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Respiratory Failure                                     Causes of Respiratory Failure
                   Medicine 2
                   Noel V. Bautista                                        Organ/System         Examples
                   December 20, 2007                                       Central Nervous      Stroke, Drug overdose, Trauma, Myxedema
                                                                           Peripheral           Guillain-Barre syndrome, Spinal cord
Respiration                                                                Nervous System       compression, Poliomyelitis
   - The exchange of gases between the organism and the                    Neuromuscular        Myasthenia gravis, Tetanus, Hypokalemic
      environment                                                          System               paralysis, Multiple sclerosis, Botulism,
      Remember that respiration not only involved the lungs but all                             Organophosphate poisoning, Antibiotics
   the organs                                                                                   (Kanamycin, Polymyxin), Curariform drugs
                                                                           Thorax and           Severe kyphoscoliosis, Flail chest, Massive
Respiratory Failure                                                        Pleura               pneumothorax or pleural effusion
   - Respiratory failure is a condition in which the respiratory system    Upper Airway         Epiglotitis, Tracheobronchitis, Vocal cord
      is unable to perform its gas-exchange function i.e. oxygenation                           paralysis
      and/or carbon dioxide elimination                                    Lower Airway         Pneumonia, COPD, Asthma, ARDS
                                                                           and Alveoli
Extended Concept of Respiration                                            Cardiovascular       Heart failure
                                                                           Blood                Anemia, Polycythemia
                                                                           Cell/Tissue          Sepsis, Cyanide poisoning
                                                                             We could therefore investigate causes of respiratory failure
                                                                           according to the structures involved in respiration
                                                                             Hemoglobin → carries 98% of oxygen to be delivered to body cells

                                                                           Types of Respiratory Failure
                                                                              Type 1 (Normocapnic Respiratory Failure) → Hypoxemia with
                                                                              eucapnia or hypocapnia
                                                                                  - Pure oxygen problem
                                                                              Type 2 (Hypercapnic Respiratory Failure) → Hypoxemia with
                                                                                  - Oxygenation and ventilation (e.g. involving CO2) problem

  The respiratory system is a pump that facilitates gas exchange →                             Respiratory Failure
main function: maintain metabolic function
     - Ventilation and perfusion of organs should be properly matched
       for ideal oxygenation of blood which delivers oxygen to
                                                                                    Hypoxemia                        Hypercapnia
       individual organ systems to maintain optimum metabolic activity
       and homeostasis
     - Oxygen is important in aerobic glycolysation
     - Carbon dioxide should also be effectively eliminiated → or             Oxygenation Failure               Ventilatory Failure
       would lead to acidosis
  External Respiration → exchange of gas between environment and
respiratory system
  Internal Respiration → exchange of gas at cellular level                    Respiratory System                Ventilatory Pump
  Cellular metabolism → driving force of ventilation                          Disorders                         Disorders
                                                                                Aiways                            Nervous System
Better Definition of Respiratory Failure                                        Lungs                             Thorax
    - Respiratory failure is present when the pulmonary system is                                                 Respiratory Muscles
       unable to meet the metabolic demands of the body                                                           Respiratory System

                                                                             RF will always produce acidosis. Thus it is important to know
                            Respiratory Failure                            oxygenation status (by looking at ABG) and ventilation status (by
                                                                           looking at CO2 status)
                                                                                - ABG involves
                    Acute                         Acute                             - Oxygenation status
                                                                                    - Ventilatory status
                                                                                    - Acid-base disturbance
                                                                             Ventilation failure usually involves CNS, thorax, respiratory muscles;
                                                                           most of time lungs not affected.
                Develops in                   Develops over                  Oxygenation failure usually parenchyma of lungs
                Minutes to a                  several hours or
                few hours                     longer                       Ventilation and PaCO2
                                              Kidneys                      Ficke equation:
                                              compensate for                   PaCo2 = VCO2 x 0.863
                                              the respiratory                            VA
                                              acidosis                         ↑PaCO2 ~ ↓ VA
  Classification of acute and chronic is very arbitrary → there is no               - the lower the ventilation, the more CO2 accumulates
defining line
  Acute respiratory failure → subcellular level has not yet been able to       VE = V A + V D               VE – minute ventilation
adapt to the disturbance                                                       VE = V T x f                 VA – alveolar ventilation
  Major adaptation in gas exchange is achieved by kidneys →                    VA = (VT x f) – VD           VD – dead space ventilation
however before the kidney participates, a buffer system first tries to                                      VT – tidal volume
compensate                                                                                                  f – respiratory rate
  Chronic respiratory failure → kidneys have already adapted; kidney
adaptation could happen in a matter of hours or days → which is why
classification into acute or chronic is arbitrary                            CO2 elimination is usually 250 mL/min
                                                                             How do get an idea of the status of alveolar ventilation: check

Minute ventilation affected by:                                              Dalton’s Law:
Tidal volume, respiratory rate, and dead space ventilation                                 PB (barometric pressure) = PN2 + PO2 + PCO2 + PH2O
  ↑ Respiratory rate (tachypneic) does not assure you adequacy of                                                     = 760 mmHg (at sea level)
ventilation                                                                                                                  normal atmospheric
Ventilatory Pump Failure                                                                      Barometric pressure is the sum of all the partial
   - Central nervous system                                                                pressures of the most important gases in atmosphere
   - Peripheral nervous system                                                                Nitrogen is an inert gas; we breathe it without any
   - Thorax & Pleura                                                                       physiological consequence
   - Respiratory muscles → myasthenia gravis                                                 Gas that we inhale is humidified
      Hypercapnia results from disturbance in ventilatory pump
                                                                                             PiO2 = FiO2 x PB
Causes of Hypoventilation (Hypercapnia)                                                      FiO2 = PiO2/PB = 160/760 = 21%
   - Brainstem                                                                                 PiO2 → fraction contributed by O2
       - brainstem injury due to trauma, hemorrhage, infarction,                               FiO2 → available oxygen
         hypoxia, infection etc
       - metabolic encephalopathy                                              Effects of Altitude on Barometric Pressure
       - depressant drugs
   - Spinal cord                                                               Altitude (Feet)           PB (mmHg)                  PiO2 (mmHg)
       - trauma, tumor, transverse myelitis                                    0                         760                        159
   - Nerve root injury                                                         10,000                    523                        110
   - Nerve                                                                     20,000                    349                        73
       - trauma                                                                30,000                    226                        47
       - neuropathy eg Guillain Barre                                          40,000                    141                        29
       - motor neuron disease                                                  50,000                    87                         18
   - Neuromuscular junction                                                      In the urban setting, decreased FiO2 is rarely the reason for
       - myasthenia gravis                                                     respiratory failure, except in cases of fire, CO poisoning
       - neuromuscular blockers
   - Respiratory muscles                                                       Alveolar Gases
       - fatigue                                                                   - amount O2 that reaches alveoli
       - disuse atrophy
       - myopathy
       - malnutrition
   - Respiratory system
       - airway obstruction (upper or lower)
       - decreased lung, pleural or chest wall compliance                              Alveolar Air Saturated
                                                                                       O2 100 mmHg (13%)
                                                                                       N2 573mmHg (76%)
Causes of Ventilatory Failure                                                          CO2 5mmHg (40%)
                                                                                       H2O 47mmHg (6%)
Increased VCO2            Fever, hypermetabolism
Increased VD and          Lung parenchyma disorders e.g. COPD,
Decreased VA              asthma, ARDS, pulmonary embolism                         Alveolar air equation:
Decreased VA              Decreased ventilatory drive e.g. sedation or                PAO2 = (PB – PH2O) x FiO2 – (PaCO2/RQ)
                          “Pump” failure e.g. neuromuscular disease                          = (760 – 47) x FiO2 – (PaCO2/RQ)
  If blood gases reveal hypercapnea, try to categorize them into the                         = 713 x FiO2 – (PaCO2/RQ)
above three pathophysiological processes:                                                    = 713 x 0.21 – (40/0.8) = 99.7 mmHg
      1. Increased CO2 production; rarely the cause, but can be an
         additional factor that adds to hypercapnea                            Alveolar Capillary Membrane
         More important factor is still diminished alveolar ventilation, not       - When O2 reaches alveoli, next step is perfusion
      increase CO2 production so can forget about this, usually it is              - Fick’s law: involves diffusion of gas on surface
      only co-conspirator however by itself will not cause hypercapnia
      2. Increase in dead space (Minute ventilation is sum of alveolar
         ventilation and dead space ventilation) which will decrease
         alveolar ventilation. CO2 accumulates. Seen in obstructive
         airway diseases
      3. Decreased alveolar ventilation

Respiratory System Oxygenation
   - Inspired gases (PiO2, PiCO2)
   - Alveolar ventilation (Va, PAO2, PACO2)
   - Diffusion of gas through the respiratory membrane (DmO2)
   - Perfusion of pulmonary capillaries
   - Ventilation-perfusion matching (V/Q)                                           Fick’s Law of Diffusion:
      Whenever there is hypercapnea, find reason. Do not rely on                        VO2 = DmO2 x ( PAO2 – PCO2)
   respiratory rate → request for PaCO2                                          Dm = Diffusing Capacity
     oxygenation failure – so many causes                                      (Note: D is directly proportional to Area and Diffusion Coefficient for
                                                                               the gas and inversely proportional to diffusion Distance ~ D = [A x
Inspired Air                                                                   Dc]/T)
                                                                               *No need to memorize or apply equation → what is important is that
                                              Inspired Air: dry                alveolar membrane should be in tip-top shape for the respiratory gases
                                              O2 160 mmHg (21%)                to diffuse through
Tracheal Air:                                                                    Diffusion is fast → takes only a quarter of a second for desaturated
                                              N2 600 mmHg (79%)
                                              CO2 0 mmHg (0%)                  gas to be completely oxygenated
O2 150 mmHg (20%)
                                              H2O 0 mmHg (0%)                    So even if you exercise → diffusion or the respiratory system is
N2 563 mmHg (74%)
CO2 0 mmHg (0%)                                                                usually not the problem but the cardiovascular system
H2O 47 mmHg (6%)                                                                 Exercise can improve the cardiovascular system improve oxygen
                                                                               delivery from 10-15x, but the reserve capacity of the cardiovascular
                                                                               system is even more (20-25x) in a normal resting physiologic bodies
                                                                                 Bottomline: Diffusion is not a usual cause of hypoxemia

Ventilation-Perfusion Matching
   - The usual cause of hypoxemia                                     Effect of Hypoventilation on Hypoxemia
                                                                          ↓Va → ↓PAO2 → ↓PaO2
                                                                          ↓Va → ↑PaCO2 → ↓PaO2
                                                                                  1mmHg ~ 1.25mmHg
                                                                        Fixed                 Variable
                                                                          PB = PN2 + PH2O + PCO2 + PO2
                                                                          760 573      47       40     100 mmHg

    Dead space        High V/Q        Low V/Q           Shunt
    Ventilation       Ventilation     Ventilation
                                                                            PaCO2 = 55 mmHg (change = 55 – 40 = 15)
                                                                            Expected PaO2 = 80 mmHg (80 – 15 x 1.25) = 61.25
                                                                            If actual < expected → hypoventilation (plus other)
                   Normal V/Q ratio = 0.8                                   Actual PaO2 = 60 mmHg     Hypoventilation

  VQ matching or mismatching comes in a spectrum of physiologic       Ventilation-Perfusion Mismatching
events                                                                   - Causes:
   A → complete ventilation but no perfusion; physiologic dead                - Airway disorders
   space                                                                      - Lung parenchymal disorders
   B → ideal VQ; ventilation is matched by perfusion.                           Most common cause of V/Q mismatch: Obstructive airway
   Normal VQ → slightly more perfusion than ventilation; some of              disease
   blood flow goes back to heart unoxygenated.
   D→ no ventialtion but complete perfusion; shunt                    Shunt Defect
  Hard to determine A and D from one another; often lumped together      Shunt Equation:
                                                                             Qs = CcO2 – CaO2 = 5-8%
Alveolar-Arterial Oxygen Gradient                                            QT CcO2 – CvO2

                                                                         - Intracardiac
                       PAO2 = 100 – 115 mmHg
                                                                              - Right to left shunt e.g. Fallot's tetralogy, Eisenmenger's
                               P(A-a)O2 = 15=20 mmHg
                                                                         - Pulmonary
                                                                              - Pneumonia
                         PaO2 = 80 – 100 mmHg
                                                                              - Pulmonary edema
                                                                              - Atelectasis
Mechanisms of Hypoxemia                                                       - Pulmonary haemorrhage
   - Decreased inspired oxygen tension (FiO2)                                 - Pulmonary contusion
   - Hypoventilation*
   - Ventilation – Perfusion (V/Q) mismatching*                       Dead Space Ventilation
   - Shunt defect*                                                                      Ventilation
   - Diffusion defect                                                                                - Causes
   *The more common causes of hypoxemia                                                                 - Pulmonary embolism
                                                                                                           - Thrombus
Normal Gas Exchange
                                                                          Va = 5L/min                      - Fat
                                                                                           Perfusion       - Tumor
                                                                                                           - Air
                                                                                                           - Septic
                                                                          Q = 0L/min
                                                                                                        - Pulmonary vasculitis
                                                                      Diffusion Defect
                                                                           - Causes:
                                                    Diffusion                 - Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
                                                                              - Interstitial lung disease
                                                                              - Fibrotic lung disease

                                                                      Tracheobronchial Tree


   - Hypoventilation can also lead to decrese in arterial oxygen,
     even if there’s no problem in parenchyma involved in gas
     exchange. Thus hypoxygenation can lead to hypoxemia.

                                                                        Airways divide dichotomously
                                                                        Airway decreases in size → ↑ surface area 70m2
                                                                        80-120mL blood in capillaries for gas exchange

                      ↓Va → ↓PAO2 → ↓PaO2

Diffusion Time
                                                                      Factors Affecting O2 Dissociation Curve

                                                                      Carbon Dioxide Dissociation Curve

Extended Definition of Respiratory Failure

        Condition                          Definition
Ventilatory Failure         Abnormality of CO2 elimination by the
Failure of arterial         Abnormality of O2 uptake by the lungs
Failure of O2 transport     Limitation of O2 delivery to peripheral     As PCO2 increases, oxygen carrying capacity diminishes. As PO2
                            tissues so that aerobic metabolism        increases (especially in venous blood) there is decrease in CO2
                            cannot be maintained                      carrying capacity → Bohr effect
Failure of O2 uptake        Inability of tissues to extract O2 from
and/or utilization          blood and use it for aerobic metabolism   Oxygen Consumption
                                                                         O2 Consumption (VO2)
Oxygen Transport                                                             VO2 = Q x (CaO2 – CvO2) = 5 L/min x 5 mL/dL
   O2 transport (or delivery) (DO2)                                               = 250 ml/min
      DO2 = Q x CaO2 = 5 L/min x 20 mL/dL x 10                                 CvO2 → oxygen content (venous)
           = 1,000 ml/min                                                O2 Extraction ratio
         Q → cardiac output                                                  O2 ER = VO2 / DO2 = 250 mL/min / 1,000 mL/min
   O2 content (CaO2)                                                                 = 0.25 (25%)
      CaO2 = (1.39 x Hb x %Sat) + (0.003 x PaO2)                           Safety mechanism at subcellular level has good application for
             = 1.39 x 15 x 0.98 + 0.003 x 98 = 20 ml/dl (vol%)           cardiac arrest → must be able to resuscitate within 3-5 min → still
                                                                         be able to avoid brain damage/death/organ failure
Oxygenation Dissociation Curve
                                                                      Clinical Manifestations of Respiratory Failure
                                                                          - Apnea → respiratory failure
                                                                          - Cyanosis → 5 mg of desaturated Hb already; only 20% of
                                                                             patients with respiratory failure will present with cyanosis → not
                                                                             a good parameter to measure
                                                                          - Altered level of consciousness
                                                                          - Dyspnea
                                                                          - Signs of respiratory distress
                                                                          - Signs/symptoms of hypoxemia
                                                                          - Signs/symptoms of hypercapnea
                                                                          - Signs/symptoms of underlying pathology

                                                                      Manifestations of Respiratory Distress and Respiratory Failure
                                                                         - Tachypnea and tachycardia
                                                                         - Flaring of ala nasae
                                                                         - Use of accessory muscles of respiration
                                                                         - Supraclavicular fossa excavation
  Note points                                                            - “Pump” handle breathing
       PO2 = 40 mmHg g Saturation → 75% (PvO2 for a normal               - Tracheal tug and decreased tracheal length
       person at rest)                                                   - External jugular venous distension in expiration
       PO2 = 60 mmHg g Saturation → 90%                                  - Costal paradox
       PO2 = 100 mmHg g Saturation → 97.5% (PaO2 for a normal            - Pulsus paradoxus
       person at rest and in exercise)                                   - Abdominal paradox and asynchrony Respirator distress; but
       P50 = 26 mmHg g Saturation → 50% (for normal Hb                   - Respiratory alternans                        there is impending
  In sepsis, may have no hypoxemia, but hypoxia                          - Cyanosis                                     apnea → ventilation
  Hypoxemia → <50 mmHg                                                   - Altered level of consciousness               failure in the next 15min
                                                                            Respiratory failure is not synonymous with respiratory distress.
                                                                         If there’s respiratory distress, investigate if there is RF

Evaluation of Hypoxemia
 Signs of Respiratory Distress                                                           - Normal P(A-a)O2
     - Tachypnea and tachycardia                                                              - Decreased FiO2
     - Flaring of ala nasae                                                                   - Hypoventilation
     - Use of accessory muscles of respiration                                           - Increased P(A-a)O2
     - Intercostal muscle retraction                                                          - Ventilation-Perfusion mismatching
     - Sternocleidomastoid muscle contraction                                                 - Shunt defect
     - Costal paradox (Hoover’s sign)                                                         - Diffusion defect
     - “Pump” handle breathing                                                             Most common cause of hypoxemia: hypoventilation, V/Q
     - Supraclavicular fossae excavation                                                mismatch & shunt
     - External jugular venous distension in expiration                                    If with hypoxemia → calculate first P(A-a)O2 gradient
     - Tracheal tug and decreased tracheal length                                             - Normal gradient → no problem in respiratory membrane &
     - Abdominal paradox and asynchrony                                                          V/Q, it will still go to arterial system
     - Respiratory alternans
                                                                                     Indices of Oxygenation
 Signs and Symptoms of Hypercapnea
     - Symptoms                                                                      Indices                              Normal Values
           Headache                                                                  Pa O 2                               80 – 100 mmHg
           Mild sedation → Drowsiness → Coma                                         Sa O 2                               95 – 100 vol%
     - Signs                                                                         P(A-a)O2                             25 – 65 mmHg
           Vasodilation → redness of skin, sclera and conjunctiva                    PaO2/PAO2                            0.75
           secondary to increased cutaneous blood flow; sweating                     PaO2/FiO2                            350 – 450
           Sympathetic response → hypertension tachycardia                           QS/QT                                <5%
       ”Antok”                                                                         PAO2 = (PB – PH2O) x FiO2 – (PaCO2/RQ)
                                                                                              = (760 – 47) x FiO2 – (PaCO2/RQ)
 Signs and Symptoms of Hypoxia                                                                = 713 x FiO2 – (PaCO2/RQ)
     - Symptoms                                                                          PaO2/PAO2 = 0.15 → severe respiratory failure
            Ethanol-like symptoms → confusion, loss of judgment,                       There are many oxygenation parameters. It is not adequate to look
            paranoia, restlessness, dizziness                                        at just PaO2. Must look at other oxygenation parameters
     - Signs
            Sympathetic response → tachycardia, mild hypertension,                   Algorithm of Hypoxemia
            peripheral vasoconstriction
            Non-sympathetic response → bradycardia, hypotension
       ”Lasing”                                                                                                  P(A-a)O2
         - Inhibitions depressed
       COPD → chronic hypoxemia, irritable
                                                                                                      Normal                     Increased
 Diagnosis of Respiratory Failure
     - Patient is in respiratory distress
     - Hypoxemia (PaO2 < 60 mmHg)
     - Hypercapnia (PaCO2 > 50 mmHg)
                                                                                                      PaCO2                  Challenge with
     - Arterial pH shows significant acidemia (respiratory acidosis)
                                                                                                                             100% FiO2
     *At least 2 of the 4 criteria should be fulfilled
       Only way to diagnose RF is to do ABG. It is a laboratory
    diagnosis, not a clinical diagnosis                                                  Increased        Normal or         Corrected         Uncorrected
                                                                                                          Decreased           PaO2               PaO2
 Other Diagnostic Modalities
    - Laboratory
                                                                                        Hypo -            Decreased      V/Q mismatch         Shunt
        - CBC
                                                                                        ventialtion       FiO2           Shunt <10%           >10%
        - Electrolytes
    - Imaging studies                                                                                                    Diffusion defect
        - Chest x-ray
        - CT scan                                                                    Principles of Treatment
        - Ventilation-perfusion scan                                                     - Maintain adequate oxygenation
                                                                                         - Support ventilation with mechanical ventilation when needed
 Evaluation of Causes of Hypercapnia                                                     - Treat underlying illness or pathophysiologic derangements
                                                                                         - Maintain fluid and electrolyte balance
                      Minute Ventilation (VE)                                            - Provide adequate nutrition
                                                                                         - Avoid complications

                                                                                     Transcribed by: Fred Monteverde
         Increased VE                           Decreased VE
                                                                                     Notes from: Cecile Ong
                                                                                     Lecture recorded by: Lala Nieto

 Increased VCO2              Increased VD &                Decreased VA
                              Decreased VA                                                                     Fred Monteverde     Mae Olivarez
                                                                                                               Emy Onishi          Lala Nieto
                                                                                                               Cecile Ong          Chok Porciuncula
                           Airway or Lung           Decreased            “Pump”                                Mitzel Mata         Section C 2009!
                            parenchyma              ventilatory                                                Regina Luz
                              disorders               drive

Fever                   COPD,                   Sedation          Neuromuscular
Hypermetabolism         ARDS,                   Stroke            disorder
                        Asthma, PE                                Pleural effusion


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Respiratory pathophysiology prof.jean bosco gahutu
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Respiratory pathophysiology prof.jean bosco gahutu
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Oxygenation, respiratory function and cardiovascular system
Oxygenation, respiratory function and cardiovascular systemOxygenation, respiratory function and cardiovascular system
Oxygenation, respiratory function and cardiovascular system
Pathophysiology of Respiratory Failure
Pathophysiology of Respiratory Failure Pathophysiology of Respiratory Failure
Pathophysiology of Respiratory Failure

Respiratory failure

  • 1. Respiratory Failure Causes of Respiratory Failure Medicine 2 Noel V. Bautista Organ/System Examples December 20, 2007 Central Nervous Stroke, Drug overdose, Trauma, Myxedema System Peripheral Guillain-Barre syndrome, Spinal cord Respiration Nervous System compression, Poliomyelitis - The exchange of gases between the organism and the Neuromuscular Myasthenia gravis, Tetanus, Hypokalemic environment System paralysis, Multiple sclerosis, Botulism, Remember that respiration not only involved the lungs but all Organophosphate poisoning, Antibiotics the organs (Kanamycin, Polymyxin), Curariform drugs Thorax and Severe kyphoscoliosis, Flail chest, Massive Respiratory Failure Pleura pneumothorax or pleural effusion - Respiratory failure is a condition in which the respiratory system Upper Airway Epiglotitis, Tracheobronchitis, Vocal cord is unable to perform its gas-exchange function i.e. oxygenation paralysis and/or carbon dioxide elimination Lower Airway Pneumonia, COPD, Asthma, ARDS and Alveoli Extended Concept of Respiration Cardiovascular Heart failure System Blood Anemia, Polycythemia Cell/Tissue Sepsis, Cyanide poisoning We could therefore investigate causes of respiratory failure according to the structures involved in respiration Hemoglobin → carries 98% of oxygen to be delivered to body cells Types of Respiratory Failure Type 1 (Normocapnic Respiratory Failure) → Hypoxemia with eucapnia or hypocapnia - Pure oxygen problem Type 2 (Hypercapnic Respiratory Failure) → Hypoxemia with hypercapnia - Oxygenation and ventilation (e.g. involving CO2) problem The respiratory system is a pump that facilitates gas exchange → Respiratory Failure main function: maintain metabolic function - Ventilation and perfusion of organs should be properly matched for ideal oxygenation of blood which delivers oxygen to Hypoxemia Hypercapnia individual organ systems to maintain optimum metabolic activity and homeostasis - Oxygen is important in aerobic glycolysation - Carbon dioxide should also be effectively eliminiated → or Oxygenation Failure Ventilatory Failure would lead to acidosis External Respiration → exchange of gas between environment and respiratory system Internal Respiration → exchange of gas at cellular level Respiratory System Ventilatory Pump Cellular metabolism → driving force of ventilation Disorders Disorders Aiways Nervous System Better Definition of Respiratory Failure Lungs Thorax - Respiratory failure is present when the pulmonary system is Respiratory Muscles unable to meet the metabolic demands of the body Respiratory System RF will always produce acidosis. Thus it is important to know Respiratory Failure oxygenation status (by looking at ABG) and ventilation status (by looking at CO2 status) - ABG involves Acute Acute - Oxygenation status - Ventilatory status - Acid-base disturbance Ventilation failure usually involves CNS, thorax, respiratory muscles; most of time lungs not affected. Develops in Develops over Oxygenation failure usually parenchyma of lungs Minutes to a several hours or few hours longer Ventilation and PaCO2 Kidneys Ficke equation: compensate for PaCo2 = VCO2 x 0.863 the respiratory VA acidosis ↑PaCO2 ~ ↓ VA Classification of acute and chronic is very arbitrary → there is no - the lower the ventilation, the more CO2 accumulates defining line Acute respiratory failure → subcellular level has not yet been able to VE = V A + V D VE – minute ventilation adapt to the disturbance VE = V T x f VA – alveolar ventilation Major adaptation in gas exchange is achieved by kidneys → VA = (VT x f) – VD VD – dead space ventilation however before the kidney participates, a buffer system first tries to VT – tidal volume compensate f – respiratory rate Chronic respiratory failure → kidneys have already adapted; kidney adaptation could happen in a matter of hours or days → which is why classification into acute or chronic is arbitrary CO2 elimination is usually 250 mL/min How do get an idea of the status of alveolar ventilation: check PaCO2 1
  • 2. Minute ventilation affected by: Dalton’s Law: Tidal volume, respiratory rate, and dead space ventilation PB (barometric pressure) = PN2 + PO2 + PCO2 + PH2O ↑ Respiratory rate (tachypneic) does not assure you adequacy of = 760 mmHg (at sea level) ventilation normal atmospheric pressure Ventilatory Pump Failure Barometric pressure is the sum of all the partial - Central nervous system pressures of the most important gases in atmosphere - Peripheral nervous system Nitrogen is an inert gas; we breathe it without any - Thorax & Pleura physiological consequence - Respiratory muscles → myasthenia gravis Gas that we inhale is humidified Hypercapnia results from disturbance in ventilatory pump PiO2 = FiO2 x PB Causes of Hypoventilation (Hypercapnia) FiO2 = PiO2/PB = 160/760 = 21% - Brainstem PiO2 → fraction contributed by O2 - brainstem injury due to trauma, hemorrhage, infarction, FiO2 → available oxygen hypoxia, infection etc - metabolic encephalopathy Effects of Altitude on Barometric Pressure - depressant drugs - Spinal cord Altitude (Feet) PB (mmHg) PiO2 (mmHg) - trauma, tumor, transverse myelitis 0 760 159 - Nerve root injury 10,000 523 110 - Nerve 20,000 349 73 - trauma 30,000 226 47 - neuropathy eg Guillain Barre 40,000 141 29 - motor neuron disease 50,000 87 18 - Neuromuscular junction In the urban setting, decreased FiO2 is rarely the reason for - myasthenia gravis respiratory failure, except in cases of fire, CO poisoning - neuromuscular blockers - Respiratory muscles Alveolar Gases - fatigue - amount O2 that reaches alveoli - disuse atrophy - myopathy - malnutrition - Respiratory system - airway obstruction (upper or lower) - decreased lung, pleural or chest wall compliance Alveolar Air Saturated O2 100 mmHg (13%) N2 573mmHg (76%) Causes of Ventilatory Failure CO2 5mmHg (40%) H2O 47mmHg (6%) Increased VCO2 Fever, hypermetabolism Increased VD and Lung parenchyma disorders e.g. COPD, Decreased VA asthma, ARDS, pulmonary embolism Alveolar air equation: Decreased VA Decreased ventilatory drive e.g. sedation or PAO2 = (PB – PH2O) x FiO2 – (PaCO2/RQ) “Pump” failure e.g. neuromuscular disease = (760 – 47) x FiO2 – (PaCO2/RQ) If blood gases reveal hypercapnea, try to categorize them into the = 713 x FiO2 – (PaCO2/RQ) above three pathophysiological processes: = 713 x 0.21 – (40/0.8) = 99.7 mmHg 1. Increased CO2 production; rarely the cause, but can be an additional factor that adds to hypercapnea Alveolar Capillary Membrane More important factor is still diminished alveolar ventilation, not - When O2 reaches alveoli, next step is perfusion increase CO2 production so can forget about this, usually it is - Fick’s law: involves diffusion of gas on surface only co-conspirator however by itself will not cause hypercapnia 2. Increase in dead space (Minute ventilation is sum of alveolar ventilation and dead space ventilation) which will decrease alveolar ventilation. CO2 accumulates. Seen in obstructive airway diseases 3. Decreased alveolar ventilation Respiratory System Oxygenation - Inspired gases (PiO2, PiCO2) - Alveolar ventilation (Va, PAO2, PACO2) - Diffusion of gas through the respiratory membrane (DmO2) - Perfusion of pulmonary capillaries - Ventilation-perfusion matching (V/Q) Fick’s Law of Diffusion: Whenever there is hypercapnea, find reason. Do not rely on VO2 = DmO2 x ( PAO2 – PCO2) respiratory rate → request for PaCO2 Dm = Diffusing Capacity oxygenation failure – so many causes (Note: D is directly proportional to Area and Diffusion Coefficient for the gas and inversely proportional to diffusion Distance ~ D = [A x Inspired Air Dc]/T) *No need to memorize or apply equation → what is important is that Inspired Air: dry alveolar membrane should be in tip-top shape for the respiratory gases O2 160 mmHg (21%) to diffuse through Tracheal Air: Diffusion is fast → takes only a quarter of a second for desaturated N2 600 mmHg (79%) Saturated CO2 0 mmHg (0%) gas to be completely oxygenated O2 150 mmHg (20%) H2O 0 mmHg (0%) So even if you exercise → diffusion or the respiratory system is N2 563 mmHg (74%) CO2 0 mmHg (0%) usually not the problem but the cardiovascular system H2O 47 mmHg (6%) Exercise can improve the cardiovascular system improve oxygen delivery from 10-15x, but the reserve capacity of the cardiovascular system is even more (20-25x) in a normal resting physiologic bodies Bottomline: Diffusion is not a usual cause of hypoxemia 2
  • 3. Ventilation-Perfusion Matching - The usual cause of hypoxemia Effect of Hypoventilation on Hypoxemia ↓Va → ↓PAO2 → ↓PaO2 ↓Va → ↑PaCO2 → ↓PaO2 1mmHg ~ 1.25mmHg Fixed Variable PB = PN2 + PH2O + PCO2 + PO2 760 573 47 40 100 mmHg Example: Dead space High V/Q Low V/Q Shunt Ventilation Ventilation Ventilation PaCO2 = 55 mmHg (change = 55 – 40 = 15) Expected PaO2 = 80 mmHg (80 – 15 x 1.25) = 61.25 If actual < expected → hypoventilation (plus other) Normal V/Q ratio = 0.8 Actual PaO2 = 60 mmHg Hypoventilation VQ matching or mismatching comes in a spectrum of physiologic Ventilation-Perfusion Mismatching events - Causes: A → complete ventilation but no perfusion; physiologic dead - Airway disorders space - Lung parenchymal disorders B → ideal VQ; ventilation is matched by perfusion. Most common cause of V/Q mismatch: Obstructive airway Normal VQ → slightly more perfusion than ventilation; some of disease blood flow goes back to heart unoxygenated. D→ no ventialtion but complete perfusion; shunt Shunt Defect Hard to determine A and D from one another; often lumped together Shunt Equation: Qs = CcO2 – CaO2 = 5-8% Alveolar-Arterial Oxygen Gradient QT CcO2 – CvO2 Causes: - Intracardiac PAO2 = 100 – 115 mmHg - Right to left shunt e.g. Fallot's tetralogy, Eisenmenger's syndrome P(A-a)O2 = 15=20 mmHg - Pulmonary - Pneumonia PaO2 = 80 – 100 mmHg - Pulmonary edema - Atelectasis Mechanisms of Hypoxemia - Pulmonary haemorrhage - Decreased inspired oxygen tension (FiO2) - Pulmonary contusion - Hypoventilation* - Ventilation – Perfusion (V/Q) mismatching* Dead Space Ventilation - Shunt defect* Ventilation - Diffusion defect - Causes *The more common causes of hypoxemia - Pulmonary embolism - Thrombus Normal Gas Exchange Va = 5L/min - Fat Perfusion - Tumor - Air - Septic Q = 0L/min - Pulmonary vasculitis Ventilation Diffusion Defect - Causes: Diffusion - Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome - Interstitial lung disease - Fibrotic lung disease Tracheobronchial Tree Perfusion Hypoventilation - Hypoventilation can also lead to decrese in arterial oxygen, even if there’s no problem in parenchyma involved in gas exchange. Thus hypoxygenation can lead to hypoxemia. Airways divide dichotomously Airway decreases in size → ↑ surface area 70m2 80-120mL blood in capillaries for gas exchange ↓Va → ↓PAO2 → ↓PaO2 3
  • 4. Diffusion Time Factors Affecting O2 Dissociation Curve Carbon Dioxide Dissociation Curve Extended Definition of Respiratory Failure Condition Definition Ventilatory Failure Abnormality of CO2 elimination by the lungs Failure of arterial Abnormality of O2 uptake by the lungs oxygenation Failure of O2 transport Limitation of O2 delivery to peripheral As PCO2 increases, oxygen carrying capacity diminishes. As PO2 tissues so that aerobic metabolism increases (especially in venous blood) there is decrease in CO2 cannot be maintained carrying capacity → Bohr effect Failure of O2 uptake Inability of tissues to extract O2 from and/or utilization blood and use it for aerobic metabolism Oxygen Consumption O2 Consumption (VO2) Oxygen Transport VO2 = Q x (CaO2 – CvO2) = 5 L/min x 5 mL/dL O2 transport (or delivery) (DO2) = 250 ml/min DO2 = Q x CaO2 = 5 L/min x 20 mL/dL x 10 CvO2 → oxygen content (venous) = 1,000 ml/min O2 Extraction ratio Q → cardiac output O2 ER = VO2 / DO2 = 250 mL/min / 1,000 mL/min O2 content (CaO2) = 0.25 (25%) CaO2 = (1.39 x Hb x %Sat) + (0.003 x PaO2) Safety mechanism at subcellular level has good application for = 1.39 x 15 x 0.98 + 0.003 x 98 = 20 ml/dl (vol%) cardiac arrest → must be able to resuscitate within 3-5 min → still be able to avoid brain damage/death/organ failure Oxygenation Dissociation Curve Clinical Manifestations of Respiratory Failure - Apnea → respiratory failure - Cyanosis → 5 mg of desaturated Hb already; only 20% of patients with respiratory failure will present with cyanosis → not a good parameter to measure - Altered level of consciousness - Dyspnea - Signs of respiratory distress - Signs/symptoms of hypoxemia - Signs/symptoms of hypercapnea - Signs/symptoms of underlying pathology Manifestations of Respiratory Distress and Respiratory Failure - Tachypnea and tachycardia - Flaring of ala nasae - Use of accessory muscles of respiration - Supraclavicular fossa excavation Note points - “Pump” handle breathing PO2 = 40 mmHg g Saturation → 75% (PvO2 for a normal - Tracheal tug and decreased tracheal length person at rest) - External jugular venous distension in expiration PO2 = 60 mmHg g Saturation → 90% - Costal paradox PO2 = 100 mmHg g Saturation → 97.5% (PaO2 for a normal - Pulsus paradoxus person at rest and in exercise) - Abdominal paradox and asynchrony Respirator distress; but P50 = 26 mmHg g Saturation → 50% (for normal Hb - Respiratory alternans there is impending In sepsis, may have no hypoxemia, but hypoxia - Cyanosis apnea → ventilation Hypoxemia → <50 mmHg - Altered level of consciousness failure in the next 15min Respiratory failure is not synonymous with respiratory distress. If there’s respiratory distress, investigate if there is RF 4
  • 5. Evaluation of Hypoxemia Signs of Respiratory Distress - Normal P(A-a)O2 - Tachypnea and tachycardia - Decreased FiO2 - Flaring of ala nasae - Hypoventilation - Use of accessory muscles of respiration - Increased P(A-a)O2 - Intercostal muscle retraction - Ventilation-Perfusion mismatching - Sternocleidomastoid muscle contraction - Shunt defect - Costal paradox (Hoover’s sign) - Diffusion defect - “Pump” handle breathing Most common cause of hypoxemia: hypoventilation, V/Q - Supraclavicular fossae excavation mismatch & shunt - External jugular venous distension in expiration If with hypoxemia → calculate first P(A-a)O2 gradient - Tracheal tug and decreased tracheal length - Normal gradient → no problem in respiratory membrane & - Abdominal paradox and asynchrony V/Q, it will still go to arterial system - Respiratory alternans Indices of Oxygenation Signs and Symptoms of Hypercapnea - Symptoms Indices Normal Values Headache Pa O 2 80 – 100 mmHg Mild sedation → Drowsiness → Coma Sa O 2 95 – 100 vol% - Signs P(A-a)O2 25 – 65 mmHg Vasodilation → redness of skin, sclera and conjunctiva PaO2/PAO2 0.75 secondary to increased cutaneous blood flow; sweating PaO2/FiO2 350 – 450 Sympathetic response → hypertension tachycardia QS/QT <5% ”Antok” PAO2 = (PB – PH2O) x FiO2 – (PaCO2/RQ) = (760 – 47) x FiO2 – (PaCO2/RQ) Signs and Symptoms of Hypoxia = 713 x FiO2 – (PaCO2/RQ) - Symptoms PaO2/PAO2 = 0.15 → severe respiratory failure Ethanol-like symptoms → confusion, loss of judgment, There are many oxygenation parameters. It is not adequate to look paranoia, restlessness, dizziness at just PaO2. Must look at other oxygenation parameters - Signs Sympathetic response → tachycardia, mild hypertension, Algorithm of Hypoxemia peripheral vasoconstriction Non-sympathetic response → bradycardia, hypotension ”Lasing” P(A-a)O2 - Inhibitions depressed COPD → chronic hypoxemia, irritable Normal Increased Diagnosis of Respiratory Failure - Patient is in respiratory distress - Hypoxemia (PaO2 < 60 mmHg) - Hypercapnia (PaCO2 > 50 mmHg) PaCO2 Challenge with - Arterial pH shows significant acidemia (respiratory acidosis) 100% FiO2 *At least 2 of the 4 criteria should be fulfilled Only way to diagnose RF is to do ABG. It is a laboratory diagnosis, not a clinical diagnosis Increased Normal or Corrected Uncorrected Decreased PaO2 PaO2 Other Diagnostic Modalities - Laboratory Hypo - Decreased V/Q mismatch Shunt - CBC ventialtion FiO2 Shunt <10% >10% - Electrolytes - Imaging studies Diffusion defect - Chest x-ray - CT scan Principles of Treatment - Ventilation-perfusion scan - Maintain adequate oxygenation - Support ventilation with mechanical ventilation when needed Evaluation of Causes of Hypercapnia - Treat underlying illness or pathophysiologic derangements - Maintain fluid and electrolyte balance Minute Ventilation (VE) - Provide adequate nutrition - Avoid complications Transcribed by: Fred Monteverde Increased VE Decreased VE Notes from: Cecile Ong Lecture recorded by: Lala Nieto Increased VCO2 Increased VD & Decreased VA Decreased VA Fred Monteverde Mae Olivarez Emy Onishi Lala Nieto Cecile Ong Chok Porciuncula Airway or Lung Decreased “Pump” Mitzel Mata Section C 2009! parenchyma ventilatory Regina Luz disorders disorders drive Fever COPD, Sedation Neuromuscular Hypermetabolism ARDS, Stroke disorder Asthma, PE Pleural effusion 5