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Date: 22nd May 2013
Creator: W&S Group
Research time: 4th – 20th May 2013
Based on Vinaresearch’s panellist
Table of content
A – Executive Summary 1 ~ 4
B – Research Information 5 ~ 6
C – Research Findings 6 ~ 42
D – Member Profile 43 ~ 44
A. Executive summary
[1] Game programming is rather not popular
• 29.3% of 443 respondents did not work on Game programming. In terms of frequency degree, System
analyzing is at the top as it gained average score of 4.04. The next ones are System Administration and
Research & Development.
• Frequency of working on System analyzing is at the top with mean of 4.06 in male group and 4.00 in
female group. The second field was System administration in male group and Research &
Development in female one.
• As the Figure 1.3 showed below, mean of Research & Development and System analyzing is very close
in 25 – 29 years old group. In the other words, both of these fields were preferred by this group. For the
other age groups, System analyzing was outstanding compared to other fields.
[2] 82.3% respondents worked as a full-time employee
• 82.3% of 243 respondents who are working in programming fields were Full-time employees.
However, there was 17.7% working on outsourced projects only.
• Upon 10 males / females were asked, there was more than 8 persons working as Full-time employee.
• Generally, percentage of Full-time employees was higher than Only work as freelancer. However, this
numerical data was not consensus among age groups.
A. Executive summary
[3] FPT was mostly chosen, accounting for 37.5%
• Upon 10 respondents were asked, there was nearly 4 persons working for FPT. The following were Viettel
and Vinagame (VNG) with 8.5% and 4.5% respectively. Besides, there was 29.0% respondents working
for small and medium companies in Vietnam.
• 38.9% male respondents and 33.3% female ones worked for FPT. Besides, there was more than 20%
working for small and medium companies.
• All age groups worked for FPT, respectively accounting for 48.1%, 24.1% and 28.6% for each group. In
addition, percentage of working for small and medium companies was rather high.
[4] FPT was the first choice for freelanced programmers[4] FPT was the first choice for freelanced programmers
• 37.2% of 43 respondents working as a freelancer did outsourced projects for FPT. The following are
Viettel and Quang Trung Software, respectively accounting for 20.9% and 16.3%. Besides, there were
34.9% receiving projects from smaller companies or through relationship.
A. Executive summary
[5] Nearly 70% respondents used Window platform
• The result pointed out that Window was the most popular platform that mostly used by 68.7%
respondents. Web is the second platform with 55.6%. Besides, there ware some platforms which have not
been very popular in Vietnam such as Symbian, Palm / WebOS, RIM or Bada.
• Window was reported as the most popular platform in both gender groups, respectively accounting for
68.0% of male respondents and 71.0% of female ones. Being opposite of Window, not only male but also
female group did not choose Bada as their regular platforms.
• Window was reported as the most popular platform in all age groups. The next ones were Web and Java.
No respondent in all groups chose Bada as their regular platforms.
[6] 40.7% respondents used Window most often
• 37.2% of 43 respondents working as a freelancer did outsourced projects for FPT. The following are
Viettel and Quang Trung Software, respectively accounting for 20.9% and 16.3%. Besides, there were
34.9% receiving projects from smaller companies or through relationship.
• Window, Web and Android were used most often in both male and female group. In particular, Window
was at the top with 38.1% of male respondents and 46.8% of female ones.
• All age groups used Window as their main platform. The following ones were Web, Android and Java. In
particular, Java seemed to be more preferable in the group of 30 years old and over, accounting for
A. Executive summary
[7] Android and Cloud Computing achieved high potentiality
• For mobile, Android was predicted to be applied mostly, account for 40.3%. The next one was Window
Phone with 35.0%. For computer, Cloud Computing was perceived as the most potential platform by
44.4% respondents. The second position belonged to Window, accounting for 36.2%.
• Both male and female group agreed that Android was the highest potential platform for Mobile and Cloud
Computing was for Computer in the future. The second one for Mobile phone was Window Phone and
for Computer was Window.
• For mobile, while the group of 20 – 24 years old thought that Android would be the highest
potentiality, the others voted Window Phone as the mot potential platform. For Computer, Cloud
Computing was mostly chosen by the groups of 25 – 29 years old and 30 years old and over. Not as those
groups, the youngest group preferred Window.
[8] Java was the most popular programming language, accounting for
• Upon 10 people were asked, there were around 6 persons using Java. The next languages were HTML
, C# and C++ with 53.5%, 52.3% and 51.9% respectively.
• More than 50% of male and female group used Java regularly. The following platform chosen by 56.9%
male respondents was C++ and female ones voted for HTML, accounting for 51.6%.
• Upon 10 people were asked, there were around 6 persons in the group of 20 – 24 years old using C++.
However, this language was not so popular as Java in the older groups.
A. Executive summary
[9] Java and C# were the languages used most often
• There was 27.2% respondents using Java as their regular programming language. The next one is C# and
C++, respectively accounting for 24.3% and 19.3%. Also, the result also showed that less respondents
used as their main language.
• As the graph was shown in Figure 9.2, Java was more preferable than other languages in female group.
Not only using Java, male respondents also used C# regularly that was proved by seemingly close
• The group of 30 years old and over especially liked to use Java more than the other
languages, accounting for 41.3%. Besides Java, the group of 20 – 24 years old also preferred C# and
C++. Not as those two groups, respondents aged 25 – 29 years old mostly voted for C# with 33.3%.
[10] 72.9% agreed that HTML was the most popular language
• HTML was voted as the most common language by 72.9% respondents. The following one were Java and
PHP, respectively accounting for 72.8% and 66.6%.
• Both males and females rated the highest score for HTML. The second programming language was Java
with the score of 3.92 in male group and 4.00 in female ones.
• Respondents aged 25 – 29 years old agreed that Java was the most popular. In contrast, the most popular
programming language in groups of 20 – 24 years old and 30 years old and over was HTML, respectively
score of 4.04 and 3.87.
A. Executive summary
[11] Nearly 90% respondents knew CLOUD COMPUTING
• Upon 10 people were asked, there were around 9 persons knowing about Clouding Computing. In
particular, 26.7% respondents knew it clearly.
• Both male and female group knew about Cloud Computing with high percent of more than 85%. In
particular, over 25% of both male and female respondents knew clearly about Cloud Computing.
• Cloud Computing was well-recognized by all age groups, respectively accounting for 92%, 85% and
86.9%. In particular, the percentage of Know clearly was very high which was more than 20%.
[12] Cloud Computing was assessed to be popular in Vietnam
• There was about 47% respondents agreeing that Cloud Computing was popular in Vietnam.• There was about 47% respondents agreeing that Cloud Computing was popular in Vietnam.
However, 28% of 229 knowing about Cloud Computing thought that it had not been very popular in
• 50% of male respondents agreed that Cloud Computing was Popular in Vietnam while female ones was
not sure about the popularity of Cloud Computing.
• Cloud Computing was supposed to be popular platform in Vietnam by all age groups.
A. Executive summary
[13] There were some specific reasons for Cloud Computing
• For respondents who agreed that Cloud Computing was popular, Widely share resources was the top
reason they gave out. Meanwhile, New platform and not commonly used was picked from the list of
reasons why Cloud Computing is not very popular in Vietnam.
[14] Google App Engine was mostly known by 65.5% respondents.
• When asking 229 respondents, there was 65.5% of them knowing about Google App Engine. The next
ones are Microsoft Azure, Blue Cloud and Cloud Sites, respectively accounting for 52.8%, 48.0% and
B. Research information
Research method : Quantitative – Online research
Timing : 4th – 20th May 2013
Sample size : 243
Research area : Nationwide
Target : Working in Programming field
Research objectives : 1. Explore popular platforms and languagesResearch objectives : 1. Explore popular platforms and languages
2. Popularity of Cloud Computing in Vietnam
Sampling method : Convenience sampling
C – Research FindingsC – Research Findings
1. Frequency of working on specialized fields of IT
29.3% of 443 respondents did not work on Game programming. In terms of frequency degree, System analyzing is at
the top as it gained average score of 4.04. The next ones are System Administration and Research & Development.
Game programming is rather not popular
[Figure 1.1] Frequency of working on specialized fields of IT
12.6 15.6
14.9 14.5 16.3
Never Very rarely Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
Unit: %
Q. Please tell us how often you work these following jobs? [Matrix MA] Based n=443
19.1 14.9
11.8 12.3 10.8
8.4 7.5 6.5
14.8 19.5
14.7 13.7
21.0 15.6
23.6 26.0
26.2 26.7 26.0
Web programming Game programming System administration Research &
System analyzing
3.68 3.77 2.97 3.90 3.89 4.04Mean
1. Frequency of working on specialized fields of IT
Frequency of working on System analyzing is at the top with mean of 4.06 in male group and 4.00 in female group. The
second field was System administration in male group and Research & Development in female one.
Both male and female group worked on System analyzing often
[Figure 1.2] Frequency of working on specialized fields of IT – By Gender
Never Very rarely Rarely Sometimes Often Very often Mean Never Very rarely Rarely Sometimes Often Very often Mean
Q. Please tell us how often you work these following jobs? [Matrix MA] Based n=443
Q. What is your gender? [SA] Based n=443
Never Very rarely Rarely Sometimes Often Very often Mean Never Very rarely Rarely Sometimes Often Very often Mean
Application programming 16.4% 5.1% 15.4% 20.8% 28.7% 13.7% 3.81 25.4% 7.9% 13.5% 21.4% 21.4% 10.3% 3.37
Web programming 12.1% 9.0% 19.7% 15.9% 28.3% 15.2% 3.85 21.4% 6.3% 19.0% 15.1% 21.4% 16.7% 3.59
Game programming 24.2% 8.1% 27.0% 20.7% 11.6% 8.4% 3.13 41.1% 9.7% 19.4% 13.7% 8.9% 7.3% 2.61
System administration 9.0% 7.6% 14.2% 27.0% 27.3% 14.9% 4.01 18.1% 10.2% 15.7% 15.7% 25.2% 15.0% 3.65
Research & Development 10.7% 8.3% 15.2% 26.9% 24.5% 14.5% 3.90 16.0% 5.6% 10.4% 24.0% 29.6% 14.4% 3.89
System analyzing 10.3% 6.5% 12.4% 24.7% 29.9% 16.2% 4.06 11.8% 6.3% 9.4% 31.5% 24.4% 16.5% 4.00
1. Frequency of working on specialized fields of IT
As the Figure 1.3 showed below, mean of Research & Development and System analyzing is very close in 25 – 29
years old group. In the other words, both of these fields were preferred by this group. For the other age groups, System
analyzing was outstanding compared to other fields.
Research & Development and System analyzing were chosen by group of
25 – 29 years old
[Figure 1.3] Frequency of working on specialized fields of IT – By Age
Age Group
Research &
Q. Please tell us how often you work these following jobs? [Matrix MA] Based n=443
Q. How old are you? [SA] Based n=443
Total 3.68 3.77 2.97 3.90 3.89 4.04
20 - 24 years old (n=213) 3.73 3.97 3.26 3.90 3.88 4.09
25 - 29 years old (n=136) 3.44 3.54 2.53 3.78 3.84 3.83
30 years old and over (n=84) 3.93 3.62 2.94 4.08 4.03 4.25
2. Job’s characteristics
82.3% of 243 respondents who are working in programming fields were Full-time employees. However, there was
17.7% working on outsourced projects only.
82.3% respondents worked as a full-time employee
[Figure 2.1] Job’s characteristics
Only work as freelancer Full-time employee
Unit: %
Q. Please tell us characteristics of your current job? [SA] Based n=243
2. Job’s characteristics
Upon 10 males / females were asked, there was more than 8 persons working as Full-time employee.
82.3% male and female respondents worked as a full-time employee
[Figure 2.2] Job’s characteristics – By Gender
Only work as freelancer Full-time employee Only work as freelancer Full-time employee
Unit: %
Q. Please tell us characteristics of your current job? [SA] Based n=243
Q. What is your gender? [SA] Based n=243
2. Job’s characteristics
Generally, percentage of Full-time employees was higher than Only work as freelancer. However, this numerical data
was not consensus among age groups.
Percentage of full-time employees was higher in three groups.
[Figure 2.3] Job’s characteristics – By Age
Only work as freelancer Full-time employee
Unit: %
Q. Please tell us characteristics of your current job? [SA] Based n=243
Q. How old are you? [SA] Based n=243
20 – 24 years old
25 – 29 years old
30 years old and over
3. Company name of full-time employees
Upon 10 respondents were asked, there was nearly 4 persons working for FPT. The following were Viettel and
Vinagame (VNG) with 8.5% and 4.5% respectively. Besides, there was 29.0% respondents working for small and
medium companies in Vietnam.
FPT was mostly chosen, accounting for 37.5%
[Figure 3.1] Company name of full-time employees
Unit: %
Q. Please tell us what company you are working for? [SA] Based n=200 working as full-time employees
4.5 4.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0
3. Company name of full-time employees
38.9% male respondents and 33.3% female ones worked for FPT. Besides, there was more than 20% working for small
and medium companies.
Most of male and female respondents worked for FPT
[Figure 3.2] Company name of full-time employees – By Gender
Male Female
Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
Total 149 100.0 51 100.0
Dai Viet 1 0.7 1 2.0
Male Female
Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
Total 149 100.0 51 100.0
FPT 58 38.9 17 33.3
Unit: %
Q. Please tell us what company you are working for? [SA] Based n=200
Q. What is your gender? [SA] Based n=200
Dai Viet 1 0.7 1 2.0
Gameloft 1 0.7 0 0.0
NEC Vietnam 0 0.0 0 0.0
VSS 0 0.0 1 2.0
ASOFT 0 0.0 1 2.0
ESoft 0 0.0 1 2.0
MISA 0 0.0 2 3.9
VNPT Technology 0 0.0 3 5.9
HDWebsoft 0 0.0 0 0.0
Delivery Vietnam 0 0.0 0 0.0
TRG International 0 0.0 0 0.0
VC Corporation 0 0.0 0 0.0
Other SMEs 37 24.8 15 29.4
FPT 58 38.9 17 33.3
Vietttel 14 9.4 3 5.9
Vinagame (VNG) 8 5.4 1 2.0
AsiaSoft 6 4.0 0 0.0
Quang Trung Software 5 3.4 3 5.9
SIS Vietnam 4 2.7 0 0.0
IBM Vietnam 4 2.7 0 0.0
Microsoft Vietnam 3 2.0 0 0.0
VASC 2 1.3 1 2.0
Global Cybersoft Vietnam 2 1.3 2 3.9
Vinasource 2 1.3 0 0.0
DTSoft 1 0.7 0 0.0
GSOFT 1 0.7 0 0.0
3. Company name of full-time employees
All age groups worked for FPT, respectively accounting for 48.1%, 24.1% and 28.6% for each group. In addition,
percentage of working for small and medium companies was rather high.
FPT was mostly chosen in all age groups
[Figure 3.3] Company name of full-time employees – By Age Group
20 - 24 years old 25 - 29 years old
30 years old and
Freq. Percent Freq. Percent Freq. Percent
Total 104 100.0 54 100.0 42 100.0
20 - 24 years old 25 - 29 years old
30 years old and
Freq. Percent Freq. Percent Freq. Percent
Total 104 100.0 54 100.0 42 100.0
Unit: %
Q. Please tell us what company you are working for? [SA] Based n=200
Q. How old are you? [SA] Based n=200
FPT 50 48.1 13 24.1 12 28.6
Vietttel 10 9.6 6 11.1 1 2.4
AsiaSoft 5 4.8 0 0.0 1 2.4
Vinagame (VNG) 4 3.8 2 3.7 3 7.1
Quang Trung Software 3 2.9 3 5.6 2 4.8
IBM Vietnam 2 1.9 1 1.9 1 2.4
VASC 1 1.0 1 1.9 1 2.4
VSS 1 1.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
SIS Vietnam 1 1.0 1 1.9 2 4.8
Dai Viet 1 1.0 0 0.0 1 2.4
ESoft 1 1.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
MISA 1 1.0 1 1.9 0 0.0
Global Cybersoft Vietnam 1 1.0 1 1.9 2 4.8
Microsoft Vietnam 1 1.0 2 3.7 0 0.0
Gameloft 1 1.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
NEC Vietnam 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
ASOFT 0 0.0 1 1.9 0 0.0
DTSoft 0 0.0 1 1.9 0 0.0
GSOFT 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 2.4
VNPT Technology 0 0.0 1 1.9 2 4.8
HDWebsoft 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Delivery Vietnam 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
TRG International 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
VC Corporation 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Vinasource 0 0.0 0 0.0 2 4.8
Other SMEs 21 20.2 20 37.0 11 26.2
4. Company name of freelancers
37.2% of 43 respondents working as a freelancer did outsourced projects for FPT. The following are Viettel and Quang
Trung Software, respectively accounting for 20.9% and 16.3%. Besides, there were 34.9% receiving projects from
smaller companies or through relationship.
FPT was the first choice for freelanced programmers
[Figure 4] Company name of freelancers
Unit: %
Q. Please tell us what company you are working for as a freelancer? [MA] Based n=43
4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7
2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3
5. Popular platforms
The result pointed out that Window was the most popular platform that mostly used by 68.7% respondents. Web is the
second platform with 55.6%. Besides, there ware some platforms which have not been very popular in Vietnam such as
Symbian, Palm / WebOS, RIM or Bada.
Nearly 70% respondents used Window platform
[Figure 5.1] Popular platforms
Unit: %
Q. Please tell us what platform you are using? [MA] Based n=243
10.7 10.3
4.9 2.9 1.2 0.0 1.2
5. Popular platforms
Window was reported as the most popular platform in both gender groups, respectively accounting for 68.0% of male
respondents and 71.0% of female ones. Being opposite of Window, not only male but also female group did not choose
Bada as their regular platforms.
Bada was not used by both male and female group
[Figure 5.2] Popular platforms – By Gender
Unit: %
Q. Please tell us what platform you are using? [MA] Based n=243
Q. What is your gender? [SA] Based n=243
Window Web Java Android iOS Linux
Palm /
RIM Bada Others
(n=181) 68.0 55.8 47.0 36.5 21.5 15.5 11.6 10.5 6.1 3.3 1.7 0.0 1.7
(n=62) 71.0 54.8 37.1 22.6 11.3 12.9 8.1 9.7 1.6 1.6 0.0 0.0 0.0
5. Popular platforms
Window was reported as the most popular platform in all age groups. The next ones were Web and Java. No respondent
in all groups chose Bada as their regular platforms.
Bada was not used by all age groups
[Figure 5.3] Popular platforms – By Age
Unit: %
Q. Please tell us what platform you are using? [MA] Based n=243
Q. How old are you? [SA] Based n=243
Window Web Java Android iOS Linux
Palm /
RIM Bada Others
20 - 24 years old (n=137) 68.6 54.7 47.4 38.0 21.2 13.9 13.1 8.0 6.6 2.2 2.2 0.0 0.7
25 - 29 years old (n=60) 78.3 63.3 40.0 30.0 18.3 18.3 8.3 11.7 3.3 3.3 0.0 0.0 0.0
30 years old and over (n=46) 56.5 47.8 41.3 21.7 13.0 13.0 4.3 17.4 2.2 4.3 0.0 0.0 4.3
6. Platform used most often
Upon 10 people were asked, there was about 4 persons using Window most often. The following platform was Web with
24.5%. In contrast, no one used Palm / WebOS or Bada as their main platform.
40.7% respondents used Window most often
[Figure 6.1] Platform used most often
Unit: %
Q. Please tell us which platform you use most often? [SA] Based n=243
13.3 12.4
2.9 2.9
1.2 1.2 .4 .4 0.0 0.0 0.4
6. Platform used most often
Window, Web and Android were used most often in both male and female group. In particular, Window was at the top
with 38.1% of male respondents and 46.8% of female ones.
Window was used most often by both gender groups
[Figure 6.2] Platform used most often – By Gender
Unit: %
Q. Please tell us which platform you use most often? [SA] Based n=243
Q. What is your gender? [SA] Based n=243
Window Web Android Java
Linux Symbian RIM
Palm /
Bada Others
(n=181) 38.1 24.9 14.4 13.8 3.3 2.2 1.1 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.6
(n=62) 46.8 22.6 9.7 9.7 1.6 4.8 1.6 3.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
6. Platform used most often
All age groups used Window as their main platform. The following ones were Web, Android and Java. In
particular, Java seemed to be more preferable in the group of 30 years old and over, accounting for 21.7%.
Window was used most often by all age groups
[Figure 6.3] Platform used most often – By Age
Unit: %
Q. Please tell us which platform you use most often? [SA] Based n=243
Q. How old are you? [SA] Based n=243
Window Web Android Java iOS
Palm /
Bada Others
20 - 24 years old (n=137) 38.0 24.1 17.5 13.1 2.2 1.5 1.5 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0
25 - 29 years old (n=60) 55.0 23.3 8.3 5.0 3.3 0.0 1.7 3.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
30 years old and over (n=46) 28.3 26.1 6.5 21.7 4.3 2.2 8.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.2
7. Potentiality of platforms
For mobile, Android was predicted to be applied mostly, accounting for 40.3%. The next one was Window Phone with
35.0%. For computer, Cloud Computing was perceived as the most potential platform by 44.4% respondents. The
second position belonged to Window, accounting for 36.2%.
Android and Cloud Computing achieved high potentiality
[Figure 7.1]Potentiality of platforms
Unit: %
Q. Please tell us about potentiality of each platform in the future? [Matrix SA]
Window iOS Android Web Java
Palm /
RIM Bada
For mobile 3.7 8.2 40.3 2.5 1.2 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 35.0 8.2 0.0
For computer 36.2 0.4 1.6 4.5 4.1 0.4 4.5 0.0 0.0 1.2 2.5 44.4 0.0
2.5 1.2 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4
0.00.4 1.6
4.5 4.1
1.2 2.5
7. Potentiality of platforms
Both male and female group agreed that Android was the highest potential platform for Mobile and Cloud Computing
was for Computer in the future. The second one for Mobile phone was Window Phone and for Computer was
Android and Cloud Computing achieved high potentiality
[Figure 7.2]Potentiality of platforms – By Gender
Palm / Symbia
Unit: %
Q. Please tell us about potentiality of each platform in the future? [Matrix SA] Based n=243
Q. What is your gender? [SA] Based n=243
Window Web Java
Palm /
Bada Linux
RIM Others
Male (n=181) 41.4 34.8 8.3 5.5 4.4 2.8 1.7 0.6 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Female (n=62) 37.1 35.5 8.1 16.1 1.6 1.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Window Web Linux Java Android
Palm /
Bada iOS
RIM Others
Male (n=181) 43.1 39.2 5.0 4.4 2.8 2.2 2.2 0.6 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Female (n=62) 48.4 27.4 3.2 4.8 8.1 0.0 3.2 0.0 3.2 1.6 0.0 0.0 0.0
7. Potentiality of platforms
For mobile, while the group of 20 – 24 years old thought that Android would be the highest potentiality, the others voted
Window Phone as the mot potential platform. For Computer, Cloud Computing was mostly chosen by the groups of 25 –
29 years old and 30 years old and over. Not as those groups, the youngest group preferred Window.
There was difference among age groups
[Figure 7.3]Potentiality of platforms – By Age
Window Java Web
Palm /
Bada Linux
RIM OthersFor
Unit: %
Q. Please tell us about potentiality of each platform in the future? [Matrix SA] Based n=243
Q. How old are you? [SA] Based n=243
WebOS n
20 - 24 years old (n=137) 46.7 27.7 8.0 8.0 5.1 2.2 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
25 - 29 years old (n=60) 33.3 45.0 8.3 6.7 1.7 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
30 years old and over (n=46) 30.4 43.5 8.7 10.9 2.2 0.0 4.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Web Linux Java Android
iOS Bada
Palm /
RIM Others
20 - 24 years old (n=137) 40.1 39.4 5.1 5.1 3.6 2.9 2.2 0.7 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
25 - 29 years old (n=60) 31.7 50.0 5.0 5.0 1.7 0.0 3.3 0.0 3.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
30 years old and over (n=46) 30.4 52.2 2.2 2.2 8.7 0.0 2.2 0.0 0.0 2.2 0.0 0.0 0.0
8. Popular programming languages
Upon 10 people were asked, there were around 6 persons using Java. The next languages were HTML, C# and C++
with 53.5%, 52.3% and 51.9% respectively.
Java was the most popular programming language, accounting for 58.4%
[Figure 8.1] Popular programming languages
53.5 52.3 51.9
Unit: %
Q. Please tell us what programming language you are currently using? [MA] Based n=243
Java HTML C# C++ PHP Others
8. Popular programming languages
More than 50% of male and female group used Java regularly. The following platform chosen by 56.9% male
respondents was C++ and female ones voted for HTML, accounting for 51.6%.
Both male and female group used Java often
[Figure 8.2] Popular programming languages – By Gender
Unit: %
Q. Please tell us what programming language you are currently using? [MA] Based n=243
Q. What is your gender? [SA] Based n=243
Java C++ C# HTML PHP Others
Male (n=181) 58.0 56.9 54.1 54.1 42.0 21.0 2.2
Female (n=62) 59.7 37.1 46.8 51.6 33.9 24.2 3.2
8. Popular programming languages
Upon 10 people were asked, there were around 6 persons in the group of 20 – 24 years old using C++. However, this
language was not so popular as Java in the older groups.
The youngest group preferred C++
[Figure 8.3] Popular programming languages – By Age
Unit: %
Q. Please tell us what programming language you are currently using? [MA] Based n=243
Q. How old are you? [SA] Based n=243
C++ C# Java HTML PHP Others
20 - 24 years old (n=137) 61.3 58.4 55.5 53.3 40.9 16.8 2.9
25 - 29 years old (n=60) 40.0 53.3 63.3 61.7 46.7 30.0 3.3
30 years old and over (n=46) 39.1 32.6 60.9 43.5 28.3 26.1 0.0
9. Programming language used most often
There was 27.2% respondents using Java as their regular programming language. The next one is C# and
C++, respectively accounting for 24.3% and 19.3%. Also, the result also showed that less respondents used as
their main language.
Java and C# were the languages used most often
[Figure 9.1] Programming language used most often
Unit: %
Q. Please tell us what programming language you use most often? [SA] Based n=243
Java C# C++ PHP HTML Others
9. Programming language used most often
As the graph was shown in Figure 9.2, Java was more preferable than other languages in female group. Not only using
Java, male respondents also used C# regularly that was proved by seemingly close percentages.
Female group preferred using Java than other languages
[Figure 9.2] Programming language used most often – By Gender
Unit: %
Q. Please tell us what programming language you use most often? [SA] Based n=243
Q. What is your gender? [SA] Based n=243
Java C# C++ PHP HTML Others
Male (n=181) 25.4 24.3 21.5 16.0 9.4 3.3 0.0
Female (n=62) 32.3 24.2 12.9 12.9 8.1 9.7 0.0
9. Programming language used most often
The group of 30 years old and over especially liked to use Java more than the other languages, accounting for 41.3%.
Besides Java, the group of 20 – 24 years old also preferred C# and C++. Not as those two groups, respondents aged 25
– 29 years old mostly voted for C# with 33.3%.
Java was outstanding in the oldest group with 41.3%
[Figure 9.3] Programming language used most often – By Age
Unit: %
Q. Please tell us what programming language you use most often? [SA] Based n=243
Q. How old are you? [SA] Based n=243
Java C# C++ PHP HTML Others
20 - 24 years old (n=137) 25.5 24.1 24.1 16.8 7.3 2.2 0.0
25 - 29 years old (n=60) 20.0 33.3 10.0 16.7 11.7 8.3 0.0
30 years old and over (n=46) 41.3 13.0 17.4 8.7 10.9 8.7 0.0
10. Popularity of programming languages
HTML was voted as the most common language by 72.9% respondents. The following one were Java and
PHP, respectively accounting for 72.8% and 66.6%.
72.9% agreed that HTML was the most popular language
[Figure 10.1] Popularity of programming languages
21.4 17.7
Very not popular Not popular Neutral Popular Very popular
Q. Please tell us popularity degree for each language? [Matrix SA] Based n=243
7.02.1 6.2 5.8 3.7 11.1
32.1 31.7
38.7 42.4
Java C# C++ PHP HTML Others
3.94 3.72 3.67 3.83 3.34 2.92Mean 3.99
10. Popularity of programming languages
Both males and females rated the highest score for HTML. The second programming language was Java with the score
of 3.92 in male group and 4.00 in female ones.
HTML gained the highest score in both male and female group
[Figure 10.2] Popularity of programming languages – By Gender
Gender Java C# C++ PHP HTML Others
Chú thích rõ là m
Q. Please tell us popularity degree for each language? [Matrix SA] Based n=243
Q. What is your gender? [SA] Based n=243
Total 3.94 3.72 3.67 3.83 3.34 3.99 2.92
Male 3.92 3.77 3.72 3.88 3.39 3.98 2.91
Female 4.00 3.58 3.53 3.69 3.21 4.02 2.95
10. Popularity of programming languages
Respondents aged 25 – 29 years old agreed that Java was the most popular. In contrast, the most popular programming
language in groups of 20 – 24 years old and 30 years old and over was HTML, respectively score of 4.04 and 3.87.
Java scored the highest in the group of 25 – 29 years old
[Figure 10.3] Popularity of programming languages – By Age
Age Java C# C++ PHP HTML Others
Total 3.94 3.72 3.67 3.83 3.34 3.99 2.92
Q. Please tell us popularity degree for each language? [Matrix SA] Based n=243
Q. How old are you? [SA] Based n=243
Total 3.94 3.72 3.67 3.83 3.34 3.99 2.92
20 - 24 years old 3.95 3.71 3.84 3.93 3.28 4.04 2.88
25 - 29 years old 4.05 4.02 3.53 3.90 3.48 3.98 3.05
30 years old and over 3.76 3.37 3.35 3.43 3.33 3.87 2.89
11. Awareness of Cloud Computing
Upon 10 people were asked, there were around 9 persons knowing about Clouding Computing. In particular, 26.7%
respondents knew it clearly.
Nearly 90% respondents knew CLOUD COMPUTING
[Figure 11.1] Awareness of CLOUD COMPUTING
Absolutely not know Maybe know / don't know Know a little bit Know clearly
Q. Please tell us level of your knowledge about CLOUD COMPUTING? [SA] Based n=243
11. Awareness of Cloud Computing
Both male and female group knew about Cloud Computing with high percent of more than 85%. In particular, over 25%
of both male and female respondents knew clearly about Cloud Computing.
There was no difference between male and female group
[Figure 11.2] Awareness of Cloud Computing – By Gender
Q. Please tell us level of your knowledge about CLOUD COMPUTING? [SA] Based n=243
Q. What is your gender? [SA] Based n=243
Absolutely not
Maybe know /
don't know
Know a little bit
Know clearly 62.9%
Absolutely not
Maybe know /
don't know
Know a little bit
Know clearly
11. Awareness of Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing was well-recognized by all age groups, respectively accounting for 92%, 85% and 86.9%. In
particular, the percentage of Know clearly was very high which was more than 20%.
All age groups knew about Cloud Computing
[Figure 11.3] Awareness of Cloud Computing – By Age
20 - 24 years old
Absolutely not know
Maybe know / don't know
Know a little bit
25 - 29 years old
Absolutely not know
Maybe know / don't know
Know a little bit
30 years old and over
Absolutely not know
Maybe know / don't know
Know a little bit
Q. Please tell us level of your knowledge about CLOUD COMPUTING? [SA] Based n=243
Q. How old are you? [SA] Based n=243
4.4% 3.6%
Know a little bit
Know clearly
Know a little bit
Know clearly
Know a little bit
Know clearly
12. Popularity of CLOUD COMPUTING
There was about 47% respondents agreeing that Cloud Computing was popular in Vietnam. However, 28% of 229
knowing about Cloud Computing thought that it had not been very popular in Vietnam.
Cloud Computing was assessed to be popular in Vietnam
[Figure 12.1] Popularity of CLOUD COMPUTING
Very not popular Not popular Neutral Popular Very popular
Q. Please tell us the popularity of CLOUD COMPUTING in Vietnam? [SA] Based n=229
12. Popularity of CLOUD COMPUTING
50% of male respondents agreed that Cloud Computing was Popular in Vietnam while female ones was not sure about
the popularity of Cloud Computing.
Male respondents thought Cloud Computing was very popular in Vietnam
[Figure 12.2] Popularity of CLOUD COMPUTING – By Gender
Unit: %
Q. Please tell us the popularity of CLOUD COMPUTING in Vietnam? [SA] Based n=229
Q. What is your gender? [SA] Based n=229
Very not popular Not popular Neutral Popular Very popular
(n=170) 5.3 20.0 21.8 50.0 2.9
(n=59) 3.4 30.5 33.9 30.5 1.7
12. Popularity of CLOUD COMPUTING
Cloud Computing was supposed to be popular platform in Vietnam by all age groups.
All age groups agreed that Cloud Computing was popular in Vietnam
[Figure 12.3] Popularity of CLOUD COMPUTING – By Age
Unit: %
Q. Please tell us the popularity of CLOUD COMPUTING in Vietnam? [SA] Based n=229
Q. How old are you? [SA] Based n=229
Very not popular Not popular Neutral Popular Very popular
20 - 24 years old (n=131) 6.1 21.4 26.0 42.7 3.8
25 - 29 years old (n=55) 1.8 23.6 30.9 41.8 1.8
30 years old and over (n=43) 4.7 25.6 14.0 55.8 0.0
13. Reasons for Cloud Computing popularity
For respondents who agreed that Cloud Computing was popular, Widely share resources was the top reason they gave
out. Meanwhile, New platform and not commonly used was picked from the list of reasons why Cloud Computing is
not very popular in Vietnam.
There were some specific reasons for Cloud Computing popularity
[Figure 13] Reasons for Cloud Computing popularity
Widely share resources
Can access data wherever
has internet
New platform and not
commonly used
Fees are not suitable for small
CLOUD COMPUTING is not popular
Unit: %
Q. Please tell us why CLOUD COMPUTING is popular in Vietnam? [MA] Based n=109
Q. Please tell us reasons why CLOUD COMPUTING has not been popular in Vietnam? [MA] Based n=120
has internet
Reduce maintanence and
management cost
Investment fee is cheaper
than buying server
Preferred by big companies /
Processing speed is fast
Allow for switching among
Quickly open and close
Worry about security's ability
Depend on server of supplier
Internet is mandatory
Difficult in sharing files
When asking 229 respondents, there was 65.5% of them knowing about Google App Engine. The next ones are
Microsoft Azure, Blue Cloud and Cloud Sites, respectively accounting for 52.8%, 48.0% and 46.3%.
Google App Engine was mostly known by 65.5% respondents.
[Figure 14] Names of COMPUTING CLOUD
Unit: %
Q. Please tell us what CLOUD COMPUTING you know / have heard of? [MA] Based n=229
Blue Cloud Cloud Sites Joyent
Salesforce Heroku Ning Others
D – Member ProfileD – Member Profile
Member profile
Male Female
20 - 24 years old 25 - 29 years old 30 years old and over
W&S Company Limited is a 100% Japanese investment. Our main professions are ‘Online market
research’, ‘Web creative’ and ‘Web marketing’. Online research is conducted based on Vinaresearch –
our actively managed over 118,000 members panel with various segmentations across Vietnam.
W&S Company Limited
» Address: Floor 10, 40 Pham Ngoc Thach St., District 3, HCMC
» Office phone: 84 – 8 – 38 223 215 Fax: 84 – 8 – 38 223 216
» Email:
» Website:
The copyright of this report belongs to W&S Company Limited. The results
(analyzing, wording, data, tables and graphs) of this survey can be publicly used, but must be cited and
sourced from W&S Company Limited (also include its website address

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Report on Programming Field in Vietnam 2013

  • 1. REPORT ON PROGRAMMING FIELD IN VIETNAM Date: 22nd May 2013 Creator: W&S Group FIELD IN VIETNAM Research time: 4th – 20th May 2013 Based on Vinaresearch’s panellist
  • 2. Table of content A – Executive Summary 1 ~ 4 B – Research Information 5 ~ 6 C – Research Findings 6 ~ 42 D – Member Profile 43 ~ 44
  • 3. A. Executive summary [1] Game programming is rather not popular • 29.3% of 443 respondents did not work on Game programming. In terms of frequency degree, System analyzing is at the top as it gained average score of 4.04. The next ones are System Administration and Research & Development. • Frequency of working on System analyzing is at the top with mean of 4.06 in male group and 4.00 in female group. The second field was System administration in male group and Research & Development in female one. • As the Figure 1.3 showed below, mean of Research & Development and System analyzing is very close in 25 – 29 years old group. In the other words, both of these fields were preferred by this group. For the other age groups, System analyzing was outstanding compared to other fields. [2] 82.3% respondents worked as a full-time employee • 82.3% of 243 respondents who are working in programming fields were Full-time employees. However, there was 17.7% working on outsourced projects only. • Upon 10 males / females were asked, there was more than 8 persons working as Full-time employee. • Generally, percentage of Full-time employees was higher than Only work as freelancer. However, this numerical data was not consensus among age groups.
  • 4. A. Executive summary [3] FPT was mostly chosen, accounting for 37.5% • Upon 10 respondents were asked, there was nearly 4 persons working for FPT. The following were Viettel and Vinagame (VNG) with 8.5% and 4.5% respectively. Besides, there was 29.0% respondents working for small and medium companies in Vietnam. • 38.9% male respondents and 33.3% female ones worked for FPT. Besides, there was more than 20% working for small and medium companies. • All age groups worked for FPT, respectively accounting for 48.1%, 24.1% and 28.6% for each group. In addition, percentage of working for small and medium companies was rather high. [4] FPT was the first choice for freelanced programmers[4] FPT was the first choice for freelanced programmers • 37.2% of 43 respondents working as a freelancer did outsourced projects for FPT. The following are Viettel and Quang Trung Software, respectively accounting for 20.9% and 16.3%. Besides, there were 34.9% receiving projects from smaller companies or through relationship.
  • 5. A. Executive summary [5] Nearly 70% respondents used Window platform • The result pointed out that Window was the most popular platform that mostly used by 68.7% respondents. Web is the second platform with 55.6%. Besides, there ware some platforms which have not been very popular in Vietnam such as Symbian, Palm / WebOS, RIM or Bada. • Window was reported as the most popular platform in both gender groups, respectively accounting for 68.0% of male respondents and 71.0% of female ones. Being opposite of Window, not only male but also female group did not choose Bada as their regular platforms. • Window was reported as the most popular platform in all age groups. The next ones were Web and Java. No respondent in all groups chose Bada as their regular platforms. [6] 40.7% respondents used Window most often • 37.2% of 43 respondents working as a freelancer did outsourced projects for FPT. The following are Viettel and Quang Trung Software, respectively accounting for 20.9% and 16.3%. Besides, there were 34.9% receiving projects from smaller companies or through relationship. • Window, Web and Android were used most often in both male and female group. In particular, Window was at the top with 38.1% of male respondents and 46.8% of female ones. • All age groups used Window as their main platform. The following ones were Web, Android and Java. In particular, Java seemed to be more preferable in the group of 30 years old and over, accounting for 21.7%..
  • 6. A. Executive summary [7] Android and Cloud Computing achieved high potentiality • For mobile, Android was predicted to be applied mostly, account for 40.3%. The next one was Window Phone with 35.0%. For computer, Cloud Computing was perceived as the most potential platform by 44.4% respondents. The second position belonged to Window, accounting for 36.2%. • Both male and female group agreed that Android was the highest potential platform for Mobile and Cloud Computing was for Computer in the future. The second one for Mobile phone was Window Phone and for Computer was Window. • For mobile, while the group of 20 – 24 years old thought that Android would be the highest potentiality, the others voted Window Phone as the mot potential platform. For Computer, Cloud Computing was mostly chosen by the groups of 25 – 29 years old and 30 years old and over. Not as those groups, the youngest group preferred Window. [8] Java was the most popular programming language, accounting for 58.4% • Upon 10 people were asked, there were around 6 persons using Java. The next languages were HTML , C# and C++ with 53.5%, 52.3% and 51.9% respectively. • More than 50% of male and female group used Java regularly. The following platform chosen by 56.9% male respondents was C++ and female ones voted for HTML, accounting for 51.6%. • Upon 10 people were asked, there were around 6 persons in the group of 20 – 24 years old using C++. However, this language was not so popular as Java in the older groups.
  • 7. A. Executive summary [9] Java and C# were the languages used most often • There was 27.2% respondents using Java as their regular programming language. The next one is C# and C++, respectively accounting for 24.3% and 19.3%. Also, the result also showed that less respondents used as their main language. • As the graph was shown in Figure 9.2, Java was more preferable than other languages in female group. Not only using Java, male respondents also used C# regularly that was proved by seemingly close percentages. • The group of 30 years old and over especially liked to use Java more than the other languages, accounting for 41.3%. Besides Java, the group of 20 – 24 years old also preferred C# and C++. Not as those two groups, respondents aged 25 – 29 years old mostly voted for C# with 33.3%. [10] 72.9% agreed that HTML was the most popular language • HTML was voted as the most common language by 72.9% respondents. The following one were Java and PHP, respectively accounting for 72.8% and 66.6%. • Both males and females rated the highest score for HTML. The second programming language was Java with the score of 3.92 in male group and 4.00 in female ones. • Respondents aged 25 – 29 years old agreed that Java was the most popular. In contrast, the most popular programming language in groups of 20 – 24 years old and 30 years old and over was HTML, respectively score of 4.04 and 3.87.
  • 8. A. Executive summary [11] Nearly 90% respondents knew CLOUD COMPUTING • Upon 10 people were asked, there were around 9 persons knowing about Clouding Computing. In particular, 26.7% respondents knew it clearly. • Both male and female group knew about Cloud Computing with high percent of more than 85%. In particular, over 25% of both male and female respondents knew clearly about Cloud Computing. • Cloud Computing was well-recognized by all age groups, respectively accounting for 92%, 85% and 86.9%. In particular, the percentage of Know clearly was very high which was more than 20%. [12] Cloud Computing was assessed to be popular in Vietnam • There was about 47% respondents agreeing that Cloud Computing was popular in Vietnam.• There was about 47% respondents agreeing that Cloud Computing was popular in Vietnam. However, 28% of 229 knowing about Cloud Computing thought that it had not been very popular in Vietnam. • 50% of male respondents agreed that Cloud Computing was Popular in Vietnam while female ones was not sure about the popularity of Cloud Computing. • Cloud Computing was supposed to be popular platform in Vietnam by all age groups.
  • 9. A. Executive summary [13] There were some specific reasons for Cloud Computing popularity • For respondents who agreed that Cloud Computing was popular, Widely share resources was the top reason they gave out. Meanwhile, New platform and not commonly used was picked from the list of reasons why Cloud Computing is not very popular in Vietnam. [14] Google App Engine was mostly known by 65.5% respondents. • When asking 229 respondents, there was 65.5% of them knowing about Google App Engine. The next ones are Microsoft Azure, Blue Cloud and Cloud Sites, respectively accounting for 52.8%, 48.0% and 46.3%.
  • 10. B. Research information Research method : Quantitative – Online research Timing : 4th – 20th May 2013 Sample size : 243 Research area : Nationwide Target : Working in Programming field Research objectives : 1. Explore popular platforms and languagesResearch objectives : 1. Explore popular platforms and languages 2. Popularity of Cloud Computing in Vietnam Sampling method : Convenience sampling
  • 11. C – Research FindingsC – Research Findings
  • 12. 1. Frequency of working on specialized fields of IT 29.3% of 443 respondents did not work on Game programming. In terms of frequency degree, System analyzing is at the top as it gained average score of 4.04. The next ones are System Administration and Research & Development. Game programming is rather not popular [Figure 1.1] Frequency of working on specialized fields of IT 26.5 10.8 26.0 12.6 15.6 8.1 14.9 14.5 16.3 Never Very rarely Rarely Sometimes Often Very often Unit: % Q. Please tell us how often you work these following jobs? [Matrix MA] Based n=443 19.1 14.9 29.3 11.8 12.3 10.8 6.0 8.2 8.6 8.4 7.5 6.5 14.8 19.5 24.7 14.7 13.7 11.5 21.0 15.6 18.6 23.6 26.0 26.8 26.5 26.2 26.7 26.0 28.2 Application programming Web programming Game programming System administration Research & Development System analyzing 3.68 3.77 2.97 3.90 3.89 4.04Mean
  • 13. 1. Frequency of working on specialized fields of IT Frequency of working on System analyzing is at the top with mean of 4.06 in male group and 4.00 in female group. The second field was System administration in male group and Research & Development in female one. Both male and female group worked on System analyzing often [Figure 1.2] Frequency of working on specialized fields of IT – By Gender Male (n=293) Female (n=126) Never Very rarely Rarely Sometimes Often Very often Mean Never Very rarely Rarely Sometimes Often Very often Mean Q. Please tell us how often you work these following jobs? [Matrix MA] Based n=443 Q. What is your gender? [SA] Based n=443 Never Very rarely Rarely Sometimes Often Very often Mean Never Very rarely Rarely Sometimes Often Very often Mean Application programming 16.4% 5.1% 15.4% 20.8% 28.7% 13.7% 3.81 25.4% 7.9% 13.5% 21.4% 21.4% 10.3% 3.37 Web programming 12.1% 9.0% 19.7% 15.9% 28.3% 15.2% 3.85 21.4% 6.3% 19.0% 15.1% 21.4% 16.7% 3.59 Game programming 24.2% 8.1% 27.0% 20.7% 11.6% 8.4% 3.13 41.1% 9.7% 19.4% 13.7% 8.9% 7.3% 2.61 System administration 9.0% 7.6% 14.2% 27.0% 27.3% 14.9% 4.01 18.1% 10.2% 15.7% 15.7% 25.2% 15.0% 3.65 Research & Development 10.7% 8.3% 15.2% 26.9% 24.5% 14.5% 3.90 16.0% 5.6% 10.4% 24.0% 29.6% 14.4% 3.89 System analyzing 10.3% 6.5% 12.4% 24.7% 29.9% 16.2% 4.06 11.8% 6.3% 9.4% 31.5% 24.4% 16.5% 4.00
  • 14. 1. Frequency of working on specialized fields of IT As the Figure 1.3 showed below, mean of Research & Development and System analyzing is very close in 25 – 29 years old group. In the other words, both of these fields were preferred by this group. For the other age groups, System analyzing was outstanding compared to other fields. Research & Development and System analyzing were chosen by group of 25 – 29 years old [Figure 1.3] Frequency of working on specialized fields of IT – By Age Age Group Application programming Web programming Game programming System administration Research & Development System analyzing Q. Please tell us how often you work these following jobs? [Matrix MA] Based n=443 Q. How old are you? [SA] Based n=443 Total 3.68 3.77 2.97 3.90 3.89 4.04 20 - 24 years old (n=213) 3.73 3.97 3.26 3.90 3.88 4.09 25 - 29 years old (n=136) 3.44 3.54 2.53 3.78 3.84 3.83 30 years old and over (n=84) 3.93 3.62 2.94 4.08 4.03 4.25
  • 15. 2. Job’s characteristics 82.3% of 243 respondents who are working in programming fields were Full-time employees. However, there was 17.7% working on outsourced projects only. 82.3% respondents worked as a full-time employee [Figure 2.1] Job’s characteristics Only work as freelancer Full-time employee Unit: % Q. Please tell us characteristics of your current job? [SA] Based n=243 17.7 82.3
  • 16. 2. Job’s characteristics Upon 10 males / females were asked, there was more than 8 persons working as Full-time employee. 82.3% male and female respondents worked as a full-time employee [Figure 2.2] Job’s characteristics – By Gender Only work as freelancer Full-time employee Only work as freelancer Full-time employee Unit: % Q. Please tell us characteristics of your current job? [SA] Based n=243 Q. What is your gender? [SA] Based n=243 17.7 82.3 17.7 82.3 Male (n=181) Female (n=62)
  • 17. 2. Job’s characteristics Generally, percentage of Full-time employees was higher than Only work as freelancer. However, this numerical data was not consensus among age groups. Percentage of full-time employees was higher in three groups. [Figure 2.3] Job’s characteristics – By Age 10.0 Only work as freelancer Full-time employee 8.7 Unit: % Q. Please tell us characteristics of your current job? [SA] Based n=243 Q. How old are you? [SA] Based n=243 24.1 75.9 10.0 90.0 8.7 91.3 20 – 24 years old (n=137) 25 – 29 years old (n=60) 30 years old and over (n=46)
  • 18. 3. Company name of full-time employees Upon 10 respondents were asked, there was nearly 4 persons working for FPT. The following were Viettel and Vinagame (VNG) with 8.5% and 4.5% respectively. Besides, there was 29.0% respondents working for small and medium companies in Vietnam. FPT was mostly chosen, accounting for 37.5% [Figure 3.1] Company name of full-time employees 37.5 29.0 Unit: % Q. Please tell us what company you are working for? [SA] Based n=200 working as full-time employees 8.5 4.5 4.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0
  • 19. 3. Company name of full-time employees 38.9% male respondents and 33.3% female ones worked for FPT. Besides, there was more than 20% working for small and medium companies. Most of male and female respondents worked for FPT [Figure 3.2] Company name of full-time employees – By Gender Gender Male Female Frequency Percent Frequency Percent Total 149 100.0 51 100.0 Dai Viet 1 0.7 1 2.0 Gender Male Female Frequency Percent Frequency Percent Total 149 100.0 51 100.0 FPT 58 38.9 17 33.3 Unit: % Q. Please tell us what company you are working for? [SA] Based n=200 Q. What is your gender? [SA] Based n=200 Dai Viet 1 0.7 1 2.0 Gameloft 1 0.7 0 0.0 NEC Vietnam 0 0.0 0 0.0 VSS 0 0.0 1 2.0 ASOFT 0 0.0 1 2.0 ESoft 0 0.0 1 2.0 MISA 0 0.0 2 3.9 VNPT Technology 0 0.0 3 5.9 HDWebsoft 0 0.0 0 0.0 Delivery Vietnam 0 0.0 0 0.0 TRG International 0 0.0 0 0.0 VC Corporation 0 0.0 0 0.0 Other SMEs 37 24.8 15 29.4 FPT 58 38.9 17 33.3 Vietttel 14 9.4 3 5.9 Vinagame (VNG) 8 5.4 1 2.0 AsiaSoft 6 4.0 0 0.0 Quang Trung Software 5 3.4 3 5.9 SIS Vietnam 4 2.7 0 0.0 IBM Vietnam 4 2.7 0 0.0 Microsoft Vietnam 3 2.0 0 0.0 VASC 2 1.3 1 2.0 Global Cybersoft Vietnam 2 1.3 2 3.9 Vinasource 2 1.3 0 0.0 DTSoft 1 0.7 0 0.0 GSOFT 1 0.7 0 0.0
  • 20. 3. Company name of full-time employees All age groups worked for FPT, respectively accounting for 48.1%, 24.1% and 28.6% for each group. In addition, percentage of working for small and medium companies was rather high. FPT was mostly chosen in all age groups [Figure 3.3] Company name of full-time employees – By Age Group Age 20 - 24 years old 25 - 29 years old 30 years old and over Freq. Percent Freq. Percent Freq. Percent Total 104 100.0 54 100.0 42 100.0 Age 20 - 24 years old 25 - 29 years old 30 years old and over Freq. Percent Freq. Percent Freq. Percent Total 104 100.0 54 100.0 42 100.0 Unit: % Q. Please tell us what company you are working for? [SA] Based n=200 Q. How old are you? [SA] Based n=200 FPT 50 48.1 13 24.1 12 28.6 Vietttel 10 9.6 6 11.1 1 2.4 AsiaSoft 5 4.8 0 0.0 1 2.4 Vinagame (VNG) 4 3.8 2 3.7 3 7.1 Quang Trung Software 3 2.9 3 5.6 2 4.8 IBM Vietnam 2 1.9 1 1.9 1 2.4 VASC 1 1.0 1 1.9 1 2.4 VSS 1 1.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 SIS Vietnam 1 1.0 1 1.9 2 4.8 Dai Viet 1 1.0 0 0.0 1 2.4 ESoft 1 1.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 MISA 1 1.0 1 1.9 0 0.0 Global Cybersoft Vietnam 1 1.0 1 1.9 2 4.8 Microsoft Vietnam 1 1.0 2 3.7 0 0.0 Gameloft 1 1.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 NEC Vietnam 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 ASOFT 0 0.0 1 1.9 0 0.0 DTSoft 0 0.0 1 1.9 0 0.0 GSOFT 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 2.4 VNPT Technology 0 0.0 1 1.9 2 4.8 HDWebsoft 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 Delivery Vietnam 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 TRG International 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 VC Corporation 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 Vinasource 0 0.0 0 0.0 2 4.8 Other SMEs 21 20.2 20 37.0 11 26.2
  • 21. 4. Company name of freelancers 37.2% of 43 respondents working as a freelancer did outsourced projects for FPT. The following are Viettel and Quang Trung Software, respectively accounting for 20.9% and 16.3%. Besides, there were 34.9% receiving projects from smaller companies or through relationship. FPT was the first choice for freelanced programmers [Figure 4] Company name of freelancers 37.2 20.9 34.9 Unit: % Q. Please tell us what company you are working for as a freelancer? [MA] Based n=43 20.9 16.3 14.0 7.0 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3
  • 22. 5. Popular platforms The result pointed out that Window was the most popular platform that mostly used by 68.7% respondents. Web is the second platform with 55.6%. Besides, there ware some platforms which have not been very popular in Vietnam such as Symbian, Palm / WebOS, RIM or Bada. Nearly 70% respondents used Window platform [Figure 5.1] Popular platforms 68.7 55.6 44.4 Unit: % Q. Please tell us what platform you are using? [MA] Based n=243 44.4 32.9 18.9 14.8 10.7 10.3 4.9 2.9 1.2 0.0 1.2
  • 23. 5. Popular platforms Window was reported as the most popular platform in both gender groups, respectively accounting for 68.0% of male respondents and 71.0% of female ones. Being opposite of Window, not only male but also female group did not choose Bada as their regular platforms. Bada was not used by both male and female group [Figure 5.2] Popular platforms – By Gender 48.0 56.0 64.0 72.0 80.0 Unit: % Q. Please tell us what platform you are using? [MA] Based n=243 Q. What is your gender? [SA] Based n=243 Window Web Java Android iOS Linux Cloud computin g Window Phone Symbian Palm / WebOS RIM Bada Others Male (n=181) 68.0 55.8 47.0 36.5 21.5 15.5 11.6 10.5 6.1 3.3 1.7 0.0 1.7 Female (n=62) 71.0 54.8 37.1 22.6 11.3 12.9 8.1 9.7 1.6 1.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.0 16.0 24.0 32.0 40.0 48.0
  • 24. 5. Popular platforms Window was reported as the most popular platform in all age groups. The next ones were Web and Java. No respondent in all groups chose Bada as their regular platforms. Bada was not used by all age groups [Figure 5.3] Popular platforms – By Age 56.0 64.0 72.0 80.0 88.0 Unit: % Q. Please tell us what platform you are using? [MA] Based n=243 Q. How old are you? [SA] Based n=243 Window Web Java Android iOS Linux Window Phone Cloud computi ng Symbia n Palm / WebOS RIM Bada Others 20 - 24 years old (n=137) 68.6 54.7 47.4 38.0 21.2 13.9 13.1 8.0 6.6 2.2 2.2 0.0 0.7 25 - 29 years old (n=60) 78.3 63.3 40.0 30.0 18.3 18.3 8.3 11.7 3.3 3.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 30 years old and over (n=46) 56.5 47.8 41.3 21.7 13.0 13.0 4.3 17.4 2.2 4.3 0.0 0.0 4.3 0.0 8.0 16.0 24.0 32.0 40.0 48.0
  • 25. 6. Platform used most often Upon 10 people were asked, there was about 4 persons using Window most often. The following platform was Web with 24.5%. In contrast, no one used Palm / WebOS or Bada as their main platform. 40.7% respondents used Window most often [Figure 6.1] Platform used most often 40.7 Unit: % Q. Please tell us which platform you use most often? [SA] Based n=243 24.5 13.3 12.4 2.9 2.9 1.2 1.2 .4 .4 0.0 0.0 0.4
  • 26. 6. Platform used most often Window, Web and Android were used most often in both male and female group. In particular, Window was at the top with 38.1% of male respondents and 46.8% of female ones. Window was used most often by both gender groups [Figure 6.2] Platform used most often – By Gender 32.0 40.0 48.0 56.0 Unit: % Q. Please tell us which platform you use most often? [SA] Based n=243 Q. What is your gender? [SA] Based n=243 Window Web Android Java Cloud computin g iOS Window Phone Linux Symbian RIM Palm / WebOS Bada Others Male (n=181) 38.1 24.9 14.4 13.8 3.3 2.2 1.1 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.6 Female (n=62) 46.8 22.6 9.7 9.7 1.6 4.8 1.6 3.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.0 16.0 24.0 32.0
  • 27. 6. Platform used most often All age groups used Window as their main platform. The following ones were Web, Android and Java. In particular, Java seemed to be more preferable in the group of 30 years old and over, accounting for 21.7%. Window was used most often by all age groups [Figure 6.3] Platform used most often – By Age 40.0 48.0 56.0 64.0 Unit: % Q. Please tell us which platform you use most often? [SA] Based n=243 Q. How old are you? [SA] Based n=243 Window Web Android Java iOS Window Phone Cloud computi ng Linux Symbia n RIM Palm / WebOS Bada Others 20 - 24 years old (n=137) 38.0 24.1 17.5 13.1 2.2 1.5 1.5 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 25 - 29 years old (n=60) 55.0 23.3 8.3 5.0 3.3 0.0 1.7 3.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30 years old and over (n=46) 28.3 26.1 6.5 21.7 4.3 2.2 8.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.2 0.0 8.0 16.0 24.0 32.0
  • 28. 7. Potentiality of platforms For mobile, Android was predicted to be applied mostly, accounting for 40.3%. The next one was Window Phone with 35.0%. For computer, Cloud Computing was perceived as the most potential platform by 44.4% respondents. The second position belonged to Window, accounting for 36.2%. Android and Cloud Computing achieved high potentiality [Figure 7.1]Potentiality of platforms 40.3 35.036.2 44.4 Unit: % Q. Please tell us about potentiality of each platform in the future? [Matrix SA] Window iOS Android Web Java Palm / WebOS Linux Symbia n RIM Bada Window Phone Cloud computi ng Others For mobile 3.7 8.2 40.3 2.5 1.2 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 35.0 8.2 0.0 For computer 36.2 0.4 1.6 4.5 4.1 0.4 4.5 0.0 0.0 1.2 2.5 44.4 0.0 3.7 8.2 2.5 1.2 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 8.2 0.00.4 1.6 4.5 4.1 0.4 4.5 1.2 2.5
  • 29. 7. Potentiality of platforms Both male and female group agreed that Android was the highest potential platform for Mobile and Cloud Computing was for Computer in the future. The second one for Mobile phone was Window Phone and for Computer was Window. Android and Cloud Computing achieved high potentiality [Figure 7.2]Potentiality of platforms – By Gender Window Cloud Palm / Symbia For Unit: % Q. Please tell us about potentiality of each platform in the future? [Matrix SA] Based n=243 Q. What is your gender? [SA] Based n=243 Android Window Phone iOS Cloud computi ng Window Web Java Palm / WebOS Bada Linux Symbia n RIM Others Male (n=181) 41.4 34.8 8.3 5.5 4.4 2.8 1.7 0.6 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Female (n=62) 37.1 35.5 8.1 16.1 1.6 1.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Cloud computi ng Window Web Linux Java Android Window Phone Palm / WebOS Bada iOS Symbia n RIM Others Male (n=181) 43.1 39.2 5.0 4.4 2.8 2.2 2.2 0.6 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Female (n=62) 48.4 27.4 3.2 4.8 8.1 0.0 3.2 0.0 3.2 1.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mobile For Computer
  • 30. 7. Potentiality of platforms For mobile, while the group of 20 – 24 years old thought that Android would be the highest potentiality, the others voted Window Phone as the mot potential platform. For Computer, Cloud Computing was mostly chosen by the groups of 25 – 29 years old and 30 years old and over. Not as those groups, the youngest group preferred Window. There was difference among age groups [Figure 7.3]Potentiality of platforms – By Age Android Window Phone iOS Cloud computi ng Window Java Web Palm / WebOS Bada Linux Symbia n RIM OthersFor Unit: % Q. Please tell us about potentiality of each platform in the future? [Matrix SA] Based n=243 Q. How old are you? [SA] Based n=243 Phone ng WebOS n 20 - 24 years old (n=137) 46.7 27.7 8.0 8.0 5.1 2.2 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 25 - 29 years old (n=60) 33.3 45.0 8.3 6.7 1.7 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30 years old and over (n=46) 30.4 43.5 8.7 10.9 2.2 0.0 4.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Window Cloud computi ng Web Linux Java Android Window Phone iOS Bada Palm / WebOS Symbia n RIM Others 20 - 24 years old (n=137) 40.1 39.4 5.1 5.1 3.6 2.9 2.2 0.7 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 25 - 29 years old (n=60) 31.7 50.0 5.0 5.0 1.7 0.0 3.3 0.0 3.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30 years old and over (n=46) 30.4 52.2 2.2 2.2 8.7 0.0 2.2 0.0 0.0 2.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mobile For Computer
  • 31. 8. Popular programming languages Upon 10 people were asked, there were around 6 persons using Java. The next languages were HTML, C# and C++ with 53.5%, 52.3% and 51.9% respectively. Java was the most popular programming language, accounting for 58.4% [Figure 8.1] Popular programming languages 58.4 53.5 52.3 51.9 39.9 Unit: % Q. Please tell us what programming language you are currently using? [MA] Based n=243 39.9 21.8 2.5 Java HTML C# C++ PHP Others
  • 32. 8. Popular programming languages More than 50% of male and female group used Java regularly. The following platform chosen by 56.9% male respondents was C++ and female ones voted for HTML, accounting for 51.6%. Both male and female group used Java often [Figure 8.2] Popular programming languages – By Gender 48.0 56.0 64.0 Unit: % Q. Please tell us what programming language you are currently using? [MA] Based n=243 Q. What is your gender? [SA] Based n=243 Java C++ C# HTML PHP Others Male (n=181) 58.0 56.9 54.1 54.1 42.0 21.0 2.2 Female (n=62) 59.7 37.1 46.8 51.6 33.9 24.2 3.2 0.0 8.0 16.0 24.0 32.0 40.0
  • 33. 8. Popular programming languages Upon 10 people were asked, there were around 6 persons in the group of 20 – 24 years old using C++. However, this language was not so popular as Java in the older groups. The youngest group preferred C++ [Figure 8.3] Popular programming languages – By Age 48.0 56.0 64.0 72.0 Unit: % Q. Please tell us what programming language you are currently using? [MA] Based n=243 Q. How old are you? [SA] Based n=243 C++ C# Java HTML PHP Others 20 - 24 years old (n=137) 61.3 58.4 55.5 53.3 40.9 16.8 2.9 25 - 29 years old (n=60) 40.0 53.3 63.3 61.7 46.7 30.0 3.3 30 years old and over (n=46) 39.1 32.6 60.9 43.5 28.3 26.1 0.0 0.0 8.0 16.0 24.0 32.0 40.0
  • 34. 9. Programming language used most often There was 27.2% respondents using Java as their regular programming language. The next one is C# and C++, respectively accounting for 24.3% and 19.3%. Also, the result also showed that less respondents used as their main language. Java and C# were the languages used most often [Figure 9.1] Programming language used most often 27.2 24.3 Unit: % Q. Please tell us what programming language you use most often? [SA] Based n=243 19.3 15.2 9.1 4.9 0.0 Java C# C++ PHP HTML Others
  • 35. 9. Programming language used most often As the graph was shown in Figure 9.2, Java was more preferable than other languages in female group. Not only using Java, male respondents also used C# regularly that was proved by seemingly close percentages. Female group preferred using Java than other languages [Figure 9.2] Programming language used most often – By Gender 32.0 40.0 Unit: % Q. Please tell us what programming language you use most often? [SA] Based n=243 Q. What is your gender? [SA] Based n=243 Java C# C++ PHP HTML Others Male (n=181) 25.4 24.3 21.5 16.0 9.4 3.3 0.0 Female (n=62) 32.3 24.2 12.9 12.9 8.1 9.7 0.0 0.0 8.0 16.0 24.0
  • 36. 9. Programming language used most often The group of 30 years old and over especially liked to use Java more than the other languages, accounting for 41.3%. Besides Java, the group of 20 – 24 years old also preferred C# and C++. Not as those two groups, respondents aged 25 – 29 years old mostly voted for C# with 33.3%. Java was outstanding in the oldest group with 41.3% [Figure 9.3] Programming language used most often – By Age 32.0 40.0 48.0 Unit: % Q. Please tell us what programming language you use most often? [SA] Based n=243 Q. How old are you? [SA] Based n=243 Java C# C++ PHP HTML Others 20 - 24 years old (n=137) 25.5 24.1 24.1 16.8 7.3 2.2 0.0 25 - 29 years old (n=60) 20.0 33.3 10.0 16.7 11.7 8.3 0.0 30 years old and over (n=46) 41.3 13.0 17.4 8.7 10.9 8.7 0.0 0.0 8.0 16.0 24.0
  • 37. 10. Popularity of programming languages HTML was voted as the most common language by 72.9% respondents. The following one were Java and PHP, respectively accounting for 72.8% and 66.6%. 72.9% agreed that HTML was the most popular language [Figure 10.1] Popularity of programming languages 31.3 11.5 26.3 21.4 17.7 25.9 8.2 30.9 3.3 Very not popular Not popular Neutral Popular Very popular Q. Please tell us popularity degree for each language? [Matrix SA] Based n=243 7.02.1 6.2 5.8 3.7 11.1 2.1 11.9 23.5 32.1 31.7 26.7 48.1 23.9 66.346.5 38.7 42.4 40.7 31.3 42.0 Java C# C++ PHP HTML Others 3.94 3.72 3.67 3.83 3.34 2.92Mean 3.99
  • 38. 10. Popularity of programming languages Both males and females rated the highest score for HTML. The second programming language was Java with the score of 3.92 in male group and 4.00 in female ones. HTML gained the highest score in both male and female group [Figure 10.2] Popularity of programming languages – By Gender Gender Java C# C++ PHP HTML Others Chú thích rõ là m ơi. Q. Please tell us popularity degree for each language? [Matrix SA] Based n=243 Q. What is your gender? [SA] Based n=243 Total 3.94 3.72 3.67 3.83 3.34 3.99 2.92 Male 3.92 3.77 3.72 3.88 3.39 3.98 2.91 Female 4.00 3.58 3.53 3.69 3.21 4.02 2.95
  • 39. 10. Popularity of programming languages Respondents aged 25 – 29 years old agreed that Java was the most popular. In contrast, the most popular programming language in groups of 20 – 24 years old and 30 years old and over was HTML, respectively score of 4.04 and 3.87. Java scored the highest in the group of 25 – 29 years old [Figure 10.3] Popularity of programming languages – By Age Age Java C# C++ PHP HTML Others Total 3.94 3.72 3.67 3.83 3.34 3.99 2.92 Q. Please tell us popularity degree for each language? [Matrix SA] Based n=243 Q. How old are you? [SA] Based n=243 Total 3.94 3.72 3.67 3.83 3.34 3.99 2.92 20 - 24 years old 3.95 3.71 3.84 3.93 3.28 4.04 2.88 25 - 29 years old 4.05 4.02 3.53 3.90 3.48 3.98 3.05 30 years old and over 3.76 3.37 3.35 3.43 3.33 3.87 2.89
  • 40. 11. Awareness of Cloud Computing Upon 10 people were asked, there were around 9 persons knowing about Clouding Computing. In particular, 26.7% respondents knew it clearly. Nearly 90% respondents knew CLOUD COMPUTING [Figure 11.1] Awareness of CLOUD COMPUTING 5.8% 4.9% Absolutely not know Maybe know / don't know Know a little bit Know clearly Q. Please tell us level of your knowledge about CLOUD COMPUTING? [SA] Based n=243 62.6% 26.7%
  • 41. 11. Awareness of Cloud Computing Both male and female group knew about Cloud Computing with high percent of more than 85%. In particular, over 25% of both male and female respondents knew clearly about Cloud Computing. There was no difference between male and female group [Figure 11.2] Awareness of Cloud Computing – By Gender 6.1% 5.0% 4.8% 4.8% Male (n=181) Female (n=62) Q. Please tell us level of your knowledge about CLOUD COMPUTING? [SA] Based n=243 Q. What is your gender? [SA] Based n=243 62.4% 26.5% Absolutely not know Maybe know / don't know Know a little bit Know clearly 62.9% 27.4% Absolutely not know Maybe know / don't know Know a little bit Know clearly
  • 42. 11. Awareness of Cloud Computing Cloud Computing was well-recognized by all age groups, respectively accounting for 92%, 85% and 86.9%. In particular, the percentage of Know clearly was very high which was more than 20%. All age groups knew about Cloud Computing [Figure 11.3] Awareness of Cloud Computing – By Age 20 - 24 years old (n=137) Absolutely not know Maybe know / don't know Know a little bit 25 - 29 years old (n=60) Absolutely not know Maybe know / don't know Know a little bit 30 years old and over (n=46) Absolutely not know Maybe know / don't know Know a little bit Q. Please tell us level of your knowledge about CLOUD COMPUTING? [SA] Based n=243 Q. How old are you? [SA] Based n=243 4.4% 3.6% 65.0% 27.0% Know a little bit Know clearly 8.3% 6.7% 63.3% 21.7% Know a little bit Know clearly 6.5% 6.5% 54.3% 32.6% Know a little bit Know clearly
  • 43. 12. Popularity of CLOUD COMPUTING There was about 47% respondents agreeing that Cloud Computing was popular in Vietnam. However, 28% of 229 knowing about Cloud Computing thought that it had not been very popular in Vietnam. Cloud Computing was assessed to be popular in Vietnam [Figure 12.1] Popularity of CLOUD COMPUTING 4.8% 2.6% Very not popular Not popular Neutral Popular Very popular Q. Please tell us the popularity of CLOUD COMPUTING in Vietnam? [SA] Based n=229 22.7% 24.9% 45.0%
  • 44. 12. Popularity of CLOUD COMPUTING 50% of male respondents agreed that Cloud Computing was Popular in Vietnam while female ones was not sure about the popularity of Cloud Computing. Male respondents thought Cloud Computing was very popular in Vietnam [Figure 12.2] Popularity of CLOUD COMPUTING – By Gender 40.0 48.0 56.0 Unit: % Q. Please tell us the popularity of CLOUD COMPUTING in Vietnam? [SA] Based n=229 Q. What is your gender? [SA] Based n=229 Very not popular Not popular Neutral Popular Very popular Male (n=170) 5.3 20.0 21.8 50.0 2.9 Female (n=59) 3.4 30.5 33.9 30.5 1.7 0.0 8.0 16.0 24.0 32.0
  • 45. 12. Popularity of CLOUD COMPUTING Cloud Computing was supposed to be popular platform in Vietnam by all age groups. All age groups agreed that Cloud Computing was popular in Vietnam [Figure 12.3] Popularity of CLOUD COMPUTING – By Age 40.0 48.0 56.0 64.0 Unit: % Q. Please tell us the popularity of CLOUD COMPUTING in Vietnam? [SA] Based n=229 Q. How old are you? [SA] Based n=229 Very not popular Not popular Neutral Popular Very popular 20 - 24 years old (n=131) 6.1 21.4 26.0 42.7 3.8 25 - 29 years old (n=55) 1.8 23.6 30.9 41.8 1.8 30 years old and over (n=43) 4.7 25.6 14.0 55.8 0.0 0.0 8.0 16.0 24.0 32.0 40.0
  • 46. 13. Reasons for Cloud Computing popularity For respondents who agreed that Cloud Computing was popular, Widely share resources was the top reason they gave out. Meanwhile, New platform and not commonly used was picked from the list of reasons why Cloud Computing is not very popular in Vietnam. There were some specific reasons for Cloud Computing popularity [Figure 13] Reasons for Cloud Computing popularity 84.4 78.0 Widely share resources Can access data wherever has internet CLOUD COMPUTING is popular 76.7 58.3 New platform and not commonly used Fees are not suitable for small companies CLOUD COMPUTING is not popular Unit: % Q. Please tell us why CLOUD COMPUTING is popular in Vietnam? [MA] Based n=109 Q. Please tell us reasons why CLOUD COMPUTING has not been popular in Vietnam? [MA] Based n=120 67.9 64.2 59.6 56.0 56.0 46.8 has internet Reduce maintanence and management cost Investment fee is cheaper than buying server Preferred by big companies / corporations Processing speed is fast Allow for switching among platforms Quickly open and close applications 58.3 47.5 36.7 33.3 11.7 0.8 companies Worry about security's ability Depend on server of supplier Internet is mandatory Difficult in sharing files Others
  • 47. 14. Names of COMPUTING CLOUD When asking 229 respondents, there was 65.5% of them knowing about Google App Engine. The next ones are Microsoft Azure, Blue Cloud and Cloud Sites, respectively accounting for 52.8%, 48.0% and 46.3%. Google App Engine was mostly known by 65.5% respondents. [Figure 14] Names of COMPUTING CLOUD 65.5 52.8 48.0 46.3 Unit: % Q. Please tell us what CLOUD COMPUTING you know / have heard of? [MA] Based n=229 32.3 25.8 20.5 9.6 7.9 5.2 1.7 Google App Engine Microsoft Azure Blue Cloud Cloud Sites Joyent Cloud Elastic Compute Cloud Aptana Cloud Salesforce Heroku Ning Others
  • 48. D – Member ProfileD – Member Profile
  • 49. Member profile 30.0% Gender Male Female 49.2% 19.4% Age 20 - 24 years old 25 - 29 years old 30 years old and over 70.0% 49.2% 31.4%
  • 50. W&S Company Limited is a 100% Japanese investment. Our main professions are ‘Online market research’, ‘Web creative’ and ‘Web marketing’. Online research is conducted based on Vinaresearch – our actively managed over 118,000 members panel with various segmentations across Vietnam. FOR FURTHER INQUIRIES, PLEASE CONTACT: W&S Company Limited » Address: Floor 10, 40 Pham Ngoc Thach St., District 3, HCMC » Office phone: 84 – 8 – 38 223 215 Fax: 84 – 8 – 38 223 216 » Email: » Website: The copyright of this report belongs to W&S Company Limited. The results (analyzing, wording, data, tables and graphs) of this survey can be publicly used, but must be cited and sourced from W&S Company Limited (also include its website address