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BSL 4060-14F-6A19-S1, Team Building and Leadership
Unit 8 Introduction--Your
Final Week!!
Unit 8 Learning Objectives and Leaving With A
Competitive Advantage
You’ve made it! Well done! I applaud
everyone of you for your effort and
determination. You met the challenges of
this course, and are ready to move forward
to the next course, graduation, next
academic level or your next set of goals
that you set for yourself. Before you leave
I want to remind you about being
You always want to seek a Competitive
Advantage. Look at the picture. What
does it communicate?
Ask yourself this: “Am I the figure in gold
or gray?” If you’re gold…what did it take
to get there? If you’re gray, why are you
there? Competitive advantage is doing
things better than the other person. Think
about athletes, how do they get better?
Well, they train harder, they lift weights,
do plyometrics, yoga, strength training,
and more. Think about how you can gain
a competitive advantage in your job, and
what it takes to be out in front.
Having been a CEO I can tell you this the
people that were promoted, advanced with
responsibility, received awards, and pay
increases contributed more to the
organization. They didn’t complain or
look for handouts. They developed more
skill sets then others, and they
volunteered. Bosses love it when you
volunteer for extra work and projects.
Yes, trust me. Those I promoted gave
more to the organization than others, and
they left their competition in the dust.
Good luck in your future classes, it was a
pleasure having you in class.
Dr Anderson
This final week you want to reflect on
your previous 7 weeks of material.
What are your takeaways?
What was the biggest influence to you
over the course?
What can you apply to your daily life,
work, etc to be more productive,
competitive and a better team player by
communicating better.
Review the second picture. What do you
see? What you see in an abstract concept
is this weeks objectives: Describe team-
building activities leaders can incorporate
for better managing internal teams and
interorganizational alliances. Predict
major challenges teams will face in the
future, and the need for teamwork will
remain high in the future. Finally the
work activities that will require a team for
task completion.
Unit 8 Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this unit, students
should be able to:
5. Describe team-building activities
leaders can incorporate for better
managing internal teams and
interorganizational alliances.
8. Predict major challenges teams will
face in the future.
8.1 Explain why the need for teamwork
will remain high in the future.
8.2 Describe work activities that will
require a team for task completion.
3.1 Describe advances in organizational
diversity developed from legislation.
3.2 Explain paradigm shifts in
organizational environments from
increased diversity legislation
Unit VIII Study Guide
Click the link above to open the unit study
guide, which contains this unit's lesson and
reading assignment(s). This information is
necessary in order to complete this course.
Unit VIII Discussion Board
Weight: 2% of course grade
Grading Rubric
Comment Due: Saturday, 07/20/2019
11:59 PM (CST)
Response Due: Tuesday, 07/23/2019
11:59 PM (CST)
Go to Unit VIII Discussion Board »
Unit VIII Article Critique
Weight: 15% of course grade
Grading Rubric
Due: Tuesday, 07/23/2019 11:59 PM
Citation Guide
CSU Online Library Research
Submit Writing Center Request
Select a current, professional journal article
that is at least three pages in length. You
must write a critical assessment of this
article for this assignment. Keep in mind,
the research databases found in the CSU
Online Library are a great source for quick
exploration of thousands of articles.
In preparation, follow the guidelines
established below:
Find an article (that is less than five years
old) that pertains to the important issues
leaders or consultants will face when
working with various types of teams, and
discuss what methods are best to use for
developing better teams for the future. Be
sure to annotate the author's main points
and thesis statement in your own words.
The critique should be approximately three
pages in length (not counting the title and
reference pages). The assignment is due at
the completion of Unit VIII. Plan early to
avoid missing the deadline.
Part I: Introduction
Start the critique with the following
information: the author's name, the article
title, and the author's thesis statement.
Part II: Summary
Summarize the author's purpose and main
points, providing examples for clarity of
understanding the author's intended
implications. Share key topics that support
the author's focus for this article. Provide
ample details to enlighten the reader as to
what the article is implying for audiences
who are seeking research data in regards to
team building and/or the different types of
teams (e.g., virtual, temporary, traditional, or
Part III: Review and Evaluate
To critically review the article, ask the
following questions: What are the
credentials/areas of expertise of the author?
Did the author use appropriate methods to
gather the evidence? Did the author use
accurate evidence? Does the author's use
and interpretation of this evidence lead the
reader to the same conclusion? Did the
author build a logical argument? Is there
other evidence that would support a
counterargument? Was the author
successful in making his/her point?
Part IV: Conclusion
State whether you agree with the author or
not. Back up your decisions by stating your
reasons. Give a general opinion of the work.
Explain what you learned from reading the
article and if you would recommend it to a
Part V: Application
Predict some of the major challenges that
teams will face in the future, and explain
why the need for teamwork will remain high
as it relates to the article. Identify a team-
building activity that may be useful for
managing teams in the future, and explain
Format your paper using APA style. Refer to
the resources provided in the Student
Portal. Use your own words and
expressions to write the critique. Include
citations and references as needed to avoid
plagiarism. The paper should consist of
three pages of body paragraphs, one title
page, and one reference page (as the final
The following resource(s) may help you with
this assignment.
Submit Unit VIII Article Critique »
� Logout�� Mary Katz 3
7/18/19, 8(44 PM
Page 1 of 1
The poor people of America will demand decent jobs
and incorhe in massive demonstrations in our nation's
capital, Washington, D.C., this spring.
The Poor People's Campaign, starting in April, is being
organized by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Southern
Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) with the support
and participation of many local groups and individuals.
At the start, several thousand poor people will go to
Washington. We will be young and
old, jobless fathers, welfare mothers, farmers and laborers . We
are Negroes, American
Indians, Puerto Ricans, Mexican-Americans, poor white people.
All across the nation. SCLC is recruiting poor people in I 0 big
cities and five South-
ern states. Poor people in all other communities and cities are
also invited to join the
No . Most persons at the start of the Campaign in Washington
will be poor, but other
people from all walks of life must he prepared to take their
place in the lines of this
Wa shington is the center of government power , and the
national government has the money
and resources to end poverty and fight rae ism. But that
government has failed to do this .
Therefore the Poor People's Campaign wil l dem a nd
government reforms .
We will build powerful nonviolent demonstrations on the issues
of jobs, income,
welfare, health, housing, education , human rights. These
massive demonstrations will
be aimed at government centers of power, and th ey will be
expanded if necessary. We
must make the government face up to the fact of poverty and
racism. In order to carry
out our demonstrations , we will not reveal to the government in
advance exactly what we
plan to do and where we will demo nstrate.
We will present to the government a li st of ddinite demand s
involving jobs, income, and
a decent life for all poor people so that they will co ntrol their
own destiny. This will
cost billions of dollars , but the richest nat ion of all time can
afford to spend this money
if America is to avoid soc ial di saster..
We will stay until the government responds, building up the
pressure for action by calling
for thousands upon thousands of people, rich and poor, to come
to Washington or stand
up and be counted in demonstrat ions in-; their hom e com
e Local. support committees
e Discussions in churches and other
comrimnity groups
e Recruitment of persons to go to Wash-
• Planning demonstrations in your own
e Letter-writing campaigns to Congress-
men and others for action against
e Publicity through leaflets, news releases,
etc. in your area
e Fund raising for transportation to Wash-
ington, local offices, housing, office
supplies . and equipment, and other
e Special services such as legal and med-
ical aid, local transportation, baby-sit-
ting, volunteer office work
Southern Christian leadership Conference
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., President
334 Auburn Ave., N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
. I
. I
So uthern Christian leadership Conference
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., President
334 Auburn Ave ., N.E .
Atlanta. GeorP"ia 30~0 'l
Who are the poor?
The poorest Americans are 35 ~illion per-
sons who do not have enough money for a
decent life. The. government says they fall "
below the "poverty line," earning less than
$3,130 a year for a family of four, or
$1,540 for an individual.
Why are people poor?
Poor people are kept in poverty because
they are kept from power. We must create
"Poor People's Power."
What happens to poor people'?
Poor people do not get decent jobs, decent
incomes, decent housing, decent schools,
decent health care. decent government,
decent police. Poor people do not even get
respect as human beings.
What do poor people do'?
Most poor American adults work hard every
day but are not paid enough for a decent
life for their families. Unemployment is a
severe problem. especially among men, and
the unemployment rate in many places, es-
pecially most big cities. is so high that there
is a Great Depression . Seven million people
are on welfare (mostly children, old people,
the sick, and mothers unable to work). Less
than I per cent of these people are able to
work - if they get proper training.
Rich people and poor pepole.
There is great contrast in the lives of rich
and poor people in America. For example,
a U.S. Congressman is paid nearly $600 a
week, but a Southern sharecropper's family
sometimes earns less than $600 a year. A
maid in a big Northern ci ty may earn $50
a week, while her rich boss may get $50 an
Can America end poverty'?
Yes. Many nations that are poorer than rich
America provide decent incomes and serv-
ices for all poor people. America spends 10
times as much money on military power as
it does on welfare. The government sub-
subsidizes big companies and farms, and
gives tax favors to rich people, but punishes
the poor. America spends more money in
one month to kill in Vietnam than it spends
in a year for the so-called "war on poverty."
Luther King Jr.,
You or your local group are welcome to
join the massive Poor People's Campaign.
All Americans concerned about poverty can
participate - rich and poor, black and
white, young and old.
The campaign action starts in April, in
Washington, D.C. A definite date will be
announced soon.
But much wmj< must be done NOW to
prepare for this campaign.
If you want to work directly, you can
help organize for the Campaign in your
If you want to go to W~shington, you
can begin to prepare yourself and others for
this effort.
If you can not work actively, you can
still be in the Poor People's Campaign by
contributing financial aid or services. Our
resources are very limited, and we need all
possible help in printed materials, supplies,
offic~· space, transportation and many other
expenses .
Rev. Bernard Lafayette, Coordinator
Poor People's Campaign
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
334 Auburn Ave., N.E.
Atlanta , Ga. 30303
For Information or Materials :
Department of Information
334 Auburn Ave., N.E.
Atlanta, Ga. 30303
Tel. (404) 522-1420
Pl ease make co ntributions
(checks o r money orders)
payabl e to SCLC
BSL 4060, Team Building and Leadership 1
Course Learning Outcomes for Unit VIII
Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:
5. Describe team-building activities leaders can incorporate for
better managing internal teams and
interorganizational alliances.
8. Predict major challenges teams will face in the future.
8.1 Explain why the need for teamwork will remain high in the
8.2 Describe work activities that will require a team for task
Reading Assignment
Chapter 14: Managing Interorganizational Alliance Teams
Chapter 15: Challenges for Building Effective Teams
Unit Lesson
In this unit, we will discuss how alliances are formed to allow
different individuals and companies to merge to
reach greater results. Through this effort, there is a growth in
alliances where organizations are depending on
other companies to offer complementary skills that will benefit
both parties in obtaining particular established
goals. While achieving this type of synergy, the two companies
must create an inter-organizational alliance
team. However, with combined efforts and a positive mindset, it
is still inevitable that problems will arise at
some point (Dyer, Dyer, & Dyer, 2013).
Research indicates that possible alliance failure could result
from the following:
However, one of the most common reasons for failure is
because of the leader’s inability to manage the
alliance team effectively (Dyer et al., 2013).
An alliance team offers many benefits to a company. Yet, it is
different from an internal team in several ways.
Some common differences include the following: (a) cultural
clashes, (b) a lack of trust, (c) a lack of control
over decision-making, and (d) team expertise duplication. A due
diligence team is needed to evaluate the
other partner’s assets, resources, processes, and organizational
culture (Dyer et al., 2013).
“During the cultural assessment, the team examines the
potential partner’s corporate values and
expectations” (Dyer et al, 2013, p. 252). It also explores its
organizational structure, reward systems and
incentives, leadership styles and decision-making processes,
human interaction patterns, work practices,
history of partnerships, and human resource management
practices. Ultimately, it is easier to identify potential
areas of conflict if leaders and members understand the
potential differences in corporate values,
organizational structure, decision-making and leadership styles,
and practiced reward systems. For example,
even though colleges around the world are thought to offer
education at its finest with the same goals in mind,
they are all very different in the way they approach certain
aspects of their mission (Dyer et al., 2013).
Managing Inter-Organizational Alliance
Teams More Effectively for the Future
BSL 4060, Team Building and Leadership 2
It has been proven that team members will work better together
if they clearly recognize what factors might
throw the team off track. Often, strategic futures exercises are
performed to ensure that the team understands
exactly what objectives are key goals for the team. Common key
barriers to teams reaching their goals are
usually found in technological and regulatory challenges,
marketing and distribution challenges, or
relationship indifferences (Dyer et al., 2013).
When communicating, the team must decide which form of
exchange will be utilized. For instance, some
members may opt to email while others may prefer voice mail,
videoconferencing, electronic data exchange,
or a type of meeting (either face-to-face or through an online
method). Basically, alliance teams are becoming
an important part of the business landscape, and organizations
will have a distinct advantage in the
workplace if they learn how to manage teams effectively (Dyer
et al., 2013).
All teams will face challenges. Yet, it is important that leaders
understand what key factors must be
considered when building a team that is expected to excel in
today’s competitive market. For instance,
leaders must identify what tasks are to be completed and by
whom. They must emphasize team membership
for accomplishing organizational goals. Also, they must
encourage positive relationships throughout the
working of teams. Members must be trained and competent in
their work performances. They must also be
rewarded for the completion of their tasks and a job well done.
Team-building activities should be
incorporated regularly. In addition, an ample amount of
resources, support, and evaluations should also be
Research indicates that educators must be trained in team
learning and development, and they should allow
students to develop team skills and have a positive attitude
through team experiences. Families and
educators should prepare future generations to work effectively
in teams. Basically, the key aspects for
building effective virtual and alliance teams is found in
building trust, promoting effective means of
communication, enhancing problem-solving techniques, and
finding incentives that will motivate team
members to work more productively and efficiently together.
Click the link below to view an interactive tutorial from
MyCourseTools on communicating across cultures.
Click the link below to view an interactive tutorial from
MyCourseTools on business communication.
Dyer, W. G. Jr., Dyer, J. H. & Dyer, W. G. (2013). Team
building: Proven strategies for improving team
performance (5th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Suggested Reading
The global nature of business has created a demand for virtual
teams. The effectiveness of virtual teams can
have an impact on an organization, so optimizing the
effectiveness of virtual teams is advantageous.
Please use the Business Source Complete database in the CSU
Online Library to read the following article
that shares some insight on enhancing virtual teams.
Berry, G. R. (2011). Enhancing effectiveness on virtual teams.
Journal of Business Communication, 48(2),

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1. Primary sources2. Secondary sources3. La Malinche4. Bacon’s.docx
1. Prepare an outline, an introduction, and a summary.docx
1. Prepare an outline, an introduction, and a summary.docx1. Prepare an outline, an introduction, and a summary.docx
1. Prepare an outline, an introduction, and a summary.docx
1. Normative moral philosophy typically focuses on the determining t.docx
1. Normative moral philosophy typically focuses on the determining t.docx1. Normative moral philosophy typically focuses on the determining t.docx
1. Normative moral philosophy typically focuses on the determining t.docx
1. Paper should be 5-pages min. + 1 page works cited2. Should have.docx
1. Paper should be 5-pages min. + 1 page works cited2. Should have.docx1. Paper should be 5-pages min. + 1 page works cited2. Should have.docx
1. Paper should be 5-pages min. + 1 page works cited2. Should have.docx
1. Name and describe the three steps of the looking-glass self.2.docx
1. Name and describe the three steps of the looking-glass self.2.docx1. Name and describe the three steps of the looking-glass self.2.docx
1. Name and describe the three steps of the looking-glass self.2.docx
1. Provide an example of a business or specific person(s) that effec.docx
1. Provide an example of a business or specific person(s) that effec.docx1. Provide an example of a business or specific person(s) that effec.docx
1. Provide an example of a business or specific person(s) that effec.docx
1. Mexico and Guatemala. Research the political and economic situati.docx
1. Mexico and Guatemala. Research the political and economic situati.docx1. Mexico and Guatemala. Research the political and economic situati.docx
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1. Many scholars have set some standards to judge a system for taxat.docx1. Many scholars have set some standards to judge a system for taxat.docx
1. Many scholars have set some standards to judge a system for taxat.docx
1. List and (in 1-2 sentences) describe the 4 interlocking factors t.docx
1. List and (in 1-2 sentences) describe the 4 interlocking factors t.docx1. List and (in 1-2 sentences) describe the 4 interlocking factors t.docx
1. List and (in 1-2 sentences) describe the 4 interlocking factors t.docx
1. Please explain how the Constitution provides for a system of sepa.docx
1. Please explain how the Constitution provides for a system of sepa.docx1. Please explain how the Constitution provides for a system of sepa.docx
1. Please explain how the Constitution provides for a system of sepa.docx
1. Please watch the following The Diving Bell & The Butterfly, Amel.docx
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1. Please watch the following The Diving Bell & The Butterfly, Amel.docx
1. Most sociologists interpret social life from one of the three maj.docx
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1. Most sociologists interpret social life from one of the three maj.docx
1. Members of one species cannot successfully interbreed and produc.docx
1. Members of one species cannot successfully interbreed and produc.docx1. Members of one species cannot successfully interbreed and produc.docx
1. Members of one species cannot successfully interbreed and produc.docx
1. Of the three chemical bonds discussed in class, which of them is .docx
1. Of the three chemical bonds discussed in class, which of them is .docx1. Of the three chemical bonds discussed in class, which of them is .docx
1. Of the three chemical bonds discussed in class, which of them is .docx
1. Look at your diagrams for hydrogen, lithium, and sodium. What do .docx
1. Look at your diagrams for hydrogen, lithium, and sodium. What do .docx1. Look at your diagrams for hydrogen, lithium, and sodium. What do .docx
1. Look at your diagrams for hydrogen, lithium, and sodium. What do .docx
1. Name the following molecules2. Sketch the following molecules.docx
1. Name the following molecules2. Sketch the following molecules.docx1. Name the following molecules2. Sketch the following molecules.docx
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1. Kemal Ataturk carried out policies that distanced the new Turkish.docx
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1. Kemal Ataturk carried out policies that distanced the new Turkish.docx
1. If we consider a gallon of gas as having 100 units of energy, and.docx
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1. If we consider a gallon of gas as having 100 units of energy, and.docx
1. In 200-250 words, analyze the basic issues of human biology as th.docx
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1. In 200-250 words, analyze the basic issues of human biology as th.docx

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  • 1. Notifications My CommunityHome BSL 4060-14F-6A19-S1, Team Building and Leadership Unit VIII Unit 8 Introduction--Your Final Week!! Unit 8 Learning Objectives and Leaving With A Competitive Advantage Congrats! You’ve made it! Well done! I applaud everyone of you for your effort and determination. You met the challenges of this course, and are ready to move forward to the next course, graduation, next academic level or your next set of goals that you set for yourself. Before you leave I want to remind you about being competitive. You always want to seek a Competitive Advantage. Look at the picture. What does it communicate? Ask yourself this: “Am I the figure in gold
  • 2. or gray?” If you’re gold…what did it take to get there? If you’re gray, why are you there? Competitive advantage is doing things better than the other person. Think about athletes, how do they get better? Well, they train harder, they lift weights, do plyometrics, yoga, strength training, and more. Think about how you can gain a competitive advantage in your job, and what it takes to be out in front. Having been a CEO I can tell you this the people that were promoted, advanced with responsibility, received awards, and pay increases contributed more to the organization. They didn’t complain or look for handouts. They developed more skill sets then others, and they volunteered. Bosses love it when you volunteer for extra work and projects. Yes, trust me. Those I promoted gave more to the organization than others, and they left their competition in the dust. Good luck in your future classes, it was a pleasure having you in class. Dr Anderson This final week you want to reflect on your previous 7 weeks of material. What are your takeaways? What was the biggest influence to you over the course? What can you apply to your daily life,
  • 3. work, etc to be more productive, competitive and a better team player by communicating better. Review the second picture. What do you see? What you see in an abstract concept is this weeks objectives: Describe team- building activities leaders can incorporate for better managing internal teams and interorganizational alliances. Predict major challenges teams will face in the future, and the need for teamwork will remain high in the future. Finally the work activities that will require a team for task completion. Unit 8 Learning Objectives Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to: 5. Describe team-building activities leaders can incorporate for better managing internal teams and interorganizational alliances. 8. Predict major challenges teams will face in the future. 8.1 Explain why the need for teamwork will remain high in the future.
  • 4. 8.2 Describe work activities that will require a team for task completion. 3.1 Describe advances in organizational diversity developed from legislation. 3.2 Explain paradigm shifts in organizational environments from increased diversity legislation Unit VIII Study Guide Click the link above to open the unit study guide, which contains this unit's lesson and reading assignment(s). This information is necessary in order to complete this course. Unit VIII Discussion Board Weight: 2% of course grade Grading Rubric Comment Due: Saturday, 07/20/2019 11:59 PM (CST) Response Due: Tuesday, 07/23/2019 11:59 PM (CST)
  • 5. Go to Unit VIII Discussion Board » Unit VIII Article Critique Weight: 15% of course grade Grading Rubric Due: Tuesday, 07/23/2019 11:59 PM (CST) Instructions Resources Citation Guide CSU Online Library Research Guide Submit Writing Center Request
  • 6. Select a current, professional journal article that is at least three pages in length. You must write a critical assessment of this article for this assignment. Keep in mind, the research databases found in the CSU Online Library are a great source for quick exploration of thousands of articles. In preparation, follow the guidelines established below: Find an article (that is less than five years old) that pertains to the important issues leaders or consultants will face when working with various types of teams, and discuss what methods are best to use for developing better teams for the future. Be sure to annotate the author's main points and thesis statement in your own words.
  • 7. The critique should be approximately three pages in length (not counting the title and reference pages). The assignment is due at the completion of Unit VIII. Plan early to avoid missing the deadline. Part I: Introduction Start the critique with the following information: the author's name, the article title, and the author's thesis statement. Part II: Summary Summarize the author's purpose and main points, providing examples for clarity of understanding the author's intended implications. Share key topics that support the author's focus for this article. Provide ample details to enlighten the reader as to what the article is implying for audiences who are seeking research data in regards to
  • 8. team building and/or the different types of teams (e.g., virtual, temporary, traditional, or innovative). Part III: Review and Evaluate To critically review the article, ask the following questions: What are the credentials/areas of expertise of the author? Did the author use appropriate methods to gather the evidence? Did the author use accurate evidence? Does the author's use and interpretation of this evidence lead the reader to the same conclusion? Did the author build a logical argument? Is there other evidence that would support a counterargument? Was the author successful in making his/her point? Part IV: Conclusion State whether you agree with the author or
  • 9. not. Back up your decisions by stating your reasons. Give a general opinion of the work. Explain what you learned from reading the article and if you would recommend it to a friend/coworker. Part V: Application Predict some of the major challenges that teams will face in the future, and explain why the need for teamwork will remain high as it relates to the article. Identify a team- building activity that may be useful for managing teams in the future, and explain why. Format your paper using APA style. Refer to the resources provided in the Student Portal. Use your own words and expressions to write the critique. Include citations and references as needed to avoid
  • 10. plagiarism. The paper should consist of three pages of body paragraphs, one title page, and one reference page (as the final page). The following resource(s) may help you with this assignment. Submit Unit VIII Article Critique » � › � Logout�� Mary Katz 3 7/18/19, 8(44 PM Page 1 of 1 The poor people of America will demand decent jobs and incorhe in massive demonstrations in our nation's capital, Washington, D.C., this spring.
  • 11. The Poor People's Campaign, starting in April, is being organized by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) with the support and participation of many local groups and individuals. WHO WILL BE IN THE POOR PEOPLE'S CAMPAIGN? At the start, several thousand poor people will go to Washington. We will be young and old, jobless fathers, welfare mothers, farmers and laborers . We are Negroes, American Indians, Puerto Ricans, Mexican-Americans, poor white people. WHERE DO THESE POOR PEOPLE LIVE? All across the nation. SCLC is recruiting poor people in I 0 big cities and five South- ern states. Poor people in all other communities and cities are also invited to join the Campaign. DO YOU HAVE TO BE POOR TO BE IN THIS CAMPAIGN? No . Most persons at the start of the Campaign in Washington will be poor, but other people from all walks of life must he prepared to take their place in the lines of this campaign. WHY ARE WE GOJN(; TO WASHINGTON? Wa shington is the center of government power , and the national government has the money and resources to end poverty and fight rae ism. But that government has failed to do this . Therefore the Poor People's Campaign wil l dem a nd government reforms . WHAT WILL THE POOR PEOP/,E'S CAMPAIGN DO IN
  • 12. WASHINGTON? We will build powerful nonviolent demonstrations on the issues of jobs, income, welfare, health, housing, education , human rights. These massive demonstrations will be aimed at government centers of power, and th ey will be expanded if necessary. We must make the government face up to the fact of poverty and racism. In order to carry out our demonstrations , we will not reveal to the government in advance exactly what we plan to do and where we will demo nstrate. WHAT Jfi/LL Jf!E DEMAND? We will present to the government a li st of ddinite demand s involving jobs, income, and a decent life for all poor people so that they will co ntrol their own destiny. This will cost billions of dollars , but the richest nat ion of all time can afford to spend this money if America is to avoid soc ial di saster.. WHAT IF THE GOVERNMENT DOES NOTHING? We will stay until the government responds, building up the pressure for action by calling for thousands upon thousands of people, rich and poor, to come to Washington or stand up and be counted in demonstrat ions in-; their hom e com munities. SOME IIEED.S FOR THE POOR PEOPLE'S CAMPAIGII ···· e Local. support committees e Discussions in churches and other
  • 13. comrimnity groups e Recruitment of persons to go to Wash- ington • Planning demonstrations in your own community e Letter-writing campaigns to Congress- men and others for action against poverty e Publicity through leaflets, news releases, etc. in your area e Fund raising for transportation to Wash- ington, local offices, housing, office supplies . and equipment, and other expenses e Special services such as legal and med- ical aid, local transportation, baby-sit- ting, volunteer office work Southern Christian leadership Conference Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., President 334 Auburn Ave., N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 . I . I So uthern Christian leadership Conference Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., President
  • 14. 334 Auburn Ave ., N.E . Atlanta. GeorP"ia 30~0 'l , POOR 'PEOPLE 111 AMERICA Who are the poor? The poorest Americans are 35 ~illion per- sons who do not have enough money for a decent life. The. government says they fall " below the "poverty line," earning less than $3,130 a year for a family of four, or $1,540 for an individual. Why are people poor? Poor people are kept in poverty because they are kept from power. We must create "Poor People's Power." What happens to poor people'? Poor people do not get decent jobs, decent incomes, decent housing, decent schools, decent health care. decent government, decent police. Poor people do not even get respect as human beings. What do poor people do'? Most poor American adults work hard every day but are not paid enough for a decent life for their families. Unemployment is a severe problem. especially among men, and
  • 15. the unemployment rate in many places, es- pecially most big cities. is so high that there is a Great Depression . Seven million people are on welfare (mostly children, old people, the sick, and mothers unable to work). Less than I per cent of these people are able to work - if they get proper training. Rich people and poor pepole. There is great contrast in the lives of rich and poor people in America. For example, a U.S. Congressman is paid nearly $600 a week, but a Southern sharecropper's family sometimes earns less than $600 a year. A maid in a big Northern ci ty may earn $50 a week, while her rich boss may get $50 an hour. Can America end poverty'? Yes. Many nations that are poorer than rich America provide decent incomes and serv- ices for all poor people. America spends 10 times as much money on military power as it does on welfare. The government sub- subsidizes big companies and farms, and gives tax favors to rich people, but punishes the poor. America spends more money in one month to kill in Vietnam than it spends in a year for the so-called "war on poverty." THE TIME TO ACT IS NOW! , "POOR PEOPLES LIVES ARE DISRUPTED AND DISLOCATED EVERYDAY. WE WANT TO PUT A STOP TO THIS. POVERTY,
  • 16. RACISM AND DISCRily!INATION CAUSE FAMILIES TO BE KEPT APART, MEN TO BECOME DESPERATE, WOMEN TO LIVE IN FEAR, AND CHILDREN TO STARVE." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., HOW YOIJ CAII JOIN THE POOR PEOPLE'S CAMPAIGII You or your local group are welcome to join the massive Poor People's Campaign. All Americans concerned about poverty can participate - rich and poor, black and white, young and old. The campaign action starts in April, in Washington, D.C. A definite date will be announced soon. But much wmj< must be done NOW to prepare for this campaign. If you want to work directly, you can help organize for the Campaign in your community. If you want to go to W~shington, you can begin to prepare yourself and others for this effort. If you can not work actively, you can still be in the Poor People's Campaign by contributing financial aid or services. Our resources are very limited, and we need all possible help in printed materials, supplies,
  • 17. offic~· space, transportation and many other expenses . PLEASE STAND UP FOR POOR PEOPLE BY CONTACTING: Rev. Bernard Lafayette, Coordinator Poor People's Campaign Southern Christian Leadership Conference 334 Auburn Ave., N.E. Atlanta , Ga. 30303 For Information or Materials : SCLC Department of Information 334 Auburn Ave., N.E. Atlanta, Ga. 30303 Tel. (404) 522-1420 Pl ease make co ntributions (checks o r money orders) payabl e to SCLC
  • 18. BSL 4060, Team Building and Leadership 1 Course Learning Outcomes for Unit VIII Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to: 5. Describe team-building activities leaders can incorporate for better managing internal teams and interorganizational alliances. 8. Predict major challenges teams will face in the future. 8.1 Explain why the need for teamwork will remain high in the future. 8.2 Describe work activities that will require a team for task completion. Reading Assignment Chapter 14: Managing Interorganizational Alliance Teams Chapter 15: Challenges for Building Effective Teams Unit Lesson In this unit, we will discuss how alliances are formed to allow different individuals and companies to merge to reach greater results. Through this effort, there is a growth in alliances where organizations are depending on other companies to offer complementary skills that will benefit
  • 19. both parties in obtaining particular established goals. While achieving this type of synergy, the two companies must create an inter-organizational alliance team. However, with combined efforts and a positive mindset, it is still inevitable that problems will arise at some point (Dyer, Dyer, & Dyer, 2013). Research indicates that possible alliance failure could result from the following: However, one of the most common reasons for failure is because of the leader’s inability to manage the alliance team effectively (Dyer et al., 2013). An alliance team offers many benefits to a company. Yet, it is different from an internal team in several ways. Some common differences include the following: (a) cultural clashes, (b) a lack of trust, (c) a lack of control over decision-making, and (d) team expertise duplication. A due diligence team is needed to evaluate the other partner’s assets, resources, processes, and organizational culture (Dyer et al., 2013). “During the cultural assessment, the team examines the potential partner’s corporate values and expectations” (Dyer et al, 2013, p. 252). It also explores its organizational structure, reward systems and
  • 20. incentives, leadership styles and decision-making processes, human interaction patterns, work practices, history of partnerships, and human resource management practices. Ultimately, it is easier to identify potential areas of conflict if leaders and members understand the potential differences in corporate values, organizational structure, decision-making and leadership styles, and practiced reward systems. For example, even though colleges around the world are thought to offer education at its finest with the same goals in mind, they are all very different in the way they approach certain aspects of their mission (Dyer et al., 2013). UNIT VIII STUDY GUIDE Managing Inter-Organizational Alliance Teams More Effectively for the Future BSL 4060, Team Building and Leadership 2 UNIT x STUDY GUIDE Title It has been proven that team members will work better together if they clearly recognize what factors might throw the team off track. Often, strategic futures exercises are performed to ensure that the team understands exactly what objectives are key goals for the team. Common key barriers to teams reaching their goals are
  • 21. usually found in technological and regulatory challenges, marketing and distribution challenges, or relationship indifferences (Dyer et al., 2013). When communicating, the team must decide which form of exchange will be utilized. For instance, some members may opt to email while others may prefer voice mail, videoconferencing, electronic data exchange, or a type of meeting (either face-to-face or through an online method). Basically, alliance teams are becoming an important part of the business landscape, and organizations will have a distinct advantage in the workplace if they learn how to manage teams effectively (Dyer et al., 2013). All teams will face challenges. Yet, it is important that leaders understand what key factors must be considered when building a team that is expected to excel in today’s competitive market. For instance, leaders must identify what tasks are to be completed and by whom. They must emphasize team membership for accomplishing organizational goals. Also, they must encourage positive relationships throughout the working of teams. Members must be trained and competent in their work performances. They must also be rewarded for the completion of their tasks and a job well done. Team-building activities should be incorporated regularly. In addition, an ample amount of resources, support, and evaluations should also be provided. Research indicates that educators must be trained in team learning and development, and they should allow students to develop team skills and have a positive attitude through team experiences. Families and educators should prepare future generations to work effectively
  • 22. in teams. Basically, the key aspects for building effective virtual and alliance teams is found in building trust, promoting effective means of communication, enhancing problem-solving techniques, and finding incentives that will motivate team members to work more productively and efficiently together. Click the link below to view an interactive tutorial from MyCourseTools on communicating across cultures. enterprise/asset.php?isbn=1256689785&id=11611 Click the link below to view an interactive tutorial from MyCourseTools on business communication. enterprise/asset.php?isbn=1256689785&id=11572 Reference Dyer, W. G. Jr., Dyer, J. H. & Dyer, W. G. (2013). Team building: Proven strategies for improving team performance (5th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Suggested Reading The global nature of business has created a demand for virtual teams. The effectiveness of virtual teams can have an impact on an organization, so optimizing the effectiveness of virtual teams is advantageous.
  • 23. Please use the Business Source Complete database in the CSU Online Library to read the following article that shares some insight on enhancing virtual teams. Berry, G. R. (2011). Enhancing effectiveness on virtual teams. Journal of Business Communication, 48(2), 186-206. enterprise/asset.php?isbn=1256689785&id=11611 enterprise/asset.php?isbn=1256689785&id=11572 4rp2%2fdV0%2bnjisfk5Ie46bFRsKevUbCk63nn5Kx95uXxjL6nr 0evpq1KrqeyOLCwrku4prA4zsOkjPDX7Ivf2fKB7eTnfLuosk%2 bvqbFMsamkhN%2fk5VXj5KR84LPgjOac8nnls79mpNfsVbSps Ey2rbJIpNztiuvX8lXk6%2bqE8tv2jAAA&hid=4109