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F/751/WAKA 1/2
14 - 07 - 2014 / Rev.3
Sekolah : SMK Negeri Tutur
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : XI / 3
Pertemuan Ke- : 3
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit
Standar Kompetensi : 2. Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara
Level Elementary.
Kompetensi Dasar : 2.1 Memahami percakapan sederhana sehari-hari
baik dalam konteks professional maupun pribadi
dengan orang bukan penutur asli.
I. INDIKATOR Mengidentifikasi kalimat yang mengandung pola TOO and ENOUGH. Mempolakan kalimat yang mengandung TOO and ENOUGH. Menggunakan pola kalimat TOO and ENOUGH.
A. Tujuan Akademik
Setelah Proses belajar mengajar diharapkan peserta didik dapat :
1. Mengidentifikasi kalimat yang mengandung TOO and ENOUGH dalam percakapan yang
diberikan oleh guru secara berpasangan dengan tepat.
2. Mempolakan kalimat yang mengandung TOO and ENOUGH dalam percakapan yang
diberikan oleh guru secara berpasangan dengan tepat.
3. Menggunakan pola kalimat TOO and ENOUGH untuk melengkapi kaliamat dan
menggabungkan kalimat yang diberikan oleh guru dengan tepat.
B. Nilai Karakter
Selama mengikuti Proses belajar mengajar siswa dapat :
1. Menunjukkan upaya sungguh-sungguh untuk mengidentifikasi kalimat yang mengandung
TOO and ENOUGH dalam percakapan yang diberikan oleh guru secara berpasangan
dengan tepat. (kerja keras)
2. Menunjukkan upaya sungguh-sungguh untuk mempolakan kalimat yang mengandung
TOO and ENOUGH dalam percakapan yang diberikan oleh guru secara berpasangan
dengan tepat. (komunikatif, kreatif, logis, kerja keras, menghargai orang lain)
3. Menunjukkan upaya untuk Menggunakan pola kalimat TOO and ENOUGH untuk
melengkapi kaliamat dan menggabungkan kalimat yang diberikan oleh guru dengan tepat.
(kreatif, logis, komunikatif, percaya diri)
F/751/WAKA 1/2
14 - 07 - 2014 / Rev.3
Too and Enough
‘Too’ is an adverb of excess. It means excessively.
‘Too’ usually has a negative sense. It precedes an adjective.
The pattern:
S+ to be + Too + Adjective + for “object” + to Infinitive ( V1 )
 This coffee is very hot; I can’t drink it.
This coffee is too hot (for me) to drink.
 The boxes are very heavy; I can’t carry them.
 The boxes are too heavy (for me) to carry.
We can omit ‘for object’. So the sentences become:
 This coffee is too hot to drink.
These boxes are too heavy to carry
 The road is very slippery. The man shouldn’t walk there..
The road is too slippery to walk there.
 The students are very tired. They can’t study.
The students are too tired to study.
 Her problem is difficult. No one can solve it.
Her problem is too difficult to solve.
 The knife is very sharp. You should not play with it..
The knife is too sharp to play.
 The soup is salty. We cannot eat it.
The soup is too salty to eat
 They were frightened. They didn’t stay in that old building.
They were too frightened to stay in that old building
Enough with an adjective means sufficient. It has a positive sense. Enough comes after an
The pattern:
S + to be + Adjective + Enough + for “object” + to Infinitive
We can omit ‘for object’ after ‘enough’.
 This water is warm enough for me to take a bath.
Denny is tall enough to play on the basketball team.
 He is strong. He can lift the box.
He is strong enough to lift the box.
 He speaks slowly. Everybody can’t understand him.
He speaks slowly enough for everybody to understand him.
F/751/WAKA 1/2
14 - 07 - 2014 / Rev.3
 The weather is fine. We can go to the beach.
The weather is fine enough to go to the beach.
 The questions were easy. The students were able to answer them.
The questions were easy enough to answer.
 The tea is warm. We can drink it.
The tea is warm enough to drink.
 Dony is 15 years old. He can drive a car.
Dony is old enough to drive a car.
 The foot was soft. The baby can have it.
The foot was soft enough to have.
Metode yang dipakai dalam proses pembelajaran ini adalah Discovery based learning dan
cooperative learning.
a. Alat dan Bahan :
1. Laptop
2. LCD
3. Students’ worksheet
b. Sumber Belajar :
Sutinah, Entin. 2012. Get Along with English for Vocational; Elementary level. High
School Grade XI. Bandung. Erlangga
Krisnani, Dra. Hj. Yiyis. 2011. English For Technology Schools II A. Yogyakarta. LP2IP
a. Pendahuluan (±10 menit)
 Guru memberi salam dengan ramah (nilai yang ditanamkan santun dan peduli) dan
mengecek kehadiran peserta didik (nilai yang ditanamkan disiplin, rajin)
 Motivasi: Guru memotivasi peserta didik dengan memberikan pertanyaan lisan
berdasarkan keadaan yang ada di sekitar peserta didik dengan materi sebelumnya dan
materi yang akan dibahas.
 “Today is too cool, is it?”
 “You have enough time to do all of your subjects today, do you?”
 Guru menuliskan judul dan tujuan pembelajaran pada hari ini, yaitu: “too and enough”
b. Kegiatan Inti (±70 menit)
1. Tahap Eksplorasi
 Peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan guru secara lisan.
“Do you have enough money to buy this book?”
“What will you do if you are too tired?”
F/751/WAKA 1/2
14 - 07 - 2014 / Rev.3
“Look at the picture. Do you think that you are strong enough to do it?”
 Peserta didik membaca percakapan yang ada di lembar kerja mereka.
 Peserta didik bertanya jawab tentang percakapan tersebut dengan guru dan teman
(percaya diri, rasa ingin tahu)
2. Tahap Elaborasi
 Peserta didik secara berpasangan mengidentifikasi kalimat yang mengandung TOO
dan ENOUGH dalam percakapan yang sudah dibaca tersebut.
 Peserta didik mempolakan kalimat yang mengandung TOO and ENOUGH dalam
dialog tersebut secara berpasangan.
 Peserta didik secara berpasangan melengkapi kalimat dengan mengguunakan TOO
 Peserta didik secara berpasangan menggabungkan dua kalimat menjadi satu dengan
menggunakan TOO atau ENOUGH.
(kritis, komunikatif, kerja keras, saling menghargai)
3. Tahap Konfirmasi
 Peserta didik yang dipanggil/sukarelawan menuliskan jawaban mereka di papan tulis.
 Peserta didik yang lain menanggapinya.
 Guru memberikan penguatan atas hasil diskusi kelas tersebut.
(peduli, saling menghargai, kritis)
c. Kegiatan Akhir (±10 menit)
 Peserta didik bersama-sama dengan guru membuat kesimpulan tentang materi yang
sudah dibahas.
 Peserta didik membuat refleksi atas pembelajaran yang baru saja dilakukan.
 Peserta didik mempelajari materi tentang Hobby and Interest.
(kritis, logis, tanggung jawab)
Task: students are able to used the pattern of TOO and ENOUGH corectly.
KKM = 75
Correct = 10
Wrong = 0
Kepala UPT SMKN Tutur
Ir. Sentot Nuriyanto
Pembina Tk. I
NIP. 19630516 199303 1 002
Tutur, 18 Juli 2016
Guru Mata Pelajaran
Sri Wahyuningsih, S.S
NIP 19790122 200501 2 014
F/751/WAKA 1/2
14 - 07 - 2014 / Rev.3
Goal : To be able to use the pattern of TOO and ENOUGH correctly.
Activity 1:
Read the following dialog
One day Rudi and Sandy are going to the school’s library. On the way, they meet Sukri and
Sukri and Yoyo : Hi, Rud, San. How are you today?
Rudi and Sandy : Hi, guys. We are ok. How about you, friends?
Sukri and Yoyo : Great. By the way, where do you want to go?
Rudi : We want to go to the school’s library.
Sukri : Do you want to do your homework now?
Sandy : Yes. How about you? Don’t you do it now?
Yoyo : We are too busy to do it today. We have to finish our other project.
Sandy : What kind of project it is?
Yoyo : Our teacher, Mr. Andika asked us to record the biggest even in our village
Rudi : What kind of event?
Sukri : Recycle carnival of Province.
Yoyo and Rudi : Wow….that’s amazing.
Rudi : How many participants who join this event?
Sukri : More than 25 teams. Do you want to join with us?
Rudi : Maybe. If we have enough time, we will go there. But we have to check the
book of our homework first.
Yoyo : You had better join us now because you won’t go later. It’s too crowded to go
there during the event.
Rudi : What do you think Sandy?
Sandy : That’s ok. I think we still have enough time to do our homework tomorrow.
Rudi : We go with you now.
Yoyo : Let’s go now.
Task 2: Find the sentences that use TOO and ENOUGH.
No. Expression of reservation Meaning
Task 3: Analyze the pattern used in reservation
No. Expression of reservation
F/751/WAKA 1/2
14 - 07 - 2014 / Rev.3
Task 4: Answer the questions using the words in brackets.
Example : “Can Jonathan see such a movie?” (not old enough)
“No, he isn’t old enough to see such a film.”
1. Does Yudi work? (too lazy)
No, he’s…
2. Is she getting married? (not old enough)
No, she is…
3. Shall we take a photograph? (too dark)
No, …
4. Can he make himself understood in English? (not enough English)
No, he doesn’t speak …
5. Why can’t you talk to me now?
I’m …
6. Did you hear what he was saying?
No, we…
7. Are you going on holiday this year?
No, I haven’t got …
8. Let’s go to the cinema. (too late)
No, it’s …
9. Would you like to be a politician? (too nice)
No, I’m …
10. Why don’t we sit in the garden?
It’s not…
Task 5: make one sentence using too or enough from everytwo sentences given.
Example : you cannot see such a film. It has too much violence in it.
The film has too much violence for you to see.
1. Two people cannot sleep in this bed. It is not wide enough for two people.
This bed …
2. We couldn’t eat the foot. It was too hot.
The food …
3. Don’t stand on that chair. It is strong enough.
That chair …
4. I can’t drink this coffee. It is too hot.
This coffee is …
5. I can’t wear this coat in a cold weather. It is not warm enough.
This coat …
6. Nobody could move the piano. It is too heavy.
The piano …
7. No one will buy that painting. It is too expensive.
The painting …
8. You may go now. The street is vacant enough.
The street …
9. Don’t say those words. They are not polite enough.
Those words…
10. I can’t finish the work. It is too much.
The work…
F/751/WAKA 1/2
14 - 07 - 2014 / Rev.3
Key Answer.
Task 2:
No. Expression of reservation Meaning
1 We are too busy to do it today. Kami terlalu sibuk untuk mengerjakan PR
itu hari ini.
2 If we have enough time we will go there. Jika kami punya cukup waktu, kami akan
pergi ke sana.
3 It’s too crowded to go there during the event. Terlalu rame untuk pergi ke sana selama
karnaval itu.
4 I think we still have enough time to do our
homework tomorrow.
Menurut saya, kita masih punya cukup
waktu untuk mengerjakan tugas PR kita
Task 3: Pattern
No. Expression of reservation
1 We are too busy to do it today.
S tobe too adj to V1
2 If we have enough time, we will go there.
If S V (have) enough N
3 It’s too crowded to go there during the event.
S tobe too adjective to V1
4 I think we still have enough time to do our homework tomorrow.
S V S still Have (V) enough N
Task 4:
1. No, he is too lazy to work.
2. No, she is not old enough to get married.
3. No, it is too dark to take a photograph.
4. No, he doesn’t speak enough English to make himself understood in it.
5. I’m too busy to talk to you now.
6. No, we are too far to hear what he was saying.
7. No, I haven’t got enough money to go on holiday this year.
8. No, it’s too late to go to the cinema.
9. No, I’m too nice to be a politician.
10. It is not warm enough for us to sit in the garden.
F/751/WAKA 1/2
14 - 07 - 2014 / Rev.3
Task 5:
1. This bed is not wide enough (for them) to sleep in.
2. The food was too hot (for us) to eat.
3. That chair is not strong enough (for you) to stand on.
4. This coffee is too hot (for me) to drink.
5. This coat is not warm enough (for me) to wear in a cold weather.
6. The piano is too heavy (for everyone) to move.
7. The painting is too expensive (for everyone) to buy.
8. The street is vacant enough (for you) to go now.
9. Those words are not polite enough (for you) to say.
10. The work is too much (for me) to finish.
F/751/WAKA 1/2
14 - 07 - 2014 / Rev.3
Keterangan Nilai karakter :
1. Santun
2. Disiplin
3. Bersahabat/komunikatif
4. Tanggung jawab
5. Kerja keras
6. Rasa ingin tahu
7. Gemar membaca
8. Kreatif
9. Mandiri
10. Menerima masukan
Pedoman Penskoran:
- Skor 1 : kurang
- Skor 2 : cukup
- Skor 3 : baik
- Skor 4 : baik sekali
Rumus Nilai sikap karakter :
Kesimpulan Penerapan nilai Budaya Karakter :
Nilai 0 – 50 : BT artinya nilai budaya karakter belum terlihat
Nilai 51 – 60 : MT artinya nilai budaya karakter mulai terlihat
Nilai 61 – 80 : MB artinya nilai budaya karakter mulai berkembang
Nilai 81 – 100 : MK artinya nilai budaya karakter mulai membudaya
NILAI AKHIR = 8( Nilai A) +2 (Nilai C)
Nilai Karakter
skor1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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Rpp kelas xi too and anough

  • 1. F/751/WAKA 1/2 14 - 07 - 2014 / Rev.3 RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN Sekolah : SMK Negeri Tutur Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas/Semester : XI / 3 Pertemuan Ke- : 3 Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit Standar Kompetensi : 2. Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Elementary. Kompetensi Dasar : 2.1 Memahami percakapan sederhana sehari-hari baik dalam konteks professional maupun pribadi dengan orang bukan penutur asli. I. INDIKATOR Mengidentifikasi kalimat yang mengandung pola TOO and ENOUGH. Mempolakan kalimat yang mengandung TOO and ENOUGH. Menggunakan pola kalimat TOO and ENOUGH. II. TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN A. Tujuan Akademik Setelah Proses belajar mengajar diharapkan peserta didik dapat : 1. Mengidentifikasi kalimat yang mengandung TOO and ENOUGH dalam percakapan yang diberikan oleh guru secara berpasangan dengan tepat. 2. Mempolakan kalimat yang mengandung TOO and ENOUGH dalam percakapan yang diberikan oleh guru secara berpasangan dengan tepat. 3. Menggunakan pola kalimat TOO and ENOUGH untuk melengkapi kaliamat dan menggabungkan kalimat yang diberikan oleh guru dengan tepat. B. Nilai Karakter Selama mengikuti Proses belajar mengajar siswa dapat : 1. Menunjukkan upaya sungguh-sungguh untuk mengidentifikasi kalimat yang mengandung TOO and ENOUGH dalam percakapan yang diberikan oleh guru secara berpasangan dengan tepat. (kerja keras) 2. Menunjukkan upaya sungguh-sungguh untuk mempolakan kalimat yang mengandung TOO and ENOUGH dalam percakapan yang diberikan oleh guru secara berpasangan dengan tepat. (komunikatif, kreatif, logis, kerja keras, menghargai orang lain) 3. Menunjukkan upaya untuk Menggunakan pola kalimat TOO and ENOUGH untuk melengkapi kaliamat dan menggabungkan kalimat yang diberikan oleh guru dengan tepat. (kreatif, logis, komunikatif, percaya diri)
  • 2. F/751/WAKA 1/2 14 - 07 - 2014 / Rev.3 III. MATERI PEMBELAJARAN Too and Enough A. TOO ‘Too’ is an adverb of excess. It means excessively. ‘Too’ usually has a negative sense. It precedes an adjective. The pattern: S+ to be + Too + Adjective + for “object” + to Infinitive ( V1 ) Example:  This coffee is very hot; I can’t drink it. This coffee is too hot (for me) to drink.  The boxes are very heavy; I can’t carry them.  The boxes are too heavy (for me) to carry. We can omit ‘for object’. So the sentences become:  This coffee is too hot to drink. These boxes are too heavy to carry  The road is very slippery. The man shouldn’t walk there.. The road is too slippery to walk there.  The students are very tired. They can’t study. The students are too tired to study.  Her problem is difficult. No one can solve it. Her problem is too difficult to solve.  The knife is very sharp. You should not play with it.. The knife is too sharp to play.  The soup is salty. We cannot eat it. The soup is too salty to eat  They were frightened. They didn’t stay in that old building. They were too frightened to stay in that old building B. ENOUGH Enough with an adjective means sufficient. It has a positive sense. Enough comes after an adjective. The pattern: S + to be + Adjective + Enough + for “object” + to Infinitive We can omit ‘for object’ after ‘enough’. Examples:  This water is warm enough for me to take a bath. Denny is tall enough to play on the basketball team.  He is strong. He can lift the box. He is strong enough to lift the box.  He speaks slowly. Everybody can’t understand him. He speaks slowly enough for everybody to understand him.
  • 3. F/751/WAKA 1/2 14 - 07 - 2014 / Rev.3  The weather is fine. We can go to the beach. The weather is fine enough to go to the beach.  The questions were easy. The students were able to answer them. The questions were easy enough to answer.  The tea is warm. We can drink it. The tea is warm enough to drink.  Dony is 15 years old. He can drive a car. Dony is old enough to drive a car.  The foot was soft. The baby can have it. The foot was soft enough to have. IV. METODE PEMBELAJARAN Metode yang dipakai dalam proses pembelajaran ini adalah Discovery based learning dan cooperative learning. V. ALAT / BAHAN / SUMBER BELAJAR a. Alat dan Bahan : 1. Laptop 2. LCD 3. Students’ worksheet b. Sumber Belajar : Sutinah, Entin. 2012. Get Along with English for Vocational; Elementary level. High School Grade XI. Bandung. Erlangga Krisnani, Dra. Hj. Yiyis. 2011. English For Technology Schools II A. Yogyakarta. LP2IP VI. KEGIATAN BELAJAR MENGAJAR a. Pendahuluan (±10 menit)  Guru memberi salam dengan ramah (nilai yang ditanamkan santun dan peduli) dan mengecek kehadiran peserta didik (nilai yang ditanamkan disiplin, rajin)  Motivasi: Guru memotivasi peserta didik dengan memberikan pertanyaan lisan berdasarkan keadaan yang ada di sekitar peserta didik dengan materi sebelumnya dan materi yang akan dibahas.  “Today is too cool, is it?”  “You have enough time to do all of your subjects today, do you?”  Guru menuliskan judul dan tujuan pembelajaran pada hari ini, yaitu: “too and enough” b. Kegiatan Inti (±70 menit) 1. Tahap Eksplorasi  Peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan guru secara lisan. “Do you have enough money to buy this book?” “What will you do if you are too tired?”
  • 4. F/751/WAKA 1/2 14 - 07 - 2014 / Rev.3 “Look at the picture. Do you think that you are strong enough to do it?”  Peserta didik membaca percakapan yang ada di lembar kerja mereka.  Peserta didik bertanya jawab tentang percakapan tersebut dengan guru dan teman sekelasnya. (percaya diri, rasa ingin tahu) 2. Tahap Elaborasi  Peserta didik secara berpasangan mengidentifikasi kalimat yang mengandung TOO dan ENOUGH dalam percakapan yang sudah dibaca tersebut.  Peserta didik mempolakan kalimat yang mengandung TOO and ENOUGH dalam dialog tersebut secara berpasangan.  Peserta didik secara berpasangan melengkapi kalimat dengan mengguunakan TOO and ENOUGH.  Peserta didik secara berpasangan menggabungkan dua kalimat menjadi satu dengan menggunakan TOO atau ENOUGH. (kritis, komunikatif, kerja keras, saling menghargai) 3. Tahap Konfirmasi  Peserta didik yang dipanggil/sukarelawan menuliskan jawaban mereka di papan tulis.  Peserta didik yang lain menanggapinya.  Guru memberikan penguatan atas hasil diskusi kelas tersebut. (peduli, saling menghargai, kritis) c. Kegiatan Akhir (±10 menit)  Peserta didik bersama-sama dengan guru membuat kesimpulan tentang materi yang sudah dibahas.  Peserta didik membuat refleksi atas pembelajaran yang baru saja dilakukan.  Peserta didik mempelajari materi tentang Hobby and Interest. (kritis, logis, tanggung jawab) VII. PENILAIAN Task: students are able to used the pattern of TOO and ENOUGH corectly. KKM = 75 Correct = 10 Wrong = 0 Mengetahui, Kepala UPT SMKN Tutur Ir. Sentot Nuriyanto Pembina Tk. I NIP. 19630516 199303 1 002 Tutur, 18 Juli 2016 Guru Mata Pelajaran Sri Wahyuningsih, S.S NIP 19790122 200501 2 014
  • 5. F/751/WAKA 1/2 14 - 07 - 2014 / Rev.3 Goal : To be able to use the pattern of TOO and ENOUGH correctly. Activity 1: Read the following dialog One day Rudi and Sandy are going to the school’s library. On the way, they meet Sukri and Yoyo. Sukri and Yoyo : Hi, Rud, San. How are you today? Rudi and Sandy : Hi, guys. We are ok. How about you, friends? Sukri and Yoyo : Great. By the way, where do you want to go? Rudi : We want to go to the school’s library. Sukri : Do you want to do your homework now? Sandy : Yes. How about you? Don’t you do it now? Yoyo : We are too busy to do it today. We have to finish our other project. Sandy : What kind of project it is? Yoyo : Our teacher, Mr. Andika asked us to record the biggest even in our village today. Rudi : What kind of event? Sukri : Recycle carnival of Province. Yoyo and Rudi : Wow….that’s amazing. Rudi : How many participants who join this event? Sukri : More than 25 teams. Do you want to join with us? Rudi : Maybe. If we have enough time, we will go there. But we have to check the book of our homework first. Yoyo : You had better join us now because you won’t go later. It’s too crowded to go there during the event. Rudi : What do you think Sandy? Sandy : That’s ok. I think we still have enough time to do our homework tomorrow. Rudi : We go with you now. Yoyo : Let’s go now. Task 2: Find the sentences that use TOO and ENOUGH. No. Expression of reservation Meaning 1 2 3 4 Task 3: Analyze the pattern used in reservation No. Expression of reservation 1 2 3 4
  • 6. F/751/WAKA 1/2 14 - 07 - 2014 / Rev.3 Task 4: Answer the questions using the words in brackets. Example : “Can Jonathan see such a movie?” (not old enough) “No, he isn’t old enough to see such a film.” 1. Does Yudi work? (too lazy) No, he’s… 2. Is she getting married? (not old enough) No, she is… 3. Shall we take a photograph? (too dark) No, … 4. Can he make himself understood in English? (not enough English) No, he doesn’t speak … 5. Why can’t you talk to me now? I’m … 6. Did you hear what he was saying? No, we… 7. Are you going on holiday this year? No, I haven’t got … 8. Let’s go to the cinema. (too late) No, it’s … 9. Would you like to be a politician? (too nice) No, I’m … 10. Why don’t we sit in the garden? It’s not… Task 5: make one sentence using too or enough from everytwo sentences given. Example : you cannot see such a film. It has too much violence in it. The film has too much violence for you to see. 1. Two people cannot sleep in this bed. It is not wide enough for two people. This bed … 2. We couldn’t eat the foot. It was too hot. The food … 3. Don’t stand on that chair. It is strong enough. That chair … 4. I can’t drink this coffee. It is too hot. This coffee is … 5. I can’t wear this coat in a cold weather. It is not warm enough. This coat … 6. Nobody could move the piano. It is too heavy. The piano … 7. No one will buy that painting. It is too expensive. The painting … 8. You may go now. The street is vacant enough. The street … 9. Don’t say those words. They are not polite enough. Those words… 10. I can’t finish the work. It is too much. The work…
  • 7. F/751/WAKA 1/2 14 - 07 - 2014 / Rev.3 Key Answer. Task 2: No. Expression of reservation Meaning 1 We are too busy to do it today. Kami terlalu sibuk untuk mengerjakan PR itu hari ini. 2 If we have enough time we will go there. Jika kami punya cukup waktu, kami akan pergi ke sana. 3 It’s too crowded to go there during the event. Terlalu rame untuk pergi ke sana selama karnaval itu. 4 I think we still have enough time to do our homework tomorrow. Menurut saya, kita masih punya cukup waktu untuk mengerjakan tugas PR kita besok. Task 3: Pattern No. Expression of reservation 1 We are too busy to do it today. S tobe too adj to V1 2 If we have enough time, we will go there. If S V (have) enough N 3 It’s too crowded to go there during the event. S tobe too adjective to V1 4 I think we still have enough time to do our homework tomorrow. S V S still Have (V) enough N Task 4: 1. No, he is too lazy to work. 2. No, she is not old enough to get married. 3. No, it is too dark to take a photograph. 4. No, he doesn’t speak enough English to make himself understood in it. 5. I’m too busy to talk to you now. 6. No, we are too far to hear what he was saying. 7. No, I haven’t got enough money to go on holiday this year. 8. No, it’s too late to go to the cinema. 9. No, I’m too nice to be a politician. 10. It is not warm enough for us to sit in the garden.
  • 8. F/751/WAKA 1/2 14 - 07 - 2014 / Rev.3 Task 5: 1. This bed is not wide enough (for them) to sleep in. 2. The food was too hot (for us) to eat. 3. That chair is not strong enough (for you) to stand on. 4. This coffee is too hot (for me) to drink. 5. This coat is not warm enough (for me) to wear in a cold weather. 6. The piano is too heavy (for everyone) to move. 7. The painting is too expensive (for everyone) to buy. 8. The street is vacant enough (for you) to go now. 9. Those words are not polite enough (for you) to say. 10. The work is too much (for me) to finish.
  • 9. F/751/WAKA 1/2 14 - 07 - 2014 / Rev.3 RUBRIK PENILAIAN AFEKTIF Keterangan Nilai karakter : 1. Santun 2. Disiplin 3. Bersahabat/komunikatif 4. Tanggung jawab 5. Kerja keras 6. Rasa ingin tahu 7. Gemar membaca 8. Kreatif 9. Mandiri 10. Menerima masukan Pedoman Penskoran: - Skor 1 : kurang - Skor 2 : cukup - Skor 3 : baik - Skor 4 : baik sekali Rumus Nilai sikap karakter : Kesimpulan Penerapan nilai Budaya Karakter : Nilai 0 – 50 : BT artinya nilai budaya karakter belum terlihat Nilai 51 – 60 : MT artinya nilai budaya karakter mulai terlihat Nilai 61 – 80 : MB artinya nilai budaya karakter mulai berkembang Nilai 81 – 100 : MK artinya nilai budaya karakter mulai membudaya NILAI AKHIR = 8( Nilai A) +2 (Nilai C) 2 No. Nama Peserta didik Nilai Karakter Jumlah skor1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 Dst.