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Risø National Laboratory October 2005

                                Risø Energy Report 4
                                The Future Energy System
                                – Distributed Production and Use

                                Edited by Hans Larsen and Leif Sønderberg Petersen

Risø-R-1534 (EN)
ISBN 87-550-3472-1
ISBN 87-550-3474-8 (Internet)
ISSN 0106-2840
Risø Energy Report 4
Edited by Hans Larsen and Leif Sønderberg Petersen, Risø National Laboratory
Prof. William D’haeseleer, University of Leuven, Belgium
Reviewed by Director Stephen Gehl, EPRI, USA
Technical Director Fernando Sánchez Sudón, CENER, Spain

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Printing: Scanprint a|s

Risø-R-1534 (EN)
ISBN 87-550-3472-1
ISBN 87-550-3474-8 (Internet)
ISSN 0106-2840
Risø Energy Report 4

        The Future Energy System
– Distributed Production and Use

        Edited by Hans Larsen and Leif Sønderberg Petersen

                                              Reviewed by

                           Prof. William D’haeseleer,
                            University of Leuven, Belgium

                                   Director Stephen Gehl,
                                                EPRI, USA

              Technical Director Fernando Sánchez Sudón,
                                            CENER, Spain
Risø Energy Report 4                                    Section 0

    1.    PREFACE                                                        3

    2.    SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS                       5


    4.    DENMARK IN A EUROPEAN MARKET                                   13

    5.    DISTRIBUTED GENERATION                                         21

    6.    EFFICIENCY IMPROVEMENTS                                        29


    8.    INTERACTION BETWEEN SUPPLY AND END-USE                         43

    9.    SYSTEM CONTROL AND COMMUNICATION                               49


    Index                                                                57
Risø Energy Report 4                                          Preface                                                   

1   Preface

    The coming decades will bring big changes in energy           as those used for natural gas, electricity, district heating
    systems throughout the world. The systems are expected        and hydrogen. The focus is on industrialised countries,
    to change from central power plants producing electricity     but the report also deals with specific points relevant to
    and maybe heat for the customers to a combination of          developing countries, such as isolated energy systems.
    central units and a variety of distributed units such as      The transport sector is discussed only in the context of its
    renewable energy technologies or fuel cells. Furthermore      use of energy supplied through the various grids.
    the following developments are expected:                      Individual chapters of the report have been written by
    • closer link between supply and end-use                      Risø staff members and leading Danish and international
    • closer link between the various energy carriers distrib-    experts. The report is based on internationally recognised
      uted through grids such as electricity, heat, natural gas   scientific material, and is fully referenced and refereed by
      and maybe hydrogen in the future                            an international panel of independent experts. Informa-
    • increased energy trade across national borders              tion on current developments is taken from the most
                                                                  up-to-date and authoritative sources available.
    Risø Energy Report 4 is the fourth in a series of reports     Our target groups are colleagues, collaborating partners,
    covering energy issues at global, regional and national       customers, funding organisations, the Danish govern-
    levels. This report covers the future of energy systems       ment and international organisations including the
    over the next 20–30 years. It deals with sustainable          European Union, the International Energy Agency and
    energy in general, but pays special attention to system       the United Nations.
    aspects and the distribution of energy through grids such
Risø Energy Report 4                                          Summary, conclusions and recommendations                

2   Summary, conclusions and recommendations

    Summary                                                       pricing and other demand-led methods of balancing
    The world is facing major challenges in providing energy      supply and demand.
    services to meet the future needs of the developed world      Energy carriers such as hydrogen and ethanol may
    and the growing needs of developing countries. These          become important as interface for renewable energy
    challenges are exacerbated by the need to provide energy      sources to mobile users. About 20% of global primary
    services with due respect to economic growth, sustain-        energy is currently used for transport, and this fraction
    ability and security of supply.                               is increasing.
    Today, the world’s energy system is based mainly on           It is possible to reduce end-use energy consumption by
    oil, gas and coal, which together supply around 80%           20-50% over a twenty-year period through efficiency
    of our primary energy. Only around 0.5% of primary            improvements.
    energy comes from renewable sources such as wind, solar
    and geothermal. Despite the rapid development of new          Conclusions
    energy technologies, the world will continue to depend        Global energy challenges require new long-term solu-
    on fossil fuels for several decades to come - and global      tions, such as future energy systems based on renewable
    primary energy demand is forecasted to grow by 60%            and other non-fossil sources, and more energy efficient
    between 2002 and 2030.                                        end-use. Closer links are required between electricity,
    The expected post Kyoto targets call for significant CO2      heat and other energy carriers, including links to the
    reductions, increasing the demand to decouple the energy      transport sector and the future use of biofuels and
    and transport systems from fossil fuels. There is a strong    hydrogen. There is also a need for closer links between
    need for closer links between electricity, heat and other     supply and end-use. A possible and quite promising
    energy carriers, including links to the transport sector.     solution may be to base future energy systems on more
    On a national scale Denmark has three main charac-            distributed production and use. Such a system should
    teristics. Firstly, it has a diverse and distributed energy   have the following characteristics:
    system based on the power grid, the district heating grid
    and the natural gas grid. Secondly, renewable energy,         • Increased robustness through decentralisation, allowing
    especially wind power, plays an increasingly important          segments of the grid to be operated autonomously.
    role in the Danish energy system. Thirdly, Denmark’s          • Distributed production combined with intelligent end
    geographical location allows it to act as a buffer between      use.
    the energy systems of the European continent and the          • New information and communication technologies
    Nordic countries.                                               (ICTs) to provide system control that is distributed,
    Energy systems can be made more robust by decentral-            self-organising and self-healing.
    ising both power generation and control. Distributed          • Utilise developments in ITC to create control systems
    generation (DG) is characterised by a variety of energy         that are distributed and with a higher level of intel-
    production technologies integrated into the electricity         ligence.
    supply system, and the ability of different segments of       • Exploitation of the potential to reduce end-use energy
    the grid to operate autonomously. The use of a more             consumption by 20–50% over a twenty-year period
    distributed power generation system would be an impor-          through efficiency improvements such as “passive”
    tant element in the protection of the consumers against         houses and new lighting technologies.
    power interruptions and blackouts, whether caused by
    technical faults, natural disasters or terrorism.             Seen as a whole, many of the necessary elements in a
    In an electricity supply system containing a large propor-    development towards distributed systems are available
    tion of distributed small-scale generating units, these       now, the future task lies in combining these elements
    units need to play their part in providing system services    and implement them in the energy system.
    such as stability, security of supply and power quality.
    This places new requirements for control and regula-          Recommendations
    tion on the generating units, the communication links         The Danish energy system is to a large extent diversi-
    between the units and the system as a whole. It is likely     fied and distributed and renewable energy technolo-
    in the future that many consumers will have intelligent       gies play an increasingly important role. This offers the
    energy management systems based on two-way commu-             possibility to become an international key player in the
    nication with energy suppliers. This will facilitate online   development of future energy systems. Danish research
Risø Energy Report 4                                                                                                                                 Summary, conclusions and recommendations

                                                                                                    Simulation tools for DG systems
                                                                                               Small hydropower
                                                                                                                   Micro-CHP for individual households
                                                                                                         Combined heat and power fuel cells
                                                                                                    Prediction of wind power and inputs from other DG
                                                                                                                                          Intelligent self-healing grids
                                                                                      DG favorising power markets
                                                                                                 Regional CHP

                                                                                                    Demand response and online pricing
                                                                                 Biomass-fired plants
                                                                                                                                 Plug-in fuel cell and battery electric vehicles as storage devices
                                                                                                                                                     Efficient hybrid fuel cell and battery electric vehicles
                                                                                                                                                     Power plants producing power, heat and fuels for transportation
                                                                                                                           High-level intelligent integration of wind energy
                                                                                           Tradeable white certificates (TWC) etc.
                                                                                               New energy saving technologies
                                                                                           New lighting technologies
                                                                                 Passive houses
                                                                                 Offshore wind farms
                                                                                                              Two way communication allowing system operator to switch off end-users at peak load hours
                                                                                                         More energy efficient end-use technologies
                                                                                                                                                     Hydrogen or other synthetic fuels as energy carriers
                                                                                                         Information and communication technologies (ITC systems)
                                                                                                                                                     Hydrogen grid
                                                                                 Large hydropower
                                                                                                Large (combined cycle) natural gas-fired plants
                                                                                                                                                     Superconducting materials for transmitting power over large distances
                                                                                                              New generation nuclear
                                                                                                                                                     Sequestering and storing CO2

                                                                                 2006               2010                   2015                   2020                     2025                   2030                    2035

                                                                                        Supply technology                         Grids                          End-use                                 System/support

    Figure 1: Qualitative estimate of the time frame for introducing factors, systems and technologies contributing to the future energy systems into the
    market on a commercial scale.

    communities and Danish industry have a good basis for                                                                                                projects are needed to ensure that the technologies and
    becoming a key player world-wide in this development.                                                                                                systems are ready for the marketplace in the timeframes
    A prerequisite is that Danish research should focus on                                                                                               required.
    selected technology and system components, and take                                                                                                  To support this development some elements of a future
    part in demonstration projects at European and global                                                                                                Danish energy policy could be:
    levels. Another prerequisite is to exploit the unique posi-
    tion of Denmark between the Nordic countries and the                                                                                                 • Raising the percentage of renewable energy over the
    rest of Europe.                                                                                                                                        coming decades to make a major contribution. It is
    Denmark has the necessary research and industrial                                                                                                      particularly important to increase the share of renew-
    competences to become a key player in the following                                                                                                    able energy in the electricity system and the transport
    areas of research and industrial development:                                                                                                          sector.
                                                                                                                                                         • Stimulate efficiency improvements by technological
    • micro-CHP (combined heat and power) plants based on                                                                                                  developments that have not yet been carried out. In
      reversible fuel cells                                                                                                                                a number of areas, RD investments can give a high
    • future wind power plants                                                                                                                             payback.
    • polymer-based solar cells                                                                                                                          • Efficiency improvements will be limited if they rely
    • biofuels for the transport sector                                                                                                                    on ordinary market forces. Some efficiency improve-
    • hydrogen technologies (in the long term)                                                                                                             ments may require regulatory measures. Others may
    • highly efficient lighting and passive houses                                                                                                         need economic incentives introduced through political
    • ICT-based systems for monitoring and control of energy                                                                                               action.
      consumption and communication between units
    • simulation tools for distributed systems; and                                                                                                      Hence, focused RD combined with suitable regulation
    • standards, procedures and techniques for the design,                                                                                               and market incentives could allow Denmark to increase
      testing and certification of distributed generation                                                                                                its current leadership in sustainable energy systems.
      systems.                                                                                                                                           We recommend collaboration between politicians,
                                                                                                                                                         researchers and industry to exploit these opportunities.
    To initiate and speed up the Danish key-player role,
    investments in RD and subsequently in demonstration
Risø Energy Report 4                                                     International trends and scenarios for future energy systems   

3   International trends and scenarios for future
    energy systems

    In evaluations of long term energy forecasts made in the                 desirable or feared visions about the future. Quite often
    past the conclusion often is that a large number of the                  the long term energy scenarios contain elements of all
    forecasts, projections, predictions and associated policy                three approaches. One important lesson learned is that
    recommendations turn out to be inaccurate or even                        prospective energy studies often reflect the basic values
    mistaken. On the other hand we can learn from errors                     or hopes of the authors. They are not only meant to
    made in the past and try to avoid these in our present use               give the best prediction of the future but also to initiate
    of forecasts and foresights. In the preface of this report               debate today or even promote visions. Such basic consid-
    we state that “this report is based on internationally                   erations and preconditions are not always clearly stated
    recognised scientific material”. One key observation in                  even in internationally recognised scientific material.
    a recent evaluation of long term energy forecasts made                   With these challenges in mind, the aim of this chapter
    over the latest 50 years was that “some of the most egre-                is to examine what we can expect of energy sources,
    gious forecasting errors have often been made by the smartest            technologies and systems in the next global economic
    people, working for the most prestigious organisations, with             cycle and beyond. Specifically, it covers energy demand,
    the most money” [6].                                                     energy sources, key energy technologies, and the overall
    The reasons for making long term scenarios are often                     energy system.
    misunderstood or simplified. Scenarios are often put in
    three categories: prediction, exploration and anticipa-                  Energy and global economic cycles
    tion. Predictive scenarios aim at describing the most                    Energy systems are often seen as one of the main indica-
    likely future and generally involve forecasting current                  tors of the global economy. The industrialised econo-
    trends into the future creating the best possible images                 mies of the world show two types of economic cycle:
    of the future. Explorative scenarios aim at describing                   short (five to ten years) and long (50–60 years) [1]. Over
    a number of plausible futures which can be possible,                     the past couple of centuries, the same “long waves” have
    desirable/feared and/or realizable and start out from                    often been noticeable in primary energy sources, energy
    present trends leading to equally likely futures. Antici-                systems and technological innovations as well as in the
    pative or normative scenarios are build on the basis of                  economy as a whole [7]. See Figure 2.



            Primary energy shares (%)

                                        60%                                                                                    Oil
                                        30%                                                                                    Wood



                                          1850   1870   1890   1910   1930       1950        1970        1990

    Figure 2: Global primary energy use 1850-1995. Source Grübler, 1998.
Risø Energy Report 4                                                    International trends and scenarios for future energy systems

3   before the Industrial Revolution, wood was the main
    source of energy. Industrialisation followed the inven-
    tion of the coal-powered steam engine, which was used
                                                                            to come. but among the world’s nations there are large
                                                                            variations in energy service levels, energy demand and
                                                                            energy production systems due to differences in econo-
    in factories and mobile applications such as trains and                 mies, geographic conditions, technological trajectories
    ships. For two cycles of the world economy the icons                    and lifestyles. Energy demand depends on the level of
    were coal, steam engines and steel production.                          industrialisation and the types of industries in the coun-
    The next cycle came with the transition from coal to oil                tries concerned, as well as on geographically-defined
    as the main source of energy. This was accompanied by                   heating needs and individual lifestyle choices: diet,
    new energy system technologies such as the electricity                  number and types of electrical appliances and vehicles,
    supply system and the road transport system, the latter                 dwelling sizes, commuting distances, transport systems
    featuring vehicles powered by internal combustion                       and so on. Per-capita energy demand is currently espe-
    engines. We are now said to be between the fourth and                   cially low in developing countries, but this will change.
    fifth long waves of the world economy, with the latest                  The International Energy Agency (IEA) projects that
    period of decline characterised, if not created, by the                 developing countries will account for two-thirds of
    oil embargoes of the 1970s. According to this theory,                   the increase in global energy demand in the coming
    the world economy should now be heading towards a                       decades.
    period of more stable growth in the decades to come.
    Also following this theory the world economy goes from                  Primary energy sources
    a phase characterised by product innovations in existing                The world’s energy system is currently based mainly on
    industries and the creation of new industries to a phase                oil, gas and coal, which together provide around 80%
    characterised by process innovation in existing indus-                  of primary energy. biomass and waste account for 12%,
    tries and in basic sectors such as the energy sector. This              nuclear power 7%, hydropower 2%, and only around
    indicates that the new energy technologies introduced to                0.5% comes from other renewable energy sources such
    the energy sector over the last 20 years (wind turbines,                as wind, solar and geothermal [2].
    micro gas turbines, fuel cells, information and communi-                Different internationally recognised organisations
    cation technologies, etc.) will massively be integrated in              present various forecasts for the future consumption.
    the energy sector in the decades to come. This will lead                The IEA forecasts in a so-called reference scenario that
    to industrial learning and the move down the learning                   consumption of primary energy will grow by more than
    curve for these technologies. On the other hand we can                  60% in the period 2002–2030 (Figure 3). Fossil fuels are
    generally expect fewer completely new energy innova-                    expected to account for some 85% of this increase.
    tions in the decades to come.                                           Energy scenario studies often concentrate on the future
                                                                            of nuclear energy and fossil fuels: coal, oil and natural
    Energy demand                                                           gas, plus the longer-term prospects of producing oil from
    Global energy demand has risen substantially over the                   tar sands and extracting natural gas trapped in hydrates
    last two centuries and is expected to grow in the decades               beneath the oceans. Fossil fuels and nuclear energy both

            7 000

            6 000                                                                                                                          Oil
            5 000                                                                                                                          Coal
            4 000                                                                                                                          Gas

            3 000                                                                                                                          Hydro
            2 000
            1 000

                 1970            1980            1990           2000            2010            2020            2030

    Figure 3: World primary energy demand projection to 2030, according to the IEA reference scenario. Source: International Energy Agency, 2004:
Risø Energy Report 4                                                         International trends and scenarios for future energy systems         

3   face environmental challenges - fossil fuels because of
    their contribution to emissions of greenhouse gases,
    and nuclear power because of the problem of long-term
                                                                                 rise correspondingly. The EU–25 countries currently
                                                                                 import 76% of their oil and 49% of their natural gas. The
                                                                                 corresponding figures for 2030 are projected to be 94%
    storage of nuclear waste - but these may not be insol-                       and 81% respectively (IEA Reference Scenario).
    uble. Coal may become an environmentally-acceptable                          In Denmark, domestic natural gas and wind power are
    fuel, for instance, if we can find ways to use it more                       likely to become more important as energy sources in
    efficiently and to remove and store the CO2 produced                         the coming decades. Wind turbines currently produce
    when it burns.                                                               around 20% of Danish electricity needs, and this can
    Other contributions focus on the long-term vision of                         be expanded to 50% at reasonable cost. The use of
    energy production systems based on renewable sources,                        modern biomass technologies may increase in the future
    energy-use technologies that are more efficient than                         depending on political decisions in these years. In the
    those of today, and the use of hydrogen or other synthetic                   longer term photovoltaics might become viable even in
    fuels as energy carriers [5].                                                Denmark, although this remains highly uncertain.
    For the next cycle of the world economy, the primary                         Today Denmark is a net exporter of oil and gas. North Sea
    energy source is often forecasted to be natural gas. We                      oil and gas resources will remain important in the years
    find it more likely that the future will bring more variety                  to come, but production is expected to peak within a
    in the mix of energy sources: renewable and nuclear                          decade or two - although new technologies might extend
    energy as well as gas, oil and coal. At least in the longer                  the production period.
    term. In any case natural gas will play an increasing role                   Looking further into the future, rich offshore oil (and
    in the decades to come.                                                      gas) resources may be found south-east of the Faeroe
    The issue of primary energy sources is closely related                       Islands and west of Greenland. This has raised the ques-
    to those of climate change and geopolitics. by 2030,                         tion of sovereignty for these regions, which are autono-
    the IEA expects global emissions of CO2 from fossil fuel                     mous parts of the Kingdom of Denmark. Also significant
    combustion to have grown from their current level of                         in this context is Denmark’s claim to the area north of
    around 24 billion tonnes to 38 billion tonnes (in the                        Greenland and the geographical North Pole.
    “reference scenario”) or 32 billion tonnes (in the “alter-                   Nuclear energy is generally not seen as a realistic option
    native scenario”)1. many industrialised countries have                       for Denmark in the foreseeable future.
    signed the United Nations Framework Convention on                            As a small country of low energy intensity, located
    Climate Change. Some of these countries have also                            between the electricity and natural gas system of the
    signed the follow-up Kyoto Protocol which obliges them                       Scandinavian Peninsula and continental Europe,
    to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the period up to                       Denmark has the opportunity to serve as buffer zone
    2012. Targets beyond 2012 have not yet been agreed                           between the energy systems of its neighbours. Thus,
    on, but the whole process could have big consequences                        energy (electricity and gas) trading is likely to become a
    for future primary energy source mixes and key energy                        key feature of the future Danish energy system.
    Another important point is that inter-regional flows of                      Energy systems
    oil and gas are expected to change considerably over                         Over time, complex socio-technical systems have built
    the next decades. The reason is that most of the world’s                     up around the energy supply structure. The energy
    remaining proven conventional reserves of natural gas                        system has altered over time as a result of technological
    and oil are far away from the regions of greatest energy                     innovation and various social, economic and environ-
    consumption: the OECD countries and the rapidly                              mental changes.
    growing economies of Asia and Latin America.                                 The term “energy systems” is often associated with elec-
    The former Soviet Union and the countries of the middle                      tric power. Initially the production of electricity was
    East hold more than 70% of the world’s gas reserves,                         based mainly on coal, but hydro, oil, natural gas and
    while the middle East is also thought to possess more                        nuclear energy have subsequently been introduced on a
    than half of global oil reserves. In the OECD countries,                     large scale. Following the oil crisis of the 1970s, natural
    domestic oil and gas production is generally declining,                      gas increased its market share and energy came to be
    while demand for oil and gas is growing rapidly.                             generally used more efficiently, both in electricity gener-
    As a result, by 2030 inter-regional trade in oil is projected                ation and in end-use applications. Expansion of nuclear
    to double, and inter-regional trade in gas to triple. In                     generating capacity has stopped in many countries, due
    most consuming countries, dependence on imports will                         to a lack of public acceptability that has been reinforced

        The Reference Scenario is based on a set of explicit assumptions about underlying macroeconomic and demographic conditions, energy prices and
    supply cost, technological developments and government politics. Possible, potential or even likely future policy initiatives are not included.
    The Alternative Policy Scenario differs from the Reference Scenario by assuming that OECD countries will adopt a range of new energy and climate
    related policies and that there will be a faster deployment of new energy technologies.
10   Risø Energy Report 4                                          International trends and scenarios for future energy systems

3    by several major accidents. Environmental technologies
     have been developed to clean up the exhaust gases from
     fossil fuel combustion.
                                                                   • new energy technologies such as fuel cells and modern
                                                                     bioenergy are more appropriate for distributed than for
                                                                     centralised energy systems
     An important question is whether the future electricity       • information and communication technologies that
     system will become more decentralised or continue to be         will help distributed systems to regulate themselves.
     based mainly on large power stations. To a large extend
     the discussion reflects differences in commentators’          For a considerable number of industrialised countries,
     opinions on which energy resources and technologies           it is often cheaper to increase the efficiency of energy
     are best in terms of technology, environmental perform-       end-use, and to find ways of matching demand more
     ance, society and the economy.                                intelligently to supply, than it is to expand generation,
     Some energy analysts envisage a future based on               transmission and distribution capacity. Some analysts go
     advanced large-scale facilities producing clean energy        even further, suggesting that discussions on the future
     carriers such as electricity, hydrogen and methanol. The      of energy systems should consider changes not only in
     primary energy sources will be coal with CO2 sequestra-       technology but also in values, social organisation and
     tion, nuclear fission, and - in the longer term - nuclear     lifestyles.
     Other energy analysts, including us, see a window of          Uncertainties over future energy systems
     opportunity to begin the creation of much more distrib-       As mentioned in the introduction of this chapter, the
     uted electricity generation systems. In this picture, vehi-   uncertain nature of energy forecasting has been explored
     cles would be based on hybrid fuel cell/battery tech-         in several studies comparing forecasts to actual events.
     nology, and many households would use stationary              many forecasts over the last 50 years have underesti-
     natural gas or even hydrogen fuelled fuel cells to generate   mated the availability of fossil fuel resources, while over-
     combined heat and power. The electricity supply system,       estimating both the price of oil and the rates at which
     which would become fragmented and distributed, would          the cost of renewable energy and other distributed
     get its power from wind turbines, gas fuelled microtur-       energy sources will fall [6]. In addition, the inertia of
     bines, photovoltaics and biomass burners.                     the current energy system (especially the infrastructure)
     These distributed power sources might possibly be             has not been accounted for to a sufficient extend. As a
     connected to a “smart grid” linking a number of self-         result, the forecasts have over-estimated the take-up rate
     optimizing micro-grids. Each micro-grid would incorpo-        for alternative energy.
     rate real-time information systems to ensure that energy      Forecasts often rely heavily on expectations that “magic
     production matches demand at all times.                       bullet” technologies or changes in lifestyle will solve
     A few visionaries have even suggested that fuel cell and      problems such as greenhouse gas emissions and the
     battery electric vehicles could serve as energy storage       depletion of oil reserves; in other words they focus on
     devices. by storing off-peak electricity in batteries, or     what is technically feasible instead of what is likely.
     off-peak hydrogen in fuel tanks, these vehicles could         Forecasts may be influenced by contemporary events
     then deliver electricity back to the grid during peak load    and politics, and they are generally biased towards the
     periods. In any case attempts to integrate energy use in      interests of the person or organisation conducting the
     the transport sector with other energy demands (elec-         study. A key uncertainty is the point in time at which
     tricity and heat) can be expected.                            growth in the demand for oil and gas will exceed growth
     Advanced end-use technologies could also be controlled        in production capacity; although this date is central to
     via the internet. This would allow system operators to        many forecasts, we really have little idea how much oil
     smooth out demand curves by switching off non-urgent          and gas can be recovered, and at what prices.
     energy users during periods of peak demand, or when           The pace at which new technologies are introduced is also
     intermittent energy sources are not available.                a big source of uncertainty. Long-term energy scenarios
     Furthermore, in the aftermath of 11th of September            indicate that radical social and technical changes are
     2001 and hurricane Katarina's flooding of New Orleans         needed if we are to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. An
     analysts have suggested that distributed energy systems       example is the replacement of petroleum road transport
     might be less vulnerable to terror actions and natural        fuels with hydrogen fuel cells or battery electric vehicles.
     disasters. On the other hand decentralised energy             Such a shift would require major changes in vehicle tech-
     systems might have different types of vulnerability (i.e.     nology and in systems for producing and distributing
     computer virus spread through the internet). This is not      energy, and it is very hard to predict when these changes
     yet fully analysed.                                           will happen.
     Factors encouraging distributed energy systems are:           Studies of the links between lifestyle and energy consump-
     • the ongoing liberalisation and restructuring of energy      tion, and of how radical new technologies are developed
       markets together with the increased role of private         and adopted, show how social and technical barriers
       capital/finance will promote power production in            can control the time it takes to bring new technologies
       smaller units and a more decentralised structure            to market, or prevent them from being adopted at all.
Risø Energy Report 4                                          International trends and scenarios for future energy systems   11

3   Energy forecasts should probably not rely on expecta-
    tions of quick changes in lifestyles or radical socio-tech-
    nical changes; they should not underestimate the inertia
                                                                  the transition to more dispersed energy systems, with
                                                                  higher contributions from renewable sources, and that
                                                                  Japan would take a very different approach to future
    associated with policies designed to influence lifestyles     energy systems.
    and socio-technical systems.
    The example of wind turbines shows that new energy            Conclusion
    technologies often succeed only with the help of specific     Even though the future often is hard to foresee, this
    policies and incentives set up to establish new markets       chapter has tried to distinguish between foreseeable
    and promote technical innovation. Experience suggests         trends and key uncertainties when probing the future
    that new energy technologies require timescales of 20–        of energy systems. most authorities agree on a small
    30 years or even longer between prototyping and wide-         number of foreseeable trends:
    spread adoption. However, it is possible that in liberal-     • global growth in energy consumption
    ised energy markets, changes could happen much faster         • restructuring of energy producers, markets and organi-
    - at a rate similar to the adoption of, say, mobile phones      sations
    or digital cameras. Though, adoption of natural gas fired     • environmental concerns as a major driver for energy
    turbines might be an example, we simply do not know             policy in many industrialised countries
    at the moment.                                                • economic development and access to energy as the
                                                                    main drivers for energy policy in developing countries
    Energy RD                                                      and the high-growth economies of Asia and South
    Government-backed energy RD is essential if radical            America; and
    changes in the energy system are to be achieved.              • energy systems in Europe and other larger regions are
    However, government investment in energy RD in                 expected to become more “dispersed”.
    Europe and the US has generally decreased in recent
    decades; in Japan, government spending on energy RD          Previous “long waves” in the global economy have been
    has remained stable, or even increased, over the same         based around single, dominant energy sources: first
    period. Japan now contributes more than 40% of the            wood, then coal, then oil. The coming decades will bring
    total spending on energy RD across all IEA member            an increased role for natural gas but also more variety in
    countries; the corresponding figure for the US is around      energy sources and technologies.
    33 %, and 20 % for the EU-15.                                 A number of other drivers are just as important as those
    Differences in government expenditure on energy RD           above, but are less predicable:
    often reflect countries’ energy policy priorities. The        • price trends for coal, oil and gas
    US, for instance, focus on generic energy technolo-           • geopolitical competition for the oil and gas resources of
    gies plus energy conservation. Japan maintains a large          the middle East and Russia, between on the one hand
    nuclear power programme, and also focuses increas-              the “old” energy-importing countries of Europe, North
    ingly on energy conservation. European countries carry          America and Japan, and on the other hand the “new”
    out significant, though decreasing, amounts of nuclear          energy-importing countries of Asia and Latin America
    power RD, and attach relatively high importance to           • the role of climate issues in energy policies; and
    renewable energy, electricity and energy storage.             • the pace of technological change in restructured and
    On this basis we might expect that Europe would lead            more commercially-oriented energy markets.
Risø Energy Report 4                                          Denmark in a European market                              1

4   Denmark in a European market


    Known abroad for being a country with highly efficient        ical challenges. The following sections therefore deal
    coal-fired power plants, Denmark has also for more than       separately with Danish developments in conventional
    a quarter of a century taken an environment-friendly          electricity, natural gas and renewables, especially wind
    position on energy. Since the beginning of the 1990s          power.
    climate change has been an important driver for Danish
    energy policy, and as a result the country has taken a        Denmark’s role in the European power
    robust approach to improving energy efficiency and            sector
    developing carbon-efficient technologies such as cogen-       The existing European power system is developed as a
    eration and wind power. Alongside the rest of the EU,         result of conditions which differ from those that will
    Denmark ratified the Kyoto Protocol in 2004 and is            apply in the future. Historically, national electricity
    committed to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by           monopolies were able to make long-term investments
    21%, relative to 1990, during the period 2008–2012. The       without significant financial risk, and so create power
    corresponding reduction across the EU as a whole will be      systems based as much as possible on national resources.
    8%. However, owing to the high proportion of coal in          National technological entrepreneurs with long-term
    the power industry Denmark is also amongst the largest        vision controlled investments and developed power
    emitters of CO2 per capita in the EU.                         systems according to national needs. As a result, the
    In a European context, Denmark’s energy system has            hydropower systems of Norway and Sweden are energy-
    three main characteristics:                                   dimensioned, whereas the thermal power systems of
    • We have a very diversified and distributed energy system    central Europe are power-dimensioned. by bridging the
      based on national grids for electricity, district heating   energy systems of these two regions, Denmark has been
      and natural gas. The combination of these three grids       able to take advantage of both.
      implies an efficient energy supply system with a high       market reforms and climate issues have brought drastic
      proportion of combined heat and power.                      changes in the last ten years. Large investments in sustain-
    • Renewable energy, especially wind power, supplies           able energy are needed for the future, but utility compa-
      a large and increasing fraction of Denmark’s energy.        nies can no longer make long-term investments without
      At present almost 20% of Danish electricity needs are       financial risk, and EU member states can no longer close
      supplied by wind power and Denmark is the global            their borders to foreign bidders. The electricity market
      front-runner in offshore wind farms. In the Danish          has proved to be good at optimising the operation of the
      government’s recent Energy Strategy 2025, the baseline      existing power system, but it needs to show that it can
      scenario forecasts that renewable sources will provide      also manage the development of new capacity.
      more than one-third of Danish power by 2025 [2].            Received wisdom today is that the electricity trans-
    • Denmark’s geographical location between continental         mission system should remain a centrally-governed
      Europe and the Nordic nations allows the country to         monopoly, while power production should be a matter
      act as a buffer between the energy systems of these         for private investors and subject to market conditions.
      two regions. As member of Nord Pool, the Nordic             Considering how the transmission system can influence
      power exchange, Denmark facilitates electricity trading     investment in generating capacity, however, it is diffi-
      between Germany, other continental European coun-           cult to see how an effective electricity system is possible
      tries and the rest of Scandinavia. The Danish natural       as long as production and transmission are managed
      gas grid links Sweden with Germany.                         by organisations with opposing interests. Transmission
                                                                  companies base their planning on the lowest possible
    The Danish energy sector is currently undergoing big          electricity prices, while production companies want
    changes as companies expand to face competition at            prices to be high.
    European level. The power companies Elsam and Energy          The biggest challenge facing the European power sector
    E2 are merging with natural gas supplier DONG to create       is how to establish a new distribution of responsibilities:
    a single giant energy company. The second-largest player      a new organisation to ensure optimum long-term invest-
    in the Danish energy market will be Swedish power             ment within a power system that is more sustainable and
    company Vattenfall, which has recently bought several         coherent than the existing one.
    power stations in Denmark.
    yet even when individual companies supply energy from         Power consumption varies significantly according to the
    multiple sources, each source brings its own technolog-       time of day, the day of the week and the season. When
14   Risø Energy Report 4                                                           Denmark in a European market

4                     Load duration curve for electricity consumption
                                                                                            4 000
                                                                                                    Load duration curve for wind power production

              3 500                                                                         3 500
              3 000                                                                         3 000
              2 500                                                                         2 500

              2 000                                                                         2 000
              1 500                                                                         1 500
              1 000                                                                         1 000
               500                                                                           500
                  0                                                                             0
                       1   1001 2001 3001 4001 5001 6001 7001 8001                                      1     1001 2001 3001 4001 5001 6001 7001 8001
                                         Hours                                                                             Hours

     Figure 4: Load duration curves for electricity consumption and wind power production based on hourly data from the Jutland-Funen area in Denmark.

     load is plotted against duration, the shape of the curve                                       Load duration curve for electricity consumption
     shows how efficiently the production system is used (see                                               minus wind power production
     figure 4).                                                                             4000
     If there are a few hours of peak load each day, but for the                            3000
     rest of the time the base load is much lower, then plant
     utilisation is said to be low. Any generating capacity
     added to meet peak loads should have low capital costs                                 1000
     (capacity costs), even if the unit cost of electricity from                            500
     these plants is relatively high. An example of such a plant                              0
     is a simple-cycle gas turbine. If demand is much more                                          1       1001 2001 3001 4001 5001 6001 7001 8001
     constant throughout the day, with relatively small peaks,
     then utilisation is said to be high. Any extra capacity will                   Figure 5: Load duration curves for electricity consumption minus wind
     need to have low production costs, even though this                            power production based on hourly data from the Jutland-Funen area in
     is likely to mean higher capital costs (capacity costs).                       Denmark.
     Examples are combined-cycle (gas turbine plus steam
     turbine) or coal-fired power stations.                                         This is shown by comparing figure 4 and figure 52. In
                                                                                    figure 4 the load duration curves for electricity consump-
     One way to increase utilisation is to build transmission                       tion and wind power production are shown. If no wind
     lines linking areas with different consumption patterns,                       power existed in the power system the load duration
     or with similar patterns separated by a significant time                       curve as seen by the conventional power system would
     lag. Another is to introduce price elasticity: increasing                      be equal to the left hand side of figure 4. but introducing
     prices during periods of high load, and decreasing them                        wind power with the highest priority in the power system
     when demand is low, can smooth out the demand                                  (prioritised dispatch) the load duration curve seen by the
     curve.                                                                         conventional part of the power system becomes equal to
     If windy sites are available one of the most economical                        the one shown in figure 5, where wind power production
     ways to replace fossil fuels in the power sector is to                         is deducted from electricity consumption and the data
     build wind turbines. Wind turbines have high capacity                          sorted to give the resulting duration curve for electricity
     costs but low production costs. They are therefore given                       consumption minus wind power. As seen from the figure
     priority by the market’s despatch rules, under which                           this duration curve becomes significantly steeper than
     power plants are started up in sequence until demand is                        the duration curve without wind power. The conven-
     met, starting with the plant with the lowest production                        tional power plants needed to meet the peak demand
     cost and finishing with the most expensive.                                    in this situation therefore have low utilisation, and this
                                                                                    creates new requirements for the power sector3.
     A power sector with many wind turbines in general has
     a steep duration curve for the part of the demand that is                      In Denmark, interconnections to neighbouring power
     not covered by wind turbines, since the period of peak                         systems have solved this problem till now. For example,
     demand typically comprises only a few hours each day.                          Denmark exports wind-generated electricity to Norway

         Observe that the hours in figure 4 and figure 5 are not in the same sequence. Compared to figure 4, the data in figure 5 are sorted after wind
         power production deducted from electricity consumption.
         The actual shape of the duration curve of electricity consumption minus wind power production will depend on the wind resources in the given
         year. Therefore the duration curve of figure 5 is to be seen as an example only.
Risø Energy Report 4                                           Denmark in a European market                             1


    Figure 6: Production of REtrol.

    when demand is low, and imports Norwegian hydro-               tages, for instance by developing energy-efficient elec-
    power during peak periods - so Norway’s hydropower             trical devices, promoting price-elastic electricity pricing,
    system effectively provides storage for wind power.            and creating links between the transport and power
    Other solutions include:                                       sectors.
    • transmission lines between wind power areas where the        The latter can be done by, for instance, using electricity
      wind blows at different times                                to manufacture petrol, diesel or other liquid fuels. by
    • higher electricity prices during periods of peak             converting electricity to hydrogen and combining the
      demand                                                       hydrogen with CO2 and methane for methanol, cars
    • power storage systems, and                                   can be wind power driven. This procedure allows wind
    • the substitution of fossil fuels by electricity in sectors   energy to be stored, and substitutes wind power for some
      such as transport and industry.                              of the fossil fuels currently used for transport, with few
                                                                   changes to the existing transport fuel infrastructure.
    Denmark has a tradition of being an “exploratorium”            Along these lines the Danish power company Elsam has
    for new and more sustainable energy technologies. It           proposed a conceptual power plant to produce power,
    is important to create a new distribution of responsi-         heat and transport fuels in the form of ethanol and
    bilities that matches the needs of the new markets, yet        methanol (Figure 6). The REtrol plant runs on energy
    which still allows Denmark to continue this tradition          from sources including natural gas, coal, biomass,
    - to the benefit of both the environment and Danish            waste material and surplus power from wind turbines,
    businesses.                                                    and produces transport fuels through a combination of
    Denmark could take on an important European role in            processes including fermentation and hydrolysis. Elsam
    the development of new energy technologies. Future             already has a demonstration plant producing ethanol
    power systems will probably use several fuels and many         from straw, and a demonstration unit to remove CO2
    different technologies: large central coal-fired plants        from the flue gas is on the way.
    with SO2, NOx and CO2 removal; large (combined cycle)
    and small (distributed generation) gas-fired plants; large     Denmark and the future of the European
    offshore wind farms; and biomass-fired plants built            natural gas network
    close to their fuel sources. In the technique known as         Natural gas is the energy carrier that will allow the
    energy integration, energy “quality” (exergy) will also be     renewable energy society of the future to evolve from
    matched to end-uses: for example, houses will as far as        our current dependence on fossil fuels. Demand for
    possible be heated by low-temperature waste heat from          natural gas is increasing at the same time as gas markets
    other processes, rather than high-quality energy sources       are undergoing profound structural changes, with impli-
    such as electricity or direct combustion of natural gas. A     cations for organizations all along the supply chain. As a
    strong tradition of multi-fuel systems, energy efficiency      result, gas markets are evolving rapidly, at both national
    and cogeneration has prepared Denmark well for the             and, increasingly, regional levels.
    development of future power systems.                           From the start of natural gas production in Denmark
    Wind power, energy integration and high energy effi-           more than 20 years ago, the Danish gas network has been
    ciencies are the hallmarks of the current Danish energy        linked to Sweden and to continental Europe through
    system. Denmark now needs to build on these advan-             both offshore and onshore pipelines. In 2004 an offshore
1   Risø Energy Report 4                                                          Denmark in a European market


     Figure 7: Denmark’s existing natural gas connections (left), and future possibilities (right)

     connection was also established from the Danish Tyra                          sions by 14.6 million tonnes over the period 2008–12,
     field to the Dutch gas network. These links allow Denmark                     compared to 1990. To achieve this, both natural gas and
     to trade gas with other European countries, and more                          renewable energy will be required. moving to gas as a
     developments are planned (Figure 7). The future may see                       fuel for power production has so far met 10% of the CO2
     the transport of Norwegian gas via Denmark, and new                           target, so there is still a long way to go; converting all
     routes for gas imported from the huge fields in Siberia.                      Denmark’s coal-fired power plants to gas would meet
     Importing liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Denmark by                           one-third of the target. A big challenge remaining is how
     ship is also a possibility.                                                   to link the natural gas grid to renewable energy sources
     How long will natural gas be available? most forecasts                        and renewable power production.
     of global fossil fuel reserves predict that oil will last for                 The issue of climate change means that renewable energy
     20–50 years, gas for 75–100 years and coal for 300–400                        is becoming more and more interesting as an option for
     years. One country alone, Russia, has gas reserves of                         future energy supply. How can the natural gas system
     more than 55,000 billion m3, with annual production of                        help in the distribution of renewable energy?
     just 600 billion m3 in 2004. As a result, the Danish gas                      For transporting landfill gas, biogas and fuel gas produced
     network will be in use for many decades to come.                              from the gasification of biomass, it is straightforward to
     As a conventional fuel, natural gas can substitute oil or                     use the existing natural gas network. many countries
     coal in almost all applications. One market segment for                       already do this - Sweden is one example. In most cases
     gas that has appeared only in the last 10–20 years is as a                    the gas is purified to natural gas quality before being fed
     transport fuel. As the Danish government’s recent Energy                      into the transmission system. Another option is a dedi-
     Strategy 2025 points out, new fuels such as natural gas,                      cated network for biogas or landfill gas, supplemented if
     bio-fuels and hydrogen could be important replacements                        necessary by a mix of natural gas and air.
     for oil in the transport sector [2]. The EU target, which                     Transporting hydrogen through the natural gas network
     is for natural gas to meet 10% of transport fuel require-                     is more complicated. Experience has shown that the
     ments by 2020, will create new challenges for the gas                         existing system can handle natural gas containing up to
     industry.                                                                     5% hydrogen without problems, but pure hydrogen can
     Natural gas will also act as a bridge to the “hydrogen                        cause cracking of the steel pipes used for long-distance
     society” that could play an important part in future                          transmission. Danish tests show that hydrogen creates
     energy supply. In this case, part of the natural gas                          no severe problems for the polyethylene pipes and
     network might be used to transport hydrogen for vehi-                         components used for local gas distribution [3], though
     cles. Another new market for natural gas is in power                          more research is recommended.
     production as a substitute for coal. This will not have                       The introduction of new fuels into the natural gas
     major implications for the Danish distribution system,                        network will extend the applications of the system
     since many existing central power stations are already                        and create profitable business opportunities. Producers
     connected to the natural gas grid. However, the future                        of alternative gases such as biogas and hydrogen will
     market for natural gas will of course depend heavily on                       benefit, because the problem with distribution has so
     the future development of the natural gas price in rela-                      far been a significant obstacle to the wider use of these
     tion to prices of competing fuels as oil and coal.                            fuels.
     The Danish natural gas network faces two important                            At European level, the use of the natural gas network
     issues for the future: security of supply, and national                       to transport hydrogen is an important topic. The EU-
     targets for CO2 reduction. Taking the last point first,                       supported NATURALHy4 project is examining the impli-
     Denmark is committed to reduce its annual CO2 emis-                           cations of supplying end-users with natural gas/hydrogen

         NaturalHy is running from 2004-2007 as part of the 6th Framework Programme
Risø Energy Report 4                                                                                  Denmark in a European market                            1

4   mixtures, including the effect on existing gas-burning
    appliances. At the point of use, selective membrane
    separation units fed with natural gas/hydrogen mixtures
                                                                                                          Denmark’s role in the development of
                                                                                                          renewable energy technologies, especially
                                                                                                          wind power
    could supply pure hydrogen. The hydrogen could                                                        Renewable energy has been a cornerstone of Danish
    then be used as a transport fuel during the transition                                                energy and environmental policy for many years. The
    to an all-hydrogen economy, and would encourage the                                                   government has supported a number of renewable tech-
    commercialisation of fuel cells and other applications.                                               nologies, including wind power, photovoltaics, wave
    NATURALHy includes a programme to develop high-                                                       power, and the gasification and combustion of biomass.
    efficiency membrane systems at various scales, to sepa-                                               Of these, wind power is without doubt the most successful
    rate hydrogen from mixtures with natural gas. Danish                                                  in terms of its market readiness and current use. Today
    research institutes, with their strong background in                                                  more than 48 GW of wind power is installed worldwide
    materials science, could play an important part in devel-                                             and more than 20,000 people are employed directly or
    oping suitable membranes.                                                                             indirectly by the wind power industry in Denmark. but
    As Denmark continues to install wind power plants,                                                    what is the future of wind power, especially in a system
    there will be more and more occasions when electricity                                                context where integration and continued technical
    production exceeds domestic demand. For the time being                                                development are essential?
    this power is exported to Germany, Norway and Sweden.                                                 Integration with conventional power stations and with
    However, whenever grid capacity is in short supply, or                                                the grid are big issues for the wind industry. Until a few
    export prices are low, it might make sense to use the                                                 years ago, most wind turbines were rated at 500 kW–
    surplus power to generate hydrogen by electrolysing                                                   1 mW, and sited individually or in small clusters these
    water. The problem is that this route is wasteful: today’s                                            relatively low output units could generally be absorbed
    electrolysis systems have efficiencies of only 70–80%, and                                            by the grid without problems. modern wind turbines are
    the power needed to compress the hydrogen for pipeline                                                larger: the average size of new turbines is 1.5–2 mW, but
    transport means that, at the point of use, the hydrogen                                               machines of 3–5 mW will be common within a year or
    contains less than 50% of the original electrical energy                                              so, and the number of turbines at each site is rising too.
    used to make it. If the hydrogen is converted back into                                               As wind power plants become larger they behave more
    electricity, rather than used for heating or as a transport                                           like conventional power stations, and as such they need
    fuel, then only 25–30% of the original electrical energy                                              tighter integration with existing power systems.
    is recovered.                                                                                         Currently Europe needs to invest some $525 billion in
    Another option is the compressed air energy storage                                                   new conventional generating capacity (IEA 2003). If a
    (CAES) system (Figure 8), in which surplus power is used                                              substantial portion of this new capacity is not capable
    to compress air stored in underground caverns. When                                                   of providing flexible backup for wind and other renewa-
    electricity demand rises, the compressed air can be                                                   bles, it may become a bottleneck restricting the expan-
    expanded through a turbine in a mix with natural gas. A                                               sion of renewables. The current rapid development of
    CAES plant originally established as a backup system for a                                            combined-cycle (CCGT) generating plants could hinder
    nuclear power plant in Germany (Huntdorf) is now used                                                 the connection of more wind power unless the gas
    mainly as an energy storage system for wind power.                                                    turbines are supplemented with aero-derivative models,
                                                                                                          which can cover flexible loads.
                                                                                                          Wind power plants of the future will have to interface
                                                                                                          so well with existing technology that they will be almost
                                                                                                          invisible in the electrical energy mix. This can be facili-
                                                                                                          tated by:
                                                                                                          • making wind turbines more similar to conventional
                                                                     Total PowerStoreTM
                                                                                                            generating plants, e.g. in terms of regulation capabili-
                                   1,3 kWh
                                                                                           to the Grid
                                                                                                          • using wind locally, for direct loads such as glass or
                    Gas Pipeline                         Turbine   Generator
                                                                                                            cement factories, and timing production to match
                                                                                                1.0 kWh
                                         Compressor                                                         periods of high wind speed
                        0,5 kWh                                                           -60%
                                                                                               NOx        • using demand management to balance power demand
                                                                                                            when wind power production falls, and

                                                                                                          • converting wind energy to heat for district heating
      Electricity for
       Compressor                                  Air
                                                                                                          Achieving this invisibility will require higher-density,
                                                                                                          high-quality power electronics, and better forecasting
                                                                                                          of wind speeds so that demand can be managed and
    Figure 8: Compressed air energy storage (CAES)                                                        backup power sources brought on line at just the right
1   Risø Energy Report 4                                           Denmark in a European market

4    time. Development of short-term (battery) energy stor-
     ages could also help planners cope with fluctuations in
     wind speed.
                                                                    of wind power rests on the ability to mitigate these disad-
                                                                    vantages. Options include:
                                                                    • High-level intelligent integration. In the medium term,
     Another integration problem with wind is access to suffi-        wind power will flourish best if wind power plants
     cient grid capacity. many of the best wind resources are         behave like conventional power stations and interface
     in coastal or rural areas, far from the cities and factories     easily with the existing grid.
     where most energy is used. In such areas, the distribu-        • “Closed” power systems: relatively small, distrib-
     tion grid was never designed to support local power              uted generating plants operating on a mix of energy
     generation, so increasing amounts of wind power and              sources, including wind and capable of running either
     other renewables will need investment to reinforce the           connected to the grid, or independently.
     grid.                                                          • Using wind power to generate hydrogen for use as a
     Grid reinforcement is expensive, and many grid oper-             transport fuel. Unlike electricity (at least with today’s
     ators are wary of committing large investments to                technology), hydrogen can be stored to cover periods
     what they consider a marginal, intermittent resource.            when the wind does not blow.
     Compounding this is the fact that some operators have          • Electrical storage, where power could be stored and
     a non-structured approach to planning, and in the                released at will, would be the ultimate solution for
     current liberalised market they have little incentive to         wind energy. Workable storage systems would have to
     build new lines. On the other hand, the cost of the              offer high energy density and high efficiency, and be
     reinforcement required to handle more wind power is              able to operate at high voltages.
     small compared with that needed to enable a liberalised        • Inexpensive superconducting materials would allow
     electricity market across Europe, which at the moment            wind power to be exported from wind-rich regions to
     is characterised by the national and fragmented nature           the rest of Europe, instantly and without the transmis-
     of its transmission and distribution systems.                    sion losses that reduce the efficiency of today’s trans-
     Increased security of supply also demands more intel-            mission grids.
     ligent self-healing grids, as used for mobile phone            • As clean water becomes scarcer, water purification
     networks, with perhaps one or a few dispatch offices             and desalination plants running on wind power will
     serving the whole of Europe.                                     become economic. If the water purification system has
     In physical size - with rotor diameters up to 120 metres -       sufficient capacity, it will be possible to run the end
     the latest wind turbines are the largest rotating machines       use intermittently to match the electrical output of the
     ever seen. Generators, gearboxes, blades and towers are          wind generator.
     constantly being optimised to give the best trade-off
     between performance and cost. Until recently, tech-            machine size is an important issue across the wind
     nologies and materials were borrowed from the mining,          industry. Small machines - up to 1 mW - will continue
     aerospace and defence industries. However, this store          to be used in terrain where access is difficult. Elsewhere,
     of knowledge has now been exhausted and the wind               however, space is often at a premium and objections
     turbine industry is on its own; indeed, the roles have         to large wind parks are growing, so large machines will
     been reversed, so that other industries are learning from      be the rule. At the current rate of progress, within ten
     the wind turbine manufacturers.                                years we can expect to see a 10 mW turbine with a rotor
     Wind power cannot develop further, however, without            diameter of 180 metres. Such huge machines will have
     new basic research in areas including materials, load          to have availabilities approaching those of conventional
     modelling, aerodynamics and resource modelling. If             power plants, as the cost of non-operating plants will
     Denmark is to retain its global leadership of the wind         be unacceptably high. Among the challenges facing the
     industry, the nation’s research institutions will need         designers of larger machines will be the need to build
     to contribute even more than today. There are already          blades and nacelles in several parts so that they can be
     problems with the pace of development: ever-larger             transported by road and ship.
     wind turbines are appearing on the market at an ever-
     increasing rate, and manufacturers sometimes pay dearly        Conclusion
     as they scale a very steep learning curve. Perhaps bigger      In the future Denmark will be more closely integrated
     is not necessarily better or more reliable.                    into the energy systems of the rest of Europe. The Danish
     Onshore wind power plants in Europe have the poten-            power industry is currently in the process of merging into
     tial to produce approximately 600–700 TWh/year [4].            larger entities, whose size will allow them to compete at
     Offshore wind, which is gaining in popularity as objec-        European scale. This consolidation will bring together
     tions to more land-based wind turbines grow, has the           expertise from the power and natural gas industries, with
     potential to produce approximately 3,000 TWh/year [5],         the result that these two forms of energy will become
     although how difficult it will be to harvest this potential    more closely linked. We can also expect new connections
     still remains to be demonstrated.                              to renewable energy and transport fuels, underpinned by
     Wind is intermittent and variable, so the future success       the growing importance of sustainability.
Risø Energy Report 4                                          Denmark in a European market                              1

4   The energy system of the future will therefore be much
    more complex than that of today. The integration of
    intermittent resources will require new capabilities in the
                                                                    power. This provides a unique chance to develop the
                                                                    definitive integrated power system, with features such
                                                                    as intelligent demand management with high price
    control and regulation of both gas-fired power stations         elasticity, power storage, heat storage and, eventually,
    and wind turbines, and new systems for controlling              a hydrogen network. Again, long-term vision from
    demand.                                                         the government and the Danish Transmission System
    Today Denmark is a leader in energy fields including            Operators will be needed to take advantage of this
    system integration and renewables, with wind power as           outstanding opportunity.
    the most prominent technology. but retaining this lead-       • The future will bring complexity. Close integration of
    ership and extending it into new areas will require new         power production, natural gas, intermittent renewa-
    initiatives:                                                    bles and transport fuels is the way forward if we are to
    • Denmark could take on the role of the EU “explorato-          develop a sustainable energy system. Organisational
      rium” for the development of new and more sustain-            structures, fuel taxes and fiscal incentives can all act as
      able energy technologies. This will require the proac-        barriers to development, and we may need to change
      tive involvement of the Danish government, including          them if we are to promote the evolution of complex
      a long-term vision for research programmes and the            energy systems.
      creation of suitable organisations and legal entities.
    • Denmark has the world’s highest installed generating        Future business opportunities will be limited only if we
      capacity based on intermittent resources, notably wind      fail to adapt and innovate.
Risø Energy Report 4                                            Distributed generation                                       1

5   Distributed generation

    What is distributed generation?                                 • strategic planning and policymaking
    Distributed generation (DG) refers to an emerging evolu-        • detailed system expansion planning, and
    tion of the electric power generation systems, in which         • component and system performance, operation, design
    all the generating technologies available in a given              and stability.
    centralised or decentralised region are integrated in the
    power supply system according to the availability of            The review is based on information from the brussels
    their respective resources. These resources are known as        conference and experience of wind energy in Denmark
    distributed energy resources (DERs).                            and elsewhere. Wind energy is presently the fastest
    It appears that there is no consensus on precise defi-          growing and largest contributor to distributed genera-
    nitions of DG as the concept encompasses many tech-             tion from renewable sources, and as such it provides the
    nologies and applications, [1]. When referred to as small-      main body of experience about the benefits and chal-
    scale electricity generation it is obviously understood         lenges of switching to renewables on a large scale.
    as consisting of small size generation units only, but
    when referred to as large-scale electricity generation it       Distributed versus centralised generation
    is usually understood as containing a high proportion of        This brief review of DG versus centralised generation is
    distributed or decentralised generation units regardless        to a large extent based on the proceedings of the brussels
    of their size. Thus large-scale DERs would in this under-       conference [3], including but not limited to the presenta-
    standing encompass technologies ranging from e.g. Stir-         tions [4–12]. Additional material is given in Pepermans’
    ling engines in small, decentralised CHP type generation        Distributed Generation: Definitions, benefits and issues [1].
    to large wind farms.                                            We will adopt the following definitions of distributed
    On this background, this chapter emphasises DG as               vs decentralised generation presented in Introduction to
    the large-scale integration of renewable energy sources         ENIRDGnet [10]:
    (RESs) and technologies, applied to regions ranging in
    size from communities to continents. As well as the              Item                           Definition
    generating equipment, DG includes the necessary grid             Distributed generation:        Any plant that is used
    support technologies, operational strategies and regula-                                        for generating electricity
    tory regimes.                                                                                   that is connected to the
    DG has been recognised by the Commission of the Euro-                                           electricity distribution
    pean Union (CEU) as an essential part of the develop-                                           networks
    ment of the European power system: “Transforming the             Distributed power:             Distributed generation
    current fossil-fuel based energy system into a more sustain-                                    and energy storage tech-
    able one based on a diverse portfolio of energy sources and                                     nologies
    carriers combined with enhanced energy efficiency, to address    Distributed energy             Distributed power plus
    the pressing challenges of security of supply and climate        resources:                     demand side measures
    change, whilst increasing the competitiveness of Europe’s        Decentralised power:           Decentralised energy
    energy industries.” [2]                                                                         resources, converted at
    The CEU´s focus on distributed generation is new, and                                           the point of use, irre-
    research in this field is still rather fragmented. One excep-                                   spective of size, fuel,
    tion is the EU-DER cluster of research projects, which was                                      technology, off shore
    presented at the First International Conference on the                                          wind, CHP
    Integration of RES and DER, held in brussels in December
    2004 [3]. The fact that this conference was the first of its    DG implies the modular generation of power from systems
    kind indicates the novelty of large-scale DER.                  that are often relatively small, ranging in size from less
    This chapter reviews some of the core issues of DG,             than a kilowatt to a few tens of megawatts. These gener-
    especially in terms of their consequences for the future        ating systems are installed by utility companies, their
    development of energy technologies and systems. We              customers and other organisations, and are often located
    have concentrated on need for knowledge regarding the           at or near consumer sites. Distributed systems may be
    characteristics of DG as they affect planning and the           connected to the grid, or they may operate independ-
    development of both supply and grid support technolo-           ently. They are generally not centrally controlled, and
    gies, and we emphasise the use of modelling in these            with few exceptions at the present time they are not
    contexts, including:                                            dispatchable - that is, they cannot be switched on and
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Risoe Energy Report 4
Risoe Energy Report 4
Risoe Energy Report 4
Risoe Energy Report 4
Risoe Energy Report 4
Risoe Energy Report 4
Risoe Energy Report 4
Risoe Energy Report 4
Risoe Energy Report 4
Risoe Energy Report 4
Risoe Energy Report 4
Risoe Energy Report 4
Risoe Energy Report 4
Risoe Energy Report 4
Risoe Energy Report 4
Risoe Energy Report 4
Risoe Energy Report 4
Risoe Energy Report 4
Risoe Energy Report 4
Risoe Energy Report 4
Risoe Energy Report 4
Risoe Energy Report 4
Risoe Energy Report 4
Risoe Energy Report 4
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Risoe Energy Report 4
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Risoe Energy Report 4

  • 1. Risø National Laboratory October 2005 Risø Energy Report 4 The Future Energy System – Distributed Production and Use Edited by Hans Larsen and Leif Sønderberg Petersen Risø-R-1534 (EN) ISBN 87-550-3472-1 ISBN 87-550-3474-8 (Internet) ISSN 0106-2840
  • 2. Risø Energy Report 4 Edited by Hans Larsen and Leif Sønderberg Petersen, Risø National Laboratory Prof. William D’haeseleer, University of Leuven, Belgium Reviewed by Director Stephen Gehl, EPRI, USA Technical Director Fernando Sánchez Sudón, CENER, Spain Design: Brandpunkt a|s Printing: Scanprint a|s Risø-R-1534 (EN) ISBN 87-550-3472-1 ISBN 87-550-3474-8 (Internet) ISSN 0106-2840
  • 3. Risø Energy Report 4 The Future Energy System – Distributed Production and Use Edited by Hans Larsen and Leif Sønderberg Petersen Reviewed by Prof. William D’haeseleer, University of Leuven, Belgium Director Stephen Gehl, EPRI, USA Technical Director Fernando Sánchez Sudón, CENER, Spain
  • 5. Risø Energy Report 4 Preface 1 Preface The coming decades will bring big changes in energy as those used for natural gas, electricity, district heating systems throughout the world. The systems are expected and hydrogen. The focus is on industrialised countries, to change from central power plants producing electricity but the report also deals with specific points relevant to and maybe heat for the customers to a combination of developing countries, such as isolated energy systems. central units and a variety of distributed units such as The transport sector is discussed only in the context of its renewable energy technologies or fuel cells. Furthermore use of energy supplied through the various grids. the following developments are expected: Individual chapters of the report have been written by • closer link between supply and end-use Risø staff members and leading Danish and international • closer link between the various energy carriers distrib- experts. The report is based on internationally recognised uted through grids such as electricity, heat, natural gas scientific material, and is fully referenced and refereed by and maybe hydrogen in the future an international panel of independent experts. Informa- • increased energy trade across national borders tion on current developments is taken from the most up-to-date and authoritative sources available. Risø Energy Report 4 is the fourth in a series of reports Our target groups are colleagues, collaborating partners, covering energy issues at global, regional and national customers, funding organisations, the Danish govern- levels. This report covers the future of energy systems ment and international organisations including the over the next 20–30 years. It deals with sustainable European Union, the International Energy Agency and energy in general, but pays special attention to system the United Nations. aspects and the distribution of energy through grids such
  • 6.
  • 7. Risø Energy Report 4 Summary, conclusions and recommendations 2 Summary, conclusions and recommendations HANS LARSEN AND LEIF SøNDERbERG PETERSEN, RISø NATIONAL LAbORATORy, DENmARK Summary pricing and other demand-led methods of balancing The world is facing major challenges in providing energy supply and demand. services to meet the future needs of the developed world Energy carriers such as hydrogen and ethanol may and the growing needs of developing countries. These become important as interface for renewable energy challenges are exacerbated by the need to provide energy sources to mobile users. About 20% of global primary services with due respect to economic growth, sustain- energy is currently used for transport, and this fraction ability and security of supply. is increasing. Today, the world’s energy system is based mainly on It is possible to reduce end-use energy consumption by oil, gas and coal, which together supply around 80% 20-50% over a twenty-year period through efficiency of our primary energy. Only around 0.5% of primary improvements. energy comes from renewable sources such as wind, solar and geothermal. Despite the rapid development of new Conclusions energy technologies, the world will continue to depend Global energy challenges require new long-term solu- on fossil fuels for several decades to come - and global tions, such as future energy systems based on renewable primary energy demand is forecasted to grow by 60% and other non-fossil sources, and more energy efficient between 2002 and 2030. end-use. Closer links are required between electricity, The expected post Kyoto targets call for significant CO2 heat and other energy carriers, including links to the reductions, increasing the demand to decouple the energy transport sector and the future use of biofuels and and transport systems from fossil fuels. There is a strong hydrogen. There is also a need for closer links between need for closer links between electricity, heat and other supply and end-use. A possible and quite promising energy carriers, including links to the transport sector. solution may be to base future energy systems on more On a national scale Denmark has three main charac- distributed production and use. Such a system should teristics. Firstly, it has a diverse and distributed energy have the following characteristics: system based on the power grid, the district heating grid and the natural gas grid. Secondly, renewable energy, • Increased robustness through decentralisation, allowing especially wind power, plays an increasingly important segments of the grid to be operated autonomously. role in the Danish energy system. Thirdly, Denmark’s • Distributed production combined with intelligent end geographical location allows it to act as a buffer between use. the energy systems of the European continent and the • New information and communication technologies Nordic countries. (ICTs) to provide system control that is distributed, Energy systems can be made more robust by decentral- self-organising and self-healing. ising both power generation and control. Distributed • Utilise developments in ITC to create control systems generation (DG) is characterised by a variety of energy that are distributed and with a higher level of intel- production technologies integrated into the electricity ligence. supply system, and the ability of different segments of • Exploitation of the potential to reduce end-use energy the grid to operate autonomously. The use of a more consumption by 20–50% over a twenty-year period distributed power generation system would be an impor- through efficiency improvements such as “passive” tant element in the protection of the consumers against houses and new lighting technologies. power interruptions and blackouts, whether caused by technical faults, natural disasters or terrorism. Seen as a whole, many of the necessary elements in a In an electricity supply system containing a large propor- development towards distributed systems are available tion of distributed small-scale generating units, these now, the future task lies in combining these elements units need to play their part in providing system services and implement them in the energy system. such as stability, security of supply and power quality. This places new requirements for control and regula- Recommendations tion on the generating units, the communication links The Danish energy system is to a large extent diversi- between the units and the system as a whole. It is likely fied and distributed and renewable energy technolo- in the future that many consumers will have intelligent gies play an increasingly important role. This offers the energy management systems based on two-way commu- possibility to become an international key player in the nication with energy suppliers. This will facilitate online development of future energy systems. Danish research
  • 8. Risø Energy Report 4 Summary, conclusions and recommendations 2 Simulation tools for DG systems Small hydropower Micro-CHP for individual households Combined heat and power fuel cells Prediction of wind power and inputs from other DG Intelligent self-healing grids DG favorising power markets Regional CHP THE FACTORS’ ABILITY TO CONTRIBUTE TO DECENTRALISED SYSTEMS Demand response and online pricing Biomass-fired plants Plug-in fuel cell and battery electric vehicles as storage devices Efficient hybrid fuel cell and battery electric vehicles Power plants producing power, heat and fuels for transportation Microturbines High-level intelligent integration of wind energy Tradeable white certificates (TWC) etc. New energy saving technologies New lighting technologies Passive houses Offshore wind farms Two way communication allowing system operator to switch off end-users at peak load hours More energy efficient end-use technologies Hydrogen or other synthetic fuels as energy carriers Information and communication technologies (ITC systems) Hydrogen grid Large hydropower Large (combined cycle) natural gas-fired plants Superconducting materials for transmitting power over large distances New generation nuclear Sequestering and storing CO2 2006 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 Supply technology Grids End-use System/support Figure 1: Qualitative estimate of the time frame for introducing factors, systems and technologies contributing to the future energy systems into the market on a commercial scale. communities and Danish industry have a good basis for projects are needed to ensure that the technologies and becoming a key player world-wide in this development. systems are ready for the marketplace in the timeframes A prerequisite is that Danish research should focus on required. selected technology and system components, and take To support this development some elements of a future part in demonstration projects at European and global Danish energy policy could be: levels. Another prerequisite is to exploit the unique posi- tion of Denmark between the Nordic countries and the • Raising the percentage of renewable energy over the rest of Europe. coming decades to make a major contribution. It is Denmark has the necessary research and industrial particularly important to increase the share of renew- competences to become a key player in the following able energy in the electricity system and the transport areas of research and industrial development: sector. • Stimulate efficiency improvements by technological • micro-CHP (combined heat and power) plants based on developments that have not yet been carried out. In reversible fuel cells a number of areas, RD investments can give a high • future wind power plants payback. • polymer-based solar cells • Efficiency improvements will be limited if they rely • biofuels for the transport sector on ordinary market forces. Some efficiency improve- • hydrogen technologies (in the long term) ments may require regulatory measures. Others may • highly efficient lighting and passive houses need economic incentives introduced through political • ICT-based systems for monitoring and control of energy action. consumption and communication between units • simulation tools for distributed systems; and Hence, focused RD combined with suitable regulation • standards, procedures and techniques for the design, and market incentives could allow Denmark to increase testing and certification of distributed generation its current leadership in sustainable energy systems. systems. We recommend collaboration between politicians, researchers and industry to exploit these opportunities. To initiate and speed up the Danish key-player role, investments in RD and subsequently in demonstration
  • 9. Risø Energy Report 4 International trends and scenarios for future energy systems 3 International trends and scenarios for future energy systems PER DANNEmAND ANDERSEN AND STEFAN KRüGER NIELSEN, RISø NATIONAL LAbORATORy, DENmARK Introduction In evaluations of long term energy forecasts made in the desirable or feared visions about the future. Quite often past the conclusion often is that a large number of the the long term energy scenarios contain elements of all forecasts, projections, predictions and associated policy three approaches. One important lesson learned is that recommendations turn out to be inaccurate or even prospective energy studies often reflect the basic values mistaken. On the other hand we can learn from errors or hopes of the authors. They are not only meant to made in the past and try to avoid these in our present use give the best prediction of the future but also to initiate of forecasts and foresights. In the preface of this report debate today or even promote visions. Such basic consid- we state that “this report is based on internationally erations and preconditions are not always clearly stated recognised scientific material”. One key observation in even in internationally recognised scientific material. a recent evaluation of long term energy forecasts made With these challenges in mind, the aim of this chapter over the latest 50 years was that “some of the most egre- is to examine what we can expect of energy sources, gious forecasting errors have often been made by the smartest technologies and systems in the next global economic people, working for the most prestigious organisations, with cycle and beyond. Specifically, it covers energy demand, the most money” [6]. energy sources, key energy technologies, and the overall The reasons for making long term scenarios are often energy system. misunderstood or simplified. Scenarios are often put in three categories: prediction, exploration and anticipa- Energy and global economic cycles tion. Predictive scenarios aim at describing the most Energy systems are often seen as one of the main indica- likely future and generally involve forecasting current tors of the global economy. The industrialised econo- trends into the future creating the best possible images mies of the world show two types of economic cycle: of the future. Explorative scenarios aim at describing short (five to ten years) and long (50–60 years) [1]. Over a number of plausible futures which can be possible, the past couple of centuries, the same “long waves” have desirable/feared and/or realizable and start out from often been noticeable in primary energy sources, energy present trends leading to equally likely futures. Antici- systems and technological innovations as well as in the pative or normative scenarios are build on the basis of economy as a whole [7]. See Figure 2. 90% 80% 70% Primary energy shares (%) 60% Oil Coal 50% Gas Hydropower 40% Nuclear 30% Wood 20% 10% 0% 1850 1870 1890 1910 1930 1950 1970 1990 Figure 2: Global primary energy use 1850-1995. Source Grübler, 1998.
  • 10. Risø Energy Report 4 International trends and scenarios for future energy systems 3 before the Industrial Revolution, wood was the main source of energy. Industrialisation followed the inven- tion of the coal-powered steam engine, which was used to come. but among the world’s nations there are large variations in energy service levels, energy demand and energy production systems due to differences in econo- in factories and mobile applications such as trains and mies, geographic conditions, technological trajectories ships. For two cycles of the world economy the icons and lifestyles. Energy demand depends on the level of were coal, steam engines and steel production. industrialisation and the types of industries in the coun- The next cycle came with the transition from coal to oil tries concerned, as well as on geographically-defined as the main source of energy. This was accompanied by heating needs and individual lifestyle choices: diet, new energy system technologies such as the electricity number and types of electrical appliances and vehicles, supply system and the road transport system, the latter dwelling sizes, commuting distances, transport systems featuring vehicles powered by internal combustion and so on. Per-capita energy demand is currently espe- engines. We are now said to be between the fourth and cially low in developing countries, but this will change. fifth long waves of the world economy, with the latest The International Energy Agency (IEA) projects that period of decline characterised, if not created, by the developing countries will account for two-thirds of oil embargoes of the 1970s. According to this theory, the increase in global energy demand in the coming the world economy should now be heading towards a decades. period of more stable growth in the decades to come. Also following this theory the world economy goes from Primary energy sources a phase characterised by product innovations in existing The world’s energy system is currently based mainly on industries and the creation of new industries to a phase oil, gas and coal, which together provide around 80% characterised by process innovation in existing indus- of primary energy. biomass and waste account for 12%, tries and in basic sectors such as the energy sector. This nuclear power 7%, hydropower 2%, and only around indicates that the new energy technologies introduced to 0.5% comes from other renewable energy sources such the energy sector over the last 20 years (wind turbines, as wind, solar and geothermal [2]. micro gas turbines, fuel cells, information and communi- Different internationally recognised organisations cation technologies, etc.) will massively be integrated in present various forecasts for the future consumption. the energy sector in the decades to come. This will lead The IEA forecasts in a so-called reference scenario that to industrial learning and the move down the learning consumption of primary energy will grow by more than curve for these technologies. On the other hand we can 60% in the period 2002–2030 (Figure 3). Fossil fuels are generally expect fewer completely new energy innova- expected to account for some 85% of this increase. tions in the decades to come. Energy scenario studies often concentrate on the future of nuclear energy and fossil fuels: coal, oil and natural Energy demand gas, plus the longer-term prospects of producing oil from Global energy demand has risen substantially over the tar sands and extracting natural gas trapped in hydrates last two centuries and is expected to grow in the decades beneath the oceans. Fossil fuels and nuclear energy both 7 000 6 000 Oil 5 000 Coal 4 000 Gas Mtoe 3 000 Hydro Nuclear 2 000 Other 1 000 0 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 Figure 3: World primary energy demand projection to 2030, according to the IEA reference scenario. Source: International Energy Agency, 2004: 60.
  • 11. Risø Energy Report 4 International trends and scenarios for future energy systems 3 face environmental challenges - fossil fuels because of their contribution to emissions of greenhouse gases, and nuclear power because of the problem of long-term rise correspondingly. The EU–25 countries currently import 76% of their oil and 49% of their natural gas. The corresponding figures for 2030 are projected to be 94% storage of nuclear waste - but these may not be insol- and 81% respectively (IEA Reference Scenario). uble. Coal may become an environmentally-acceptable In Denmark, domestic natural gas and wind power are fuel, for instance, if we can find ways to use it more likely to become more important as energy sources in efficiently and to remove and store the CO2 produced the coming decades. Wind turbines currently produce when it burns. around 20% of Danish electricity needs, and this can Other contributions focus on the long-term vision of be expanded to 50% at reasonable cost. The use of energy production systems based on renewable sources, modern biomass technologies may increase in the future energy-use technologies that are more efficient than depending on political decisions in these years. In the those of today, and the use of hydrogen or other synthetic longer term photovoltaics might become viable even in fuels as energy carriers [5]. Denmark, although this remains highly uncertain. For the next cycle of the world economy, the primary Today Denmark is a net exporter of oil and gas. North Sea energy source is often forecasted to be natural gas. We oil and gas resources will remain important in the years find it more likely that the future will bring more variety to come, but production is expected to peak within a in the mix of energy sources: renewable and nuclear decade or two - although new technologies might extend energy as well as gas, oil and coal. At least in the longer the production period. term. In any case natural gas will play an increasing role Looking further into the future, rich offshore oil (and in the decades to come. gas) resources may be found south-east of the Faeroe The issue of primary energy sources is closely related Islands and west of Greenland. This has raised the ques- to those of climate change and geopolitics. by 2030, tion of sovereignty for these regions, which are autono- the IEA expects global emissions of CO2 from fossil fuel mous parts of the Kingdom of Denmark. Also significant combustion to have grown from their current level of in this context is Denmark’s claim to the area north of around 24 billion tonnes to 38 billion tonnes (in the Greenland and the geographical North Pole. “reference scenario”) or 32 billion tonnes (in the “alter- Nuclear energy is generally not seen as a realistic option native scenario”)1. many industrialised countries have for Denmark in the foreseeable future. signed the United Nations Framework Convention on As a small country of low energy intensity, located Climate Change. Some of these countries have also between the electricity and natural gas system of the signed the follow-up Kyoto Protocol which obliges them Scandinavian Peninsula and continental Europe, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the period up to Denmark has the opportunity to serve as buffer zone 2012. Targets beyond 2012 have not yet been agreed between the energy systems of its neighbours. Thus, on, but the whole process could have big consequences energy (electricity and gas) trading is likely to become a for future primary energy source mixes and key energy key feature of the future Danish energy system. technologies. Another important point is that inter-regional flows of Energy systems oil and gas are expected to change considerably over Over time, complex socio-technical systems have built the next decades. The reason is that most of the world’s up around the energy supply structure. The energy remaining proven conventional reserves of natural gas system has altered over time as a result of technological and oil are far away from the regions of greatest energy innovation and various social, economic and environ- consumption: the OECD countries and the rapidly mental changes. growing economies of Asia and Latin America. The term “energy systems” is often associated with elec- The former Soviet Union and the countries of the middle tric power. Initially the production of electricity was East hold more than 70% of the world’s gas reserves, based mainly on coal, but hydro, oil, natural gas and while the middle East is also thought to possess more nuclear energy have subsequently been introduced on a than half of global oil reserves. In the OECD countries, large scale. Following the oil crisis of the 1970s, natural domestic oil and gas production is generally declining, gas increased its market share and energy came to be while demand for oil and gas is growing rapidly. generally used more efficiently, both in electricity gener- As a result, by 2030 inter-regional trade in oil is projected ation and in end-use applications. Expansion of nuclear to double, and inter-regional trade in gas to triple. In generating capacity has stopped in many countries, due most consuming countries, dependence on imports will to a lack of public acceptability that has been reinforced 1 The Reference Scenario is based on a set of explicit assumptions about underlying macroeconomic and demographic conditions, energy prices and supply cost, technological developments and government politics. Possible, potential or even likely future policy initiatives are not included. The Alternative Policy Scenario differs from the Reference Scenario by assuming that OECD countries will adopt a range of new energy and climate related policies and that there will be a faster deployment of new energy technologies.
  • 12. 10 Risø Energy Report 4 International trends and scenarios for future energy systems 3 by several major accidents. Environmental technologies have been developed to clean up the exhaust gases from fossil fuel combustion. • new energy technologies such as fuel cells and modern bioenergy are more appropriate for distributed than for centralised energy systems An important question is whether the future electricity • information and communication technologies that system will become more decentralised or continue to be will help distributed systems to regulate themselves. based mainly on large power stations. To a large extend the discussion reflects differences in commentators’ For a considerable number of industrialised countries, opinions on which energy resources and technologies it is often cheaper to increase the efficiency of energy are best in terms of technology, environmental perform- end-use, and to find ways of matching demand more ance, society and the economy. intelligently to supply, than it is to expand generation, Some energy analysts envisage a future based on transmission and distribution capacity. Some analysts go advanced large-scale facilities producing clean energy even further, suggesting that discussions on the future carriers such as electricity, hydrogen and methanol. The of energy systems should consider changes not only in primary energy sources will be coal with CO2 sequestra- technology but also in values, social organisation and tion, nuclear fission, and - in the longer term - nuclear lifestyles. fusion. Other energy analysts, including us, see a window of Uncertainties over future energy systems opportunity to begin the creation of much more distrib- As mentioned in the introduction of this chapter, the uted electricity generation systems. In this picture, vehi- uncertain nature of energy forecasting has been explored cles would be based on hybrid fuel cell/battery tech- in several studies comparing forecasts to actual events. nology, and many households would use stationary many forecasts over the last 50 years have underesti- natural gas or even hydrogen fuelled fuel cells to generate mated the availability of fossil fuel resources, while over- combined heat and power. The electricity supply system, estimating both the price of oil and the rates at which which would become fragmented and distributed, would the cost of renewable energy and other distributed get its power from wind turbines, gas fuelled microtur- energy sources will fall [6]. In addition, the inertia of bines, photovoltaics and biomass burners. the current energy system (especially the infrastructure) These distributed power sources might possibly be has not been accounted for to a sufficient extend. As a connected to a “smart grid” linking a number of self- result, the forecasts have over-estimated the take-up rate optimizing micro-grids. Each micro-grid would incorpo- for alternative energy. rate real-time information systems to ensure that energy Forecasts often rely heavily on expectations that “magic production matches demand at all times. bullet” technologies or changes in lifestyle will solve A few visionaries have even suggested that fuel cell and problems such as greenhouse gas emissions and the battery electric vehicles could serve as energy storage depletion of oil reserves; in other words they focus on devices. by storing off-peak electricity in batteries, or what is technically feasible instead of what is likely. off-peak hydrogen in fuel tanks, these vehicles could Forecasts may be influenced by contemporary events then deliver electricity back to the grid during peak load and politics, and they are generally biased towards the periods. In any case attempts to integrate energy use in interests of the person or organisation conducting the the transport sector with other energy demands (elec- study. A key uncertainty is the point in time at which tricity and heat) can be expected. growth in the demand for oil and gas will exceed growth Advanced end-use technologies could also be controlled in production capacity; although this date is central to via the internet. This would allow system operators to many forecasts, we really have little idea how much oil smooth out demand curves by switching off non-urgent and gas can be recovered, and at what prices. energy users during periods of peak demand, or when The pace at which new technologies are introduced is also intermittent energy sources are not available. a big source of uncertainty. Long-term energy scenarios Furthermore, in the aftermath of 11th of September indicate that radical social and technical changes are 2001 and hurricane Katarina's flooding of New Orleans needed if we are to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. An analysts have suggested that distributed energy systems example is the replacement of petroleum road transport might be less vulnerable to terror actions and natural fuels with hydrogen fuel cells or battery electric vehicles. disasters. On the other hand decentralised energy Such a shift would require major changes in vehicle tech- systems might have different types of vulnerability (i.e. nology and in systems for producing and distributing computer virus spread through the internet). This is not energy, and it is very hard to predict when these changes yet fully analysed. will happen. Factors encouraging distributed energy systems are: Studies of the links between lifestyle and energy consump- • the ongoing liberalisation and restructuring of energy tion, and of how radical new technologies are developed markets together with the increased role of private and adopted, show how social and technical barriers capital/finance will promote power production in can control the time it takes to bring new technologies smaller units and a more decentralised structure to market, or prevent them from being adopted at all.
  • 13. Risø Energy Report 4 International trends and scenarios for future energy systems 11 3 Energy forecasts should probably not rely on expecta- tions of quick changes in lifestyles or radical socio-tech- nical changes; they should not underestimate the inertia the transition to more dispersed energy systems, with higher contributions from renewable sources, and that Japan would take a very different approach to future associated with policies designed to influence lifestyles energy systems. and socio-technical systems. The example of wind turbines shows that new energy Conclusion technologies often succeed only with the help of specific Even though the future often is hard to foresee, this policies and incentives set up to establish new markets chapter has tried to distinguish between foreseeable and promote technical innovation. Experience suggests trends and key uncertainties when probing the future that new energy technologies require timescales of 20– of energy systems. most authorities agree on a small 30 years or even longer between prototyping and wide- number of foreseeable trends: spread adoption. However, it is possible that in liberal- • global growth in energy consumption ised energy markets, changes could happen much faster • restructuring of energy producers, markets and organi- - at a rate similar to the adoption of, say, mobile phones sations or digital cameras. Though, adoption of natural gas fired • environmental concerns as a major driver for energy turbines might be an example, we simply do not know policy in many industrialised countries at the moment. • economic development and access to energy as the main drivers for energy policy in developing countries Energy RD and the high-growth economies of Asia and South Government-backed energy RD is essential if radical America; and changes in the energy system are to be achieved. • energy systems in Europe and other larger regions are However, government investment in energy RD in expected to become more “dispersed”. Europe and the US has generally decreased in recent decades; in Japan, government spending on energy RD Previous “long waves” in the global economy have been has remained stable, or even increased, over the same based around single, dominant energy sources: first period. Japan now contributes more than 40% of the wood, then coal, then oil. The coming decades will bring total spending on energy RD across all IEA member an increased role for natural gas but also more variety in countries; the corresponding figure for the US is around energy sources and technologies. 33 %, and 20 % for the EU-15. A number of other drivers are just as important as those Differences in government expenditure on energy RD above, but are less predicable: often reflect countries’ energy policy priorities. The • price trends for coal, oil and gas US, for instance, focus on generic energy technolo- • geopolitical competition for the oil and gas resources of gies plus energy conservation. Japan maintains a large the middle East and Russia, between on the one hand nuclear power programme, and also focuses increas- the “old” energy-importing countries of Europe, North ingly on energy conservation. European countries carry America and Japan, and on the other hand the “new” out significant, though decreasing, amounts of nuclear energy-importing countries of Asia and Latin America power RD, and attach relatively high importance to • the role of climate issues in energy policies; and renewable energy, electricity and energy storage. • the pace of technological change in restructured and On this basis we might expect that Europe would lead more commercially-oriented energy markets.
  • 14.
  • 15. Risø Energy Report 4 Denmark in a European market 1 4 Denmark in a European market POUL ERIK mORTHORST, RISø NATIONAL LAbORATORy, DENmARK. AKSEL HAUGE PETERSEN, DONG, DENmARK. FLEmmING NISSEN, ELSAm, DEN- mARK. AIDAN CRONIN, VESTAS, DENmARK. Known abroad for being a country with highly efficient ical challenges. The following sections therefore deal coal-fired power plants, Denmark has also for more than separately with Danish developments in conventional a quarter of a century taken an environment-friendly electricity, natural gas and renewables, especially wind position on energy. Since the beginning of the 1990s power. climate change has been an important driver for Danish energy policy, and as a result the country has taken a Denmark’s role in the European power robust approach to improving energy efficiency and sector developing carbon-efficient technologies such as cogen- The existing European power system is developed as a eration and wind power. Alongside the rest of the EU, result of conditions which differ from those that will Denmark ratified the Kyoto Protocol in 2004 and is apply in the future. Historically, national electricity committed to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by monopolies were able to make long-term investments 21%, relative to 1990, during the period 2008–2012. The without significant financial risk, and so create power corresponding reduction across the EU as a whole will be systems based as much as possible on national resources. 8%. However, owing to the high proportion of coal in National technological entrepreneurs with long-term the power industry Denmark is also amongst the largest vision controlled investments and developed power emitters of CO2 per capita in the EU. systems according to national needs. As a result, the In a European context, Denmark’s energy system has hydropower systems of Norway and Sweden are energy- three main characteristics: dimensioned, whereas the thermal power systems of • We have a very diversified and distributed energy system central Europe are power-dimensioned. by bridging the based on national grids for electricity, district heating energy systems of these two regions, Denmark has been and natural gas. The combination of these three grids able to take advantage of both. implies an efficient energy supply system with a high market reforms and climate issues have brought drastic proportion of combined heat and power. changes in the last ten years. Large investments in sustain- • Renewable energy, especially wind power, supplies able energy are needed for the future, but utility compa- a large and increasing fraction of Denmark’s energy. nies can no longer make long-term investments without At present almost 20% of Danish electricity needs are financial risk, and EU member states can no longer close supplied by wind power and Denmark is the global their borders to foreign bidders. The electricity market front-runner in offshore wind farms. In the Danish has proved to be good at optimising the operation of the government’s recent Energy Strategy 2025, the baseline existing power system, but it needs to show that it can scenario forecasts that renewable sources will provide also manage the development of new capacity. more than one-third of Danish power by 2025 [2]. Received wisdom today is that the electricity trans- • Denmark’s geographical location between continental mission system should remain a centrally-governed Europe and the Nordic nations allows the country to monopoly, while power production should be a matter act as a buffer between the energy systems of these for private investors and subject to market conditions. two regions. As member of Nord Pool, the Nordic Considering how the transmission system can influence power exchange, Denmark facilitates electricity trading investment in generating capacity, however, it is diffi- between Germany, other continental European coun- cult to see how an effective electricity system is possible tries and the rest of Scandinavia. The Danish natural as long as production and transmission are managed gas grid links Sweden with Germany. by organisations with opposing interests. Transmission companies base their planning on the lowest possible The Danish energy sector is currently undergoing big electricity prices, while production companies want changes as companies expand to face competition at prices to be high. European level. The power companies Elsam and Energy The biggest challenge facing the European power sector E2 are merging with natural gas supplier DONG to create is how to establish a new distribution of responsibilities: a single giant energy company. The second-largest player a new organisation to ensure optimum long-term invest- in the Danish energy market will be Swedish power ment within a power system that is more sustainable and company Vattenfall, which has recently bought several coherent than the existing one. power stations in Denmark. yet even when individual companies supply energy from Power consumption varies significantly according to the multiple sources, each source brings its own technolog- time of day, the day of the week and the season. When
  • 16. 14 Risø Energy Report 4 Denmark in a European market 4 Load duration curve for electricity consumption 4 000 Load duration curve for wind power production 3 500 3 500 3 000 3 000 2 500 2 500 MW MW 2 000 2 000 1 500 1 500 1 000 1 000 500 500 0 0 1 1001 2001 3001 4001 5001 6001 7001 8001 1 1001 2001 3001 4001 5001 6001 7001 8001 Hours Hours Figure 4: Load duration curves for electricity consumption and wind power production based on hourly data from the Jutland-Funen area in Denmark. load is plotted against duration, the shape of the curve Load duration curve for electricity consumption shows how efficiently the production system is used (see minus wind power production figure 4). 4000 3500 If there are a few hours of peak load each day, but for the 3000 2500 rest of the time the base load is much lower, then plant MW 2000 utilisation is said to be low. Any generating capacity 1500 added to meet peak loads should have low capital costs 1000 (capacity costs), even if the unit cost of electricity from 500 these plants is relatively high. An example of such a plant 0 is a simple-cycle gas turbine. If demand is much more 1 1001 2001 3001 4001 5001 6001 7001 8001 Hours constant throughout the day, with relatively small peaks, then utilisation is said to be high. Any extra capacity will Figure 5: Load duration curves for electricity consumption minus wind need to have low production costs, even though this power production based on hourly data from the Jutland-Funen area in is likely to mean higher capital costs (capacity costs). Denmark. Examples are combined-cycle (gas turbine plus steam turbine) or coal-fired power stations. This is shown by comparing figure 4 and figure 52. In figure 4 the load duration curves for electricity consump- One way to increase utilisation is to build transmission tion and wind power production are shown. If no wind lines linking areas with different consumption patterns, power existed in the power system the load duration or with similar patterns separated by a significant time curve as seen by the conventional power system would lag. Another is to introduce price elasticity: increasing be equal to the left hand side of figure 4. but introducing prices during periods of high load, and decreasing them wind power with the highest priority in the power system when demand is low, can smooth out the demand (prioritised dispatch) the load duration curve seen by the curve. conventional part of the power system becomes equal to If windy sites are available one of the most economical the one shown in figure 5, where wind power production ways to replace fossil fuels in the power sector is to is deducted from electricity consumption and the data build wind turbines. Wind turbines have high capacity sorted to give the resulting duration curve for electricity costs but low production costs. They are therefore given consumption minus wind power. As seen from the figure priority by the market’s despatch rules, under which this duration curve becomes significantly steeper than power plants are started up in sequence until demand is the duration curve without wind power. The conven- met, starting with the plant with the lowest production tional power plants needed to meet the peak demand cost and finishing with the most expensive. in this situation therefore have low utilisation, and this creates new requirements for the power sector3. A power sector with many wind turbines in general has a steep duration curve for the part of the demand that is In Denmark, interconnections to neighbouring power not covered by wind turbines, since the period of peak systems have solved this problem till now. For example, demand typically comprises only a few hours each day. Denmark exports wind-generated electricity to Norway 2 Observe that the hours in figure 4 and figure 5 are not in the same sequence. Compared to figure 4, the data in figure 5 are sorted after wind power production deducted from electricity consumption. 3 The actual shape of the duration curve of electricity consumption minus wind power production will depend on the wind resources in the given year. Therefore the duration curve of figure 5 is to be seen as an example only.
  • 17. Risø Energy Report 4 Denmark in a European market 1 4 Figure 6: Production of REtrol. when demand is low, and imports Norwegian hydro- tages, for instance by developing energy-efficient elec- power during peak periods - so Norway’s hydropower trical devices, promoting price-elastic electricity pricing, system effectively provides storage for wind power. and creating links between the transport and power Other solutions include: sectors. • transmission lines between wind power areas where the The latter can be done by, for instance, using electricity wind blows at different times to manufacture petrol, diesel or other liquid fuels. by • higher electricity prices during periods of peak converting electricity to hydrogen and combining the demand hydrogen with CO2 and methane for methanol, cars • power storage systems, and can be wind power driven. This procedure allows wind • the substitution of fossil fuels by electricity in sectors energy to be stored, and substitutes wind power for some such as transport and industry. of the fossil fuels currently used for transport, with few changes to the existing transport fuel infrastructure. Denmark has a tradition of being an “exploratorium” Along these lines the Danish power company Elsam has for new and more sustainable energy technologies. It proposed a conceptual power plant to produce power, is important to create a new distribution of responsi- heat and transport fuels in the form of ethanol and bilities that matches the needs of the new markets, yet methanol (Figure 6). The REtrol plant runs on energy which still allows Denmark to continue this tradition from sources including natural gas, coal, biomass, - to the benefit of both the environment and Danish waste material and surplus power from wind turbines, businesses. and produces transport fuels through a combination of Denmark could take on an important European role in processes including fermentation and hydrolysis. Elsam the development of new energy technologies. Future already has a demonstration plant producing ethanol power systems will probably use several fuels and many from straw, and a demonstration unit to remove CO2 different technologies: large central coal-fired plants from the flue gas is on the way. with SO2, NOx and CO2 removal; large (combined cycle) and small (distributed generation) gas-fired plants; large Denmark and the future of the European offshore wind farms; and biomass-fired plants built natural gas network close to their fuel sources. In the technique known as Natural gas is the energy carrier that will allow the energy integration, energy “quality” (exergy) will also be renewable energy society of the future to evolve from matched to end-uses: for example, houses will as far as our current dependence on fossil fuels. Demand for possible be heated by low-temperature waste heat from natural gas is increasing at the same time as gas markets other processes, rather than high-quality energy sources are undergoing profound structural changes, with impli- such as electricity or direct combustion of natural gas. A cations for organizations all along the supply chain. As a strong tradition of multi-fuel systems, energy efficiency result, gas markets are evolving rapidly, at both national and cogeneration has prepared Denmark well for the and, increasingly, regional levels. development of future power systems. From the start of natural gas production in Denmark Wind power, energy integration and high energy effi- more than 20 years ago, the Danish gas network has been ciencies are the hallmarks of the current Danish energy linked to Sweden and to continental Europe through system. Denmark now needs to build on these advan- both offshore and onshore pipelines. In 2004 an offshore
  • 18. 1 Risø Energy Report 4 Denmark in a European market 4 Figure 7: Denmark’s existing natural gas connections (left), and future possibilities (right) connection was also established from the Danish Tyra sions by 14.6 million tonnes over the period 2008–12, field to the Dutch gas network. These links allow Denmark compared to 1990. To achieve this, both natural gas and to trade gas with other European countries, and more renewable energy will be required. moving to gas as a developments are planned (Figure 7). The future may see fuel for power production has so far met 10% of the CO2 the transport of Norwegian gas via Denmark, and new target, so there is still a long way to go; converting all routes for gas imported from the huge fields in Siberia. Denmark’s coal-fired power plants to gas would meet Importing liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Denmark by one-third of the target. A big challenge remaining is how ship is also a possibility. to link the natural gas grid to renewable energy sources How long will natural gas be available? most forecasts and renewable power production. of global fossil fuel reserves predict that oil will last for The issue of climate change means that renewable energy 20–50 years, gas for 75–100 years and coal for 300–400 is becoming more and more interesting as an option for years. One country alone, Russia, has gas reserves of future energy supply. How can the natural gas system more than 55,000 billion m3, with annual production of help in the distribution of renewable energy? just 600 billion m3 in 2004. As a result, the Danish gas For transporting landfill gas, biogas and fuel gas produced network will be in use for many decades to come. from the gasification of biomass, it is straightforward to As a conventional fuel, natural gas can substitute oil or use the existing natural gas network. many countries coal in almost all applications. One market segment for already do this - Sweden is one example. In most cases gas that has appeared only in the last 10–20 years is as a the gas is purified to natural gas quality before being fed transport fuel. As the Danish government’s recent Energy into the transmission system. Another option is a dedi- Strategy 2025 points out, new fuels such as natural gas, cated network for biogas or landfill gas, supplemented if bio-fuels and hydrogen could be important replacements necessary by a mix of natural gas and air. for oil in the transport sector [2]. The EU target, which Transporting hydrogen through the natural gas network is for natural gas to meet 10% of transport fuel require- is more complicated. Experience has shown that the ments by 2020, will create new challenges for the gas existing system can handle natural gas containing up to industry. 5% hydrogen without problems, but pure hydrogen can Natural gas will also act as a bridge to the “hydrogen cause cracking of the steel pipes used for long-distance society” that could play an important part in future transmission. Danish tests show that hydrogen creates energy supply. In this case, part of the natural gas no severe problems for the polyethylene pipes and network might be used to transport hydrogen for vehi- components used for local gas distribution [3], though cles. Another new market for natural gas is in power more research is recommended. production as a substitute for coal. This will not have The introduction of new fuels into the natural gas major implications for the Danish distribution system, network will extend the applications of the system since many existing central power stations are already and create profitable business opportunities. Producers connected to the natural gas grid. However, the future of alternative gases such as biogas and hydrogen will market for natural gas will of course depend heavily on benefit, because the problem with distribution has so the future development of the natural gas price in rela- far been a significant obstacle to the wider use of these tion to prices of competing fuels as oil and coal. fuels. The Danish natural gas network faces two important At European level, the use of the natural gas network issues for the future: security of supply, and national to transport hydrogen is an important topic. The EU- targets for CO2 reduction. Taking the last point first, supported NATURALHy4 project is examining the impli- Denmark is committed to reduce its annual CO2 emis- cations of supplying end-users with natural gas/hydrogen 4 NaturalHy is running from 2004-2007 as part of the 6th Framework Programme
  • 19. Risø Energy Report 4 Denmark in a European market 1 4 mixtures, including the effect on existing gas-burning appliances. At the point of use, selective membrane separation units fed with natural gas/hydrogen mixtures Denmark’s role in the development of renewable energy technologies, especially wind power could supply pure hydrogen. The hydrogen could Renewable energy has been a cornerstone of Danish then be used as a transport fuel during the transition energy and environmental policy for many years. The to an all-hydrogen economy, and would encourage the government has supported a number of renewable tech- commercialisation of fuel cells and other applications. nologies, including wind power, photovoltaics, wave NATURALHy includes a programme to develop high- power, and the gasification and combustion of biomass. efficiency membrane systems at various scales, to sepa- Of these, wind power is without doubt the most successful rate hydrogen from mixtures with natural gas. Danish in terms of its market readiness and current use. Today research institutes, with their strong background in more than 48 GW of wind power is installed worldwide materials science, could play an important part in devel- and more than 20,000 people are employed directly or oping suitable membranes. indirectly by the wind power industry in Denmark. but As Denmark continues to install wind power plants, what is the future of wind power, especially in a system there will be more and more occasions when electricity context where integration and continued technical production exceeds domestic demand. For the time being development are essential? this power is exported to Germany, Norway and Sweden. Integration with conventional power stations and with However, whenever grid capacity is in short supply, or the grid are big issues for the wind industry. Until a few export prices are low, it might make sense to use the years ago, most wind turbines were rated at 500 kW– surplus power to generate hydrogen by electrolysing 1 mW, and sited individually or in small clusters these water. The problem is that this route is wasteful: today’s relatively low output units could generally be absorbed electrolysis systems have efficiencies of only 70–80%, and by the grid without problems. modern wind turbines are the power needed to compress the hydrogen for pipeline larger: the average size of new turbines is 1.5–2 mW, but transport means that, at the point of use, the hydrogen machines of 3–5 mW will be common within a year or contains less than 50% of the original electrical energy so, and the number of turbines at each site is rising too. used to make it. If the hydrogen is converted back into As wind power plants become larger they behave more electricity, rather than used for heating or as a transport like conventional power stations, and as such they need fuel, then only 25–30% of the original electrical energy tighter integration with existing power systems. is recovered. Currently Europe needs to invest some $525 billion in Another option is the compressed air energy storage new conventional generating capacity (IEA 2003). If a (CAES) system (Figure 8), in which surplus power is used substantial portion of this new capacity is not capable to compress air stored in underground caverns. When of providing flexible backup for wind and other renewa- electricity demand rises, the compressed air can be bles, it may become a bottleneck restricting the expan- expanded through a turbine in a mix with natural gas. A sion of renewables. The current rapid development of CAES plant originally established as a backup system for a combined-cycle (CCGT) generating plants could hinder nuclear power plant in Germany (Huntdorf) is now used the connection of more wind power unless the gas mainly as an energy storage system for wind power. turbines are supplemented with aero-derivative models, which can cover flexible loads. Wind power plants of the future will have to interface so well with existing technology that they will be almost invisible in the electrical energy mix. This can be facili- tated by: • making wind turbines more similar to conventional Total PowerStoreTM Efficiency: generating plants, e.g. in terms of regulation capabili- 54% Electricity ties 1,3 kWh to the Grid • using wind locally, for direct loads such as glass or Gas Pipeline Turbine Generator cement factories, and timing production to match 1.0 kWh Compressor periods of high wind speed 0,5 kWh -60% NOx • using demand management to balance power demand CO2 Motor when wind power production falls, and Air Air • converting wind energy to heat for district heating systems. Electricity for Compressor Air Motor Achieving this invisibility will require higher-density, high-quality power electronics, and better forecasting of wind speeds so that demand can be managed and Figure 8: Compressed air energy storage (CAES) backup power sources brought on line at just the right
  • 20. 1 Risø Energy Report 4 Denmark in a European market 4 time. Development of short-term (battery) energy stor- ages could also help planners cope with fluctuations in wind speed. of wind power rests on the ability to mitigate these disad- vantages. Options include: • High-level intelligent integration. In the medium term, Another integration problem with wind is access to suffi- wind power will flourish best if wind power plants cient grid capacity. many of the best wind resources are behave like conventional power stations and interface in coastal or rural areas, far from the cities and factories easily with the existing grid. where most energy is used. In such areas, the distribu- • “Closed” power systems: relatively small, distrib- tion grid was never designed to support local power uted generating plants operating on a mix of energy generation, so increasing amounts of wind power and sources, including wind and capable of running either other renewables will need investment to reinforce the connected to the grid, or independently. grid. • Using wind power to generate hydrogen for use as a Grid reinforcement is expensive, and many grid oper- transport fuel. Unlike electricity (at least with today’s ators are wary of committing large investments to technology), hydrogen can be stored to cover periods what they consider a marginal, intermittent resource. when the wind does not blow. Compounding this is the fact that some operators have • Electrical storage, where power could be stored and a non-structured approach to planning, and in the released at will, would be the ultimate solution for current liberalised market they have little incentive to wind energy. Workable storage systems would have to build new lines. On the other hand, the cost of the offer high energy density and high efficiency, and be reinforcement required to handle more wind power is able to operate at high voltages. small compared with that needed to enable a liberalised • Inexpensive superconducting materials would allow electricity market across Europe, which at the moment wind power to be exported from wind-rich regions to is characterised by the national and fragmented nature the rest of Europe, instantly and without the transmis- of its transmission and distribution systems. sion losses that reduce the efficiency of today’s trans- Increased security of supply also demands more intel- mission grids. ligent self-healing grids, as used for mobile phone • As clean water becomes scarcer, water purification networks, with perhaps one or a few dispatch offices and desalination plants running on wind power will serving the whole of Europe. become economic. If the water purification system has In physical size - with rotor diameters up to 120 metres - sufficient capacity, it will be possible to run the end the latest wind turbines are the largest rotating machines use intermittently to match the electrical output of the ever seen. Generators, gearboxes, blades and towers are wind generator. constantly being optimised to give the best trade-off between performance and cost. Until recently, tech- machine size is an important issue across the wind nologies and materials were borrowed from the mining, industry. Small machines - up to 1 mW - will continue aerospace and defence industries. However, this store to be used in terrain where access is difficult. Elsewhere, of knowledge has now been exhausted and the wind however, space is often at a premium and objections turbine industry is on its own; indeed, the roles have to large wind parks are growing, so large machines will been reversed, so that other industries are learning from be the rule. At the current rate of progress, within ten the wind turbine manufacturers. years we can expect to see a 10 mW turbine with a rotor Wind power cannot develop further, however, without diameter of 180 metres. Such huge machines will have new basic research in areas including materials, load to have availabilities approaching those of conventional modelling, aerodynamics and resource modelling. If power plants, as the cost of non-operating plants will Denmark is to retain its global leadership of the wind be unacceptably high. Among the challenges facing the industry, the nation’s research institutions will need designers of larger machines will be the need to build to contribute even more than today. There are already blades and nacelles in several parts so that they can be problems with the pace of development: ever-larger transported by road and ship. wind turbines are appearing on the market at an ever- increasing rate, and manufacturers sometimes pay dearly Conclusion as they scale a very steep learning curve. Perhaps bigger In the future Denmark will be more closely integrated is not necessarily better or more reliable. into the energy systems of the rest of Europe. The Danish Onshore wind power plants in Europe have the poten- power industry is currently in the process of merging into tial to produce approximately 600–700 TWh/year [4]. larger entities, whose size will allow them to compete at Offshore wind, which is gaining in popularity as objec- European scale. This consolidation will bring together tions to more land-based wind turbines grow, has the expertise from the power and natural gas industries, with potential to produce approximately 3,000 TWh/year [5], the result that these two forms of energy will become although how difficult it will be to harvest this potential more closely linked. We can also expect new connections still remains to be demonstrated. to renewable energy and transport fuels, underpinned by Wind is intermittent and variable, so the future success the growing importance of sustainability.
  • 21. Risø Energy Report 4 Denmark in a European market 1 4 The energy system of the future will therefore be much more complex than that of today. The integration of intermittent resources will require new capabilities in the power. This provides a unique chance to develop the definitive integrated power system, with features such as intelligent demand management with high price control and regulation of both gas-fired power stations elasticity, power storage, heat storage and, eventually, and wind turbines, and new systems for controlling a hydrogen network. Again, long-term vision from demand. the government and the Danish Transmission System Today Denmark is a leader in energy fields including Operators will be needed to take advantage of this system integration and renewables, with wind power as outstanding opportunity. the most prominent technology. but retaining this lead- • The future will bring complexity. Close integration of ership and extending it into new areas will require new power production, natural gas, intermittent renewa- initiatives: bles and transport fuels is the way forward if we are to • Denmark could take on the role of the EU “explorato- develop a sustainable energy system. Organisational rium” for the development of new and more sustain- structures, fuel taxes and fiscal incentives can all act as able energy technologies. This will require the proac- barriers to development, and we may need to change tive involvement of the Danish government, including them if we are to promote the evolution of complex a long-term vision for research programmes and the energy systems. creation of suitable organisations and legal entities. • Denmark has the world’s highest installed generating Future business opportunities will be limited only if we capacity based on intermittent resources, notably wind fail to adapt and innovate.
  • 22.
  • 23. Risø Energy Report 4 Distributed generation 1 5 Distributed generation JENS CARSTEN HANSEN, PER LUNDSAGER AND LARS HENRIK NIELSEN, RISø NATIONAL LAbORATORy, DENmARK What is distributed generation? • strategic planning and policymaking Distributed generation (DG) refers to an emerging evolu- • detailed system expansion planning, and tion of the electric power generation systems, in which • component and system performance, operation, design all the generating technologies available in a given and stability. centralised or decentralised region are integrated in the power supply system according to the availability of The review is based on information from the brussels their respective resources. These resources are known as conference and experience of wind energy in Denmark distributed energy resources (DERs). and elsewhere. Wind energy is presently the fastest It appears that there is no consensus on precise defi- growing and largest contributor to distributed genera- nitions of DG as the concept encompasses many tech- tion from renewable sources, and as such it provides the nologies and applications, [1]. When referred to as small- main body of experience about the benefits and chal- scale electricity generation it is obviously understood lenges of switching to renewables on a large scale. as consisting of small size generation units only, but when referred to as large-scale electricity generation it Distributed versus centralised generation is usually understood as containing a high proportion of This brief review of DG versus centralised generation is distributed or decentralised generation units regardless to a large extent based on the proceedings of the brussels of their size. Thus large-scale DERs would in this under- conference [3], including but not limited to the presenta- standing encompass technologies ranging from e.g. Stir- tions [4–12]. Additional material is given in Pepermans’ ling engines in small, decentralised CHP type generation Distributed Generation: Definitions, benefits and issues [1]. to large wind farms. We will adopt the following definitions of distributed On this background, this chapter emphasises DG as vs decentralised generation presented in Introduction to the large-scale integration of renewable energy sources ENIRDGnet [10]: (RESs) and technologies, applied to regions ranging in size from communities to continents. As well as the Item Definition generating equipment, DG includes the necessary grid Distributed generation: Any plant that is used support technologies, operational strategies and regula- for generating electricity tory regimes. that is connected to the DG has been recognised by the Commission of the Euro- electricity distribution pean Union (CEU) as an essential part of the develop- networks ment of the European power system: “Transforming the Distributed power: Distributed generation current fossil-fuel based energy system into a more sustain- and energy storage tech- able one based on a diverse portfolio of energy sources and nologies carriers combined with enhanced energy efficiency, to address Distributed energy Distributed power plus the pressing challenges of security of supply and climate resources: demand side measures change, whilst increasing the competitiveness of Europe’s Decentralised power: Decentralised energy energy industries.” [2] resources, converted at The CEU´s focus on distributed generation is new, and the point of use, irre- research in this field is still rather fragmented. One excep- spective of size, fuel, tion is the EU-DER cluster of research projects, which was technology, off shore presented at the First International Conference on the wind, CHP Integration of RES and DER, held in brussels in December 2004 [3]. The fact that this conference was the first of its DG implies the modular generation of power from systems kind indicates the novelty of large-scale DER. that are often relatively small, ranging in size from less This chapter reviews some of the core issues of DG, than a kilowatt to a few tens of megawatts. These gener- especially in terms of their consequences for the future ating systems are installed by utility companies, their development of energy technologies and systems. We customers and other organisations, and are often located have concentrated on need for knowledge regarding the at or near consumer sites. Distributed systems may be characteristics of DG as they affect planning and the connected to the grid, or they may operate independ- development of both supply and grid support technolo- ently. They are generally not centrally controlled, and gies, and we emphasise the use of modelling in these with few exceptions at the present time they are not contexts, including: dispatchable - that is, they cannot be switched on and