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Transformation in Art Education: Interactive Multimedia as a Tool to Enhance Learning Process
in Rural School
1.0 Introduction...........................................................................................................................................4
1.1 Background of the study ...............................................................................................................6
1.2 Statement of the research problem.............................................................................................6
1.3 Research objective.........................................................................................................................7
1.4 Research Question ........................................................................................................................7
1.5 Research hypothesis .....................................................................................................................8
1.6 Operational Definitions ..................................................................................................................8
1.6.1 Multimedia ...............................................................................................................................8
1.6.2 Transformation........................................................................................................................9
1.6.2 Tool...........................................................................................................................................9
1.6.3 Rural School............................................................................................................................9
1.6.4 Education...............................................................................................................................10
1.7 Limitations of the Study...............................................................................................................10
1.8 Significance of the study .............................................................................................................11
2.0 Introduction.........................................................................................................................................12
2.1 Multimedia in Education ...................................................................................................................12
2.2 Element of Multimedia ......................................................................................................................12
2.2.1 Text...............................................................................................................................................13
2.22 Graphic..........................................................................................................................................14
2.2.3 Audio ............................................................................................................................................15
2.2.4 Video ............................................................................................................................................17
2.2.5 Animation.....................................................................................................................................17
2.3 The Impact of Computer in Education............................................................................................18
2.3.1 Students.......................................................................................................................................18
2.3.2 Educators.....................................................................................................................................19
2.4 Related Theories and Model............................................................................................................20
2.5 Conceptual Framework.....................................................................................................................20
3.0 Introduction.........................................................................................................................................22
3.1 Research Design ...............................................................................................................................22
3.2 Population and Sample.....................................................................................................................22
3.3 Instrumentation ..................................................................................................................................23
3.4 Data Collection...................................................................................................................................23
3.5 Data Analysis .....................................................................................................................................23
Bibliography ..............................................................................................................................................24
1.0 Introduction
A country's future is bright, the quality of a good education system. If the quality of a
country's education system is impaired, it will cause adverse effects on a country's
development. Ministries of education, but the education minister of national education effort
to ensure we remain relevant and internationally accepted. Teachers are an important icon
in the classroom to ensure that students are able to improve their performance.
Implementation of changes must be made immediately either in management, teaching and
learning. Approaches, methods, and techniques used in these lessons can be translated
through change hinges on the acceptance of students.
In the present age of multimedia and ICT intertwined. The explosion of information and
communication technologies (ICT) are in line with the development of education in today's
world. The use of technology in teaching, learning Bahasa Melayu example would be more
interesting, meaningful and productive with the use of multimedia. According to
(Mohammod, 2008), can deliver a multimedia information quickly, accurately and to attract
students to create a fun learning environment. With the advent of multimedia, positive
impact on pupils who have difficulties in reading and writing process will be more
prominent. In addition, the use of multimedia techniques involving voice, sound, pictures,
video and text to create an environment rich in language. Accordingly it, use this medium
more flexible and free for students to get knowledge. Meanwhile, according to (doyle,
2007), computer helps pupils to improve proficiency through the use of systematic
According to a collection of data stored by the Malaysian Ministry of Education, there are
no control students 3Rs of reading, counting and writing. However, the ministry believes the
rehabilitation undertaken to help students who suffer from these problems. The ministry has
set up a program called LINUS (literacy and numeracy) where the program in action to
overcome the problematic students since the beginning. In this program, students not only
improve their proficiency, but also teachers claimed to have creativity in the face of these
students. These days the uses of multimedia and information technology affect the
education system. The use of multimedia materials in teaching and learning is good effort.
Each teacher must be creative and innovative capacity in applying these aids. Most of the
teachers are still using the traditional approach is less appropriate in the circumstances of
pupils now. Traditional pedagogical approach more focused on teaching and learning to the
learning of directions. In contrast, the present approach and multimedia technologies are
more focused on two-way learning, where teachers and students will be more open and
stimulate the minds of students. For example, math teachers use interactive multimedia to
use more visual interest to the students and create a more fresh and active. By doing this,
their minds are more open to receiving learning process, especially given the typically quick
read to feel sleepy and tired.
This clearly shows that the use of information technology and multimedia in teaching and
learning has a positive impact. There are several studies that support this statement as yet;
(Hakkinen, 2006)he has proven that the use of power point allows instructors to increase
the briefing guidelines, the pictures and the use of audio and video clips. In this way the
instructor does not have to write on a whiteboard or chalkboard to begin the lesson. This
method is time-saving and can improve the quality of teaching.
1.1 Background of the study
This article will focus on multimedia as a tool to enhance learning process in rural
school. It will focus in using of multimedia interactive as method in teaching process.
Nowadays, technologies and multimedia are very important to our life. In this research,
researcher will more focusing of are of study which is in rural school or suburban school. It
is because the using of technologies in this type of school is decrease compared to urban
school. A tools approach can be used in our learning system in school to make sure
students can collect data and authoring web software to various topic and task. This tool
also can help students learn how to applying the technology to a task rather than the
technology instructed them. (Grabe, 2007)
This research will be support with other research to be stronger. Thus, this paper will
provide an overview on either interactive multimedia can help students or teachers in rural
school to enhance and improve their academic learning and the effects to their learning
1.2 Statement of the research problem
Education systems in the world are now more focused on the advancement of
information technology and multimedia for the development of the following sectors.
Similarly, Malaysia today, many schools began to use these resources in their schools.
According to research by (Abu, 2008)found that the use of such aids in teaching children to
bring new and innovative methods and it can help stimulate a child's mind in order to think
and explore something new . The question now is, does technology and multimedia
learning system used in the school to improve student performance?
Every student wants an open and fun environment in each class they attend. Fun
environment will give them a better understanding and acceptance positively to students.
Several studies have been done to prove this statement. Among the studies conducted by
(Jamian, 2012)he has conducted research and surveys to school to prove the validity of the
study. Results from studies conducted very positive. Some questions have been raised as
to obtain good results, such as “software is able to motivate me to learn” and " software
encouraged me to use their own knowledge." The extent to which the use of multimedia is
used in rural school environments that is similar to a smart school or that urban school?
However, these questions will answer and examined its validity in this study.
1.3 Research objective
The research objectives for this study are:
i) To identify the use of multimedia in improving performance among students.
ii) To examine the use of multimedia in creating a learning active environment
among students in rural school.
iii) To identify multimedia as an effective teaching aid in teaching and learning
process among student.
1.4 Research Question
The research questions for this study are:
iv) What is the use of multimedia in improving performance among students?
i) What are the uses of multimedia to create an active environment among student
in rural school?
ii) What is the effectiveness of multimedia in teaching aid and learning process
among student?
1.5 Research hypothesis
The research hypothesis for this study is:
H1: The students can achieve and enhance their performance through multimedia teaching
aid in school.
H2: with using multimedia, students also can adapt and create active environment for their
1.6 Operational Definitions
The definitions used in this study are as follows:
1.6.1 Multimedia
Multimedia according to (Marshall, 1999)defined “Multimedia is the field concerned with
the computer-controlled integration of text, graphics, drawings, still and moving images
(Video), animation, audio, and any other media where every type of information can be
represented, stored, transmitted and processed digitally”. Which means that multimedia
is combination of variety tools such as graphic, text, audio, animation and video.
Multimedia also derived from word “multi” that means multiple or variables and “media”
defined as tools that used to represent or do a certain things delivery medium a form of
mass communication, For example newspapers and magazine. (Luaran, 2013).
Multimedia also define as using sound, pictures and film on a computer in addition to
text on the screen. (Steel, New Oxford Dictionary, 2006). In the era of globalization
today, the word is often used in multimedia lead the 21st century. According to (Heinich,
1996), this is the combination of rigid and mobile media to form a teaching program in
formal or informal. For the purpose of this study, multimedia refers to technology in
education use as a tool to improve students‟ academic learning.
1.6.2 Transformation
Transformation means a complete or major change in someone's or something's
appearance and form. (dictionary, 2014) In education system also need a change from
decades to decades for achieve their national philosophy of education. The terms of
transformation is derived from word transform, it is means to change completely,
especially in a way which improves and the transformation a noun word. (Steel, New
Oxford Dictionary, 2006). Transformation is based on the change in the shape or
appearance. (, 2014). Change into someone or something different, or
the process by which this occurs, this also means transformation by (Dictionary, 2009)
Transformation in these terms would include the interactive multimedia development in
learning process such as gain knowledge, fun, create new environment and useful
information that related to academic.
1.6.2 Tool
Tool is a piece of equipment such as screwdriver that you hold. (Steel, New Oxford
Dictionary, 2006). In this research context, tools are the term that equipment we can use
for example, in this research the tools that use is computer and software. It related with
this research because before research start, researcher must know the tools that will use
for the research because it will help to make the research smoothly run.
1.6.3 Rural School
According to (Steel, New Oxford Dictionary, 2006) rural is connected with the country
and not the town. It also has same meaning with suburban and rustic. Suburban means
not in town in Malay it is called “luar Bandar”. Rustic is typical of the country or country
or the country people or simple. In Malay it is called “desa”. Rural school is the school
that located in country or not in town. These terms are suitable with this research
because researcher used respondent from rural school.
1.6.4 Education
The teaching or training of people especially in schools it is called education. (Steel,
New Oxford Dictionary, 2006). Education also can define as the changes that happen or
make towards human for the sake of education and transformation in their system. The
changes include of thinking, physical and mental. From the changes of three factors, it
will become a healthy change (Daia, 1975). For the purpose of this study, education is
related to this research it is because interactive multimedia will used in education field.
1.7 Limitations of the Study
There are some limitations to this study; first limitation is the respondents are only limited to
form four students. The respondents may not give a full cooperation during the research it
is because of the limitations that they have. Secondly is the limitation of this study are the
number of sample that researcher use is to small and not enough. From this amount of
sample researcher only can get result based on the research that give to them. Many
samples should use to make the conclusion strong. Thirdly is the place that study will
conduct. The researcher will conduct this research at Sekolah Kebangsaan Beserah,
Kuantan Pahang. This research only focuses on this school and not represents the rest
population. This study only focuses in rural school. Besides that, the distribution of the
sample is also one of the problems. Since the researcher uses non-random sampling which
is the purposive sampling, the samples do not have equal chances of being selected. The
materials to perform might be inadequate.
1.8 Significance of the study
Study on the role of Interactive Multimedia as a Tool to Enhance Learning Process in rural
school. There is significant of student‟s is to identify the use of multimedia in improving
performance among students whether interactive multimedia can help students to increase
their performance or decrease. If the performance increase it is prove that the interactive
multimedia is one of way to increase student‟s performance. The significance of this study
is to examine the use of multimedia in creating a learning active environment among
students in rural school. From the multimedia software that researcher used in this research
can make students active and comfortable with their environment. Besides that, this study
is to identify multimedia as an effective teaching aid in teaching and learning process
among student. The Effectiveness in using multimedia in teaching process compare to
conventional method of teaching. Besides that, students can explore new method of study
that can change their education process. Nowadays, multimedia and ICT is very important
to us to more competitive especially in education. Thus, the students would have the
opportunity to officially apply these services in their academic learning and at the same
time, it might enhance their academic performance through the innovative learning process.
2.0 Introduction
This study will explore the Transformation in Art Education focusing on interactive Multimedia as
a Tool to Enhance Learning Process. The main objective of this chapter is to identify the use of
multimedia in improving performance among students, to examine the use of multimedia in
creating a learning active environment among students in rural school, and identify multimedia
as an effective teaching aid in teaching and learning process among student. This is followed by
deeper discussion on learning theories related to multimedia in education. The second part
focused on element ofmultimedia. The others part is the impact of computer in education and
the theories and model are related.
2.1 Multimedia in Education
Heading in the 21st century, the use of multimedia is very important in education. Among the
reasons is the paradigm shift in the use of educational development system behaviorism to
cognitivist and to constructivism.
2.2 Element of Multimedia
In a multimedia application, basically the elements of multimedia are divided into two, it is static
(objects that do not move) and dynamic (objects that move or change). The element of
multimedia contains five components or basic elements. It is text, graphic, audio, video and
animation. All of this element can be save in their own format and can be import or export to
another programmed that will support the programmed.
Figure 2.1: Multimedia Elements
2.2.1 Text
According to (Jamaludin, 2000) Text is the basic component in multimedia. Texts bring their
own means story and it is a key for communication idea. text not only provides information to
the audience but the layout of the text, the font used to deliver the message to the audience on
a multimedia application. text should also be able to help the audience understand and help
users to use applications from one topic to another topic. Text is divided into two, namely text
reading and text as visual images. Text also used in the headings and sub-headings, menus
and message communication, giving direction and guidance as well as the content.
There are four types of text printed text, text scanning, electronic text and hypertext. Text is the
text as printed in the book. This text can be typed using word processing software or programs
like Microsoft word, Kingsoft and so on. Scanned text is a text that was scanned using a
scanner. Using electronic devices such as in printing a book or manuscript is called electronic
text. The word 'hyper' refers to the process of connecting a text to be more interactive in the
form without linear, quick and intuitive. Hypertext created by ted nelson in 1965. It give evidence
or further information and to reinforce the dimensions of the text. Hypertext commonly used is
as hotwords, hotspots and buttons.
a) Hotwords is text colored with another color or it is underlined and it has the
characteristics of hypertext that incorporates other information. It would be to
go to a different page or another box.
b) Hotspots are associated with photos and visuals. It is similar to the function
hotwords. For example when we move the cursor to the file it can give more
information about the image.
c) The buttons are a number of important applications in the multimedia
interactive. There are guidelines or instructions indicated on each of the
buttons to help users.
To form an interactive multimedia with text, there are several things that need to be emphasized
to help the software effectively. Item is the text layout in the software, text length and legibility of
the text. (Kadir, 2008)
2.22 Graphic
Graphic images are the key in multimedia. It makes an application is interesting and interested.
Graphic image also design for a wide range of topics and information. Buttons and icons in the
application of multimedia in the graphic element instance. This graphic image function in
multimedia is to explain the concept, to illustrate and elaborate charts, as a continuation of the
application, the communication of corporate image and culture as well as the simulation
environment and local illustrations. They help to illustrate ideas through still pictures. There are
two types of graphics used is bitmaps (paint graphics) and vector (draw graphics). (Kadir, 2008)
Vector graphics are drawn on the computer and only require a small amount of memory. Vector
composed of lines, curves, boxes, circles, polygons, and other forms associated with graphics.
These forms can be filled with color and pattern, can be created, modified, its size without
affecting image. Vector images are clearer and not jagged. Software commonly used to form a
vector image is Adobe Illustrator and CorelDraw.
Bitmaps images are real images that can be captured from devices such as cameras or
scanners. Bitmaps image composed of a matrix of small boxes on a computer screen or printer
called pixels. Each pixel has its own color. The bitmaps image depends on the resolution of a
set number of pixels. If it raised or printed in high resolution it will look like the picture of broken
and jagged. Use software like Adobe Photoshop and fractal design painter is a program that
helps create this bitmap image.
Figure 2.2: Vector versus Bitmap
2.2.3 Audio/Sound
According to (Jamaludin, 2000) A multimedia application may require the use of speech, music
and sound effects. Sound is something that is important to attract the attention of consumers in
an application in multimedia. Without a sound or presentation software will be uninteresting and
silent. The used of background voice intonation to emphasize that the message conveyed
effectively. Sound used should also suit the environment so that it is no exaggeration. It also
strengthens the interaction between the audiences to convey implicit or explicit. Sound
knowledge is essential in the selection of a good sound for the software. Acoustics is the
scientific name for the sound. Vibration of an object in water or air and analog wave form is
called sound. Music produced when bouncing vibration of the eardrum, the sound is received
and reflect vocal chord. These are called audio or the sound element. There are two basic types
of audio or sound: analog and digital audio.
Analog audio refers to the original sound signal. Analog sound is produced when we are able to
detect sound waves and converts it into electrical signals. This signal is processed by the
amplifier and sent to the speakers‟ sufficiency and produce sound. Analog signal will vary
according to the time sequence. Sound waves based on frequency and amplitude of the sound.
Number of cycles per second is called the frequency of vibration waves. Furthermore, while the
amplitude is the height of the sound received.
Digital audio refers to the digital sampling of the actual sound. The sound used in multimedia is
digital audio. (Kadir, 2008)
Figure 2.3: Analog and Digital Sounds
2.2.4 Video
Video is an important element to have an impact on multimedia applications. There are various
factors that consider video as a crucial element. It is able to maintain the authenticity or quality
without losing any data. In addition, video can also edit and add effects sophisticated and
interesting. Create interactive presentations and used as teaching aids during training and can
save you time and energy. It also can contribute to the industry in the production process and
demonstrate new product virtual version before being processed. However, these digital video
files are large in size. Transferring these files can take a long time especially when using the
Internet. (Kadir, 2008)
2.2.5 Animation
Animation is a process of making a static image look like it is moving. In multimedia, digital
animation is used (Kadir, 2008). Animation means giving life to an image. Animation is a way to
add the illusion of a shape for it appeared as if in motion. Animation can simulate the behavior
of the real situation, attracting the attention of on-screen content and visual impact. This
element can also be made of a rigid graphical presentation of the more interesting and more
dynamic so that users can get faster. Animation can be done in the form of 2-D and 3-D.
Computer animation uses traditional animation concepts but also it is done by computer. 2D
animation refers to creating movements in basic objects. These objects are put into various
situations or positions and have movement on the screen. 3D animation refers to creating
movements to three dimensional digital objects from photographs. Movements like spinning and
flying across the screen are some samples of animations.
Figure 2.4: 2 Dimensional Image And 3 Dimensional Images
2.3 The Impact of Technology in Education
Development of technology in today's very fast and robust. This also includes The Education
system today. It leaves a big impact on education. Action Ministry of Education which makes
use of various teaching aids such as laptop computers, compact discs, use a variety of learning
educational software and other teaching aids. Teaching and learning is the main focus of
national education management at either the primary or the secondary school level. Thus, the
management education at both the state and national level are always looking for alternative or
the best methods of teaching and learning in order to enhance the ability of a process of
teaching and learning. The use of technology in the classroom more effective than conventional
methods. According to (Schwier, 2003) supports this statement and said that the technology
has been proven to increase productivity, increase their motivation, indirectly support teaching,
teaching is unique abilities and improve information literacy. Government has provided various
tools of information and communication technology facilities in schools.
2.3.1 Students
The impact of technology on students in school is mostly positive impressions. not only on a
high level as high school from pre-school even more use of multimedia technologies such as is
used in learning and teaching. According to (Majid, 2012) software multimedia material can
certainly have an impact on the moral values in the process of identity formation in children.
This is seen from the description and examples shown in the software applied by the
respondents in their lives. The students at the school consist of various ethnic, cultural, religious
and lifestyle is quite different according to socioeconomic status and family background. These
will affect the personality of students in schools especially in the realm of personal development
towards pre-teens and teens. adolescents is characterized by paradox, trying to intimacy but
fear and always avoid; rebel if controlled but need guidance and structure; not given full
autonomy but often act like mature adults; so selfish, but having to deal with the social needs.
(Corey, 2002)
2.3.2 Educators
Not only had the students who would be affected by the technology in the education system, but
teachers also affected spared. This is because, every technology-based teaching requires
teachers are skilled and trained to lead a class. Impact of these technologies also has a positive
impact on a teacher when dealing with learning session and to get out of class. If the availability
of technology-based learning, teachers can leave the teaching to just play the application and
students can resume their sessions without teachers in the short term (Abdullah, 2004).
However according to a study conducted by eight researchers Rosen and Weil (1995), Winnans
and Brown (1992), Dupagne and Krendl (1992) and Hadley and Sheingold (1993), once
advanced computers, but it must be completed with a variety of useful software such as
"hardware" and "software" that can help teachers improve their efficiency in maximizing the
ability to manipulate the computer. With this increased teacher confidence and easier for them
to pour their experiences and help the students to be prepared to use a computer. technology
also helps and allows the teacher during lessons, that teachers can spend syllabus, better than
traditional teaching methods, not boring and its use provides many benefits (Daud, 2000)
2.4 Related Theories and Model
Theory and models used in the research of multimedia and technology is Elton models and
cognitive theory of multimedia.
2.5 Conceptual Framework
The conceptual framework for this study is shown in Figure 2.4 and it illustrates how the
variables used in this study which is educational technology are related with learning process.
Figure 2.5: Conceptual Framework
In this study, students„perceptions towards interactive multimedia, the use of multimedia in
creating a learning active environment among students in rural school and multimedia as an
for this
study is
shown in
Figure 2.4
and it
how the
used in this
study which
are related
n in
e 2.4
and it
in this
for this
study is
shown in
Figure 2.4
and it
how the
used in this
study which
are related
effective teaching aid in teaching and learning process among student process will be
investigated in depth. These three variables will perceive the literal role of interactive multimedia
in improving form four students„in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Beserah academic learning.
As shown in Figure 2.5, the use of interactive multimedia in academic will influence
students„academic learning processes as well as their created an active learning environment.
These factors will affect the students either in positive or negative way. Thus, this study intends
to see the role of interactive multimedia towards students„academic. Use influences affects
learning process. In this study, the use of interactive multimedia in academic field is believed to
give impact on students learning process.
3.0 Introduction
This chapter will discuss the following; Research Design, Population and Sample,
Instrumentation, Pilot Study, Data Collection, and Data Analysis Plan.
3.1 Research Design
This is a qualitative and quantitative research; it is called mixed method research. According to
(Teddlie, 1998) defined as mixed model studies as those that combine qualitative and
quantitative approaches within several different phases of the research processes. This study
employed a survey research and experimental study. The design was meant to identify the use
of multimedia in improving performance among students in rural school, to examine the use of
multimedia in creating a learning active environment among students in rural school and to
identify multimedia as an effective teaching aid in teaching and learning process among student.
Students from Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Beserah, Kuantan, Pahang have been chosen
as the samples for this study and a set of questionnaires and experiment of interactive
multimedia was used as the instrument in the research to gather the data needed.
3.2 Population and Sample
The population for this study will be all students form four in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan
Beserah, Kuantan. This study used nonrandom sampling methods to choose respondents. Non-
probability sampling is the selection of participants because they are available, convenient, or
represent some characteristic the investigator wants to study. Instead, non-probability sampling
is a process where the samples involved do not have equal chances of being selected. In non-
probability sampling has three samplings methods, which is systematic sampling, convenience
sampling and purposive sampling. In this research, the samples are selected based on the
purposive sampling. The purposive sampling is based on previous knowledge of a population
and the specific purpose of the research. This method also is to target a particular group of
people, whereby for this research is form four students are the respondents from Sekolah
Menengah Kebangsaan Beserah. This sampling technique is chosen as the objective of this
study is to identify the use of multimedia in improving performance among students. All of the
respondents consist of students from various fields such as science streams and social
sciences since they were randomly selected. The sample sizes for this study are 110
3.3 Instrumentation
The instrument used for data collection in this research study is questionnaire, experiment and
interviewing session.
3.4 Data Collection
3.5 Data Analysis
All the data obtained from the questionnaire, experiment and interviewing session were
collected and analysed to provide answers to the three research questions for the study.
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Research proposal

  • 1. TITLE: Transformation in Art Education: Interactive Multimedia as a Tool to Enhance Learning Process in Rural School By: AKMAL BINTI AHAMED KAMAL 2013518657 ED702
  • 2. Contents 1.0 Introduction...........................................................................................................................................4 1.1 Background of the study ...............................................................................................................6 1.2 Statement of the research problem.............................................................................................6 1.3 Research objective.........................................................................................................................7 1.4 Research Question ........................................................................................................................7 1.5 Research hypothesis .....................................................................................................................8 1.6 Operational Definitions ..................................................................................................................8 1.6.1 Multimedia ...............................................................................................................................8 1.6.2 Transformation........................................................................................................................9 1.6.2 Tool...........................................................................................................................................9 1.6.3 Rural School............................................................................................................................9 1.6.4 Education...............................................................................................................................10 1.7 Limitations of the Study...............................................................................................................10 1.8 Significance of the study .............................................................................................................11 2.0 Introduction.........................................................................................................................................12 2.1 Multimedia in Education ...................................................................................................................12 2.2 Element of Multimedia ......................................................................................................................12 2.2.1 Text...............................................................................................................................................13 2.22 Graphic..........................................................................................................................................14 2.2.3 Audio ............................................................................................................................................15 2.2.4 Video ............................................................................................................................................17 2.2.5 Animation.....................................................................................................................................17 2.3 The Impact of Computer in Education............................................................................................18 2.3.1 Students.......................................................................................................................................18 2.3.2 Educators.....................................................................................................................................19 2.4 Related Theories and Model............................................................................................................20 2.5 Conceptual Framework.....................................................................................................................20 3.0 Introduction.........................................................................................................................................22 3.1 Research Design ...............................................................................................................................22 3.2 Population and Sample.....................................................................................................................22 3.3 Instrumentation ..................................................................................................................................23
  • 3. 3.4 Data Collection...................................................................................................................................23 3.5 Data Analysis .....................................................................................................................................23 Bibliography ..............................................................................................................................................24
  • 4. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction A country's future is bright, the quality of a good education system. If the quality of a country's education system is impaired, it will cause adverse effects on a country's development. Ministries of education, but the education minister of national education effort to ensure we remain relevant and internationally accepted. Teachers are an important icon in the classroom to ensure that students are able to improve their performance. Implementation of changes must be made immediately either in management, teaching and learning. Approaches, methods, and techniques used in these lessons can be translated through change hinges on the acceptance of students. In the present age of multimedia and ICT intertwined. The explosion of information and communication technologies (ICT) are in line with the development of education in today's world. The use of technology in teaching, learning Bahasa Melayu example would be more interesting, meaningful and productive with the use of multimedia. According to (Mohammod, 2008), can deliver a multimedia information quickly, accurately and to attract students to create a fun learning environment. With the advent of multimedia, positive impact on pupils who have difficulties in reading and writing process will be more prominent. In addition, the use of multimedia techniques involving voice, sound, pictures, video and text to create an environment rich in language. Accordingly it, use this medium more flexible and free for students to get knowledge. Meanwhile, according to (doyle, 2007), computer helps pupils to improve proficiency through the use of systematic techniques.
  • 5. According to a collection of data stored by the Malaysian Ministry of Education, there are no control students 3Rs of reading, counting and writing. However, the ministry believes the rehabilitation undertaken to help students who suffer from these problems. The ministry has set up a program called LINUS (literacy and numeracy) where the program in action to overcome the problematic students since the beginning. In this program, students not only improve their proficiency, but also teachers claimed to have creativity in the face of these students. These days the uses of multimedia and information technology affect the education system. The use of multimedia materials in teaching and learning is good effort. Each teacher must be creative and innovative capacity in applying these aids. Most of the teachers are still using the traditional approach is less appropriate in the circumstances of pupils now. Traditional pedagogical approach more focused on teaching and learning to the learning of directions. In contrast, the present approach and multimedia technologies are more focused on two-way learning, where teachers and students will be more open and stimulate the minds of students. For example, math teachers use interactive multimedia to use more visual interest to the students and create a more fresh and active. By doing this, their minds are more open to receiving learning process, especially given the typically quick read to feel sleepy and tired. This clearly shows that the use of information technology and multimedia in teaching and learning has a positive impact. There are several studies that support this statement as yet; (Hakkinen, 2006)he has proven that the use of power point allows instructors to increase the briefing guidelines, the pictures and the use of audio and video clips. In this way the instructor does not have to write on a whiteboard or chalkboard to begin the lesson. This method is time-saving and can improve the quality of teaching.
  • 6. 1.1 Background of the study This article will focus on multimedia as a tool to enhance learning process in rural school. It will focus in using of multimedia interactive as method in teaching process. Nowadays, technologies and multimedia are very important to our life. In this research, researcher will more focusing of are of study which is in rural school or suburban school. It is because the using of technologies in this type of school is decrease compared to urban school. A tools approach can be used in our learning system in school to make sure students can collect data and authoring web software to various topic and task. This tool also can help students learn how to applying the technology to a task rather than the technology instructed them. (Grabe, 2007) This research will be support with other research to be stronger. Thus, this paper will provide an overview on either interactive multimedia can help students or teachers in rural school to enhance and improve their academic learning and the effects to their learning process. 1.2 Statement of the research problem Education systems in the world are now more focused on the advancement of information technology and multimedia for the development of the following sectors. Similarly, Malaysia today, many schools began to use these resources in their schools. According to research by (Abu, 2008)found that the use of such aids in teaching children to bring new and innovative methods and it can help stimulate a child's mind in order to think and explore something new . The question now is, does technology and multimedia learning system used in the school to improve student performance?
  • 7. Every student wants an open and fun environment in each class they attend. Fun environment will give them a better understanding and acceptance positively to students. Several studies have been done to prove this statement. Among the studies conducted by (Jamian, 2012)he has conducted research and surveys to school to prove the validity of the study. Results from studies conducted very positive. Some questions have been raised as to obtain good results, such as “software is able to motivate me to learn” and " software encouraged me to use their own knowledge." The extent to which the use of multimedia is used in rural school environments that is similar to a smart school or that urban school? However, these questions will answer and examined its validity in this study. 1.3 Research objective The research objectives for this study are: i) To identify the use of multimedia in improving performance among students. ii) To examine the use of multimedia in creating a learning active environment among students in rural school. iii) To identify multimedia as an effective teaching aid in teaching and learning process among student. 1.4 Research Question The research questions for this study are: iv) What is the use of multimedia in improving performance among students? i) What are the uses of multimedia to create an active environment among student in rural school?
  • 8. ii) What is the effectiveness of multimedia in teaching aid and learning process among student? 1.5 Research hypothesis The research hypothesis for this study is: H1: The students can achieve and enhance their performance through multimedia teaching aid in school. H2: with using multimedia, students also can adapt and create active environment for their class. 1.6 Operational Definitions The definitions used in this study are as follows: 1.6.1 Multimedia Multimedia according to (Marshall, 1999)defined “Multimedia is the field concerned with the computer-controlled integration of text, graphics, drawings, still and moving images (Video), animation, audio, and any other media where every type of information can be represented, stored, transmitted and processed digitally”. Which means that multimedia is combination of variety tools such as graphic, text, audio, animation and video. Multimedia also derived from word “multi” that means multiple or variables and “media” defined as tools that used to represent or do a certain things delivery medium a form of mass communication, For example newspapers and magazine. (Luaran, 2013). Multimedia also define as using sound, pictures and film on a computer in addition to text on the screen. (Steel, New Oxford Dictionary, 2006). In the era of globalization today, the word is often used in multimedia lead the 21st century. According to (Heinich, 1996), this is the combination of rigid and mobile media to form a teaching program in
  • 9. formal or informal. For the purpose of this study, multimedia refers to technology in education use as a tool to improve students‟ academic learning. 1.6.2 Transformation Transformation means a complete or major change in someone's or something's appearance and form. (dictionary, 2014) In education system also need a change from decades to decades for achieve their national philosophy of education. The terms of transformation is derived from word transform, it is means to change completely, especially in a way which improves and the transformation a noun word. (Steel, New Oxford Dictionary, 2006). Transformation is based on the change in the shape or appearance. (, 2014). Change into someone or something different, or the process by which this occurs, this also means transformation by (Dictionary, 2009) Transformation in these terms would include the interactive multimedia development in learning process such as gain knowledge, fun, create new environment and useful information that related to academic. 1.6.2 Tool Tool is a piece of equipment such as screwdriver that you hold. (Steel, New Oxford Dictionary, 2006). In this research context, tools are the term that equipment we can use for example, in this research the tools that use is computer and software. It related with this research because before research start, researcher must know the tools that will use for the research because it will help to make the research smoothly run. 1.6.3 Rural School
  • 10. According to (Steel, New Oxford Dictionary, 2006) rural is connected with the country and not the town. It also has same meaning with suburban and rustic. Suburban means not in town in Malay it is called “luar Bandar”. Rustic is typical of the country or country or the country people or simple. In Malay it is called “desa”. Rural school is the school that located in country or not in town. These terms are suitable with this research because researcher used respondent from rural school. 1.6.4 Education The teaching or training of people especially in schools it is called education. (Steel, New Oxford Dictionary, 2006). Education also can define as the changes that happen or make towards human for the sake of education and transformation in their system. The changes include of thinking, physical and mental. From the changes of three factors, it will become a healthy change (Daia, 1975). For the purpose of this study, education is related to this research it is because interactive multimedia will used in education field. 1.7 Limitations of the Study There are some limitations to this study; first limitation is the respondents are only limited to form four students. The respondents may not give a full cooperation during the research it is because of the limitations that they have. Secondly is the limitation of this study are the number of sample that researcher use is to small and not enough. From this amount of sample researcher only can get result based on the research that give to them. Many samples should use to make the conclusion strong. Thirdly is the place that study will conduct. The researcher will conduct this research at Sekolah Kebangsaan Beserah, Kuantan Pahang. This research only focuses on this school and not represents the rest population. This study only focuses in rural school. Besides that, the distribution of the
  • 11. sample is also one of the problems. Since the researcher uses non-random sampling which is the purposive sampling, the samples do not have equal chances of being selected. The materials to perform might be inadequate. 1.8 Significance of the study Study on the role of Interactive Multimedia as a Tool to Enhance Learning Process in rural school. There is significant of student‟s is to identify the use of multimedia in improving performance among students whether interactive multimedia can help students to increase their performance or decrease. If the performance increase it is prove that the interactive multimedia is one of way to increase student‟s performance. The significance of this study is to examine the use of multimedia in creating a learning active environment among students in rural school. From the multimedia software that researcher used in this research can make students active and comfortable with their environment. Besides that, this study is to identify multimedia as an effective teaching aid in teaching and learning process among student. The Effectiveness in using multimedia in teaching process compare to conventional method of teaching. Besides that, students can explore new method of study that can change their education process. Nowadays, multimedia and ICT is very important to us to more competitive especially in education. Thus, the students would have the opportunity to officially apply these services in their academic learning and at the same time, it might enhance their academic performance through the innovative learning process.
  • 12. CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction This study will explore the Transformation in Art Education focusing on interactive Multimedia as a Tool to Enhance Learning Process. The main objective of this chapter is to identify the use of multimedia in improving performance among students, to examine the use of multimedia in creating a learning active environment among students in rural school, and identify multimedia as an effective teaching aid in teaching and learning process among student. This is followed by deeper discussion on learning theories related to multimedia in education. The second part focused on element ofmultimedia. The others part is the impact of computer in education and the theories and model are related. 2.1 Multimedia in Education Heading in the 21st century, the use of multimedia is very important in education. Among the reasons is the paradigm shift in the use of educational development system behaviorism to cognitivist and to constructivism. 2.2 Element of Multimedia In a multimedia application, basically the elements of multimedia are divided into two, it is static (objects that do not move) and dynamic (objects that move or change). The element of multimedia contains five components or basic elements. It is text, graphic, audio, video and
  • 13. animation. All of this element can be save in their own format and can be import or export to another programmed that will support the programmed. Figure 2.1: Multimedia Elements 2.2.1 Text According to (Jamaludin, 2000) Text is the basic component in multimedia. Texts bring their own means story and it is a key for communication idea. text not only provides information to the audience but the layout of the text, the font used to deliver the message to the audience on a multimedia application. text should also be able to help the audience understand and help users to use applications from one topic to another topic. Text is divided into two, namely text reading and text as visual images. Text also used in the headings and sub-headings, menus and message communication, giving direction and guidance as well as the content. There are four types of text printed text, text scanning, electronic text and hypertext. Text is the text as printed in the book. This text can be typed using word processing software or programs like Microsoft word, Kingsoft and so on. Scanned text is a text that was scanned using a scanner. Using electronic devices such as in printing a book or manuscript is called electronic text. The word 'hyper' refers to the process of connecting a text to be more interactive in the form without linear, quick and intuitive. Hypertext created by ted nelson in 1965. It give evidence
  • 14. or further information and to reinforce the dimensions of the text. Hypertext commonly used is as hotwords, hotspots and buttons. a) Hotwords is text colored with another color or it is underlined and it has the characteristics of hypertext that incorporates other information. It would be to go to a different page or another box. b) Hotspots are associated with photos and visuals. It is similar to the function hotwords. For example when we move the cursor to the file it can give more information about the image. c) The buttons are a number of important applications in the multimedia interactive. There are guidelines or instructions indicated on each of the buttons to help users. To form an interactive multimedia with text, there are several things that need to be emphasized to help the software effectively. Item is the text layout in the software, text length and legibility of the text. (Kadir, 2008) 2.22 Graphic Graphic images are the key in multimedia. It makes an application is interesting and interested. Graphic image also design for a wide range of topics and information. Buttons and icons in the application of multimedia in the graphic element instance. This graphic image function in multimedia is to explain the concept, to illustrate and elaborate charts, as a continuation of the application, the communication of corporate image and culture as well as the simulation environment and local illustrations. They help to illustrate ideas through still pictures. There are two types of graphics used is bitmaps (paint graphics) and vector (draw graphics). (Kadir, 2008)
  • 15. Vector graphics are drawn on the computer and only require a small amount of memory. Vector composed of lines, curves, boxes, circles, polygons, and other forms associated with graphics. These forms can be filled with color and pattern, can be created, modified, its size without affecting image. Vector images are clearer and not jagged. Software commonly used to form a vector image is Adobe Illustrator and CorelDraw. Bitmaps images are real images that can be captured from devices such as cameras or scanners. Bitmaps image composed of a matrix of small boxes on a computer screen or printer called pixels. Each pixel has its own color. The bitmaps image depends on the resolution of a set number of pixels. If it raised or printed in high resolution it will look like the picture of broken and jagged. Use software like Adobe Photoshop and fractal design painter is a program that helps create this bitmap image. Figure 2.2: Vector versus Bitmap 2.2.3 Audio/Sound According to (Jamaludin, 2000) A multimedia application may require the use of speech, music and sound effects. Sound is something that is important to attract the attention of consumers in an application in multimedia. Without a sound or presentation software will be uninteresting and
  • 16. silent. The used of background voice intonation to emphasize that the message conveyed effectively. Sound used should also suit the environment so that it is no exaggeration. It also strengthens the interaction between the audiences to convey implicit or explicit. Sound knowledge is essential in the selection of a good sound for the software. Acoustics is the scientific name for the sound. Vibration of an object in water or air and analog wave form is called sound. Music produced when bouncing vibration of the eardrum, the sound is received and reflect vocal chord. These are called audio or the sound element. There are two basic types of audio or sound: analog and digital audio. Analog audio refers to the original sound signal. Analog sound is produced when we are able to detect sound waves and converts it into electrical signals. This signal is processed by the amplifier and sent to the speakers‟ sufficiency and produce sound. Analog signal will vary according to the time sequence. Sound waves based on frequency and amplitude of the sound. Number of cycles per second is called the frequency of vibration waves. Furthermore, while the amplitude is the height of the sound received. Digital audio refers to the digital sampling of the actual sound. The sound used in multimedia is digital audio. (Kadir, 2008) Figure 2.3: Analog and Digital Sounds
  • 17. 2.2.4 Video Video is an important element to have an impact on multimedia applications. There are various factors that consider video as a crucial element. It is able to maintain the authenticity or quality without losing any data. In addition, video can also edit and add effects sophisticated and interesting. Create interactive presentations and used as teaching aids during training and can save you time and energy. It also can contribute to the industry in the production process and demonstrate new product virtual version before being processed. However, these digital video files are large in size. Transferring these files can take a long time especially when using the Internet. (Kadir, 2008) 2.2.5 Animation Animation is a process of making a static image look like it is moving. In multimedia, digital animation is used (Kadir, 2008). Animation means giving life to an image. Animation is a way to add the illusion of a shape for it appeared as if in motion. Animation can simulate the behavior of the real situation, attracting the attention of on-screen content and visual impact. This element can also be made of a rigid graphical presentation of the more interesting and more dynamic so that users can get faster. Animation can be done in the form of 2-D and 3-D. Computer animation uses traditional animation concepts but also it is done by computer. 2D animation refers to creating movements in basic objects. These objects are put into various situations or positions and have movement on the screen. 3D animation refers to creating movements to three dimensional digital objects from photographs. Movements like spinning and flying across the screen are some samples of animations.
  • 18. Figure 2.4: 2 Dimensional Image And 3 Dimensional Images 2.3 The Impact of Technology in Education Development of technology in today's very fast and robust. This also includes The Education system today. It leaves a big impact on education. Action Ministry of Education which makes use of various teaching aids such as laptop computers, compact discs, use a variety of learning educational software and other teaching aids. Teaching and learning is the main focus of national education management at either the primary or the secondary school level. Thus, the management education at both the state and national level are always looking for alternative or the best methods of teaching and learning in order to enhance the ability of a process of teaching and learning. The use of technology in the classroom more effective than conventional methods. According to (Schwier, 2003) supports this statement and said that the technology has been proven to increase productivity, increase their motivation, indirectly support teaching, teaching is unique abilities and improve information literacy. Government has provided various tools of information and communication technology facilities in schools. 2.3.1 Students The impact of technology on students in school is mostly positive impressions. not only on a high level as high school from pre-school even more use of multimedia technologies such as is
  • 19. used in learning and teaching. According to (Majid, 2012) software multimedia material can certainly have an impact on the moral values in the process of identity formation in children. This is seen from the description and examples shown in the software applied by the respondents in their lives. The students at the school consist of various ethnic, cultural, religious and lifestyle is quite different according to socioeconomic status and family background. These will affect the personality of students in schools especially in the realm of personal development towards pre-teens and teens. adolescents is characterized by paradox, trying to intimacy but fear and always avoid; rebel if controlled but need guidance and structure; not given full autonomy but often act like mature adults; so selfish, but having to deal with the social needs. (Corey, 2002) 2.3.2 Educators Not only had the students who would be affected by the technology in the education system, but teachers also affected spared. This is because, every technology-based teaching requires teachers are skilled and trained to lead a class. Impact of these technologies also has a positive impact on a teacher when dealing with learning session and to get out of class. If the availability of technology-based learning, teachers can leave the teaching to just play the application and students can resume their sessions without teachers in the short term (Abdullah, 2004). However according to a study conducted by eight researchers Rosen and Weil (1995), Winnans and Brown (1992), Dupagne and Krendl (1992) and Hadley and Sheingold (1993), once advanced computers, but it must be completed with a variety of useful software such as "hardware" and "software" that can help teachers improve their efficiency in maximizing the ability to manipulate the computer. With this increased teacher confidence and easier for them to pour their experiences and help the students to be prepared to use a computer. technology
  • 20. also helps and allows the teacher during lessons, that teachers can spend syllabus, better than traditional teaching methods, not boring and its use provides many benefits (Daud, 2000) 2.4 Related Theories and Model Theory and models used in the research of multimedia and technology is Elton models and cognitive theory of multimedia. 2.5 Conceptual Framework The conceptual framework for this study is shown in Figure 2.4 and it illustrates how the variables used in this study which is educational technology are related with learning process. Figure 2.5: Conceptual Framework In this study, students„perceptions towards interactive multimedia, the use of multimedia in creating a learning active environment among students in rural school and multimedia as an Students Interactive Multimedia Academic Learning Process Learning Environment Use Th e con cep tua l fra me wo rk for this stu dy is sho wn in Fig ure 2.4 and it illu Influences conceptual framework for this study is shown in Figure 2.4 and it illustrates how the variables used in this study which is educational technology are related Affect s conce ptual frame work for this study is show n in Figur e 2.4 and it illustr ates how the varia bles used in this study which Influences conceptual framework for this study is shown in Figure 2.4 and it illustrates how the variables used in this study which is educational technology are related
  • 21. effective teaching aid in teaching and learning process among student process will be investigated in depth. These three variables will perceive the literal role of interactive multimedia in improving form four students„in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Beserah academic learning. As shown in Figure 2.5, the use of interactive multimedia in academic will influence students„academic learning processes as well as their created an active learning environment. These factors will affect the students either in positive or negative way. Thus, this study intends to see the role of interactive multimedia towards students„academic. Use influences affects learning process. In this study, the use of interactive multimedia in academic field is believed to give impact on students learning process.
  • 22. CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.0 Introduction This chapter will discuss the following; Research Design, Population and Sample, Instrumentation, Pilot Study, Data Collection, and Data Analysis Plan. 3.1 Research Design This is a qualitative and quantitative research; it is called mixed method research. According to (Teddlie, 1998) defined as mixed model studies as those that combine qualitative and quantitative approaches within several different phases of the research processes. This study employed a survey research and experimental study. The design was meant to identify the use of multimedia in improving performance among students in rural school, to examine the use of multimedia in creating a learning active environment among students in rural school and to identify multimedia as an effective teaching aid in teaching and learning process among student. Students from Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Beserah, Kuantan, Pahang have been chosen as the samples for this study and a set of questionnaires and experiment of interactive multimedia was used as the instrument in the research to gather the data needed. 3.2 Population and Sample The population for this study will be all students form four in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Beserah, Kuantan. This study used nonrandom sampling methods to choose respondents. Non-
  • 23. probability sampling is the selection of participants because they are available, convenient, or represent some characteristic the investigator wants to study. Instead, non-probability sampling is a process where the samples involved do not have equal chances of being selected. In non- probability sampling has three samplings methods, which is systematic sampling, convenience sampling and purposive sampling. In this research, the samples are selected based on the purposive sampling. The purposive sampling is based on previous knowledge of a population and the specific purpose of the research. This method also is to target a particular group of people, whereby for this research is form four students are the respondents from Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Beserah. This sampling technique is chosen as the objective of this study is to identify the use of multimedia in improving performance among students. All of the respondents consist of students from various fields such as science streams and social sciences since they were randomly selected. The sample sizes for this study are 110 respondents. 3.3 Instrumentation The instrument used for data collection in this research study is questionnaire, experiment and interviewing session. 3.4 Data Collection 3.5 Data Analysis All the data obtained from the questionnaire, experiment and interviewing session were collected and analysed to provide answers to the three research questions for the study.
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