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Real World Negotiation Assignment
Your task is to go out there (bravely) into the dreaded “real
world,” negotiate for something, and then write a paper about it.
You can choose or create an opportunity to negotiate something
for which you might normally not negotiate or for which you
did not intend to negotiate at this point in time. Completed
negotiations from the recent or distant past are not eligible.
A wide variety of contexts and potential transactions are fair
game, including but not limited to retail consumer encounters,
landlord-tenant interactions, personal or family conflict
situations, disputes with teachers, fellow students, law
enforcement officials, university administrators, etc. A job
negotiation is okay if it is going to start and conclude between
the beginning of the semester and the due date for this
The key requirement is that the situation is real with actual
costs and outcomes turning on the encounter (although the
magnitude of costs and benefits can be relatively small).
Your essay about the experience should, at a minimum, address
(also, see rubric chart below): • How you prepared for the
• What happened (but don’t let narrative detail crowd out
•• What the outcome was and whose interests were served;
• Why things turned out as they did – what would you do
differently; • Quantify what you gained by negotiating.
***The last paragraph should identify and explain how much
value you claimed/created by negotiating as opposed to if you
had not negotiated and claimed your BATNA. (This point will
be moot if you did not come to a negotiated agreement and did
claim your BATNA. That is OKAY and will not reflect poorly
on your grade!).
Include in your essay a critique of your own performance in the
encounter: What could you have done differently to produce a
better outcome? In reading and evaluating these papers, I will
emphasize analysis over narrative. Tell me what happened, yes,
but probe the reasons why the encounter went as it did using
ideas and concepts about the structure and process of
negotiation from the course. Think about the type of negotiation
you are discussing and how it differs from other situations
considered in this course and elsewhere. Don’t just say what
tactics were used; say why and analyze their appropriateness. I
will also look for evidence that you prepared for your
“adversary” deliberately and thoughtfully. You will be graded
not on the outcome of the negotiation itself, but on the quality
of your analytical insight (using concepts developed in the
course) into the process that occurred.
• The paper should be 4-5 double-spaced pages.
• Paper must be formatted with 1” margins all around and Times
New Roman 12-point font. Papers not adhering to this format
will lose a letter grade. Papers will be graded based on analyses
as well as on grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
• Submit papers via Canvas. You must submit the assignment as
an attached file.
Grading: See the rubric below for the approach I will use to
evaluate these papers.
Note: It is possible to earn NEGATIVE points on the
grammar/punctuation/spelling portion of this assignment as one
point is deducted for every error.
You knocked it out of the park
Preparation for the negotiation:
Narrative (appropriate details):
Depth of conceptual analysis and use of course concepts, why
things turned out the way they did:
What would you do differently?
Grammar, punctuation, etc.
· It’s time to put together your final project based on the
feedback you received from your instructor and your peers on
the rough draft.
· XYZ University has required you to provide a minimum of 8
peer-reviewed articles to support your research and
recommendation. EBSCO tutorial.
· You should have chosen to present your project in one of the
following three methods:
· Paper: You will turn in a 5-7 pages paper following APA
guidelines. Click here for the web version of the APA sample
paper. Click here for a downloadable version of the APA sample
· Presentation: You will turn in an 8-10 minutes presentation
(such as PowerPoint or Prezi), including visual elements
(graphics, pictures, etc.), 150-200 notes per slide, a reference
slide, and you should record your voice giving the presentation.
· Speech: You will turn in an 8-10 minutes video speech (well-
rehearsed), a written script of your narrative, and a reference
Project Requirements:
Complete the following steps.
Step 1: Introduction – Include an attention getting title.
Introduce the social issue you have selected. Explain to your
audience why this issue is important and why they should be
interested. What are the benefits of service learning in effecting
positive change for this issue? Conclude your introduction with
your thesis statement. Use the thesis statement generator to
develop your statement. This statement is your recommendation
of why students should or should not conduct service learning at
the organization. Use at least one peer-reviewed article to
support your claims in this section.
Step 2: Body - Include the following sections from your
previous research to include any changes you made due to
instructor feedback: Community Organization, Community
Partnerships, Cross-Cultural Challenges, Humanitarian
Considerations, Volunteers, Roadblocks, Future Vision,
Challenges, and Improvements.
Step 3: Conclusion - Restate your thesis. This means that you
say about the same thing as you did in your thesis, but you say
it differently. After stating your thesis, restate the topics from
each of your body sections and emphasize what is important for
your audience/readers to remember. End your conclusion with a
call to action that illustrates what your audience/readers should
do with the information you presented.
Step 4: References – On a separate reference page, list all the
references you have cited in your paper to support your claims.
Service Learning with ARC and the Aftermath of Hurricane
By: Yvonne Lang
The American Red has been dedicated to serving those affected
by hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, starvation and other types of
emergencies for over 150 years. Their mission is to alleviate
suffering through their volunteer service and generosity of
donors. They solicit funds from well-wishers and donors to
address the needs of those who are in need. With the help of
each volunteer, they reach out to those and provide them with
blankets, food, and shelter. The organization also provide health
and safety programs that greatly impact communities across the
United States. These courses include, HIV/AIDS education, and
lifeguard training that will allow people to be equipped with
necessary tools to become lifesavers (Veegaete, et., Al., 2016).
Our American red cross
(Serving in time of need)
ARC is a Humanitarian organization that aids in disaster relief,
education on disaster preparedness and providing emergency
Established in 1881 by Clara Barton, the American Red Cross
fundamental principal started as a narrow law of war concept in
traveling from different disaster sites to provide relief (Remes,
Jacob A. C. 2013). Today it has expanded internationally and
consists of many volunteers and local chapters. It is the mission
of the American Red Cross to provide education about health
and safety, by attending first aid classes, collecting blood and
conducting research on blood and tissues, different volunteer
nursing services; and multidisciplinary mental service, to assist
victims in different capacities during disasters (Medina, C.
Disaster Operations Center, Washington DC
American Red Cross headquarters is located in Washington, DC.
There are many volunteers, staff, and blood service regions
throughout the country. These organizations are funded through
the government and by donors, to reassure the activities can be
effective. ARC has four primary functions. The most important
is collecting and storing blood from almost half of the over four
million donors in America. Other functions include disaster
relief, giving aid to victims of war and soldiers, educating
communities and lastly outreach ( Grabianowski, n.d). Which is
a part of service learning that results in positive change.
Why I chose the American red cross
I chose the American Red Cross as my Service Learning
Organization. I suggest students work and become interested
with is the American Red Cross because its an international
humanitarian organization that helps people all around the
world. In times of disasters ARC will make every effort to
prevent and alleviate human suffering when it comes to
emergencies, by mobilizing the power of volunteers and
generosity of their donors (Howatt, G., & Finley, S. (2017)
These are picture from my house and my neighbors' home across
the street. When Hurricane Florence visited our neighborhood
we were left without electricity due to fallen trees and much of
the areas were flooded. Many homes were damaged and some
people within the community even had to evacuate because the
water level reached the inside of their homes. The American
Red Cross was already in our city waiting to assist only minutes
down the road from where I lived.
American red Cross is
Driven by seven Fundamental principles
Voluntary service
As a Service Learning student you learn Red Cross seven
Fundamental Principles and what they stand for:
Humanity - The International Red Cross born of desire to bring
assistance without discrimination, to the wounded soldiers on
the battlefield, endeavors, both international and national
capacity to prevent and alleviate suffering wherever it may be.
Impartiality it makes no discrimination when it comes race,
religious beliefs, class or political opinions.
Neutrality – enjoy the confidence of all by never taking sides or
engaging controversies politically, racially, religiously, or
ideologically nature.
Independence – the National Societies and auxiliaries within the
humanitarian service of their government and subject must
abide by the laws of their countries.
Voluntary service – voluntary only and will not operate for
profit or gain.
Unity – There can only be one Red Cross within that country,
and it must always be open to carry out the work in its
Universality – The International Red Cross along with all
societies have the same status and share the same
responsibilities and duties to helping each other,
worldwide.(O’Callaghan, S., & Leach, L. (2014)
Partnership Matters
Meals and Wheels
Coca Cola
Service Learning students have the opportunity to see the
importance of Partnership and their roles with the American
Red Cross. The volunteers that work with Red Cross help with
providing food, shelter, and comfort to affected families. They
help to rebuild communities. When it comes to Service Learning
there is a amalgam between volunteering and studying, and
studying and volunteering.. Both have a tendency to strengthen
one another. Therefore, Service Learning benefits both the
student and organization. Participants who encounter problems
are therefore able to share what they have learned. In
volunteering, you don’t need skills, but service learning
requires you invest time in studying (Harrington, 2016)).
Red Cross form Community Partnerships with other
organizations in delivering service to people. Their partners
include Meals and Wheels organization, who support more than
5000 community-based organizations. They deliver good meals.
The National Association for Advancement of Colored People
(NAACP) whom they have been partners with since 1981, help
in providing awareness about the functions of organizations.
United Nations World Food Program (WFP), Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and
Partner National Societies (PNS). Coca-Cola is also long time
partner of ARC. They contribute to funding, drinks and
marketing assets and expertise (Moye, 2017). All these
organizations come together at some point in time or doing
disasters to connect with families who are in need.
Cultural Challenges
Time and Space Issues
Religious Beliefs
Nonverbal Signals
Through their program Service Learning students identify some
of International Organizations and Cultural Challenges Red
Cross face. The Canadian Red Cross is a member of the
International Red Cross Crescent Movement, it includes the
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Cross Societies,
the International Committee of the Red Cross and 188 national
Red Cross and Crescent Societies all have the same mission; to
improve the lives of vulnerable people by utilizing the power of
humanity. These organization all come together to meet the
innovative and ever-growing demands within the communities.
Every four hours Red Cross responds to disasters of flood,
house fires, forest fires, etc. Each year volunteers dedicate
more than ten of thousands of hours serving people recovering
from healthcare issues or natural disasters, Canada Newswire.
(2013, December 10).
Red Cross recognizes there are cultural challenges within the
humanitarian sector in trying to reach some of the most
vulnerable communities when it comes to families around the
world. ARC assist in the first relief development-gap. Once the
people have been given relief, there is no transition to the
development phase. There are no limitations on who Red Cross
will help, the biggest dilemma is reaching them. Relief
supporters such as Red Cross will leave before other
development agencies come in without any transition (Hamilton,
2005). People who are in Out of reach communities, meaning
out of the region, insecurity, war and violence against
humanitarian personnel. Those out of sight communities; living
in low poverty or remote areas and People who are left out the
loop; particularly the elderly and with disabilities cannot
receive help (Red Cross, 2018).
Therefore to address some challenges Red Cross believes in
having a diverse staff that will accommodate different cultures.
They train students who enter into their service learning
programs and volunteers who are already in the organization in
developing good working relationships. Some engage in
language barriers as interpreters and relate to those with
religious background and beliefs (West-Olatunji, 2015).
Red Cross Cares About You
As a service learning student there may be roadblocks, however
liabilities can only occur if a the universities fails at protecting
their students. Students should always be warned of any
impending dangers if they are ever placed in an unsafe
environment. To safeguard students, they should be aware of all
potential liabilities areas. They should also be informed of
learning goals, learning requirements and outcomes ( Goldstein,
1990). Thus far ARC has no liability issues. Although, there
are many they can face, including getting into altercations with
other staff. They also run the risk of getting injured or sick
when assisting in areas such as Hurricane Florence or other
disasters. Regardless of the issues that arise, communication is
the key to getting them solved.
ARC Will Always Care
As students we have been taught through service learning, how
to offer service within communities and support the work
of Red Cross by giving them our time and through volunteering.
The American Red Cross is one of the best charitable
organization that offers disaster relief during emergency and
educate people about how to prepare. Recently, Red Cross was
there to assist my state from the effects of Hurricane Florence.
This organization came into existence without any
discrimination on how to deal with preparing for the upcoming
disasters (Jacquet, et al., 2014). To support the victims of
Hurricane Florence and help promote change in the society as
the move forward Red Cross helps in the aftermath.
Turning Compassion into Action
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Provide care to all affected by distributing food
Offer shelter and inspire them to move forward
Donate blood
As a student we share the vision with the American Red Cross
of turning compassion into action for the victims of Florence.
In doing so, we aspired and supported those communities
recently hit by Florence, through way of shelter, administering
food, donating blood and encouraging them to move on with
life. For the organization to achieve their future vision, they
had to mobilize funds from donors through the power of help
from volunteers. They also created the Red Cross initiative
through community integrated engagement models to improve
their work and coverage (Barrios, 2018)
The American Red Cross sometimes face challenges because of
increased occurrences of disaster. Only a few weeks after
Hurricane Florence ripped through North and South Carolina,
Hurricane Michael came along and caused more damaged to
what was already there. The number of people needing quickly
escalated. The need to collect more money became a bit
challenging and difficult to support everyone that was effected.
Regardless of circumstances Red Cross continues to persevere
by improving their organization. For instance, they started
giving volunteers financial benefits to motivate them in helping
in areas of disasters that had extreme damages from hurricanes.
Students and staff are better equipped for working with people
from different backgrounds that stereotypes. Students learn
how to problem-solve which enhance and support the
achievements of goals of the ARC. The organization continues
to work hard at developing partnerships, maintaining financial
stability and finding ways to increase revenue. (American Red
Cross, 2012)
Hurricane Florence
On September 10, 2018 North Carolina, our state was declared a
state of emergency. Threated by what was first expected to be
category 4 hurricane, downsized to a Category 1. Gov. Roy
Cooper warned everyone to keep a close eye on Hurricane
Florence and take necessary steps from what was being called
one of the worst hurricanes to hit North Carolina in 30 years.
This vicious hurricane was set in target to impact us later in the
week, but Gov. Roy wanted to be prepared for the unexpected.
As residents of Fayetteville many of us became frantic,
anticipating the experience of inland flooding and damaging
winds, some decided to evacuate while others stayed. Wind gust
were 25-35 mph expecting to be 50, but the had the potential to
110 miles or greater.
Residents flee for shelter cover from Florence
Hurricane shelters
The following shelters are open in Cumberland County for
Hurricane Florence:
• Kiwanis Recreation Center, 352 Devers Street, Fayetteville
• Mac Williams Middle School, 4644 Clinton Road, Fayetteville
• Pine Forest High School, 525 Andrews Road, Fayetteville
• Seventy-First High School, 6764 Raeford Road, Fayetteville
• Smith Recreation Center, 1520 Slater Ave., Fayetteville
• South View High School, 4184 Elk Road, Hope Mills
• W. T. Brown Elementary School, 2522 Andrews Church Road,
Spring Lake
Pet shelters
• Pets are allowed at two shelters: The one at Pine Forest High
School and the one at South View High School.
• Bring pet food, medication, crates, collars, leashes and rabies
vaccination records (if you have them). Pet owners must provide
the daily care for their animals.
• Call 910-678-7657 to arrange transportation or obtain further
information about the shelters.
As part of the State’s Emergency Team the American Red Cross
and along with Baptists on a Mission began making preparation
to make sure they would have supplies and planned shelters
(Bennett, 2018). Cumberland County opened seven shelter and
two pet shelter. They also offered transportation for those who
needed it.
Many families, elderly and disabled residents were taken to
shelters ran by the American Red Cross. While ARC shelters
those who will be impacted by Hurricane Florence their
continuous efforts to raise money began to immediately assist
for food, water, medicine and the recovery of projects to those
residents needing to rebuild their communities.
American Red Cross at Work
Your emergency kit should contain supplies for about three
Stay informed about weather updates and emergency
Before the storm hits, find a place to store outside items
Download the free Red Cross Emergency App
Prepare for power outages
Know how you’ll communicate with family members
Don’t forget your pets
If told to evacuate, do so immediately.
(Red Cross, 2018)
In an effort to aide the victims of Hurricane Florence the
American Red Cross sent 80 emergency response vehicles and
along with more than 120 trailers of equipment and relief
supplies. More than 1,500 disaster workers were grounded to
different areas to assist and more volunteers are being
mobilized. These necessities were deployed to North Carolina
before Florence even touch down. Responders of the teams
were activated and ready to attend to the health needs in many
of the affected communities. Hurricane Florence Response was
sent out across multiple states of how to be on guard and steps
to take keep families safe.
Florence is Here!!!
Hurricane Florence made landfall as a Category 1 storm near
Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina at 7:15 a, on September 14.
Moving at 6mph with sustained winds of 90 mph Florence was
expected to linger around throughout the weekend. Although
the storm was going to weaken as it moved closer inland, life
threatening surges and hurricane force winds would still cause
catastrophic damages. More than 300,000 people would be
without power and over 12,000 in shelters (Christiaan Post,
Hurricane Florence claimed the lives of at least seven people. A
41 year old woman and her seven-month-old -son died in
Wilmington when a tree fell on the house. A 78 year old man in
Lenoir was electrocuted; A 77 year old an in Lenoir County fell
and died of cardiac problem while he was outside checking on
dogs.. A 81 year-year-old man in Wayne County fell and struck
his head while packing to evacuate, then a husband and wife
died in a house fire in Cumberland County (Washington Post,
Road closures
Fayetteville alone had over 76 road closures. The NCDOT
stated that roads and bridges were damaged, and reminded
motorists to obey signs that tells you not to go around
barricades. Interstate 95 was closed in parts over a 60 miles
stretch. Flooding led to a lot of closures and people were
advised not to drive unless necessary.
Community Clean up Begins
Damages were found throughout neighborhoods and
communities. Some areas were reported still having more than
4ft of water from the catastrophic flooding. American Red
Cross has issued safety precaution steps for those living in
affected areas and strongly suggest that you follow the advice
of local authorities before returning to your home (Red Cross,
Second Harvest Food Bank of Metrolina:
shipped 50,000 pounds of food and water before the storm and
have another 50,000-pound shipment ready to go as soon as they
get the word that trucks can get through to the coast
Operation North State
Several Simon-owned malls around Charlotte are setting up
drop-off locations for donated goods, including water, canned
food, pet foods, blankets, towels, clothing, cleaning supplies,
paper products, disposable diapers and toiletries.
American Red Cross
To give blood: Make an appointment by using the Red Cross
Blood Donor App, visiting or calling 1-800-
To donate money: Visit, call 1-800-733-2767 or
text the word FLORENCE to 90999 to make a $10 donation.
North Carolina Disaster Relief Fund: It is accepting online
donations on its website or mailed to North Carolina Disaster
Relief Fund, 20312 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699.
It is accepting online donations on its website or mailed to
North Carolina Disaster Relief Fund, 20312 Mail Service
Center, Raleigh, NC 27699.
The Salvation Army
The Salvation Army sent feeding crews and volunteers to the
Carolinas ahead of Hurricane Florence, with each unit able to
serve up to 1,500 meals a day
There were many organizations that participated in the recover
after Hurricane Florence including the National Guard. FEMA
is another disaster partner that provides immediate assistance.
They provide medical assistance, emergency shelter, and they
offer support for individuals with disabilities and other
functional needs.
Many Faith-Based groups delivered support materials but were
able to address human needs-physically, emotionally, and
spiritually during the time of crisis. Although the aftermath of
Hurricane Florence is bleak these organizations offer a ray of
hope to those victims who have lost so much.
When Volunteers were asked why they do it…
Because we can
We have time
we enjoy it
Its Rewarding
American Red Cross. (2018). Florence: Red Cross Helps as
Devastation Continues. Retrieved From
American Red Cross. (2012). The American Red Cross:
Transforming for the future. Retrieved from
American Red Cross. (n.d). Community Partners. Retrieved
Barrios, J. (2018). One Red Cross: Our Vision for the
Future…and the Future is now! Retrieved From
Canada Newswire. (2013, December 10). Media Statement -
Setting the record straight: Red Cross Care Partners. Canada
Newswire. Retrieved from
Goldstein, M. (1990). Legal issues in combining service and
learning. Retrieved From
References Cont’d
Grabianowski, E. (n.d). How the American Red Cross Works.
Retrieved From
Hamilton, S. (2005). Volunteers in Disaster Response.
Retrieved from
Harrington, D. (2016). What's the Difference Between Service
Learning and Volunteering? Retrieved From
Howatt, G., & Finley, S. (2017). Do You Want to Volunteer to
Help in a Disaster? American Red Cross Disaster Health
Service. ASBN Update, 21(5), 10–11. Retrieved from
Jacquet, G. et al. (2014). Availability and diversity of training
programs for responders to international disasters and complex
humanitarian emergencies. Retrieved from
Medina, C. (2010). The Red Cross: Always There in a Time of
Need. Texas Public Health Journal, 62(2), 41–42. Retrieved
References Cont’d
Moye, J. (2017). A Century of Serving Those in Need: Coca-
Cola, American Red Cross Toast 100 Years of Partnership.
Retrieved From
O’Callaghan, S., & Leach, L. (2014). The relevance of the
Fundamental Principles to operations: learning from Lebanon.
International Review of the Red Cross, 95(890), 287–307.
Remes, J. A. C. (2013). The American Red Cross from Clara
Barton to the New Deal. Journal of American History, 100(3),
850–851. Retrieved from
Veegaete, A. et al. (2016). Guidelines of the International
Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies: an
overview and quality appraisal using AGREE II. Retrieved from
Washington Post. (2018). Death toll rises to at least 11,
officials say, as some areas grapple with intense flooding due to
Carolinas storm. Retrieved from

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  • 1. Real World Negotiation Assignment Your task is to go out there (bravely) into the dreaded “real world,” negotiate for something, and then write a paper about it. You can choose or create an opportunity to negotiate something for which you might normally not negotiate or for which you did not intend to negotiate at this point in time. Completed negotiations from the recent or distant past are not eligible. A wide variety of contexts and potential transactions are fair game, including but not limited to retail consumer encounters, landlord-tenant interactions, personal or family conflict situations, disputes with teachers, fellow students, law enforcement officials, university administrators, etc. A job negotiation is okay if it is going to start and conclude between the beginning of the semester and the due date for this assignment. The key requirement is that the situation is real with actual costs and outcomes turning on the encounter (although the magnitude of costs and benefits can be relatively small). Your essay about the experience should, at a minimum, address (also, see rubric chart below): • How you prepared for the negotiation; • What happened (but don’t let narrative detail crowd out analysis); •• What the outcome was and whose interests were served; • Why things turned out as they did – what would you do differently; • Quantify what you gained by negotiating. ***The last paragraph should identify and explain how much value you claimed/created by negotiating as opposed to if you had not negotiated and claimed your BATNA. (This point will be moot if you did not come to a negotiated agreement and did claim your BATNA. That is OKAY and will not reflect poorly on your grade!). Include in your essay a critique of your own performance in the encounter: What could you have done differently to produce a
  • 2. better outcome? In reading and evaluating these papers, I will emphasize analysis over narrative. Tell me what happened, yes, but probe the reasons why the encounter went as it did using ideas and concepts about the structure and process of negotiation from the course. Think about the type of negotiation you are discussing and how it differs from other situations considered in this course and elsewhere. Don’t just say what tactics were used; say why and analyze their appropriateness. I will also look for evidence that you prepared for your “adversary” deliberately and thoughtfully. You will be graded not on the outcome of the negotiation itself, but on the quality of your analytical insight (using concepts developed in the course) into the process that occurred. Details: • The paper should be 4-5 double-spaced pages. • Paper must be formatted with 1” margins all around and Times New Roman 12-point font. Papers not adhering to this format will lose a letter grade. Papers will be graded based on analyses as well as on grammar, punctuation, and spelling. • Submit papers via Canvas. You must submit the assignment as an attached file. Grading: See the rubric below for the approach I will use to evaluate these papers. Note: It is possible to earn NEGATIVE points on the grammar/punctuation/spelling portion of this assignment as one point is deducted for every error. Trivial Light Okay Solid You knocked it out of the park Preparation for the negotiation:
  • 3. 4 8 12 16 20 Narrative (appropriate details): 4 8 12 16 20 Depth of conceptual analysis and use of course concepts, why things turned out the way they did: 4 8 12 16 20 What would you do differently? 4 8 12 16 20 Grammar, punctuation, etc. 4 8
  • 4. 12 16 20 WEEK 7 ASSIGNMENT: · It’s time to put together your final project based on the feedback you received from your instructor and your peers on the rough draft. · XYZ University has required you to provide a minimum of 8 peer-reviewed articles to support your research and recommendation. EBSCO tutorial. · You should have chosen to present your project in one of the following three methods: · Paper: You will turn in a 5-7 pages paper following APA guidelines. Click here for the web version of the APA sample paper. Click here for a downloadable version of the APA sample paper. · Presentation: You will turn in an 8-10 minutes presentation (such as PowerPoint or Prezi), including visual elements (graphics, pictures, etc.), 150-200 notes per slide, a reference slide, and you should record your voice giving the presentation. · Speech: You will turn in an 8-10 minutes video speech (well- rehearsed), a written script of your narrative, and a reference page. Project Requirements: Complete the following steps. Step 1: Introduction – Include an attention getting title. Introduce the social issue you have selected. Explain to your audience why this issue is important and why they should be interested. What are the benefits of service learning in effecting positive change for this issue? Conclude your introduction with your thesis statement. Use the thesis statement generator to
  • 5. develop your statement. This statement is your recommendation of why students should or should not conduct service learning at the organization. Use at least one peer-reviewed article to support your claims in this section. Step 2: Body - Include the following sections from your previous research to include any changes you made due to instructor feedback: Community Organization, Community Partnerships, Cross-Cultural Challenges, Humanitarian Considerations, Volunteers, Roadblocks, Future Vision, Challenges, and Improvements. Step 3: Conclusion - Restate your thesis. This means that you say about the same thing as you did in your thesis, but you say it differently. After stating your thesis, restate the topics from each of your body sections and emphasize what is important for your audience/readers to remember. End your conclusion with a call to action that illustrates what your audience/readers should do with the information you presented. Step 4: References – On a separate reference page, list all the references you have cited in your paper to support your claims. Service Learning with ARC and the Aftermath of Hurricane Florence By: Yvonne Lang The American Red has been dedicated to serving those affected by hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, starvation and other types of emergencies for over 150 years. Their mission is to alleviate suffering through their volunteer service and generosity of donors. They solicit funds from well-wishers and donors to address the needs of those who are in need. With the help of
  • 6. each volunteer, they reach out to those and provide them with blankets, food, and shelter. The organization also provide health and safety programs that greatly impact communities across the United States. These courses include, HIV/AIDS education, and lifeguard training that will allow people to be equipped with necessary tools to become lifesavers (Veegaete, et., Al., 2016). 1 Our American red cross (Serving in time of need) ARC is a Humanitarian organization that aids in disaster relief, education on disaster preparedness and providing emergency assistance. Established in 1881 by Clara Barton, the American Red Cross fundamental principal started as a narrow law of war concept in traveling from different disaster sites to provide relief (Remes, Jacob A. C. 2013). Today it has expanded internationally and consists of many volunteers and local chapters. It is the mission of the American Red Cross to provide education about health and safety, by attending first aid classes, collecting blood and conducting research on blood and tissues, different volunteer nursing services; and multidisciplinary mental service, to assist victims in different capacities during disasters (Medina, C. (2010). 2 Disaster Operations Center, Washington DC American Red Cross headquarters is located in Washington, DC.
  • 7. There are many volunteers, staff, and blood service regions throughout the country. These organizations are funded through the government and by donors, to reassure the activities can be effective. ARC has four primary functions. The most important is collecting and storing blood from almost half of the over four million donors in America. Other functions include disaster relief, giving aid to victims of war and soldiers, educating communities and lastly outreach ( Grabianowski, n.d). Which is a part of service learning that results in positive change. 3 Why I chose the American red cross I chose the American Red Cross as my Service Learning Organization. I suggest students work and become interested with is the American Red Cross because its an international humanitarian organization that helps people all around the world. In times of disasters ARC will make every effort to prevent and alleviate human suffering when it comes to emergencies, by mobilizing the power of volunteers and generosity of their donors (Howatt, G., & Finley, S. (2017) These are picture from my house and my neighbors' home across the street. When Hurricane Florence visited our neighborhood we were left without electricity due to fallen trees and much of the areas were flooded. Many homes were damaged and some people within the community even had to evacuate because the water level reached the inside of their homes. The American Red Cross was already in our city waiting to assist only minutes down the road from where I lived. 4 American red Cross is Driven by seven Fundamental principles
  • 8. Humanity Impartiality Neutrality Independence Voluntary service Unity Universality As a Service Learning student you learn Red Cross seven Fundamental Principles and what they stand for: Humanity - The International Red Cross born of desire to bring assistance without discrimination, to the wounded soldiers on the battlefield, endeavors, both international and national capacity to prevent and alleviate suffering wherever it may be. Impartiality it makes no discrimination when it comes race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions. Neutrality – enjoy the confidence of all by never taking sides or engaging controversies politically, racially, religiously, or ideologically nature. Independence – the National Societies and auxiliaries within the humanitarian service of their government and subject must abide by the laws of their countries. Voluntary service – voluntary only and will not operate for profit or gain. Unity – There can only be one Red Cross within that country, and it must always be open to carry out the work in its territory. Universality – The International Red Cross along with all societies have the same status and share the same responsibilities and duties to helping each other, worldwide.(O’Callaghan, S., & Leach, L. (2014) 5
  • 9. Partnership Matters Meals and Wheels NAACP Volunteers Coca Cola Service Learning students have the opportunity to see the importance of Partnership and their roles with the American Red Cross. The volunteers that work with Red Cross help with providing food, shelter, and comfort to affected families. They help to rebuild communities. When it comes to Service Learning there is a amalgam between volunteering and studying, and studying and volunteering.. Both have a tendency to strengthen one another. Therefore, Service Learning benefits both the student and organization. Participants who encounter problems are therefore able to share what they have learned. In volunteering, you don’t need skills, but service learning requires you invest time in studying (Harrington, 2016)). Red Cross form Community Partnerships with other organizations in delivering service to people. Their partners include Meals and Wheels organization, who support more than 5000 community-based organizations. They deliver good meals. The National Association for Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) whom they have been partners with since 1981, help in providing awareness about the functions of organizations. United Nations World Food Program (WFP), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Partner National Societies (PNS). Coca-Cola is also long time partner of ARC. They contribute to funding, drinks and marketing assets and expertise (Moye, 2017). All these
  • 10. organizations come together at some point in time or doing disasters to connect with families who are in need. 6 Cultural Challenges Time and Space Issues Religious Beliefs Nonverbal Signals Through their program Service Learning students identify some of International Organizations and Cultural Challenges Red Cross face. The Canadian Red Cross is a member of the International Red Cross Crescent Movement, it includes the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Cross Societies, the International Committee of the Red Cross and 188 national Red Cross and Crescent Societies all have the same mission; to improve the lives of vulnerable people by utilizing the power of humanity. These organization all come together to meet the innovative and ever-growing demands within the communities. Every four hours Red Cross responds to disasters of flood, house fires, forest fires, etc. Each year volunteers dedicate more than ten of thousands of hours serving people recovering from healthcare issues or natural disasters, Canada Newswire. (2013, December 10). Red Cross recognizes there are cultural challenges within the humanitarian sector in trying to reach some of the most vulnerable communities when it comes to families around the world. ARC assist in the first relief development-gap. Once the people have been given relief, there is no transition to the development phase. There are no limitations on who Red Cross will help, the biggest dilemma is reaching them. Relief supporters such as Red Cross will leave before other development agencies come in without any transition (Hamilton,
  • 11. 2005). People who are in Out of reach communities, meaning out of the region, insecurity, war and violence against humanitarian personnel. Those out of sight communities; living in low poverty or remote areas and People who are left out the loop; particularly the elderly and with disabilities cannot receive help (Red Cross, 2018). Therefore to address some challenges Red Cross believes in having a diverse staff that will accommodate different cultures. They train students who enter into their service learning programs and volunteers who are already in the organization in developing good working relationships. Some engage in language barriers as interpreters and relate to those with religious background and beliefs (West-Olatunji, 2015). 7 Red Cross Cares About You Challenges Improvements As a service learning student there may be roadblocks, however liabilities can only occur if a the universities fails at protecting their students. Students should always be warned of any impending dangers if they are ever placed in an unsafe environment. To safeguard students, they should be aware of all potential liabilities areas. They should also be informed of learning goals, learning requirements and outcomes ( Goldstein, 1990). Thus far ARC has no liability issues. Although, there are many they can face, including getting into altercations with other staff. They also run the risk of getting injured or sick when assisting in areas such as Hurricane Florence or other disasters. Regardless of the issues that arise, communication is the key to getting them solved. 8
  • 12. ARC Will Always Care As students we have been taught through service learning, how to offer service within communities and support the work of Red Cross by giving them our time and through volunteering. The American Red Cross is one of the best charitable organization that offers disaster relief during emergency and educate people about how to prepare. Recently, Red Cross was there to assist my state from the effects of Hurricane Florence. This organization came into existence without any discrimination on how to deal with preparing for the upcoming disasters (Jacquet, et al., 2014). To support the victims of Hurricane Florence and help promote change in the society as the move forward Red Cross helps in the aftermath. 9 Turning Compassion into Action This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA Provide care to all affected by distributing food Offer shelter and inspire them to move forward Donate blood
  • 13. As a student we share the vision with the American Red Cross of turning compassion into action for the victims of Florence. In doing so, we aspired and supported those communities recently hit by Florence, through way of shelter, administering food, donating blood and encouraging them to move on with life. For the organization to achieve their future vision, they had to mobilize funds from donors through the power of help from volunteers. They also created the Red Cross initiative through community integrated engagement models to improve their work and coverage (Barrios, 2018) The American Red Cross sometimes face challenges because of increased occurrences of disaster. Only a few weeks after Hurricane Florence ripped through North and South Carolina, Hurricane Michael came along and caused more damaged to what was already there. The number of people needing quickly escalated. The need to collect more money became a bit challenging and difficult to support everyone that was effected. Regardless of circumstances Red Cross continues to persevere by improving their organization. For instance, they started giving volunteers financial benefits to motivate them in helping in areas of disasters that had extreme damages from hurricanes. Students and staff are better equipped for working with people from different backgrounds that stereotypes. Students learn how to problem-solve which enhance and support the achievements of goals of the ARC. The organization continues to work hard at developing partnerships, maintaining financial stability and finding ways to increase revenue. (American Red Cross, 2012) 10 FORCAST PUTS EYE ON FAYETTEVILLE Hurricane Florence
  • 14. On September 10, 2018 North Carolina, our state was declared a state of emergency. Threated by what was first expected to be category 4 hurricane, downsized to a Category 1. Gov. Roy Cooper warned everyone to keep a close eye on Hurricane Florence and take necessary steps from what was being called one of the worst hurricanes to hit North Carolina in 30 years. This vicious hurricane was set in target to impact us later in the week, but Gov. Roy wanted to be prepared for the unexpected. As residents of Fayetteville many of us became frantic, anticipating the experience of inland flooding and damaging winds, some decided to evacuate while others stayed. Wind gust were 25-35 mph expecting to be 50, but the had the potential to 110 miles or greater. 11 Residents flee for shelter cover from Florence Hurricane shelters The following shelters are open in Cumberland County for Hurricane Florence: • Kiwanis Recreation Center, 352 Devers Street, Fayetteville • Mac Williams Middle School, 4644 Clinton Road, Fayetteville • Pine Forest High School, 525 Andrews Road, Fayetteville • Seventy-First High School, 6764 Raeford Road, Fayetteville • Smith Recreation Center, 1520 Slater Ave., Fayetteville • South View High School, 4184 Elk Road, Hope Mills • W. T. Brown Elementary School, 2522 Andrews Church Road, Spring Lake Pet shelters • Pets are allowed at two shelters: The one at Pine Forest High School and the one at South View High School. • Bring pet food, medication, crates, collars, leashes and rabies vaccination records (if you have them). Pet owners must provide the daily care for their animals.
  • 15. Transportation • Call 910-678-7657 to arrange transportation or obtain further information about the shelters. As part of the State’s Emergency Team the American Red Cross and along with Baptists on a Mission began making preparation to make sure they would have supplies and planned shelters (Bennett, 2018). Cumberland County opened seven shelter and two pet shelter. They also offered transportation for those who needed it. Many families, elderly and disabled residents were taken to shelters ran by the American Red Cross. While ARC shelters those who will be impacted by Hurricane Florence their continuous efforts to raise money began to immediately assist for food, water, medicine and the recovery of projects to those residents needing to rebuild their communities. 12 American Red Cross at Work Your emergency kit should contain supplies for about three days. Stay informed about weather updates and emergency instructions. Before the storm hits, find a place to store outside items Download the free Red Cross Emergency App Prepare for power outages Know how you’ll communicate with family members Don’t forget your pets If told to evacuate, do so immediately. (Red Cross, 2018)
  • 16. In an effort to aide the victims of Hurricane Florence the American Red Cross sent 80 emergency response vehicles and along with more than 120 trailers of equipment and relief supplies. More than 1,500 disaster workers were grounded to different areas to assist and more volunteers are being mobilized. These necessities were deployed to North Carolina before Florence even touch down. Responders of the teams were activated and ready to attend to the health needs in many of the affected communities. Hurricane Florence Response was sent out across multiple states of how to be on guard and steps to take keep families safe. 13 Florence is Here!!! Hurricane Florence made landfall as a Category 1 storm near Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina at 7:15 a, on September 14. Moving at 6mph with sustained winds of 90 mph Florence was expected to linger around throughout the weekend. Although the storm was going to weaken as it moved closer inland, life threatening surges and hurricane force winds would still cause catastrophic damages. More than 300,000 people would be without power and over 12,000 in shelters (Christiaan Post, 2018) 14
  • 17. Hurricane Florence claimed the lives of at least seven people. A 41 year old woman and her seven-month-old -son died in Wilmington when a tree fell on the house. A 78 year old man in Lenoir was electrocuted; A 77 year old an in Lenoir County fell and died of cardiac problem while he was outside checking on dogs.. A 81 year-year-old man in Wayne County fell and struck his head while packing to evacuate, then a husband and wife died in a house fire in Cumberland County (Washington Post, 2108) 15 Road closures Fayetteville alone had over 76 road closures. The NCDOT stated that roads and bridges were damaged, and reminded motorists to obey signs that tells you not to go around barricades. Interstate 95 was closed in parts over a 60 miles stretch. Flooding led to a lot of closures and people were advised not to drive unless necessary. 16 Community Clean up Begins Damages were found throughout neighborhoods and communities. Some areas were reported still having more than 4ft of water from the catastrophic flooding. American Red
  • 18. Cross has issued safety precaution steps for those living in affected areas and strongly suggest that you follow the advice of local authorities before returning to your home (Red Cross, 2018). 17 Second Harvest Food Bank of Metrolina: shipped 50,000 pounds of food and water before the storm and have another 50,000-pound shipment ready to go as soon as they get the word that trucks can get through to the coast Operation North State Several Simon-owned malls around Charlotte are setting up drop-off locations for donated goods, including water, canned food, pet foods, blankets, towels, clothing, cleaning supplies, paper products, disposable diapers and toiletries. American Red Cross To give blood: Make an appointment by using the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting or calling 1-800- 733-2767. To donate money: Visit, call 1-800-733-2767 or text the word FLORENCE to 90999 to make a $10 donation. North Carolina Disaster Relief Fund: It is accepting online donations on its website or mailed to North Carolina Disaster Relief Fund, 20312 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699. It is accepting online donations on its website or mailed to North Carolina Disaster Relief Fund, 20312 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699. The Salvation Army The Salvation Army sent feeding crews and volunteers to the Carolinas ahead of Hurricane Florence, with each unit able to
  • 19. serve up to 1,500 meals a day There were many organizations that participated in the recover after Hurricane Florence including the National Guard. FEMA is another disaster partner that provides immediate assistance. They provide medical assistance, emergency shelter, and they offer support for individuals with disabilities and other functional needs. Many Faith-Based groups delivered support materials but were able to address human needs-physically, emotionally, and spiritually during the time of crisis. Although the aftermath of Hurricane Florence is bleak these organizations offer a ray of hope to those victims who have lost so much. 18 When Volunteers were asked why they do it… Because we can We have time we enjoy it Its Rewarding 19 References American Red Cross. (2018). Florence: Red Cross Helps as Devastation Continues. Retrieved From events/news/2018/hurricane-florence-red-cross-h American Red Cross. (2012). The American Red Cross: Transforming for the future. Retrieved from
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  • 21. between-service-learning-and-volunteering Howatt, G., & Finley, S. (2017). Do You Want to Volunteer to Help in a Disaster? American Red Cross Disaster Health Service. ASBN Update, 21(5), 10–11. Retrieved from N=127418058&site=ehost-live Jacquet, G. et al. (2014). Availability and diversity of training programs for responders to international disasters and complex humanitarian emergencies. Retrieved from Medina, C. (2010). The Red Cross: Always There in a Time of Need. Texas Public Health Journal, 62(2), 41–42. Retrieved from N=50501322&site=ehost- live&authtype=uid&user=grantham&password=research 21 References Cont’d Moye, J. (2017). A Century of Serving Those in Need: Coca- Cola, American Red Cross Toast 100 Years of Partnership. Retrieved From century-of-serving-those-in-need--coca-cola-and-the-american- r0 O’Callaghan, S., & Leach, L. (2014). The relevance of the Fundamental Principles to operations: learning from Lebanon.
  • 22. International Review of the Red Cross, 95(890), 287–307. Remes, J. A. C. (2013). The American Red Cross from Clara Barton to the New Deal. Journal of American History, 100(3), 850–851. Retrieved from N=91828278&site=ehost- live&authtype=uid&user=grantham&password=research Veegaete, A. et al. (2016). Guidelines of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies: an overview and quality appraisal using AGREE II. Retrieved from Washington Post. (2018). Death toll rises to at least 11, officials say, as some areas grapple with intense flooding due to Carolinas storm. Retrieved from nation/wp/2018/09/15/hurricane-florence-storm-continues-to- pummel-carolinas/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.72f361aa3bba 22