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Record Revenue @ Daily Rate
[A Deep Dive into Daily Revenue Recognition Options in Oracle Receivables]

Anil Madhireddy
Gautam Ramakrishna
VeriSign Inc

VeriSign Inc is the trusted provider of Internet infrastructure services for the networked world.
VeriSign brings Trust to the Internet with domain name and authentication services allowing
companies and consumers all over the world engaged in trusted communications and commerce.

1. Introduction

   The objective of this white paper is to discuss the functional and technical aspects of Oracle
   Receivables standard functionality on Daily Revenue Recognition and the detailed setups that are
   required to implement Daily Revenue Recognition. The first section of this paper offers the case for
   implementing Daily Revenue Rules and how Daily Rules differ from the standard rate offering a
   solution framework that is closest to GAAP compliance on Revenue Recognition. The next section
   of this paper will discuss building blocks for Daily Revenue Recognition and the configuration that
   is required for implementing Daily Revenue Rules. The last section of this paper offers drilldown
   on possible Daily Revenue scenarios and solution options on addressing these scenarios. Appendix
   A & B to this paper offers technical insights to readers on how to use to Deferred Revenue
   Accounting API [supported by a FAQ] and a case study on how VeriSign was able to implement an
   automated solution to a unique revenue scenario by working around the possibilities that exists
   with Revenue Accounting API.

2. Revenue Recognition – What GAAP Says!!

   Before we move into the technical aspects of Revenue Recognition in Oracle EBS, one needs to
   understand the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles [GAAP] around Revenue Recognition.
   Revenue Recognition is a discussion topic by itself that we consider larger discussion on GAAP
   guidelines out of scope of this paper. The objective here is to provide a quick high level summary of
   GAAP basics on Revenue Recognition that will prepare the readers for the next sections of this
              Revenue Recognition is different from Invoice Presentment
                  – Revenue should not be recognized until it is realized or realizable and earned
              When Revenue is considered to have been earned?
                  – When the entity has substantially accomplished what it must do to be entitled to
                      the benefits represented by the revenues [SAB 101]
              Revenue can be recognized only if all the following four criteria is met:
                  – Persuasive evidence of an arrangement exists,
                  – Delivery has occurred or services have been rendered,
                  – The seller's price to the buyer is fixed or determinable, and
                  – Collectibility is reasonably assured.

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If there is a continuing performance obligation related to the product or service sold,
                 then the related revenue generally is should be deferred and recognized systematically
                 over the periods that the service obligation is active
                 If Revenue is recognized over several periods, the direct costs related to the revenue (i.e.
                 Cost of Goods Sold – COGS) could be spread out and expensed over the corresponding

3. Revenue Recognition Options in Oracle EBS

   Revenue Recognition functionality in Oracle E Business Suite is seeded in Oracle Receivables
   application and is a functionality available in Release 11 and Release 12 as well. Receivables both in
   Release 11 and Release 12 offer the following Revenue Recognition options:

   3.1. Standard Revenue Rules

       Standard Rules calculate Revenue @ Monthly rate. Rule Start Date is not a factor in determining
       the amount of revenue as long it is the same period for which revenue is recognized. A
       transaction that came in with a rule start date of 1st of the Month and a transaction that came in
       with rule start date of last day of month will both be charged with revenue for the whole

       Standard Rules comes in two variants:

       3.1.1. Fixed Duration : used where the schedule is fixed and not subject to change – say a 12
              Month Rule

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3.1.2.Variable Duration – used where the schedule is variable. This type of rule offers best
             flexibility in terms of leverage one variable for transactions required different schedule.
             The duration however, needs to be provided at the time of manually creating an invoice or
             at the time of populating the record in Auto-Invoice Table

   3.2. Deferred Standard Rules
       Deferred Rules are extension of standard rules except that revenue is deferred till an unknown
       date. These rules are used when there is a requirement to defer recognition of revenue until an
       event or a contingency occurs. The revenue for these transactions is staged in Deferred Revenue
       Account          until         the        event          or          contingency         occurs.

   3.3. Daily Revenue Rules

       Daily Revenue Rules are rules that calculate revenue @ a daily rate. Daily Revenue Rules fulfill
       the stringent accounting standards introduced by the US GAAP and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act for
       recognizing revenue. The difference between Standard Rules and Daily Rules are only with
       respect to the amount of revenue calculated. Standard rules calculate at a monthly rate whereas
       the revenue amount calculation on Daily Rules is a function of number of days in a month.

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Note # 1: Though Daily Revenue rules calculate revenue at a daily rate, they don’t really create
       accounting distributions for every calendar day. The accounting distributions are created the
       same manner as the standard rules – just that the revenue amount recorded will be different.

       Note # 2: Daily Rate Rules are standard functionality in Release 12. This functionality was back-
       ported to Release 11 via one-off Patch 5684129 [Metalink Note: 401000.1]. However, Financials
       Family Pack G is an absolute pre-requisite for the above 11i patch.

       Note # 3: The core daily revenue functionality in AR works fine in Release 11. However the
       daily rules are not extensible in other applications like Order Management, Service Contracts
       etc. This requires extensive patching on Release 11 and you may contact Oracle Support for the
       exact patch requirements.

       Daily Rate Revenue Rules come in two flavors:

       3.3.1. Daily Revenue Rate, All Periods: Use Daily Revenue Rate, All Periods to have
           Receivables use a daily revenue rate to calculate the precise amount of revenue for each full
           and partial period in the schedule. This accounting rule type provides you with the most
           precise revenue recognition schedule possible. Use rules of this type in cases where you
           must meet strict revenue accounting standards for partial accounting periods.

       3.3.2. Daily / Partial Periods: Use Daily Revenue Rate, Partial Periods to have Receivables
             use daily revenue rate to calculate the precise amount of revenue for only partial period in
             the schedule. This rule provides you with an even, prorated revenue distribution across
             the schedule's full periods.

           Note: See Section 4.2 for calculation differences between Daily Rate / All Periods and Daily
           Rate / Partial Periods Rules.

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3.4. Deferred Daily Rules

       Use Deferred Daily Rules when you want to defer revenue recognition till an unknown date
       and when you want to Revenue to be recognized at a daily rate when it is eventually triggered.
       In other words, Deferred Daily Rule is an extension of Daily Rule except that revenue is
       deferred till an unknown date. The revenue for these transactions is staged in Deferred Revenue
       Account until the event or contingency occurs.

       The Initial Accounting created at the time of creation of the Invoice will be as follows:

       Receivables Account      Debit XXXX
       Unearned Account         Credit     XXXX
       Tax Account              Credit     XXXX

       Revenue Amount is staged in Deferred (Unearned) Account until Revenue is triggered either
       manually via Revenue accounting form (details in the next Section 5.2 of the paper) or using
       Revenue Accounting API (details in Appendix B of this paper) as may be the case.

       Revenue could be triggered partially or fully, for all line or selected invoice lines which will
       generate the revenue accounting as follows:

       Unearned Revenue Account Debit XXXX
       Revenue Account          Credit     XXXX

       Note # 1: Daily Deferred rules could be Daily Rate / All Periods or Daily Rate / Partial Periods
       rules. See Section 4.2 for calculation differences between Daily Rate / All Periods and Daily
       Rate / Partial Periods Rules.

       Note # 2: In Oracle 11i, there is a bug in terms of how the Revenue Accounting Form creates
       revenue distribution calculations when DAILY DEFERRED rules are used. The per month
       amount calculation goes out of whack for a couple of periods when you trigger revenue via the
       revenue accounting Form. Please work with Oracle to obtain a patch for this bug.

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4. Daily Revenue Rules Drilldown
Given the above overview of the functionality of Revenue Accounting rules in Oracle E Business Suite,
next step is drilldown on the Daily Revenue Rules specifically in terms of timing and calculation
differences between daily and standard and deferred revenue rules.

   4.1. Timing Differences:

       Recognize                   All At Once                           Spread Over Periods
                        Recognize all Revenue on the GL         Revenue Recognition begins
                        Date of the Invoice                     immediately but spread over a period of
       Immediate                                                time.
       Recognition      Use Immediate Accounting Rules
       @ Invoicing      with 1 period which takes 100% of       Example: service contracts or
                        Revenue in the same month of            maintenance or support agreements
                        Invoicing                               where continuing performance
                                                                obligation over a period of contract exists
                        Daily Rate Rules are not relevant
                        here as the recognition is              Use Daily Rate Rule and specify the rule
                        immediate. Standard Rules could         start date and rule end date at the time of
                        be used for this scenario               Invoice Entry or time of population into
                                                                Auto Invoice table. Oracle derives the
                                                                duration based on the rule start date and
                                                                end date. Duration is not a user-
                                                                enterable field when Daily Rate Rules are
                        Posts all Revenue to Deferred           Initially Post all Revenue to Deferred
                        Revenue Account                         Revenue Account
       Deferred &
       Recognize        Revenue Trigger date could be           Revenue once triggered will be spread
       Later            known date at the time of               over a period of time – which is
                        Invoicing or Unknown i.e.               generally the period of continuing
                        dependent on a contingency or an        performance obligation
                        [Note: Revenue Deferral scenarios       [Note: Revenue Deferral scenarios are
                        are discussed in detail later in this   discussed in detail later in this
                        document]                               document]

   4.2. Calculation Differences

       The key difference between daily rate rules and standard rules lies in the calculation of revenue
       amounts. Standard Rules calculate revenue @ monthly rate and Daily rules calculate revenue @
       daily rate. The Daily Revenue calculation is function of number of days in the month and differs
       even between Daily Rate All periods or Daily Rate Partial periods – as you can see in the
       calculations below.

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Exhibit: Revenue Calculation Differences between different types of Rules
                            [Rule Start Date: 16 Mar 10 / End Date: 15 Mar 11]

5. Daily Revenue Scenarios
Now that we have understood the core-functionality behind Daily Revenue Rules, the next step is to
understand the possible revenue scenarios and how we could handle them. Given the focus of this
paper is daily revenue we will discuss these scenarios in the context of Daily Revenue rules. However
these scenarios equally apply to standard revenue recognition as much as they apply to daily revenue

As you may have realized by now, Rule Start Date and Rule Duration are the fundamental building
blocks for revenue recognition. Depending on the case in hand, these values could be known or
unknown at the time of Invoicing. At one end of the spectrum is a simple case where both the rule start
date and rule duration could be known at the time of invoicing and the other end is a complex case
where both these values could be unknown and be determined on an indefinite future date or an
external event.

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For ease of discussion, we have captured the Daily Revenue Recognition scenarios in the following 2X2
matrix in 4 distinct quadrants. Let’s study each scenario in detail.

       Rev Rec                   Rule Start Date                         Rule Start Date
       Scenarios                    Known                                  Unknown
                       S1                                     S2
                            1. Standard [i.e. Non-                 1. Deferred Revenue Scenario
       Rule                    Deferred] Revenue                   2. Use Daily Deferred Revenue
       Duration                Recognition Scenario                   Rules or Use Revenue
       Known                2. Use Standard Daily                     Contingencies where
                               Revenue Rule                           appropriate
                            3. Minimum complexity                  3. Medium – High complexity

                       S3                                     S4
                            1. Very unlikely scenario              1. Standard Functionality does
       Rule                 2. Use Deferred Revenue                   not meet this requirement
       Duration                Rule – schedule revenue             2. Requires workaround of
       Unknown                 only when duration is                  creating 1 month Deferred
                               known                                  rule
                            3. Medium - High                       3. High Complexity

5.1. S1 – Rule Start Date & Duration Known

       S1 captures the simplest application of Daily Revenue Recognition rule. This is a case where
       both rule start date and duration is known at the time of invoicing. This is a classic case of
       application of Daily Revenue Recognition Rules. The rule could be Daily rule for all periods or
       Daily Rules for partial periods depending on your organization’s revenue policy. Given that
       the daily revenue rules are used, revenue is calculated for the month as a function of number of
       remaining days in a month from the rule start date.

       1st Month Revenue = [# of Calendar Days in the Month – Rule Start Date] X Total Revenue
                                        # Of Calendar Days in the Year

       While Rule Start is known at the time of invoicing, the rule start date could, depending on the
       nature of the transaction, be a (a) date in the current open period or (b) a date in the prior period
       or (c) a date in a future period.

       Date in the current open period is the most common scenario and represents a simple and
       straight forward daily revenue scenario.

       A software company could let customers renew its licenses 90 days in advance and invoice the
       customer in advance but may want to recognize revenue only from license renewal effective
       date. In this scenario, you may have rule start dates which are in future passed as part of an

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Invoice that is billed in Advance. The point to note is that since the rule start date is known,
       Receivables will build the revenue schedule for the entire duration beginning from a future GL

       A security company may permit late renewals of licenses and may want revenue recognition be
       effective retrospectively. These cases, the rule start date could be in past. The point to note is
       though the revenue recognition program will try to do a ‘catch-up’ on revenue, it will end up
       posting all revenue in the current open period – if prior AR periods are in closed status

       Point to note is that in all the above cases, revenue schedule is built in the period of invoicing
       though the actual distribution entries may begin on a future date.

        Lin      Revenue   Current    Duration     Rule Start    First Month    No of           First
        e#       Amount    Open                    Date          of Revenue     Calendar        Month
                           Period                                Recognition    Days            Rev
        1        1200      Mar-10     12 Mo        16-Mar-10     Mar-10         16                  52.60
        2        1200      Mar-10     12 Mo        16-Jan-10     Mar-10         75 [16+28+31]      246.57
        3        1200      Mar-10     12 Mo        16-May-10     May-10         16                  52.60

   5.2. S2 – Rule Start Unknown & Duration Known

       S2 captures a deferred revenue scenario within the application of Daily Revenue rules. This is a
       case where while rule duration (12/18/24 Months) is known, rule start date is unknown at the
       time of invoicing and is expected to be determined on an indefinite future date. This is a classic
       case where deferred daily rules [Daily Rules with Deferred Revenue checkbox enabled] come
       into play. The rule could be Daily rule for all periods or Daily Rules for partial periods
       depending on your organization’s revenue policy. Given that the daily revenue rules are used,
       revenue is recorded at a daily rate.

       Note # 1: Alternatively, you could use Revenue Contingencies functionality to apply either a
       time based (using contingency expiration days or date) or event based contingency (Payment or
       customer acceptance dependent) to the transactions, fulfillment of which automatically triggers
       revenue. Given that Revenue Contingencies is an elaborate topic by itself, we have kept further
       discussion on revenue contingencies out of scope of this paper.

       Note # 2: Usage of Revenue contingencies is limited to scenarios where (a) accounting duration
       is known and not subject to change and (b) the requirement is to trigger revenue for FULL Line
       Amount when the contingency expires or a revenue triggering event occurs (except for payment
       based revenue recognition). Deferred Rules offer flexibility in all cases to trigger revenue even
       for PARTIAL line amounts (example: you may trigger revenue for half of the items part of the
       same Invoice line and continue to hold revenue for the other half.)

       In both the cases, when Revenue Recognition is run for the first time for these transactions,
       Revenue is staged in the deferred revenue account until an unknown future date. When the
       revenue start date is determined or a contingency expires or a revenue triggering event occurs,
       you may use the ‘Revenue Accounting Form’ or ‘Revenue Accounting API’ to trigger revenue

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or where revenue contingencies are being used, you may let Revenue Contingency Analyzer
       program trigger revenue on expiration of contingencies.

           a) Using Revenue Accounting Form: Use Revenue Accounting Form to schedule revenue
              for transaction lines for which revenue has been deferred. This standard Oracle form
              provides users easy front end access to trigger revenue in a 5-step process.

                     The Form allows search for transactions by Transaction Number, Customer
                     Number, Transaction Date, Source, Customer etc. ONLY Transactions that are
                     associated with a deferred revenue rule and for which accounting has been
                     created are available via this Form to schedule revenue

                     Navigation: Receivables -> Control -> Accounting -> Revenue Accounting

                     Once you found the transaction to schedule revenue, you can review the
                     transaction distribution lines and revenue summary to identify how much
                     revenue is available for scheduling.

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Next steps are identifying which lines to adjust and the percent or amount of
                 revenue that needs to be scheduled. Amend GL Date if required. You may pass a
                 GL date in the current period or a past or a future period as may be relevant.

                 Final step is reviewing the distribution lines and the revenue calculations and
                 either cancel or save the transactions. Immediately after saving, the system
                 updates the Invoice Distributions with the scheduled revenue. No need to run
                 Revenue Recognition program to update the distributions. GL transfer is not
                 automatically triggered though. The revenue entries are transferred to GL only
                 after General Ledger Transfer program is run from AR.

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b) Using Revenue Accounting API: Alternatively, you may use Revenue Accounting API
              to have the system trigger revenue based on a defined trigger point. Revenue
              Accounting API offers much more flexibility in terms of scheduling revenue than on the
              form; however you will need to write some custom code to call the API and pass
              relevant input values. Please refer to Appendix B for technical details around how to use
              the Revenue Accounting API in a FAQ [Frequently Asked Questions] format.

           c) Revenue Contingency Analyzer: In case of contingencies, Revenue Contingency
              Analyzer program can automatically trigger revenue when the contingency expires or
              payment or acceptance event occurs. Revenue for payment based contingencies is
              automatically triggered when payment is applied to the Invoice.

   5.3. S3 – Rule Start Date Known & Duration Unknown

         Rule Start Date Known and Duration Unknown is a very unlikely scenario though that could
         occur occasionally. You will need to use Deferred Standard Rule and schedule revenue only
         when the duration is determined. However, scheduling of revenue using the Revenue
         Accounting Form will not work – as the revenue accounting form does not offer the flexibility
         to change the accounting rule duration.

         Tip: The workaround here is to use a 01 month – Deferred Standard Accounting rule and to
         use the Revenue Accounting API to trigger revenue once the duration is known. You could
         tweak the Revenue Accounting API to pass amounts with GL Date in such a manner that
         revenue is recognized over the new duration determined and at a daily rate. Please refer to
         Appendix A and B for more details on Revenue Accounting API.

   5.4. S4 – Rule Start Date Unknown & Duration Unknown

         There could be revenue scenarios where both Rule Start Date and Rule Duration are not
         known at the time of invoice generation. Standard Revenue Accounting functionality does not
         meet this requirement as the front end Revenue Accounting Form does not offer the flexibility

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to change the accounting rule duration. Accounting rule duration once associated with the
         invoice cannot be changed at the time of triggering revenue.

         Tip: The only workaround is to use a 01 month – Deferred Accounting rule on the Invoice and
         to use the Revenue Accounting API to trigger revenue once the duration is known. You could
         tweak the Revenue Accounting API to pass amounts with GL Date in such a manner that
         revenue is recognized over the new duration determined and at a daily rate. This requires
         some custom coding however could be worked out only if 1 Month – Deferred Accounting
         rule is used. Please refer to Appendix A that will discuss a couple of VeriSign scenarios where
         we have provided an automated solution using Revenue Accounting API

6. Conclusion
       There are several factors that contribute to a successful solution implementation. Perhaps the
       most important is the understanding of existing functionality offered by the system and
       designing solutions that meet the business requirements. That is the objective of this white
       paper and discussion of revenue scenarios in 2X2 matrix.

       Obviously, there is more technical stuff to Daily Rate Revenue Recognition than that’s discussed
       in this paper. The authors have added Appendix A & Appendix B to address some of the
       technical questions you may have and offer some thoughts on how to approach them.

       Appendix A is a write-up on the technical solution design on a couple of very challenging
       revenue S4 scenarios at VeriSign where rule start date and rule duration were both unknown at
       the time of invoice creation. Appendix B is a technical FAQ [Frequently Asked Questions] on
       Revenue Accounting API providing guidance how you could use them. Though not elaborate,
       authors have tried to address some basic questions and more information could be obtained
       from the Oracle implementation guides and technical manuals.

       About the Authors:

       Anil Madhireddy is the Manager – Business Systems Analysis and the IT lead for Order to Cash
       business process at VeriSign. He has a combined 10+ years of Accounting, Audit and Oracle
       Financials ERP implementations experience.

       Gautam Ramakrishna is a Senior Developer at VeriSign. He has extensively worked on
       providing automated solutions using Revenue Accounting API for VeriSign and the author for
       Appendix A & B.

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Appendix A – Case Study on Complex Revenue Scenarios@ VeriSign

       VeriSign Case Study # 1

       A division of VeriSign sells coupons to resellers that are redeemable for SSL and other
       certificates. These coupons expire and are non-refundable. The results of a financial audit here
       stipulate that revenue must be recognized and amortized starting with the actual issuance of the


       This case ties with the S4 Revenue Scenario mentioned in the Section 5 of the white paper. Here
       the rule start date or the date on which the coupons would be redeemed is unknown at the time
       of invoicing the customer and also to provide flexibility to recognize revenue immediately if the
       coupon is not redeemed but expires at the end of term – which requires changing the
       accounting rule which standard functionality does not support.


           1. We associate the original transaction lines with a ONE MONTH Deferred accounting
              rule. When the revenue recognition program is run, the transaction revenue amount is
              transferred to unearned revenue account.

           2. The Engineering system sends Oracle a file which will contain data on the transaction
              lines that have been redeemed or expired. Expired coupons mean that the stipulated one
              year period from the coupon purchase has expired without the coupons being
              redeemed. For expired coupons, revenue needs to be recognized immediately

           3. The revenue accounting API will process these records to generate the distribution
              records for these transaction lines. Let’s consider the approach for the redeemed and
              expired case below:

                   Case where coupons are redeemed: - The API will have to be called as many times as
                   the number of distribution records that needs to be created. Number of times is
                   determined by the accounting duration of the accounting rule associated with the
                   coupon item SKU in Oracle Inventory. If the accounting rule duration is 6 months
                   then the transaction line amount needs to be distributed over 6 GL periods with one
                   distribution line created in each of the 6 periods. Care has to be taken care to see that
                   the distribution amount over the 6 periods does not exceed the total transaction line
                   amount. This can be taken care by passing the amount to the last API call as below,

                   Amount to be passed to the last API call = (Total transaction line amount -
                                                          Sum of the amount passed to the API in the
                                                          previous calls)

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Case where coupons are expired: - Since the coupon has expired without being
                  redeemed, the entire transaction line amount will need to be recognized in the same
                  period in which the data is sent. This will need a single API call with the entire
                  transaction line amount being passed in the same call.


       Following is the example of revenue distributions lines created by the API based on the above
       approach in a case where the coupon has a 6 month accounting rule and the transaction line
       amount is $1000. Consider that the coupon is redeemed on Feb 05, 2010.

          Revenue Adjustment        GL Date                          Revenue Adjustment
               Number                                                     Amount
       80001                        05-Feb-10                     167
       80002                        05-Mar-10                     167
       80003                        05-Apr-10                     167
       80004                        05-May-10                     167
       80005                        05-Jun-10                     167
       80006                        05-Jul-10                     165

       VeriSign Scenario # 2

       Procurement orders are created for procuring the tokens on behalf of Reseller/Direct customers.
       These procurement orders will flow through the Order Management workflow and
       procurement invoices will be created. Revenue will not be recognized on the invoice lines until
       the tokens are shipped and fulfilled. Revenue recognition should happen only for the 'Actual'
       quantity of the tokens shipped in a month. The revenue should be evenly distributed over the
       months that are left in the original accounting duration defined on the token item.


       This case ties with the S4 Revenue Scenario mentioned in the Section 5 of the white paper. Here
       the rule start date (i.e. the date on which the tokens would be fulfilled) is unknown. Also the
       duration over which the revenue would need to be recognized is unknown as it would depend
       on how much of the rule duration is remaining from the token service fulfillment date. Ex: -
       Let’s say the accounting duration defined on the token item SKU is 48 months. If the token
       services are fulfilled on the 28th month, then the duration over which the revenue should be
       recognized is from 28th month to 48th month - duration of 21 months.

       We create the transaction lines for the procurement invoice with a deferred accounting rule
       having one month duration. When the revenue recognition program is run the transaction line
       amount is transferred to an unearned account.

       The number of tokens shipped and fulfilled for a customer for the entire month is consolidated
       into a monthly order. This monthly order will flow through the Order Management workflow
       and monthly invoices will be created. The monthly invoice line will be a zero dollar line and

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will have the quantity which represents the total number of tokens shipped and fulfilled for the
       customer. Using the token item and the customer from the monthly invoice we will fetch the
       matching procurement invoices having the same customer and token item in a FIFO manner
       meaning the earliest created procurement invoices will be fetched first. The amount to be
       recognized on the procurement invoice is determined by multiplying the unit selling price on
       procurement invoice with the quantity available on the monthly invoice. The duration over
       which the revenue will need to be distributed is determined by checking the number of periods
       remaining in the original accounting duration defined on the token item. The revenue
       accounting API will be called as many times as the number of periods over which the revenue
       amount needs to be distributed.

           Amount to be passed to the last API call = (Total transaction line amount -
                                                         Sum of the amount passed to the API     in the
                                                         previous calls)


       1) The procurement invoice "1000" is created on 01-Jan-2010 for 1000 tokens for customer "XYZ
          Corporation". The unit selling price for each token is 5$.

       2) The accounting duration of the accounting rule on the token item is 48 months.

       3) 500 tokens are shipped and fulfilled for "XYZ Corporation" on 01-Jan-2013. This would
          mean that we have a monthly invoice "1001" with quantity as 500 and the amount on the
          line would be 0$.

       4) The duration over which the revenue would need to be recognized for the procurement
          invoice "1000" can be calculated as below.

           Number of periods between (A) and (B) including (A) and (B).
           (A) End date of the accounting duration on the invoice "1000"
           (B) Rule start date of the invoice "1001"

           (A) In turn can be calculated by adding the accounting rule duration on the token to the rule
           start date of the invoice 1000.

           In our case following will be the value for the components.
           (A) => 31-Dec-2013
           (B) => 01-Jan-2013

           Number of periods = 12.
           Revenue Amount to be recognized = 500 * 5 = 2500.

           Distributions will be created as below.

       Revenue Adjustment             GL Date                       Revenue Adjustment
       Number                                                       Amount
       80001                          01-Jan-13                     208.33

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80002                             01-Feb-13                   208.33
       80003                             01-Mar-13                   208.33
       80004                             01-Apr-13                   208.33
       80005                             01-May-13                   208.33
       80006                             01-Jun-13                   208.33
       80007                             01-Jul-13                   208.33
       80008                             01-Aug-13                   208.33
       80009                             01-Sep-13                   208.33
       80010                             01-Oct-13                   208.33
       80011                             01-Nov-13                   208.33
       80012                             01-Dec-13                   208.37

       Appendix B – Commonly Asked Questions on Revenue Accounting API

           1) Which API is available to schedule revenue on a transaction?

                 AR_RevenueAdjust_PUB.Earn_Revenue: - This API transfers the specified amount of
                 revenue from the unearned revenue account to the revenue account on the specified
                 transaction lines.

           2) What is the pre-requisite on the transaction for it to be processed by Revenue
              Adjustment API?

                 The transaction lines should have a deferred accounting rule. When revenue recognition
                 program processes the transaction line, then the entire transaction amount is moved to
                 an unearned account. The revenue adjustment API can then be used to transfer the
                 revenue from the unearned account to revenue account.

           3) What are Input and Output Parameters for this API?

       Parameter           Type           Data Type       Required    Default        Description
       p_api_version       IN             NUMBER          Yes                    Used to compare
                                                                                 version numbers
                                                                                 of incoming calls
                                                                                 to its current
                                                                                 number. For the
                                                                                 current version the
                                                                                 value that should
                                                                                 be passed for this
                                                                                 parameter is 2.0.
       p_init_msg_list     IN             VARCHAR2        No          FND_API.G_ To initialize the
                                                                      FALSE      message list.
       p_commit            IN             VARCHAR2        No          FND_API.G_ To commit the
                                                                      FALSE      processing done

Collaborate 10                  Copyright ©2010 by Anil Madhireddy            Page <17>
by the API.
       p_rev_adj_rec      IN             AR_Revenue_ Yes                              Revenue
                                         Adjustment_                                  Adjustment record
                                         PVT.Rev_Adj_                                 type.
       x_return_status OUT               VARCHAR2                                     Overall API return
       x_msg_count        OUT            NUMBER                                       Number of
                                                                                      messages in the
                                                                                      API message list.
       x_msg_data         OUT            VARCHAR2                                     Actual message
                                                                                      date in the stack.
       x_adjustment_      OUT            NUMBER                                       The ID of the
       id                                                                             resulting revenue
       x_adjustment_      OUT            VARCHAR2                                     The number of the
       number                                                                         resulting revenue

           4) What are some of the important values in the revenue adjustment record that need to be
              passed to the API?

                       Parameter                           Description
                       p_rev_adj_rec.customer_trx_id       The transaction on which the
                                                           revenue accounting needs to be
                       p_rev_adj_rec.from_cust_trx_line_id The transaction line on which
                                                           the revenue accounting needs to
                                                           be triggered.
                       p_rev_adj_rec.reason_code           Lookup code for revenue
                                                           adjustment reason.
                                                           Ex: - ‘RA’ – Revenue Adjustment
                       p_rev_adj_rec.amount_mode           The amount mode specifies
                                                           whether an amount, a
                                                           percentage (of total value of
                                                           selected lines), or all adjustable
                                                           revenue is to be adjusted.
                                                           values are:

                                                              T - total adjustable revenue
                                                              A - amount
                                                              P - percent
                       p_rev_adj_rec.gl_date                  Date on which the revenue
                                                              adjustment will be posted to GL.
                       p_rev_adj_rec.line_selection_mode      Determines how the lines are
                                                              selected for adjustment.

Collaborate 10                 Copyright ©2010 by Anil Madhireddy             Page <18>
S – Specific line
                                                              A – All Transaction lines
                                                              I – Specific Item
                                                              C – Specific Category
                       p_rev_adj_rec.amount                   The amount of revenue to be
                                                              To be passed if the amount
                                                              mode value is “A”.
                       p_rev_adj_rec.percent                  The percentage of total selected
                                                              transaction line value to be
                                                              To be passed if the amount
                                                              mode value is “P”.

           5) Can you provide a sample API call?

               (p_api_version                       => 2.0
              , p_init_msg_list                     => FND_API.G_TRUE
              , p_rev_adj_rec.customer_trx_id        => <Customer Trx ID>
              , p_rev_adj_rec.from_cust_trx_line_id => <Customer Trx Line ID>
              , p_rev_adj_rec.reason_code            => ‘RA’
              , p_rev_adj_rec. line_selection_mode => ‘S’
              , p_rev_adj_rec. amount_mode            => ‘A’
              , p_rev_adj_rec.amount                 => <Amount needed to be adjusted>
              , p_rev_adj_rec.gl_date          => <Desired GL Date for the adjustment record>
              , x_return_status                => l_return_status
              , x_msg_count                   => l_msg_count
              , x_msg_data                    => l_msg_data
              , x_adjustment_id                => l_adjustment_id
             , x_adjustment_number              => l_adjustment_number

           6) What is the number of GL periods over which the revenue amount or the revenue
              percentage be distributed by the API?

                 The number of GL periods over which the revenue will be distributed is decided by the
                 accounting duration on the transaction line. If the accounting duration is 6 months on
                 the transaction line then 6 distribution records would be created by the API with each
                 line amount equal to amount passed to the API divided by 6. The GL date for the created
                 distribution records would be spread across 6 months.

           7) What is the flexibility provided by the Revenue Adjustment API?

                 The API gives us the flexibility of distributing different amounts across different GL
                 periods. Also the amount can be distributed across any number of GL Periods. For this
                 the original accounting rule duration on the transaction line should be one month. The

Collaborate 10                Copyright ©2010 by Anil Madhireddy               Page <19>
user can then call the API any number of times with each call having the desired amount
                 to be distributed in a particular GL period and GL Date indicating the period in which
                 the distribution needs to be transferred to GL.

           8) Can we use Revenue Accounting API for transactions that already have contingencies
              applied on it?

                 Yes, the revenue accounting API can be used to recognize revenue on transactions that
                 have contingencies applied on it. For time-based contingencies, while Revenue
                 Contingency Analyzer program can trigger full revenue, Revenue Accounting API
                 provides the flexibility to trigger revenue partially as well.

           9) What needs to be kept in mind while using the API in our custom programs?

                 The total amount or the total percent for all the distribution records that we are
                 attempting to create using the API should not exceed the total revenue amount on the
                 transaction line or 100% of the total revenue amount on the transaction line.

           10) What is the advantage of passing amount over percentage as input parameter to the

                 It has been observed on instances passing the percentage creates rounding issues. Even
                 when we prorate the percentage accurately and pass to the API, the sum of percentage
                 on all distribution records exceeds 100% resulting in the API throwing an exception.
                 This can be overcome by passing amount to the API after appropriately prorating to take
                 care that the sum total of the distribution revenue amount does not exceed the total
                 revenue amount on the transaction line.

           11) What are some of the warning and error messages from API?

       Message Code              Message Text                                                    Type
       AR_RA_AMT_EXCEEDS_        The amount entered is greater than                              E
       AVAIL_REV                 &TOT_AVAIL_REV, the total available
                                 revenue on the lines selected.
       AR_RA_CATEGORY_NOT_       There are no lines with items for category ID                   E
       ON_TRX                    &CATEGORY_ID on this transaction.
       AR_RA_CB_DISALLOWED       Revenue cannot be adjusted on chargebacks.                      E
       AR_RA_DEP_DISALLOWED      Revenue cannot be adjusted on deposits.                         E
       AR_RA_DM_DISALLOWED       Revenue cannot be adjusted on debit memos                       E
                                 or debit memo Reversals.
       AR_RA_FULL_CREDIT         One or more credit memos have been applied                      E
                                 for the full amount of this invoice.
       AR_RA_GL_DATE_CHANGED     GL date, &GL_DATE, is not in an open or                         W
                                 future-enterable period. GL date has been
                                 changed to &NEW_GL_DATE.
       AR_RA_GUAR_DISALLOWED     Revenue cannot be adjusted on guarantees.                       E
       AR_RA_INVALID_AMOUNT_MODE Amount mode &AMOUNT_MODE is                                     E

Collaborate 10               Copyright ©2010 by Anil Madhireddy               Page <20>
AR_RA_INVALID_LINE_ID            Transaction line ID &CUST_TRX_LINE_ID is        E
       AR_RA_INVALID_LINE_MODE          Line selection mode &LINE_MODE is               E
       AR_RA_INVALID_REASON             Reason code &REASON_CODE is not a valid         E
                                        lookup code.
       AR_RA_NO_REV_TO_ADJUST           There is no adjustable revenue on the           E
                                        selected lines.
       AR_RA_PARTIAL_CREDIT             One or more partial credit memos have been      W
                                        applied against this invoice.
       AR_RA_PCT_EXCEEDS_AVAIL_PCT      The percentage entered is greater than          E
                                        &TOT_AVAIL_PCT, the total available
                                        percentage of adjustable revenue on the lines
       AR_RA_TRX_NOTFOUND               Transaction number &TRX_NUMBER cannot           E
                                        be found.
       AR_RA_ZERO_AMOUNT                Amount entered cannot be zero                   E
       AR_TAPI_TRANS_NOT_EXIST          Transaction does not exist.

Collaborate 10       Copyright ©2010 by Anil Madhireddy             Page <21>

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Record Revenue @ Daily Rate [White Paper]

  • 1. Record Revenue @ Daily Rate [A Deep Dive into Daily Revenue Recognition Options in Oracle Receivables] Anil Madhireddy Gautam Ramakrishna VeriSign Inc VeriSign Inc is the trusted provider of Internet infrastructure services for the networked world. VeriSign brings Trust to the Internet with domain name and authentication services allowing companies and consumers all over the world engaged in trusted communications and commerce. 1. Introduction The objective of this white paper is to discuss the functional and technical aspects of Oracle Receivables standard functionality on Daily Revenue Recognition and the detailed setups that are required to implement Daily Revenue Recognition. The first section of this paper offers the case for implementing Daily Revenue Rules and how Daily Rules differ from the standard rate offering a solution framework that is closest to GAAP compliance on Revenue Recognition. The next section of this paper will discuss building blocks for Daily Revenue Recognition and the configuration that is required for implementing Daily Revenue Rules. The last section of this paper offers drilldown on possible Daily Revenue scenarios and solution options on addressing these scenarios. Appendix A & B to this paper offers technical insights to readers on how to use to Deferred Revenue Accounting API [supported by a FAQ] and a case study on how VeriSign was able to implement an automated solution to a unique revenue scenario by working around the possibilities that exists with Revenue Accounting API. 2. Revenue Recognition – What GAAP Says!! Before we move into the technical aspects of Revenue Recognition in Oracle EBS, one needs to understand the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles [GAAP] around Revenue Recognition. Revenue Recognition is a discussion topic by itself that we consider larger discussion on GAAP guidelines out of scope of this paper. The objective here is to provide a quick high level summary of GAAP basics on Revenue Recognition that will prepare the readers for the next sections of this paper. Revenue Recognition is different from Invoice Presentment – Revenue should not be recognized until it is realized or realizable and earned When Revenue is considered to have been earned? – When the entity has substantially accomplished what it must do to be entitled to the benefits represented by the revenues [SAB 101] Revenue can be recognized only if all the following four criteria is met: – Persuasive evidence of an arrangement exists, – Delivery has occurred or services have been rendered, – The seller's price to the buyer is fixed or determinable, and – Collectibility is reasonably assured. Collaborate 10 Copyright ©2010 by Anil Madhireddy Page <1>
  • 2. If there is a continuing performance obligation related to the product or service sold, then the related revenue generally is should be deferred and recognized systematically over the periods that the service obligation is active If Revenue is recognized over several periods, the direct costs related to the revenue (i.e. Cost of Goods Sold – COGS) could be spread out and expensed over the corresponding periods. 3. Revenue Recognition Options in Oracle EBS Revenue Recognition functionality in Oracle E Business Suite is seeded in Oracle Receivables application and is a functionality available in Release 11 and Release 12 as well. Receivables both in Release 11 and Release 12 offer the following Revenue Recognition options: 3.1. Standard Revenue Rules Standard Rules calculate Revenue @ Monthly rate. Rule Start Date is not a factor in determining the amount of revenue as long it is the same period for which revenue is recognized. A transaction that came in with a rule start date of 1st of the Month and a transaction that came in with rule start date of last day of month will both be charged with revenue for the whole month. Standard Rules comes in two variants: 3.1.1. Fixed Duration : used where the schedule is fixed and not subject to change – say a 12 Month Rule Collaborate 10 Copyright ©2010 by Anil Madhireddy Page <2>
  • 3. 3.1.2.Variable Duration – used where the schedule is variable. This type of rule offers best flexibility in terms of leverage one variable for transactions required different schedule. The duration however, needs to be provided at the time of manually creating an invoice or at the time of populating the record in Auto-Invoice Table 3.2. Deferred Standard Rules Deferred Rules are extension of standard rules except that revenue is deferred till an unknown date. These rules are used when there is a requirement to defer recognition of revenue until an event or a contingency occurs. The revenue for these transactions is staged in Deferred Revenue Account until the event or contingency occurs. 3.3. Daily Revenue Rules Daily Revenue Rules are rules that calculate revenue @ a daily rate. Daily Revenue Rules fulfill the stringent accounting standards introduced by the US GAAP and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act for recognizing revenue. The difference between Standard Rules and Daily Rules are only with respect to the amount of revenue calculated. Standard rules calculate at a monthly rate whereas the revenue amount calculation on Daily Rules is a function of number of days in a month. Collaborate 10 Copyright ©2010 by Anil Madhireddy Page <3>
  • 4. Note # 1: Though Daily Revenue rules calculate revenue at a daily rate, they don’t really create accounting distributions for every calendar day. The accounting distributions are created the same manner as the standard rules – just that the revenue amount recorded will be different. Note # 2: Daily Rate Rules are standard functionality in Release 12. This functionality was back- ported to Release 11 via one-off Patch 5684129 [Metalink Note: 401000.1]. However, Financials Family Pack G is an absolute pre-requisite for the above 11i patch. Note # 3: The core daily revenue functionality in AR works fine in Release 11. However the daily rules are not extensible in other applications like Order Management, Service Contracts etc. This requires extensive patching on Release 11 and you may contact Oracle Support for the exact patch requirements. Daily Rate Revenue Rules come in two flavors: 3.3.1. Daily Revenue Rate, All Periods: Use Daily Revenue Rate, All Periods to have Receivables use a daily revenue rate to calculate the precise amount of revenue for each full and partial period in the schedule. This accounting rule type provides you with the most precise revenue recognition schedule possible. Use rules of this type in cases where you must meet strict revenue accounting standards for partial accounting periods. 3.3.2. Daily / Partial Periods: Use Daily Revenue Rate, Partial Periods to have Receivables use daily revenue rate to calculate the precise amount of revenue for only partial period in the schedule. This rule provides you with an even, prorated revenue distribution across the schedule's full periods. Note: See Section 4.2 for calculation differences between Daily Rate / All Periods and Daily Rate / Partial Periods Rules. Collaborate 10 Copyright ©2010 by Anil Madhireddy Page <4>
  • 5. 3.4. Deferred Daily Rules Use Deferred Daily Rules when you want to defer revenue recognition till an unknown date and when you want to Revenue to be recognized at a daily rate when it is eventually triggered. In other words, Deferred Daily Rule is an extension of Daily Rule except that revenue is deferred till an unknown date. The revenue for these transactions is staged in Deferred Revenue Account until the event or contingency occurs. The Initial Accounting created at the time of creation of the Invoice will be as follows: Receivables Account Debit XXXX Unearned Account Credit XXXX Tax Account Credit XXXX Revenue Amount is staged in Deferred (Unearned) Account until Revenue is triggered either manually via Revenue accounting form (details in the next Section 5.2 of the paper) or using Revenue Accounting API (details in Appendix B of this paper) as may be the case. Revenue could be triggered partially or fully, for all line or selected invoice lines which will generate the revenue accounting as follows: Unearned Revenue Account Debit XXXX Revenue Account Credit XXXX Note # 1: Daily Deferred rules could be Daily Rate / All Periods or Daily Rate / Partial Periods rules. See Section 4.2 for calculation differences between Daily Rate / All Periods and Daily Rate / Partial Periods Rules. Note # 2: In Oracle 11i, there is a bug in terms of how the Revenue Accounting Form creates revenue distribution calculations when DAILY DEFERRED rules are used. The per month amount calculation goes out of whack for a couple of periods when you trigger revenue via the revenue accounting Form. Please work with Oracle to obtain a patch for this bug. Collaborate 10 Copyright ©2010 by Anil Madhireddy Page <5>
  • 6. 4. Daily Revenue Rules Drilldown Given the above overview of the functionality of Revenue Accounting rules in Oracle E Business Suite, next step is drilldown on the Daily Revenue Rules specifically in terms of timing and calculation differences between daily and standard and deferred revenue rules. 4.1. Timing Differences: Recognize All At Once Spread Over Periods Recognize all Revenue on the GL Revenue Recognition begins Date of the Invoice immediately but spread over a period of Immediate time. Recognition Use Immediate Accounting Rules @ Invoicing with 1 period which takes 100% of Example: service contracts or Revenue in the same month of maintenance or support agreements Invoicing where continuing performance obligation over a period of contract exists Daily Rate Rules are not relevant here as the recognition is Use Daily Rate Rule and specify the rule immediate. Standard Rules could start date and rule end date at the time of be used for this scenario Invoice Entry or time of population into Auto Invoice table. Oracle derives the duration based on the rule start date and end date. Duration is not a user- enterable field when Daily Rate Rules are used. Posts all Revenue to Deferred Initially Post all Revenue to Deferred Revenue Account Revenue Account Deferred & Recognize Revenue Trigger date could be Revenue once triggered will be spread Later known date at the time of over a period of time – which is Invoicing or Unknown i.e. generally the period of continuing dependent on a contingency or an performance obligation event [Note: Revenue Deferral scenarios [Note: Revenue Deferral scenarios are are discussed in detail later in this discussed in detail later in this document] document] 4.2. Calculation Differences The key difference between daily rate rules and standard rules lies in the calculation of revenue amounts. Standard Rules calculate revenue @ monthly rate and Daily rules calculate revenue @ daily rate. The Daily Revenue calculation is function of number of days in the month and differs even between Daily Rate All periods or Daily Rate Partial periods – as you can see in the calculations below. Collaborate 10 Copyright ©2010 by Anil Madhireddy Page <6>
  • 7. Exhibit: Revenue Calculation Differences between different types of Rules [Rule Start Date: 16 Mar 10 / End Date: 15 Mar 11] 5. Daily Revenue Scenarios Now that we have understood the core-functionality behind Daily Revenue Rules, the next step is to understand the possible revenue scenarios and how we could handle them. Given the focus of this paper is daily revenue we will discuss these scenarios in the context of Daily Revenue rules. However these scenarios equally apply to standard revenue recognition as much as they apply to daily revenue recognition. As you may have realized by now, Rule Start Date and Rule Duration are the fundamental building blocks for revenue recognition. Depending on the case in hand, these values could be known or unknown at the time of Invoicing. At one end of the spectrum is a simple case where both the rule start date and rule duration could be known at the time of invoicing and the other end is a complex case where both these values could be unknown and be determined on an indefinite future date or an external event. Collaborate 10 Copyright ©2010 by Anil Madhireddy Page <7>
  • 8. For ease of discussion, we have captured the Daily Revenue Recognition scenarios in the following 2X2 matrix in 4 distinct quadrants. Let’s study each scenario in detail. Rev Rec Rule Start Date Rule Start Date Scenarios Known Unknown S1 S2 1. Standard [i.e. Non- 1. Deferred Revenue Scenario Rule Deferred] Revenue 2. Use Daily Deferred Revenue Duration Recognition Scenario Rules or Use Revenue Known 2. Use Standard Daily Contingencies where Revenue Rule appropriate 3. Minimum complexity 3. Medium – High complexity S3 S4 1. Very unlikely scenario 1. Standard Functionality does Rule 2. Use Deferred Revenue not meet this requirement Duration Rule – schedule revenue 2. Requires workaround of Unknown only when duration is creating 1 month Deferred known rule 3. Medium - High 3. High Complexity Complexity 5.1. S1 – Rule Start Date & Duration Known S1 captures the simplest application of Daily Revenue Recognition rule. This is a case where both rule start date and duration is known at the time of invoicing. This is a classic case of application of Daily Revenue Recognition Rules. The rule could be Daily rule for all periods or Daily Rules for partial periods depending on your organization’s revenue policy. Given that the daily revenue rules are used, revenue is calculated for the month as a function of number of remaining days in a month from the rule start date. 1st Month Revenue = [# of Calendar Days in the Month – Rule Start Date] X Total Revenue # Of Calendar Days in the Year While Rule Start is known at the time of invoicing, the rule start date could, depending on the nature of the transaction, be a (a) date in the current open period or (b) a date in the prior period or (c) a date in a future period. Date in the current open period is the most common scenario and represents a simple and straight forward daily revenue scenario. A software company could let customers renew its licenses 90 days in advance and invoice the customer in advance but may want to recognize revenue only from license renewal effective date. In this scenario, you may have rule start dates which are in future passed as part of an Collaborate 10 Copyright ©2010 by Anil Madhireddy Page <8>
  • 9. Invoice that is billed in Advance. The point to note is that since the rule start date is known, Receivables will build the revenue schedule for the entire duration beginning from a future GL Date. A security company may permit late renewals of licenses and may want revenue recognition be effective retrospectively. These cases, the rule start date could be in past. The point to note is though the revenue recognition program will try to do a ‘catch-up’ on revenue, it will end up posting all revenue in the current open period – if prior AR periods are in closed status Point to note is that in all the above cases, revenue schedule is built in the period of invoicing though the actual distribution entries may begin on a future date. Lin Revenue Current Duration Rule Start First Month No of First e# Amount Open Date of Revenue Calendar Month Period Recognition Days Rev 1 1200 Mar-10 12 Mo 16-Mar-10 Mar-10 16 52.60 2 1200 Mar-10 12 Mo 16-Jan-10 Mar-10 75 [16+28+31] 246.57 3 1200 Mar-10 12 Mo 16-May-10 May-10 16 52.60 5.2. S2 – Rule Start Unknown & Duration Known S2 captures a deferred revenue scenario within the application of Daily Revenue rules. This is a case where while rule duration (12/18/24 Months) is known, rule start date is unknown at the time of invoicing and is expected to be determined on an indefinite future date. This is a classic case where deferred daily rules [Daily Rules with Deferred Revenue checkbox enabled] come into play. The rule could be Daily rule for all periods or Daily Rules for partial periods depending on your organization’s revenue policy. Given that the daily revenue rules are used, revenue is recorded at a daily rate. Note # 1: Alternatively, you could use Revenue Contingencies functionality to apply either a time based (using contingency expiration days or date) or event based contingency (Payment or customer acceptance dependent) to the transactions, fulfillment of which automatically triggers revenue. Given that Revenue Contingencies is an elaborate topic by itself, we have kept further discussion on revenue contingencies out of scope of this paper. Note # 2: Usage of Revenue contingencies is limited to scenarios where (a) accounting duration is known and not subject to change and (b) the requirement is to trigger revenue for FULL Line Amount when the contingency expires or a revenue triggering event occurs (except for payment based revenue recognition). Deferred Rules offer flexibility in all cases to trigger revenue even for PARTIAL line amounts (example: you may trigger revenue for half of the items part of the same Invoice line and continue to hold revenue for the other half.) In both the cases, when Revenue Recognition is run for the first time for these transactions, Revenue is staged in the deferred revenue account until an unknown future date. When the revenue start date is determined or a contingency expires or a revenue triggering event occurs, you may use the ‘Revenue Accounting Form’ or ‘Revenue Accounting API’ to trigger revenue Collaborate 10 Copyright ©2010 by Anil Madhireddy Page <9>
  • 10. or where revenue contingencies are being used, you may let Revenue Contingency Analyzer program trigger revenue on expiration of contingencies. a) Using Revenue Accounting Form: Use Revenue Accounting Form to schedule revenue for transaction lines for which revenue has been deferred. This standard Oracle form provides users easy front end access to trigger revenue in a 5-step process. The Form allows search for transactions by Transaction Number, Customer Number, Transaction Date, Source, Customer etc. ONLY Transactions that are associated with a deferred revenue rule and for which accounting has been created are available via this Form to schedule revenue Navigation: Receivables -> Control -> Accounting -> Revenue Accounting Once you found the transaction to schedule revenue, you can review the transaction distribution lines and revenue summary to identify how much revenue is available for scheduling. Collaborate 10 Copyright ©2010 by Anil Madhireddy Page <10>
  • 11. Next steps are identifying which lines to adjust and the percent or amount of revenue that needs to be scheduled. Amend GL Date if required. You may pass a GL date in the current period or a past or a future period as may be relevant. Final step is reviewing the distribution lines and the revenue calculations and either cancel or save the transactions. Immediately after saving, the system updates the Invoice Distributions with the scheduled revenue. No need to run Revenue Recognition program to update the distributions. GL transfer is not automatically triggered though. The revenue entries are transferred to GL only after General Ledger Transfer program is run from AR. Collaborate 10 Copyright ©2010 by Anil Madhireddy Page <11>
  • 12. b) Using Revenue Accounting API: Alternatively, you may use Revenue Accounting API to have the system trigger revenue based on a defined trigger point. Revenue Accounting API offers much more flexibility in terms of scheduling revenue than on the form; however you will need to write some custom code to call the API and pass relevant input values. Please refer to Appendix B for technical details around how to use the Revenue Accounting API in a FAQ [Frequently Asked Questions] format. c) Revenue Contingency Analyzer: In case of contingencies, Revenue Contingency Analyzer program can automatically trigger revenue when the contingency expires or payment or acceptance event occurs. Revenue for payment based contingencies is automatically triggered when payment is applied to the Invoice. 5.3. S3 – Rule Start Date Known & Duration Unknown Rule Start Date Known and Duration Unknown is a very unlikely scenario though that could occur occasionally. You will need to use Deferred Standard Rule and schedule revenue only when the duration is determined. However, scheduling of revenue using the Revenue Accounting Form will not work – as the revenue accounting form does not offer the flexibility to change the accounting rule duration. Tip: The workaround here is to use a 01 month – Deferred Standard Accounting rule and to use the Revenue Accounting API to trigger revenue once the duration is known. You could tweak the Revenue Accounting API to pass amounts with GL Date in such a manner that revenue is recognized over the new duration determined and at a daily rate. Please refer to Appendix A and B for more details on Revenue Accounting API. 5.4. S4 – Rule Start Date Unknown & Duration Unknown There could be revenue scenarios where both Rule Start Date and Rule Duration are not known at the time of invoice generation. Standard Revenue Accounting functionality does not meet this requirement as the front end Revenue Accounting Form does not offer the flexibility Collaborate 10 Copyright ©2010 by Anil Madhireddy Page <12>
  • 13. to change the accounting rule duration. Accounting rule duration once associated with the invoice cannot be changed at the time of triggering revenue. Tip: The only workaround is to use a 01 month – Deferred Accounting rule on the Invoice and to use the Revenue Accounting API to trigger revenue once the duration is known. You could tweak the Revenue Accounting API to pass amounts with GL Date in such a manner that revenue is recognized over the new duration determined and at a daily rate. This requires some custom coding however could be worked out only if 1 Month – Deferred Accounting rule is used. Please refer to Appendix A that will discuss a couple of VeriSign scenarios where we have provided an automated solution using Revenue Accounting API 6. Conclusion There are several factors that contribute to a successful solution implementation. Perhaps the most important is the understanding of existing functionality offered by the system and designing solutions that meet the business requirements. That is the objective of this white paper and discussion of revenue scenarios in 2X2 matrix. Obviously, there is more technical stuff to Daily Rate Revenue Recognition than that’s discussed in this paper. The authors have added Appendix A & Appendix B to address some of the technical questions you may have and offer some thoughts on how to approach them. Appendix A is a write-up on the technical solution design on a couple of very challenging revenue S4 scenarios at VeriSign where rule start date and rule duration were both unknown at the time of invoice creation. Appendix B is a technical FAQ [Frequently Asked Questions] on Revenue Accounting API providing guidance how you could use them. Though not elaborate, authors have tried to address some basic questions and more information could be obtained from the Oracle implementation guides and technical manuals. About the Authors: Anil Madhireddy is the Manager – Business Systems Analysis and the IT lead for Order to Cash business process at VeriSign. He has a combined 10+ years of Accounting, Audit and Oracle Financials ERP implementations experience. Gautam Ramakrishna is a Senior Developer at VeriSign. He has extensively worked on providing automated solutions using Revenue Accounting API for VeriSign and the author for Appendix A & B. Collaborate 10 Copyright ©2010 by Anil Madhireddy Page <13>
  • 14. Appendix A – Case Study on Complex Revenue Scenarios@ VeriSign VeriSign Case Study # 1 A division of VeriSign sells coupons to resellers that are redeemable for SSL and other certificates. These coupons expire and are non-refundable. The results of a financial audit here stipulate that revenue must be recognized and amortized starting with the actual issuance of the certificate. Challenge: This case ties with the S4 Revenue Scenario mentioned in the Section 5 of the white paper. Here the rule start date or the date on which the coupons would be redeemed is unknown at the time of invoicing the customer and also to provide flexibility to recognize revenue immediately if the coupon is not redeemed but expires at the end of term – which requires changing the accounting rule which standard functionality does not support. Solution: 1. We associate the original transaction lines with a ONE MONTH Deferred accounting rule. When the revenue recognition program is run, the transaction revenue amount is transferred to unearned revenue account. 2. The Engineering system sends Oracle a file which will contain data on the transaction lines that have been redeemed or expired. Expired coupons mean that the stipulated one year period from the coupon purchase has expired without the coupons being redeemed. For expired coupons, revenue needs to be recognized immediately 3. The revenue accounting API will process these records to generate the distribution records for these transaction lines. Let’s consider the approach for the redeemed and expired case below: Case where coupons are redeemed: - The API will have to be called as many times as the number of distribution records that needs to be created. Number of times is determined by the accounting duration of the accounting rule associated with the coupon item SKU in Oracle Inventory. If the accounting rule duration is 6 months then the transaction line amount needs to be distributed over 6 GL periods with one distribution line created in each of the 6 periods. Care has to be taken care to see that the distribution amount over the 6 periods does not exceed the total transaction line amount. This can be taken care by passing the amount to the last API call as below, Amount to be passed to the last API call = (Total transaction line amount - Sum of the amount passed to the API in the previous calls) Collaborate 10 Copyright ©2010 by Anil Madhireddy Page <14>
  • 15. Case where coupons are expired: - Since the coupon has expired without being redeemed, the entire transaction line amount will need to be recognized in the same period in which the data is sent. This will need a single API call with the entire transaction line amount being passed in the same call. Example: Following is the example of revenue distributions lines created by the API based on the above approach in a case where the coupon has a 6 month accounting rule and the transaction line amount is $1000. Consider that the coupon is redeemed on Feb 05, 2010. Revenue Adjustment GL Date Revenue Adjustment Number Amount 80001 05-Feb-10 167 80002 05-Mar-10 167 80003 05-Apr-10 167 80004 05-May-10 167 80005 05-Jun-10 167 80006 05-Jul-10 165 VeriSign Scenario # 2 Scenario Procurement orders are created for procuring the tokens on behalf of Reseller/Direct customers. These procurement orders will flow through the Order Management workflow and procurement invoices will be created. Revenue will not be recognized on the invoice lines until the tokens are shipped and fulfilled. Revenue recognition should happen only for the 'Actual' quantity of the tokens shipped in a month. The revenue should be evenly distributed over the months that are left in the original accounting duration defined on the token item. Challenge: This case ties with the S4 Revenue Scenario mentioned in the Section 5 of the white paper. Here the rule start date (i.e. the date on which the tokens would be fulfilled) is unknown. Also the duration over which the revenue would need to be recognized is unknown as it would depend on how much of the rule duration is remaining from the token service fulfillment date. Ex: - Let’s say the accounting duration defined on the token item SKU is 48 months. If the token services are fulfilled on the 28th month, then the duration over which the revenue should be recognized is from 28th month to 48th month - duration of 21 months. Approach We create the transaction lines for the procurement invoice with a deferred accounting rule having one month duration. When the revenue recognition program is run the transaction line amount is transferred to an unearned account. The number of tokens shipped and fulfilled for a customer for the entire month is consolidated into a monthly order. This monthly order will flow through the Order Management workflow and monthly invoices will be created. The monthly invoice line will be a zero dollar line and Collaborate 10 Copyright ©2010 by Anil Madhireddy Page <15>
  • 16. will have the quantity which represents the total number of tokens shipped and fulfilled for the customer. Using the token item and the customer from the monthly invoice we will fetch the matching procurement invoices having the same customer and token item in a FIFO manner meaning the earliest created procurement invoices will be fetched first. The amount to be recognized on the procurement invoice is determined by multiplying the unit selling price on procurement invoice with the quantity available on the monthly invoice. The duration over which the revenue will need to be distributed is determined by checking the number of periods remaining in the original accounting duration defined on the token item. The revenue accounting API will be called as many times as the number of periods over which the revenue amount needs to be distributed. Amount to be passed to the last API call = (Total transaction line amount - Sum of the amount passed to the API in the previous calls) Example: 1) The procurement invoice "1000" is created on 01-Jan-2010 for 1000 tokens for customer "XYZ Corporation". The unit selling price for each token is 5$. 2) The accounting duration of the accounting rule on the token item is 48 months. 3) 500 tokens are shipped and fulfilled for "XYZ Corporation" on 01-Jan-2013. This would mean that we have a monthly invoice "1001" with quantity as 500 and the amount on the line would be 0$. 4) The duration over which the revenue would need to be recognized for the procurement invoice "1000" can be calculated as below. Number of periods between (A) and (B) including (A) and (B). (A) End date of the accounting duration on the invoice "1000" (B) Rule start date of the invoice "1001" (A) In turn can be calculated by adding the accounting rule duration on the token to the rule start date of the invoice 1000. In our case following will be the value for the components. (A) => 31-Dec-2013 (B) => 01-Jan-2013 Number of periods = 12. Revenue Amount to be recognized = 500 * 5 = 2500. Distributions will be created as below. Revenue Adjustment GL Date Revenue Adjustment Number Amount 80001 01-Jan-13 208.33 Collaborate 10 Copyright ©2010 by Anil Madhireddy Page <16>
  • 17. 80002 01-Feb-13 208.33 80003 01-Mar-13 208.33 80004 01-Apr-13 208.33 80005 01-May-13 208.33 80006 01-Jun-13 208.33 80007 01-Jul-13 208.33 80008 01-Aug-13 208.33 80009 01-Sep-13 208.33 80010 01-Oct-13 208.33 80011 01-Nov-13 208.33 80012 01-Dec-13 208.37 Appendix B – Commonly Asked Questions on Revenue Accounting API 1) Which API is available to schedule revenue on a transaction? AR_RevenueAdjust_PUB.Earn_Revenue: - This API transfers the specified amount of revenue from the unearned revenue account to the revenue account on the specified transaction lines. 2) What is the pre-requisite on the transaction for it to be processed by Revenue Adjustment API? The transaction lines should have a deferred accounting rule. When revenue recognition program processes the transaction line, then the entire transaction amount is moved to an unearned account. The revenue adjustment API can then be used to transfer the revenue from the unearned account to revenue account. 3) What are Input and Output Parameters for this API? Parameter Type Data Type Required Default Description Value p_api_version IN NUMBER Yes Used to compare version numbers of incoming calls to its current version number. For the current version the value that should be passed for this parameter is 2.0. p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 No FND_API.G_ To initialize the FALSE message list. p_commit IN VARCHAR2 No FND_API.G_ To commit the FALSE processing done Collaborate 10 Copyright ©2010 by Anil Madhireddy Page <17>
  • 18. by the API. p_rev_adj_rec IN AR_Revenue_ Yes Revenue Adjustment_ Adjustment record PVT.Rev_Adj_ type. Rec_Type x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2 Overall API return status. x_msg_count OUT NUMBER Number of messages in the API message list. x_msg_data OUT VARCHAR2 Actual message date in the stack. x_adjustment_ OUT NUMBER The ID of the id resulting revenue adjustment. x_adjustment_ OUT VARCHAR2 The number of the number resulting revenue adjustment. 4) What are some of the important values in the revenue adjustment record that need to be passed to the API? Parameter Description p_rev_adj_rec.customer_trx_id The transaction on which the revenue accounting needs to be triggered. p_rev_adj_rec.from_cust_trx_line_id The transaction line on which the revenue accounting needs to be triggered. p_rev_adj_rec.reason_code Lookup code for revenue adjustment reason. Ex: - ‘RA’ – Revenue Adjustment p_rev_adj_rec.amount_mode The amount mode specifies whether an amount, a percentage (of total value of selected lines), or all adjustable revenue is to be adjusted. Possible values are: T - total adjustable revenue A - amount P - percent p_rev_adj_rec.gl_date Date on which the revenue adjustment will be posted to GL. p_rev_adj_rec.line_selection_mode Determines how the lines are selected for adjustment. Collaborate 10 Copyright ©2010 by Anil Madhireddy Page <18>
  • 19. S – Specific line A – All Transaction lines I – Specific Item C – Specific Category p_rev_adj_rec.amount The amount of revenue to be adjusted. To be passed if the amount mode value is “A”. p_rev_adj_rec.percent The percentage of total selected transaction line value to be adjusted. To be passed if the amount mode value is “P”. 5) Can you provide a sample API call? AR_RevenueAdjust_PUB.Unearn_Revenue (p_api_version => 2.0 , p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_TRUE , p_rev_adj_rec.customer_trx_id => <Customer Trx ID> , p_rev_adj_rec.from_cust_trx_line_id => <Customer Trx Line ID> , p_rev_adj_rec.reason_code => ‘RA’ , p_rev_adj_rec. line_selection_mode => ‘S’ , p_rev_adj_rec. amount_mode => ‘A’ , p_rev_adj_rec.amount => <Amount needed to be adjusted> , p_rev_adj_rec.gl_date => <Desired GL Date for the adjustment record> , x_return_status => l_return_status , x_msg_count => l_msg_count , x_msg_data => l_msg_data , x_adjustment_id => l_adjustment_id , x_adjustment_number => l_adjustment_number ); 6) What is the number of GL periods over which the revenue amount or the revenue percentage be distributed by the API? The number of GL periods over which the revenue will be distributed is decided by the accounting duration on the transaction line. If the accounting duration is 6 months on the transaction line then 6 distribution records would be created by the API with each line amount equal to amount passed to the API divided by 6. The GL date for the created distribution records would be spread across 6 months. 7) What is the flexibility provided by the Revenue Adjustment API? The API gives us the flexibility of distributing different amounts across different GL periods. Also the amount can be distributed across any number of GL Periods. For this the original accounting rule duration on the transaction line should be one month. The Collaborate 10 Copyright ©2010 by Anil Madhireddy Page <19>
  • 20. user can then call the API any number of times with each call having the desired amount to be distributed in a particular GL period and GL Date indicating the period in which the distribution needs to be transferred to GL. 8) Can we use Revenue Accounting API for transactions that already have contingencies applied on it? Yes, the revenue accounting API can be used to recognize revenue on transactions that have contingencies applied on it. For time-based contingencies, while Revenue Contingency Analyzer program can trigger full revenue, Revenue Accounting API provides the flexibility to trigger revenue partially as well. 9) What needs to be kept in mind while using the API in our custom programs? The total amount or the total percent for all the distribution records that we are attempting to create using the API should not exceed the total revenue amount on the transaction line or 100% of the total revenue amount on the transaction line. 10) What is the advantage of passing amount over percentage as input parameter to the API? It has been observed on instances passing the percentage creates rounding issues. Even when we prorate the percentage accurately and pass to the API, the sum of percentage on all distribution records exceeds 100% resulting in the API throwing an exception. This can be overcome by passing amount to the API after appropriately prorating to take care that the sum total of the distribution revenue amount does not exceed the total revenue amount on the transaction line. 11) What are some of the warning and error messages from API? Message Code Message Text Type AR_RA_AMT_EXCEEDS_ The amount entered is greater than E AVAIL_REV &TOT_AVAIL_REV, the total available revenue on the lines selected. AR_RA_CATEGORY_NOT_ There are no lines with items for category ID E ON_TRX &CATEGORY_ID on this transaction. AR_RA_CB_DISALLOWED Revenue cannot be adjusted on chargebacks. E AR_RA_DEP_DISALLOWED Revenue cannot be adjusted on deposits. E AR_RA_DM_DISALLOWED Revenue cannot be adjusted on debit memos E or debit memo Reversals. AR_RA_FULL_CREDIT One or more credit memos have been applied E for the full amount of this invoice. AR_RA_GL_DATE_CHANGED GL date, &GL_DATE, is not in an open or W future-enterable period. GL date has been changed to &NEW_GL_DATE. AR_RA_GUAR_DISALLOWED Revenue cannot be adjusted on guarantees. E AR_RA_INVALID_AMOUNT_MODE Amount mode &AMOUNT_MODE is E invalid. Collaborate 10 Copyright ©2010 by Anil Madhireddy Page <20>
  • 21. AR_RA_INVALID_LINE_ID Transaction line ID &CUST_TRX_LINE_ID is E invalid. AR_RA_INVALID_LINE_MODE Line selection mode &LINE_MODE is E invalid. AR_RA_INVALID_REASON Reason code &REASON_CODE is not a valid E lookup code. AR_RA_NO_REV_TO_ADJUST There is no adjustable revenue on the E selected lines. AR_RA_PARTIAL_CREDIT One or more partial credit memos have been W applied against this invoice. AR_RA_PCT_EXCEEDS_AVAIL_PCT The percentage entered is greater than E &TOT_AVAIL_PCT, the total available percentage of adjustable revenue on the lines selected. AR_RA_TRX_NOTFOUND Transaction number &TRX_NUMBER cannot E be found. AR_RA_ZERO_AMOUNT Amount entered cannot be zero E AR_TAPI_TRANS_NOT_EXIST Transaction does not exist. (CUSTOMER_TRX_ID: &CUSTOMER_TRX_ID). Collaborate 10 Copyright ©2010 by Anil Madhireddy Page <21>