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Rape Myth Acceptance
Rape Myth Acceptance: Maintaining the Status Quo
According to the FBI database, in the year 2013 a rape occurred roughly once every 6.6 minutes.
(US Department of Justice– Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2014). This is based on 79,770
reported cases of rape following an eighty year–old definition, which defines rape as "carnal
knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will" (US Department of Justice– Federal Bureau of
Investigation, 2014). In 2013 however, the definition of rape was changed, and now reads,
"Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral
penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim" (US Department of
Justice– Federal Bureau of Investigation, ... Show more content on ...
There are even studies which have found women more likely than men to blame the victim.
(Stromwall, Alfredsson, & Landstrom, 2012, p. 255) In a study of first and second year college
students it was also shown that students with a higher sexual knowledge were less likely to accept
rape myths. (Aronowitz, Lambert, & Davidoff, 2012, p. 179) The same study also stated that despite
the correlation between a higher sexual knowledge and lower rape myth acceptance (RMA), that
increasing knowledge only will not fix this problem, but it is a necessary piece of the
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Gender Roles Of Men And Women
From the agricultural to industrial societies gender role has gradually changed in many ways. It can
be seen from today that the role of male and female does not really much different. From the past
with the perspective that women need to stay at home and perform housework while men need to
work outside, these perspectives have changed over the time. Gender role which was built within the
social contexts and since the globe has changed role of both men and women should be able to
transform themselves to fit in the new society we live today. For these reasons there are a number of
women who work outside rather than just stay at home and perform all housework. The aim of this
essay is to examine how have notions of 'men's work' been challenged by modern working women.
The prevailing discussion encompasses the available literature, generally and more precisely
focusing over law as profession. The following essay presents some key facts along with the
theoretical ideas to express the competition between men and women within the chosen industry.
Scranton, (2014) stated that,
"True equality never lies behind the factors of gender, ethnicity, race, faith or political ideas."
Since 20th century, the transformation of the work standards of men and women stand out in
between several social, economical, technological, and cultural changes. Till the end of 1950's, just a
little segment of women i.e. about 29% seem to work outside of their home (Charles, 2014).
However, contrary to
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Emotive Presence Inventory
III. Description of Instrument Of the "big three" questionnaires within presence measurement, the
ITC–SOPI displays greater methodological concern can at all levels of its development than both the
SUS and the PQ. Its use of factor analysis post–experimentation on a sample of much higher
variability (in both age and SES) and nearly quadruple in number to its nearest competitor provides
the instrument with considerable statistical power (Lessiter, Keogh, & Davidoff, 2001). However, of
the 13 initial content areas from which all items and eventually the 4 primary factors were drawn
(sense of space, involvement, attention, distraction, control and manipulation, realness, naturalness,
perception of time, awareness of behavioral responses, sense of social interaction, personal
relevance, arousal, and negative effects) , one content area important to common conceptualizations
of presence was lacking: emotional investment. (Lessiter, Keogh, & Davidoff, 2001). The PQ
contains items related to the emotional investment of VEs (item number 3, 23, 25, and 26) that were
shown to positively correlate with total PQ score (Witmer & Singer, 1998). I make no claim that
emotional investment is somehow central to concept of presence; it seems clearly demonstrable that
more mundane acts of presence, like driving a car, require no emotional investment from an agent.
However, a small amount of support exists in both the literature and the common understanding of
the term to be worth
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How The Family Is Problematic From The Historical Perspective
Explain and discuss why the definition of the family is problematic from the historical perspective.
The family form I am going to be defining is the nuclear and with reference to the historical
perspective I will attempt to explain why this definition is problematic. Within this discussion I will
also explore whether the nuclear family is a natural family form or whether it is a socially
constructed one. According to Munice et al (1995; 10) the nuclear family is a "small unit produced
from the conjugal heterosexual couple and their biological children. The nuclear family unit share a
common residence and are united by their ties of affection, common identity and support."
Historical research has shown that there have been many different family forms in the past that did
not necessarily fit the nuclear definition of the family. There are four main approaches to consider
when talking about the history of the family. These approaches help show the significant changes
that have occurred in 'the family '. The four approaches are the: demographic, economic, sentiments
and the legal and institutional approaches. The demographic approach measures the statistical
patterns of 'the family'. Statistics taken from parish records and censuses enable us to see how
family households have changed over time. The average household size has been relatively stable
and stayed at 4.75 persons per household between the sixteenth century and the end of the
nineteenth century. These households
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Are Boycotts So Legal?
Are boycotts even legal?
Kenneth L. Marcus
Boycotts against Israel are making headlines once again.
The American Anthropological Association (AAA) is voting this month on whether to boycott
Israel. If the resolution passes, AAA will be the largest and oldest academic association to do so.
In response, many heads of U.S. universities, including MIT, the University of Chicago and all ten
University of California campuses, recently reaffirmed their opposition to academic boycotts,
specifically citing ones targeting Israel.
The graduate student unions at University of Massachusetts (UMass) Amherst and New York
University (NYU) just voted to boycott Israel. Both UMass chancellor Subbaswamy and NYU
president Hamilton responded with unequivocal opposition and condemnation.
Fierce debate has surrounded boycotts since the American Studies Association (ASA) endorsed an
Israel boycott two years ago.
Are boycotts antithetical to the mission and values of academia?
Do boycotts violate academic freedom?
The American Association of University Professors, the American Council on Education, the
American Association of Universities, 134 members of Congress and hundreds of university
presidents, including the heads of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, Johns Hopkins, Columbia,
Cornell, Duke, Brown and Dartmouth, forcefully condemned ASA. In fact, many universities
withdrew their memberships from ASA after its boycott vote. The wave of backlash was
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Part-Whole Effect Vs Composite Effect
The ability of the human visual system to integrate facial features into a gestalt whole is one of the
processes that seems to contribute the most to human face perception (referred to as holistic face
processing; Taubert et al.; 2006). A large number of behavioral studies provide evidence that
demonstrate that faces are processed holistically. Two examples that provide evidences for holistic
processing are the composite effect and the part–whole effect. In composite effect tasks, participants
are required to decide whether two identical top halves are the same (Goffaux & Rossion, 2006; Le
Grand, Mondloch, Maurer, & Brent, 2004; McKone, 2008). Evidences suggest this task is more
difficult when the two top halves are paired with different bottom halves, indicating that perception
of the identity of features in one half of a face is changed by a whole–face ... Show more content on ...
The part–whole effect describes the difficulty subjects have recognizing familiar faces from isolated
features (Davidoff & Donnelly, 1990; Donnelly & Davidoff, 1999; Tanaka & Farah, 1993; Tanaka &
Sengco, 1997). These two effects suggest that features seen in a whole–face context are integrated,
instead than being represented and processed independently. These observations are supported by
neurophysiological data fromsingle cell studies (Freiwald, Tsao, & Livingston, 2009; Tsao,
Freiwald, Tootell, & Livingstone, 2006) and event–related potential studies (Jacques, d'Arripe, &
Rossion, 2007), confirming the idea that faces are processed holistically (Farah, Wilson, Drain, &
Tanaka, 1998; McKone, Kanwisher, & Duchaine, 2007). Although there have been many
demonstrations of holistic processing on judgments of face identity, there have been few studies
which investigated whether holistic–processing is involved in trait
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Not Human Beings By Shmulik Stein Character Analysis
In the story "Not Human Beings", by Etgar Keret, Shmulik Stein is portrayed as, "the bleeding
heart" throughout much of the story. In the beginning of the story, Stein's character seems to be
petulant. When his commander Davidoff, is distracted by the Border Police Officer, taking him
away from their game of backgammon, he makes a sarcastic threat about volunteering to go with the
personnel officer if Davidoff doesn't "shoot the fucking dice." (752) Soon after Stein finds himself
selected to spend a week with the Border Police. The first day he spends with them riding around in
jeeps, one of the fellow officer's in a nearby jeep purposely runs over an Arab that was walking
down the road, Stein seems to be perplexed about the thoughtless act
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Journal Article : Paranormal And Religious Believers
This essay will summarise and evaluate Tepani Riekki et al. journal article "Paranormal and
Religious Believers Are More Prone to Illusory Face Perception than Skeptics and Non–believers"
(2013). It considers the advantages of the innovative method used for conducting the research, the
problem of the omission of participant cultural background and the importance of making a division
between religions with human–like divinity and religions with non human–like ones. This essay
concludes that although this study provides important findings about illusory face detection, further
research is needed to totally understand this phenomenon.
Following previous studies likethe one by Rieth et al. (2011), that found a relatively high illusory
face detection in pure noise images, and the one by Krummenacher et al. (2010), that demonstrated
that paranormal believers are more likely to identify faces in scrambled configurations, this study
aims to demonstrate 1) that people who believe in paranormal phenomena and religious people tend
to be more likely to illusory face perception than namely skeptics and non–religious people and 2)
that paranormal believers and religious people tend to rate artifact faces as being more face–like and
emotional than skeptics and non–religious do. A total of 47 participants (recruited from electronic
mail lists, internet forums, notice boards and with the snowball method) was included in the
experiment. Each participant was shown a set of pictures
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Family Fortunes : Men And Women Of The English Middle...
Leonore Davidoff and Catherine Hall are the authors of the novel, Family Fortunes: Men and
Women of the English Middle Class, 1780–1850. The novel, Family Fortunes bickers that men and
women of the middle class had accepted distinctively colorful class identities, particularly the
language of class configuration was gendered. Mostly all social associations were gendered. The
affiliations between the sexes were planned by property behavior. During the eighteenth century,
determined middle–class people asserted moral capacity for themselves. The middle–classed people
had religious beliefs. At this time period men were to be active in the world as citizens. On the other
hand, women were to be very dependent. "If religious belief offered individuals a sense of identity
and a community, it also offered personal comfort and security in an unstable and unsafe world"
(Davidoff, Hall 77). In this quote it states that religion can offer an individual with a sense of
individualism or an identity. Many sections come up in this novel including, Religion, economic
structure, and everyday life. The authors give many examples and provide vital information about
these three topics in great detail. The setting of the novel takes place in Birmingham, England. The
authors bring up multiple topics in their novel, Family Fortune. The topics give an understanding of
what the middle class was like in England during the 1780's through 1850's. The novels give a
context of the shaping of the middle
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Student Loan Programs
Student Loan Programs
The beginning of a college education is an eventful and exciting chapter for America's youth.
Beginning college is also when responsibilities begin to kick in as well. Students must plan ahead
how they intend to finance their education during their time at college and after completing their
academic careers. Almost seventy percent of college students nationwide take out loans to help
finance their education. Like any other loan, student loans must be paid off in a timely manner to
avoid hurting personal credit for future investments. The government has various student loan
programs to assist students with not only paying for college, but also with paying off these loans
after college. The most common type of ... Show more content on ...
It may feel like free money to the pockets when receiving the refund checks, but all of it needs to be
paid back at a point. This is a common mistake made by students during their college careers.
Managing finances when in school is a crucial part of building a credit history because student loans
tend to be the first type of credit for those in college. It is also the first type of real debt incurred by
many. Late loan payments seriously harm credit records and ruin a credit history for years. This is
why paying off these loans is the safest way to go when building a positive credit history. Late
payments that add up often pose as obstacles when taking out auto loans and mortgages as well.
This is only fair, because if a student fails to carry out the responsibility of paying back a student
loan, then they are not proven responsible when it comes to other types of credit either.
( Late loan payments indeed take a toll on an individual's credit history. When a
loan payment has not been made for two hundred seventy days after it was due, that student loan is
considered to be in default. The defaulted loan is turned over to a collection agency, and the
government notifies every credit bureau. This information remains on an individual's credit report
for seven years. Not paying the defaulted loan as soon as possible means having federal income tax
refunds withheld and added to
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Hall Of Fame Research Paper
Imagine this. Your Hank Aaron the all time home run leader, and you just got the message that Barry
Bonds has broken your record. Days later you find out that Bonds, the man who surpassed you has
taken steroids. How do you feel? Angry, mad, or even disappointed? If so you have the right. There
are players who cheated there way to success, and broke clean player's records. So, what other way
is there to punish them except to not let them in the Hall of Fame? Therefore, baseball players who
took banned substances should not be allowed in the Hall of Fame.
To begin with, players that took banned substances shouldn't be allowed in the Hall of Fame because
taking the banned substances is cheating. Yet people say that cheating is the fastest ... Show more
content on ...
Chris Cochrane sports Columnist for the "Chronicle Herald" stated in his article titled "Keep Them
Out of Baseball's Hall of Fame" that "The one weapon the baseball world retains to punish the star
offenders is to bar them from its Hall of Fame. For selfishness and arrogance on this large a scale,
that's a justifiable punishment." Chris talks about here that there really isn't another way to punish
these men besides not letting them into the Hall of Fame. There is the usual suspension that anybody
can get, but a lot of times people usually find out after the player is retired so the suspension does
not good. When a player takes some of the banned substances he is just being selfish and making
himself better without even training that much. Many of these players denied the fact that they took
substances especially steroids for year, and then later admit to it. Yet, many of these players get
suspensions, shouldn't that be enough? However players get suspensions for anything, even
something small. These players can ruin the game, they deserve more than just a suspension.
Overall, these players need a rightful punishment for their actions and banning them from the Hall
of Fame is that
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How Tobacco Advertising Influences Young People.
How Tobacco Advertising Influences Young People.
At the age of fourteen, I had my first puff of smoke. Even before that I knew a lot of cigarette brands
due to advertising. Since then I started smoking and when I went to cafeterias and clubs the people
who were promoting cigarettes would offer me a new brand to try and gave me free packs of
cigarettes and a lighter with their brand. They didn't mind how old I was, they just wanted to give
them away and promote their product. But except this kind of advertisement, I had seen lots of
tobacco advertisements on billboards which made me believe that everything is ok if I smoke. This
is a false impression that tobacco advertisements picture to teenagers. Tobacco advertisements
influence ... Show more content on ...
The second reason why tobacco advertising attracting teenagers should be forbidden is the positive
impression which teenagers get from tobacco advertising.
When teenagers see a tobacco advertisement showing smokers who are pictured with lots of friends,
they feel they want to be cool or successful socially. This is how the advertisements play into the
natural insecurities of young people. Also when the teenagers see the Virginia Slims advertisements
they get the impression that smoking will make them beautiful and thinner. But this is not true,
because it destroys the beauty. The tobacco companies use this confusion that many young people
think (KQED). The advertisements connect smoking with romantic relationships. Because many
people want to feel emotionally secure and physically attractive advertisements create a false
impression between smoking and finding the soul–mate. Another way to advertise their product is to
put healthy, successful and thin role models to act in such a way to attract teens. A recent report
from the
National Cancer Institute strongly suggests that tobacco advertising and the depiction of cigarette
smoking in movies can encourage teenagers to start smoking
(Hayes 1). Also Hausa film Industry stars glamorize the smoking of cigarettes and the rate of this
glamorization is very big. Young people imitate the actors
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Gender Roles In Wuthering Heights Essay
This essay will analyse how gender roles are represented in Bronte's 'Wuthering Height's by looking
at the characters of Cathy and Heathcliff. By analysing these two characters it will be clear that the
protagonists challenge social conformity during the Victorian period in England. To fully realise this
it is important to first understand what the prescribed roles were that they were challenging. This
will be achieved through close readings of the text and references made to secondary sources to
provide evidence that this opinion has been fully investigated. It will be clear by the end to see that
the characters challenge the roles expected of their sex during this time and together they challenge
social norms. This essay will answer 'yes' ... Show more content on ...
It is the opinion of this essay that the character of Heathcliff evolves a lot more than the character of
Catherine. When we first meet Heathcliff, he was found on the streets of Liverpool by Catherine's
father who then adopts him into the family as one of his own. This would have been a dramatic
change for Heathcliff. Then after experiencing this quality of life until the death of the father he is
then cast into the role of a servant/labourer by Catherine's brother who despises him. Finally, when
Heathcliff hears part of the conversation between Catherine and Nelly, he hears Catherine plans to
marry Edgar Linton as she could never marry Heathcliff. "It would degrade me to marry Heathcliff
now". (82) It is here Heathcliff leaves Wuthering Heights and returns three years later, a gentleman
of means and of polite demeanour, not what you would expect from him. Here we can bring back
the point that one's environment dramatically affects one's behaviour. Like Catherine, Heathcliff
defies social norms expected of his gender. After he returns back from travelling having acquired
great wealth and on the surface seems a changed man, he would be accepted into middle class
society as he displays the characteristics expected of him. It is well described in the book to enforce
the dramatic change in him for readers to understand how far he has come from
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Consequences Of Sexualism In Advertising
Sexuality has been a popular tool to use in advertising for the past decades. It has been proven that
people will more likely view an advertisement if it has some form of erotica in it. As said by Dov
Davidoff , "Sex sells, unless you're dehydrated in which case you'd be much more likely to purchase
water." Even though using sex appeals to sell may have been an effective mechanism to use, sexual
imagery is not the only thing that is being sold and a profit is not the only output. Utilizing sex in
advertising is not black and white, there are many outcomes of selling sex. The effects of selling sex
is not just money but, it can lead to long term societal consequences. This research paper will
discuss the factors that are influenced by implementation of eroticism in commercialism such as
women, children and controversy. Commonly sensual commercials showcase women that are
modeled to be "real" women. These women have no wrinkles, dazzling bright eyes, the perfect body,
pearly white teeth and many more features that not the everyday women does not have. According
to The Balance, " Advertising, marketing, and the fashion industry have created a new type of
woman that does not exist in the real world." Commercials present these women often in
commercials in bikinis or revealing clothing making the average women want to be them and men
are told from an early that these are the ideal women. Women are told from an young age as well
that they must be the women they see in
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Personal Narrative-Davidoff Lights
Three years on and a nightmare is still my reality; I'm haunted by her battered form and unseeing
eyes whenever I close mine. – The thin cylinder brushed past my cracked lips, and I let my eyes
flutter shut as I dragged the smoke into my body, letting it collect my anxiety, before exhaling my
stress out into the open air in a white, spiralling cloud. Despite all the empty coffee mugs in my
office, it always failed to surpass the nicotine. My eyes opened; I felt the heat of my cigarette make
my insides flush and buzz all at once. Lazily, I scanned the area from the balcony I stood on,
colossal buildings seeming insignificant beneath me. My gaze travelled to the nearly empty packet
in my hand; "Davidoff Lights" it read, along with the warning. ... Show more content on ...
Every day I expect her to walk through the door, or come home to smell her cooking, or have her
crawl in next to me and our combined body heat would make the bed toasty. No, the only heat I feel
is the one coming from my Davidoff Lights. The only smell is the one of cigarettes and alcohol.
Working like a team to numb my mind, they go perfectly together, just like we did. I looked in the
mirror from where I sat; no colour was needed to see that the dark circles under my eyes were
almost as black as the bruises that had burned themselves onto her pale skin. I miss her. The only
one to miss me would be the empty bottles of alcohol. If fate is cruel enough to take someone so
precious and perfect, surely it would have no problem taking the likes of
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Theme Of The Wind In The Willow
Pastoral Themes in the Wind & the Willows
Pastoral works refer to a genre of literature that focuses on the bucolic aspects of nature and the
countryside. The English countryside represents the ideal location for a pastoral work. One such
work is the Edwardian children's story, The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame. Since its
publication in 1908, the story has become a beloved children's classic. However, the story represents
Edwardian society in England, and uses anthropomorphized animals to represent Edwardian men.
As a pastoral work, the events of the story occur in the English countryside, where the animals work
together to care for the wild one in their group, Mr. Toad. Mr. Toad's "Wild Ride" through he
English countryside ... Show more content on ...
The author used the background of a pastoral vision to help elucidate the characteristics of
Edwardian society. Mr. Toad is one of the most known characters from the work. He is extremely
wealthy and essentially bored with his life. His English country life does not offer him fulfillment.
As such, he jumps from interest to interest, quickly grabbing at new hobbies. As a wealthy landed
scion, he has the luxury of this lifestyle. From the earliest mentions of his home, Toad Hall, it
becomes apparent that he represents the landed gentry. Rat points out his home from the river. "The
stables are over there to the right. That's the banqueting–hall you're looking at now–very old, that is.
Toad is rather rich, you know" (Grahame 19). Toad quickly changes his interests, spending the
money his father left him. Rat describes this character flaw of Toad: "'Boating is out. He's tired of it,
and done with it. I wonder what new fad he has taken up now?'" (Grahame 21). Toad quickly takes
up motoring as his new hobby. Motoring referred to the hobby of driving and racing cars, something
only the wealthy could afford at this time. All of this is discussed as the characters take a slow ride
down the river and then sit quietly in the countryside. An outdoor luncheon helps to create the image
of the setting. The English countryside represents the perfect pastoral setting, and the characters all
seem to enjoy
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Why Companies Fail At Operation Excellence Implementation
Other factors that drive the need for operational excellence is the recognition. Shingo prize is an
award that recognizes organizations that have successfully implemented operation excellence.
Having such a recognition as a winner put the business on the top line compared to other businesses.
That helps the business reputation, and that is good for business.
Why Some Business Fail at OPEX Implementation
Considering the amount of effort required to implement operational excellence, it can be disastrous
if it fails to achieve the expected outcome (Casey, 2010). For operational excellence to be
successful, the people, process and technology have to concur. There are several reasons why
businesses fail at operation excellence implementation. This is because operational excellence
requires a wide range of skill, commitment, and people to work together and be successful.
Connolly (2012) study found the following reasons why operation excellence program in some
organization fail: Lack of support from leadership, improper team selection and lack of training for
all stakeholders, lack of communication all around the organization, lack of scope clarity, improper
implementation, misconception, and the "Good old ways" resistance.
1. Lack of support from leadership: Operation excellence requires total support from all levels of the
organization and this is very important to the survival of the program. The support help drives the
program financial needs, and since the leaders set
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Taking a Look at Same-Sex Marriage
Same–sex marriage is against the law and against the moral standards of the religious society. In this
paper I will sympathize with the homosexual community in order to improve their views on
marriage. First amendment of the Constitution protects and makes homosexuality legal. Marriage is
also legal. Marriage laws and the rights that fall under marriage are defined and upheld by the states.
Should same–sex marriage remain illegal? Homosexuals believe rights guaranteed to married
heterosexual couples should not be denied to homosexual couples.
Marriage is a sacred bond protected by the Constitution of the United States. In the U.S. Supreme
Court case of 1974, Cleveland Board of Education v. LeFleur, the Court reaffirmed that "freedom of
personal choice in matters of marriage and family life is one of the liberties protected by the Due
Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment" (Robinson). Marriage is typically defined as one man
and one woman joining together in "holy matrimony." Marriage is designed to be a contractual show
of one's love for another. Marriage is many things. For instance, marriage is a relationship full of
stressors, emotions, and passions. Marriage is also financial in that there are bills to pay, insurances
to maintain. Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? Do you have a husband or wife? If the answer is
yes, then do you suppose a gay man has a boyfriend; or a lesbian has a girlfriend? The answer is
obviously yes. Same–sex couples are quickly becoming
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Racial Zoning
Inequality and mistreatment is prevalent in the world today. However, today the world is much
closer to solving its issues as opposed to 100 years ago. Planners are a significant part of that fight,
standing up for what they believe is right and implementing the proper plans and action needed to
begin to solve that issue. While social justice may not be at its peak today, times used to be worse.
Formerly, while trying to improve cities with zoning– certain races, religions, and peoples were
excluded from the nice parts of town and even jobs. Zoning began around 1900 when the local
government restricted the height of buildings in Washington District of Columbia. From there, the
government realized it could intervene on private property and the people would allow it (Silver,
1997). As zoning evolved, so did the type of zoning– from height restrictions to land use and
eventually to redlining. Silver explains the extent situation as, "the nation's planning movement, not
just its Southern branch, regarded land use controls as an effective social control mechanism for
Blacks and other 'undesirables'" (p. 2). Unfortunately for the US and for its citizens, racial zoning is
not the only undesirable social norm. Well known in cities at the time were the City Beautiful
movement and the city practical, however, social issues were merely pushed to the side. Wirka
(1996) explains that "both are undoubtedly important movements in the history of planning" (p. 57),
however, she goes on
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Davidoff Case Study
Business–to–Business (B2B) designed all the commercial activities that occur between the
companies. We have axed our study on Zino Davidoff Trading AG.
At its creation, the luxury firm Davidoff was also specialized in the tobacco. However, after one of
the law on the tobacco, they divided the firm into 2 independent companies. I concentrated my
researches on Zino Davidoff Trading AG, a manufacturer of watches, writing instruments, leather,
accessories, eyewear, fragrances, coffee and cognac.
1) Sales techniques used:
First of all, Davidoff uses various sales techniques. The first sales techniques used by Davidoff is the
direct selling, which corresponds to a face to face deal between the salespeople and the customers.
Indeed, the company being ... Show more content on ...
It possesses intelligences related to the buyer company like its size, its historic, its number of
employees, its decision makers, its atmosphere, its financial situation but also linked to its product
as their prices, their guarantees, the quantities bought and sold, and so on. Then, it focuses on the
market and on the players which compose it: the main competitors, their offers and prices for
Once Davidoff gathered the necessary information about the potential buyer which ensure it that it is
valuable to pursue the project, it will secure an appointment with him by e–mail. Thanks to its
network, Davidoff finds the contact details of a well–placed individual working in the firm in which
it is interested. It then delivers a short brand presentation, states the purpose of the e–mail and
requests a face–to–face meeting. In this case, Davidoff has to compete with its rivals and to
differentiate itself from the others. This method is the more traditional one and is shared by most of
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Quality Management : The Healthcare Industry
Quality Management In the healthcare industry one of the health professional's duty is to provide
medical help and care to patients, and not create further injury or damage. Unfortunately accidents
do happen in the healthcare industry, and as a result there has been a demand and need for quality
and safety measures to be carried out (Iizuka, Munechika & Tsuru, 2009). Since quality can be
somewhat subjective and relate to patient outcome, there are a number of ways to define quality.
Iizuka, Munechika and Tsuru (2009) define quality as the ability to provide patients with effective
health services with minimal utilisation of health resource. Alternatively Rose (2005) defines quality
as fulfilling patient health needs while avoiding the repetition of staff and mechanical errors. Overall
the quality of healthcare refers to the effectiveness and value of the health service. The quality of
care is an indispensable feature of the Australian healthcare system resulting in the New South
Wales Health creating six aims as a framework to provide the greatest quality of care for patients
(NSW health, 1999). The primary aim is safety for both health professionals and patients. The aim is
to avoid injuries to both parties by reducing workplace hazards. The effectiveness of health care is
another aim ensuring that the patient will benefit from the health service. Efficiency of services
relates to effectiveness in that health resources should not be wasted and used to their full
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Increasing Medicare Eligibility
Increasing Medicare Eligibility Age to 70 Medicare is the Federal government's largest program and
provides health care benefits to individuals that are 65 years old or old (Elmendorf, 2013). This
program covers over 50 million Americans, including over 8 million disabled Americans (Raising
Medicare's Eligibility Age: A Costly Benefit Cut for Senior, 2014). With the baby–boomer
generation coming to the age of Medicare eligibility there is an estimated drastic increase in the
number of individuals participating in Medicare for their health insurance (Elmendorf, 2013). With
this being said some, including the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), believe that increasing the
minimum age of eligibility will save the Federal government money (Meyerson, ... Show more
content on ...
There is an increase in health care advances which allows for many aging individuals to be able to
live and work past the age of 65 (current Medicare eligibility age). Some individuals make the
decision to retire at 65, even though they can continue to work, and qualify for Medicare instead of
paying for health insurance through their old employers. If the age was increased to 70 years old and
the same population continued to keep working then it would reduce the need for Medicare
coverage for those that can still qualify for benefits through their employers (Davidoff, 2003). This
would continue to save the Federal government money for Medicare. This also goes along with the
life–expectancy rising which means individuals are staying on Medicare coverage for a longer
period of time which means more spending (Khimm, 2013). If the minimum eligibility age was
increase then it would line up better with the life–expectancy and continue to save the Federal
government more and more
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Stamp Tax Australia
Is stamp duty an effective taxation measure in modern Australia.
Abstract: In Australia, Stamp duty have been a substantial revenue generator for the state
governments, accounts for around one–fourth of their taxation revenue (Deloitte, 2015). Lately, it
has also been a most talked about topic in between investors & first home buyers. Researchers have
reflected that even though these taxes are added on top of the sales price suppositively making a
difficult purchase for buyers on papers, sellers are the real loser. Based on four case studies
conducted in developed nations, this article shows the negative effects of so–called transaction cost
and the economic inefficiency of it. It also elaborates how a Tax reform, replacing Stamp Duty with
... Show more content on ...
Also, around 40 characteristics of each house for example family room, construction type, parking
space etc. was noticed. (Dachis, Duranton & Turner, 2011).
With the help of the econometric model, which is a hybrid of a regression discontinuity design, the
researchers exploit a natural experiment to estimate the effect of Land Transfer Tax. Consistent with
a mindset in considering a stamp duty as a tax on moving, the result of the research suggests that
this land transfer tax negatively influence the volume of real estate transaction in Toronto by 14%
approximately (Dachis, Duranton & Turner, 2011).
Another crucial reflected fact was that even though the tax was introduced on the buyers, it is almost
fully capitalized into land prices.
Furthermore, the loss of 14% volume of real estate transaction causes a substantial welfare loss. This
welfare loss, the cost of forgone mobility, is quite significant, about $1 for every $8 in tax revenue
raised. In other terms, it is around $19 million every year in this case (Dachis, Duranton & Turner,
... Get more on ...
Medicare: Health Insurance in the United States and Social...
Chapter 7:
1. Who is eligible for Medicare? Person eligible for Medicare include individuals ages sixty–five
and over, those with disabilities, and those with end–stage renal disease (Hammaker, 2011). here are
three basic entitlement categories: persons 65 years of age or over who are eligible for retirement
under Social Security or the railroad retirement system, persons under 65 years of age who have
been entitled for at least 2 years to disability benefits under Social Security or the railroad retirement
system, and persons with ESRD who do not otherwise meet the age or disability requirements. The
latter two groups together are known as the "under 65" enrollees (Petrie, 1992).
2. As the baby boomers approach age sixty–five, how ... Show more content on ...
Today's Medicare beneficiaries already pay an average of $5,500 each year out of their own pockets
for their medical expenses. And that expense is rising every year. Social Security's benefits already
are modest by any standard. Today, the average Social Security retirement benefit is only about
$14,000 a year. The average annual benefit for retired women is even less, about $12,000. In
Arkansas, 58 percent of Social Security recipients rely on Social Security for 50 percent or more of
their income. And 34 percent rely on Social Security for 90 percent or more of their income (Dillard,
Chapter 8:
1. While the 2100 tax–exempt hospitals are heavily subsidized with over $12.6 billion in annual tax
exemptions, what do many fail to do?
While the 2,100 tax–exempt hospitals are heavily subsidized, with over $12.6 billion in tax
exemptions and $32 billion in government–assistance subsidies each year, many fail to use their
assets and revenues to provide mutually affordable health care to the uninsured and underinsured
(Hammaker, 2011). In many states, the state constitution or laws allow "institutions of purely public
charity" to escape the payment of ad valorem and other taxes. The reasons articulated for such
exemption vary but usually depend on the theory that these institutions provide services to truly
needy individuals free (or nearly free) of charge or that they provide services the government would
be required to provide if the institutions
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Health And Illness Of Healthcare
Healthcare is provided by a number of different professionals to achieve the restoration of a balance
between all factors of a person's life when faced with disease, illness, injury, childbirth and surgery.
The main health care professionals that are required are doctors nurses, midwives and paramedical
personnel. This multidisciplinary team approach to health care brings a number of benefits to the
patient and many systems and processes are in place to achieve a high standard of patient outcomes.
Positive relationship between patients and the healthcare providers promotes patient–centered care
and enhances outcomes. (Dwamena et al,.2012; Laine & Davidoff, 1996).
Healthcare professionals build a strong network of providing healthcare driven programming,
leadership initiatives to address the ongoing challenges of providing better healthcare.
Health and illness lie on a continuum for all individuals from birth through to death. Humans are
very well organized but we rely heavily on all our systems integrating smoothly and without
problems. However when a person's internal balance changes with one system not functioning well
then a flow–on of problems to other systems may occur with it including physically, psychologically
and socially. Over time other disciplines began to emerge especially as technologies expanded and it
was recognized that people often needed health services other than physical care in order to
maintain wellness.
Health care is provided by
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A Foundation For Studying Emotional Psychology
The main purpose behind the study conducted by Crivelli, Jarillo, Russell, & Fernández–Dols
(2016) is to challenge the authenticity of the universality thesis. Their intention is to question
whether facial expressions used to signal different emotions are universally comprehended.
Therefore, do all human beings signal certain emotions with the same, universal, facial expression?
The studies conducted regarding the universality thesis were used as a foundation for studying
emotional psychology. Making it extremely relevant to question such influential research, which
appears to lack consistent and convincing results. There are three main issues regarding the
universality thesis. The first of which is that, methodological challenges occur from studying
culturally isolated societies. The most difficult issue to overcome being the language barrier. Similar
to how the Himba tribe has one word (burou) for both blue and green (Goldstein, Davidoff, &
Roberson, 2009), similar language barriers may exist in regards to emotions and facial expressions.
For example, in a study conducted by Ekman, the Fore of Papua New Guinea have no word to
describe disgust (As cited in Crivelli, Jarillo, Russell, & Fernández–Dols, 2016). In addition to this,
in Western society, we are familiar with question–and–answer formats. However, it may be
intimidating in these culturally isolated societies, which could invoke cultural norms. Secondly, the
range of results appears to be problematic. Although a
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The Sapir And Whorf Theory: How Language Influences Our...
Language is an organized and uniform method of conveying information. In order for something to
be considered "language" it must be intended. Language must also be part of a structured system.
For example, with the English language, there are rules regarding grammatical structure. Moreover,
language must be creative and open–ended allowing it to be relevant to a specific situation or time
period. Because different types of language are widely used, one can assume the language
influences our thoughts and perceptions of the world to a great extent. As the strong version of the
Sapir and Whorf theory suggests, language serves as a mold in which our thoughts are categorized.
These thoughts and perceptions allow one to create opinions on the information given based on his
knowledge and ability to process the it. In an experiment done by BBC, psychologist Jules Davidoff
tested how the language of the ... Show more content on ...
This is due to the fact that language allows us to formulate coherent thoughts thus bringing us to
express them effectively. As seen in the Himba color experiment, the Himba we unable to identify a
difference between blue and green thus bringing them to make more mistakes. Because we are able
to identify a difference between the two, one can conclude that the Himba's lack of a word for the
color blue brings them to perceive the world differently than we do. Moreover, in the Dove beauty
experiment, woman #1 perceives herself differently compared to how woman #2 perceives her. This
is not only shown through the descriptive language they use, but also, the visual representations of
the artist as he uses the descriptions to draw an image. Through the Himba experiment and the Dove
beauty experiment, one can conclude that language influences our thoughts to a great extent due to
the fact that our thoughts are formulated through language and therefore expressed
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Rape Culture And Rape Myths
As kids we were taught about "stranger danger;" we were taught to protect ourselves from strangers
and as we got older, females were told to protect themselves from getting raped. In this paper, I will
discuss how living in a rape culture affects women and men, how does rape myths affect society and
how we can change the negative effects of living in a rape culture and rape myths. In order to
understand this, we must first define what rape is.
Rape is unwanted sexual attentions or actions that are directed to a person. Rape can happen to
anyone but it is most common to happen women. Rape happens to women around the ages of 16–24
and it is "considered to be at the greatest risk of sexual assault" (Aronowitz, Lambert, & Davidoff
2012). Also 1 in 5 "American women survive rape or attempted rape" (Maxwell 2014) and 1 in six
men are abused before they reach the age of 18 (Maxwell 2014). Lastly, the victim is most likely to
know or be related to their attacker (Aronwitz, Lambert, & Davidoff 2012). As we can see from the
data above, rape can happen to anyone, not just women. Though because everyone has this
misconception that rape is only for women and that women wanted to be raped has created "rape
myths." Rape myths originate from a rape culture. A society only becomes a rape culture when "rape
is prevalent and in which sexual violence against women is normalized and excused in the media
and popular culture" ("Rape Culture," n.d.). The United States is a rape culture because of
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Yo-Yo Ma Research Paper
Yo–Yo Ma
Yo–Yo Ma is a Chinese American cellist. He was born October 7, 1955 in Paris, France. He was a
child prodigy, and after studying many instruments Ma chose the cello. He began performing at the
age of four and a half. At the age of seven his family moved to New York where he attended the
Juilliard School. At sixteen he enrolled at Harvard University. He graduated in 1976 with a
bachelor's degree in liberal arts.
Yo–Yo Ma's performing career has no boundaries. He has performed with the world's major
orchestras, heads of states, public schools, television, and Hollywood films. His most familiar
performances to the general public was on television series: The West Wing, Sesame Street and
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood. He worked with composers on movie scores: Crouching Tiger,
Hidden Dragon, Seven Years in Tibet and Memories of a Geisha.
Ma publicly performed in 1986 at the 100th anniversary of the Statue of Liberty, and in 2002 at the
site of the World Trade Center while the names of the dead were read in remembrance. He also
performed in 2013 at the Interfaith Service to honor the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing.
He was a feature performer at the Presidential Inauguration for Barack Obama in 2009. Yo–Yo
means ... Show more content on ...
He has won 18 Grammy Music Awards and the Academy Oscar Award are among his notable
sixteen awards. Ma was selected in 2011 as a Kennedy Center Honoree and was also awarded the
Presidential Medal of Freedom. He also served in 2006 as the United Nations Messenger of Peace.
Even with all the national awards and recognitions, Yo–Yo Ma feels that the greatest honor he ever
received was the Fred Rogers Legacy Award. Ma was the inaugural recipient. The award is given by
the Fred Rogers Center for Early Learning and Children's media at Saint Vincent College. Ma and
Fred Rogers became close friends after he appeared on Mister Roger's
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Pevelance and Effects of Rape
The Prevalence and Effects of Rape
The prevalence of rape is a major social problem that plagues America and other countries around
the world daily. Victims of rape are psychologically, and sometimes physically damaged from being
sexually assaulted. Although it would seem that it is a sexually motivated crime, rape "is actually an
act of violence in which sex is used as a weapon against a powerless victim" (Kendall 197). Neither
rapists, nor rape victims are concentrated to one specific class or race. However, "American women
aged 16–24 are considered to be at the greatest risk of sexual assault" (Aronowitz, Lambert, and
Davidoff 173). The majority of rapists are age twenty–five and younger. Almost all rape cases have
female victims with male offenders. Men account for only 10% of all rape victims, and in some
cases their rapist is also male. In regards to statistics, rape appears rare because of victims' fears that
they will not be believed, or have stigmas about rape now attached to them(Egan and Wilson 345).
According to Wolitzk–Taylor et al., "approximately 1 in 7 US women have been raped in their
lifetimes. Estimates from the 1990s and 2000s indicate that only 16% to 20% of forcible rape
victims report the rape to law enforcement" (Wolitzky–Taylor et al. 582). The reason for the
disproportion of rape victims to rape reports is likely the vast acceptance of rape myths in society.
Rape myths are "stereotyped, or false beliefs about rape, rape victims, and rapists"(Egan
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A Research Proposal On The Civil Rights Movement
Abstract No matter varying ideas as to success, it is difficult to ignore that American culture has
undergone immense changes since the 1950s. The Civil Rights movement, the emergence of
feminism, and gay activism have literally revolutionized the society and how it functions, with many
changes going to the promotion of equality and heightened awareness of the needs of others. At the
same time, unfortunately, sexual criminality and violence remain critical issues, with women being
the primary victims. The patriarchal foundation of the society has diminished, yet norms still
providing men with entitlement remain in place, and this is a reality supported by modern research
still referring to a "rape culture." This same research also presents disturbing evidence of how young
college students widely maintain norms affirming male dominance and aggression. No simple
solution is then possible, and any effective course must rely on as in–depth research as may be
conducted. To that end, the following assessment of study on the subject concludes with a research
proposal, and one utilizing Structural Functionalism Theory and the innate value in interviewing
students in both collective and individual ways.
"To what extent do mainstream sexuality norms impact sexual criminality?" It is inescapable that
elements within a culture or society, and even of the most violent kinds, are linked to how that
society functions and how its norms influence behavior. Certainly, few if any
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Inside The Dooms Day Machine Analysis
v William M. Sullivan, Reconstructing Public Philosophy (University of California Press, 1982),
198. George A. Akerloff and Robert J. Shiller, Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives the
Economy and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism (Princeton University Press, 2009), ix–x. David
Warfield Brown, America's Culture of Professionalism: Past, Present, and Prospects (Palgrave
Macmillan, 2014), 67. See Michael Lewis, The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine (W. W.
Norton, 2010), 23–24. "We had forgotten the hard–earned lesson of the 1930's: that capitalism can
give us the best of all possible worlds, but it does so only on a playing field where the government
sets the rules and acts as a referee." Akerloff and Shiller, 172–73. "TransUnion, ... Show more
content on ...
Katie Thomas, Agustin Armendariz, and Sarah Cohen, "Detailing Financial Links of Doctors and
Drug Makers," (New York Times, October 1, 2104). Sandeep Jauhar, "Busy Doctors, Wasteful
Spending," (New York Times, July 21, 2014). Elisabeth Rosenthal "Apprehensive, Many Doctors
Shift to Jobs With Salaries," (New York Times, February 14, 2014). Ibid. James B. Stewart, "A Bold
Bid to Combat a Crisis in Legal Education," (New York Times, April 4, 2014). Steven Davidoff
Solomon, "Law Schools and Industry Show Signs of Life, Despite Forecasts of Doom," (New York
Times, March 31, 2015). Elizabeth Olson, "Law Students Leave Torts Behind (for a Bit) and Tackle
Accounting," (New York Times, February, 12, 2015). Solomon, (New York Times, March 31, 2015).
Paul Hawken, Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement in the World Came into Being (Viking,
2007), 132. Michael H. Shuman, Going Local: Creating Self–Reliant Communities in a Global Age
(Routledge, 2000), 124. Robert Kuttner, Everything For Sale: The Virtues and Limits of Markets
(University of Chicago Press, 1996),
... Get more on ...
Hitler's Rise To Power Essay
Hitler's Rise To Power
The Antichrist is...a man with white skin, in everyday clothes, dangerously contemporary, and a
mighty demagogue...The great Russian philosopher Soloviev described him. The Antichrist 'does
not look like he is,' and therein precisely lies the danger. He is a young man with a strong
personality and seductive power of speech and writing...He will win fame first by book...then, in
Berlin, he will be come ruler of the 'United States of Europe;' he will conquer Asia; America will
submit to him voluntarily. He is an absolute genius, and he may, says Soloviev, wear a small
Adolf Hitler was a failed artist who rose to rule Germany as a dictator from 1933–1945. Due to his
racial hatred, approximately eleven million ... Show more content on ...
In September of 1907, Hitler went to Vienna, with hopes of attending art school. Upon learning that
his mother was dying of cancer, he went back home. When she died on December 20, 1907, Hitler
went back to Vienna to return to his dream of becoming an artist. However, twice the art school
rejected him, which is something that he would never forget. "In his misery Adolf Hitler began to
learn things other than art. He learned to hate."4 He became curious about Jews and began to read
about them. He started to believe some of the anti–semetic ideas he was reading about. He began to
believe that the Aryans were superior and the Jews were responsible for his failure as an artist. He
vowed that they would pay for his humiliation. From age nineteen to twenty–four, Hitler lived as a
vagrant on the streets of Vienna, and refused regular work. He began to hate all of humanity. In 1913
he moved to Munich, where he still refused regular work, but was hardly broke. In fact, he had the
income of a provincial lawyer from odd jobs and from selling paintings.5
How did such a maladjusted individual rise to power in the German government? Hitler hated the
treaty of Versailles. He thought it made his government vulnerable to revolts allowing an army of
only 100,000 men. He wanted to punish the makers of the treaty and decided to become involved
with politics. He joined the
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Nonprofit Organization
Certainly, nonprofit organization's mission and fanatical factors are linked. Therefore, the nonprofit
organization should develop a plan that meets the financial requirements as well as the
programming. Negatively, the institution will be affected if these areas are not well managed.
Specifically, implementation and financial policies are one of the nonprofit's tactics to maintain an
excellent functioning. The goal is to provide more services with fewer resources. At the same time,
it is an expectation that funding enhance the organization success. Funds should be used to grow
programs, promote the agency and many others. Then, the organization expenses should be record
on the balance sheet. Accordingly, managers make decisions on program ... Show more content on ...
Congress in 2002. This SOX act propones to defend financiers from fraudulent bookkeeping
activities. The Act directed modifications to influence corporations' financial disclosure and other
accounting fraud. Actually, The SOX Act was created in response to "accounting malpractice in the
early 2000s, when public scandals such as Enron Corporation, Tyco International plc, and
WorldCom shook investor confidence in financial statements and demanded an overhaul of
regulatory standards" (Investopedia, 2017). The act rules and policies affected the legislation related
to security regulations. The Sarbanes–Oxley Act Section 302 and Section 404 are the main points.
The rules and enforcement policies outlined by the SOX Act amend or supplement existing
legislation dealing with security regulations. The two key provisions of Section 302 is a mandate
that requires senior management to certify the accuracy of the reported financial statement. Section
404 is a requirement that management and auditors establish internal controls and reporting methods
on the adequacy of those controls. Section 404 has very costly implications for publicly traded
companies as it is expensive to establish and maintain the required internal controls (Investopedia,
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Essay on Computer Unit 1 assignment
Kayja Billups Professor Davidoff CGS 1060C 6 January 2015 1. What is the difference between a
software application and an operating system? A computers operating system (OS) is the core of the
computer and is more than just software. The OS controls the computer's memory and processes as
well as its hardware and software. It is the brain of the computer. Software applications on the other
hand perform a certain task. Ex. Google Chrome provides internet and Adobe allows PDF files to be
read (among other things). The OS is what makes all of these applications work successfully and
accomplish whatever the application is designed to accomplish. 2. Describe a use for a software ...
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5. Why are software updates so important? Be sure to include security fixes, bugs, adaptation to new
hardware availability and other plugin options. Updating your software is crucial to the health of
computer. Software updates provide fixes for any holes in your security as well as general bug fixes
for your software to make it run more smoothly. Ex. Screen glitches, the OS being slow or lagging,
etc. Sometimes when new hardware comes out an update to your OS and other software will be
required in order to use the new hardware. Updates specific to your security software provide
protection against new malware that has been found. 6. Give an example of a typical software
update that you perform or that your computer provides for you. Be detailed in what software is
being updated and whether it is automatic or if you are required to provide a disk or file. Everytime
Adobe Acrobat releases an update my computer pops up with a nessage asking if I want to update it
now or later. It also gives me the option to check a box for automatic updates (updating without
asking my permission). I am not required to provide a disk or file. 7. Attach 2 screenshots of a
Windows screen, showing menus, toolbars, Windows, Folders, sub– folders, directories,
subdirectories, and views. Change the view between the two screenshots. You can use PrintScreen
(see the PrtSc key on your keyboard)
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The Role Of Capital Punishment In Judaism
The right to life is a privilege that all humans have, but this right has become a topic of
disagreement and in many situations people feel that it is acceptable to take this right away from
another person. Either by capital punishment or by abortions we find ourselves in the position where
others are dictating the outcome of another person's life. These two topics have brought a great deal
debates, new ruling and changes in the law. The controversy that surrounds them are driven by the
strong opinions and in many case the emotional feeling people have about them. Play a major
driving force in the disagreement in this two topics are the different religious beliefs. In many ways
both the Roman Catholic and Jewish faith views on these two ... Show more content on ...
It is very interesting that this idea is supported in Judaism because there are over thirty accounts of
capital punishment in the Old Testament. There are also very well known quotes from the Old
Testament on capital punishment such as "a life for a life, an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth"
(Deuteronomy 19:21), and "A man who spills human blood, should have his blood spilled" (Genesis
9:6). Although the Jewish and Roman Catholic views are very similar to one another, the one thing
that makes these two views different is that the Jewish faith says that the death penalty should exist.
Steven Davidoff stated supports this when he stated, "The Jewish view on the death penalty is that it
should exist but it should never be used" (Davidoff 93). This is a very interesting statement because
what it is telling us is that the Jewish faith believes that the death penalty should be used as a
deterrent. This idea is a great way to look at capital punishment because if the idea of death being a
punishment is enforce many criminals are more likely to think twice before committing a serious
crime. Despite the current view on capital punishment, in early Jewish Law the idea of the death
penalty was supported, but this was due to the fact that other laws and Israel traditions at the time
clashed. Forming the theory that a select few crimes should be punishable by death. Although it was
supported under Jewish Law it was a very rare occurrence mainly because of the fact that there were
many requirements that needed to be proven before the punishment can be
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The Politics of Representation: Social Work Lessons From...
The Politics of Representation: Social Work Lessons From the Advocacy Planning Movement In
urban planning's new political awareness, representation became a social responsibility issue. This
new understanding of politics and social responsibility in urban planning may have brought
boundary interaction between planners and other professions, such as social work... Introduction
In his 1995 article, Andrew Abbott explores his evolving conception of the social work profession.
As we approach the new millennium, Abbott's conception becomes strikingly relevant. In brief
review, Abbott's first notion posits that social work is a profession of interstitiality. In this context,
social workers translate and mediate between collogues in ... Show more content on
Although he suggests both volatility and vulnerability for the social work profession, he downplays
the significance – saying that social work is not unique in this regard. Abbott's final assertion is that
while social workers are engaged along multi–professional boarders, social work has historically
lacked a "professional purity."
Abbott's review of social work profession's past is useful, but where can it lead the social work
profession in the future? If the profession is pushing for purity, will it lose members to neighboring
professions, as suggested in Abbott's notions of evolving boundaries? How have these evolving
boundaries affected other professions and what lessons can the social work profession learn?
Reviewing the advocacy planning movement in the modern American urban planning profession,
beginning in the early 1960s, can provide useful perspectives of Abbott's theme of intraprofessional
and interprofessional relations. In this movement, we see a highly technical ("pure") profession of
physical planning become aware of the inherently political nature of its work. In particular, the
planning profession's notion of "the common good" was challenged. As Martin Wachs (1985, p. 55)
quotes Norton Long, "The question is not whether planning will reflect politics, but whose politics
will it
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Factors Favoring Managerial Effectiveness : A Study Of...
Abdul–Azeem, M. and Fatima, S. (2012) 'Factors favoring managerial effectiveness: a study of
select public and private sector organizations', International Journal of Business Economics and
Management Research, 2(1), Pp. 1–27.
Adewuyi, D. (2002) 'Comparison between school effectiveness characteristics and classroom
instruction strategies in the United States and Nigeria', Council for the Development of Social
Science Research in Africa, XXVI, Pp. 263–287.
Agarwal, V. (1983) 'A study of stress proneness adjustment and job satisfaction as predictors of
administrative effectiveness of Principals', Unpublished PhD thesis Education. Meerut University.
Cited in MB. Buch Fourth Survey of Research in Education, NCERT, New Delhi, Pp.1069–1070.
Aggarwal, J.C. (1972) 'Educational Administration Inspection Planning and Financing India', Arya
Book Depot, New Delhi.
Aggarwal, J.C. (2007) 'School Management', Shipra publication, New Delhi.
Ahuja, R. (2011) 'Research methods', Rawat Publications, New Delhi, Pp.120–121.
Akomolafe, C.O. (2012) 'A comparative study of Principals' administrative effectiveness in public
and private secondary schools in Ekiti State, Nigeria', Journal of Education and Practice, Vol. 3 (13),
Pp. 39–45.
Alhourani, L. (2013) 'Leadership and Effectiveness of University Deans in Lebanon and Egypt',
Capella University, Minneapolis.
Ali, S. (2003) 'A comparative study of the leadership style, interpersonal relationship and
effectiveness of the recruited and
... Get more on ...
Richard Linklater's Childhood
The memories of childhood development stick to the minds of many people for long periods
whereas, people can recall many moments from their childhood lives, but don't possess the cognitive
ability to link them this sense, "Boyhood" is an American film depicting the growth of a
young boy, Mason Evans Jr from the age of 6 to 18 years. The film was written and directed by
Richard Linklater, who took approximately 12 years to complete the task of composing the film.
Hence, its writing and composition started in 2002 and ended in 2014, where Linklater aimed at
explaining the transitional stage from childhood to adulthood. The American modernization has
been portrayed in the "Boyhood" film where objects, events, themes, and institutions ... Show more
content on ...
The film took Linklater over 12 years to compose until it became useful in 2014when it was
released. Oakley compares "Boyhood" with the television series "Seven–Up" (Almond 1964), which
traces the lives of a set of people who were interviewed first at age seven; and seven consecutive
years after. Thus, this illustrates the growth and maturation of each cast members over the 12 year
period of producing this film. In the different scenes of the film, the American modern ways of
living have been explained using the real–life experience of Mason. The new modern ways of life
include love for guitar, dates, substance abuse, mobile phones, automobiles, video games, a passion
for photography, family life and school. The film discusses different trajectories of emotional and
cognitive development that people undergo thus determining their personalities. It explains the
different experiences that one faces while interacting with different people such as parents, friends,
and siblings. According to Oatley, the way modern people life is interesting as they can have unity
and create a scheme of love and belongingness. However, Mason is presented as a cheerful and
temperamental child in the film. Each stage of growth shaped is psychological views and
experiences in a more meaningful yet, monolithic way of dealing with challenges of everyday
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Rape Myth Acceptance

  • 1. Rape Myth Acceptance Rape Myth Acceptance: Maintaining the Status Quo According to the FBI database, in the year 2013 a rape occurred roughly once every 6.6 minutes. (US Department of Justice– Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2014). This is based on 79,770 reported cases of rape following an eighty year–old definition, which defines rape as "carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will" (US Department of Justice– Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2014). In 2013 however, the definition of rape was changed, and now reads, "Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim" (US Department of Justice– Federal Bureau of Investigation, ... Show more content on ... There are even studies which have found women more likely than men to blame the victim. (Stromwall, Alfredsson, & Landstrom, 2012, p. 255) In a study of first and second year college students it was also shown that students with a higher sexual knowledge were less likely to accept rape myths. (Aronowitz, Lambert, & Davidoff, 2012, p. 179) The same study also stated that despite the correlation between a higher sexual knowledge and lower rape myth acceptance (RMA), that increasing knowledge only will not fix this problem, but it is a necessary piece of the ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Gender Roles Of Men And Women From the agricultural to industrial societies gender role has gradually changed in many ways. It can be seen from today that the role of male and female does not really much different. From the past with the perspective that women need to stay at home and perform housework while men need to work outside, these perspectives have changed over the time. Gender role which was built within the social contexts and since the globe has changed role of both men and women should be able to transform themselves to fit in the new society we live today. For these reasons there are a number of women who work outside rather than just stay at home and perform all housework. The aim of this essay is to examine how have notions of 'men's work' been challenged by modern working women. The prevailing discussion encompasses the available literature, generally and more precisely focusing over law as profession. The following essay presents some key facts along with the theoretical ideas to express the competition between men and women within the chosen industry. Scranton, (2014) stated that, "True equality never lies behind the factors of gender, ethnicity, race, faith or political ideas." Since 20th century, the transformation of the work standards of men and women stand out in between several social, economical, technological, and cultural changes. Till the end of 1950's, just a little segment of women i.e. about 29% seem to work outside of their home (Charles, 2014). However, contrary to ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Emotive Presence Inventory III. Description of Instrument Of the "big three" questionnaires within presence measurement, the ITC–SOPI displays greater methodological concern can at all levels of its development than both the SUS and the PQ. Its use of factor analysis post–experimentation on a sample of much higher variability (in both age and SES) and nearly quadruple in number to its nearest competitor provides the instrument with considerable statistical power (Lessiter, Keogh, & Davidoff, 2001). However, of the 13 initial content areas from which all items and eventually the 4 primary factors were drawn (sense of space, involvement, attention, distraction, control and manipulation, realness, naturalness, perception of time, awareness of behavioral responses, sense of social interaction, personal relevance, arousal, and negative effects) , one content area important to common conceptualizations of presence was lacking: emotional investment. (Lessiter, Keogh, & Davidoff, 2001). The PQ contains items related to the emotional investment of VEs (item number 3, 23, 25, and 26) that were shown to positively correlate with total PQ score (Witmer & Singer, 1998). I make no claim that emotional investment is somehow central to concept of presence; it seems clearly demonstrable that more mundane acts of presence, like driving a car, require no emotional investment from an agent. However, a small amount of support exists in both the literature and the common understanding of the term to be worth ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. How The Family Is Problematic From The Historical Perspective Explain and discuss why the definition of the family is problematic from the historical perspective. The family form I am going to be defining is the nuclear and with reference to the historical perspective I will attempt to explain why this definition is problematic. Within this discussion I will also explore whether the nuclear family is a natural family form or whether it is a socially constructed one. According to Munice et al (1995; 10) the nuclear family is a "small unit produced from the conjugal heterosexual couple and their biological children. The nuclear family unit share a common residence and are united by their ties of affection, common identity and support." Historical research has shown that there have been many different family forms in the past that did not necessarily fit the nuclear definition of the family. There are four main approaches to consider when talking about the history of the family. These approaches help show the significant changes that have occurred in 'the family '. The four approaches are the: demographic, economic, sentiments and the legal and institutional approaches. The demographic approach measures the statistical patterns of 'the family'. Statistics taken from parish records and censuses enable us to see how family households have changed over time. The average household size has been relatively stable and stayed at 4.75 persons per household between the sixteenth century and the end of the nineteenth century. These households ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Are Boycotts So Legal? Are boycotts even legal? Kenneth L. Marcus Boycotts against Israel are making headlines once again. The American Anthropological Association (AAA) is voting this month on whether to boycott Israel. If the resolution passes, AAA will be the largest and oldest academic association to do so. In response, many heads of U.S. universities, including MIT, the University of Chicago and all ten University of California campuses, recently reaffirmed their opposition to academic boycotts, specifically citing ones targeting Israel. The graduate student unions at University of Massachusetts (UMass) Amherst and New York University (NYU) just voted to boycott Israel. Both UMass chancellor Subbaswamy and NYU president Hamilton responded with unequivocal opposition and condemnation. Fierce debate has surrounded boycotts since the American Studies Association (ASA) endorsed an Israel boycott two years ago. Are boycotts antithetical to the mission and values of academia? Do boycotts violate academic freedom? The American Association of University Professors, the American Council on Education, the American Association of Universities, 134 members of Congress and hundreds of university presidents, including the heads of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, Johns Hopkins, Columbia, Cornell, Duke, Brown and Dartmouth, forcefully condemned ASA. In fact, many universities withdrew their memberships from ASA after its boycott vote. The wave of backlash was ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Part-Whole Effect Vs Composite Effect BACKGROUND The ability of the human visual system to integrate facial features into a gestalt whole is one of the processes that seems to contribute the most to human face perception (referred to as holistic face processing; Taubert et al.; 2006). A large number of behavioral studies provide evidence that demonstrate that faces are processed holistically. Two examples that provide evidences for holistic processing are the composite effect and the part–whole effect. In composite effect tasks, participants are required to decide whether two identical top halves are the same (Goffaux & Rossion, 2006; Le Grand, Mondloch, Maurer, & Brent, 2004; McKone, 2008). Evidences suggest this task is more difficult when the two top halves are paired with different bottom halves, indicating that perception of the identity of features in one half of a face is changed by a whole–face ... Show more content on ... The part–whole effect describes the difficulty subjects have recognizing familiar faces from isolated features (Davidoff & Donnelly, 1990; Donnelly & Davidoff, 1999; Tanaka & Farah, 1993; Tanaka & Sengco, 1997). These two effects suggest that features seen in a whole–face context are integrated, instead than being represented and processed independently. These observations are supported by neurophysiological data fromsingle cell studies (Freiwald, Tsao, & Livingston, 2009; Tsao, Freiwald, Tootell, & Livingstone, 2006) and event–related potential studies (Jacques, d'Arripe, & Rossion, 2007), confirming the idea that faces are processed holistically (Farah, Wilson, Drain, & Tanaka, 1998; McKone, Kanwisher, & Duchaine, 2007). Although there have been many demonstrations of holistic processing on judgments of face identity, there have been few studies which investigated whether holistic–processing is involved in trait ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Not Human Beings By Shmulik Stein Character Analysis In the story "Not Human Beings", by Etgar Keret, Shmulik Stein is portrayed as, "the bleeding heart" throughout much of the story. In the beginning of the story, Stein's character seems to be petulant. When his commander Davidoff, is distracted by the Border Police Officer, taking him away from their game of backgammon, he makes a sarcastic threat about volunteering to go with the personnel officer if Davidoff doesn't "shoot the fucking dice." (752) Soon after Stein finds himself selected to spend a week with the Border Police. The first day he spends with them riding around in jeeps, one of the fellow officer's in a nearby jeep purposely runs over an Arab that was walking down the road, Stein seems to be perplexed about the thoughtless act ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Journal Article : Paranormal And Religious Believers This essay will summarise and evaluate Tepani Riekki et al. journal article "Paranormal and Religious Believers Are More Prone to Illusory Face Perception than Skeptics and Non–believers" (2013). It considers the advantages of the innovative method used for conducting the research, the problem of the omission of participant cultural background and the importance of making a division between religions with human–like divinity and religions with non human–like ones. This essay concludes that although this study provides important findings about illusory face detection, further research is needed to totally understand this phenomenon. Following previous studies likethe one by Rieth et al. (2011), that found a relatively high illusory face detection in pure noise images, and the one by Krummenacher et al. (2010), that demonstrated that paranormal believers are more likely to identify faces in scrambled configurations, this study aims to demonstrate 1) that people who believe in paranormal phenomena and religious people tend to be more likely to illusory face perception than namely skeptics and non–religious people and 2) that paranormal believers and religious people tend to rate artifact faces as being more face–like and emotional than skeptics and non–religious do. A total of 47 participants (recruited from electronic mail lists, internet forums, notice boards and with the snowball method) was included in the experiment. Each participant was shown a set of pictures ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Family Fortunes : Men And Women Of The English Middle... Leonore Davidoff and Catherine Hall are the authors of the novel, Family Fortunes: Men and Women of the English Middle Class, 1780–1850. The novel, Family Fortunes bickers that men and women of the middle class had accepted distinctively colorful class identities, particularly the language of class configuration was gendered. Mostly all social associations were gendered. The affiliations between the sexes were planned by property behavior. During the eighteenth century, determined middle–class people asserted moral capacity for themselves. The middle–classed people had religious beliefs. At this time period men were to be active in the world as citizens. On the other hand, women were to be very dependent. "If religious belief offered individuals a sense of identity and a community, it also offered personal comfort and security in an unstable and unsafe world" (Davidoff, Hall 77). In this quote it states that religion can offer an individual with a sense of individualism or an identity. Many sections come up in this novel including, Religion, economic structure, and everyday life. The authors give many examples and provide vital information about these three topics in great detail. The setting of the novel takes place in Birmingham, England. The authors bring up multiple topics in their novel, Family Fortune. The topics give an understanding of what the middle class was like in England during the 1780's through 1850's. The novels give a context of the shaping of the middle ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Student Loan Programs Student Loan Programs The beginning of a college education is an eventful and exciting chapter for America's youth. Beginning college is also when responsibilities begin to kick in as well. Students must plan ahead how they intend to finance their education during their time at college and after completing their academic careers. Almost seventy percent of college students nationwide take out loans to help finance their education. Like any other loan, student loans must be paid off in a timely manner to avoid hurting personal credit for future investments. The government has various student loan programs to assist students with not only paying for college, but also with paying off these loans after college. The most common type of ... Show more content on ... It may feel like free money to the pockets when receiving the refund checks, but all of it needs to be paid back at a point. This is a common mistake made by students during their college careers. Managing finances when in school is a crucial part of building a credit history because student loans tend to be the first type of credit for those in college. It is also the first type of real debt incurred by many. Late loan payments seriously harm credit records and ruin a credit history for years. This is why paying off these loans is the safest way to go when building a positive credit history. Late payments that add up often pose as obstacles when taking out auto loans and mortgages as well. This is only fair, because if a student fails to carry out the responsibility of paying back a student loan, then they are not proven responsible when it comes to other types of credit either. ( Late loan payments indeed take a toll on an individual's credit history. When a loan payment has not been made for two hundred seventy days after it was due, that student loan is considered to be in default. The defaulted loan is turned over to a collection agency, and the government notifies every credit bureau. This information remains on an individual's credit report for seven years. Not paying the defaulted loan as soon as possible means having federal income tax refunds withheld and added to ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Hall Of Fame Research Paper Imagine this. Your Hank Aaron the all time home run leader, and you just got the message that Barry Bonds has broken your record. Days later you find out that Bonds, the man who surpassed you has taken steroids. How do you feel? Angry, mad, or even disappointed? If so you have the right. There are players who cheated there way to success, and broke clean player's records. So, what other way is there to punish them except to not let them in the Hall of Fame? Therefore, baseball players who took banned substances should not be allowed in the Hall of Fame. To begin with, players that took banned substances shouldn't be allowed in the Hall of Fame because taking the banned substances is cheating. Yet people say that cheating is the fastest ... Show more content on ... Chris Cochrane sports Columnist for the "Chronicle Herald" stated in his article titled "Keep Them Out of Baseball's Hall of Fame" that "The one weapon the baseball world retains to punish the star offenders is to bar them from its Hall of Fame. For selfishness and arrogance on this large a scale, that's a justifiable punishment." Chris talks about here that there really isn't another way to punish these men besides not letting them into the Hall of Fame. There is the usual suspension that anybody can get, but a lot of times people usually find out after the player is retired so the suspension does not good. When a player takes some of the banned substances he is just being selfish and making himself better without even training that much. Many of these players denied the fact that they took substances especially steroids for year, and then later admit to it. Yet, many of these players get suspensions, shouldn't that be enough? However players get suspensions for anything, even something small. These players can ruin the game, they deserve more than just a suspension. Overall, these players need a rightful punishment for their actions and banning them from the Hall of Fame is that ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. How Tobacco Advertising Influences Young People. How Tobacco Advertising Influences Young People. At the age of fourteen, I had my first puff of smoke. Even before that I knew a lot of cigarette brands due to advertising. Since then I started smoking and when I went to cafeterias and clubs the people who were promoting cigarettes would offer me a new brand to try and gave me free packs of cigarettes and a lighter with their brand. They didn't mind how old I was, they just wanted to give them away and promote their product. But except this kind of advertisement, I had seen lots of tobacco advertisements on billboards which made me believe that everything is ok if I smoke. This is a false impression that tobacco advertisements picture to teenagers. Tobacco advertisements influence ... Show more content on ... The second reason why tobacco advertising attracting teenagers should be forbidden is the positive impression which teenagers get from tobacco advertising. When teenagers see a tobacco advertisement showing smokers who are pictured with lots of friends, they feel they want to be cool or successful socially. This is how the advertisements play into the natural insecurities of young people. Also when the teenagers see the Virginia Slims advertisements they get the impression that smoking will make them beautiful and thinner. But this is not true, because it destroys the beauty. The tobacco companies use this confusion that many young people think (KQED). The advertisements connect smoking with romantic relationships. Because many people want to feel emotionally secure and physically attractive advertisements create a false impression between smoking and finding the soul–mate. Another way to advertise their product is to put healthy, successful and thin role models to act in such a way to attract teens. A recent report from the National Cancer Institute strongly suggests that tobacco advertising and the depiction of cigarette smoking in movies can encourage teenagers to start smoking (Hayes 1). Also Hausa film Industry stars glamorize the smoking of cigarettes and the rate of this glamorization is very big. Young people imitate the actors ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Gender Roles In Wuthering Heights Essay This essay will analyse how gender roles are represented in Bronte's 'Wuthering Height's by looking at the characters of Cathy and Heathcliff. By analysing these two characters it will be clear that the protagonists challenge social conformity during the Victorian period in England. To fully realise this it is important to first understand what the prescribed roles were that they were challenging. This will be achieved through close readings of the text and references made to secondary sources to provide evidence that this opinion has been fully investigated. It will be clear by the end to see that the characters challenge the roles expected of their sex during this time and together they challenge social norms. This essay will answer 'yes' ... Show more content on ... It is the opinion of this essay that the character of Heathcliff evolves a lot more than the character of Catherine. When we first meet Heathcliff, he was found on the streets of Liverpool by Catherine's father who then adopts him into the family as one of his own. This would have been a dramatic change for Heathcliff. Then after experiencing this quality of life until the death of the father he is then cast into the role of a servant/labourer by Catherine's brother who despises him. Finally, when Heathcliff hears part of the conversation between Catherine and Nelly, he hears Catherine plans to marry Edgar Linton as she could never marry Heathcliff. "It would degrade me to marry Heathcliff now". (82) It is here Heathcliff leaves Wuthering Heights and returns three years later, a gentleman of means and of polite demeanour, not what you would expect from him. Here we can bring back the point that one's environment dramatically affects one's behaviour. Like Catherine, Heathcliff defies social norms expected of his gender. After he returns back from travelling having acquired great wealth and on the surface seems a changed man, he would be accepted into middle class society as he displays the characteristics expected of him. It is well described in the book to enforce the dramatic change in him for readers to understand how far he has come from ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Consequences Of Sexualism In Advertising Sexuality has been a popular tool to use in advertising for the past decades. It has been proven that people will more likely view an advertisement if it has some form of erotica in it. As said by Dov Davidoff , "Sex sells, unless you're dehydrated in which case you'd be much more likely to purchase water." Even though using sex appeals to sell may have been an effective mechanism to use, sexual imagery is not the only thing that is being sold and a profit is not the only output. Utilizing sex in advertising is not black and white, there are many outcomes of selling sex. The effects of selling sex is not just money but, it can lead to long term societal consequences. This research paper will discuss the factors that are influenced by implementation of eroticism in commercialism such as women, children and controversy. Commonly sensual commercials showcase women that are modeled to be "real" women. These women have no wrinkles, dazzling bright eyes, the perfect body, pearly white teeth and many more features that not the everyday women does not have. According to The Balance, " Advertising, marketing, and the fashion industry have created a new type of woman that does not exist in the real world." Commercials present these women often in commercials in bikinis or revealing clothing making the average women want to be them and men are told from an early that these are the ideal women. Women are told from an young age as well that they must be the women they see in ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Personal Narrative-Davidoff Lights Three years on and a nightmare is still my reality; I'm haunted by her battered form and unseeing eyes whenever I close mine. – The thin cylinder brushed past my cracked lips, and I let my eyes flutter shut as I dragged the smoke into my body, letting it collect my anxiety, before exhaling my stress out into the open air in a white, spiralling cloud. Despite all the empty coffee mugs in my office, it always failed to surpass the nicotine. My eyes opened; I felt the heat of my cigarette make my insides flush and buzz all at once. Lazily, I scanned the area from the balcony I stood on, colossal buildings seeming insignificant beneath me. My gaze travelled to the nearly empty packet in my hand; "Davidoff Lights" it read, along with the warning. ... Show more content on ... Every day I expect her to walk through the door, or come home to smell her cooking, or have her crawl in next to me and our combined body heat would make the bed toasty. No, the only heat I feel is the one coming from my Davidoff Lights. The only smell is the one of cigarettes and alcohol. Working like a team to numb my mind, they go perfectly together, just like we did. I looked in the mirror from where I sat; no colour was needed to see that the dark circles under my eyes were almost as black as the bruises that had burned themselves onto her pale skin. I miss her. The only one to miss me would be the empty bottles of alcohol. If fate is cruel enough to take someone so precious and perfect, surely it would have no problem taking the likes of ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Theme Of The Wind In The Willow Pastoral Themes in the Wind & the Willows Pastoral works refer to a genre of literature that focuses on the bucolic aspects of nature and the countryside. The English countryside represents the ideal location for a pastoral work. One such work is the Edwardian children's story, The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame. Since its publication in 1908, the story has become a beloved children's classic. However, the story represents Edwardian society in England, and uses anthropomorphized animals to represent Edwardian men. As a pastoral work, the events of the story occur in the English countryside, where the animals work together to care for the wild one in their group, Mr. Toad. Mr. Toad's "Wild Ride" through he English countryside ... Show more content on ... The author used the background of a pastoral vision to help elucidate the characteristics of Edwardian society. Mr. Toad is one of the most known characters from the work. He is extremely wealthy and essentially bored with his life. His English country life does not offer him fulfillment. As such, he jumps from interest to interest, quickly grabbing at new hobbies. As a wealthy landed scion, he has the luxury of this lifestyle. From the earliest mentions of his home, Toad Hall, it becomes apparent that he represents the landed gentry. Rat points out his home from the river. "The stables are over there to the right. That's the banqueting–hall you're looking at now–very old, that is. Toad is rather rich, you know" (Grahame 19). Toad quickly changes his interests, spending the money his father left him. Rat describes this character flaw of Toad: "'Boating is out. He's tired of it, and done with it. I wonder what new fad he has taken up now?'" (Grahame 21). Toad quickly takes up motoring as his new hobby. Motoring referred to the hobby of driving and racing cars, something only the wealthy could afford at this time. All of this is discussed as the characters take a slow ride down the river and then sit quietly in the countryside. An outdoor luncheon helps to create the image of the setting. The English countryside represents the perfect pastoral setting, and the characters all seem to enjoy ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Why Companies Fail At Operation Excellence Implementation Other factors that drive the need for operational excellence is the recognition. Shingo prize is an award that recognizes organizations that have successfully implemented operation excellence. Having such a recognition as a winner put the business on the top line compared to other businesses. That helps the business reputation, and that is good for business. Why Some Business Fail at OPEX Implementation Considering the amount of effort required to implement operational excellence, it can be disastrous if it fails to achieve the expected outcome (Casey, 2010). For operational excellence to be successful, the people, process and technology have to concur. There are several reasons why businesses fail at operation excellence implementation. This is because operational excellence requires a wide range of skill, commitment, and people to work together and be successful. Connolly (2012) study found the following reasons why operation excellence program in some organization fail: Lack of support from leadership, improper team selection and lack of training for all stakeholders, lack of communication all around the organization, lack of scope clarity, improper implementation, misconception, and the "Good old ways" resistance. 1. Lack of support from leadership: Operation excellence requires total support from all levels of the organization and this is very important to the survival of the program. The support help drives the program financial needs, and since the leaders set ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Taking a Look at Same-Sex Marriage Same–sex marriage is against the law and against the moral standards of the religious society. In this paper I will sympathize with the homosexual community in order to improve their views on marriage. First amendment of the Constitution protects and makes homosexuality legal. Marriage is also legal. Marriage laws and the rights that fall under marriage are defined and upheld by the states. Should same–sex marriage remain illegal? Homosexuals believe rights guaranteed to married heterosexual couples should not be denied to homosexual couples. Marriage is a sacred bond protected by the Constitution of the United States. In the U.S. Supreme Court case of 1974, Cleveland Board of Education v. LeFleur, the Court reaffirmed that "freedom of personal choice in matters of marriage and family life is one of the liberties protected by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment" (Robinson). Marriage is typically defined as one man and one woman joining together in "holy matrimony." Marriage is designed to be a contractual show of one's love for another. Marriage is many things. For instance, marriage is a relationship full of stressors, emotions, and passions. Marriage is also financial in that there are bills to pay, insurances to maintain. Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? Do you have a husband or wife? If the answer is yes, then do you suppose a gay man has a boyfriend; or a lesbian has a girlfriend? The answer is obviously yes. Same–sex couples are quickly becoming ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Racial Zoning Inequality and mistreatment is prevalent in the world today. However, today the world is much closer to solving its issues as opposed to 100 years ago. Planners are a significant part of that fight, standing up for what they believe is right and implementing the proper plans and action needed to begin to solve that issue. While social justice may not be at its peak today, times used to be worse. Formerly, while trying to improve cities with zoning– certain races, religions, and peoples were excluded from the nice parts of town and even jobs. Zoning began around 1900 when the local government restricted the height of buildings in Washington District of Columbia. From there, the government realized it could intervene on private property and the people would allow it (Silver, 1997). As zoning evolved, so did the type of zoning– from height restrictions to land use and eventually to redlining. Silver explains the extent situation as, "the nation's planning movement, not just its Southern branch, regarded land use controls as an effective social control mechanism for Blacks and other 'undesirables'" (p. 2). Unfortunately for the US and for its citizens, racial zoning is not the only undesirable social norm. Well known in cities at the time were the City Beautiful movement and the city practical, however, social issues were merely pushed to the side. Wirka (1996) explains that "both are undoubtedly important movements in the history of planning" (p. 57), however, she goes on ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Davidoff Case Study Business–to–Business (B2B) designed all the commercial activities that occur between the companies. We have axed our study on Zino Davidoff Trading AG. At its creation, the luxury firm Davidoff was also specialized in the tobacco. However, after one of the law on the tobacco, they divided the firm into 2 independent companies. I concentrated my researches on Zino Davidoff Trading AG, a manufacturer of watches, writing instruments, leather, accessories, eyewear, fragrances, coffee and cognac. 1) Sales techniques used: First of all, Davidoff uses various sales techniques. The first sales techniques used by Davidoff is the direct selling, which corresponds to a face to face deal between the salespeople and the customers. Indeed, the company being ... Show more content on ... It possesses intelligences related to the buyer company like its size, its historic, its number of employees, its decision makers, its atmosphere, its financial situation but also linked to its product as their prices, their guarantees, the quantities bought and sold, and so on. Then, it focuses on the market and on the players which compose it: the main competitors, their offers and prices for instance. Once Davidoff gathered the necessary information about the potential buyer which ensure it that it is valuable to pursue the project, it will secure an appointment with him by e–mail. Thanks to its network, Davidoff finds the contact details of a well–placed individual working in the firm in which it is interested. It then delivers a short brand presentation, states the purpose of the e–mail and requests a face–to–face meeting. In this case, Davidoff has to compete with its rivals and to differentiate itself from the others. This method is the more traditional one and is shared by most of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Quality Management : The Healthcare Industry Quality Management In the healthcare industry one of the health professional's duty is to provide medical help and care to patients, and not create further injury or damage. Unfortunately accidents do happen in the healthcare industry, and as a result there has been a demand and need for quality and safety measures to be carried out (Iizuka, Munechika & Tsuru, 2009). Since quality can be somewhat subjective and relate to patient outcome, there are a number of ways to define quality. Iizuka, Munechika and Tsuru (2009) define quality as the ability to provide patients with effective health services with minimal utilisation of health resource. Alternatively Rose (2005) defines quality as fulfilling patient health needs while avoiding the repetition of staff and mechanical errors. Overall the quality of healthcare refers to the effectiveness and value of the health service. The quality of care is an indispensable feature of the Australian healthcare system resulting in the New South Wales Health creating six aims as a framework to provide the greatest quality of care for patients (NSW health, 1999). The primary aim is safety for both health professionals and patients. The aim is to avoid injuries to both parties by reducing workplace hazards. The effectiveness of health care is another aim ensuring that the patient will benefit from the health service. Efficiency of services relates to effectiveness in that health resources should not be wasted and used to their full ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Increasing Medicare Eligibility Increasing Medicare Eligibility Age to 70 Medicare is the Federal government's largest program and provides health care benefits to individuals that are 65 years old or old (Elmendorf, 2013). This program covers over 50 million Americans, including over 8 million disabled Americans (Raising Medicare's Eligibility Age: A Costly Benefit Cut for Senior, 2014). With the baby–boomer generation coming to the age of Medicare eligibility there is an estimated drastic increase in the number of individuals participating in Medicare for their health insurance (Elmendorf, 2013). With this being said some, including the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), believe that increasing the minimum age of eligibility will save the Federal government money (Meyerson, ... Show more content on ... There is an increase in health care advances which allows for many aging individuals to be able to live and work past the age of 65 (current Medicare eligibility age). Some individuals make the decision to retire at 65, even though they can continue to work, and qualify for Medicare instead of paying for health insurance through their old employers. If the age was increased to 70 years old and the same population continued to keep working then it would reduce the need for Medicare coverage for those that can still qualify for benefits through their employers (Davidoff, 2003). This would continue to save the Federal government money for Medicare. This also goes along with the life–expectancy rising which means individuals are staying on Medicare coverage for a longer period of time which means more spending (Khimm, 2013). If the minimum eligibility age was increase then it would line up better with the life–expectancy and continue to save the Federal government more and more ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Stamp Tax Australia Is stamp duty an effective taxation measure in modern Australia. Abstract: In Australia, Stamp duty have been a substantial revenue generator for the state governments, accounts for around one–fourth of their taxation revenue (Deloitte, 2015). Lately, it has also been a most talked about topic in between investors & first home buyers. Researchers have reflected that even though these taxes are added on top of the sales price suppositively making a difficult purchase for buyers on papers, sellers are the real loser. Based on four case studies conducted in developed nations, this article shows the negative effects of so–called transaction cost and the economic inefficiency of it. It also elaborates how a Tax reform, replacing Stamp Duty with ... Show more content on ... Also, around 40 characteristics of each house for example family room, construction type, parking space etc. was noticed. (Dachis, Duranton & Turner, 2011). With the help of the econometric model, which is a hybrid of a regression discontinuity design, the researchers exploit a natural experiment to estimate the effect of Land Transfer Tax. Consistent with a mindset in considering a stamp duty as a tax on moving, the result of the research suggests that this land transfer tax negatively influence the volume of real estate transaction in Toronto by 14% approximately (Dachis, Duranton & Turner, 2011). Another crucial reflected fact was that even though the tax was introduced on the buyers, it is almost fully capitalized into land prices. Furthermore, the loss of 14% volume of real estate transaction causes a substantial welfare loss. This welfare loss, the cost of forgone mobility, is quite significant, about $1 for every $8 in tax revenue raised. In other terms, it is around $19 million every year in this case (Dachis, Duranton & Turner, ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Medicare: Health Insurance in the United States and Social... Chapter 7: 1. Who is eligible for Medicare? Person eligible for Medicare include individuals ages sixty–five and over, those with disabilities, and those with end–stage renal disease (Hammaker, 2011). here are three basic entitlement categories: persons 65 years of age or over who are eligible for retirement under Social Security or the railroad retirement system, persons under 65 years of age who have been entitled for at least 2 years to disability benefits under Social Security or the railroad retirement system, and persons with ESRD who do not otherwise meet the age or disability requirements. The latter two groups together are known as the "under 65" enrollees (Petrie, 1992). 2. As the baby boomers approach age sixty–five, how ... Show more content on ... Today's Medicare beneficiaries already pay an average of $5,500 each year out of their own pockets for their medical expenses. And that expense is rising every year. Social Security's benefits already are modest by any standard. Today, the average Social Security retirement benefit is only about $14,000 a year. The average annual benefit for retired women is even less, about $12,000. In Arkansas, 58 percent of Social Security recipients rely on Social Security for 50 percent or more of their income. And 34 percent rely on Social Security for 90 percent or more of their income (Dillard, 2011). Chapter 8: 1. While the 2100 tax–exempt hospitals are heavily subsidized with over $12.6 billion in annual tax exemptions, what do many fail to do? While the 2,100 tax–exempt hospitals are heavily subsidized, with over $12.6 billion in tax exemptions and $32 billion in government–assistance subsidies each year, many fail to use their assets and revenues to provide mutually affordable health care to the uninsured and underinsured (Hammaker, 2011). In many states, the state constitution or laws allow "institutions of purely public charity" to escape the payment of ad valorem and other taxes. The reasons articulated for such exemption vary but usually depend on the theory that these institutions provide services to truly needy individuals free (or nearly free) of charge or that they provide services the government would be required to provide if the institutions ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Health And Illness Of Healthcare Healthcare is provided by a number of different professionals to achieve the restoration of a balance between all factors of a person's life when faced with disease, illness, injury, childbirth and surgery. The main health care professionals that are required are doctors nurses, midwives and paramedical personnel. This multidisciplinary team approach to health care brings a number of benefits to the patient and many systems and processes are in place to achieve a high standard of patient outcomes. Positive relationship between patients and the healthcare providers promotes patient–centered care and enhances outcomes. (Dwamena et al,.2012; Laine & Davidoff, 1996). Healthcare professionals build a strong network of providing healthcare driven programming, leadership initiatives to address the ongoing challenges of providing better healthcare. Health and illness lie on a continuum for all individuals from birth through to death. Humans are very well organized but we rely heavily on all our systems integrating smoothly and without problems. However when a person's internal balance changes with one system not functioning well then a flow–on of problems to other systems may occur with it including physically, psychologically and socially. Over time other disciplines began to emerge especially as technologies expanded and it was recognized that people often needed health services other than physical care in order to maintain wellness. Health care is provided by ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. A Foundation For Studying Emotional Psychology The main purpose behind the study conducted by Crivelli, Jarillo, Russell, & Fernández–Dols (2016) is to challenge the authenticity of the universality thesis. Their intention is to question whether facial expressions used to signal different emotions are universally comprehended. Therefore, do all human beings signal certain emotions with the same, universal, facial expression? The studies conducted regarding the universality thesis were used as a foundation for studying emotional psychology. Making it extremely relevant to question such influential research, which appears to lack consistent and convincing results. There are three main issues regarding the universality thesis. The first of which is that, methodological challenges occur from studying culturally isolated societies. The most difficult issue to overcome being the language barrier. Similar to how the Himba tribe has one word (burou) for both blue and green (Goldstein, Davidoff, & Roberson, 2009), similar language barriers may exist in regards to emotions and facial expressions. For example, in a study conducted by Ekman, the Fore of Papua New Guinea have no word to describe disgust (As cited in Crivelli, Jarillo, Russell, & Fernández–Dols, 2016). In addition to this, in Western society, we are familiar with question–and–answer formats. However, it may be intimidating in these culturally isolated societies, which could invoke cultural norms. Secondly, the range of results appears to be problematic. Although a ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The Sapir And Whorf Theory: How Language Influences Our... Language is an organized and uniform method of conveying information. In order for something to be considered "language" it must be intended. Language must also be part of a structured system. For example, with the English language, there are rules regarding grammatical structure. Moreover, language must be creative and open–ended allowing it to be relevant to a specific situation or time period. Because different types of language are widely used, one can assume the language influences our thoughts and perceptions of the world to a great extent. As the strong version of the Sapir and Whorf theory suggests, language serves as a mold in which our thoughts are categorized. These thoughts and perceptions allow one to create opinions on the information given based on his knowledge and ability to process the it. In an experiment done by BBC, psychologist Jules Davidoff tested how the language of the ... Show more content on ... This is due to the fact that language allows us to formulate coherent thoughts thus bringing us to express them effectively. As seen in the Himba color experiment, the Himba we unable to identify a difference between blue and green thus bringing them to make more mistakes. Because we are able to identify a difference between the two, one can conclude that the Himba's lack of a word for the color blue brings them to perceive the world differently than we do. Moreover, in the Dove beauty experiment, woman #1 perceives herself differently compared to how woman #2 perceives her. This is not only shown through the descriptive language they use, but also, the visual representations of the artist as he uses the descriptions to draw an image. Through the Himba experiment and the Dove beauty experiment, one can conclude that language influences our thoughts to a great extent due to the fact that our thoughts are formulated through language and therefore expressed ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Rape Culture And Rape Myths As kids we were taught about "stranger danger;" we were taught to protect ourselves from strangers and as we got older, females were told to protect themselves from getting raped. In this paper, I will discuss how living in a rape culture affects women and men, how does rape myths affect society and how we can change the negative effects of living in a rape culture and rape myths. In order to understand this, we must first define what rape is. Rape is unwanted sexual attentions or actions that are directed to a person. Rape can happen to anyone but it is most common to happen women. Rape happens to women around the ages of 16–24 and it is "considered to be at the greatest risk of sexual assault" (Aronowitz, Lambert, & Davidoff 2012). Also 1 in 5 "American women survive rape or attempted rape" (Maxwell 2014) and 1 in six men are abused before they reach the age of 18 (Maxwell 2014). Lastly, the victim is most likely to know or be related to their attacker (Aronwitz, Lambert, & Davidoff 2012). As we can see from the data above, rape can happen to anyone, not just women. Though because everyone has this misconception that rape is only for women and that women wanted to be raped has created "rape myths." Rape myths originate from a rape culture. A society only becomes a rape culture when "rape is prevalent and in which sexual violence against women is normalized and excused in the media and popular culture" ("Rape Culture," n.d.). The United States is a rape culture because of ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Yo-Yo Ma Research Paper Yo–Yo Ma Yo–Yo Ma is a Chinese American cellist. He was born October 7, 1955 in Paris, France. He was a child prodigy, and after studying many instruments Ma chose the cello. He began performing at the age of four and a half. At the age of seven his family moved to New York where he attended the Juilliard School. At sixteen he enrolled at Harvard University. He graduated in 1976 with a bachelor's degree in liberal arts. Yo–Yo Ma's performing career has no boundaries. He has performed with the world's major orchestras, heads of states, public schools, television, and Hollywood films. His most familiar performances to the general public was on television series: The West Wing, Sesame Street and Mister Rogers' Neighborhood. He worked with composers on movie scores: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Seven Years in Tibet and Memories of a Geisha. Ma publicly performed in 1986 at the 100th anniversary of the Statue of Liberty, and in 2002 at the site of the World Trade Center while the names of the dead were read in remembrance. He also performed in 2013 at the Interfaith Service to honor the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing. He was a feature performer at the Presidential Inauguration for Barack Obama in 2009. Yo–Yo means ... Show more content on ... He has won 18 Grammy Music Awards and the Academy Oscar Award are among his notable sixteen awards. Ma was selected in 2011 as a Kennedy Center Honoree and was also awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. He also served in 2006 as the United Nations Messenger of Peace. Even with all the national awards and recognitions, Yo–Yo Ma feels that the greatest honor he ever received was the Fred Rogers Legacy Award. Ma was the inaugural recipient. The award is given by the Fred Rogers Center for Early Learning and Children's media at Saint Vincent College. Ma and Fred Rogers became close friends after he appeared on Mister Roger's ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Pevelance and Effects of Rape The Prevalence and Effects of Rape The prevalence of rape is a major social problem that plagues America and other countries around the world daily. Victims of rape are psychologically, and sometimes physically damaged from being sexually assaulted. Although it would seem that it is a sexually motivated crime, rape "is actually an act of violence in which sex is used as a weapon against a powerless victim" (Kendall 197). Neither rapists, nor rape victims are concentrated to one specific class or race. However, "American women aged 16–24 are considered to be at the greatest risk of sexual assault" (Aronowitz, Lambert, and Davidoff 173). The majority of rapists are age twenty–five and younger. Almost all rape cases have female victims with male offenders. Men account for only 10% of all rape victims, and in some cases their rapist is also male. In regards to statistics, rape appears rare because of victims' fears that they will not be believed, or have stigmas about rape now attached to them(Egan and Wilson 345). According to Wolitzk–Taylor et al., "approximately 1 in 7 US women have been raped in their lifetimes. Estimates from the 1990s and 2000s indicate that only 16% to 20% of forcible rape victims report the rape to law enforcement" (Wolitzky–Taylor et al. 582). The reason for the disproportion of rape victims to rape reports is likely the vast acceptance of rape myths in society. Rape myths are "stereotyped, or false beliefs about rape, rape victims, and rapists"(Egan ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. A Research Proposal On The Civil Rights Movement Abstract No matter varying ideas as to success, it is difficult to ignore that American culture has undergone immense changes since the 1950s. The Civil Rights movement, the emergence of feminism, and gay activism have literally revolutionized the society and how it functions, with many changes going to the promotion of equality and heightened awareness of the needs of others. At the same time, unfortunately, sexual criminality and violence remain critical issues, with women being the primary victims. The patriarchal foundation of the society has diminished, yet norms still providing men with entitlement remain in place, and this is a reality supported by modern research still referring to a "rape culture." This same research also presents disturbing evidence of how young college students widely maintain norms affirming male dominance and aggression. No simple solution is then possible, and any effective course must rely on as in–depth research as may be conducted. To that end, the following assessment of study on the subject concludes with a research proposal, and one utilizing Structural Functionalism Theory and the innate value in interviewing students in both collective and individual ways. "To what extent do mainstream sexuality norms impact sexual criminality?" It is inescapable that elements within a culture or society, and even of the most violent kinds, are linked to how that society functions and how its norms influence behavior. Certainly, few if any ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Inside The Dooms Day Machine Analysis v William M. Sullivan, Reconstructing Public Philosophy (University of California Press, 1982), 198. George A. Akerloff and Robert J. Shiller, Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives the Economy and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism (Princeton University Press, 2009), ix–x. David Warfield Brown, America's Culture of Professionalism: Past, Present, and Prospects (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014), 67. See Michael Lewis, The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine (W. W. Norton, 2010), 23–24. "We had forgotten the hard–earned lesson of the 1930's: that capitalism can give us the best of all possible worlds, but it does so only on a playing field where the government sets the rules and acts as a referee." Akerloff and Shiller, 172–73. "TransUnion, ... Show more content on ... Katie Thomas, Agustin Armendariz, and Sarah Cohen, "Detailing Financial Links of Doctors and Drug Makers," (New York Times, October 1, 2104). Sandeep Jauhar, "Busy Doctors, Wasteful Spending," (New York Times, July 21, 2014). Elisabeth Rosenthal "Apprehensive, Many Doctors Shift to Jobs With Salaries," (New York Times, February 14, 2014). Ibid. James B. Stewart, "A Bold Bid to Combat a Crisis in Legal Education," (New York Times, April 4, 2014). Steven Davidoff Solomon, "Law Schools and Industry Show Signs of Life, Despite Forecasts of Doom," (New York Times, March 31, 2015). Elizabeth Olson, "Law Students Leave Torts Behind (for a Bit) and Tackle Accounting," (New York Times, February, 12, 2015). Solomon, (New York Times, March 31, 2015). Paul Hawken, Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement in the World Came into Being (Viking, 2007), 132. Michael H. Shuman, Going Local: Creating Self–Reliant Communities in a Global Age (Routledge, 2000), 124. Robert Kuttner, Everything For Sale: The Virtues and Limits of Markets (University of Chicago Press, 1996), ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Hitler's Rise To Power Essay Hitler's Rise To Power The Antichrist is...a man with white skin, in everyday clothes, dangerously contemporary, and a mighty demagogue...The great Russian philosopher Soloviev described him. The Antichrist 'does not look like he is,' and therein precisely lies the danger. He is a young man with a strong personality and seductive power of speech and writing...He will win fame first by book...then, in Berlin, he will be come ruler of the 'United States of Europe;' he will conquer Asia; America will submit to him voluntarily. He is an absolute genius, and he may, says Soloviev, wear a small mustache.1 Adolf Hitler was a failed artist who rose to rule Germany as a dictator from 1933–1945. Due to his racial hatred, approximately eleven million ... Show more content on ... In September of 1907, Hitler went to Vienna, with hopes of attending art school. Upon learning that his mother was dying of cancer, he went back home. When she died on December 20, 1907, Hitler went back to Vienna to return to his dream of becoming an artist. However, twice the art school rejected him, which is something that he would never forget. "In his misery Adolf Hitler began to learn things other than art. He learned to hate."4 He became curious about Jews and began to read about them. He started to believe some of the anti–semetic ideas he was reading about. He began to believe that the Aryans were superior and the Jews were responsible for his failure as an artist. He vowed that they would pay for his humiliation. From age nineteen to twenty–four, Hitler lived as a vagrant on the streets of Vienna, and refused regular work. He began to hate all of humanity. In 1913 he moved to Munich, where he still refused regular work, but was hardly broke. In fact, he had the income of a provincial lawyer from odd jobs and from selling paintings.5 How did such a maladjusted individual rise to power in the German government? Hitler hated the treaty of Versailles. He thought it made his government vulnerable to revolts allowing an army of only 100,000 men. He wanted to punish the makers of the treaty and decided to become involved with politics. He joined the ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Nonprofit Organization Certainly, nonprofit organization's mission and fanatical factors are linked. Therefore, the nonprofit organization should develop a plan that meets the financial requirements as well as the programming. Negatively, the institution will be affected if these areas are not well managed. Specifically, implementation and financial policies are one of the nonprofit's tactics to maintain an excellent functioning. The goal is to provide more services with fewer resources. At the same time, it is an expectation that funding enhance the organization success. Funds should be used to grow programs, promote the agency and many others. Then, the organization expenses should be record on the balance sheet. Accordingly, managers make decisions on program ... Show more content on ... Congress in 2002. This SOX act propones to defend financiers from fraudulent bookkeeping activities. The Act directed modifications to influence corporations' financial disclosure and other accounting fraud. Actually, The SOX Act was created in response to "accounting malpractice in the early 2000s, when public scandals such as Enron Corporation, Tyco International plc, and WorldCom shook investor confidence in financial statements and demanded an overhaul of regulatory standards" (Investopedia, 2017). The act rules and policies affected the legislation related to security regulations. The Sarbanes–Oxley Act Section 302 and Section 404 are the main points. The rules and enforcement policies outlined by the SOX Act amend or supplement existing legislation dealing with security regulations. The two key provisions of Section 302 is a mandate that requires senior management to certify the accuracy of the reported financial statement. Section 404 is a requirement that management and auditors establish internal controls and reporting methods on the adequacy of those controls. Section 404 has very costly implications for publicly traded companies as it is expensive to establish and maintain the required internal controls (Investopedia, ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Essay on Computer Unit 1 assignment Kayja Billups Professor Davidoff CGS 1060C 6 January 2015 1. What is the difference between a software application and an operating system? A computers operating system (OS) is the core of the computer and is more than just software. The OS controls the computer's memory and processes as well as its hardware and software. It is the brain of the computer. Software applications on the other hand perform a certain task. Ex. Google Chrome provides internet and Adobe allows PDF files to be read (among other things). The OS is what makes all of these applications work successfully and accomplish whatever the application is designed to accomplish. 2. Describe a use for a software ... Show more content on ... 5. Why are software updates so important? Be sure to include security fixes, bugs, adaptation to new hardware availability and other plugin options. Updating your software is crucial to the health of computer. Software updates provide fixes for any holes in your security as well as general bug fixes for your software to make it run more smoothly. Ex. Screen glitches, the OS being slow or lagging, etc. Sometimes when new hardware comes out an update to your OS and other software will be required in order to use the new hardware. Updates specific to your security software provide protection against new malware that has been found. 6. Give an example of a typical software update that you perform or that your computer provides for you. Be detailed in what software is being updated and whether it is automatic or if you are required to provide a disk or file. Everytime Adobe Acrobat releases an update my computer pops up with a nessage asking if I want to update it now or later. It also gives me the option to check a box for automatic updates (updating without asking my permission). I am not required to provide a disk or file. 7. Attach 2 screenshots of a Windows screen, showing menus, toolbars, Windows, Folders, sub– folders, directories, subdirectories, and views. Change the view between the two screenshots. You can use PrintScreen (see the PrtSc key on your keyboard) ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. The Role Of Capital Punishment In Judaism The right to life is a privilege that all humans have, but this right has become a topic of disagreement and in many situations people feel that it is acceptable to take this right away from another person. Either by capital punishment or by abortions we find ourselves in the position where others are dictating the outcome of another person's life. These two topics have brought a great deal debates, new ruling and changes in the law. The controversy that surrounds them are driven by the strong opinions and in many case the emotional feeling people have about them. Play a major driving force in the disagreement in this two topics are the different religious beliefs. In many ways both the Roman Catholic and Jewish faith views on these two ... Show more content on ... It is very interesting that this idea is supported in Judaism because there are over thirty accounts of capital punishment in the Old Testament. There are also very well known quotes from the Old Testament on capital punishment such as "a life for a life, an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth" (Deuteronomy 19:21), and "A man who spills human blood, should have his blood spilled" (Genesis 9:6). Although the Jewish and Roman Catholic views are very similar to one another, the one thing that makes these two views different is that the Jewish faith says that the death penalty should exist. Steven Davidoff stated supports this when he stated, "The Jewish view on the death penalty is that it should exist but it should never be used" (Davidoff 93). This is a very interesting statement because what it is telling us is that the Jewish faith believes that the death penalty should be used as a deterrent. This idea is a great way to look at capital punishment because if the idea of death being a punishment is enforce many criminals are more likely to think twice before committing a serious crime. Despite the current view on capital punishment, in early Jewish Law the idea of the death penalty was supported, but this was due to the fact that other laws and Israel traditions at the time clashed. Forming the theory that a select few crimes should be punishable by death. Although it was supported under Jewish Law it was a very rare occurrence mainly because of the fact that there were many requirements that needed to be proven before the punishment can be ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The Politics of Representation: Social Work Lessons From... The Politics of Representation: Social Work Lessons From the Advocacy Planning Movement In urban planning's new political awareness, representation became a social responsibility issue. This new understanding of politics and social responsibility in urban planning may have brought boundary interaction between planners and other professions, such as social work... Introduction In his 1995 article, Andrew Abbott explores his evolving conception of the social work profession. As we approach the new millennium, Abbott's conception becomes strikingly relevant. In brief review, Abbott's first notion posits that social work is a profession of interstitiality. In this context, social workers translate and mediate between collogues in ... Show more content on ... Although he suggests both volatility and vulnerability for the social work profession, he downplays the significance – saying that social work is not unique in this regard. Abbott's final assertion is that while social workers are engaged along multi–professional boarders, social work has historically lacked a "professional purity." Abbott's review of social work profession's past is useful, but where can it lead the social work profession in the future? If the profession is pushing for purity, will it lose members to neighboring professions, as suggested in Abbott's notions of evolving boundaries? How have these evolving boundaries affected other professions and what lessons can the social work profession learn? Reviewing the advocacy planning movement in the modern American urban planning profession, beginning in the early 1960s, can provide useful perspectives of Abbott's theme of intraprofessional and interprofessional relations. In this movement, we see a highly technical ("pure") profession of physical planning become aware of the inherently political nature of its work. In particular, the planning profession's notion of "the common good" was challenged. As Martin Wachs (1985, p. 55) quotes Norton Long, "The question is not whether planning will reflect politics, but whose politics will it ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Factors Favoring Managerial Effectiveness : A Study Of... Abdul–Azeem, M. and Fatima, S. (2012) 'Factors favoring managerial effectiveness: a study of select public and private sector organizations', International Journal of Business Economics and Management Research, 2(1), Pp. 1–27. Adewuyi, D. (2002) 'Comparison between school effectiveness characteristics and classroom instruction strategies in the United States and Nigeria', Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa, XXVI, Pp. 263–287. Agarwal, V. (1983) 'A study of stress proneness adjustment and job satisfaction as predictors of administrative effectiveness of Principals', Unpublished PhD thesis Education. Meerut University. Cited in MB. Buch Fourth Survey of Research in Education, NCERT, New Delhi, Pp.1069–1070. Aggarwal, J.C. (1972) 'Educational Administration Inspection Planning and Financing India', Arya Book Depot, New Delhi. Aggarwal, J.C. (2007) 'School Management', Shipra publication, New Delhi. Ahuja, R. (2011) 'Research methods', Rawat Publications, New Delhi, Pp.120–121. Akomolafe, C.O. (2012) 'A comparative study of Principals' administrative effectiveness in public and private secondary schools in Ekiti State, Nigeria', Journal of Education and Practice, Vol. 3 (13), Pp. 39–45. Alhourani, L. (2013) 'Leadership and Effectiveness of University Deans in Lebanon and Egypt', Capella University, Minneapolis. Ali, S. (2003) 'A comparative study of the leadership style, interpersonal relationship and effectiveness of the recruited and ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Richard Linklater's Childhood The memories of childhood development stick to the minds of many people for long periods whereas, people can recall many moments from their childhood lives, but don't possess the cognitive ability to link them this sense, "Boyhood" is an American film depicting the growth of a young boy, Mason Evans Jr from the age of 6 to 18 years. The film was written and directed by Richard Linklater, who took approximately 12 years to complete the task of composing the film. Hence, its writing and composition started in 2002 and ended in 2014, where Linklater aimed at explaining the transitional stage from childhood to adulthood. The American modernization has been portrayed in the "Boyhood" film where objects, events, themes, and institutions ... Show more content on ... The film took Linklater over 12 years to compose until it became useful in 2014when it was released. Oakley compares "Boyhood" with the television series "Seven–Up" (Almond 1964), which traces the lives of a set of people who were interviewed first at age seven; and seven consecutive years after. Thus, this illustrates the growth and maturation of each cast members over the 12 year period of producing this film. In the different scenes of the film, the American modern ways of living have been explained using the real–life experience of Mason. The new modern ways of life include love for guitar, dates, substance abuse, mobile phones, automobiles, video games, a passion for photography, family life and school. The film discusses different trajectories of emotional and cognitive development that people undergo thus determining their personalities. It explains the different experiences that one faces while interacting with different people such as parents, friends, and siblings. According to Oatley, the way modern people life is interesting as they can have unity and create a scheme of love and belongingness. However, Mason is presented as a cheerful and temperamental child in the film. Each stage of growth shaped is psychological views and experiences in a more meaningful yet, monolithic way of dealing with challenges of everyday ... Get more on ...