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Reason, Faith And Tradition By Martin C. Albl
Martin C. Albl, author of Reason, Faith and Tradition, wrote about how faith and science are
compatible. "God gives the universe freedom to evolve in surprising and dramatic ways" (Albl 97).
Albl writes that Christian faith is compatible with science. Without each other, there are voids,
missing information, and ideas that cannot be explained, however together they complete each other
and have a full idea and explain our existence. Quoting Albert Einstein "Science without religion is
lame; religion without science is blind" (Randerson 2008). Today, the debate between faith and
science continues, most particularly in the evolution debate. But while a debate on faith and science
usually revolves around the disagreement with natural science, the relationship between faith and
the ... Show more content on ...
In science, explanations must be based on evidence drawn from examining the natural world. It is
based on observations and experiments and these realities shape their knowledge and understanding.
In our readings, it is pointed out that "Scientists can learn from theologians and theologians can
learn from scientific thoughts" (Albl 98). Theologians learned from science that the "sun [does not]
revolve around the Earth" (Albl 98). Theologians must learn to respect the nature of their particular
task, as it corresponds to the living God who is the purpose of scientist's study. In the same way,
scientists can also learn from theologians. "Religions can purify science from idolatry and false
absolutes" (Albl 98). Science is fully compatible with the bible. In the bible, it is proven that science
and religion are related and they are both confronting each other concerning traditional facts. The
most famous story that science is most compatible with is Genesis: "In the beginning God created
Heaven and Earth" (Genesis 1). God is the one who created us and the universe, but He had a little
help from
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The Pros And Cons Of Christian Science
For most of the world's population, a disease is understood to be a physical issue, aside from mental
illnesses. Viruses and bacteria are responsible for infections, tumors stem from an abnormal growth
of cells, a poor diet may result in comorbidities, and so on. However, imagine a specialist explaining
to you, the patient, that your symptoms of a cough, chest congestion, and fatigue are merely
illusions created in the mind, to which the cure is overcoming your mental belief that you are sick at
all. This alternative idea of disease and treatment comes from the religion of Christian Science, and
along with its highly controversial healing practices, the church demonstrates two bioethical issues:
are people seeking treatment in the church due to frustration with the current medical system, or are
members afraid to seek professional medical help due to disapproval from the church? In examining
these issues, first, the Christian Science doctrine must be understood, then the history surrounding
the religion's creation, and finally how the two tie into today's bioethical problems. To begin, the
Christian Science religion shares some similarities with the other Judeo–Christian religions in that
they utilize the same Bible, and claim to follow the same God. However, the Christian Science
religion contrasts sharply in most other aspects, especially in the ideas surrounding the perfection of
God's creation. For example, in the Protestant denominations, man is considered flawed due
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Summary: Can Christian Accounts Of Creation And Life Be...
Question: Can Christian accounts of creation and life be harmonized with science?
Proposition: Science is correct and cannot be in harmony with Christianity.
Objection 1: In 1820, fossils were identified and many began to argue that their very existence
discredits Biblical truth. When geologists began to realize that the discovered fossil records were
incredibly old, the separation between science and the theologians was increased. They were much
older than the creation story in the Bible claimed. The scientists found that the creature, which
walked, called Australopithecus, slightly resembling an ape, resided in the Middle East and in east
Africa, approximately four to five million years ago. After this, scientists believe Homo erectus, a ...
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Mikhail Lomonosov, a Russian naturalist in the 1700s, believed that the earth was several hundred
thousand years old. Such estimate was then improved when the earth was dated at 75,000 years old
by Comte du Buffon, a French scientist. He established this from the rapid caliber of cooling in the
rocks that he had calculated. The father of contemporary geology, Charles Lyell, attacked the idea of
catastrophism and popularized the law of uniformitarianism, which is that, since the beginning of
the earth, the current processes of the earth have been transpiring. Such principle resulted in more
ancient estimates of the earth's age. Many scientists, around the time of Darwin, assumed an age
around four hundred million years old, give or take one million years. The most widely
acknowledged assessment of the earth's age today is nearly four and a half billion years old.
Following these assertions, humans did not exist on the earth until about three million years ago
("What Does the Fossil Record Show?"). Therefore, because of these ancient estimates, rooted in
science, the Bible is in conflict with science and should not be accepted as truth, since it advertises
the creation of the world in one week, and the creation of humans within that
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Religion: Christian Science
Christian Science is an idealistic and most radical form of transcendental religiosity. The study of
Christian Science teaches a feeling of understanding of God's goodness and the differences between
good and evil, life and death. The purpose of this paper is to address how the study of Christian
Science helps us better understand the impact of globalization in America, as well as the impact of
American on globalization. This paper is important because globalization features a dominant
worldview. All throughout the world people believe, study and teach different types of religious
movements that impact others. People need to better understand how certain religions modify,
conflict with, and impact the world. First, it will discuss ... Show more content on ...
This movement asserts humanity and the universe as one. It's spiritual rather than material in nature.
Worship and devotion in daily life involves praying and studying the Christian Science Bible.
Throughout the year, one hour Sunday services are held and testimonies of healing were weekly on
Wednesdays. The beliefs that go along with this new revelation teaches us of the existence of an all–
powerful God and the gratefulness, authority and inspiration of the Bible. Any and everything
created on this world is entirely spiritual and perfect and that matter does not exist. One of the main
things Christian Science teaches is that they can heal themselves spiritually through prayer and
realizing illness, sin and death do not exist. Also, Christian Science adherents believe in the practice
of telepathy for a form of psychic healing. Besides praying every day for welfare and health of the
local communities, Christian Scientists would host public events regularly where people could learn
about this new religious movement. This event helped Christian Science globalize because the
world was learning about this religion through the words of its adherents. America, having a
remarkable religious diversity, easily spread the thoughts and ideas of Christian Science where it
quickly became a well know religious movement. When hearing about a new religion such as
Adventism, New
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Religious Diversity And Diversity
Diversity is throughout the classrooms and the best way to understand diversity is by educating
peers on the topic. Diversity can be found in religion, race, and socioeconomic status. All these
elements can affect a student's learning both positively and negatively. It is important to develop
relationships with students, and the best way to do this is through understand of their religion, race,
and socioeconomic status. The first topic this paper will address is religion and the comparison
between Quaker and Christian Science. The next discussions is about race, specifically Hispanic and
Native American culture. The final part will address socioeconomic status and the variety of issues
among the classes.
The Quaker religion is known as the Religious Society of Friends. Quakers believe there is God in
everybody and that each human is unique. Quaker religion began in England in the 1650s along
with Christian roots. Christian Science is another religion based around Christianity, but this
religion was developed in the 19th century. The 2009 statistics shows that there are 210,000 Quakers
across the world. Quakers believe that "God is love, the light of God is in every single person, a
person who lets their life be guided by that light will achieve a full relationship with God, everyone
can have a direct, personal relationship with God without involving a priest or minister, and
redemption and the Kingdom of Heaven are to be experienced now, in this world." Quakers do not
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Science And Christianity Essay
1. Yes, it is possible to believe in Science and Christianity.
a. It is possible to believe in Science and Christianity because they both seek to establish similar
i. Science bases its claims upon observation and experience (Schaab, 2008). ii. Christianity also
bases it demands upon observation as well as experience (Schaab, 2008). iii. Both science and
Christianity identifies the relationships that confirm and expand their understanding of what is
experienced and observed (Schaab, 2008).
b. It is possible to believe in both Science and Christianity because they both share a cause and
effect relationship that exists between the two (Schaab, 2008).
i. A relationship exists theologically between God as the Creator (Schaab, 2008 ii. Theologically a
relationship also exists ... Show more content on ...
Based upon the relationship between Science and Christianity, and the nature and characteristics of
the Creator can be inferred from the nature and features of creation (Schaab, 2008).
c. It is possible to believe in both Science and Christianity because they both speak of the finite
reality of Science and the Infinite reality in theology, and both must speak critically and skeptically
(Schaab, 1984).
i. However, the theologian and scientist should attempt to demonstrate as clearly as possible that the
reality each investigates does exist (Schaab, 1984). ii. This communication exists in a dialect that
indicates as precisely as possible the reality to which each refers (Schaab, 1984). iii. Both Science
and Christianity understand that language unsurprisingly falls short of literally describing the
realisms that each investigates (Schaab, 1984).
2. No, it is not possible to believe in both Science and Christianity.
a. It is not possible to believe in both Science and Christianity because they do not share the same
i. Charles Darwin felt that evolution was a completely and naturalistic system, which had no room
for miracles or divine involvement at any point (D'Souza,
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A Brief Research of Christian Science Essay
Christian Science
What is Christian Science? Who is Mary Baker Eddy? Where does Christian Science come from? Is
Christian Science like Scientology? What are Christian Science beliefs? Why are we here and where
do we go when we die? These question may be raised when you hear Christian Science. Christian
Science is unique in its own way, it may not seem all that amazing like other religions but Christian
Science is truly amazing over all. Some people refer to Christian Science as non–Christian or an a
cult, but that's not true. Christian Science is a religion that formed more slowly than other religions
but is still a good religion. Christian Science is a religion that lets you understand God, Jesus Christ,
good from evil, ... Show more content on ...
Unlike Christian Science, "in Scientology there is no belief in the Holy Bible, God, or Jesus Christ."
("The Differences Between Scientology and Christian Science"). Christian Science and Scientology
are not the same in anyway yet people still confuse the two.
Christian Science don't have to many beliefs but they do have words that were left behind for other
Christian Scientists. "Christian Science religion teaches the existence of an all–powerful God and
the authority and inspiration of the Bible. Christian Scientists believe in the crucifixion and
resurrection of Jesus to be essential to human redemption. Mary Baker Eddy taught the belief in one
God and unlike traditional orthodox Christianity, described God with the synonyms: Principle, Soul,
Mind, Spirit, Life, Truth, and Love." ("What is Christian Science?").
"There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter.
All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All–in–all.
Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error.
Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal.
Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness.
Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual." (S&H 468 quoted in "What is Christian Science?")
According the beliefs of Christian Science, humans are just subjects to the law of matter as long we
believe that we
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Distrust Of Religion In The Middle Ages
During the Middle Ages, the relationship between science and religion was central to the ability of
intellectuals to pursue the natural sciences. Without approval from their religious leaders, the great
thinkers of the Middle Ages were unable to make any large strides in natural philosophy. However,
this does not mean that the pervasiveness of religion prevented science from thriving. Rather, the
nature of the relationship between science and religion was wholly dependent on the religion in
question. In some cases, such as in Christianity, science was given a comparably more sympathetic
environment in which to grow and develop. Due to the necessity of a class of men who were both
theologians and natural philosophers in Christian societies, ... Show more content on ...
During this period, science was mostly founded on the principles of ancient Greek philosophy. In
orthodox Jewish and Muslim societies, these beliefs were unable to gain any religious backing,
instead harboring only suspicion. In many cases, these feelings of distrust resulted from a lack of
necessity to converse with new converts. While the spread of Christianity was heavily reliant on
missionary work, other religions such as Islam were simply instated through military force and did
not have to seek acceptance from new converts. Furthermore, for Islam, a lack of Arabic translations
of ancient Greek works of science and philosophy was also responsible for the religion's distrust of
science in the Middle Ages. During the early growth of Islam, in which the orthodox doctrine was
created, Muslim leaders were unable to read the ideas of ancient Greek philosophers. Once
translations were finally created, orthodox Muslims saw no need to incorporate the ideals of ancient
Greece into their religion, and these beliefs were shunned. Finally, this research will attempt to
provide an explanation as to why Christianity benefitted more from the use of Greek natural
philosophy than the other large religions. The motivations for the Christian acceptance of Greek
ideals will be shown to stem from fundamental religious differences between Christianity and other
religions, such as the concept of the Holy Trinity. It will also be illustrated that the demographics of
Christians in the Middle Ages allowed science to develop more easily. Converts to Christianity were
often individuals who had been previously exposed to pagan learning, which included Greek
philosophy and natural philosophy, and Christianity did not seek to remove this knowledge after
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Christian Science Research Papers
Cristian Science Christian Science is an ongoing religious cult that was started in the early
nineteenth century. Mary Baker Eddy was the original founder who started the idea in the United
States during 1879. After a thirty–five year revision period, she finished the Christian Science
textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. The textbook was finally published in
1875, which stated all the beliefs of Christian Science. Some of the beliefs include the tenets of
Christian Science. Each tenet explains what a Christian Scientist believes about God, the Bible, and
Jesus. The largest controversy when it comes to Christian Science is the belief about healing and
medicine. They believe that prayer and spiritual means to heal themselves of any sickness. The
concept was produced when Mary was reading the Bible while being ill. Her idea of spiritual
healing is also believed to be a large part of redemption. If a person does not believe that God will
heal them through prayer, then they are not saved. After teaching a class her newfound belief on
healing, she established a school called the Massachusetts Metaphysical College. Many of her
students became believers and were able to heal people. It was during this time that the belief grew
until the twenty–first ... Show more content on ...
They believe that Jesus is a divine human being that is not considered a deity. While they do believe
in both the crucifixion and resurrection, they do not believe that Jesus is simply a moral example.
Christian Scientists follow the Bible's teachings and the Trinity. To them, God is omnipotent and
purposeful as well. It is taught that God is infinite love and good. His laws are considered good and
the only reality. With the power of God, one glimpse can overcome sin, sickness, and evil. Over all,
the belief is similar to Christianity except the spiritual healing
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The Evolution Of Science And Christian Thought Essay
Ape to Human
Jackie Williams
BIO 396: Topics in Biology and Christian Thought
November 30, 2016
I distinctly remember sitting in my 9th grade Biology class as Mr. Shorba projected the classic
picture of an ape progressively evolving into a human, and explained to the class Darwin's theory of
evolution. However, being raised in a conservative Christian home, I did not listen to one word of
the evolution lecture, as I had already made up my mind as to what I believed in. Although I still
believe in creationism, my take on learning about evolution has drastically shifted as I have realized
the importance of understanding this popular theory. In Jonathan Well's book, Icons of Evolution:
Science or Myth, he dissects well–known evolutionists arguments with explanations as to how they
are falsifiable.
In chapter eleven of Wells' book he explains to his audience the theory of the evolution of humans
from apes; otherwise known as the ultimate icon. Darwin explains this theory of macroevolution as
the distinctive features that humans have as being present because of natural selection acting on
small variables (Wells, 2001). In 1863, Thomas Henry Huxley published a book entitled, Evidence
as to Man's Place in Nature, where he compared the commonalities between the human skeleton and
the ape skeleton (Wells, 2001). Although Huxley did not believe humans were direct descendants of
apes, his findings lead to the construction of Charles Darwin's Descent to Man, in
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The Church Of Worship Associated With Their Religion
For the many people who choose to follow a religion, the place of worship associated with their
religion often serves as the center of their religious experience. For followers of Christianity, this
significant place is a church. By attending church services weekly, or sometimes even daily, more
common among extremely devoted members, people give meaning to the church itself. Without the
church community, meaning the people who belong to the church, the church could be just any
another brick building at the end of the street. This is not the case, however, as active church
members, and even just visitors, like myself, each instill their own meaning into the church, and the
sum of all of these individual experiences is what makes the church so meaningful. Before this past
weekend, I had only ever been to churches for weddings and funerals. I did not grow up in a
religious family, so the concept of "going to church" was never prominent in my mind, nor a part of
my life. From a young age, though, I could always tell that churches were significant places. While
many churches are large and grand, clearly displaying their importance, even smaller, more simple
churches still seem to demand a level of respect that other sorts of buildings just do not. So, I
decided to use this opportunity to find out what I had been missing throughout my life: going to a
Sunday church service. My friend Camille is a member of the Church of Christ, Scientist, a
relatively new denomination of
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Christian Science v Morman Essay
With the advancements in the study of social sciences, there has been a somewhat parallel growth of
cults which though have their foundations in the original Bible and the Christian teachings, yet one
may observe that the majority of the present day cults not only deny the essential doctrines, they
openly emphasize and present their own personal reinterpretations of the biblical scriptures. The
following paper will present two such cases, those of Christian Science and the Mormons, and strive
to present some of the comparative elements, their beliefs, customs, religious ceremonies and
leadership aspects.
Christian Science – Leadership
Founded by a woman named Mary Baker Eddy (1821–1910) in 1879, the cult of Christian Science
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Christian Science – The Customs
Some of the salient customs of the Christian Science include a daily prayer ritual which serves to
bring realization of God, and God's Love as well as assist others in experiencing the harmonizing
and healing effect of the primary understanding of the Christian Science. The cult also emphasizes
on the spiritual healing effect and gives more than a mere emphasis as compared to the medical
treatment of the ailing humanity. The cult has nor formal ministers, and instead the Bible, Science
and Health are its pastor and preacher.
With its headquarters in Boston, duly called the First Church of the Christ, Scientist, or The Mother
Church. It is assisted with a number of local churches, which serve as its branches. Run under a
Manual of the Mother Church, the Christian Science has a Board of Directors, which governs the
Church on a democratic system, and is duly assisted by its branches. (Slick, 2003; Kramer, 2004;
Meyer, 1961)
The Mormon Cult – Leadership
Founded by Joseph Smith in 1830 in New York, the cult of the Mormons is yet another faith that
derives its teachings from Biblical scriptures. Though most, if not all the elements of this cult are
founded in the original Biblical texts, followers of the Christian belief due to some of the extreme
contradictions and deceptions in both the books of the Mormons as well as its teachings largely
oppose the faith. The cult has some 7 million members, out of 5 million are
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A Summary, Analysis and Discussion of Søren Kierkegaard,...
A summary, analysis and discussion of Søren Kierkegaard, Training in Christianity[1]
I. Introduction
In this essay, I will try to summarize, analyze and discuss several pages of Søren Kierkegaard's
Training in Christianity. I will try to focus on his approach to sacred history, a general Christian
history and Christianity, which he discusses in this work in relation to faith in God. In other parts of
this essay I will attempt also to relate these pages of his work to some key ideas of Kierkegaard's
theology and philosophy and support this with some concrete quotations from the text. In the end I
will very briefly compare different philosophies of Hegel and Kierkegaard and try to relate
Kierkegaard's work to a few topics, which ... Show more content on ...
Christian has according to Kierkegaard nothing to learn from general history, teaching Christian
history in schools is therefore pointless. '[...] true Christians [...] have nothing to do with Christians
of former generations, but everything to do with contemporary Christ.'[9] So does the history of
Christianity of over 1800 years in Kierkegaard's time (over 2000 in ours) have any significance at
all? To this question would Kierkegaard probably give answer: 'No', as he gives answers to few
similar questions he asks himself.
Firstly, he tries to give answer on question whether Jesus is always the same or he has changed in
history and whether we can learn anything about him from history. To this question Kierkegaard
responds: 'Yes, He is the same yesterday and today.'[10] Therefore we can not learn anything new
about him from history; we can know him only from sacred history. This means we can know God
only as humbled, as 'lowly one,'[11] but never as the one, who is in glory and who will in glory
come. 'about His coming again nothing can be known; in the strictest sense, it can only be
Secondly, Kierkegaard asks himself, if one can prove from history that Christ was God. Here he
answers: No. He argues that it is impossible to prove this using reason, because we can only prove
that something is against reason and
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Methodological Naturalism And Religion
Critical Essay #1
Upon examination, the methodological naturalism approach to science seems reasonable and fair to
all those practicing the scientific method, despite religion. By only regarding the natural, it allows
those of different faiths to approach science on an even playing field, in that science does not regard
one religion or faith as the basis of understanding or laws; one does not have to adhere to a certain
faith to understand the laws of science as it is based in the objectivity of math and science. While
methodological naturalism does not draw a direct correlation between science and religion, it does
allow for overlap if the scientist is of a particular religion. As Haarsma describes, science does not
simply stop at objective
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My Experience As A Christian Science Nursing Ministry
What I appreciate the most about Christian Science Nursing is how practical and spiritual this
ministry is. I value how it actively supports Christian Scientists all over the globe to rely on the
teachings of Christian Science for healing. Whether in a home, a Christian Science Nursing facility
or a Christian Science Camp, the role of a Christian Science Nurse is the same. I have worked in a
home and a Christian Science Nursing facility, but not in a Camp. However, a few weeks ago, I
worked at Crystal Lake Camps in Pennsylvania as a Christian Science Nurse. Below is a summary
of what I learned from this Camp experience and how I can apply these lessons in my nursing
ministry. In general, my Camp experience was awesome! I enjoyed working with my CSN Camp
Mentor Leslie Levit. Her approach and spiritual preparedness for the day was evident throughout
the week. Leslie and I reviewed the Crystal Lake staff handbook, visited all locations on the Camp
where the staff keep the Camp care kits, organized and replenished ... Show more content on ...
Some of the campers I interacted with had very little knowledge of what a Christian Science nurse
does or does not do. I, therefore, found it helpful to explain to some of them what I do and what I
don't as a Christian Science Nurse. The prayerful approach to every activity and the metaphysical
preparation for the same was one of the highlights I had for the week. Both the staff and the
Campers came to every activity well prepared and this level of preparedness helped support
whatever the staff and campers were doing. Some of the activities I went to include: Nature trail,
Soccer, Football, Kayaking, Boating, Swimming, Marking Books, Burn dance, Hayride, Arts and
Crafts, Morning and Evening assemblies, Wednesday Testimony meeting, Vespers, Sunday School,
and Principia
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The Theory Of Science And Christian Belief
Provided that science still requires repeatable and measurable outcomes, the thought that eukaryotes
produced sophisticated human life capable of high functioning individuals when they could not even
develop the most basic features is preposterous. Although the previous claim may have been
overstepped, there are claims of theistic evolution that offer a logical argument to a personal
creation by the Living God. Arguments that God could take inert objects, add a dash of mutation,
conceptualize and implement natural selection, and allow this to take course in His time all have the
potential to be correct as stand–alones. Diane Bissen is a renowned biologist and theologian;
therefore she is as capable as anyone combining these fields into the idea of theistic evolution. In
digesting her rather lengthy article in the twenty sixth edition of Science & Christian Belief, I have
drawn near to the concept that, individually, the principles of evolution make logical sense, but
when compiled together with one or more other principles, they becomes "purposeless" and
Limiting the Creator to mere man–made principles shows a lack of faith in Him. Even theistic
evolutionists agree that God is not subjected to the law of man. Commentaries of the Bible offer a
different spin on familiar stories. Through research, reaching Robert Alter's The Five Books of
Moses brought the Pentateuch into a light otherwise unexplored. On page twenty–three of Alter's
commentary – as he discusses
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The Christian Science Monitor (CSM)
The Christian Science Monitor (CSM) is a universal news association that conveys worldwide scope
by means of its site, week after week magazine, every day news preparation, email bulletins,
Amazon Kindle membership, and versatile site. It was begun in 1908 by Mary Baker Eddy, the
originator of the Church of Christ, Scientist. Starting 2011, the print flow was 75,052. The CSM is a
daily paper that covers global and United States current occasions. The paper incorporates a day by
day religious component on "The Home Forum" page, yet expresses the production is not a stage for
evangelizing. On October 28, 2008, Editor John Yemma reported that the Monitor would end its day
by day print adaptation to concentrate on electronic distributed. Rather than a day by day print
version, CSM would distribute a week by week news magazine with a worldwide core interest ...
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It was begun in 1908 by Mary Baker Eddy, the originator of the Church of Christ, Scientist. Starting
2011, the print flow was
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The Dark Ages Myth
Those who believe in the Dark Ages myth (hereinafter "myth believers") argue that Greek and
Roman intellectuals were on the verge of great scientific and industrial advancements. Myth
believers argue that those who followed religious beliefs created a false reality dominated by
religious emotion rather than fact. They claim that the Catholic Church persecuted those who used
scientific discoveries to bring about new ideas solely because the new discoveries and ideas
conflicted the Bible's teachings. Myth believers support their claims by referring to the alleged
persecution of three well–known intellectuals during the Dark Ages: Galileo, Hypatia and Giordano
Bruno. These three intellectuals' stories vary based on who is telling them; myth ... Show more
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It was monastery and cathedral schools that influenced the institutionalization of universities.
During the Dark Ages, education was predominantly offered to the clergy and members of the ruling
class and education was primarily conducted in cathedral schools, so many of the alleged claims of
religion holding back science are false. The church never taught that the Earth was flat and no one
was ever "burnt at the stake" for scientific ideas. It was only during the nineteenth century that
science began to have any practical applications. Before then, the only reason to study science was
curiosity or religious piety. Christians believed that God created the universe and ordained the laws
of nature. Studying the natural world was admiring the work of God and a way of showing love
towards God. The Catholic Church and religious figures of the time did not commonly look down
upon scientific observations of the world. The Dark Ages was an era that was heavily influenced by
Christian faith and it was a time of innovation and progress. Indeed, it was faith that led Copernicus
to reject the geocentric theory and introduce heliocentrism. It was faith that led German astronomer,
Johannes Kepler, to discover the constitution of the solar
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Kierkegaard Sacrifice
Although remembered by many as foremost a philosopher, Søren Kierkegaard was quite the
theologian in his time, with his own unique approach to theology and Christianity in general. In a
time that was ruled by objective methodology in every aspect of acquiring and summarizing
knowledge, Kierkegaard sought to bring Christianity back into the realm of the subjective, thereby
making it much more interactive and personal. What this paper focuses on is Kierkegaard's
requirement of sacrifice that all Christians must be willing to make in order to be considered true
Christians, followed by both a critique and a praise for his contagious notion.
What is Meant by Sacrifice in Christianity?
At the time of Søren Kierkegaard, many relatively new ... Show more content on ...
Even more drastic, some tied in their religious beliefs and faith with their work ethic and/or national
identity, which thought process Kierkegaard gives an example of: "How can you doubt that you are
a Christian? Are you not a you not perform you duties at the office like a conscientious
civil servant; are you not a good servant of a Christian of course you must be a
Christian." Kierkegaard loathed how cold and detached the Christian faith had become, so he saw it
fit that he remind people what being a Christian truly meant. In his famous work Fear and
Trembling, Kierkegaard declares that "no person has a right to delude others into the belief that faith
is something of no great significance, or that it is an easy matter, whereas it is the greatest and most
difficult of all things." The difficulty of faith lies in the requirement of sacrifice. The story of
Abraham's near sacrifice of his beloved son, Isaac, is what Kierkegaard utilizes to demonstrate how
costly faith in God is. Here is a man, who after seventy years of waiting for God's promise of
offspring finally received his son, is commanded by God to slay his promised son with no stated
reason for doing so. Kierkegaard, in attempting to experience what Abraham might have
experienced in those moments, cries, "Now all is lost, God demands Isaac, I shall sacrifice him, and
with him all my joy – but for all that, God is love and will remain so for me." What bold words! The
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Planetree Analysis
The founder of the Planetree is Angelica Thieriot (Sharrow & Durand, 2012). Thieriot made
Planetree symbolize a sycamore tree. The sycamore tree was the location where Hippocrates taught
his medical students the art and science of healing. "Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there is a
love of humanity," Hippocrates once said. Planetree is bringing back the healing principals that
Hippocrates believed in. (Planetree: An Introduction – Huelat Davis | Healing Design (Formerly
Huelat Parimucha), n.d.). PPlanetree creates standards to make sure that healthcare centers deliver
patient–centered care. This includes all aspects of care (Ingersoll, 2013). Planetree's concept is that
care needs a plan based on the needs and expectations of the patient and family. ... Show more
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The staff gets trained for the accomplishment of this task. The goal of Planetree is to make patient
and the caregiver take part in their care. This program uses evidence–based criteria (Planetree
Designation Creates a "Patients First" Organizational Culture, 2013). This concept acknowledges
the special contribution of each individual member in the health team towards the comprehensive
patient care. This culture encourages teamwork in the attainment of patient–centered care goals.
Patients get treated as competent people who can decide and stay active in their
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Psychology And Christianity By David Entwistle
4–MAT Review: Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity
Allison McLeod
Liberty University
The book Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity by David Entwistle, allowed
readers to explore a synopsis that addressed worldview issues, theoretical foundations and the
models of integration. One subject that I enjoyed reviewing was the comparisons that Enwistle
displayed of the relationship of psychology and theology throughout the class text. Additionally,
Entwistle offered information that displayed how the two are both designed by God and that God is
the creator of all truth. (Entwistle, p.150, 2010).Thus, the author attempted to show the reader
various examined claims and tensions that resulted from these influences.
We as individuals ordinarily go through life looking at life through our own views of how things
should be grounded on our own worldviews. While, a worldview is how a person views the world
and the theories that they personally have of the world. Nevertheless, Entwistle provides a fresh
outlook for the observer on how psychology is integrated into our worldviews, as a source of
guidance and faith. In addition, this is addressed on theology in which, the bible stems from. I found
the assimilation of psychology and theology that the author provides, to be essential in assisting
individuals with a variety of issues. For some individuals this can be a challenge, being that some
Christians have a hard time with integrating
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Compare And Contrast Religion And Christian Science
Christianity is similar to Christian Science in many ways, but it's also very different.
By describing Christianity, by describing Christian Science and eventually comparing them, you
will see the similarities and differences. These are two popular religions and many people follow
them around the world.
Christianity is one of the Abrahamic faiths, Christians believe in one God and that Jesus is his son
who came down to earth to save them. Christian laws come from the Bible, and the ten
commandments, and they strive to be like Jesus who Christians believe was perfect, Christians
believe in the trinity, which is that God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost are one person, but different
people at the same time. Christians believe if you repent for your sins and believe in God, then you
will go to heaven, but if you don't you will go to eternal suffering or Hell. Christianity is a very old
religion and many people believe in it today. ... Show more content on ...
Christian Scientists still believe in one God but he doesn't have a material body and he is
everywhere. Mary Baker put herself in Jesus's place so that people think of her of a leader. You have
to get saved everyday to go to heaven, and there is no heaven or hell, it's a mental state, death is an
illusion. In order to see God, you have to go through the Revelator, and that is Mrs. Eddy. They
believe That Jesus was just one of the few profits that come and go, and now Mrs. Eddy is the
profit. Christian Science is unique and has many train of thoughts that you cannot find anywhere
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Christian Science
"There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite
manifestation, for God is All–in–all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real
and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness.
Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual." (S&H 468)
"Christian Science founder, Mary Baker Eddy was born in Bow, New Hampshire, in 1821. Her
parents were devout Christians and she joined a Congregational Church at age 17. She was
chronically sick growing up with many ailments including paralysis, hysteria, seizures and
convulsions. At 22, she married her first of three husbands, George Glover, who died within 6
months from ... Show more content on ...
Principia is a pre–school–college that is located in the St Louis area for Christian Scientists and
many families have moved their so their children can attend. Boston is the home of The Mother
Church and The Christian Science Monitor amongst others and so many people live and work in
that area.
rica ) Christian Scientists refer to God as "Father–Mother" rather than the biblical "Father." Though
unconventional, this is not a major departure from mainstream Christianity, since God is believed to
encompass both male and female (both were created "in the image of God"). Christian Science
teaches that Jesus is divine but not God, and that Jesus' human nature is a separate entity from the
divine Christ. "Jesus Christ is not God, as Jesus himself declared, but is the Son of God" (Science
and Health, 361:12–13). "Jesus is the name of the man who, more than all other men, has presented
Christ, the true idea of God, healing the sick and sinning and destroying the power of death"
(Science and Health, 473:10–17). Mrs. Eddy rejected the traditional doctrine of the Trinity, saying
that it suggests polytheism (Science and Health,
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Christian Ecological Crisis
There is a barricade between Christianity and science that has been carrying on since younger
religions started being created. There are many reasons that show how conservative Christians
harmful effects to the Ecological crisis. They turn a blind eye to the ecological crisis and they have
created a hierarchy with them on the top and nature on the bottom. Science has also given humans
even more ways to cause harm to the environment, instead of using science and technology for good
humans took advantage of what they could do with it to hurt the environment carelessly. Science is
only just trying to find ways that could help instead of harm the environment.
Christians that don't believe in science are turning a blind eye to the ecological crisis which is
hurting the environment greatly. A good example of how Christianity that doesn't believe in science
can contribute to the perpetuation of the ecological crisis is just to take a look at many of the
republican presidents or candidates from the past and now that have openly stated that they don't
believe in climate change. This belief then leads them to not take notice in laws that will protect the
environment. This type of belief is associated with conservative ... Show more content on ...
They have forgotten to include in their beliefs and ideas the well–being of the most important thing
that affects all of us here in the world and it is the health of the earth. By making it less important
Science starts creating things that are perilous to the environment like creating pollution and waste
by making things like cars, making many different types of electronic devices, and creating new
ways to grow more no matter the cost of the land. The bible makes it seem that humans own
therefore giving humans a right to do whatever they want to the earth. So most Christians will
probably support excessive consumerism and the capitalist model of the
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Religious Liberty Paper
Is our society's strict adherence to religious freedoms costing the lives of innocent children? The
Christian Science Church rely on the Establishment Clause and The Free Exercise Clause of the
First Amendment as granting themselves and their children exemption from medical intervention.
But because of their insistence in relying solely on prayer for the healing their sick children,
approximately one child a month in the U.S. is known to die from an illness that would have been
curable had they had medical attention. 1 Religious liberties of parents might protect their beliefs,
but it should not protect their conduct of denying the rights of a child to his or her life. Section 1. of
the 14th Amendment states, "No State shall make or ... Show more content on ...
Walker) said the state's religious exemption law applied to a neglect statute and not to the
manslaughter statute.(Masskids–7) As of 2011, Oregon made it a total of six states , along with
Nebraska, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Maryland and North Carolina to do away with religious
exemptions in civil or criminal code cases pertaining to the medical care of sick or injured children.
(Swan finally PDF–8)
As American Christians we should rally around Constitutionally protected religious liberties granted
under the First Amendment clauses but not those that compromise Bible truths. 1 John 4 says, "
Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to determine if they are from God,
because many false prophets have gone out into the world." Cult leaders dazzle the uniformed with
the seeming insightfulness in their grasp of the Bible. (Holman Bible – find a way to cite – 9)
Christian Science founder Mary Baker Eddy is believed to have received her insights from divine
revelation and so her text Science and Health supersede all others including the Bible. (Hoekema–
10) She said that she wrote Science and Health to help her befuddled members through intricacies in
the Bible they just would not understands and says "...therefore, we recommend that Materia
Medica, Physiology, Laws of Health, Mesmerism and Mediumship be given a public execution at
the hands of our Sheriff, Progress. The supreme bench decides in favor of
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Compare And Contrast Christian And Secular Science
The age of the earth has been debated for centuries. Many people believe in evolution that it took
billions of years for everything and everyone to form. Others believe that God created the earth in
seven days and that the earth is young. Secular scientist and Christian scientist both use different
methods for determining how old the earth is. For example, Secular scientist look and use the layers
of rocks to help them, while Christian scientist uses the Bible and look at historical data from other
cultures to help them. Doesn't looking at archeological data seem more accurate than looking at
rocks? If the earth is truly billions of years old, then why is there little sediment on the sea floor? Or
how can secular scientist explain finding soft tissue in a fossil if the earth is old? The most logical
explanation is that the earth is young. Many people believe something just because people say that it
is true, sometimes it is good to investigate for yourself and see if it is good for you.
The young earth and old earth was not always a debated topic. Before the 18th century not many
people believed in an old earth, the majority of people believed that it was about 6,000 years old.
But during the 1700s, people began to challenge the age of the earth. Three of the many men who
advanced the theory ... Show more content on ...
The age of the earth has been debated for years. Secular scientist believes in old earth and Christian
scientist believe in a young earth. But there seems to be more logical evidence for a young earth.
Young earth explains soft tissue found in fossils, the sun paradox, evidence of sediment on the
seafloor, and to the age of a comet. It fills in many gaps that secular scientist cannot fill. I hope that
you take into account the evidence, but it is ultimately up to you to choose to believe
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Thomas Torrance: The Christian Frame Of Mind
Thomas Torrance examines the thinking found within the Christian Frame of Mind in both theology
and science. His first chapter examines the various influences upon the Greek Christian mind and
how it influenced theology and science and the study of both within Christianity. His discussion
evolves as it rests finally on the nature of theology and science as it interrelates within a university
Torrance gives us considerable background as to how the "Three Hierarchs" or "Doctors of the
Church," principle themes continue to influence how Christians think today with regards to theology
and science. He introduces Saint Basil of Caesarea, Saint Gregory Nazianzen, and Saint John
Chrysostom teachings on the foundation for the rationale and the non–rationale and their
relationships to God, man, and the created universe within both ... Show more content on ...
When "why" is asked overlapping of the two sciences occurs, serving as a reminder of the harmony
between the laws of "nature" and "mind" and the intelligible order of the universe. While science
searches for autonomous structures, theology searches for dependence upon Gods' revelation and
purpose in the historical. However, both are "observer–conditioned."
Both fields introduce us to inertia and contingency. The concept of contingency is Christian. It is the
contingent intelligible order that becomes the basis for empiricism within theoretical science. Inertia
is the force of nature that forces itself more and more upon us. It is not self–explanatory, non self–
sufficient, not timeless, or necessary and corresponds to scientific theory as it continually changes.
However, the mythologisation of inertia brought about the idea of a closed mechanistic universe that
continues today between both camps.
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Science Vs Christianity
Science is defined on Merriam–Webster as, "knowledge about or study of the natural world based
on facts learned through experiments and observation." People love to study and execute science,
whether they get a job as a scientist, or they just examine a bumblebee in their backyard as a child.
Science has an attractive pull to all human beings. Christians especially, are interested in the
beautiful world around them created by their wonderful, powerful God. Man is sinful. Therefore, all
people who study science without a biblical worldview will come to the wrong conclusion about the
world and God. Christians, with the help of the bible and their own observing, will come up with the
correct conclusion. First science and Christianity have differing ... Show more content on ...
On the view of God, science believes that there is no God. It believes that no one created the earth,
it all happened by chance. Science believes in evolution and survival of the fittest. Christianity, on
the other hand, realizes that God is the only God and he is loving, merciful, just, and all–powerful.
Lastly, science believes that the only source of knowledge is through self–work. The only way to
gain in knowledge is to learn about it through books or other scientists. Christians understand that
there is so much more to the world than the cold, hard, facts of science. Christians have the bible,
which gives so much insight into the details of the world, and it had it all correct, thousands of years
before human scientists came to the same conclusions. As seen through the examples above, science
is run by sinful humans. Sinful humans are incapable of seeing the truth unless helped by God with
the Bible. Christians must study science to gain a better understanding of their creator, but they must
remember the truths that God laid out in the Bible are right, and not the conclusions of sinful
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The Christian Science Movement
Recently, Pope Francis has modernized the Roman Catholic Church by urging followers to support
scientists in preserving our environment. Pope Francis has drawn parallels between "the scientific
and Christian communities, who are witnessing the convergence of their distinct approaches to
reality in the shared goal of protecting our common home, threatened as it is by ecological collapse
and consequent increase of poverty and social exclusion" (Pope Francis). As the contemporary
world faces new problems, like climate change, Roman Catholic Christianity has supported the need
for science as a means to preserve the Earth and guard humanity.
As science developed, Protestant Christianity has been more harmonious with modernity and has
faced less ... Show more content on ...
Christian Science was founded by Mary Baker Eddy when she was inexplicably cured of her
nervous disorders while reading a biblical account where Jesus performs a miracle to heal the sick.
Eddy had seen many doctors for her nervous disorders, but none could cure her. In 1975 she
published Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, where she defined her own Science which
rejected modern science. She discounts facts from natural science as they "represent a kingdom
necessarily divided against itself, because these definitions portray law as physical, not spiritual"
(Eddy 118). Since natural science is only concerned with what can be physically observed, she says
the field is irrelevant due to its ignorance of spiritual law. Eddy creates her own form of Science,
which is purely spiritual. In differentiating between Christian Science and natural science she admits
the two differ but are equally scientific since her Science is "based on Truth, the Principle of all
science" (Eddy 124). In forming her movement Eddy rejected the need for science and modern
medicine, arguing that by praying correctly any illness can be healed. The Christian Science has not
been particularly successful in adapting to modern science, however, the movement has gained a
large following. Christian Science has gained public attention for its complete rejection modern
medicine but has differed significantly from other Christian in their reaction to
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Science Vs Religion Research Paper
Many people consider science and religion to be at loggerheads. Other people consider religions and
science to be completely unrelated and different facets. The idea that many people have is that
science seems to be more popular than the legions since it is based on facts while religion is based
on perceptions. However, what many people fail to realize is that science is not the only source of
facts, and religion has been effective in reaching out beyond the realms of morals and values.
Indeed, science and religions rely on one another in examining and explaining the things that
happens in the daily lives of individuals. Although the views of religion and science have been more
or less distinct, there are several ways in which science and religions come together. This paper
reviews ... Show more content on ...
One of the best examples of this opposition comes from the manner in which both religion and
science treats the existence of the earth and humans. While not science or Christianity can be said to
say the absolute truth regarding how heath and humans came into existence, they have both
provided explanations for their perspectives (McGrath, 2009). Science considers that big bang
theory gave rise to the universe and human being came about from evolution. On the other hand, the
dominant theory of creation is that of Christianity where everything, including humans, was created
by God. The existence of the universe has been one of the most popular contests between religion
and science. Nonetheless, the truth is that there is very little conflict between science and
Christianity. Indeed most scientists believe in the existence of God and the ability of God to do
things that humans cannot do or explain. For example, Galileo was the first scientists to discover
that the earth orbits the sun. However, he was a respectable Christian who believed in the power of
God (Dennett,
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Relationship Between Science And Religion
Science is the study of the natural and physical world through experiments and observations.
Religion, however, makes analytical arguments and shares transcendental beliefs that have been
passed on from believers to converts. Religion acknowledges philosophical explanations; it includes
faith and revelation, whereas, science acknowledges reason, empiricism, and evidence, whereas.
The relationship offers a continued debate in both philosophy and theology. This paper will explore
the different religious perspectives on science, and scientific perspectives on topics of a variety of
religious groups. This paper will provide general exploration of the relationship between science,
and religion. This paper, along with their oppositions, will include an explanation on how science
and religion can strengthen each other to allow a more nuanced experience of our world and our
place in it.
Science and religion and their differences Science and religion are the two most important
worldviews. They are global phenomena present throughout the history of mankind. Science and
religion are extremely complex enterprises. Both are in a state of constant change. The birth of
modern science itself cannot be understood without previous scientific developments. Going back to
the dawn of science in antiquity, we can already find interactions with religion. Science is the study
of the natural and physical world through experiments and observations; it's about explanation.
Religion is about
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Mary Baker Research Paper
Christian Science was discovered in 1866 by Mary Baker. Mary Baker was born 1821 and passed in
1910. She was born on a farm in Bow, New Hampshire. She was the youngest of Mark and Abigail
Baker's six children. During her young age she had to stop school due to her sickness. Even though
she was sick she still picked up a book to read. She starts writing prose and poetry from an early
age. Her parent tried to help with the sickness but it was only temporary. So, one day she picked up
the bible and prayed for hope and inspiration.
Mary Baker was influential is an American author, a teacher and a religious leader. She was most
known for her groundbreaking ideas and spiritually and health. Which was followed by a physical
healing that she experienced as a result of her prayer and dedicated study of the bible. Mary Baker
considered herself a spiritual pioneer whose work encompassed the disciplines of science, theology,
and medicine. Being the person that is she, she gained a power insight in the year of 1866 when she
experiences. After a dramatic lifetime accident, she started to read and got heal with the word of
Jesus. When she started to read, she started to get a different feeling toward everything. So, she got
her bible out again and prayed for answers. I know that she was a God fearing ... Show more content
on ...
She started to look and things a lot differently. In my eyes she helped a lot of people out without a
care in the world. Mary Baker was often called on to cure cases physicians had given up. People
looked up to her so much and at time she uses to be hurt because she couldn't help. At all times she
wrote everything in her book to expand into her primary. For over years' people showed how much
they appreciated her. The people let her know how much reading and studying the book have given
them a new spiritual sense of the Bible and of their unchangeable relationship to God (Christian
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Science Vs Religion Research Paper
Many people consider science and religion to be at loggerheads. Other people consider religions and
science to be completely unrelated and different facets. The idea that many people have is that
science seems to be more popular than the legions since it is based on facts while religion is based
on perceptions. However, what many people fail to realize is that science is not the only source of
facts, and religion has been effective in reaching out beyond the realms of morals and values.
Indeed, science and religions rely on one another in examining and explaining the things that
happens in the daily lives of individuals. Although the views of religion and science have been more
or less distinct, there are several ways in which science and religions come together. This paper
reviews ... Show more content on ...
One of the best examples of this opposition comes from the manner in which both religion and
science treats the existence of the earth and humans. While not science or Christianity can be said to
say the absolute truth regarding how heath and humans came into existence, they have both
provided explanations for their perspectives (McGrath, 2009). Science considers that big bang
theory gave rise to the universe and human being came about from evolution. On the other hand, the
dominant theory of creation is that of Christianity where everything, including humans, was created
by God. The existence of the universe has been one of the most popular contests between religion
and science. Nonetheless, the truth is that there is very little conflict between science and
Christianity. Indeed most scientists believe in the existence of God and the ability of God to do
things that humans cannot do or explain. For example, Galileo was the first scientists to discover
that the earth orbits the sun. However, he was a respectable Christian who believed in the power of
God (Dennett,
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Christian Science Essay
Christian Science (officially, the Church of Christ, Scientist) is a religion that spotlights on
otherworldly recuperating through prayer. Its expressed reason for existing is to reestablish the
mending works of the early Christian church. Established in the late nineteenth century C.E. by
Mary Baker Eddy, Christian Science lessons concur from various perspectives with Protestant
religious philosophy while additionally essentially varying from that philosophy. Some particular
Christian Science lessons incorporate the creation is altogether spiritual and entire, while matter and
sin are the illusive "fog" that blurred creation. Jesus spared humankind from this "fog" of ailment,
sin, and demise and was in this way the "solution for Adam." Heaven and hell are not ... Show more
content on ...
Christian Science clarifies divine law as the main law and demonstrates its matchless quality over
each uncalled for suppression that mortals may experience, over alleged strengths of matter, infected
convictions, political oppression, economic conditions, acquired inclinations, and individual
mastery (Staff, Sentinel, Tori Blackhart, Guests: Dorothy Estes, Mark Swinney, Jon Benson, The
Lord's Prayer Sung by Dwight Oyer, Rob Gilbert, and Russ Gerber. "Home." Christian Science
Sentinel. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Mar. 2017.). Christian Science rose in late nineteenth century America.
Troubled Christians, separated between what Eddy called a "stern Protestantism" and a "far fetched
radicalism," were attracted to Christian Science in light of the act of otherworldly recuperating and
the guarantee of recharged faith. Eddy's own particular look for wellbeing drove her to try different
things with different option mending strategies, including homeopathy, hydrotherapy (water cure),
and the helpful procedures of Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, an alluring healer from Maine ("Christian
Science." Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., n.d. Web. 02 Mar.
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Christian Science Research Paper
There are many Church of Christ, Scientist spread around internationally. The First Church of
Christ, Scientist was founded by Mary Baker Eddy in 1879 in Boston, Massachusetts. Ms. Baker
was an Influential Author as well as a religious leader. During her time she published "Science and
Health" along with launching "The Christian Science Monitor". Thus inspiring people to become a
part of her new profound Church.
Around February 5,1920 a Christian Science Society was organized by friends in McAllen, Texas
who gathered at private homes. Meetings were continued, but as time passed they began renting
rooms, facility's, where services would be made more public. Their services consisted of getting
together on any day they were available since set days nor times were yet to be spoken of. A year
later By–Laws were adopted on January 12, 1921 and the first Wednesday evening testimony was
held yet another year later, on February 8,1922. Sunday School was finally established in 1923 as
well as the first Christian Science Lecture and Thanksgiving Day service. In 1927 the Society was
organized into a church in McAllen, Texas. An application was made to the Mother Church in
Boston, and on July 1 the Board of Directors granted the request. ... Show more content on ...
Their set dates were officially Sunday and Wednesday services. On Sunday their sermon is based on
a weekly Christian Science Bible Lesson, consisting of readings from the "Bible and Science and
Health" written by Mary Baker Eddy. A democratically elected "First Reader conducts the Sunday
service and reads from Science and Health while a "Second Reader" is chosen to read from the
bible. Wednesday service consists of Testimony Meetings. They also obtain a Christian Science
Reading Room which is open to the public on
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Differences Between Christian Science And Science
Similarities and Differences
There are quite a few differences between Christian Science and Scientology. For instance, Christian
Science started in 1879. It was founded by a poor woman named Mary Baker Eddy who became
rich from her new founded religion. Scientology was founded in 1953. Unlike Christian Science,
Scientology is an independent religion. It was founded by a man named L. Ron Hubbard. Christian
Science is based off Christianity. It is a new interpretation of the Bible. Scientology is a religious
responds to therapeutic help. Christian Science centers on the idea of God. Scientology focuses on a
person in need of help. Christian Science sees God as the only creator. Scientology believes that the
creator is a person completely free. God has no importance in Scientology.
They have a few similaries that also differ. For example, both have churches. A Christian Science
church holds an hour–long Sunday service. Just like traditional Christian services. They also have a
Wednesday testimony meeting. A church of Scientology is open and staffed every day of the week,
from morning until late at night. This way they can have auditing and training courses available. In
the auditing system, the auditor is one who is trained in Scientology methods. They listen to the
learner for the purpose of restoring his or her abilities and achieving full potential.
Both religions also offer a path to salvation. The differences between Scientology and Christian
Science in language and
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Essay about Creation Science
Creationism is a religious metaphysical theory about the origin of the universe. It is not a scientific
theory. Technically, creationism is not necessarily connected to any particular religion. It simply
requires a belief in a Creator. Millions of Christians and non–Christians believe there is a Creator of
the universe and that scientific theories such as the the theory of evolution do not conflict with
belief in a Creator. However, fundamentalist Christians such as Ronald Reagan and Jerry Falwell,
have co–opted the term 'creationism' and it is now difficult to refer to creationism without being
understood as referring to fundamentalist Christians who (a) take the stories in Genesis as accurate
accounts of the origin of the universe and ... Show more content on ...
That theory is quite distinct from the fact of evolution. Other scientists have different theories of
evolution, but only a negligible few deny the fact of evolution. Gish is not doing science when he
argues against the fact of evolution. He has no interest in scientific facts or theories. His interest is
in apologetics: defending the faith against what he sees as attacks on God's Truth. All his arguments
are defensive; they are attempts to show that the evidence does not support the scientific fact of
Creationists, mistaking the uncertain in science for the unscientific, see the debate among
evolutionists regarding how best to explain evolution as a sign of weakness. Scientists, on the other
hand, see uncertainty as simply an inevitable element of scientific knowledge. They regard debates
on fundamental theoretical issues as healthy and stimulating. Science, says evolutionary biologist
Stephen Jay Gould, is "most fun when it plays with interesting ideas, examines their
implications, and recognizes that old information may be explained in surprisingly new
ways." Thus, through all the debate over evolutionary mechanisms biologists have not been
led to doubt that evolution has occurred. "We are debating how it happened," says
Gould (1983, p.256).
Creation science, on the other hand, is not science but pseudoscience and it is connected to a
particular group of fundamentalist Christians. Most Christians,
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Biblical Perspectives Assignment
Biblical Perspectives Assignment When most people hear the word science they may recall images
their high school biology or chemistry class such beakers, test tubes, and strange looking liquids.
However, science is much more than something learned in a text book or random experiments done
in a lab. According to the United Kingdom Science Counsel, "Science is the pursuit and application
of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic
methodology based on evidence" ( For Christians, science should be important
not only as a means of developing creation but as tool for rightly ruling creation (Genesis1:26).
Science is a process by which humans use to manipulate creation for the purpose of attaining factual
knowledge. Christians should understand that God will hold his servants accountable for how they
use science and that he alone can eliminate the effects of sin on creation. Science is more than an
academic subject and for those ... Show more content on ...
Although science does include these components, they are only a small part of the scientific process.
This process allows scientist to explore creation in an organized fashion. Even though creation can
be organized and predictable, it is also extremely divers and detailed requiring an effective strategy
to understand how it functions. But how should Christians use this process? Because of the man's
disobedience to God, sin affects everything including science and has made ruling over creation
much more difficult. Problems such as pollution and depletion of natural resources have caused
humanity to wrongly exploit creation in order to survive. Despite these challenges, as God's
stewards we still have the responsibility to use science as a tool to improve creation by actively
participating in the scientific
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Healthcare Provider and Faith Diversity Essays
Healthcare Provider and Faith Diversity
Judy Mills
HLT 310V
September 14, 2012
This paper compares the philosophies of three diverse faiths, that of: Buddhism, Islam, and
Christian Science, comparing them to Christianity. We will look at basic beliefs, spiritual
perspectives on healing, beliefs about healthcare, and components of healing such as prayer,
meditation, and rituals followed. We will also look at what is important to know when caring for a
person with different beliefs and cultural views, so that we may treat them with respect, dignity and
promote the healing process.
Healthcare Provider and Faith Diversity
The practice of nursing brings you in ... Show more content on ...
Muslims believe their faith is the only true faith, it was revealed to them through a long line of
prophets inspired by God. To practice their faith Muslims must accept five primary obligations
called five pillars of Islam. The first pillar, is the profession of faith, repetition of the statement,
"There is no god but God; Muhammad is the Messenger of God". The second pillar is the devotion
to prayer and worship. Muslims pray five times a day while facing towards Mecca the "house of
God". Prayers are simple and personal but also done in groups. The third pillar is the obligatory
religious tax it is paid by all for the benefit of the community. The fourth pillar is the month long
fast each year during Ramadan from dawn to dark along with refraining from cursing, lying, and
cheating. The fifth pillar is the pilgrimage to Mecca at some time during your life.
Muslims beliefs about health and illness vary considerably from the Christian perspective. Muslims
believe that illness is atonement for their sins and accept it with prayers and patience. Cleanliness is
considered half the faith, the Quran prohibits the eating of pork and by products and any meat not
slaughtered in the "halal" way. The one month fast is thought to rest the body and have medical
values. When caring for Muslim patients where the cultural differences are vast, first respect privacy
and modesty, examine patient over gown when possible. Provide" halal" foods, allow patient to pray
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Reason, Faith And Tradition By Martin C. Albl

  • 1. Reason, Faith And Tradition By Martin C. Albl Martin C. Albl, author of Reason, Faith and Tradition, wrote about how faith and science are compatible. "God gives the universe freedom to evolve in surprising and dramatic ways" (Albl 97). Albl writes that Christian faith is compatible with science. Without each other, there are voids, missing information, and ideas that cannot be explained, however together they complete each other and have a full idea and explain our existence. Quoting Albert Einstein "Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind" (Randerson 2008). Today, the debate between faith and science continues, most particularly in the evolution debate. But while a debate on faith and science usually revolves around the disagreement with natural science, the relationship between faith and the ... Show more content on ... In science, explanations must be based on evidence drawn from examining the natural world. It is based on observations and experiments and these realities shape their knowledge and understanding. In our readings, it is pointed out that "Scientists can learn from theologians and theologians can learn from scientific thoughts" (Albl 98). Theologians learned from science that the "sun [does not] revolve around the Earth" (Albl 98). Theologians must learn to respect the nature of their particular task, as it corresponds to the living God who is the purpose of scientist's study. In the same way, scientists can also learn from theologians. "Religions can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes" (Albl 98). Science is fully compatible with the bible. In the bible, it is proven that science and religion are related and they are both confronting each other concerning traditional facts. The most famous story that science is most compatible with is Genesis: "In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth" (Genesis 1). God is the one who created us and the universe, but He had a little help from ... Get more on ...
  • 2. The Pros And Cons Of Christian Science For most of the world's population, a disease is understood to be a physical issue, aside from mental illnesses. Viruses and bacteria are responsible for infections, tumors stem from an abnormal growth of cells, a poor diet may result in comorbidities, and so on. However, imagine a specialist explaining to you, the patient, that your symptoms of a cough, chest congestion, and fatigue are merely illusions created in the mind, to which the cure is overcoming your mental belief that you are sick at all. This alternative idea of disease and treatment comes from the religion of Christian Science, and along with its highly controversial healing practices, the church demonstrates two bioethical issues: are people seeking treatment in the church due to frustration with the current medical system, or are members afraid to seek professional medical help due to disapproval from the church? In examining these issues, first, the Christian Science doctrine must be understood, then the history surrounding the religion's creation, and finally how the two tie into today's bioethical problems. To begin, the Christian Science religion shares some similarities with the other Judeo–Christian religions in that they utilize the same Bible, and claim to follow the same God. However, the Christian Science religion contrasts sharply in most other aspects, especially in the ideas surrounding the perfection of God's creation. For example, in the Protestant denominations, man is considered flawed due ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Summary: Can Christian Accounts Of Creation And Life Be... Question: Can Christian accounts of creation and life be harmonized with science? Proposition: Science is correct and cannot be in harmony with Christianity. Objection 1: In 1820, fossils were identified and many began to argue that their very existence discredits Biblical truth. When geologists began to realize that the discovered fossil records were incredibly old, the separation between science and the theologians was increased. They were much older than the creation story in the Bible claimed. The scientists found that the creature, which walked, called Australopithecus, slightly resembling an ape, resided in the Middle East and in east Africa, approximately four to five million years ago. After this, scientists believe Homo erectus, a ... Show more content on ... Mikhail Lomonosov, a Russian naturalist in the 1700s, believed that the earth was several hundred thousand years old. Such estimate was then improved when the earth was dated at 75,000 years old by Comte du Buffon, a French scientist. He established this from the rapid caliber of cooling in the rocks that he had calculated. The father of contemporary geology, Charles Lyell, attacked the idea of catastrophism and popularized the law of uniformitarianism, which is that, since the beginning of the earth, the current processes of the earth have been transpiring. Such principle resulted in more ancient estimates of the earth's age. Many scientists, around the time of Darwin, assumed an age around four hundred million years old, give or take one million years. The most widely acknowledged assessment of the earth's age today is nearly four and a half billion years old. Following these assertions, humans did not exist on the earth until about three million years ago ("What Does the Fossil Record Show?"). Therefore, because of these ancient estimates, rooted in science, the Bible is in conflict with science and should not be accepted as truth, since it advertises the creation of the world in one week, and the creation of humans within that ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Religion: Christian Science Christian Science is an idealistic and most radical form of transcendental religiosity. The study of Christian Science teaches a feeling of understanding of God's goodness and the differences between good and evil, life and death. The purpose of this paper is to address how the study of Christian Science helps us better understand the impact of globalization in America, as well as the impact of American on globalization. This paper is important because globalization features a dominant worldview. All throughout the world people believe, study and teach different types of religious movements that impact others. People need to better understand how certain religions modify, conflict with, and impact the world. First, it will discuss ... Show more content on ... This movement asserts humanity and the universe as one. It's spiritual rather than material in nature. Worship and devotion in daily life involves praying and studying the Christian Science Bible. Throughout the year, one hour Sunday services are held and testimonies of healing were weekly on Wednesdays. The beliefs that go along with this new revelation teaches us of the existence of an all– powerful God and the gratefulness, authority and inspiration of the Bible. Any and everything created on this world is entirely spiritual and perfect and that matter does not exist. One of the main things Christian Science teaches is that they can heal themselves spiritually through prayer and realizing illness, sin and death do not exist. Also, Christian Science adherents believe in the practice of telepathy for a form of psychic healing. Besides praying every day for welfare and health of the local communities, Christian Scientists would host public events regularly where people could learn about this new religious movement. This event helped Christian Science globalize because the world was learning about this religion through the words of its adherents. America, having a remarkable religious diversity, easily spread the thoughts and ideas of Christian Science where it quickly became a well know religious movement. When hearing about a new religion such as Adventism, New ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Religious Diversity And Diversity Diversity is throughout the classrooms and the best way to understand diversity is by educating peers on the topic. Diversity can be found in religion, race, and socioeconomic status. All these elements can affect a student's learning both positively and negatively. It is important to develop relationships with students, and the best way to do this is through understand of their religion, race, and socioeconomic status. The first topic this paper will address is religion and the comparison between Quaker and Christian Science. The next discussions is about race, specifically Hispanic and Native American culture. The final part will address socioeconomic status and the variety of issues among the classes. The Quaker religion is known as the Religious Society of Friends. Quakers believe there is God in everybody and that each human is unique. Quaker religion began in England in the 1650s along with Christian roots. Christian Science is another religion based around Christianity, but this religion was developed in the 19th century. The 2009 statistics shows that there are 210,000 Quakers across the world. Quakers believe that "God is love, the light of God is in every single person, a person who lets their life be guided by that light will achieve a full relationship with God, everyone can have a direct, personal relationship with God without involving a priest or minister, and redemption and the Kingdom of Heaven are to be experienced now, in this world." Quakers do not ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Science And Christianity Essay 1. Yes, it is possible to believe in Science and Christianity. a. It is possible to believe in Science and Christianity because they both seek to establish similar dialogues. i. Science bases its claims upon observation and experience (Schaab, 2008). ii. Christianity also bases it demands upon observation as well as experience (Schaab, 2008). iii. Both science and Christianity identifies the relationships that confirm and expand their understanding of what is experienced and observed (Schaab, 2008). b. It is possible to believe in both Science and Christianity because they both share a cause and effect relationship that exists between the two (Schaab, 2008). i. A relationship exists theologically between God as the Creator (Schaab, 2008 ii. Theologically a relationship also exists ... Show more content on ... Based upon the relationship between Science and Christianity, and the nature and characteristics of the Creator can be inferred from the nature and features of creation (Schaab, 2008). c. It is possible to believe in both Science and Christianity because they both speak of the finite reality of Science and the Infinite reality in theology, and both must speak critically and skeptically (Schaab, 1984). i. However, the theologian and scientist should attempt to demonstrate as clearly as possible that the reality each investigates does exist (Schaab, 1984). ii. This communication exists in a dialect that indicates as precisely as possible the reality to which each refers (Schaab, 1984). iii. Both Science and Christianity understand that language unsurprisingly falls short of literally describing the realisms that each investigates (Schaab, 1984). 2. No, it is not possible to believe in both Science and Christianity. a. It is not possible to believe in both Science and Christianity because they do not share the same philosophy i. Charles Darwin felt that evolution was a completely and naturalistic system, which had no room for miracles or divine involvement at any point (D'Souza, ... Get more on ...
  • 7. A Brief Research of Christian Science Essay Christian Science What is Christian Science? Who is Mary Baker Eddy? Where does Christian Science come from? Is Christian Science like Scientology? What are Christian Science beliefs? Why are we here and where do we go when we die? These question may be raised when you hear Christian Science. Christian Science is unique in its own way, it may not seem all that amazing like other religions but Christian Science is truly amazing over all. Some people refer to Christian Science as non–Christian or an a cult, but that's not true. Christian Science is a religion that formed more slowly than other religions but is still a good religion. Christian Science is a religion that lets you understand God, Jesus Christ, good from evil, ... Show more content on ... Unlike Christian Science, "in Scientology there is no belief in the Holy Bible, God, or Jesus Christ." ("The Differences Between Scientology and Christian Science"). Christian Science and Scientology are not the same in anyway yet people still confuse the two. Christian Science don't have to many beliefs but they do have words that were left behind for other Christian Scientists. "Christian Science religion teaches the existence of an all–powerful God and the authority and inspiration of the Bible. Christian Scientists believe in the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus to be essential to human redemption. Mary Baker Eddy taught the belief in one God and unlike traditional orthodox Christianity, described God with the synonyms: Principle, Soul, Mind, Spirit, Life, Truth, and Love." ("What is Christian Science?"). "There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All–in–all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual." (S&H 468 quoted in "What is Christian Science?") According the beliefs of Christian Science, humans are just subjects to the law of matter as long we believe that we ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Distrust Of Religion In The Middle Ages During the Middle Ages, the relationship between science and religion was central to the ability of intellectuals to pursue the natural sciences. Without approval from their religious leaders, the great thinkers of the Middle Ages were unable to make any large strides in natural philosophy. However, this does not mean that the pervasiveness of religion prevented science from thriving. Rather, the nature of the relationship between science and religion was wholly dependent on the religion in question. In some cases, such as in Christianity, science was given a comparably more sympathetic environment in which to grow and develop. Due to the necessity of a class of men who were both theologians and natural philosophers in Christian societies, ... Show more content on ... During this period, science was mostly founded on the principles of ancient Greek philosophy. In orthodox Jewish and Muslim societies, these beliefs were unable to gain any religious backing, instead harboring only suspicion. In many cases, these feelings of distrust resulted from a lack of necessity to converse with new converts. While the spread of Christianity was heavily reliant on missionary work, other religions such as Islam were simply instated through military force and did not have to seek acceptance from new converts. Furthermore, for Islam, a lack of Arabic translations of ancient Greek works of science and philosophy was also responsible for the religion's distrust of science in the Middle Ages. During the early growth of Islam, in which the orthodox doctrine was created, Muslim leaders were unable to read the ideas of ancient Greek philosophers. Once translations were finally created, orthodox Muslims saw no need to incorporate the ideals of ancient Greece into their religion, and these beliefs were shunned. Finally, this research will attempt to provide an explanation as to why Christianity benefitted more from the use of Greek natural philosophy than the other large religions. The motivations for the Christian acceptance of Greek ideals will be shown to stem from fundamental religious differences between Christianity and other religions, such as the concept of the Holy Trinity. It will also be illustrated that the demographics of Christians in the Middle Ages allowed science to develop more easily. Converts to Christianity were often individuals who had been previously exposed to pagan learning, which included Greek philosophy and natural philosophy, and Christianity did not seek to remove this knowledge after ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Christian Science Research Papers Cristian Science Christian Science is an ongoing religious cult that was started in the early nineteenth century. Mary Baker Eddy was the original founder who started the idea in the United States during 1879. After a thirty–five year revision period, she finished the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. The textbook was finally published in 1875, which stated all the beliefs of Christian Science. Some of the beliefs include the tenets of Christian Science. Each tenet explains what a Christian Scientist believes about God, the Bible, and Jesus. The largest controversy when it comes to Christian Science is the belief about healing and medicine. They believe that prayer and spiritual means to heal themselves of any sickness. The concept was produced when Mary was reading the Bible while being ill. Her idea of spiritual healing is also believed to be a large part of redemption. If a person does not believe that God will heal them through prayer, then they are not saved. After teaching a class her newfound belief on healing, she established a school called the Massachusetts Metaphysical College. Many of her students became believers and were able to heal people. It was during this time that the belief grew until the twenty–first ... Show more content on ... They believe that Jesus is a divine human being that is not considered a deity. While they do believe in both the crucifixion and resurrection, they do not believe that Jesus is simply a moral example. Christian Scientists follow the Bible's teachings and the Trinity. To them, God is omnipotent and purposeful as well. It is taught that God is infinite love and good. His laws are considered good and the only reality. With the power of God, one glimpse can overcome sin, sickness, and evil. Over all, the belief is similar to Christianity except the spiritual healing ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Evolution Of Science And Christian Thought Essay Ape to Human Jackie Williams BIO 396: Topics in Biology and Christian Thought November 30, 2016 I distinctly remember sitting in my 9th grade Biology class as Mr. Shorba projected the classic picture of an ape progressively evolving into a human, and explained to the class Darwin's theory of evolution. However, being raised in a conservative Christian home, I did not listen to one word of the evolution lecture, as I had already made up my mind as to what I believed in. Although I still believe in creationism, my take on learning about evolution has drastically shifted as I have realized the importance of understanding this popular theory. In Jonathan Well's book, Icons of Evolution: Science or Myth, he dissects well–known evolutionists arguments with explanations as to how they are falsifiable. In chapter eleven of Wells' book he explains to his audience the theory of the evolution of humans from apes; otherwise known as the ultimate icon. Darwin explains this theory of macroevolution as the distinctive features that humans have as being present because of natural selection acting on small variables (Wells, 2001). In 1863, Thomas Henry Huxley published a book entitled, Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature, where he compared the commonalities between the human skeleton and the ape skeleton (Wells, 2001). Although Huxley did not believe humans were direct descendants of apes, his findings lead to the construction of Charles Darwin's Descent to Man, in ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Church Of Worship Associated With Their Religion For the many people who choose to follow a religion, the place of worship associated with their religion often serves as the center of their religious experience. For followers of Christianity, this significant place is a church. By attending church services weekly, or sometimes even daily, more common among extremely devoted members, people give meaning to the church itself. Without the church community, meaning the people who belong to the church, the church could be just any another brick building at the end of the street. This is not the case, however, as active church members, and even just visitors, like myself, each instill their own meaning into the church, and the sum of all of these individual experiences is what makes the church so meaningful. Before this past weekend, I had only ever been to churches for weddings and funerals. I did not grow up in a religious family, so the concept of "going to church" was never prominent in my mind, nor a part of my life. From a young age, though, I could always tell that churches were significant places. While many churches are large and grand, clearly displaying their importance, even smaller, more simple churches still seem to demand a level of respect that other sorts of buildings just do not. So, I decided to use this opportunity to find out what I had been missing throughout my life: going to a Sunday church service. My friend Camille is a member of the Church of Christ, Scientist, a relatively new denomination of ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Christian Science v Morman Essay Introduction With the advancements in the study of social sciences, there has been a somewhat parallel growth of cults which though have their foundations in the original Bible and the Christian teachings, yet one may observe that the majority of the present day cults not only deny the essential doctrines, they openly emphasize and present their own personal reinterpretations of the biblical scriptures. The following paper will present two such cases, those of Christian Science and the Mormons, and strive to present some of the comparative elements, their beliefs, customs, religious ceremonies and leadership aspects. Christian Science – Leadership Founded by a woman named Mary Baker Eddy (1821–1910) in 1879, the cult of Christian Science ... Show more content on ... Christian Science – The Customs Some of the salient customs of the Christian Science include a daily prayer ritual which serves to bring realization of God, and God's Love as well as assist others in experiencing the harmonizing and healing effect of the primary understanding of the Christian Science. The cult also emphasizes on the spiritual healing effect and gives more than a mere emphasis as compared to the medical treatment of the ailing humanity. The cult has nor formal ministers, and instead the Bible, Science and Health are its pastor and preacher. With its headquarters in Boston, duly called the First Church of the Christ, Scientist, or The Mother Church. It is assisted with a number of local churches, which serve as its branches. Run under a Manual of the Mother Church, the Christian Science has a Board of Directors, which governs the Church on a democratic system, and is duly assisted by its branches. (Slick, 2003; Kramer, 2004; Meyer, 1961) The Mormon Cult – Leadership Founded by Joseph Smith in 1830 in New York, the cult of the Mormons is yet another faith that derives its teachings from Biblical scriptures. Though most, if not all the elements of this cult are founded in the original Biblical texts, followers of the Christian belief due to some of the extreme contradictions and deceptions in both the books of the Mormons as well as its teachings largely oppose the faith. The cult has some 7 million members, out of 5 million are ... Get more on ...
  • 13. A Summary, Analysis and Discussion of Søren Kierkegaard,... A summary, analysis and discussion of Søren Kierkegaard, Training in Christianity[1] I. Introduction In this essay, I will try to summarize, analyze and discuss several pages of Søren Kierkegaard's Training in Christianity. I will try to focus on his approach to sacred history, a general Christian history and Christianity, which he discusses in this work in relation to faith in God. In other parts of this essay I will attempt also to relate these pages of his work to some key ideas of Kierkegaard's theology and philosophy and support this with some concrete quotations from the text. In the end I will very briefly compare different philosophies of Hegel and Kierkegaard and try to relate Kierkegaard's work to a few topics, which ... Show more content on ... Christian has according to Kierkegaard nothing to learn from general history, teaching Christian history in schools is therefore pointless. '[...] true Christians [...] have nothing to do with Christians of former generations, but everything to do with contemporary Christ.'[9] So does the history of Christianity of over 1800 years in Kierkegaard's time (over 2000 in ours) have any significance at all? To this question would Kierkegaard probably give answer: 'No', as he gives answers to few similar questions he asks himself. Firstly, he tries to give answer on question whether Jesus is always the same or he has changed in history and whether we can learn anything about him from history. To this question Kierkegaard responds: 'Yes, He is the same yesterday and today.'[10] Therefore we can not learn anything new about him from history; we can know him only from sacred history. This means we can know God only as humbled, as 'lowly one,'[11] but never as the one, who is in glory and who will in glory come. 'about His coming again nothing can be known; in the strictest sense, it can only be believed.'[12] Secondly, Kierkegaard asks himself, if one can prove from history that Christ was God. Here he answers: No. He argues that it is impossible to prove this using reason, because we can only prove that something is against reason and ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Methodological Naturalism And Religion Critical Essay #1 Upon examination, the methodological naturalism approach to science seems reasonable and fair to all those practicing the scientific method, despite religion. By only regarding the natural, it allows those of different faiths to approach science on an even playing field, in that science does not regard one religion or faith as the basis of understanding or laws; one does not have to adhere to a certain faith to understand the laws of science as it is based in the objectivity of math and science. While methodological naturalism does not draw a direct correlation between science and religion, it does allow for overlap if the scientist is of a particular religion. As Haarsma describes, science does not simply stop at objective ... Get more on ...
  • 15. My Experience As A Christian Science Nursing Ministry What I appreciate the most about Christian Science Nursing is how practical and spiritual this ministry is. I value how it actively supports Christian Scientists all over the globe to rely on the teachings of Christian Science for healing. Whether in a home, a Christian Science Nursing facility or a Christian Science Camp, the role of a Christian Science Nurse is the same. I have worked in a home and a Christian Science Nursing facility, but not in a Camp. However, a few weeks ago, I worked at Crystal Lake Camps in Pennsylvania as a Christian Science Nurse. Below is a summary of what I learned from this Camp experience and how I can apply these lessons in my nursing ministry. In general, my Camp experience was awesome! I enjoyed working with my CSN Camp Mentor Leslie Levit. Her approach and spiritual preparedness for the day was evident throughout the week. Leslie and I reviewed the Crystal Lake staff handbook, visited all locations on the Camp where the staff keep the Camp care kits, organized and replenished ... Show more content on ... Some of the campers I interacted with had very little knowledge of what a Christian Science nurse does or does not do. I, therefore, found it helpful to explain to some of them what I do and what I don't as a Christian Science Nurse. The prayerful approach to every activity and the metaphysical preparation for the same was one of the highlights I had for the week. Both the staff and the Campers came to every activity well prepared and this level of preparedness helped support whatever the staff and campers were doing. Some of the activities I went to include: Nature trail, Soccer, Football, Kayaking, Boating, Swimming, Marking Books, Burn dance, Hayride, Arts and Crafts, Morning and Evening assemblies, Wednesday Testimony meeting, Vespers, Sunday School, and Principia ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Theory Of Science And Christian Belief Provided that science still requires repeatable and measurable outcomes, the thought that eukaryotes produced sophisticated human life capable of high functioning individuals when they could not even develop the most basic features is preposterous. Although the previous claim may have been overstepped, there are claims of theistic evolution that offer a logical argument to a personal creation by the Living God. Arguments that God could take inert objects, add a dash of mutation, conceptualize and implement natural selection, and allow this to take course in His time all have the potential to be correct as stand–alones. Diane Bissen is a renowned biologist and theologian; therefore she is as capable as anyone combining these fields into the idea of theistic evolution. In digesting her rather lengthy article in the twenty sixth edition of Science & Christian Belief, I have drawn near to the concept that, individually, the principles of evolution make logical sense, but when compiled together with one or more other principles, they becomes "purposeless" and "mindless." Limiting the Creator to mere man–made principles shows a lack of faith in Him. Even theistic evolutionists agree that God is not subjected to the law of man. Commentaries of the Bible offer a different spin on familiar stories. Through research, reaching Robert Alter's The Five Books of Moses brought the Pentateuch into a light otherwise unexplored. On page twenty–three of Alter's commentary – as he discusses ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Christian Science Monitor (CSM) The Christian Science Monitor (CSM) is a universal news association that conveys worldwide scope by means of its site, week after week magazine, every day news preparation, email bulletins, Amazon Kindle membership, and versatile site. It was begun in 1908 by Mary Baker Eddy, the originator of the Church of Christ, Scientist. Starting 2011, the print flow was 75,052. The CSM is a daily paper that covers global and United States current occasions. The paper incorporates a day by day religious component on "The Home Forum" page, yet expresses the production is not a stage for evangelizing. On October 28, 2008, Editor John Yemma reported that the Monitor would end its day by day print adaptation to concentrate on electronic distributed. Rather than a day by day print version, CSM would distribute a week by week news magazine with a worldwide core interest ... Show more content on ... It was begun in 1908 by Mary Baker Eddy, the originator of the Church of Christ, Scientist. Starting 2011, the print flow was ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Dark Ages Myth Those who believe in the Dark Ages myth (hereinafter "myth believers") argue that Greek and Roman intellectuals were on the verge of great scientific and industrial advancements. Myth believers argue that those who followed religious beliefs created a false reality dominated by religious emotion rather than fact. They claim that the Catholic Church persecuted those who used scientific discoveries to bring about new ideas solely because the new discoveries and ideas conflicted the Bible's teachings. Myth believers support their claims by referring to the alleged persecution of three well–known intellectuals during the Dark Ages: Galileo, Hypatia and Giordano Bruno. These three intellectuals' stories vary based on who is telling them; myth ... Show more content on ... It was monastery and cathedral schools that influenced the institutionalization of universities. During the Dark Ages, education was predominantly offered to the clergy and members of the ruling class and education was primarily conducted in cathedral schools, so many of the alleged claims of religion holding back science are false. The church never taught that the Earth was flat and no one was ever "burnt at the stake" for scientific ideas. It was only during the nineteenth century that science began to have any practical applications. Before then, the only reason to study science was curiosity or religious piety. Christians believed that God created the universe and ordained the laws of nature. Studying the natural world was admiring the work of God and a way of showing love towards God. The Catholic Church and religious figures of the time did not commonly look down upon scientific observations of the world. The Dark Ages was an era that was heavily influenced by Christian faith and it was a time of innovation and progress. Indeed, it was faith that led Copernicus to reject the geocentric theory and introduce heliocentrism. It was faith that led German astronomer, Johannes Kepler, to discover the constitution of the solar ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Kierkegaard Sacrifice Although remembered by many as foremost a philosopher, Søren Kierkegaard was quite the theologian in his time, with his own unique approach to theology and Christianity in general. In a time that was ruled by objective methodology in every aspect of acquiring and summarizing knowledge, Kierkegaard sought to bring Christianity back into the realm of the subjective, thereby making it much more interactive and personal. What this paper focuses on is Kierkegaard's requirement of sacrifice that all Christians must be willing to make in order to be considered true Christians, followed by both a critique and a praise for his contagious notion. What is Meant by Sacrifice in Christianity? At the time of Søren Kierkegaard, many relatively new ... Show more content on ... Even more drastic, some tied in their religious beliefs and faith with their work ethic and/or national identity, which thought process Kierkegaard gives an example of: "How can you doubt that you are a Christian? Are you not a you not perform you duties at the office like a conscientious civil servant; are you not a good servant of a Christian of course you must be a Christian." Kierkegaard loathed how cold and detached the Christian faith had become, so he saw it fit that he remind people what being a Christian truly meant. In his famous work Fear and Trembling, Kierkegaard declares that "no person has a right to delude others into the belief that faith is something of no great significance, or that it is an easy matter, whereas it is the greatest and most difficult of all things." The difficulty of faith lies in the requirement of sacrifice. The story of Abraham's near sacrifice of his beloved son, Isaac, is what Kierkegaard utilizes to demonstrate how costly faith in God is. Here is a man, who after seventy years of waiting for God's promise of offspring finally received his son, is commanded by God to slay his promised son with no stated reason for doing so. Kierkegaard, in attempting to experience what Abraham might have experienced in those moments, cries, "Now all is lost, God demands Isaac, I shall sacrifice him, and with him all my joy – but for all that, God is love and will remain so for me." What bold words! The cost ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Planetree Analysis The founder of the Planetree is Angelica Thieriot (Sharrow & Durand, 2012). Thieriot made Planetree symbolize a sycamore tree. The sycamore tree was the location where Hippocrates taught his medical students the art and science of healing. "Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there is a love of humanity," Hippocrates once said. Planetree is bringing back the healing principals that Hippocrates believed in. (Planetree: An Introduction – Huelat Davis | Healing Design (Formerly Huelat Parimucha), n.d.). PPlanetree creates standards to make sure that healthcare centers deliver patient–centered care. This includes all aspects of care (Ingersoll, 2013). Planetree's concept is that care needs a plan based on the needs and expectations of the patient and family. ... Show more content on ... The staff gets trained for the accomplishment of this task. The goal of Planetree is to make patient and the caregiver take part in their care. This program uses evidence–based criteria (Planetree Designation Creates a "Patients First" Organizational Culture, 2013). This concept acknowledges the special contribution of each individual member in the health team towards the comprehensive patient care. This culture encourages teamwork in the attainment of patient–centered care goals. Patients get treated as competent people who can decide and stay active in their ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Psychology And Christianity By David Entwistle 4–MAT Review: Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity Allison McLeod Liberty University Summary The book Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity by David Entwistle, allowed readers to explore a synopsis that addressed worldview issues, theoretical foundations and the models of integration. One subject that I enjoyed reviewing was the comparisons that Enwistle displayed of the relationship of psychology and theology throughout the class text. Additionally, Entwistle offered information that displayed how the two are both designed by God and that God is the creator of all truth. (Entwistle, p.150, 2010).Thus, the author attempted to show the reader various examined claims and tensions that resulted from these influences. We as individuals ordinarily go through life looking at life through our own views of how things should be grounded on our own worldviews. While, a worldview is how a person views the world and the theories that they personally have of the world. Nevertheless, Entwistle provides a fresh outlook for the observer on how psychology is integrated into our worldviews, as a source of guidance and faith. In addition, this is addressed on theology in which, the bible stems from. I found the assimilation of psychology and theology that the author provides, to be essential in assisting individuals with a variety of issues. For some individuals this can be a challenge, being that some Christians have a hard time with integrating ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Compare And Contrast Religion And Christian Science Christianity is similar to Christian Science in many ways, but it's also very different. By describing Christianity, by describing Christian Science and eventually comparing them, you will see the similarities and differences. These are two popular religions and many people follow them around the world. Christianity is one of the Abrahamic faiths, Christians believe in one God and that Jesus is his son who came down to earth to save them. Christian laws come from the Bible, and the ten commandments, and they strive to be like Jesus who Christians believe was perfect, Christians believe in the trinity, which is that God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost are one person, but different people at the same time. Christians believe if you repent for your sins and believe in God, then you will go to heaven, but if you don't you will go to eternal suffering or Hell. Christianity is a very old religion and many people believe in it today. ... Show more content on ... Christian Scientists still believe in one God but he doesn't have a material body and he is everywhere. Mary Baker put herself in Jesus's place so that people think of her of a leader. You have to get saved everyday to go to heaven, and there is no heaven or hell, it's a mental state, death is an illusion. In order to see God, you have to go through the Revelator, and that is Mrs. Eddy. They believe That Jesus was just one of the few profits that come and go, and now Mrs. Eddy is the profit. Christian Science is unique and has many train of thoughts that you cannot find anywhere ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Christian Science "There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All–in–all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual." (S&H 468) "Christian Science founder, Mary Baker Eddy was born in Bow, New Hampshire, in 1821. Her parents were devout Christians and she joined a Congregational Church at age 17. She was chronically sick growing up with many ailments including paralysis, hysteria, seizures and convulsions. At 22, she married her first of three husbands, George Glover, who died within 6 months from ... Show more content on ... Principia is a pre–school–college that is located in the St Louis area for Christian Scientists and many families have moved their so their children can attend. Boston is the home of The Mother Church and The Christian Science Monitor amongst others and so many people live and work in that area. ( rica ) Christian Scientists refer to God as "Father–Mother" rather than the biblical "Father." Though unconventional, this is not a major departure from mainstream Christianity, since God is believed to encompass both male and female (both were created "in the image of God"). Christian Science teaches that Jesus is divine but not God, and that Jesus' human nature is a separate entity from the divine Christ. "Jesus Christ is not God, as Jesus himself declared, but is the Son of God" (Science and Health, 361:12–13). "Jesus is the name of the man who, more than all other men, has presented Christ, the true idea of God, healing the sick and sinning and destroying the power of death" (Science and Health, 473:10–17). Mrs. Eddy rejected the traditional doctrine of the Trinity, saying that it suggests polytheism (Science and Health, ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Christian Ecological Crisis There is a barricade between Christianity and science that has been carrying on since younger religions started being created. There are many reasons that show how conservative Christians harmful effects to the Ecological crisis. They turn a blind eye to the ecological crisis and they have created a hierarchy with them on the top and nature on the bottom. Science has also given humans even more ways to cause harm to the environment, instead of using science and technology for good humans took advantage of what they could do with it to hurt the environment carelessly. Science is only just trying to find ways that could help instead of harm the environment. Christians that don't believe in science are turning a blind eye to the ecological crisis which is hurting the environment greatly. A good example of how Christianity that doesn't believe in science can contribute to the perpetuation of the ecological crisis is just to take a look at many of the republican presidents or candidates from the past and now that have openly stated that they don't believe in climate change. This belief then leads them to not take notice in laws that will protect the environment. This type of belief is associated with conservative ... Show more content on ... They have forgotten to include in their beliefs and ideas the well–being of the most important thing that affects all of us here in the world and it is the health of the earth. By making it less important Science starts creating things that are perilous to the environment like creating pollution and waste by making things like cars, making many different types of electronic devices, and creating new ways to grow more no matter the cost of the land. The bible makes it seem that humans own therefore giving humans a right to do whatever they want to the earth. So most Christians will probably support excessive consumerism and the capitalist model of the ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Religious Liberty Paper Is our society's strict adherence to religious freedoms costing the lives of innocent children? The Christian Science Church rely on the Establishment Clause and The Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment as granting themselves and their children exemption from medical intervention. But because of their insistence in relying solely on prayer for the healing their sick children, approximately one child a month in the U.S. is known to die from an illness that would have been curable had they had medical attention. 1 Religious liberties of parents might protect their beliefs, but it should not protect their conduct of denying the rights of a child to his or her life. Section 1. of the 14th Amendment states, "No State shall make or ... Show more content on ... Walker) said the state's religious exemption law applied to a neglect statute and not to the manslaughter statute.(Masskids–7) As of 2011, Oregon made it a total of six states , along with Nebraska, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Maryland and North Carolina to do away with religious exemptions in civil or criminal code cases pertaining to the medical care of sick or injured children. (Swan finally PDF–8) As American Christians we should rally around Constitutionally protected religious liberties granted under the First Amendment clauses but not those that compromise Bible truths. 1 John 4 says, " Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to determine if they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world." Cult leaders dazzle the uniformed with the seeming insightfulness in their grasp of the Bible. (Holman Bible – find a way to cite – 9) Christian Science founder Mary Baker Eddy is believed to have received her insights from divine revelation and so her text Science and Health supersede all others including the Bible. (Hoekema– 10) She said that she wrote Science and Health to help her befuddled members through intricacies in the Bible they just would not understands and says "...therefore, we recommend that Materia Medica, Physiology, Laws of Health, Mesmerism and Mediumship be given a public execution at the hands of our Sheriff, Progress. The supreme bench decides in favor of ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Compare And Contrast Christian And Secular Science The age of the earth has been debated for centuries. Many people believe in evolution that it took billions of years for everything and everyone to form. Others believe that God created the earth in seven days and that the earth is young. Secular scientist and Christian scientist both use different methods for determining how old the earth is. For example, Secular scientist look and use the layers of rocks to help them, while Christian scientist uses the Bible and look at historical data from other cultures to help them. Doesn't looking at archeological data seem more accurate than looking at rocks? If the earth is truly billions of years old, then why is there little sediment on the sea floor? Or how can secular scientist explain finding soft tissue in a fossil if the earth is old? The most logical explanation is that the earth is young. Many people believe something just because people say that it is true, sometimes it is good to investigate for yourself and see if it is good for you. The young earth and old earth was not always a debated topic. Before the 18th century not many people believed in an old earth, the majority of people believed that it was about 6,000 years old. But during the 1700s, people began to challenge the age of the earth. Three of the many men who advanced the theory ... Show more content on ... The age of the earth has been debated for years. Secular scientist believes in old earth and Christian scientist believe in a young earth. But there seems to be more logical evidence for a young earth. Young earth explains soft tissue found in fossils, the sun paradox, evidence of sediment on the seafloor, and to the age of a comet. It fills in many gaps that secular scientist cannot fill. I hope that you take into account the evidence, but it is ultimately up to you to choose to believe ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Thomas Torrance: The Christian Frame Of Mind INTRODUCTION Thomas Torrance examines the thinking found within the Christian Frame of Mind in both theology and science. His first chapter examines the various influences upon the Greek Christian mind and how it influenced theology and science and the study of both within Christianity. His discussion evolves as it rests finally on the nature of theology and science as it interrelates within a university setting. THE GREEK CHRISTIAN MIND Torrance gives us considerable background as to how the "Three Hierarchs" or "Doctors of the Church," principle themes continue to influence how Christians think today with regards to theology and science. He introduces Saint Basil of Caesarea, Saint Gregory Nazianzen, and Saint John Chrysostom teachings on the foundation for the rationale and the non–rationale and their relationships to God, man, and the created universe within both ... Show more content on ... When "why" is asked overlapping of the two sciences occurs, serving as a reminder of the harmony between the laws of "nature" and "mind" and the intelligible order of the universe. While science searches for autonomous structures, theology searches for dependence upon Gods' revelation and purpose in the historical. However, both are "observer–conditioned." Both fields introduce us to inertia and contingency. The concept of contingency is Christian. It is the contingent intelligible order that becomes the basis for empiricism within theoretical science. Inertia is the force of nature that forces itself more and more upon us. It is not self–explanatory, non self– sufficient, not timeless, or necessary and corresponds to scientific theory as it continually changes. However, the mythologisation of inertia brought about the idea of a closed mechanistic universe that continues today between both camps. MAN, MEDIATOR OF ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Science Vs Christianity Science is defined on Merriam–Webster as, "knowledge about or study of the natural world based on facts learned through experiments and observation." People love to study and execute science, whether they get a job as a scientist, or they just examine a bumblebee in their backyard as a child. Science has an attractive pull to all human beings. Christians especially, are interested in the beautiful world around them created by their wonderful, powerful God. Man is sinful. Therefore, all people who study science without a biblical worldview will come to the wrong conclusion about the world and God. Christians, with the help of the bible and their own observing, will come up with the correct conclusion. First science and Christianity have differing ... Show more content on ... On the view of God, science believes that there is no God. It believes that no one created the earth, it all happened by chance. Science believes in evolution and survival of the fittest. Christianity, on the other hand, realizes that God is the only God and he is loving, merciful, just, and all–powerful. Lastly, science believes that the only source of knowledge is through self–work. The only way to gain in knowledge is to learn about it through books or other scientists. Christians understand that there is so much more to the world than the cold, hard, facts of science. Christians have the bible, which gives so much insight into the details of the world, and it had it all correct, thousands of years before human scientists came to the same conclusions. As seen through the examples above, science is run by sinful humans. Sinful humans are incapable of seeing the truth unless helped by God with the Bible. Christians must study science to gain a better understanding of their creator, but they must remember the truths that God laid out in the Bible are right, and not the conclusions of sinful ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Christian Science Movement Recently, Pope Francis has modernized the Roman Catholic Church by urging followers to support scientists in preserving our environment. Pope Francis has drawn parallels between "the scientific and Christian communities, who are witnessing the convergence of their distinct approaches to reality in the shared goal of protecting our common home, threatened as it is by ecological collapse and consequent increase of poverty and social exclusion" (Pope Francis). As the contemporary world faces new problems, like climate change, Roman Catholic Christianity has supported the need for science as a means to preserve the Earth and guard humanity. As science developed, Protestant Christianity has been more harmonious with modernity and has faced less ... Show more content on ... Christian Science was founded by Mary Baker Eddy when she was inexplicably cured of her nervous disorders while reading a biblical account where Jesus performs a miracle to heal the sick. Eddy had seen many doctors for her nervous disorders, but none could cure her. In 1975 she published Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, where she defined her own Science which rejected modern science. She discounts facts from natural science as they "represent a kingdom necessarily divided against itself, because these definitions portray law as physical, not spiritual" (Eddy 118). Since natural science is only concerned with what can be physically observed, she says the field is irrelevant due to its ignorance of spiritual law. Eddy creates her own form of Science, which is purely spiritual. In differentiating between Christian Science and natural science she admits the two differ but are equally scientific since her Science is "based on Truth, the Principle of all science" (Eddy 124). In forming her movement Eddy rejected the need for science and modern medicine, arguing that by praying correctly any illness can be healed. The Christian Science has not been particularly successful in adapting to modern science, however, the movement has gained a large following. Christian Science has gained public attention for its complete rejection modern medicine but has differed significantly from other Christian in their reaction to ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Science Vs Religion Research Paper Many people consider science and religion to be at loggerheads. Other people consider religions and science to be completely unrelated and different facets. The idea that many people have is that science seems to be more popular than the legions since it is based on facts while religion is based on perceptions. However, what many people fail to realize is that science is not the only source of facts, and religion has been effective in reaching out beyond the realms of morals and values. Indeed, science and religions rely on one another in examining and explaining the things that happens in the daily lives of individuals. Although the views of religion and science have been more or less distinct, there are several ways in which science and religions come together. This paper reviews ... Show more content on ... One of the best examples of this opposition comes from the manner in which both religion and science treats the existence of the earth and humans. While not science or Christianity can be said to say the absolute truth regarding how heath and humans came into existence, they have both provided explanations for their perspectives (McGrath, 2009). Science considers that big bang theory gave rise to the universe and human being came about from evolution. On the other hand, the dominant theory of creation is that of Christianity where everything, including humans, was created by God. The existence of the universe has been one of the most popular contests between religion and science. Nonetheless, the truth is that there is very little conflict between science and Christianity. Indeed most scientists believe in the existence of God and the ability of God to do things that humans cannot do or explain. For example, Galileo was the first scientists to discover that the earth orbits the sun. However, he was a respectable Christian who believed in the power of God (Dennett, ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Relationship Between Science And Religion Science is the study of the natural and physical world through experiments and observations. Religion, however, makes analytical arguments and shares transcendental beliefs that have been passed on from believers to converts. Religion acknowledges philosophical explanations; it includes faith and revelation, whereas, science acknowledges reason, empiricism, and evidence, whereas. The relationship offers a continued debate in both philosophy and theology. This paper will explore the different religious perspectives on science, and scientific perspectives on topics of a variety of religious groups. This paper will provide general exploration of the relationship between science, and religion. This paper, along with their oppositions, will include an explanation on how science and religion can strengthen each other to allow a more nuanced experience of our world and our place in it. Science and religion and their differences Science and religion are the two most important worldviews. They are global phenomena present throughout the history of mankind. Science and religion are extremely complex enterprises. Both are in a state of constant change. The birth of modern science itself cannot be understood without previous scientific developments. Going back to the dawn of science in antiquity, we can already find interactions with religion. Science is the study of the natural and physical world through experiments and observations; it's about explanation. Religion is about ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Mary Baker Research Paper Christian Science was discovered in 1866 by Mary Baker. Mary Baker was born 1821 and passed in 1910. She was born on a farm in Bow, New Hampshire. She was the youngest of Mark and Abigail Baker's six children. During her young age she had to stop school due to her sickness. Even though she was sick she still picked up a book to read. She starts writing prose and poetry from an early age. Her parent tried to help with the sickness but it was only temporary. So, one day she picked up the bible and prayed for hope and inspiration. Mary Baker was influential is an American author, a teacher and a religious leader. She was most known for her groundbreaking ideas and spiritually and health. Which was followed by a physical healing that she experienced as a result of her prayer and dedicated study of the bible. Mary Baker considered herself a spiritual pioneer whose work encompassed the disciplines of science, theology, and medicine. Being the person that is she, she gained a power insight in the year of 1866 when she experiences. After a dramatic lifetime accident, she started to read and got heal with the word of Jesus. When she started to read, she started to get a different feeling toward everything. So, she got her bible out again and prayed for answers. I know that she was a God fearing ... Show more content on ... She started to look and things a lot differently. In my eyes she helped a lot of people out without a care in the world. Mary Baker was often called on to cure cases physicians had given up. People looked up to her so much and at time she uses to be hurt because she couldn't help. At all times she wrote everything in her book to expand into her primary. For over years' people showed how much they appreciated her. The people let her know how much reading and studying the book have given them a new spiritual sense of the Bible and of their unchangeable relationship to God (Christian ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Science Vs Religion Research Paper Many people consider science and religion to be at loggerheads. Other people consider religions and science to be completely unrelated and different facets. The idea that many people have is that science seems to be more popular than the legions since it is based on facts while religion is based on perceptions. However, what many people fail to realize is that science is not the only source of facts, and religion has been effective in reaching out beyond the realms of morals and values. Indeed, science and religions rely on one another in examining and explaining the things that happens in the daily lives of individuals. Although the views of religion and science have been more or less distinct, there are several ways in which science and religions come together. This paper reviews ... Show more content on ... One of the best examples of this opposition comes from the manner in which both religion and science treats the existence of the earth and humans. While not science or Christianity can be said to say the absolute truth regarding how heath and humans came into existence, they have both provided explanations for their perspectives (McGrath, 2009). Science considers that big bang theory gave rise to the universe and human being came about from evolution. On the other hand, the dominant theory of creation is that of Christianity where everything, including humans, was created by God. The existence of the universe has been one of the most popular contests between religion and science. Nonetheless, the truth is that there is very little conflict between science and Christianity. Indeed most scientists believe in the existence of God and the ability of God to do things that humans cannot do or explain. For example, Galileo was the first scientists to discover that the earth orbits the sun. However, he was a respectable Christian who believed in the power of God (Dennett, ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Christian Science Essay Christian Science (officially, the Church of Christ, Scientist) is a religion that spotlights on otherworldly recuperating through prayer. Its expressed reason for existing is to reestablish the mending works of the early Christian church. Established in the late nineteenth century C.E. by Mary Baker Eddy, Christian Science lessons concur from various perspectives with Protestant religious philosophy while additionally essentially varying from that philosophy. Some particular Christian Science lessons incorporate the creation is altogether spiritual and entire, while matter and sin are the illusive "fog" that blurred creation. Jesus spared humankind from this "fog" of ailment, sin, and demise and was in this way the "solution for Adam." Heaven and hell are not ... Show more content on ... Christian Science clarifies divine law as the main law and demonstrates its matchless quality over each uncalled for suppression that mortals may experience, over alleged strengths of matter, infected convictions, political oppression, economic conditions, acquired inclinations, and individual mastery (Staff, Sentinel, Tori Blackhart, Guests: Dorothy Estes, Mark Swinney, Jon Benson, The Lord's Prayer Sung by Dwight Oyer, Rob Gilbert, and Russ Gerber. "Home." Christian Science Sentinel. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Mar. 2017.). Christian Science rose in late nineteenth century America. Troubled Christians, separated between what Eddy called a "stern Protestantism" and a "far fetched radicalism," were attracted to Christian Science in light of the act of otherworldly recuperating and the guarantee of recharged faith. Eddy's own particular look for wellbeing drove her to try different things with different option mending strategies, including homeopathy, hydrotherapy (water cure), and the helpful procedures of Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, an alluring healer from Maine ("Christian Science." Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., n.d. Web. 02 Mar. ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Christian Science Research Paper There are many Church of Christ, Scientist spread around internationally. The First Church of Christ, Scientist was founded by Mary Baker Eddy in 1879 in Boston, Massachusetts. Ms. Baker was an Influential Author as well as a religious leader. During her time she published "Science and Health" along with launching "The Christian Science Monitor". Thus inspiring people to become a part of her new profound Church. Around February 5,1920 a Christian Science Society was organized by friends in McAllen, Texas who gathered at private homes. Meetings were continued, but as time passed they began renting rooms, facility's, where services would be made more public. Their services consisted of getting together on any day they were available since set days nor times were yet to be spoken of. A year later By–Laws were adopted on January 12, 1921 and the first Wednesday evening testimony was held yet another year later, on February 8,1922. Sunday School was finally established in 1923 as well as the first Christian Science Lecture and Thanksgiving Day service. In 1927 the Society was organized into a church in McAllen, Texas. An application was made to the Mother Church in Boston, and on July 1 the Board of Directors granted the request. ... Show more content on ... Their set dates were officially Sunday and Wednesday services. On Sunday their sermon is based on a weekly Christian Science Bible Lesson, consisting of readings from the "Bible and Science and Health" written by Mary Baker Eddy. A democratically elected "First Reader conducts the Sunday service and reads from Science and Health while a "Second Reader" is chosen to read from the bible. Wednesday service consists of Testimony Meetings. They also obtain a Christian Science Reading Room which is open to the public on ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Differences Between Christian Science And Science Similarities and Differences There are quite a few differences between Christian Science and Scientology. For instance, Christian Science started in 1879. It was founded by a poor woman named Mary Baker Eddy who became rich from her new founded religion. Scientology was founded in 1953. Unlike Christian Science, Scientology is an independent religion. It was founded by a man named L. Ron Hubbard. Christian Science is based off Christianity. It is a new interpretation of the Bible. Scientology is a religious responds to therapeutic help. Christian Science centers on the idea of God. Scientology focuses on a person in need of help. Christian Science sees God as the only creator. Scientology believes that the creator is a person completely free. God has no importance in Scientology. They have a few similaries that also differ. For example, both have churches. A Christian Science church holds an hour–long Sunday service. Just like traditional Christian services. They also have a Wednesday testimony meeting. A church of Scientology is open and staffed every day of the week, from morning until late at night. This way they can have auditing and training courses available. In the auditing system, the auditor is one who is trained in Scientology methods. They listen to the learner for the purpose of restoring his or her abilities and achieving full potential. Both religions also offer a path to salvation. The differences between Scientology and Christian Science in language and ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Essay about Creation Science Creationism is a religious metaphysical theory about the origin of the universe. It is not a scientific theory. Technically, creationism is not necessarily connected to any particular religion. It simply requires a belief in a Creator. Millions of Christians and non–Christians believe there is a Creator of the universe and that scientific theories such as the the theory of evolution do not conflict with belief in a Creator. However, fundamentalist Christians such as Ronald Reagan and Jerry Falwell, have co–opted the term 'creationism' and it is now difficult to refer to creationism without being understood as referring to fundamentalist Christians who (a) take the stories in Genesis as accurate accounts of the origin of the universe and ... Show more content on ... That theory is quite distinct from the fact of evolution. Other scientists have different theories of evolution, but only a negligible few deny the fact of evolution. Gish is not doing science when he argues against the fact of evolution. He has no interest in scientific facts or theories. His interest is in apologetics: defending the faith against what he sees as attacks on God's Truth. All his arguments are defensive; they are attempts to show that the evidence does not support the scientific fact of evolution. Creationists, mistaking the uncertain in science for the unscientific, see the debate among evolutionists regarding how best to explain evolution as a sign of weakness. Scientists, on the other hand, see uncertainty as simply an inevitable element of scientific knowledge. They regard debates on fundamental theoretical issues as healthy and stimulating. Science, says evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould, is "most fun when it plays with interesting ideas, examines their implications, and recognizes that old information may be explained in surprisingly new ways." Thus, through all the debate over evolutionary mechanisms biologists have not been led to doubt that evolution has occurred. "We are debating how it happened," says Gould (1983, p.256). Creation science, on the other hand, is not science but pseudoscience and it is connected to a particular group of fundamentalist Christians. Most Christians, ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Biblical Perspectives Assignment Biblical Perspectives Assignment When most people hear the word science they may recall images their high school biology or chemistry class such beakers, test tubes, and strange looking liquids. However, science is much more than something learned in a text book or random experiments done in a lab. According to the United Kingdom Science Counsel, "Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence" ( For Christians, science should be important not only as a means of developing creation but as tool for rightly ruling creation (Genesis1:26). Science is a process by which humans use to manipulate creation for the purpose of attaining factual knowledge. Christians should understand that God will hold his servants accountable for how they use science and that he alone can eliminate the effects of sin on creation. Science is more than an academic subject and for those ... Show more content on ... Although science does include these components, they are only a small part of the scientific process. This process allows scientist to explore creation in an organized fashion. Even though creation can be organized and predictable, it is also extremely divers and detailed requiring an effective strategy to understand how it functions. But how should Christians use this process? Because of the man's disobedience to God, sin affects everything including science and has made ruling over creation much more difficult. Problems such as pollution and depletion of natural resources have caused humanity to wrongly exploit creation in order to survive. Despite these challenges, as God's stewards we still have the responsibility to use science as a tool to improve creation by actively participating in the scientific ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Healthcare Provider and Faith Diversity Essays Running head: HEALTHCARE PROVIDER AND FAITH DIVERSITY Healthcare Provider and Faith Diversity Judy Mills GCU HLT 310V September 14, 2012 Abstract This paper compares the philosophies of three diverse faiths, that of: Buddhism, Islam, and Christian Science, comparing them to Christianity. We will look at basic beliefs, spiritual perspectives on healing, beliefs about healthcare, and components of healing such as prayer, meditation, and rituals followed. We will also look at what is important to know when caring for a person with different beliefs and cultural views, so that we may treat them with respect, dignity and promote the healing process. Healthcare Provider and Faith Diversity The practice of nursing brings you in ... Show more content on ... Muslims believe their faith is the only true faith, it was revealed to them through a long line of prophets inspired by God. To practice their faith Muslims must accept five primary obligations called five pillars of Islam. The first pillar, is the profession of faith, repetition of the statement, "There is no god but God; Muhammad is the Messenger of God". The second pillar is the devotion to prayer and worship. Muslims pray five times a day while facing towards Mecca the "house of God". Prayers are simple and personal but also done in groups. The third pillar is the obligatory religious tax it is paid by all for the benefit of the community. The fourth pillar is the month long fast each year during Ramadan from dawn to dark along with refraining from cursing, lying, and cheating. The fifth pillar is the pilgrimage to Mecca at some time during your life. Muslims beliefs about health and illness vary considerably from the Christian perspective. Muslims believe that illness is atonement for their sins and accept it with prayers and patience. Cleanliness is considered half the faith, the Quran prohibits the eating of pork and by products and any meat not slaughtered in the "halal" way. The one month fast is thought to rest the body and have medical values. When caring for Muslim patients where the cultural differences are vast, first respect privacy and modesty, examine patient over gown when possible. Provide" halal" foods, allow patient to pray and
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