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08.10.09 NaYoung Guide

     Travel guide - Renaissance Italy
               Introduction about Renaissance
       It was started at fourteen century in Florence Italy and finished at
    sixteenth century. Rebirth is Renaissance’s literally means and it started
    to Italian but European civilization immediately following the Middle
    Ages. Because people wanted to practice the revival of new art forms,
    educational learning, spread the religion and great architectures of
    neoclassicalism. Also it was period when people rediscovered learning
    and looking back to the classical civilizations of Rome and Greece for

      You can visit 3 important cities
  during this travel. There were principle
  cities of Renaissance. Also there are
  very well know to other foreign
  tourist. I will introduce three
  important cities where were very
  famous in Renaissance period. there
  still have lots of beauty spot and good

  Firstly, Florence is extremely
  captivating, it found between the
  banks of the River Arno and the
  hillsides all dressed up in olive green.
  The most powerful guilds were those
  that represent textile workers and the
  native birthplace of Maquiavelo, the
  medicis family who played a very
  important role in the flourishing of the
  most beautiful and decorative
  building. Also Michael Angelo chock
  filled of art, history and culture. The
  city’s economy and its writers,
  painters, architects, and philosophers
  are really famous. There are some
  reasons which are made Florence a
  model of Renaissance culture.                   Beautiful spot Florence

    NaYoung sightseeing guide • Beijing • WangJingTown • 123.456.7890
08.10.09 NaYoung Guide

   Second, Rome is the capital city of Italy
   and it is Italy’s largest and most
   populous city. It is located in the
   central-western portion of the Italian
   peninsula, on the Tiber River. Also
   there is a nation wide centre for higher
   education. Especially, the La Sapienza
   University is the largest in Europe and
   the second largest in the world. If you
   have a child, go sightseeing. Also,
   Rome is the “eternal city”, it is one of
   the most exhilarating and romantic
   cities in the world. A city so vast and
   rich in art, monuments and exquisite
   views, a historic city, which has
   preserved its charm and independence
   through the centuries. Rome is at the
   centre of the radial network of roads,
   rail and Airports. So that will be good
   point to travel. Especially, spring and        Rome downtown
   summer are great times to visit.
  Last, Venice is an international art city
  currently attracting property investors
  at the highest level. Actually, Venice
  was an empire that controlled land in
  modern day Italy, a whole lot of
  seacoast down the Adriatic and
  countless islands. Artistic foundations
  as well as private individuals are
  purchasing properties in glorious
  historical places in this unique city so
  Venice give us very strong feeling. Also,
  Venice is opening up very much in
  terms of facilities, including fabulous
  hotels and high profile events such as
  the file festival. International visitors are
  call at there and enjoy something. The
  island of Giudecca is a suburb of the
  city, although it was once an exciting,
  vibrant place, full of palaces, gardens
  and wealthy Italians. The best months
  for sightseeing are March to June,
                                                 Water path in Venice

    NaYoung sightseeing guide • Beijing • WangJingTown • 123.456.7890
08.10.09 NaYoung Guide

 By Land
     During the Renaissance, most
 people traveling by land, which
 was limited to the local fair of
 farmer’s Market. Road were little
 more than rocky pathways, and
 could be dangerous, with
 bandits waiting to pounce on
 unsuspecting travelers. Common
 vehicles for traveling on land
 during the Renaissance Italy
 included horses, pack mules,
 wagons and for the wealthy,
 coaches. But the most common
 way to get around on land was
 on foot that was usually the
 most efficient. Carts and wagons
 were slow and cumbersome.

                                     Renaissance Florence Wagon - Usually, person of
                                                  wealth were rode that.

  By Water
     The other way to go
  anywhere is water transport.
  Merchants, missionaries,
  soldiers, students and
  pilgrims are the most likely
  to use sea travel during the
  Renaissance Italy. As trade
  and exploration increased
  during the Renaissance
  period, overseas travel
  became more popular.                  Renaissance people liked to travel by ship
  Though you could travel to
  distant lands by ship, it was
  not without serious dangers,

    NaYoung sightseeing guide • Beijing • WangJingTown • 123.456.7890
08.10.09 NaYoung Guide

                                  Renaissance Society
                                  While it has been traditionally viewed simply as the
                              o   context for extraordinary artistic creativity,
                              c   patronage has more recently been examined by
                              a   historians and art historians alike as a
                              l   comprehensive system of patron-client structures
                          C       which permeated society and social relations. also
                          u       Renaissance days, society was transformed into a society
                          s       which became more and more dominated by central political
                          t       institutions with an urban commercial attitude. Also, people's
                          m       curiosity overcame their fear and many people started to
                          s       venture out and explore the new world. New schools and
                                  colleges became more and more common. The Renaissance
                              &   was started by many rich Italian cities, such as Florence,
                          M       Ferrara, Milan, and Venice.
                          a       Because these cities were very wealthy, many merchants
                          n       started to spend money on different things, such as painting,
                          e       learning, new banking techniques, and new systems of
                          r       government. These things gave rise to a new type of scholar,
                                  the humanist. Humanism was a subject concerned with
                                  humankind and culture. They studied various things such as
                                  Latin, Greek language, literature and philosophy. Music and

 Politics president or king
 *Henry VIII of England, the monarch who broke away from the
 Catholic Church and established the Church of England, this led to
 years of religious strife. Holbein, a German painter moved to
 England, where he became the official court portrait painter to king
 Henry VIII.

 *Julius II was elected pope 1503. His papacy was notable for
 vigorous political and military campaigns to consolidate the
 Church’s power, as well as a flourishing of the arts that made Rome
 the unrivaled center of High Renaissance culture. He summoned
 Raphael and Michelangelo to Rome to carry out important
 commissions at the Vatican.

 Politics - Italian Government
 Italy was organized into numerous city-states. The most prominent
 city-states included Florence, Venice, Milan, and Rome. Florence
 was a republic where democratic ideals were admired during the

     NaYoung sightseeing guide • Beijing • WangJingTown • 123.456.7890
08.10.09 NaYoung Guide

Day-to-day life
Catholics and Protestants celebrated Sunday as a holy day and a day off from
work. After the worship service, of between morning and evening service, there
was often time for fun and relaxation. Monks and nuns were expected to follow
a specific rule of behavior. Many monasteries used the sixth-century Rule of
Saint Benedict, sometimes altered to reflect the goals of different monastic
groups. By the Renaissance, there were numerous complaints that monks and
nuns were not living the simple life that the rule required. The other thing is
child education in Renaissance. The harshness of family life greatly affected
children. Children especially were susceptible to disease and death. Several
children in a prosperous merchant or noble family might die of illness in
childhood. However, in a peasant family, those children who survived childhood
were extremely lucky. A young peasant mother may be lucky to end up with one
grown child after years of child- birth. In addition, mothers and fathers often
died by the time they reached thirty, leaving children without one or both
parents. Babies whose parents could not afford to keep them and babies who
were born to slave mothers in wealthy houses might be left at orphanages
where they would be cared for by wet nurses. As a result, death of children and
adults was considered to be a matter of fate and happened so frequently that it
was considered normal. also that life was not easy and simple to live. The
church, once a grain market, represents the importance of the city's trade
guilds, who decorated the structure with ornate sculptures by some of the era's
most significant artists. Orsanmichele is integral to understanding the economic
and commercial atmosphere of the time. We will then continue on to the
recently restored Palazzo Davanzati, an intact noble family's residence, which
offers a remarkably accurate portrayal of the intimate domestic life of the
Medieval and Renaissance Florentines.

     NaYoung sightseeing guide • Beijing • WangJingTown • 123.456.7890
08.10.09 NaYoung Guide

          L O C AL C US T OM S & M ANNE R

 Local manner              agree. Also they were       - don't put your
    Most everything in     had table manner.        fingers in your ears
 Renaissance Europe,       People digging into a       - don't put your
 Italy set the style and   common dish with their   hands on your heads
 pace in courtly graces    fingers, having clean        - don't blow your
 and manners in the        hands was important.     nose with your hands
 early 16th century. Italy People were advised by      - men were told to
 led Europe in hygiene, the "Miss Manners" of       refrain from
 dress, cooking, table     the day to wash their    "scratching"
 manners and               hands. it was another
 conversation and          matter to keep your
 considered the rest of hands clean during the
 Europe, with the          meal. In the Middle
 exception of a thin       Ages and Renaissance,
 upper crust in England manuals for manners
 and France, as little     gave a list of things
 better than barbarians. people should refrain
 The French, impressed from during a meal,
 with their own            such as:
 adaptation of Italian
 manners, tended to

    NaYoung sightseeing guide • Beijing • WangJingTown • 123.456.7890
08.10.09 NaYoung Guide

                                     Religion was one of the aspects of the
                                     Renaissance that changed drastically over a
                                     few centuries. Before the Renaissance, during
                                     the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church was
                                     dominant in most states of Europe. The Pope
                                     was the singular most influential and feared
                                     bodies in politics. At this time, the church
                                     would be the center of all community life,
    The Santissima Annunziata is a   especially because the clergymen were often
         Renaissance church          the only people in a town who were literate.
                                     Before the Renaissance, the church was the
                                     undisputed dominant force of order. As the
                                     Renaissance started to blossom, the church
                                     was still the center of life and a refuge from
                                     the horrors of war and plague. However, by
                                     this time various factors had begun to act
                                     against the church's influence. As the
                                     Renaissance was re-awakening, it was also a
                                     rebirth of thought. So various people began
                                     taking up their own views and opinions of
     Main church in Urbino           the world and began questioning the church

    NaYoung sightseeing guide • Beijing • WangJingTown • 123.456.7890
08.10.09 NaYoung Guide

 What to wear ?
   The clothing during the Queen Elizabeth in
Renaissance that period spoke much about the
social standing of the wearer. The rich wore
fabrics such as velvet, satin and cotton, whereas
the poor wore flannel and other cheaply available
fabrics. It may surprise some how cotton was
regarded as a rich person’s clothing. In those
days, cotton was not easily available as
compared to today and was imported from India
and America, levying a high taxation. Amongst
the common fabrics were flax and wool. Wool
was spun into a form know as tweed. It is
surprised one that during Renaissance, clothes
wore like an important treasure so those
belonging to the upper classes of nobility and
aristocracy would spend all their earning on what
they wore. Nowadays, Renaissance costumes are
more about fun. While it is completely outdated,
yet it forms a theme for costume parties and

                            *Men – They commonly wore boots, pants, a shirt,
                            a vest and a hat. Children after the age of years
                            would wear what the adults wore. Hairstyles and
                            accessories were the last essential pieces so that
                            called man’s last costume. Also footwear was a
                            big part and at the turn of the century men’s
                            shoes became broader or duck billed with ribbons
                            tied across the top of the foot. And they started
                            wear cleanly shaved beards and mustaches,
                            something never seen in the Renaissance before.
                            Turban, which is like hat was replaced with beret
                            what is like crowns with upturned brims. The
                            berets were made with thick cloth, felt, beaver, of
                            velvet. That is the favorite accessory to

    NaYoung sightseeing guide • Beijing • WangJingTown • 123.456.7890
08.10.09 NaYoung Guide

                                     *Women – They finely decorated their
                                     dresses. Typical renaissance clothing
                                     was not just limited to England, which
                                     was ruled by Queen Elizabeth, but
                                     influence spread to other European
                                     countries such as Spain, France, Italy,
                                     Germany, Flanders, and Poland. Also
                                     women would be seen wearing shoes,
                                     an over and under skirt, a shirt, a
                                     bodice, and a hat or snood. They

  Wealthy woman hairstyle in Renaissance
  was usually elaborate creations that only
  work with long hair. The Renaissance
  period was a time of new ideas and new
  technology. It was also a time of new
  practices in hairstyling. They tried to new
  things. However, women often wore their
  heads covered during this period. So, many
  Renaissance hairstyles are meant to be
  worn with a veil, hat or netted cover. Also
  at that time women had been a very vital

                      *Woman – women’s hair and headdresses were the most
                      elaborate, ever changing and time consuming parts of
                      women’s fashions in the Renaissance. Women spent
                      hours plucking hair from their foreheads and side of their
                      face to achieve a high forehead, which was considered
                      fashionable during the Renaissance. In the later
                      Renaissance, Venetian women would arrange their hair
                      into twin buns that resembled horns at the front of their
                      -Braiding hair – This hairstyle is originally the custom and
                      this one show us many women who wore their hair in
                      elaborate braids and styles, with hair that fell well past
                      their hips in most cases. In this case, we can read their
                      thought, which is “woman” was depicted in an artist’s
                      work. That most artists created their pieces showing
                      picturesque of commissioned wealthy merchants and

    NaYoung sightseeing guide • Beijing • WangJingTown • 123.456.7890
08.10.09 NaYoung Guide

   *Man – In Renaissance period men
   ware the hat like an accessory or they
   had a long hair. Hairstyles of the late
   Renaissance period were very short,
   even for young men. Hair below the
   chin was rarely had never seen. They
   usually ware the hats. But the hats of

                                        Women were who lived in Renaissance
                                     period; they did not concern themselves
                                     with things like a few extra pounds of
                                     weight. So the opposite was true. That
                                     era was more voluptuous than perhaps
                                     any other time in history. We can see the
                                     paintings from the Renaissance period
                                     often the women looks like fat. During
                                     the Renaissance period natural women
                                     were prized for their God-given bodies.
                                     Woman’s natural form which called given
                                     to her by god was considered to be
                                     absolutely perfect. Also in that time “A

what to see and
     You can see lots of talented in art and other variety things who living in
 now. recently, they also made good works. And they remained a lot of great
 works so you can see and studied about the people’s think who living in
 now. That things a great inheritance and many scientist or scholar are
 recognize them as well as whole world people.
 nowadays some patrons wanted art that showed joy in human beauty and
 life’s pleasures. recently, art is more lifelike than in the art of the before
 Middle Ages. So artists studying perspective, or the differences in the way
 things look when they are close to something or far away. The artists
 painting in a way that showing these differences. As a result, their paintings

    NaYoung sightseeing guide • Beijing • WangJingTown • 123.456.7890
08.10.1528 NaYoung Guide

Renaissance Art
   Our art is divided into three major phases : Early, high, and late time. The early
Italy art encompasses most 15th century art was lead by sculptor Donatello, architect
Filippo Brunelleschi, and painter Masaccio. They began the movement on the
foundation that development and progress was integral to the evolution and survival
of the arts. They found their inspiration form antiquity, creating realistic figures that
portrayed personality and behavior. They focused on the laws of proportion for
architecture, the human body, and space. The second term High Italy art lasted only
a short time from 1495 to 1520. It was that time to create a generalized style of art
that focused on drama, physical presence, and balance. The major artists of this
period were Leonardo Da Vinci, Donato Bramante, Michelangelo, Raphael, and Titian.
And now, new artists started put into motion by the sack of Rome since just one year

          Early time

 Leonardo Da Vinci Studio
    Leonardo da Vinci if you go there, there are full of interesting things. because,
 he did lots of things like Italian polymath, scientist, mathematician, engineer,
 inventor, anatomist, painter, sculptor, architect, botanist, musician and writer. So
 you can find science structures, pain, and inventions what he made before in his
 studio. These things really useful to us to live. We until using his inventions whole
 life. Also he famous of anatomy it is scary to look but he really interested about
 that and he found lots of things what we need to know. so when the new various

    NaYoung sightseeing guide • Beijing • WangJingTown • 123.456.7890
08.10.09 NaYoung Guide

    NaYoung sightseeing guide • Beijing • WangJingTown • 123.456.7890
08.10.09 NaYoung Guide

    NaYoung sightseeing guide • Beijing • WangJingTown • 123.456.7890
08.10.09 NaYoung Guide

 Perhaps, almost people know about Leonardo da Vinci is the best artist in
 Renaissance period. Italy has the museum studio. Go there and study about his art
 style and what things influence him to made a big product. It will be a good
 experiment for you. Getting to know about him and his several famous works.
 He was an Italian polymath, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist,
 painter, sculptor, architect, botanist, musician and writer. Leonardo da Vinci was
 born on 1452 in a small village in the territory of Florence. He had lots of works. A
 keen eye and quick mind that led him to make important scientific discoveries
 nowadays, he never published his ideas yet. Also he was a gentle vegetarian and
 loved animals and despised war so we cannot find the pieces of work what about
 war. But we can find some works, what are about his favorite or lovely animals.
 Leonardo not only excelled as an artist but also a sculptor, and a architect, therefore
 showed his excellence in variety of fields. As two of the greatest artworks in the
 world, <Virgin of the Rocks> and <The Last Supper> was created by him. Leonardo
 da Vinci was also considered to have skills in cooking and the foods drawn in <The
 Last Supper> are very similar to the well-being foods that we eat today. It is
 interesting things to us. In addition, Leonardo left many sketches of nature, human
 anatomy, astronomy, geography, and mechanics. Unfortunately, Leonardo da Vinci
 was only appreciated as an artist and a mathematician at his time. But later people
 realize him as a genius, only after they see his records. Maybe that time was poor
 for him opposite to nowadays. “Humanity’s Greatest Genius” is the most appropriate
 title for him, as he tried to figure out the relationships between all existing things. I
 think that word would be well.

     NaYoung sightseeing guide • Beijing • WangJingTown • 123.456.7890

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Renaissance Travel Guide Na Young

  • 1. 08.10.09 NaYoung Guide Travel guide - Renaissance Italy Introduction about Renaissance It was started at fourteen century in Florence Italy and finished at sixteenth century. Rebirth is Renaissance’s literally means and it started to Italian but European civilization immediately following the Middle Ages. Because people wanted to practice the revival of new art forms, educational learning, spread the religion and great architectures of neoclassicalism. Also it was period when people rediscovered learning and looking back to the classical civilizations of Rome and Greece for You can visit 3 important cities during this travel. There were principle cities of Renaissance. Also there are very well know to other foreign tourist. I will introduce three important cities where were very famous in Renaissance period. there still have lots of beauty spot and good museums. Firstly, Florence is extremely captivating, it found between the banks of the River Arno and the hillsides all dressed up in olive green. The most powerful guilds were those that represent textile workers and the native birthplace of Maquiavelo, the medicis family who played a very important role in the flourishing of the most beautiful and decorative building. Also Michael Angelo chock filled of art, history and culture. The city’s economy and its writers, painters, architects, and philosophers are really famous. There are some reasons which are made Florence a model of Renaissance culture. Beautiful spot Florence NaYoung sightseeing guide • Beijing • WangJingTown • 123.456.7890
  • 2. 08.10.09 NaYoung Guide Second, Rome is the capital city of Italy and it is Italy’s largest and most populous city. It is located in the central-western portion of the Italian peninsula, on the Tiber River. Also there is a nation wide centre for higher education. Especially, the La Sapienza University is the largest in Europe and the second largest in the world. If you have a child, go sightseeing. Also, Rome is the “eternal city”, it is one of the most exhilarating and romantic cities in the world. A city so vast and rich in art, monuments and exquisite views, a historic city, which has preserved its charm and independence through the centuries. Rome is at the centre of the radial network of roads, rail and Airports. So that will be good point to travel. Especially, spring and Rome downtown summer are great times to visit. Last, Venice is an international art city currently attracting property investors at the highest level. Actually, Venice was an empire that controlled land in modern day Italy, a whole lot of seacoast down the Adriatic and countless islands. Artistic foundations as well as private individuals are purchasing properties in glorious historical places in this unique city so Venice give us very strong feeling. Also, Venice is opening up very much in terms of facilities, including fabulous hotels and high profile events such as the file festival. International visitors are call at there and enjoy something. The island of Giudecca is a suburb of the city, although it was once an exciting, vibrant place, full of palaces, gardens and wealthy Italians. The best months for sightseeing are March to June, Water path in Venice NaYoung sightseeing guide • Beijing • WangJingTown • 123.456.7890
  • 3. 08.10.09 NaYoung Guide HO W TO G E T A R O UND BE CK I N TI ME By Land During the Renaissance, most people traveling by land, which was limited to the local fair of farmer’s Market. Road were little more than rocky pathways, and could be dangerous, with bandits waiting to pounce on unsuspecting travelers. Common vehicles for traveling on land during the Renaissance Italy included horses, pack mules, wagons and for the wealthy, coaches. But the most common way to get around on land was on foot that was usually the most efficient. Carts and wagons were slow and cumbersome. Renaissance Florence Wagon - Usually, person of wealth were rode that. By Water The other way to go anywhere is water transport. Merchants, missionaries, soldiers, students and pilgrims are the most likely to use sea travel during the Renaissance Italy. As trade and exploration increased during the Renaissance period, overseas travel became more popular. Renaissance people liked to travel by ship Though you could travel to distant lands by ship, it was not without serious dangers, NaYoung sightseeing guide • Beijing • WangJingTown • 123.456.7890
  • 4. 08.10.09 NaYoung Guide Renaissance Society While it has been traditionally viewed simply as the L o context for extraordinary artistic creativity, c patronage has more recently been examined by a historians and art historians alike as a l comprehensive system of patron-client structures C which permeated society and social relations. also u Renaissance days, society was transformed into a society s which became more and more dominated by central political t institutions with an urban commercial attitude. Also, people's o m curiosity overcame their fear and many people started to s venture out and explore the new world. New schools and colleges became more and more common. The Renaissance & was started by many rich Italian cities, such as Florence, M Ferrara, Milan, and Venice. a Because these cities were very wealthy, many merchants n started to spend money on different things, such as painting, n e learning, new banking techniques, and new systems of r government. These things gave rise to a new type of scholar, the humanist. Humanism was a subject concerned with humankind and culture. They studied various things such as Latin, Greek language, literature and philosophy. Music and Politics president or king *Henry VIII of England, the monarch who broke away from the Catholic Church and established the Church of England, this led to years of religious strife. Holbein, a German painter moved to England, where he became the official court portrait painter to king Henry VIII. *Julius II was elected pope 1503. His papacy was notable for vigorous political and military campaigns to consolidate the Church’s power, as well as a flourishing of the arts that made Rome the unrivaled center of High Renaissance culture. He summoned Raphael and Michelangelo to Rome to carry out important commissions at the Vatican. Politics - Italian Government Italy was organized into numerous city-states. The most prominent city-states included Florence, Venice, Milan, and Rome. Florence was a republic where democratic ideals were admired during the NaYoung sightseeing guide • Beijing • WangJingTown • 123.456.7890
  • 5. 08.10.09 NaYoung Guide Day-to-day life Catholics and Protestants celebrated Sunday as a holy day and a day off from work. After the worship service, of between morning and evening service, there was often time for fun and relaxation. Monks and nuns were expected to follow a specific rule of behavior. Many monasteries used the sixth-century Rule of Saint Benedict, sometimes altered to reflect the goals of different monastic groups. By the Renaissance, there were numerous complaints that monks and nuns were not living the simple life that the rule required. The other thing is child education in Renaissance. The harshness of family life greatly affected children. Children especially were susceptible to disease and death. Several children in a prosperous merchant or noble family might die of illness in childhood. However, in a peasant family, those children who survived childhood were extremely lucky. A young peasant mother may be lucky to end up with one grown child after years of child- birth. In addition, mothers and fathers often died by the time they reached thirty, leaving children without one or both parents. Babies whose parents could not afford to keep them and babies who were born to slave mothers in wealthy houses might be left at orphanages where they would be cared for by wet nurses. As a result, death of children and adults was considered to be a matter of fate and happened so frequently that it was considered normal. also that life was not easy and simple to live. The church, once a grain market, represents the importance of the city's trade guilds, who decorated the structure with ornate sculptures by some of the era's most significant artists. Orsanmichele is integral to understanding the economic and commercial atmosphere of the time. We will then continue on to the recently restored Palazzo Davanzati, an intact noble family's residence, which offers a remarkably accurate portrayal of the intimate domestic life of the Medieval and Renaissance Florentines. NaYoung sightseeing guide • Beijing • WangJingTown • 123.456.7890
  • 6. 08.10.09 NaYoung Guide L O C AL C US T OM S & M ANNE R Local manner agree. Also they were - don't put your Most everything in had table manner. fingers in your ears Renaissance Europe, People digging into a - don't put your Italy set the style and common dish with their hands on your heads pace in courtly graces fingers, having clean - don't blow your and manners in the hands was important. nose with your hands early 16th century. Italy People were advised by - men were told to led Europe in hygiene, the "Miss Manners" of refrain from dress, cooking, table the day to wash their "scratching" manners and hands. it was another conversation and matter to keep your considered the rest of hands clean during the Europe, with the meal. In the Middle exception of a thin Ages and Renaissance, upper crust in England manuals for manners and France, as little gave a list of things better than barbarians. people should refrain The French, impressed from during a meal, with their own such as: adaptation of Italian manners, tended to NaYoung sightseeing guide • Beijing • WangJingTown • 123.456.7890
  • 7. 08.10.09 NaYoung Guide Belief Religion was one of the aspects of the Renaissance that changed drastically over a few centuries. Before the Renaissance, during the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church was dominant in most states of Europe. The Pope was the singular most influential and feared bodies in politics. At this time, the church would be the center of all community life, The Santissima Annunziata is a especially because the clergymen were often Renaissance church the only people in a town who were literate. Before the Renaissance, the church was the undisputed dominant force of order. As the Renaissance started to blossom, the church was still the center of life and a refuge from the horrors of war and plague. However, by this time various factors had begun to act against the church's influence. As the Renaissance was re-awakening, it was also a rebirth of thought. So various people began taking up their own views and opinions of Main church in Urbino the world and began questioning the church NaYoung sightseeing guide • Beijing • WangJingTown • 123.456.7890
  • 8. 08.10.09 NaYoung Guide What to wear ? Clothes The clothing during the Queen Elizabeth in Renaissance that period spoke much about the social standing of the wearer. The rich wore fabrics such as velvet, satin and cotton, whereas the poor wore flannel and other cheaply available fabrics. It may surprise some how cotton was regarded as a rich person’s clothing. In those days, cotton was not easily available as compared to today and was imported from India and America, levying a high taxation. Amongst the common fabrics were flax and wool. Wool was spun into a form know as tweed. It is surprised one that during Renaissance, clothes wore like an important treasure so those belonging to the upper classes of nobility and aristocracy would spend all their earning on what they wore. Nowadays, Renaissance costumes are more about fun. While it is completely outdated, yet it forms a theme for costume parties and *Men – They commonly wore boots, pants, a shirt, a vest and a hat. Children after the age of years would wear what the adults wore. Hairstyles and accessories were the last essential pieces so that called man’s last costume. Also footwear was a big part and at the turn of the century men’s shoes became broader or duck billed with ribbons tied across the top of the foot. And they started wear cleanly shaved beards and mustaches, something never seen in the Renaissance before. Turban, which is like hat was replaced with beret what is like crowns with upturned brims. The berets were made with thick cloth, felt, beaver, of velvet. That is the favorite accessory to NaYoung sightseeing guide • Beijing • WangJingTown • 123.456.7890
  • 9. 08.10.09 NaYoung Guide *Women – They finely decorated their dresses. Typical renaissance clothing was not just limited to England, which was ruled by Queen Elizabeth, but influence spread to other European countries such as Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Flanders, and Poland. Also women would be seen wearing shoes, an over and under skirt, a shirt, a bodice, and a hat or snood. They Hair Wealthy woman hairstyle in Renaissance was usually elaborate creations that only work with long hair. The Renaissance period was a time of new ideas and new technology. It was also a time of new practices in hairstyling. They tried to new things. However, women often wore their heads covered during this period. So, many Renaissance hairstyles are meant to be worn with a veil, hat or netted cover. Also at that time women had been a very vital *Woman – women’s hair and headdresses were the most elaborate, ever changing and time consuming parts of women’s fashions in the Renaissance. Women spent hours plucking hair from their foreheads and side of their face to achieve a high forehead, which was considered fashionable during the Renaissance. In the later Renaissance, Venetian women would arrange their hair into twin buns that resembled horns at the front of their head. -Braiding hair – This hairstyle is originally the custom and this one show us many women who wore their hair in elaborate braids and styles, with hair that fell well past their hips in most cases. In this case, we can read their thought, which is “woman” was depicted in an artist’s work. That most artists created their pieces showing picturesque of commissioned wealthy merchants and NaYoung sightseeing guide • Beijing • WangJingTown • 123.456.7890
  • 10. 08.10.09 NaYoung Guide *Man – In Renaissance period men ware the hat like an accessory or they had a long hair. Hairstyles of the late Renaissance period were very short, even for young men. Hair below the chin was rarely had never seen. They usually ware the hats. But the hats of Beauty Women were who lived in Renaissance period; they did not concern themselves with things like a few extra pounds of weight. So the opposite was true. That era was more voluptuous than perhaps any other time in history. We can see the paintings from the Renaissance period often the women looks like fat. During the Renaissance period natural women were prized for their God-given bodies. Woman’s natural form which called given to her by god was considered to be absolutely perfect. Also in that time “A what to see and You can see lots of talented in art and other variety things who living in now. recently, they also made good works. And they remained a lot of great works so you can see and studied about the people’s think who living in now. That things a great inheritance and many scientist or scholar are recognize them as well as whole world people. nowadays some patrons wanted art that showed joy in human beauty and life’s pleasures. recently, art is more lifelike than in the art of the before Middle Ages. So artists studying perspective, or the differences in the way things look when they are close to something or far away. The artists painting in a way that showing these differences. As a result, their paintings NaYoung sightseeing guide • Beijing • WangJingTown • 123.456.7890
  • 11. 08.10.1528 NaYoung Guide Renaissance Art Our art is divided into three major phases : Early, high, and late time. The early Italy art encompasses most 15th century art was lead by sculptor Donatello, architect Filippo Brunelleschi, and painter Masaccio. They began the movement on the foundation that development and progress was integral to the evolution and survival of the arts. They found their inspiration form antiquity, creating realistic figures that portrayed personality and behavior. They focused on the laws of proportion for architecture, the human body, and space. The second term High Italy art lasted only a short time from 1495 to 1520. It was that time to create a generalized style of art that focused on drama, physical presence, and balance. The major artists of this period were Leonardo Da Vinci, Donato Bramante, Michelangelo, Raphael, and Titian. And now, new artists started put into motion by the sack of Rome since just one year Early time Leonardo Da Vinci Studio Leonardo da Vinci if you go there, there are full of interesting things. because, he did lots of things like Italian polymath, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, painter, sculptor, architect, botanist, musician and writer. So you can find science structures, pain, and inventions what he made before in his studio. These things really useful to us to live. We until using his inventions whole life. Also he famous of anatomy it is scary to look but he really interested about that and he found lots of things what we need to know. so when the new various NaYoung sightseeing guide • Beijing • WangJingTown • 123.456.7890
  • 12. 08.10.09 NaYoung Guide NaYoung sightseeing guide • Beijing • WangJingTown • 123.456.7890
  • 13. 08.10.09 NaYoung Guide NaYoung sightseeing guide • Beijing • WangJingTown • 123.456.7890
  • 14. 08.10.09 NaYoung Guide Perhaps, almost people know about Leonardo da Vinci is the best artist in Renaissance period. Italy has the museum studio. Go there and study about his art style and what things influence him to made a big product. It will be a good experiment for you. Getting to know about him and his several famous works. He was an Italian polymath, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, painter, sculptor, architect, botanist, musician and writer. Leonardo da Vinci was born on 1452 in a small village in the territory of Florence. He had lots of works. A keen eye and quick mind that led him to make important scientific discoveries nowadays, he never published his ideas yet. Also he was a gentle vegetarian and loved animals and despised war so we cannot find the pieces of work what about war. But we can find some works, what are about his favorite or lovely animals. Leonardo not only excelled as an artist but also a sculptor, and a architect, therefore showed his excellence in variety of fields. As two of the greatest artworks in the world, <Virgin of the Rocks> and <The Last Supper> was created by him. Leonardo da Vinci was also considered to have skills in cooking and the foods drawn in <The Last Supper> are very similar to the well-being foods that we eat today. It is interesting things to us. In addition, Leonardo left many sketches of nature, human anatomy, astronomy, geography, and mechanics. Unfortunately, Leonardo da Vinci was only appreciated as an artist and a mathematician at his time. But later people realize him as a genius, only after they see his records. Maybe that time was poor for him opposite to nowadays. “Humanity’s Greatest Genius” is the most appropriate title for him, as he tried to figure out the relationships between all existing things. I think that word would be well. NaYoung sightseeing guide • Beijing • WangJingTown • 123.456.7890