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                A TRAVEL GU

                  ITALIAN RENAISSANCE

INTRODUCTION                                Our first journey will be a chance
                                     to learn and to understand Italian Renaissance.

                           There are three famous city-states in Italy ; Florence, Rome and Venice. The
JOURNEY 2.                 development of Florence, Rome and Venice are closely connected with
VISITING CITY-STATES       Italian Renaissance. Therefore, visiting these city-states will give you the
IN ITALY                   information about the history of Italian Renaissance.

JOURNEY 3.                          To see how Renaissance people get around
                                              by land or by water.

                                                       WHAT TO WEAR?
                                         To investigate clothes of Renaissance people.
RENAISSANCE PEOPLE                                          WHAT TO EAT?
                                              To look into food Renaissance people had.
                                            And their interesting and amazing recipes also.

JOURNEY 5.                                  To learn table manner and wedding
MANNER AND CUSTOM                            custom during Renaissance period.

                                       To learn about how to stay safe and healthy
                                                  in Renaissance time.

                                                  WHAT TO SEE AND DO?
JOURNEY 6.                          Getting to know about prominent works in Renaissance
ART AND ARCHITECTURE                             period, art and architecture.

JOURNEY 7.                                             WHO’S WHO?
4 FAMOUS PEOPLE                 Investigate about famous people in art, in architecture, and in
                                               poet during Renaissance period.

BIBILOGRAPHY                                             Work cited
WHEN....?     The Renaissance begins during the 14th century
                  and continued until about 17th century.

             It starts in Italy and later spread to the rest of Europe.

              The world renaissance means “rebirth.” The Renaissance is a
WHAT....?    period of discovery of new scientific laws, new forms of art and
             literature, and new religious and political ideas.

              Modern Times begin with the Renaissance, one of the rare
             periods of genius in the world's history.

                   A detailed map of Renaissance Italy
             STATES IN
 Florence in Italy is the location where
the Italian Renaissance begins. This city is
ruled by effective leaders, Medici family.
They use funds to build roads and sewers,
and donate money to help support the
development of the arts in their city. The
result is that Florence becomes one of the
wealthiest cities in all of Western Europe.

                 Architecture of
                                                      San Lorenzo is in Florence, Italy.
       Church: San Lorenzo                           It is created by Filippo Brunelleschi in
                                                     1421 to 1440. Its construction system
                                                     is bearing mansonry. Ringed by
                                                     windows at its base, the dome is
                                                     partitioned by ribs into twelve webs,
                                                     each with a segmentally curved base
                                                     line. The scheme of this church by the
                                                     geometric patterns by the dark gray
                                                     stone is the most influential
                                                     contributions to the evolution of

   Famous people
                                                     Renaissance architecture.

                                                          Medici Family
                                               The Medici Family are wealthy family in
                                               Florence during Renaissance period.
                                               They are avid supporters of the
                                               humanities. They donate money to help
                                               support the development of the arts in
                                               their city.
                     STATES IN
  Many of the Renaissance popes who rule
 the city of Rome use tax money to hire
 artists and sculptors to create art pieces
 for filling the new buildings. They also
 amass a massive collection of literary
 works and they store in an attractive
 library. The consequence of the efforts of
 the popes , Rome becomes the center of
 the Italian Renaissance.

Architecture of Rome
            Palazzo Massimo

                                               Palazzo Massimo is in Rome, Italy.
                                              It is created by Baldassare Peruzzi in
                                              1527 to 1536. Its construction
                                              system is cut stone bearing masonry.
                                              The unusual convex facade of the
                                              Palazzo Massimo stands on the
                                              foundations of an old Roman theater
                                              and curves along the old Papal Way.
                STATES IN
   The location of Venice which is near in
  the Mediterranean Sea makes Venice ideal
  for trade. Many in Venice grow wealthy,
  which allow artists to afford the finer
  pleasures of art and the humanities.
  Venice quickly becomes world famous for
  the high quality of art and literature.

Architecture of Venice
     Church: San Giorgio Maggiore
                                              San Giorgio Maggiore is in Venice, Italy.
                                             It is created by Andrea Palladio in 1560
                                             to 1580. Its construction system is
                                             bearing masonry. The church's facade is
                                             scaled to present a public face to the
                                             town of Venice. It dominates and partially
                                             obscures the brick body of the church
                                             behind it, while it reflects the interior
                                             space of the nave and its side chapels.

            Transportation of
                                              The gondola is a traditional, flat-bottomed
                                             Venetian rowing boat. For centuries
                                             gondolas are once the chief means of
                                             transportation and most common
                                             watercraft within Venice. The gondola is
                                             never poled as the waters of Venice are too
                                             deep. Gondolas often were fitted with a
                                             "felze," a small open cabin, to protect the
                                             passengers from sun or rain.

 Getting around by land

       For most italian during the Renaissance traveling by land is limited
      to the local fair or farmer’s market. Getting from point A to point B
      by land during the Renaissance is not easy. Roads are little more
      than rocky pathways, and could be dangerous, with bandits waiting
      to pounce on unsuspecting travelers. The very wealthy travels with
      dozens of men-at-arms for protection for this reason.
       Common vehicles for traveling on land during the Renaissance
      include horses, pack mules, wagons and for the wealthy, coaches.
      The most common way to get around on land is on foot. And it was
      usually the most efficient.

Getting around by water

      Merchants, missionaries, soldiers, students and pilgrims are the
     most likely to use sea travel during the Renaissance. As trade and
     exploration increase during the Renaissance, overseas travel became
     more popular. Though you can travel to distant lands by ship, it is
     not without serious dangers.
      In many parts of Western Europe, water travel was also popular for
     short distances. Rivers, canals and lakes offered much quicker travel
     time than by land. However, river travel was not always reliable. In
     dry times water levels could drop too low for barges or boats.
                 Fitted princess line bodice top has square neckline,
                 lacing closures at back and sides with sleeve and trim
                 variations; purchased eyelets, lacing and trim.

                Renaissance costume includes surcoat, front laced tunic
                with or without sleeves, shirt with gathered sleeves
                and leggings with elastic waist; both style hats, in two
                sizes, are also included.

                HANDMADE LEATHER BELT:
                All Leather Belts are made from tanned cowhide. All are
                hand embossed with running celtic pattern, Edges are
                trimmed on both sides (rounded). Belts have a snap
                instead of a rivet to hold the buckle, which means you
                can change the buckle.

                 BURGUNDY FEATHER FAN:
                 Hand crafted using duck feathers for the base, ostrich
                 and cocque feathers for decoration, various fabrics,
                 trims and faux pearls. And the best part is a small mirror
                 discreetly hiding on the under side!
 FOO       Renaissance people ate vegetable dishes, sea food,
         soups, poultry and meat dishes, and cheese and egg pies.
   they also consumed desserts and appetizers after having main dishes.

RECIPE                             MAIN DISHES-<BEEF HASH>
       Wash tender beef and chop fine. Next add cloves, saffron,
       pepper, ginger,minced green herbs, onion juice, vinegar and
       salt. Saute it all in oil and let cook until water dries up. Serve
       on slices of bread.
        Take and strain them with the yolks of four eggs, and a little
        white bread grated, then season it up with sugar and sweet
        butter and so bake it.

                Through the 1400s, food was served in a long trencher.
               Wealthy households would have some type of metal trencher.
               The very poor may have substituted a hollowed out loaf of
               bread in place of wooden trencher. Through the mid 1500s,
               the trencher slowly disappeared, and individual plates and
               forks were introduced to diners.
                A few rules of etiquette that were expected of diners
               *No dipping meat directly into the salt dish.
               *No picking ones teeth with a finger or knife.
               *No spitting across the table.


                 Laws relating to Marriage
                 Marriage laws began to evolve during the Renaissance. The
                 Council of Westminster decreed in 1076 that no man should
                 give his daughter or female relative to anyone without priestly
                 blessing. Later councils would decree that marriage should
                 not be secret but held in the open. But it wasn't until the 16th
                 century Council of Trent that decreed a priest was required to
                 perform the betrothal ceremony.

                 Marriage Customs
                 Grooms, on the average, were 14 years older than their
                 brides. Noble women sometimes didn't marry until the age of
                 24, but this was rare. More than 3/4 were married before they
                 reached 19.
              z   THE BLACK DEATH- The plague                 z

The Bubonic plague is a disease that was most prevalent during the Renaissance
and the extreme number of people die of the bubonic plague.

 There is no known treatment for the plague all the people could do was suffer until
they die because that was most likely your fate.

 The plague is most commonly caused by the bite of a flea. The fleas are
carried over on rats that are coming from Asia on ships and being let into Europe
when the ship docked.

 You can also get the plague from being in such close contact with the people
infected with the plague. If the infected person cough he or she would blow the
bacteria into the air and you become infected through breathing in.

 The Renaissance is best known for its
achievements in art. During the
Renaissance, the atmosphere in society
in general was shifting and became more
accepting of artistic innovation and
experimentation. Innovations from
artists were encouraged, in addition to
encouraging artists to continue placing
value in the classical art.
                                          The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci

 Classically-styled columns,                             Santa Maria del Fiore
geometrically-perfect designs,
and hemispherical domes
characterized Renaissance
The great exponent of
Renaissance architecture was
Inigo Jones (1573–1652). His
works and symmetry were
revolutionary in a country
enamoured with mullion
windows, crenelations and

Important buildings
constructed in this period are:
Santa Maria del Fiore and
Palazzo del Te
Who’s who
       in Renaissance?

   Leonardo da Vinci        (April 15, 1452
  – May 2, 1519) was an Italian
  Renaissance painter and he is famous
  for his masterly paintings, such as The
  Last Supper and Mona Lisa. Leonardo
  pioneered new painting techniques,
  such as creating a smoky effect and
  defining forms through contrasts of
  light and shadow.

                                              MONA LISA BY LEONARDO DA VINCI

Sandro Botticelli (Florence
March 1, 1445 – May 17, 1510) was an
Italian painter of the Florentine school
during the Early Renaissance. He was a
ward of the Medici family. He painted
portraits of the family and many
religious pictures. From 1481-82 he
painted wall frescoes in the Sistine
Chapel of the Vatican. Most of his
paintings were religious in nature.

                                              THE BIRTH OF VENUS BY BOTTICELLI
Who’s who
        in Renaissance?
                Michelangelo        (March 6, 1475 -
               February 18, 1564) was a Renaissance
               sculptor, architect, painter, and poet. He
               is famous for creating the fresco ceiling
               of the Sistine Chapel. He is also well-
               known for designing the Laurentian
               Library in Florence, attached to the church
               of San Lorenzo. He produced new styles
               such as pilasters tapering thinner at the
               bottom, and a staircase with contrasting
               rectangular and curving forms.

MOSES                                                INTERIOR OF SISTINE CHAPEL

   Dante(1265-1321) is the greatest
  Italian poet and one of the most
  important writers of European
  literature. Dante is best known for the
  epic poem COMMEDIA. It has
  profoundly affected not only the
  religious imagination but all
  subsequent allegorical creation of
  imaginary worlds in literature.

                                                       DANTE ALIGHIERI

      Bibiliography: Encyclopedia - Britannica Online Encyclopedia. Web. 28
      Sept. 2009. <>.


    "Florence - World." History For Kids - By Web. 28 Sept. 2009.
    "Gondola -." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Web. 15 Oct. 2009. <http://>.
    Web. 15 Oct. 2009. <>.


   "Renaissance Travel: How People Traveled During the Renaissance |"
   W European History: Roman conquest to Viking invasions, Renaissance to Scientific
   and Industrial Revolutions, European Union to the War on Terror, Denmark to
   Portugal, Iceland to Germany. | Web. 29 Sept. 2009. <http://


  "Renaissance Costume Patterns." Renaissance Faires, Renaissance Fairs and
  Renaissance Festivals. Web. 11 Oct. 2009. <http://www.all-about->.


   "Renaissance Food Recipes." Renaissance Faires, Renaissance Fairs and
   Renaissance Festivals. Web. 11 Oct. 2009. <http://www.all-about->.

     "Renaissance Table Manners: Changes in dining etiquette from the Middle Ages through the
    1500s. |" W European History: Roman conquest to Viking invasions, Renaissance to
    Scientific and Industrial Revolutions, European Union to the War on Terror, Denmark to Portugal,
    Iceland to Germany. | Web. 29 Sept. 2009. <http://>.
     "Wedding Customs." Renaissance Wedding Ceremonies. Web. 10 Oct. 2009. <http://>.

                 THE BLACK DEATH- THE PLAGUE

                   "The Black Death | Socyberty." Socyberty | Society on the Web. Web. 15 Oct.
                   2009. <>.

                        ART AND ARCHITECTURE IN
                "Renaissance Art and Science." Renaissance Faires, Renaissance Fairs and
                Renaissance Festivals. Web. 28 Sept. 2009. <http://www.all-about-renaissance-

                "Renaissance costumes, weapon, recipes, weddings and more." Renaissance Faires,
                Renaissance Fairs and Renaissance Festivals. Web. 28 Sept. 2009. <http://www.all-


             "Renaissance costumes, weapon, recipes, weddings and more"" Renaissance Faires, Renaissance
             Fairs and Renaissance Festivals. Web. 11 Oct. 2009. <http://www.all-about-renaissance-
             ""Renaissance Artist Sandro Botticelli and his works"" Renaissance Faires, Renaissance Fairs and
             Renaissance Festivals. Web. 11 Oct. 2009. <
             ""Renaissance Artist Michelangelo - his life and his works." Renaissance Faires,
             Renaissance Fairs and Renaissance Festivals. Web. 11 Oct. 2009. <http://
             "Dante." Web. 11 Oct. 2009. <>.

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Renaissance Travel Guide

  • 1. e by Mad yo Ji Kim 9 H A TRAVEL GU IDE OF RENAISSAN CE italian renaissance
  • 2. A JOURNEY TO ITALIAN RENAISSANCE JOURNEY 1. INTRODUCTION Our first journey will be a chance to learn and to understand Italian Renaissance. . There are three famous city-states in Italy ; Florence, Rome and Venice. The JOURNEY 2. development of Florence, Rome and Venice are closely connected with VISITING CITY-STATES Italian Renaissance. Therefore, visiting these city-states will give you the IN ITALY information about the history of Italian Renaissance. JOURNEY 3. To see how Renaissance people get around by land or by water. HOW TO GET AROUND? WHAT TO WEAR? To investigate clothes of Renaissance people. JOURNEY 4. RENAISSANCE PEOPLE WHAT TO EAT? To look into food Renaissance people had. And their interesting and amazing recipes also. JOURNEY 5. To learn table manner and wedding MANNER AND CUSTOM custom during Renaissance period. JOURNEY 5. To learn about how to stay safe and healthy HOW TO STAY SAFE AND HEALTHY in Renaissance time. WHAT TO SEE AND DO? JOURNEY 6. Getting to know about prominent works in Renaissance ART AND ARCHITECTURE period, art and architecture. JOURNEY 7. WHO’S WHO? 4 FAMOUS PEOPLE Investigate about famous people in art, in architecture, and in poet during Renaissance period. BIBILOGRAPHY Work cited
  • 3. ITALIAN RENAISSANCE WHEN....? The Renaissance begins during the 14th century and continued until about 17th century. It starts in Italy and later spread to the rest of Europe. WHERE....? The world renaissance means “rebirth.” The Renaissance is a WHAT....? period of discovery of new scientific laws, new forms of art and literature, and new religious and political ideas. Modern Times begin with the Renaissance, one of the rare WHY....? periods of genius in the world's history. A detailed map of Renaissance Italy
  • 4. CITY- STATES IN FLORENCE Florence in Italy is the location where the Italian Renaissance begins. This city is ruled by effective leaders, Medici family. They use funds to build roads and sewers, and donate money to help support the development of the arts in their city. The result is that Florence becomes one of the wealthiest cities in all of Western Europe. Architecture of San Lorenzo is in Florence, Italy. Church: San Lorenzo It is created by Filippo Brunelleschi in 1421 to 1440. Its construction system is bearing mansonry. Ringed by windows at its base, the dome is partitioned by ribs into twelve webs, each with a segmentally curved base line. The scheme of this church by the geometric patterns by the dark gray stone is the most influential contributions to the evolution of Famous people Renaissance architecture. Medici Family The Medici Family are wealthy family in Florence during Renaissance period. They are avid supporters of the humanities. They donate money to help support the development of the arts in their city.
  • 5. CITY- STATES IN ROME Many of the Renaissance popes who rule the city of Rome use tax money to hire artists and sculptors to create art pieces for filling the new buildings. They also amass a massive collection of literary works and they store in an attractive library. The consequence of the efforts of the popes , Rome becomes the center of the Italian Renaissance. Architecture of Rome Palazzo Massimo Palazzo Massimo is in Rome, Italy. It is created by Baldassare Peruzzi in 1527 to 1536. Its construction system is cut stone bearing masonry. The unusual convex facade of the Palazzo Massimo stands on the foundations of an old Roman theater and curves along the old Papal Way.
  • 6. CITY- STATES IN VENICE The location of Venice which is near in the Mediterranean Sea makes Venice ideal for trade. Many in Venice grow wealthy, which allow artists to afford the finer pleasures of art and the humanities. Venice quickly becomes world famous for the high quality of art and literature. Architecture of Venice Church: San Giorgio Maggiore San Giorgio Maggiore is in Venice, Italy. It is created by Andrea Palladio in 1560 to 1580. Its construction system is bearing masonry. The church's facade is scaled to present a public face to the town of Venice. It dominates and partially obscures the brick body of the church behind it, while it reflects the interior space of the nave and its side chapels. Transportation of The gondola is a traditional, flat-bottomed Venetian rowing boat. For centuries gondolas are once the chief means of transportation and most common watercraft within Venice. The gondola is never poled as the waters of Venice are too deep. Gondolas often were fitted with a "felze," a small open cabin, to protect the passengers from sun or rain.
  • 7. HOW TO GET AROUND? Getting around by land For most italian during the Renaissance traveling by land is limited to the local fair or farmer’s market. Getting from point A to point B by land during the Renaissance is not easy. Roads are little more than rocky pathways, and could be dangerous, with bandits waiting to pounce on unsuspecting travelers. The very wealthy travels with dozens of men-at-arms for protection for this reason. Common vehicles for traveling on land during the Renaissance include horses, pack mules, wagons and for the wealthy, coaches. The most common way to get around on land is on foot. And it was usually the most efficient. Getting around by water Merchants, missionaries, soldiers, students and pilgrims are the most likely to use sea travel during the Renaissance. As trade and exploration increase during the Renaissance, overseas travel became more popular. Though you can travel to distant lands by ship, it is not without serious dangers. In many parts of Western Europe, water travel was also popular for short distances. Rivers, canals and lakes offered much quicker travel time than by land. However, river travel was not always reliable. In dry times water levels could drop too low for barges or boats.
  • 8. RENAISSANCE PEOPLE CLO THE S MISSES’ RENAISSANCE TOPS: Fitted princess line bodice top has square neckline, lacing closures at back and sides with sleeve and trim variations; purchased eyelets, lacing and trim. MEN’S RENAISSANCE COSTUME: Renaissance costume includes surcoat, front laced tunic with or without sleeves, shirt with gathered sleeves and leggings with elastic waist; both style hats, in two sizes, are also included. HANDMADE LEATHER BELT: All Leather Belts are made from tanned cowhide. All are hand embossed with running celtic pattern, Edges are trimmed on both sides (rounded). Belts have a snap instead of a rivet to hold the buckle, which means you can change the buckle. BURGUNDY FEATHER FAN: Hand crafted using duck feathers for the base, ostrich and cocque feathers for decoration, various fabrics, trims and faux pearls. And the best part is a small mirror discreetly hiding on the under side!
  • 9. RENAISSANCE PEOPLE FOO Renaissance people ate vegetable dishes, sea food, D soups, poultry and meat dishes, and cheese and egg pies. they also consumed desserts and appetizers after having main dishes. RECIPE MAIN DISHES-<BEEF HASH> Wash tender beef and chop fine. Next add cloves, saffron, pepper, ginger,minced green herbs, onion juice, vinegar and salt. Saute it all in oil and let cook until water dries up. Serve on slices of bread. DESSERT-< A TARTE OF STRUAWBERRIES> Take and strain them with the yolks of four eggs, and a little white bread grated, then season it up with sugar and sweet butter and so bake it.
  • 10. MANNER AND CUSTOM IN RENAISSANCE RENAISSANCE TABLE MANNERS Through the 1400s, food was served in a long trencher. Wealthy households would have some type of metal trencher. The very poor may have substituted a hollowed out loaf of bread in place of wooden trencher. Through the mid 1500s, the trencher slowly disappeared, and individual plates and forks were introduced to diners. A few rules of etiquette that were expected of diners including: *No dipping meat directly into the salt dish. *No picking ones teeth with a finger or knife. *No spitting across the table. RENAISSANCE WEDDING CUSTOMS Laws relating to Marriage Marriage laws began to evolve during the Renaissance. The Council of Westminster decreed in 1076 that no man should give his daughter or female relative to anyone without priestly blessing. Later councils would decree that marriage should not be secret but held in the open. But it wasn't until the 16th century Council of Trent that decreed a priest was required to perform the betrothal ceremony. Marriage Customs Grooms, on the average, were 14 years older than their brides. Noble women sometimes didn't marry until the age of 24, but this was rare. More than 3/4 were married before they reached 19.
  • 11. HOW TO STAY SAFE AND HEALTHY z THE BLACK DEATH- The plague z The Bubonic plague is a disease that was most prevalent during the Renaissance and the extreme number of people die of the bubonic plague. There is no known treatment for the plague all the people could do was suffer until they die because that was most likely your fate. The plague is most commonly caused by the bite of a flea. The fleas are carried over on rats that are coming from Asia on ships and being let into Europe when the ship docked. You can also get the plague from being in such close contact with the people infected with the plague. If the infected person cough he or she would blow the bacteria into the air and you become infected through breathing in.
  • 12. ART & ARCHITECTURE IN RENAISSANCE The Renaissance is best known for its achievements in art. During the Renaissance, the atmosphere in society in general was shifting and became more accepting of artistic innovation and experimentation. Innovations from artists were encouraged, in addition to encouraging artists to continue placing value in the classical art. The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci Classically-styled columns, Santa Maria del Fiore geometrically-perfect designs, and hemispherical domes characterized Renaissance architecture. The great exponent of Renaissance architecture was Inigo Jones (1573–1652). His works and symmetry were revolutionary in a country enamoured with mullion windows, crenelations and turrets. Important buildings constructed in this period are: Santa Maria del Fiore and Palazzo del Te
  • 13. Who’s who in Renaissance? Leonardo da Vinci (April 15, 1452 – May 2, 1519) was an Italian Renaissance painter and he is famous for his masterly paintings, such as The Last Supper and Mona Lisa. Leonardo pioneered new painting techniques, such as creating a smoky effect and defining forms through contrasts of light and shadow. MONA LISA BY LEONARDO DA VINCI Sandro Botticelli (Florence March 1, 1445 – May 17, 1510) was an Italian painter of the Florentine school during the Early Renaissance. He was a ward of the Medici family. He painted portraits of the family and many religious pictures. From 1481-82 he painted wall frescoes in the Sistine Chapel of the Vatican. Most of his paintings were religious in nature. THE BIRTH OF VENUS BY BOTTICELLI
  • 14. Who’s who in Renaissance? Michelangelo (March 6, 1475 - February 18, 1564) was a Renaissance sculptor, architect, painter, and poet. He is famous for creating the fresco ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. He is also well- known for designing the Laurentian Library in Florence, attached to the church of San Lorenzo. He produced new styles such as pilasters tapering thinner at the bottom, and a staircase with contrasting rectangular and curving forms. MOSES INTERIOR OF SISTINE CHAPEL Dante(1265-1321) is the greatest Italian poet and one of the most important writers of European literature. Dante is best known for the epic poem COMMEDIA. It has profoundly affected not only the religious imagination but all subsequent allegorical creation of imaginary worlds in literature. DANTE ALIGHIERI
  • 15. Bibiliograph ITALLIAN RENAISANCE Bibiliography: Encyclopedia - Britannica Online Encyclopedia. Web. 28 Sept. 2009. <>. CITY STATES "Florence - World." History For Kids - By Web. 28 Sept. 2009. <>. "Gondola -." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Web. 15 Oct. 2009. <http://>. Web. 15 Oct. 2009. <>. HOW TO GET AROUND? "Renaissance Travel: How People Traveled During the Renaissance |" W European History: Roman conquest to Viking invasions, Renaissance to Scientific and Industrial Revolutions, European Union to the War on Terror, Denmark to Portugal, Iceland to Germany. | Web. 29 Sept. 2009. <http:// RENAISSANCE PEOPLE- CLOTHES "Renaissance Costume Patterns." Renaissance Faires, Renaissance Fairs and Renaissance Festivals. Web. 11 Oct. 2009. <http://www.all-about->. RENAISSANCE PEOPLE-FOOD "Renaissance Food Recipes." Renaissance Faires, Renaissance Fairs and Renaissance Festivals. Web. 11 Oct. 2009. <http://www.all-about->.
  • 16. MANNER AND CUSTOM IN RENAISSANCE "Renaissance Table Manners: Changes in dining etiquette from the Middle Ages through the 1500s. |" W European History: Roman conquest to Viking invasions, Renaissance to Scientific and Industrial Revolutions, European Union to the War on Terror, Denmark to Portugal, Iceland to Germany. | Web. 29 Sept. 2009. <http://>. "Wedding Customs." Renaissance Wedding Ceremonies. Web. 10 Oct. 2009. <http://>. THE BLACK DEATH- THE PLAGUE "The Black Death | Socyberty." Socyberty | Society on the Web. Web. 15 Oct. 2009. <>. ART AND ARCHITECTURE IN RENAISSANCE "Renaissance Art and Science." Renaissance Faires, Renaissance Fairs and Renaissance Festivals. Web. 28 Sept. 2009. <http://www.all-about-renaissance->. "Renaissance costumes, weapon, recipes, weddings and more." Renaissance Faires, Renaissance Fairs and Renaissance Festivals. Web. 28 Sept. 2009. <http://www.all->. WHO’S WHO IN RENAISSANCE? "Renaissance costumes, weapon, recipes, weddings and more"" Renaissance Faires, Renaissance Fairs and Renaissance Festivals. Web. 11 Oct. 2009. <http://www.all-about-renaissance->. ""Renaissance Artist Sandro Botticelli and his works"" Renaissance Faires, Renaissance Fairs and Renaissance Festivals. Web. 11 Oct. 2009. < ren_artists/botticelli/botticelli.htm>. ""Renaissance Artist Michelangelo - his life and his works." Renaissance Faires, Renaissance Fairs and Renaissance Festivals. Web. 11 Oct. 2009. <http:// michelangelo.htm>. "Dante." Web. 11 Oct. 2009. <>.