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The Electronic Health Record
1. Title
2. The electronic health record is the electronic version of a patients' medical chart (Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2012). The information included in the electronic health record is
the patient's demographics and clinical health information, medical history, list of health problems,
progress notes, medications, vital signs, laboratory and radiology reports, and physician orders. The
purpose of the electronic health record is to prevent medical errors and improve care delivery to
provide a safer patient environment (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2015).
3. EHRs has been known to be a problem for some physicians or healthcare providers despite of the
advantages. Because of this system physicians are forced to perform some time–consuming tasks
that could be assigned to someone with lesser qualification, which creates more work for the
physicians. Physicians described poor Electronic Health Record (EHR) usability that did not match
clinical workflows, time–consuming data entry, interference with face–to–face patient care, and
overwhelming numbers of electronic messages and alerts (Friedberg, Crosson, & Tutty). Another
issue that was reported is that there are a lot of electronic alerts and people also could potentially
misuse the template–based notes which is pre–formatted and computer generated.
4. The use of Electronic Health Record can be very dangerous to patient care and safety when
wrongly document as information stored in the system are considered to be
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Health Benefits Of Electronic Health Records
How can EHR be a benefit to patients and to the providers? When a patient is under the care of
multiple doctors, tracking his or her history, including allergies, blood type, current medications,
past procedures and other relevant information, can be problematic when relying on paper charts.
The use of electronic health records allows multiple care providers, regardless of location, to
simultaneously access a patient's record from any computer. The electronic record can provide up–
to–the–minute information on the patient's full history, including current test results and the
recommendations of other physicians, allowing more efficient collaboration on multiple facets of a
patient's care. Medical practitioners can quickly transfer patient data ... Show more content on ...
As more healthcare facilities, from hospitals to private practices, move from paper charts to
electronic medical records, the benefits will increase to both practitioners and patients: In addition,
electronic health can records make it easier for doctors to follow up with patients and track
continuing care, both under their supervision and that of the patient's other doctors. It can quickly
and easily pull up test results in the exam room to review patient chart, can verify when they had
past exams or procedures. It can even show them results of their imaging tests on the screen." At the
very least, electronic health records can save time during a doctor's office visit. And in case of
emergency, these records can provide critical, life–saving information to emergency care providers.
People who find themselves in mass casualty situations, such as natural disasters, can benefit greatly
from electronic medical records. Healthcare providers can use EHR in an emergency situation to get
a more accurate picture of a patient's medical history more quickly than with traditional means.
Catastrophic events have demonstrated that patients in these situations are often confused and
frightened, making it easy to forget personal medical details. Every second counts during an
emergency, so having access to a patient's medical history, blood type and allergy information, when
the patient is unable to communicate
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Electronic Health Record Analysis
In the United States, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has mandated that all medical
records be converted to an electronic format by 2015. Promises of improved availability of patient
information, enhanced efficiency and cost–effectiveness are a few of the factors that have steered
the need for this conversion. Successful implementation of Electronic Health Records involves
collaboration, communication, financial resources, technical infrastructure and coordination. This
paper will address the benefits of utilizing a Project Management Framework to ensure the
successful transition into the digital arena of document management. Importance of a Project
Management Framework with Electronic Health Record Implementation Healthcare ... Show more
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Currently, the healthcare industry only spends 2% of gross revenues on health information
technology, while the banking industry spends upwards of 10%. However, the Veterans Healthcare
System is one of the largest integrated systems in the world. One hundred fifty–five hospitals and
eight hundred clinics rely on one electronic health system (Gupta & Murtaza, 2009). Implementing
information systems in hospitals is more challenging than elsewhere because of the complexity of
medical data, data entry problems, security and confidentiality concerns and a general lack of
awareness of the benefits of Information Technology (Boonstra et al., 2014). The newly
implemented system must be reliable from the onset as patient care does not cease in the meantime.
Technology has the potential to streamline current practices and reduce costs, however, hospitals
must consider the potential risks and consequences of a poorly implemented project and agree that
failure is not an option. Good project planning and management can assure success of Electronic
Health Record
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The Electronic Health Record ( Ehr )
The purpose of this discussion board is to describe the Electronic Health Record (EHR), the six
steps of an EHR and how my facility implements them, describe "meaningful use" and how my
facility status is in obtaining it, and to further discuss the EHR's and patient confidentiality.
Description of the Electronic Health Record (EHR)
EHR was created to have a technical way to securely exchange private and personal medical health
information in hopes to improve the quality of care, decrease medical errors, limiting paper use,
reduction of health care cost, and increasing a person access to affordable health care. A mandate
was created for EHR stating that health records can be accessible to all facilities with patients
having the capability to access their own health records at any time. Ameliorating the quality and
convenience of care given to a patient, allow for cost saving measures, engage the patient and family
to participate in their care, improve accuracy of medical diagnosis, and enhance the efficiency of the
overall outcome of the patients' health.
In 2004, President George W. Bush, during the States of the Union Address, presented his outline of
the EHR mandate technology plan. On April 27, 2007 the President issued Executive Order 13335
that established a position Of a National Coordinator within the Department of Health and Human
Services to help execute and guide the President's objective through updates and tracking the
Measuring the goals and
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Essay On Electronic Health Record
The electronic health record (EHR) is a key component of HISs (health information system). While
HISs consist of much more, commonly the EHR is the focus of concern. Through the use of HISs,
contouring aspects of patient care and proper patient care documentation is required to ensure
quality care for every patient as well as providing an evaluation method and quality improvement.
While the long–term goal of all medical professionals is standardized HISs, currently organizations
are free to customize the system to fit the needs of the organization. Regardless of the system chosen
by any organization, the most important facets of an effective HIS are usability, interoperability,
scalability, and compatibility. Usability, "the degree of ease ... Show more content on ...
The advantages of interoperability include, but are not limited to: enhanced communication between
departments and/or providers, improved continuity of care by enabling availability of complete
medical records, and to ease the accessibility of patient access. Disadvantages of interoperability
include, but are not limited to: privacy and/or confidentiality risks, non–compatible interfaces,
implementation difficulties, and lack of standardized designs that prevents sharing the needed
medical information (Kruse, Kothman, Anerobi & Abanaka, 2016). Scalability, "the ability for a
system to grow with an organization as the organization grows" (Acrobatiq, 2016, p. 15), is essential
for successful HIS. Without the ability to grow, an organization is limited to current abilities only,
which renders the entire system obsolete quickly. Advantages of scalability include, but are not
limited to: management support of new processes and expansions, efficiency of patient care with the
ability to record current essential medical care, and encouraged organizational growth with
upcoming technology changes. Disadvantages of scalability include, but are not limited to: lack of
technical support or knowledge to expand, potential security issues created by system
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The Electronic Health Records
Meaningful Use The meaningful use law was written into legislation with the sole purpose of
providing healthcare providers with funding for implementing healthcare information technology,
electronic health records, protecting patient's health information, and provides patients with greater
access and control over their protected health information. Derived from the Health Insurance
Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) that provides funding and incentives
for the implementation of electronic health records. Title IV of division B of the ARRA is
considered part of the HITECH Act. It addresses Medicare and Medicaid EHR and provides
financial incentives to healthcare providers and hospitals that adopt and engage in the "meaningful
use" of the electronic health record technology. If this legislation made known, and end–users have a
better understanding of the legislation fears and obstacles in adopting this anticipated change can be
overcome. Meaningful use plays an important role in assisting the medical professional to adapt to
and integrate technological changes in the healthcare practice setting. Many healthcare facilities
have a strict budget, however with adherence to the meaningful use guidelines, financial incentives
can be achieved. Healthcare facilities still utilized paper health records in a rapidly evolving
healthcare system, however technological advances are anticipated. Meaningful use of available
technology requires an major
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Electronic Health Records ( Ehr )
Electronic Health Records (EHR) Technology has come a long way when it comes to pretty much
any aspect of life. It is more convenient to just buy things online instead of waiting in line at a store
and have it shipped right to your front door step. With new technological advances comes new ways
to commit crimes, such as identity fraud. Just by getting some information about a person they can
ruin that person's identity bring them thousands of dollars in debt. So we know that technology is a
good thing but a little more risky when it comes to personal information. That's what brings me to
electronic health records. Going from the standard paper record to the more detailed electronic
health record is a step in the right direction, but with that step there are risks that need to be
considered. Electronic health records means all your personal information is stored in a data base
electronically. What is stopping criminals from breaking into that data base and stealing all your
information? That is what we will look at in this paper, the pros and the cons of electronic health
records. First we look at what an electronic health record is. According to "Electronic Health
Records" by CMS, it is pretty much an electronic version of the paper records but with more
detailed information. This will help the relationship between the patient and the clinician (CMS).
The problem with paper records is that there was always information that was missing or not filled
in and if that
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Electronic Health Record
Abstract Electronic health records (EHR) is more and more being utilized in organizations offering
healthcare to enhance the quality and safety of care. Understanding the advantages and
disadvantaging of EHR is essential in the nursing profession as nurses would learn its strengths and
weaknesses. This would help the nursing profession know how to deal with the weak areas of the
system. The topic on advantages and disadvantages of EHR has been widely researched on with
different researchers coming up with different opinions. Nurses ought to have knowledge on the
advantages and disadvantages of EHR systems for them to use systems efficiently. This would
transform the operations of health systems and benefit patients with quality service. ... Show more
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This meant that there was 41 percent reduction in the risk of pulmonary embolism or deep vein
thrombosis ninety days following discharge. In addition, researchers have established that there is a
relation between efficiency and EHRs in the delivery of healthcare. EHRs societal benefits
Improved ability to conduct research is another less tangible benefit associated with EHR. When the
data for patients is electronically stored, makes the data easily accessible hence more quantitative
analysis can be undertaken for identification of evidence–based best practices with ease. In addition,
public health researchers use electronic clinical data more actively which have been amassed from a
huge population hence coming up with research that benefits the society (Mitka, 2011). Clinical data
availability is limited but this form of data will increase. Probable EHRs disadvantages Irrespective
of the findings regarding the advantages of various functionalities of EHRs, some probable
drawbacks on EHR have been identified by researchers. These comprise of financial concerns,
temporal loss in productivity linked with adoption of EHR, change in workflow, security and
confidentiality concerns and several unintentional consequences. Financial concerns comprise of
costs of adoption and implementation, cost of maintenance, revenue loss due to temporal low
productivity, and revenue declination. These factors act as deterrent for physicians
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Electronic Health Records And Tele
Introduction The use of electronic health records and tele–nurse has become very popular across the
United States recently. These techniques allow offices to go paperless. Converting to electronic
health records and tele–nursing has been proven to improve the overall success of physicians who
are willing to convert to these methods. To make the best decisions, doctors must have the most
accurate and up–to–date information for each client. Proper implementation of these methods will
take time to work to perfection. Electronic health record and tele–nursing will guarantee that each
patient receives the best services with a minimum of mistakes According to Furguson,
"Telemedicine is the use of medical information exchange from one site to ... Show more content on ...
As a result, doctors will have to be especially careful to ensure that only authorized personnel has
access to viewing client's records. The government has set laws that govern how and when a client's
medical records can be viewed. First, any healthcare provider is mandated to notify the client if
there has been a breach of information. In the United States, more than 500 hundred patients a year
are victims of unauthorized viewing or breach in confidentiality (Shaul, 2000). Nevertheless, it is
nearly impossible for a patient to correct an error in his/her medical records. When a patient has
been the victim of medical identity theft, the patient and the culprit's information becomes a new
unidentified patient. Determining which information belongs to the original patient and the thief can
become a long task. The thief might use the victim's information to have major or specialty
procedures completed. Such claims can be very expensive and cause the victim to max out on
allotted treatments by his/her insurance company. Often, the victim does not realize that he/she is a
victim until they go in for an actual procedure and their insurance claim is denied
Ethical Issues Some ethical issues have been raised due to electronic health records. The major
question that patients have is who is actually viewing their information and how will unauthorized
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Benefits Of Electronic Health Records
Electronic health records are used in health care to replace paper charts. They contain valuable
patient medical information. EHRs improve quality of care without expensive, time–consuming
processes. Although there are many reasons to use electronic health records, there are also some
disadvantages to using them. More importantly though, there is a real importance for EHRs this
The Importance of Electronic Health Records
"Electronic health record systems enable hospitals to store and retrieve detailed patient information
to be used by health care providers, and sometimes patients, during a patient's hospitalization, over
time, and across care settings." (CITEEE). This paper will discuss why we need EHRs, the
advantages and disadvantages, the importance of electronic health records, and also how they have
become more useful in today's society. To learn more about EHRs and the role they play in our
health care system, we must first understand what they are.
What is an EHR
Definition of EHRs EHR stands for electronic health record. They store health data electronically.
These health records are a digital version of a patient's traditional paper chart. Using a highly secure
network, health care professionals such as, physicians, nurses, etc., enter patient medical
information directly into a computer, instead of using the old format of writing it down on paper.
Electronic health records are used to improve patient care by communicating with one another
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Electronic Health Records Research
Research the transition from paper records to electronic health records.
One of the limitations of paper records is the unsecured storage in the event of a natural disaster or
human error. In fact, a natural disaster, Hurricane Katrina displayed the importance of the transition
from the paper record to electronic record. This disaster washed away thousands of paper records
and victims of this event lost all their medical information. This disaster showed the necessity of
electronic records. As technology is changing, electronic records gaining importance. There are
some challenges as well to the transition. The first step is to get the right product that will convert all
the paper records into electronic records. The transition from paper ... Show more content on ...
EHR uses standardized templates that capture data by typing, scanning, and utilizing drop–down
menus among other features. A physician can enter complex prescriptions and record patient visit
notes directly into EHR without handwritten notes. In an EHR system, all the records of a patient
are saved in one system and diminish the chance of misplacing the records. In an EHR system,
health records are accessible. With a mouse click, the database can search and track the entire
medical history of the patient. Moreover, through the system, the records can be accessed remotely.
It does not make a difference of where the patient is receiving care, his or her medical records can
be accessed from anywhere and aid in the care. Therefore, electronic records have reduced these
Has electronic records created new medical errors?
Electronic records have decreased certain medical errors. However, a human enters all the
information in the electronic health record system. It is very easy for staff that is working on an
electronic record to make a mistake while using the records. The staff may click on a wrong number
or may enter information in the wrong person's file. Or it could be just a simple typing mistake. If
the staff working on records is untrained and unaware of how EHR system works, he or she may
make a blunder and it may cause a medical error.
As a MA, how can you prevent electronic medical errors in your
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Electronic Health Record Essay
Electronic Health Record is an official health record for an individual that is shared among multiple
facilities and agencies. There are many components to it;  Registration–admission, discharge, and
transfer  Patient financial services  Order communication and results retrieval  Ancillary,
clinical, and department applications  Specialty clinical applications  Smart peripherals 
Electronic document management system  Clinical messaging and provider–patient portals 
Registries  Results management  Point–of–care charting  Computerized physician or provider
order entry system  Clinical decision support system  Reporting  Clinical data repository 
Clinical data warehouse  Personal health record  Health information exchange  Population
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Electronic Health Records ( Ehr )
The federal government established a nationwide health information technology (HIT) infrastructure
which requires all health care facility personnel to use an electronic health record (EHR). According
to Sewell & Thede, in 2004, President Bush called for adoption of interoperable electronic health
records for most Americans by 2014. Electronic health records (EHR) is an automated system
created by healthcare providers or organizations, such as a hospital in documenting patient care. In
addition, EHR is an interoperable healthcare record that can comprise of multiple EMRs data and
the personal health record (PHR). Furthermore, electronic health records can be created, managed,
and accessed by approved clinicians and staff across more than one health care society (Sewell &
Thede, 2013, p. 231–232). On the patients' perspective, EHR will be used to support healthcare by
providing electronic record of patients' vital signs, demographics, allergies, medications, diagnoses,
and smoking status. Consequently, on the providers' perspective, EHR will support healthcare by use
of decision support tools, enter clinical orders, such as prescriptions, provide patients with electronic
versions of their health information, use systems that protect the privacy and security of HER patient
data. Another meaningful use of EHR is to support activities such as conducting drug formulary
checks, including clinical laboratory test results, recording advance directions for patient 65 years
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Electronic Health Records
Electronic Health Records: The Role of Electronic Health Records and Health Information
Exchange in the Delivery of Quality Healthcare R Arku Community College of Allegheny County
Health Information Technology, Cohort 5 Tutor January 14,2011 Contents Abstract 3 Introduction 4
Quality Definition 6 Data Collection Challenges 7 Electronic Records and its influence on quality 9
Data Infrastructure – Performance Measurement Foundation 11 Quality Measurements and Data
Extraction 11 Going Forward 12 Conclusion – EHRs Preparations 12 References 13 Abstract Policy
makers, Physicians, Clinicians and other health workers have in recent years, changed their demand
for health information data due to changing trends ... Show more content on ...
However, whereas this seems to prove the importance of EHRs there is a need to understand the
steps to quality healthcare and how EHRs enable hospitals provide these aspects. This paper will try
to bring forth, the true picture of Electronic Health Records effectiveness. It is important to
understand what an EHR is. According to this paper, this will take the following definition "...
longitudinal electronic record of patient health information generated by one or more encounters in
any care delivery setting". Included in this information are patient demographics... reports. The EHR
automates and streamlines the clinician 's workflow. The EHR has the ability to generate a complete
record of a clinical patient encounter, and related activities directly or indirectly via interface–
including evidence–based decision support, quality management, and outcomes reporting."(GAO,
2010) Quality Definition Quality is something that many medical care institutions have advocated
for. With the innovation of Electronic Health Records, healthcare facilities as well as institutions
were consumed with the concerns of how medical records were being handled. Currently there are
many national organizations as well as some of the government agencies who are trying to pursue
the cause of quality and patient safety (GAO, 2010). Although, Electronic Health Records are
presumed to bring quality to the way healthcare data is being handled,
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Electronic Medical Record Vs Electronic Health Record
Electronic Medical Record (EMR) and Electronic Health Record (EHR) have revolutionized how
healthcare is practiced in the past several years. HITECH Act of 2009 began to incentivize health
care providers for using EHRs, to promote higher–quality and more efficient care. As the transition
to electronic information occurs, the need for big data analysis and security have increased
significantly in healthcare. EHRs implementation will aid researchers to utilize health data more
efficiently as most of information will be easily accessible compared to traditional health record
system. This allows researchers to spend less time collecting data and analyzing data much easier.1
However, there are no regulatory requirements to evaluate EHR system efficacy
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The Electronic Health Record
The Electronic Health Record Introduction In the modern world technology is everywhere and it
affects everyone's daily life. People are constantly attached to cell phones, laptops, and other
electronics, which all have affected how people live their lives. Technology is also a large part of the
healthcare system today. There are many electronics and technologies that are used in health care,
such as electronic health record, medication bar code scanning, electronic documentation,
telenursing, and there are many more forms of technology that impact nursing. One technology that
stands out is the electronic health record. The electronic health record, also referred to as EHR, is an
electronic version of a patient's chart, and it contains is a list of the patient's current medications,
allergies, laboratory results, diagnoses, immunization dates, images, treatments, and medical history
("Learn EHR Basics," 2014). The purpose of the electronic health record is to have a patient's health
care record available to health care providers nationwide, but the patient can decide who has access
to their record (Edwards, Chiweda, Oyinka, McKay, & Wiles, 2011). The electronic health record is
a very important technology in health care and it impacts nurses, nursing care, and has a significant
impact on patient outcomes. Impact on Nursing The electronic health record has affected nursing in
multiple ways. The EHR helps nurses provide fast and effective care by saving them time, and time
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Electronic Medical Records And Electronic Health Records
Technology has advanced throughout the years. The effects of these advancements have been both
positive and negative. Not only have these advancements helped make our lives easier, it has also
helped us lived longer. For example, the use of the computer has evolved in health care. Medical
Professionals use the computer for their daily operations. As a result of the use of the computer, the
Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and Electronic Health Records (EHR) were created. In 2009,
President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which included the
HITECH (Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health) Act. HITECH
instructed the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to get eligible providers to start ... Show
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EMR and EHR also helps keep information up–to–date. A study was done by to evaluate the staffed
nurses attitude and perception of the EHR in Sri Ramakrishna Hospital. The study found that
majority of the staffed nurses (95.5%) found the EHR as beneficial (Juliet & Sudha, 2013). About
68% of the nurses believed that EHR would be helpful and the about 73% of them believed EHR
will reduce the workload (Juliet & Sudha, 2013). Cons Nurses have found the EMR and EHR
beneficial. Many of them have positives views of them. However, not all nurses have reciprocal
feelings towards having patients medical records electronically distributed. According to Nelson
(2016), challenges to EHR usability include workflow issues, forced word choices, lack of or
limited free text, and difficulty finding data or information, among others. Nurses have stated that
inputting information to the EMR and EHR takes too much time and it is also time consuming. The
most common problem with EMR and EHR are system failures. Computers crash every time and
power outages are really common. If the system ends up failing, then there might be no back up
charts. One major problem would be the change to EMR and EHR. New nurses might find the
change is not difficult. However, for older nurses that are used to charting might find the change to
electronic charting difficult. Another disadvantage of the EMR and EHR is the
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An Electronic Health Record ( Ehr )
A digital form and version of what has long been the patient's paper chart is known as an Electronic
Health Record (EHR). The EHR also includes treatment, physical examination, and investigations.
It is sustained and maintained over time by the medical provider and often includes all the key
administrative information. Electronic Medical Records include the regular medical and clinical
information collected by physicians, hospital and other care workers. There are four main benefits of
EMRs. One, an EMR tracks data over a length of time. Secondly, EMRs help health care providers
distinguish patients who have upcoming preventative care visits or specialty screenings. Thirdly,
EMRs help monitor how patients measure up to certain parameters, ... Show more content on ...
Though EHRs are very similar to Electronic Medical Records, a fourth benefit of utilizing EHRs
over EMRs is that EHRs allow the portability of patient health care records. Due to this system,
patient health care records can be transferred to different specialists, hospitals, nursing homes, and
health care providers, both locally and across the nation. Similarly to EMRs, there are many ways in
which EHR improves patient care. One way is by lessening the incidents of medical error by
increasing the accuracy and transparency of medical records. Along with that, using EHR makes it
possible to make health information easily available and accessible. It also reduces duplication of
medical tests and also limits the time delay in patient treatment. These are very beneficial to overall
patient care and enable patients to make better, well informed decisions. EHRs reduce medical
errors by improving medical accuracy and clarity. Another way that having EHRs is beneficial is
that systematizes the process of obtaining patient medical history and information. One
disadvantage of utilizing EHRs is that there are possible ethical issues that are related to the EHRs.
For example, an ethical issue may arise if a patient's medical and health data are shared or linked
without the patients knowledge or approval. This jeopardizes that patient's autonomy and creates a
barrier between the
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Electronic Health Records And Its Disadvantages
Electronic Health Record Issues in Health Care Health information systems must work for those that
are at the point of service. This is because they are the first point of contact and the face of the
health care system. These individuals are usually doctors, nurses, physician assistants, and
pharmacists who are providing patient care and need to maintain patient trust. Patient who seeks
medical advice trust that treatment decisions made from providers consists of quality and care. By
using electronic health records, provider communication will increase and medical errors will be
reduced due to the ease of use. However, among these advantages, complications such as user
resistance, cost and patient safety continues to challenge electronic health record implementations
and further delay its use. In order to ensure electronic health records are ready for prime time, this
paper will review the current issues of electronic health records and its disadvantages. Following
this review, possible solutions will be provided to address the pressing issues of electronic health
records. Finally, a conclusion will be made regarding how electronic health records should continue
to deliver quality and help providers develop a patient centered care.
User Resistance First of all, users resist system changes due to the loss of productivity and lack of
technological support. This is because every time there is a new system change, user work flows
always change. When workflows change, the
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Disadvantages Of Electronic Health Records
In an ever–changing world, advancements are becoming more prevalent with regards to technology.
Technological upgrades in the health services are changing the way in which nurses are delivering
care and even more so changing the way in which patients receive care. The main way in which
technology is beginning to benefit the health sector and the care that patients receive is the
introduction of electronic health records (EHRs). Electronic health records expose more than the
information exposed in the healthcare providers office and offers patient history that is more
comprehensive. They are designed to be transparent and make available all information from each of
the provided involved in caring for the patient (Health IT. Gov 2015). In this essay the benefits of
EHRs will be discussed from creating a portal ... Show more content on ...
Electronic health records, along with everything have their disadvantages, however it is clear from
this essay that the advantages of EHRs are second to none. EHRs create a link for communication
with patients which allows providers to deliver sufficient care, meaning they can carry out their job
correctly and that patients can receive the adequate care that they may need. Electronic health
records also improve patient outcomes when recovering from an illness. The transparency of EHRs
between care providers means that the patient's welfare is always of optimum importance and that
nothing should be missed when providing care for a patient, thus, improving their quality of life and
their outcome for recovery. Finally, EHRs minimise the risk of mismanagement of documentations
and reduce the chance of mistake by a misinterpretation of handwriting, which is obviously
beneficial for patients. There is no doubt that electronic health records will be of great advantage
and benefit to patients as highlighted throughout this
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The Electronic Health Record Mandate
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the electronic health record mandate. Who started it and
when? I will discuss the goals of the mandate. I will discussion will how the Affordable Care Act
ties into the mandate of Electronic Health Record. It will describe my own facility's EHR and what
steps are been taken to implement it. I will describe the term "meaningful use," and it will discuss
possible threats to patient confidentiality and the what's being done by my facility to prevent Health
Information and Portability Accountability Act or HIPAA violations.
Description of the Electronic Health Record (EHR)
The EHR mandate is an order set for when all healthcare records are to become electronic or
electronically kept and readily available. In 2004 president, Bush set a goal that all health records
would be electronic by 2014. It was assumed that Electronic Health Records (EHR) would promote
increased quality of health care and reduce costs, and also that the availability of electronic records
would reduce errors (simborg, 2008). Simborg also said, "The addition of clinical decision support
functions in many EHRs to warn physicians to potential errors and influence their behaviors toward
evidence–based decisions further enhances the potential of EHRs to promote quality and reduce
costs." (Simborg, 2008).
The main goals of the EHR mandate was to correct healthcare coordination amount the healthcare
team of hospitals, physicians, and the lab. It is to ensure that private
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Essay On Electronic Health Records
Before, there is no security standards set for protecting health information in the healthcare industry.
According to Electronic Health Records: Understanding and Using Computerized Medical Records,
Richard Gartee states that as the new technologies were evolving, the healthcare industry begun to
rely on the use of computers. Today more and more health records are being stored in the computers.
Many of these electronic records are created by doctors and hospitals and they offered plenty of
advantages. Doctors say that electronic health records make finding and sharing of information
easier and for patients that can mean reducing medical mistakes and better care. Whether your
information maintains in paper or electronic health records you have the right to keep it private and
that privacy is protected by healthcare law called HIPAA (Health Insurance and Portability and
Accountability Act). ... Show more content on ...
These providers will give you notice of privacy practices that describe your important right and
protection of your health information. Here are few methods these providers may use to protect your
health information. As an employees or classes of employees, you must not give or share to others
your password for the computers, and in case you are not using the computer for a period of time,
you should log–out or must have automated shut–off system working on the computer. Healthcare
providers must also have access controls such as passwords, pin numbers or even fingerprints to
look at your records. This means that only right doctors and nurses with the right passwords can see
your information. Your record may also be encrypted or scrambling your information so that it can't
be read by
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The Electronic Health Record System
When you think of technology and health care, what do you initially think about? Do you think
about the amazing innovations of the 20th and 21st century or the amazing price tag on all of this
"advancement"? These days the rising cost of health care is on everyone's minds. So, how can the
cost of technology advancement help the cost of health care? Well, one solution comes down to
what every doctor, pharmacist, nurse, administrator, and CEO uses on a daily basis, and that is
records. Surprisingly, the health care industry is behind the power curve and finally technology is
bringing the industry into the digital age. One of the biggest problems we face is there is no
commonality in the patients records and nothing to safeguard them. The health care industry needs
to start using an electronic health record (EHR) system in order to combat the issue of commonality
and information security. There are many reasons why the electronic health record system isn't
growing as fast as it could. Health care costs for new medicines, equipment, software, surgical
procedures, and doctors are becoming mind numbing. In order for us to start a new system, like
EHR it will cost more money and resources. The expenses will be to buy new equipment and
software, spend the time to transcribe all the information in the database, and train everyone how to
use the system (Rothman, Leonard, & Vigoda, 2012). You still have hospitals and clinics sticking to
the old way of keeping track of
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The Electronic Health Records
Being able to tell about the roots of where the Electronic Health Records come from the paper will
now look at the benefits of the system. The Electronic Health Records areis defined as, "electronic
version of a patientspatient's medical history, that is maintained by the provider over time, and may
include all of the key administrative clinical data relevant to that persons care under a particular
provider, including demographics, progress notes, problems, medications, vital signs, past medical
history, immunizations, laboratory data and radiology reports The EHR automates access to
information and has the potential to streamline the clinician 's workflow." (CentresCentre's for
Medicare & Medicaid Services 2012) With the EHR's there are a lot of mixed emotions towards it
being beneficial or not useful however the good outweighs the bad in this case. The EHRs have
taken care of the duty of physically transporting paper records from clinic, to hospital , to lab and
also the chore of having to re write medical paper records every time of going into a new medical
setting. Also for patients that need their clinicians to access their forms it can be now easily at hand
for them as well, making it less of a hassle to looking up a patientspatient's medical history. The
Electronic Health records also allow for physicians to make notes on a patientspatient's page about
his or her prescriptions or any other information that other physicians should know about them
before assessing
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Implanting Electronic Health Record
Implanting Electronic Health Record: As part of its effort to promote the quality of health care
delivery, the government has established a committee to analyze the possibility of implanting
electronic health record into every American citizen. The process basically involves the insertion of
Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) containing the individual's medical information.
RFID would provide access to complete and accurate medical information that helps in lessening
patient safety and identification issues. The medical information in the chip will be accessed through
scanning at the point of care and the patient's health information will be uploaded into the health
information system of the health provider. The patient's new health information is uploaded into the
health information system and onto the implanted chip in the individual. RFID in Humans: While
the Radio Frequency Identification Device has been in existence for almost 50 years, the use of this
chip in human beings is an advancement of the technology. The chip has mainly been used for
tracking animals and goods throughout is existence. Generally, the RFID chip consists of two main
parts i.e. an antenna and integrated circuit chip. It's been used as an effective detection mechanism
since the antenna can recognize the chip regardless of whether it's within its line of sight (Alam,
2011). The RFID technology consists of three kinds of tags i.e. active RFID tags, passive RFID tags,
and battery
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Electronic Health Record Essay
After decades of paper based medical records, a new type of record keeping has surfaced – the
Electronic Health Record (EHR). EHR is an electronic or digital format concept of an individual's
past and present medical history. It is the principle storage place for data and information about the
health care services provided to an individual patient. It is maintained by a provider over time and
capable of being shared across different healthcare settings by network–connected information
systems. Such records may include key administrative and clinical data relevant to that persons care
under a particular provider. Examples of such records may include: demographics, physician notes,
problems or injuries, medications and allergies, vital ... Show more content on ...
But with the benefits there are also the risk factors. Some disadvantages of the EHR system would
include; initial cost of planning and implementing an EHR system, lack of standardization across the
healthcare setting, unauthorized access to patient information (security and privacy), inaccurate
patient information if not updated properly, technical downtimes, potential negligence for data loss
and possible patient access to conditions that they don't comprehend which may panic them.
Although the EHR is still in a transitional state, this major shift that electronic medical records are
taking is bringing many concerns to the table. Two concerns at the top of the list are privacy and
standardization issues. In 1996, U.S. Congress enacted a non–for–profit organization called Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). This law establishes national standards for
privacy and security of health information. HIPAA deals with information standards, data integrity,
confidentiality, accessing and handling your medical information. They also were designed to
guarantee transferred information be protected from one facility to the next (Meridan, 2007). But
even with the HIPAA privacy rules, they too have their shortcomings. HIPAA can't fully safeguard
the limitations of who's accessible to your information. A short stay at your local
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Electronic Health Record Analysis
Digital technology has transformed the world radically – tablets, smartphones, and web–enabled
devices have revolutionized our daily life and way of communication. Medicine is an information–
rich sector. A greater and smooth flow of information in the digital healthcare sector, created by the
electronic health records (EHRs), encourages digital progress and can transform how patient care is
delivered and compensated.
An Electronic Health Record (EHR) is a pool of health information, stored digitally; that can be
shared across various healthcare providers. With EHRs, health information is available wherever
and whenever it is needed. EHRs (Electronic Health Records) are Changing Healthcare. Here's
EHRs are a Foundation for Reliable health ... Show more content on ...
Receiving emergency treatment
Improvement in patient information availability can reduce unnecessary tests and medical errors.
Improved care coordination in the health sector allows
Better integration among care providers through improved information sharing
Access up–to–date and viewable allergy and medication lists.
Order entry at point of care or off–site
Standardization of order sets, data and care plans, which allows common treatment of patients
through evidence–based medicine
Rural health care providers gain access to expert by sharing best practices and enabling specialized
care through telemedicine.
Faster, convenient and simpler disease management.
Reduction in Duplication of Testing
EHRs hold all patient's health information in one place. Thus, providers spend less time ordering
and reviewing test results – duplicate tests and medical procedures. Less time spends translates to
reduced costs.
Enables patient participation through online portals
EHRs enable increased involvement of patients in their care through giving them the ability to
retrieve their EHRs online. Patients can make appointments, receive screening reminders, keep
copies of their health records, choose care providers, physicians and refill prescriptions. The
increased involvement and flexibility allows patients to get better
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Electronic Health Record System
Electronic health record systems are very helpful in the outpatient setting, but EHRs are only as
good as the staff and the staff that input data into the system. Electronic Health Record systems have
many functional applications in the outpatient setting. Task lists, communication with others within
the practice, and improving billing accuracy and claims, are just three of the many functional
applications EHRs provide to clinical end–users in an outpatient setting. By creating day to task and
imputing those tasks into the electronic health care system, a day to day pace is set for the individual
and other members of staff. Communication with others in the practice is improved through
electronic health record systems. An atmosphere of more ... Show more content on
Tasks inputs can be viewed by one single individual or by the entire department. By making daily
tasks available to all individuals, the "what are we going to do today?" question is eliminated and
staff members are given direction as to what is expected of them that day, week, or month.
Communication functionality is an electronic health record system creates and harbors an
atmosphere of open communication. Everyone in an outpatient clinic manages patients. EHRs help
manage not only communication between staff but also patient communication. EHRs can help
manage communication of incoming patients, or follow–ups. Electronic health records should not
replace face to face communication between staff members and patients. Electronic health record
systems should improve and add value to staff and patient communication. By improving patient
communication using EHRs, claims and billing would be improved. Taking the guesswork out of
coding, building a claim, and billing for reimbursement are functional applications of electronic
health record systems in an outpatient setting. Coding is the most important process in the
reimbursement process. Electronic health record systems provide an electronic form of finding and
signing codes to patient visits. By taking the guesswork and the time that a coder would take to look
for appropriate codes to build patient claims. EHRs help outpatient coders look for correct codes,
assign codes to services provided, build claims, and submit claims for billing and reimbursement.
Which would translate into faster patient turn around times and faster reimbursement for services
provided to
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Electronic Health Record Essay
Equivocally, the ultimate trial for a medical practice affecting an electronic health record (EHR)
system is change. A successful switch from paper–based charts to electronic health records (EHRs)
in a clinic requires cautious synchronization for the many components. A myriad of perplexing
decisions must be made, extending from selection and application to training and updates. Operating
new software is typically easier than the interruption and reconfiguring of a practice's procedures as
well as how to handle its existing paper records. Clinician's, face many decisions in selecting which
original paper records to transport into a new electronic health record (EHR) system. They must also
manage the integrity of data throughout the ... Show more content on ...
Obstacles to EHRs include costs; lack of standardization of EHR products and the design of vendor
systems for sizeable practice surroundings; opposition to change; initial struggle of system use
leading to productivity decline; and apparent increase of repayments to communities and clients
rather than providers. "The authors stress the need for developing a flexible change management
strategy when introducing EHRs that is relevant to the small practice environment; the strategy
should acknowledge the importance of relationship management and the role of individual staff
members in helping the entire staff to manage change [Lobach]."
Processes during the transition Most providers do not have the technical infrastructure to support the
fully redundant servers, network volume needed to guarantee full readiness because of technical
limitations and discrepancies. Most providers have not planned their present processes to fix those
that are fragmented or need upgrading. Initiating the publications of clinical practice
recommendations in paper form is an essential starting point. "In Framework for Strategic Action,
David Brailer, MD, PhD, the national coordinator for health information technology, described
EHRs as "critical to delivering safe, affordable, and consumer oriented health care. [Amatayakul]."
It is important to that managers grasp the concepts using electronic health records (EHRs) in small
primary care offices and to examine discernments of
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Benefits Of Electronic Health Records
As per the results obtained in the national survey of doctors revealed the following key information:
The percentage of the healthcare providers who reported that the electronic health records are
readily available at the point of care is 94% and the percentage of the providers who stated that the
electronic health records showed the clinical benefits is 88%. The percentage of the physicians who
reported that the electronic health records enable them to provide the enhanced care to the patients is
75% (Jamoom, Patel, King, & Furukawa, 2012). According to the authors, the use of electronic
health records also aided in enhancing the risk management by enabling the reminder and the
clinical alert. They also played a vital role in improving ... Show more content on ...
Romano, 2011). This survey was performed using 20 quality indicators to evaluate the relationship
between the Electronic Health Records, Computerized Physician Order Entry, Health information
Technology, and Health Information Exchange systems and Clinical Decision Support using a
multivariate logistic regression model that can be observed in table 1. Electronic Health Records,
Computerized Physician Order Entry, Health information Technology, and Health Information
Exchange systems were utilized as a part of 30% of an expected 1.1 billion yearly US patient visits.
57% (17% of all the visits) of the Electronic Health Records, Computerized Physician Order Entry,
Health information Technology, and Health Information Exchange systems visits had the availability
of the clinical decision support. The utilization of Electronic Health Records, Computerized
Physician Order Entry, Health information Technology, and Health Information Exchange systems
and Clinical Decision Support was more probable in the West and in multi–physician settings than
in solo practice (Hunt JS, 2009). In just 1 out of 20 markers was quality more prominent in
Electronic Health Records, Computerized Physician Order Entry, Health information Technology,
and Health Information Exchange systems visits than in non systems visits (consume fewer calories
guiding in high–chance grown–ups, balanced chances proportion, 1.65; 95% certainty interim,
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Electronic Health Record Analysis
One of the many new trends in health care is electronic health records. Electronic health records is
exactly what it says, it's basically the paper chart the doctor would use on each of your visits in the
past. Most of the time now days if you go to the doctor the doctor puts all the info you tell him on
the computer. Because of electronic health records we have both positive and negative impacts on
society, a major political issue with electronic health records is the chance of a data breach which
just happened recently here in Corsicana with me being one of the people affected. Electronic health
records affect society both short term and long term. Otherwise in one way or another electronic
health records will affect everyone at one point ... Show more content on ...
There are many positive impacts one of them being patient empowerment. This gives the patient
"the ability to track provider payments and could add their own notations" (Gonzales, J) to the
electronic health records. Patients get to keep track of the records themselves; this also lets them
make sure everything is correct on their records. This is also good because if the doctors
accidentally note something incorrectly that can cause major problems when in major emergencies.
This empowers the patient to be able to control and correct the doctor on the problem. Negative
impact health care providers are "faced with loss of productivity" (Unintentional Consequences of
EHR Solutions) our health care providers are rushed to enter information into the computer just to
get actual time to see the patient. This is leaving doctors in a position where they have to be
constantly on their computer than getting actual time with the patient. This puts us in a situation
when the doctor is having to do so much work on a computer it makes us question whether we are
getting the care we are paying for from our health care providers. Because the doctors are in a
position where they want to be productive they are "directly inputting patient data into EHR
(electronic health record) systems in a rushed environment" (Unintentional Consequences of EHR
Solutions) causing inaccurate data such as, medicine dosages, drug names,
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Essay On Electronic Health Record
An Electronic Health Record is an electronic version of a patient medical history, that is maintained
by the provider over time, and may include key administrative, clinical data relevant to that persons
care under a health care provider, including demographics, progress notes, problems, medications,
vital signs, past medical history, immunizations, laboratory data and radiology reports ("Electronic
Health Records,", March 26, 2012). In 2009, the Health Information Technology for
Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, to encourage and promote meaningful adoption and
use of health information technology by hospitals and health care professionals. Then in 2011 the
Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services established the ... Show more content on ...
The act also called for the network to be operated by a private, non–profit organization under federal
contract ("History of NOTA,", March 14, 2017). In 1984, the United Network for Organ
Sharing was established as a non–profit that runs and maintains the national Organ Procurement and
Transplantation Network, contracted through the division of Transportation in the Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS). UNOS maintains the national database of recipients that are
waiting for a donation of a heart, liver, kidneys, pancreas, lungs, intestines, and or multi–organ
transplants. The UNOS organ center responds and maintains patient list requests, recipient status
changes, and helps coordinate organ placement 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.
The United Network for Organ Sharing cannot operate effectively and efficiently without the help of
Organ Procurement Organizations(OPO) that operate across the country. Organ Procurement
Organizations must obtain and disseminate timely and accurate donor health information to UNOS
to match organ donors and organ recipients as quickly as possible. Organ recipient on the national
organ waiting list are highly dependent on timely access to donor health information. To an organ
recipient, timely access to donor health information and complete dissemination of donor health
information through the proper organ donation and
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Electronic Health Record Paper
Knowledge of the basic principles of the Electronic Health Record is essential to understanding the
vital role and appreciating the true value of the Electronic Health Record. Core concepts include,
what is the Electronic Health Record?, how does the Electronic Health Record relate to nursing
informatics?, what is the significance of the use of the Electronic Health Record?, who benefits from
the use of the Electronic Health Record?, and how secure are the Electronic Health Records? An
initial understanding of the core concepts will provide the foundation for understanding how the
Electronic Health Record is transforming the way nurses provide patient care. Core Concepts What
is the Electronic Health Record? – Key Features of the Electronic ... Show more content on ...
Initially, the topic the Electronic Health Record can simply be typed into a search engine such as This step can help to establish keywords. The drawback with using a search engine is
the resulting 200,000 search results, many of these results are loosely connect to the topic the
Electronic Health Record and nursing. The initial use of a search engine can provide a general idea
of the availability of resources and references. The search engine does not allow the researcher the
ability to add limiters or refine results. After establishing a list of keywords including, Charting
Technology, Nursing informatics, Patient data collection, Digital Health Records, Electronic Heath
Documentation in EBSCOHost. Utilizing CINAHL, the nurse researcher should conduct a "simple
search" in EBSCOHost. The simple search of the keywords, Electronic Health Record provided
3,949 full–text results of these results, many of the articles that only had a small relation to nursing
and nursing informatics. Further, the inclusion of the keywords Electronic Health Record AND
Nursing, with the limiters set for full text only, using the "advanced search" provided 34 full text
articles. The advanced search provided articles, which directly applied to electronic health records,
specifically dealing with nursing informatics. The ability to search the overall topic and
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Electronic Health Record : Electronic Healthcare Record
Electronic Health Record An Electronic Health Record (also known as EHR) is an official health
record for a patient that is stored with multiple facilities and agencies. The main purpose of this
electronic system is to improve efficiency, quality of care, and reduce costs. How can one system
possibly do all these improvements to health records? Well let's break it down to simpler terms. It
will improve efficiency for individuals seeking healthcare from a different facility in the future.
There will be no more paper trails, meaning no more faxing, emails, by mail, or playing the waiting
game to get your records from another facility. With EHR the records will already be in the data
base and they can pull up your charts within a few ... Show more content on ...
When selecting a new facility or agency they must have the system required for electronic filing. If
they have adopted this system, then the facility will be able to access the patients record through the
data base by the information provided. This will help them review the charts to help further one's
diagnoses or treatments. Some may mix up an EHR and Electronic Medical Record (EMR) because
of some of their similarities. However, they are different in many aspects. "The EHR contains
patient health information gathered from the EMRs of multiple HCD organizations and is
electronically stored and accessed. EHRs differ from EMRs because they contain subsets of patient
information from each visit that a patient has experienced, possibly at many different HCD systems.
EHRs are interactive and can share information among multiple healthcare providers (Darline 4)."
"Meaning it has digital version of charts, streamlined sharing of updated, real time sharing, patient's
medical information to move with them, and access tools for decision making (EHRvEMR 1)."
Although, this is the best electronic system used, there are more electronic systems out there that are
used. The EMR is among the many used. It is defined as an electronic version of patient files within
a single organization. "EMR has digital records of an individual's
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Electronic Health Records
With the increasing advances with technology in this day in age, there is no surprise that electronic
health records will soon be a major component in all hospitals of the Canadian health care system.
Assessment of Electronic Health Record Usability with Undergraduate Nursing Students is an
informative article, written by Jones & Donelle, about the increased use of electronic health records
within our system and discusses its benefits, as well as difficulties nursing students experience with
this new type of technology. It is a new method of technology that will soon replace paper charting
and will allow access to patients to communicate with their health care providers, manage their
health information, schedule appointments, and have access ... Show more content on ...
I believe that this type of system is accessible, although may be difficult to use at times, provides
health care providers easy access to their patients information. I do believe that electronic health
records will be an important aspect of our health care because it will be more of an efficient way to
view patient results of laboratory data, test results, and access to past medical history compared to
searching through multiple patient documents in their chart. With this being said, I do believe that
switching from paper charting of documentation and patient assessments to an electronic method
will have some challenges. Participants in Jones & Donelle research stated that many were not clear
about where to document information, and where to search for patient information in the electronic
health record (Jones & Donelle, 2011). I believe that with any type of new technology it is essential
to incorporate hands–on training to understand its
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Implementation Of An Electronic Health Record
Crescent Healthcare, has a system in place that is called Carves this is just a variation from a
program for logistics. The original program in called runzheimer and is promoted as a range of
employee mobility services relating to business vehicles, relocation, route planning, healthcare
scheduling & travel management. This system relies on' the nurse on each visit completing
handwritten documentation and ticking boxes, each time they see the client. This documentation is
then sent to the office by mail and then scanned into the data base. There is a lot of problems with
documentation being lost, illegible handwriting, missed visits. By no means is this a nurse
informatics system, and they don't have EHR. I will be focusing on some of the ... Show more
content on ...
Elberg (2001). Before the implementation of EHR the organization must conceder the following
Three functional considerations Crescent would have needed to appropriately examine their work
flow. With nurses and pharmacy, as each can be significantly different. The process can be as simple
as having a practice administrator shadow a Field nurse and a Pharmacist throughout their day.
Experts say an EHR should accommodate clinic work flows, rather than forcing staff to adapt to the
EHR 's templates and structure. That 's why it is so vital to examine work flow before selecting a
system. The recommendation is to do a work flow studies both pre–implementation and post–
implementation of the EHR, so that the system can communicate hard data to its EHR vendor. The
vendor should look at the companies work flow and see what might need to be changed to function
efficiently. Even small hitches in work flow can aggregate to become large irritants for staff.
Marissa Rogers is the program director for a family medicine residency at a large integrated health
system in mid–Michigan. She said it is the little things that often become the biggest frustrations.
Examine infrastructure Another important consideration that practices ' fail to look closely at is their
technical infrastructure. Factors like the computer 's processing speed (hardware), Internet
connection, broadband width, even
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An Electronic Health Record ( Ehr )
The government has been trying to protect patients' healthcare information since they first
introduced The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA). Since that
time, technology has paved the way for The Electronic Health Record (EHR). Those that promote
the usage of the EHR as the standard of care, strongly believe that the risks of privacy are
outweighed by the benefits that it brings. These benefits include, but are not limited to: improved
patient care, decreased medical errors, and better collaboration between healthcare providers.
This paper will focus on the benefits of the EHR, and how the government and the healthcare
industry are addressing the privacy and security risks to patients' ... Show more content on ...
Benefits for Patients and Providers
In a study conducted by the Health Services Research on the "Clinical Benefits of Electronic Health
Record Use", 78 percent of Physicians said that the EHR in general improved patient care. This
included: remote access to patient charts, alerts for potential medical errors and critical test results,
along with recommendations for care and proper test selections, and improve communication with
patients (King, J., Patel, V., Jamoom, E. W., & Furukawa, M. F. (2014).
The website publishes information to help patients, families, professionals and
providers to understand what the EHR is and what it can provide. This is a list on their website of
what the EHR can do:
Contain a patient's medical history, diagnoses, medications, treatment plans, immunization dates,
allergies, radiology images, and laboratory and test results
Allow access to evidence–based tools that providers can use to make decisions about a patient's care
Automate and streamline provider workflow (, n.d, "Electronic Health Records: The
Basics" section, para 1) Not only can EHRs improve an individual patient's healthcare, this
information can help improve and protect the public health. Information that is collected can be
shared with public health care organizations to help improve research and monitoring for the
prevention and control of
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Essay On Electronic Health Record
With the implementation of Electronic Health Record (EHR), Florida MIS Radiology Department
will be introducing a variety of health information. Electronic health information is any type of
individually identifiable health information in an electronic form. This health information consists of
patient demographics like age, ethnicity, location, and etc. They will also contain conditions the
patient has and the vital reading taken on each patient. The electronic health information will reside
with the EHR, which will be in the radiology department. Everyone on the staff at the department
will have access to the HER and the information within it. Administrative staff will need EHR to
register and schedule appointments for the patients, ... Show more content on ...
If a patient gets a mail or call regarding someone else, they can let the staff know and we need to
make sure the health information is shredded and not lying around for people to see. It is vital that
once we upgrade computer storage equipment, the old storage needs to get the disk–wiped clean
before disposing of it. Without wiping the disk clean, anyone can easily recreate the data that was on
the hard drives. The backup facilities are secured and hard for anyone to break in to steal any data.
Have multiple firewalls in place to block off hackers and access code and biometric authentication
to access the offsite facilities. Yes, I will be sharing EHR and the health information contained in the
EHR with other health care entities through a Health information organization. It is important we
share information because lots of our providers will be going to hospitals nearby and we would like
to see the treatment they received for better patient care. We need to ensure employees from other
organizations sign forms to ensure they won't disclose any of the information and will be held liable
if anything happens. We need to ensure there is a private network of the different organizations to
ensure safe passages of data. It is important for patients to view their medical records and see if
everything is correct. We want the patients to be empowered and speak up if something is wrong.
We need to have access controls in place to
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The Electronic Health Record Mandate
The National Electronic Health Record Mandate "An electronic health record (EHR) is a digital
version of a patient's paper chart. EHRs are real–time, patient–centered records that make
information available instantly and securely to authorized users." ( The EHR mandate
was created "to share information with other health care providers and organizations – such as
laboratories, specialists, medical imaging facilities, pharmacies, emergency facilities, and school and
workplace clinics – so they contain information from all clinicians involved in a patient's care."
("Providers & Professionals |", n.d., p. 1) The process has proved to be quite
challenging for providers. As an ... Show more content on ...
1) My hospital initiated this program back in 1999. We also participate in the Statement
Immunization Information System (SISS) program. We use this system to check or update
vaccination records for our patients. All of our charting is done electronically. This is beneficial
because any member of the healthcare team can access a patient's record from anywhere in the
hospital. Any information updated on our end can then be accessed by another provider whom also
uses an EHR system. This allows each member of the healthcare team to collaborate, reduce medical
errors, minimize medication interactions, and decrease medical costs. All of our patients, are
educated on the EHR system that we use from the moment they check in on admission. Throughout
their stay, they are instructed on how to access it and how to use it. Upon discharge, they are given
an EHR packet and are encouraged to capitalize on all that the program has to offer from the
comfort of their own homes. Progress. Over the last decade, the hospital has made a lot of progress
regarding the use of HER's. After the CPSI system was initiated, the transition from paper charts to
computer charts began. Today, all charting is done electronically by all members of the healthcare
team. From the dieticians to the physicians, everyone is trained and
... Get more on ...

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The Electronic Health Record

  • 1. The Electronic Health Record 1. Title 2. The electronic health record is the electronic version of a patients' medical chart (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2012). The information included in the electronic health record is the patient's demographics and clinical health information, medical history, list of health problems, progress notes, medications, vital signs, laboratory and radiology reports, and physician orders. The purpose of the electronic health record is to prevent medical errors and improve care delivery to provide a safer patient environment (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2015). 3. EHRs has been known to be a problem for some physicians or healthcare providers despite of the advantages. Because of this system physicians are forced to perform some time–consuming tasks that could be assigned to someone with lesser qualification, which creates more work for the physicians. Physicians described poor Electronic Health Record (EHR) usability that did not match clinical workflows, time–consuming data entry, interference with face–to–face patient care, and overwhelming numbers of electronic messages and alerts (Friedberg, Crosson, & Tutty). Another issue that was reported is that there are a lot of electronic alerts and people also could potentially misuse the template–based notes which is pre–formatted and computer generated. 4. The use of Electronic Health Record can be very dangerous to patient care and safety when wrongly document as information stored in the system are considered to be ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Health Benefits Of Electronic Health Records How can EHR be a benefit to patients and to the providers? When a patient is under the care of multiple doctors, tracking his or her history, including allergies, blood type, current medications, past procedures and other relevant information, can be problematic when relying on paper charts. The use of electronic health records allows multiple care providers, regardless of location, to simultaneously access a patient's record from any computer. The electronic record can provide up– to–the–minute information on the patient's full history, including current test results and the recommendations of other physicians, allowing more efficient collaboration on multiple facets of a patient's care. Medical practitioners can quickly transfer patient data ... Show more content on ... As more healthcare facilities, from hospitals to private practices, move from paper charts to electronic medical records, the benefits will increase to both practitioners and patients: In addition, electronic health can records make it easier for doctors to follow up with patients and track continuing care, both under their supervision and that of the patient's other doctors. It can quickly and easily pull up test results in the exam room to review patient chart, can verify when they had past exams or procedures. It can even show them results of their imaging tests on the screen." At the very least, electronic health records can save time during a doctor's office visit. And in case of emergency, these records can provide critical, life–saving information to emergency care providers. People who find themselves in mass casualty situations, such as natural disasters, can benefit greatly from electronic medical records. Healthcare providers can use EHR in an emergency situation to get a more accurate picture of a patient's medical history more quickly than with traditional means. Catastrophic events have demonstrated that patients in these situations are often confused and frightened, making it easy to forget personal medical details. Every second counts during an emergency, so having access to a patient's medical history, blood type and allergy information, when the patient is unable to communicate ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Electronic Health Record Analysis Abstract In the United States, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has mandated that all medical records be converted to an electronic format by 2015. Promises of improved availability of patient information, enhanced efficiency and cost–effectiveness are a few of the factors that have steered the need for this conversion. Successful implementation of Electronic Health Records involves collaboration, communication, financial resources, technical infrastructure and coordination. This paper will address the benefits of utilizing a Project Management Framework to ensure the successful transition into the digital arena of document management. Importance of a Project Management Framework with Electronic Health Record Implementation Healthcare ... Show more content on ... Currently, the healthcare industry only spends 2% of gross revenues on health information technology, while the banking industry spends upwards of 10%. However, the Veterans Healthcare System is one of the largest integrated systems in the world. One hundred fifty–five hospitals and eight hundred clinics rely on one electronic health system (Gupta & Murtaza, 2009). Implementing information systems in hospitals is more challenging than elsewhere because of the complexity of medical data, data entry problems, security and confidentiality concerns and a general lack of awareness of the benefits of Information Technology (Boonstra et al., 2014). The newly implemented system must be reliable from the onset as patient care does not cease in the meantime. Technology has the potential to streamline current practices and reduce costs, however, hospitals must consider the potential risks and consequences of a poorly implemented project and agree that failure is not an option. Good project planning and management can assure success of Electronic Health Record ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. The Electronic Health Record ( Ehr ) The purpose of this discussion board is to describe the Electronic Health Record (EHR), the six steps of an EHR and how my facility implements them, describe "meaningful use" and how my facility status is in obtaining it, and to further discuss the EHR's and patient confidentiality. Description of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) EHR was created to have a technical way to securely exchange private and personal medical health information in hopes to improve the quality of care, decrease medical errors, limiting paper use, reduction of health care cost, and increasing a person access to affordable health care. A mandate was created for EHR stating that health records can be accessible to all facilities with patients having the capability to access their own health records at any time. Ameliorating the quality and convenience of care given to a patient, allow for cost saving measures, engage the patient and family to participate in their care, improve accuracy of medical diagnosis, and enhance the efficiency of the overall outcome of the patients' health. In 2004, President George W. Bush, during the States of the Union Address, presented his outline of the EHR mandate technology plan. On April 27, 2007 the President issued Executive Order 13335 that established a position Of a National Coordinator within the Department of Health and Human Services to help execute and guide the President's objective through updates and tracking the progress. Measuring the goals and ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Essay On Electronic Health Record The electronic health record (EHR) is a key component of HISs (health information system). While HISs consist of much more, commonly the EHR is the focus of concern. Through the use of HISs, contouring aspects of patient care and proper patient care documentation is required to ensure quality care for every patient as well as providing an evaluation method and quality improvement. While the long–term goal of all medical professionals is standardized HISs, currently organizations are free to customize the system to fit the needs of the organization. Regardless of the system chosen by any organization, the most important facets of an effective HIS are usability, interoperability, scalability, and compatibility. Usability, "the degree of ease ... Show more content on ... The advantages of interoperability include, but are not limited to: enhanced communication between departments and/or providers, improved continuity of care by enabling availability of complete medical records, and to ease the accessibility of patient access. Disadvantages of interoperability include, but are not limited to: privacy and/or confidentiality risks, non–compatible interfaces, implementation difficulties, and lack of standardized designs that prevents sharing the needed medical information (Kruse, Kothman, Anerobi & Abanaka, 2016). Scalability, "the ability for a system to grow with an organization as the organization grows" (Acrobatiq, 2016, p. 15), is essential for successful HIS. Without the ability to grow, an organization is limited to current abilities only, which renders the entire system obsolete quickly. Advantages of scalability include, but are not limited to: management support of new processes and expansions, efficiency of patient care with the ability to record current essential medical care, and encouraged organizational growth with upcoming technology changes. Disadvantages of scalability include, but are not limited to: lack of technical support or knowledge to expand, potential security issues created by system ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The Electronic Health Records Meaningful Use The meaningful use law was written into legislation with the sole purpose of providing healthcare providers with funding for implementing healthcare information technology, electronic health records, protecting patient's health information, and provides patients with greater access and control over their protected health information. Derived from the Health Insurance Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) that provides funding and incentives for the implementation of electronic health records. Title IV of division B of the ARRA is considered part of the HITECH Act. It addresses Medicare and Medicaid EHR and provides financial incentives to healthcare providers and hospitals that adopt and engage in the "meaningful use" of the electronic health record technology. If this legislation made known, and end–users have a better understanding of the legislation fears and obstacles in adopting this anticipated change can be overcome. Meaningful use plays an important role in assisting the medical professional to adapt to and integrate technological changes in the healthcare practice setting. Many healthcare facilities have a strict budget, however with adherence to the meaningful use guidelines, financial incentives can be achieved. Healthcare facilities still utilized paper health records in a rapidly evolving healthcare system, however technological advances are anticipated. Meaningful use of available technology requires an major ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Electronic Health Records ( Ehr ) Electronic Health Records (EHR) Technology has come a long way when it comes to pretty much any aspect of life. It is more convenient to just buy things online instead of waiting in line at a store and have it shipped right to your front door step. With new technological advances comes new ways to commit crimes, such as identity fraud. Just by getting some information about a person they can ruin that person's identity bring them thousands of dollars in debt. So we know that technology is a good thing but a little more risky when it comes to personal information. That's what brings me to electronic health records. Going from the standard paper record to the more detailed electronic health record is a step in the right direction, but with that step there are risks that need to be considered. Electronic health records means all your personal information is stored in a data base electronically. What is stopping criminals from breaking into that data base and stealing all your information? That is what we will look at in this paper, the pros and the cons of electronic health records. First we look at what an electronic health record is. According to "Electronic Health Records" by CMS, it is pretty much an electronic version of the paper records but with more detailed information. This will help the relationship between the patient and the clinician (CMS). The problem with paper records is that there was always information that was missing or not filled in and if that ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Electronic Health Record Abstract Electronic health records (EHR) is more and more being utilized in organizations offering healthcare to enhance the quality and safety of care. Understanding the advantages and disadvantaging of EHR is essential in the nursing profession as nurses would learn its strengths and weaknesses. This would help the nursing profession know how to deal with the weak areas of the system. The topic on advantages and disadvantages of EHR has been widely researched on with different researchers coming up with different opinions. Nurses ought to have knowledge on the advantages and disadvantages of EHR systems for them to use systems efficiently. This would transform the operations of health systems and benefit patients with quality service. ... Show more content on ... This meant that there was 41 percent reduction in the risk of pulmonary embolism or deep vein thrombosis ninety days following discharge. In addition, researchers have established that there is a relation between efficiency and EHRs in the delivery of healthcare. EHRs societal benefits Improved ability to conduct research is another less tangible benefit associated with EHR. When the data for patients is electronically stored, makes the data easily accessible hence more quantitative analysis can be undertaken for identification of evidence–based best practices with ease. In addition, public health researchers use electronic clinical data more actively which have been amassed from a huge population hence coming up with research that benefits the society (Mitka, 2011). Clinical data availability is limited but this form of data will increase. Probable EHRs disadvantages Irrespective of the findings regarding the advantages of various functionalities of EHRs, some probable drawbacks on EHR have been identified by researchers. These comprise of financial concerns, temporal loss in productivity linked with adoption of EHR, change in workflow, security and confidentiality concerns and several unintentional consequences. Financial concerns comprise of costs of adoption and implementation, cost of maintenance, revenue loss due to temporal low productivity, and revenue declination. These factors act as deterrent for physicians ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Electronic Health Records And Tele Introduction The use of electronic health records and tele–nurse has become very popular across the United States recently. These techniques allow offices to go paperless. Converting to electronic health records and tele–nursing has been proven to improve the overall success of physicians who are willing to convert to these methods. To make the best decisions, doctors must have the most accurate and up–to–date information for each client. Proper implementation of these methods will take time to work to perfection. Electronic health record and tele–nursing will guarantee that each patient receives the best services with a minimum of mistakes According to Furguson, "Telemedicine is the use of medical information exchange from one site to ... Show more content on ... As a result, doctors will have to be especially careful to ensure that only authorized personnel has access to viewing client's records. The government has set laws that govern how and when a client's medical records can be viewed. First, any healthcare provider is mandated to notify the client if there has been a breach of information. In the United States, more than 500 hundred patients a year are victims of unauthorized viewing or breach in confidentiality (Shaul, 2000). Nevertheless, it is nearly impossible for a patient to correct an error in his/her medical records. When a patient has been the victim of medical identity theft, the patient and the culprit's information becomes a new unidentified patient. Determining which information belongs to the original patient and the thief can become a long task. The thief might use the victim's information to have major or specialty procedures completed. Such claims can be very expensive and cause the victim to max out on allotted treatments by his/her insurance company. Often, the victim does not realize that he/she is a victim until they go in for an actual procedure and their insurance claim is denied Ethical Issues Some ethical issues have been raised due to electronic health records. The major question that patients have is who is actually viewing their information and how will unauthorized ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Benefits Of Electronic Health Records Abstract Electronic health records are used in health care to replace paper charts. They contain valuable patient medical information. EHRs improve quality of care without expensive, time–consuming processes. Although there are many reasons to use electronic health records, there are also some disadvantages to using them. More importantly though, there is a real importance for EHRs this day–in–age. The Importance of Electronic Health Records "Electronic health record systems enable hospitals to store and retrieve detailed patient information to be used by health care providers, and sometimes patients, during a patient's hospitalization, over time, and across care settings." (CITEEE). This paper will discuss why we need EHRs, the advantages and disadvantages, the importance of electronic health records, and also how they have become more useful in today's society. To learn more about EHRs and the role they play in our health care system, we must first understand what they are. What is an EHR Definition of EHRs EHR stands for electronic health record. They store health data electronically. These health records are a digital version of a patient's traditional paper chart. Using a highly secure network, health care professionals such as, physicians, nurses, etc., enter patient medical information directly into a computer, instead of using the old format of writing it down on paper. Electronic health records are used to improve patient care by communicating with one another ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Electronic Health Records Research Research the transition from paper records to electronic health records. One of the limitations of paper records is the unsecured storage in the event of a natural disaster or human error. In fact, a natural disaster, Hurricane Katrina displayed the importance of the transition from the paper record to electronic record. This disaster washed away thousands of paper records and victims of this event lost all their medical information. This disaster showed the necessity of electronic records. As technology is changing, electronic records gaining importance. There are some challenges as well to the transition. The first step is to get the right product that will convert all the paper records into electronic records. The transition from paper ... Show more content on ... EHR uses standardized templates that capture data by typing, scanning, and utilizing drop–down menus among other features. A physician can enter complex prescriptions and record patient visit notes directly into EHR without handwritten notes. In an EHR system, all the records of a patient are saved in one system and diminish the chance of misplacing the records. In an EHR system, health records are accessible. With a mouse click, the database can search and track the entire medical history of the patient. Moreover, through the system, the records can be accessed remotely. It does not make a difference of where the patient is receiving care, his or her medical records can be accessed from anywhere and aid in the care. Therefore, electronic records have reduced these errors. Has electronic records created new medical errors? Electronic records have decreased certain medical errors. However, a human enters all the information in the electronic health record system. It is very easy for staff that is working on an electronic record to make a mistake while using the records. The staff may click on a wrong number or may enter information in the wrong person's file. Or it could be just a simple typing mistake. If the staff working on records is untrained and unaware of how EHR system works, he or she may make a blunder and it may cause a medical error. As a MA, how can you prevent electronic medical errors in your ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Electronic Health Record Essay Electronic Health Record is an official health record for an individual that is shared among multiple facilities and agencies. There are many components to it;  Registration–admission, discharge, and transfer  Patient financial services  Order communication and results retrieval  Ancillary, clinical, and department applications  Specialty clinical applications  Smart peripherals  Electronic document management system  Clinical messaging and provider–patient portals  Registries  Results management  Point–of–care charting  Computerized physician or provider order entry system  Clinical decision support system  Reporting  Clinical data repository  Clinical data warehouse  Personal health record  Health information exchange  Population ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Electronic Health Records ( Ehr ) The federal government established a nationwide health information technology (HIT) infrastructure which requires all health care facility personnel to use an electronic health record (EHR). According to Sewell & Thede, in 2004, President Bush called for adoption of interoperable electronic health records for most Americans by 2014. Electronic health records (EHR) is an automated system created by healthcare providers or organizations, such as a hospital in documenting patient care. In addition, EHR is an interoperable healthcare record that can comprise of multiple EMRs data and the personal health record (PHR). Furthermore, electronic health records can be created, managed, and accessed by approved clinicians and staff across more than one health care society (Sewell & Thede, 2013, p. 231–232). On the patients' perspective, EHR will be used to support healthcare by providing electronic record of patients' vital signs, demographics, allergies, medications, diagnoses, and smoking status. Consequently, on the providers' perspective, EHR will support healthcare by use of decision support tools, enter clinical orders, such as prescriptions, provide patients with electronic versions of their health information, use systems that protect the privacy and security of HER patient data. Another meaningful use of EHR is to support activities such as conducting drug formulary checks, including clinical laboratory test results, recording advance directions for patient 65 years and ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Electronic Health Records Electronic Health Records: The Role of Electronic Health Records and Health Information Exchange in the Delivery of Quality Healthcare R Arku Community College of Allegheny County Health Information Technology, Cohort 5 Tutor January 14,2011 Contents Abstract 3 Introduction 4 Quality Definition 6 Data Collection Challenges 7 Electronic Records and its influence on quality 9 Data Infrastructure – Performance Measurement Foundation 11 Quality Measurements and Data Extraction 11 Going Forward 12 Conclusion – EHRs Preparations 12 References 13 Abstract Policy makers, Physicians, Clinicians and other health workers have in recent years, changed their demand for health information data due to changing trends ... Show more content on ... However, whereas this seems to prove the importance of EHRs there is a need to understand the steps to quality healthcare and how EHRs enable hospitals provide these aspects. This paper will try to bring forth, the true picture of Electronic Health Records effectiveness. It is important to understand what an EHR is. According to this paper, this will take the following definition "... longitudinal electronic record of patient health information generated by one or more encounters in any care delivery setting". Included in this information are patient demographics... reports. The EHR automates and streamlines the clinician 's workflow. The EHR has the ability to generate a complete record of a clinical patient encounter, and related activities directly or indirectly via interface– including evidence–based decision support, quality management, and outcomes reporting."(GAO, 2010) Quality Definition Quality is something that many medical care institutions have advocated for. With the innovation of Electronic Health Records, healthcare facilities as well as institutions were consumed with the concerns of how medical records were being handled. Currently there are many national organizations as well as some of the government agencies who are trying to pursue the cause of quality and patient safety (GAO, 2010). Although, Electronic Health Records are presumed to bring quality to the way healthcare data is being handled, ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Electronic Medical Record Vs Electronic Health Record Electronic Medical Record (EMR) and Electronic Health Record (EHR) have revolutionized how healthcare is practiced in the past several years. HITECH Act of 2009 began to incentivize health care providers for using EHRs, to promote higher–quality and more efficient care. As the transition to electronic information occurs, the need for big data analysis and security have increased significantly in healthcare. EHRs implementation will aid researchers to utilize health data more efficiently as most of information will be easily accessible compared to traditional health record system. This allows researchers to spend less time collecting data and analyzing data much easier.1 However, there are no regulatory requirements to evaluate EHR system efficacy ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. The Electronic Health Record The Electronic Health Record Introduction In the modern world technology is everywhere and it affects everyone's daily life. People are constantly attached to cell phones, laptops, and other electronics, which all have affected how people live their lives. Technology is also a large part of the healthcare system today. There are many electronics and technologies that are used in health care, such as electronic health record, medication bar code scanning, electronic documentation, telenursing, and there are many more forms of technology that impact nursing. One technology that stands out is the electronic health record. The electronic health record, also referred to as EHR, is an electronic version of a patient's chart, and it contains is a list of the patient's current medications, allergies, laboratory results, diagnoses, immunization dates, images, treatments, and medical history ("Learn EHR Basics," 2014). The purpose of the electronic health record is to have a patient's health care record available to health care providers nationwide, but the patient can decide who has access to their record (Edwards, Chiweda, Oyinka, McKay, & Wiles, 2011). The electronic health record is a very important technology in health care and it impacts nurses, nursing care, and has a significant impact on patient outcomes. Impact on Nursing The electronic health record has affected nursing in multiple ways. The EHR helps nurses provide fast and effective care by saving them time, and time ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Electronic Medical Records And Electronic Health Records Technology has advanced throughout the years. The effects of these advancements have been both positive and negative. Not only have these advancements helped make our lives easier, it has also helped us lived longer. For example, the use of the computer has evolved in health care. Medical Professionals use the computer for their daily operations. As a result of the use of the computer, the Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and Electronic Health Records (EHR) were created. In 2009, President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which included the HITECH (Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health) Act. HITECH instructed the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to get eligible providers to start ... Show more content on ... EMR and EHR also helps keep information up–to–date. A study was done by to evaluate the staffed nurses attitude and perception of the EHR in Sri Ramakrishna Hospital. The study found that majority of the staffed nurses (95.5%) found the EHR as beneficial (Juliet & Sudha, 2013). About 68% of the nurses believed that EHR would be helpful and the about 73% of them believed EHR will reduce the workload (Juliet & Sudha, 2013). Cons Nurses have found the EMR and EHR beneficial. Many of them have positives views of them. However, not all nurses have reciprocal feelings towards having patients medical records electronically distributed. According to Nelson (2016), challenges to EHR usability include workflow issues, forced word choices, lack of or limited free text, and difficulty finding data or information, among others. Nurses have stated that inputting information to the EMR and EHR takes too much time and it is also time consuming. The most common problem with EMR and EHR are system failures. Computers crash every time and power outages are really common. If the system ends up failing, then there might be no back up charts. One major problem would be the change to EMR and EHR. New nurses might find the change is not difficult. However, for older nurses that are used to charting might find the change to electronic charting difficult. Another disadvantage of the EMR and EHR is the ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. An Electronic Health Record ( Ehr ) A digital form and version of what has long been the patient's paper chart is known as an Electronic Health Record (EHR). The EHR also includes treatment, physical examination, and investigations. It is sustained and maintained over time by the medical provider and often includes all the key administrative information. Electronic Medical Records include the regular medical and clinical information collected by physicians, hospital and other care workers. There are four main benefits of EMRs. One, an EMR tracks data over a length of time. Secondly, EMRs help health care providers distinguish patients who have upcoming preventative care visits or specialty screenings. Thirdly, EMRs help monitor how patients measure up to certain parameters, ... Show more content on ... Though EHRs are very similar to Electronic Medical Records, a fourth benefit of utilizing EHRs over EMRs is that EHRs allow the portability of patient health care records. Due to this system, patient health care records can be transferred to different specialists, hospitals, nursing homes, and health care providers, both locally and across the nation. Similarly to EMRs, there are many ways in which EHR improves patient care. One way is by lessening the incidents of medical error by increasing the accuracy and transparency of medical records. Along with that, using EHR makes it possible to make health information easily available and accessible. It also reduces duplication of medical tests and also limits the time delay in patient treatment. These are very beneficial to overall patient care and enable patients to make better, well informed decisions. EHRs reduce medical errors by improving medical accuracy and clarity. Another way that having EHRs is beneficial is that systematizes the process of obtaining patient medical history and information. One disadvantage of utilizing EHRs is that there are possible ethical issues that are related to the EHRs. For example, an ethical issue may arise if a patient's medical and health data are shared or linked without the patients knowledge or approval. This jeopardizes that patient's autonomy and creates a barrier between the ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Electronic Health Records And Its Disadvantages Electronic Health Record Issues in Health Care Health information systems must work for those that are at the point of service. This is because they are the first point of contact and the face of the health care system. These individuals are usually doctors, nurses, physician assistants, and pharmacists who are providing patient care and need to maintain patient trust. Patient who seeks medical advice trust that treatment decisions made from providers consists of quality and care. By using electronic health records, provider communication will increase and medical errors will be reduced due to the ease of use. However, among these advantages, complications such as user resistance, cost and patient safety continues to challenge electronic health record implementations and further delay its use. In order to ensure electronic health records are ready for prime time, this paper will review the current issues of electronic health records and its disadvantages. Following this review, possible solutions will be provided to address the pressing issues of electronic health records. Finally, a conclusion will be made regarding how electronic health records should continue to deliver quality and help providers develop a patient centered care. User Resistance First of all, users resist system changes due to the loss of productivity and lack of technological support. This is because every time there is a new system change, user work flows always change. When workflows change, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Disadvantages Of Electronic Health Records Introduction In an ever–changing world, advancements are becoming more prevalent with regards to technology. Technological upgrades in the health services are changing the way in which nurses are delivering care and even more so changing the way in which patients receive care. The main way in which technology is beginning to benefit the health sector and the care that patients receive is the introduction of electronic health records (EHRs). Electronic health records expose more than the information exposed in the healthcare providers office and offers patient history that is more comprehensive. They are designed to be transparent and make available all information from each of the provided involved in caring for the patient (Health IT. Gov 2015). In this essay the benefits of EHRs will be discussed from creating a portal ... Show more content on ... Electronic health records, along with everything have their disadvantages, however it is clear from this essay that the advantages of EHRs are second to none. EHRs create a link for communication with patients which allows providers to deliver sufficient care, meaning they can carry out their job correctly and that patients can receive the adequate care that they may need. Electronic health records also improve patient outcomes when recovering from an illness. The transparency of EHRs between care providers means that the patient's welfare is always of optimum importance and that nothing should be missed when providing care for a patient, thus, improving their quality of life and their outcome for recovery. Finally, EHRs minimise the risk of mismanagement of documentations and reduce the chance of mistake by a misinterpretation of handwriting, which is obviously beneficial for patients. There is no doubt that electronic health records will be of great advantage and benefit to patients as highlighted throughout this ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Electronic Health Record Mandate The purpose of this paper is to discuss the electronic health record mandate. Who started it and when? I will discuss the goals of the mandate. I will discussion will how the Affordable Care Act ties into the mandate of Electronic Health Record. It will describe my own facility's EHR and what steps are been taken to implement it. I will describe the term "meaningful use," and it will discuss possible threats to patient confidentiality and the what's being done by my facility to prevent Health Information and Portability Accountability Act or HIPAA violations. Description of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) The EHR mandate is an order set for when all healthcare records are to become electronic or electronically kept and readily available. In 2004 president, Bush set a goal that all health records would be electronic by 2014. It was assumed that Electronic Health Records (EHR) would promote increased quality of health care and reduce costs, and also that the availability of electronic records would reduce errors (simborg, 2008). Simborg also said, "The addition of clinical decision support functions in many EHRs to warn physicians to potential errors and influence their behaviors toward evidence–based decisions further enhances the potential of EHRs to promote quality and reduce costs." (Simborg, 2008). The main goals of the EHR mandate was to correct healthcare coordination amount the healthcare team of hospitals, physicians, and the lab. It is to ensure that private ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Essay On Electronic Health Records Before, there is no security standards set for protecting health information in the healthcare industry. According to Electronic Health Records: Understanding and Using Computerized Medical Records, Richard Gartee states that as the new technologies were evolving, the healthcare industry begun to rely on the use of computers. Today more and more health records are being stored in the computers. Many of these electronic records are created by doctors and hospitals and they offered plenty of advantages. Doctors say that electronic health records make finding and sharing of information easier and for patients that can mean reducing medical mistakes and better care. Whether your information maintains in paper or electronic health records you have the right to keep it private and that privacy is protected by healthcare law called HIPAA (Health Insurance and Portability and Accountability Act). ... Show more content on ... These providers will give you notice of privacy practices that describe your important right and protection of your health information. Here are few methods these providers may use to protect your health information. As an employees or classes of employees, you must not give or share to others your password for the computers, and in case you are not using the computer for a period of time, you should log–out or must have automated shut–off system working on the computer. Healthcare providers must also have access controls such as passwords, pin numbers or even fingerprints to look at your records. This means that only right doctors and nurses with the right passwords can see your information. Your record may also be encrypted or scrambling your information so that it can't be read by ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. The Electronic Health Record System When you think of technology and health care, what do you initially think about? Do you think about the amazing innovations of the 20th and 21st century or the amazing price tag on all of this "advancement"? These days the rising cost of health care is on everyone's minds. So, how can the cost of technology advancement help the cost of health care? Well, one solution comes down to what every doctor, pharmacist, nurse, administrator, and CEO uses on a daily basis, and that is records. Surprisingly, the health care industry is behind the power curve and finally technology is bringing the industry into the digital age. One of the biggest problems we face is there is no commonality in the patients records and nothing to safeguard them. The health care industry needs to start using an electronic health record (EHR) system in order to combat the issue of commonality and information security. There are many reasons why the electronic health record system isn't growing as fast as it could. Health care costs for new medicines, equipment, software, surgical procedures, and doctors are becoming mind numbing. In order for us to start a new system, like EHR it will cost more money and resources. The expenses will be to buy new equipment and software, spend the time to transcribe all the information in the database, and train everyone how to use the system (Rothman, Leonard, & Vigoda, 2012). You still have hospitals and clinics sticking to the old way of keeping track of ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. The Electronic Health Records Being able to tell about the roots of where the Electronic Health Records come from the paper will now look at the benefits of the system. The Electronic Health Records areis defined as, "electronic version of a patientspatient's medical history, that is maintained by the provider over time, and may include all of the key administrative clinical data relevant to that persons care under a particular provider, including demographics, progress notes, problems, medications, vital signs, past medical history, immunizations, laboratory data and radiology reports The EHR automates access to information and has the potential to streamline the clinician 's workflow." (CentresCentre's for Medicare & Medicaid Services 2012) With the EHR's there are a lot of mixed emotions towards it being beneficial or not useful however the good outweighs the bad in this case. The EHRs have taken care of the duty of physically transporting paper records from clinic, to hospital , to lab and also the chore of having to re write medical paper records every time of going into a new medical setting. Also for patients that need their clinicians to access their forms it can be now easily at hand for them as well, making it less of a hassle to looking up a patientspatient's medical history. The Electronic Health records also allow for physicians to make notes on a patientspatient's page about his or her prescriptions or any other information that other physicians should know about them before assessing ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Implanting Electronic Health Record Implanting Electronic Health Record: As part of its effort to promote the quality of health care delivery, the government has established a committee to analyze the possibility of implanting electronic health record into every American citizen. The process basically involves the insertion of Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) containing the individual's medical information. RFID would provide access to complete and accurate medical information that helps in lessening patient safety and identification issues. The medical information in the chip will be accessed through scanning at the point of care and the patient's health information will be uploaded into the health information system of the health provider. The patient's new health information is uploaded into the health information system and onto the implanted chip in the individual. RFID in Humans: While the Radio Frequency Identification Device has been in existence for almost 50 years, the use of this chip in human beings is an advancement of the technology. The chip has mainly been used for tracking animals and goods throughout is existence. Generally, the RFID chip consists of two main parts i.e. an antenna and integrated circuit chip. It's been used as an effective detection mechanism since the antenna can recognize the chip regardless of whether it's within its line of sight (Alam, 2011). The RFID technology consists of three kinds of tags i.e. active RFID tags, passive RFID tags, and battery ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Electronic Health Record Essay After decades of paper based medical records, a new type of record keeping has surfaced – the Electronic Health Record (EHR). EHR is an electronic or digital format concept of an individual's past and present medical history. It is the principle storage place for data and information about the health care services provided to an individual patient. It is maintained by a provider over time and capable of being shared across different healthcare settings by network–connected information systems. Such records may include key administrative and clinical data relevant to that persons care under a particular provider. Examples of such records may include: demographics, physician notes, problems or injuries, medications and allergies, vital ... Show more content on ... But with the benefits there are also the risk factors. Some disadvantages of the EHR system would include; initial cost of planning and implementing an EHR system, lack of standardization across the healthcare setting, unauthorized access to patient information (security and privacy), inaccurate patient information if not updated properly, technical downtimes, potential negligence for data loss and possible patient access to conditions that they don't comprehend which may panic them. Although the EHR is still in a transitional state, this major shift that electronic medical records are taking is bringing many concerns to the table. Two concerns at the top of the list are privacy and standardization issues. In 1996, U.S. Congress enacted a non–for–profit organization called Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). This law establishes national standards for privacy and security of health information. HIPAA deals with information standards, data integrity, confidentiality, accessing and handling your medical information. They also were designed to guarantee transferred information be protected from one facility to the next (Meridan, 2007). But even with the HIPAA privacy rules, they too have their shortcomings. HIPAA can't fully safeguard the limitations of who's accessible to your information. A short stay at your local ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Electronic Health Record Analysis Digital technology has transformed the world radically – tablets, smartphones, and web–enabled devices have revolutionized our daily life and way of communication. Medicine is an information– rich sector. A greater and smooth flow of information in the digital healthcare sector, created by the electronic health records (EHRs), encourages digital progress and can transform how patient care is delivered and compensated. An Electronic Health Record (EHR) is a pool of health information, stored digitally; that can be shared across various healthcare providers. With EHRs, health information is available wherever and whenever it is needed. EHRs (Electronic Health Records) are Changing Healthcare. Here's How: EHRs are a Foundation for Reliable health ... Show more content on ... Receiving emergency treatment Improvement in patient information availability can reduce unnecessary tests and medical errors. Improved care coordination in the health sector allows Better integration among care providers through improved information sharing Access up–to–date and viewable allergy and medication lists. Order entry at point of care or off–site Standardization of order sets, data and care plans, which allows common treatment of patients through evidence–based medicine Rural health care providers gain access to expert by sharing best practices and enabling specialized care through telemedicine. Faster, convenient and simpler disease management. Reduction in Duplication of Testing EHRs hold all patient's health information in one place. Thus, providers spend less time ordering and reviewing test results – duplicate tests and medical procedures. Less time spends translates to reduced costs. Enables patient participation through online portals EHRs enable increased involvement of patients in their care through giving them the ability to retrieve their EHRs online. Patients can make appointments, receive screening reminders, keep
  • 54. copies of their health records, choose care providers, physicians and refill prescriptions. The increased involvement and flexibility allows patients to get better ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Electronic Health Record System Electronic health record systems are very helpful in the outpatient setting, but EHRs are only as good as the staff and the staff that input data into the system. Electronic Health Record systems have many functional applications in the outpatient setting. Task lists, communication with others within the practice, and improving billing accuracy and claims, are just three of the many functional applications EHRs provide to clinical end–users in an outpatient setting. By creating day to task and imputing those tasks into the electronic health care system, a day to day pace is set for the individual and other members of staff. Communication with others in the practice is improved through electronic health record systems. An atmosphere of more ... Show more content on ... Tasks inputs can be viewed by one single individual or by the entire department. By making daily tasks available to all individuals, the "what are we going to do today?" question is eliminated and staff members are given direction as to what is expected of them that day, week, or month. Communication functionality is an electronic health record system creates and harbors an atmosphere of open communication. Everyone in an outpatient clinic manages patients. EHRs help manage not only communication between staff but also patient communication. EHRs can help manage communication of incoming patients, or follow–ups. Electronic health records should not replace face to face communication between staff members and patients. Electronic health record systems should improve and add value to staff and patient communication. By improving patient communication using EHRs, claims and billing would be improved. Taking the guesswork out of coding, building a claim, and billing for reimbursement are functional applications of electronic health record systems in an outpatient setting. Coding is the most important process in the reimbursement process. Electronic health record systems provide an electronic form of finding and signing codes to patient visits. By taking the guesswork and the time that a coder would take to look for appropriate codes to build patient claims. EHRs help outpatient coders look for correct codes, assign codes to services provided, build claims, and submit claims for billing and reimbursement. Which would translate into faster patient turn around times and faster reimbursement for services provided to ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Electronic Health Record Essay Equivocally, the ultimate trial for a medical practice affecting an electronic health record (EHR) system is change. A successful switch from paper–based charts to electronic health records (EHRs) in a clinic requires cautious synchronization for the many components. A myriad of perplexing decisions must be made, extending from selection and application to training and updates. Operating new software is typically easier than the interruption and reconfiguring of a practice's procedures as well as how to handle its existing paper records. Clinician's, face many decisions in selecting which original paper records to transport into a new electronic health record (EHR) system. They must also manage the integrity of data throughout the ... Show more content on ... Obstacles to EHRs include costs; lack of standardization of EHR products and the design of vendor systems for sizeable practice surroundings; opposition to change; initial struggle of system use leading to productivity decline; and apparent increase of repayments to communities and clients rather than providers. "The authors stress the need for developing a flexible change management strategy when introducing EHRs that is relevant to the small practice environment; the strategy should acknowledge the importance of relationship management and the role of individual staff members in helping the entire staff to manage change [Lobach]." Processes during the transition Most providers do not have the technical infrastructure to support the fully redundant servers, network volume needed to guarantee full readiness because of technical limitations and discrepancies. Most providers have not planned their present processes to fix those that are fragmented or need upgrading. Initiating the publications of clinical practice recommendations in paper form is an essential starting point. "In Framework for Strategic Action, David Brailer, MD, PhD, the national coordinator for health information technology, described EHRs as "critical to delivering safe, affordable, and consumer oriented health care. [Amatayakul]." It is important to that managers grasp the concepts using electronic health records (EHRs) in small primary care offices and to examine discernments of ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Benefits Of Electronic Health Records As per the results obtained in the national survey of doctors revealed the following key information: The percentage of the healthcare providers who reported that the electronic health records are readily available at the point of care is 94% and the percentage of the providers who stated that the electronic health records showed the clinical benefits is 88%. The percentage of the physicians who reported that the electronic health records enable them to provide the enhanced care to the patients is 75% (Jamoom, Patel, King, & Furukawa, 2012). According to the authors, the use of electronic health records also aided in enhancing the risk management by enabling the reminder and the clinical alert. They also played a vital role in improving ... Show more content on ... Romano, 2011). This survey was performed using 20 quality indicators to evaluate the relationship between the Electronic Health Records, Computerized Physician Order Entry, Health information Technology, and Health Information Exchange systems and Clinical Decision Support using a multivariate logistic regression model that can be observed in table 1. Electronic Health Records, Computerized Physician Order Entry, Health information Technology, and Health Information Exchange systems were utilized as a part of 30% of an expected 1.1 billion yearly US patient visits. 57% (17% of all the visits) of the Electronic Health Records, Computerized Physician Order Entry, Health information Technology, and Health Information Exchange systems visits had the availability of the clinical decision support. The utilization of Electronic Health Records, Computerized Physician Order Entry, Health information Technology, and Health Information Exchange systems and Clinical Decision Support was more probable in the West and in multi–physician settings than in solo practice (Hunt JS, 2009). In just 1 out of 20 markers was quality more prominent in Electronic Health Records, Computerized Physician Order Entry, Health information Technology, and Health Information Exchange systems visits than in non systems visits (consume fewer calories guiding in high–chance grown–ups, balanced chances proportion, 1.65; 95% certainty interim, ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Electronic Health Record Analysis One of the many new trends in health care is electronic health records. Electronic health records is exactly what it says, it's basically the paper chart the doctor would use on each of your visits in the past. Most of the time now days if you go to the doctor the doctor puts all the info you tell him on the computer. Because of electronic health records we have both positive and negative impacts on society, a major political issue with electronic health records is the chance of a data breach which just happened recently here in Corsicana with me being one of the people affected. Electronic health records affect society both short term and long term. Otherwise in one way or another electronic health records will affect everyone at one point ... Show more content on ... There are many positive impacts one of them being patient empowerment. This gives the patient "the ability to track provider payments and could add their own notations" (Gonzales, J) to the electronic health records. Patients get to keep track of the records themselves; this also lets them make sure everything is correct on their records. This is also good because if the doctors accidentally note something incorrectly that can cause major problems when in major emergencies. This empowers the patient to be able to control and correct the doctor on the problem. Negative impact health care providers are "faced with loss of productivity" (Unintentional Consequences of EHR Solutions) our health care providers are rushed to enter information into the computer just to get actual time to see the patient. This is leaving doctors in a position where they have to be constantly on their computer than getting actual time with the patient. This puts us in a situation when the doctor is having to do so much work on a computer it makes us question whether we are getting the care we are paying for from our health care providers. Because the doctors are in a position where they want to be productive they are "directly inputting patient data into EHR (electronic health record) systems in a rushed environment" (Unintentional Consequences of EHR Solutions) causing inaccurate data such as, medicine dosages, drug names, ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Essay On Electronic Health Record An Electronic Health Record is an electronic version of a patient medical history, that is maintained by the provider over time, and may include key administrative, clinical data relevant to that persons care under a health care provider, including demographics, progress notes, problems, medications, vital signs, past medical history, immunizations, laboratory data and radiology reports ("Electronic Health Records,", March 26, 2012). In 2009, the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, to encourage and promote meaningful adoption and use of health information technology by hospitals and health care professionals. Then in 2011 the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services established the ... Show more content on ... The act also called for the network to be operated by a private, non–profit organization under federal contract ("History of NOTA,", March 14, 2017). In 1984, the United Network for Organ Sharing was established as a non–profit that runs and maintains the national Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network, contracted through the division of Transportation in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). UNOS maintains the national database of recipients that are waiting for a donation of a heart, liver, kidneys, pancreas, lungs, intestines, and or multi–organ transplants. The UNOS organ center responds and maintains patient list requests, recipient status changes, and helps coordinate organ placement 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. The United Network for Organ Sharing cannot operate effectively and efficiently without the help of Organ Procurement Organizations(OPO) that operate across the country. Organ Procurement Organizations must obtain and disseminate timely and accurate donor health information to UNOS to match organ donors and organ recipients as quickly as possible. Organ recipient on the national organ waiting list are highly dependent on timely access to donor health information. To an organ recipient, timely access to donor health information and complete dissemination of donor health information through the proper organ donation and ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Electronic Health Record Paper Knowledge of the basic principles of the Electronic Health Record is essential to understanding the vital role and appreciating the true value of the Electronic Health Record. Core concepts include, what is the Electronic Health Record?, how does the Electronic Health Record relate to nursing informatics?, what is the significance of the use of the Electronic Health Record?, who benefits from the use of the Electronic Health Record?, and how secure are the Electronic Health Records? An initial understanding of the core concepts will provide the foundation for understanding how the Electronic Health Record is transforming the way nurses provide patient care. Core Concepts What is the Electronic Health Record? – Key Features of the Electronic ... Show more content on ... Initially, the topic the Electronic Health Record can simply be typed into a search engine such as This step can help to establish keywords. The drawback with using a search engine is the resulting 200,000 search results, many of these results are loosely connect to the topic the Electronic Health Record and nursing. The initial use of a search engine can provide a general idea of the availability of resources and references. The search engine does not allow the researcher the ability to add limiters or refine results. After establishing a list of keywords including, Charting Technology, Nursing informatics, Patient data collection, Digital Health Records, Electronic Heath Documentation in EBSCOHost. Utilizing CINAHL, the nurse researcher should conduct a "simple search" in EBSCOHost. The simple search of the keywords, Electronic Health Record provided 3,949 full–text results of these results, many of the articles that only had a small relation to nursing and nursing informatics. Further, the inclusion of the keywords Electronic Health Record AND Nursing, with the limiters set for full text only, using the "advanced search" provided 34 full text articles. The advanced search provided articles, which directly applied to electronic health records, specifically dealing with nursing informatics. The ability to search the overall topic and ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Electronic Health Record : Electronic Healthcare Record Electronic Health Record An Electronic Health Record (also known as EHR) is an official health record for a patient that is stored with multiple facilities and agencies. The main purpose of this electronic system is to improve efficiency, quality of care, and reduce costs. How can one system possibly do all these improvements to health records? Well let's break it down to simpler terms. It will improve efficiency for individuals seeking healthcare from a different facility in the future. There will be no more paper trails, meaning no more faxing, emails, by mail, or playing the waiting game to get your records from another facility. With EHR the records will already be in the data base and they can pull up your charts within a few ... Show more content on ... When selecting a new facility or agency they must have the system required for electronic filing. If they have adopted this system, then the facility will be able to access the patients record through the data base by the information provided. This will help them review the charts to help further one's diagnoses or treatments. Some may mix up an EHR and Electronic Medical Record (EMR) because of some of their similarities. However, they are different in many aspects. "The EHR contains patient health information gathered from the EMRs of multiple HCD organizations and is electronically stored and accessed. EHRs differ from EMRs because they contain subsets of patient information from each visit that a patient has experienced, possibly at many different HCD systems. EHRs are interactive and can share information among multiple healthcare providers (Darline 4)." "Meaning it has digital version of charts, streamlined sharing of updated, real time sharing, patient's medical information to move with them, and access tools for decision making (EHRvEMR 1)." Although, this is the best electronic system used, there are more electronic systems out there that are used. The EMR is among the many used. It is defined as an electronic version of patient files within a single organization. "EMR has digital records of an individual's ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Electronic Health Records With the increasing advances with technology in this day in age, there is no surprise that electronic health records will soon be a major component in all hospitals of the Canadian health care system. Assessment of Electronic Health Record Usability with Undergraduate Nursing Students is an informative article, written by Jones & Donelle, about the increased use of electronic health records within our system and discusses its benefits, as well as difficulties nursing students experience with this new type of technology. It is a new method of technology that will soon replace paper charting and will allow access to patients to communicate with their health care providers, manage their health information, schedule appointments, and have access ... Show more content on ... I believe that this type of system is accessible, although may be difficult to use at times, provides health care providers easy access to their patients information. I do believe that electronic health records will be an important aspect of our health care because it will be more of an efficient way to view patient results of laboratory data, test results, and access to past medical history compared to searching through multiple patient documents in their chart. With this being said, I do believe that switching from paper charting of documentation and patient assessments to an electronic method will have some challenges. Participants in Jones & Donelle research stated that many were not clear about where to document information, and where to search for patient information in the electronic health record (Jones & Donelle, 2011). I believe that with any type of new technology it is essential to incorporate hands–on training to understand its ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Implementation Of An Electronic Health Record Crescent Healthcare, has a system in place that is called Carves this is just a variation from a program for logistics. The original program in called runzheimer and is promoted as a range of employee mobility services relating to business vehicles, relocation, route planning, healthcare scheduling & travel management. This system relies on' the nurse on each visit completing handwritten documentation and ticking boxes, each time they see the client. This documentation is then sent to the office by mail and then scanned into the data base. There is a lot of problems with documentation being lost, illegible handwriting, missed visits. By no means is this a nurse informatics system, and they don't have EHR. I will be focusing on some of the ... Show more content on ... Elberg (2001). Before the implementation of EHR the organization must conceder the following Three functional considerations Crescent would have needed to appropriately examine their work flow. With nurses and pharmacy, as each can be significantly different. The process can be as simple as having a practice administrator shadow a Field nurse and a Pharmacist throughout their day. Experts say an EHR should accommodate clinic work flows, rather than forcing staff to adapt to the EHR 's templates and structure. That 's why it is so vital to examine work flow before selecting a system. The recommendation is to do a work flow studies both pre–implementation and post– implementation of the EHR, so that the system can communicate hard data to its EHR vendor. The vendor should look at the companies work flow and see what might need to be changed to function efficiently. Even small hitches in work flow can aggregate to become large irritants for staff. Marissa Rogers is the program director for a family medicine residency at a large integrated health system in mid–Michigan. She said it is the little things that often become the biggest frustrations. Examine infrastructure Another important consideration that practices ' fail to look closely at is their technical infrastructure. Factors like the computer 's processing speed (hardware), Internet connection, broadband width, even ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. An Electronic Health Record ( Ehr ) Introduction The government has been trying to protect patients' healthcare information since they first introduced The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA). Since that time, technology has paved the way for The Electronic Health Record (EHR). Those that promote the usage of the EHR as the standard of care, strongly believe that the risks of privacy are outweighed by the benefits that it brings. These benefits include, but are not limited to: improved patient care, decreased medical errors, and better collaboration between healthcare providers. This paper will focus on the benefits of the EHR, and how the government and the healthcare industry are addressing the privacy and security risks to patients' ... Show more content on ... Benefits for Patients and Providers In a study conducted by the Health Services Research on the "Clinical Benefits of Electronic Health Record Use", 78 percent of Physicians said that the EHR in general improved patient care. This included: remote access to patient charts, alerts for potential medical errors and critical test results, along with recommendations for care and proper test selections, and improve communication with patients (King, J., Patel, V., Jamoom, E. W., & Furukawa, M. F. (2014). The website publishes information to help patients, families, professionals and providers to understand what the EHR is and what it can provide. This is a list on their website of what the EHR can do: Contain a patient's medical history, diagnoses, medications, treatment plans, immunization dates, allergies, radiology images, and laboratory and test results Allow access to evidence–based tools that providers can use to make decisions about a patient's care Automate and streamline provider workflow (, n.d, "Electronic Health Records: The Basics" section, para 1) Not only can EHRs improve an individual patient's healthcare, this information can help improve and protect the public health. Information that is collected can be shared with public health care organizations to help improve research and monitoring for the prevention and control of ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Essay On Electronic Health Record With the implementation of Electronic Health Record (EHR), Florida MIS Radiology Department will be introducing a variety of health information. Electronic health information is any type of individually identifiable health information in an electronic form. This health information consists of patient demographics like age, ethnicity, location, and etc. They will also contain conditions the patient has and the vital reading taken on each patient. The electronic health information will reside with the EHR, which will be in the radiology department. Everyone on the staff at the department will have access to the HER and the information within it. Administrative staff will need EHR to register and schedule appointments for the patients, ... Show more content on ... If a patient gets a mail or call regarding someone else, they can let the staff know and we need to make sure the health information is shredded and not lying around for people to see. It is vital that once we upgrade computer storage equipment, the old storage needs to get the disk–wiped clean before disposing of it. Without wiping the disk clean, anyone can easily recreate the data that was on the hard drives. The backup facilities are secured and hard for anyone to break in to steal any data. Have multiple firewalls in place to block off hackers and access code and biometric authentication to access the offsite facilities. Yes, I will be sharing EHR and the health information contained in the EHR with other health care entities through a Health information organization. It is important we share information because lots of our providers will be going to hospitals nearby and we would like to see the treatment they received for better patient care. We need to ensure employees from other organizations sign forms to ensure they won't disclose any of the information and will be held liable if anything happens. We need to ensure there is a private network of the different organizations to ensure safe passages of data. It is important for patients to view their medical records and see if everything is correct. We want the patients to be empowered and speak up if something is wrong. We need to have access controls in place to ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. The Electronic Health Record Mandate The National Electronic Health Record Mandate "An electronic health record (EHR) is a digital version of a patient's paper chart. EHRs are real–time, patient–centered records that make information available instantly and securely to authorized users." ( The EHR mandate was created "to share information with other health care providers and organizations – such as laboratories, specialists, medical imaging facilities, pharmacies, emergency facilities, and school and workplace clinics – so they contain information from all clinicians involved in a patient's care." ("Providers & Professionals |", n.d., p. 1) The process has proved to be quite challenging for providers. As an ... Show more content on ... 1) My hospital initiated this program back in 1999. We also participate in the Statement Immunization Information System (SISS) program. We use this system to check or update vaccination records for our patients. All of our charting is done electronically. This is beneficial because any member of the healthcare team can access a patient's record from anywhere in the hospital. Any information updated on our end can then be accessed by another provider whom also uses an EHR system. This allows each member of the healthcare team to collaborate, reduce medical errors, minimize medication interactions, and decrease medical costs. All of our patients, are educated on the EHR system that we use from the moment they check in on admission. Throughout their stay, they are instructed on how to access it and how to use it. Upon discharge, they are given an EHR packet and are encouraged to capitalize on all that the program has to offer from the comfort of their own homes. Progress. Over the last decade, the hospital has made a lot of progress regarding the use of HER's. After the CPSI system was initiated, the transition from paper charts to computer charts began. Today, all charting is done electronically by all members of the healthcare team. From the dieticians to the physicians, everyone is trained and ... Get more on ...