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Running head: NOKIA
Lyndsey Burton
BUS692: Strategies in Human Resource Management
Instructor: Jean Gordon
November 28, 2016
The Nokia company has a long history and has come a long way
to the present day production and sale of the computers and
other mobile gadgets. First, the company started as a
convergence company between the years 1966-1967. Its primary
operations were concerned with the works of rubber, electricity,
energy, forestry, and cables. The cables department grew very
fast, and the present day Nokia first operations are attributed to
this. 20 years later, the company, expanded and included other
items into its market, the items include; chemicals, floor
covering, and television. It is in the year 1960s that the
company decided to expand and support the Finnish cable works
who thought of expanding its operations to the sales and
production of computers. There is also the electronics division
that was set up in the year 1960, and the primary role is the
sales and marketing of the data center operation and the
production of electronics. Electronics Division divided into two
parts; one focused on selling party hardware and run the
computer station, while the other was involved in R & D and
production of its personal designs.
Nature of the Business
The character of the activity of the Nokia Company can trace
back to the Department of Finish cable factory. The Nokia
Company supplied large firms such as banks with the computers
that were necessary for the ever growing business and
administration needs. Besides, the companies also required the
support of equipment system to manage the other operations,
and the Nokia Company provided it. During the onset of Nokia
as a supplier, sales and marketing agent of electronics, there
was a great need for the computer center. To achieve that, the
company shipped three computers, and from there, they
developed their personal computers.
Information technology is closely related to the electrical
equipment. The knowledge of one is fundamental to
understanding the other. In 60 years’ time, the company began
the manufacture of the mobile phones as a portable radio
communication that developed in the department of electrical
and later in the same time, the production continued as a joint
venture with the Mobile. After that, cordless phones and other
devices were designed and manufactured by the joint venture. In
the year 1986, the new board of directors divided the company
into three sectors: information systems, phones, and
telecommunications. The company reached its peak in the year
1986 when it was involved in other 180 trade activities.
Organizational Chart Structure
Five companies report to the presidents and the CEO of the
Nokia Company. The different groups report to their president
who is their leader. The president, on the other hand, is the CEO
whom he reports. A part of the five companies, there are also
other departments who report directly to the CEO. The agencies
include, the chief finance officer, the human resource manager,
the sales, and marketing director, the innovations officer,
customer care and chief operations officer (Kotler, 2015).
The Nokia group leadership team is responsible for all the
decision-making processes. The level of the questions by the
panel, the implementation of the company’s strategies and also
the overall company’s portfolio is under the responsibility of
the team management.
Business strategy
Nokia believes that the communication system will grow to be
an only single line. It has made a lot of efforts since the onset
of the firm. It is clear from the earlier description that the
company values working with other businesses. For that, case,
the Nokia Company has partnerships with more than one
company (Grant, 2016). The companies include AT&T, Siemens
and AEG businesses to work together to bring out the best in
both communication and Internet. The partnership has been of
great help to the company in that, it widens the market scope,
the resources are utilized better and acquired cheaply, and also,
the different sections of the workload is performed by
addition, the partnership helps the company when it comes to
losses. In case the company makes losses, it divides among all
the partners who then reduce the effects on the individual
business center.
Another strategy that has helped the Nokia Company so far is
the ability to change with the changing market needs. The
company has invested well in the program to determine the
changes of the consumers taste and adjusting the production
process accordingly. It has kept the sales of the company still
high and therefore still maintaining high standards and trust
from the customers.
Also, the development of the brand image is what is
experienced by the corporation. The company predicted the
future need for phones as a primary need and thus, it has
invested more in the branding of the enterprise. The company
has invested in advertisement and allocation of funds for the
same. Through this expenditure, it has put the company on top
if the rank and among the most preferred product in the global
The main issue facing the company in the present day is the
inability to change to android because of the earlier designs that
are fixed. The present day market requires using games,
applications, and some re not supported by the Windows
operating system (Jia, 2015). Other brands have been able to
change along with the growth of the demand and reference by
the customers. Also, the network managed by the Nokia phones
is not satisfactory to the clients. The issue needs to be
addressed to bring out the best of the product.
In conclusion, the current position of Nokia in the market is not
satisfactory. It is important for the production management to
go back to the steps of mobile development and revise the levels
which were not successful. Besides, the company should
benchmark with the most successful brands, and try to
implement what they are investing on, to satisfy its clients. It is
possible to reverse back the position of the company if the
management agrees that the current situation is putting the
company at risk and should take corrective measures.
Grant, R. M. (2016). Contemporary strategy analysis: Text and
Cases edition. John Wiley & Sons.
Jia, J. &. (2015). Analysis of Nokia’s Decline from Marketing
Perspective. Open Journal of Business and Management, 3(04),
Kotler, P. B. (2015). Marketing. Pearson Higher Education AU.
Change task force
Change task force
Smart devices
Mobile phones
Corporate development
Services and developer experience
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Corporate Relations
Targeted Work Class
Lyndsey Burton
BUS 692: Strategies in Human Resource Management
December 5, 2016
From the beginning of the company, it is clear that it started
producing some products but as time went on and some products
began to perform better in sales than other the company’s
management. The company chooses to pursue the products that
were playing well and put the company’s resources towards
improving the production of this product. Specialization of the
processes by the workers and the experience gained over time
made the company perfect their manufacturing process, reduce
wastage of material and spend less time in the production
process while still maintain the high standards of the product
produced. This technique of starting production with a range of
products and then choosing to pursue the products that do best
in sales can be traced from the grass roots of the company to
present day. The company still produces a broad range of
products and then decides on the qualities of their next
generation phone from studying the qualities of the previous
year’s phone. The company begins to sell better than the others
than from this study the company’s engineering department is
instructed to make the next years product from the template or
the qualities of the last year's product that did best in sales.
The company has also kept its method of dividing production
into different branches of the manufacture of hardware units for
sale on the one hand and investing in research and development
to the contrary (Jia 2016). This method started with the
company from its beginning, and it still follows the strategy
today. This technique has proved to be of great advantage to the
company as it helps the company’s management to invest all or
most of the company’s resources into one investment. The
process shields the company from making significant losses and
also improves the company’s chances of investing its resources
in an advantageous idea than a company that just invest In a
single investment just because the current financial trends claim
that the investment is sound.
The shared approach to investing has helped the company
spread its reached into the different markets of the world. The
company produces more than one product that provides sound
quality that will put the company at a better chance of making
more sales. This approach helps the company market both of
products that will broad the chance of increasing the radius of
its reach in any market as the different products. The fact that
various markets prefer the different products also means that the
company’s products will penetrate any market faster than most
of the other businesses that concentrate on one product alone.
Producing different products instead of concentrating on one
product also plays a part in helping the company target different
markets with their products. The company gives the option of
targeting the market that is willing to pay a lot of money for a
top quality product and with another product the same company
can make a product to focus on the needs of the pocket
discerning buyer (Grant, 2016).
Investing in research and development is also another facet of
the company that was there since its beginning. Learning to the
needs of a company’s customers through research is crucial for
any business that is trying to compete with the other companies,
dealing in the same product in the market. The constant changes
in the customer's tastes and preferences could mean profit or
loss for the business. By the corporation’s management
respecting their clients and keeping a keen eye on the changes
in the market Nokia manages to keep ahead of most other
companies dealing in electronics. The company’s investment in
research and development has significantly paid off over the
years by providing the company’s management with high-value
information about the state of the market and assist the market
in the making, decisions. Research into the markets past
behavior has helped Nokia to learn more about the global
electronics field and to use this information the company has
been able to make well-informed prediction of the future trends
of the markets that have proved to economically fruitful and
informative from a business point of view.
Meeting its Strategic Challenges for the Future
The company draws from the past reactions of the
organization’s response to challenges that evaluates the
situation that is causing them problems or the product that is
not selling among their different products and choose to stop
the production of that product that is not selling. Companies
decide to invest more of their income in a more profitable
product to stop making losses or reduce the chances of making
losses and increase the likelihood of making a profit. In case the
challenges to the company originate from a product that is not
doing well in the market, the company could also introduce a
new variant of the same product having corrected the bits of the
result that the customers didn’t like with others qualities of
another product that did better in the market (Jia, 2015).
Kinds of Workers
i) Experienced employees
For a company that focuses on pleasing its company’s customer
at Nokia, the workers would have to be a combination of old
employees, who understand the roots of the enterprise. Those
employees will ensure that all the products coming from the
company have some similarity of past outcomes to show the
company’s unique touch on their products.
ii) Fresh and innovative employees
The company would also need young and eager employees who
will introduce new skills into the workforce and who are more
conversant with the current tastes and preferences of the market
so that they can bring their input to the company and help
capture a large variety of the products they produce. Observing
other at the organizations, the team will need people with new
ideas that are not yet in the markets. For example, there must be
introduction of new products so that the company can still be
relevant in the markets.
iii) Flexible employees
The workers will need to have a broad range of skills so that the
company will have more flexibility to move its employees
around the in a case of changes to suite particular market
changes. The current competitive market calls for employees
who can work in any environment and who are ready to shift
places as well as professions.
Compensation system
The company compensation system will include a medical cover
for all the employees and their immediate family members. This
is a reflection of the company’s value of its employees and the
desire to have them working at the top of their abilities (Grant,
Grant, R. M. (2016). Contemporary strategy analysis: Text and
Cases edition. John Wiley & Sons.
Jia, J. &. (2015). Analysis of Nokia’s Decline from Marketing
Perspective. Open Journal of Business and Management, 3(04),
Kotler, P. B. (2015). Marketing. Pearson Higher Education AU.
Technology and Training Systems
Lyndsey Burton
BUS 692: Strategies in Human Resource Management
December 12, 2016
Technology and Training Systems
Environmental dynamics are familiar today in Organizations.
Changes in the environments prompt an organization to engage
in advancements that incorporate the changes so that the
organization is on par with the competitiveness in the market.
Efficient Technological dynamics in the environment must be
looked into so as to ensure that the organization if practical and
effective in its operations.
Organizations embrace technological improvements that will
help its staff to be fast and accurate in their duties.
Technological advancements can be in the form of acquiring
new machines that are more efficient or managing of new
software in the information systems. Adopting a new technology
in the organization is expensive, and the management is not sure
of its workability the decisions for machines (Dunning, 2013).
Machines are prone to obsolesce, and training costs must also
be looked upon. Technological assessment is vital for the
overall efficiency of the organization. For informed decisions to
make in regards to technological adaptability, then all factors
for and against the advancement must be scrutinized with
severity for best results.
Assessment of Technology
To begin with, the productivity of employees depends on the
type of technology that is in place. For instance when an
organization possesses efficient machines, the output per hour
will increase the rate of production will increase. The types of
devices should be those who can stay in the organization for an
extended period. The firm should be able to realize the value of
its investment. Tools are obtained through leasing or buying of
the fixed asset. The machine should be that which its spare parts
can are found locally and that which is easy to maintain and
manage. Efficient tools should be those that will save time and
reduce the costs of the factors of production.
Staffing systems in an organization will ensure that the
company is always staffed. When an organization is
understaffed then the level of productivity will decrease or,
losses will realize. Team systems will also ensure that
recruitments are done through suitable methods such as the use
of employment agencies and the internet. Efficient methods
should be used to make sure that low costs incur. It is evident
that for an organization to be successful then through the
management, it should ensure that the right people are given the
right jobs (Dunning, 2013). Recruiting the most skilled
individuals will improve the overall operations of the
organization. Online job applications should emphasize so as to
adapt systems that are paperless.
Career development systems aim at ensuring that staff members
are given an opportunity to develop their careers. Development
of professionals can be through upgrading a degree course or
taking a diploma course. The employer must be concerned and
willing to give his employees a chance to follow their dreams.
The company can achieve this through granting leaves to take
their exams and also relieving them from stressful duties that
may sabotage their success (Dunning,2013).Systems should be
in place that ensures employees that have advanced their skills
are rewarded through promotions and increase in their salaries.
Career development can be done internally through the
undertaking of digital learning where an employer does not have
to go to the institution of education but can study from the
comfort of his office or home.
Training in an organization is through workshops and seminars.
Training ensures that one acquires knowledge pertaining new
ideas in the group. Training is a continuous process in an
organization for it facilitates the process of technological
advancement. For instance when a team wants to embrace a new
software in the organization that will help store the
organization’s information. The staff must be conversant with
the systems so as to ensure that they are familiar with the new
application (Baltzan, 2012). The motive of the organization is
to ensure that the organization harbors employees that are
competent in their place of duty so that the overall objectives of
the organization achieve in the short run. Technology can
employ in training where training can undertake through
lectures on the team's website.
Training in an organization is majorly affected by the amount of
technology in the organization. Training is a routine duty for
the management to ensure that is embraced of changes are being
experienced in a group. Training is done to individuals that are
semi-skilled. The semi-skilled workers majorly lack the
competent skills that require for the success of any
organization. Shifting of the working hours is affected by the
skills of individuals.
Career development systems can go through the embracing of
systems that will support the development of professionalism in
the organization. Professionalism breeds competence in the
organization. For an organization to embrace career
development then it has to ensure that the best practices are
adopted (Baltzan, 2012). Systems which will not alter the
overall working of the organization. Employees’ productivity
should not be negative in the sense that it will render other
individuals jobless. Employee productivity should not prove to
be expensive to the organization. The training costs should be
affordable so that it will be easier for the body to find the costs
bearable. Training should fit the organization’s budget.
Staffing in an organization should be through informed ways.
Technology should be used in most of the staffing activities so
as to reduce the costs that are as a result of increased
paperwork. Staffing should be advertised in time so that the
shortages in the number of employers are sustained by the
organization (Baltzan, 2012). An organization before
embracing technology should ensure that they carry out a
feasibility study. The feasibility study will entail details such as
the costs of the technology. The group will assess whether it has
the resources that will enable it to be able to purchase or
acquire its resources.
Also, the organization must check on the benefits that it is
going to enjoy in case the proposed ideas emphasize. The
benefits should be those that are long term so that the company
can base their decisions on them. The decision on the plans to
embrace should be participatory so that everyone is conversant
with technological advancements in the organization.
A company must ensure that it embraces technology in most of
its sectors. The competitor’s technology should act as a guide to
the embracing of technology. Intensive research should be done
so that the best advancements are made. An organization’s
ability to dominate the market depends on its capacity to make
wise decisions that will make it stand out and have a
competitive advantage over its rivals. Profitability of an
organization focuses on the strategies in place to help in the
productivity of the team.
The departments that I have initially discussed are the major
sectors that are supposed to emphasize in the making
technological decisions. Technology advancements based on the
objectives of the business and the capabilities of the
organization. The organizations walking down the road of
success should ensure every initiative is for the betterment of
the company.
Baltzan, P. (2012). Business driven technology. McGraw-
Hunt, S.T. (2014). Common Sense Talent Management.
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons,
Dunning, J. H. (2013). Multinationals, Technology &
Competitiveness (RLE International
Business) (Vol. 13). Routledge.
Running Head: LABOR MARKET 1
Lyndsey Burton
Labor Market
BUS 692: Strategies in Human Resource Management
Instructor: Jean Gordon
December 19, 2016
Labor Market
Google Company is a multinational company that as its
headquarters in the United States. The firm majors in internet
services and products. Initially, the company began with a
search engine that was called Since 1998, the
company started dealing with cloud computing, advertising
technologies, software, and mobile. The company founded by
Larry page and Sergey Bin and well known globally for its
superior production and management. The company is also
known for hiring the best candidates through an uptight process.
The Population
In every year, Google Company gets the company hires over
two million applications for a job from different parts of the
world and thousands of the applicants. After the application, an
applicant waits for about six weeks to get the hire. Each
candidate is screened by the potential boss, hiring committee
and the potential colleagues. Google Company majorly relies on
referrals from Googlers and its personal careers portal. The
company relies on its best-networked employees to spend a lot
of time sourcing for the best hires. The company has also been
using Google+, LinkedIn, professional associations and alumni
databases to discover more talents (Saylor, 2012).
Demographics of the Population
Google hires its workers from different parts of the world. The
company has recently been working on being inclusive by
eliminating any form of bias. The company ensures bias by
removing during hiring through raising unconscious bias
awareness. The company has also been involving its workers
and recruiters on unbiasing training so as to ensure that the
recruitment process is entirely inclusive. The Company believes
that there is no one type of Googler hence they are always
searching for individuals that can bring innovative perspective
and better experience to the existing team. According to
Google, they value people’s passion, curiosity and their desire
to learn. The current team is great thinkers, but they are always
ready to take challenges from new employees. This means that
the company is always willing to hire better employees than the
existing ones.
Google gives people from diverse places to apply for jobs in the
enterprise directly. Ones the applicants send their applications.
Before the application, the applicant should first read the
qualifications needed in the job description and then choose the
role that fits perfectly his/her aspirations and background. It is
important for the applicants to carefully select their jobs since
Google is very strict on qualifications. After the candidates
send their resumes to the company, experts who are familiar
with all job positions in Google Company go through their
resumes. These experts are not only familiar with Google job
positions, but they are also experts of resumes interpretation.
The experts match the resumes after reading them with the job
posts in the company and determine if a job position exists for
the applicant. If the job position does not have a vacant, a note
is written to the candidate assuring them of future chances. If a
match of the position is found, then the recruiter's plan makes a
call on the candidate so as to interview him/her more about their
experiences and skills.
Levels of Education
Google Company does not concentrate more on degrees from
colleges. Nevertheless, the company overwhelmed with
applicants with college degrees from well-recognized
institutions. This primary business focus is on experiences and
skills the candidates have, rather than the level of the education
of the candidates. Google Company values talent significantly
and believes that a person does not need a degree to be talented.
The company works hard on finding talented people more than
finding well-educated people. The company does not even
include college degree as a requirement in their official hiring
guide. They accept and hire driven individuals with vocational
learning and self-paced college courses that have the skills.
Google Company hires people that demonstrate a skill rather
than expertise. The company also takes people that have
cognitive ability, willing to learn and with excellent leadership
skills as well as innately curiously and hire them over people
that have expertise in the field but lack the above traits. College
degrees are viewed in this company as the certificate of
knowledge rather than a level of skills learned. Besides having a
degree, a candidate in Google is checked on what he/she can do,
how he/she can present an idea in public, his/her ability to
create a website, ability to solve problems among other
abilities. Google Company greatly values stats and also believes
that logic gains with time. Google Company, therefore,
encourages their candidates and employees to take training on
structured-thinking that enables and encourages logical
thinking. Candidates that have taken analytical training are
more valued at Google Company compared to those that don’t
have the training.
Rather than concentrating on the level of education more,
Google also focuses more on the persistence of the candidates.
The company does not value a lot a college degree because they
are not able to tell if the level is attained out of smartness or
out of hard work. The company values more persistent
candidates willing to be molded and coached, rather than a
high-achiever who is lazy. This means that in this company it is
not just smartness that checks, also persistence and willingness
to be better are vital. The company is not interested in expertise
attained in colleges; it focuses more on skills attained. The
company, therefore, does not concentrate more on the degree; it
focuses more on projects completed by the candidate while in
college and their performances at the internship. The company
does not care much about what a student majored in while in
college. It concentrates on the skills and achievements gained
from the college
At Google Company, job learning values more than training
courses. The platform where the recruits are taught by the
experiments workers while still in the job process According to
the management of this company, employees become more
productive through job learning than they would do through the
training course. Further, Staffs in Google Company are allowed
to work on projects that are personal with a group they have
come up together. This company allows its workers to have
ideas with all ideas being done informally so that it does not
affect the company if it fails. If the projects are successful, the
employees get encouraged to grow them into a real business
model. The workers are allowed to test their ideas in real jobs
(Tarantola, 2015).
In conclusion, Google Company has become very lucky for
having proper processes of hiring and training workers. Through
good HR management within the organization, the workers end
up bringing ideas into the company that improves the
performance of the enterprise. The workers are given time to
practice their ideas well.
Hunt, S.T. (2014). Common Sense Talent Management.
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons,
Tarantola, A. (2015). "Google's codebase is ludicrously huge
for good reason." Engadget
Saylor, M. (2012). The Mobile Wave: How Mobile Intelligence
Will Change Everything. Perseus Books/Vanguard Press

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  • 1. Running head: NOKIA 1 NOKIA 6 Nokia Lyndsey Burton BUS692: Strategies in Human Resource Management Instructor: Jean Gordon November 28, 2016 Introduction The Nokia company has a long history and has come a long way to the present day production and sale of the computers and other mobile gadgets. First, the company started as a convergence company between the years 1966-1967. Its primary operations were concerned with the works of rubber, electricity, energy, forestry, and cables. The cables department grew very fast, and the present day Nokia first operations are attributed to this. 20 years later, the company, expanded and included other items into its market, the items include; chemicals, floor covering, and television. It is in the year 1960s that the company decided to expand and support the Finnish cable works who thought of expanding its operations to the sales and production of computers. There is also the electronics division that was set up in the year 1960, and the primary role is the sales and marketing of the data center operation and the production of electronics. Electronics Division divided into two parts; one focused on selling party hardware and run the computer station, while the other was involved in R & D and production of its personal designs. Nature of the Business
  • 2. The character of the activity of the Nokia Company can trace back to the Department of Finish cable factory. The Nokia Company supplied large firms such as banks with the computers that were necessary for the ever growing business and administration needs. Besides, the companies also required the support of equipment system to manage the other operations, and the Nokia Company provided it. During the onset of Nokia as a supplier, sales and marketing agent of electronics, there was a great need for the computer center. To achieve that, the company shipped three computers, and from there, they developed their personal computers. Information technology is closely related to the electrical equipment. The knowledge of one is fundamental to understanding the other. In 60 years’ time, the company began the manufacture of the mobile phones as a portable radio communication that developed in the department of electrical and later in the same time, the production continued as a joint venture with the Mobile. After that, cordless phones and other devices were designed and manufactured by the joint venture. In the year 1986, the new board of directors divided the company into three sectors: information systems, phones, and telecommunications. The company reached its peak in the year 1986 when it was involved in other 180 trade activities. Organizational Chart Structure Five companies report to the presidents and the CEO of the Nokia Company. The different groups report to their president who is their leader. The president, on the other hand, is the CEO whom he reports. A part of the five companies, there are also
  • 3. other departments who report directly to the CEO. The agencies include, the chief finance officer, the human resource manager, the sales, and marketing director, the innovations officer, customer care and chief operations officer (Kotler, 2015). Responsibilities The Nokia group leadership team is responsible for all the decision-making processes. The level of the questions by the panel, the implementation of the company’s strategies and also the overall company’s portfolio is under the responsibility of the team management. Business strategy Nokia believes that the communication system will grow to be an only single line. It has made a lot of efforts since the onset of the firm. It is clear from the earlier description that the company values working with other businesses. For that, case, the Nokia Company has partnerships with more than one company (Grant, 2016). The companies include AT&T, Siemens and AEG businesses to work together to bring out the best in both communication and Internet. The partnership has been of great help to the company in that, it widens the market scope, the resources are utilized better and acquired cheaply, and also, the different sections of the workload is performed by addition, the partnership helps the company when it comes to losses. In case the company makes losses, it divides among all the partners who then reduce the effects on the individual business center. Another strategy that has helped the Nokia Company so far is the ability to change with the changing market needs. The company has invested well in the program to determine the changes of the consumers taste and adjusting the production process accordingly. It has kept the sales of the company still
  • 4. high and therefore still maintaining high standards and trust from the customers. Also, the development of the brand image is what is experienced by the corporation. The company predicted the future need for phones as a primary need and thus, it has invested more in the branding of the enterprise. The company has invested in advertisement and allocation of funds for the same. Through this expenditure, it has put the company on top if the rank and among the most preferred product in the global market. The main issue facing the company in the present day is the inability to change to android because of the earlier designs that are fixed. The present day market requires using games, applications, and some re not supported by the Windows operating system (Jia, 2015). Other brands have been able to change along with the growth of the demand and reference by the customers. Also, the network managed by the Nokia phones is not satisfactory to the clients. The issue needs to be addressed to bring out the best of the product. Conclusion In conclusion, the current position of Nokia in the market is not satisfactory. It is important for the production management to go back to the steps of mobile development and revise the levels which were not successful. Besides, the company should benchmark with the most successful brands, and try to implement what they are investing on, to satisfy its clients. It is possible to reverse back the position of the company if the management agrees that the current situation is putting the company at risk and should take corrective measures. References
  • 5. Grant, R. M. (2016). Contemporary strategy analysis: Text and Cases edition. John Wiley & Sons. Jia, J. &. (2015). Analysis of Nokia’s Decline from Marketing Perspective. Open Journal of Business and Management, 3(04), 446. Kotler, P. B. (2015). Marketing. Pearson Higher Education AU. Navteq CEO Change task force Change task force Smart devices Mobile phones Corporate development
  • 6. Services and developer experience CFO Office Design Legal & Intellectual property Human Resource CTO Office Corporate Relations Running head: TARGETED WORK CLASS 1
  • 7. TARGETED WORK CLASS 6 TARGETED WORK CLASS 5 Targeted Work Class Lyndsey Burton BUS 692: Strategies in Human Resource Management December 5, 2016 Introduction From the beginning of the company, it is clear that it started producing some products but as time went on and some products began to perform better in sales than other the company’s management. The company chooses to pursue the products that were playing well and put the company’s resources towards improving the production of this product. Specialization of the processes by the workers and the experience gained over time made the company perfect their manufacturing process, reduce wastage of material and spend less time in the production process while still maintain the high standards of the product produced. This technique of starting production with a range of products and then choosing to pursue the products that do best in sales can be traced from the grass roots of the company to present day. The company still produces a broad range of products and then decides on the qualities of their next generation phone from studying the qualities of the previous year’s phone. The company begins to sell better than the others than from this study the company’s engineering department is instructed to make the next years product from the template or the qualities of the last year's product that did best in sales. The company has also kept its method of dividing production into different branches of the manufacture of hardware units for sale on the one hand and investing in research and development to the contrary (Jia 2016). This method started with the
  • 8. company from its beginning, and it still follows the strategy today. This technique has proved to be of great advantage to the company as it helps the company’s management to invest all or most of the company’s resources into one investment. The process shields the company from making significant losses and also improves the company’s chances of investing its resources in an advantageous idea than a company that just invest In a single investment just because the current financial trends claim that the investment is sound. The shared approach to investing has helped the company spread its reached into the different markets of the world. The company produces more than one product that provides sound quality that will put the company at a better chance of making more sales. This approach helps the company market both of products that will broad the chance of increasing the radius of its reach in any market as the different products. The fact that various markets prefer the different products also means that the company’s products will penetrate any market faster than most of the other businesses that concentrate on one product alone. Producing different products instead of concentrating on one product also plays a part in helping the company target different markets with their products. The company gives the option of targeting the market that is willing to pay a lot of money for a top quality product and with another product the same company can make a product to focus on the needs of the pocket discerning buyer (Grant, 2016). Investing in research and development is also another facet of the company that was there since its beginning. Learning to the needs of a company’s customers through research is crucial for any business that is trying to compete with the other companies, dealing in the same product in the market. The constant changes in the customer's tastes and preferences could mean profit or loss for the business. By the corporation’s management
  • 9. respecting their clients and keeping a keen eye on the changes in the market Nokia manages to keep ahead of most other companies dealing in electronics. The company’s investment in research and development has significantly paid off over the years by providing the company’s management with high-value information about the state of the market and assist the market in the making, decisions. Research into the markets past behavior has helped Nokia to learn more about the global electronics field and to use this information the company has been able to make well-informed prediction of the future trends of the markets that have proved to economically fruitful and informative from a business point of view. Meeting its Strategic Challenges for the Future The company draws from the past reactions of the organization’s response to challenges that evaluates the situation that is causing them problems or the product that is not selling among their different products and choose to stop the production of that product that is not selling. Companies decide to invest more of their income in a more profitable product to stop making losses or reduce the chances of making losses and increase the likelihood of making a profit. In case the challenges to the company originate from a product that is not doing well in the market, the company could also introduce a new variant of the same product having corrected the bits of the result that the customers didn’t like with others qualities of another product that did better in the market (Jia, 2015). Kinds of Workers i) Experienced employees For a company that focuses on pleasing its company’s customer at Nokia, the workers would have to be a combination of old employees, who understand the roots of the enterprise. Those employees will ensure that all the products coming from the company have some similarity of past outcomes to show the
  • 10. company’s unique touch on their products. ii) Fresh and innovative employees The company would also need young and eager employees who will introduce new skills into the workforce and who are more conversant with the current tastes and preferences of the market so that they can bring their input to the company and help capture a large variety of the products they produce. Observing other at the organizations, the team will need people with new ideas that are not yet in the markets. For example, there must be introduction of new products so that the company can still be relevant in the markets. iii) Flexible employees The workers will need to have a broad range of skills so that the company will have more flexibility to move its employees around the in a case of changes to suite particular market changes. The current competitive market calls for employees who can work in any environment and who are ready to shift places as well as professions. Compensation system The company compensation system will include a medical cover for all the employees and their immediate family members. This is a reflection of the company’s value of its employees and the desire to have them working at the top of their abilities (Grant, 2016). References Grant, R. M. (2016). Contemporary strategy analysis: Text and Cases edition. John Wiley & Sons. Jia, J. &. (2015). Analysis of Nokia’s Decline from Marketing
  • 11. Perspective. Open Journal of Business and Management, 3(04), 446. Kotler, P. B. (2015). Marketing. Pearson Higher Education AU. Running Head: TECHNOLOGY AND TRAINING SYSTEMS 1 TECHNOLOGY AND TRAINING SYSTEMS 6 Technology and Training Systems Lyndsey Burton BUS 692: Strategies in Human Resource Management December 12, 2016 Technology and Training Systems Environmental dynamics are familiar today in Organizations. Changes in the environments prompt an organization to engage in advancements that incorporate the changes so that the organization is on par with the competitiveness in the market. Efficient Technological dynamics in the environment must be looked into so as to ensure that the organization if practical and effective in its operations. Organizations embrace technological improvements that will help its staff to be fast and accurate in their duties. Technological advancements can be in the form of acquiring new machines that are more efficient or managing of new software in the information systems. Adopting a new technology in the organization is expensive, and the management is not sure of its workability the decisions for machines (Dunning, 2013). Machines are prone to obsolesce, and training costs must also be looked upon. Technological assessment is vital for the overall efficiency of the organization. For informed decisions to
  • 12. make in regards to technological adaptability, then all factors for and against the advancement must be scrutinized with severity for best results. Assessment of Technology To begin with, the productivity of employees depends on the type of technology that is in place. For instance when an organization possesses efficient machines, the output per hour will increase the rate of production will increase. The types of devices should be those who can stay in the organization for an extended period. The firm should be able to realize the value of its investment. Tools are obtained through leasing or buying of the fixed asset. The machine should be that which its spare parts can are found locally and that which is easy to maintain and manage. Efficient tools should be those that will save time and reduce the costs of the factors of production. Staffing systems in an organization will ensure that the company is always staffed. When an organization is understaffed then the level of productivity will decrease or, losses will realize. Team systems will also ensure that recruitments are done through suitable methods such as the use of employment agencies and the internet. Efficient methods should be used to make sure that low costs incur. It is evident that for an organization to be successful then through the management, it should ensure that the right people are given the right jobs (Dunning, 2013). Recruiting the most skilled individuals will improve the overall operations of the organization. Online job applications should emphasize so as to adapt systems that are paperless. Career development systems aim at ensuring that staff members are given an opportunity to develop their careers. Development of professionals can be through upgrading a degree course or taking a diploma course. The employer must be concerned and willing to give his employees a chance to follow their dreams. The company can achieve this through granting leaves to take
  • 13. their exams and also relieving them from stressful duties that may sabotage their success (Dunning,2013).Systems should be in place that ensures employees that have advanced their skills are rewarded through promotions and increase in their salaries. Career development can be done internally through the undertaking of digital learning where an employer does not have to go to the institution of education but can study from the comfort of his office or home. Training in an organization is through workshops and seminars. Training ensures that one acquires knowledge pertaining new ideas in the group. Training is a continuous process in an organization for it facilitates the process of technological advancement. For instance when a team wants to embrace a new software in the organization that will help store the organization’s information. The staff must be conversant with the systems so as to ensure that they are familiar with the new application (Baltzan, 2012). The motive of the organization is to ensure that the organization harbors employees that are competent in their place of duty so that the overall objectives of the organization achieve in the short run. Technology can employ in training where training can undertake through lectures on the team's website. Recommendations Training in an organization is majorly affected by the amount of technology in the organization. Training is a routine duty for the management to ensure that is embraced of changes are being experienced in a group. Training is done to individuals that are semi-skilled. The semi-skilled workers majorly lack the competent skills that require for the success of any organization. Shifting of the working hours is affected by the skills of individuals. Career development systems can go through the embracing of systems that will support the development of professionalism in the organization. Professionalism breeds competence in the
  • 14. organization. For an organization to embrace career development then it has to ensure that the best practices are adopted (Baltzan, 2012). Systems which will not alter the overall working of the organization. Employees’ productivity should not be negative in the sense that it will render other individuals jobless. Employee productivity should not prove to be expensive to the organization. The training costs should be affordable so that it will be easier for the body to find the costs bearable. Training should fit the organization’s budget. Staffing in an organization should be through informed ways. Technology should be used in most of the staffing activities so as to reduce the costs that are as a result of increased paperwork. Staffing should be advertised in time so that the shortages in the number of employers are sustained by the organization (Baltzan, 2012). An organization before embracing technology should ensure that they carry out a feasibility study. The feasibility study will entail details such as the costs of the technology. The group will assess whether it has the resources that will enable it to be able to purchase or acquire its resources. Also, the organization must check on the benefits that it is going to enjoy in case the proposed ideas emphasize. The benefits should be those that are long term so that the company can base their decisions on them. The decision on the plans to embrace should be participatory so that everyone is conversant with technological advancements in the organization. Conclusion A company must ensure that it embraces technology in most of its sectors. The competitor’s technology should act as a guide to the embracing of technology. Intensive research should be done so that the best advancements are made. An organization’s ability to dominate the market depends on its capacity to make wise decisions that will make it stand out and have a competitive advantage over its rivals. Profitability of an organization focuses on the strategies in place to help in the
  • 15. productivity of the team. The departments that I have initially discussed are the major sectors that are supposed to emphasize in the making technological decisions. Technology advancements based on the objectives of the business and the capabilities of the organization. The organizations walking down the road of success should ensure every initiative is for the betterment of the company. References Baltzan, P. (2012). Business driven technology. McGraw- Hill/Irwin. Hunt, S.T. (2014). Common Sense Talent Management. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Dunning, J. H. (2013). Multinationals, Technology & Competitiveness (RLE International Business) (Vol. 13). Routledge. Running Head: LABOR MARKET 1 LABOR MARKET 6 Lyndsey Burton Labor Market BUS 692: Strategies in Human Resource Management Instructor: Jean Gordon December 19, 2016
  • 16. Labor Market Google Company is a multinational company that as its headquarters in the United States. The firm majors in internet services and products. Initially, the company began with a search engine that was called Since 1998, the company started dealing with cloud computing, advertising technologies, software, and mobile. The company founded by Larry page and Sergey Bin and well known globally for its superior production and management. The company is also known for hiring the best candidates through an uptight process. The Population In every year, Google Company gets the company hires over two million applications for a job from different parts of the world and thousands of the applicants. After the application, an applicant waits for about six weeks to get the hire. Each candidate is screened by the potential boss, hiring committee and the potential colleagues. Google Company majorly relies on referrals from Googlers and its personal careers portal. The company relies on its best-networked employees to spend a lot of time sourcing for the best hires. The company has also been using Google+, LinkedIn, professional associations and alumni databases to discover more talents (Saylor, 2012). Demographics of the Population Google hires its workers from different parts of the world. The company has recently been working on being inclusive by eliminating any form of bias. The company ensures bias by
  • 17. removing during hiring through raising unconscious bias awareness. The company has also been involving its workers and recruiters on unbiasing training so as to ensure that the recruitment process is entirely inclusive. The Company believes that there is no one type of Googler hence they are always searching for individuals that can bring innovative perspective and better experience to the existing team. According to Google, they value people’s passion, curiosity and their desire to learn. The current team is great thinkers, but they are always ready to take challenges from new employees. This means that the company is always willing to hire better employees than the existing ones. Google gives people from diverse places to apply for jobs in the enterprise directly. Ones the applicants send their applications. Before the application, the applicant should first read the qualifications needed in the job description and then choose the role that fits perfectly his/her aspirations and background. It is important for the applicants to carefully select their jobs since Google is very strict on qualifications. After the candidates send their resumes to the company, experts who are familiar with all job positions in Google Company go through their resumes. These experts are not only familiar with Google job positions, but they are also experts of resumes interpretation. The experts match the resumes after reading them with the job posts in the company and determine if a job position exists for the applicant. If the job position does not have a vacant, a note is written to the candidate assuring them of future chances. If a match of the position is found, then the recruiter's plan makes a call on the candidate so as to interview him/her more about their experiences and skills. Levels of Education Google Company does not concentrate more on degrees from colleges. Nevertheless, the company overwhelmed with applicants with college degrees from well-recognized institutions. This primary business focus is on experiences and skills the candidates have, rather than the level of the education
  • 18. of the candidates. Google Company values talent significantly and believes that a person does not need a degree to be talented. The company works hard on finding talented people more than finding well-educated people. The company does not even include college degree as a requirement in their official hiring guide. They accept and hire driven individuals with vocational learning and self-paced college courses that have the skills. Google Company hires people that demonstrate a skill rather than expertise. The company also takes people that have cognitive ability, willing to learn and with excellent leadership skills as well as innately curiously and hire them over people that have expertise in the field but lack the above traits. College degrees are viewed in this company as the certificate of knowledge rather than a level of skills learned. Besides having a degree, a candidate in Google is checked on what he/she can do, how he/she can present an idea in public, his/her ability to create a website, ability to solve problems among other abilities. Google Company greatly values stats and also believes that logic gains with time. Google Company, therefore, encourages their candidates and employees to take training on structured-thinking that enables and encourages logical thinking. Candidates that have taken analytical training are more valued at Google Company compared to those that don’t have the training. Rather than concentrating on the level of education more, Google also focuses more on the persistence of the candidates. The company does not value a lot a college degree because they are not able to tell if the level is attained out of smartness or out of hard work. The company values more persistent candidates willing to be molded and coached, rather than a high-achiever who is lazy. This means that in this company it is not just smartness that checks, also persistence and willingness to be better are vital. The company is not interested in expertise attained in colleges; it focuses more on skills attained. The company, therefore, does not concentrate more on the degree; it focuses more on projects completed by the candidate while in
  • 19. college and their performances at the internship. The company does not care much about what a student majored in while in college. It concentrates on the skills and achievements gained from the college . Training At Google Company, job learning values more than training courses. The platform where the recruits are taught by the experiments workers while still in the job process According to the management of this company, employees become more productive through job learning than they would do through the training course. Further, Staffs in Google Company are allowed to work on projects that are personal with a group they have come up together. This company allows its workers to have ideas with all ideas being done informally so that it does not affect the company if it fails. If the projects are successful, the employees get encouraged to grow them into a real business model. The workers are allowed to test their ideas in real jobs (Tarantola, 2015). Conclusion In conclusion, Google Company has become very lucky for having proper processes of hiring and training workers. Through good HR management within the organization, the workers end up bringing ideas into the company that improves the performance of the enterprise. The workers are given time to practice their ideas well. References Hunt, S.T. (2014). Common Sense Talent Management. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons,
  • 20. Inc. Tarantola, A. (2015). "Google's codebase is ludicrously huge for good reason." Engadget Saylor, M. (2012). The Mobile Wave: How Mobile Intelligence Will Change Everything. Perseus Books/Vanguard Press