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Religion and Spirituality
Ingrid Cockhren, M.Ed
Religion and Spirituality
Scholars have begun to map the role of religion and spirituality
in the prosocial and positive psychological development of
African Americans.
Defining Religiosity, Spirituality, and Psychological Health
Religion/religiosity refers to one’s adherence to the prescribed
beliefs and ritual practices associated with the worship of God
or a system of gods.
Click here to complete Question 1
Defining Religiosity, Spirituality, and Psychological Health
Spirituality refers to a relationship between transcendent forces
(i.e., God, spirits, ancestors) and human’s that results both in
the individual’s recognition of the sacredness of all things and
in a conscious commitment to a life of virtue.
Defining Religiosity, Spirituality, and Psychological Health
For African American adherents of theistic religions,
God/Allah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are among the
ultimate manifestations of the omnipresent and omniscient force
that we refer to as “The Sacred” or “The Divine.”
Defining Religiosity, Spirituality, and Psychological Health
Individuals may express their commitment to the divine by:
Organizational religious involvement
Non-organizational involvement
Subjective religiosity or subjective spirituality
Defining Religiosity, Spirituality, and Psychological Health
Psychological health refers to the experience of having a psyche
(mind) that is whole, sound, and well.
Click here to complete Question 2
Religion and Psychological Health: An Overview of Findings
from Correlational Studies
Research has established that religion and spirituality do
influence the psychological health of African Americans.
African American adults who regularly attend religious services
report fewer family, work, and financial stresses than do their
less involved counterparts.
Religion and Psychological Health: An Overview of Findings
from Correlational Studies
Research has established that religion and spirituality do
influence the psychological health of African Americans.
African American seek religious support for a plethora of
Religion and Psychological Health: An Overview of Findings
from Correlational Studies
Research has established that religion and spirituality do
influence the psychological health of African Americans.
Religiosity and spirituality buffer the effects of discrimination
on mental health among African Americans and are associated
with efforts to negotiate extraordinary forms of violation
Click here to complete Question 3
Religiosity, Spirituality, and Pathways to Health and Wellness
Religious institutions:
Provide an array of supports to members of African American
Facilitate the mental health of children, adolescents, and adults,
by providing concrete opportunities for involvement in
constructive activities.
Religiosity, Spirituality, and Pathways to Health and Wellness
Religious institutions:
Have historically promoted the psychological well-being of
youth and adults by routinely, publicly celebrating the personal
achievements of youth (honor roll, scholarships, internships,
and college and graduate school acceptances).
Promote psychological health and well-being by situating
African American youth and adults in an enduring and
supportive multigenerational, familistic web of relationships
that include minister, and an array of other religious leaders,
authority figures, and coreligionists.
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Religiosity, Spirituality, and Pathways to Health and Wellness
Non-organizational religious involvement: Focus on prayer
A national survey of African Americans revealed that prayer is
the coping resource of choice for most of them particularly for
African American women.
Through prayer, people experience emotional and moral support
and receive guidance and answers to prayers.
Religiosity, Spirituality, and Pathways to Health and Wellness
Non-organizational religious involvement: focus on prayer
Prayer is also a vehicle by which people extend and demonstrate
their concern and support for others who are in need.
Neuroscientists and neurotheologists speculate that prayer and
meditation may influence health by altering brain chemistry and
improving immune functioning.
Prayer also may serve as a vehicle for emotional catharsis.
Religiosity, Spirituality, and Pathways to Health and Wellness
Meaning making
The link between faith and mental health/wellness is influenced
powerfully by our conceptualization of the nature of the divine
and by our understanding of how this force operates in our
In research viewing God as loving, forgiving, and supportive
figure reported a greater level of optimism.
African Americans who make meaning-centered attributions to
God (i.e., Those who believe that there is a divine purpose for
the negative events that occur in their lives) reported greater
wellbeing (i.e., Greater self-esteem and satisfaction).
Religiosity, Spirituality, and Pathways to Health and Wellness
Religious involvement and emotional and behavioral control
Religious and spiritual youth were more likely than their
counterparts to regulate their own emotions and behaviors; that
is they were less likely to externalize their anger and more
likely to exercise control over their behavior.
Religiosity and spirituality may provide individuals with a
moral grounding that guides choices and behaviors.
Religiosity, Spirituality, and Pathways to Health and Wellness
Religiosity and identity coherence
There is compelling emerging evidence that religion and
religious institutions may influence mental health by
influencing the way that religious adherents construct,
understand, and experience their social identities particularly
their racial identity.
Religiosity, Spirituality, and Pathways to Health and Wellness
Religiosity and identity coherence
Historically churches have taken a hostile stance on the LGBT
Limits of Extant Research and Future Directions for Empirical
Research of psychological health has proceeded under the
assumption that the meaning of health is universal.
Click here to complete Question 5
Case Study – MBA Schools in Asia-Pacific Grading Guide
QNT/561 Version 9
Statistics Concepts and Descriptive Measures Grading Guide
QNT/561 Version 9
Applied Business Research and Statistics
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Individual Assignment: Case Study – MBA Schools in Asia-
PacificPurpose of Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to develop students’
analytical capabilities to evaluate, analyze, and apply
descriptive statistics techniques to real-world
datasets.Resources Required
· Microsoft Excel®
· Case Study – MBA Schools in Asia-PacificGrading Guide
Partially Met
Not Met
Review the Case Study – MBA Schools in Asia-Pacific and the
Case Study – MBA Schools in Asia-Pacific data set.
Prepare a 1,050-word managerial report for your boss.
Use the following questions for guidelines and directions on
what to include in the report:
1. What is the type of data (Quantitative or Qualitative) for each
of the columns (variables) in the dataset? If quantitative, is the
data discrete or continuous? Neatly summarize your response
below in a table for all the columns (variable).
2. Using Excel, find the mean, median, standard deviation,
minimum, maximum, and the three quartiles for each of the
quantitative variables identified in part 1 above. Neatly
summarize it below in a table on this document. Comment on
what you observe.
3. What are the minimum and maximum full-time enrollments?
Which schools have the minimum and maximum full-time
4. What is the average number of students per faculty member?
Is this low or high? What does this mean to prospective
applicants who are interested in pursuing an MBA in one of the
leading international business schools?
5. What are the mean, median, and modal ages? What does this
mean to prospective applicants?
6. What is the mean percentage of foreign students? How many
and which schools have 1% and 0% foreign students? Which
schools have highest percentage of foreign students? Please
state these percentages.
7. What percentage of schools require the GMAT test?
8. What percentage of schools require English tests such as Test
of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)?
9. What percentage of schools require work experience? From
this percentage, does this appear to be a significant factor in
gaining admissions?
10. What are the mean and median starting salaries? Which
schools have the minimum and maximum starting salaries? How
much are these minimum and maximum salaries?
11. What are the mean tuition for foreign students and for local
students? Does there appear to be a significant difference? What
is the difference between the two means?
12. How many schools require work experience and how many
of them don’t? What is the mean starting salary for schools
requiring work experience? What is the mean starting salary for
schools requiring no work experience?
13. How many schools require English tests and how many
don’t? What is the mean starting salary for schools requiring
English tests? What is the mean starting salary for schools
requiring no English tests?
14. Comment on the skewness for the data on starting salaries.
a. Plot a histogram and determine the skewness.
b. Find the skewness coefficient.
c. Find the mean, median, and mode for starting salaries and
compare the three measures to determine skewness.
Finally, use Empirical Rule on the starting salaries and
determine whether the salaries follow the Empirical Rule.
Total Available
Total Earned
Writing Guidelines
Partially Met
Not Met
The paper—including tables and graphs, headings, title page,
and reference page—is consistent with APA formatting
guidelines and meets course-level requirements.
Intellectual property is recognized with in-text citations and a
reference page.
Paragraph and sentence transitions are present, logical, and
maintain the flow throughout the paper.
Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.
Rules of grammar and usage are followed including spelling and
Total Available
Total Earned
Assignment Total
Additional comments:
Theoretical and Conceptual Approaches to African and African
American Psychology
Ingrid L. Cockhren, M.Ed
The challenges to deepening our understanding of humanity &
human potential are greatest when we fail to appreciate the
contributions of all cultural groups to the greater good of the
Culture and Psychology
Culture is the social force that informs our designs for living
and patterns of interpreting reality.
Appropriate regard should be given to to cultural underpinnings
informing our perceptions & shaping our interpretations.
Culture and Psychology
Theorists & researchers whose subject matter & interests,
perspectives, & cultural frames of reference differ
distinguishably from the dominate Western view are
marginalized, limiting the scope & depth of inquiry available to
the the field of study.
As expected, each cultural group embraces its own perspectives
& understanding of the world.
Culture and Psychology
When a cultural worldview supports the construction of a social
reality w/out critical self-awareness & consciousness of its own
character & biases, access to more complete knowledge of
humankind is limited.
Results in gaps in scientific knowledge which fosters a distorted
Monocultural perspective
Culture and Psychology
When exploring theoretical and conceptual approaches there are
four areas of interest.
Pre-assimilation: rejecting Western orientation
Assimilation: adopting Western orientation
Bicultural reform: adopts some Western assumptions while
moving toward a system of self-definition
Cultural congruence: grounded in African centered frame of
These are not meant to drive judgment but to be a fair
descriptor of the impact the theoretical and conceptual
approaches have had in all of their complexity.
Psychological Science
the American Social Context
In this society in particular, it matters whether you came to the
United States as a voluntary or involuntary immigrant and the
extent to which you have assimilated or internalized the
dominant cultural worldview.
When trained in the United States, although the field of study
identified as psychology is more accurately European American,
White, European Psychology, it is seldom, if ever,
acknowledged as such.
Have you ever heard of “White-on-White crime”?
European psychologists have defined the discipline to reflect
the belief that Western thinking is universally applicable to,
relevant to, and representative of all humanity.
Your reality is not my reality
The field of psychology is surrounded by a myth of objectivity.
European, White, European American Psychology: The Modern
Historical Context
Mainstream American psychology cannot be separated from the
social context within which it emerges; it has historically been
Eurocentric and plagued by blatant racism characteristics of the
European, White, European American Psychology: The Modern
Historical Context
Dr. Benjamin Rush, the reputed “father of American
Psychiatry,” declared that the color of Black people was caused
by a congenital disease akin to leprosy. The only evidence of a
cure was when the skin turned white.
Dr. Edward Jarvis, a specialist in mental disorders, used a 1840
census to purportedly prove that the condition of freedom in the
North was so unnatural to Blacks it made them more prone to
mental illness, thus justifying the enslavement of African
people by the flawed premise that it provided a shield for Black
people from what he consider the liabilities and dangers of
active self-determination.
European, White, European American Psychology: The Modern
Historical Context
In 1851, Dr. Samuel Cartwright published an article in a
professional journal of his time claiming that he had discovered
two new mental diseases peculiar to Black people
Drapetomania – which caused Black people to have the
uncontrollable urge to run away from their slave captors
Dysaesthesia aethiops – evidenced by disobedience, answering
disrespectfully, and refusing to work.
beating; more work
European, White, European American Psychology: The Modern
Historical Context
The First President of the American Psychological Association
(G. Stanley Hall), theorized that Africans, Indians, and Chinese
were members of “adolescent races” and in the stage of
“incomplete growth” and that therefore it was Western
psychology’s role and responsibility to save these adolescent
races from the liabilities of freedom.
This concept has evolved over time…how so?
European, White, European American Psychology: The Modern
Historical Context
Popenoe (1929) asserted that intelligence is determined by the
amount of white blood
Herrnstein & Murray (1999) asserted that Blacks have lower
IQs than Whites
Evolving African(a), African American, Black Psychology
Ancient Kmt (known in the West as Egypt),
period in human history in which Africans first produced an
“organized system of knowledge (philosophy, definitions,
concepts, models, procedures, and practices) concerning the
nature of the social universe.
Evolving African(a), African American, Black Psychology
Literature from this period addresses the nature of the human
consciousness, heart, mind, soul, & beyond.
Evolving African(a), African American, Black Psychology
Because of the differences in the deep structure of cultural
worldview, the scope of African(a) Psychology is potentially
much larger than that of Western psychology.
When the concerns of the person & community in everyday life
are grounded in spirit/mind/soul & multi-dimensional, all cycles
of life are of interest.
Schools of Thought in African(a) African American, Black
One system of categorization used by Daudi Azibo has been to
divide the perspectives between:
Pro-Black perspectives: focus on response to American
Pro-Afrocentric perspectives: focus on African philosophy
Schools of Thought in African(a) African American, Black
One of the earliest examination on psychological processes can
be found in the Book of Knowing: The Creation of Ra as Ptah,
translated from hieroglyphics by Karenga.
Estimated to be written in 2500 BC, this text presets foundation
interpretation of an African-centered understanding of the roles
of cognition, affect, and language in human functioning
Suggests that reality is created by what we think, feel, & say
Schools of Thought in African(a) African American, Black
One of the earliest examinations written by an African (Olaudah
Equiano)on enslavement dates back to 1797; gives voice to the
social realities created by the dominant cultural group
Carter G. Woodson analyzed the negative impact of the formal
education system on Black people leading to the miseducation
& continued subjugation
Schools of Thought in African(a) African American, Black
The research by Kenneth Clark and Mamie Phipps Clark
concluded that Black children had negative self-concepts, due
largely to the impact of segregated formal educational systems
on them
The Clark team challenged the notion of differences in abilities
of Black & White children
(this helped to shape the 1954 landmark Supreme Court decision
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas)
Schools of Thought in African(a) African American, Black
Long-term consequences of the research have not proven to
yield the outcomes in education achievement as desired
Self-concepts of Black children have not been shown to improve
with school desegregation
Elijah Whitten
Grew up picking cotton
Attended an all Black highschool until integration
Sat in front of each class- had spit balls thrown at the back of
his head
Experienced discrimination as Mr. Orr, the history teacher,
belittled and degraded him constantly in front of class
Attended the county fair with his brother until an officer told
them to leave and pulled his gun
Schools of Thought in African(a) African American, Black
The “mis-education” of the Negro remains a pervasive problem.
Questions ever Looming that Black Psychology must address:
What are the costs, as well as benefits, of assimilation into a
formal educational system that has as its primary goal the
indoctrination of the students into a dominant cultural
worldview that has historically denigrated them to perpetuation
of a status quo that has historically disenfranchised them?
Schools of Thought in African(a) African American, Black
Culturally congruent research has demonstrated that the
educational success of all children, and Black children in
particular, are best met in warm, nurturing environments where
the expectation for success is high and is matched with
instruction in accordance with the learning styles appropriate
for the children being taught.
Schools of Thought in African(a) African American, Black
Jones & Shorter (2003)- conclude that “shifting” diminishes the
joys of living an authentic life; they encourage women to share
their stories and give voice to their pain
Schools of Thought in African(a) African American, Black
Bicultural Reform
Psychological Nigrescence Model (Cross, 1971, 1995)
This model starts with a stance conforming to the dominant
culture’s norms with the intention of predicting movement
toward a positive racial identity, which would be a position
counter to that perpetuated by the dominant culture.
Little evidence for the progressive sequencing
Schools of Thought in African(a) African American, Black
Cultural Congruence
Kobi Kambon (Joseph Baldwin) was one of the first African
American psychologists to develop an African self-
consciousness scale to explore the many facets of African
American identity.
Schools of Thought in African(a) African American, Black
Black Psychology at its roots is a holistic perspective that
encourages the examination of the hard questions with concern
for the future and evolution of all of humanity that is
comprehensive, cohesive, and coherent.
Chapter 2
Sankofa: History of and Aspirations for Black Psychology
As Sankofa means ”looking back in order to go forward”, the
purpose of this chapter is to reflect on the experiences of
prominent trailblazers of Black Psychology.
Elder Biographies: Dr. Janet Helms
Specializes in the areas of racial identity, psychological testing
& assessment, & racial/cultural counseling
Well-known for her racial identity development theories
Elder Biographies: Dr. Linda Myers
Focuses on traditional healing practices in psychotherapeutic
Studies moral & spiritual development
Best known for theory of Optimal Psychology
Elder Biographies: Dr. Joseph White
“Father of Black Psychology”
Clinical supervisor, practicing psychologist, consultant, writer
Elder Biographies: Dr. Daniel Williams
Only AA PHD level licensed psychologist in California during
the 1965 race riot
Was often sought after to share his views
A cross was burned on his front lawn
These experiences led him to believe that “There was nowhere
for me to go but to be Black”
Developed Montclair State University's 1st Affirmative Act
Invited to the White House by President Jimmy Carter as the
President signed the Mental Health Systems Act of 1980 into
Elder Biographies: Dr. Robert Williams
Focuses on cultural bias in testing, Black language, & program
“10 point program”: outlined the need for & strategies to
increase enrollment of Black student in graduate psychology
Contextual factors
During the 1960s, the primary models used for Black people
were deficit or deficiency models
These models proposed deficiencies in intelligence,
achievement, & social structure
The Association of Black Psychologists (ABPsi) was founded as
a student-led rebellion
Optimal example of the influence of young people
Racially integrate its own workforce
Facilitate the entry of more Blacks into graduate programs in
Eliminate racist theory & research from journals
Establish a program w/in which concerns of psychologists of
color could be expressed
1st task- bring attention to the use of biased tests
Dealing with adversity
Being the only one/lack of role models
Dealing with racism/oppression
Low scores on intelligence tests (biased data)
Double strikes
Lack of support
“It is one experience to be challenged, but it is even more
daunting to be challenged w/out having support in the
institutions & systems one is navigating in.”
Degrees of indifference or apathy
Lack of working relationships
As a consequence, most of support came from family, friends,
networks outside of university
Dealing with adversity, cont.
Dealing with adversity, cont.
Lack of validation/acknowledgement of contributions
Helms’s Racial Identity Attitude Scale
Intended to measure identity for Black Americans
“We don’t understand why you study Black identity, you need
to prove that there’s a difference between Black people & White
people. Why don’t you study White people’s identity?”
Williams’ Ebonics
Coined the term in 1973
Not until White linguists repacked Ebonics as African American
Vernacular English that the construct was accepted at large by
the academy (1990s)
What is black psychology?
Toward a Black Psychology
Beginnings categorized as Traditional School of Black
Reactive, defensive, critical
Shift to propose culturally relevant & appropriate theories and
modalities of treatment
Incorporation of historical, philosophical, & religious
foundations of Africa
Defining black psychology
Theory development, research, & practice that recognize the
importance of the Black cultural experience & seeks to enhance
the mental state of Black people
Includes the axiology (values), concepts of self, time
orientation, human goals, & epistemology (knowledge)
grounded in the sociohistorical context of people of African
Emphasis on training
Creates “pipeline to bring younger people into the field”
How definitions have evolved
Historically we have been trying to prove to people that we
exist, now we need to move forward to use what we know to
make positive changes.
This begins NOW. What are you sharing on social media?
Black psychology is built on the principle the Black people
have significant strengths.
What does this mean?
We should not be appropriating anyone else’s culture, rather
finding out what defines us.
How does one “appropriate” another culture?
Significant milestones in black psychology
Black Psychology has impacted ethnic studies and the
movement of multiculturalism
Dr. White noted that:
“We had to fight the profession to establish a legitimacy of
[Black Psychology] and then what happened was while they
were arguing with us, the Asian dude turned around and said
that they didn’t like how they were being defined in psychology
and they didn’t like the invisibility and they were going to write
their own psychology and then the Chicano dude and the
Chicano sister wanted to set up and do the same thing.”
Professionals within the field should strive to have an impact on
Dr. Williams urges professionals to “roll up your sleeves and be
a part of social change”.
This is a challenge for all to move beyond talk (or complaints)
into action.
Dr. Williams reports that Black Psychology should “belong to
the people”.
Where does black psychology go from here?
Shared focus on training future Black professionals to play
pivotal roles in:
the academy,
Black communities,
a variety of mental health settings, and
other decision-making institutional positions
Integral belief that the creation & institutionalization of “think
tanks” in Black psychology are imperative to the continuation
of the field
Need for more coalition & integration
Suggestions for TrainingSuggestions for PracticeSuggestions
for Research
Think tanks (opportunities for professionals to think & create)
Mentorship: formal & informal
Recruitment & retention
Specific training programs
Grant funding
Social activism
Develop, implement, & evaluation community interventions
through collaborative efforts
Get & stay involved in local/national/international social &
political movements
Secure positions of power
Empirically validated treatments
Intervention research
Antecedent research
Ch. 1: Foundations for an African American Psychology:
Extending roots to an Ancient Kemetic past
Psychology of The Black Experience
Ingrid L. Cockhren, M.Ed
Traditional psychology fails to capture the ethos, or emotional
tone, of people of African descent.
Emotional substance of a cultural group solidified by a set of
common experiences, common heritage, and common culture.
Emotional tone creates a shared synthesis of energy or spirit,
which helps to symbolize and even define our uniqueness as a
A Broken compass
Much of the history of person of African descent is told from
the context of slavery. Thoughts?
Much of psychology is centered on a racist worldview that saw
African people as genetically, intellectually, and emotionally
inferior, as well as culturally inferior when compared to
European and American counterparts.
Historical contributors of psychology were contaminated with
the social zeitgeist (spirit of the time)of America’s obsession
with race.
Slavery, and the African Maafa (Swahili term meaning "Great
Disaster") represents only a snapshot in time, rather than the
beginning of the African presence on this planet.
As Psychology moved to a science based on observations and
measurable behaviors, traditional psychology applied its
theories and techniques in ways that contributed to the
dehumanization of persons of African Descent.
Racist ideology contaminated the diagnostic nosologies used to
classify mental health for persons of African descent
Ex. Drapetomania – flight from-home-madness
Myopic research and scholarship within traditional psychology
prompted black psychologists to take reactionary posture with
addressing the idea of Black people and their sense of self, the
family, and the community.
Anchors the study of African descent people’s psychology in an
inaccurate space & time
Analysis measures only & reveals how we reacted & adapted to
social oppression and says little about “who” we were and
“how” we were before the Maafa experience
You cannot allow your obstacles define you!
Resulting identity studies focus on racial, rather than cultural,
Race is not a biological construction but rather a social
It is used to create a hierarchy that assigns worth, and access to
opportunity and privilege on the basis of skin tone.
Culture is at the core of beingness
Culture unifies and allows us to see from a worldview which
orients our interpretation of reality.
Culture provides collective group identification built on shared
history, symbols, and meanings.
Culture institutionalizes and validates group beliefs, values,
behaviors, and attitudes.
national Association of Black Psychologists (ABPsi)
Withdrew from APA due to frustrations
Own headquarters
Own journal (Journal of Black Psychology)
Own convention
Addressing issues such as:
Testing Black children
Educating Black students
Training counselors & psychologists
Providing care to Black clients
African psychology’s kemetic roots
Tendency to use a European American norm as a standard by
which ”normal” behavior in different cultural groups is
African psychology’s kemetic roots
Places Black people (and other groups) at a conceptual
disadvantage, resulting in a tendency to characterize our
behavior as pathological
Inappropriate to use traditional psychological theories, that
were developed by White psychologists to explain the behaviors
of White people, on Black folks
Can lead to gross omissions of necessary information as well as
distortions in the phenomenon one is attempting to study
African Psychology
African Psychology is an invention created by black
intellectuals in the Americas (mainly the united States) who
wanted to engage in Sankofa
Sankofa pic & meaning
African Psychology’s Kemetic Roots
African Psychology’s Kemetic roots are key because they help
to characterized the cultural norm.
One’s consciousness and proper conduct in relationships were
indigenous to African folks before contamination from the
European influences.
Kemet pic
African Psychology’s Kemetic Roots
African Psychology extends across space and time.
When we look across the Diaspora and we see that African
scholars and thinkers reflect a historical continuity, cultural
continuity, historical consciousness with what it means to be
African; we can see that there was a universal understanding of
ordered behavior.
African Psychology’s Kemetic Roots
Ma’at is define as a code of conduct and a standard of
aspiration for the ancient Africans, and is characterized by
seven principals
Propriety (politeness or modesty)
African Psychology’s Kemetic Roots
Ancient African Psychology was based on “being” and
One has to understand where he/she is at any given moment and
time in one’s life.
Humans have an innate desire to continue to self-actualize and
grow with new possibilities.
African Psychology’s Kemetic Roots
African-centered psychology includes the following:
Fundamental Principles and Questions
Frantz Omar Fanon introduced three questions to examine and
explore the relationship between conscious recognition of an
idea and how that principal was operationalized into the life
space of each individual.
“Who am I?”
“Am I who I say I am?”
“Am I all I ought to be?”
Perspectives That Helped African Psychology Lose its Way
Scientific Colonialism – the challenge of maintaining ones
sanity or mental health rest with the preserving of ones sense of
agency or power over a particular situation or circumstance.
i.e. learned helplessness
The Power of “Yet”
Hurrican Katrina, MLK quote, TEB Talk- the Power of Yet
Hurrican Katrina, MLK quote, TEB Talk- the Power of Yet
Social Pathology of American Life
Dr. Cornell West writes in his essay “chamber of horrors” he
describes the vicious attacks on Black people’s beauty,
intelligence, moral character, behavior, capability, and life
Social Pathology of American Life
Psychological adaptation- Black Strivings
Black Strivings are:
singing the blues when times were hardest
Singing gospel as a way of keeping the faith and keeping hope
Using gallows of humor in comedy as a way to laugh to keep
from crying
The essence of “Keep, keeping on” is at the root of African
Potential negative consequences?
Balancing Two Competing Worldviews
Within the course of normal or ordered development, each
individual should engage with an environmental space that
allows for a nurturing and supportive experience.
Oppressive forces are not conducive to a productive
environment; as a result, individuals react in ways that are
ultimately functional, but sometimes maladaptive
i.e. foster care adjustment issues
Little man pic
Balancing Two Competing Worldviews
W.E.B. Du Bois text The Souls of Black Folk ably depicts the
struggle of being Black in America.
Pic; read
Du Bois illustrates the struggle of achieving social progress
while not being “too Black” while also staying true to one’s
Some love their Blackness, but learn to “tone it down” to reduce
the discomfort level of White peers
Others wear it as a badge of cultural pride, but realize it may
restrict access to opportunities
Kapernick pic; WCMS pic
How would you rate your ability to “code switch”?
Ellison’s “Invisible Man” describes the chronic assaults, or
microaggressions, experienced by persons of color.
What would you do?
Leary’s (2005) Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome
Explanation of how oppression continues to impact culture
Colorism pic; link?
NTU Psychotherapy Model
African centered approach to therapy & treatment
Utilizes the principals of the Nguzo Saba as guidelines for
harmonious living
Basic principles: harmony, balance, interconnectedness, cultural
awareness, & authencity
Phases: harmony, awareness, alignment, actualize, synthesis
“Role of Men” program
designed to teach responsible fathering ;
dedicated to building stronger Black families through outreach,
therapy, and training
Bakari Project
Designed to instruct youth in the development of responsible
adulthood attitudes & behaviors
Utilizes six areas of mastery taught across four years of
programmatic intervention
Men on the Move pics
Much of the problematic behaviors displayed by AA clients is
less about mental health instability and more about reactions to
social cultural and environmental issues
African psychology must design structured interventions that
reorient the consciousness of clients
Davidson County example
We cannot just treat those who have made mistakes as
disposable capital
Link to Sherriff Daron Hall
PSYC 3230 Take Home Exam 1 Name:
1. How has traditional psychology failed to capture the ethos of
African Americans? Provide a real-life example.
2. Define Sankofa and describe how it is relevant to African
American psychology and development?
3. Describe Scientific Colonialism and provide a real-life
example as it pertains to African Americans.
4. Describe Social Pathology and provide a real-life example as
it pertains to African Americans.
5. List and describe the 4 core elements of African psychology.
Be sure to also provide an example of how it manifests in the
African American community for each element.
6. Define Ma’at and describe how it pertains to African
7. List and describe the 4 areas of interests as it pertains to the
theoretical and conceptual approaches to African psychology.
Which one do you most identify with? Why?
8. Which stage of Cross’ Nigrescence (People of Color) Model
are you in currently? Describe why?
9. List the 4 major aspects of Blackness. Provide a real-life
example of how each one manifests in the African American
10. List the 3 components of the Black/African Self Concept.
Provide real-life examples of how each one manifests in the
African American community.

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  • 1. Religion and Spirituality Ingrid Cockhren, M.Ed Religion and Spirituality Scholars have begun to map the role of religion and spirituality in the prosocial and positive psychological development of African Americans. Defining Religiosity, Spirituality, and Psychological Health Religion/religiosity refers to one’s adherence to the prescribed beliefs and ritual practices associated with the worship of God or a system of gods. Click here to complete Question 1 Defining Religiosity, Spirituality, and Psychological Health Spirituality refers to a relationship between transcendent forces (i.e., God, spirits, ancestors) and human’s that results both in the individual’s recognition of the sacredness of all things and in a conscious commitment to a life of virtue.
  • 2. Defining Religiosity, Spirituality, and Psychological Health For African American adherents of theistic religions, God/Allah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are among the ultimate manifestations of the omnipresent and omniscient force that we refer to as “The Sacred” or “The Divine.” Defining Religiosity, Spirituality, and Psychological Health Individuals may express their commitment to the divine by: Organizational religious involvement Non-organizational involvement Subjective religiosity or subjective spirituality Defining Religiosity, Spirituality, and Psychological Health Psychological health refers to the experience of having a psyche (mind) that is whole, sound, and well. Click here to complete Question 2 Religion and Psychological Health: An Overview of Findings from Correlational Studies Research has established that religion and spirituality do influence the psychological health of African Americans.
  • 3. African American adults who regularly attend religious services report fewer family, work, and financial stresses than do their less involved counterparts. Religion and Psychological Health: An Overview of Findings from Correlational Studies Research has established that religion and spirituality do influence the psychological health of African Americans. African American seek religious support for a plethora of issues. Religion and Psychological Health: An Overview of Findings from Correlational Studies Research has established that religion and spirituality do influence the psychological health of African Americans. Religiosity and spirituality buffer the effects of discrimination on mental health among African Americans and are associated with efforts to negotiate extraordinary forms of violation Click here to complete Question 3 Religiosity, Spirituality, and Pathways to Health and Wellness Religious institutions:
  • 4. Provide an array of supports to members of African American communities Facilitate the mental health of children, adolescents, and adults, by providing concrete opportunities for involvement in constructive activities. Religiosity, Spirituality, and Pathways to Health and Wellness Religious institutions: Have historically promoted the psychological well-being of youth and adults by routinely, publicly celebrating the personal achievements of youth (honor roll, scholarships, internships, and college and graduate school acceptances). Promote psychological health and well-being by situating African American youth and adults in an enduring and supportive multigenerational, familistic web of relationships that include minister, and an array of other religious leaders, authority figures, and coreligionists. Click here to complete Question 4 Religiosity, Spirituality, and Pathways to Health and Wellness Non-organizational religious involvement: Focus on prayer A national survey of African Americans revealed that prayer is the coping resource of choice for most of them particularly for African American women. Through prayer, people experience emotional and moral support
  • 5. and receive guidance and answers to prayers. Religiosity, Spirituality, and Pathways to Health and Wellness Non-organizational religious involvement: focus on prayer Prayer is also a vehicle by which people extend and demonstrate their concern and support for others who are in need. Neuroscientists and neurotheologists speculate that prayer and meditation may influence health by altering brain chemistry and improving immune functioning. Prayer also may serve as a vehicle for emotional catharsis. Religiosity, Spirituality, and Pathways to Health and Wellness Meaning making The link between faith and mental health/wellness is influenced powerfully by our conceptualization of the nature of the divine and by our understanding of how this force operates in our lives. In research viewing God as loving, forgiving, and supportive figure reported a greater level of optimism. African Americans who make meaning-centered attributions to God (i.e., Those who believe that there is a divine purpose for the negative events that occur in their lives) reported greater wellbeing (i.e., Greater self-esteem and satisfaction). Religiosity, Spirituality, and Pathways to Health and Wellness Religious involvement and emotional and behavioral control
  • 6. Religious and spiritual youth were more likely than their counterparts to regulate their own emotions and behaviors; that is they were less likely to externalize their anger and more likely to exercise control over their behavior. Religiosity and spirituality may provide individuals with a moral grounding that guides choices and behaviors. Religiosity, Spirituality, and Pathways to Health and Wellness Religiosity and identity coherence There is compelling emerging evidence that religion and religious institutions may influence mental health by influencing the way that religious adherents construct, understand, and experience their social identities particularly their racial identity. Religiosity, Spirituality, and Pathways to Health and Wellness Religiosity and identity coherence Historically churches have taken a hostile stance on the LGBT populations. Limits of Extant Research and Future Directions for Empirical Research Research of psychological health has proceeded under the assumption that the meaning of health is universal.
  • 7. Click here to complete Question 5 Case Study – MBA Schools in Asia-Pacific Grading Guide QNT/561 Version 9 2 Statistics Concepts and Descriptive Measures Grading Guide QNT/561 Version 9 Applied Business Research and Statistics Copyright Copyright © 2017, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. University of Phoenix® is a registered trademark of Apollo Group, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft®, Windows®, and Windows NT® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Use of these marks is not intended to imply endorsement, sponsorship, or affiliation.
  • 8. Edited in accordance with University of Phoenix® editorial standards and practices. Individual Assignment: Case Study – MBA Schools in Asia- PacificPurpose of Assignment The purpose of this assignment is to develop students’ analytical capabilities to evaluate, analyze, and apply descriptive statistics techniques to real-world datasets.Resources Required · Microsoft Excel® · Case Study – MBA Schools in Asia-PacificGrading Guide Content Met Partially Met Not Met Comments: Review the Case Study – MBA Schools in Asia-Pacific and the Case Study – MBA Schools in Asia-Pacific data set. Prepare a 1,050-word managerial report for your boss. Use the following questions for guidelines and directions on what to include in the report: 1. What is the type of data (Quantitative or Qualitative) for each of the columns (variables) in the dataset? If quantitative, is the data discrete or continuous? Neatly summarize your response below in a table for all the columns (variable).
  • 9. 2. Using Excel, find the mean, median, standard deviation, minimum, maximum, and the three quartiles for each of the quantitative variables identified in part 1 above. Neatly summarize it below in a table on this document. Comment on what you observe. 3. What are the minimum and maximum full-time enrollments? Which schools have the minimum and maximum full-time enrollments? 4. What is the average number of students per faculty member? Is this low or high? What does this mean to prospective applicants who are interested in pursuing an MBA in one of the leading international business schools? 5. What are the mean, median, and modal ages? What does this mean to prospective applicants? 6. What is the mean percentage of foreign students? How many and which schools have 1% and 0% foreign students? Which schools have highest percentage of foreign students? Please state these percentages. 7. What percentage of schools require the GMAT test? 8. What percentage of schools require English tests such as Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)? 9. What percentage of schools require work experience? From this percentage, does this appear to be a significant factor in gaining admissions? 10. What are the mean and median starting salaries? Which schools have the minimum and maximum starting salaries? How much are these minimum and maximum salaries?
  • 10. 11. What are the mean tuition for foreign students and for local students? Does there appear to be a significant difference? What is the difference between the two means? 12. How many schools require work experience and how many of them don’t? What is the mean starting salary for schools requiring work experience? What is the mean starting salary for schools requiring no work experience? 13. How many schools require English tests and how many don’t? What is the mean starting salary for schools requiring English tests? What is the mean starting salary for schools requiring no English tests? 14. Comment on the skewness for the data on starting salaries. a. Plot a histogram and determine the skewness. b. Find the skewness coefficient. c. Find the mean, median, and mode for starting salaries and compare the three measures to determine skewness. Finally, use Empirical Rule on the starting salaries and determine whether the salaries follow the Empirical Rule. Total Available Total Earned
  • 11. 85 #/85 Writing Guidelines Met Partially Met Not Met Comments: The paper—including tables and graphs, headings, title page, and reference page—is consistent with APA formatting guidelines and meets course-level requirements. Intellectual property is recognized with in-text citations and a reference page. Paragraph and sentence transitions are present, logical, and maintain the flow throughout the paper. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. Rules of grammar and usage are followed including spelling and punctuation.
  • 12. Total Available Total Earned 35 #/35 Assignment Total # 120 #/120 Additional comments: Theoretical and Conceptual Approaches to African and African American Psychology Ingrid L. Cockhren, M.Ed The challenges to deepening our understanding of humanity & human potential are greatest when we fail to appreciate the contributions of all cultural groups to the greater good of the world. Culture and Psychology
  • 13. Culture is the social force that informs our designs for living and patterns of interpreting reality. Appropriate regard should be given to to cultural underpinnings informing our perceptions & shaping our interpretations. Culture and Psychology Theorists & researchers whose subject matter & interests, perspectives, & cultural frames of reference differ distinguishably from the dominate Western view are marginalized, limiting the scope & depth of inquiry available to the the field of study. As expected, each cultural group embraces its own perspectives & understanding of the world. Culture and Psychology When a cultural worldview supports the construction of a social reality w/out critical self-awareness & consciousness of its own character & biases, access to more complete knowledge of humankind is limited. Results in gaps in scientific knowledge which fosters a distorted view. Monocultural perspective Culture and Psychology When exploring theoretical and conceptual approaches there are four areas of interest. Pre-assimilation: rejecting Western orientation Assimilation: adopting Western orientation Bicultural reform: adopts some Western assumptions while moving toward a system of self-definition Cultural congruence: grounded in African centered frame of
  • 14. reference These are not meant to drive judgment but to be a fair descriptor of the impact the theoretical and conceptual approaches have had in all of their complexity. Psychological Science & the American Social Context In this society in particular, it matters whether you came to the United States as a voluntary or involuntary immigrant and the extent to which you have assimilated or internalized the dominant cultural worldview. When trained in the United States, although the field of study identified as psychology is more accurately European American, White, European Psychology, it is seldom, if ever, acknowledged as such. Have you ever heard of “White-on-White crime”? European psychologists have defined the discipline to reflect the belief that Western thinking is universally applicable to, relevant to, and representative of all humanity. Your reality is not my reality
  • 15. The field of psychology is surrounded by a myth of objectivity. European, White, European American Psychology: The Modern Historical Context Mainstream American psychology cannot be separated from the social context within which it emerges; it has historically been Eurocentric and plagued by blatant racism characteristics of the times. European, White, European American Psychology: The Modern Historical Context Dr. Benjamin Rush, the reputed “father of American Psychiatry,” declared that the color of Black people was caused by a congenital disease akin to leprosy. The only evidence of a cure was when the skin turned white. Dr. Edward Jarvis, a specialist in mental disorders, used a 1840 census to purportedly prove that the condition of freedom in the North was so unnatural to Blacks it made them more prone to mental illness, thus justifying the enslavement of African people by the flawed premise that it provided a shield for Black people from what he consider the liabilities and dangers of active self-determination. European, White, European American Psychology: The Modern Historical Context In 1851, Dr. Samuel Cartwright published an article in a professional journal of his time claiming that he had discovered two new mental diseases peculiar to Black people
  • 16. Drapetomania – which caused Black people to have the uncontrollable urge to run away from their slave captors Dysaesthesia aethiops – evidenced by disobedience, answering disrespectfully, and refusing to work. Cure: beating; more work European, White, European American Psychology: The Modern Historical Context The First President of the American Psychological Association (G. Stanley Hall), theorized that Africans, Indians, and Chinese were members of “adolescent races” and in the stage of “incomplete growth” and that therefore it was Western psychology’s role and responsibility to save these adolescent races from the liabilities of freedom. This concept has evolved over time…how so? European, White, European American Psychology: The Modern Historical Context Popenoe (1929) asserted that intelligence is determined by the amount of white blood Herrnstein & Murray (1999) asserted that Blacks have lower IQs than Whites Evolving African(a), African American, Black Psychology Ancient Kmt (known in the West as Egypt), period in human history in which Africans first produced an “organized system of knowledge (philosophy, definitions,
  • 17. concepts, models, procedures, and practices) concerning the nature of the social universe. Evolving African(a), African American, Black Psychology Literature from this period addresses the nature of the human consciousness, heart, mind, soul, & beyond. Evolving African(a), African American, Black Psychology Because of the differences in the deep structure of cultural worldview, the scope of African(a) Psychology is potentially much larger than that of Western psychology. When the concerns of the person & community in everyday life are grounded in spirit/mind/soul & multi-dimensional, all cycles of life are of interest. Schools of Thought in African(a) African American, Black Psychology One system of categorization used by Daudi Azibo has been to divide the perspectives between: Pro-Black perspectives: focus on response to American experience Pro-Afrocentric perspectives: focus on African philosophy
  • 18. Schools of Thought in African(a) African American, Black Psychology Pre-Assimilation One of the earliest examination on psychological processes can be found in the Book of Knowing: The Creation of Ra as Ptah, translated from hieroglyphics by Karenga. Estimated to be written in 2500 BC, this text presets foundation interpretation of an African-centered understanding of the roles of cognition, affect, and language in human functioning Suggests that reality is created by what we think, feel, & say Schools of Thought in African(a) African American, Black Psychology One of the earliest examinations written by an African (Olaudah Equiano)on enslavement dates back to 1797; gives voice to the social realities created by the dominant cultural group Carter G. Woodson analyzed the negative impact of the formal education system on Black people leading to the miseducation & continued subjugation Schools of Thought in African(a) African American, Black Psychology Assimilation The research by Kenneth Clark and Mamie Phipps Clark concluded that Black children had negative self-concepts, due largely to the impact of segregated formal educational systems on them The Clark team challenged the notion of differences in abilities of Black & White children (this helped to shape the 1954 landmark Supreme Court decision
  • 19. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas) Schools of Thought in African(a) African American, Black Psychology Long-term consequences of the research have not proven to yield the outcomes in education achievement as desired Self-concepts of Black children have not been shown to improve with school desegregation Why? Elijah Whitten Grew up picking cotton Attended an all Black highschool until integration Sat in front of each class- had spit balls thrown at the back of his head Experienced discrimination as Mr. Orr, the history teacher, belittled and degraded him constantly in front of class Attended the county fair with his brother until an officer told them to leave and pulled his gun Schools of Thought in African(a) African American, Black Psychology The “mis-education” of the Negro remains a pervasive problem. Questions ever Looming that Black Psychology must address: What are the costs, as well as benefits, of assimilation into a formal educational system that has as its primary goal the indoctrination of the students into a dominant cultural worldview that has historically denigrated them to perpetuation of a status quo that has historically disenfranchised them?
  • 20. Schools of Thought in African(a) African American, Black Psychology Culturally congruent research has demonstrated that the educational success of all children, and Black children in particular, are best met in warm, nurturing environments where the expectation for success is high and is matched with instruction in accordance with the learning styles appropriate for the children being taught. Schools of Thought in African(a) African American, Black Psychology Jones & Shorter (2003)- conclude that “shifting” diminishes the joys of living an authentic life; they encourage women to share their stories and give voice to their pain Schools of Thought in African(a) African American, Black Psychology Bicultural Reform Psychological Nigrescence Model (Cross, 1971, 1995) This model starts with a stance conforming to the dominant culture’s norms with the intention of predicting movement toward a positive racial identity, which would be a position counter to that perpetuated by the dominant culture. Little evidence for the progressive sequencing Schools of Thought in African(a) African American, Black Psychology
  • 21. Cultural Congruence Kobi Kambon (Joseph Baldwin) was one of the first African American psychologists to develop an African self- consciousness scale to explore the many facets of African American identity. Schools of Thought in African(a) African American, Black Psychology Black Psychology at its roots is a holistic perspective that encourages the examination of the hard questions with concern for the future and evolution of all of humanity that is comprehensive, cohesive, and coherent. Chapter 2 Sankofa: History of and Aspirations for Black Psychology As Sankofa means ”looking back in order to go forward”, the purpose of this chapter is to reflect on the experiences of prominent trailblazers of Black Psychology.
  • 22. Elder Biographies: Dr. Janet Helms Specializes in the areas of racial identity, psychological testing & assessment, & racial/cultural counseling Well-known for her racial identity development theories 3 Elder Biographies: Dr. Linda Myers Focuses on traditional healing practices in psychotherapeutic processes Studies moral & spiritual development Best known for theory of Optimal Psychology Elder Biographies: Dr. Joseph White “Father of Black Psychology” Clinical supervisor, practicing psychologist, consultant, writer
  • 23. Elder Biographies: Dr. Daniel Williams Only AA PHD level licensed psychologist in California during the 1965 race riot Was often sought after to share his views A cross was burned on his front lawn These experiences led him to believe that “There was nowhere for me to go but to be Black” Developed Montclair State University's 1st Affirmative Act Plan Invited to the White House by President Jimmy Carter as the President signed the Mental Health Systems Act of 1980 into law Elder Biographies: Dr. Robert Williams Focuses on cultural bias in testing, Black language, & program evaluation “10 point program”: outlined the need for & strategies to increase enrollment of Black student in graduate psychology programs
  • 24. Contextual factors During the 1960s, the primary models used for Black people were deficit or deficiency models These models proposed deficiencies in intelligence, achievement, & social structure The Association of Black Psychologists (ABPsi) was founded as a student-led rebellion Optimal example of the influence of young people Goals: Racially integrate its own workforce Facilitate the entry of more Blacks into graduate programs in psychology Eliminate racist theory & research from journals Establish a program w/in which concerns of psychologists of color could be expressed 1st task- bring attention to the use of biased tests Dealing with adversity Being the only one/lack of role models Dealing with racism/oppression Low scores on intelligence tests (biased data)
  • 25. Double strikes Lack of support “It is one experience to be challenged, but it is even more daunting to be challenged w/out having support in the institutions & systems one is navigating in.” Degrees of indifference or apathy Lack of working relationships As a consequence, most of support came from family, friends, networks outside of university Dealing with adversity, cont. Dealing with adversity, cont. Lack of validation/acknowledgement of contributions Helms’s Racial Identity Attitude Scale Intended to measure identity for Black Americans Response: “We don’t understand why you study Black identity, you need to prove that there’s a difference between Black people & White people. Why don’t you study White people’s identity?” Williams’ Ebonics Coined the term in 1973 Not until White linguists repacked Ebonics as African American Vernacular English that the construct was accepted at large by the academy (1990s)
  • 26. What is black psychology? Toward a Black Psychology Beginnings categorized as Traditional School of Black Psychology Reactive, defensive, critical Shift to propose culturally relevant & appropriate theories and modalities of treatment Incorporation of historical, philosophical, & religious foundations of Africa Defining black psychology Theory development, research, & practice that recognize the importance of the Black cultural experience & seeks to enhance the mental state of Black people Includes the axiology (values), concepts of self, time orientation, human goals, & epistemology (knowledge) grounded in the sociohistorical context of people of African descent Emphasis on training Creates “pipeline to bring younger people into the field” How definitions have evolved Historically we have been trying to prove to people that we exist, now we need to move forward to use what we know to make positive changes.
  • 27. This begins NOW. What are you sharing on social media? Black psychology is built on the principle the Black people have significant strengths. What does this mean? Example We should not be appropriating anyone else’s culture, rather finding out what defines us. How does one “appropriate” another culture? Significant milestones in black psychology Black Psychology has impacted ethnic studies and the movement of multiculturalism Dr. White noted that: “We had to fight the profession to establish a legitimacy of [Black Psychology] and then what happened was while they were arguing with us, the Asian dude turned around and said
  • 28. that they didn’t like how they were being defined in psychology and they didn’t like the invisibility and they were going to write their own psychology and then the Chicano dude and the Chicano sister wanted to set up and do the same thing.” Professionals within the field should strive to have an impact on others Dr. Williams urges professionals to “roll up your sleeves and be a part of social change”. This is a challenge for all to move beyond talk (or complaints) into action. Dr. Williams reports that Black Psychology should “belong to the people”. Where does black psychology go from here? Shared focus on training future Black professionals to play pivotal roles in: the academy, Black communities, a variety of mental health settings, and
  • 29. other decision-making institutional positions Integral belief that the creation & institutionalization of “think tanks” in Black psychology are imperative to the continuation of the field Need for more coalition & integration Suggestions for TrainingSuggestions for PracticeSuggestions for Research Think tanks (opportunities for professionals to think & create) Mentorship: formal & informal Recruitment & retention Specific training programs Grant funding Social activism Develop, implement, & evaluation community interventions through collaborative efforts Get & stay involved in local/national/international social & political movements Secure positions of power Empirically validated treatments Intervention research Antecedent research Ch. 1: Foundations for an African American Psychology:
  • 30. Extending roots to an Ancient Kemetic past Psychology of The Black Experience Ingrid L. Cockhren, M.Ed Traditional psychology fails to capture the ethos, or emotional tone, of people of African descent. Emotional substance of a cultural group solidified by a set of common experiences, common heritage, and common culture. Emotional tone creates a shared synthesis of energy or spirit, which helps to symbolize and even define our uniqueness as a people. A Broken compass Much of the history of person of African descent is told from the context of slavery. Thoughts? Much of psychology is centered on a racist worldview that saw African people as genetically, intellectually, and emotionally inferior, as well as culturally inferior when compared to European and American counterparts. Historical contributors of psychology were contaminated with
  • 31. the social zeitgeist (spirit of the time)of America’s obsession with race. Ziit-guy-ttst 4 Slavery, and the African Maafa (Swahili term meaning "Great Disaster") represents only a snapshot in time, rather than the beginning of the African presence on this planet. As Psychology moved to a science based on observations and measurable behaviors, traditional psychology applied its theories and techniques in ways that contributed to the dehumanization of persons of African Descent. Racist ideology contaminated the diagnostic nosologies used to classify mental health for persons of African descent Ex. Drapetomania – flight from-home-madness Myopic research and scholarship within traditional psychology prompted black psychologists to take reactionary posture with addressing the idea of Black people and their sense of self, the family, and the community.
  • 32. Limitations: Anchors the study of African descent people’s psychology in an inaccurate space & time Analysis measures only & reveals how we reacted & adapted to social oppression and says little about “who” we were and “how” we were before the Maafa experience You cannot allow your obstacles define you! Resulting identity studies focus on racial, rather than cultural, identity Race is not a biological construction but rather a social construction; It is used to create a hierarchy that assigns worth, and access to opportunity and privilege on the basis of skin tone. Culture is at the core of beingness Culture unifies and allows us to see from a worldview which orients our interpretation of reality. Culture provides collective group identification built on shared history, symbols, and meanings. Culture institutionalizes and validates group beliefs, values, behaviors, and attitudes. national Association of Black Psychologists (ABPsi) Withdrew from APA due to frustrations
  • 33. Own headquarters Own journal (Journal of Black Psychology) Own convention Addressing issues such as: Testing Black children Educating Black students Training counselors & psychologists Providing care to Black clients African psychology’s kemetic roots Tendency to use a European American norm as a standard by which ”normal” behavior in different cultural groups is measured African psychology’s kemetic roots Places Black people (and other groups) at a conceptual disadvantage, resulting in a tendency to characterize our behavior as pathological Inappropriate to use traditional psychological theories, that were developed by White psychologists to explain the behaviors of White people, on Black folks Can lead to gross omissions of necessary information as well as distortions in the phenomenon one is attempting to study African Psychology
  • 34. African Psychology is an invention created by black intellectuals in the Americas (mainly the united States) who wanted to engage in Sankofa Sankofa pic & meaning 14 African Psychology’s Kemetic Roots African Psychology’s Kemetic roots are key because they help to characterized the cultural norm. One’s consciousness and proper conduct in relationships were indigenous to African folks before contamination from the European influences. Kemet pic 15 African Psychology’s Kemetic Roots African Psychology extends across space and time. When we look across the Diaspora and we see that African scholars and thinkers reflect a historical continuity, cultural continuity, historical consciousness with what it means to be African; we can see that there was a universal understanding of ordered behavior. African Psychology’s Kemetic Roots Ma’at is define as a code of conduct and a standard of
  • 35. aspiration for the ancient Africans, and is characterized by seven principals Truth Justice Righteousness Harmony Order Balance Propriety (politeness or modesty) African Psychology’s Kemetic Roots Ancient African Psychology was based on “being” and “becoming” One has to understand where he/she is at any given moment and time in one’s life. Humans have an innate desire to continue to self-actualize and grow with new possibilities. African Psychology’s Kemetic Roots African-centered psychology includes the following: Spiritness Interconnected Collective Self-knowledge Fundamental Principles and Questions Frantz Omar Fanon introduced three questions to examine and explore the relationship between conscious recognition of an idea and how that principal was operationalized into the life
  • 36. space of each individual. “Who am I?” “Am I who I say I am?” “Am I all I ought to be?” Perspectives That Helped African Psychology Lose its Way Scientific Colonialism – the challenge of maintaining ones sanity or mental health rest with the preserving of ones sense of agency or power over a particular situation or circumstance. i.e. learned helplessness The Power of “Yet” Hurrican Katrina, MLK quote, TEB Talk- the Power of Yet 21 Hurrican Katrina, MLK quote, TEB Talk- the Power of Yet 22 Social Pathology of American Life Dr. Cornell West writes in his essay “chamber of horrors” he describes the vicious attacks on Black people’s beauty, intelligence, moral character, behavior, capability, and life itself.
  • 37. Social Pathology of American Life Psychological adaptation- Black Strivings Black Strivings are: singing the blues when times were hardest Singing gospel as a way of keeping the faith and keeping hope alive Using gallows of humor in comedy as a way to laugh to keep from crying The essence of “Keep, keeping on” is at the root of African Psychology Potential negative consequences? 25 Balancing Two Competing Worldviews Within the course of normal or ordered development, each individual should engage with an environmental space that allows for a nurturing and supportive experience.
  • 38. Oppressive forces are not conducive to a productive environment; as a result, individuals react in ways that are ultimately functional, but sometimes maladaptive i.e. foster care adjustment issues Little man pic 27 Balancing Two Competing Worldviews W.E.B. Du Bois text The Souls of Black Folk ably depicts the struggle of being Black in America. Pic; read 28 Du Bois illustrates the struggle of achieving social progress while not being “too Black” while also staying true to one’s heritage Some love their Blackness, but learn to “tone it down” to reduce the discomfort level of White peers Others wear it as a badge of cultural pride, but realize it may restrict access to opportunities
  • 39. Kapernick pic; WCMS pic 29 How would you rate your ability to “code switch”? 30 Ellison’s “Invisible Man” describes the chronic assaults, or microaggressions, experienced by persons of color. What would you do? 31 Leary’s (2005) Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome Explanation of how oppression continues to impact culture today Examples? Colorism pic; link? 32 Applications NTU Psychotherapy Model African centered approach to therapy & treatment
  • 40. Utilizes the principals of the Nguzo Saba as guidelines for harmonious living Basic principles: harmony, balance, interconnectedness, cultural awareness, & authencity Phases: harmony, awareness, alignment, actualize, synthesis “Role of Men” program designed to teach responsible fathering ; dedicated to building stronger Black families through outreach, therapy, and training Bakari Project Designed to instruct youth in the development of responsible adulthood attitudes & behaviors Utilizes six areas of mastery taught across four years of programmatic intervention MEN ON THE MOVE Men on the Move pics 35 considerations Much of the problematic behaviors displayed by AA clients is less about mental health instability and more about reactions to social cultural and environmental issues African psychology must design structured interventions that reorient the consciousness of clients Davidson County example
  • 41. We cannot just treat those who have made mistakes as disposable capital Link to Sherriff Daron Hall 36 PSYC 3230 Take Home Exam 1 Name: _______________________________________ 1. How has traditional psychology failed to capture the ethos of African Americans? Provide a real-life example. 2. Define Sankofa and describe how it is relevant to African American psychology and development? 3. Describe Scientific Colonialism and provide a real-life example as it pertains to African Americans. 4. Describe Social Pathology and provide a real-life example as it pertains to African Americans. 5. List and describe the 4 core elements of African psychology. Be sure to also provide an example of how it manifests in the African American community for each element. 6. Define Ma’at and describe how it pertains to African psychology. 7. List and describe the 4 areas of interests as it pertains to the theoretical and conceptual approaches to African psychology.
  • 42. Which one do you most identify with? Why? 8. Which stage of Cross’ Nigrescence (People of Color) Model are you in currently? Describe why? 9. List the 4 major aspects of Blackness. Provide a real-life example of how each one manifests in the African American community. 10. List the 3 components of the Black/African Self Concept. Provide real-life examples of how each one manifests in the African American community.