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Running head: Impact of technology on healthcare
Impact of technology on healthcare
Impact of technology on healthcare
Woodrow Rowell
The healthcare industry and technology are interrelated.
Behavioural health is mainly attributed to the type of
information a patient has access to. Technology thus plays a big
role in giving the correct amount of information (Cypriano,
2011). Through it, the society is able to access information
influencing their thought on public health care. In turn this adds
on to the way the public and health professionals search for
information related to health matters. This shapes the way
decisions related to health are made and how they respond to
this. Thus the main goal of technology in health care is to help
improve the quality of health care and outcomes in health
related matters.
In order to improve the quality of life have been major
technological advancements. The advancements have had a lot
of impact in nearly all fields related to health care. This are
mainly by updating the way health records are handled by
digitizing them and use of big storage data and cloud
computing. Digital health records have replaced the previously
used paper records that had their own bit of challenges. In the
world of medicine this is a bold move and a major boost.
Through the help of coding professionals health professionals
have been able to manage tasks and roles more effectively.
Implementation of the roles are tasked to nurses and at times
Nurses are mandated with the task of collecting data and
manually uploading it on a digitized central system void of any
errors. As soon as the data is uploaded patient records are
updated by the medical billers with a unique code of
diagnostics. In turn the billings are submitted to insurance
companies for medical claims. Patients are therefore able to
access their health records easily and are able to spot an error in
their records early enough in their treatment. There are benefits
attributed to the digital health records just to mention a few.
Data collected is easy to feed into a computer as compared to
the paper based methods, thus saves on time. Both nurses and
patients are able to spot an error early enough regarding data on
the patients diagnostics, financial records or treatment.
Productivity is increased the nurses and medical coders can
work from anywhere as there is digital access to the medical
records. While billing and coding there is ease in the amount to
be handled as they are can handle many records at a go. From
the collected data it is easier to conduct research and come up
with solutions for the various health related problems. Medical
researchers can therefore improve on the available knowledge in
Digital platforms go along way into reducing the cost of health
care. For instance using less paper means less space is used for
collecting data in files, arranging in an orderly manner and
using up space to secure the records for patient confidentiality.
Further the amount of time taken to collect this data and put it
down on paper and retrieval is cut down. However the platform
has its own disadvantage to it. As health centres shift from the
manual way of collecting data to a more digital way a problem
could arise in the inter connectivity. The established system
may be unable to communicate clearly. The connected devices
may not be able to rely information to each other thus
jeopardizing the health of the patient.
Another key impact technology has had on health care is in the
use of cloud and data storage to store and retrieve records.
Through the use of cloud it is easy to use the data collected for
analytics. As a result there is improved health care, quality of
life, major research in treatments and new types of drugs. Due
to the complex nature of medical cases a lot of data is collected
in a day. Data that will require storage facilities that can be
expanded on demand and easily affordable. Thus health care
institutions have turned to cloud.
By using cloud it is possible to store large amounts of data as it
mostly utilises software and hardware from the internet. Cloud
has major advantage over the traditional methods of storing
medical data. Security and storage of the data is effective and
low cost. A lot of information can be collected and stored
without the worry of adding more servers, storage being limited
or added extra cost in the process. High reliance on cloud comes
extra security, a recovery and backup service to avoid any loss
of critical data. The tool has become essential in sharing of
information. In recent years other than just sharing information
it has become an effective tool of operation in managing a big
work force and in research and study. All this giving medicine a
better future.
Just like a majority of technological trends in medicine there
are challenges. Hackers have become a major threat. Identity
theft is serious as it leaves patients vulnerable to attackers.
Information shared with the hospital may include sensitive
details like, contacts and home addresses that an attacker could
use to cause bodily harm. In such an event of hacking and
patient confidential information is leaked the patients plus the
general public may lose faith in a health institution. Further the
medical facility may face lengthy and costly court processes if
it emerges the patient information was not properly secured.
Leaking of this information is a danger to all stakeholders as
the information may be used to make fake ids that can be used
in illegal purchases like drugs putting the individual into further
danger. Storage of data in a central point risks the data being
breached thus cloud becomes a disadvantage.
Strategies put in place.
· Availability of resources.
Coming up with resources to be used by the health care
practitioners is essential. A lot of support is needed especially
form leaders in the senior positions in the medical faculty.
If the implementation process is to be successful, there has to
be an availability of the data required, equipment and much
needed time to work with. This will enable the medical team
focus on getting solutions to the already addressed challenges
using the readily available resources in this case technology.
· Utilize the already collected data to measure the progress.
Data acquired is key to the organizations success. Using the
available technology it is possible to track a patient’s progress,
identify a problem and a possible solution in time contributing
to improved health care. Tools such as analytics will help
identify the key arrears that need to be improved on. For
example in terms of finances or infrastructure.
· Coming up with the right people for job.
Engaging people from all levels is key in the decision making
process as different perspectives will lead to an informed
decision. For a more productive outcome it is important to
engage the leadership, management and staff.
· All staff should be engaged in the implementation process.
Conversation should be established to ensure all stakeholders
are aware of what the project entails. In case of
misunderstandings, the initial goal and benefits of the project
should be highlighted to keep the team in check and focused.
Thus they will be more motivated to take on the projects.
· Implementation.
After discussing the already discussed steps it is important to
still continue the communication on the project. This enables
the team to bring out concerns and share ideas that are essential
in the integration of technology.
Create an evaluation process for reviewing the effectiveness of
the implementation.
· Share with others on the progress.
Information gathered is collected and targeted for specific
groups of people. In order to be accountable therefore it is
important to file reports to the involved parties. This shows a
clear purpose for doing things.
· Bring all involved parties together.
All involved parties must be present for the reviewing process
to be successful. Making it an open and engaging process makes
data collected credible. Realising opportunities for all makes all
the stakeholders willingly support and want to be part of the
· Tracking of the progress.
Tracking progress allows for adjustments in the implementation
process. Regular intervals are highly recommended in order to
make progress and identify the most suitable method of data
· Regularly looking at the planning process.
By keeping track of planning process it is easier to make
changes that can be used in implementing and improving the
project. It is critical as it seeks to respond to issues that are
specific to the project.
· Evaluation.
The success of an initiative is determined by how all parties
involved are affected by the outcomes of the policy whether
intended or unintended. Asking the correct questions is key in
collecting the accurate amount of data.
Cipriano, P. F. (2011). The future of nursing and health IT: The
quality elixir. Nursing Economics, 29 (5), 286-289, 282.
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Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet |. (n.d.).
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5 Fundamental Strategies of A Successful Health IT
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Implementing technology in healthcare: insights from
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What you don’t need at twice the price
Productivity Problem
Here at ScamCo Inc. things are going great! Except that they’re
not. While sales growth has been seemingly increasing, the
company is having trouble with meeting the demands of
customer orders. The sales team doesn’t seem to be doing an
efficient job of quoting ramp up and turnaround time for orders
as they relate to production.
The backend of ScamCo feel like while they are the ones who
do the actual producing of the goods, they are left in the dark.
When orders come through, they are paired with unattainable
time constraints and sometimes material isn’t even available.
SAMPLE Problem Statement
Communication breakdown between departments is causing
inefficient timelines in bringing product to market. The ripple
effect of this is costing money
Solving Problems
The two sides of the house are working against each other like
the wait staff vs the kitchen staff at a restaurant on a bad day.
Clearly the lines of communication could be better. Plus the
sales team is having trouble keeping up with their client base
and leads. As a consultant, you have been brought in to devise
a solution to these problems.
You have decided that in the end, a Supply Chain Management
(SCM) System is needed as an overall software solution. You
will go through a summary of the various phases from this
course in documenting the progress.
Major Stakeholders
Donald Kimball,
Jean Smith,
VP of Sales
Luis Carruthers,
Operations Manager
REQUIRED Deliverables By Chapter
CHAPTER 1- Feasibility Analysis (Technical, Economic,
CHAPTER 2 - Gantt Chart
CHAPTER 3 - Requirements Definition (Specifications)
CHAPTER 4 - Use Cases
CHAPTER 5 - Data Flow Diagrams
CHAPTER 6 - Entity Relationship Diagram
CHAPTER 9 - UI Design
Use-case Examples
Use Case Name:
Place Order
· Registered Shopper (Has an existing account, possibly with
billing and shipping information)
· Non-registered Shopper (Does not have an existing account)
· Fulfillment System (processes orders for delivery to
· Billing System (bills customers for orders that have been
The user indicates that she wants to purchase items that she has
User has selected the items to be purchased.
· The order will be placed in the system.
· The user will have a tracking ID for the order.
· The user will know the estimated delivery date for the order.
Normal Flow:
· The user will indicate that she wants to order the items that
have already been selected.
· The system will present the billing and shipping information
that the user previously stored.
· The user will confirm that the existing billing and shipping
information should be used for this order.
· The system will present the amount that the order will cost,
including applicable taxes and shipping charges.
· The user will confirm that the order information is accurate.
· The system will provide the user with a tracking ID for the
· The system will submit the order to the fulfillment system for
· The fulfillment system will provide the system with an
estimated delivery date.
· The system will present the estimated delivery date to the
· The user will indicate that the order should be placed.
· The system will request that the billing system should charge
the user for the order.
· The billing system will confirm that the charge has been
placed for the order.
· The system will submit the order to the fulfillment system for
· The fulfillment system will confirm that the order is being
· The system will indicate to the user that the user has been
charged for the order.
· The system will indicate to the user that the order has been
· The user will exit the system.
Alternate Flows:
A. The user enters billing and shipping information for the
order. The user desires to use shipping and billing information
that differs from the information stored in her account. This
alternate flow also applies if the user does not maintain billing
and / or shipping information in their account, or if the user
does not have an account.
1. The user will indicate that this order should use alternate
billing or shipping information.
2. The user will enter billing and shipping information for this
3. The system will validate the billing and shipping information.
4. The use case continues
B. The user will discover an error in the billing or shipping
information associated with their account, and will change it.
1. The user will indicate that the billing and shipping
information is incorrect.
2. The user will edit the billing and shipping information
associated with their account.
3. The system will validate the billing and shipping information.
4. The use case returns to step 2 and continues.
C. The user will discover an error in the billing or shipping
information that is uniquely being used for this order, and will
change it.
1. The user will indicate that the billing and shipping
information is incorrect.
2. The user will edit the billing and shipping information for
this order.
3. The use case returns to step A3.
D. The user will determine that the order is not acceptable
(perhaps due to dissatisfaction with the estimated delivery date)
and will cancel the order.
1. The user will request that the order be cancelled.
2. The system will confirm that the order has been cancelled.
3. The use case ends.
Talent Acquisition and Employee Relations
Woodrow Rowell
Talent Acquisition and Employee Relations
Talent acquisition and employee relations is the process of
recruiting the best talents and maintaining them within the
organization (Lonka, 2019). The acquisition process compels
the human resource team to utilize HR best practices. Human
Resource best practices are the specific sets of actions and
processes that, if used well, enhance the performance of the
organization. HR best practices are accepted universally. Some
of the best Human Resource Management practices comprise of
ensuring the safety and security of all employees within the
organization, fair evaluation, and maintaining equity in how
employees are treated on their duty. The HR best practices
further incorporate highlighting performers within the
organization, rewarding employees, and initiation of open house
discussion that encourages knowledge sharing among the staff
(Mondy & Martocchio, 2016). A good Employee-human
resource management relationship is initiated as early as during
the recruitment process. During the hiring of recruits, the hiring
team must incorporate human resource best practices to ensure
free and fair selection.
Elements to Consider during the Recruitment Process
Hiring is the onset of either business success or failure. The
type of employees the business recruits have a significant
impact on the overall performance of the firm. Smart business
owners are often in search of top quality and intelligent
employees who can turn around the fortunes of the business.
Creative recruits ensure the productivity and profitability of the
organization. When analyzing suitable candidates during the
recruitment process, the human resource team need to consider a
mix of aspects such as work experience, specific skills, and
personality of the recruits, education credentials, and ethical
and confidence of the recruits (Lonka, 2019).
Education and Credentials
Education is crucial in imparting individuals with knowledge in
specific fields. The human resource team needs to critically
analyze the academic qualifications of suitable employees
during the recruitment process. The educational evaluation will
be per the tasks that the recruit will be assigned if hired by the
organization. Education evaluation should be the first measure
of recruitment (Acikgoz, 2019). Suppose the position to be
filled requires qualified and competent individuals who possess
degrees, masters, or even PhDs; it will mean that the human
resource team will need to exclude those individuals who fail to
meet the education requirements for the job.
The experience level of the Recruits
The job experience of recruits significantly boosts their chances
during the hiring process. Experience can be described as a
similar job performance in a different organization before the
application in the new hiring firm. The human resource team
needs to evaluate the previous interaction the applicants had in
a similar role of duty during the recruitment process (Lonka,
Sets of Skills the Recruits Posses
Skill is the tactic and ability of an employee to execute duty
with determined outcomes. It involves setting time limits and
resources. By analyzing the capabilities of the recruits, the
human resource management team needs to figure out the
specific skills suitable for the advertised position. Skills
determine who the organization hires. For example, suppose a
firm requires an individual with basic skills in accounting
processes, it implies that the recruits who stand a chance of
being hired are those who have basic knowledge and skills in
accounting-related activities (Acikgoz, 2019).
Personality Traits of the Recruits
Personality is a set of emotional patterns, cognitions, and
behaviors. A happy character implies a customer-oriented
employee. At times, nature can be faked during interviews. For
easy comprehension of the personality of the recruits, the
human resource team needs to engage the applicants in a
lengthy discussion to determine their actual personality. The
human resource team can further introduce applicants to other
employees to learn how they respond. The character of an
individual also determines the performance of the firm as a
happy personality creates an excellent environment for other
employees to concentrate on their duties (Acikgoz, 2019).
Ethics and Confidence of the Recruits
Ethics are the moral behaviors that govern an individual's
decisions and actions. While on the other side, confidence is a
state of being specific with your doings. Recruits who exhibit a
combination of ethics and spirit are likely to have a positive
impact on the organization. Self-belief is crucial in facing and
succeeding in challenges (Mondy & Martocchio, 2016).
Importance of the Five Recruitment Elements to the
The five recruitment aspects to consider during employee hiring
play a crucial role in the success of the hiring organization. The
educational credentials ensure that the human resource team
recruits qualified individuals with the required knowledge of
the job. The job experience of the recruits plays a variety of
considerable roles in ensuring the success of the firm.
Experience eliminates recruits' training, therefore, saving time
and financial resources for the hiring firm (Mondy &
Martocchio, 2016). The experience of the recruits also ensures
accurate completion of the assigned duties on time. Therefore,
resulting in the excellent performance of tasks in the
The skills of the recruits ensure the correct matching of the
employees to the job advertised. The personality traits of the
recruits create an accommodative environment for other
employees at the organization to perform their duties
effectively. Ethical behaviors create trust, and confidence
ensures positive risking of the venture, which results in
significant profits for the firm (Mondy & Martocchio, 2016).
Recruitment Steps for Attracting Top Talent to the Organization
Attracting top talent guarantees a competitive edge for the
business. There are different strategies that the human resource
team can use to lure top talents to their organizations. Some of
the plans include specifying job requirements, organizing
competitions, campus recruitment, and shorter hiring time
(Acikgoz, 2019).
Wide Job Specification
Employees are often after the clarity of the job. The human
resource team needs to be specific when recruiting. A clear
picture of the job, pay, requirements, and benefits to the
employee need to be stated. Job specification facilitates
application of only qualified job seekers, therefore, eliminating
those who fail to meet the specific criteria (Mondy &
Martocchio, 2016).
Campus Recruitment
Campuses are full of dynamic young professionals who yearn to
make positive impacts on organizations. In my hiring process, I
would tie-up renowned universities for the recruitment of top
talents into my organization. The procedure will involve the
early training of the students while still on campus (Lonka,
Organize Competitions and Create Excellent Working
In a bid to attract top talent, I will organize online job
competitions where job seekers can exploit their skills and
abilities. L'Oréal has strategized such competitions. The
competitions will enable the human resource team to select
successful candidates who exhibit the necessary skills needed
for the job (Acikgoz, 2019). I will also provide an excellent
working environment for the recruits, which lures them to join
the organization. Big shots like Google and Facebook have
become every person's dream company because of the excellent
working environment and employee motivation (Lonka, 2019).
Initiate Shorter Hiring Time
Some of the best talents are lost due to long hiring periods of
firms. Long hiring time leads to loss of interest by the best
talents in your firm. Furthermore, long hiring times offers a
chance for competitors to hire the best skills at the expense of
your organization. In my quest to attract top talents for the
organization, I will ensure there is a short waiting time for
talented recruits to join the firm (Lonka, 2019).
Hiring Process Checklist
As a professional human resource manager, the primary duty in
the recruitment process will include gathering relevant
information about the job specifications. Data on the
requirements of the recruits also need to be availed. The second
process will be posting the job's obligations to the public.
Posting to the public creates awareness of the nob among
numerous individuals who may wish to apply. Public posting
also enhances openness in hiring activities. After posting,
communication with the necessary applicants will commence.
The communication may include emails to notify and appreciate
the applicants for their interest in the job as they await for
recruitment (Acikgoz, 2019).
The recruitment process will include selecting the most
qualified candidates for the interview process. The five aspects,
such as academic qualifications and experience, will be crucial
during the recruitment process. The beat qualifying candidate
will be notified after a successful interview. Before the
commencement of duty, the selected applicant will be oriented
to familiarize himself with the organization and interact with
other employees (Lonka, 2019).
Talent acquisition and employee relation is key to the success
of any firm. The human resource management team needs to
ensure the HR best practices when recruiting for fresh talents
into their respective organizations. Furthermore, there are other
crucial elements that the human resource team need to consider
during the hiring process of applicants. Some of the components
comprise of academic levels, experience, and specific skills of
the applicants, among other factors. Organizations also need to
initiate strategic processes of hiring top talents. A hiring
checklist that offers the best procedure of selecting the most
appropriate employee is crucial, therefore needs to be adhered
to during the hiring process.
Acikgoz, Y. (2019). Employee recruitment and job search:
Towards a multi-level integration. Human Resource
Management Review, 29(1), 1-13.
Lonka, V. (2019). The era of Talent War: Attracting and
retaining the best talent by conveying employer brand promise
through recruitment.
Mondy, R., & Martocchio, J. J. (2016). Human resource
management. Pearson.
Diversity in Global Business
Woodrow Rowell
Global businesses are affected by several factors ranging from
the social people, culture, regulations, and policies governing
the society and also the political condition of the country or
territory they are operating. Thus, organizations operating
globally must be aware of these factors and comply with them
to ensure they have remained in peace with the society they
operate in. in this case, the paper will analyze legal and
diversity factors that impact the organization. the paper will
focus on analyzing the employment regulations and policies that
impact diversity, the main tools that help the organization
management to identify issues before they arise concerning
diversity and inclusion in the workplace. The paper will also
analyze strategies that human resource professional inclusion
culture in the organization
Employment regulations and policies that impact diversity in
global organizations.
The legal factor affects international business in various – the
level of production, employment program, expansions, and
marketing. The legal factors that impact global business
includes all the regulatory and law determinants that can have
both a negative impact on the organization's management. The
laws and regulations that relate to employment program in the
country play a significant role in promoting diversity ("Legal
factors affecting business," 2019). The regulation that impact
diversity in the organization includes – anti-discrimination
laws, protection against dismissal, foreign workers' laws.
The anti-discrimination laws
The anti-discrimination law has the greatest impact on the level
of diversity in the organization. Most of the countries have
passed laws that ban discrimination of the people on any basis.
In some cases, the country has passed gender laws that require
the protection of the women's gender, people with disabilities,
and marginalized people in the country. This law increases the
level of diversity in the organization. For instance, there are
some cases; the countries have s passed gender rules that
require organizations operating in that region, whether private
of the public, to have a certain percentage each gender in their
appointments (Zeps, 2011). This have an uppers side on the
diversity of the workers. the organization will draw workers
from various regions and backgrounds with different levels of
expertise and exposer.
The laws against unlawful dismissal.
Another key law that determines the level of diversity in the
organization is the protection of unlawful dismissal. Laws
protect full-time workers in most of the countries from unlawful
dismissal, and thus, the worker cannot be discriminated against,
and their contract is terminated with following the due process.
This law helps to maintain the level of diversity in the
organization in case of a change of management. the workers
from different backgrounds are protected by the law from
unethical management that may hire people from one region or
The foreign worker's laws and laws on immigrants.
The foreign worker laws and laws on immigrants play a
significant role in determining the level of diversity in the
organization. the ability and capacity of the organization to
outsource experts from outside the country are determined by
the existing laws and regulations on the foreign worker. There
some country that have policies that limit workers from
outsourcing workers from outside the country; this hurt the
country as it reduces the level of diversity.
Management tools that promote diversity and inclusion.
Contemporary business management requires managers to be
responsible for the organization's operations and take care of
workers' needs who are ethnically and culturally diverse (AL
GORE, 2011). Thus, to be able to achieve this, various tools can
be applied to identify issues before they arise regarding
diversity and inclusion. These tools include:
Linking diversity to strategic planning – the strategic diversity
planning focuses on establishing measurable means where
diversity can support strategic goals, objectives direction of the
firm. Thus, with diversity being included in the strategic plan,
this means that issues that relate to it will be evaluated in a
daily basis, and this will allow the organization management to
identify diversity issues that may limit the achievement of the
organization's goals.
Building and managing diverse workforce is another key
tool that can be applied to help identify issues before they
happen. Having a workforce from diverse background makes the
organization to have experts with more diverse skill, and this
help to help identify risk and issues that may limit organization
management. Monitoring employees – Implementing monitoring
programs will help the organization in assimilating new
employees in the organization culture. The monitoring process
will allow the organization to study the entire organization
program, and this will allow the managers to identify the
diversity issue that may limit the organization achieving its
goal. Monitoring will help the organization management to
bring all stakeholders together and help them play their roles.
Evaluation and assessment – an organization cannot be
able to develop a successful diversity process without having an
assessment and evaluation program to identify the status and
accomplishment of the process. the assessment processes will
help the organization to identify the attrition rate of workers,
external factors that affect business, and climate satisfaction.
Dialog with affinity group in another key tool used to identify
the issue before they arise regarding diversity and inclusion.
Establishment of the employee's groups, though they may be in
different form structures or plays a significant role in ensuring
the organization is to identify diversity issues before they arise.
While people operate in a group, it comes easy for the
organization to manage them and identify issues that affect
Strategies that can be applied to create an inclusive culture
The organization that promotes diversity in its workplace
benefits a wide range of ideas, skills, and engagement from
different workers. Thus, to achieve this, various strategies can
be applied to create and improve inclusive culture. The
strategies that that can be applied include – educate your
leaders, forms the inclusive council, celebrate the organization's
difference, learn how to listen to all employees, and
communicate the goals and measure the progress.
Educating leaders to understand and embrace diversity can be a
very effective strategy to build an inclusive culture in the
workplace. The organization's executive and managers are the
key players in the organization management and all operations
that are carried out in the organization, thus training them will
always focus on inclusion all workers in their operations.
Forming the inclusion council is another strategy that can be
used to improve the level of integration in the organization
(Gurchiek, 2018). the council should include eight to twelve
members that are carefully selected different ethnicity groups,
gender, and also from different business functions and
geographical locations. This helps to ensure the company
leaders' inclusion ensures all voices in the organization are
heard. Celebrating the employee's differences is another key
strategy that can be used to promote diversity and inclusion.
Recognizing the employee's diversity will allow proper
utilization of the skills and knowledge of workers drawn from
different backgrounds.
Listening to the employee also can help to create an inclusive
culture in the organization. Creating clear communication
channels and engaging the employee will help to better
understand the employee's experience and diverse culture,
ethical, and social background. Thus, this will help the
organization to include the diversity of the employees in their
daily operations. Communicating the goals and measuring
progress is another strategy that can be applied to improve the
level of diversity in the organization (Gurchiek, 2018). This
practice improves the level of interaction in the workplace.
Increased levels of interaction will help people to appreciate the
diverse backgrounds of every employee.
While the organization is operating globally, diversity is the
key driver of the organization's success. The level of diversity
differs from one region to the other due to differences in-laws
and regulations concerning hiring and firing, cultural
difference, among other issues. An organization that have a high
level of diversity benefits form a wide range of skills,
knowledge, expertise, and experience. Thus, to achieve this,
the organization should develop and adopt strategies that will
promote the level of diversity in the organization.
Gurchiek, K. (2018). 6 Steps for Building an Inclusive
Workplace. URL,
Zeps, A., & Ribickis, L. (2015). Strategy development and
implementation–process and factors influencing the result: a
Case study of Latvian organizations. Procedia-Social and
Behavioral Sciences, 213, 931-937.
Legal factors are affecting business. (2019). Retrieved 23
October 2019, from
AL GORE, V. P. (2011). Best practices in achieving workforce
diversity. URL,

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  • 1. Running head: Impact of technology on healthcare 1 Impact of technology on healthcare 7 Impact of technology on healthcare Woodrow Rowell 11/24/19 The healthcare industry and technology are interrelated. Behavioural health is mainly attributed to the type of information a patient has access to. Technology thus plays a big role in giving the correct amount of information (Cypriano, 2011). Through it, the society is able to access information influencing their thought on public health care. In turn this adds on to the way the public and health professionals search for information related to health matters. This shapes the way decisions related to health are made and how they respond to this. Thus the main goal of technology in health care is to help improve the quality of health care and outcomes in health related matters.
  • 2. In order to improve the quality of life have been major technological advancements. The advancements have had a lot of impact in nearly all fields related to health care. This are mainly by updating the way health records are handled by digitizing them and use of big storage data and cloud computing. Digital health records have replaced the previously used paper records that had their own bit of challenges. In the world of medicine this is a bold move and a major boost. Through the help of coding professionals health professionals have been able to manage tasks and roles more effectively. Implementation of the roles are tasked to nurses and at times technicians. Nurses are mandated with the task of collecting data and manually uploading it on a digitized central system void of any errors. As soon as the data is uploaded patient records are updated by the medical billers with a unique code of diagnostics. In turn the billings are submitted to insurance companies for medical claims. Patients are therefore able to access their health records easily and are able to spot an error in their records early enough in their treatment. There are benefits attributed to the digital health records just to mention a few. Data collected is easy to feed into a computer as compared to the paper based methods, thus saves on time. Both nurses and patients are able to spot an error early enough regarding data on the patients diagnostics, financial records or treatment. Productivity is increased the nurses and medical coders can work from anywhere as there is digital access to the medical records. While billing and coding there is ease in the amount to be handled as they are can handle many records at a go. From the collected data it is easier to conduct research and come up with solutions for the various health related problems. Medical researchers can therefore improve on the available knowledge in medicine. Digital platforms go along way into reducing the cost of health care. For instance using less paper means less space is used for
  • 3. collecting data in files, arranging in an orderly manner and using up space to secure the records for patient confidentiality. Further the amount of time taken to collect this data and put it down on paper and retrieval is cut down. However the platform has its own disadvantage to it. As health centres shift from the manual way of collecting data to a more digital way a problem could arise in the inter connectivity. The established system may be unable to communicate clearly. The connected devices may not be able to rely information to each other thus jeopardizing the health of the patient. Another key impact technology has had on health care is in the use of cloud and data storage to store and retrieve records. Through the use of cloud it is easy to use the data collected for analytics. As a result there is improved health care, quality of life, major research in treatments and new types of drugs. Due to the complex nature of medical cases a lot of data is collected in a day. Data that will require storage facilities that can be expanded on demand and easily affordable. Thus health care institutions have turned to cloud. By using cloud it is possible to store large amounts of data as it mostly utilises software and hardware from the internet. Cloud has major advantage over the traditional methods of storing medical data. Security and storage of the data is effective and low cost. A lot of information can be collected and stored without the worry of adding more servers, storage being limited or added extra cost in the process. High reliance on cloud comes extra security, a recovery and backup service to avoid any loss of critical data. The tool has become essential in sharing of information. In recent years other than just sharing information it has become an effective tool of operation in managing a big work force and in research and study. All this giving medicine a better future. Just like a majority of technological trends in medicine there are challenges. Hackers have become a major threat. Identity theft is serious as it leaves patients vulnerable to attackers.
  • 4. Information shared with the hospital may include sensitive details like, contacts and home addresses that an attacker could use to cause bodily harm. In such an event of hacking and patient confidential information is leaked the patients plus the general public may lose faith in a health institution. Further the medical facility may face lengthy and costly court processes if it emerges the patient information was not properly secured. Leaking of this information is a danger to all stakeholders as the information may be used to make fake ids that can be used in illegal purchases like drugs putting the individual into further danger. Storage of data in a central point risks the data being breached thus cloud becomes a disadvantage. Strategies put in place. · Availability of resources. Coming up with resources to be used by the health care practitioners is essential. A lot of support is needed especially form leaders in the senior positions in the medical faculty. If the implementation process is to be successful, there has to be an availability of the data required, equipment and much needed time to work with. This will enable the medical team focus on getting solutions to the already addressed challenges using the readily available resources in this case technology. · Utilize the already collected data to measure the progress. Data acquired is key to the organizations success. Using the available technology it is possible to track a patient’s progress, identify a problem and a possible solution in time contributing to improved health care. Tools such as analytics will help identify the key arrears that need to be improved on. For example in terms of finances or infrastructure. · Coming up with the right people for job. Engaging people from all levels is key in the decision making process as different perspectives will lead to an informed decision. For a more productive outcome it is important to engage the leadership, management and staff. · All staff should be engaged in the implementation process. Conversation should be established to ensure all stakeholders
  • 5. are aware of what the project entails. In case of misunderstandings, the initial goal and benefits of the project should be highlighted to keep the team in check and focused. Thus they will be more motivated to take on the projects. · Implementation. After discussing the already discussed steps it is important to still continue the communication on the project. This enables the team to bring out concerns and share ideas that are essential in the integration of technology. Create an evaluation process for reviewing the effectiveness of the implementation. · Share with others on the progress. Information gathered is collected and targeted for specific groups of people. In order to be accountable therefore it is important to file reports to the involved parties. This shows a clear purpose for doing things. · Bring all involved parties together. All involved parties must be present for the reviewing process to be successful. Making it an open and engaging process makes data collected credible. Realising opportunities for all makes all the stakeholders willingly support and want to be part of the process. · Tracking of the progress. Tracking progress allows for adjustments in the implementation process. Regular intervals are highly recommended in order to make progress and identify the most suitable method of data collection. · Regularly looking at the planning process. By keeping track of planning process it is easier to make changes that can be used in implementing and improving the project. It is critical as it seeks to respond to issues that are specific to the project. · Evaluation. The success of an initiative is determined by how all parties involved are affected by the outcomes of the policy whether
  • 6. intended or unintended. Asking the correct questions is key in collecting the accurate amount of data. References: Cipriano, P. F. (2011). The future of nursing and health IT: The quality elixir. Nursing Economics, 29 (5), 286-289, 282. Retrieved from Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet |. (n.d.). Retrieved from 5 Fundamental Strategies of A Successful Health IT Implementation. (2018, October 9). Retrieved from strategies/#.Xdr7I-gza00 Implementing technology in healthcare: insights from physicians. (2017, June 27). Retrieved from 186/s12911-017-0489-2 Medical Technology. (2011, December 23). Retrieved from SCAMCO, INC. What you don’t need at twice the price
  • 7. Productivity Problem Here at ScamCo Inc. things are going great! Except that they’re not. While sales growth has been seemingly increasing, the company is having trouble with meeting the demands of customer orders. The sales team doesn’t seem to be doing an efficient job of quoting ramp up and turnaround time for orders as they relate to production. The backend of ScamCo feel like while they are the ones who do the actual producing of the goods, they are left in the dark. When orders come through, they are paired with unattainable time constraints and sometimes material isn’t even available. SAMPLE Problem Statement Communication breakdown between departments is causing inefficient timelines in bringing product to market. The ripple effect of this is costing money Solving Problems
  • 8. The two sides of the house are working against each other like the wait staff vs the kitchen staff at a restaurant on a bad day. Clearly the lines of communication could be better. Plus the sales team is having trouble keeping up with their client base and leads. As a consultant, you have been brought in to devise a solution to these problems. You have decided that in the end, a Supply Chain Management (SCM) System is needed as an overall software solution. You will go through a summary of the various phases from this course in documenting the progress. Major Stakeholders Donald Kimball, CEO Jean Smith, VP of Sales Luis Carruthers, Operations Manager REQUIRED Deliverables By Chapter
  • 9. CHAPTER 1- Feasibility Analysis (Technical, Economic, Organizational) CHAPTER 2 - Gantt Chart CHAPTER 3 - Requirements Definition (Specifications) Statement CHAPTER 4 - Use Cases CHAPTER 5 - Data Flow Diagrams CHAPTER 6 - Entity Relationship Diagram CHAPTER 9 - UI Design Use-case Examples Use Case Name: Place Order Actors: · Registered Shopper (Has an existing account, possibly with billing and shipping information) · Non-registered Shopper (Does not have an existing account) · Fulfillment System (processes orders for delivery to customers) · Billing System (bills customers for orders that have been placed) Triggers: The user indicates that she wants to purchase items that she has selected. Preconditions: User has selected the items to be purchased. Post-conditions: · The order will be placed in the system. · The user will have a tracking ID for the order.
  • 10. · The user will know the estimated delivery date for the order. Normal Flow: · The user will indicate that she wants to order the items that have already been selected. · The system will present the billing and shipping information that the user previously stored. · The user will confirm that the existing billing and shipping information should be used for this order. · The system will present the amount that the order will cost, including applicable taxes and shipping charges. · The user will confirm that the order information is accurate. · The system will provide the user with a tracking ID for the order. · The system will submit the order to the fulfillment system for evaluation. · The fulfillment system will provide the system with an estimated delivery date. · The system will present the estimated delivery date to the user. · The user will indicate that the order should be placed. · The system will request that the billing system should charge the user for the order. · The billing system will confirm that the charge has been placed for the order. · The system will submit the order to the fulfillment system for processing. · The fulfillment system will confirm that the order is being processed. · The system will indicate to the user that the user has been charged for the order. · The system will indicate to the user that the order has been placed. · The user will exit the system. Alternate Flows: A. The user enters billing and shipping information for the
  • 11. order. The user desires to use shipping and billing information that differs from the information stored in her account. This alternate flow also applies if the user does not maintain billing and / or shipping information in their account, or if the user does not have an account. 1. The user will indicate that this order should use alternate billing or shipping information. 2. The user will enter billing and shipping information for this order. 3. The system will validate the billing and shipping information. 4. The use case continues B. The user will discover an error in the billing or shipping information associated with their account, and will change it. 1. The user will indicate that the billing and shipping information is incorrect. 2. The user will edit the billing and shipping information associated with their account. 3. The system will validate the billing and shipping information. 4. The use case returns to step 2 and continues. C. The user will discover an error in the billing or shipping information that is uniquely being used for this order, and will change it. 1. The user will indicate that the billing and shipping information is incorrect. 2. The user will edit the billing and shipping information for this order. 3. The use case returns to step A3. D. The user will determine that the order is not acceptable (perhaps due to dissatisfaction with the estimated delivery date) and will cancel the order. 1. The user will request that the order be cancelled. 2. The system will confirm that the order has been cancelled. 3. The use case ends.
  • 12. 1 Running head: TALENT ACQUISITION AND EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 2 TALENT ACQUISITION AND EMPLOYEE RELATIONS Talent Acquisition and Employee Relations Woodrow Rowell 10/30/19 Talent Acquisition and Employee Relations Talent acquisition and employee relations is the process of recruiting the best talents and maintaining them within the organization (Lonka, 2019). The acquisition process compels the human resource team to utilize HR best practices. Human Resource best practices are the specific sets of actions and processes that, if used well, enhance the performance of the organization. HR best practices are accepted universally. Some of the best Human Resource Management practices comprise of ensuring the safety and security of all employees within the organization, fair evaluation, and maintaining equity in how employees are treated on their duty. The HR best practices further incorporate highlighting performers within the organization, rewarding employees, and initiation of open house discussion that encourages knowledge sharing among the staff (Mondy & Martocchio, 2016). A good Employee-human resource management relationship is initiated as early as during
  • 13. the recruitment process. During the hiring of recruits, the hiring team must incorporate human resource best practices to ensure free and fair selection. Elements to Consider during the Recruitment Process Hiring is the onset of either business success or failure. The type of employees the business recruits have a significant impact on the overall performance of the firm. Smart business owners are often in search of top quality and intelligent employees who can turn around the fortunes of the business. Creative recruits ensure the productivity and profitability of the organization. When analyzing suitable candidates during the recruitment process, the human resource team need to consider a mix of aspects such as work experience, specific skills, and personality of the recruits, education credentials, and ethical and confidence of the recruits (Lonka, 2019). Education and Credentials Education is crucial in imparting individuals with knowledge in specific fields. The human resource team needs to critically analyze the academic qualifications of suitable employees during the recruitment process. The educational evaluation will be per the tasks that the recruit will be assigned if hired by the organization. Education evaluation should be the first measure of recruitment (Acikgoz, 2019). Suppose the position to be filled requires qualified and competent individuals who possess degrees, masters, or even PhDs; it will mean that the human resource team will need to exclude those individuals who fail to meet the education requirements for the job. The experience level of the Recruits The job experience of recruits significantly boosts their chances during the hiring process. Experience can be described as a similar job performance in a different organization before the application in the new hiring firm. The human resource team needs to evaluate the previous interaction the applicants had in a similar role of duty during the recruitment process (Lonka, 2019). Sets of Skills the Recruits Posses
  • 14. Skill is the tactic and ability of an employee to execute duty with determined outcomes. It involves setting time limits and resources. By analyzing the capabilities of the recruits, the human resource management team needs to figure out the specific skills suitable for the advertised position. Skills determine who the organization hires. For example, suppose a firm requires an individual with basic skills in accounting processes, it implies that the recruits who stand a chance of being hired are those who have basic knowledge and skills in accounting-related activities (Acikgoz, 2019). Personality Traits of the Recruits Personality is a set of emotional patterns, cognitions, and behaviors. A happy character implies a customer-oriented employee. At times, nature can be faked during interviews. For easy comprehension of the personality of the recruits, the human resource team needs to engage the applicants in a lengthy discussion to determine their actual personality. The human resource team can further introduce applicants to other employees to learn how they respond. The character of an individual also determines the performance of the firm as a happy personality creates an excellent environment for other employees to concentrate on their duties (Acikgoz, 2019). Ethics and Confidence of the Recruits Ethics are the moral behaviors that govern an individual's decisions and actions. While on the other side, confidence is a state of being specific with your doings. Recruits who exhibit a combination of ethics and spirit are likely to have a positive impact on the organization. Self-belief is crucial in facing and succeeding in challenges (Mondy & Martocchio, 2016). Importance of the Five Recruitment Elements to the Organization The five recruitment aspects to consider during employee hiring play a crucial role in the success of the hiring organization. The educational credentials ensure that the human resource team recruits qualified individuals with the required knowledge of the job. The job experience of the recruits plays a variety of
  • 15. considerable roles in ensuring the success of the firm. Experience eliminates recruits' training, therefore, saving time and financial resources for the hiring firm (Mondy & Martocchio, 2016). The experience of the recruits also ensures accurate completion of the assigned duties on time. Therefore, resulting in the excellent performance of tasks in the organization. The skills of the recruits ensure the correct matching of the employees to the job advertised. The personality traits of the recruits create an accommodative environment for other employees at the organization to perform their duties effectively. Ethical behaviors create trust, and confidence ensures positive risking of the venture, which results in significant profits for the firm (Mondy & Martocchio, 2016). Recruitment Steps for Attracting Top Talent to the Organization Attracting top talent guarantees a competitive edge for the business. There are different strategies that the human resource team can use to lure top talents to their organizations. Some of the plans include specifying job requirements, organizing competitions, campus recruitment, and shorter hiring time (Acikgoz, 2019). Wide Job Specification Employees are often after the clarity of the job. The human resource team needs to be specific when recruiting. A clear picture of the job, pay, requirements, and benefits to the employee need to be stated. Job specification facilitates application of only qualified job seekers, therefore, eliminating those who fail to meet the specific criteria (Mondy & Martocchio, 2016). Campus Recruitment Campuses are full of dynamic young professionals who yearn to make positive impacts on organizations. In my hiring process, I would tie-up renowned universities for the recruitment of top talents into my organization. The procedure will involve the early training of the students while still on campus (Lonka, 2019).
  • 16. Organize Competitions and Create Excellent Working Environment In a bid to attract top talent, I will organize online job competitions where job seekers can exploit their skills and abilities. L'Oréal has strategized such competitions. The competitions will enable the human resource team to select successful candidates who exhibit the necessary skills needed for the job (Acikgoz, 2019). I will also provide an excellent working environment for the recruits, which lures them to join the organization. Big shots like Google and Facebook have become every person's dream company because of the excellent working environment and employee motivation (Lonka, 2019). Initiate Shorter Hiring Time Some of the best talents are lost due to long hiring periods of firms. Long hiring time leads to loss of interest by the best talents in your firm. Furthermore, long hiring times offers a chance for competitors to hire the best skills at the expense of your organization. In my quest to attract top talents for the organization, I will ensure there is a short waiting time for talented recruits to join the firm (Lonka, 2019). Hiring Process Checklist As a professional human resource manager, the primary duty in the recruitment process will include gathering relevant information about the job specifications. Data on the requirements of the recruits also need to be availed. The second process will be posting the job's obligations to the public. Posting to the public creates awareness of the nob among numerous individuals who may wish to apply. Public posting also enhances openness in hiring activities. After posting, communication with the necessary applicants will commence. The communication may include emails to notify and appreciate the applicants for their interest in the job as they await for recruitment (Acikgoz, 2019). The recruitment process will include selecting the most qualified candidates for the interview process. The five aspects, such as academic qualifications and experience, will be crucial
  • 17. during the recruitment process. The beat qualifying candidate will be notified after a successful interview. Before the commencement of duty, the selected applicant will be oriented to familiarize himself with the organization and interact with other employees (Lonka, 2019). Conclusion Talent acquisition and employee relation is key to the success of any firm. The human resource management team needs to ensure the HR best practices when recruiting for fresh talents into their respective organizations. Furthermore, there are other crucial elements that the human resource team need to consider during the hiring process of applicants. Some of the components comprise of academic levels, experience, and specific skills of the applicants, among other factors. Organizations also need to initiate strategic processes of hiring top talents. A hiring checklist that offers the best procedure of selecting the most appropriate employee is crucial, therefore needs to be adhered to during the hiring process. References Acikgoz, Y. (2019). Employee recruitment and job search: Towards a multi-level integration. Human Resource Management Review, 29(1), 1-13. // KEwju9pGWtMPlAhUmzIUKHVOtCwoQFjAAegQIAxAB&usg =AOvVaw0y44C2TPsKGmC1VKpL5t12 Lonka, V. (2019). The era of Talent War: Attracting and retaining the best talent by conveying employer brand promise through recruitment. :// eLJtMPlAhUox4UKHfC8AeIQFjAAegQIAhAB&usg=AOvVaw3 f4Vqtjf37JYcYPE7ZuosW Mondy, R., & Martocchio, J. J. (2016). Human resource management. Pearson.
  • 18. :// management-14th-edition-by-r-wayne-dean-mondy-joseph-j- martocchio- 0133848809.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiYiY7vs8PlAhVLVhoKHfasC0 cQFjALegQIAhAB&usg=AOvVaw2BMRXwHNBP9Eqs76MoPH pf Running head: DIVERSITY IN GLOBAL BUSINESS 1 DIVERSITY IN GLOBAL BUSINESS 7 Diversity in Global Business Woodrow Rowell 10/27/19 Introduction Global businesses are affected by several factors ranging from the social people, culture, regulations, and policies governing the society and also the political condition of the country or territory they are operating. Thus, organizations operating globally must be aware of these factors and comply with them to ensure they have remained in peace with the society they operate in. in this case, the paper will analyze legal and diversity factors that impact the organization. the paper will focus on analyzing the employment regulations and policies that impact diversity, the main tools that help the organization management to identify issues before they arise concerning diversity and inclusion in the workplace. The paper will also analyze strategies that human resource professional inclusion culture in the organization
  • 19. Employment regulations and policies that impact diversity in global organizations. The legal factor affects international business in various – the level of production, employment program, expansions, and marketing. The legal factors that impact global business includes all the regulatory and law determinants that can have both a negative impact on the organization's management. The laws and regulations that relate to employment program in the country play a significant role in promoting diversity ("Legal factors affecting business," 2019). The regulation that impact diversity in the organization includes – anti-discrimination laws, protection against dismissal, foreign workers' laws. The anti-discrimination laws The anti-discrimination law has the greatest impact on the level of diversity in the organization. Most of the countries have passed laws that ban discrimination of the people on any basis. In some cases, the country has passed gender laws that require the protection of the women's gender, people with disabilities, and marginalized people in the country. This law increases the level of diversity in the organization. For instance, there are some cases; the countries have s passed gender rules that require organizations operating in that region, whether private of the public, to have a certain percentage each gender in their appointments (Zeps, 2011). This have an uppers side on the diversity of the workers. the organization will draw workers from various regions and backgrounds with different levels of expertise and exposer. The laws against unlawful dismissal. Another key law that determines the level of diversity in the organization is the protection of unlawful dismissal. Laws protect full-time workers in most of the countries from unlawful dismissal, and thus, the worker cannot be discriminated against, and their contract is terminated with following the due process. This law helps to maintain the level of diversity in the organization in case of a change of management. the workers from different backgrounds are protected by the law from
  • 20. unethical management that may hire people from one region or race. The foreign worker's laws and laws on immigrants. The foreign worker laws and laws on immigrants play a significant role in determining the level of diversity in the organization. the ability and capacity of the organization to outsource experts from outside the country are determined by the existing laws and regulations on the foreign worker. There some country that have policies that limit workers from outsourcing workers from outside the country; this hurt the country as it reduces the level of diversity. Management tools that promote diversity and inclusion. Contemporary business management requires managers to be responsible for the organization's operations and take care of workers' needs who are ethnically and culturally diverse (AL GORE, 2011). Thus, to be able to achieve this, various tools can be applied to identify issues before they arise regarding diversity and inclusion. These tools include: Linking diversity to strategic planning – the strategic diversity planning focuses on establishing measurable means where diversity can support strategic goals, objectives direction of the firm. Thus, with diversity being included in the strategic plan, this means that issues that relate to it will be evaluated in a daily basis, and this will allow the organization management to identify diversity issues that may limit the achievement of the organization's goals. Building and managing diverse workforce is another key tool that can be applied to help identify issues before they happen. Having a workforce from diverse background makes the organization to have experts with more diverse skill, and this help to help identify risk and issues that may limit organization management. Monitoring employees – Implementing monitoring programs will help the organization in assimilating new employees in the organization culture. The monitoring process
  • 21. will allow the organization to study the entire organization program, and this will allow the managers to identify the diversity issue that may limit the organization achieving its goal. Monitoring will help the organization management to bring all stakeholders together and help them play their roles. Evaluation and assessment – an organization cannot be able to develop a successful diversity process without having an assessment and evaluation program to identify the status and accomplishment of the process. the assessment processes will help the organization to identify the attrition rate of workers, external factors that affect business, and climate satisfaction. Dialog with affinity group in another key tool used to identify the issue before they arise regarding diversity and inclusion. Establishment of the employee's groups, though they may be in different form structures or plays a significant role in ensuring the organization is to identify diversity issues before they arise. While people operate in a group, it comes easy for the organization to manage them and identify issues that affect them. Strategies that can be applied to create an inclusive culture The organization that promotes diversity in its workplace benefits a wide range of ideas, skills, and engagement from different workers. Thus, to achieve this, various strategies can be applied to create and improve inclusive culture. The strategies that that can be applied include – educate your leaders, forms the inclusive council, celebrate the organization's difference, learn how to listen to all employees, and communicate the goals and measure the progress. Educating leaders to understand and embrace diversity can be a very effective strategy to build an inclusive culture in the workplace. The organization's executive and managers are the key players in the organization management and all operations that are carried out in the organization, thus training them will always focus on inclusion all workers in their operations. Forming the inclusion council is another strategy that can be used to improve the level of integration in the organization
  • 22. (Gurchiek, 2018). the council should include eight to twelve members that are carefully selected different ethnicity groups, gender, and also from different business functions and geographical locations. This helps to ensure the company leaders' inclusion ensures all voices in the organization are heard. Celebrating the employee's differences is another key strategy that can be used to promote diversity and inclusion. Recognizing the employee's diversity will allow proper utilization of the skills and knowledge of workers drawn from different backgrounds. Listening to the employee also can help to create an inclusive culture in the organization. Creating clear communication channels and engaging the employee will help to better understand the employee's experience and diverse culture, ethical, and social background. Thus, this will help the organization to include the diversity of the employees in their daily operations. Communicating the goals and measuring progress is another strategy that can be applied to improve the level of diversity in the organization (Gurchiek, 2018). This practice improves the level of interaction in the workplace. Increased levels of interaction will help people to appreciate the diverse backgrounds of every employee. Conclusion While the organization is operating globally, diversity is the key driver of the organization's success. The level of diversity differs from one region to the other due to differences in-laws and regulations concerning hiring and firing, cultural difference, among other issues. An organization that have a high level of diversity benefits form a wide range of skills, knowledge, expertise, and experience. Thus, to achieve this, the organization should develop and adopt strategies that will promote the level of diversity in the organization. References Gurchiek, K. (2018). 6 Steps for Building an Inclusive Workplace. URL,
  • 23. magazine/0418/pages/6-steps-for-building-an-inclusive- workplace.aspx Zeps, A., & Ribickis, L. (2015). Strategy development and implementation–process and factors influencing the result: a Case study of Latvian organizations. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 213, 931-937. Legal factors are affecting business. (2019). Retrieved 23 October 2019, from AL GORE, V. P. (2011). Best practices in achieving workforce diversity. URL, diversity.pdf