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Samantha Lesyk                                                                           Humanities 30-1
May 6, 2012

Representation vs. Authority
Type of          About                               Liberal           Current            Metaphor
Government                                           Principles        Example(s)
Direct           - Operates on the belief that       Accepted:         - Switzerland      Direct democracy is
Democracy        every citizen’s voice is            - Individual                         First Nations having
                 important and necessary for         rights and                           pow wows about
                 the orderly and efficient           freedoms                             situations or
                 operation of society                - Rule of law                        events.
                 - Three important instruments
                 of direct democracy are             Rejected:
                 initiatives, referendums or         - Self-interest
                 plebiscites, and recalls
                 - Initiatives, in the US, can be
                 used for citizens to create
                 legislation. They begin with
                 the forming of a petition by a
                 group of citizens and if the
                 petition is signed by a certain
                 amount of people, it can force
                 a public vote on an issue
                 - Referendums or plebiscites,
                 is when all citizens must vote
                 on whether to accept or reject
                 a proposed piece of legislation
                 - Recall elections are when a
                 majority of voters may choose
                 to remove an elected official
                 or government in power,
                 which is usually initiated
                 through petition
                 - Every citizen votes directly in
                 all decisions; only practical
                 with small population
Republican       - A republic is a country where     Accepted:         - France           Republican
Democracy        the people are sovereign and        - Rule of law     - United States    democracy is
                 there is no king or queen           - Individual      of America         Godzilla and King
                 - Has three branches of             rights and                           Kong fighting over
                 government; legislative,            freedoms                             dominant power.
                 executive, and judicial             - Economic
                 - To ensure the government          Freedom
                 adheres to liberal principles,      - Self-interest
                 they use a system of checks
                 and balances to make sure
Samantha Lesyk                                                       Humanities 30-1
May 6, 2012

                 that no one branch of the           - Competition
                 government becomes too
                 - This system was established
                 based on the beliefs that
                 checks and balances would
                 keep the government too
                 weak to override the will of
                 the people, and that the least
                 intrusive government provides
                 more freedom to its citizens
                 - There are two chambers of
                 the US Congress; the House of
                 representatives and the
                 - New laws must be passed by
                 both House of Representatives
                 and senate, then be approved
                 by president
                 - The president can veto the
                 bill and ultimately choose not
                 to sign a bill, in which case the
                 bill would be sent back to the
                 house of Congress where it
                 originated, so it may be
                 - Presidential veto may be
                 defeated by ⅔ majority vote in
                 both Houses of Congress
                 - The people go to the polls
                 and vote for the presidential
                 candidate of their choice by
                 voting for electors pledged to
                 body known as the Electoral
                 - The framers of the US
                 Constitution were somewhat
                 suspicious of the will of the
                 people and did not want the
                 people to directly elect the
                 - Established a process
                 whereby each state and the
                 District of Columbia select
                 electors equal in number to
                 their Congressional
Samantha Lesyk                                                                    Humanities 30-1
May 6, 2012

                 representation, and the
                 electors actually elect the
                 - Essentially has a two-party
                 system, which has the
                 advantage of stability, but the
                 disadvantage that it is virtually
                 impossible to challenge the
                 established parties to consider
                 minority opinions
                 - Legislative branch=Congress
                 (House of Representatives and
                 - Number of representatives
                 reflects state populations (435
                 total; 2 year term
                 - Every state has 2 senators
                 (100 total); 6 year terms (1/3
                 are elected every 2 years
                 - Executive branch (all
                 appointed by the president):
                 president (every 4 year terms,
                 max 2 terms) (head of state
                 and commander and chief in
                 military), vice president,
                 secretary of state, cabinet
                 - Judicial branch: courts and
                 - Appointed cabinet
Parliamentary    - Also known as responsible         Accepted:         - United    Parliamentary
Democracy        government                          - Individual      Kingdom     democracy is a pig
                 - A branch of government that       rights and        - Canada    race with 10 pigs
                 proposes laws, the executive        freedoms                      racing for the finish
                 branch of government, is            - Rule of law                 line. Some are
                 dependent on the direct or          - Competition                 slower or less liked,
                 indirect support of elected                                       while others are
                 members of the legislative          Rejected:                     the power pigs that
                 branch                              - Self-interest               dominate the
                 - Responsible government is
                 about the accountability
                 - If suspected of not carrying
                 out the will of the people, a
                 motion of non-confidence may
                 be proposed in the House of
                 Commons, in which a vote is
Samantha Lesyk                                       Humanities 30-1
May 6, 2012

                 held to decide whether the
                 government must immediately
                 resign or submit to a new
                 general election or not
                 - Operates on the basis of
                 representation by population,
                 in which a single
                 representative is elected from
                 divided electoral districts of
                 about 100 000 people
                 - Like most government
                 systems, Canada has a
                 bicameral legislature to
                 provide two different
                 legislative bodies, each based
                 on a different form of
                 - Senators are not elected;
                 prime minister appoints new
                 - Any piece of legislation
                 passed by the House of
                 Commons must also be passed
                 by the Senate before it can
                 become law
                 - Usually, the Senate simply
                 recommends alterations
                 rather than rejects the bill
                 - Government led by party
                 with most representatives and
                 the leader of the party
                 becomes head of the
                 - Elected executive branch
                 needs support of elected
                 legislative branch
                 - MP’s represent electorate
                 - Governor general is a
                 member of executive and
                 legislative branches -
                 represents Monarch
                 - Legislative branch (house of
                 commons and senators) create
                 - Election= “first past-the-post”
                 (single member constituency)
Samantha Lesyk                                                                         Humanities 30-1
May 6, 2012

                 - Senators represent regions,
                 not population -- also
                 legislative branch
                 - Judicial branch administers
                 (interprets and enforces) law -
                 courts and judges
                 - Electoral parliament; appoint
Proportional     - This system of government        Accepted:         - Venezuela       Proportional
Representation   has the citizens voting directly   - Individual      - South Africa    representation is
                 for a party, not candidate, and    rights and        - Israel          when you can’t
                 then representatives are           freedoms          - Austria         choose between
                 assigned based on the amount       - Rule of law     - Finland         two chocolate bars,
                 of popular support obtained        - Competition                       so you end up
                 (percentage of vote)                                                   getting a little bit of
                 - Encourages and legitimizes       Rejected:                           both.
                 participation by minority or       - Self-interest
                 marginal parties who would
                 not obtain representation in
                 the systems used in Canada or
                 the US
                 - Is argued this system more
                 directly reflects the popular
                 vote and therefore better
                 reflects the will of the people
                 - Smaller parties are more
                 - Often results in minority
                 governments that require
                 coalitions between parties
                 - The will of the people is
                 expressed in the selection of
                 representatives to the
                 government during elections
                 - Periodic elections are held to
                 ensure that those elected
                 remain true to the will of the
                 - The presence of multiple
                 parties representing various
                 perspectives allows them the
                 ability to watch one another
                 with a critical eye, the
                 separation of powers among
                 different branches of
Samantha Lesyk                                                                        Humanities 30-1
May 6, 2012

                 government, and independent
                 media, an independent
                 judiciary, and the rule of law
                 - Entrenches the basic rights
                 and freedoms of citizens and
                 prevent abuse by those who
                 wield power
                 - Elected representatives make
                 decisions on behalf of
Monarchy         - Government power is held by     Accepted:         - Saudi Arabia    Monarchy is God
                 a monarch (king, emperor,         - Self-interest                     holding power over
                 sheik, tsar, etc.) and passes                                         all the people.
                 according to bloodiness           Rejected:
                 (sometimes monarchs are           - Individual
                 elected too)                      rights and
                 - Monarch has total authority     freedoms
                 over government and civil         - Rule of law
                 matters                           - Economic
                 - Leadership is passed along
                                                   - Private
                 blood lines/through
Oligarchy        - A form of government in         Accepted:         - Russian         Oligarchy is the
                 which political power rests       - Self-interest   Federation        cool kids in a
                 with a small elite segment of                                         school of cliques.
                 society, who are often            Rejected:                           There are few of
                 controlled by politically         - Individual                        them and it is a
                 powerful families who pass on     rights and                          special privilege to
                 their influence to their          freedoms                            rule to school.
                 children                          - Rule of law
                 - The oligarchic elite imposes    - Private
                 strict limits on what
                 constitutes an acceptable and
                 respectable political position,
                 and politicians’ careers
                 depend heavily on unelected
                 economic and media elites
                 - Political power is held by a
                 small elite segment of society,
                 often politically powerful
                 - The Russian Federation is
                 considered an oligarchy
                 because of the influence
                 carried by members of the
Samantha Lesyk                                                                        Humanities 30-1
May 6, 2012

                  former communist part
                  - Some also theorize that all
                  forms of government
                  eventually become oligarchies
                  (ex. USA)

One-Party State   - A type of system where only      Accepted:         - Italy          A one-party state is
                  one party forms the                - Rule of law                      trying to pick a red
                  government and no other                                               marble out of a bag
                  parties are permitted to run       Rejected:                          of blue.
                  candidates for election            - Individual
                  - Some appearances of              rights and
                  democracy exist, but the           freedoms
                  absence of choice and the          - Competition
                  barriers against change            - Self-interest
                  eliminate the liberal and
                  democratic principle of the will
                  of the people
                  - They are often communist
                  - Others say it simply does not
                  represent the will of the
                  - In some states, people may
                  choose from a number of
                  candidates, though all
                  candidates represent the same
                  - Emphasize unity, strength,
                  community through a single
                  organization (party), rather
                  than the divisiveness and
                  conflict of multi-party
                  - With no dissenting voice
                  (opposing parties) it is easier
                  to ignore previously
                  established laws or
                  - Often described as a republic
                  of the people’s will (people’s
                  republic, socialist republic,
                  democratic republic)
Military          - A form of government in          Accepted:         - Latin America Military
Dictatorships     which political power resides      - Rule of law     - Africa        dictatorship is the
                                                                       - Middle East   live version of the
Samantha Lesyk                                                         Humanities 30-1
May 6, 2012

                 with the military leadership        Rejected:          Saw movies. A man
                 - Some justify military             - Individual       with the ability to
                 dictatorships by saying they        rights and         take away your life
                 are bringing political stability    freedoms           right before your
                 to their countries or of            - Self-interest    eyes, but makes
                 rescuing them from                                     you participate in
                 “dangerous ideologies”                                 his sick, twisted
                 - Military regimes tend to                             game, which is
                 portray themselves as neutral                          your only way to
                 third parties who can provide
                 interim leadership during
                 times of turmoil
                 - Will of the people is ignored
                 or undermined short term, but
                 apparently is better in the long
                 - Tend to be unwilling to give
                 up power unless forced to do
                 - Military leadership holds
                 political power
                 - May be official (military
                 declares their intent to
                 govern) or unofficial (military
                 exerts influence privately)
                 - Generally established
                 through coup d’état
                 - Often justified as an attempt
                 to stabilize national politics or
                 rescue the nation from
                 dangerous ideologies
                 - Musharraf claimed the
                 elected president was
                 undermining Pakistan’s
                 - Pinochet took over Chile in
                 order to prevent the elected
                 president from creating an
                 authoritarian socialist
                 - Military dictatorships are
                 rarely considered legitimate by
                 the international community
                 and have become increasingly
                 rare in the last 20 years
Samantha Lesyk                                                                         Humanities 30-1
May 6, 2012

In General
Democracy                            Similarities              Authoritarianism
- Tests human’s ability to make      - Both have intentions    - Generally labeled as unconcerned with
wise judgments in matters            of paying attention and   the will of the people, but that is not
concerning themselves or others      responding to the will    necessarily true
- Ordinary individual citizens are   of the people, but go     - They attempt to discern and respond to
the ones who shape how the           about in different ways   the will of the people
government works                     - Both have a leader      - Claim order and security are more
- Ideally, the governing system is   over the government,      important than freedom
designed with the individual         whether it be a prime     - Father figure will make the decisions
citizen’s participation and          minister, a president,    in the interests of the people
                                     or a monarch              - They have a detailed vision of a
inviolability in mind
                                     - Both make use of the    wonderful future, but their vision
- Individual equality and worth,
                                     practice of propaganda    requires sacrifice and hardship and
the rule of law, private property,
                                     to spread word and        must therefore ignore the immediate
and ruling through the consent       boost their popularity
of the governed                                                will of the people
- Elections are the essence of                                 - Authoritarianism describes a form of
democracy; open, free and fair                                 government that vests authority in an
- “As citizens of this democracy,                              elite group that may or may not rule in
you are the rulers and the ruled,                              the interests of the people
the lawgivers and the law-                                     - Many authoritarian governments
abiding, the beginning and the                                 believe they are serving the best
end.” – Adlai Stevenson                                        interests of the country
- In democracy, power is                                       - Some scholars believe
ultimately vested in the people                                authoritarianism is an expression of
                                                               collectivism, in opposition to
                                                               - Places governing authority with an
                                                               elite that may or may not govern in the
                                                               interests of the people
                                                               - Vision: defined by leader as a national
                                                               objective (security, prosperity, etc.)
                                                               - Propaganda: population is controlled
                                                               by controlling the information they
                                                               - Controlled Participation: people
                                                               believe they are contributing
                                                               (attending rallies, spying on subversive
                                                               citizens) and work to support
                                                               government activities or stop anti-
                                                               government efforts
                                                               - Directing Public Discontent: people
Samantha Lesyk                         Humanities 30-1
May 6, 2012

                 are provided with a common enemy
                 (scapegoat) upon which they can focus
                 their frustration or anger
                 - Terror: may be quick, brutal, and
                 violent (dissidents disappear)

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Representation vs Authority

  • 1. Samantha Lesyk Humanities 30-1 May 6, 2012 Representation vs. Authority Type of About Liberal Current Metaphor Government Principles Example(s) Direct - Operates on the belief that Accepted: - Switzerland Direct democracy is Democracy every citizen’s voice is - Individual First Nations having important and necessary for rights and pow wows about the orderly and efficient freedoms situations or operation of society - Rule of law events. - Three important instruments of direct democracy are Rejected: initiatives, referendums or - Self-interest plebiscites, and recalls - Initiatives, in the US, can be used for citizens to create legislation. They begin with the forming of a petition by a group of citizens and if the petition is signed by a certain amount of people, it can force a public vote on an issue - Referendums or plebiscites, is when all citizens must vote on whether to accept or reject a proposed piece of legislation - Recall elections are when a majority of voters may choose to remove an elected official or government in power, which is usually initiated through petition - Every citizen votes directly in all decisions; only practical with small population Republican - A republic is a country where Accepted: - France Republican Democracy the people are sovereign and - Rule of law - United States democracy is there is no king or queen - Individual of America Godzilla and King - Has three branches of rights and Kong fighting over government; legislative, freedoms dominant power. executive, and judicial - Economic - To ensure the government Freedom adheres to liberal principles, - Self-interest they use a system of checks Rejected: and balances to make sure
  • 2. Samantha Lesyk Humanities 30-1 May 6, 2012 that no one branch of the - Competition government becomes too powerful - This system was established based on the beliefs that checks and balances would keep the government too weak to override the will of the people, and that the least intrusive government provides more freedom to its citizens - There are two chambers of the US Congress; the House of representatives and the Senate - New laws must be passed by both House of Representatives and senate, then be approved by president - The president can veto the bill and ultimately choose not to sign a bill, in which case the bill would be sent back to the house of Congress where it originated, so it may be revised - Presidential veto may be defeated by ⅔ majority vote in both Houses of Congress - The people go to the polls and vote for the presidential candidate of their choice by voting for electors pledged to body known as the Electoral College - The framers of the US Constitution were somewhat suspicious of the will of the people and did not want the people to directly elect the president - Established a process whereby each state and the District of Columbia select electors equal in number to their Congressional
  • 3. Samantha Lesyk Humanities 30-1 May 6, 2012 representation, and the electors actually elect the president - Essentially has a two-party system, which has the advantage of stability, but the disadvantage that it is virtually impossible to challenge the established parties to consider minority opinions - Legislative branch=Congress (House of Representatives and Senate) - Number of representatives reflects state populations (435 total; 2 year term - Every state has 2 senators (100 total); 6 year terms (1/3 are elected every 2 years - Executive branch (all appointed by the president): president (every 4 year terms, max 2 terms) (head of state and commander and chief in military), vice president, secretary of state, cabinet - Judicial branch: courts and judges - Appointed cabinet Parliamentary - Also known as responsible Accepted: - United Parliamentary Democracy government - Individual Kingdom democracy is a pig - A branch of government that rights and - Canada race with 10 pigs proposes laws, the executive freedoms racing for the finish branch of government, is - Rule of law line. Some are dependent on the direct or - Competition slower or less liked, indirect support of elected while others are members of the legislative Rejected: the power pigs that branch - Self-interest dominate the competition. - Responsible government is about the accountability - If suspected of not carrying out the will of the people, a motion of non-confidence may be proposed in the House of Commons, in which a vote is
  • 4. Samantha Lesyk Humanities 30-1 May 6, 2012 held to decide whether the government must immediately resign or submit to a new general election or not - Operates on the basis of representation by population, in which a single representative is elected from divided electoral districts of about 100 000 people - Like most government systems, Canada has a bicameral legislature to provide two different legislative bodies, each based on a different form of representation - Senators are not elected; prime minister appoints new senators - Any piece of legislation passed by the House of Commons must also be passed by the Senate before it can become law - Usually, the Senate simply recommends alterations rather than rejects the bill - Government led by party with most representatives and the leader of the party becomes head of the government - Elected executive branch needs support of elected legislative branch - MP’s represent electorate - Governor general is a member of executive and legislative branches - represents Monarch - Legislative branch (house of commons and senators) create laws - Election= “first past-the-post” (single member constituency)
  • 5. Samantha Lesyk Humanities 30-1 May 6, 2012 - Senators represent regions, not population -- also legislative branch - Judicial branch administers (interprets and enforces) law - courts and judges - Electoral parliament; appoint senate Proportional - This system of government Accepted: - Venezuela Proportional Representation has the citizens voting directly - Individual - South Africa representation is for a party, not candidate, and rights and - Israel when you can’t then representatives are freedoms - Austria choose between assigned based on the amount - Rule of law - Finland two chocolate bars, of popular support obtained - Competition so you end up (percentage of vote) getting a little bit of - Encourages and legitimizes Rejected: both. participation by minority or - Self-interest marginal parties who would not obtain representation in the systems used in Canada or the US - Is argued this system more directly reflects the popular vote and therefore better reflects the will of the people - Smaller parties are more successful - Often results in minority governments that require coalitions between parties - The will of the people is expressed in the selection of representatives to the government during elections - Periodic elections are held to ensure that those elected remain true to the will of the people - The presence of multiple parties representing various perspectives allows them the ability to watch one another with a critical eye, the separation of powers among different branches of
  • 6. Samantha Lesyk Humanities 30-1 May 6, 2012 government, and independent media, an independent judiciary, and the rule of law - Entrenches the basic rights and freedoms of citizens and prevent abuse by those who wield power - Elected representatives make decisions on behalf of electorate Monarchy - Government power is held by Accepted: - Saudi Arabia Monarchy is God a monarch (king, emperor, - Self-interest holding power over sheik, tsar, etc.) and passes all the people. according to bloodiness Rejected: (sometimes monarchs are - Individual elected too) rights and - Monarch has total authority freedoms over government and civil - Rule of law matters - Economic freedom - Leadership is passed along - Private blood lines/through property generations Oligarchy - A form of government in Accepted: - Russian Oligarchy is the which political power rests - Self-interest Federation cool kids in a with a small elite segment of school of cliques. society, who are often Rejected: There are few of controlled by politically - Individual them and it is a powerful families who pass on rights and special privilege to their influence to their freedoms rule to school. children - Rule of law - The oligarchic elite imposes - Private property strict limits on what constitutes an acceptable and respectable political position, and politicians’ careers depend heavily on unelected economic and media elites - Political power is held by a small elite segment of society, often politically powerful families - The Russian Federation is considered an oligarchy because of the influence carried by members of the
  • 7. Samantha Lesyk Humanities 30-1 May 6, 2012 former communist part - Some also theorize that all forms of government eventually become oligarchies (ex. USA) One-Party State - A type of system where only Accepted: - Italy A one-party state is one party forms the - Rule of law trying to pick a red government and no other marble out of a bag parties are permitted to run Rejected: of blue. candidates for election - Individual - Some appearances of rights and democracy exist, but the freedoms absence of choice and the - Competition barriers against change - Self-interest eliminate the liberal and democratic principle of the will of the people - They are often communist states - Others say it simply does not represent the will of the people - In some states, people may choose from a number of candidates, though all candidates represent the same party - Emphasize unity, strength, community through a single organization (party), rather than the divisiveness and conflict of multi-party democracy - With no dissenting voice (opposing parties) it is easier to ignore previously established laws or constitutions - Often described as a republic of the people’s will (people’s republic, socialist republic, democratic republic) Military - A form of government in Accepted: - Latin America Military Dictatorships which political power resides - Rule of law - Africa dictatorship is the - Middle East live version of the
  • 8. Samantha Lesyk Humanities 30-1 May 6, 2012 with the military leadership Rejected: Saw movies. A man - Some justify military - Individual with the ability to dictatorships by saying they rights and take away your life are bringing political stability freedoms right before your to their countries or of - Self-interest eyes, but makes rescuing them from you participate in “dangerous ideologies” his sick, twisted - Military regimes tend to game, which is portray themselves as neutral your only way to survive. third parties who can provide interim leadership during times of turmoil - Will of the people is ignored or undermined short term, but apparently is better in the long run - Tend to be unwilling to give up power unless forced to do so - Military leadership holds political power - May be official (military declares their intent to govern) or unofficial (military exerts influence privately) - Generally established through coup d’état - Often justified as an attempt to stabilize national politics or rescue the nation from dangerous ideologies - Musharraf claimed the elected president was undermining Pakistan’s constitution - Pinochet took over Chile in order to prevent the elected president from creating an authoritarian socialist government - Military dictatorships are rarely considered legitimate by the international community and have become increasingly rare in the last 20 years
  • 9. Samantha Lesyk Humanities 30-1 May 6, 2012 In General Democracy Similarities Authoritarianism - Tests human’s ability to make - Both have intentions - Generally labeled as unconcerned with wise judgments in matters of paying attention and the will of the people, but that is not concerning themselves or others responding to the will necessarily true - Ordinary individual citizens are of the people, but go - They attempt to discern and respond to the ones who shape how the about in different ways the will of the people government works - Both have a leader - Claim order and security are more - Ideally, the governing system is over the government, important than freedom designed with the individual whether it be a prime - Father figure will make the decisions citizen’s participation and minister, a president, in the interests of the people or a monarch - They have a detailed vision of a inviolability in mind - Both make use of the wonderful future, but their vision - Individual equality and worth, practice of propaganda requires sacrifice and hardship and the rule of law, private property, to spread word and must therefore ignore the immediate and ruling through the consent boost their popularity of the governed will of the people - Elections are the essence of - Authoritarianism describes a form of democracy; open, free and fair government that vests authority in an - “As citizens of this democracy, elite group that may or may not rule in you are the rulers and the ruled, the interests of the people the lawgivers and the law- - Many authoritarian governments abiding, the beginning and the believe they are serving the best end.” – Adlai Stevenson interests of the country - In democracy, power is - Some scholars believe ultimately vested in the people authoritarianism is an expression of collectivism, in opposition to individualism - Places governing authority with an elite that may or may not govern in the interests of the people - Vision: defined by leader as a national objective (security, prosperity, etc.) - Propaganda: population is controlled by controlling the information they receive - Controlled Participation: people believe they are contributing (attending rallies, spying on subversive citizens) and work to support government activities or stop anti- government efforts - Directing Public Discontent: people
  • 10. Samantha Lesyk Humanities 30-1 May 6, 2012 are provided with a common enemy (scapegoat) upon which they can focus their frustration or anger - Terror: may be quick, brutal, and violent (dissidents disappear)