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Resource Efficient,
Low Carbon Cities

From the Environmental Sustainability Knowledge Transfer Network
Future Cities| September, 2012

Resource Efficient, Low Carbon Cities
The Grand Challenge:

Reducing carbon dioxide emissions is not the only pressing issue to be addressed for a city of the
future. An expanding population with improving standard of living, migrating into cities means that we
will not be able to ensure access to the key resources. This includes food and water, minerals and
metals, oil and power. The effective use of resources, energy and social capital is key for long-term
economic success. In promoting innovation we take account of the ‘triple bottom line’ of
environmental, social and financial sustainability.

A future city will be an economically successful, resource efficient, positive place to live

The Context:

Using Backcasting techniques a stakeholder workshop identified five aspects of a Resource Efficient
Low Carbon Future City:

Figure 1: Five aspects of a Resource Efficient Low Carbon Future City

Future Cities| September, 2012

1.      Best Practice Deployment
A city of the future would comprise a number of Symbiotic systems e.g. integrated water/waste
water/energy generation. City infrastructure would be Sustainable (in line with the 3Ps of
sustainability), resilient and flexible. This could be in the form of a “resilient” energy infrastructure or
procurement practices which focus on the desired outputs, not the method of delivery, thus allowing
the easier deployment of new technologies and business models as they are developed.

The City will have functioning networks of “green” infrastructure providing essential eco-system
services. The development of best practices in technology and other areas will ensure that all
resources are used to maximum potential throughout the life cycle. It will be easy to move material
resources around the city using low carbon transport infrastructure (both for first life and end of life
usage and distribution).

2.      People Focused

The future City will be a pleasant place for the occupants to live and work. It will have a stable, slow
growth population of “Happy” people. It will create a culture that means everyone contributes to the
vision and people will want to make the city attractive to live in.

Technology will enable Citizens to have access to data to choose the “right thing” and this “self
interest” will drive economic and competitive uses of resources. Good sustainable urban planning will
mean that People will live near to good local services and facilities to reduce transport needs and
minimise congestion.

3.      Effective use of Energy and Heat
In our City we are capturing fugitive heat and reusing it as heat or power. (From processes and
services which are generating lots of waste heat e.g. data centres). This, combined with effective
energy recovery from waste materials, will provide secure energy for the city. In fact some cities may
even be self-sufficient or even export energy.

It will have climate sensitive buildings. Energy use in buildings will be much reduced through: building
insulation, low energy lighting, newer buildings. Materials and energy currently treated as waste will
be used productively.

4.      Commercial Brand Image
The city of the future will be attractive to investors and new residents. It should be commercially
vibrant and also have the infrastructure and facilities to attract new business and the staff /
customers. It will be more competitive by virtue of being more resource-efficient. The effective use of
physical resources and utilities will lead to lower costs for business operations and residents. The cost
of resources and understanding of their true value will drive efficiencies. e.g. “Another thing that
should not be belittled is that Amsterdam Smart City has succeeded in branding Amsterdam as a
forward thinking city with smart ideas, and has made Amsterdam an international example in which
other cities can find inspiration.”

Future Cities| September, 2012

5.      Efficient Use of Material Resources
Natural Resource flows will be driven to optimise resource consumption, minimisation of waste. There
will be a zero waste culture; materials which cannot be economically recovered elsewhere in the value
chain will be used in energy generation.

Utilisation of “waste” energy will be a driving factor in the issuing of planning permits. For example
new commercial enterprises will need to use renewable or district heating grids. Wastes are
reprocessed to generate electricity / heat and low carbon fuels (biodiesel and gas), this include food
wastes and waste water solids. The city will be part of a complex system comprising many interlinked
“closed loops”.

In the move towards a more “circular economy” in product life cycles, the “end of life” management
of materials and products will have a significant role to play in the creation of new products and
production of resilient water and energy supplies.

In order to use resources more efficiently, it is essential to consider the lifecycle of the resource, which
may encompass multiple product lifetimes. The opportunities to improve the resource efficiency and
decrease the carbon intensity of products are not limited to a specific stage of the lifecycle, and
improvements at one stage may have an adverse impact on another.

The greatest benefits accrue by moving from the traditional “linear lifecycle”;

(extract  consume  waste) to a closed-loop /circular process as shown in the diagram.


     Extract       Manufacture        Consume         Dispose


Figure 2: Linear and Circular economies

Future Cities| September, 2012

However, as cities are always going to be importers of resources, the model is more like a vortex
shape of almost closed loops, each extracting maximum value from a resource before it exits to the
next loop.

  Resources In
                                       Extract maximum
                                     value from resources

                                                             Waste Materials Out

Figure 3: Vortex

Top Priorities for the Catapult to Focus on

The themes identified were separated into “technical” and “non-technical” topics and a number of
these “technical” topics were further explored in the second workshop.

From this exercise the following challenges were identified and expanded.

    •   Efficient Use of Resources / Maximising Value of Resources

    •   Resource Efficient Communities / Smart Neighbourhoods

    •   Data Collection and Modelling

    •   Heat movement and storage

Future Cities| September, 2012

The Challenge: Efficient Use of Resources / Maximising Value of Resources
A significant area of discussion focused on the areas of “traditional” resource efficiency which are
often highlighted in workshop around this topic. These have included improved recycling technologies,
waste collection and separation strategies and technologies, sustainable design, remanufacturing
through to energy from waste.

Although phrases such as “closed loop” and “circular economy” are becoming popular ways to
describe some resource efficiency concepts, they are not necessarily the correct way to describe this
within a city system. Due to the nature of a “city” there will be a net import of materials and
resources. What is required is the extraction of maximum value from these resources. These materials
will have an associated cost to them on entry to the city system it is vital that the full value of them is
“realised” within the city.

Resource flows will be driven to optimise resource consumption, minimisation of waste. There will be
a move towards zero waste culture; materials which cannot be economically recovered elsewhere in
the value chain will be used in energy generation and soil enrichment.

The city will be part of a complex system comprising many interlinked “closed loops”, which will
effectively make a spiral of the value chain until maximum value has been extracted from the

Some of this valorisation of materials feeds into “effective utilisation of energy” as energy recovery is a
valid use of materials.

The real innovations to be had in this area are around the integration of the disparate systems
currently in place in many systems which deal with the various waste streams and under different sets
of regulation. E.g. household waste water, municipal solid waste, industrial / business waste /
industrial waste water etc.

There is also the opportunity to redesign products and services to be more resource efficient and
contribute to the “circular economy” model. UK businesses have a significant market opportunity to
develop products and services that make better use of materials in a world that is already facing
increasing competition and prices for these resources. Better resource management not only helps
conserve materials, but also contributes to the low-carbon economy through the management of
‘embedded carbon’.

In recent years there has been considerable progress made in areas such as recycling and material
recovery as much as 80% of material flows in the UK economy are still based on the linear model of
‘take-make-dispose’, according to data from WRAP (Waste and Resources Action Programme). This
recovery rate and the recovery of materials at a higher level in the value chain could be increased by
adopting innovative new designs and resource efficient business models; for example, research
suggests that around 33% of electronic products are still functioning when they are discarded.
Extending product lifetimes however, requires not only measures targeting changes in product design
and manufacturing, but also complementary measures aimed at changing consumer behaviour and
business models.

To address the issue of maximising value of “post consumer” goods and materials the idea of
“remanufacturing and industrial resource parks” was suggested.

Future Cities| September, 2012

These could embrace a number of the following concepts;

    •   Repair and refurbishment of products -
    •   Remanufacture of products –
    •   Recovery and reuse of components – on site and off site
           o Also reuse of construction and demolition waste to create new construction materials
                on site
    •   Recovery and reuse of materials - on site and off site
    •   Recycling of material for use on site and off site
    •   Heat recovery and waste derived fuels
    •   Production of compost and soil improvers

The Challenge: Resource Efficient Communities / Smart Neighbourhoods
This is interlinked with the issue of “Efficient Use of Resources / Maximising Value of Resources”. The
effective integration of housing and community services could make a significant contribution to
resource efficiency and the carbon footprint of the city.

The focus of this work stream is not the deployment of photovoltaics, insulation and renewable
energy sources in the community, which we have assumed would be par for the course in “future
cities” and will also be addressed to some extent in the “resilient energy” area, whether retro-fitted or
new build. It is more focused on a new approach to the use of resources and materials within the

There is a need for large scale deployment of a number of the concepts below at “community scale” or
wider. These residential areas would be fully monitored to measure the resource flows in and out,
energy consumption and production, environmental scale of the impacts and social impacts on

The resources that have been identified include a range of currently available technologies as well as
concepts requiring further development;

•   Development and deployment of water saving technologies;
       o Rainwater harvesting – and quality improvement where required to British Standard for
           rainwater Harvesting
                Flushing
                Washing machines
                Garden irrigation
       o Grey water reuse – and quality improvement where required to British Standard for Grey
                Dishwashers
                Washing machines
                Showers etc..
       o Waterless technology

•   Integration of waste water/sewage systems with food waste disposal

Future Cities| September, 2012

           o   For treatment by localised Anaerobic Digestion plants 1 which could provide heat and
               power back into the community as well as source of soil improver.

•     New logistics models and responsibility for delivery of goods and collection of waste.
         o Collection of recyclables by shopping delivery service
         o Waste collection on demand – “smart” systems to enable householders to have waste and
             materials collected when needed.
         o Incentive based recycling systems – ways to reward good behaviour in consumers e.g.
             local reverse vending machines

Why is this a priority challenge area? Why is this a complex challenge?

This is a priority area as people and communities are the real reason that cities exist and can
potentially have a significant on the overall impacts of the city on the surrounding environment.
However, the impact of the citizens can also be mitigated by the type of resources/ products that are
purchased, the way they are delivered, the way that they are used and disposed of. This creates a
complex structure of interlinked challenges ranging from product design, technical integration of
services through to behavioural change.

Who are the stakeholders for this challenge?

Stakeholders in this area are diverse

Product and service design
   - Product designers
   - Manufacturers,
   - Retailers and distributors
   - Consumers

Design of resource efficient technologies
    - Innovative SMEs
    - Universities and research centres
    - Large business

Integration and deployment of Technologies
    - Energy and water utilities
    - Construction companies
    - Planners / local authority
    - Waste companies
    - ICT companies
    - Consumers


Future Cities| September, 2012

Additionality – how will the Catapult add value over and above work that might be carried out

Some of the innovation in these areas lies in the combination and deployment of existing technologies
alongside new ideas. Many of these have been demonstrated at small scale, but there is a great
opportunity to build a large scale demonstration of a combination of the state of the art concepts.

The catapult can provide the mechanism to bring these diverse stakeholders together and facilitate
joined-up thinking to address these problems.

The planned monitoring, modelling and observation capability of the Catapult will be essential for the
collection of real time data on the material flows, impacts and emissions within these activities.

Where are the overlaps with other themes in the Future Cities SIG?

This area is heavily influenced by the attitudes and behaviours of the occupants of cities. It is essential
to educate, empower and employ “people” in order to move towards Resource Efficient Communities
/ Smart Neighbourhoods. This can be achieved through the engaging citizens work stream and the
connecting city systems. The effective movement of “materials” and “resources” around a city is also
part of a resource efficient community and this will feed into activities in the Increasing population
without increasing congestion work stream.

The Challenge: Data Collection and Modelling (Energy and Resources)
Participants commented that technological solutions to many resource efficiency problems already
exist but that their deployment and, as such, their propagation and further development, are hindered
by lack of data and models and by the difficulty of overcoming ‘institutional inertia’; contrasting with
countries such as Sweden, Denmark and Germany where, it was perceived, “They just get on and do

In all groups much was made of the need for detailed mapping of resource flows, including energy. It
was considered that the development of comprehensive models would permit analysis leading to the
identification of potential areas of synergy. It was perceived that there were problems associated with
the ownership and security of data, interoperability of data (calls for an Internet of Things for energy)
and the availability of maps and models for use by third parties (would they be open-source

Some participants called for research into the dynamic use of energy data based on real-time building
and appliance use. This would require collaboration and cooperation between energy providers.

Similarly, it was proposed that mapping and modelling of materials flows and patterns of use might
enable more resources to be reused and wastes diverted from disposal to secondary uses or recovery
of constituent materials. Without obvious initial benefit or value to individual organizations it will be
necessary to establish the ownership, governance and financial structures associated with the data
gathering and modelling.

Future Cities| September, 2012

Why is this a priority challenge area?

It is a well-known adage that ‘If you can’t measure it you can’t manage it’. By providing the data and
information on how cities operate now it is possible to generate models and thereby look at linkages
between variables. With comprehensive (robust) models it is possible to look at how changes to inputs
might impact on other aspects of the city performance in the future and to trial different options to
determine what is favourable.

Pilot-scale interventions can be measured and monitored and their impacts compared against city-
models to establish whether the projected impacts accord with reality. By having a city-wide, multi-
dimensional model it is possible to fast-track developments that can be shown as beneficial and avoid
costly mistakes.

Why is this a complex challenge?

Cities are large and complex entities and there are many interrelated variables. Cities already collect
much data but this is held in a number of different formats and on different platforms. Disparate
entities within cities will collect data and generate information that is unknown to others. Even within
city authorities there is rarely a ‘governing mind’ analogous to a brain and there are often vested
interests that prevent collaboration or disclosure. Questions of data ownership and storage,
protection of personal or commercially sensitive interests and the potential for misuse of data are all
factors that mitigate against the development of such widespread monitoring and measurement.

Who are the stakeholders for this challenge?

Because of the wide scope of this ‘challenge’ the stakeholder community is hard to define. Certainly
City Authorities have an interest in the potential to simulate interventions and determine whether
policies will be effective before they are implemented. Similarly a real-time monitoring system will
allow them to ‘fine-tune’ or optimize existing systems. Obviously the manufacturers of monitoring
and data collection devices will be key to the development of low cost and robust systems of
measurement. Similarly, the IT consultancies that will devise and maintain the models and databases
have a central role as do game designers who might be involved in providing virtual environments
(serious gaming). Social scientists should be heavily involved, given the ‘Orwellian’ overtones of an all-
seeing environment or ‘panopticon’. Without the engagement and consent of citizens it might prove
difficult to justify the necessary expenditure.

Additionality – how will the Catapult add value over and above work that might be carried out

The Catapult will, in the first instance, act as a space in which all parties can come together to explore
the concept and work out details. Catapult staff will act as moderators of discussions to ensure that
vested interests do not dominate. Catapult funding will enable participants to engage without
incurring full cost.

The potential impact on the challenge and timescales of impact

By undertaking a trial project it will be possible for the host city to obtain a clearer view of the
workings of its component parts, enabling it to manage better the use of resources (material and
energy). The time to implement such a programme is likely to be significant due to the ill-defined
nature of the proposals and the requirement for widespread consultation ahead of implementation.

Future Cities| September, 2012

Capability and resource requirements to address the challenge: e.g. technical expertise, capital
facilities and equipment, etc.

In order to undertake projects in this space it will be necessary to engage the expertise of multiple
parties, including; suppliers of IT infrastructure - both hardware (sensors, wireless networks) and
software (database, serious gaming); resource efficiency/industrial symbiosis expertise (e.g.
NISP/International Synergies) in order to facilitate dialogue and design the experimental set-up, city
authorities to ensure buy-in from potential participants and allow access to public sector facilities;
energy utilities; material suppliers and waste handling companies as well as attendant logistics
providers. Importantly, it will be necessary to support the development of any pervasive data
collection and handling with appropriate social science expertise.

Ahead of a funding call to refine the project specification it is difficult to determine precisely what will
be required by way of capital, facilities and equipment. It is likely that there will be a significant need
of RFID tags or similar to track the movement of materials and substantial investment in the
development/integration of wireless networks. A suitably-scaled and representative domain in which
to apply the measurement and modelling is necessary. This might consist of a borough, a campus, a
village or something similarly discrete in order to be able to identify and delineate the parameters to
be measured and monitored.

Example projects or activities

    -   Virtual environment for the trading of waste products incorporating third-party tracking and
        brokerage as well as one-to-one interaction
    -   Distributed, pervasive monitoring and mapping of energy usage and waste heat generation.
    -   Modelling of stand-by generation capacity for use in periods of peak demand.
    -   The application of serious gaming technology to model the user interface in a virtual
        environment through a number of scenarios

Headline Business Case for activity – Predicted impact on UK businesses, activity, jobs, etc, and
inward investment opportunities; How much investment for this kind of impact? Who would
benefit? What are the opportunities for UK industry? Is this an opportunity for UK to take a global

The main drivers for the many calls for greater measurement and monitoring were the need for
greater efficiency of city systems and the ability to track resources such that they can be readily
captured for re-use, thus saving cost, reducing emissions of CO2 and minimizing waste.

If it were possible to demonstrate that it is feasible to develop meaningful information from the
accrual of mass datasets on the material and energy resources in a city then it is possible that UK
based consultants can sell the expertise globally however it is not readily apparent where the scope is
for the development of a significant technological component that might result in the establishment of
manufacturing facilities or licensing opportunities.

What are the opportunities for SMEs and how do they enter the market?

SMEs are unlikely to be the main ‘players’ in this market initially, although they will almost certainly
feature in the supply chains of the large consultancy companies that will undertake the data
management and modelling. However, it is likely that some of the computer gaming and virtual

Future Cities| September, 2012

environment design will be carried out by SMEs and SMEs will certainly benefit from the efficiency
gains resulting from implementation of the measurement and modelling.

Where are the overlaps with other themes in the Future Cities SIG?

This area is heavily influenced by the attitudes and behaviours of the occupants’ of cities. It is essential
to educate, empower and employ “people” in order to be able to collect the required data. This can be
achieved through the engaging citizens work stream and the connecting city systems. The effective
movement of “materials” and “resources” around a city is also part of a resource efficient community
and this will feed into activities in the Increasing population and without increasing congestion work

The Challenge: Heat movement and storage
There was much discussion at both workshops of the problem of waste heat energy in urban areas:
both the impacts of fugitive heat and the need for cooling but primarily the capture, storage, transport
and deployment of heat energy. Examples were given of large industrial heat sources (extant or in
planning) that are (or will be) located remotely from the parts of the city that require heat or the
energy that might be recovered from it.

Examples were given of schemes where heat was being scavenged (e.g. PepsiCo in Leicester) and it
was agreed that the technology exists to capture and re-use heat locally, however heat transport over
significant distances is problematic due to losses via temperature gradient and because of the very
high costs of trenching for pipe laying.

It is evident that an expensive and carbon-intensive resource is being wasted in cities the world over
and that cost and environmental impact could be minimised by devising policies and mechanisms to
encourage and enable its reuse. By establishing a viable market in heat the producers of heat would
benefit by selling their ‘waste’, those involved in the capture, storage and transport would benefit by
selling the heat and those in the construction and technology sectors who facilitate the whole
transaction would benefit through the development of equipment and systems that could be
replicated globally.

Specific comments from the workshop on the 5th September include:

    •   ‘Look at best practice for energy and heat mapping (e.g. Nottingham City Council, Sheffield
    •   ‘Grades of “waste” heat mapped to enable co-location of possible users’
    •   ‘Policies for the geographically appropriate siting of industry (e.g. industries with large cooling
        demand in colder areas)’
    •   ‘Look at planning policy and zoning to reduce energy wastage – create standards’
    •   ‘Examine existing District Heating Schemes (Sheffield and Birmingham in the UK, global best-
        practice e.g. Copenhagen Heat Networks) to look at the constraints and examine where
        improvement is required.’
    •   ‘Look at failed schemes to learn lessons for the future.’
    •   ‘Need for effective Low and High grade heat storage technologies.’
    •   ‘Putting wasted (heat) Energy to use.
    •   Establish network to identify partnering opportunities

Future Cities| September, 2012

    •   Develop credible models to evaluate the cost & benefit to both parties (supplier & user)
    •   Include environmental & social cost/benefit.’
    •   ‘Look at imaginative uses for waste heat, e.g. saunas.’

Why is this a priority challenge area?

The problem of what to do about waste heat is a priority challenge because it represents both a
hugely expensive wasted resource and a significant environmental impact. Moreover, the Urban Heat
Island effect (to which waste heat is a contributing factor) is a significant factor in urban poor health
issues and has a knock-on environmental impact in that it encourages the use of cooling devices such
as air conditioning; in themselves very energy intensive and generators of waste heat.

Why is this a complex challenge?

The complexity lies in the fact that waste heat is generated in many parts of the urban environment
and similarly potential users of waste heat are widely distributed. Heat energy is generated in a variety
of forms (low temperature, high temperature, hot air, steam etc.) and does not always lend itself to
capture. Waste heat is generated continually even when the demand for it from potential users is

Who are the stakeholders for this challenge?

Stakeholders include the (mostly large industrial) producers of waste heat, potential users including
other industries, office and domestic accommodation and swimming pools, city authorities who have
responsibility for the infrastructure through which waste heat might be transported (roads,
pavements, public spaces) and technology providers. Energy utilities have often been involved in the
delivery of combined heat and power systems and would most likely be key stakeholders in this
challenge. The construction sector would need to be involved in order to work on the problems
associated with pipe installation.

Additionality – how will the Catapult add value over and above work that might be carried out

Because the issue does not belong to one group of stakeholders it is a knotty problem that no one is
keen to ‘own’. By pulling stakeholders together in a research project and demonstrating a workable
model for assessing, modelling, allocating, storing and transporting waste heat the Catapult can
accelerate the development of a market and as such the provision of technological solutions to
address that market.

The potential impact on the challenge and timescales of impact

Combined Heat and Power systems exist but are not commonplace and are generally designed from
scratch. This represents an opportunity to make inroads into the use of a distributed resource by
establishing the economic viability, technical feasibility and ‘do-ability’.

An exercise in mapping heat sources and sinks across a medium-sized city such as Leeds or
Nottingham might be achieved in 6 months with a further 6 month modelling period.

Trials of trenchless pipe-installation techniques might reasonably be achieved within one year.

Future Cities| September, 2012

The investigation of alternatives to heat transfer in pipes could be undertaken inside 6 months
although the development of appropriate infrastructure and transport media/vehicles might be a
long-term project (1-2 years)

Capability and resource requirements to address the challenge: e.g. technical expertise, capital
facilities and equipment, etc.

In order to address this challenge it will be necessary to work with a city that has one or, preferably,
more large heat sources and potential users of the waste heat. It will be necessary to involve
manufacturers and installers of thermally insulated pipework (assuming that is considered the optimal
means of transporting the heat energy) or manufacturers of equipment for the recovery of low grade
heat for the generation of power (e.g. Rankine Cycle engines). It will require academic input to design
experiments and undertake measurement, analysis and reporting and will need strong central co-
ordination and facilitation to ensure all parties remain engaged.

Example projects or activities

-       Comparison of different heat transport media.

-       Exploring the use of road/rail transport of heated media to get around the expense and
        difficulty involved in the installation of (underground) pipe networks.

-       Analysis of heat recovery and transport versus direct recovery of heat energy as electric power
        and re-use via the grid.

-       City-wide mapping of heat sources and potential sinks including real-time inputs

-       District-scale modelling of heat generation and needs and subsequent construction of heat
        distribution network using novel, low-cost technology and trenching/trenchless techniques.

Headline Business Case for activity – Predicted impact on UK businesses, activity, jobs, etc, and
inward investment opportunities; How much investment for this kind of impact? Who would
benefit? What are the opportunities for UK industry? Is this an opportunity for UK to take a global

The business case lies in the recovery of what is currently a wasted resource. By capturing and reusing
a substantial energy source, cities can reduce the costs of operation for businesses, making them
attractive places for companies to locate (including overseas companies) and thereby stimulating city
economies. If widely developed, the reduction in energy demand generally will contribute to the
competitiveness of UK plc and contribute to the reduction in CO2 emissions required by government.

There are opportunities to use waste heat for heat-intensive nascent industries such as city-farms or
biorefineries for the production of algal-derived fuels and other chemicals/chemical feedstocks. These
sectors have struggled to get off the ground to date because of the high energy costs but represent
potentially high-value industries, contributing significantly to city economies.

By reducing the emissions to the low atmosphere of waste heat it will be possible to impact on the
reduction of the heat-island effect and thereby making a general contribution to well-being in cities.

Future Cities| September, 2012

For the companies involved in manufacturing of equipment and devising methods of deploying novel
technologies there is the opportunity to be First Movers and to export those skills and equipment
since this is a global issue. If it were possible to demonstrate low-cost and efficient means of moving
waste heat around an urban environment, the potential implications for UK manufacturing and
consulting would be significant.

What are the opportunities for SMEs and how do they enter the market?

Opportunities for SME involvement are not immediately apparent however the establishment of a
market will inevitably generate supply-chain roles in servicing the requirements of large infrastructure
engineering companies. It is unlikely that such a novel market sector could be delivered using only
existing technology and methods of working.

Where are the overlaps with other themes in the Future Cities SIG?

There are numerous potential overlaps/interfaces between this challenge and those being addressed
by others in the SIG and the associated KTNs: Resilient energy, effective use of resources, energy
generation and supply and the Energy SIG.

Potential Role of the Catapult

In the areas addressed under the theme of Resource Efficiency, much of the potential innovation in
lies in the combination and deployment of existing technologies alongside new ideas. Many of these
technologies have been demonstrated on small scale, often as the result of funded research projects
but there is a great need to build large scale demonstrators with a combination of the state of the art

The Catapult can provide the mechanisms to bring these diverse stakeholders together, access funding
and facilitate joined up thinking to address these problems. Lending its brand to the project(s) will
help get around the issue of ‘not invented here’ syndrome or parochialism.

The planned monitoring, modelling and observation capability of the Catapult will be essential for the
collection of real time data on the benefits, impacts and emissions within these activities.

Recommendations to the Technology Strategy Board
The UK has enjoyed decades of growth in wealth and wellbeing, based on a linear consumption
pattern, fuelled by intensive use of resources. However there is now a dual challenge of stimulating
the growth needed to provide jobs and well-being to its citizens, and of ensuring that the quality of
this growth leads to a sustainable future.

To tackle these challenges and turn them into opportunities the UK economy will require a
fundamental transformation within a generation – in energy, industry, transport systems, and in
producer and consumer behaviour.

The creation of a Future Cities Catapult, with a strong focus on “Resource Efficient – Smart
Neighbourhoods” will enable this transformation in a timely, predictable and controlled manner and
will allow us to develop our wealth and wellbeing, whilst reducing the levels and impact of our
resource use.

Future Cities| September, 2012

In addition, becoming more resource efficient will lead to lowering carbon emissions. A city’s carbon
emissions could be characterized as in-manufacture, in-use and at point of disposal (the carbon
footprint of a city). The opportunity exists, therefore to establish systems and business models that
require fewer initial inputs, which maximise efficiency in use and that recover as much as possible
post-use. Specifically, it is recommended that projects be procured which address the use, reuse and
recovery of materials and the capture, transfer and reuse of heat energy at a pilot-scale. Both of these
initiatives would require a significant element of data capture and modelling in order for them to be
considered of significant benefit.

Future Cities| September, 2012

Appendix 1: Key Stakeholders: Who should the Catapult engage with?

Some suggested stakeholder representatives.

          Affiliation              Experience/Expertise
          Marks and Spencer plc    ESKTN Board Member
                                   Sustainable retail / Sustainable food supply
                                   Sustainable construction / Plan A
          SITA                     External Affairs director at SITA UK
          Veolia                   Managing Director at Veolia Environmental Services plc
          ASDA                     Head of Corporate Sustainability
                                   Sustainable retail / Sustainable food supply
                                   Waste management
          Independent              Sustainable retail / Sustainable food supply
          consultant – Retail
          Sector                   Waste management

          Geneco (Wessex           General Manager, Geneco
                                   Wastewater, Sustainable transport (bio-gas for
          Carillion                Chief Sustainability Officer
                                   Sustainable construction, Building services
          Halcrow                  Global Leader, Tunnel engineering
                                   Below-ground infrastructure
          Balfour Beatty           Global Head of Sustainability
          Peel Holdings            Director of Sustainability
                                   Communities / Retail
                                   Waste / Energy
          Ellen Macarthur          Chief Executive
          Foundation (Partners
          = B&Q, BT/Cisco,         Rethinking the economy
          Renault and National
          Grid                     The Circular Economy
                                   Towns (and cities) in transition
          Transition Towns         Co-founder of Transition Town Totnes and of
          Movement                 the Transition Network
                                   Coordinated the first eco-village development in Ireland
                                   to be granted planning permission.

Future Cities| September, 2012

Affiliation              Experience/Expertise
Professor of             Trustee of Urban Mines, Chair of the Academy for
Sustainable Spatial      Sustainable Communities. Vice-President of the Town
Development at the       and Country Planning Association, Hon-Chair of the
University of Leeds      Regional Studies Association,
Birmingham City          Head of Climate Change & Sustainability

Independent              Ex Director of Biffa Waste Services Limited, Chair of
Consultant               Waste2Tricity renewable energy
WRAP                     Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Development
                         (Design and Waste Prevention)
Energy Innovation        Denise heads up the world-class Energy Innovation
Centre                   Centre, taking the lead in assisting individuals and
                         businesses in getting their ideas to commercialisation
Energy Technology        Chief Executive

Forum for the Future?
AECOM consulting         Technical Director District Energy and Sustainability
Milton Keynes            Interim Dean, founded Smart Cities Institute
Severn Trent Water       Water Strategy Manager
EON Energy               Sustainable Cities Initiative
Yorkshire Water          Head of Innovation Delivery
Arup                     Global Head of Water
United Utilities         Innovation Manager
Marks and Spencer        Sustainable Raw Materials Specialist
Balfour Beatty           Global Head of Sustainability
CBI                      Policy Advisor, Sustainability
Strathclyde University   Former Head of Energy Policy Scottish Government, all
                         round guru on energy and cities

Future Cities| September, 2012

Appendix 2: Examples: List of examples of best practice from around the world

•   Centre for Low Carbon Futures – Resource Efficient Cities

•   Sustainable Urban Environments – multi-university long term initiative in UK and subsidiary
    consortia -

•   Sustainable Cities Research Institute, University of Northumbria

•   King’s College MSC Sustainable Cities

•   Helsinki – Low to No

•   Sheffield EWF plant and district heating -

•   Bristol

•   Birmingham – district heating

•   Masdar City - UAE

•   Various EU cities participating in Biogas Max project deriving biogas
    from organic wastes and using it as a fuel for municipal transport.

•   Various EU cities participating in Eco-City project demonstration sites http://www.ecocity- especially Trondheim

•   Melbourne City as a Catchment ‘total water cycle management’ -

•   Vancouver 2020 – greenest city initiative with a ten-point
    action plan summarized in pdf documents such as ‘Clean Water’, ‘Zero Waste’ and ‘Lighter
    Footprint’. University of British Columbia Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability.

•   Hamburg Ecocity - a smallish development in the docks area of the city
    showcasing developments in material use, water management and energy

•   Thirteen French cities in the Eco-City (Cities of tomorrow) initiative http://www.dialogue-

Future Cities| September, 2012

Appendix 3: Resources: List of available resources e.g. research papers, reports, UK research

•   Sustainable Cities - Denmark

•   Sustainable Cities International (inc. Sustainable Cities Network) – Canada

•   Sustainable Cities Collective (information source rather than actual initiative) – USA

•   Worldchanging

•   Sino-British Sustainable Cities Collaboration

•   European Urban Knowledge Network

•   EcoAP forum on Eco-Innovation in the sustainable construction value chain

•   Transition Network -

•   San Francisco Foodshed Project – e.g.

•   EcoInnovation Observatory -

•   The Crystal - a sustainable cities initiative by Siemens that explores how we can create a better
    future for our cities.

Future Cities| September, 2012

Appendix 4: Engagement Activities: List of engagement activities carried out and participating

Full report of Stakeholder round table and back casting exercise - attachment.
Outputs from 5th September Large workshop - see below

                                     Local Authorities
 Waste / water/
 energy management
 company                              Resource efficient                                                           Retailers
                                      Waste CHP – district                Integrated recycling
                                      heating + electricity               facility
                                                                                                                   Supply Chain
              Integrated Food                                               Waste is minimised,
              supply and waste                                              reused &recycled in
              disposal                 Closing the Materials               Loop What is not
                                                                            the city.
                                                                            recycled is used for
                                                T2 Heathrow, reuse          Energy recovery
                    Integrated water            of demolition/
                    and waste                   construction
                    recycling                   materials on site

            Construction                 Waste collected on
                                                                                      Refunds / incentives
            Companies                    demand and pay as
                                                                                      for recycling materials
                                         you throw

                                                Barrier                                                              Politicians
                                                Public mandate             HK Gov - Planned integrated
                 Financial +                                               waste management
                                                short term
                 accounting models                                         (acknowledge limitations of
                 for efficiency                                            underlying philosophy)

            Barrier                                                            Design for disassembly –
            Planning Process                                                                                        Local Authorities
                                                                               clear materials streams
            and Objectives                                                     separation. Effective &
                                         Residents are conscious
                                         not to waste –                        enforceable policy and
                                         behavioural change                    regulation


  Technology          Solution                                Illegal / illicit supply /
                      Education of                            demand

                                        Communication / education
                           Provision of high tech for              Solution                                      Schools
            Further        farmers in rural areas?                 Action & Adaption of
                           Provide information                     Education
Future Cities| September, 2012

Group 2 Efficient Use of Resources

                                            SMART Neighbourhoods

                            SMART Housing ***                       Give individuals the ability to
                                                                    have waste and recycling bins
                            Inc. water conservation,                emptied on demand through
                            rainwater harvesting, waste             ICT
                            recycling & treatment, energy
                            efficiency etc..

                                                            Large Scale Food Waste
                       Small scale, urban located           Disposal + sewage trail. Fully
                       CHP using residential waste          monitored e.g Milton Keynes
                       feeding local electricity & heat     east or west expansion **
                       demands *

                                                 Enabling Research
                                                                                               Demonstrate effective co-waste
                                                    Grades of “waste” heat                     water / organic food waste
        Planning Policy framework for
                                                    mapped to enable co-location               disposal to sewer for downstream
        “smart” business/industrial
                                                    of possible users                          AD energy recovery; decentralised
        estate framework *
                                                                                               energy production

                                                  Retro-fitting of local grids for
                                                  “Tri-Generation” + (tools?)
     Planning Policy framework for                                                           On a whole city basis, what is the
     decentralised off-grid power                                                            optimal balance of separation vs
     generation                                                                              aggregation

                                               Bio-remediation creating fuel                 Local vs central
                                               crops - can it be done
                                               (safely)?                                     AD vs incineration vs remanufacture
                                                                                             vs compost *

                                                 Evaluation /Proper Measurement
                   Database of “resource” research                                     1.     development indicators to
                                                                                              measure the benefits of
                        -     NDTP                                                            sustainability resources
                        -     Wastenet                                                 2.     Efficient allocation of resources in
                        -     Universities                                                    sustainability context **
                        -     EU
                        -     SMART Futures

                                                              LCA vs ecofootprint vs
                                                              carbon calc **

Future Cities| September, 2012

                              Social / Behavioural change
                                                                     Equity in access to scarce
                                                                     resources. Ensuring benefits of
       Developing a “benefit corporate                               sustainable cities benefit the
       structure” in the UK                                          disadvantaged

Fund a “resources Czar” **

                                                                              Transparency of waste costs
                                         “new media”                          at a household level
 Behavioural change to save              1. stamp issues?
 energy and resources *                  2. “waste file” weekly TV
                                         (country file) *

                                  Integrated Resources Centre
                                                                        How to use recyclates.

     Local recycling to create                                          Materials Research ***
     employment and products

                                              Integrated Waste Recycling
                                                                                     Landfill mining and resource
    Proper “remanufacturing
    Facility” – upping value of               Resource Recovery
    recyclates before leaving site *
                                                     -   materials
                                                     -   RDF

    Biomass use before and                                                     Energy From waste, using novel
    following energy recovery **                                               technologies at an industrial
                                                Valorising Waste               scale *

Future Cities| September, 2012

Exercise 2 – group 1

                       Planning and Design

                       Develop more effective standards for
                       integrated city design and management

                       Establish effective governance for
                       sustainability. ********

                       Circular Economy

                       Develop standards and practical measures
                       to drive the end of life materials / circular
                       economy via improved design for reuse /
                       disassembly ***

                       Knowledge Networks

                       Develop international learning networks to
                       share good (and bad) practice between
                       cities *

                       Accounting and Management Systems

                       Design integrated, life cycle led, financial
                       and resource management system. ***

Future Cities| September, 2012

          WATER                                                                                                        Adding value to waste
                                                                                                                                                    Food + biodegradable
                                                                 Stakeholders                                                                       waste to landfill ban
                                                                                                                                                                                      Food Waste
Waste / waste water           Water Conservation            -    Householder
                                                            -    Manufacturers                                                          Collecting coffee grounds (from
Co-disposal options to                                      -    Food prep
                                                                                                                                        cafes) and converting them to
AD                                                          -    Roads (drainage /flooding)
                                                                                                                                        boards + soil improvers                  Bioremediation + fuel
                                                                                                           Adding value to waste
                              Solid and liquid wastes.                                                                                                                           crops i.e. growing biomass
       Water management       Changing attitudes in                                                                                     Using segregated waste                   on land that cannot be
                              favour                                                                                                                                             used for anything else.
                                                                                                           Bioremediation + fuel          Collecting coffee grounds (from
                                   -     CIWEM                                                             crops i.e. growing biomass     cafes) and converting them to
         Water meter               -     OFT                                                               on land that cannot be         boards + soil improvers
         programmes                                                                                        used for anything else.                                                Food Waste

                                                                                      Resources                                           Using segregated waste streams

                                                                                                                                                                                  Imperial College

                                          Public Centres to see + try    Severn Trent “carbon neutral”                                                                            Mini food waste
                                          innovative resource            or zero carbon HQ                                                                                        composting
                                                                                                                             Source control, not end
                                                                                                                             of pipe
                                                  Broad Mill “energy Farm.
                                                                                         Matching resource flows across
                                                                                         industry – networks of resource                      Israel – capturing
                                                  Community owned wind and                                                                                                  Decentralised low
                                                                                         flows                                                energy from trucks to
                                                  solar farm                                                                                                                carbon power
             Short coppice willow or                                                                                                          power houses!
             miscanthus on poor quality land                        Resource recovery for organics /       Good practice – Nottingham
             or contaminated land                                   non-organics                           City homes have “better homes
                                                                                                           scheme, which is changing
                                                                                                           tenant behaviour
                   Stakeholders                            Build guidance on waste
                   Local Authorities                       management and storage
              -    National Government                                                                     Good practice – Nottingham
              -    Utilities                                                                               City Council have Energy
              -    EU                                                                                      consumption Map of city
Future Cities| September, 2012


                                 -     Universities
                                 -     Schools /FE                                                                                                                                   Finland – changed planning
                                 -     Companies /HR                                                                                                                                 regs to allow innovation
                                 -     NGOs
                                 -     Gov Agencies                      Mapping of heat sources            Problem People – 60% of
                                                                         and demand (uni Sheffied –         UK population don’t
                                                                         NERC)                              believe in global warming                                 Birmingham City council – CHP        Streamlining
                                                                                                                                                                      + district heating network           processing
                                                           Build guidance on waste
                                                           management and storage              Public Education &             Mapping CO2 and VOCs in full
                       Community energy share                                                  awareness                      at m scale – measurement
                                                                                                                                                                                                               European pathway
                       schemes                                                                                                rather than assumptions                    Baseline long term common             programme
                                                                                 Information and data flow to                                                            governance
                         Ethical Investment models                               those who implement
                                                                                                                                                                        City Governance – Political            Drivers – EU
                         1.   Start up capital models to                                                                                                                Footballs - elections                  directives
                                                                         Understand “true
                              ensure innovation
                         2.    PPI investment models                     value” of materials

                                                                                                          Education /                                                 Local Authority Planning –           New corporation types
Finance & investment

                                                                                                                                                                                                           for environmental
                         Maximise stakeholder value,                                                                                                                  Best and worst                       benefits – benefit

                         not shareholder value                                                                                                                                                             companies and
                                                                                                                                                                                                           stakeholders (California)
                           Reconciling quarterly profits                                                                                                              SMART business estates –
                           reporting vs. long term                                                                                                                    planning / land lords
                           investment requirement for
                           infrastructure                    -    Universities
                                                             -    Schools /FE                                                                                                         Planning policy – zoning to
                                                             -    Companies /HR                                                                                                       reduce energy
                                                             -    NGOs
                                                             -    Gov Agencies

Future Cities| September, 2012

Future Cities| September, 2012

                                                                    Effective Utilisation of Energy
                                                                                                                                              Urban Small Scale AD networks –
        Energy (Heat) Storage + Movement                                                                                                      manage organic waste + fully
                                                                                                                                              utilise all outputs  energy,
  Effective Energy Storage                               How to store Low                                                                     transport fuel, fertiliser
                                  Low and High
  Systems                                                grade Heat more                 How do we find funding for                           Urban growing + agriculture
                                  grade Heat
                                                         effectively                     innovative clean technologies?                       Utilise existing heat sources
  (PV+ water H2                                                                         Crowd funding?                                                                     Identification of City
  H2 +O2  water + energy                                                                                                                                                   Systems that (can?)
  Technology Efficiency                                                                                                               Can systems balance                   interact and share energy
                                                                                                                                      micro gen and macro gen               sources
                                            How do we store                              How can innovative                           effectively?
                                            energy more                                  technologies overcome the
Putting wasted (heat) Energy to use.
                                            efficiently?                                 ‘valley of death’ in terms of                                                    Decentralise vs centralised.
2.1.1 | establish network to identify
     partnering opportunities                                                            their deployment?                                                                How do we balance their
3.1.1 | develop credible models to                                                                                                                                        development?
                                                                                                                                           Effective Integration and
     evaluate the cost & benefit to both     Energy Storage Solutions                                                                                                     How do we manage and
                                                                                                                                           control of networked
     parties (supplier & user)               Invest in SMART grids             How do we overcome split             How best to                                           operate between them?
                                                                                                                                           energy sources (CHP,
4.1.1 | include env & social                 and alternative storage           incentives between investors         create green           EFW, BioFuel etc)
                                                                               developers, utilities, citizens      infrastructure?
                                                                                                                                                                    Energy Systems
                                                                                               Facilitate public-private co-working
                                                                                               Secondment of public sector and
                                                                                               utility staff between each others’
                                            Data & Modelling                                   offices to enable people behaviour
             Who collects, stores,
             manages and distributes
                                                                                               and technology transfer                    Enabling Instruments
             all the data?
                                           Dynamic use of energy data
                                  | Integrated building appliances
                                                                                                     How to optimise                                                ‘People’
    City systems data –                                                                              investment in energy-
                                               to feed into data gathering exercise                  saving measures for
    ownership, security,                       – requires integration between                                                             Governance
    standards and                                                                                    buildings and
                                               energy service providers.                             infrastructure                                                           Reduce fuel
    interoperability,             | Based on building use (real                                                          •   ‘optimum’ governance            consumption in
    monetisation, business                     time) provide advice to end users                                                          •   Creative partnerships           transport. Encourage
    models                                     on efficiency                                                                              •   Regulation v. incentives        cycling to work and
                                                                                                                                                                              mobility managers
 Data governance – how
                                 Access to city urban data                                                                    Envisioning what a     Minimize energy use
 to manage/govern data
                                 in open way but taking         Energy Models                                                 future city really     (Maximize use of          How do we get people
 generated by energy
                                 account of privacy                                                                           means for people       passive technology)       who will live in these
                                                                •    New                                                                                                       systems to care?
                                                                                                                                                What are the social justice
                                  Lack of integrated energy     •    marketisation
                                  models                                                                                                        and social equity issues of
                                  (engineering/commercial)                                                                                      creating sustainable future

Future Cities| September, 2012

                                  Please select the area you are
Company                           interested in:
                                   Waste / Low Waste / Energy
ESKTN                             from Waste
Sustainable Construction iNet     Energy Efficiency and Heat
Severn Trent Water                Best Practice Deployment
                                   Waste / Low Waste / Energy
CEGE University College London    from Waste
                                   Waste / Low Waste / Energy
Cranfield University              from Waste
                                   Waste / Low Waste / Energy
Amey                              from Waste
                                   Waste / Low Waste / Energy
WAMTECH                           from Waste
                                   Waste / Low Waste / Energy
University of Northampton         from Waste
                                   Waste / Low Waste / Energy
Halcrow Group Limited             from Waste
                                   Waste / Low Waste / Energy
Resource Efficiency Pathway       from Waste
CAG                               Best Practice Deployment
Zero Waste Scotland               Energy Efficiency and Heat
New Economy                       Energy Efficiency and Heat
Nottingham City Council           Energy Efficiency and Heat
Boots                             Energy Efficiency and Heat
Clicks and Links Ltd              Energy Efficiency and Heat
                                   Waste / Low Waste / Energy
The University of Northampton     from Waste
Manchester City Council           Best Practice Deployment
Argenta Europ Ltd                 Best Practice Deployment
Cranfield University              Best Practice Deployment
Dan & Adam Ltd                    Best Practice Deployment
Carbon Trust                      Energy Efficiency and Heat
Greenwatt Technology              Energy Efficiency and Heat
leit-werk                         Best Practice Deployment
Balfour Beatty plc                Energy Efficiency and Heat
                                   Waste / Low Waste / Energy
CO2Sense CIC                      from Waste

Future Cities| September, 2012

                               Please select the area you are
Company                        interested in:
Brunel University              Energy Efficiency and Heat
Brunel University              Energy Efficiency and Heat
University of Reading          Energy Efficiency and Heat
York Environmental              Waste / Low Waste / Energy
Sustainability Institute       from Waste
                               Waste / Low Waste / Energy
ADMEC - Nottingham Trent       from Waste
Product Design, Nottingham
Trent University               Energy Efficiency and Heat
Independent                    Best Practice Deployment
AdvEnTech Group Ltd.           Energy Efficiency and Heat
Nustone Ltd                    Best Practice Deployment
Wolverhampton University       Best Practice Deployment
University of Westminster      Best Practice Deployment
Oxford Brookes University
                               Energy Efficiency and Heat
Creative Health Lab             Waste / Low Waste / Energy
                               from Waste
AquamatiX Ltd                   Waste / Low Waste / Energy
                               from Waste
De Montfort University         Energy Efficiency and Heat
                                Waste / Low Waste / Energy
None                           from Waste
EcoVentures                    Energy Efficiency and Heat
Andrew Kluth Associates        Best Practice Deployment
Plan Bee ltd                   Best Practice Deployment
                                Waste / Low Waste / Energy
ESKTN                          from Waste
urbedDesignerUrbed             Energy Efficiency and Heat
University of Salford          Energy Efficiency and Heat
energy4evolution               Energy Efficiency and Heat
Nottingham Trent University    Best Practice Deployment
CoverCare                      Energy Efficiency and Heat
Abiliti                        Best Practice Deployment
                                Waste / Low Waste / Energy
WYG Group plc                  from Waste
Space Synapse Systems Ltd      Best Practice Deployment

Future Cities| September, 2012

                                Please select the area you are
Company                         interested in:

Doug Marriott Associates Ltd    Energy Efficiency and Heat
                                    Waste / Low Waste / Energy
EHV Engineering                 from Waste
Opportunity Peterborough        Best Practice Deployment
Smart Cities institute, UCMK
(University of Bedfordshire)    Best Practice Deployment

Contact Details
Environmental Sustainability Knowledge Transfer Network

University of Oxford                C-Tech Innovation Ltd
Begbroke Science Park               Capenhurst Technology Park    SCAN THE QR CODE TO
Kidlington                          Capenhurst                   REGISTER ON _CONNECT!
Oxford                              Chester
OX5 1PF                             CH1 6EH

Telephone:   +44 (0)1865 610500
Fax:         +44 (0)1865 610501

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Resource efficient,low carbon cities ktn

  • 1. Resource Efficient, Low Carbon Cities From the Environmental Sustainability Knowledge Transfer Network
  • 2. Future Cities| September, 2012 Resource Efficient, Low Carbon Cities The Grand Challenge: Reducing carbon dioxide emissions is not the only pressing issue to be addressed for a city of the future. An expanding population with improving standard of living, migrating into cities means that we will not be able to ensure access to the key resources. This includes food and water, minerals and metals, oil and power. The effective use of resources, energy and social capital is key for long-term economic success. In promoting innovation we take account of the ‘triple bottom line’ of environmental, social and financial sustainability. A future city will be an economically successful, resource efficient, positive place to live The Context: Using Backcasting techniques a stakeholder workshop identified five aspects of a Resource Efficient Low Carbon Future City: Figure 1: Five aspects of a Resource Efficient Low Carbon Future City 2
  • 3. Future Cities| September, 2012 1. Best Practice Deployment A city of the future would comprise a number of Symbiotic systems e.g. integrated water/waste water/energy generation. City infrastructure would be Sustainable (in line with the 3Ps of sustainability), resilient and flexible. This could be in the form of a “resilient” energy infrastructure or procurement practices which focus on the desired outputs, not the method of delivery, thus allowing the easier deployment of new technologies and business models as they are developed. The City will have functioning networks of “green” infrastructure providing essential eco-system services. The development of best practices in technology and other areas will ensure that all resources are used to maximum potential throughout the life cycle. It will be easy to move material resources around the city using low carbon transport infrastructure (both for first life and end of life usage and distribution). 2. People Focused The future City will be a pleasant place for the occupants to live and work. It will have a stable, slow growth population of “Happy” people. It will create a culture that means everyone contributes to the vision and people will want to make the city attractive to live in. Technology will enable Citizens to have access to data to choose the “right thing” and this “self interest” will drive economic and competitive uses of resources. Good sustainable urban planning will mean that People will live near to good local services and facilities to reduce transport needs and minimise congestion. 3. Effective use of Energy and Heat In our City we are capturing fugitive heat and reusing it as heat or power. (From processes and services which are generating lots of waste heat e.g. data centres). This, combined with effective energy recovery from waste materials, will provide secure energy for the city. In fact some cities may even be self-sufficient or even export energy. It will have climate sensitive buildings. Energy use in buildings will be much reduced through: building insulation, low energy lighting, newer buildings. Materials and energy currently treated as waste will be used productively. 4. Commercial Brand Image The city of the future will be attractive to investors and new residents. It should be commercially vibrant and also have the infrastructure and facilities to attract new business and the staff / customers. It will be more competitive by virtue of being more resource-efficient. The effective use of physical resources and utilities will lead to lower costs for business operations and residents. The cost of resources and understanding of their true value will drive efficiencies. e.g. “Another thing that should not be belittled is that Amsterdam Smart City has succeeded in branding Amsterdam as a forward thinking city with smart ideas, and has made Amsterdam an international example in which other cities can find inspiration.” 3
  • 4. Future Cities| September, 2012 5. Efficient Use of Material Resources Natural Resource flows will be driven to optimise resource consumption, minimisation of waste. There will be a zero waste culture; materials which cannot be economically recovered elsewhere in the value chain will be used in energy generation. Utilisation of “waste” energy will be a driving factor in the issuing of planning permits. For example new commercial enterprises will need to use renewable or district heating grids. Wastes are reprocessed to generate electricity / heat and low carbon fuels (biodiesel and gas), this include food wastes and waste water solids. The city will be part of a complex system comprising many interlinked “closed loops”. In the move towards a more “circular economy” in product life cycles, the “end of life” management of materials and products will have a significant role to play in the creation of new products and production of resilient water and energy supplies. In order to use resources more efficiently, it is essential to consider the lifecycle of the resource, which may encompass multiple product lifetimes. The opportunities to improve the resource efficiency and decrease the carbon intensity of products are not limited to a specific stage of the lifecycle, and improvements at one stage may have an adverse impact on another. The greatest benefits accrue by moving from the traditional “linear lifecycle”; (extract  consume  waste) to a closed-loop /circular process as shown in the diagram. Extract Manufacture Extract Manufacture Consume Dispose Dispose Consume Figure 2: Linear and Circular economies 4
  • 5. Future Cities| September, 2012 However, as cities are always going to be importers of resources, the model is more like a vortex shape of almost closed loops, each extracting maximum value from a resource before it exits to the next loop. Resources In Extract maximum value from resources Waste Materials Out Figure 3: Vortex Top Priorities for the Catapult to Focus on The themes identified were separated into “technical” and “non-technical” topics and a number of these “technical” topics were further explored in the second workshop. From this exercise the following challenges were identified and expanded. • Efficient Use of Resources / Maximising Value of Resources • Resource Efficient Communities / Smart Neighbourhoods • Data Collection and Modelling • Heat movement and storage 5
  • 6. Future Cities| September, 2012 The Challenge: Efficient Use of Resources / Maximising Value of Resources A significant area of discussion focused on the areas of “traditional” resource efficiency which are often highlighted in workshop around this topic. These have included improved recycling technologies, waste collection and separation strategies and technologies, sustainable design, remanufacturing through to energy from waste. Although phrases such as “closed loop” and “circular economy” are becoming popular ways to describe some resource efficiency concepts, they are not necessarily the correct way to describe this within a city system. Due to the nature of a “city” there will be a net import of materials and resources. What is required is the extraction of maximum value from these resources. These materials will have an associated cost to them on entry to the city system it is vital that the full value of them is “realised” within the city. Resource flows will be driven to optimise resource consumption, minimisation of waste. There will be a move towards zero waste culture; materials which cannot be economically recovered elsewhere in the value chain will be used in energy generation and soil enrichment. The city will be part of a complex system comprising many interlinked “closed loops”, which will effectively make a spiral of the value chain until maximum value has been extracted from the materials. Some of this valorisation of materials feeds into “effective utilisation of energy” as energy recovery is a valid use of materials. The real innovations to be had in this area are around the integration of the disparate systems currently in place in many systems which deal with the various waste streams and under different sets of regulation. E.g. household waste water, municipal solid waste, industrial / business waste / industrial waste water etc. There is also the opportunity to redesign products and services to be more resource efficient and contribute to the “circular economy” model. UK businesses have a significant market opportunity to develop products and services that make better use of materials in a world that is already facing increasing competition and prices for these resources. Better resource management not only helps conserve materials, but also contributes to the low-carbon economy through the management of ‘embedded carbon’. In recent years there has been considerable progress made in areas such as recycling and material recovery as much as 80% of material flows in the UK economy are still based on the linear model of ‘take-make-dispose’, according to data from WRAP (Waste and Resources Action Programme). This recovery rate and the recovery of materials at a higher level in the value chain could be increased by adopting innovative new designs and resource efficient business models; for example, research suggests that around 33% of electronic products are still functioning when they are discarded. Extending product lifetimes however, requires not only measures targeting changes in product design and manufacturing, but also complementary measures aimed at changing consumer behaviour and business models. To address the issue of maximising value of “post consumer” goods and materials the idea of “remanufacturing and industrial resource parks” was suggested. 6
  • 7. Future Cities| September, 2012 These could embrace a number of the following concepts; • Repair and refurbishment of products - • Remanufacture of products – • Recovery and reuse of components – on site and off site o Also reuse of construction and demolition waste to create new construction materials on site • Recovery and reuse of materials - on site and off site • Recycling of material for use on site and off site • Heat recovery and waste derived fuels • Production of compost and soil improvers The Challenge: Resource Efficient Communities / Smart Neighbourhoods This is interlinked with the issue of “Efficient Use of Resources / Maximising Value of Resources”. The effective integration of housing and community services could make a significant contribution to resource efficiency and the carbon footprint of the city. The focus of this work stream is not the deployment of photovoltaics, insulation and renewable energy sources in the community, which we have assumed would be par for the course in “future cities” and will also be addressed to some extent in the “resilient energy” area, whether retro-fitted or new build. It is more focused on a new approach to the use of resources and materials within the community. There is a need for large scale deployment of a number of the concepts below at “community scale” or wider. These residential areas would be fully monitored to measure the resource flows in and out, energy consumption and production, environmental scale of the impacts and social impacts on residents. The resources that have been identified include a range of currently available technologies as well as concepts requiring further development; • Development and deployment of water saving technologies; o Rainwater harvesting – and quality improvement where required to British Standard for rainwater Harvesting  Flushing  Washing machines  Garden irrigation o Grey water reuse – and quality improvement where required to British Standard for Grey water  Dishwashers  Washing machines  Showers etc.. o Waterless technology • Integration of waste water/sewage systems with food waste disposal 7
  • 8. Future Cities| September, 2012 o For treatment by localised Anaerobic Digestion plants 1 which could provide heat and power back into the community as well as source of soil improver. • New logistics models and responsibility for delivery of goods and collection of waste. o Collection of recyclables by shopping delivery service o Waste collection on demand – “smart” systems to enable householders to have waste and materials collected when needed. o Incentive based recycling systems – ways to reward good behaviour in consumers e.g. local reverse vending machines Why is this a priority challenge area? Why is this a complex challenge? This is a priority area as people and communities are the real reason that cities exist and can potentially have a significant on the overall impacts of the city on the surrounding environment. However, the impact of the citizens can also be mitigated by the type of resources/ products that are purchased, the way they are delivered, the way that they are used and disposed of. This creates a complex structure of interlinked challenges ranging from product design, technical integration of services through to behavioural change. Who are the stakeholders for this challenge? Stakeholders in this area are diverse Product and service design - Product designers - Manufacturers, - Retailers and distributors - Consumers Design of resource efficient technologies - Innovative SMEs - Universities and research centres - Large business Integration and deployment of Technologies - Energy and water utilities - Construction companies - Planners / local authority - Waste companies - ICT companies - Consumers 1;type_uid=49 8
  • 9. Future Cities| September, 2012 Additionality – how will the Catapult add value over and above work that might be carried out elsewhere? Some of the innovation in these areas lies in the combination and deployment of existing technologies alongside new ideas. Many of these have been demonstrated at small scale, but there is a great opportunity to build a large scale demonstration of a combination of the state of the art concepts. The catapult can provide the mechanism to bring these diverse stakeholders together and facilitate joined-up thinking to address these problems. The planned monitoring, modelling and observation capability of the Catapult will be essential for the collection of real time data on the material flows, impacts and emissions within these activities. Where are the overlaps with other themes in the Future Cities SIG? This area is heavily influenced by the attitudes and behaviours of the occupants of cities. It is essential to educate, empower and employ “people” in order to move towards Resource Efficient Communities / Smart Neighbourhoods. This can be achieved through the engaging citizens work stream and the connecting city systems. The effective movement of “materials” and “resources” around a city is also part of a resource efficient community and this will feed into activities in the Increasing population without increasing congestion work stream. The Challenge: Data Collection and Modelling (Energy and Resources) Participants commented that technological solutions to many resource efficiency problems already exist but that their deployment and, as such, their propagation and further development, are hindered by lack of data and models and by the difficulty of overcoming ‘institutional inertia’; contrasting with countries such as Sweden, Denmark and Germany where, it was perceived, “They just get on and do it.” In all groups much was made of the need for detailed mapping of resource flows, including energy. It was considered that the development of comprehensive models would permit analysis leading to the identification of potential areas of synergy. It was perceived that there were problems associated with the ownership and security of data, interoperability of data (calls for an Internet of Things for energy) and the availability of maps and models for use by third parties (would they be open-source platforms?) Some participants called for research into the dynamic use of energy data based on real-time building and appliance use. This would require collaboration and cooperation between energy providers. Similarly, it was proposed that mapping and modelling of materials flows and patterns of use might enable more resources to be reused and wastes diverted from disposal to secondary uses or recovery of constituent materials. Without obvious initial benefit or value to individual organizations it will be necessary to establish the ownership, governance and financial structures associated with the data gathering and modelling. 9
  • 10. Future Cities| September, 2012 Why is this a priority challenge area? It is a well-known adage that ‘If you can’t measure it you can’t manage it’. By providing the data and information on how cities operate now it is possible to generate models and thereby look at linkages between variables. With comprehensive (robust) models it is possible to look at how changes to inputs might impact on other aspects of the city performance in the future and to trial different options to determine what is favourable. Pilot-scale interventions can be measured and monitored and their impacts compared against city- models to establish whether the projected impacts accord with reality. By having a city-wide, multi- dimensional model it is possible to fast-track developments that can be shown as beneficial and avoid costly mistakes. Why is this a complex challenge? Cities are large and complex entities and there are many interrelated variables. Cities already collect much data but this is held in a number of different formats and on different platforms. Disparate entities within cities will collect data and generate information that is unknown to others. Even within city authorities there is rarely a ‘governing mind’ analogous to a brain and there are often vested interests that prevent collaboration or disclosure. Questions of data ownership and storage, protection of personal or commercially sensitive interests and the potential for misuse of data are all factors that mitigate against the development of such widespread monitoring and measurement. Who are the stakeholders for this challenge? Because of the wide scope of this ‘challenge’ the stakeholder community is hard to define. Certainly City Authorities have an interest in the potential to simulate interventions and determine whether policies will be effective before they are implemented. Similarly a real-time monitoring system will allow them to ‘fine-tune’ or optimize existing systems. Obviously the manufacturers of monitoring and data collection devices will be key to the development of low cost and robust systems of measurement. Similarly, the IT consultancies that will devise and maintain the models and databases have a central role as do game designers who might be involved in providing virtual environments (serious gaming). Social scientists should be heavily involved, given the ‘Orwellian’ overtones of an all- seeing environment or ‘panopticon’. Without the engagement and consent of citizens it might prove difficult to justify the necessary expenditure. Additionality – how will the Catapult add value over and above work that might be carried out elsewhere? The Catapult will, in the first instance, act as a space in which all parties can come together to explore the concept and work out details. Catapult staff will act as moderators of discussions to ensure that vested interests do not dominate. Catapult funding will enable participants to engage without incurring full cost. The potential impact on the challenge and timescales of impact By undertaking a trial project it will be possible for the host city to obtain a clearer view of the workings of its component parts, enabling it to manage better the use of resources (material and energy). The time to implement such a programme is likely to be significant due to the ill-defined nature of the proposals and the requirement for widespread consultation ahead of implementation. 10
  • 11. Future Cities| September, 2012 Capability and resource requirements to address the challenge: e.g. technical expertise, capital facilities and equipment, etc. In order to undertake projects in this space it will be necessary to engage the expertise of multiple parties, including; suppliers of IT infrastructure - both hardware (sensors, wireless networks) and software (database, serious gaming); resource efficiency/industrial symbiosis expertise (e.g. NISP/International Synergies) in order to facilitate dialogue and design the experimental set-up, city authorities to ensure buy-in from potential participants and allow access to public sector facilities; energy utilities; material suppliers and waste handling companies as well as attendant logistics providers. Importantly, it will be necessary to support the development of any pervasive data collection and handling with appropriate social science expertise. Ahead of a funding call to refine the project specification it is difficult to determine precisely what will be required by way of capital, facilities and equipment. It is likely that there will be a significant need of RFID tags or similar to track the movement of materials and substantial investment in the development/integration of wireless networks. A suitably-scaled and representative domain in which to apply the measurement and modelling is necessary. This might consist of a borough, a campus, a village or something similarly discrete in order to be able to identify and delineate the parameters to be measured and monitored. Example projects or activities - Virtual environment for the trading of waste products incorporating third-party tracking and brokerage as well as one-to-one interaction - Distributed, pervasive monitoring and mapping of energy usage and waste heat generation. - Modelling of stand-by generation capacity for use in periods of peak demand. - The application of serious gaming technology to model the user interface in a virtual environment through a number of scenarios Headline Business Case for activity – Predicted impact on UK businesses, activity, jobs, etc, and inward investment opportunities; How much investment for this kind of impact? Who would benefit? What are the opportunities for UK industry? Is this an opportunity for UK to take a global lead? The main drivers for the many calls for greater measurement and monitoring were the need for greater efficiency of city systems and the ability to track resources such that they can be readily captured for re-use, thus saving cost, reducing emissions of CO2 and minimizing waste. If it were possible to demonstrate that it is feasible to develop meaningful information from the accrual of mass datasets on the material and energy resources in a city then it is possible that UK based consultants can sell the expertise globally however it is not readily apparent where the scope is for the development of a significant technological component that might result in the establishment of manufacturing facilities or licensing opportunities. What are the opportunities for SMEs and how do they enter the market? SMEs are unlikely to be the main ‘players’ in this market initially, although they will almost certainly feature in the supply chains of the large consultancy companies that will undertake the data management and modelling. However, it is likely that some of the computer gaming and virtual 11
  • 12. Future Cities| September, 2012 environment design will be carried out by SMEs and SMEs will certainly benefit from the efficiency gains resulting from implementation of the measurement and modelling. Where are the overlaps with other themes in the Future Cities SIG? This area is heavily influenced by the attitudes and behaviours of the occupants’ of cities. It is essential to educate, empower and employ “people” in order to be able to collect the required data. This can be achieved through the engaging citizens work stream and the connecting city systems. The effective movement of “materials” and “resources” around a city is also part of a resource efficient community and this will feed into activities in the Increasing population and without increasing congestion work stream. The Challenge: Heat movement and storage There was much discussion at both workshops of the problem of waste heat energy in urban areas: both the impacts of fugitive heat and the need for cooling but primarily the capture, storage, transport and deployment of heat energy. Examples were given of large industrial heat sources (extant or in planning) that are (or will be) located remotely from the parts of the city that require heat or the energy that might be recovered from it. Examples were given of schemes where heat was being scavenged (e.g. PepsiCo in Leicester) and it was agreed that the technology exists to capture and re-use heat locally, however heat transport over significant distances is problematic due to losses via temperature gradient and because of the very high costs of trenching for pipe laying. It is evident that an expensive and carbon-intensive resource is being wasted in cities the world over and that cost and environmental impact could be minimised by devising policies and mechanisms to encourage and enable its reuse. By establishing a viable market in heat the producers of heat would benefit by selling their ‘waste’, those involved in the capture, storage and transport would benefit by selling the heat and those in the construction and technology sectors who facilitate the whole transaction would benefit through the development of equipment and systems that could be replicated globally. Specific comments from the workshop on the 5th September include: • ‘Look at best practice for energy and heat mapping (e.g. Nottingham City Council, Sheffield University/NERC)’ • ‘Grades of “waste” heat mapped to enable co-location of possible users’ • ‘Policies for the geographically appropriate siting of industry (e.g. industries with large cooling demand in colder areas)’ • ‘Look at planning policy and zoning to reduce energy wastage – create standards’ • ‘Examine existing District Heating Schemes (Sheffield and Birmingham in the UK, global best- practice e.g. Copenhagen Heat Networks) to look at the constraints and examine where improvement is required.’ • ‘Look at failed schemes to learn lessons for the future.’ • ‘Need for effective Low and High grade heat storage technologies.’ • ‘Putting wasted (heat) Energy to use. • Establish network to identify partnering opportunities 12
  • 13. Future Cities| September, 2012 • Develop credible models to evaluate the cost & benefit to both parties (supplier & user) • Include environmental & social cost/benefit.’ • ‘Look at imaginative uses for waste heat, e.g. saunas.’ Why is this a priority challenge area? The problem of what to do about waste heat is a priority challenge because it represents both a hugely expensive wasted resource and a significant environmental impact. Moreover, the Urban Heat Island effect (to which waste heat is a contributing factor) is a significant factor in urban poor health issues and has a knock-on environmental impact in that it encourages the use of cooling devices such as air conditioning; in themselves very energy intensive and generators of waste heat. Why is this a complex challenge? The complexity lies in the fact that waste heat is generated in many parts of the urban environment and similarly potential users of waste heat are widely distributed. Heat energy is generated in a variety of forms (low temperature, high temperature, hot air, steam etc.) and does not always lend itself to capture. Waste heat is generated continually even when the demand for it from potential users is reduced. Who are the stakeholders for this challenge? Stakeholders include the (mostly large industrial) producers of waste heat, potential users including other industries, office and domestic accommodation and swimming pools, city authorities who have responsibility for the infrastructure through which waste heat might be transported (roads, pavements, public spaces) and technology providers. Energy utilities have often been involved in the delivery of combined heat and power systems and would most likely be key stakeholders in this challenge. The construction sector would need to be involved in order to work on the problems associated with pipe installation. Additionality – how will the Catapult add value over and above work that might be carried out elsewhere? Because the issue does not belong to one group of stakeholders it is a knotty problem that no one is keen to ‘own’. By pulling stakeholders together in a research project and demonstrating a workable model for assessing, modelling, allocating, storing and transporting waste heat the Catapult can accelerate the development of a market and as such the provision of technological solutions to address that market. The potential impact on the challenge and timescales of impact Combined Heat and Power systems exist but are not commonplace and are generally designed from scratch. This represents an opportunity to make inroads into the use of a distributed resource by establishing the economic viability, technical feasibility and ‘do-ability’. An exercise in mapping heat sources and sinks across a medium-sized city such as Leeds or Nottingham might be achieved in 6 months with a further 6 month modelling period. Trials of trenchless pipe-installation techniques might reasonably be achieved within one year. 13
  • 14. Future Cities| September, 2012 The investigation of alternatives to heat transfer in pipes could be undertaken inside 6 months although the development of appropriate infrastructure and transport media/vehicles might be a long-term project (1-2 years) Capability and resource requirements to address the challenge: e.g. technical expertise, capital facilities and equipment, etc. In order to address this challenge it will be necessary to work with a city that has one or, preferably, more large heat sources and potential users of the waste heat. It will be necessary to involve manufacturers and installers of thermally insulated pipework (assuming that is considered the optimal means of transporting the heat energy) or manufacturers of equipment for the recovery of low grade heat for the generation of power (e.g. Rankine Cycle engines). It will require academic input to design experiments and undertake measurement, analysis and reporting and will need strong central co- ordination and facilitation to ensure all parties remain engaged. Example projects or activities - Comparison of different heat transport media. - Exploring the use of road/rail transport of heated media to get around the expense and difficulty involved in the installation of (underground) pipe networks. - Analysis of heat recovery and transport versus direct recovery of heat energy as electric power and re-use via the grid. - City-wide mapping of heat sources and potential sinks including real-time inputs - District-scale modelling of heat generation and needs and subsequent construction of heat distribution network using novel, low-cost technology and trenching/trenchless techniques. Headline Business Case for activity – Predicted impact on UK businesses, activity, jobs, etc, and inward investment opportunities; How much investment for this kind of impact? Who would benefit? What are the opportunities for UK industry? Is this an opportunity for UK to take a global lead? The business case lies in the recovery of what is currently a wasted resource. By capturing and reusing a substantial energy source, cities can reduce the costs of operation for businesses, making them attractive places for companies to locate (including overseas companies) and thereby stimulating city economies. If widely developed, the reduction in energy demand generally will contribute to the competitiveness of UK plc and contribute to the reduction in CO2 emissions required by government. There are opportunities to use waste heat for heat-intensive nascent industries such as city-farms or biorefineries for the production of algal-derived fuels and other chemicals/chemical feedstocks. These sectors have struggled to get off the ground to date because of the high energy costs but represent potentially high-value industries, contributing significantly to city economies. By reducing the emissions to the low atmosphere of waste heat it will be possible to impact on the reduction of the heat-island effect and thereby making a general contribution to well-being in cities. 14
  • 15. Future Cities| September, 2012 For the companies involved in manufacturing of equipment and devising methods of deploying novel technologies there is the opportunity to be First Movers and to export those skills and equipment since this is a global issue. If it were possible to demonstrate low-cost and efficient means of moving waste heat around an urban environment, the potential implications for UK manufacturing and consulting would be significant. What are the opportunities for SMEs and how do they enter the market? Opportunities for SME involvement are not immediately apparent however the establishment of a market will inevitably generate supply-chain roles in servicing the requirements of large infrastructure engineering companies. It is unlikely that such a novel market sector could be delivered using only existing technology and methods of working. Where are the overlaps with other themes in the Future Cities SIG? There are numerous potential overlaps/interfaces between this challenge and those being addressed by others in the SIG and the associated KTNs: Resilient energy, effective use of resources, energy generation and supply and the Energy SIG. Potential Role of the Catapult In the areas addressed under the theme of Resource Efficiency, much of the potential innovation in lies in the combination and deployment of existing technologies alongside new ideas. Many of these technologies have been demonstrated on small scale, often as the result of funded research projects but there is a great need to build large scale demonstrators with a combination of the state of the art concepts. The Catapult can provide the mechanisms to bring these diverse stakeholders together, access funding and facilitate joined up thinking to address these problems. Lending its brand to the project(s) will help get around the issue of ‘not invented here’ syndrome or parochialism. The planned monitoring, modelling and observation capability of the Catapult will be essential for the collection of real time data on the benefits, impacts and emissions within these activities. Recommendations to the Technology Strategy Board The UK has enjoyed decades of growth in wealth and wellbeing, based on a linear consumption pattern, fuelled by intensive use of resources. However there is now a dual challenge of stimulating the growth needed to provide jobs and well-being to its citizens, and of ensuring that the quality of this growth leads to a sustainable future. To tackle these challenges and turn them into opportunities the UK economy will require a fundamental transformation within a generation – in energy, industry, transport systems, and in producer and consumer behaviour. The creation of a Future Cities Catapult, with a strong focus on “Resource Efficient – Smart Neighbourhoods” will enable this transformation in a timely, predictable and controlled manner and will allow us to develop our wealth and wellbeing, whilst reducing the levels and impact of our resource use. 15
  • 16. Future Cities| September, 2012 In addition, becoming more resource efficient will lead to lowering carbon emissions. A city’s carbon emissions could be characterized as in-manufacture, in-use and at point of disposal (the carbon footprint of a city). The opportunity exists, therefore to establish systems and business models that require fewer initial inputs, which maximise efficiency in use and that recover as much as possible post-use. Specifically, it is recommended that projects be procured which address the use, reuse and recovery of materials and the capture, transfer and reuse of heat energy at a pilot-scale. Both of these initiatives would require a significant element of data capture and modelling in order for them to be considered of significant benefit. 16
  • 17. Future Cities| September, 2012 Appendix 1: Key Stakeholders: Who should the Catapult engage with? Some suggested stakeholder representatives. Affiliation Experience/Expertise Marks and Spencer plc ESKTN Board Member Sustainable retail / Sustainable food supply Sustainable construction / Plan A SITA External Affairs director at SITA UK Veolia Managing Director at Veolia Environmental Services plc ASDA Head of Corporate Sustainability Sustainable retail / Sustainable food supply Waste management Independent Sustainable retail / Sustainable food supply consultant – Retail Sector Waste management Geneco (Wessex General Manager, Geneco Water) Wastewater, Sustainable transport (bio-gas for transport) Carillion Chief Sustainability Officer Sustainable construction, Building services Halcrow Global Leader, Tunnel engineering Below-ground infrastructure Balfour Beatty Global Head of Sustainability Peel Holdings Director of Sustainability Transport Communities / Retail Waste / Energy Ellen Macarthur Chief Executive Foundation (Partners = B&Q, BT/Cisco, Rethinking the economy Renault and National Grid The Circular Economy Towns (and cities) in transition Transition Towns Co-founder of Transition Town Totnes and of Movement the Transition Network Coordinated the first eco-village development in Ireland to be granted planning permission. 17
  • 18. Future Cities| September, 2012 Affiliation Experience/Expertise Professor of Trustee of Urban Mines, Chair of the Academy for Sustainable Spatial Sustainable Communities. Vice-President of the Town Development at the and Country Planning Association, Hon-Chair of the University of Leeds Regional Studies Association, Birmingham City Head of Climate Change & Sustainability Council Independent Ex Director of Biffa Waste Services Limited, Chair of Consultant Waste2Tricity renewable energy WRAP Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Development (Design and Waste Prevention) Energy Innovation Denise heads up the world-class Energy Innovation Centre Centre, taking the lead in assisting individuals and businesses in getting their ideas to commercialisation Energy Technology Chief Executive Institute Forum for the Future? AECOM consulting Technical Director District Energy and Sustainability engineers Milton Keynes Interim Dean, founded Smart Cities Institute University Severn Trent Water Water Strategy Manager EON Energy Sustainable Cities Initiative Yorkshire Water Head of Innovation Delivery Arup Global Head of Water United Utilities Innovation Manager Marks and Spencer Sustainable Raw Materials Specialist Balfour Beatty Global Head of Sustainability CBI Policy Advisor, Sustainability Strathclyde University Former Head of Energy Policy Scottish Government, all round guru on energy and cities hard 18
  • 19. Future Cities| September, 2012 Appendix 2: Examples: List of examples of best practice from around the world • Centre for Low Carbon Futures – Resource Efficient Cities • Sustainable Urban Environments – multi-university long term initiative in UK and subsidiary consortia - • Sustainable Cities Research Institute, University of Northumbria • King’s College MSC Sustainable Cities cities • Helsinki – Low to No 1_justin_cook.pdf • Sheffield EWF plant and district heating - heating_187.html your-waste/District-Energy/ • Bristol • Birmingham – district heating • Masdar City - UAE • Various EU cities participating in Biogas Max project deriving biogas from organic wastes and using it as a fuel for municipal transport. • Various EU cities participating in Eco-City project demonstration sites http://www.ecocity- especially Trondheim • Melbourne City as a Catchment ‘total water cycle management’ - • Vancouver 2020 – greenest city initiative with a ten-point action plan summarized in pdf documents such as ‘Clean Water’, ‘Zero Waste’ and ‘Lighter Footprint’. University of British Columbia Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability. • Hamburg Ecocity - a smallish development in the docks area of the city showcasing developments in material use, water management and energy • Thirteen French cities in the Eco-City (Cities of tomorrow) initiative http://www.dialogue- 19
  • 20. Future Cities| September, 2012 Appendix 3: Resources: List of available resources e.g. research papers, reports, UK research centres • Sustainable Cities - Denmark • Sustainable Cities International (inc. Sustainable Cities Network) – Canada • Sustainable Cities Collective (information source rather than actual initiative) – USA • Worldchanging • Sino-British Sustainable Cities Collaboration • European Urban Knowledge Network • EcoAP forum on Eco-Innovation in the sustainable construction value chain • Transition Network - • San Francisco Foodshed Project – e.g. asp • EcoInnovation Observatory - • The Crystal - a sustainable cities initiative by Siemens that explores how we can create a better future for our cities. 20
  • 21. Future Cities| September, 2012 Appendix 4: Engagement Activities: List of engagement activities carried out and participating organisations. Full report of Stakeholder round table and back casting exercise - attachment. Outputs from 5th September Large workshop - see below Manufacturers Local Authorities Waste / water/ energy management company Resource efficient Retailers Waste CHP – district Integrated recycling heating + electricity facility Supply Chain Integrated Food Waste is minimised, supply and waste reused &recycled in disposal Closing the Materials Loop What is not the city. recycled is used for T2 Heathrow, reuse Energy recovery Integrated water of demolition/ and waste construction Transport recycling materials on site Providers Construction Waste collected on Refunds / incentives Companies demand and pay as for recycling materials you throw Barrier Politicians Public mandate HK Gov - Planned integrated Financial + waste management short term accounting models (acknowledge limitations of for efficiency underlying philosophy) Policy Barrier Design for disassembly – Planning Process Local Authorities clear materials streams and Objectives separation. Effective & Residents are conscious not to waste – enforceable policy and behavioural change regulation Retailers Technology Solution Illegal / illicit supply / Education of demand providers Media people Communication / education People Provision of high tech for Solution Schools Further farmers in rural areas? Action & Adaption of Provide information Education Education 21
  • 22. Future Cities| September, 2012 Group 2 Efficient Use of Resources SMART Neighbourhoods SMART Housing *** Give individuals the ability to have waste and recycling bins Inc. water conservation, emptied on demand through rainwater harvesting, waste ICT recycling & treatment, energy efficiency etc.. Large Scale Food Waste Small scale, urban located Disposal + sewage trail. Fully CHP using residential waste monitored e.g Milton Keynes feeding local electricity & heat east or west expansion ** demands * Enabling Research Demonstrate effective co-waste Grades of “waste” heat water / organic food waste Planning Policy framework for mapped to enable co-location disposal to sewer for downstream “smart” business/industrial of possible users AD energy recovery; decentralised estate framework * energy production Retro-fitting of local grids for “Tri-Generation” + (tools?) Planning Policy framework for On a whole city basis, what is the decentralised off-grid power optimal balance of separation vs generation aggregation Bio-remediation creating fuel Local vs central crops - can it be done (safely)? AD vs incineration vs remanufacture vs compost * Evaluation /Proper Measurement Database of “resource” research 1. development indicators to measure the benefits of - NDTP sustainability resources - Wastenet 2. Efficient allocation of resources in - Universities sustainability context ** - EU - SMART Futures LCA vs ecofootprint vs carbon calc ** 22
  • 23. Future Cities| September, 2012 Social / Behavioural change Equity in access to scarce resources. Ensuring benefits of Developing a “benefit corporate sustainable cities benefit the structure” in the UK disadvantaged Fund a “resources Czar” ** Transparency of waste costs “new media” at a household level Behavioural change to save 1. stamp issues? energy and resources * 2. “waste file” weekly TV (country file) * Integrated Resources Centre How to use recyclates. Local recycling to create Materials Research *** employment and products Integrated Waste Recycling Landfill mining and resource centre recovery Proper “remanufacturing Facility” – upping value of Resource Recovery recyclates before leaving site * - materials - RDF Biomass use before and Energy From waste, using novel following energy recovery ** technologies at an industrial Valorising Waste scale * 23
  • 24. Future Cities| September, 2012 Exercise 2 – group 1 Planning and Design Develop more effective standards for integrated city design and management Establish effective governance for sustainability. ******** Circular Economy Develop standards and practical measures to drive the end of life materials / circular economy via improved design for reuse / disassembly *** Knowledge Networks Develop international learning networks to share good (and bad) practice between cities * Accounting and Management Systems Design integrated, life cycle led, financial and resource management system. *** 24
  • 25. Future Cities| September, 2012 WATER Adding value to waste Food + biodegradable Stakeholders waste to landfill ban (resources) Food Waste Waste / waste water Water Conservation - Householder - Manufacturers Collecting coffee grounds (from Co-disposal options to - Food prep cafes) and converting them to AD - Roads (drainage /flooding) boards + soil improvers Bioremediation + fuel Adding value to waste Solid and liquid wastes. crops i.e. growing biomass (resources) Water management Changing attitudes in Using segregated waste on land that cannot be favour used for anything else. Bioremediation + fuel Collecting coffee grounds (from - CIWEM crops i.e. growing biomass cafes) and converting them to Water meter - OFT on land that cannot be boards + soil improvers programmes used for anything else. Food Waste Resources Using segregated waste streams Imperial College Public Centres to see + try Severn Trent “carbon neutral” Mini food waste innovative resource or zero carbon HQ composting Source control, not end management of pipe Broad Mill “energy Farm. Matching resource flows across industry – networks of resource Israel – capturing Community owned wind and Decentralised low flows energy from trucks to solar farm carbon power Short coppice willow or power houses! generation miscanthus on poor quality land Resource recovery for organics / Good practice – Nottingham or contaminated land non-organics City homes have “better homes scheme, which is changing tenant behaviour Stakeholders Build guidance on waste Local Authorities management and storage - National Government Good practice – Nottingham - Utilities City Council have Energy - EU consumption Map of city 25
  • 26. Future Cities| September, 2012 Stakeholders - Universities - Schools /FE Finland – changed planning - Companies /HR regs to allow innovation - NGOs - Gov Agencies Mapping of heat sources Problem People – 60% of and demand (uni Sheffied – UK population don’t NERC) believe in global warming Birmingham City council – CHP Streamlining + district heating network processing Build guidance on waste management and storage Public Education & Mapping CO2 and VOCs in full 2 Community energy share awareness at m scale – measurement European pathway schemes rather than assumptions Baseline long term common programme Information and data flow to governance Ethical Investment models those who implement innovation City Governance – Political Drivers – EU 1. Start up capital models to Footballs - elections directives Understand “true ensure innovation 2. PPI investment models value” of materials Education / Local Authority Planning – New corporation types Finance & investment for environmental Maximise stakeholder value, Best and worst benefits – benefit Communication Policy not shareholder value companies and stakeholders (California) Reconciling quarterly profits SMART business estates – reporting vs. long term planning / land lords Stakeholders investment requirement for infrastructure - Universities - Schools /FE Planning policy – zoning to - Companies /HR reduce energy - NGOs - Gov Agencies 26
  • 28. Future Cities| September, 2012 Effective Utilisation of Energy Urban Small Scale AD networks – Energy (Heat) Storage + Movement manage organic waste + fully utilise all outputs  energy, Effective Energy Storage How to store Low transport fuel, fertiliser Low and High Systems grade Heat more How do we find funding for Urban growing + agriculture grade Heat effectively innovative clean technologies? Utilise existing heat sources storage (PV+ water H2 Crowd funding? Identification of City technologies H2 +O2  water + energy Systems that (can?) Technology Efficiency Can systems balance interact and share energy micro gen and macro gen sources How do we store How can innovative effectively? energy more technologies overcome the Putting wasted (heat) Energy to use. efficiently? ‘valley of death’ in terms of Decentralise vs centralised. 2.1.1 | establish network to identify partnering opportunities their deployment? How do we balance their 3.1.1 | develop credible models to development? Effective Integration and evaluate the cost & benefit to both Energy Storage Solutions How do we manage and control of networked parties (supplier & user) Invest in SMART grids How do we overcome split How best to operate between them? energy sources (CHP, 4.1.1 | include env & social and alternative storage incentives between investors create green EFW, BioFuel etc) developers, utilities, citizens infrastructure? etc.? Energy Systems Facilitate public-private co-working Secondment of public sector and utility staff between each others’ Data & Modelling offices to enable people behaviour Who collects, stores, manages and distributes and technology transfer Enabling Instruments all the data? Dynamic use of energy data | Integrated building appliances How to optimise ‘People’ City systems data – investment in energy- to feed into data gathering exercise saving measures for ownership, security, – requires integration between Governance standards and buildings and energy service providers. infrastructure Reduce fuel interoperability, | Based on building use (real • ‘optimum’ governance consumption in monetisation, business time) provide advice to end users • Creative partnerships transport. Encourage models on efficiency • Regulation v. incentives cycling to work and mobility managers Data governance – how Access to city urban data Envisioning what a Minimize energy use to manage/govern data in open way but taking Energy Models future city really (Maximize use of How do we get people generated by energy account of privacy means for people passive technology) who will live in these monitoring • New systems to care? conceptualization What are the social justice Lack of integrated energy • marketisation models and social equity issues of (engineering/commercial) creating sustainable future cities? 28
  • 29. Future Cities| September, 2012 Please select the area you are Company interested in: Waste / Low Waste / Energy ESKTN from Waste Sustainable Construction iNet Energy Efficiency and Heat Severn Trent Water Best Practice Deployment Waste / Low Waste / Energy CEGE University College London from Waste Waste / Low Waste / Energy Cranfield University from Waste Waste / Low Waste / Energy Amey from Waste Waste / Low Waste / Energy WAMTECH from Waste Waste / Low Waste / Energy University of Northampton from Waste Waste / Low Waste / Energy Halcrow Group Limited from Waste Waste / Low Waste / Energy Resource Efficiency Pathway from Waste CAG Best Practice Deployment Zero Waste Scotland Energy Efficiency and Heat New Economy Energy Efficiency and Heat Nottingham City Council Energy Efficiency and Heat Boots Energy Efficiency and Heat Clicks and Links Ltd Energy Efficiency and Heat Waste / Low Waste / Energy The University of Northampton from Waste Manchester City Council Best Practice Deployment Argenta Europ Ltd Best Practice Deployment Cranfield University Best Practice Deployment Dan & Adam Ltd Best Practice Deployment Carbon Trust Energy Efficiency and Heat Greenwatt Technology Energy Efficiency and Heat leit-werk Best Practice Deployment Balfour Beatty plc Energy Efficiency and Heat Waste / Low Waste / Energy CO2Sense CIC from Waste 29
  • 30. Future Cities| September, 2012 Please select the area you are Company interested in: Brunel University Energy Efficiency and Heat Brunel University Energy Efficiency and Heat University of Reading Energy Efficiency and Heat York Environmental Waste / Low Waste / Energy Sustainability Institute from Waste Waste / Low Waste / Energy ADMEC - Nottingham Trent from Waste Product Design, Nottingham Trent University Energy Efficiency and Heat Independent Best Practice Deployment AdvEnTech Group Ltd. Energy Efficiency and Heat Nustone Ltd Best Practice Deployment Wolverhampton University Best Practice Deployment University of Westminster Best Practice Deployment Oxford Brookes University Energy Efficiency and Heat Creative Health Lab Waste / Low Waste / Energy from Waste AquamatiX Ltd Waste / Low Waste / Energy from Waste De Montfort University Energy Efficiency and Heat Waste / Low Waste / Energy None from Waste EcoVentures Energy Efficiency and Heat Andrew Kluth Associates Best Practice Deployment Plan Bee ltd Best Practice Deployment Waste / Low Waste / Energy ESKTN from Waste urbedDesignerUrbed Energy Efficiency and Heat University of Salford Energy Efficiency and Heat energy4evolution Energy Efficiency and Heat Nottingham Trent University Best Practice Deployment CoverCare Energy Efficiency and Heat Abiliti Best Practice Deployment Waste / Low Waste / Energy WYG Group plc from Waste Space Synapse Systems Ltd Best Practice Deployment 30
  • 31. Future Cities| September, 2012 Please select the area you are Company interested in: Doug Marriott Associates Ltd Energy Efficiency and Heat Waste / Low Waste / Energy EHV Engineering from Waste Opportunity Peterborough Best Practice Deployment Smart Cities institute, UCMK (University of Bedfordshire) Best Practice Deployment 31
  • 32. Contact Details Environmental Sustainability Knowledge Transfer Network University of Oxford C-Tech Innovation Ltd Begbroke Science Park Capenhurst Technology Park SCAN THE QR CODE TO Kidlington Capenhurst REGISTER ON _CONNECT! Oxford Chester OX5 1PF CH1 6EH Telephone: +44 (0)1865 610500 Fax: +44 (0)1865 610501 Email: Website: 32