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Interpersonal Communication
Jimmy Carrasco
JUNE 21, 2017
Prof. Katherine Kleier
The topic question is the effectiveness of the interpersonal
communication so as to help in human understanding one
another. Without communication of whatsoever kind, it would
be difficult to express ourselves and to be understood by others
since communication is the core basis of a healthy relationship.
Communication entails people from a different background so
as to speak to others in a manner that is clear (Campbell 2017).
One is the parents so that they can be able to address the
children in a well-sorted manner. Another is spouses so as to
have an effective way of expressing feelings, desires, and
sharing of the ideas with one another. Relationships strengthen
through the exchange of feelings, ideas, and expressing one’s
desires which are enabled by effective communication. Another
is public so as to understand ways of understanding ideas and
the blocks that can arise to an efficient transition to the
The article is looking for the means to examine various
interpersonal skill that is vital during the communication
process. Since communication is essential barriers that block its
effectiveness in the expression of one's feeling will also be
mentioned. An idea cannot be implemented if there are no
proper means of communication. Also, the equation like does
being a good speaker increases one’s self-confidence. The
influence that the culture in the process of one’s communication
The following are the topic sentences that will address in
the research together with all the possible angles the needs to be
(i) Principles of a constructive interpersonal communication
(ii) Barriers to effective interpersonal communication
(iii) The role of communication in maintaining and enhancing
one’s self-esteem, self-image, and self-concept.
(iv) The impact of gender and culture on the overall
interpersonal communication of an individual.
Principles of a constructive interpersonal communication
To develop an effective mode of communication with another
person the following principles must be observed:
A). Treating each other with respect
Respect has to prevail in communication for effective
communication to be attained. By showing respect, an enjoyable
communication is enhanced since all the parties will get eager
to listen to each other’s sentiments (Knapp et al., 2014).
B). Avoiding interrupting each other.
Interruption interferes with one’s listening and hinders an
effective communication. We should learn to listen to talking,
and we should apply turn taking in communication to avoid
unnecessary interruption.
C). Another principle is knowing that we have the right to pass.
This principle shows that as individuals, we have the right to
choose what we want to do. We must understand that trying to
change others or being modified by others in the conservation is
not loving and can feel uncomfortable (Knapp et al., 2014).
D). Volunteering for others is unaccepted. We all have the right
to choose what we want to do and how we want to do it meaning
no one should violate the other’s right to choose.
E). People speak for themselves. This principle helps us to
understand that we cannot speak for others because they can
talk for themselves and this avoids unnecessary resentments.
Barriers to effective interpersonal communication
Effective interpersonal communication may fail due to various
reasons are known as barriers. They include physical barriers
such as hearing problems and speech difficulties. In a situation
whereby one is deaf, and the other is not, communication proves
difficult. Deaf people use signs as a form of communication and
individuals who are not deaf use words. If either of them does
not understand each other’s form of communication, nothing
relevant will be communicated. In cases where there are speech
difficulties, for example, one who is stammering in their
statement, communication will not be effective since the one
stammering will be hard to understand (Beebe et al., 2009).
Language difference is another barrier. There are various
languages in the world, and people are limited to knowing a
few. For instance, when two people, one speaking French and
the other English, the two cannot make an effective
communication. It is because the two do not understand each
other’s language. For communication to be effective the
language being used has to be understood by the two.
The lack of interest or irrelevance to the receiver. According to
Beebe et al., (2009), one cannot listen to something he/she is
not interested in because the lack of interest leads to boredom
and eventually the speaker will end up talking to himself. Lack
of interest mainly results from talking about irrelevant things.
For an interpersonal communication to be effective, the topic
should be relevant to the listener.
The use of jargon or unfamiliar technical words is a hindrance
to effective communication. Some people likes to use over-
complicated words that are hard for the listener to comprehend.
Such habits pose as a barrier because the audience will end up
not understanding what he/she is being told since he/she is most
likely to get lost in the larger terms being used by the speaker.
Another barrier is emotional obstacles and taboos. In some
communities, some topics are usually off-limits. Talking to such
a person is hard since the person is most likely to switch off or
avoid listening and talking to simply because the topic is
forbidden. Emotions also affect effective communications in
that they make it difficult for one to express themselves (Beebe
et al., 2009). From the principles and barriers of
communication, we can conclude that a couple can communicate
more efficiently when they follow the principles as guidelines
and look for solutions for the barriers of communication.
The role of communication in maintaining and enhancing one’s
self-esteem, self-image, and self-concept.
To improve one’s self-image takes practice and time. To
develop one’s self-esteem a positive, realistic attitude toward
oneself and the world around needs to be developed. Self-
esteem needs self-respect hence one will have to appreciate
worth and behave responsibly towards others (Roland et al.,
2003). Self-esteem can be built on changing one’s way of
thinking before changing the circumstances. Positive thinking
offers an individual a positive self-concept since it enables one
to make a view of themselves as honest hence making them
accept themselves. By taking oneself, a person can remove the
internal barriers that can prevent the individual from doing their
best. On the other hand, building one self’s solid personal
foundation is essential in meeting the current challenges a
person faces. A solid foundation consists of self-love, self-
confidence, and self-knowledge.
What matters in this review is that communication can be used
to develop and maintain one’s self-knowledge, self-love, and
self-respect and self-confidence through understanding
themselves and changing the way of thinking. This matters for
the couple because it helps them understand that their way of
thinking can change the way they feel about hence changing the
manner in which they express themselves to each other. It will
also create more understanding between them.
The impact of culture and gender on the overall Interpersonal
Communications of an individual.
Regarding Cameroon (2007), women are more talkative, and
they tend to use words to make connections. Women express
their feelings and emotions and hence in the process they
connect to those whom they are talking. On the other hand, men
talk less and use words to achieve their desires. Men are not so
keen in expressing how they feel hence the few words which
they only speak when in need something from the ones they are
talking to (Cameron, 2007). Culture define the choice of words
to use and how one talks to others. Some cultures use some
words like sir or madam when addressing people of importance
and others do not. Culture also ponders into how people look at
the opposite gender in conjunction with and how they
communicate with other individuals.
When one grabs an understanding of the different style of
communication that occurs between the culture genders in
interpersonal communications, he or she gets to know reasons
behind people’s choice of words and why they use these words.
The couple can use this impact of culture and gender on
interpersonal communications to help them understand each
other’s choice of words hence increasing the understanding
between themselves.
The content reviewed above supports the thesis that effective
communication is a necessity to understanding each other as
humans. The principles of effective communications show how
we should communicate and enhance understanding through
respecting each other, avoiding interruptions, avoiding
volunteering each other and also understanding that people can
speak for themselves. The barriers of effective communication
also show us how we can avoid some issues and improve others
to increase the understanding of each other through effective
interpersonal communications. When these principles are
followed, effective communication is achieved hence enhancing
an understanding among us.
Communication also helps us understand ourselves more
through maintain an individual’s self-respect, self-esteem, and
self-image. The impact of culture and gender interpersonal
communications further proves the point that through, our
gender, how we talk and our choice of words, helps us to
understand more about ourselves based on the cultures we are
from concerning the selection of words we use and how we talk.
It can be concluded that, for understanding to exist among us,
there has to be an effective interpersonal communication. It also
can be completed that an effective interpersonal communication
is one where there is an understanding between two or more
communicating parties. The work supports the research question
and highlights the methods that ought to be used to strengthen.
Beebe, S. A., Beebe, S. J., & Redmond, M. V. (2009).
Interpersonal communication. Pearson Custom Publishers.
Cameroon, D. (2007, October). Do men and women speak the
same language? Retrieved from
Campbell, D. A. (2017). An audience inventory: a guide to more
effective communication among banana farmers in St.
Vincent (Doctoral dissertation).
Knapp, M. L., Vangelisti, A. L., & Caughlin, J. P. (2014).
Interpersonal Communication & Human Relationships. Pearson
Higher Ed.
Roland, C. E., & Foxx, R. M. (2003). Self-respect: A neglected
concept. Philosophical Psychology, 16(2), 247-288.
Writing Your Annotated Bibliography
An annotation starts with the MLA citation for a given source.
The annotations and citations should be ordered alphabetically.
Each annotation needs to provide the following three details:
· A brief summary of the source
· An evaluation for what the source includes and what holes
(weaknesses) it has
· A sentence telling me how you intend to use the source and for
which appeal (pathos, logos, ethos). You need to be sure the
kinds of evidence you use demonstrate a balance of the appeal
across the length of your paper. That is, don’t use all statistics
(logos); instead, balance these facts with anecdotes (pathos) and
personal testimony of experts (ethos). You will find each of
these on the NOVA website if you do good research.
Here is a sample NOVA website citation. It starts with the name
of the page because for the website sources that are not reports,
often there is no listed author. Every page you use from the
NOVA site needs a different citation, but all will list NVCC
(written out) in italics. In your paper, the use of this source will
appear as (“Student Orientation”). Use abbreviated versions of
your citations in the text of your paper:
“Student Orientation and Advising & Registration Sessions.”
Northern Virginia Community College, 2013. Web. Date of
For option 2, here is how everyone will cite the Freire article,
which I provided to you:
Freire, Paulo. Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York:
Continuum, 1993. Web. Date at the bottom of your copy.
Here is how to cite your database source, which you should use
for your counterargument to discuss what other schools are
doing or have done in the way of your paper topic:
Junge, Wolfgang, and Nathan Nelson. “Nature's Rotary
Electromotors.” Science 29 Apr. 2005: 642-44. Science Online.
Web. 5 Mar. 2009.
Langhamer, Claire. “Love and Courtship in Mid-Twentieth-
Century England.” Historical Journal 50.1 (2007): 173-96.
ProQuest. Web. 27 May 2009.
Student X
Professor N. Tong
ENG 111/ ENF 3
8 April 2014
Annotated Bibliography
Freire, Paulo. Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York:
Continuum, 1993. Web. 4 Mar. 2014.
“Military Services.” Northern Virginia Communit College,
2013. Web. 8 Apr. 2014.
NOVA offers veteran-specific counseling to assist veterans in
applying to NOVA and choosing and enrolling in classes. I will
use services provided by the Office of Veteran’s Affairs and
Veteran’s Counselor to show logos and ethos in the reason for
having Veterans-specific programs. The website has no
statistics and that makes it difficult to provide back-up data.
“NOVA Vetlink” Northern Virginia Communit College, 2013.
Web. 8 Apr. 2014.
NOVA Vetlink is NOVA’s with the Virginia’s Wounded
Warrior Program. NOVA has individuals ready to talk with
other veterans about combat situations. This program is
important for veterans who are returning from combat and
transitioning. I will use this to show pathos in the stresses that
result from some combat experience.
Rumann, Corey, Marisa Rivera, and Ignacio Hernandez.
“Student Veterans and Community Colleges.” New Directions
for Community Colleges 155 (2011): 51-58. Ebscohost. Web. 8
Apr. 2014.
This source will serve mainly as logos as my counter argument
to argue for a centralized and specialized point of contact for
veterans. All of the programs offered for veterans are great, but
they are in different buildings and different rooms in those
different buildings. Veterans need to go to 4 different offices
just to do the minimum in order to use VA benefits. My
argument is that NOVA should commandeer a large room
(possible one on the third floor of CA?) and put all Veterans
programs in one place. I’ll also argue that Veteran’s special
advisors should be full time veterans supports (currently, some
are only on campus a few days a week and others even teach
classes and support non-veterans).
“VetSuccess Now Serving the Annandale Campus” Northern
Virginia Communit College, 2013. Web. 8 Apr. 2014.
VetSuccess On Campus (VSOC) is a Veterans Affairs (VA)
program that has a partnership with NOVA where a VA
representative is on campus to help students transition into
college life and they can answer questions regarding
educational benefits and to be a source for other Veteran related
needs such as counseling services and connection to community
services that focus on Veterans. I will use VetSuccess to show
ethos in the value of achieving a positive transition for
“Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment.” U.S. Depart of
Veterans Affairs, 2014. Web. 8 Apr. 2014.
This website was the link from NOVA’s VetSuccess, I will use
this to provide more information on the VetSuccess program
since the information about the program is on this website
rather than NOVA’s due to the agreement between the School
and the VA to host the VetSuccess Prgram.
Wildblood, Margie. Email interview. 10 Apr. 2014.
Margie Wildblood is the Veteran’s Counselor and has agreed to
answer some interview questions via email Thursday due to
schedule. I plan to use quotes from our email interview to show
ethos for Veterans-specific counseling services. I will write my
rough draft without her interview but wanted to include it here
since it is a planned portion of my final draft. A weakness of
the personal interview is a lack of facts or logos, since answers
are mostly opinion based.
Abdulaziz Attiyah
Professor N. Tong
ENG 111/ ENF 3
Annotated Bibliography
"Sexual Assault." N.p., 28 Apr. 2017. Web.
27 June 2017.
This website is published by the United States of department of
health and human services. The article’s goal is to spread
awareness about issues concerning sexual assault in the united
states. The article provides a definition for sexual assault along
with a few statistics on the topic. Since the website is
administrated by the United States government there is no
reason for bias to occur in the text. The article was published in
April 2017. The articles publish recent adds credibility to the
information provided as the it gives the author the chance of
backing their claims with the most accurate data to date.
Comparison and Contrast
Japan and Filipino Culture
There are many cultures in the world that tend to be the same or
have unique characters as others seem to be so different with
the other. The world becoming a small place day by day,
cultures are coming together which is making the differences to
disappear as the similarities get shared. This has made the
cultures of the world to appear as they are the same especially
when the cultures are with nations that are close to the
other(Narangoa,2010).This paper looks at the Japan and Pilipino
cultures that most people have struggled to differentiate or note
the differences.
Differences when greeting the others
Japanese have been known to bow when they come into contact
with the elderly more so when they are greeting them. This has
been made unique as the Japanese call each other by use of their
names that come last. On the other hand, when looking at the
Filipinos, the people that are close to the female friends do kiss
or hug one another. The males my hug their fellow males as
well as tap the back of the other or just use a mere handshake.
Filipinos are not known to bow when they are greeting someone
else. Instead, they are known to smile as they greet the other.
Another unique characteristic is that the Filipinos use words
like Mrs., Mr., Ms. and the surname when addressing the others
before there is the permission to use any kind of nickname
(Espiritu, 2005).
Similarities in the Greetings
These two cultures acknowledge the usefulness of greeting as
they use gestures. The gestures are like bowing, or even smiling
that express respect and appreciation when communicating with
the other. Another big similarity is that there is respect that is
accorded when different genders are greeting or communicating
with the other(Lister,2009).For instance, the Filipino males and
females do not kiss as that is left to the female friends when
they are greeting the other. Just like the Japanese who bow to
their elderly which is a show of respect meaning that the
cultures accept respect when greeting the other.
Similarities in Diet
These two cultures have developed unique tendencies towards
their dieting. Japanese and the Filipinos prefer having rice for
their times in the day. It is no doubt that these two cultures have
also developed superstitions with regards to the utensils which
they use while eating. Breakfast has also had an impact in the
cultures as it is regarded so vital that it cannot be missed.
Presentation of the food is also made to be unique and appealing
as the cultures believe good food attracts the people (Espiritu,
Dieting Differences
The Japanese are well known to have dessert come from the
fruits while the Filipinos do with sweets for their dessert. The
Japanese are also as unique as they eat to be 80% full. This s
very differently to the Filipinos as they eat to feel their
stomachs as much as they are able to (Lister, 2009).Use of the
forks and the spoon has long been practiced by the Filipinos
while the use of the chopsticks is done by the Japanese as they
regard it to be most friendly instead of using objects that are
sharp. Filipinos have also rallied more on modern foods while
the Japanese have kept to the traditional foods as they believe
these foods have no negative effects (Narangoa, 2010).
Espiritu, A. (2005). Five faces of exile: the nation and Filipino
American intellectuals. Stanford,
Calif: Stanford University Press.
Lister, L. (2009). Human sexuality, ethno culture, and social
work. New York: Haworth Press.
Narangoa, R. (2010). Imperial Japan and national identities
in Asia, 1895-1945.
London New York: Routledge.
Running head: Comparison-Contrast Annotated Bibliography
Comparison-contrast annotated Bibliography
Use of genetically modified crops over organic crops in farming
Genetically modified organisms are substances whose genes get
altered through genetic engineering. The process gets done with
the aid of adding proteins and chemicals into the genes of the
organism. Genetic engineering has been applied in both crop
production and animal rearing and led to several impacts both
good and bad. Different people have divergent views concerning
these GMOs. Organic farmers are advice against the use of
GMOs. Many do not realize that GM seeds have similar
characteristics as seeds of conventional breeding-organic crops.
There are several advantages associated with GMOs in
agriculture. First and foremost is that the crops grown are
modified in such a way that they can easily resist pests meaning
that the output will not be affected, and also the cost of
purchasing pesticides will be foregone. This isn't the case for
the organic foods. Additionally, genetically modified
agricultural products are adamant towards the harsh climatic
conditions. In the event of lack of rain or severe rain, these
crops can give a right out- put.
The out- put off these plants is assured to be large as they fail
to be affected by both pests and adverse climatic conditions.
Food security gets guaranteed at all times. GMO crops and
animals are also well known for requiring fewer farm
implements such as chemicals and time this reduces their cost
of production to the farmers. Farmer’s income is thus improved
day by day and also the country’s per capita income too.
Godfray, H. C. J. (2010).
The authors, researchers used data available for their thesis
showcasing how the world's population grows at an alarming
rate. Ensuring sufficient food supply to this growing population
will mean constant deforestation to create more land space for
farming. However, with genetically modified engineering crops
and animals at hand, we are assured of more food production
with less deforestation. Eventually, deforestation gets
decreased, and at the same time, global warming minimized.
Their analysis points out that GMOs is the final solution to the
terrifying food security issue. The authors claim that
dependency on organic produce alone isn’t satisfying for the
growing populations.
Authors do not, however, bring out that genetically modified
foods are not 100% natural compared to the organically
produced ones, there is the need to conduct thorough testing
before the release of such products. There has been a case
where a product has killed people and affects much more
because of not testing it before it gets discharged into the
market. These products are also not safe to eat at all. Scientific
research has proven that some foods containing GMOs are not
safe for some species including human beings causing illness
and eventually death. Both products go through certification
standards in production.
Impact of GMOs in Agriculture
Scientists discovered a new method of enhancing food
production through altering the genetic make- up of the genes
making up these crops through a process known as genetic
engineering. The products of this process are known as
genetically modified organisms. There are advantages and
disadvantages of the particular kind of agricultural
commodities. Jouanin, L., Bonadé-Bottino, M.,(1998).
The study conducted by the researchers was to provide a thesis
of how GMO crops are very resistant to the worst climatic
conditions possible. Additionally, these crops cannot be
attacked by any pest at all. Therefore the product expected is
usually to the maximum. Food security and farmers income are
improved. The amount of food produced is high. According to
the authors, with increased production and decreased the cost of
pesticides the farmer's income is also increased thus his life
standards also increased. As the law of supply and demand
stands increased food supply due to the use of genetically
modified crops and animals, it means that the price of food stuff
will decrease. New plants and animals have to get established.
A good example was a baby ship called Dolly that got cloned.
The opposition against genetically modified foods is brought
about by the uncertainties that people have developed towards
it. One is that upon taking these foods, one generates antibiotic
factors within their bodies. These antibiotics make our bodies
less efficient towards medication. To other people upon
adopting these foods, they develop chronic allergic reactions
especially children foods and supplements.
Results of using GMO farming
Genetically modified organisms just like organically produces
have been employed in agriculture in the recent years to boost
crop production. These crops have a unique genetic make-up
that makes them from natural cultivation. Biotechnology has
been applied to alter their cell structure through genetic
engineering. People have had different points of view
concerning GMOs. There are those who believe GMOs is the
final solution to the terrifying food security issue. Genetically
modified crops are supposed to be pest resistance. These plants
get to have a very active resistance to adverse weather
conditions meaning that upon growing them one is assured of a
good yield. Hertel, T. W. (2011).
The author critically analyses how deforestation is minimized
with GMOs in agriculture as opposed to using the organic crops.
This is so because with a small piece of land one can harvest an
enormous produce. Since there is no effect of pests on the crops
and the crops cannot succumb to adverse weather condition
there is an assurance of a high yield, and this guarantees food
security to the world especially in the third world nations. The
author focuses on how the farmer's cost of production gets
reduced, and hence his income by all means possible is
improved. Without genetically modified organisms, more land
gets cleared for farming meaning that there will be more carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere thus global warming enhanced. We
should have it in mind that global warming has posed to me one
of the chief challenges facing humanity today. The authors
explain that food has become affordable to many since the
supply of food is high due to the high yields associated with
genetic engineering making the price fall. Additionally is that
with genetic engineering, scientists have been able to discover
new types of plants and crops. An example is a particular kind
of beans that grows naturally. Despite their positive impacts,
these foods once were taken make one develop their antibiotic
makers within the body. Payne, D. J,(2007).
The authors explore that antibiotics are responsible for most
people not being productive to medication. As opposed to
organic produce most children also tend to produce allergic
reactions once they take these foods. The authors explain that
all species of living organisms be it animals, plants or human
beings one is always affected by some of these products. In
comparison to organic foods that are free of intoxicants. They
frequently cause severe illnesses and at times death. The
product should thoroughly test before its release, or else it may
cause deaths to the people.
The natural taste typically lacks in genetically modified crops,
and this is mainly due to the process of genetic engineering that
alters the cell structure of cultivation. Organic foods on the
other hand boast of savory natural flavors. Another possible
danger is where some genes get transferred from one species to
another. Scientists argue that in the event a pesticide-resistant
gene is transferred and mixes up with a weed they may for a
complex pesticide resistant weed that cannot get easily killed.
Godfray, H. C. J., Beddington, J. R., Crute, I. R., Haddad, L.,
Lawrence, D., Muir, J. F., ... & Toulmin, C. (2010). Food
security: the challenge of feeding 9 billion
people. Science, 327(5967), 812-818.
Hertel, T. W. (2011). The global supply and demand for
agricultural land in 2050: A perfect storm in the
making?. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 93(2),
Jouanin, L., Bonadé-Bottino, M., Girard, C., Morrot, G., &
Giband, M. (1998). Transgenic plants for insect
resistance. Plant Science, 131(1), 1-11.
Payne, D. J., Gwynn, M. N., Holmes, D. J., & Pompliano, D. L.
(2007). Drugs for bad bugs: confronting the challenges of
antibacterial discovery. Nature reviews Drug discovery, 6(1),
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  • 1. Running head: INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION 1 Interpersonal Communication Jimmy Carrasco ENG/220 JUNE 21, 2017 Prof. Katherine Kleier Introduction The topic question is the effectiveness of the interpersonal communication so as to help in human understanding one
  • 2. another. Without communication of whatsoever kind, it would be difficult to express ourselves and to be understood by others since communication is the core basis of a healthy relationship. Communication entails people from a different background so as to speak to others in a manner that is clear (Campbell 2017). One is the parents so that they can be able to address the children in a well-sorted manner. Another is spouses so as to have an effective way of expressing feelings, desires, and sharing of the ideas with one another. Relationships strengthen through the exchange of feelings, ideas, and expressing one’s desires which are enabled by effective communication. Another is public so as to understand ways of understanding ideas and the blocks that can arise to an efficient transition to the communication. The article is looking for the means to examine various interpersonal skill that is vital during the communication process. Since communication is essential barriers that block its effectiveness in the expression of one's feeling will also be mentioned. An idea cannot be implemented if there are no proper means of communication. Also, the equation like does being a good speaker increases one’s self-confidence. The influence that the culture in the process of one’s communication skills. The following are the topic sentences that will address in the research together with all the possible angles the needs to be exhausted. (i) Principles of a constructive interpersonal communication (ii) Barriers to effective interpersonal communication (iii) The role of communication in maintaining and enhancing one’s self-esteem, self-image, and self-concept. (iv) The impact of gender and culture on the overall interpersonal communication of an individual. Principles of a constructive interpersonal communication To develop an effective mode of communication with another person the following principles must be observed: A). Treating each other with respect
  • 3. Respect has to prevail in communication for effective communication to be attained. By showing respect, an enjoyable communication is enhanced since all the parties will get eager to listen to each other’s sentiments (Knapp et al., 2014). B). Avoiding interrupting each other. Interruption interferes with one’s listening and hinders an effective communication. We should learn to listen to talking, and we should apply turn taking in communication to avoid unnecessary interruption. C). Another principle is knowing that we have the right to pass. This principle shows that as individuals, we have the right to choose what we want to do. We must understand that trying to change others or being modified by others in the conservation is not loving and can feel uncomfortable (Knapp et al., 2014). D). Volunteering for others is unaccepted. We all have the right to choose what we want to do and how we want to do it meaning no one should violate the other’s right to choose. E). People speak for themselves. This principle helps us to understand that we cannot speak for others because they can talk for themselves and this avoids unnecessary resentments. Barriers to effective interpersonal communication Effective interpersonal communication may fail due to various reasons are known as barriers. They include physical barriers such as hearing problems and speech difficulties. In a situation whereby one is deaf, and the other is not, communication proves difficult. Deaf people use signs as a form of communication and individuals who are not deaf use words. If either of them does not understand each other’s form of communication, nothing relevant will be communicated. In cases where there are speech difficulties, for example, one who is stammering in their statement, communication will not be effective since the one stammering will be hard to understand (Beebe et al., 2009). Language difference is another barrier. There are various languages in the world, and people are limited to knowing a few. For instance, when two people, one speaking French and the other English, the two cannot make an effective
  • 4. communication. It is because the two do not understand each other’s language. For communication to be effective the language being used has to be understood by the two. The lack of interest or irrelevance to the receiver. According to Beebe et al., (2009), one cannot listen to something he/she is not interested in because the lack of interest leads to boredom and eventually the speaker will end up talking to himself. Lack of interest mainly results from talking about irrelevant things. For an interpersonal communication to be effective, the topic should be relevant to the listener. The use of jargon or unfamiliar technical words is a hindrance to effective communication. Some people likes to use over- complicated words that are hard for the listener to comprehend. Such habits pose as a barrier because the audience will end up not understanding what he/she is being told since he/she is most likely to get lost in the larger terms being used by the speaker. Another barrier is emotional obstacles and taboos. In some communities, some topics are usually off-limits. Talking to such a person is hard since the person is most likely to switch off or avoid listening and talking to simply because the topic is forbidden. Emotions also affect effective communications in that they make it difficult for one to express themselves (Beebe et al., 2009). From the principles and barriers of communication, we can conclude that a couple can communicate more efficiently when they follow the principles as guidelines and look for solutions for the barriers of communication. The role of communication in maintaining and enhancing one’s self-esteem, self-image, and self-concept. To improve one’s self-image takes practice and time. To develop one’s self-esteem a positive, realistic attitude toward oneself and the world around needs to be developed. Self- esteem needs self-respect hence one will have to appreciate worth and behave responsibly towards others (Roland et al., 2003). Self-esteem can be built on changing one’s way of thinking before changing the circumstances. Positive thinking offers an individual a positive self-concept since it enables one
  • 5. to make a view of themselves as honest hence making them accept themselves. By taking oneself, a person can remove the internal barriers that can prevent the individual from doing their best. On the other hand, building one self’s solid personal foundation is essential in meeting the current challenges a person faces. A solid foundation consists of self-love, self- confidence, and self-knowledge. What matters in this review is that communication can be used to develop and maintain one’s self-knowledge, self-love, and self-respect and self-confidence through understanding themselves and changing the way of thinking. This matters for the couple because it helps them understand that their way of thinking can change the way they feel about hence changing the manner in which they express themselves to each other. It will also create more understanding between them. The impact of culture and gender on the overall Interpersonal Communications of an individual. Regarding Cameroon (2007), women are more talkative, and they tend to use words to make connections. Women express their feelings and emotions and hence in the process they connect to those whom they are talking. On the other hand, men talk less and use words to achieve their desires. Men are not so keen in expressing how they feel hence the few words which they only speak when in need something from the ones they are talking to (Cameron, 2007). Culture define the choice of words to use and how one talks to others. Some cultures use some words like sir or madam when addressing people of importance and others do not. Culture also ponders into how people look at the opposite gender in conjunction with and how they communicate with other individuals. When one grabs an understanding of the different style of communication that occurs between the culture genders in interpersonal communications, he or she gets to know reasons behind people’s choice of words and why they use these words. The couple can use this impact of culture and gender on interpersonal communications to help them understand each
  • 6. other’s choice of words hence increasing the understanding between themselves. Conclusion The content reviewed above supports the thesis that effective communication is a necessity to understanding each other as humans. The principles of effective communications show how we should communicate and enhance understanding through respecting each other, avoiding interruptions, avoiding volunteering each other and also understanding that people can speak for themselves. The barriers of effective communication also show us how we can avoid some issues and improve others to increase the understanding of each other through effective interpersonal communications. When these principles are followed, effective communication is achieved hence enhancing an understanding among us. Communication also helps us understand ourselves more through maintain an individual’s self-respect, self-esteem, and self-image. The impact of culture and gender interpersonal communications further proves the point that through, our gender, how we talk and our choice of words, helps us to understand more about ourselves based on the cultures we are from concerning the selection of words we use and how we talk. It can be concluded that, for understanding to exist among us, there has to be an effective interpersonal communication. It also can be completed that an effective interpersonal communication is one where there is an understanding between two or more communicating parties. The work supports the research question and highlights the methods that ought to be used to strengthen. References Beebe, S. A., Beebe, S. J., & Redmond, M. V. (2009). Interpersonal communication. Pearson Custom Publishers. Cameroon, D. (2007, October). Do men and women speak the same language? Retrieved from Campbell, D. A. (2017). An audience inventory: a guide to more effective communication among banana farmers in St.
  • 7. Vincent (Doctoral dissertation). Knapp, M. L., Vangelisti, A. L., & Caughlin, J. P. (2014). Interpersonal Communication & Human Relationships. Pearson Higher Ed. Roland, C. E., & Foxx, R. M. (2003). Self-respect: A neglected concept. Philosophical Psychology, 16(2), 247-288. Writing Your Annotated Bibliography An annotation starts with the MLA citation for a given source. The annotations and citations should be ordered alphabetically. Each annotation needs to provide the following three details: · A brief summary of the source · An evaluation for what the source includes and what holes (weaknesses) it has · A sentence telling me how you intend to use the source and for which appeal (pathos, logos, ethos). You need to be sure the kinds of evidence you use demonstrate a balance of the appeal across the length of your paper. That is, don’t use all statistics (logos); instead, balance these facts with anecdotes (pathos) and personal testimony of experts (ethos). You will find each of these on the NOVA website if you do good research. Here is a sample NOVA website citation. It starts with the name of the page because for the website sources that are not reports, often there is no listed author. Every page you use from the NOVA site needs a different citation, but all will list NVCC (written out) in italics. In your paper, the use of this source will appear as (“Student Orientation”). Use abbreviated versions of your citations in the text of your paper: “Student Orientation and Advising & Registration Sessions.” Northern Virginia Community College, 2013. Web. Date of Access. For option 2, here is how everyone will cite the Freire article,
  • 8. which I provided to you: Freire, Paulo. Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York: Continuum, 1993. Web. Date at the bottom of your copy. Here is how to cite your database source, which you should use for your counterargument to discuss what other schools are doing or have done in the way of your paper topic: Junge, Wolfgang, and Nathan Nelson. “Nature's Rotary Electromotors.” Science 29 Apr. 2005: 642-44. Science Online. Web. 5 Mar. 2009. Langhamer, Claire. “Love and Courtship in Mid-Twentieth- Century England.” Historical Journal 50.1 (2007): 173-96. ProQuest. Web. 27 May 2009. Student X Professor N. Tong ENG 111/ ENF 3 8 April 2014 Annotated Bibliography Freire, Paulo. Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York: Continuum, 1993. Web. 4 Mar. 2014. “Military Services.” Northern Virginia Communit College, 2013. Web. 8 Apr. 2014. NOVA offers veteran-specific counseling to assist veterans in applying to NOVA and choosing and enrolling in classes. I will use services provided by the Office of Veteran’s Affairs and Veteran’s Counselor to show logos and ethos in the reason for having Veterans-specific programs. The website has no statistics and that makes it difficult to provide back-up data. “NOVA Vetlink” Northern Virginia Communit College, 2013. Web. 8 Apr. 2014. NOVA Vetlink is NOVA’s with the Virginia’s Wounded Warrior Program. NOVA has individuals ready to talk with other veterans about combat situations. This program is important for veterans who are returning from combat and transitioning. I will use this to show pathos in the stresses that
  • 9. result from some combat experience. Rumann, Corey, Marisa Rivera, and Ignacio Hernandez. “Student Veterans and Community Colleges.” New Directions for Community Colleges 155 (2011): 51-58. Ebscohost. Web. 8 Apr. 2014. This source will serve mainly as logos as my counter argument to argue for a centralized and specialized point of contact for veterans. All of the programs offered for veterans are great, but they are in different buildings and different rooms in those different buildings. Veterans need to go to 4 different offices just to do the minimum in order to use VA benefits. My argument is that NOVA should commandeer a large room (possible one on the third floor of CA?) and put all Veterans programs in one place. I’ll also argue that Veteran’s special advisors should be full time veterans supports (currently, some are only on campus a few days a week and others even teach classes and support non-veterans). “VetSuccess Now Serving the Annandale Campus” Northern Virginia Communit College, 2013. Web. 8 Apr. 2014. VetSuccess On Campus (VSOC) is a Veterans Affairs (VA) program that has a partnership with NOVA where a VA representative is on campus to help students transition into college life and they can answer questions regarding educational benefits and to be a source for other Veteran related needs such as counseling services and connection to community services that focus on Veterans. I will use VetSuccess to show ethos in the value of achieving a positive transition for veterans. “Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment.” U.S. Depart of Veterans Affairs, 2014. Web. 8 Apr. 2014. This website was the link from NOVA’s VetSuccess, I will use this to provide more information on the VetSuccess program since the information about the program is on this website
  • 10. rather than NOVA’s due to the agreement between the School and the VA to host the VetSuccess Prgram. Wildblood, Margie. Email interview. 10 Apr. 2014. Margie Wildblood is the Veteran’s Counselor and has agreed to answer some interview questions via email Thursday due to schedule. I plan to use quotes from our email interview to show ethos for Veterans-specific counseling services. I will write my rough draft without her interview but wanted to include it here since it is a planned portion of my final draft. A weakness of the personal interview is a lack of facts or logos, since answers are mostly opinion based. Abdulaziz Attiyah Professor N. Tong ENG 111/ ENF 3 6-27-2017 Annotated Bibliography "Sexual Assault." N.p., 28 Apr. 2017. Web. 27 June 2017. This website is published by the United States of department of health and human services. The article’s goal is to spread awareness about issues concerning sexual assault in the united states. The article provides a definition for sexual assault along with a few statistics on the topic. Since the website is administrated by the United States government there is no reason for bias to occur in the text. The article was published in April 2017. The articles publish recent adds credibility to the information provided as the it gives the author the chance of backing their claims with the most accurate data to date.
  • 12. Comparison and Contrast Japan and Filipino Culture There are many cultures in the world that tend to be the same or have unique characters as others seem to be so different with the other. The world becoming a small place day by day, cultures are coming together which is making the differences to disappear as the similarities get shared. This has made the cultures of the world to appear as they are the same especially when the cultures are with nations that are close to the other(Narangoa,2010).This paper looks at the Japan and Pilipino cultures that most people have struggled to differentiate or note the differences. Differences when greeting the others Japanese have been known to bow when they come into contact with the elderly more so when they are greeting them. This has been made unique as the Japanese call each other by use of their names that come last. On the other hand, when looking at the Filipinos, the people that are close to the female friends do kiss or hug one another. The males my hug their fellow males as well as tap the back of the other or just use a mere handshake.
  • 13. Filipinos are not known to bow when they are greeting someone else. Instead, they are known to smile as they greet the other. Another unique characteristic is that the Filipinos use words like Mrs., Mr., Ms. and the surname when addressing the others before there is the permission to use any kind of nickname (Espiritu, 2005). Similarities in the Greetings These two cultures acknowledge the usefulness of greeting as they use gestures. The gestures are like bowing, or even smiling that express respect and appreciation when communicating with the other. Another big similarity is that there is respect that is accorded when different genders are greeting or communicating with the other(Lister,2009).For instance, the Filipino males and females do not kiss as that is left to the female friends when they are greeting the other. Just like the Japanese who bow to their elderly which is a show of respect meaning that the cultures accept respect when greeting the other. Similarities in Diet These two cultures have developed unique tendencies towards their dieting. Japanese and the Filipinos prefer having rice for their times in the day. It is no doubt that these two cultures have also developed superstitions with regards to the utensils which they use while eating. Breakfast has also had an impact in the cultures as it is regarded so vital that it cannot be missed. Presentation of the food is also made to be unique and appealing as the cultures believe good food attracts the people (Espiritu, 2005). Dieting Differences The Japanese are well known to have dessert come from the fruits while the Filipinos do with sweets for their dessert. The Japanese are also as unique as they eat to be 80% full. This s very differently to the Filipinos as they eat to feel their stomachs as much as they are able to (Lister, 2009).Use of the forks and the spoon has long been practiced by the Filipinos while the use of the chopsticks is done by the Japanese as they regard it to be most friendly instead of using objects that are
  • 14. sharp. Filipinos have also rallied more on modern foods while the Japanese have kept to the traditional foods as they believe these foods have no negative effects (Narangoa, 2010). References Espiritu, A. (2005). Five faces of exile: the nation and Filipino American intellectuals. Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press. Lister, L. (2009). Human sexuality, ethno culture, and social work. New York: Haworth Press. Narangoa, R. (2010). Imperial Japan and national identities in Asia, 1895-1945. London New York: Routledge. Running head: Comparison-Contrast Annotated Bibliography 5 Comparison-contrast annotated Bibliography
  • 15. Use of genetically modified crops over organic crops in farming Introduction Genetically modified organisms are substances whose genes get altered through genetic engineering. The process gets done with the aid of adding proteins and chemicals into the genes of the organism. Genetic engineering has been applied in both crop production and animal rearing and led to several impacts both good and bad. Different people have divergent views concerning these GMOs. Organic farmers are advice against the use of GMOs. Many do not realize that GM seeds have similar characteristics as seeds of conventional breeding-organic crops. There are several advantages associated with GMOs in agriculture. First and foremost is that the crops grown are modified in such a way that they can easily resist pests meaning that the output will not be affected, and also the cost of purchasing pesticides will be foregone. This isn't the case for the organic foods. Additionally, genetically modified agricultural products are adamant towards the harsh climatic conditions. In the event of lack of rain or severe rain, these crops can give a right out- put. The out- put off these plants is assured to be large as they fail to be affected by both pests and adverse climatic conditions. Food security gets guaranteed at all times. GMO crops and animals are also well known for requiring fewer farm implements such as chemicals and time this reduces their cost of production to the farmers. Farmer’s income is thus improved day by day and also the country’s per capita income too. Godfray, H. C. J. (2010). The authors, researchers used data available for their thesis showcasing how the world's population grows at an alarming rate. Ensuring sufficient food supply to this growing population will mean constant deforestation to create more land space for
  • 16. farming. However, with genetically modified engineering crops and animals at hand, we are assured of more food production with less deforestation. Eventually, deforestation gets decreased, and at the same time, global warming minimized. Their analysis points out that GMOs is the final solution to the terrifying food security issue. The authors claim that dependency on organic produce alone isn’t satisfying for the growing populations. Authors do not, however, bring out that genetically modified foods are not 100% natural compared to the organically produced ones, there is the need to conduct thorough testing before the release of such products. There has been a case where a product has killed people and affects much more because of not testing it before it gets discharged into the market. These products are also not safe to eat at all. Scientific research has proven that some foods containing GMOs are not safe for some species including human beings causing illness and eventually death. Both products go through certification standards in production. Impact of GMOs in Agriculture Scientists discovered a new method of enhancing food production through altering the genetic make- up of the genes making up these crops through a process known as genetic engineering. The products of this process are known as genetically modified organisms. There are advantages and disadvantages of the particular kind of agricultural commodities. Jouanin, L., Bonadé-Bottino, M.,(1998). The study conducted by the researchers was to provide a thesis of how GMO crops are very resistant to the worst climatic conditions possible. Additionally, these crops cannot be attacked by any pest at all. Therefore the product expected is usually to the maximum. Food security and farmers income are improved. The amount of food produced is high. According to the authors, with increased production and decreased the cost of pesticides the farmer's income is also increased thus his life standards also increased. As the law of supply and demand
  • 17. stands increased food supply due to the use of genetically modified crops and animals, it means that the price of food stuff will decrease. New plants and animals have to get established. A good example was a baby ship called Dolly that got cloned. The opposition against genetically modified foods is brought about by the uncertainties that people have developed towards it. One is that upon taking these foods, one generates antibiotic factors within their bodies. These antibiotics make our bodies less efficient towards medication. To other people upon adopting these foods, they develop chronic allergic reactions especially children foods and supplements. Results of using GMO farming Genetically modified organisms just like organically produces have been employed in agriculture in the recent years to boost crop production. These crops have a unique genetic make-up that makes them from natural cultivation. Biotechnology has been applied to alter their cell structure through genetic engineering. People have had different points of view concerning GMOs. There are those who believe GMOs is the final solution to the terrifying food security issue. Genetically modified crops are supposed to be pest resistance. These plants get to have a very active resistance to adverse weather conditions meaning that upon growing them one is assured of a good yield. Hertel, T. W. (2011). The author critically analyses how deforestation is minimized with GMOs in agriculture as opposed to using the organic crops. This is so because with a small piece of land one can harvest an enormous produce. Since there is no effect of pests on the crops and the crops cannot succumb to adverse weather condition there is an assurance of a high yield, and this guarantees food security to the world especially in the third world nations. The author focuses on how the farmer's cost of production gets reduced, and hence his income by all means possible is improved. Without genetically modified organisms, more land gets cleared for farming meaning that there will be more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere thus global warming enhanced. We
  • 18. should have it in mind that global warming has posed to me one of the chief challenges facing humanity today. The authors explain that food has become affordable to many since the supply of food is high due to the high yields associated with genetic engineering making the price fall. Additionally is that with genetic engineering, scientists have been able to discover new types of plants and crops. An example is a particular kind of beans that grows naturally. Despite their positive impacts, these foods once were taken make one develop their antibiotic makers within the body. Payne, D. J,(2007). The authors explore that antibiotics are responsible for most people not being productive to medication. As opposed to organic produce most children also tend to produce allergic reactions once they take these foods. The authors explain that all species of living organisms be it animals, plants or human beings one is always affected by some of these products. In comparison to organic foods that are free of intoxicants. They frequently cause severe illnesses and at times death. The product should thoroughly test before its release, or else it may cause deaths to the people. The natural taste typically lacks in genetically modified crops, and this is mainly due to the process of genetic engineering that alters the cell structure of cultivation. Organic foods on the other hand boast of savory natural flavors. Another possible danger is where some genes get transferred from one species to another. Scientists argue that in the event a pesticide-resistant gene is transferred and mixes up with a weed they may for a complex pesticide resistant weed that cannot get easily killed.
  • 19. References Godfray, H. C. J., Beddington, J. R., Crute, I. R., Haddad, L., Lawrence, D., Muir, J. F., ... & Toulmin, C. (2010). Food security: the challenge of feeding 9 billion people. Science, 327(5967), 812-818. Hertel, T. W. (2011). The global supply and demand for agricultural land in 2050: A perfect storm in the making?. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 93(2), 259-275. Jouanin, L., Bonadé-Bottino, M., Girard, C., Morrot, G., & Giband, M. (1998). Transgenic plants for insect resistance. Plant Science, 131(1), 1-11. Payne, D. J., Gwynn, M. N., Holmes, D. J., & Pompliano, D. L. (2007). Drugs for bad bugs: confronting the challenges of antibacterial discovery. Nature reviews Drug discovery, 6(1), 29-40.