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Religions overview
Asif Razzaq
Riphah International University-
Geography of Religion
• What is Religion?
• Major Religions & Divisions
• Religious Landscapes
• Religious Conflict and Interaction
• A set of beliefs
– an explanation of the origins and purpose
of humans and their role on earth
– existence of a higher power, spirits or god
– Which involves rituals, festivals, rites of
passage and space (religious landscapes)
Key Terms
• Universalizing Religion: attempts to
appeal to all people, not just those living
in a particular location.
• Proselytize: to try to convert people to
one’s belief or opinion.
• Syncretic: Traditions that borrow from
both the past and the present
Key Terms
Secularization - a process that is leading to
increasingly large groups of people who
claim no allegiance to any church.
• Some of these people are atheists. Others
simply do not practice. Still others call
themselves spiritual, but not religious.
• Common in Europe and the cities of the
• Common in former Soviet Union and
Key Terms
• Ethnic Religions: concentrated spatial
distribution whose principles are likely
based on physical characteristics of a
particular location.
Fundamentalism - a process that is leading to
increasingly large groups of people who
claim there is only one way to interpret
• Fundamentalists generally envision a return
to a more perfect religion and ethics they
imagine existed in the past.
Key Terms
Key Terms
• Monotheism: existence of only one god.
• Polytheism: existence of many gods.
• Cosmogony: A set of religious beliefs
concerning the origin of the universe.
• Branch: A large and fundamental
division within a religion.
• Denomination: A division within a
branch of a religion.
• Sect: A relatively small denominational
group that has broken away from an
established church.
Religious Divisions
Major World Religions
• Universalizing Religions
– Christianity
– Islam
– Buddhism
• Traced to actions and teaching of a
• Diffused from specific hearths by
followers / missionaries
Major World Religions
• Ethnic Religions
– Hinduism
– Judaism
– all Animistic Religions
• No specific founder
• limited diffusion / no missionaries
Philosophy of Religion
•The Existence of God
– Reason and Faith
– God’s Attributes.
•Chance or Design?
•Cosmological Argument
•Ontological Argument. God: The Necessary Being?
•How is god/God to be conceived?
•What is the nature of God?
•Can reason establish that there is a god/God?
•Are there any reasons, apart form religious faith
itself, to believe in the existence of God?
Reason and Faith
• Reason:
– Human intellect abilities
– Our capacity to form beliefs for good reasons, on the
basis of evidence: Empirical or Rational.
• Faith:
– A set of beliefs at least some of which are not
supported by evidence; faith goes beyond available
evidence. Faith is a gift of God- supernatural.
• Natural Theology
• The study of God, His
attributes and His relation
to the world.
• Beliefs are established by
reason working
independently of any
• Dogmatic Theology
• A belief that is mandatory
for members of a
particular religion
• Premises:
– The purposive organization of man-made object is
evidence of the intelligence and purpose of the maker.
– The world contains many natural objects (plants, animals,
human body, etc.) whose organization is clearly purposive
and the world itself is purposely organized.
• Conclusion:
– By analogy, there must be a maker of the universe who has
made it accordingly to a PLAN. The world maker/creator,
is God.
• The argument was elaborated by the Archdeacon of Carlisle
William Paley (1743-1805) in his book Natural Theology.
Arguments against the Teleological Proof of
the Existence of a Cosmic Design
• Chaos Theory. Another significant scientific theory that may
undermine the whole Design Argument is the belief that the
universe is not really all that ordered at all! As quantum theory
developed early this century, it became clear that at the
microscopic level, physical processes were indeterminate; they
were not predictable! Over the past thirty years or so it has
become clearer that the motion of many physical systems
(including planets) are not as regular as Newton had suggested. In
other words; nature is not as mechanical as the machines we
make at all, and, therefore, the analogy does not work! Such a
theory also lends support to Hume’s thesis that there is no
obvious sense in which the universe resembles human production.
In fact, it could be argued that human production is ‘better’ than
the universe, which is why we feel the need to produce things in
the first place!
Cosmological Argument
• The Cosmological Argument is based on 3 principles:
– 1. Something cannot be the cause of itself.
– 2. Something cannot be come from nothing.
– 3. There cannot be an infinite series of causes and effects.
• The Efficient Cause: (Aristotle)
• Efficient -Material - Formal - Final
• Sculptor/sculpting- marble/wood- characteristics-the object
Thomas Aquinas- Summa Theological
• Question II. The Existence of God
• A1.Whether the existence of God, is self
• A2. Whether it can be demonstrated that
God exists?
• A3. Whether God Exists?
• Objection 1:
• It seems that God does not
• God means-infinite
goodness. If God existed
there would be no evil, but
there is evil therefore God
does not exists.
• Objection 2:
• Everything in the world can be
accomplished by a few
principles. The processes of
the world can be accounted by
other principles.
• Natural things can be reduced
to one principle, that is the
principle of nature. All
voluntary things can be
reduced to one principle:
Human Reason and Will.
• There is no need to be
supposed the existence of
Existence of God can be proved in five ways:
• Argument from Motion
• Efficient Cause
• Possibility and Necessity
• Gradation to be found in things
• Governance of things.
• Argument from Motion
• Would not it be much easier to say that there is a beginning?
Let’s be empirical: when we observe the world we see that
everything has a cause: the rain causes the plants to grow, the
plants cause the production of oxygen, oxygen causes animal life
to exist, etc. Does not follow from this that the whole universe,
too, has a cause? Aristotle, rejecting Plato’ concept of the Forms,
believed that everything must have an efficient cause; the
efficient cause was the “Unmoved Mover”
• Efficient Cause
• Aristotle was a major influence on Thomas Aquinas who
developed the causal argument as part of his Christian beliefs.
Basically, Aquinas stated that if A causes B, and B causes C, then
A is the first cause, and C is the last cause. But what happens if A
does not occur? Neither B nor C will occur either. The causal
chain must, therefore, have a beginning, and that beginning is
From Possibility to Necessity
• In Nature things that are
possible are either, to be -
they are created, or not to
be, they are destroyed; it
is impossible for them to
always exist, if this is
possible, then at one time
there could have been
nothing in existence.
• For something to exist, its
existence begins by
something already
• If at one time Nothing was in
existence, it would have been
impossible for anything to have
begun to exist… and now
nothing would be in existence,
but there are things that exist,
therefore, not all being are
merely possible, but must be
something which existence is
• Every necessary thing is caused
by another.
• We must admit the existence of
some being having of itself its
own necessity - GOD, causing
others to exist.
Argument of Perfection
• Things in the world are in gradation, less or
more, good, noble, hot- therefore there must
be something that is best, noblest, hottest,
and something, which is MOST BEING -
PERFECTION, and that is GOD.
Governance of Things
• Things that lack being (imperfect), as
natural bodies act for an end, to obtain the
best result.
• They achieve their goal not by chance, but
by design.
• Who ordered things to their end, directed
them, GOD, in the same way that ‘the arrow
is directed by the archer”.
Ontological Argument, God, The Necessary Being?
• Saint Anselm, defines God “is that than which
nothing greater can be thought”. God is the
greatest possible thing we can conceived,
• His logical argument is a Reduction to
Absurdity- the negation of the conclusion leads
to an absurdity.
• The concept of GOD is of a being no greater that
which can be conceived. But a being which
exists is greater than a being which is merely
conceived;if GOD did not exist, GOD would be
a being no greater that which can be conceived,
• It seems that scientist and mystics sometimes
use a common language to describe what both
agree is in many ways indescribable: the inner
essence of reality. Like Anselm, Aquinas, and
Paley, Christian mystics claim knowledge of
God. Their certainty arises not out of the linear
logic of reason, but intuitively , based on their
experience. What they know cannot be proved,
but then again, much of what we know about
the world cannot be proved either, at least not
using the traditional methods of science.
Atheistic Worldview: from “Roots of Wisdom”
• If the God of theism does not exist, then all meaning might be said
to derive from human values. According to Protagoras, without
God, “man is the measure of all things.” Without a personal God,
we might conclude that all creative and technological
accomplishments are monuments to human potential and should be
celebrated as the legacies one generation leave to the next so that
continuous progress is possible. We are responsible to ourselves and
to our fellow travelers to behave reasonably and to be true to our
human nature. The purpose of life is what we bring to it; our dreams
and hopes for a better present and brighter future. The purpose of
my life is whatever I decide it should be. When I die, my
consciousness will die with me; my contributions to human
knowledge and the creative spirit, as well as the people whose lives
I have influenced, will be my immortality. While they live and
while my accomplishments endure, I will not be forgotten. My
children and grandchildren are my legacies to the future.
Ethnic Religions
The Roots of Religion
Animism (Shamanism) - the belief that
all objects, animals, and beings are
“animated” or possess a spirit and a
conscious life. Also called shamanism
because of the prominence of a Shaman.
• Such beliefs are common among hunter-
gatherers and folk cultures.
• 10% of Africans follow such traditional
ethnic religions.
• These beliefs are losing ground to
Christianity and Islam throughout Africa.
Nigerian Shaman
• Origin & Diffusion - unknown
– Hearth: Indus River Valley in present-day
Pakistan 2200-4000 BCE
– Collection of scriptures 1500BCE – 500BC
• Vedas, Upanishads, Sutras, Bhagavad Gita
– Over 800 million followers
• Almost exclusive to India, Nepal,
and Sri Lanka
– Sacred Spaces
• Ganges River
• Monistic: One god, many forms
– Brahman: Vishnu (preserver), Shiva (destroyer),
Shakti (mother god)
• Main Beliefs
– Karma- deeds have corresponding effects on the future
– dharma - fulfill moral, social and religious duties
– artha - attain financial and worldy success
– kama - satisfy desires and drives in moderation
– moksha - attain freedom from reincarnation
• Origin and Diffusion
2000 BCE – Abraham formed covenant
with God as patriarch of Israelites
Moses led people out of Egypt
Diaspora: In 70 A.D., Romans forced Jews
to disperse throughout the world.
Ghetto: During the Middle Ages, a
neighborhood in a city set up by law to be
inhabited only by Jews.
• Sacred Places
– Synagogues
– Jerusalem
• Divisions
– Orthodox, Reform, Conservative
• Current Diffusion
13-14 million worldwide
Israel, United States – both 5-6 mil
• Basic Precepts
– Belief in One God
– Torah - original 5 chapters of Christian Bible
– Coming of the Messiah still to come
– Atonement accomplished by sacrifices,
penitence & good deeds
– Differing opinions on afterlife
Ethnic Asian Religions
Taoism – The Path or Way
– Founder: Lao Tze
– 500 BCE
– 20 million followers, mainly in China
– Sacred Text: Tao Te Ching
– philosophy of harmony & balance: Tao
– After life: change from being to non-being
Ethnic Asian Religions
• Confucianism
– 6-5th
century BCE
– moral code taught by Confucius
• Humanity and striving for perfection
– 5-6 million adherents, most refer
to themselves as more than one
• Most influential in China
Ethnic Asian Religions
– Japanese traditional religion
– No founder or origin known
– 3-4 million followers
– Beliefs
• Worship and offerings to kami at shrines and at home
• Simple and harmonious life with nature and people
• Many practices tied with Buddhism
Ethnic Asian Religions
– 550 BCE
– Founder: Mahavira
– Indian traditional religion
– 4 million followers
– Basic Principles:
• Reincarnation to attain perfection and
• Origin and Diffusion
Palestine (modern Israel)
What are the 3
• Branches
Roman Catholic
Eastern Orthodox
• Origin and Diffusion
Messiah: Jesus
Universalizing Religion
• Branches
Roman Catholic
Eastern Orthodox
• Basic Precepts
Belief in One God
Father, Son & Holy Spirit
Covenant (contract) with God
New Testament - salvation to those who believe
in Jesus Christ and his teachings
Salvation is by grace or belief not works
Believers to to heaven with everlasting life
Conversion of others (proselytize)
• Basic Precepts
Founded in 33 CE, Jesus, Palestine
Bible-Old and New Testament
2 billion followers – largest faith
North and South America
• Catholicism - largest branch
Headed by the Pope
Ceremonial - 7 sacraments
ex: baptism, marriage, Eucharist
• Eastern Orthodoxy - 11th Century split-Great Schism
Rivalry between Pope and Patriarch of Constantinople
Russian, Greek, Serbian Orthodox, etc.
• Protestantism - (1517) Reformation era
No Pope needed
individual has direct link to God
Grace through faith rather than sacraments
• Origin and Diffusion
Mecca, Saudi Arabia
633 CE
• 1.3 Billion followers
• Branches
Sunni (majority)-Middle East and North Africa
Shiite-Iran, Iraq, Bahrain
• Basic Precepts
Submission to the will of God (Allah)
Lineage - Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses,
Jesus, & Mohammed (different lineage)
Holy Book - Quran - built on Old Testament
• 5 Pillars of Faith
Shahada: Creed “There is no God but Allah”
Salat: Prayer 5 times a day facing Mecca
Zakat: Giving to the poor
Sawm: Fasting during month of Ramadan
Hajj: Pilgrimage to Mecca
• Origin and Diffusion
Founder: Siddhartha Gautama
520 BCE
Hearth: present day Nepal
• 360 million followers
• Branches
Vajrayana (Tibetan-Lamaism)
• Basic Precepts
Buddha - the enlightened one
Nirvana - highest degree of consciousness
4 noble truths
1. All of life is marked by suffering.
2. Suffering is caused by desire and attachment.
3. Suffering can be eliminated.
4. Suffering is eliminated by following the Noble Eightfold Path.
• Basic Precepts
8 Fold Path
1. Right beliefs
2. Right aspirations
3. Right speech
4. Right conduct
5. Right livelihood
6. Right effort
7. Right mindfulness
8. Right meditational attainment
• Basic Precepts
Individuals choose the “Middle Path”
Buddhist believe:
not in any God, blind faith, or savior
what is created is impermanent
True Permanent Absolute Reality
uncreated, unborn, permanent bliss of Nirvana
Religions Overview
Religions Overview

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Religions Overview

  • 1. Religion Religions overview Asif Razzaq Riphah International University- Pakistan
  • 2. Geography of Religion • What is Religion? • Major Religions & Divisions • Religious Landscapes • Religious Conflict and Interaction
  • 3. Religion • A set of beliefs – an explanation of the origins and purpose of humans and their role on earth – existence of a higher power, spirits or god – Which involves rituals, festivals, rites of passage and space (religious landscapes)
  • 4. Key Terms • Universalizing Religion: attempts to appeal to all people, not just those living in a particular location. • Proselytize: to try to convert people to one’s belief or opinion. • Syncretic: Traditions that borrow from both the past and the present
  • 5. Key Terms Secularization - a process that is leading to increasingly large groups of people who claim no allegiance to any church. • Some of these people are atheists. Others simply do not practice. Still others call themselves spiritual, but not religious. • Common in Europe and the cities of the U.S. • Common in former Soviet Union and China.
  • 6. Key Terms • Ethnic Religions: concentrated spatial distribution whose principles are likely based on physical characteristics of a particular location.
  • 7. Fundamentalism - a process that is leading to increasingly large groups of people who claim there is only one way to interpret worship. • Fundamentalists generally envision a return to a more perfect religion and ethics they imagine existed in the past. Key Terms
  • 8. Key Terms • Monotheism: existence of only one god. • Polytheism: existence of many gods. • Cosmogony: A set of religious beliefs concerning the origin of the universe.
  • 9. • Branch: A large and fundamental division within a religion. • Denomination: A division within a branch of a religion. • Sect: A relatively small denominational group that has broken away from an established church. Religious Divisions
  • 10. Major World Religions • Universalizing Religions – Christianity – Islam – Buddhism • Traced to actions and teaching of a man • Diffused from specific hearths by followers / missionaries
  • 11. Major World Religions • Ethnic Religions – Hinduism – Judaism – all Animistic Religions • No specific founder • limited diffusion / no missionaries
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  • 15. •The Existence of God – Reason and Faith – God’s Attributes. •Chance or Design? •Cosmological Argument •Ontological Argument. God: The Necessary Being? •How is god/God to be conceived? •What is the nature of God? •Can reason establish that there is a god/God? •Are there any reasons, apart form religious faith itself, to believe in the existence of God?
  • 16. Reason and Faith • Reason: – Human intellect abilities – Our capacity to form beliefs for good reasons, on the basis of evidence: Empirical or Rational. • Faith: – A set of beliefs at least some of which are not supported by evidence; faith goes beyond available evidence. Faith is a gift of God- supernatural.
  • 17. • Natural Theology • The study of God, His attributes and His relation to the world. • Beliefs are established by reason working independently of any revelation. • Dogmatic Theology • A belief that is mandatory for members of a particular religion
  • 18. • THE ARGUMENT: • Premises: – The purposive organization of man-made object is evidence of the intelligence and purpose of the maker. – The world contains many natural objects (plants, animals, human body, etc.) whose organization is clearly purposive and the world itself is purposely organized. • Conclusion: – By analogy, there must be a maker of the universe who has made it accordingly to a PLAN. The world maker/creator, is God. • The argument was elaborated by the Archdeacon of Carlisle William Paley (1743-1805) in his book Natural Theology.
  • 19. Arguments against the Teleological Proof of the Existence of a Cosmic Design • Chaos Theory. Another significant scientific theory that may undermine the whole Design Argument is the belief that the universe is not really all that ordered at all! As quantum theory developed early this century, it became clear that at the microscopic level, physical processes were indeterminate; they were not predictable! Over the past thirty years or so it has become clearer that the motion of many physical systems (including planets) are not as regular as Newton had suggested. In other words; nature is not as mechanical as the machines we make at all, and, therefore, the analogy does not work! Such a theory also lends support to Hume’s thesis that there is no obvious sense in which the universe resembles human production. In fact, it could be argued that human production is ‘better’ than the universe, which is why we feel the need to produce things in the first place!
  • 20. Cosmological Argument • The Cosmological Argument is based on 3 principles: – 1. Something cannot be the cause of itself. – 2. Something cannot be come from nothing. – 3. There cannot be an infinite series of causes and effects. • The Efficient Cause: (Aristotle) • Efficient -Material - Formal - Final • Sculptor/sculpting- marble/wood- characteristics-the object
  • 21. Thomas Aquinas- Summa Theological • Question II. The Existence of God • A1.Whether the existence of God, is self evident? • A2. Whether it can be demonstrated that God exists? • A3. Whether God Exists?
  • 22. Objections: • Objection 1: • It seems that God does not exist: • God means-infinite goodness. If God existed there would be no evil, but there is evil therefore God does not exists. • Objection 2: • Everything in the world can be accomplished by a few principles. The processes of the world can be accounted by other principles. • Natural things can be reduced to one principle, that is the principle of nature. All voluntary things can be reduced to one principle: Human Reason and Will. • There is no need to be supposed the existence of GOD.
  • 23. Existence of God can be proved in five ways: • Argument from Motion • Efficient Cause • Possibility and Necessity • Gradation to be found in things • Governance of things.
  • 24. • Argument from Motion • Would not it be much easier to say that there is a beginning? Let’s be empirical: when we observe the world we see that everything has a cause: the rain causes the plants to grow, the plants cause the production of oxygen, oxygen causes animal life to exist, etc. Does not follow from this that the whole universe, too, has a cause? Aristotle, rejecting Plato’ concept of the Forms, believed that everything must have an efficient cause; the efficient cause was the “Unmoved Mover” • Efficient Cause • Aristotle was a major influence on Thomas Aquinas who developed the causal argument as part of his Christian beliefs. Basically, Aquinas stated that if A causes B, and B causes C, then A is the first cause, and C is the last cause. But what happens if A does not occur? Neither B nor C will occur either. The causal chain must, therefore, have a beginning, and that beginning is God.
  • 25. From Possibility to Necessity • In Nature things that are possible are either, to be - they are created, or not to be, they are destroyed; it is impossible for them to always exist, if this is possible, then at one time there could have been nothing in existence. • For something to exist, its existence begins by something already existing. • If at one time Nothing was in existence, it would have been impossible for anything to have begun to exist… and now nothing would be in existence, but there are things that exist, therefore, not all being are merely possible, but must be something which existence is necessary. • Every necessary thing is caused by another. • We must admit the existence of some being having of itself its own necessity - GOD, causing others to exist.
  • 26. Argument of Perfection • Things in the world are in gradation, less or more, good, noble, hot- therefore there must be something that is best, noblest, hottest, and something, which is MOST BEING - PERFECTION, and that is GOD.
  • 27. Governance of Things • Things that lack being (imperfect), as natural bodies act for an end, to obtain the best result. • They achieve their goal not by chance, but by design. • Who ordered things to their end, directed them, GOD, in the same way that ‘the arrow is directed by the archer”.
  • 28. Ontological Argument, God, The Necessary Being? • Saint Anselm, defines God “is that than which nothing greater can be thought”. God is the greatest possible thing we can conceived, • His logical argument is a Reduction to Absurdity- the negation of the conclusion leads to an absurdity. • The concept of GOD is of a being no greater that which can be conceived. But a being which exists is greater than a being which is merely conceived;if GOD did not exist, GOD would be a being no greater that which can be conceived, THEREFORE, GOD exists.
  • 29. • It seems that scientist and mystics sometimes use a common language to describe what both agree is in many ways indescribable: the inner essence of reality. Like Anselm, Aquinas, and Paley, Christian mystics claim knowledge of God. Their certainty arises not out of the linear logic of reason, but intuitively , based on their experience. What they know cannot be proved, but then again, much of what we know about the world cannot be proved either, at least not using the traditional methods of science.
  • 30. Atheistic Worldview: from “Roots of Wisdom” • If the God of theism does not exist, then all meaning might be said to derive from human values. According to Protagoras, without God, “man is the measure of all things.” Without a personal God, we might conclude that all creative and technological accomplishments are monuments to human potential and should be celebrated as the legacies one generation leave to the next so that continuous progress is possible. We are responsible to ourselves and to our fellow travelers to behave reasonably and to be true to our human nature. The purpose of life is what we bring to it; our dreams and hopes for a better present and brighter future. The purpose of my life is whatever I decide it should be. When I die, my consciousness will die with me; my contributions to human knowledge and the creative spirit, as well as the people whose lives I have influenced, will be my immortality. While they live and while my accomplishments endure, I will not be forgotten. My children and grandchildren are my legacies to the future.
  • 32. The Roots of Religion Animism (Shamanism) - the belief that all objects, animals, and beings are “animated” or possess a spirit and a conscious life. Also called shamanism because of the prominence of a Shaman. • Such beliefs are common among hunter- gatherers and folk cultures. • 10% of Africans follow such traditional ethnic religions. • These beliefs are losing ground to Christianity and Islam throughout Africa. Nigerian Shaman
  • 33. Hinduism • Origin & Diffusion - unknown – Hearth: Indus River Valley in present-day Pakistan 2200-4000 BCE – Collection of scriptures 1500BCE – 500BC • Vedas, Upanishads, Sutras, Bhagavad Gita – Over 800 million followers • Almost exclusive to India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka – Sacred Spaces • Ganges River
  • 34. Hinduism • Monistic: One god, many forms – Brahman: Vishnu (preserver), Shiva (destroyer), Shakti (mother god) • Main Beliefs – Karma- deeds have corresponding effects on the future – dharma - fulfill moral, social and religious duties – artha - attain financial and worldy success – kama - satisfy desires and drives in moderation – moksha - attain freedom from reincarnation
  • 35. Judaism • Origin and Diffusion 2000 BCE – Abraham formed covenant with God as patriarch of Israelites Moses led people out of Egypt Diaspora: In 70 A.D., Romans forced Jews to disperse throughout the world. Ghetto: During the Middle Ages, a neighborhood in a city set up by law to be inhabited only by Jews.
  • 36. Judaism • Sacred Places – Synagogues – Jerusalem • Divisions – Orthodox, Reform, Conservative • Current Diffusion 13-14 million worldwide Israel, United States – both 5-6 mil
  • 37. Judaism • Basic Precepts – Belief in One God – Torah - original 5 chapters of Christian Bible – Coming of the Messiah still to come – Atonement accomplished by sacrifices, penitence & good deeds – Differing opinions on afterlife
  • 38. Ethnic Asian Religions Taoism – The Path or Way – Founder: Lao Tze – 500 BCE – 20 million followers, mainly in China – Sacred Text: Tao Te Ching – philosophy of harmony & balance: Tao – After life: change from being to non-being
  • 39. Ethnic Asian Religions • Confucianism – 6-5th century BCE – moral code taught by Confucius • Humanity and striving for perfection – 5-6 million adherents, most refer to themselves as more than one faith • Most influential in China
  • 40. Ethnic Asian Religions Shintoism – Japanese traditional religion – No founder or origin known – 3-4 million followers – Beliefs • Worship and offerings to kami at shrines and at home • Simple and harmonious life with nature and people • Many practices tied with Buddhism
  • 41. Ethnic Asian Religions Jainism – 550 BCE – Founder: Mahavira – Indian traditional religion – 4 million followers – Basic Principles: • Reincarnation to attain perfection and liberation
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  • 44. Christianity • Origin and Diffusion Palestine (modern Israel) Universalizing Religion What are the 3 branches? • Branches Roman Catholic Protestant Eastern Orthodox
  • 45. Christianity • Origin and Diffusion Messiah: Jesus Universalizing Religion • Branches Roman Catholic Protestant Eastern Orthodox
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  • 48. • Basic Precepts Belief in One God Father, Son & Holy Spirit Covenant (contract) with God New Testament - salvation to those who believe in Jesus Christ and his teachings Salvation is by grace or belief not works Believers to to heaven with everlasting life Conversion of others (proselytize) Christianity
  • 49. • Basic Precepts Founded in 33 CE, Jesus, Palestine Bible-Old and New Testament 2 billion followers – largest faith Europe North and South America Christianity
  • 50. • Catholicism - largest branch Headed by the Pope Ceremonial - 7 sacraments ex: baptism, marriage, Eucharist • Eastern Orthodoxy - 11th Century split-Great Schism Rivalry between Pope and Patriarch of Constantinople (Istanbul) Russian, Greek, Serbian Orthodox, etc. • Protestantism - (1517) Reformation era No Pope needed individual has direct link to God Grace through faith rather than sacraments Christianity
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  • 53. Islam • Origin and Diffusion Mecca, Saudi Arabia 633 CE Founder-Muhammad • 1.3 Billion followers • Branches Sunni (majority)-Middle East and North Africa Shiite-Iran, Iraq, Bahrain
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  • 55. Islam • Basic Precepts Submission to the will of God (Allah) Lineage - Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, & Mohammed (different lineage) Holy Book - Quran - built on Old Testament
  • 56. • 5 Pillars of Faith Shahada: Creed “There is no God but Allah” Salat: Prayer 5 times a day facing Mecca Zakat: Giving to the poor Sawm: Fasting during month of Ramadan Hajj: Pilgrimage to Mecca
  • 57. • Origin and Diffusion Founder: Siddhartha Gautama 520 BCE Hearth: present day Nepal • 360 million followers • Branches Theravada Mahayana Vajrayana (Tibetan-Lamaism) Zen Buddhism
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  • 60. Buddhism • Basic Precepts Buddha - the enlightened one Nirvana - highest degree of consciousness 4 noble truths 1. All of life is marked by suffering. 2. Suffering is caused by desire and attachment. 3. Suffering can be eliminated. 4. Suffering is eliminated by following the Noble Eightfold Path.
  • 61. Buddhism • Basic Precepts 8 Fold Path 1. Right beliefs 2. Right aspirations 3. Right speech 4. Right conduct 5. Right livelihood 6. Right effort 7. Right mindfulness 8. Right meditational attainment
  • 62. Buddhism • Basic Precepts Individuals choose the “Middle Path” Buddhist believe: not in any God, blind faith, or savior what is created is impermanent True Permanent Absolute Reality uncreated, unborn, permanent bliss of Nirvana