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Running head: MARKETING PLAN
8Marketing Plan
Tamico Little
MKT500 Marketing Management
Strayer University
Dr. Dotty Heady
February 29, 2016
Marketing Plan
IntroductionPlaxe Inc., is aiming at becoming one of the leading
technology companies in the world. The company is making an
entrance into an already competitive market and is taking all the
necessary steps to make sure that the entry becomes successful
as planned and will also maintain a viable and profitable
business. To achieve these, there are specific measure and tools
that the company will be using, and by doing so, they will help
navigate the company through the volatile technology market.
One thing that is clear in the company’s strategic plan is the
fact that the company will be able to realize rapid growth which
will translate to the expansion of the products from the current
line of mobile phones to other electrical home appliances. This
move will enable the company to provide more solutions to the
ever growing customer needs and as such be able to get a more
solid and reliable customer base (Boone, 2012). This paper will
cover some of the critical aspect and tools that Plaxe Inc., will
have to take into consideration to see it through that it can
achieve its goals and objectives.
Branding, Pricing and Distribution Strategy
Plaxe Inc., looking forward to introducing a very capable device
at an affordable price and for this reason; a strong brand is
paramount to realize the success of the product. To achieve this,
Plaxe Inc., will manufacture smartphones that are designed and
developed to satisfy specific as well as general customer needs.
The devices will also have consistencies in the design and
development that customers can easily use to distinguish them
from competitor devices. The pricing strategy of the devices
will be market oriented. As such, the company will be able to
price the devices lower that what is being offered by the
competitors thus gaining a competitive advantage. Regarding
distribution channel, Plaxe In., is aiming at making it as short
as possible so as to reduce the middlemen who end up
increasing the prices. The devices will be distributed by the
local services providers and the company shops thus ensuring
that prices are not increased unnecessarily.
Even through the technology industry is flooded by various
companies with various products, there are two main companies
that control the largest share of the market. This includes Apple
Inc. and Samsung, LG, Lenovo and Huawei. Since the company
will begin with the design and production of mobile phones, the
two companies in addition to the other who are producing other
products as well will bring forth both inter and intra-
competition in the market. Companies that produce other
products in addition to smartphones will be a source of intra-
competition while those that produce other products that are
different from what Plaxe Inc., is offering will be inter-
competition (Boone, 2012).
Looking at the above-mentioned top technology company,
Apple, Samsung, and LG, are in the business of producing other
electrical appliances for home as well as commercial uses. This
then means that even though these companies are also in the
business of designing and producing smartphones, they also
have other products that help them capture a wide customer
base. For instance, Apple has the Mac and iPods among other
products. Samsung has a wide range of products ranging from
Smart TVs to refrigerators and computers, and the case is the
same for Lenovo, which produces computers and tablets too.
These companies represent inter-competition. One the other
hand, a company such as Huawei which is not so much
diversified with regards to its range of products will cause
intra-competition because it majorly focuses on the design and
sale of smartphones just like Plaxe Inc.
One of the strengths of the major competitor, Samsung, is that
the company has already penetrated deep into the market and
developed a brand name. On the other hand it has a weakness
and that is that the company does not employ sophisticated
marketing efforts (Lagarde, 2013). Looking at Apple, some of
the things that make the company stand out is that it has a
strong brand name as well as high-profit margins that enable
flexibility for product development. On the other hand, one
weakness that the Apple Inc. suffers is that the company has a
limited distribution network for its products.
Differentiation Strategy
For the company to stand out from the competitors mentioned
above, it is very import to make sure that it distinguishes its
products from those that are already in the market. One thing
that is going to make Plaxe Mobile stand out among the major
players in the industry is the price of the product. This is
because the device will retail at almost half the price of those
being offered by the competitors. In addition to affordable
prices, the devices will also be designed in a manner that will
help them greatly with capabilities for more convenience
(Lagarde, 2013).
Since the phones that are already on the market only have the
basics when it comes to social networks. Plaxe Mobile will give
customers the convenience of signing into all their social
networks and flipping through them with so much ease within
the least amount of time. With Huawei as the closest competitor
regarding affordability, this strategy will allow Plaxe Inc.,
smartphones to outshine the other devices in the market.
Research has proven that a large number of customers
especially in the global market are looking for quality as well as
affordable devices. Plaxe Mobile will be a sign of the
company’s commitment to producing not only quality products
but also cheaper smartphones that they can be able to afford.
Plaxe Inc. Intention
The company’s intention is to be a leader in the technology
industry. This is because the company has the necessary skills
and knowledge that is required to do so and the only thing that
is holding it back is limited finances. When the company
introduces the new devices, it will be able to record impressive
sales based on the preliminary market research conducted by its
marketing team (Mullins & Walker, 2013). Even though the
company will be facing challenges such as tight competition
from the large and already developed competitors, it will be
able to gain ground gradually and through the profits made over
time, the company will then be able to engage in advanced
research activities that will result in the designing and
production of high-tech home and commercial appliances that
are also affordable (McKinney, 2003).
It is the affordability of the products that will make the
company encounter large sales volumes that will translate into
profits. With this kind of environment, the company will be able
to finance any form of research that is aimed at producing
electronic devices for giving a solution to the ever-growing
human needs. With the wide range of products and a large
customer base both in the United States and in the global
market, Plaxe Mobile will become the leading technology
company in the market (Meek, 2008).
The more the customers realize that they can be able to save
more money when buying Plaxe Inc., products, the more they
will be attracted to the company and eventually the company
will develop a very strong customer base. When this happens,
Plaxe Inc., with have a guaranteed and steady income flow, and
this will ensure that the company can overcome some of the
challenges that it is bound to face as a result of expansion.
Media Tools
One of the basic things that Plaxe Inc., will be focusing on is
marketing. This is so because if the company does not employ
and effective and efficient marketing plan, then it will be almost
impossible for the smartphones to move or sell in the market
because individuals are not made aware of it and even if they
are, they know nothing about some of the best offers the
company has, and is bringing forth. First and foremost, it has
been shown through research that individuals spend more time
on the internet, specifically the social media than they do
watching TV. As such, the social media offers a great avenue
where the company will be able to reach out to its potential
customers and give them important information about the
product with regards to its capabilities as well as where the
products can be purchased.
The first social media tool that will play an important role in
the above-mentioned marketing strategy is YouTube. YouTube
users watch hundred and millions of hours on a daily basis, and
this offers a rich ground for marketing. Here the users will be
able to see the Plaxe Mobile ad which will be tailored to inform
them as much as possible about the incredible things that the
phone can do and how ridiculously cheap it also is.
In addition to YouTube, the company will also focus on
advertising the product through Facebook. Just like YouTube,
Facebook will offer a very rich ground for potential customers.
Here the advert will capture the major features of the phone that
makes it stand out from the other competitors (Mullins &
Walker, 2013). When they are able to view this information
when they are viewing some of their personal or group pages,
they will be in a better position to make informed choices that
will enable them to save a huge amount of money to be used for
their other needs.
Integrated Marketing Communication
Looking at the marketing strategies mentioned above on the
media, one thing that will have to stand out is coherence. The
ads have to make the best out of the specific period they will be
aired so it can inform as many individuals as possible about the
amazing phone. This means that the ad will run when it is
expected when more of the targeted customers are anticipated to
be online. As a result, when they are opening the links for their
videos, they will be able to get acquainted with the Plaxe
Mobile range of devices. The message being passed across the
different forms of media will be the same. Even though the ad
on Facebook might not have a video like that on YouTube, the
message being passed across will be clear and concise.
The company is also focusing on ensuring that the ads don’t end
up in being removed from the internet because of time. The
company will invest in the venture, and this will see it through
that the potential customers can access the devices easily and
conveniently (Meek, 2008). The more the potential customer
sees the ads when it is still on the internet the more likely they
are to buy the product because they will having sufficient
amount of information about the phones.
Last but not least, the company will make sure that the message
being communicated by the ads are well developed by
professionals who will ensure that even the distributors are well
equipped to run the Plaxe’s ads the best way possible to attract
as many individuals as possible to the group. References
Boone, L. (2012). Contemporary marketing, 2013 update. [s.l.]:
Cengage learning custom p.
Lagarde, F. (2013). Socratic Questioning Applied to Social
Marketing. Social Marketing Quarterly.
McKinney, A. (2003). Real business plans & marketing tools.
Fayetteville, NC: PREP Pub.
Meek, H. (2008). Managing marketing performance, 2008-2009.
Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
Mullins, J., & Walker, O. (2013). Marketing management. New
York: McGraw-Hill.
Running head: MARKETING PLAN
Marketing Plan
Tamico Little
MKT500 Marketing Management
Strayer University
Dr. Dotty Heady
February 15, 2016
Marketing Plan
Mission Statement and Introduction
The mission of Plaxe, Inc. is to be the leading electronic
manufacturing company in the world that offers its consumer’s
quality and affordable products that that will enhance all
aspects of their lives by giving them a new shopping
experience. The company will conduct its business operations
under the name Plaxe, Inc. This will also be the name of the
smartphones that the company will be producing. Its industry is
one of the most competitive and dynamic industries because the
survival of a company in this industry will greatly depend on
the innovative abilities of the company with regards to keeping
up with the ever-growing consumer needs (Giachetti, 2013).
Plaxe, Inc. is determined to bring tremendous change in the
industry by not only bringing in quality products into the
market but also affordable gadgets that serve the specific needs
of the targeted market. Even though there are many companies
in the industry who can be considered to be the major players,
there is a niche in the market with regards to the production of
quality high-end devices that are pocket-friendly (Giachetti,
2013). A good number of the players in the industry are offering
their products at much higher prices which some individuals
find to be very expensive. As a result, the company is coming in
to close this gap by giving the targeted customers an
opportunity to have the greatest technology experience at
almost half the price of what is being offered in the market by
the competitors. With this in place, the company will be able to
gain a competitive advantage over the other competitors in the
market (Wollenberg, 2014). As a result, Plaxe, Inc. will be able
to stay in business by running a successful business operation
driven by a profitable revenue stream. The company also
understands that entering the market with cheaper gadgets may
not be an easy task and that is the main reason there are
measures in place to ensure that Plaxe mobile is effectively
marketed to the targeted market so that they will be able to gain
first-hand information about the phone and its capabilities with
regards to satisfying their specific needs.
Branding Strategy
One thing that Plaxe, Inc. is focusing on is giving consumers
value for their hard earned money, and this is something that
will be reflected in all aspect of using Plaxe mobile. The
company is anticipating that for the very first time that
consumers have an encounter with the variety of mobile gadgets
that the company will avail the market; they will not turn back.
This is what will see it through, that the company can build up
consumer loyalty which will greatly contribute to brand loyalty.
The company will also make sure that it is there for its
customers with regards to handling any of the queries that they
may be having when they are using the mobile phones
(Mallinson, 2015). There will be a customer center in all the
countries that the phone will be sold in, and this will help create
contact between the company and its customers as well as
potential customers.
The brand logo will incorporate the name of the company, and
this is for making sure that the brand is not in any way confused
with any other company to the targeted customers. Below is the
representation of the company logo which also be appearing on
the front and back of each Plaxe mobile.
The slogan of the company is, “Experience more for less.” This
is basically formulated around the goals and objectives of the
company which is to offer affordable high-end quality mobile
device to the mobile users. The brand extension that the
company will use is getting into partnership with the service
provider who have already been on the market. This will enable
the company can get the attention of the customers who are
already using the networks of the service providers
(Wollenberg, 2014).
Marketing Strategy
The company has come up with a marketing strategy that will
permit it to achieve its goals and objectives. The strategy is
based on a marketing research conducted by the company so as
to determine who best the company can be able to reach out to
its targeted market. As mentioned earlier, one of the strategies
that the company will have to utilize is to partner with allies.
When this is in place, the company will be able to benefit from
the customers that the local service providers have in their
customer base. The partnership will go a long way in helping
the company reduce its marketing and advertising costs (Tseng,
Liu & Wu, 2014). This is so because, through the partnership,
the marketing costs will be shared between the two companies.
The second strategy that the company will take is to market its
products through the internet. The majority of individuals being
targeted by the phone use the internet and as a result, they will
be able to come across the device and get to know more about
it. Here there will be articles and videos prepared by the
company that will give internet users as much information as
possible about the product.
Last but not least, the company will also reach out to the
targeted customers through a famous individual. Here, a TV
commercial will be developed, and this will focus on how the
famous individual such as a movie star or sports celebrity uses
the product. This will be a very effective way of convincing the
potential buyers that the product is not only affordable but also
of remarkable quality and will be able to satisfy their
technology needs. All the above marketing strategies will be
initiated immediately when the product is launched. Gradually,
the company will then be able to come up with other marketing
strategies based on the feedback and response obtained from the
Positioning Statement
“To the individuals who are concerned about having the latest
technology at their disposal, when they see Plaxe mobiles, all
they will think of is how convenient it is save the extra money
for the future because of the ridiculously affordable prices.”
Looking at the above map, one can clearly see that Plaxe mobile
will be ahead of all the other competitors in the game by being
more affordable, high-tech, user-friendly as well as durable
compared to the other competitor’s products. This is what
consumers are looking for, being able to get more value for less
and thus use the extra money that they would have otherwise
used to buy an expensive phone for other purposes.
Consumer Behavior
Consumers in the mobile industry are greatly affected by the
first impression made by a brand or product. Making a good
first impression is paramount to the success of the company in
the already flooded and volatile industry. Consumers are
looking up to new and advanced technology, and when they can
get that, then they will be willing to buy the product. This is
evidence of the fact that consumers are always looking out to
the launch of a new and advanced device that will be able to do
some of the things that the previous devices could not. As such,
developing a product that is on top of the game with regards to
technological innovation will be a very important factor in the
success of Plaxe, Inc. Also, the company will put up platforms
that will allow consumers to interact with the employees of the
company through social networks so they can get exactly what
they want or expect from the product (Mallinson, 2015). With
this information, the company will be in a better position to
influence the behavior of their customers or targeted customers
with regards to offering them the technology that they need on
the Plaxe smartphones and thus having no other reason to settle
for the competitors products.
The brand name is unique, and thus, individuals will be curious
about getting to know the product. The logo is a sign of a
shining sun, and that means bringing high-tech devices to
everyone. The slogan as mentioned above is for making the
targeted market understand that buying a Plaxe device will see
to that they have more to save. With the brand extension,
consumers will know that Plaxe mobile is a reliable product
they can trust (Tseng, Liu & Wu, 2014). Last but not least, the
positioning statement informs the consumers that they no longer
have to worry about spending a lot of money for the latest
ReferencesGiachetti, C. (2013). Competitive dynamics in the
mobile phone industry. [Basingstoke]: Palgrave
Macmillan.Mallinson, K. (2015). Smartphone Revolution:
Technology patenting and licensing fosters innovation, market
entry, and exceptional growth. IEEE Consumer Electron.
Mag., 4(2), 60-66., F., Liu, Y.,
& Wu, H. (2014). Market penetration among competitive
innovation products: The case of the Smartphone Operating
System. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management,
32, 40-59.,
A. (2014). Consumer Behavior in the Smartphone Market in
Vietnam. International Journal of Innovation, Management and
Technology, 5(6).
5 2 iPhone 6 & 6 Plus 1 5 2 LG 3
4 2 Ascend P8 4 3 2 2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2 Plaxe 5 5 2 S6 3 5
2 iPhone 6 & 6 Plus 1 5 2 LG 3 4
2 Ascend P8 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Running Head: MARKETING PLAN 1
Marketing Plan
Tamico Little
MKT500 Marketing Management
Strayer University
Dr. Dotty Heady
February 1, 2016
The company in question deals as a consumer electronics
company whose major line of product is the mobile phone and
particularly the Smartphones. It is a family based business
which is aimed at providing low price mobile phones to cater
for the lowly in United States and also a large number of people
in the developing nations. The company will be located in
Virginia Beach, Virginia. It expects to grow and develop in the
coming years to become a major threat to the big consumer
electronics companies all over the world... The following report
provides the environmental forces affecting the company,
SWOT analysis and also critical information surrounding its
target market (Swan, 2011).
Environmental Analysis
Environmental analysis as stated above involves the analysis of
various forces which will influence the profits and revenue in
which this company is yet to gain. To start with political
environment, the company is expected to operate in a very
conducive political environment as a result of political stability
associated with United States. However, there are minor
barriers which are anticipated to result into negative
implications within the company. Some of these barriers have
highly been witnessed in India where a lot of political
instability exists. In addition to this, political instability parts
of Africa and Latin America will also result into unbearable
political conditions for the operations of this corporation.
The economic environment is very critical for this company.
This is due to the fact that the company is actually opening
markets not only in United States but also in other developing
countries. This will therefore mean that the company can
enlarge its global operations and thus gain more profits. This
environment is however a subject to worry as a result of the
uncertainties associate with the economy of different countries.
The economy is normally subjected into various events such as
inflation and deflation and this may positively or negatively
affect the performance of the company. Profit and revenue gain
is dependent upon the economy of the nation in which the
company is operating in.
Socio-Cultural Forces
On socio-cultural environment, it is important to note that the
company will be primarily from United States of America. It is
a family owned company and therefore despite its appearance
globally, its operation is primarily the American culture. In
order to survive globally, the company will be forced to act
locally in order to gain more market share. Other than acting
locally, the company will also try to make products which will
favor the customers of a particular region. People from different
parts of the world have different tastes and likes. This company
will therefore use this strategy in ensuring it remains relevant
locally and therefore gain globally.
The company is expected to use some of the latest technologies
that will stimulate the target market to purchase this product.
The company believes that it is only through innovation that its
products will remain relevant to the people. The company aims
at making very slim, low weight and versatile smartphones
using various technologies currently available. The power to
harness such technologies will ensure the company obtains a
competitive advantage that for a long period of time that will
result into sustainability. This will also make the company to
dominate most of its rivals who already exist in this industry.
Concerning the competitive environment the company is
expected to compete fairly with the existing companies due to
the technology and innovation it uses in making its main
product (Solis, 2011).
The legal environment in which this company will operate in is
subject to various challenges. For instance, being a new
company in already existing industry may result into issues of
fraud and theft of intellectual property. For instance no
company is supposed to copy or imitate another company’s
product. In some scenarios, it becomes a bit difficult to avoid
such factors. This will therefore act as a major challenge in the
legal environment of this company.
Primary and Secondary Target Markets
Consumer electronics are currently on demand among many
people of different ages. The company in question however
focuses majorly on the people forming the middle class of any
economy. The products for instance mobile phones in which the
company is dealing into are majorly meant for the people in the
middle class and ensure they can purchase the phones without
any strains. This therefore forms the primary market for this
In the future however, the company is aiming at also coming up
with very expensive consumer products that will also include
the rich as their top targets within the market. This therefore
forms the secondary market for this company.
4Ps (Product, Price, Place, Promotion)
The company will uses the common marketing mix which is
composed of the 4Ps of marketing. Currently, the company is
dealing in mobile phones as its main product. In the coming
years, the company is anticipated to venture into other
consumer electronics such as computers, laptops, televisions,
among other products. The company will use various pricing
strategies. Some of these pricing strategies include skimming
price and competitive pricing which the two most common
types. Skimming price involves setting a higher price for a
product at first and then lowers the price over time. Competitive
pricing on the other hand involves setting price of a product
based on what the competitors are charging. Concerning place,
the company will use various channels in order to reach its
market. The concept of channel marketing is used and in this
case, three major segments are involved. These include
distributors, sales dealers and the modern retail. The company is
also expected to use various forms of promotions. The company
believes in pulling the potential customers to themselves and
this is only possible through the use of adverts. At the same the
company uses very strong tactics to push the product to the
customers by ensuring the product satisfies their wants and
requirements (Keller, 2012).
5Cs (Customer, Company, Competition, Collaborators, Context)
Concerning the 5Cs, the company operates currently in one
product line which is mobile phones. The company will
collaborate with various distributors in different countries for
the purposes of proper distribution of its goods. The company
has the low class individuals forming its customer base. This
includes individuals in United States and also those in other
countries globally. The company will also use various buying
process including online services to ensure the product reaches
the customers. On competitors, the company is anticipated to
face a stiff competition from other consumer electronics
company such as Samsung and Apple which have already
established their markets. The climate or context of this
company’s operations is based on the environmental analysis
that outlines the forces affecting activities carried out by this
STP (Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning)
The company will have three major segmentations it uses for its
operations. They include strategic segmentation, operational
segmentation and managerial segmentation. On targeting, the
company has the options of targeting single segments, selective
segments and the extensive segments. Concerning positioning
the company will focus upon the brand of its Smartphones and
ensure it provides the customers with experience they need.
Main Goal (Short-Term) and Main Goal (Long-Term)
One major short term goal in which this company wants to
achieve is the extension of its market in other places of the
world. The company is aiming at studying various cultural
features that will make it to act more locally with its products.
On long term achievements the company has decided to go
environmental friendly and this by reducing the emission of
greenhouse gases. The company recognizes the responsibilities
in which companies have towards addressing the major climatic
issues (Shaw, 2012).
Measurement of Short and Long-Term Goals
To measure both long term and short term goals will require the
company to come up data forms which records all the stages
that should be implemented towards the realization of the goals.
This will ensure the company remains focused as it will know
what has already been achieved and also lay strategies towards
achieving the remainder.
SWOT Analysis and Needs Analysis
· Excellence in producing hardware parts
· Low production cost
· Having a deep focus on the environment
· Design and innovation
· The company lacks its own operating system
· It only has one product line
· The company experiences low profit margin
· Low market share as per now
· High number of poor people
· Smartphone market for many nations globally are developing
· There is a demand for cheap and effective Smartphones
· Mobile advertising industry is also growing
· The company experiences price wars
· There rapid changes in technology
· Existing companies in this industry are many
· Probability of breaching patents is high
Keller, L. (2012). Marketing Management 14e. Pearson
Education Limited.
Solis, B. (2011).Engage! The Complete Guide for Brands and
Businesses to Build, Cultivate, and
Measure Success in the New Web. John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Shaw, E. (2012). Marketing strategy: From the origin of the
concept to the development of a
Conceptual framework. Journal of Historical Research in
Swan, K. S. (2011). Perspective: The Emergence of Product
Design as a Field of Marketing
Inquiry. Journal of Product Innovation Management

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  • 1. Running head: MARKETING PLAN 1 MARKETING PLAN 8Marketing Plan Tamico Little MKT500 Marketing Management Strayer University Dr. Dotty Heady February 29, 2016 Marketing Plan IntroductionPlaxe Inc., is aiming at becoming one of the leading technology companies in the world. The company is making an entrance into an already competitive market and is taking all the necessary steps to make sure that the entry becomes successful as planned and will also maintain a viable and profitable business. To achieve these, there are specific measure and tools that the company will be using, and by doing so, they will help navigate the company through the volatile technology market. One thing that is clear in the company’s strategic plan is the fact that the company will be able to realize rapid growth which will translate to the expansion of the products from the current line of mobile phones to other electrical home appliances. This move will enable the company to provide more solutions to the ever growing customer needs and as such be able to get a more solid and reliable customer base (Boone, 2012). This paper will cover some of the critical aspect and tools that Plaxe Inc., will have to take into consideration to see it through that it can achieve its goals and objectives. Branding, Pricing and Distribution Strategy Plaxe Inc., looking forward to introducing a very capable device
  • 2. at an affordable price and for this reason; a strong brand is paramount to realize the success of the product. To achieve this, Plaxe Inc., will manufacture smartphones that are designed and developed to satisfy specific as well as general customer needs. The devices will also have consistencies in the design and development that customers can easily use to distinguish them from competitor devices. The pricing strategy of the devices will be market oriented. As such, the company will be able to price the devices lower that what is being offered by the competitors thus gaining a competitive advantage. Regarding distribution channel, Plaxe In., is aiming at making it as short as possible so as to reduce the middlemen who end up increasing the prices. The devices will be distributed by the local services providers and the company shops thus ensuring that prices are not increased unnecessarily. Even through the technology industry is flooded by various companies with various products, there are two main companies that control the largest share of the market. This includes Apple Inc. and Samsung, LG, Lenovo and Huawei. Since the company will begin with the design and production of mobile phones, the two companies in addition to the other who are producing other products as well will bring forth both inter and intra- competition in the market. Companies that produce other products in addition to smartphones will be a source of intra- competition while those that produce other products that are different from what Plaxe Inc., is offering will be inter- competition (Boone, 2012). Looking at the above-mentioned top technology company, Apple, Samsung, and LG, are in the business of producing other electrical appliances for home as well as commercial uses. This then means that even though these companies are also in the business of designing and producing smartphones, they also have other products that help them capture a wide customer base. For instance, Apple has the Mac and iPods among other products. Samsung has a wide range of products ranging from Smart TVs to refrigerators and computers, and the case is the
  • 3. same for Lenovo, which produces computers and tablets too. These companies represent inter-competition. One the other hand, a company such as Huawei which is not so much diversified with regards to its range of products will cause intra-competition because it majorly focuses on the design and sale of smartphones just like Plaxe Inc. One of the strengths of the major competitor, Samsung, is that the company has already penetrated deep into the market and developed a brand name. On the other hand it has a weakness and that is that the company does not employ sophisticated marketing efforts (Lagarde, 2013). Looking at Apple, some of the things that make the company stand out is that it has a strong brand name as well as high-profit margins that enable flexibility for product development. On the other hand, one weakness that the Apple Inc. suffers is that the company has a limited distribution network for its products. Differentiation Strategy For the company to stand out from the competitors mentioned above, it is very import to make sure that it distinguishes its products from those that are already in the market. One thing that is going to make Plaxe Mobile stand out among the major players in the industry is the price of the product. This is because the device will retail at almost half the price of those being offered by the competitors. In addition to affordable prices, the devices will also be designed in a manner that will help them greatly with capabilities for more convenience (Lagarde, 2013). Since the phones that are already on the market only have the basics when it comes to social networks. Plaxe Mobile will give customers the convenience of signing into all their social networks and flipping through them with so much ease within the least amount of time. With Huawei as the closest competitor regarding affordability, this strategy will allow Plaxe Inc., smartphones to outshine the other devices in the market. Research has proven that a large number of customers especially in the global market are looking for quality as well as
  • 4. affordable devices. Plaxe Mobile will be a sign of the company’s commitment to producing not only quality products but also cheaper smartphones that they can be able to afford. Plaxe Inc. Intention The company’s intention is to be a leader in the technology industry. This is because the company has the necessary skills and knowledge that is required to do so and the only thing that is holding it back is limited finances. When the company introduces the new devices, it will be able to record impressive sales based on the preliminary market research conducted by its marketing team (Mullins & Walker, 2013). Even though the company will be facing challenges such as tight competition from the large and already developed competitors, it will be able to gain ground gradually and through the profits made over time, the company will then be able to engage in advanced research activities that will result in the designing and production of high-tech home and commercial appliances that are also affordable (McKinney, 2003). It is the affordability of the products that will make the company encounter large sales volumes that will translate into profits. With this kind of environment, the company will be able to finance any form of research that is aimed at producing electronic devices for giving a solution to the ever-growing human needs. With the wide range of products and a large customer base both in the United States and in the global market, Plaxe Mobile will become the leading technology company in the market (Meek, 2008). The more the customers realize that they can be able to save more money when buying Plaxe Inc., products, the more they will be attracted to the company and eventually the company will develop a very strong customer base. When this happens, Plaxe Inc., with have a guaranteed and steady income flow, and this will ensure that the company can overcome some of the challenges that it is bound to face as a result of expansion. Media Tools One of the basic things that Plaxe Inc., will be focusing on is
  • 5. marketing. This is so because if the company does not employ and effective and efficient marketing plan, then it will be almost impossible for the smartphones to move or sell in the market because individuals are not made aware of it and even if they are, they know nothing about some of the best offers the company has, and is bringing forth. First and foremost, it has been shown through research that individuals spend more time on the internet, specifically the social media than they do watching TV. As such, the social media offers a great avenue where the company will be able to reach out to its potential customers and give them important information about the product with regards to its capabilities as well as where the products can be purchased. The first social media tool that will play an important role in the above-mentioned marketing strategy is YouTube. YouTube users watch hundred and millions of hours on a daily basis, and this offers a rich ground for marketing. Here the users will be able to see the Plaxe Mobile ad which will be tailored to inform them as much as possible about the incredible things that the phone can do and how ridiculously cheap it also is. In addition to YouTube, the company will also focus on advertising the product through Facebook. Just like YouTube, Facebook will offer a very rich ground for potential customers. Here the advert will capture the major features of the phone that makes it stand out from the other competitors (Mullins & Walker, 2013). When they are able to view this information when they are viewing some of their personal or group pages, they will be in a better position to make informed choices that will enable them to save a huge amount of money to be used for their other needs. Integrated Marketing Communication Looking at the marketing strategies mentioned above on the media, one thing that will have to stand out is coherence. The ads have to make the best out of the specific period they will be aired so it can inform as many individuals as possible about the amazing phone. This means that the ad will run when it is
  • 6. expected when more of the targeted customers are anticipated to be online. As a result, when they are opening the links for their videos, they will be able to get acquainted with the Plaxe Mobile range of devices. The message being passed across the different forms of media will be the same. Even though the ad on Facebook might not have a video like that on YouTube, the message being passed across will be clear and concise. The company is also focusing on ensuring that the ads don’t end up in being removed from the internet because of time. The company will invest in the venture, and this will see it through that the potential customers can access the devices easily and conveniently (Meek, 2008). The more the potential customer sees the ads when it is still on the internet the more likely they are to buy the product because they will having sufficient amount of information about the phones. Last but not least, the company will make sure that the message being communicated by the ads are well developed by professionals who will ensure that even the distributors are well equipped to run the Plaxe’s ads the best way possible to attract as many individuals as possible to the group. References Boone, L. (2012). Contemporary marketing, 2013 update. [s.l.]: Cengage learning custom p. Lagarde, F. (2013). Socratic Questioning Applied to Social Marketing. Social Marketing Quarterly. McKinney, A. (2003). Real business plans & marketing tools. Fayetteville, NC: PREP Pub. Meek, H. (2008). Managing marketing performance, 2008-2009. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. Mullins, J., & Walker, O. (2013). Marketing management. New York: McGraw-Hill. Running head: MARKETING PLAN 1 MARKETING PLAN 7 Marketing Plan
  • 7. Tamico Little MKT500 Marketing Management Strayer University Dr. Dotty Heady February 15, 2016 Marketing Plan Mission Statement and Introduction The mission of Plaxe, Inc. is to be the leading electronic manufacturing company in the world that offers its consumer’s quality and affordable products that that will enhance all aspects of their lives by giving them a new shopping experience. The company will conduct its business operations under the name Plaxe, Inc. This will also be the name of the smartphones that the company will be producing. Its industry is one of the most competitive and dynamic industries because the survival of a company in this industry will greatly depend on the innovative abilities of the company with regards to keeping up with the ever-growing consumer needs (Giachetti, 2013). Plaxe, Inc. is determined to bring tremendous change in the industry by not only bringing in quality products into the market but also affordable gadgets that serve the specific needs of the targeted market. Even though there are many companies in the industry who can be considered to be the major players, there is a niche in the market with regards to the production of quality high-end devices that are pocket-friendly (Giachetti, 2013). A good number of the players in the industry are offering their products at much higher prices which some individuals find to be very expensive. As a result, the company is coming in to close this gap by giving the targeted customers an opportunity to have the greatest technology experience at almost half the price of what is being offered in the market by the competitors. With this in place, the company will be able to gain a competitive advantage over the other competitors in the market (Wollenberg, 2014). As a result, Plaxe, Inc. will be able to stay in business by running a successful business operation
  • 8. driven by a profitable revenue stream. The company also understands that entering the market with cheaper gadgets may not be an easy task and that is the main reason there are measures in place to ensure that Plaxe mobile is effectively marketed to the targeted market so that they will be able to gain first-hand information about the phone and its capabilities with regards to satisfying their specific needs. Branding Strategy One thing that Plaxe, Inc. is focusing on is giving consumers value for their hard earned money, and this is something that will be reflected in all aspect of using Plaxe mobile. The company is anticipating that for the very first time that consumers have an encounter with the variety of mobile gadgets that the company will avail the market; they will not turn back. This is what will see it through, that the company can build up consumer loyalty which will greatly contribute to brand loyalty. The company will also make sure that it is there for its customers with regards to handling any of the queries that they may be having when they are using the mobile phones (Mallinson, 2015). There will be a customer center in all the countries that the phone will be sold in, and this will help create contact between the company and its customers as well as potential customers. The brand logo will incorporate the name of the company, and this is for making sure that the brand is not in any way confused with any other company to the targeted customers. Below is the representation of the company logo which also be appearing on the front and back of each Plaxe mobile. The slogan of the company is, “Experience more for less.” This is basically formulated around the goals and objectives of the company which is to offer affordable high-end quality mobile device to the mobile users. The brand extension that the company will use is getting into partnership with the service provider who have already been on the market. This will enable
  • 9. the company can get the attention of the customers who are already using the networks of the service providers (Wollenberg, 2014). Marketing Strategy The company has come up with a marketing strategy that will permit it to achieve its goals and objectives. The strategy is based on a marketing research conducted by the company so as to determine who best the company can be able to reach out to its targeted market. As mentioned earlier, one of the strategies that the company will have to utilize is to partner with allies. When this is in place, the company will be able to benefit from the customers that the local service providers have in their customer base. The partnership will go a long way in helping the company reduce its marketing and advertising costs (Tseng, Liu & Wu, 2014). This is so because, through the partnership, the marketing costs will be shared between the two companies. The second strategy that the company will take is to market its products through the internet. The majority of individuals being targeted by the phone use the internet and as a result, they will be able to come across the device and get to know more about it. Here there will be articles and videos prepared by the company that will give internet users as much information as possible about the product. Last but not least, the company will also reach out to the targeted customers through a famous individual. Here, a TV commercial will be developed, and this will focus on how the famous individual such as a movie star or sports celebrity uses the product. This will be a very effective way of convincing the potential buyers that the product is not only affordable but also of remarkable quality and will be able to satisfy their technology needs. All the above marketing strategies will be initiated immediately when the product is launched. Gradually, the company will then be able to come up with other marketing strategies based on the feedback and response obtained from the consumers. Positioning Statement
  • 10. “To the individuals who are concerned about having the latest technology at their disposal, when they see Plaxe mobiles, all they will think of is how convenient it is save the extra money for the future because of the ridiculously affordable prices.” Looking at the above map, one can clearly see that Plaxe mobile will be ahead of all the other competitors in the game by being more affordable, high-tech, user-friendly as well as durable compared to the other competitor’s products. This is what consumers are looking for, being able to get more value for less and thus use the extra money that they would have otherwise used to buy an expensive phone for other purposes. Consumer Behavior Consumers in the mobile industry are greatly affected by the first impression made by a brand or product. Making a good first impression is paramount to the success of the company in the already flooded and volatile industry. Consumers are looking up to new and advanced technology, and when they can get that, then they will be willing to buy the product. This is evidence of the fact that consumers are always looking out to the launch of a new and advanced device that will be able to do some of the things that the previous devices could not. As such, developing a product that is on top of the game with regards to technological innovation will be a very important factor in the success of Plaxe, Inc. Also, the company will put up platforms that will allow consumers to interact with the employees of the company through social networks so they can get exactly what they want or expect from the product (Mallinson, 2015). With this information, the company will be in a better position to influence the behavior of their customers or targeted customers with regards to offering them the technology that they need on the Plaxe smartphones and thus having no other reason to settle for the competitors products. The brand name is unique, and thus, individuals will be curious about getting to know the product. The logo is a sign of a shining sun, and that means bringing high-tech devices to everyone. The slogan as mentioned above is for making the
  • 11. targeted market understand that buying a Plaxe device will see to that they have more to save. With the brand extension, consumers will know that Plaxe mobile is a reliable product they can trust (Tseng, Liu & Wu, 2014). Last but not least, the positioning statement informs the consumers that they no longer have to worry about spending a lot of money for the latest technology. ReferencesGiachetti, C. (2013). Competitive dynamics in the mobile phone industry. [Basingstoke]: Palgrave Macmillan.Mallinson, K. (2015). Smartphone Revolution: Technology patenting and licensing fosters innovation, market entry, and exceptional growth. IEEE Consumer Electron. Mag., 4(2), 60-66., F., Liu, Y., & Wu, H. (2014). Market penetration among competitive innovation products: The case of the Smartphone Operating System. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 32, 40-59., A. (2014). Consumer Behavior in the Smartphone Market in Vietnam. International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, 5(6). SMARTPHONE MARKET Plaxe 5 5 2 S6 3 5 2 iPhone 6 & 6 Plus 1 5 2 LG 3 4 2 Ascend P8 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Plaxe 5 5 2 S6 3 5 2 iPhone 6 & 6 Plus 1 5 2 LG 3 4 2 Ascend P8 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
  • 12. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Running Head: MARKETING PLAN 1 MARKETING PLAN 3 Marketing Plan Tamico Little MKT500 Marketing Management Strayer University Dr. Dotty Heady February 1, 2016 Introduction
  • 13. The company in question deals as a consumer electronics company whose major line of product is the mobile phone and particularly the Smartphones. It is a family based business which is aimed at providing low price mobile phones to cater for the lowly in United States and also a large number of people in the developing nations. The company will be located in Virginia Beach, Virginia. It expects to grow and develop in the coming years to become a major threat to the big consumer electronics companies all over the world... The following report provides the environmental forces affecting the company, SWOT analysis and also critical information surrounding its target market (Swan, 2011). Environmental Analysis Political Environmental analysis as stated above involves the analysis of various forces which will influence the profits and revenue in which this company is yet to gain. To start with political environment, the company is expected to operate in a very conducive political environment as a result of political stability associated with United States. However, there are minor barriers which are anticipated to result into negative implications within the company. Some of these barriers have highly been witnessed in India where a lot of political instability exists. In addition to this, political instability parts of Africa and Latin America will also result into unbearable political conditions for the operations of this corporation. Economic The economic environment is very critical for this company. This is due to the fact that the company is actually opening markets not only in United States but also in other developing countries. This will therefore mean that the company can enlarge its global operations and thus gain more profits. This environment is however a subject to worry as a result of the uncertainties associate with the economy of different countries. The economy is normally subjected into various events such as inflation and deflation and this may positively or negatively
  • 14. affect the performance of the company. Profit and revenue gain is dependent upon the economy of the nation in which the company is operating in. Socio-Cultural Forces On socio-cultural environment, it is important to note that the company will be primarily from United States of America. It is a family owned company and therefore despite its appearance globally, its operation is primarily the American culture. In order to survive globally, the company will be forced to act locally in order to gain more market share. Other than acting locally, the company will also try to make products which will favor the customers of a particular region. People from different parts of the world have different tastes and likes. This company will therefore use this strategy in ensuring it remains relevant locally and therefore gain globally. Technological The company is expected to use some of the latest technologies that will stimulate the target market to purchase this product. The company believes that it is only through innovation that its products will remain relevant to the people. The company aims at making very slim, low weight and versatile smartphones using various technologies currently available. The power to harness such technologies will ensure the company obtains a competitive advantage that for a long period of time that will result into sustainability. This will also make the company to dominate most of its rivals who already exist in this industry. Concerning the competitive environment the company is expected to compete fairly with the existing companies due to the technology and innovation it uses in making its main product (Solis, 2011). Legal The legal environment in which this company will operate in is subject to various challenges. For instance, being a new company in already existing industry may result into issues of fraud and theft of intellectual property. For instance no company is supposed to copy or imitate another company’s
  • 15. product. In some scenarios, it becomes a bit difficult to avoid such factors. This will therefore act as a major challenge in the legal environment of this company. Primary and Secondary Target Markets Consumer electronics are currently on demand among many people of different ages. The company in question however focuses majorly on the people forming the middle class of any economy. The products for instance mobile phones in which the company is dealing into are majorly meant for the people in the middle class and ensure they can purchase the phones without any strains. This therefore forms the primary market for this company. In the future however, the company is aiming at also coming up with very expensive consumer products that will also include the rich as their top targets within the market. This therefore forms the secondary market for this company. 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) The company will uses the common marketing mix which is composed of the 4Ps of marketing. Currently, the company is dealing in mobile phones as its main product. In the coming years, the company is anticipated to venture into other consumer electronics such as computers, laptops, televisions, among other products. The company will use various pricing strategies. Some of these pricing strategies include skimming price and competitive pricing which the two most common types. Skimming price involves setting a higher price for a product at first and then lowers the price over time. Competitive pricing on the other hand involves setting price of a product based on what the competitors are charging. Concerning place, the company will use various channels in order to reach its market. The concept of channel marketing is used and in this case, three major segments are involved. These include distributors, sales dealers and the modern retail. The company is also expected to use various forms of promotions. The company believes in pulling the potential customers to themselves and this is only possible through the use of adverts. At the same the
  • 16. company uses very strong tactics to push the product to the customers by ensuring the product satisfies their wants and requirements (Keller, 2012). 5Cs (Customer, Company, Competition, Collaborators, Context) Concerning the 5Cs, the company operates currently in one product line which is mobile phones. The company will collaborate with various distributors in different countries for the purposes of proper distribution of its goods. The company has the low class individuals forming its customer base. This includes individuals in United States and also those in other countries globally. The company will also use various buying process including online services to ensure the product reaches the customers. On competitors, the company is anticipated to face a stiff competition from other consumer electronics company such as Samsung and Apple which have already established their markets. The climate or context of this company’s operations is based on the environmental analysis that outlines the forces affecting activities carried out by this company. STP (Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning) The company will have three major segmentations it uses for its operations. They include strategic segmentation, operational segmentation and managerial segmentation. On targeting, the company has the options of targeting single segments, selective segments and the extensive segments. Concerning positioning the company will focus upon the brand of its Smartphones and ensure it provides the customers with experience they need. Main Goal (Short-Term) and Main Goal (Long-Term) One major short term goal in which this company wants to achieve is the extension of its market in other places of the world. The company is aiming at studying various cultural features that will make it to act more locally with its products. On long term achievements the company has decided to go environmental friendly and this by reducing the emission of
  • 17. greenhouse gases. The company recognizes the responsibilities in which companies have towards addressing the major climatic issues (Shaw, 2012). Measurement of Short and Long-Term Goals To measure both long term and short term goals will require the company to come up data forms which records all the stages that should be implemented towards the realization of the goals. This will ensure the company remains focused as it will know what has already been achieved and also lay strategies towards achieving the remainder. SWOT Analysis and Needs Analysis Strengths · Excellence in producing hardware parts · Low production cost · Having a deep focus on the environment · Design and innovation Weaknesses · The company lacks its own operating system · It only has one product line · The company experiences low profit margin · Low market share as per now Opportunities · High number of poor people · Smartphone market for many nations globally are developing · There is a demand for cheap and effective Smartphones · Mobile advertising industry is also growing Threats · The company experiences price wars · There rapid changes in technology · Existing companies in this industry are many · Probability of breaching patents is high
  • 18. References Keller, L. (2012). Marketing Management 14e. Pearson Education Limited. Solis, B. (2011).Engage! The Complete Guide for Brands and Businesses to Build, Cultivate, and Measure Success in the New Web. John Wiley & Sons, Inc Shaw, E. (2012). Marketing strategy: From the origin of the concept to the development of a Conceptual framework. Journal of Historical Research in Marketing. Swan, K. S. (2011). Perspective: The Emergence of Product Design as a Field of Marketing Inquiry. Journal of Product Innovation Management