome weaknesses, using opportunities to
overcome threats. Retrevied from:
Spector, Robert (2000). Amazon. Com: Get big fast. Harper
Information. Retrieved from:
Strategic Plan Part 1
Sharitza Bailey
Prof. Linda McKee
Strategic Plan Part 1
For Inc., having a strong set of mission, vision,
and values, has seen the organization scale the heights of
success, to become the leading online retail company, on a
global level. With headquarters in Seattle, Washington, Inc. has grown from the online bookstore that it
started out as, to what is now the leading company in
electronics commerce, and cloud computing services (Spector,
2000). This American company is able to serve many countries,
diverse in terms of region, and products provided, such as the
United Kingdom, Canada, China, Ireland, France, the
Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Mexico, India, Italy, Brazil,
Australia, and many others.
The product that I would recommend for this new business
division is a web technology which is more or less like a
customer relationship management sort of service that will
enrich the experience of customers. As they go through the
company website, by providing them with fast and reliable
internet connections and offer good desirable interactions with
the company through a larger number of channels. The pproduct
allows them to acess the Amazon website without having to be
connected to the internet. Its webpage carries a technology that
shopping can be done in that manner. Amazon understands that
customers today look forward to companies that they are doing
business with to be able to interact with them. The new business
division would have the following mission; to enrich the
customer experience, as they go through the company website,
by providing them with fast and reliable internet connections.
This new division will also be guided by three core principles;
accountability above all else, customer satisfaction, and speedy
This product is very customer focused since it will give the
consumers service options that surpass the older interaction
methods where customers would have to reach the company
after a lot of struggle. For instance the phone interactions. This
product is also customer focused as it is designed with the
customer’s best interest in mind. The product will allow the
consumers to use channels of their liking to interact with the
company through the website. The product will increase the
customers’ satisfaction as well as decrease stir up and the
outcomes in an extensively low per interaction service charge.
This product will bring new kind of customer engagement
through the website. The product will integrate both web based
support channels and the mobile phone with vigorous
communication abilities to make possible the delivery of a new
form of customer experience; one that will transform the
activities of customer service from line item costs into more
revenue generating and profitable interactions for the company.
With the knowledge that the main aim of developing a strategic
plan is to build for the company a competitive advantage.
Competitive advantage refers to the set of factors that
differentiates the company from its competitors and offers it a
distinctive position in the market that is superior to that of the
competitors. If we look at it from a strategic perspective, the
key to the success of a business is to come up with a
competitive advantage that is distinct, one that offers value for
customers and is hard for the competitors to copy (Simerson,
2011). The division achieves a competitive advantage through
its core competencies. Core competencies are a distinctive set
of abilities that a company comes up with in its key areas of
customer service that is of superior quality, responsiveness,
flexibility and innovation that enables the company to be ahead
of the competition. Just as the name suggests, these factors are
core to the ability of the company to compete successfully and
are normally as the result of noteworthy lessons and skills that a
company has acquired over time.
The web technology that Amazon will present includes the set
of tools that permit customers to control the Web to construct
business and social connections, collaborate on projects and
share information. These tools comprise of affluent Internet
applications, wikis, blogs, social networking, mashups and other
online societies; use of avatars or virtual assistants and virtual
worlds. This technology will fill the company to customer
interactions in addition to usual customer to customer
interactions. This set of tools is very innovative and it will
enrich the experience of the customer while using the website.
This product will allow new manners of bringing customer
service all through the company, thereby achieving two things:
First, the product will make possible simpler communications
between the customers. As these different exchanges take place,
the interrelationships among all stakeholders deepen and
customer service and experience becomes intertwined with the
new product.
Another way in which this division will offer a competitive
advantage is through widgets and portable applications that will
enable the delivery of online services to the consumers without
needing them to have any software to their computers or change
their recognized ways of working. This, in turn, builds a more
flawless customer experience. These two factors, combined,
have the ability to change customer interactions those
traditional customer service channels that were less responsive
and did not offer the consumer great shopping experience. Less
expensive to operate (Mintzberg & Quinn, 1996).
Customers today yearn for companies which they can be able to
conduct business with, that have the ability to interact with
them all through. This web technology product that will be
introduced in the new internet solutions division will address
the needs of the customers by giving the consumers service
options that surpass the older interaction methods where
customers would have to reach the company after a lot of
struggle. The product will also address the needs of the
customers by allowing them to use channels of their liking to
interact with the company through the website. This will
increase the customers’ satisfaction as well as decrease stir up
and the outcomes in an extensively low per interaction service
charge. This product will also bring new kind of customer
engagement through the website. The product will integrate
both web based support channels and the mobile phone with
vigorous communication abilities to make possible the delivery
of a new form of customer experience; one that will transform
the activities of customer service from line item costs into more
revenue generating and profitable interactions for the company.
The vision of this new division will be to become a leading
department, in its ability to ensure customer satisfaction, by
aligning their needs, with their wants, and then finally making
their dreams come true. The business model for the new
division is going to be a platform business model. This business
model will consist of three elements. The first element is the
tool box which will create a connection by simplifying it for
other people to log into the platform. The other element is the
magnet that builds a pull to attract people to the platform
(Ovans, 2015). The other element is the matchmaker which will
promote the flow of value through connections between the
consumers and suppliers.
Amazon has a strong set of mission, vision, and values, has seen
the organization scale the heights of success, to become the
leading online retail company, on a global level. Amazon is also
committed to offering its customers with the best experience in
their shopping experience. The company’s vision statement is;
to become Earth’s most customer-centric company, where
customers can find and discover anything they might want to
buy, from an online platform. Its mission statement is to offer
customers with the lowers possible prices, the best selections
available, and do all this, at the utmost convenience of the
customers. The mission of the new division is to enrich the
customer experience, as they go through the company website,
by providing them with fast and reliable internet connections.
The vision of this new division is to become a leading
department, in its ability to ensure customer satisfaction, by
aligning their needs, with their wants, and then finally making
their dreams come true.
The mission of the new division is aligned with the mission of
the company in that it aims to improve the experience of
customers as they navigate through the website through reliable
and fast internet. The mission of the company also aims to offer
the customers the best customer experience with utmost
experience. The vision of the new division is also aligned with
that of the company as it seeks to be the best division in its
capability to make sure that the customers are satisfied by
aligning the needs of the company and their wants and making
their dreams come true. This vision is in line with that of the
company as the vision of the company is to be a customer-
centric company, where customers can discover and realize
anything they may want to buy, from an online platform.
The vision, mission and the values of this new division guide
the strategic dimension of the division in that the three work
towards achieving a division that will be able to satisfy the
customers by aligning their wants and needs to ensure they
realize their dreams. This division has the strategic plan of
enhancing the experience of the customers in manners that can
be measured back to the company by utilizing a number of
tools. The vision mission and values of this division aim to
improve the satisfaction of the customers which is the strategic
direction of the division.
The new division will be guided by a number of values and
guiding principles which are accountability speedy connections,
customer satisfaction and accountability above everything else.
Accountability will guide the ethics context in that every person
will be willing to take responsibility for their actions. In the
social context, the guiding principle of customer satisfaction in
that the division through its vision and mission by ensuring that
customers get satisfied for their wants and needs.
Spector, R. (2000). Amazon. Com: Get big fast. Harper
George, G. & Bock, J. (2011). The business model in practice
and its implications for entrepreneurship research.
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 35(1): 83-111.
Mintzberg, H. & Quinn, J. (1996). The strategy process:
concepts, contexts, cases. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice
Ovans, A. (2015). What Is a Business Model? Harvard business
review. Retrieved from:
Simerson, B. (2011). Strategic planning: a practical guide to
strategy formulation and execution. Santa Barbara, Calif:

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  • 1. Running head-STRATEGIC PLAN PART 3: BALANCED SCORECARD AND COMMUNICATION PLAN 1 STRATEGIC PLAN PART 3 2 BALANCED SCORECARD AND COMMUNICATION PLAN Sharitza Bailey BUS/475 October 17th, 2016 Prof. Linda Mc Kee BALANCED SCORECARD AND COMMUNICATION PLAN This is the balanced scorecard and communication plan for Inc. and its new web technology division. The balanced scorecard will analyze the strategic objectives in the context of key trends, assumptions, and risks. It will also show what the company is trying to achieve. For the communication plan, its primary purpose was to enable interaction both internally (staff) and externally (customers). The communication strategy allows each to know what the other is thinking hence helping in improving efficiency and coordination. Communication with stakeholders ensures they have access to information about the company and the company has their feedback to enhance service delivery. The main channels will include meetings, emails, phone calls and discussions between both staff members and customers. Some of the key trends include; increase in the use of online shopping as more people have access to the internet and devices such as computers and smartphones. Also, most customers want
  • 2. to interact with the companies they are doing business with to enhance their experience and satisfaction and also customer focus such that the clients get what they want quickly. The assumptions made include; the company has a large enough market share that will sustain this new division, it will generate the required revenue to ensure profitability, it will enhance customer value and satisfaction, it will improve the companies efficiency and effectiveness and it will improve learning and growth among employees and increase innovation. Risks involved include the market share not being big enough to sustain the new division and make the company profitable, the customer not responding well to the new product, not meeting performance standards and a decrease in productivity. They must also consider the ethical implications that their product may have on members of the society. They should have high ethical standards to protect its reputation ensuring that the operational moves they do work towards improving the lives of people and maintain environmental sustainability. Unethical practices may have an adverse effect in the opinion of customers as well as negative effect on market share. Strategic Objectives The first will be the financial target whereby the goal would be to increase revenue. We would do this by increasing market share by ensuring that it grows by 10% annually for the next three years which will also enhance its competitive advantage especially after the introduction of the new web technology. The division is based on customer focus, concentrating on the customer to ensure his or her satisfaction and experience when interacting with the company or using its product. This will be measured by retaining the customer it already has, gaining new
  • 3. clients and undertaking customer surveys and questionnaires to enhance customer experience and feedback. Target is to tap into new markets and increase customer revenue by 10% every year for the next three years. For processes and internal operations, it would be ideal to have stable operations and process to ensure the new division will reach its full potential by enhancing the accessibility of the products, having personnel available around the clock to assist customers. In the last part of strategic objectives is learning and growth. The primary objective is to decrease employee turnover enabling them to grow with the company. This can be achieved by hiring high quality, dependable and intelligent personnel to undertake what is to be done. As the new division starts, the employees will be trained to enable them to know the goals of the company. With time these employee’s ideas will be used to enhance customer experience. These are great tools to measure the success of the new division. Balanced Scorecard-Shareholder Value Objectives Metric Target Initiative Increase market shares in the online shopping market Increase market share to 40% of online shopping market Increase market share by 10% per year for the next three years Use of the new web technology where they do not require the internet Improve competition in the online shopping industry Control 70% of the online sales
  • 4. Increase online sales by 25% per quarter after launch of the web technology Start web technology Decrease costs to increase revenue Reduce cost by $ 300 million Average $15million reduction per quarter. Improving efficiency of the various task and employing the use of technology. Balanced Scorecard-Customer Value Objective Metric Target Initiative Increase the number of customer undertaking online shopping Improve access to people with mobile phones by 30% Increase sales by 5% per quarter for 3years Give information on how to access the web technology Improve customer interaction Improve customer service in international markets Improve quality and responsiveness by 50% Reduce complaints by 40% Increase flexibility and innovation by 5% per quarter Show a 10% decrease in complaints per half year Send out surveys and questionnaires Create a dedicated customer hub for international markets Balanced Scorecard-Process and internal operations
  • 5. Objective Metric Target Initiative Increased efficiency of supply chain Increased efficiency of supply chain by 20% Increase production rates by 4% per year Do away with platforms or areas that are not performing Increase resources Have sufficient resources Show a 5% increase in resources available annually for five years Diversify markets and customer base Improve communication internally Improve flow of commands and feedback by 50% Enhance communication by 10% annually Conduct surveys within the organization Balanced Scorecard-Learning and Growth Objective Metric Target Initiative Improve employee job satisfaction Decrease employee turnover by 5% Decrease turnover by 2% per year Create a healthy working environment Enhance technological innovation Enter 2 emerging technical markets Enter 1 technical market per year Acquire small startup companies that have a head start in latest
  • 6. technology Enhance training of new employees Increase internal promotion by 15% Promote 5% of the employees per year Train promising employees to be managers. Conclusion The above strategic objective state what the company strives to achieve concerning measures of performance, how the company will know that it has achieved its objectives including the targets which are broken down into smaller goals to be accomplished within a defined period. The above table shows how the goals are broken down into a balanced scorecard format which includes customer, shareholder value, process and internal operations as well as learning and growth focusing on both the clients and external environments as well as internal ones that make sure that the companies objectives are achieved. References Burris, T. (2014). Six Strategic Business Objectives. Retrieved from objectives-14492.html on October 12, 2016. Mission vs. Goals vs. Objectives vs. Strategy vs. Executions vs. Tactics. (2000 to 2014). Retrieved from on October 12, 2016. The balanced Scorecard—Measures that drive performance. (1992, January 1). Retrieved
  • 7. from Accounting, scorecard-measures-that- drive-performance-2 on October 12, 2016. Running head: STRATEGIC PLAN PART 2 1 STRATEGIC PLAN PART 2 9 Strategic Plan Part 2 Sharitza Bailey BUS/475 October 6, 2016 Prof. Linda McKee Strategic Plan Part 2 Internal and external environmental analysis, and Supply chain analysis
  • 8. SWOT analysis is the course of analyzing the internal and external environment of a company so as to locate the primary factors that benefit the organization appropriately. Internal environment refers to those strengths and weaknesses that mainly affect the operations in the business (Böhm, 2009). Therefore, the new division, Web technology of the Amazon Company Inc. should identify the necessary changes that will help it achieve success. It includes some factors like management, skills, and experience, structure of the business and some of the processes used, the method used to produce the products and also some of the strategies used to ensure goals are met. External environment comprises of opportunities and threats that the business is exposed. However, it is the mandate of Amazon Company to come up with new methods and techniques that will make sure that it uses the available opportunities to eliminate the threats that may lead to adverse effects on the organization. The corporation has the responsibility of using the strengths to eradicate the weaknesses as a way of achieving efficiency (Fine, 2009). SWOT analysis table of the new division of Amazon Company External forces Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Legal Sound rules and policies Lack of adequate rules Government control Poor rules and policies Global Broad market Barriers to entry in the market Huge market Competitors Economic
  • 9. Sufficient capital Scarce capital Large market Lack of monetary funds Technological Use of developed technology Lack of improved technology Advanced technical practices lack of technology Innovation Innovative management Unskilled personnel Modern innovations Unfortunate innovations Social Social responsibility Unethical values Sustainability Lack of manual labor Environmental Adequate resources Insufficient resources Diversity of resources Poor relationships with customers Competitive analysis Competitive advantage Lack of strategic plans Globalization Competition from large corporations Internal forces Strengths Weaknesses opportunities Threats Strategy Valuable strategies
  • 10. Unproductive rules Extensive strategies Unfortunate strategies Structures Determined management Unskilled personnel Sound Culture Ineffective management Resources Sufficient resources Inadequate resources Diverse resources Unlimited wants Goals Strong mission and vision Lack of sound goals Achievable goals Ineffective goals Strategic capabilities Creation of competitive advantage Unrealistic objectives Diverse strategies Conflicting plans Culture Strong culture Lack of teamwork Wide selection of moral values Cultural differences Technology Use of developed technology Poor research Developed technology Unskilled individuals Processes Strong processes Ineffective plans
  • 11. Diverse processes Competing processes Leadership Efficient leadership Unskilled leaders and managers Professionals and experts in the market Poor research Innovation Modern technology Lack of skills Increased innovations Lack of research Intellectual property Creativity and innovations Unskilled personnel Advanced technology Limited resources Synopsis The recommendable product for the Amazon Company is the web technology which is a customer relationship management type of service. The service will enrich the customers by making sure that they have the ability to communicate in the best manner possible (Spector, 2000). The product allows people around the world to connect to without the need of Wi-Fi or internet. The technology product holds its capability to connect to Amazon and shop offline. However, it is the mandate of the new division of Amazon Company to come up with new strategies and plans that will enable it to achieve all the set goals and objectives of the entire organization. Also, since Amazon Company operates globally, it is necessary to be ready and willing to compete with the already established organizations in the firms. Therefore, it is necessary that the new division raises new capital that will enable it to fund all the activities and operations allowing it to satisfy all the needs of the customers.
  • 12. It would thus be advisable that the new division seeks assistance from the potential experts and professionals in the market who will guide the employees on how to conduct activities in the market. Rules, regulations, and policies should be formulated and implemented in due time so as to ensure that the employees' actions are controlled. Also, so as to make sure that the customers do not end up misusing the new product of web technology, the implementation of sound rules will make sure that the operations of the customers are monitored enabling them to achieve effectiveness and efficiency in the market. Also, the law suggests that every single business should pay taxes to the authorities after the agreed period. Therefore, the ability of the new division to pay regular payments to the authorities without delays would make sure that the business operates smoothly without interference by law. Also, taxes have been identified to be the key source of revenue of most of the states which make it possible for the government to provide public goods and services to the society. It is inevitable for the company to locate the most effective ways and methods on how to adapt to the new changes. For instance, the company has the mandate to seek assistance from the creative and innovative leaders and managers who have the ability to guide the team on how to conduct the activities. Also, there is always need for a backup plan in case the implemented plan fails. Therefore, the new division through the entire organization should identify the best ways and come up with a risk management plan. Also, implementing the active mission and vision will enable the employees to be aware of what is expected of them. Therefore, it will be easier for them to strive and work to their level best so as to ensure that all the goals of the organization are achieved in the prescribed time. The new division through the entire organization should make sure that it continually conducts research so as to be able to identify any new technology in the market. The organization should maintain continuous update of the system so as to ensure that the market appreciates the continued efforts
  • 13. to provide quality services. Also, some of the systems are supplied by other firms which call for the new division to come up with diplomatic means that will ensure that it maintains good relationships with the suppliers. Also, it is necessary that the new division identifies the secure source of income that will make it possible for it to finance all the activities in time. Also, the new division should seek feedback from the customers that will enable it to identify any mistakes that could have been made when coming up with web technology. The primary reason is so as to make all the possible changes that will make sure that the new division achieves customer satisfaction. Also, it would be strategic to train all the personnel on the new system so as to make them familiar with it. The company has the opportunity of a good image in the society which has been created and maintained for an extended period. Therefore, the new division can enter the market with limited barriers to entry to the market that will result in the success of the firm. Also, because the firm operates globally, it has been able to deal with the issue of failure that would result if it only dealt with one country. Also, the firm faces the threat of the already established companies which continually compete by being innovative. However, the company can outdo the organizations by the use of developed technology which some of the firms cannot afford making sure that the firm stands out to be the best in the market. Some of the questions that the business should ask itself are what market strategies to be used so as to reach a large market? The market segments to invest? How to advertise the new product? How to maintain customer satisfaction? How to attract more clients? How to motivate the employees to work towards success? Therefore, the new division will be in better position to identify the market segment that will result in more sales through the effective marketing strategies. The firm will determine the best method to advertise the new product, web technology so as achieve customer satisfaction. Also, the ability
  • 14. to conduct research enables the new division to access any new technology in the market that will allow it to update the systems. Therefore, conduction of business analysis is paramount when it comes to identifying the best methods to use so as to attain the goals and objectives. Amazon Company through the new division has a great opportunity of excelling and succeeding since it will achieve diversity in its operations which help it reduce any risks associated with its operations. References Böhm, Anja (2009). The SWOT Analysis. München: GRIN Verlag. Fine, Lawerence G. (2009). The SWOT analysis : using your strength to overcome weaknesses, using opportunities to overcome threats. Retrevied from: Spector, Robert (2000). Amazon. Com: Get big fast. Harper Information. Retrieved from:
  • 15. 81&lpg=PA381&dq=Spector,+R.+(2000).+Amazon.+Com:+Get +big+fast.+Harper+Information.&source=bl&ots=mcLYXtQUt1 &sig=4Csj1YV_wSSW3vbe0zQGvRHwrpU&hl=en&sa=X&ved= 0ahUKEwjxjM2ht8bPAhWHmx4KHZsED- 4Q6AEIJTAC#v=onepage&q=Spector%2C%20R.%20(2000).%2 0Amazon.%20Com%3A%20Get%20big%20fast.%20Harper%20I nformation.&f=false Running head: STRATEGIC PLAN PART 1 1 STRATEGIC PLAN PART 1 2 Strategic Plan Part 1 Sharitza Bailey Prof. Linda McKee BUS/475 Strategic Plan Part 1 For Inc., having a strong set of mission, vision, and values, has seen the organization scale the heights of success, to become the leading online retail company, on a global level. With headquarters in Seattle, Washington,
  • 16. Inc. has grown from the online bookstore that it started out as, to what is now the leading company in electronics commerce, and cloud computing services (Spector, 2000). This American company is able to serve many countries, diverse in terms of region, and products provided, such as the United Kingdom, Canada, China, Ireland, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Mexico, India, Italy, Brazil, Australia, and many others. The product that I would recommend for this new business division is a web technology which is more or less like a customer relationship management sort of service that will enrich the experience of customers. As they go through the company website, by providing them with fast and reliable internet connections and offer good desirable interactions with the company through a larger number of channels. The pproduct allows them to acess the Amazon website without having to be connected to the internet. Its webpage carries a technology that shopping can be done in that manner. Amazon understands that customers today look forward to companies that they are doing business with to be able to interact with them. The new business division would have the following mission; to enrich the customer experience, as they go through the company website, by providing them with fast and reliable internet connections. This new division will also be guided by three core principles; accountability above all else, customer satisfaction, and speedy connections. This product is very customer focused since it will give the consumers service options that surpass the older interaction methods where customers would have to reach the company after a lot of struggle. For instance the phone interactions. This product is also customer focused as it is designed with the customer’s best interest in mind. The product will allow the consumers to use channels of their liking to interact with the company through the website. The product will increase the customers’ satisfaction as well as decrease stir up and the outcomes in an extensively low per interaction service charge.
  • 17. This product will bring new kind of customer engagement through the website. The product will integrate both web based support channels and the mobile phone with vigorous communication abilities to make possible the delivery of a new form of customer experience; one that will transform the activities of customer service from line item costs into more revenue generating and profitable interactions for the company. With the knowledge that the main aim of developing a strategic plan is to build for the company a competitive advantage. Competitive advantage refers to the set of factors that differentiates the company from its competitors and offers it a distinctive position in the market that is superior to that of the competitors. If we look at it from a strategic perspective, the key to the success of a business is to come up with a competitive advantage that is distinct, one that offers value for customers and is hard for the competitors to copy (Simerson, 2011). The division achieves a competitive advantage through its core competencies. Core competencies are a distinctive set of abilities that a company comes up with in its key areas of customer service that is of superior quality, responsiveness, flexibility and innovation that enables the company to be ahead of the competition. Just as the name suggests, these factors are core to the ability of the company to compete successfully and are normally as the result of noteworthy lessons and skills that a company has acquired over time. The web technology that Amazon will present includes the set of tools that permit customers to control the Web to construct business and social connections, collaborate on projects and share information. These tools comprise of affluent Internet applications, wikis, blogs, social networking, mashups and other online societies; use of avatars or virtual assistants and virtual worlds. This technology will fill the company to customer interactions in addition to usual customer to customer interactions. This set of tools is very innovative and it will enrich the experience of the customer while using the website. This product will allow new manners of bringing customer
  • 18. service all through the company, thereby achieving two things: First, the product will make possible simpler communications between the customers. As these different exchanges take place, the interrelationships among all stakeholders deepen and customer service and experience becomes intertwined with the new product. Another way in which this division will offer a competitive advantage is through widgets and portable applications that will enable the delivery of online services to the consumers without needing them to have any software to their computers or change their recognized ways of working. This, in turn, builds a more flawless customer experience. These two factors, combined, have the ability to change customer interactions those traditional customer service channels that were less responsive and did not offer the consumer great shopping experience. Less expensive to operate (Mintzberg & Quinn, 1996). Customers today yearn for companies which they can be able to conduct business with, that have the ability to interact with them all through. This web technology product that will be introduced in the new internet solutions division will address the needs of the customers by giving the consumers service options that surpass the older interaction methods where customers would have to reach the company after a lot of struggle. The product will also address the needs of the customers by allowing them to use channels of their liking to interact with the company through the website. This will increase the customers’ satisfaction as well as decrease stir up and the outcomes in an extensively low per interaction service charge. This product will also bring new kind of customer engagement through the website. The product will integrate both web based support channels and the mobile phone with vigorous communication abilities to make possible the delivery of a new form of customer experience; one that will transform the activities of customer service from line item costs into more revenue generating and profitable interactions for the company. The vision of this new division will be to become a leading
  • 19. department, in its ability to ensure customer satisfaction, by aligning their needs, with their wants, and then finally making their dreams come true. The business model for the new division is going to be a platform business model. This business model will consist of three elements. The first element is the tool box which will create a connection by simplifying it for other people to log into the platform. The other element is the magnet that builds a pull to attract people to the platform (Ovans, 2015). The other element is the matchmaker which will promote the flow of value through connections between the consumers and suppliers. Amazon has a strong set of mission, vision, and values, has seen the organization scale the heights of success, to become the leading online retail company, on a global level. Amazon is also committed to offering its customers with the best experience in their shopping experience. The company’s vision statement is; to become Earth’s most customer-centric company, where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy, from an online platform. Its mission statement is to offer customers with the lowers possible prices, the best selections available, and do all this, at the utmost convenience of the customers. The mission of the new division is to enrich the customer experience, as they go through the company website, by providing them with fast and reliable internet connections. The vision of this new division is to become a leading department, in its ability to ensure customer satisfaction, by aligning their needs, with their wants, and then finally making their dreams come true. The mission of the new division is aligned with the mission of the company in that it aims to improve the experience of customers as they navigate through the website through reliable and fast internet. The mission of the company also aims to offer the customers the best customer experience with utmost experience. The vision of the new division is also aligned with that of the company as it seeks to be the best division in its capability to make sure that the customers are satisfied by
  • 20. aligning the needs of the company and their wants and making their dreams come true. This vision is in line with that of the company as the vision of the company is to be a customer- centric company, where customers can discover and realize anything they may want to buy, from an online platform. The vision, mission and the values of this new division guide the strategic dimension of the division in that the three work towards achieving a division that will be able to satisfy the customers by aligning their wants and needs to ensure they realize their dreams. This division has the strategic plan of enhancing the experience of the customers in manners that can be measured back to the company by utilizing a number of tools. The vision mission and values of this division aim to improve the satisfaction of the customers which is the strategic direction of the division. The new division will be guided by a number of values and guiding principles which are accountability speedy connections, customer satisfaction and accountability above everything else. Accountability will guide the ethics context in that every person will be willing to take responsibility for their actions. In the social context, the guiding principle of customer satisfaction in that the division through its vision and mission by ensuring that customers get satisfied for their wants and needs. References
  • 21. Spector, R. (2000). Amazon. Com: Get big fast. Harper Information. George, G. & Bock, J. (2011). The business model in practice and its implications for entrepreneurship research. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 35(1): 83-111. Mintzberg, H. & Quinn, J. (1996). The strategy process: concepts, contexts, cases. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice Hall. Ovans, A. (2015). What Is a Business Model? Harvard business review. Retrieved from: business-model Simerson, B. (2011). Strategic planning: a practical guide to strategy formulation and execution. Santa Barbara, Calif: Praeger.