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          MAX N=200

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         SurveyMeter Indonesia

Cara menggunakan daftar random

   1. Mengambil sampel s dari total observasi N, contoh: kita akan mengambil sampel 10 dari
      total observasi 30, maka angka yang diambil adalah, pilih N=30, lalu ambil angka ke
      kanan sebanyak 10 sehingga angka yang didapat adalah: 28, 24, 22, 23, 16, 17, 2, 25,
      11, 6.

   2. Mengambil sampel s dengan tambahan sampel cadangan dari total observasi N,
      contoh: mengambil sampel 10 dengan cadangan 3 dari total observasi 30, maka angka
      N yang kita pilih adalah N= 30, didapat N=30, lalu ambil ke kanan sebanyak 10, maka
      angka yang didapat adalah : 28, 24, 22, 23, 16, 17, 2, 25, 11, 6.. Jika karena sesuatu hal
      kita harus mengambil cadangan, maka kita ambil nomor index selanjutnya pada baris
      N=30 yaitu nomor 11 terus ke kanan maksimal sampai nomor index 13, yaitu nomor: 27,
      15, 14.

Total cadangan yang ditambahkan harus disesuaikan dengan ketersediaan sisa angka pada
masing-masing N, s+cadangan<=N, sehingga untuk jumlah cadangan maksimum 3 hanya
tersedia untuk N>3, berturut-turut adalah contoh ketersediaan cadangan untuk tiap observasi
dengan pengambilan sample sebanyak 3 dan cadangan 3, digambarkan seperti berikut:

                               N               s          cadangan

                               1               1              0

                               2               2              0

                               3               3              0

                               4               3              1

                               5               3              2

                               6               3              3

                               7               3              3


N                                                Angka Random

1 1 1,

2 2 1, 1 2,

3 2 1, 3 2, 1 3,

4 3 1, 1 2, 4 3, 2 4,

5 2 1, 1 2, 4 3, 5 4, 3 5,

6 6 1, 2 2, 4 3, 1 4, 5 5, 3 6,

7 1 1, 4 2, 6 3, 7 4, 3 5, 2 6, 5 7,

8 1 1, 6 2, 7 3, 5 4, 2 5, 3 6, 8 7, 4 8,

9 8 1, 1 2, 6 3, 2 4, 9 5, 3 6, 4 7, 5 8, 7 9,

10 41, 52, 103, 74, 85, 16, 97, 28, 39, 610,

11 31, 12, 43, 64, 95, 116, 77, 28, 109, 810, 511,

12 31, 82, 103, 64, 15, 56, 27, 128, 79, 910, 411, 1112,

13 61, 32, 133, 24, 55, 46, 107, 18, 99, 1110, 711, 812, 1213,

14 91, 32, 133, 104, 55, 66, 47, 128, 149, 810, 711, 212, 113, 1114,

15 101, 32, 113, 64, 145, 86, 97, 28, 19, 1210, 711, 1512, 413, 514, 1315,

16 101, 112, 73, 24, 95, 166, 147, 88, 19, 610, 1311, 1212, 513, 314, 415, 1516,

17 11, 62, 103, 164, 75, 116, 127, 138, 99, 510, 1711, 1512, 1413, 814, 215, 316, 417,

18 21, 132, 13, 84, 45, 36, 167, 58, 189, 1210, 711, 912, 1713, 614, 1015, 1516, 1417, 1118,

19 91, 32, 13, 164, 125, 106, 67, 178, 29, 510, 411, 812, 1513, 1814, 1315, 1916, 717, 1118, 1419,

     171, 82, 193, 94, 75, 186, 147, 138, 109, 1610, 611, 212, 1113, 2014, 315, 416, 117, 1218, 1519,

     101, 182, 23, 214, 175, 206, 87, 48, 149, 910, 1611, 1512, 1213, 1314, 315, 116, 1917, 618, 719,
     520, 1121,

     171, 192, 153, 204, 25, 216, 117, 148, 19, 1810, 411, 712, 913, 1214, 615, 1316, 317, 2218, 819,
     520, 1021, 1622,

     91, 42, 223, 194, 35, 216, 157, 118, 89, 1310, 111, 1712, 2313, 514, 1615, 1816, 217, 2018, 719,
     1420, 621, 1022, 1223,

24 151, 102, 183, 224, 245, 76, 117, 218, 129, 610, 111, 812, 413, 1414, 1315, 1616, 917, 1718, 2019,

520, 221, 2322, 323, 1924,

     31, 82, 43, 124, 195, 96, 67, 228, 119, 2510, 1311, 2312, 1413, 714, 515, 2016, 1817, 1518, 1719,
     220, 1621, 1022, 2423, 2124, 125,

     221, 52, 163, 214, 95, 236, 87, 208, 129, 310, 2611, 712, 613, 1714, 215, 1516, 1317, 1118, 2519,
     420, 121, 1922, 1823, 2424, 1025, 1426,

     71, 112, 63, 94, 35, 86, 147, 138, 59, 110, 2711, 2212, 1713, 2014, 1615, 1016, 2117, 1918, 1219,
     2420, 2521, 222, 423, 1524, 1825, 2626, 2327,

     191, 282, 93, 134, 115, 26, 157, 268, 169, 2210, 1811, 2012, 813, 2514, 415, 2316, 1217, 618, 2719,
     720, 2421, 322, 1423, 1024, 125, 2126, 1727, 528,

     121, 102, 223, 64, 255, 26, 157, 208, 199, 410, 911, 712, 2313, 2714, 1815, 1616, 2617, 2918, 2819,
     1720, 2421, 122, 323, 1124, 1425, 1326, 2127, 828, 529,

     281, 242, 223, 234, 165, 176, 27, 258, 119, 610, 2711, 1512, 1413, 1814, 2115, 2616, 317, 1318,
     1019, 2020, 3021, 822, 123, 424, 1925, 1226, 2927, 728, 529, 930,

     291, 232, 83, 174, 15, 276, 227, 108, 199, 2510, 1611, 1112, 1413, 614, 515, 216, 717, 3118, 2419,
     1320, 2621, 1222, 1523, 2824, 3025, 326, 2127, 1828, 429, 930, 2031,

     191, 12, 223, 214, 135, 176, 297, 158, 189, 410, 2711, 912, 813, 2814, 715, 1416, 3117, 218, 319,
     620, 521, 1022, 1623, 1224, 2025, 2326, 3227, 2428, 2529, 1130, 3031, 2632,

     201, 62, 263, 314, 235, 36, 287, 48, 259, 210, 3311, 1812, 2213, 914, 1015, 2716, 1617, 2118, 1319,
     1220, 3021, 522, 2423, 1124, 1425, 1526, 1727, 828, 3229, 1930, 131, 2932, 733,

     11, 322, 63, 124, 185, 106, 197, 318, 219, 2810, 811, 3312, 3413, 1414, 2715, 2516, 517, 718, 219,
     320, 1121, 2422, 923, 1724, 2925, 1526, 3027, 1328, 2629, 2030, 1631, 2232, 433, 2334,

     351, 62, 323, 254, 295, 206, 247, 238, 319, 510, 811, 3012, 2813, 2614, 715, 3316, 1517, 2718, 119,
     420, 3421, 1722, 223, 1824, 1425, 2226, 1627, 1028, 329, 1330, 1931, 932, 2133, 1134, 1235,

     51, 242, 333, 254, 275, 106, 17, 288, 359, 1710, 3411, 712, 3113, 1514, 215, 1116, 2017, 418, 2219,
     2120, 321, 2622, 1223, 1924, 2325, 2926, 627, 3028, 1429, 930, 831, 1832, 3633, 1334, 3235, 1636,

   301, 42, 343, 24, 165, 16, 237, 118, 129, 1410, 2811, 2212, 1713, 714, 2515, 3716, 1317, 2618,
37 1919, 2420, 3221, 2922, 1023, 2024, 2125, 626, 827, 2728, 3329, 930, 331, 3632, 1833, 534, 3135,
   3536, 1537,

   81, 312, 283, 134, 35, 16, 307, 108, 159, 3510, 2011, 2712, 2513, 2914, 2215, 2116, 3817, 2418,
38 219, 1120, 3321, 522, 723, 624, 1625, 926, 1227, 2628, 1429, 3230, 431, 1732, 3633, 3434, 1835,
   3736, 2337, 1938,

   391, 32, 343, 224, 275, 96, 147, 158, 219, 2910, 1211, 2412, 1313, 514, 3515, 3616, 617, 3318, 819,
39 3720, 2521, 1122, 423, 3024, 3825, 1626, 2027, 2828, 129, 3130, 2331, 1732, 1033, 2634, 1835, 236,
   737, 1938, 3239,

   331, 92, 53, 154, 65, 356, 47, 298, 249, 2010, 3711, 1212, 2313, 3614, 1315, 816, 2117, 1018, 3019,
40 2220, 721, 3822, 3423, 3924, 1625, 3226, 327, 2828, 1829, 2730, 4031, 3132, 1433, 134, 2535, 1736,
   237, 2638, 1139, 1940,

141, 302, 233, 274, 175, 246, 227, 218, 269, 810, 3111, 412, 3513, 2514, 3815, 3916, 917, 118,
41 3719, 1920, 4121, 4022, 1523, 2924, 3225, 726, 1327, 628, 529, 1130, 2031, 232, 3433, 1834, 335,
   3336, 1037, 2838, 1639, 3640, 1241,

   51, 72, 383, 354, 255, 296, 207, 238, 119, 4110, 4011, 2412, 3113, 3914, 1215, 4216, 3017, 1518,
42 219, 3620, 1421, 3422, 1923, 1624, 3725, 626, 2227, 2728, 2829, 830, 2131, 132, 2633, 934, 335,
   436, 3237, 1338, 1839, 1740, 3341, 1042,

   71, 322, 243, 124, 115, 256, 87, 428, 19, 510, 211, 1412, 3413, 3614, 315, 3016, 2617, 1618, 919,
43 1320, 1521, 2122, 4023, 1724, 4125, 1026, 3827, 4328, 2329, 3930, 3731, 2932, 3333, 2834, 2035,
   3536, 1837, 2738, 639, 1940, 441, 2242, 3143,

   371, 282, 123, 254, 435, 36, 67, 98, 179, 1110, 811, 1012, 2013, 2414, 1415, 4216, 3917, 4018,
44 3519, 3120, 521, 3622, 223, 1624, 2225, 3326, 1927, 2328, 1529, 130, 2631, 3032, 4133, 3834, 2135,
   4436, 2737, 2938, 739, 1340, 3241, 442, 1843, 3444,

   261, 182, 233, 24, 375, 16, 417, 408, 299, 3610, 3911, 1712, 4513, 4414, 2415, 1916, 617, 918, 719,
45 2220, 2521, 422, 3023, 3424, 2725, 326, 1027, 1328, 3529, 3130, 4231, 3232, 533, 3334, 2135, 1236,
   2037, 1138, 2839, 4340, 1641, 1542, 3843, 844, 1445,

   341, 222, 443, 354, 255, 16, 417, 208, 79, 2110, 3311, 3712, 3613, 3014, 4315, 1516, 517, 1618,
46 1319, 2720, 3821, 2322, 923, 1124, 225, 1826, 2627, 3128, 4529, 1230, 2931, 4032, 433, 3234, 4235,
   1036, 837, 638, 2839, 2440, 341, 4642, 1443, 3944, 1745, 1946,

   61, 402, 143, 14, 25, 196, 247, 138, 329, 3410, 3311, 1112, 3013, 2614, 4215, 816, 2217, 4118, 919,
47 720, 1621, 3522, 523, 1824, 2925, 3926, 2327, 2728, 2829, 3830, 2031, 1232, 433, 4534, 4435, 1036,
   4737, 2138, 3739, 340, 4341, 1542, 4643, 1744, 2545, 3646, 3147,

   81, 312, 53, 14, 255, 426, 137, 468, 49, 4310, 311, 2912, 4113, 3714, 715, 1016, 4817, 1918, 2619,
48 920, 3921, 4522, 2423, 3024, 625, 1626, 2127, 228, 3229, 2830, 2731, 3832, 1733, 2234, 1835, 4036,
   3337, 4438, 1239, 2340, 3441, 4742, 1543, 1144, 3545, 3646, 2047, 1448,

   261, 92, 313, 194, 365, 466, 157, 258, 339, 3910, 2711, 1812, 1713, 814, 415, 4016, 3817, 3418,
49 2419, 320, 1221, 2122, 3523, 1424, 2325, 4326, 4927, 2028, 3229, 630, 4231, 4432, 733, 2934, 2835,
   2236, 137, 4538, 1039, 540, 1341, 3042, 1143, 1644, 245, 4146, 4847, 4748, 3749,

   231, 202, 23, 74, 15, 436, 57, 88, 49, 2110, 2711, 2412, 2213, 4014, 3515, 5016, 917, 3418, 619,
50 4120, 3221, 3922, 3023, 1824, 2925, 1226, 3727, 2628, 3629, 3330, 4831, 2532, 2833, 334, 4535,
   1636, 4937, 3138, 1339, 4740, 1741, 4242, 4443, 1444, 1545, 1946, 3847, 4648, 1049, 1150,

   331, 212, 363, 234, 95, 306, 497, 118, 179, 310, 2011, 2912, 4613, 1614, 3815, 5116, 1017, 4118,
51 2219, 5020, 4821, 1322, 3523, 4024, 725, 3226, 1427, 4228, 1829, 2730, 3731, 4732, 433, 2534,
   2635, 136, 537, 4438, 1239, 4540, 1541, 3442, 1943, 2844, 845, 2446, 4347, 648, 3949, 250, 3151,

   281, 152, 133, 494, 65, 236, 167, 188, 439, 4810, 2711, 4612, 5213, 2914, 4015, 2416, 1917, 2018,
52 3019, 4420, 921, 722, 5023, 2124, 3325, 326, 2627, 2228, 5129, 3630, 3931, 2532, 4533, 3734, 835,
   3536, 3137, 438, 4739, 540, 3841, 3442, 4243, 244, 1745, 146, 1047, 1148, 1449, 3250, 1251, 4152,

   401, 312, 143, 294, 335, 156, 387, 428, 29, 3610, 4311, 912, 3913, 1214, 115, 3016, 517, 2718, 819,
   2020, 4921, 2822, 4523, 5024, 3525, 2226, 2327, 2428, 629, 5330, 3231, 4732, 733, 5234, 3435,
   2536, 3737, 1738, 2639, 1840, 4641, 1042, 4443, 1944, 4145, 1346, 5147, 2148, 1149, 1650, 451,
   4852, 353,

54 371, 442, 133, 384, 235, 436, 357, 298, 529, 4010, 3611, 712, 2513, 2214, 4815, 4616, 1417, 4218,

219, 3220, 5121, 622, 4723, 3024, 4525, 126, 2127, 1128, 429, 2030, 1931, 4932, 1733, 5334, 535,
    1636, 2737, 1238, 1039, 5440, 341, 4142, 843, 3144, 2645, 3446, 5047, 3348, 2849, 1850, 951, 2452,
    3953, 1554,

   311, 442, 423, 84, 365, 126, 237, 498, 289, 510, 5311, 4512, 913, 1714, 2515, 116, 2717, 3718,
   5519, 4020, 4821, 5422, 1823, 1624, 1425, 5126, 227, 3428, 2929, 1530, 631, 5232, 4333, 2234,
   2035, 4636, 3337, 438, 739, 3040, 1341, 1142, 343, 5044, 3245, 2146, 2647, 2448, 4749, 3850, 1951,
   4152, 3553, 3954, 1055,

   71, 532, 423, 184, 195, 26, 367, 118, 259, 1210, 3411, 3812, 3913, 1414, 1715, 1016, 4017, 3118,
   2819, 3020, 1321, 4122, 823, 2324, 4625, 2126, 527, 928, 3329, 5030, 5131, 1532, 4733, 334, 2235,
   3736, 4537, 2938, 2739, 5540, 141, 3242, 5243, 2644, 5445, 5646, 4947, 3548, 1649, 650, 4451, 452,
   4353, 2454, 2055, 4856,

   251, 272, 33, 224, 175, 556, 147, 488, 439, 1910, 5311, 2812, 3113, 4414, 2415, 4216, 1117, 4018,
   619, 220, 3621, 4622, 523, 5724, 1825, 5026, 5227, 5628, 2929, 2330, 831, 3732, 1033, 4734, 3535,
57 36
   9 , 1537, 3938, 2139, 1340, 1641, 5142, 143, 4144, 2645, 746, 3247, 4948, 4549, 5450, 3451, 3052,
   2053, 1254, 3355, 456, 3857,

   221, 532, 563, 474, 315, 16, 217, 408, 99, 5010, 4111, 4312, 1713, 4214, 415, 3716, 3817, 5418,
   819, 5520, 3521, 4822, 1423, 5224, 725, 2026, 3227, 5128, 4529, 230, 4931, 632, 533, 2934, 5835,
   2336, 2837, 338, 1339, 5740, 2541, 1242, 3643, 3344, 2745, 3046, 1947, 1048, 4449, 1850, 2451,
   2652, 4653, 1154, 1655, 1556, 3457, 3958,

   441, 322, 333, 284, 175, 26, 187, 168, 49, 310, 811, 5212, 3013, 614, 3515, 1016, 2617, 118, 4319,
   5420, 4121, 3422, 4823, 724, 2525, 5826, 3627, 4928, 3729, 2330, 5731, 5532, 2733, 2934, 3135,
   5336, 4637, 2438, 3939, 5040, 1241, 4542, 5143, 544, 1345, 2146, 4247, 2048, 949, 1150, 5951,
   4752, 1553, 1454, 2255, 4056, 1957, 5658, 3859,

   201, 432, 383, 184, 255, 36, 117, 98, 229, 4110, 5011, 5712, 2413, 4714, 815, 3316, 5617, 618,
   5819, 3020, 5121, 4522, 4223, 1524, 1725, 2926, 2827, 1328, 2629, 1630, 5431, 1232, 433, 734, 135,
   3936, 3537, 1038, 3639, 5540, 5941, 5242, 4443, 4044, 2145, 4946, 547, 3148, 1449, 3450, 6051,
   4652, 2353, 3254, 4855, 5356, 257, 2758, 1959, 3760,

   231, 552, 433, 514, 525, 306, 27, 538, 179, 1610, 4411, 5812, 5613, 4614, 915, 1516, 1917, 1418,
   5919, 4220, 421, 4722, 123, 2524, 825, 4126, 2627, 3828, 3429, 730, 4931, 6132, 3633, 4534, 2835,
   2036, 1837, 3738, 3139, 6040, 3541, 1342, 2443, 1244, 4845, 346, 547, 5448, 3249, 2250, 2951,
   3952, 1053, 2154, 5755, 1156, 2757, 5058, 659, 4060, 3361,

   131, 242, 453, 514, 255, 606, 507, 288, 409, 5910, 1111, 1912, 1713, 114, 3615, 1516, 5417, 6118,
   5819, 1620, 1421, 4322, 823, 2724, 4825, 5226, 4627, 4228, 2229, 2930, 5331, 3032, 1233, 1834,
   3735, 3136, 3337, 538, 3839, 3940, 2641, 1042, 243, 4744, 6245, 4946, 347, 748, 3249, 650, 3551,
   2352, 4453, 954, 5755, 2056, 5557, 4158, 3459, 2160, 461, 5662,

   571, 322, 593, 494, 385, 526, 607, 18, 239, 3010, 1411, 4112, 1013, 5114, 3615, 3316, 6217, 1218,
   419, 620, 2621, 5622, 523, 1324, 4525, 3426, 4427, 4228, 1529, 4730, 3131, 5432, 2033, 3734, 2135,
   2436, 2537, 3938, 939, 5840, 3541, 4042, 5543, 844, 1145, 2746, 4647, 4848, 349, 250, 1851, 5052,
   753, 6154, 2955, 5356, 6357, 1758, 1959, 4360, 1661, 2862, 2263,

   141, 192, 623, 254, 535, 346, 127, 408, 639, 910, 5411, 3512, 713, 514, 3815, 2416, 2117, 1518,
   619, 4120, 6421, 4622, 1023, 424, 5225, 2026, 2827, 4328, 329, 3930, 131, 5532, 3233, 4534, 1835,
   3036, 2237, 4238, 5839, 2940, 3741, 4442, 843, 5044, 3645, 4946, 4747, 2648, 1149, 6150, 3151,
   5752, 2353, 1354, 5655, 256, 1657, 1758, 2759, 3360, 4861, 5162, 6063, 5964,

231, 382, 423, 334, 455, 16, 47, 248, 69, 3210, 4011, 6012, 6113, 6414, 4915, 2716, 2817, 6318,
   4619, 5420, 2521, 922, 323, 224, 5825, 2126, 5327, 1928, 2029, 4830, 5531, 1332, 5033, 4134, 535,
   1436, 1737, 1138, 3139, 4340, 3641, 742, 1643, 4444, 1045, 3746, 3047, 6248, 5949, 3450, 2651,
   1852, 5153, 3554, 2255, 5256, 5657, 4758, 859, 2960, 1561, 1262, 5763, 6564, 3965,

   651, 622, 393, 434, 425, 16, 177, 308, 519, 5310, 5511, 2412, 2313, 1514, 5915, 2916, 1117, 2718,
   1919, 3720, 5821, 3522, 1323, 4124, 2825, 3326, 4027, 2628, 4529, 2530, 6031, 5232, 4733, 2234,
   3635, 1236, 1837, 6638, 239, 1040, 1441, 6442, 443, 2044, 6345, 5746, 4647, 5448, 549, 6150, 5651,
   652, 353, 2154, 4955, 756, 3457, 4458, 1659, 3860, 4861, 3262, 963, 864, 3165, 5066,

   201, 32, 383, 404, 265, 586, 127, 168, 249, 4110, 2811, 4612, 2713, 1514, 5115, 5016, 5917, 6718,
   4919, 2120, 3121, 6622, 2923, 1424, 1925, 3026, 1127, 6428, 629, 4830, 231, 2532, 3333, 6334, 535,
67 36
   1 , 5637, 3738, 4439, 1840, 741, 3642, 6043, 3944, 6545, 846, 1047, 5548, 5749, 3550, 951, 452,
   5453, 5254, 4755, 4356, 4557, 2358, 6259, 1760, 3461, 6162, 1363, 5364, 4265, 2266, 3267,

   511, 632, 553, 654, 145, 276, 327, 398, 479, 1710, 3511, 5412, 5713, 614, 4815, 5916, 1317, 218,
   1119, 3320, 3821, 1522, 4223, 724, 6725, 926, 1027, 6128, 3129, 130, 4631, 6032, 5633, 4334, 3735,
68 5236, 337, 6238, 5039, 4440, 4941, 4142, 6443, 3644, 2545, 1946, 5347, 1648, 2349, 6650, 551,
   4552, 4053, 3054, 1855, 2656, 1257, 6858, 2459, 860, 461, 2962, 2263, 2864, 2165, 5866, 3467,

   551, 12, 413, 354, 545, 46, 117, 698, 689, 3610, 2611, 2912, 1213, 3114, 6715, 4616, 5317, 2018,
   4819, 6320, 1321, 6622, 3223, 6424, 1625, 5126, 3327, 5928, 2429, 2230, 831, 6232, 5033, 3834,
69 2835, 4536, 6137, 738, 3039, 2340, 2141, 3942, 4943, 644, 1445, 3746, 2547, 4248, 1549, 4350,
   1851, 5852, 353, 5654, 6555, 3456, 4457, 1058, 5759, 1760, 5261, 1962, 4763, 564, 265, 6066, 4067,
   2768, 969,

   671, 542, 563, 124, 55, 386, 597, 488, 339, 5310, 1811, 6512, 3213, 2014, 3115, 4716, 3017,   6318,
   2919, 7020, 6621, 4322, 623, 4524, 3925, 4426, 2327, 1328, 2529, 1630, 5531, 832, 6833,       4134,
70 5735, 3636, 2637, 238, 5039, 3440, 4241, 1442, 6043, 1544, 945, 446, 2147, 5148, 749, 4650,   1751,
   1952, 6253, 154, 4055, 6456, 3757, 4958, 1059, 2460, 5261, 6962, 5863, 2764, 1165, 366,       2267,
   3568, 6169, 2870,

   61, 192, 573, 314, 525, 136, 587, 488, 599, 310, 2911, 212, 6513, 2514, 4315, 6616, 4617,     4118,
   5619, 1020, 2721, 7022, 5123, 1224, 4525, 4726, 1627, 3328, 929, 830, 6431, 6232, 1533,       4434,
71 3935, 4936, 1137, 6838, 2139, 6340, 3441, 6742, 3543, 144, 3845, 5546, 2047, 1448, 449,       2350,
   2851, 2652, 3253, 6954, 7155, 3056, 2257, 5358, 5059, 760, 1761, 4062, 6063, 4264, 5465,      3666,
   567, 3768, 1869, 6170, 2471,

   461, 312, 153, 484, 635, 646, 107, 268, 619, 710, 5011, 5912, 2313, 1714, 2215, 4116, 4017, 6718,
   5219, 320, 6921, 2722, 3523, 4924, 5525, 5626, 7227, 6228, 1829, 3430, 1331, 7132, 1633, 2034,
72 2135, 1236, 3237, 3738, 3639, 4540, 5841, 5142, 1443, 4744, 6645, 946, 6847, 4248, 449, 650, 3951,
   5452, 1953, 6054, 3355, 156, 1157, 5758, 4359, 560, 6561, 3062, 2563, 4464, 5365, 2466, 2967, 868,
   7069, 270, 3871, 2872,

   561, 322, 573, 524, 505, 596, 287, 418, 59, 1910, 3111, 4512, 1713, 7114, 3715, 5116, 3517, 918,
   1119, 5320, 6821, 2422, 6023, 2924, 6525, 4326, 227, 1428, 729, 3330, 6631, 2332, 5833, 434, 1235,
73 6236, 637, 1038, 4239, 2240, 4741, 6942, 6743, 1344, 6445, 2046, 3947, 4448, 6149, 2550, 351,
   4052, 6353, 854, 2155, 156, 3657, 5458, 1559, 3860, 7361, 2662, 4863, 7064, 4965, 7266, 4667,
   3468, 5569, 3070, 1671, 1872, 2773,

74 211, 102, 13, 494, 715, 626, 657, 648, 139, 2310, 2911, 5012, 5713, 1614, 7015, 6716, 5417, 3418,
   3219, 4120, 3021, 6922, 7323, 2824, 3925, 2726, 3127, 5228, 529, 930, 4531, 3332, 5933, 434, 5635,
   836, 1937, 4838, 3839, 7440, 1241, 6042, 4443, 1844, 6645, 2246, 3647, 6348, 349, 5150, 5851,
   1152, 2053, 3754, 5555, 2656, 4357, 3558, 2459, 4260, 6861, 4062, 4763, 264, 4665, 1566, 1467,

6168, 5369, 670, 771, 1772, 2573, 7274,

   701, 192, 733, 274, 605, 486, 57, 498, 399, 5010, 4511, 5412, 213, 5814, 2815, 1516, 3417,     2618,
   719, 4320, 2521, 1722, 5623, 1824, 5925, 3526, 127, 828, 629, 7530, 2931, 6732, 6633, 3834,    2235,
75 3236, 1237, 4438, 6139, 4640, 6841, 3342, 6543, 7244, 7145, 446, 6947, 3048, 6449, 1150,       5551,
   6252, 4753, 7454, 2055, 1656, 1357, 3658, 4059, 3760, 2161, 362, 5363, 5764, 965, 4166,        2367,
   5168, 1069, 1470, 6371, 3172, 5273, 4274, 2475,

   11, 722, 573, 664, 415, 436, 197, 658, 229, 4410, 2811, 2112, 7013, 3214, 3315, 7516, 5017, 718,
   7419, 5620, 1621, 622, 1023, 5924, 1425, 4226, 5827, 1328, 2429, 3730, 2331, 5432, 5333, 3934,
76 1135, 1536, 6237, 4838, 6039, 6740, 6941, 5142, 243, 7344, 6445, 3646, 547, 5248, 3849, 4750,
   1851, 4552, 2653, 3554, 2955, 2756, 457, 1258, 4059, 2560, 861, 3462, 6163, 2064, 3065, 4966, 367,
   7168, 1769, 5570, 4671, 3172, 7673, 974, 6375, 6876,

   451, 392, 673, 134, 745, 296, 777, 488, 429, 5210, 2611, 4412, 5513, 1614, 1815, 4616, 1217, 5418,
   7019, 5320, 1121, 6222, 7523, 2524, 4925, 5126, 4027, 2128, 329, 6930, 1931, 5832, 6433, 7634,
77 2735, 2336, 4137, 5738, 3539, 640, 6341, 6842, 1043, 4744, 6645, 1746, 547, 3148, 6549, 450, 2851,
   1452, 3353, 3854, 4355, 3756, 5957, 858, 6059, 2460, 3661, 6162, 5063, 3064, 3265, 3466, 5667,
   7168, 969, 2270, 1571, 772, 2073, 174, 7375, 7276, 277,

   561, 202, 713, 214, 125, 606, 117, 778, 389, 1010, 4011, 5112, 4413, 4614, 3115, 916, 2917, 2718,
   1519, 420, 2521, 4722, 2323, 3424, 6725, 6326, 1727, 5428, 5329, 7630, 4531, 1632, 1333, 2834,
78 2435, 5536, 6437, 3338, 5239, 5840, 5941, 3742, 543, 4944, 6545, 3546, 4247, 7448, 149, 350, 651,
   752, 853, 7254, 6655, 1456, 3657, 6858, 1859, 7560, 1961, 3962, 6163, 6264, 2265, 3266, 5067,
   6968, 4369, 2670, 5771, 272, 7373, 4874, 7875, 4176, 3077, 7078,

   721, 612, 693, 394, 145, 66, 337, 508, 29, 1010, 6311, 4112, 3113, 3814, 4815, 1216, 2517,     2318,
   6719, 5320, 6021, 2222, 2823, 7524, 1525, 7926, 4927, 2728, 7629, 4530, 1931, 2932, 3233,      5434,
79 3035, 3736, 1637, 7738, 2039, 6440, 341, 4042, 6543, 5144, 5945, 7346, 5747, 2148, 4749,       4350,
   851, 3552, 2653, 2454, 155, 1856, 6257, 5558, 1359, 3660, 3461, 5862, 4663, 764, 965, 7466,    6667,
   468, 4469, 7170, 1771, 5672, 7073, 1174, 6875, 5276, 577, 4278, 7879,

   581, 302, 493, 794, 245, 486, 757, 538, 69, 6410, 1211, 5212, 4113, 7414, 3515, 2516, 7717,    2218,
   1719, 5620, 521, 6822, 5723, 3724, 5425, 4226, 1127, 5528, 7329, 2930, 7631, 932, 5033,        1434,
80 3335, 3836, 1337, 1638, 3139, 2840, 3241, 1842, 1543, 844, 3445, 6946, 1947, 7148, 4549,       4650,
   6551, 5952, 7853, 754, 2355, 6256, 157, 2658, 3959, 7060, 7261, 6162, 5163, 4464, 6065,        4366,
   1067, 268, 6769, 2070, 4071, 2772, 6673, 3674, 2175, 4776, 8077, 378, 479, 6380,

   31, 312, 413, 114, 235, 386, 607, 588, 659, 1810, 5211, 2512, 5013, 814, 8015, 6216, 4517, 2018,
   7619, 2220, 4221, 2822, 4023, 4924, 5925, 626, 2727, 6128, 1429, 1030, 6731, 732, 6833, 8134,
81 2935, 7736, 2637, 7438, 1339, 1640, 1241, 4842, 7243, 3044, 3945, 7346, 5747, 6648, 4749, 3550,
   4651, 252, 7853, 4454, 6355, 5556, 5457, 558, 6959, 4360, 161, 7162, 7563, 3464, 3765, 7066, 1967,
   968, 5169, 5370, 6471, 7972, 1773, 1574, 2475, 2176, 5677, 478, 3379, 3280, 3681,

   201, 472, 263, 554, 675, 616, 347, 568, 149, 5010, 311, 6412, 2913, 2414, 7115, 4216, 3317, 5918,
   7919, 5720, 4521, 3822, 6023, 6224, 1825, 2126, 627, 7628, 2829, 530, 7031, 4332, 1133, 1034,
82 5235, 7236, 937, 6338, 7739, 2340, 7441, 3242, 443, 6844, 7345, 6646, 747, 1248, 7849, 3050, 4651,
   4052, 3753, 4854, 5355, 1956, 5857, 2258, 3159, 5160, 8161, 4462, 6563, 6964, 1365, 4966, 3967,
   8068, 3569, 2570, 271, 1672, 873, 2774, 5475, 3676, 7577, 1578, 8279, 1780, 181, 4182,

83 321, 252, 543, 754, 275, 426, 507, 528, 49, 1710, 6011, 2312, 6513, 4114, 1315, 116,   7817,   2118,
   8319, 5620, 2421, 8022, 3623, 6924, 825, 6426, 5127, 3828, 1829, 6630, 3331, 3432,     1433,   8234,
   935, 4436, 337, 3738, 539, 7640, 4641, 7942, 5743, 644, 6345, 6746, 3947, 248, 3149,   4050,   7351,
   2852, 1053, 4554, 6255, 2256, 7157, 5858, 2959, 7060, 1161, 4362, 1963, 4764, 1565,    7466,   7267,

768, 4869, 5970, 3071, 2072, 6873, 1274, 2675, 5576, 1677, 4978, 8179, 3580, 7781, 5382, 6183,

   181, 532, 153, 394, 825, 546, 237, 228, 649, 3810, 5511, 2112, 5613, 3114, 915, 6116, 2717, 2818,
   6619, 5820, 2521, 5922, 6923, 8424, 4425, 3026, 8027, 6228, 6529, 4330, 1731, 2932, 4833, 3334,
84 4635, 436, 4937, 4038, 3639, 4740, 7241, 3242, 6343, 7344, 1245, 1446, 2447, 248, 2649, 1050, 651,
   5152, 7553, 8354, 355, 4156, 7457, 7758, 5759, 860, 3561, 1662, 163, 5264, 1165, 766, 1967, 7668,
   4269, 7870, 5071, 6872, 8173, 6074, 6775, 7076, 4577, 3778, 7979, 3480, 1381, 2082, 7183, 584,

   811, 662, 793, 204, 165, 216, 637, 588, 259, 8210, 911, 1912, 313, 5014, 3115, 7116, 7317, 1318,
   719, 5720, 3721, 5422, 5923, 3824, 6425, 4126, 2927, 228, 7029, 630, 3631, 7532, 4533, 6734, 6235,
   6536, 3537, 2638, 5539, 1740, 3341, 4242, 7843, 544, 4645, 5246, 2747, 4048, 7749, 8350, 1851,
   1552, 2353, 8554, 3255, 456, 7257, 3058, 4859, 6960, 8061, 2462, 863, 6164, 4365, 1266, 8467,
   6068, 1069, 7470, 2871, 2272, 3973, 1174, 1475, 6876, 5377, 7678, 4779, 3480, 4481, 182, 5183,
   5684, 4985,

   381, 212, 93, 54, 695, 816, 307, 158, 169, 610, 5911, 7112, 3513, 5514, 2815, 2416, 6217, 318, 219,
   4920, 2621, 5822, 8523, 3424, 5325, 3326, 1227, 1928, 5229, 1730, 7531, 1332, 3633, 8034, 7035,
   7836, 4837, 4738, 6139, 3740, 4141, 2042, 7943, 6344, 845, 6646, 5147, 8348, 2349, 5050, 7751,
   2552, 6753, 154, 2255, 2756, 4057, 8458, 2959, 1860, 4361, 6062, 7663, 464, 5765, 1066, 5467,
   6868, 7469, 7270, 6471, 4472, 773, 8274, 7375, 3276, 4277, 1478, 3979, 3180, 5681, 1182, 4583,
   6584, 8685, 4686,

   781, 722, 343, 544, 435, 376, 47, 578, 209, 4810, 911, 6712, 713, 2714, 7615, 6016, 1417, 6418,
   6519, 1220, 5321, 1922, 3123, 7524, 6825, 8126, 8627, 3328, 829, 530, 2831, 7132, 3933, 8534,
   4935, 3636, 6137, 4438, 1339, 4240, 5941, 2142, 4643, 6644, 5845, 2446, 2347, 8748, 2949, 3250,
   6251, 152, 7953, 2654, 2555, 656, 357, 8058, 7459, 3560, 5561, 3062, 1163, 8464, 4165, 5666, 1067,
   268, 1769, 7770, 6971, 8372, 4073, 5174, 1875, 3876, 6377, 4578, 8279, 7380, 4781, 1582, 2283,
   5284, 5085, 1686, 7087,

   221, 152, 423, 514, 685, 446, 837, 338, 349, 510, 1811, 1712, 3913, 414, 6215, 4516, 817,     5618,
   1219, 4920, 5721, 7522, 7923, 2824, 3525, 7726, 5827, 5028, 6629, 1430, 5331, 4632, 2633,     7134,
   4735, 6936, 737, 1938, 139, 2940, 3241, 5942, 243, 944, 8745, 8446, 2747, 2048, 4349, 2350,   3851,
   1052, 7453, 4054, 2455, 7356, 1657, 8258, 7259, 660, 6461, 6362, 6163, 1164, 6765, 7666,      5267,
   5568, 8869, 7870, 3071, 2172, 1373, 4874, 3175, 376, 8677, 3678, 6579, 6080, 5481, 3782,      7083,
   4184, 2585, 8086, 8187, 8588,

   441, 332, 753, 674, 725, 606, 87, 438, 289, 4210, 1111, 5312, 7713, 114, 4015, 6616, 3917, 518,
   219, 3120, 1821, 4722, 7123, 1424, 1925, 6326, 2627, 7028, 5529, 8930, 5431, 3732, 1733, 5034,
   2535, 1236, 7437, 2338, 8339, 4940, 8441, 5642, 3843, 7644, 3045, 5846, 5747, 4848, 8049, 950,
   8651, 2052, 2753, 7854, 1355, 2256, 3657, 2458, 8759, 8860, 6161, 7962, 763, 2164, 4665, 5966,
   6967, 8568, 1569, 8170, 3271, 7372, 4173, 3474, 1075, 5176, 8277, 6478, 1679, 4580, 3581, 6882,
   483, 2984, 6285, 386, 687, 5288, 6589,

   791, 652, 633, 874, 895, 246, 467, 808, 869, 910, 611, 3112, 4213, 6014, 2015, 6916, 7117, 418,
   219, 8820, 1421, 722, 3823, 5824, 2225, 3726, 5627, 328, 6829, 2130, 5231, 132, 7433, 1134, 2735,
   7636, 8337, 3938, 1539, 3540, 2641, 4342, 6643, 2844, 3445, 4446, 7547, 1948, 4149, 3250, 4851,
   6252, 4953, 2554, 8555, 1756, 4557, 8258, 5559, 1360, 3061, 1862, 3363, 1064, 5065, 5766, 4767,
   5468, 5369, 1670, 7271, 872, 7773, 574, 1275, 6176, 7877, 6478, 9079, 5180, 2981, 7082, 8483,
   6784, 8185, 7386, 5987, 3688, 2389, 4090,

91 681, 102, 913, 754, 45, 366, 37, 428, 829, 8910, 5011, 712, 3513, 5614, 2315, 5216, 8117, 4918,
   4419, 2720, 7221, 1822, 2823, 4124, 9025, 826, 2027, 7728, 8329, 2930, 7931, 1632, 1533, 534,
   5435, 8636, 3837, 5938, 2439, 2240, 6241, 3742, 5843, 2644, 1245, 2546, 6747, 3148, 7149, 3250,
   7651, 4852, 3053, 4354, 3955, 956, 6657, 1358, 1759, 5560, 8761, 262, 4063, 6464, 5765, 8866,
   2167, 1968, 1469, 7070, 1171, 4772, 7373, 8574, 3475, 7876, 6177, 6078, 5179, 180, 8081, 5382,

8483, 4584, 6985, 7486, 687, 6388, 3389, 4690, 6591,

   831, 852, 163, 604, 25, 666, 97, 598, 159, 3210, 8411, 6112, 5613, 1014, 4615, 4816, 8617, 4318,
   3619, 9120, 3321, 6922, 4123, 8224, 125, 7226, 3527, 5728, 1229, 2030, 3831, 4532, 6733, 7634,
   2135, 2936, 4737, 6538, 1939, 3740, 1141, 7342, 843, 6344, 7545, 3146, 4947, 1348, 8049, 6850,
   5451, 8852, 2853, 654, 2555, 556, 5057, 5858, 8759, 460, 7761, 5562, 2463, 5264, 7865, 4266, 4467,
   9068, 1869, 8970, 1771, 372, 8173, 7974, 2775, 3976, 7077, 4078, 1479, 6280, 781, 9282, 5383,
   2684, 5185, 3086, 2287, 7488, 6489, 7190, 2391, 3492,

   311, 202, 733, 434, 755, 926, 557, 458, 579, 1010, 9011, 4912, 7913, 2714, 9315, 4416, 3617, 718,
   2419, 8020, 5321, 6822, 1123, 2224, 3225, 3326, 4027, 4628, 6929, 6230, 5231, 8932, 1333, 234,
   1635, 3036, 7237, 7738, 8539, 340, 3541, 4842, 6143, 144, 5445, 1746, 7647, 4248, 7449, 6750,
   1251, 2852, 553, 1854, 6055, 456, 6357, 958, 659, 5860, 8861, 2562, 863, 8164, 6565, 8466, 5967,
   5168, 8269, 4170, 6671, 1972, 3773, 4774, 3975, 8776, 3477, 2978, 9179, 3880, 2681, 8682, 8383,
   7084, 6485, 2386, 1587, 7888, 5689, 2190, 1491, 5092, 7193,

   651, 172, 33, 194, 605, 946, 937, 488, 69, 9010, 6611, 7212, 3513, 214, 7115, 5116, 1517, 818,
   2119, 4720, 7421, 5922, 123, 4924, 9225, 1226, 8927, 728, 4229, 7930, 5231, 6432, 7533, 2034,
   2535, 2836, 7837, 8038, 6239, 8640, 8141, 4642, 5543, 1344, 4545, 3946, 547, 3848, 7649, 3350,
   5851, 4352, 3753, 1654, 5455, 2456, 8357, 7358, 5659, 2760, 3061, 7762, 2363, 6764, 6865, 5366,
   5767, 8468, 469, 8870, 8771, 6972, 3173, 4174, 6175, 6376, 1177, 5078, 2279, 2680, 9181, 982,
   2983, 3484, 8285, 4486, 3287, 1888, 3689, 8590, 4091, 7092, 1493, 1094,

   751, 882, 163, 294, 905, 376, 707, 958, 339, 6910, 1911, 1412, 2513, 4214, 1215, 6716, 1517, 6618,
   319, 8420, 5021, 2622, 123, 9224, 9125, 6826, 4727, 7828, 629, 730, 5131, 1732, 5633, 934, 8335,
   2236, 537, 6438, 1039, 1340, 5841, 5442, 2743, 4444, 3945, 6046, 4947, 248, 5749, 3450, 8651,
   3552, 3053, 5354, 8755, 3156, 5257, 8558, 4659, 9360, 1161, 7362, 6363, 6564, 465, 4566, 2167,
   8168, 7969, 8070, 1871, 5572, 3273, 6174, 2075, 4176, 5977, 8278, 2879, 3680, 2481, 2382, 7183,
   3884, 4385, 9486, 7487, 4088, 8989, 7290, 7691, 892, 4893, 7794, 6295,

   251, 132, 913, 924, 695, 886, 377, 738, 159, 910, 8511, 6112, 8113, 4814, 5315, 3116, 1917, 2918,
   519, 4020, 3021, 2722, 8623, 3624, 7525, 8926, 1427, 6628, 7829, 6730, 3331, 9632, 8033, 6334,
   435, 4236, 8237, 5438, 4739, 5840, 2341, 3842, 9343, 1744, 1145, 2446, 4447, 4348, 7149, 5250,
   6551, 6052, 9553, 3554, 3955, 9056, 157, 5658, 859, 360, 6861, 5162, 4963, 5964, 5765, 2866, 4667,
   1668, 8369, 7270, 2671, 6472, 9473, 6274, 5075, 7676, 4577, 7078, 3279, 3480, 2281, 7482, 2083,
   8784, 685, 7986, 2187, 4188, 1089, 5590, 1291, 7792, 293, 1894, 8495, 796,

   731, 742, 653, 844, 875, 506, 387, 488, 609, 1510, 6911, 3412, 2213, 5414, 2715, 5516, 2517, 2818,
   7119, 4920, 1121, 9622, 5323, 1724, 2125, 7726, 727, 6828, 1629, 9130, 6231, 1332, 4433, 8534,
   7635, 1236, 4637, 5138, 3239, 8140, 2041, 6442, 7843, 4044, 2445, 5946, 447, 4748, 8649, 3350,
   2951, 4552, 7553, 9454, 6755, 5756, 6157, 2658, 8259, 3760, 961, 8962, 5263, 5864, 4365, 5666,
   7967, 9268, 8369, 3170, 6371, 572, 9073, 7074, 2375, 9776, 8077, 1078, 3979, 880, 4181, 3682,
   3583, 3084, 4285, 286, 687, 9588, 189, 9390, 1491, 1992, 8893, 7294, 6695, 396, 1897,

   391, 412, 183, 134, 835, 986, 467, 698, 199, 310, 3611, 7212, 7813, 4714, 9515, 1116, 1417, 4418,
   419, 8720, 9221, 4922, 1523, 5724, 6625, 5826, 6127, 5528, 4529, 4330, 9031, 3032, 6333, 5934,
   3835, 136, 2937, 6438, 2039, 7940, 7741, 2742, 4043, 6544, 6845, 7346, 4247, 5348, 5249, 9150,
   1651, 3752, 3553, 8954, 9755, 1756, 4857, 8158, 8259, 1260, 3461, 5662, 2863, 2464, 965, 3266,
   9467, 8068, 669, 3370, 6771, 5072, 2673, 7074, 9675, 276, 7477, 9378, 2379, 5180, 581, 882, 8883,
   7184, 2285, 7586, 2187, 2588, 3189, 8490, 1091, 7692, 8693, 8594, 5495, 6296, 6097, 798,

99 61, 462, 963, 534, 515, 626, 87, 288, 699, 9410, 211, 2112, 8713, 3914, 6315, 1716,   4317,   8318,
   1019, 1320, 3121, 2022, 4123, 2424, 8825, 9326, 4927, 5428, 9829, 2930, 431, 5232,    6633,   2634,
   6135, 1236, 1437, 7138, 7339, 5840, 8441, 7742, 7543, 4744, 7045, 5946, 747, 8248,    5649,   9150,
   9251, 352, 9753, 954, 2755, 3056, 2257, 7258, 1959, 1160, 5561, 7962, 9563, 4464,     3665,   6766,

8167, 5068, 6069, 6470, 2571, 8572, 5773, 3574, 8075, 9076, 7877, 3278, 6879, 6580, 4281, 8682,
    1583, 4884, 185, 586, 3487, 7688, 4589, 8990, 4091, 3892, 3793, 1694, 2395, 3396, 1897, 9998,

    791, 312, 523, 344, 845, 636, 497, 668, 899, 10010, 2711, 9112, 7613, 7114, 2515, 9416, 2417,
    5418, 5319, 2020, 4721, 322, 6823, 2824, 9825, 7726, 6727, 9328, 7529, 4830, 7331, 4032, 7033,
    6234, 1135, 836, 1637, 8538, 6939, 8240, 3741, 1342, 1743, 9744, 2945, 3346, 4647, 3048, 3649,
100 3950, 1051, 8752, 9953, 554, 1255, 5656, 5157, 7458, 759, 2660, 9061, 3262, 2363, 6564, 8865,
    2166, 167, 668, 269, 5070, 9571, 4272, 1573, 5774, 4575, 1976, 4377, 8078, 3879, 1880, 7881, 6182,
    4183, 9684, 6485, 8386, 487, 5888, 989, 3590, 8191, 5592, 7293, 8694, 5995, 2296, 9297, 1498,
    4499, 60100,

    61, 102, 993, 144, 475, 286, 57, 258, 569, 5410, 6311, 9512, 5013, 9414, 9615, 4916, 8817,    1818,
    6019, 8420, 10121, 7322, 6223, 2924, 8025, 726, 7827, 5328, 2029, 5830, 1531, 10032, 8633,    4134,
    7935, 6936, 9337, 2738, 6839, 4240, 5941, 7542, 3243, 4044, 3845, 2146, 1147, 4848, 4349,     9750,
101 7451, 3752, 8353, 9854, 955, 156, 3057, 258, 7259, 9060, 3161, 3462, 363, 8564, 7065, 3566,   3367,
    2268, 1369, 6570, 7771, 8172, 5173, 5274, 2475, 476, 9177, 4678, 1979, 4480, 6181, 9282,      5783,
    1284, 2385, 7686, 3987, 4588, 6789, 6690, 6491, 7192, 1793, 1694, 8795, 8296, 3697, 898,      5599,
    89100, 26101,

    751, 242, 113, 554, 165, 806, 267, 848, 149, 410, 711, 512, 8813, 614, 9515, 7816, 5317, 8618,
    9119, 1020, 4521, 3922, 6023, 6724, 10025, 5426, 227, 4328, 9329, 6630, 5731, 4932, 3633, 3434,
    6135, 7136, 1737, 9638, 5939, 6840, 4241, 8742, 8243, 9044, 345, 1546, 3847, 6448, 7649, 5050,
102 2351, 952, 853, 7954, 6955, 7356, 7257, 2058, 4859, 6360, 5261, 162, 4063, 2764, 1965, 8366, 5667,
    4768, 1269, 1870, 10171, 3572, 5173, 6574, 2975, 10276, 3177, 3778, 4179, 2580, 4481, 9882, 8983,
    9784, 3285, 9986, 7087, 3088, 7789, 7490, 6291, 2292, 8593, 3394, 1395, 8196, 9497, 9298, 5899,
    21100, 28101, 46102,

    821, 192, 873, 164, 465, 216, 177, 778, 679, 8610, 8311, 8412, 10313, 2914, 1015, 4116,       3517,
    1318, 9019, 1520, 221, 5422, 10023, 9824, 10125, 626, 9127, 5328, 4929, 5530, 3231, 4032,     9433,
    9334, 2335, 6136, 6037, 2438, 5839, 540, 3041, 3642, 4243, 1444, 7645, 6446, 8147, 7548,      5049,
103 8850, 851, 8552, 7953, 10254, 7355, 6356, 7857, 9758, 7059, 360, 461, 6962, 4563, 5764,       3965,
    4866, 2767, 2268, 769, 5970, 3871, 7172, 5673, 7274, 9275, 176, 9677, 1878, 5279, 8980,       2581,
    6882, 2083, 5184, 9585, 8086, 987, 6288, 3389, 2890, 1291, 6592, 2693, 3794, 9995, 3196,      4797,
    6698, 3499, 43100, 11101, 74102, 44103,

    241, 82, 283, 1024, 235, 966, 947, 118, 449, 3010, 5411, 8812, 5113, 6914, 6415, 1816, 7417, 2218,
    3919, 9320, 2721, 7822, 2523, 4124, 6625, 9026, 5727, 6828, 229, 7130, 10331, 1532, 8933, 5034,
    4935, 8136, 6337, 4738, 7639, 5640, 4041, 9942, 3843, 1244, 10445, 3446, 4647, 6148, 949, 9250,
104 1351, 8652, 6053, 4854, 555, 5956, 6757, 9858, 9159, 1060, 5361, 7262, 163, 7364, 7765, 4266,
    8467, 8268, 8069, 2070, 10071, 3772, 1673, 5574, 6575, 3276, 7577, 478, 8779, 7980, 3681, 4382,
    4583, 9584, 1985, 2686, 3387, 9788, 1789, 8390, 2191, 3192, 5293, 3594, 5895, 7096, 1497, 2998,
    799, 62100, 6101, 101102, 3103, 85104,

    121, 672, 443, 504, 305, 326, 537, 908, 949, 10410, 311, 8812, 813, 2514, 1315, 7116, 2817, 1418,
    10119, 4820, 8721, 6322, 5623, 1624, 9225, 3126, 3827, 4128, 729, 9630, 8231, 10332, 10233, 7534,
    4535, 3336, 5937, 6138, 7639, 6240, 2741, 442, 8543, 1044, 2345, 7046, 1747, 7448, 4349, 1950,
105 251, 8052, 653, 8354, 3655, 8456, 2657, 5158, 1859, 2260, 1561, 9962, 2463, 6864, 1165, 4666,
    9367, 6568, 169, 6970, 2171, 7972, 9773, 9574, 10575, 7776, 5577, 7378, 4979, 3780, 9881, 9182,
    4783, 5284, 2085, 586, 4087, 4288, 8689, 8990, 3991, 5492, 3493, 6494, 7895, 8196, 997, 6098,
    2999, 35100, 100101, 72102, 58103, 57104, 66105,

106 371, 182, 1023, 404, 215, 716, 177, 298, 389, 3110, 6011, 6812, 2813, 2214, 9015, 10416, 4717,
    618, 8819, 2620, 5421, 2722, 5023, 3324, 4825, 7026, 6427, 8428, 10529, 1230, 6631, 8632, 333,
    7734, 1535, 4536, 9137, 7438, 4239, 6740, 241, 8742, 6243, 6944, 1645, 2346, 6347, 7948, 5549,

8250, 1951, 2052, 8053, 9954, 5855, 5356, 157, 7858, 7359, 9560, 4361, 6162, 4163, 7564, 9265,
    5166, 6567, 10368, 2469, 5670, 3471, 10072, 773, 2574, 575, 976, 8177, 1178, 9779, 3680, 9481,
    3582, 4483, 1484, 8385, 9686, 8987, 5788, 9389, 10190, 891, 3992, 3093, 4994, 5995, 4696, 1097,
    8598, 9899, 52100, 4101, 13102, 106103, 32104, 72105, 76106,

    861, 232, 33, 244, 65, 576, 1017, 368, 1079, 6710, 2011, 2512, 4213, 3914, 6515, 4516, 9217, 3818,
    4719, 5420, 10321, 5222, 7023, 6424, 1925, 6226, 8127, 5828, 8429, 8230, 4831, 3132, 733, 7634,
    4335, 4936, 8537, 4638, 1539, 6140, 1641, 8342, 3243, 7444, 8945, 2846, 3547, 248, 549, 10550,
107 10451, 2152, 1053, 5554, 5955, 5156, 2657, 4058, 1459, 9660, 3461, 3362, 10063, 1764, 3765, 2266,
    7367, 1868, 7269, 1170, 7571, 872, 7973, 9374, 175, 976, 8777, 6878, 7779, 9080, 9181, 1282, 6083,
    8884, 6685, 10686, 9787, 3088, 4489, 9490, 2791, 2992, 8093, 5694, 9995, 1396, 4197, 498, 6399,
    50100, 71101, 102102, 78103, 53104, 95105, 98106, 69107,

    281, 392, 773, 584, 355, 266, 897, 968, 159, 3610, 4911, 3012, 5913, 2714, 7315, 5716, 6117, 3318,
    8719, 3720, 1621, 2922, 923, 2024, 3825, 5526, 9227, 5128, 10129, 6730, 9731, 6432, 9033, 10034,
    5335, 4236, 3437, 1738, 4039, 7640, 7841, 142, 743, 2144, 645, 10646, 8447, 7248, 8049, 3250,
108 10351, 1052, 5253, 2454, 8155, 9356, 6957, 4658, 10559, 9860, 8661, 8262, 1963, 1464, 1165, 9566,
    10767, 8868, 269, 870, 471, 6872, 5673, 7974, 1875, 4776, 10877, 9978, 10279, 7480, 7081, 1382,
    4483, 10484, 4185, 4386, 6587, 4888, 389, 6390, 9191, 6092, 2293, 6694, 8595, 1296, 2597, 2398,
    599, 31100, 94101, 83102, 54103, 62104, 71105, 75106, 45107, 50108,

    891, 852, 153, 834, 925, 256, 907, 758, 129, 4910, 3811, 10412, 1913, 10314, 5515, 6516, 317,
    2118, 3119, 2320, 9821, 10022, 6723, 7024, 6825, 426, 1027, 8728, 9329, 8430, 831, 5132, 7133,
    3334, 535, 6636, 9937, 10938, 8839, 4140, 4741, 242, 6243, 4444, 6145, 8146, 10847, 3248, 2049,
109 3450, 10551, 9752, 5853, 1854, 2955, 4256, 1357, 3558, 659, 10260, 961, 6362, 4563, 8664, 10665,
    4866, 8067, 1668, 2769, 3670, 9571, 7872, 7273, 4374, 7675, 10776, 1177, 2878, 5779, 2480, 7781,
    2282, 9183, 7984, 1485, 6486, 2687, 8288, 3089, 5990, 791, 4692, 9493, 3994, 5095, 5396, 4097,
    1798, 3799, 101100, 1101, 52102, 56103, 54104, 73105, 69106, 60107, 96108, 74109,

    561, 592, 1003, 844, 305, 756, 587, 28, 949, 9210, 5411, 10912, 4513, 7914, 815, 4316, 5517, 7718,
    8219, 6320, 1521, 2622, 523, 2724, 125, 9626, 2527, 7128, 10629, 1830, 7331, 3532, 4033, 3734,
    2835, 9836, 8037, 2338, 9939, 7640, 8341, 6242, 5143, 1644, 9145, 10246, 2447, 10548, 1049, 8550,
110 7251, 9552, 3153, 4254, 2155, 3856, 8157, 8858, 7459, 360, 7061, 6062, 2963, 6964, 965, 4766,
    10767, 2268, 6769, 1970, 9071, 10472, 11073, 774, 10175, 3376, 10377, 4978, 3279, 1280, 481,
    3982, 8683, 7884, 5785, 1386, 9387, 1188, 5089, 5290, 6491, 3492, 8993, 4194, 6895, 4896, 697,
    5398, 2099, 65100, 97101, 46102, 66103, 36104, 44105, 14106, 17107, 108108, 87109, 61110,

   761, 612, 553, 244, 155, 1026, 997, 988, 469, 6010, 10711, 4912, 10813, 2914, 9315, 1116, 5717,
   9018, 2519, 1620, 4521, 5022, 7323, 8524, 9225, 3626, 127, 6428, 2629, 5930, 631, 7232, 3933,
   4734, 7935, 3436, 4137, 5438, 10639, 6940, 11141, 3042, 10443, 7844, 10545, 8346, 8947, 5848,
   6549, 1050, 7151, 2252, 5153, 1954, 3355, 3556, 9157, 4258, 2759, 360, 4061, 5662, 1263, 564,
111 65
   28 , 9466, 8667, 6768, 4469, 7470, 871, 1372, 273, 474, 1875, 1776, 3277, 2378, 8079, 8780, 3181,
   3882, 11083, 9684, 10085, 8886, 8187, 8288, 8489, 10390, 5291, 6292, 3793, 6394, 2095, 2196,
   10197, 6698, 9599, 77100, 14101, 53102, 9103, 68104, 43105, 75106, 7107, 97108, 48109, 70110,

    911, 402, 943, 414, 615, 696, 127, 228, 799, 6710, 6811, 1112, 9713, 114, 8115, 6016, 9917, 6518,
    8919, 420, 7621, 5022, 6223, 9324, 8625, 9226, 2127, 528, 4329, 11230, 4531, 8232, 10033, 2434,
    4435, 5336, 4837, 3238, 3139, 2840, 3341, 9842, 10643, 10344, 2645, 2746, 5647, 11148, 6349,
    8350, 9651, 5852, 7153, 7054, 5555, 3056, 11057, 5458, 3459, 10260, 5961, 7762, 7863, 1564,
    10865, 766, 5167, 8868, 6669, 8770, 10771, 872, 5773, 2974, 6475, 8076, 1877, 7478, 9579, 10980,
    10481, 4282, 4783, 7284, 3985, 3886, 2387, 1388, 9089, 1790, 4991, 10592, 3693, 1994, 3595, 3796,
    1097, 5298, 10199, 73100, 3101, 25102, 9103, 84104, 20105, 14106, 16107, 46108, 75109, 85110,
    6111, 2112,

191, 1102, 1053, 1074, 265, 716, 337, 138, 1029, 4110, 7911, 2512, 8013, 8114, 9015, 5816, 7817,
   2818, 7019, 3620, 10921, 8622, 9523, 2424, 10825, 7326, 3527, 328, 1529, 8530, 1731, 3132, 6333,
   5334, 5035, 4036, 6937, 3438, 9839, 4540, 2141, 11242, 8743, 3744, 10145, 1246, 5147, 248, 6049,
   2050, 4651, 1852, 5253, 3854, 5655, 7656, 2757, 7258, 11159, 7560, 6761, 9462, 4363, 6564, 9165,
113 66
   8 , 10067, 8868, 8369, 1670, 671, 6872, 573, 2274, 6475, 3976, 8977, 1478, 4479, 5780, 9981,
   6282, 6183, 8284, 7785, 5586, 5487, 488, 3289, 9290, 191, 2992, 2393, 4294, 10395, 3096, 9697,
   9398, 10699, 10100, 49101, 11102, 7103, 48104, 113105, 59106, 9107, 66108, 97109, 104110, 84111,
   47112, 74113,

   441, 362, 93, 44, 175, 876, 807, 918, 1089, 810, 10111, 6012, 2313, 9514, 2415, 216, 517, 8918,
   319, 6520, 5221, 5322, 7623, 6124, 7825, 7726, 8627, 10528, 9329, 1130, 3231, 8532, 8833, 9934,
   6235, 7536, 1837, 2638, 10339, 3140, 11041, 11442, 3543, 1644, 7145, 8246, 4247, 1248, 5849,
   10250, 9751, 6752, 5753, 9454, 4355, 10456, 4557, 2258, 10059, 2560, 4661, 4062, 11363, 8364,
114 65
   14 , 1366, 5467, 3968, 1969, 10970, 8471, 11272, 4773, 4974, 775, 6976, 3077, 9678, 7279, 5080,
   8181, 2182, 183, 7084, 5185, 9086, 9887, 2988, 9289, 2890, 7991, 692, 5993, 3894, 6895, 6696,
   4197, 6398, 2799, 107100, 48101, 34102, 64103, 10104, 106105, 73106, 33107, 111108, 37109,
   20110, 15111, 55112, 56113, 74114,

   581, 282, 193, 504, 1025, 476, 277, 448, 1119, 4810, 3011, 9012, 713, 7614, 7715, 7116, 317, 5718,
   7419, 8420, 4121, 4522, 2423, 6924, 1325, 1826, 3827, 11528, 10529, 10830, 5931, 3732, 1633,
   9334, 10335, 4336, 5237, 8138, 2639, 2240, 7541, 8042, 9743, 6644, 3145, 1746, 10747, 8948, 2149,
   2350, 8851, 1052, 7853, 5354, 6855, 4656, 9957, 6158, 959, 4960, 8761, 5162, 10163, 3364, 565,
115 66
   20 , 9667, 668, 4069, 11470, 8671, 10672, 5573, 6774, 8575, 10976, 7277, 3678, 179, 480, 11381,
   882, 6283, 4284, 8385, 9586, 7087, 6388, 1289, 3990, 6091, 6592, 3293, 5694, 9195, 10096, 9897,
   1498, 7999, 34100, 110101, 25102, 94103, 73104, 11105, 64106, 54107, 92108, 15109, 104110, 2111,
   35112, 112113, 82114, 29115,

   811, 382, 703, 324, 1125, 736, 747, 958, 119, 4110, 1411, 9612, 213, 5314, 1015, 3016, 8217, 2018,
   8319, 420, 1721, 5422, 9323, 8024, 3625, 10426, 2127, 11428, 329, 2530, 631, 11332, 2933, 7234,
   6935, 9936, 5137, 8838, 10639, 7140, 9141, 7942, 2243, 8644, 10245, 4646, 10947, 1648, 8449,
   5050, 3751, 1252, 7753, 4254, 6055, 2756, 3357, 9858, 6759, 10860, 5661, 4862, 963, 8764, 1965,
116 66
   63 , 4567, 868, 5969, 8970, 7671, 10772, 10073, 11174, 775, 2876, 7877, 3478, 10179, 180, 6281,
   6882, 11583, 5284, 7585, 10586, 5787, 6188, 5589, 590, 11091, 4792, 8593, 4494, 9295, 1896, 1597,
   2698, 9499, 90100, 49101, 23102, 116103, 64104, 43105, 13106, 39107, 24108, 58109, 31110, 40111,
   65112, 66113, 103114, 35115, 97116,

   141, 292, 833, 924, 55, 406, 177, 388, 339, 9110, 9811, 4212, 7613, 11414, 4415, 1816, 4717, 718,
   5519, 11720, 8621, 7022, 2123, 2324, 7925, 7526, 4527, 2628, 2829, 330, 8531, 1532, 7433, 634,
   9435, 5136, 10937, 2538, 10639, 5840, 2041, 9942, 243, 1944, 5745, 846, 5247, 6648, 7849, 3650,
   11351, 7252, 3553, 1154, 11555, 8256, 1257, 10858, 5459, 3460, 5961, 6862, 10163, 5664, 165,
117 66
   43 , 8967, 3968, 8169, 6570, 5371, 7372, 6173, 11074, 9575, 9776, 6777, 7778, 6979, 10380, 981,
   9082, 8783, 10484, 5085, 6286, 10087, 2788, 4989, 7190, 11691, 3192, 2493, 4194, 11295, 6496,
   3797, 8098, 1099, 13100, 105101, 4102, 63103, 96104, 107105, 88106, 93107, 16108, 60109, 102110,
   111111, 48112, 84113, 32114, 22115, 30116, 46117,

   351, 482, 313, 34, 195, 1016, 77, 878, 449, 510, 8511, 11512, 11113, 7314, 2715, 4016, 8917, 1618,
   8319, 3420, 5221, 6722, 9423, 10824, 425, 5326, 1327, 6928, 11229, 11330, 4531, 10432, 2833,
   6334, 6835, 2236, 4337, 5938, 5839, 240, 4741, 7242, 843, 7944, 5645, 2546, 5447, 1548, 6449,
   1850, 7751, 8452, 10053, 9354, 2155, 11056, 3057, 7658, 5559, 5060, 8661, 3862, 6563, 10264,
118 65
   66 , 6166, 11467, 8068, 11869, 10770, 7571, 9172, 2073, 2474, 9275, 1776, 9777, 6078, 3279,
   8280, 1081, 4282, 8183, 3784, 685, 986, 10987, 9888, 3689, 4190, 1291, 7192, 3393, 10594, 7495,
   3996, 7897, 11798, 4699, 49100, 14101, 70102, 29103, 51104, 1105, 90106, 88107, 103108, 99109,
   116110, 95111, 23112, 62113, 106114, 26115, 96116, 57117, 11118,

119 101, 782, 1033, 1124, 1105, 476, 67, 728, 859, 9310, 4411, 5612, 7513, 8414, 10615, 1716, 3217,

5518, 1619, 10020, 8821, 9522, 3923, 5924, 11525, 5026, 6827, 2728, 929, 1830, 8631, 832, 2033,
    4334, 7135, 8136, 10437, 1938, 11439, 7040, 6141, 8242, 5143, 8744, 5745, 11346, 4647, 2548,
    6249, 4850, 7451, 4052, 5453, 1354, 1555, 8356, 9657, 10558, 9259, 260, 9761, 4162, 11163, 6464,
    4565, 10866, 6767, 768, 7769, 5870, 2371, 6972, 2673, 6374, 3475, 2876, 11977, 1478, 2979, 10780,
    2181, 8982, 5283, 2484, 4985, 8086, 6087, 3888, 3089, 10290, 1291, 7392, 3393, 3794, 9895, 10196,
    197, 7998, 1199, 76100, 91101, 117102, 31103, 90104, 35105, 3106, 4107, 118108, 65109, 66110,
    109111, 116112, 5113, 94114, 36115, 42116, 99117, 53118, 22119,

    191, 602, 53, 594, 405, 926, 847, 208, 269, 6610, 811, 2212, 6713, 12014, 11115, 116, 3617, 3418,
    7419, 3720, 11421, 9722, 8923, 8624, 1425, 10226, 3027, 4928, 3329, 5830, 10431, 732, 10933,
    5534, 10535, 11336, 11737, 10338, 11839, 640, 10141, 4542, 6943, 5244, 1245, 5346, 2147, 2948,
    9649, 7950, 11951, 9352, 9453, 5054, 4255, 9556, 7157, 2858, 4759, 2760, 4461, 8362, 7063, 11664,
    10665, 11266, 8067, 4168, 2569, 6470, 1571, 9872, 3173, 5674, 6275, 1676, 1777, 478, 7579, 8780,
    7881, 3982, 1183, 10784, 3285, 9086, 2487, 5788, 4689, 7390, 1891, 6392, 293, 10894, 1095, 396,
    3897, 11598, 7699, 91100, 72101, 43102, 51103, 99104, 81105, 77106, 68107, 100108, 61109, 9110,
    35111, 85112, 88113, 54114, 13115, 82116, 110117, 23118, 48119, 65120,

   811, 232, 33, 644, 855, 1026, 267, 78, 1129, 8010, 7811, 12012, 11513, 1614, 10815, 7316, 11417,
   6818, 9519, 8620, 11921, 11722, 2523, 624, 7925, 1026, 1527, 8728, 10029, 1330, 8331, 5232, 5533,
   6934, 2735, 5636, 8237, 10138, 4639, 8440, 7541, 7242, 4743, 10744, 2845, 2146, 3947, 9448, 4049,
   250, 5151, 9652, 4453, 6154, 7455, 6256, 3257, 11158, 2059, 4560, 11661, 12162, 5063, 4964, 5365,
121 66
   54 , 11867, 6068, 5769, 3470, 3671, 1472, 1873, 9274, 2475, 10376, 477, 9178, 1979, 9880, 4881,
   882, 1183, 6584, 7685, 586, 1287, 7788, 11389, 990, 7191, 4292, 2293, 1794, 8995, 5896, 3097,
   7098, 10999, 67100, 35101, 59102, 106103, 37104, 105105, 43106, 29107, 33108, 63109, 104110,
   110111, 88112, 90113, 99114, 31115, 38116, 1117, 41118, 66119, 97120, 93121,

    31, 932, 943, 884, 95, 216, 357, 48, 529, 8910, 7711, 3212, 2013, 2414, 3615, 7916, 3317, 7318,
    8719, 9120, 5321, 5122, 5923, 12124, 4525, 10426, 9827, 3728, 4629, 2230, 8131, 2832, 10233,
    7134, 11935, 2336, 11537, 9538, 6239, 3040, 6441, 5642, 1743, 10944, 1045, 8446, 6347, 2948,
    10149, 9750, 6051, 8352, 6653, 754, 7655, 5856, 5557, 6158, 6959, 10060, 861, 11262, 9663, 7064,
122 9265, 266, 10867, 8068, 11369, 2670, 1371, 172, 1173, 9074, 11675, 4276, 10577, 11078, 8679,
    5480, 8581, 10382, 3183, 7884, 11785, 1586, 7287, 1288, 6589, 12090, 6791, 10792, 11893, 4394,
    11495, 4796, 12297, 4198, 699, 57100, 5101, 111102, 16103, 68104, 27105, 48106, 14107, 18108,
    74109, 49110, 75111, 25112, 106113, 40114, 39115, 82116, 44117, 19118, 50119, 38120, 34121,

    1141, 992, 223, 134, 1015, 296, 407, 1108, 29, 4910, 10611, 4512, 113, 7614, 3815, 5216, 2817,
    4718, 3319, 4820, 2121, 5822, 6423, 1624, 10925, 7326, 8627, 628, 7529, 6630, 5931, 1832, 7133,
    12234, 11735, 7736, 10237, 8838, 7939, 11140, 541, 5342, 10343, 10544, 1945, 3046, 3247, 1148,
    5449, 9250, 2351, 11652, 12153, 3554, 11855, 8756, 757, 3658, 10059, 4460, 7061, 862, 2563, 464,
123 11965, 6166, 2667, 6368, 1569, 9370, 3171, 372, 7273, 9574, 11275, 9076, 5177, 6878, 9779, 10780,
    6581, 12082, 8283, 1084, 5685, 1486, 6087, 4288, 4689, 2090, 7891, 10892, 1793, 8594, 8195,
    12396, 9497, 9198, 8999, 96100, 43101, 55102, 27103, 104104, 74105, 9106, 113107, 98108, 41109,
    34110, 57111, 37112, 80113, 39114, 12115, 50116, 83117, 24118, 62119, 69120, 84121, 115122,

124 761, 812, 933, 824, 565, 796, 137, 628, 459, 910, 3211, 3012, 9713, 7314, 9815, 7516, 8617, 7118,
    519, 620, 12221, 8822, 1823, 10224, 2925, 3626, 5427, 6928, 3429, 9030, 4431, 5832, 11233, 7734,
    11435, 9636, 1737, 6838, 3339, 12040, 10541, 6542, 8543, 8744, 6445, 246, 10847, 8448, 3949,
    6150, 10751, 1452, 12353, 454, 11555, 4356, 2457, 6758, 9459, 7260, 5561, 1562, 1163, 864, 5765,
    5066, 6367, 2168, 6069, 9270, 2371, 372, 4773, 9974, 11975, 10176, 9577, 10478, 4179, 11680,
    2281, 4282, 9183, 2084, 3785, 4686, 10387, 8088, 2889, 7890, 4991, 5992, 1693, 11394, 8395, 3896,
    4097, 7498, 10699, 26100, 124101, 27102, 25103, 89104, 110105, 7106, 109107, 66108, 118109,
    111110, 121111, 100112, 117113, 12114, 35115, 1116, 53117, 31118, 48119, 52120, 10121, 70122,

51123, 19124,

    291, 922, 323, 94, 665, 846, 1107, 748, 1119, 3110, 5211, 8612, 1213, 7214, 4615, 12116, 517,
    12318, 6219, 11620, 10821, 1022, 5323, 2624, 8825, 12526, 9627, 228, 6429, 7130, 731, 12432,
    10633, 2434, 5835, 3536, 7937, 6938, 5039, 6140, 8741, 1842, 4243, 5544, 5645, 1446, 6547, 11848,
    9549, 9050, 5751, 152, 7053, 854, 3855, 3956, 7357, 12058, 4459, 7760, 11261, 8362, 7563, 3464,
125 9365, 5166, 11767, 4168, 1369, 9770, 2371, 9872, 2573, 4374, 1575, 6076, 6877, 11578, 2879, 3780,
    4981, 10382, 1683, 10784, 1985, 7886, 2187, 8188, 6389, 4890, 3391, 1792, 10193, 11394, 6795,
    10296, 8097, 10498, 8999, 30100, 4101, 40102, 109103, 36104, 59105, 114106, 6107, 91108, 11109,
    76110, 54111, 82112, 94113, 119114, 100115, 85116, 3117, 22118, 27119, 20120, 45121, 99122,
    47123, 105124, 122125,

    1011, 542, 123, 614, 445, 986, 1117, 68, 1039, 3410, 10211, 11612, 3513, 10714, 8515, 4316,
    2517, 318, 2619, 4220, 9221, 2822, 9523, 2924, 9625, 5026, 6627, 6328, 3229, 8430, 9731, 6232,
    9433, 10034, 6735, 10436, 937, 8338, 7239, 840, 5341, 11342, 7443, 444, 9045, 7646, 12247, 548,
    11849, 2750, 3951, 9952, 7153, 6854, 2355, 11056, 1357, 11458, 9359, 11760, 5861, 3862, 8063,
126 264, 5265, 1866, 10867, 2468, 12469, 1570, 5671, 4572, 6573, 3374, 5175, 12376, 3177, 4778, 6479,
    12680, 4081, 1182, 1083, 12584, 4885, 8286, 5987, 11588, 1689, 2290, 1491, 792, 2093, 6994, 8995,
    5596, 3097, 7798, 10699, 57100, 87101, 46102, 120103, 37104, 73105, 78106, 79107, 86108, 41109,
    60110, 91111, 81112, 109113, 17114, 70115, 36116, 112117, 75118, 105119, 49120, 1121, 19122,
    121123, 119124, 21125, 88126,

    321, 992, 623, 924, 85, 536, 557, 198, 1049, 4310, 11411, 6812, 12713, 8414, 10015, 3716, 12117,
    7918, 5019, 4820, 2621, 8222, 2223, 10924, 9425, 1626, 8927, 7428, 9729, 11730, 1331, 4632, 6933,
    5834, 6435, 6136, 3837, 1738, 11939, 4440, 4541, 2142, 343, 444, 945, 7346, 3947, 1148, 8149,
    12650, 2851, 5452, 2353, 5654, 10855, 9556, 8557, 4958, 12459, 10160, 2461, 8062, 5263, 7164,
127 4265, 2766, 767, 4068, 10369, 11170, 10571, 9072, 1073, 9374, 11875, 8376, 11277, 2078, 5779,
    8880, 6781, 2982, 4183, 1284, 3685, 11386, 3387, 3188, 1889, 6090, 2591, 7792, 3493, 9194, 12395,
    4796, 10297, 198, 6599, 78100, 120101, 116102, 75103, 59104, 76105, 122106, 51107, 6108, 70109,
    107110, 115111, 110112, 86113, 35114, 2115, 125116, 87117, 5118, 15119, 96120, 63121, 30122,
    106123, 72124, 98125, 14126, 66127,

    81, 702, 303, 894, 125, 656, 837, 1218, 99, 11910, 9311, 412, 8613, 5514, 3815, 3916, 7317, 5218,
    6919, 7720, 3621, 5922, 11023, 3524, 10425, 9626, 727, 8028, 9829, 12330, 7931, 8832, 4333, 3334,
    10535, 3736, 9437, 7138, 639, 9040, 12841, 11542, 9543, 10644, 11745, 12046, 6347, 4548, 7649,
    11650, 6751, 10152, 4253, 9154, 7855, 12256, 1057, 5758, 8759, 1960, 12761, 8562, 7563, 564,
128 5665, 5166, 11467, 8268, 3469, 10870, 10371, 6472, 12473, 5874, 11875, 1776, 2077, 6878, 4779,
    10080, 9781, 2282, 3283, 5384, 385, 9986, 2987, 1488, 10289, 6190, 8191, 6092, 4493, 1694, 2195,
    196, 5497, 11398, 10999, 11100, 62101, 40102, 2103, 49104, 126105, 25106, 41107, 28108, 18109,
    92110, 84111, 31112, 46113, 125114, 72115, 23116, 107117, 50118, 111119, 112120, 48121, 15122,
    13123, 26124, 27125, 24126, 66127, 74128,

    831, 52, 363, 1234, 575, 16, 597, 608, 1099, 1810, 12611, 6312, 1613, 12114, 5615, 3216, 11617,
    7618, 9019, 6220, 2521, 3122, 6623, 3824, 1325, 2026, 2127, 12528, 4329, 7230, 6731, 5832, 4433,
    8234, 1935, 11036, 337, 1438, 12039, 640, 7041, 8042, 8643, 9844, 11545, 7446, 9247, 948, 5549,
    12950, 1551, 5352, 6153, 10054, 10255, 10856, 4157, 7958, 2859, 4560, 6861, 9662, 1763, 2464,
129 10565, 1266, 8967, 11468, 11869, 3970, 7571, 3372, 9973, 10474, 10675, 7876, 2377, 11178, 479,
    11280, 2281, 4882, 5283, 8784, 9385, 12286, 7787, 4088, 9589, 12890, 9491, 1192, 3593, 4294,
    3495, 4996, 797, 5198, 299, 97100, 113101, 65102, 103103, 69104, 88105, 85106, 10107, 119108,
    8109, 91110, 27111, 46112, 81113, 54114, 117115, 26116, 71117, 124118, 107119, 30120, 37121,
    127122, 29123, 101124, 64125, 50126, 73127, 47128, 84129,

130 231, 1062, 713, 924, 65, 436, 1027, 98, 1059, 6510, 8311, 2512, 11013, 7614, 12715, 2016, 3817,
    12118, 3419, 10920, 7721, 1722, 3923, 12824, 1225, 4826, 1127, 9628, 4029, 8930, 4731, 12632,
    9033, 12334, 6935, 8436, 537, 4138, 1439, 6340, 9141, 8742, 4443, 2244, 11745, 1646, 6447, 1048,

6149, 350, 12551, 2952, 8053, 10054, 4955, 3756, 1557, 5358, 10459, 2660, 4261, 2162, 7963, 2764,
    9765, 2466, 1967, 9968, 5969, 12470, 1371, 7472, 6673, 11474, 6875, 5676, 477, 3678, 879, 13080,
    12981, 5282, 283, 9484, 10185, 7586, 11987, 5088, 6089, 11890, 11591, 10892, 11193, 5594, 5895,
    4696, 8697, 3198, 7399, 45100, 67101, 82102, 70103, 107104, 103105, 81106, 122107, 1108, 120109,
    51110, 112111, 88112, 32113, 57114, 35115, 18116, 93117, 62118, 30119, 116120, 28121, 7122,
    98123, 33124, 72125, 95126, 78127, 54128, 85129, 113130,

    881, 682, 183, 524, 255, 146, 1147, 1208, 1229, 2910, 1911, 1512, 6213, 1614, 4915, 10216, 5517,
    7018, 10319, 1320, 921, 10622, 4223, 5624, 3525, 7526, 4627, 6028, 5829, 2330, 1731, 2732, 11333,
    10734, 5035, 8136, 2037, 8738, 2639, 9040, 9241, 11942, 6543, 3344, 12445, 746, 447, 10948, 4549,
    2150, 12351, 9352, 5353, 5454, 9655, 11756, 9557, 12658, 1059, 12560, 3761, 12962, 10463, 5164,
131 7465, 3466, 2467, 168, 12769, 11170, 9871, 3272, 873, 9174, 6475, 6976, 12877, 578, 4479, 11680,
    681, 9482, 3083, 4184, 13185, 7886, 1187, 11588, 6389, 10090, 10891, 10192, 8493, 294, 7795,
    8696, 8297, 1298, 8399, 97100, 43101, 85102, 121103, 66104, 36105, 57106, 67107, 89108, 76109,
    105110, 38111, 3112, 40113, 80114, 22115, 31116, 59117, 130118, 39119, 47120, 79121, 99122,
    48123, 28124, 61125, 71126, 118127, 73128, 112129, 110130, 72131,

    441, 522, 733, 124, 145, 816, 837, 698, 479, 7210, 8811, 512, 11213, 9314, 11715, 7416, 7717,
    1718, 4119, 5720, 2821, 9222, 6823, 224, 9925, 8426, 11827, 11028, 5029, 11630, 1331, 1632,
    13033, 4634, 2235, 3536, 1837, 10038, 1939, 12140, 10941, 11442, 12643, 344, 1045, 6746, 12547,
    12448, 10549, 13150, 5651, 11152, 11353, 3054, 2355, 4556, 10257, 5158, 8259, 6060, 6361, 4862,
132 2063, 9664, 2465, 9566, 5567, 6568, 2569, 12070, 771, 11572, 1173, 3674, 12875, 176, 477, 8778,
    11979, 10680, 4281, 7882, 3883, 5484, 3185, 7586, 12987, 3388, 9889, 6690, 10791, 9792, 8093,
    7194, 10395, 2196, 10897, 3498, 7099, 132100, 40101, 76102, 91103, 86104, 123105, 8106, 32107,
    61108, 49109, 15110, 79111, 85112, 62113, 64114, 39115, 127116, 94117, 53118, 90119, 58120,
    122121, 43122, 29123, 6124, 59125, 27126, 89127, 26128, 9129, 104130, 101131, 37132,

    201, 52, 173, 984, 1015, 906, 967, 778, 389, 9110, 12911, 10812, 2313, 9714, 6815, 2116, 317,
    8418, 4719, 2920, 6021, 6322, 10223, 1824, 10025, 5826, 5227, 6428, 1629, 12330, 9231, 7832,
    4033, 11634, 5135, 6136, 3237, 438, 4139, 8040, 13141, 1142, 11743, 4944, 8745, 7146, 3047, 8248,
    12149, 12450, 3351, 4852, 7553, 654, 12655, 1356, 3657, 6558, 11259, 10960, 6261, 5562, 6763,
133 8164, 1065, 6966, 13367, 8368, 4369, 8970, 271, 7372, 11573, 2574, 2875, 5676, 11977, 11378,
    5079, 13280, 981, 6682, 9383, 3784, 12885, 10686, 7687, 9588, 4589, 8590, 2691, 1592, 12293,
    9994, 7095, 5396, 10497, 3598, 199, 79100, 127101, 22102, 125103, 72104, 27105, 42106, 111107,
    57108, 31109, 110110, 24111, 120112, 105113, 94114, 103115, 54116, 7117, 14118, 39119, 19120,
    46121, 44122, 130123, 12124, 118125, 34126, 74127, 59128, 88129, 107130, 114131, 8132, 86133,

    1011, 592, 93, 524, 555, 186, 1287, 248, 299, 2210, 10911, 3812, 12913, 8114, 6915, 6616, 10717,
    10818, 11719, 7420, 9921, 122, 9423, 10524, 12325, 7926, 7327, 4228, 5029, 6030, 4431, 2732,
    6233, 3134, 6135, 10236, 1037, 13438, 4739, 9740, 9541, 11942, 8343, 11344, 7145, 8246, 3447,
    1648, 9349, 12650, 3351, 4952, 11553, 8654, 9855, 12556, 7557, 3058, 2659, 760, 661, 7662, 7063,
134 5364, 6365, 6566, 4867, 11668, 1369, 11070, 11871, 8872, 273, 1174, 13375, 3976, 10677, 4178,
    5879, 5480, 5781, 8582, 1583, 12484, 11485, 886, 13287, 11188, 389, 3590, 5691, 492, 8093, 4594,
    595, 1296, 1497, 9198, 4099, 104100, 67101, 131102, 90103, 20104, 130105, 19106, 68107, 64108,
    37109, 17110, 28111, 127112, 92113, 121114, 122115, 77116, 36117, 46118, 25119, 32120, 78121,
    43122, 100123, 23124, 51125, 89126, 84127, 103128, 120129, 96130, 87131, 21132, 112133, 72134,

135 91, 152, 1043, 374, 1275, 766, 47, 1258, 919, 4010, 12911, 7112, 6613, 9314, 9415, 816, 4617,
    1318, 11719, 7220, 13021, 13322, 523, 8524, 5825, 5126, 8627, 5328, 12829, 11630, 2331, 5532,
    5933, 234, 6235, 7836, 11437, 2538, 139, 7740, 12441, 3642, 743, 13444, 11245, 4946, 5747, 11848,
    9749, 5450, 3951, 7352, 2153, 10954, 12055, 1756, 1257, 3058, 9659, 1660, 2061, 6362, 7063, 8464,
    11165, 11366, 6167, 11068, 9569, 4870, 8271, 5272, 3573, 8074, 2275, 10176, 4277, 13178, 12379,
    11580, 10081, 10582, 4783, 4384, 3185, 1886, 1487, 7488, 1189, 1090, 6991, 3292, 11993, 3894,
    10895, 13596, 8997, 3498, 5699, 132100, 98101, 50102, 60103, 19104, 83105, 28106, 87107, 6108,
    107109, 122110, 99111, 88112, 79113, 45114, 81115, 75116, 26117, 67118, 64119, 92120, 102121,

121122, 3123, 68124, 106125, 65126, 24127, 33128, 103129, 29130, 27131, 90132, 126133, 44134,

    1021, 862, 973, 904, 935, 196, 237, 1328, 639, 3510, 1211, 3412, 11713, 7714, 7815, 116, 1017,
    7618, 12619, 12220, 6021, 6222, 8823, 12824, 4425, 11626, 2827, 9528, 6629, 6730, 8931, 7132,
    10333, 10634, 5435, 11036, 3837, 8338, 11139, 8740, 3241, 9642, 443, 6544, 4745, 3746, 10447,
    13648, 12149, 3650, 4651, 1452, 953, 854, 1755, 356, 2957, 5358, 2259, 13160, 9261, 10062, 11363,
    8064, 2065, 7566, 4067, 4968, 2769, 6970, 5571, 272, 4873, 11474, 2175, 7976, 5277, 6878, 3079,
    10180, 3381, 4382, 4183, 5984, 7085, 9986, 13587, 11988, 1689, 13390, 691, 1892, 5893, 5094,
    11895, 12396, 3197, 10798, 4299, 73100, 24101, 11102, 25103, 84104, 105105, 74106, 61107, 64108,
    7109, 45110, 94111, 81112, 91113, 125114, 26115, 5116, 134117, 98118, 130119, 82120, 127121,
    51122, 72123, 120124, 129125, 115126, 109127, 112128, 124129, 85130, 13131, 108132, 39133,
    15134, 57135, 56136,

    861, 1122, 493, 374, 1255, 356, 227, 278, 49, 7510, 4511, 10512, 10213, 6514, 10915, 5816,
    11617, 318, 2319, 5620, 5421, 522, 4423, 1224, 7325, 5926, 10727, 6628, 12829, 6830, 6331, 11132,
    5033, 7634, 2935, 10136, 13337, 11338, 12039, 7740, 13641, 9742, 2543, 6444, 12445, 9146, 2147,
    9448, 4149, 8750, 12951, 5552, 13553, 4854, 5355, 13756, 4057, 2058, 11559, 11060, 11761, 4662,
    12363, 12164, 9565, 11866, 4767, 8968, 8069, 1970, 9671, 9372, 13273, 6974, 13075, 1076, 9077,
    12678, 3179, 1380, 3081, 782, 6283, 13184, 7085, 3986, 987, 10488, 8489, 5190, 10891, 2892, 6193,
    12794, 9895, 9996, 3697, 6798, 9299, 17100, 24101, 11102, 74103, 8104, 32105, 34106, 72107,
    26108, 78109, 16110, 2111, 60112, 119113, 106114, 88115, 57116, 38117, 71118, 83119, 1120, 82121,
    103122, 15123, 100124, 122125, 14126, 134127, 33128, 43129, 79130, 114131, 18132, 42133, 81134,
    52135, 85136, 6137,

   21, 1302, 943, 934, 825, 1206, 787, 778, 689, 4410, 3511, 6512, 10413, 13714, 10715, 2316,
   10217, 7118, 3719, 3820, 6921, 11122, 3223, 4024, 10025, 3026, 2627, 6328, 4729, 12230, 2231,
   832, 10833, 8034, 12935, 13836, 9737, 13338, 12139, 8940, 12441, 6242, 5743, 11744, 12345,
   8746, 747, 9848, 10349, 3650, 7551, 4552, 5853, 13254, 1855, 6456, 6657, 8158, 1659, 9260, 7361,
   5462, 12763, 5664, 10565, 12866, 4267, 11968, 1569, 4370, 6171, 11572, 2573, 1274, 4675, 10176,
138 77
   74 , 3978, 9179, 2980, 5981, 8582, 2483, 11284, 685, 8386, 1387, 11088, 4989, 11690, 7291, 8892,
   593, 5594, 11395, 13196, 7097, 2798, 3499, 17100, 135101, 51102, 21103, 114104, 79105, 60106,
   50107, 84108, 99109, 52110, 31111, 90112, 33113, 14114, 67115, 1116, 19117, 9118, 96119, 48120,
   95121, 20122, 53123, 109124, 126125, 86126, 10127, 11128, 134129, 125130, 76131, 41132, 3133,
   106134, 136135, 4136, 118137, 28138,

   1291, 832, 443, 804, 965, 1096, 97, 418, 159, 8410, 5511, 6212, 10113, 6614, 115, 11116, 2917,
   418, 9919, 3620, 6921, 5622, 1323, 9124, 7625, 6526, 9427, 13128, 8729, 7830, 5331, 3932, 6833,
   2834, 2435, 1436, 7037, 3238, 8639, 6040, 5941, 2642, 6443, 12844, 12545, 746, 7347, 2248, 10349,
   4750, 7251, 852, 9053, 13954, 2355, 356, 4557, 13458, 10759, 10660, 1161, 13862, 11463, 8264,
   12465, 666, 1867, 8968, 10269, 1670, 3371, 12372, 8173, 13074, 5475, 13376, 4677, 1778, 11579,
139 80
   20 , 9781, 9582, 7783, 13784, 8885, 11286, 3787, 13688, 12189, 5190, 1291, 12692, 13293, 2194,
   7195, 10496, 5897, 598, 12099, 30100, 25101, 48102, 49103, 19104, 52105, 119106, 79107, 43108,
   85109, 27110, 122111, 75112, 2113, 63114, 31115, 100116, 61117, 34118, 118119, 57120, 116121,
   108122, 98123, 92124, 67125, 105126, 74127, 135128, 110129, 42130, 93131, 40132, 113133, 35134,
   10135, 117136, 127137, 50138, 38139,

140 1261, 102, 1233, 234, 1025, 796, 817, 1308, 599, 3710, 1511, 912, 13413, 6714, 11615, 6116,
    9917, 5718, 11819, 9120, 12021, 4222, 7523, 4024, 8825, 7026, 7727, 6228, 8629, 6030, 5531,
    13632, 4733, 4834, 3935, 11436, 1837, 3538, 13139, 8240, 5141, 2442, 1243, 10744, 12745, 7846,
    4547, 13948, 6649, 7450, 6551, 2252, 12453, 1654, 13355, 8356, 1457, 6358, 9359, 11360, 761,
    12862, 10963, 1164, 5665, 10166, 5267, 12268, 4169, 7170, 271, 9472, 3373, 674, 3075, 2776, 9877,
    2978, 10379, 10880, 14081, 9282, 13883, 9784, 5885, 486, 6987, 2088, 2689, 4990, 8791, 592,
    10493, 8994, 1995, 12996, 3897, 4498, 7699, 28100, 1101, 72102, 111103, 80104, 3105, 119106,
    106107, 36108, 105109, 96110, 8111, 73112, 50113, 85114, 53115, 13116, 100117, 17118, 68119,

121120, 54121, 46122, 32123, 125124, 21125, 34126, 112127, 64128, 90129, 117130, 135131,
    132132, 84133, 43134, 110135, 31136, 25137, 115138, 95139, 137140,

    651, 1192, 523, 364, 915, 626, 647, 1158, 339, 13410, 7711, 5012, 11213, 10214, 9615, 1616,
    13817, 14018, 219, 1820, 2721, 11622, 12223, 4624, 925, 3826, 4427, 11728, 12029, 1930, 3431,
    5532, 13233, 6134, 7035, 5436, 5137, 3738, 3139, 9440, 1741, 8842, 2643, 2544, 3545, 12746, 347,
    1048, 1549, 6950, 11151, 9252, 4853, 654, 8355, 12556, 13357, 2958, 12459, 13060, 10861, 4962,
    1463, 2164, 5765, 13766, 6367, 7268, 469, 770, 2271, 12872, 2473, 4774, 4075, 7576, 877, 9078,
    11879, 10080, 7381, 6782, 13683, 8484, 8785, 12686, 10187, 7488, 14189, 8590, 4291, 4192, 593,
    10994, 12395, 7696, 6097, 6698, 8299, 99100, 95101, 56102, 135103, 20104, 110105, 103106,
    78107, 30108, 58109, 121110, 106111, 39112, 80113, 53114, 131115, 97116, 98117, 139118, 13119,
    71120, 105121, 12122, 28123, 113124, 11125, 43126, 86127, 32128, 129129, 89130, 114131, 81132,
    1133, 23134, 79135, 59136, 93137, 107138, 104139, 68140, 45141,

   761, 1112, 1063, 954, 85, 816, 437, 588, 929, 12610, 4611, 10512, 3813, 6014, 7815, 7116, 2617,
   14118, 2119, 11620, 3721, 1822, 6523, 5224, 12925, 13826, 4527, 1628, 6829, 3930, 7231, 9932,
   533, 5434, 3435, 11836, 1037, 13238, 5539, 3540, 6441, 2442, 10843, 4944, 13545, 9446, 1747,
   7948, 6149, 7350, 1551, 7752, 5653, 10954, 2355, 6956, 11457, 12858, 5959, 2960, 8561, 10362,
   7063, 8864, 465, 5766, 13967, 4468, 169, 2770, 8771, 7472, 1373, 8974, 4075, 3376, 4177, 9778,
142 79
   98 , 1180, 13181, 6282, 683, 12084, 4285, 2286, 5387, 12488, 789, 9090, 12791, 2092, 6393, 2894,
   10795, 9396, 8497, 14098, 999, 137100, 66101, 51102, 100103, 122104, 123105, 134106, 19107,
   80108, 83109, 125110, 2111, 36112, 112113, 50114, 86115, 47116, 12117, 25118, 96119, 102120,
   142121, 67122, 110123, 113124, 119125, 115126, 32127, 117128, 133129, 14130, 31131, 130132,
   82133, 91134, 121135, 30136, 48137, 104138, 136139, 101140, 75141, 3142,

   641, 912, 813, 364, 835, 486, 1247, 858, 619, 5610, 1811, 12112, 8913, 914, 1915, 4216, 4617,
   9318, 12719, 2520, 7621, 12622, 14223, 724, 12325, 2126, 9027, 3028, 9829, 3430, 11831, 832, 533,
   11134, 4535, 9936, 6537, 13638, 6839, 6740, 4041, 5242, 5543, 1344, 5345, 10646, 3847, 4748,
   12849, 2850, 151, 4952, 7553, 8254, 9255, 12556, 8057, 1558, 5859, 460, 3361, 6062, 7463, 364,
   10065, 2966, 11367, 10868, 13269, 14370, 7771, 4472, 6273, 2074, 9575, 2276, 7277, 7978, 7079,
143 80
   84 , 7881, 11782, 5783, 6984, 2385, 1486, 4387, 6388, 1289, 14090, 12991, 1192, 13993, 8694,
   3995, 5996, 297, 5198, 12099, 16100, 35101, 41102, 130103, 17104, 134105, 96106, 10107, 73108,
   122109, 105110, 37111, 112112, 102113, 109114, 107115, 88116, 31117, 27118, 138119, 110120,
   137121, 119122, 66123, 115124, 50125, 54126, 94127, 32128, 71129, 103130, 6131, 133132, 104133,
   24134, 131135, 87136, 101137, 116138, 114139, 26140, 97141, 141142, 135143,

    921, 752, 273, 1214, 1355, 1266, 1057, 1408, 39, 5510, 12211, 7912, 5413, 8314, 8615, 7116,
    8517, 7318, 6219, 6920, 8821, 14222, 1223, 11224, 7625, 2126, 8727, 1328, 2229, 630, 3431, 1832,
    5133, 3334, 13335, 9736, 4937, 9938, 539, 1740, 4641, 3942, 11543, 3244, 3845, 10746, 13747,
    3548, 5049, 12950, 4551, 11352, 13853, 13054, 8155, 8456, 9057, 13158, 2459, 12860, 4261, 3662,
    5763, 13964, 12365, 12466, 11867, 11468, 7269, 13470, 12571, 12772, 10673, 11774, 14375,
    10376, 10477, 4478, 7079, 6580, 6781, 10982, 7483, 6084, 10185, 9386, 4187, 4888, 289, 11690,
    2891, 2092, 5993, 14494, 995, 3796, 9597, 498, 1499, 111100, 26101, 11102, 110103, 23104, 52105,
    15106, 68107, 132108, 58109, 89110, 102111, 63112, 8113, 1114, 7115, 136116, 47117, 30118, 91119,
    94120, 98121, 10122, 40123, 96124, 64125, 100126, 16127, 25128, 78129, 29130, 61131, 141132,
    43133, 66134, 77135, 120136, 108137, 82138, 56139, 53140, 80141, 31142, 19143, 119144,

145 751, 1432, 123, 714, 1235, 466, 417, 1308, 1079, 13410, 8811, 5712, 6113, 2514, 4715, 5016,
    9317, 7318, 11819, 14220, 6021, 1122, 9223, 11024, 10325, 5426, 12027, 228, 1329, 8130, 11631,
    10132, 10933, 2134, 12435, 9736, 2937, 11738, 11239, 740, 6641, 14142, 443, 3344, 945, 6946,
    6547, 12648, 349, 7450, 6851, 2252, 12553, 13954, 5555, 11556, 7857, 10058, 4259, 11160, 861,
    13162, 3163, 3264, 5965, 10566, 6467, 8368, 8769, 14570, 3571, 4472, 3873, 11474, 1975, 9476,
    2477, 5278, 10279, 1780, 8581, 6282, 1483, 12284, 7985, 13286, 4587, 588, 9889, 9690, 4891, 7792,
    1593, 13894, 12995, 9096, 13397, 11998, 1899, 39100, 106101, 70102, 104103, 135104, 76105,
    10106, 140107, 86108, 40109, 58110, 51111, 108112, 26113, 34114, 67115, 137116, 127117, 144118,

16119, 36120, 56121, 89122, 63123, 95124, 80125, 84126, 20127, 136128, 91129, 72130, 6131,
    113132, 28133, 49134, 43135, 23136, 27137, 121138, 1139, 99140, 53141, 82142, 37143, 128144,

    431, 722, 793, 1104, 1315, 1186, 777, 948, 349, 1110, 12011, 2012, 3213, 214, 8715, 8916, 5317,
    12718, 3319, 13220, 12521, 7022, 4423, 4224, 2525, 13326, 8627, 12228, 10129, 8230, 14531,
    8332, 13533, 9734, 8035, 7636, 11637, 13038, 13739, 4640, 1741, 5742, 5943, 1044, 7545, 1446,
    3947, 2348, 4149, 3550, 12951, 852, 9953, 9554, 5655, 3156, 2257, 12858, 7359, 7160, 10761,
    11962, 1263, 6864, 5265, 6566, 14467, 8468, 4569, 10070, 11271, 6072, 10673, 9074, 3075, 3676,
146 5577, 9278, 7879, 5480, 14081, 10382, 14683, 2784, 4085, 4886, 2987, 788, 2689, 11190, 9891,
    13492, 6193, 8594, 3895, 8896, 1397, 2498, 2199, 126100, 4101, 124102, 64103, 58104, 67105,
    18106, 66107, 143108, 9109, 49110, 15111, 141112, 109113, 81114, 62115, 121116, 47117, 138118,
    6119, 51120, 102121, 91122, 117123, 63124, 28125, 114126, 105127, 5128, 69129, 142130, 136131,
    3132, 50133, 104134, 16135, 93136, 113137, 96138, 19139, 1140, 37141, 123142, 74143, 139144,
    115145, 108146,

    1311, 472, 693, 854, 285, 1116, 1297, 1038, 649, 8610, 4211, 11512, 8013, 2614, 12515, 9916,
    117, 1718, 2519, 13220, 6021, 13722, 223, 14124, 11725, 3926, 1227, 12028, 12629, 3030, 9431,
    5532, 9733, 3334, 4935, 7036, 337, 6238, 5439, 6640, 5841, 8442, 3543, 12444, 6845, 9646, 1447,
    6148, 11249, 1650, 10651, 4352, 10953, 6354, 1855, 10256, 12157, 658, 7159, 7960, 13661, 9262,
    8863, 4664, 9165, 9366, 9867, 3468, 5969, 13870, 10471, 11072, 13373, 13574, 14075, 14776,
147 7277, 4178, 13479, 3680, 14381, 1982, 12383, 3184, 2385, 5186, 11887, 788, 7389, 8990, 8391,
    11692, 12293, 1394, 3295, 5096, 2797, 2198, 899, 29100, 144101, 44102, 45103, 67104, 57105,
    82106, 37107, 114108, 76109, 11110, 24111, 52112, 77113, 15114, 10115, 101116, 113117, 5118,
    119119, 139120, 20121, 146122, 4123, 142124, 40125, 128126, 105127, 81128, 87129, 75130, 38131,
    48132, 56133, 107134, 127135, 9136, 100137, 95138, 108139, 90140, 145141, 74142, 53143, 65144,
    78145, 130146, 22147,

    571, 352, 1403, 214, 935, 1056, 497, 508, 249, 410, 4311, 11112, 13313, 1314, 5915, 12716, 7517,
    6918, 3319, 2820, 5521, 8622, 11323, 3724, 4625, 10626, 3427, 13228, 5329, 12830, 14431, 532,
    5833, 1634, 2235, 7836, 1037, 13638, 11539, 5140, 2641, 8842, 14143, 1944, 11045, 1146, 8247,
    14548, 12549, 8950, 1751, 4252, 11653, 13154, 2955, 13556, 9057, 13758, 3659, 7660, 4761, 6262,
    10063, 6064, 7765, 7366, 7967, 10368, 7269, 3870, 8771, 5672, 9273, 10174, 1475, 4476, 12277,
148 11978, 4179, 9880, 14681, 10882, 8083, 6684, 13085, 4086, 12187, 6388, 14389, 990, 12691, 2592,
    3193, 394, 12095, 9196, 11797, 4598, 13499, 32100, 124101, 104102, 85103, 30104, 107105, 1106,
    112107, 18108, 20109, 48110, 83111, 2112, 102113, 68114, 96115, 97116, 123117, 147118, 74119,
    84120, 67121, 99122, 8123, 114124, 65125, 27126, 39127, 70128, 64129, 94130, 71131, 95132,
    138133, 81134, 109135, 61136, 118137, 142138, 23139, 6140, 7141, 52142, 15143, 129144, 148145,
    139146, 12147, 54148,

    1051, 872, 1143, 784, 345, 586, 1067, 78, 759, 4810, 3111, 6612, 12313, 13114, 9615, 7116,
    13817, 3618, 3919, 10720, 12421, 622, 13923, 5524, 6325, 7226, 11727, 9028, 4229, 1930, 14531,
    8332, 2233, 434, 535, 7336, 14437, 12638, 5939, 7740, 241, 13542, 5743, 8444, 8545, 2946, 4647,
    11848, 11649, 4950, 10151, 14052, 14153, 9954, 2055, 14256, 12557, 6558, 3559, 4560, 12861,
    7662, 12163, 13064, 11165, 12966, 11267, 14768, 5469, 2570, 14971, 1872, 2773, 6874, 8875,
149 10276, 2477, 7978, 8079, 11980, 2381, 6982, 4783, 5284, 14385, 12286, 5187, 2888, 14889, 13290,
    7091, 3092, 7493, 894, 10395, 9496, 197, 14698, 6299, 113100, 21101, 53102, 9103, 61104, 38105,
    82106, 95107, 17108, 89109, 33110, 14111, 44112, 13113, 86114, 11115, 110116, 10117, 56118,
    91119, 12120, 92121, 97122, 50123, 136124, 93125, 43126, 60127, 109128, 115129, 32130, 26131,
    133132, 81133, 120134, 127135, 134136, 40137, 3138, 15139, 104140, 108141, 41142, 67143, 98144,
    100145, 16146, 137147, 64148, 37149,

150 751, 1142, 923, 554, 1015, 146, 567, 528, 299, 11010, 8911, 7212, 10213, 2614, 4415, 13716,
    9117, 4118, 9819, 9720, 6721, 522, 4523, 14424, 2725, 4926, 3527, 13028, 229, 14930, 8231, 11632,
    6233, 14834, 14235, 3836, 5337, 4638, 9339, 13540, 12741, 7842, 10743, 11844, 13845, 2846,

4047, 11748, 449, 8350, 5951, 3152, 10953, 12554, 5455, 6556, 6357, 11958, 9059, 6160, 3261,
    1162, 10063, 14664, 11265, 6466, 14767, 8768, 7769, 2370, 10871, 12372, 14373, 12874, 7175,
    776, 14077, 13178, 13979, 3080, 13381, 8882, 9483, 1784, 7985, 8486, 2587, 2488, 7489, 11390,
    991, 7392, 2093, 13694, 4795, 10396, 10497, 3798, 12299, 42100, 58101, 51102, 76103, 95104,
    69105, 145106, 129107, 96108, 22109, 36110, 13111, 12112, 1113, 8114, 85115, 111116, 50117,
    19118, 16119, 15120, 80121, 60122, 106123, 99124, 39125, 81126, 126127, 66128, 10129, 86130,
    18131, 43132, 134133, 33134, 3135, 141136, 124137, 48138, 121139, 70140, 115141, 150142, 6143,
    34144, 120145, 68146, 105147, 21148, 132149, 57150,

    1381, 632, 353, 784, 705, 556, 337, 1218, 539, 4710, 1811, 912, 1113, 12514, 7315, 15116, 12917,
    6418, 13119, 4320, 4121, 5922, 1223, 11124, 8425, 13726, 427, 10528, 2729, 6230, 12231, 13332,
    4233, 11634, 8335, 7936, 10437, 9638, 1939, 7640, 3441, 5642, 7443, 2544, 845, 7146, 2047, 3848,
    10849, 2650, 8551, 12052, 13653, 8954, 14155, 1456, 4057, 14458, 359, 8260, 2361, 4662, 10363,
    4964, 11965, 566, 10667, 1768, 6769, 3170, 7771, 4472, 5073, 2974, 1375, 11276, 11077, 9778,
151 8779, 12780, 5881, 3282, 8683, 184, 9485, 14586, 12887, 688, 9989, 7590, 1591, 6192, 10093,
    14794, 9595, 9896, 6897, 3698, 11499, 132100, 88101, 115102, 69103, 39104, 140105, 146106,
    149107, 28108, 130109, 24110, 91111, 2112, 57113, 7114, 139115, 109116, 45117, 80118, 22119,
    21120, 48121, 123122, 113123, 90124, 150125, 92126, 135127, 51128, 54129, 117130, 101131,
    60132, 52133, 102134, 66135, 93136, 143137, 134138, 126139, 10140, 16141, 118142, 148143,
    72144, 65145, 30146, 81147, 37148, 142149, 124150, 107151,

    171, 222, 1473, 834, 1145, 56, 977, 908, 239, 12710, 6911, 6312, 5413, 12814, 15215, 7116, 3717,
    9618, 10919, 1120, 15121, 13822, 1423, 2724, 125, 4526, 11627, 12128, 229, 1930, 10531, 1832,
    2533, 2834, 7035, 9936, 1337, 4038, 9839, 13240, 4741, 11742, 14443, 644, 14145, 4446, 1247,
    6248, 12949, 10050, 12251, 15052, 10453, 13954, 11155, 1056, 6557, 5258, 10659, 3160, 13461,
    9162, 8663, 4364, 5765, 6166, 3467, 2668, 10769, 10270, 6671, 11972, 13673, 3974, 4875, 7476,
152 3277, 978, 5179, 3080, 7381, 7782, 10883, 9384, 14085, 886, 3887, 1588, 14889, 5890, 2491, 12092,
    8993, 14694, 2995, 4696, 5097, 8498, 3399, 64100, 85101, 149102, 130103, 59104, 112105, 103106,
    131107, 21108, 94109, 41110, 4111, 110112, 7113, 42114, 53115, 16116, 101117, 123118, 92119,
    145120, 143121, 72122, 142123, 126124, 125125, 3126, 76127, 49128, 82129, 113130, 60131,
    133132, 137133, 88134, 35135, 67136, 95137, 55138, 80139, 135140, 56141, 124142, 68143, 87144,
    81145, 115146, 75147, 78148, 36149, 79150, 118151, 20152,

    951, 1142, 383, 834, 1365, 1496, 607, 1308, 1039, 8910, 8411, 4812, 8613, 5714, 4315, 7816,
    14117, 8018, 9019, 9120, 2921, 1622, 12423, 2124, 8525, 2226, 6827, 11828, 14529, 5630, 12531,
    8232, 12133, 10134, 14835, 6136, 13337, 13938, 739, 2440, 5541, 7942, 943, 644, 9945, 146, 2547,
    9448, 2349, 15250, 12251, 10552, 4253, 14054, 2055, 13556, 9757, 3958, 3159, 4160, 12061,
    11162, 363, 1164, 7265, 6266, 1567, 10268, 15169, 13170, 3671, 11572, 10973, 7674, 3575, 6476,
153 4477, 3078, 9279, 11080, 8881, 10082, 4083, 7484, 10485, 13786, 15087, 5288, 2689, 2890, 9391,
    3292, 1493, 9894, 7195, 7396, 9697, 5998, 12899, 142100, 49101, 27102, 129103, 153104, 18105,
    47106, 37107, 77108, 70109, 147110, 146111, 65112, 12113, 143114, 34115, 4116, 45117, 75118,
    19119, 108120, 116121, 123122, 134123, 67124, 87125, 33126, 113127, 81128, 107129, 69130,
    54131, 8132, 138133, 13134, 117135, 144136, 63137, 46138, 132139, 17140, 51141, 112142, 126143,
    58144, 53145, 66146, 5147, 2148, 10149, 127150, 119151, 106152, 50153,

154 41, 672, 703, 274, 1465, 946, 27, 698, 99, 4310, 6611, 12212, 813, 13714, 8315, 7216, 14017, 4718,
    10019, 1820, 7421, 3422, 11823, 5224, 8925, 326, 2527, 5928, 6529, 13030, 5631, 14332, 4033,
    11934, 4635, 12436, 11237, 3838, 4439, 8240, 13941, 15342, 9343, 3344, 10445, 13346, 4947,
    14248, 13449, 1150, 11151, 1352, 10753, 6354, 11655, 12356, 5357, 2858, 3059, 3160, 9861, 7962,
    14563, 14864, 4565, 15466, 14767, 668, 9669, 1470, 7771, 10672, 9973, 3774, 11075, 6476, 13877,
    578, 6879, 9080, 3281, 10582, 15183, 12884, 15085, 11386, 13687, 5488, 8089, 12090, 15291,
    8192, 10293, 5094, 14995, 3996, 3597, 10398, 5599, 75100, 73101, 121102, 23103, 87104, 131105,
    58106, 141107, 78108, 108109, 1110, 16111, 88112, 29113, 125114, 129115, 10116, 114117, 48118,
    71119, 76120, 42121, 101122, 126123, 97124, 26125, 62126, 51127, 15128, 21129, 36130, 127131,
    17132, 135133, 92134, 91135, 19136, 24137, 60138, 57139, 85140, 84141, 109142, 117143, 115144,

132145, 20146, 95147, 12148, 144149, 7150, 86151, 22152, 41153, 61154,

    401, 1452, 923, 544, 195, 256, 537, 738, 1479, 4210, 3011, 11612, 7913, 414, 815, 14116, 14217,
    8718, 519, 8520, 1021, 6922, 6523, 4924, 12525, 9626, 14427, 6328, 13229, 11130, 11431, 11832,
    12033, 2734, 15535, 9836, 14937, 4738, 1539, 10240, 2641, 1742, 13443, 744, 8345, 7646, 10847,
    13048, 9749, 10650, 951, 3952, 8253, 1654, 6855, 6156, 257, 14358, 659, 10960, 5061, 3762, 363,
    7564, 3365, 4566, 3867, 1368, 5669, 1270, 13971, 11972, 14673, 9974, 4675, 15276, 10477, 11278,
155 8479, 3180, 2381, 15082, 11383, 6284, 9485, 15186, 13587, 6488, 7089, 11790, 6091, 13892, 7193,
    3294, 12495, 3496, 11597, 15498, 12399, 20100, 52101, 51102, 128103, 107104, 148105, 29106,
    153107, 101108, 131109, 127110, 22111, 77112, 18113, 74114, 67115, 57116, 59117, 122118, 72119,
    86120, 28121, 1122, 36123, 126124, 24125, 81126, 78127, 58128, 121129, 140130, 35131, 14132,
    103133, 41134, 89135, 93136, 136137, 137138, 90139, 43140, 80141, 91142, 21143, 66144, 129145,
    105146, 48147, 95148, 11149, 55150, 100151, 133152, 44153, 110154, 88155,

    891, 652, 1103, 734, 1445, 1156, 1377, 1558, 419, 12410, 3211, 6112, 11913, 8414, 4315, 13416,
    917, 9618, 14819, 11620, 1121, 5922, 1823, 13524, 10825, 5526, 4427, 13828, 10129, 7930, 6631,
    1232, 14933, 834, 14035, 13236, 3537, 10738, 5839, 12540, 10641, 3042, 13343, 12144, 6445,
    12646, 14147, 7648, 5749, 7050, 13651, 3752, 9253, 8054, 2555, 3956, 14557, 8858, 9159, 3360,
    2161, 4562, 2063, 6064, 10465, 2766, 6267, 10968, 3469, 12370, 8271, 172, 10573, 11874, 12775,
156 1376, 13177, 8178, 7779, 12980, 9881, 4682, 14783, 4884, 14385, 4786, 5387, 588, 5689, 1690,
    10091, 6992, 5093, 4094, 11295, 15296, 9097, 7498, 12899, 31100, 103101, 23102, 28103, 26104,
    72105, 67106, 24107, 83108, 150109, 38110, 78111, 71112, 7113, 36114, 156115, 114116, 139117,
    142118, 4119, 6120, 15121, 22122, 2123, 63124, 151125, 85126, 117127, 102128, 122129, 113130,
    154131, 93132, 68133, 14134, 51135, 52136, 95137, 3138, 99139, 49140, 17141, 130142, 97143,
    42144, 86145, 10146, 87147, 29148, 111149, 75150, 54151, 153152, 94153, 120154, 146155, 19156,

    1491, 462, 1053, 444, 315, 366, 347, 758, 519, 4210, 6311, 3512, 4713, 5914, 11415, 5416, 14617,
    12018, 7019, 8520, 10721, 1622, 2223, 7124, 9325, 15626, 3927, 11728, 15029, 14130, 12331,
    2932, 12633, 1834, 12535, 7336, 13437, 9838, 6739, 9040, 1941, 10842, 8143, 8444, 6445, 15246,
    1347, 13848, 3849, 1550, 351, 14352, 7453, 3254, 555, 656, 12157, 9958, 14759, 6060, 6161, 15162,
    10363, 15364, 9665, 7966, 6867, 13068, 2669, 2070, 15571, 4372, 14873, 2374, 12475, 2776, 7277,
157 4178, 15479, 12880, 1081, 14482, 4883, 13684, 9785, 6986, 11887, 12988, 13989, 6690, 10991,
    4092, 11593, 2494, 7695, 13396, 14097, 5098, 6599, 89100, 37101, 157102, 91103, 145104, 55105,
    106106, 57107, 110108, 101109, 82110, 142111, 88112, 100113, 77114, 86115, 135116, 127117,
    83118, 11119, 113120, 25121, 87122, 45123, 9124, 4125, 7126, 28127, 78128, 17129, 104130, 116131,
    119132, 111133, 122134, 112135, 33136, 132137, 30138, 49139, 131140, 56141, 21142, 8143, 95144,
    1145, 53146, 92147, 52148, 58149, 80150, 137151, 94152, 2153, 14154, 62155, 12156, 102157,

   831, 1502, 393, 924, 805, 826, 1367, 1188, 49, 1410, 11511, 5012, 13713, 11614, 13315, 4816,
   1917, 10818, 5919, 12220, 11921, 4422, 13123, 10424, 2925, 13926, 1327, 11128, 4029, 11330,
   7031, 5532, 11733, 3234, 235, 14236, 3737, 14638, 5439, 12840, 9941, 9342, 12343, 15544, 8445,
   3846, 8947, 5148, 12049, 6750, 1051, 10152, 9053, 15854, 555, 15456, 7557, 14958, 14559, 7660,
   9661, 6562, 4163, 7164, 4765, 6266, 5367, 9468, 11469, 2070, 7971, 972, 10673, 6674, 3175, 3076,
   4277, 15178, 6879, 10280, 15781, 13882, 10783, 8684, 5885, 13486, 14187, 13088, 6489, 14090,
158 91
   57 , 10992, 8793, 2394, 2195, 3396, 6097, 11098, 6999, 77100, 8101, 129102, 16103, 12104,
   61105, 49106, 125107, 35108, 63109, 56110, 72111, 103112, 132113, 28114, 24115, 143116, 6117,
   11118, 25119, 91120, 124121, 156122, 15123, 88124, 144125, 105126, 100127, 98128, 26129, 73130,
   52131, 34132, 135133, 152134, 36135, 3136, 153137, 46138, 126139, 148140, 17141, 7142, 43143,
   78144, 121145, 147146, 95147, 97148, 18149, 85150, 74151, 127152, 45153, 22154, 27155, 1156,
   112157, 81158,

159 411, 1332, 1343, 444, 65, 1396, 1477, 538, 999, 11410, 5911, 2712, 313, 814, 7015, 2516, 10117,
    4018, 1119, 6720, 12021, 9422, 8423, 15124, 14625, 3526, 11327, 15928, 13029, 8330, 431, 232,
    10233, 6334, 8935, 2936, 13537, 11538, 13839, 15240, 8541, 6142, 15643, 5044, 12345, 9246,
    4647, 12148, 749, 15850, 5551, 4752, 6253, 2154, 11755, 7656, 557, 7358, 12959, 3660, 8861, 7962,

7263, 8764, 10365, 15466, 5667, 12868, 5769, 10070, 12571, 3772, 1073, 5174, 4575, 4376, 15577,
    7478, 9679, 2680, 10481, 6082, 8283, 11684, 9785, 3886, 12487, 1988, 1389, 990, 4891, 10692,
    14993, 14894, 14195, 10896, 11897, 2098, 15099, 93100, 109101, 153102, 34103, 52104, 112105,
    95106, 14107, 22108, 24109, 49110, 136111, 32112, 145113, 127114, 28115, 33116, 69117, 157118,
    1119, 98120, 66121, 86122, 68123, 131124, 110125, 54126, 18127, 30128, 111129, 132130, 42131,
    78132, 90133, 143134, 75135, 144136, 64137, 65138, 142139, 16140, 39141, 140142, 23143, 91144,
    81145, 126146, 80147, 105148, 71149, 122150, 137151, 15152, 31153, 119154, 77155, 58156, 17157,
    12158, 107159,

   861, 942, 403, 804, 1245, 516, 827, 558, 1309, 11510, 15611, 14812, 1513, 4914, 6315, 14116,
   11117, 4418, 10719, 14320, 8521, 7222, 3523, 10824, 525, 1726, 3727, 2828, 7329, 10230, 15831,
   6432, 3633, 4334, 5335, 14536, 237, 5638, 11339, 4240, 2641, 5442, 12043, 7444, 13145, 9346, 447,
   8848, 7049, 13450, 13751, 7652, 6253, 7954, 4555, 12956, 6057, 8158, 2459, 9860, 7861, 3462,
   15263, 9964, 1465, 12366, 3867, 14768, 369, 1170, 13971, 10672, 7773, 12574, 10575, 9276,
   10477, 11878, 12279, 2080, 10081, 3182, 4883, 14484, 12185, 15986, 8987, 3288, 14989, 5790,
160 91
   87 , 15792, 13393, 11494, 12795, 4796, 8397, 9598, 6999, 12100, 97101, 67102, 101103, 13104,
   18105, 9106, 65107, 150108, 132109, 110110, 46111, 126112, 119113, 25114, 52115, 112116, 7117,
   91118, 154119, 27120, 41121, 22122, 19123, 142124, 151125, 8126, 16127, 6128, 138129, 68130,
   84131, 103132, 140133, 23134, 1135, 21136, 30137, 50138, 10139, 155140, 146141, 96142, 29143,
   160144, 128145, 109146, 117147, 75148, 58149, 136150, 59151, 153152, 135153, 61154, 116155,
   71156, 66157, 90158, 39159, 33160,

    1381, 832, 1513, 814, 1445, 686, 827, 1558, 679, 14610, 4911, 512, 3913, 1114, 10115, 916,
    15217, 15418, 7619, 9020, 8621, 5022, 3123, 1324, 4325, 5826, 8527, 7528, 10329, 4130, 4831,
    3232, 1833, 4634, 7435, 14236, 7937, 11538, 6339, 9240, 12141, 15042, 12843, 14744, 9345,
    16046, 6247, 9748, 11149, 3650, 10451, 9552, 13253, 5354, 4055, 13156, 4757, 10258, 14859,
    11760, 11661, 5462, 7263, 2564, 13365, 2966, 7867, 2068, 5569, 3370, 1771, 14372, 9873, 15374,
    2475, 1576, 2877, 4278, 11379, 3480, 13081, 16182, 4483, 13984, 485, 7386, 7087, 688, 15989,
    12590, 6491, 2292, 14593, 2194, 10795, 12696, 15897, 5998, 6099, 137100, 91101, 100102, 27103,
    87104, 8105, 135106, 19107, 12108, 96109, 23110, 149111, 119112, 88113, 38114, 108115, 106116,
    3117, 122118, 51119, 10120, 65121, 69122, 99123, 94124, 105125, 114126, 61127, 56128, 127129,
    77130, 45131, 157132, 26133, 89134, 80135, 110136, 16137, 129138, 112139, 118140, 124141,
    30142, 156143, 1144, 123145, 71146, 35147, 66148, 2149, 37150, 84151, 141152, 109153, 14154,
    57155, 120156, 140157, 7158, 52159, 136160, 134161,

    61, 682, 443, 154, 815, 586, 1047, 1018, 1599, 6310, 8511, 10912, 15013, 6714, 5415, 1816, 4717,
    9118, 7319, 1420, 12021, 12622, 12423, 14824, 2725, 2026, 13627, 10628, 929, 1930, 3931, 15232,
    2633, 7034, 4535, 9936, 1137, 6138, 11039, 8340, 11141, 7442, 15543, 5344, 5045, 12746, 7247,
    2948, 12549, 11650, 10851, 12152, 6053, 15854, 5255, 5156, 7857, 14658, 8259, 14560, 3161,
    3762, 2363, 11964, 10265, 4666, 1767, 16068, 14169, 6670, 13271, 4072, 12273, 5774, 9575, 2476,
    10577, 13378, 7679, 13780, 1381, 782, 7983, 10384, 9885, 6486, 3087, 5588, 7189, 14990, 4991,
    11392, 8793, 8994, 16295, 896, 4197, 3598, 14299, 161100, 154101, 114102, 48103, 153104, 93105,
    156106, 56107, 107108, 134109, 151110, 96111, 90112, 143113, 22114, 97115, 21116, 32117,
    131118, 16119, 140120, 129121, 144122, 3123, 25124, 77125, 135126, 10127, 2128, 92129, 112130,
    118131, 43132, 65133, 157134, 38135, 62136, 5137, 42138, 28139, 117140, 147141, 115142, 80143,
    12144, 94145, 88146, 1147, 4148, 123149, 84150, 59151, 86152, 36153, 69154, 128155, 139156,
    100157, 138158, 75159, 34160, 130161, 33162,

163 351, 1322, 13, 1584, 615, 1616, 497, 648, 1449, 7710, 2011, 712, 9713, 8514, 2515, 8916, 8617,
    9818, 9219, 10120, 11921, 8022, 6723, 4324, 4525, 10026, 6027, 13828, 6229, 1130, 11331, 9432,
    7633, 2834, 635, 1336, 5637, 4638, 8439, 5440, 4041, 9142, 2143, 12044, 1045, 1946, 7847, 13748,
    5549, 7550, 4251, 13352, 2953, 9654, 5155, 9956, 14257, 3358, 5759, 960, 12361, 7462, 263, 6864,
    7265, 10666, 15267, 14068, 12169, 6970, 14571, 15072, 7373, 14774, 12275, 14876, 1777, 8278,
    4879, 3980, 3781, 16082, 5983, 8884, 8185, 12686, 14187, 7188, 13989, 1490, 14691, 12792,
    15793, 1694, 2795, 10296, 12597, 15498, 1299, 41100, 8101, 3102, 130103, 151104, 50105, 111106,

163107, 128108, 114109, 4110, 134111, 109112, 34113, 22114, 36115, 149116, 135117, 110118,
    23119, 131120, 136121, 65122, 5123, 105124, 18125, 38126, 143127, 117128, 26129, 90130, 83131,
    112132, 155133, 53134, 15135, 118136, 162137, 107138, 159139, 108140, 30141, 95142, 87143,
    52144, 156145, 44146, 58147, 104148, 115149, 47150, 153151, 24152, 70153, 93154, 103155,
    124156, 79157, 63158, 66159, 31160, 116161, 32162, 129163,

   521, 1462, 283, 1204, 1035, 686, 1077, 318, 579, 9210, 12911, 9412, 1013, 11114, 12815, 7116,
   3817, 11518, 13619, 11820, 1521, 16322, 8123, 10824, 3625, 13426, 2027, 14128, 4829, 9630,
   6331, 1932, 14533, 14334, 11035, 7736, 4137, 3938, 5639, 2140, 10441, 2442, 15843, 9144, 1745,
   4646, 2547, 6748, 14749, 5950, 4251, 10652, 16253, 7654, 15455, 1356, 13157, 3358, 11359, 7460,
   4461, 7262, 12363, 8864, 665, 1166, 15067, 12768, 14869, 16470, 11771, 5072, 8273, 3774, 3075,
   12176, 16177, 8478, 9879, 4580, 9981, 2382, 4383, 4784, 12685, 5886, 9787, 2688, 5189, 11690,
164 91
   22 , 13392, 3493, 10094, 795, 7596, 13297, 13898, 15399, 18100, 3101, 130102, 40103, 1104,
   124105, 29106, 93107, 4108, 35109, 54110, 16111, 144112, 155113, 85114, 140115, 105116, 89117,
   69118, 14119, 149120, 49121, 65122, 137123, 102124, 159125, 119126, 53127, 8128, 62129, 156130,
   2131, 157132, 61133, 66134, 32135, 139136, 73137, 60138, 122139, 27140, 95141, 70142, 83143,
   80144, 90145, 55146, 64147, 112148, 152149, 9150, 86151, 114152, 125153, 160154, 135155, 79156,
   151157, 87158, 101159, 5160, 109161, 78162, 142163, 12164,

   1141, 372, 133, 1404, 515, 1156, 417, 1648, 19, 1110, 12911, 13512, 1513, 10614, 12015, 13816,
   717, 7718, 7519, 1020, 10021, 13022, 10823, 924, 9325, 13226, 7127, 6928, 3129, 14530, 7631,
   7232, 4433, 1234, 3435, 10536, 8237, 8038, 8139, 10140, 241, 3942, 7343, 5544, 2345, 9846, 4947,
   12848, 14349, 350, 10351, 11152, 853, 5454, 5755, 3256, 657, 9958, 5359, 12560, 16161, 15862,
   8763, 12364, 465, 5066, 567, 15468, 14469, 5870, 14171, 12672, 13673, 6374, 10275, 9076, 8677,
   12278, 12779, 3880, 11681, 13982, 10483, 2184, 10785, 9686, 4087, 11788, 15189, 8390, 3091,
165 92
   91 , 6193, 4394, 8895, 9296, 14297, 7098, 8599, 84100, 152101, 35102, 16103, 66104, 65105,
   46106, 20107, 149108, 119109, 24110, 27111, 148112, 109113, 42114, 19115, 64116, 146117,
   133118, 150119, 59120, 157121, 78122, 155123, 48124, 165125, 29126, 36127, 97128, 131129,
   17130, 118131, 47132, 26133, 52134, 45135, 163136, 33137, 22138, 28139, 18140, 156141, 153142,
   60143, 121144, 67145, 94146, 137147, 147148, 162149, 56150, 134151, 160152, 159153, 95154,
   124155, 68156, 74157, 14158, 79159, 62160, 113161, 25162, 110163, 89164, 112165,

   1251, 852, 1523, 754, 285, 1186, 977, 1268, 689, 9610, 5311, 10912, 16513, 9914, 13115, 11016,
   3617, 4718, 14419, 3320, 4621, 11222, 12323, 7124, 13425, 8026, 527, 15528, 6929, 8130, 11931,
   13732, 15133, 3934, 1935, 8936, 7437, 10438, 14539, 5940, 6341, 4542, 3043, 12744, 145, 8346,
   10247, 5248, 16449, 1450, 1551, 6252, 5153, 11654, 16355, 2956, 10357, 9258, 3259, 10160,
   12461, 4062, 10563, 7864, 8665, 9866, 5467, 9168, 1069, 2170, 1771, 3872, 3473, 1174, 7775, 9476,
   4877, 1878, 11379, 12280, 13981, 3582, 2783, 14084, 6785, 16286, 387, 2588, 16189, 5690, 12191,
166 92
   6 , 4993, 7694, 13595, 14696, 5597, 14798, 3199, 87100, 166101, 84102, 111103, 100104, 93105,
   148106, 142107, 115108, 156109, 44110, 158111, 150112, 129113, 154114, 57115, 159116, 120117,
   12118, 66119, 72120, 136121, 130122, 7123, 132124, 9125, 42126, 138127, 50128, 26129, 24130,
   90131, 133132, 143133, 41134, 60135, 107136, 141137, 149138, 23139, 128140, 106141, 20142,
   153143, 2144, 95145, 22146, 73147, 157148, 4149, 70150, 43151, 65152, 16153, 117154, 82155,
   64156, 37157, 88158, 13159, 108160, 61161, 114162, 58163, 79164, 8165, 160166,

167 691, 272, 183, 704, 1185, 456, 1247, 1038, 469, 7810, 13711, 2112, 913, 5214, 515, 9716, 14017,
    15118, 1919, 15420, 3521, 5122, 16223, 13324, 10525, 3426, 14427, 5928, 11229, 9030, 4031,
    10432, 9133, 12534, 2635, 16336, 14737, 11738, 6639, 640, 16641, 10242, 8043, 8944, 12845, 746,
    1747, 4148, 7549, 7650, 11351, 9952, 8853, 4854, 14555, 456, 5557, 2558, 2959, 2360, 6161, 7762,
    15663, 3664, 13465, 9266, 6067, 14868, 13669, 8570, 11671, 11072, 11473, 4774, 375, 5476, 1077,
    15378, 14179, 6880, 16481, 8282, 9383, 184, 2085, 12986, 8787, 7288, 5889, 10190, 9891, 5792,
    8193, 894, 6595, 14696, 3897, 13598, 1699, 127100, 115101, 131102, 43103, 155104, 94105, 83106,
    100107, 50108, 24109, 95110, 67111, 132112, 30113, 86114, 74115, 150116, 120117, 62118, 152119,
    79120, 106121, 158122, 142123, 108124, 32125, 71126, 84127, 64128, 160129, 161130, 56131,
    107132, 109133, 139134, 159135, 130136, 39137, 53138, 121139, 13140, 138141, 49142, 167143,

157144, 73145, 14146, 33147, 31148, 143149, 149150, 119151, 63152, 2153, 12154, 15155, 11156,
    122157, 28158, 126159, 22160, 165161, 111162, 37163, 42164, 96165, 44166, 123167,

   1141, 892, 183, 654, 1555, 776, 1527, 78, 159, 8810, 4511, 16112, 2913, 7014, 4815, 2016, 13117,
   2118, 13219, 6120, 2521, 10322, 1323, 12524, 4125, 9726, 9927, 14428, 5929, 4930, 10531, 11532,
   8233, 834, 3135, 7136, 7837, 15438, 7939, 14540, 3041, 5842, 7543, 16544, 15745, 14646, 14147,
   5748, 949, 2450, 11351, 3752, 12453, 14054, 2355, 11056, 16757, 158, 14359, 1960, 9061, 11662,
   13363, 16264, 1265, 4266, 8567, 9868, 10969, 5570, 13971, 16072, 1073, 12774, 3375, 11976,
   11177, 4678, 12979, 11280, 14281, 14982, 383, 8784, 3285, 16486, 9287, 3988, 14889, 13690,
168 91
   34 , 6792, 2293, 10494, 5695, 10196, 6397, 12098, 6699, 137100, 159101, 93102, 53103, 153104,
   117105, 123106, 150107, 80108, 38109, 158110, 84111, 14112, 60113, 68114, 69115, 102116, 4117,
   28118, 134119, 44120, 86121, 11122, 51123, 100124, 76125, 126126, 35127, 26128, 6129, 81130,
   107131, 73132, 74133, 52134, 118135, 163136, 130137, 106138, 151139, 94140, 36141, 122142,
   168143, 40144, 2145, 95146, 138147, 62148, 16149, 128150, 64151, 47152, 108153, 83154, 91155,
   43156, 27157, 156158, 54159, 147160, 96161, 135162, 5163, 72164, 166165, 17166, 121167, 50168,

    1621, 512, 293, 1304, 525, 636, 37, 128, 439, 1810, 14111, 16012, 16113, 12814, 13115, 16816,
    8717, 11918, 3019, 620, 8821, 9622, 14323, 4924, 3325, 1026, 15827, 8428, 16629, 230, 2031, 5632,
    6533, 16534, 11435, 12636, 15137, 3938, 7839, 13740, 3141, 14042, 6443, 4244, 15245, 1746,
    6947, 6648, 1449, 9550, 4451, 11752, 11253, 4654, 12255, 7156, 14457, 13558, 11659, 14560,
    6861, 7562, 13363, 11064, 13465, 12166, 6067, 2268, 3269, 3570, 1371, 15372, 7273, 15074, 1175,
    2576, 9477, 11378, 1579, 3480, 2781, 782, 1983, 7084, 11585, 13686, 2887, 4888, 7789, 11890,
169 11191, 10692, 5393, 12994, 5795, 5596, 4597, 5498, 8199, 156100, 125101, 16102, 93103, 86104,
    107105, 67106, 37107, 132108, 90109, 149110, 100111, 4112, 8113, 142114, 58115, 169116, 139117,
    155118, 164119, 47120, 127121, 97122, 79123, 154124, 108125, 38126, 24127, 124128, 167129,
    73130, 61131, 138132, 74133, 23134, 89135, 59136, 103137, 5138, 146139, 163140, 105141, 99142,
    123143, 62144, 157145, 159146, 76147, 98148, 102149, 148150, 104151, 21152, 26153, 85154,
    40155, 83156, 9157, 109158, 147159, 1160, 36161, 101162, 120163, 91164, 41165, 50166, 80167,
    92168, 82169,

    1001, 1372, 663, 564, 55, 816, 807, 518, 89, 14410, 10411, 5212, 8813, 7214, 14115, 14516, 6117,
    11518, 15119, 1720, 14021, 13222, 4523, 8324, 10725, 1026, 5727, 1828, 11029, 4930, 7131,
    11632, 11933, 7734, 1335, 14336, 8637, 9138, 12039, 9840, 1441, 9042, 9743, 2244, 7045, 13046,
    4247, 13148, 10849, 9650, 10951, 5552, 2053, 11154, 13455, 15956, 13857, 16358, 13559, 6260,
    10161, 7962, 15863, 1564, 16165, 9266, 6467, 14968, 9969, 7570, 271, 4772, 4873, 8274, 1275,
    5076, 12677, 10578, 15479, 13380, 3581, 2482, 8783, 6584, 11285, 9486, 3287, 8588, 3889, 12590,
170 4491, 2192, 5893, 6894, 16595, 7696, 11497, 2798, 15799, 113100, 67101, 156102, 95103, 93104,
    168105, 136106, 63107, 103108, 46109, 117110, 162111, 4112, 84113, 39114, 37115, 26116, 148117,
    25118, 123119, 139120, 54121, 169122, 127123, 11124, 53125, 146126, 102127, 7128, 3129, 155130,
    33131, 147132, 19133, 9134, 36135, 78136, 160137, 129138, 28139, 34140, 29141, 124142, 41143,
    23144, 150145, 128146, 170147, 30148, 122149, 1150, 118151, 60152, 106153, 69154, 166155, 6156,
    167157, 74158, 164159, 121160, 40161, 59162, 153163, 31164, 142165, 73166, 16167, 152168,
    43169, 89170,

171 1311, 1092, 273, 194, 1615, 1206, 417, 888, 1569, 3710, 3311, 14112, 10013, 8414, 12515, 12416,
    2217, 14918, 6019, 12920, 11621, 15322, 2923, 6624, 3225, 126, 5927, 10328, 11829, 7930, 2131,
    7732, 7833, 13634, 5335, 15036, 8137, 7638, 17039, 13840, 3141, 14842, 5743, 14644, 4045,
    16546, 11447, 14748, 849, 15450, 551, 16452, 9253, 7454, 11255, 10656, 9557, 14358, 259, 1060,
    1861, 6862, 3563, 7264, 6165, 15566, 10867, 7368, 5169, 2870, 471, 9172, 10773, 12274, 14075,
    13476, 9677, 8378, 679, 4380, 781, 3682, 10283, 5884, 985, 8786, 6587, 5288, 11089, 1590, 13791,
    4792, 2593, 11594, 2495, 16296, 4297, 3098, 6399, 34100, 145101, 46102, 101103, 45104, 94105,
    127106, 159107, 158108, 168109, 62110, 23111, 16112, 44113, 55114, 56115, 117116, 144117,
    75118, 135119, 130120, 67121, 128122, 166123, 3124, 54125, 17126, 14127, 64128, 171129, 126130,
    50131, 111132, 39133, 160134, 121135, 86136, 12137, 48138, 157139, 13140, 71141, 49142, 90143,
    133144, 80145, 38146, 20147, 105148, 82149, 99150, 142151, 98152, 167153, 11154, 104155, 93156,

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  • 3. N Angka Random 1 1 1, 2 2 1, 1 2, 3 2 1, 3 2, 1 3, 4 3 1, 1 2, 4 3, 2 4, 5 2 1, 1 2, 4 3, 5 4, 3 5, 6 6 1, 2 2, 4 3, 1 4, 5 5, 3 6, 7 1 1, 4 2, 6 3, 7 4, 3 5, 2 6, 5 7, 8 1 1, 6 2, 7 3, 5 4, 2 5, 3 6, 8 7, 4 8, 9 8 1, 1 2, 6 3, 2 4, 9 5, 3 6, 4 7, 5 8, 7 9, 10 41, 52, 103, 74, 85, 16, 97, 28, 39, 610, 11 31, 12, 43, 64, 95, 116, 77, 28, 109, 810, 511, 12 31, 82, 103, 64, 15, 56, 27, 128, 79, 910, 411, 1112, 13 61, 32, 133, 24, 55, 46, 107, 18, 99, 1110, 711, 812, 1213, 14 91, 32, 133, 104, 55, 66, 47, 128, 149, 810, 711, 212, 113, 1114, 15 101, 32, 113, 64, 145, 86, 97, 28, 19, 1210, 711, 1512, 413, 514, 1315, 16 101, 112, 73, 24, 95, 166, 147, 88, 19, 610, 1311, 1212, 513, 314, 415, 1516, 17 11, 62, 103, 164, 75, 116, 127, 138, 99, 510, 1711, 1512, 1413, 814, 215, 316, 417, 18 21, 132, 13, 84, 45, 36, 167, 58, 189, 1210, 711, 912, 1713, 614, 1015, 1516, 1417, 1118, 19 91, 32, 13, 164, 125, 106, 67, 178, 29, 510, 411, 812, 1513, 1814, 1315, 1916, 717, 1118, 1419, 171, 82, 193, 94, 75, 186, 147, 138, 109, 1610, 611, 212, 1113, 2014, 315, 416, 117, 1218, 1519, 20 520, 101, 182, 23, 214, 175, 206, 87, 48, 149, 910, 1611, 1512, 1213, 1314, 315, 116, 1917, 618, 719, 21 520, 1121, 171, 192, 153, 204, 25, 216, 117, 148, 19, 1810, 411, 712, 913, 1214, 615, 1316, 317, 2218, 819, 22 520, 1021, 1622, 91, 42, 223, 194, 35, 216, 157, 118, 89, 1310, 111, 1712, 2313, 514, 1615, 1816, 217, 2018, 719, 23 1420, 621, 1022, 1223, 24 151, 102, 183, 224, 245, 76, 117, 218, 129, 610, 111, 812, 413, 1414, 1315, 1616, 917, 1718, 2019, 1
  • 4. 520, 221, 2322, 323, 1924, 31, 82, 43, 124, 195, 96, 67, 228, 119, 2510, 1311, 2312, 1413, 714, 515, 2016, 1817, 1518, 1719, 25 220, 1621, 1022, 2423, 2124, 125, 221, 52, 163, 214, 95, 236, 87, 208, 129, 310, 2611, 712, 613, 1714, 215, 1516, 1317, 1118, 2519, 26 420, 121, 1922, 1823, 2424, 1025, 1426, 71, 112, 63, 94, 35, 86, 147, 138, 59, 110, 2711, 2212, 1713, 2014, 1615, 1016, 2117, 1918, 1219, 27 2420, 2521, 222, 423, 1524, 1825, 2626, 2327, 191, 282, 93, 134, 115, 26, 157, 268, 169, 2210, 1811, 2012, 813, 2514, 415, 2316, 1217, 618, 2719, 28 720, 2421, 322, 1423, 1024, 125, 2126, 1727, 528, 121, 102, 223, 64, 255, 26, 157, 208, 199, 410, 911, 712, 2313, 2714, 1815, 1616, 2617, 2918, 2819, 29 1720, 2421, 122, 323, 1124, 1425, 1326, 2127, 828, 529, 281, 242, 223, 234, 165, 176, 27, 258, 119, 610, 2711, 1512, 1413, 1814, 2115, 2616, 317, 1318, 30 1019, 2020, 3021, 822, 123, 424, 1925, 1226, 2927, 728, 529, 930, 291, 232, 83, 174, 15, 276, 227, 108, 199, 2510, 1611, 1112, 1413, 614, 515, 216, 717, 3118, 2419, 31 1320, 2621, 1222, 1523, 2824, 3025, 326, 2127, 1828, 429, 930, 2031, 191, 12, 223, 214, 135, 176, 297, 158, 189, 410, 2711, 912, 813, 2814, 715, 1416, 3117, 218, 319, 32 620, 521, 1022, 1623, 1224, 2025, 2326, 3227, 2428, 2529, 1130, 3031, 2632, 201, 62, 263, 314, 235, 36, 287, 48, 259, 210, 3311, 1812, 2213, 914, 1015, 2716, 1617, 2118, 1319, 33 1220, 3021, 522, 2423, 1124, 1425, 1526, 1727, 828, 3229, 1930, 131, 2932, 733, 11, 322, 63, 124, 185, 106, 197, 318, 219, 2810, 811, 3312, 3413, 1414, 2715, 2516, 517, 718, 219, 34 320, 1121, 2422, 923, 1724, 2925, 1526, 3027, 1328, 2629, 2030, 1631, 2232, 433, 2334, 351, 62, 323, 254, 295, 206, 247, 238, 319, 510, 811, 3012, 2813, 2614, 715, 3316, 1517, 2718, 119, 35 420, 3421, 1722, 223, 1824, 1425, 2226, 1627, 1028, 329, 1330, 1931, 932, 2133, 1134, 1235, 51, 242, 333, 254, 275, 106, 17, 288, 359, 1710, 3411, 712, 3113, 1514, 215, 1116, 2017, 418, 2219, 36 2120, 321, 2622, 1223, 1924, 2325, 2926, 627, 3028, 1429, 930, 831, 1832, 3633, 1334, 3235, 1636, 301, 42, 343, 24, 165, 16, 237, 118, 129, 1410, 2811, 2212, 1713, 714, 2515, 3716, 1317, 2618, 37 1919, 2420, 3221, 2922, 1023, 2024, 2125, 626, 827, 2728, 3329, 930, 331, 3632, 1833, 534, 3135, 3536, 1537, 81, 312, 283, 134, 35, 16, 307, 108, 159, 3510, 2011, 2712, 2513, 2914, 2215, 2116, 3817, 2418, 38 219, 1120, 3321, 522, 723, 624, 1625, 926, 1227, 2628, 1429, 3230, 431, 1732, 3633, 3434, 1835, 3736, 2337, 1938, 391, 32, 343, 224, 275, 96, 147, 158, 219, 2910, 1211, 2412, 1313, 514, 3515, 3616, 617, 3318, 819, 39 3720, 2521, 1122, 423, 3024, 3825, 1626, 2027, 2828, 129, 3130, 2331, 1732, 1033, 2634, 1835, 236, 737, 1938, 3239, 331, 92, 53, 154, 65, 356, 47, 298, 249, 2010, 3711, 1212, 2313, 3614, 1315, 816, 2117, 1018, 3019, 40 2220, 721, 3822, 3423, 3924, 1625, 3226, 327, 2828, 1829, 2730, 4031, 3132, 1433, 134, 2535, 1736, 237, 2638, 1139, 1940, 2
  • 5. 141, 302, 233, 274, 175, 246, 227, 218, 269, 810, 3111, 412, 3513, 2514, 3815, 3916, 917, 118, 41 3719, 1920, 4121, 4022, 1523, 2924, 3225, 726, 1327, 628, 529, 1130, 2031, 232, 3433, 1834, 335, 3336, 1037, 2838, 1639, 3640, 1241, 51, 72, 383, 354, 255, 296, 207, 238, 119, 4110, 4011, 2412, 3113, 3914, 1215, 4216, 3017, 1518, 42 219, 3620, 1421, 3422, 1923, 1624, 3725, 626, 2227, 2728, 2829, 830, 2131, 132, 2633, 934, 335, 436, 3237, 1338, 1839, 1740, 3341, 1042, 71, 322, 243, 124, 115, 256, 87, 428, 19, 510, 211, 1412, 3413, 3614, 315, 3016, 2617, 1618, 919, 43 1320, 1521, 2122, 4023, 1724, 4125, 1026, 3827, 4328, 2329, 3930, 3731, 2932, 3333, 2834, 2035, 3536, 1837, 2738, 639, 1940, 441, 2242, 3143, 371, 282, 123, 254, 435, 36, 67, 98, 179, 1110, 811, 1012, 2013, 2414, 1415, 4216, 3917, 4018, 44 3519, 3120, 521, 3622, 223, 1624, 2225, 3326, 1927, 2328, 1529, 130, 2631, 3032, 4133, 3834, 2135, 4436, 2737, 2938, 739, 1340, 3241, 442, 1843, 3444, 261, 182, 233, 24, 375, 16, 417, 408, 299, 3610, 3911, 1712, 4513, 4414, 2415, 1916, 617, 918, 719, 45 2220, 2521, 422, 3023, 3424, 2725, 326, 1027, 1328, 3529, 3130, 4231, 3232, 533, 3334, 2135, 1236, 2037, 1138, 2839, 4340, 1641, 1542, 3843, 844, 1445, 341, 222, 443, 354, 255, 16, 417, 208, 79, 2110, 3311, 3712, 3613, 3014, 4315, 1516, 517, 1618, 46 1319, 2720, 3821, 2322, 923, 1124, 225, 1826, 2627, 3128, 4529, 1230, 2931, 4032, 433, 3234, 4235, 1036, 837, 638, 2839, 2440, 341, 4642, 1443, 3944, 1745, 1946, 61, 402, 143, 14, 25, 196, 247, 138, 329, 3410, 3311, 1112, 3013, 2614, 4215, 816, 2217, 4118, 919, 47 720, 1621, 3522, 523, 1824, 2925, 3926, 2327, 2728, 2829, 3830, 2031, 1232, 433, 4534, 4435, 1036, 4737, 2138, 3739, 340, 4341, 1542, 4643, 1744, 2545, 3646, 3147, 81, 312, 53, 14, 255, 426, 137, 468, 49, 4310, 311, 2912, 4113, 3714, 715, 1016, 4817, 1918, 2619, 48 920, 3921, 4522, 2423, 3024, 625, 1626, 2127, 228, 3229, 2830, 2731, 3832, 1733, 2234, 1835, 4036, 3337, 4438, 1239, 2340, 3441, 4742, 1543, 1144, 3545, 3646, 2047, 1448, 261, 92, 313, 194, 365, 466, 157, 258, 339, 3910, 2711, 1812, 1713, 814, 415, 4016, 3817, 3418, 49 2419, 320, 1221, 2122, 3523, 1424, 2325, 4326, 4927, 2028, 3229, 630, 4231, 4432, 733, 2934, 2835, 2236, 137, 4538, 1039, 540, 1341, 3042, 1143, 1644, 245, 4146, 4847, 4748, 3749, 231, 202, 23, 74, 15, 436, 57, 88, 49, 2110, 2711, 2412, 2213, 4014, 3515, 5016, 917, 3418, 619, 50 4120, 3221, 3922, 3023, 1824, 2925, 1226, 3727, 2628, 3629, 3330, 4831, 2532, 2833, 334, 4535, 1636, 4937, 3138, 1339, 4740, 1741, 4242, 4443, 1444, 1545, 1946, 3847, 4648, 1049, 1150, 331, 212, 363, 234, 95, 306, 497, 118, 179, 310, 2011, 2912, 4613, 1614, 3815, 5116, 1017, 4118, 51 2219, 5020, 4821, 1322, 3523, 4024, 725, 3226, 1427, 4228, 1829, 2730, 3731, 4732, 433, 2534, 2635, 136, 537, 4438, 1239, 4540, 1541, 3442, 1943, 2844, 845, 2446, 4347, 648, 3949, 250, 3151, 281, 152, 133, 494, 65, 236, 167, 188, 439, 4810, 2711, 4612, 5213, 2914, 4015, 2416, 1917, 2018, 52 3019, 4420, 921, 722, 5023, 2124, 3325, 326, 2627, 2228, 5129, 3630, 3931, 2532, 4533, 3734, 835, 3536, 3137, 438, 4739, 540, 3841, 3442, 4243, 244, 1745, 146, 1047, 1148, 1449, 3250, 1251, 4152, 401, 312, 143, 294, 335, 156, 387, 428, 29, 3610, 4311, 912, 3913, 1214, 115, 3016, 517, 2718, 819, 2020, 4921, 2822, 4523, 5024, 3525, 2226, 2327, 2428, 629, 5330, 3231, 4732, 733, 5234, 3435, 53 2536, 3737, 1738, 2639, 1840, 4641, 1042, 4443, 1944, 4145, 1346, 5147, 2148, 1149, 1650, 451, 4852, 353, 54 371, 442, 133, 384, 235, 436, 357, 298, 529, 4010, 3611, 712, 2513, 2214, 4815, 4616, 1417, 4218, 3
  • 6. 219, 3220, 5121, 622, 4723, 3024, 4525, 126, 2127, 1128, 429, 2030, 1931, 4932, 1733, 5334, 535, 1636, 2737, 1238, 1039, 5440, 341, 4142, 843, 3144, 2645, 3446, 5047, 3348, 2849, 1850, 951, 2452, 3953, 1554, 311, 442, 423, 84, 365, 126, 237, 498, 289, 510, 5311, 4512, 913, 1714, 2515, 116, 2717, 3718, 5519, 4020, 4821, 5422, 1823, 1624, 1425, 5126, 227, 3428, 2929, 1530, 631, 5232, 4333, 2234, 55 2035, 4636, 3337, 438, 739, 3040, 1341, 1142, 343, 5044, 3245, 2146, 2647, 2448, 4749, 3850, 1951, 4152, 3553, 3954, 1055, 71, 532, 423, 184, 195, 26, 367, 118, 259, 1210, 3411, 3812, 3913, 1414, 1715, 1016, 4017, 3118, 2819, 3020, 1321, 4122, 823, 2324, 4625, 2126, 527, 928, 3329, 5030, 5131, 1532, 4733, 334, 2235, 56 3736, 4537, 2938, 2739, 5540, 141, 3242, 5243, 2644, 5445, 5646, 4947, 3548, 1649, 650, 4451, 452, 4353, 2454, 2055, 4856, 251, 272, 33, 224, 175, 556, 147, 488, 439, 1910, 5311, 2812, 3113, 4414, 2415, 4216, 1117, 4018, 619, 220, 3621, 4622, 523, 5724, 1825, 5026, 5227, 5628, 2929, 2330, 831, 3732, 1033, 4734, 3535, 57 36 9 , 1537, 3938, 2139, 1340, 1641, 5142, 143, 4144, 2645, 746, 3247, 4948, 4549, 5450, 3451, 3052, 2053, 1254, 3355, 456, 3857, 221, 532, 563, 474, 315, 16, 217, 408, 99, 5010, 4111, 4312, 1713, 4214, 415, 3716, 3817, 5418, 819, 5520, 3521, 4822, 1423, 5224, 725, 2026, 3227, 5128, 4529, 230, 4931, 632, 533, 2934, 5835, 58 2336, 2837, 338, 1339, 5740, 2541, 1242, 3643, 3344, 2745, 3046, 1947, 1048, 4449, 1850, 2451, 2652, 4653, 1154, 1655, 1556, 3457, 3958, 441, 322, 333, 284, 175, 26, 187, 168, 49, 310, 811, 5212, 3013, 614, 3515, 1016, 2617, 118, 4319, 5420, 4121, 3422, 4823, 724, 2525, 5826, 3627, 4928, 3729, 2330, 5731, 5532, 2733, 2934, 3135, 59 5336, 4637, 2438, 3939, 5040, 1241, 4542, 5143, 544, 1345, 2146, 4247, 2048, 949, 1150, 5951, 4752, 1553, 1454, 2255, 4056, 1957, 5658, 3859, 201, 432, 383, 184, 255, 36, 117, 98, 229, 4110, 5011, 5712, 2413, 4714, 815, 3316, 5617, 618, 5819, 3020, 5121, 4522, 4223, 1524, 1725, 2926, 2827, 1328, 2629, 1630, 5431, 1232, 433, 734, 135, 60 3936, 3537, 1038, 3639, 5540, 5941, 5242, 4443, 4044, 2145, 4946, 547, 3148, 1449, 3450, 6051, 4652, 2353, 3254, 4855, 5356, 257, 2758, 1959, 3760, 231, 552, 433, 514, 525, 306, 27, 538, 179, 1610, 4411, 5812, 5613, 4614, 915, 1516, 1917, 1418, 5919, 4220, 421, 4722, 123, 2524, 825, 4126, 2627, 3828, 3429, 730, 4931, 6132, 3633, 4534, 2835, 61 2036, 1837, 3738, 3139, 6040, 3541, 1342, 2443, 1244, 4845, 346, 547, 5448, 3249, 2250, 2951, 3952, 1053, 2154, 5755, 1156, 2757, 5058, 659, 4060, 3361, 131, 242, 453, 514, 255, 606, 507, 288, 409, 5910, 1111, 1912, 1713, 114, 3615, 1516, 5417, 6118, 5819, 1620, 1421, 4322, 823, 2724, 4825, 5226, 4627, 4228, 2229, 2930, 5331, 3032, 1233, 1834, 62 3735, 3136, 3337, 538, 3839, 3940, 2641, 1042, 243, 4744, 6245, 4946, 347, 748, 3249, 650, 3551, 2352, 4453, 954, 5755, 2056, 5557, 4158, 3459, 2160, 461, 5662, 571, 322, 593, 494, 385, 526, 607, 18, 239, 3010, 1411, 4112, 1013, 5114, 3615, 3316, 6217, 1218, 419, 620, 2621, 5622, 523, 1324, 4525, 3426, 4427, 4228, 1529, 4730, 3131, 5432, 2033, 3734, 2135, 63 2436, 2537, 3938, 939, 5840, 3541, 4042, 5543, 844, 1145, 2746, 4647, 4848, 349, 250, 1851, 5052, 753, 6154, 2955, 5356, 6357, 1758, 1959, 4360, 1661, 2862, 2263, 141, 192, 623, 254, 535, 346, 127, 408, 639, 910, 5411, 3512, 713, 514, 3815, 2416, 2117, 1518, 619, 4120, 6421, 4622, 1023, 424, 5225, 2026, 2827, 4328, 329, 3930, 131, 5532, 3233, 4534, 1835, 64 3036, 2237, 4238, 5839, 2940, 3741, 4442, 843, 5044, 3645, 4946, 4747, 2648, 1149, 6150, 3151, 5752, 2353, 1354, 5655, 256, 1657, 1758, 2759, 3360, 4861, 5162, 6063, 5964, 4
  • 7. 231, 382, 423, 334, 455, 16, 47, 248, 69, 3210, 4011, 6012, 6113, 6414, 4915, 2716, 2817, 6318, 4619, 5420, 2521, 922, 323, 224, 5825, 2126, 5327, 1928, 2029, 4830, 5531, 1332, 5033, 4134, 535, 65 1436, 1737, 1138, 3139, 4340, 3641, 742, 1643, 4444, 1045, 3746, 3047, 6248, 5949, 3450, 2651, 1852, 5153, 3554, 2255, 5256, 5657, 4758, 859, 2960, 1561, 1262, 5763, 6564, 3965, 651, 622, 393, 434, 425, 16, 177, 308, 519, 5310, 5511, 2412, 2313, 1514, 5915, 2916, 1117, 2718, 1919, 3720, 5821, 3522, 1323, 4124, 2825, 3326, 4027, 2628, 4529, 2530, 6031, 5232, 4733, 2234, 66 3635, 1236, 1837, 6638, 239, 1040, 1441, 6442, 443, 2044, 6345, 5746, 4647, 5448, 549, 6150, 5651, 652, 353, 2154, 4955, 756, 3457, 4458, 1659, 3860, 4861, 3262, 963, 864, 3165, 5066, 201, 32, 383, 404, 265, 586, 127, 168, 249, 4110, 2811, 4612, 2713, 1514, 5115, 5016, 5917, 6718, 4919, 2120, 3121, 6622, 2923, 1424, 1925, 3026, 1127, 6428, 629, 4830, 231, 2532, 3333, 6334, 535, 67 36 1 , 5637, 3738, 4439, 1840, 741, 3642, 6043, 3944, 6545, 846, 1047, 5548, 5749, 3550, 951, 452, 5453, 5254, 4755, 4356, 4557, 2358, 6259, 1760, 3461, 6162, 1363, 5364, 4265, 2266, 3267, 511, 632, 553, 654, 145, 276, 327, 398, 479, 1710, 3511, 5412, 5713, 614, 4815, 5916, 1317, 218, 1119, 3320, 3821, 1522, 4223, 724, 6725, 926, 1027, 6128, 3129, 130, 4631, 6032, 5633, 4334, 3735, 68 5236, 337, 6238, 5039, 4440, 4941, 4142, 6443, 3644, 2545, 1946, 5347, 1648, 2349, 6650, 551, 4552, 4053, 3054, 1855, 2656, 1257, 6858, 2459, 860, 461, 2962, 2263, 2864, 2165, 5866, 3467, 2068, 551, 12, 413, 354, 545, 46, 117, 698, 689, 3610, 2611, 2912, 1213, 3114, 6715, 4616, 5317, 2018, 4819, 6320, 1321, 6622, 3223, 6424, 1625, 5126, 3327, 5928, 2429, 2230, 831, 6232, 5033, 3834, 69 2835, 4536, 6137, 738, 3039, 2340, 2141, 3942, 4943, 644, 1445, 3746, 2547, 4248, 1549, 4350, 1851, 5852, 353, 5654, 6555, 3456, 4457, 1058, 5759, 1760, 5261, 1962, 4763, 564, 265, 6066, 4067, 2768, 969, 671, 542, 563, 124, 55, 386, 597, 488, 339, 5310, 1811, 6512, 3213, 2014, 3115, 4716, 3017, 6318, 2919, 7020, 6621, 4322, 623, 4524, 3925, 4426, 2327, 1328, 2529, 1630, 5531, 832, 6833, 4134, 70 5735, 3636, 2637, 238, 5039, 3440, 4241, 1442, 6043, 1544, 945, 446, 2147, 5148, 749, 4650, 1751, 1952, 6253, 154, 4055, 6456, 3757, 4958, 1059, 2460, 5261, 6962, 5863, 2764, 1165, 366, 2267, 3568, 6169, 2870, 61, 192, 573, 314, 525, 136, 587, 488, 599, 310, 2911, 212, 6513, 2514, 4315, 6616, 4617, 4118, 5619, 1020, 2721, 7022, 5123, 1224, 4525, 4726, 1627, 3328, 929, 830, 6431, 6232, 1533, 4434, 71 3935, 4936, 1137, 6838, 2139, 6340, 3441, 6742, 3543, 144, 3845, 5546, 2047, 1448, 449, 2350, 2851, 2652, 3253, 6954, 7155, 3056, 2257, 5358, 5059, 760, 1761, 4062, 6063, 4264, 5465, 3666, 567, 3768, 1869, 6170, 2471, 461, 312, 153, 484, 635, 646, 107, 268, 619, 710, 5011, 5912, 2313, 1714, 2215, 4116, 4017, 6718, 5219, 320, 6921, 2722, 3523, 4924, 5525, 5626, 7227, 6228, 1829, 3430, 1331, 7132, 1633, 2034, 72 2135, 1236, 3237, 3738, 3639, 4540, 5841, 5142, 1443, 4744, 6645, 946, 6847, 4248, 449, 650, 3951, 5452, 1953, 6054, 3355, 156, 1157, 5758, 4359, 560, 6561, 3062, 2563, 4464, 5365, 2466, 2967, 868, 7069, 270, 3871, 2872, 561, 322, 573, 524, 505, 596, 287, 418, 59, 1910, 3111, 4512, 1713, 7114, 3715, 5116, 3517, 918, 1119, 5320, 6821, 2422, 6023, 2924, 6525, 4326, 227, 1428, 729, 3330, 6631, 2332, 5833, 434, 1235, 73 6236, 637, 1038, 4239, 2240, 4741, 6942, 6743, 1344, 6445, 2046, 3947, 4448, 6149, 2550, 351, 4052, 6353, 854, 2155, 156, 3657, 5458, 1559, 3860, 7361, 2662, 4863, 7064, 4965, 7266, 4667, 3468, 5569, 3070, 1671, 1872, 2773, 74 211, 102, 13, 494, 715, 626, 657, 648, 139, 2310, 2911, 5012, 5713, 1614, 7015, 6716, 5417, 3418, 3219, 4120, 3021, 6922, 7323, 2824, 3925, 2726, 3127, 5228, 529, 930, 4531, 3332, 5933, 434, 5635, 836, 1937, 4838, 3839, 7440, 1241, 6042, 4443, 1844, 6645, 2246, 3647, 6348, 349, 5150, 5851, 1152, 2053, 3754, 5555, 2656, 4357, 3558, 2459, 4260, 6861, 4062, 4763, 264, 4665, 1566, 1467, 5
  • 8. 6168, 5369, 670, 771, 1772, 2573, 7274, 701, 192, 733, 274, 605, 486, 57, 498, 399, 5010, 4511, 5412, 213, 5814, 2815, 1516, 3417, 2618, 719, 4320, 2521, 1722, 5623, 1824, 5925, 3526, 127, 828, 629, 7530, 2931, 6732, 6633, 3834, 2235, 75 3236, 1237, 4438, 6139, 4640, 6841, 3342, 6543, 7244, 7145, 446, 6947, 3048, 6449, 1150, 5551, 6252, 4753, 7454, 2055, 1656, 1357, 3658, 4059, 3760, 2161, 362, 5363, 5764, 965, 4166, 2367, 5168, 1069, 1470, 6371, 3172, 5273, 4274, 2475, 11, 722, 573, 664, 415, 436, 197, 658, 229, 4410, 2811, 2112, 7013, 3214, 3315, 7516, 5017, 718, 7419, 5620, 1621, 622, 1023, 5924, 1425, 4226, 5827, 1328, 2429, 3730, 2331, 5432, 5333, 3934, 76 1135, 1536, 6237, 4838, 6039, 6740, 6941, 5142, 243, 7344, 6445, 3646, 547, 5248, 3849, 4750, 1851, 4552, 2653, 3554, 2955, 2756, 457, 1258, 4059, 2560, 861, 3462, 6163, 2064, 3065, 4966, 367, 7168, 1769, 5570, 4671, 3172, 7673, 974, 6375, 6876, 451, 392, 673, 134, 745, 296, 777, 488, 429, 5210, 2611, 4412, 5513, 1614, 1815, 4616, 1217, 5418, 7019, 5320, 1121, 6222, 7523, 2524, 4925, 5126, 4027, 2128, 329, 6930, 1931, 5832, 6433, 7634, 77 2735, 2336, 4137, 5738, 3539, 640, 6341, 6842, 1043, 4744, 6645, 1746, 547, 3148, 6549, 450, 2851, 1452, 3353, 3854, 4355, 3756, 5957, 858, 6059, 2460, 3661, 6162, 5063, 3064, 3265, 3466, 5667, 7168, 969, 2270, 1571, 772, 2073, 174, 7375, 7276, 277, 561, 202, 713, 214, 125, 606, 117, 778, 389, 1010, 4011, 5112, 4413, 4614, 3115, 916, 2917, 2718, 1519, 420, 2521, 4722, 2323, 3424, 6725, 6326, 1727, 5428, 5329, 7630, 4531, 1632, 1333, 2834, 78 2435, 5536, 6437, 3338, 5239, 5840, 5941, 3742, 543, 4944, 6545, 3546, 4247, 7448, 149, 350, 651, 752, 853, 7254, 6655, 1456, 3657, 6858, 1859, 7560, 1961, 3962, 6163, 6264, 2265, 3266, 5067, 6968, 4369, 2670, 5771, 272, 7373, 4874, 7875, 4176, 3077, 7078, 721, 612, 693, 394, 145, 66, 337, 508, 29, 1010, 6311, 4112, 3113, 3814, 4815, 1216, 2517, 2318, 6719, 5320, 6021, 2222, 2823, 7524, 1525, 7926, 4927, 2728, 7629, 4530, 1931, 2932, 3233, 5434, 79 3035, 3736, 1637, 7738, 2039, 6440, 341, 4042, 6543, 5144, 5945, 7346, 5747, 2148, 4749, 4350, 851, 3552, 2653, 2454, 155, 1856, 6257, 5558, 1359, 3660, 3461, 5862, 4663, 764, 965, 7466, 6667, 468, 4469, 7170, 1771, 5672, 7073, 1174, 6875, 5276, 577, 4278, 7879, 581, 302, 493, 794, 245, 486, 757, 538, 69, 6410, 1211, 5212, 4113, 7414, 3515, 2516, 7717, 2218, 1719, 5620, 521, 6822, 5723, 3724, 5425, 4226, 1127, 5528, 7329, 2930, 7631, 932, 5033, 1434, 80 3335, 3836, 1337, 1638, 3139, 2840, 3241, 1842, 1543, 844, 3445, 6946, 1947, 7148, 4549, 4650, 6551, 5952, 7853, 754, 2355, 6256, 157, 2658, 3959, 7060, 7261, 6162, 5163, 4464, 6065, 4366, 1067, 268, 6769, 2070, 4071, 2772, 6673, 3674, 2175, 4776, 8077, 378, 479, 6380, 31, 312, 413, 114, 235, 386, 607, 588, 659, 1810, 5211, 2512, 5013, 814, 8015, 6216, 4517, 2018, 7619, 2220, 4221, 2822, 4023, 4924, 5925, 626, 2727, 6128, 1429, 1030, 6731, 732, 6833, 8134, 81 2935, 7736, 2637, 7438, 1339, 1640, 1241, 4842, 7243, 3044, 3945, 7346, 5747, 6648, 4749, 3550, 4651, 252, 7853, 4454, 6355, 5556, 5457, 558, 6959, 4360, 161, 7162, 7563, 3464, 3765, 7066, 1967, 968, 5169, 5370, 6471, 7972, 1773, 1574, 2475, 2176, 5677, 478, 3379, 3280, 3681, 201, 472, 263, 554, 675, 616, 347, 568, 149, 5010, 311, 6412, 2913, 2414, 7115, 4216, 3317, 5918, 7919, 5720, 4521, 3822, 6023, 6224, 1825, 2126, 627, 7628, 2829, 530, 7031, 4332, 1133, 1034, 82 5235, 7236, 937, 6338, 7739, 2340, 7441, 3242, 443, 6844, 7345, 6646, 747, 1248, 7849, 3050, 4651, 4052, 3753, 4854, 5355, 1956, 5857, 2258, 3159, 5160, 8161, 4462, 6563, 6964, 1365, 4966, 3967, 8068, 3569, 2570, 271, 1672, 873, 2774, 5475, 3676, 7577, 1578, 8279, 1780, 181, 4182, 83 321, 252, 543, 754, 275, 426, 507, 528, 49, 1710, 6011, 2312, 6513, 4114, 1315, 116, 7817, 2118, 8319, 5620, 2421, 8022, 3623, 6924, 825, 6426, 5127, 3828, 1829, 6630, 3331, 3432, 1433, 8234, 935, 4436, 337, 3738, 539, 7640, 4641, 7942, 5743, 644, 6345, 6746, 3947, 248, 3149, 4050, 7351, 2852, 1053, 4554, 6255, 2256, 7157, 5858, 2959, 7060, 1161, 4362, 1963, 4764, 1565, 7466, 7267, 6
  • 9. 768, 4869, 5970, 3071, 2072, 6873, 1274, 2675, 5576, 1677, 4978, 8179, 3580, 7781, 5382, 6183, 181, 532, 153, 394, 825, 546, 237, 228, 649, 3810, 5511, 2112, 5613, 3114, 915, 6116, 2717, 2818, 6619, 5820, 2521, 5922, 6923, 8424, 4425, 3026, 8027, 6228, 6529, 4330, 1731, 2932, 4833, 3334, 84 4635, 436, 4937, 4038, 3639, 4740, 7241, 3242, 6343, 7344, 1245, 1446, 2447, 248, 2649, 1050, 651, 5152, 7553, 8354, 355, 4156, 7457, 7758, 5759, 860, 3561, 1662, 163, 5264, 1165, 766, 1967, 7668, 4269, 7870, 5071, 6872, 8173, 6074, 6775, 7076, 4577, 3778, 7979, 3480, 1381, 2082, 7183, 584, 811, 662, 793, 204, 165, 216, 637, 588, 259, 8210, 911, 1912, 313, 5014, 3115, 7116, 7317, 1318, 719, 5720, 3721, 5422, 5923, 3824, 6425, 4126, 2927, 228, 7029, 630, 3631, 7532, 4533, 6734, 6235, 6536, 3537, 2638, 5539, 1740, 3341, 4242, 7843, 544, 4645, 5246, 2747, 4048, 7749, 8350, 1851, 85 1552, 2353, 8554, 3255, 456, 7257, 3058, 4859, 6960, 8061, 2462, 863, 6164, 4365, 1266, 8467, 6068, 1069, 7470, 2871, 2272, 3973, 1174, 1475, 6876, 5377, 7678, 4779, 3480, 4481, 182, 5183, 5684, 4985, 381, 212, 93, 54, 695, 816, 307, 158, 169, 610, 5911, 7112, 3513, 5514, 2815, 2416, 6217, 318, 219, 4920, 2621, 5822, 8523, 3424, 5325, 3326, 1227, 1928, 5229, 1730, 7531, 1332, 3633, 8034, 7035, 7836, 4837, 4738, 6139, 3740, 4141, 2042, 7943, 6344, 845, 6646, 5147, 8348, 2349, 5050, 7751, 86 2552, 6753, 154, 2255, 2756, 4057, 8458, 2959, 1860, 4361, 6062, 7663, 464, 5765, 1066, 5467, 6868, 7469, 7270, 6471, 4472, 773, 8274, 7375, 3276, 4277, 1478, 3979, 3180, 5681, 1182, 4583, 6584, 8685, 4686, 781, 722, 343, 544, 435, 376, 47, 578, 209, 4810, 911, 6712, 713, 2714, 7615, 6016, 1417, 6418, 6519, 1220, 5321, 1922, 3123, 7524, 6825, 8126, 8627, 3328, 829, 530, 2831, 7132, 3933, 8534, 4935, 3636, 6137, 4438, 1339, 4240, 5941, 2142, 4643, 6644, 5845, 2446, 2347, 8748, 2949, 3250, 87 6251, 152, 7953, 2654, 2555, 656, 357, 8058, 7459, 3560, 5561, 3062, 1163, 8464, 4165, 5666, 1067, 268, 1769, 7770, 6971, 8372, 4073, 5174, 1875, 3876, 6377, 4578, 8279, 7380, 4781, 1582, 2283, 5284, 5085, 1686, 7087, 221, 152, 423, 514, 685, 446, 837, 338, 349, 510, 1811, 1712, 3913, 414, 6215, 4516, 817, 5618, 1219, 4920, 5721, 7522, 7923, 2824, 3525, 7726, 5827, 5028, 6629, 1430, 5331, 4632, 2633, 7134, 4735, 6936, 737, 1938, 139, 2940, 3241, 5942, 243, 944, 8745, 8446, 2747, 2048, 4349, 2350, 3851, 88 1052, 7453, 4054, 2455, 7356, 1657, 8258, 7259, 660, 6461, 6362, 6163, 1164, 6765, 7666, 5267, 5568, 8869, 7870, 3071, 2172, 1373, 4874, 3175, 376, 8677, 3678, 6579, 6080, 5481, 3782, 7083, 4184, 2585, 8086, 8187, 8588, 441, 332, 753, 674, 725, 606, 87, 438, 289, 4210, 1111, 5312, 7713, 114, 4015, 6616, 3917, 518, 219, 3120, 1821, 4722, 7123, 1424, 1925, 6326, 2627, 7028, 5529, 8930, 5431, 3732, 1733, 5034, 2535, 1236, 7437, 2338, 8339, 4940, 8441, 5642, 3843, 7644, 3045, 5846, 5747, 4848, 8049, 950, 89 8651, 2052, 2753, 7854, 1355, 2256, 3657, 2458, 8759, 8860, 6161, 7962, 763, 2164, 4665, 5966, 6967, 8568, 1569, 8170, 3271, 7372, 4173, 3474, 1075, 5176, 8277, 6478, 1679, 4580, 3581, 6882, 483, 2984, 6285, 386, 687, 5288, 6589, 791, 652, 633, 874, 895, 246, 467, 808, 869, 910, 611, 3112, 4213, 6014, 2015, 6916, 7117, 418, 219, 8820, 1421, 722, 3823, 5824, 2225, 3726, 5627, 328, 6829, 2130, 5231, 132, 7433, 1134, 2735, 7636, 8337, 3938, 1539, 3540, 2641, 4342, 6643, 2844, 3445, 4446, 7547, 1948, 4149, 3250, 4851, 90 6252, 4953, 2554, 8555, 1756, 4557, 8258, 5559, 1360, 3061, 1862, 3363, 1064, 5065, 5766, 4767, 5468, 5369, 1670, 7271, 872, 7773, 574, 1275, 6176, 7877, 6478, 9079, 5180, 2981, 7082, 8483, 6784, 8185, 7386, 5987, 3688, 2389, 4090, 91 681, 102, 913, 754, 45, 366, 37, 428, 829, 8910, 5011, 712, 3513, 5614, 2315, 5216, 8117, 4918, 4419, 2720, 7221, 1822, 2823, 4124, 9025, 826, 2027, 7728, 8329, 2930, 7931, 1632, 1533, 534, 5435, 8636, 3837, 5938, 2439, 2240, 6241, 3742, 5843, 2644, 1245, 2546, 6747, 3148, 7149, 3250, 7651, 4852, 3053, 4354, 3955, 956, 6657, 1358, 1759, 5560, 8761, 262, 4063, 6464, 5765, 8866, 2167, 1968, 1469, 7070, 1171, 4772, 7373, 8574, 3475, 7876, 6177, 6078, 5179, 180, 8081, 5382, 7
  • 10. 8483, 4584, 6985, 7486, 687, 6388, 3389, 4690, 6591, 831, 852, 163, 604, 25, 666, 97, 598, 159, 3210, 8411, 6112, 5613, 1014, 4615, 4816, 8617, 4318, 3619, 9120, 3321, 6922, 4123, 8224, 125, 7226, 3527, 5728, 1229, 2030, 3831, 4532, 6733, 7634, 2135, 2936, 4737, 6538, 1939, 3740, 1141, 7342, 843, 6344, 7545, 3146, 4947, 1348, 8049, 6850, 92 5451, 8852, 2853, 654, 2555, 556, 5057, 5858, 8759, 460, 7761, 5562, 2463, 5264, 7865, 4266, 4467, 9068, 1869, 8970, 1771, 372, 8173, 7974, 2775, 3976, 7077, 4078, 1479, 6280, 781, 9282, 5383, 2684, 5185, 3086, 2287, 7488, 6489, 7190, 2391, 3492, 311, 202, 733, 434, 755, 926, 557, 458, 579, 1010, 9011, 4912, 7913, 2714, 9315, 4416, 3617, 718, 2419, 8020, 5321, 6822, 1123, 2224, 3225, 3326, 4027, 4628, 6929, 6230, 5231, 8932, 1333, 234, 1635, 3036, 7237, 7738, 8539, 340, 3541, 4842, 6143, 144, 5445, 1746, 7647, 4248, 7449, 6750, 93 1251, 2852, 553, 1854, 6055, 456, 6357, 958, 659, 5860, 8861, 2562, 863, 8164, 6565, 8466, 5967, 5168, 8269, 4170, 6671, 1972, 3773, 4774, 3975, 8776, 3477, 2978, 9179, 3880, 2681, 8682, 8383, 7084, 6485, 2386, 1587, 7888, 5689, 2190, 1491, 5092, 7193, 651, 172, 33, 194, 605, 946, 937, 488, 69, 9010, 6611, 7212, 3513, 214, 7115, 5116, 1517, 818, 2119, 4720, 7421, 5922, 123, 4924, 9225, 1226, 8927, 728, 4229, 7930, 5231, 6432, 7533, 2034, 2535, 2836, 7837, 8038, 6239, 8640, 8141, 4642, 5543, 1344, 4545, 3946, 547, 3848, 7649, 3350, 94 5851, 4352, 3753, 1654, 5455, 2456, 8357, 7358, 5659, 2760, 3061, 7762, 2363, 6764, 6865, 5366, 5767, 8468, 469, 8870, 8771, 6972, 3173, 4174, 6175, 6376, 1177, 5078, 2279, 2680, 9181, 982, 2983, 3484, 8285, 4486, 3287, 1888, 3689, 8590, 4091, 7092, 1493, 1094, 751, 882, 163, 294, 905, 376, 707, 958, 339, 6910, 1911, 1412, 2513, 4214, 1215, 6716, 1517, 6618, 319, 8420, 5021, 2622, 123, 9224, 9125, 6826, 4727, 7828, 629, 730, 5131, 1732, 5633, 934, 8335, 2236, 537, 6438, 1039, 1340, 5841, 5442, 2743, 4444, 3945, 6046, 4947, 248, 5749, 3450, 8651, 95 3552, 3053, 5354, 8755, 3156, 5257, 8558, 4659, 9360, 1161, 7362, 6363, 6564, 465, 4566, 2167, 8168, 7969, 8070, 1871, 5572, 3273, 6174, 2075, 4176, 5977, 8278, 2879, 3680, 2481, 2382, 7183, 3884, 4385, 9486, 7487, 4088, 8989, 7290, 7691, 892, 4893, 7794, 6295, 251, 132, 913, 924, 695, 886, 377, 738, 159, 910, 8511, 6112, 8113, 4814, 5315, 3116, 1917, 2918, 519, 4020, 3021, 2722, 8623, 3624, 7525, 8926, 1427, 6628, 7829, 6730, 3331, 9632, 8033, 6334, 435, 4236, 8237, 5438, 4739, 5840, 2341, 3842, 9343, 1744, 1145, 2446, 4447, 4348, 7149, 5250, 96 6551, 6052, 9553, 3554, 3955, 9056, 157, 5658, 859, 360, 6861, 5162, 4963, 5964, 5765, 2866, 4667, 1668, 8369, 7270, 2671, 6472, 9473, 6274, 5075, 7676, 4577, 7078, 3279, 3480, 2281, 7482, 2083, 8784, 685, 7986, 2187, 4188, 1089, 5590, 1291, 7792, 293, 1894, 8495, 796, 731, 742, 653, 844, 875, 506, 387, 488, 609, 1510, 6911, 3412, 2213, 5414, 2715, 5516, 2517, 2818, 7119, 4920, 1121, 9622, 5323, 1724, 2125, 7726, 727, 6828, 1629, 9130, 6231, 1332, 4433, 8534, 7635, 1236, 4637, 5138, 3239, 8140, 2041, 6442, 7843, 4044, 2445, 5946, 447, 4748, 8649, 3350, 97 2951, 4552, 7553, 9454, 6755, 5756, 6157, 2658, 8259, 3760, 961, 8962, 5263, 5864, 4365, 5666, 7967, 9268, 8369, 3170, 6371, 572, 9073, 7074, 2375, 9776, 8077, 1078, 3979, 880, 4181, 3682, 3583, 3084, 4285, 286, 687, 9588, 189, 9390, 1491, 1992, 8893, 7294, 6695, 396, 1897, 391, 412, 183, 134, 835, 986, 467, 698, 199, 310, 3611, 7212, 7813, 4714, 9515, 1116, 1417, 4418, 419, 8720, 9221, 4922, 1523, 5724, 6625, 5826, 6127, 5528, 4529, 4330, 9031, 3032, 6333, 5934, 3835, 136, 2937, 6438, 2039, 7940, 7741, 2742, 4043, 6544, 6845, 7346, 4247, 5348, 5249, 9150, 98 1651, 3752, 3553, 8954, 9755, 1756, 4857, 8158, 8259, 1260, 3461, 5662, 2863, 2464, 965, 3266, 9467, 8068, 669, 3370, 6771, 5072, 2673, 7074, 9675, 276, 7477, 9378, 2379, 5180, 581, 882, 8883, 7184, 2285, 7586, 2187, 2588, 3189, 8490, 1091, 7692, 8693, 8594, 5495, 6296, 6097, 798, 99 61, 462, 963, 534, 515, 626, 87, 288, 699, 9410, 211, 2112, 8713, 3914, 6315, 1716, 4317, 8318, 1019, 1320, 3121, 2022, 4123, 2424, 8825, 9326, 4927, 5428, 9829, 2930, 431, 5232, 6633, 2634, 6135, 1236, 1437, 7138, 7339, 5840, 8441, 7742, 7543, 4744, 7045, 5946, 747, 8248, 5649, 9150, 9251, 352, 9753, 954, 2755, 3056, 2257, 7258, 1959, 1160, 5561, 7962, 9563, 4464, 3665, 6766, 8
  • 11. 8167, 5068, 6069, 6470, 2571, 8572, 5773, 3574, 8075, 9076, 7877, 3278, 6879, 6580, 4281, 8682, 1583, 4884, 185, 586, 3487, 7688, 4589, 8990, 4091, 3892, 3793, 1694, 2395, 3396, 1897, 9998, 7499, 791, 312, 523, 344, 845, 636, 497, 668, 899, 10010, 2711, 9112, 7613, 7114, 2515, 9416, 2417, 5418, 5319, 2020, 4721, 322, 6823, 2824, 9825, 7726, 6727, 9328, 7529, 4830, 7331, 4032, 7033, 6234, 1135, 836, 1637, 8538, 6939, 8240, 3741, 1342, 1743, 9744, 2945, 3346, 4647, 3048, 3649, 100 3950, 1051, 8752, 9953, 554, 1255, 5656, 5157, 7458, 759, 2660, 9061, 3262, 2363, 6564, 8865, 2166, 167, 668, 269, 5070, 9571, 4272, 1573, 5774, 4575, 1976, 4377, 8078, 3879, 1880, 7881, 6182, 4183, 9684, 6485, 8386, 487, 5888, 989, 3590, 8191, 5592, 7293, 8694, 5995, 2296, 9297, 1498, 4499, 60100, 61, 102, 993, 144, 475, 286, 57, 258, 569, 5410, 6311, 9512, 5013, 9414, 9615, 4916, 8817, 1818, 6019, 8420, 10121, 7322, 6223, 2924, 8025, 726, 7827, 5328, 2029, 5830, 1531, 10032, 8633, 4134, 7935, 6936, 9337, 2738, 6839, 4240, 5941, 7542, 3243, 4044, 3845, 2146, 1147, 4848, 4349, 9750, 101 7451, 3752, 8353, 9854, 955, 156, 3057, 258, 7259, 9060, 3161, 3462, 363, 8564, 7065, 3566, 3367, 2268, 1369, 6570, 7771, 8172, 5173, 5274, 2475, 476, 9177, 4678, 1979, 4480, 6181, 9282, 5783, 1284, 2385, 7686, 3987, 4588, 6789, 6690, 6491, 7192, 1793, 1694, 8795, 8296, 3697, 898, 5599, 89100, 26101, 751, 242, 113, 554, 165, 806, 267, 848, 149, 410, 711, 512, 8813, 614, 9515, 7816, 5317, 8618, 9119, 1020, 4521, 3922, 6023, 6724, 10025, 5426, 227, 4328, 9329, 6630, 5731, 4932, 3633, 3434, 6135, 7136, 1737, 9638, 5939, 6840, 4241, 8742, 8243, 9044, 345, 1546, 3847, 6448, 7649, 5050, 102 2351, 952, 853, 7954, 6955, 7356, 7257, 2058, 4859, 6360, 5261, 162, 4063, 2764, 1965, 8366, 5667, 4768, 1269, 1870, 10171, 3572, 5173, 6574, 2975, 10276, 3177, 3778, 4179, 2580, 4481, 9882, 8983, 9784, 3285, 9986, 7087, 3088, 7789, 7490, 6291, 2292, 8593, 3394, 1395, 8196, 9497, 9298, 5899, 21100, 28101, 46102, 821, 192, 873, 164, 465, 216, 177, 778, 679, 8610, 8311, 8412, 10313, 2914, 1015, 4116, 3517, 1318, 9019, 1520, 221, 5422, 10023, 9824, 10125, 626, 9127, 5328, 4929, 5530, 3231, 4032, 9433, 9334, 2335, 6136, 6037, 2438, 5839, 540, 3041, 3642, 4243, 1444, 7645, 6446, 8147, 7548, 5049, 103 8850, 851, 8552, 7953, 10254, 7355, 6356, 7857, 9758, 7059, 360, 461, 6962, 4563, 5764, 3965, 4866, 2767, 2268, 769, 5970, 3871, 7172, 5673, 7274, 9275, 176, 9677, 1878, 5279, 8980, 2581, 6882, 2083, 5184, 9585, 8086, 987, 6288, 3389, 2890, 1291, 6592, 2693, 3794, 9995, 3196, 4797, 6698, 3499, 43100, 11101, 74102, 44103, 241, 82, 283, 1024, 235, 966, 947, 118, 449, 3010, 5411, 8812, 5113, 6914, 6415, 1816, 7417, 2218, 3919, 9320, 2721, 7822, 2523, 4124, 6625, 9026, 5727, 6828, 229, 7130, 10331, 1532, 8933, 5034, 4935, 8136, 6337, 4738, 7639, 5640, 4041, 9942, 3843, 1244, 10445, 3446, 4647, 6148, 949, 9250, 104 1351, 8652, 6053, 4854, 555, 5956, 6757, 9858, 9159, 1060, 5361, 7262, 163, 7364, 7765, 4266, 8467, 8268, 8069, 2070, 10071, 3772, 1673, 5574, 6575, 3276, 7577, 478, 8779, 7980, 3681, 4382, 4583, 9584, 1985, 2686, 3387, 9788, 1789, 8390, 2191, 3192, 5293, 3594, 5895, 7096, 1497, 2998, 799, 62100, 6101, 101102, 3103, 85104, 121, 672, 443, 504, 305, 326, 537, 908, 949, 10410, 311, 8812, 813, 2514, 1315, 7116, 2817, 1418, 10119, 4820, 8721, 6322, 5623, 1624, 9225, 3126, 3827, 4128, 729, 9630, 8231, 10332, 10233, 7534, 4535, 3336, 5937, 6138, 7639, 6240, 2741, 442, 8543, 1044, 2345, 7046, 1747, 7448, 4349, 1950, 105 251, 8052, 653, 8354, 3655, 8456, 2657, 5158, 1859, 2260, 1561, 9962, 2463, 6864, 1165, 4666, 9367, 6568, 169, 6970, 2171, 7972, 9773, 9574, 10575, 7776, 5577, 7378, 4979, 3780, 9881, 9182, 4783, 5284, 2085, 586, 4087, 4288, 8689, 8990, 3991, 5492, 3493, 6494, 7895, 8196, 997, 6098, 2999, 35100, 100101, 72102, 58103, 57104, 66105, 106 371, 182, 1023, 404, 215, 716, 177, 298, 389, 3110, 6011, 6812, 2813, 2214, 9015, 10416, 4717, 618, 8819, 2620, 5421, 2722, 5023, 3324, 4825, 7026, 6427, 8428, 10529, 1230, 6631, 8632, 333, 7734, 1535, 4536, 9137, 7438, 4239, 6740, 241, 8742, 6243, 6944, 1645, 2346, 6347, 7948, 5549, 9
  • 12. 8250, 1951, 2052, 8053, 9954, 5855, 5356, 157, 7858, 7359, 9560, 4361, 6162, 4163, 7564, 9265, 5166, 6567, 10368, 2469, 5670, 3471, 10072, 773, 2574, 575, 976, 8177, 1178, 9779, 3680, 9481, 3582, 4483, 1484, 8385, 9686, 8987, 5788, 9389, 10190, 891, 3992, 3093, 4994, 5995, 4696, 1097, 8598, 9899, 52100, 4101, 13102, 106103, 32104, 72105, 76106, 861, 232, 33, 244, 65, 576, 1017, 368, 1079, 6710, 2011, 2512, 4213, 3914, 6515, 4516, 9217, 3818, 4719, 5420, 10321, 5222, 7023, 6424, 1925, 6226, 8127, 5828, 8429, 8230, 4831, 3132, 733, 7634, 4335, 4936, 8537, 4638, 1539, 6140, 1641, 8342, 3243, 7444, 8945, 2846, 3547, 248, 549, 10550, 107 10451, 2152, 1053, 5554, 5955, 5156, 2657, 4058, 1459, 9660, 3461, 3362, 10063, 1764, 3765, 2266, 7367, 1868, 7269, 1170, 7571, 872, 7973, 9374, 175, 976, 8777, 6878, 7779, 9080, 9181, 1282, 6083, 8884, 6685, 10686, 9787, 3088, 4489, 9490, 2791, 2992, 8093, 5694, 9995, 1396, 4197, 498, 6399, 50100, 71101, 102102, 78103, 53104, 95105, 98106, 69107, 281, 392, 773, 584, 355, 266, 897, 968, 159, 3610, 4911, 3012, 5913, 2714, 7315, 5716, 6117, 3318, 8719, 3720, 1621, 2922, 923, 2024, 3825, 5526, 9227, 5128, 10129, 6730, 9731, 6432, 9033, 10034, 5335, 4236, 3437, 1738, 4039, 7640, 7841, 142, 743, 2144, 645, 10646, 8447, 7248, 8049, 3250, 108 10351, 1052, 5253, 2454, 8155, 9356, 6957, 4658, 10559, 9860, 8661, 8262, 1963, 1464, 1165, 9566, 10767, 8868, 269, 870, 471, 6872, 5673, 7974, 1875, 4776, 10877, 9978, 10279, 7480, 7081, 1382, 4483, 10484, 4185, 4386, 6587, 4888, 389, 6390, 9191, 6092, 2293, 6694, 8595, 1296, 2597, 2398, 599, 31100, 94101, 83102, 54103, 62104, 71105, 75106, 45107, 50108, 891, 852, 153, 834, 925, 256, 907, 758, 129, 4910, 3811, 10412, 1913, 10314, 5515, 6516, 317, 2118, 3119, 2320, 9821, 10022, 6723, 7024, 6825, 426, 1027, 8728, 9329, 8430, 831, 5132, 7133, 3334, 535, 6636, 9937, 10938, 8839, 4140, 4741, 242, 6243, 4444, 6145, 8146, 10847, 3248, 2049, 109 3450, 10551, 9752, 5853, 1854, 2955, 4256, 1357, 3558, 659, 10260, 961, 6362, 4563, 8664, 10665, 4866, 8067, 1668, 2769, 3670, 9571, 7872, 7273, 4374, 7675, 10776, 1177, 2878, 5779, 2480, 7781, 2282, 9183, 7984, 1485, 6486, 2687, 8288, 3089, 5990, 791, 4692, 9493, 3994, 5095, 5396, 4097, 1798, 3799, 101100, 1101, 52102, 56103, 54104, 73105, 69106, 60107, 96108, 74109, 561, 592, 1003, 844, 305, 756, 587, 28, 949, 9210, 5411, 10912, 4513, 7914, 815, 4316, 5517, 7718, 8219, 6320, 1521, 2622, 523, 2724, 125, 9626, 2527, 7128, 10629, 1830, 7331, 3532, 4033, 3734, 2835, 9836, 8037, 2338, 9939, 7640, 8341, 6242, 5143, 1644, 9145, 10246, 2447, 10548, 1049, 8550, 110 7251, 9552, 3153, 4254, 2155, 3856, 8157, 8858, 7459, 360, 7061, 6062, 2963, 6964, 965, 4766, 10767, 2268, 6769, 1970, 9071, 10472, 11073, 774, 10175, 3376, 10377, 4978, 3279, 1280, 481, 3982, 8683, 7884, 5785, 1386, 9387, 1188, 5089, 5290, 6491, 3492, 8993, 4194, 6895, 4896, 697, 5398, 2099, 65100, 97101, 46102, 66103, 36104, 44105, 14106, 17107, 108108, 87109, 61110, 761, 612, 553, 244, 155, 1026, 997, 988, 469, 6010, 10711, 4912, 10813, 2914, 9315, 1116, 5717, 9018, 2519, 1620, 4521, 5022, 7323, 8524, 9225, 3626, 127, 6428, 2629, 5930, 631, 7232, 3933, 4734, 7935, 3436, 4137, 5438, 10639, 6940, 11141, 3042, 10443, 7844, 10545, 8346, 8947, 5848, 6549, 1050, 7151, 2252, 5153, 1954, 3355, 3556, 9157, 4258, 2759, 360, 4061, 5662, 1263, 564, 111 65 28 , 9466, 8667, 6768, 4469, 7470, 871, 1372, 273, 474, 1875, 1776, 3277, 2378, 8079, 8780, 3181, 3882, 11083, 9684, 10085, 8886, 8187, 8288, 8489, 10390, 5291, 6292, 3793, 6394, 2095, 2196, 10197, 6698, 9599, 77100, 14101, 53102, 9103, 68104, 43105, 75106, 7107, 97108, 48109, 70110, 109111, 911, 402, 943, 414, 615, 696, 127, 228, 799, 6710, 6811, 1112, 9713, 114, 8115, 6016, 9917, 6518, 8919, 420, 7621, 5022, 6223, 9324, 8625, 9226, 2127, 528, 4329, 11230, 4531, 8232, 10033, 2434, 4435, 5336, 4837, 3238, 3139, 2840, 3341, 9842, 10643, 10344, 2645, 2746, 5647, 11148, 6349, 8350, 9651, 5852, 7153, 7054, 5555, 3056, 11057, 5458, 3459, 10260, 5961, 7762, 7863, 1564, 112 10865, 766, 5167, 8868, 6669, 8770, 10771, 872, 5773, 2974, 6475, 8076, 1877, 7478, 9579, 10980, 10481, 4282, 4783, 7284, 3985, 3886, 2387, 1388, 9089, 1790, 4991, 10592, 3693, 1994, 3595, 3796, 1097, 5298, 10199, 73100, 3101, 25102, 9103, 84104, 20105, 14106, 16107, 46108, 75109, 85110, 6111, 2112, 10
  • 13. 191, 1102, 1053, 1074, 265, 716, 337, 138, 1029, 4110, 7911, 2512, 8013, 8114, 9015, 5816, 7817, 2818, 7019, 3620, 10921, 8622, 9523, 2424, 10825, 7326, 3527, 328, 1529, 8530, 1731, 3132, 6333, 5334, 5035, 4036, 6937, 3438, 9839, 4540, 2141, 11242, 8743, 3744, 10145, 1246, 5147, 248, 6049, 2050, 4651, 1852, 5253, 3854, 5655, 7656, 2757, 7258, 11159, 7560, 6761, 9462, 4363, 6564, 9165, 113 66 8 , 10067, 8868, 8369, 1670, 671, 6872, 573, 2274, 6475, 3976, 8977, 1478, 4479, 5780, 9981, 6282, 6183, 8284, 7785, 5586, 5487, 488, 3289, 9290, 191, 2992, 2393, 4294, 10395, 3096, 9697, 9398, 10699, 10100, 49101, 11102, 7103, 48104, 113105, 59106, 9107, 66108, 97109, 104110, 84111, 47112, 74113, 441, 362, 93, 44, 175, 876, 807, 918, 1089, 810, 10111, 6012, 2313, 9514, 2415, 216, 517, 8918, 319, 6520, 5221, 5322, 7623, 6124, 7825, 7726, 8627, 10528, 9329, 1130, 3231, 8532, 8833, 9934, 6235, 7536, 1837, 2638, 10339, 3140, 11041, 11442, 3543, 1644, 7145, 8246, 4247, 1248, 5849, 10250, 9751, 6752, 5753, 9454, 4355, 10456, 4557, 2258, 10059, 2560, 4661, 4062, 11363, 8364, 114 65 14 , 1366, 5467, 3968, 1969, 10970, 8471, 11272, 4773, 4974, 775, 6976, 3077, 9678, 7279, 5080, 8181, 2182, 183, 7084, 5185, 9086, 9887, 2988, 9289, 2890, 7991, 692, 5993, 3894, 6895, 6696, 4197, 6398, 2799, 107100, 48101, 34102, 64103, 10104, 106105, 73106, 33107, 111108, 37109, 20110, 15111, 55112, 56113, 74114, 581, 282, 193, 504, 1025, 476, 277, 448, 1119, 4810, 3011, 9012, 713, 7614, 7715, 7116, 317, 5718, 7419, 8420, 4121, 4522, 2423, 6924, 1325, 1826, 3827, 11528, 10529, 10830, 5931, 3732, 1633, 9334, 10335, 4336, 5237, 8138, 2639, 2240, 7541, 8042, 9743, 6644, 3145, 1746, 10747, 8948, 2149, 2350, 8851, 1052, 7853, 5354, 6855, 4656, 9957, 6158, 959, 4960, 8761, 5162, 10163, 3364, 565, 115 66 20 , 9667, 668, 4069, 11470, 8671, 10672, 5573, 6774, 8575, 10976, 7277, 3678, 179, 480, 11381, 882, 6283, 4284, 8385, 9586, 7087, 6388, 1289, 3990, 6091, 6592, 3293, 5694, 9195, 10096, 9897, 1498, 7999, 34100, 110101, 25102, 94103, 73104, 11105, 64106, 54107, 92108, 15109, 104110, 2111, 35112, 112113, 82114, 29115, 811, 382, 703, 324, 1125, 736, 747, 958, 119, 4110, 1411, 9612, 213, 5314, 1015, 3016, 8217, 2018, 8319, 420, 1721, 5422, 9323, 8024, 3625, 10426, 2127, 11428, 329, 2530, 631, 11332, 2933, 7234, 6935, 9936, 5137, 8838, 10639, 7140, 9141, 7942, 2243, 8644, 10245, 4646, 10947, 1648, 8449, 5050, 3751, 1252, 7753, 4254, 6055, 2756, 3357, 9858, 6759, 10860, 5661, 4862, 963, 8764, 1965, 116 66 63 , 4567, 868, 5969, 8970, 7671, 10772, 10073, 11174, 775, 2876, 7877, 3478, 10179, 180, 6281, 6882, 11583, 5284, 7585, 10586, 5787, 6188, 5589, 590, 11091, 4792, 8593, 4494, 9295, 1896, 1597, 2698, 9499, 90100, 49101, 23102, 116103, 64104, 43105, 13106, 39107, 24108, 58109, 31110, 40111, 65112, 66113, 103114, 35115, 97116, 141, 292, 833, 924, 55, 406, 177, 388, 339, 9110, 9811, 4212, 7613, 11414, 4415, 1816, 4717, 718, 5519, 11720, 8621, 7022, 2123, 2324, 7925, 7526, 4527, 2628, 2829, 330, 8531, 1532, 7433, 634, 9435, 5136, 10937, 2538, 10639, 5840, 2041, 9942, 243, 1944, 5745, 846, 5247, 6648, 7849, 3650, 11351, 7252, 3553, 1154, 11555, 8256, 1257, 10858, 5459, 3460, 5961, 6862, 10163, 5664, 165, 117 66 43 , 8967, 3968, 8169, 6570, 5371, 7372, 6173, 11074, 9575, 9776, 6777, 7778, 6979, 10380, 981, 9082, 8783, 10484, 5085, 6286, 10087, 2788, 4989, 7190, 11691, 3192, 2493, 4194, 11295, 6496, 3797, 8098, 1099, 13100, 105101, 4102, 63103, 96104, 107105, 88106, 93107, 16108, 60109, 102110, 111111, 48112, 84113, 32114, 22115, 30116, 46117, 351, 482, 313, 34, 195, 1016, 77, 878, 449, 510, 8511, 11512, 11113, 7314, 2715, 4016, 8917, 1618, 8319, 3420, 5221, 6722, 9423, 10824, 425, 5326, 1327, 6928, 11229, 11330, 4531, 10432, 2833, 6334, 6835, 2236, 4337, 5938, 5839, 240, 4741, 7242, 843, 7944, 5645, 2546, 5447, 1548, 6449, 1850, 7751, 8452, 10053, 9354, 2155, 11056, 3057, 7658, 5559, 5060, 8661, 3862, 6563, 10264, 118 65 66 , 6166, 11467, 8068, 11869, 10770, 7571, 9172, 2073, 2474, 9275, 1776, 9777, 6078, 3279, 8280, 1081, 4282, 8183, 3784, 685, 986, 10987, 9888, 3689, 4190, 1291, 7192, 3393, 10594, 7495, 3996, 7897, 11798, 4699, 49100, 14101, 70102, 29103, 51104, 1105, 90106, 88107, 103108, 99109, 116110, 95111, 23112, 62113, 106114, 26115, 96116, 57117, 11118, 119 101, 782, 1033, 1124, 1105, 476, 67, 728, 859, 9310, 4411, 5612, 7513, 8414, 10615, 1716, 3217, 11
  • 14. 5518, 1619, 10020, 8821, 9522, 3923, 5924, 11525, 5026, 6827, 2728, 929, 1830, 8631, 832, 2033, 4334, 7135, 8136, 10437, 1938, 11439, 7040, 6141, 8242, 5143, 8744, 5745, 11346, 4647, 2548, 6249, 4850, 7451, 4052, 5453, 1354, 1555, 8356, 9657, 10558, 9259, 260, 9761, 4162, 11163, 6464, 4565, 10866, 6767, 768, 7769, 5870, 2371, 6972, 2673, 6374, 3475, 2876, 11977, 1478, 2979, 10780, 2181, 8982, 5283, 2484, 4985, 8086, 6087, 3888, 3089, 10290, 1291, 7392, 3393, 3794, 9895, 10196, 197, 7998, 1199, 76100, 91101, 117102, 31103, 90104, 35105, 3106, 4107, 118108, 65109, 66110, 109111, 116112, 5113, 94114, 36115, 42116, 99117, 53118, 22119, 191, 602, 53, 594, 405, 926, 847, 208, 269, 6610, 811, 2212, 6713, 12014, 11115, 116, 3617, 3418, 7419, 3720, 11421, 9722, 8923, 8624, 1425, 10226, 3027, 4928, 3329, 5830, 10431, 732, 10933, 5534, 10535, 11336, 11737, 10338, 11839, 640, 10141, 4542, 6943, 5244, 1245, 5346, 2147, 2948, 9649, 7950, 11951, 9352, 9453, 5054, 4255, 9556, 7157, 2858, 4759, 2760, 4461, 8362, 7063, 11664, 120 10665, 11266, 8067, 4168, 2569, 6470, 1571, 9872, 3173, 5674, 6275, 1676, 1777, 478, 7579, 8780, 7881, 3982, 1183, 10784, 3285, 9086, 2487, 5788, 4689, 7390, 1891, 6392, 293, 10894, 1095, 396, 3897, 11598, 7699, 91100, 72101, 43102, 51103, 99104, 81105, 77106, 68107, 100108, 61109, 9110, 35111, 85112, 88113, 54114, 13115, 82116, 110117, 23118, 48119, 65120, 811, 232, 33, 644, 855, 1026, 267, 78, 1129, 8010, 7811, 12012, 11513, 1614, 10815, 7316, 11417, 6818, 9519, 8620, 11921, 11722, 2523, 624, 7925, 1026, 1527, 8728, 10029, 1330, 8331, 5232, 5533, 6934, 2735, 5636, 8237, 10138, 4639, 8440, 7541, 7242, 4743, 10744, 2845, 2146, 3947, 9448, 4049, 250, 5151, 9652, 4453, 6154, 7455, 6256, 3257, 11158, 2059, 4560, 11661, 12162, 5063, 4964, 5365, 121 66 54 , 11867, 6068, 5769, 3470, 3671, 1472, 1873, 9274, 2475, 10376, 477, 9178, 1979, 9880, 4881, 882, 1183, 6584, 7685, 586, 1287, 7788, 11389, 990, 7191, 4292, 2293, 1794, 8995, 5896, 3097, 7098, 10999, 67100, 35101, 59102, 106103, 37104, 105105, 43106, 29107, 33108, 63109, 104110, 110111, 88112, 90113, 99114, 31115, 38116, 1117, 41118, 66119, 97120, 93121, 31, 932, 943, 884, 95, 216, 357, 48, 529, 8910, 7711, 3212, 2013, 2414, 3615, 7916, 3317, 7318, 8719, 9120, 5321, 5122, 5923, 12124, 4525, 10426, 9827, 3728, 4629, 2230, 8131, 2832, 10233, 7134, 11935, 2336, 11537, 9538, 6239, 3040, 6441, 5642, 1743, 10944, 1045, 8446, 6347, 2948, 10149, 9750, 6051, 8352, 6653, 754, 7655, 5856, 5557, 6158, 6959, 10060, 861, 11262, 9663, 7064, 122 9265, 266, 10867, 8068, 11369, 2670, 1371, 172, 1173, 9074, 11675, 4276, 10577, 11078, 8679, 5480, 8581, 10382, 3183, 7884, 11785, 1586, 7287, 1288, 6589, 12090, 6791, 10792, 11893, 4394, 11495, 4796, 12297, 4198, 699, 57100, 5101, 111102, 16103, 68104, 27105, 48106, 14107, 18108, 74109, 49110, 75111, 25112, 106113, 40114, 39115, 82116, 44117, 19118, 50119, 38120, 34121, 99122, 1141, 992, 223, 134, 1015, 296, 407, 1108, 29, 4910, 10611, 4512, 113, 7614, 3815, 5216, 2817, 4718, 3319, 4820, 2121, 5822, 6423, 1624, 10925, 7326, 8627, 628, 7529, 6630, 5931, 1832, 7133, 12234, 11735, 7736, 10237, 8838, 7939, 11140, 541, 5342, 10343, 10544, 1945, 3046, 3247, 1148, 5449, 9250, 2351, 11652, 12153, 3554, 11855, 8756, 757, 3658, 10059, 4460, 7061, 862, 2563, 464, 123 11965, 6166, 2667, 6368, 1569, 9370, 3171, 372, 7273, 9574, 11275, 9076, 5177, 6878, 9779, 10780, 6581, 12082, 8283, 1084, 5685, 1486, 6087, 4288, 4689, 2090, 7891, 10892, 1793, 8594, 8195, 12396, 9497, 9198, 8999, 96100, 43101, 55102, 27103, 104104, 74105, 9106, 113107, 98108, 41109, 34110, 57111, 37112, 80113, 39114, 12115, 50116, 83117, 24118, 62119, 69120, 84121, 115122, 67123, 124 761, 812, 933, 824, 565, 796, 137, 628, 459, 910, 3211, 3012, 9713, 7314, 9815, 7516, 8617, 7118, 519, 620, 12221, 8822, 1823, 10224, 2925, 3626, 5427, 6928, 3429, 9030, 4431, 5832, 11233, 7734, 11435, 9636, 1737, 6838, 3339, 12040, 10541, 6542, 8543, 8744, 6445, 246, 10847, 8448, 3949, 6150, 10751, 1452, 12353, 454, 11555, 4356, 2457, 6758, 9459, 7260, 5561, 1562, 1163, 864, 5765, 5066, 6367, 2168, 6069, 9270, 2371, 372, 4773, 9974, 11975, 10176, 9577, 10478, 4179, 11680, 2281, 4282, 9183, 2084, 3785, 4686, 10387, 8088, 2889, 7890, 4991, 5992, 1693, 11394, 8395, 3896, 4097, 7498, 10699, 26100, 124101, 27102, 25103, 89104, 110105, 7106, 109107, 66108, 118109, 111110, 121111, 100112, 117113, 12114, 35115, 1116, 53117, 31118, 48119, 52120, 10121, 70122, 12
  • 15. 51123, 19124, 291, 922, 323, 94, 665, 846, 1107, 748, 1119, 3110, 5211, 8612, 1213, 7214, 4615, 12116, 517, 12318, 6219, 11620, 10821, 1022, 5323, 2624, 8825, 12526, 9627, 228, 6429, 7130, 731, 12432, 10633, 2434, 5835, 3536, 7937, 6938, 5039, 6140, 8741, 1842, 4243, 5544, 5645, 1446, 6547, 11848, 9549, 9050, 5751, 152, 7053, 854, 3855, 3956, 7357, 12058, 4459, 7760, 11261, 8362, 7563, 3464, 125 9365, 5166, 11767, 4168, 1369, 9770, 2371, 9872, 2573, 4374, 1575, 6076, 6877, 11578, 2879, 3780, 4981, 10382, 1683, 10784, 1985, 7886, 2187, 8188, 6389, 4890, 3391, 1792, 10193, 11394, 6795, 10296, 8097, 10498, 8999, 30100, 4101, 40102, 109103, 36104, 59105, 114106, 6107, 91108, 11109, 76110, 54111, 82112, 94113, 119114, 100115, 85116, 3117, 22118, 27119, 20120, 45121, 99122, 47123, 105124, 122125, 1011, 542, 123, 614, 445, 986, 1117, 68, 1039, 3410, 10211, 11612, 3513, 10714, 8515, 4316, 2517, 318, 2619, 4220, 9221, 2822, 9523, 2924, 9625, 5026, 6627, 6328, 3229, 8430, 9731, 6232, 9433, 10034, 6735, 10436, 937, 8338, 7239, 840, 5341, 11342, 7443, 444, 9045, 7646, 12247, 548, 11849, 2750, 3951, 9952, 7153, 6854, 2355, 11056, 1357, 11458, 9359, 11760, 5861, 3862, 8063, 126 264, 5265, 1866, 10867, 2468, 12469, 1570, 5671, 4572, 6573, 3374, 5175, 12376, 3177, 4778, 6479, 12680, 4081, 1182, 1083, 12584, 4885, 8286, 5987, 11588, 1689, 2290, 1491, 792, 2093, 6994, 8995, 5596, 3097, 7798, 10699, 57100, 87101, 46102, 120103, 37104, 73105, 78106, 79107, 86108, 41109, 60110, 91111, 81112, 109113, 17114, 70115, 36116, 112117, 75118, 105119, 49120, 1121, 19122, 121123, 119124, 21125, 88126, 321, 992, 623, 924, 85, 536, 557, 198, 1049, 4310, 11411, 6812, 12713, 8414, 10015, 3716, 12117, 7918, 5019, 4820, 2621, 8222, 2223, 10924, 9425, 1626, 8927, 7428, 9729, 11730, 1331, 4632, 6933, 5834, 6435, 6136, 3837, 1738, 11939, 4440, 4541, 2142, 343, 444, 945, 7346, 3947, 1148, 8149, 12650, 2851, 5452, 2353, 5654, 10855, 9556, 8557, 4958, 12459, 10160, 2461, 8062, 5263, 7164, 127 4265, 2766, 767, 4068, 10369, 11170, 10571, 9072, 1073, 9374, 11875, 8376, 11277, 2078, 5779, 8880, 6781, 2982, 4183, 1284, 3685, 11386, 3387, 3188, 1889, 6090, 2591, 7792, 3493, 9194, 12395, 4796, 10297, 198, 6599, 78100, 120101, 116102, 75103, 59104, 76105, 122106, 51107, 6108, 70109, 107110, 115111, 110112, 86113, 35114, 2115, 125116, 87117, 5118, 15119, 96120, 63121, 30122, 106123, 72124, 98125, 14126, 66127, 81, 702, 303, 894, 125, 656, 837, 1218, 99, 11910, 9311, 412, 8613, 5514, 3815, 3916, 7317, 5218, 6919, 7720, 3621, 5922, 11023, 3524, 10425, 9626, 727, 8028, 9829, 12330, 7931, 8832, 4333, 3334, 10535, 3736, 9437, 7138, 639, 9040, 12841, 11542, 9543, 10644, 11745, 12046, 6347, 4548, 7649, 11650, 6751, 10152, 4253, 9154, 7855, 12256, 1057, 5758, 8759, 1960, 12761, 8562, 7563, 564, 128 5665, 5166, 11467, 8268, 3469, 10870, 10371, 6472, 12473, 5874, 11875, 1776, 2077, 6878, 4779, 10080, 9781, 2282, 3283, 5384, 385, 9986, 2987, 1488, 10289, 6190, 8191, 6092, 4493, 1694, 2195, 196, 5497, 11398, 10999, 11100, 62101, 40102, 2103, 49104, 126105, 25106, 41107, 28108, 18109, 92110, 84111, 31112, 46113, 125114, 72115, 23116, 107117, 50118, 111119, 112120, 48121, 15122, 13123, 26124, 27125, 24126, 66127, 74128, 831, 52, 363, 1234, 575, 16, 597, 608, 1099, 1810, 12611, 6312, 1613, 12114, 5615, 3216, 11617, 7618, 9019, 6220, 2521, 3122, 6623, 3824, 1325, 2026, 2127, 12528, 4329, 7230, 6731, 5832, 4433, 8234, 1935, 11036, 337, 1438, 12039, 640, 7041, 8042, 8643, 9844, 11545, 7446, 9247, 948, 5549, 12950, 1551, 5352, 6153, 10054, 10255, 10856, 4157, 7958, 2859, 4560, 6861, 9662, 1763, 2464, 129 10565, 1266, 8967, 11468, 11869, 3970, 7571, 3372, 9973, 10474, 10675, 7876, 2377, 11178, 479, 11280, 2281, 4882, 5283, 8784, 9385, 12286, 7787, 4088, 9589, 12890, 9491, 1192, 3593, 4294, 3495, 4996, 797, 5198, 299, 97100, 113101, 65102, 103103, 69104, 88105, 85106, 10107, 119108, 8109, 91110, 27111, 46112, 81113, 54114, 117115, 26116, 71117, 124118, 107119, 30120, 37121, 127122, 29123, 101124, 64125, 50126, 73127, 47128, 84129, 130 231, 1062, 713, 924, 65, 436, 1027, 98, 1059, 6510, 8311, 2512, 11013, 7614, 12715, 2016, 3817, 12118, 3419, 10920, 7721, 1722, 3923, 12824, 1225, 4826, 1127, 9628, 4029, 8930, 4731, 12632, 9033, 12334, 6935, 8436, 537, 4138, 1439, 6340, 9141, 8742, 4443, 2244, 11745, 1646, 6447, 1048, 13
  • 16. 6149, 350, 12551, 2952, 8053, 10054, 4955, 3756, 1557, 5358, 10459, 2660, 4261, 2162, 7963, 2764, 9765, 2466, 1967, 9968, 5969, 12470, 1371, 7472, 6673, 11474, 6875, 5676, 477, 3678, 879, 13080, 12981, 5282, 283, 9484, 10185, 7586, 11987, 5088, 6089, 11890, 11591, 10892, 11193, 5594, 5895, 4696, 8697, 3198, 7399, 45100, 67101, 82102, 70103, 107104, 103105, 81106, 122107, 1108, 120109, 51110, 112111, 88112, 32113, 57114, 35115, 18116, 93117, 62118, 30119, 116120, 28121, 7122, 98123, 33124, 72125, 95126, 78127, 54128, 85129, 113130, 881, 682, 183, 524, 255, 146, 1147, 1208, 1229, 2910, 1911, 1512, 6213, 1614, 4915, 10216, 5517, 7018, 10319, 1320, 921, 10622, 4223, 5624, 3525, 7526, 4627, 6028, 5829, 2330, 1731, 2732, 11333, 10734, 5035, 8136, 2037, 8738, 2639, 9040, 9241, 11942, 6543, 3344, 12445, 746, 447, 10948, 4549, 2150, 12351, 9352, 5353, 5454, 9655, 11756, 9557, 12658, 1059, 12560, 3761, 12962, 10463, 5164, 131 7465, 3466, 2467, 168, 12769, 11170, 9871, 3272, 873, 9174, 6475, 6976, 12877, 578, 4479, 11680, 681, 9482, 3083, 4184, 13185, 7886, 1187, 11588, 6389, 10090, 10891, 10192, 8493, 294, 7795, 8696, 8297, 1298, 8399, 97100, 43101, 85102, 121103, 66104, 36105, 57106, 67107, 89108, 76109, 105110, 38111, 3112, 40113, 80114, 22115, 31116, 59117, 130118, 39119, 47120, 79121, 99122, 48123, 28124, 61125, 71126, 118127, 73128, 112129, 110130, 72131, 441, 522, 733, 124, 145, 816, 837, 698, 479, 7210, 8811, 512, 11213, 9314, 11715, 7416, 7717, 1718, 4119, 5720, 2821, 9222, 6823, 224, 9925, 8426, 11827, 11028, 5029, 11630, 1331, 1632, 13033, 4634, 2235, 3536, 1837, 10038, 1939, 12140, 10941, 11442, 12643, 344, 1045, 6746, 12547, 12448, 10549, 13150, 5651, 11152, 11353, 3054, 2355, 4556, 10257, 5158, 8259, 6060, 6361, 4862, 132 2063, 9664, 2465, 9566, 5567, 6568, 2569, 12070, 771, 11572, 1173, 3674, 12875, 176, 477, 8778, 11979, 10680, 4281, 7882, 3883, 5484, 3185, 7586, 12987, 3388, 9889, 6690, 10791, 9792, 8093, 7194, 10395, 2196, 10897, 3498, 7099, 132100, 40101, 76102, 91103, 86104, 123105, 8106, 32107, 61108, 49109, 15110, 79111, 85112, 62113, 64114, 39115, 127116, 94117, 53118, 90119, 58120, 122121, 43122, 29123, 6124, 59125, 27126, 89127, 26128, 9129, 104130, 101131, 37132, 201, 52, 173, 984, 1015, 906, 967, 778, 389, 9110, 12911, 10812, 2313, 9714, 6815, 2116, 317, 8418, 4719, 2920, 6021, 6322, 10223, 1824, 10025, 5826, 5227, 6428, 1629, 12330, 9231, 7832, 4033, 11634, 5135, 6136, 3237, 438, 4139, 8040, 13141, 1142, 11743, 4944, 8745, 7146, 3047, 8248, 12149, 12450, 3351, 4852, 7553, 654, 12655, 1356, 3657, 6558, 11259, 10960, 6261, 5562, 6763, 133 8164, 1065, 6966, 13367, 8368, 4369, 8970, 271, 7372, 11573, 2574, 2875, 5676, 11977, 11378, 5079, 13280, 981, 6682, 9383, 3784, 12885, 10686, 7687, 9588, 4589, 8590, 2691, 1592, 12293, 9994, 7095, 5396, 10497, 3598, 199, 79100, 127101, 22102, 125103, 72104, 27105, 42106, 111107, 57108, 31109, 110110, 24111, 120112, 105113, 94114, 103115, 54116, 7117, 14118, 39119, 19120, 46121, 44122, 130123, 12124, 118125, 34126, 74127, 59128, 88129, 107130, 114131, 8132, 86133, 1011, 592, 93, 524, 555, 186, 1287, 248, 299, 2210, 10911, 3812, 12913, 8114, 6915, 6616, 10717, 10818, 11719, 7420, 9921, 122, 9423, 10524, 12325, 7926, 7327, 4228, 5029, 6030, 4431, 2732, 6233, 3134, 6135, 10236, 1037, 13438, 4739, 9740, 9541, 11942, 8343, 11344, 7145, 8246, 3447, 1648, 9349, 12650, 3351, 4952, 11553, 8654, 9855, 12556, 7557, 3058, 2659, 760, 661, 7662, 7063, 134 5364, 6365, 6566, 4867, 11668, 1369, 11070, 11871, 8872, 273, 1174, 13375, 3976, 10677, 4178, 5879, 5480, 5781, 8582, 1583, 12484, 11485, 886, 13287, 11188, 389, 3590, 5691, 492, 8093, 4594, 595, 1296, 1497, 9198, 4099, 104100, 67101, 131102, 90103, 20104, 130105, 19106, 68107, 64108, 37109, 17110, 28111, 127112, 92113, 121114, 122115, 77116, 36117, 46118, 25119, 32120, 78121, 43122, 100123, 23124, 51125, 89126, 84127, 103128, 120129, 96130, 87131, 21132, 112133, 72134, 135 91, 152, 1043, 374, 1275, 766, 47, 1258, 919, 4010, 12911, 7112, 6613, 9314, 9415, 816, 4617, 1318, 11719, 7220, 13021, 13322, 523, 8524, 5825, 5126, 8627, 5328, 12829, 11630, 2331, 5532, 5933, 234, 6235, 7836, 11437, 2538, 139, 7740, 12441, 3642, 743, 13444, 11245, 4946, 5747, 11848, 9749, 5450, 3951, 7352, 2153, 10954, 12055, 1756, 1257, 3058, 9659, 1660, 2061, 6362, 7063, 8464, 11165, 11366, 6167, 11068, 9569, 4870, 8271, 5272, 3573, 8074, 2275, 10176, 4277, 13178, 12379, 11580, 10081, 10582, 4783, 4384, 3185, 1886, 1487, 7488, 1189, 1090, 6991, 3292, 11993, 3894, 10895, 13596, 8997, 3498, 5699, 132100, 98101, 50102, 60103, 19104, 83105, 28106, 87107, 6108, 107109, 122110, 99111, 88112, 79113, 45114, 81115, 75116, 26117, 67118, 64119, 92120, 102121, 14
  • 17. 121122, 3123, 68124, 106125, 65126, 24127, 33128, 103129, 29130, 27131, 90132, 126133, 44134, 41135, 1021, 862, 973, 904, 935, 196, 237, 1328, 639, 3510, 1211, 3412, 11713, 7714, 7815, 116, 1017, 7618, 12619, 12220, 6021, 6222, 8823, 12824, 4425, 11626, 2827, 9528, 6629, 6730, 8931, 7132, 10333, 10634, 5435, 11036, 3837, 8338, 11139, 8740, 3241, 9642, 443, 6544, 4745, 3746, 10447, 13648, 12149, 3650, 4651, 1452, 953, 854, 1755, 356, 2957, 5358, 2259, 13160, 9261, 10062, 11363, 8064, 2065, 7566, 4067, 4968, 2769, 6970, 5571, 272, 4873, 11474, 2175, 7976, 5277, 6878, 3079, 136 10180, 3381, 4382, 4183, 5984, 7085, 9986, 13587, 11988, 1689, 13390, 691, 1892, 5893, 5094, 11895, 12396, 3197, 10798, 4299, 73100, 24101, 11102, 25103, 84104, 105105, 74106, 61107, 64108, 7109, 45110, 94111, 81112, 91113, 125114, 26115, 5116, 134117, 98118, 130119, 82120, 127121, 51122, 72123, 120124, 129125, 115126, 109127, 112128, 124129, 85130, 13131, 108132, 39133, 15134, 57135, 56136, 861, 1122, 493, 374, 1255, 356, 227, 278, 49, 7510, 4511, 10512, 10213, 6514, 10915, 5816, 11617, 318, 2319, 5620, 5421, 522, 4423, 1224, 7325, 5926, 10727, 6628, 12829, 6830, 6331, 11132, 5033, 7634, 2935, 10136, 13337, 11338, 12039, 7740, 13641, 9742, 2543, 6444, 12445, 9146, 2147, 9448, 4149, 8750, 12951, 5552, 13553, 4854, 5355, 13756, 4057, 2058, 11559, 11060, 11761, 4662, 12363, 12164, 9565, 11866, 4767, 8968, 8069, 1970, 9671, 9372, 13273, 6974, 13075, 1076, 9077, 137 12678, 3179, 1380, 3081, 782, 6283, 13184, 7085, 3986, 987, 10488, 8489, 5190, 10891, 2892, 6193, 12794, 9895, 9996, 3697, 6798, 9299, 17100, 24101, 11102, 74103, 8104, 32105, 34106, 72107, 26108, 78109, 16110, 2111, 60112, 119113, 106114, 88115, 57116, 38117, 71118, 83119, 1120, 82121, 103122, 15123, 100124, 122125, 14126, 134127, 33128, 43129, 79130, 114131, 18132, 42133, 81134, 52135, 85136, 6137, 21, 1302, 943, 934, 825, 1206, 787, 778, 689, 4410, 3511, 6512, 10413, 13714, 10715, 2316, 10217, 7118, 3719, 3820, 6921, 11122, 3223, 4024, 10025, 3026, 2627, 6328, 4729, 12230, 2231, 832, 10833, 8034, 12935, 13836, 9737, 13338, 12139, 8940, 12441, 6242, 5743, 11744, 12345, 8746, 747, 9848, 10349, 3650, 7551, 4552, 5853, 13254, 1855, 6456, 6657, 8158, 1659, 9260, 7361, 5462, 12763, 5664, 10565, 12866, 4267, 11968, 1569, 4370, 6171, 11572, 2573, 1274, 4675, 10176, 138 77 74 , 3978, 9179, 2980, 5981, 8582, 2483, 11284, 685, 8386, 1387, 11088, 4989, 11690, 7291, 8892, 593, 5594, 11395, 13196, 7097, 2798, 3499, 17100, 135101, 51102, 21103, 114104, 79105, 60106, 50107, 84108, 99109, 52110, 31111, 90112, 33113, 14114, 67115, 1116, 19117, 9118, 96119, 48120, 95121, 20122, 53123, 109124, 126125, 86126, 10127, 11128, 134129, 125130, 76131, 41132, 3133, 106134, 136135, 4136, 118137, 28138, 1291, 832, 443, 804, 965, 1096, 97, 418, 159, 8410, 5511, 6212, 10113, 6614, 115, 11116, 2917, 418, 9919, 3620, 6921, 5622, 1323, 9124, 7625, 6526, 9427, 13128, 8729, 7830, 5331, 3932, 6833, 2834, 2435, 1436, 7037, 3238, 8639, 6040, 5941, 2642, 6443, 12844, 12545, 746, 7347, 2248, 10349, 4750, 7251, 852, 9053, 13954, 2355, 356, 4557, 13458, 10759, 10660, 1161, 13862, 11463, 8264, 12465, 666, 1867, 8968, 10269, 1670, 3371, 12372, 8173, 13074, 5475, 13376, 4677, 1778, 11579, 139 80 20 , 9781, 9582, 7783, 13784, 8885, 11286, 3787, 13688, 12189, 5190, 1291, 12692, 13293, 2194, 7195, 10496, 5897, 598, 12099, 30100, 25101, 48102, 49103, 19104, 52105, 119106, 79107, 43108, 85109, 27110, 122111, 75112, 2113, 63114, 31115, 100116, 61117, 34118, 118119, 57120, 116121, 108122, 98123, 92124, 67125, 105126, 74127, 135128, 110129, 42130, 93131, 40132, 113133, 35134, 10135, 117136, 127137, 50138, 38139, 140 1261, 102, 1233, 234, 1025, 796, 817, 1308, 599, 3710, 1511, 912, 13413, 6714, 11615, 6116, 9917, 5718, 11819, 9120, 12021, 4222, 7523, 4024, 8825, 7026, 7727, 6228, 8629, 6030, 5531, 13632, 4733, 4834, 3935, 11436, 1837, 3538, 13139, 8240, 5141, 2442, 1243, 10744, 12745, 7846, 4547, 13948, 6649, 7450, 6551, 2252, 12453, 1654, 13355, 8356, 1457, 6358, 9359, 11360, 761, 12862, 10963, 1164, 5665, 10166, 5267, 12268, 4169, 7170, 271, 9472, 3373, 674, 3075, 2776, 9877, 2978, 10379, 10880, 14081, 9282, 13883, 9784, 5885, 486, 6987, 2088, 2689, 4990, 8791, 592, 10493, 8994, 1995, 12996, 3897, 4498, 7699, 28100, 1101, 72102, 111103, 80104, 3105, 119106, 106107, 36108, 105109, 96110, 8111, 73112, 50113, 85114, 53115, 13116, 100117, 17118, 68119, 15
  • 18. 121120, 54121, 46122, 32123, 125124, 21125, 34126, 112127, 64128, 90129, 117130, 135131, 132132, 84133, 43134, 110135, 31136, 25137, 115138, 95139, 137140, 651, 1192, 523, 364, 915, 626, 647, 1158, 339, 13410, 7711, 5012, 11213, 10214, 9615, 1616, 13817, 14018, 219, 1820, 2721, 11622, 12223, 4624, 925, 3826, 4427, 11728, 12029, 1930, 3431, 5532, 13233, 6134, 7035, 5436, 5137, 3738, 3139, 9440, 1741, 8842, 2643, 2544, 3545, 12746, 347, 1048, 1549, 6950, 11151, 9252, 4853, 654, 8355, 12556, 13357, 2958, 12459, 13060, 10861, 4962, 1463, 2164, 5765, 13766, 6367, 7268, 469, 770, 2271, 12872, 2473, 4774, 4075, 7576, 877, 9078, 141 11879, 10080, 7381, 6782, 13683, 8484, 8785, 12686, 10187, 7488, 14189, 8590, 4291, 4192, 593, 10994, 12395, 7696, 6097, 6698, 8299, 99100, 95101, 56102, 135103, 20104, 110105, 103106, 78107, 30108, 58109, 121110, 106111, 39112, 80113, 53114, 131115, 97116, 98117, 139118, 13119, 71120, 105121, 12122, 28123, 113124, 11125, 43126, 86127, 32128, 129129, 89130, 114131, 81132, 1133, 23134, 79135, 59136, 93137, 107138, 104139, 68140, 45141, 761, 1112, 1063, 954, 85, 816, 437, 588, 929, 12610, 4611, 10512, 3813, 6014, 7815, 7116, 2617, 14118, 2119, 11620, 3721, 1822, 6523, 5224, 12925, 13826, 4527, 1628, 6829, 3930, 7231, 9932, 533, 5434, 3435, 11836, 1037, 13238, 5539, 3540, 6441, 2442, 10843, 4944, 13545, 9446, 1747, 7948, 6149, 7350, 1551, 7752, 5653, 10954, 2355, 6956, 11457, 12858, 5959, 2960, 8561, 10362, 7063, 8864, 465, 5766, 13967, 4468, 169, 2770, 8771, 7472, 1373, 8974, 4075, 3376, 4177, 9778, 142 79 98 , 1180, 13181, 6282, 683, 12084, 4285, 2286, 5387, 12488, 789, 9090, 12791, 2092, 6393, 2894, 10795, 9396, 8497, 14098, 999, 137100, 66101, 51102, 100103, 122104, 123105, 134106, 19107, 80108, 83109, 125110, 2111, 36112, 112113, 50114, 86115, 47116, 12117, 25118, 96119, 102120, 142121, 67122, 110123, 113124, 119125, 115126, 32127, 117128, 133129, 14130, 31131, 130132, 82133, 91134, 121135, 30136, 48137, 104138, 136139, 101140, 75141, 3142, 641, 912, 813, 364, 835, 486, 1247, 858, 619, 5610, 1811, 12112, 8913, 914, 1915, 4216, 4617, 9318, 12719, 2520, 7621, 12622, 14223, 724, 12325, 2126, 9027, 3028, 9829, 3430, 11831, 832, 533, 11134, 4535, 9936, 6537, 13638, 6839, 6740, 4041, 5242, 5543, 1344, 5345, 10646, 3847, 4748, 12849, 2850, 151, 4952, 7553, 8254, 9255, 12556, 8057, 1558, 5859, 460, 3361, 6062, 7463, 364, 10065, 2966, 11367, 10868, 13269, 14370, 7771, 4472, 6273, 2074, 9575, 2276, 7277, 7978, 7079, 143 80 84 , 7881, 11782, 5783, 6984, 2385, 1486, 4387, 6388, 1289, 14090, 12991, 1192, 13993, 8694, 3995, 5996, 297, 5198, 12099, 16100, 35101, 41102, 130103, 17104, 134105, 96106, 10107, 73108, 122109, 105110, 37111, 112112, 102113, 109114, 107115, 88116, 31117, 27118, 138119, 110120, 137121, 119122, 66123, 115124, 50125, 54126, 94127, 32128, 71129, 103130, 6131, 133132, 104133, 24134, 131135, 87136, 101137, 116138, 114139, 26140, 97141, 141142, 135143, 921, 752, 273, 1214, 1355, 1266, 1057, 1408, 39, 5510, 12211, 7912, 5413, 8314, 8615, 7116, 8517, 7318, 6219, 6920, 8821, 14222, 1223, 11224, 7625, 2126, 8727, 1328, 2229, 630, 3431, 1832, 5133, 3334, 13335, 9736, 4937, 9938, 539, 1740, 4641, 3942, 11543, 3244, 3845, 10746, 13747, 3548, 5049, 12950, 4551, 11352, 13853, 13054, 8155, 8456, 9057, 13158, 2459, 12860, 4261, 3662, 5763, 13964, 12365, 12466, 11867, 11468, 7269, 13470, 12571, 12772, 10673, 11774, 14375, 144 10376, 10477, 4478, 7079, 6580, 6781, 10982, 7483, 6084, 10185, 9386, 4187, 4888, 289, 11690, 2891, 2092, 5993, 14494, 995, 3796, 9597, 498, 1499, 111100, 26101, 11102, 110103, 23104, 52105, 15106, 68107, 132108, 58109, 89110, 102111, 63112, 8113, 1114, 7115, 136116, 47117, 30118, 91119, 94120, 98121, 10122, 40123, 96124, 64125, 100126, 16127, 25128, 78129, 29130, 61131, 141132, 43133, 66134, 77135, 120136, 108137, 82138, 56139, 53140, 80141, 31142, 19143, 119144, 145 751, 1432, 123, 714, 1235, 466, 417, 1308, 1079, 13410, 8811, 5712, 6113, 2514, 4715, 5016, 9317, 7318, 11819, 14220, 6021, 1122, 9223, 11024, 10325, 5426, 12027, 228, 1329, 8130, 11631, 10132, 10933, 2134, 12435, 9736, 2937, 11738, 11239, 740, 6641, 14142, 443, 3344, 945, 6946, 6547, 12648, 349, 7450, 6851, 2252, 12553, 13954, 5555, 11556, 7857, 10058, 4259, 11160, 861, 13162, 3163, 3264, 5965, 10566, 6467, 8368, 8769, 14570, 3571, 4472, 3873, 11474, 1975, 9476, 2477, 5278, 10279, 1780, 8581, 6282, 1483, 12284, 7985, 13286, 4587, 588, 9889, 9690, 4891, 7792, 1593, 13894, 12995, 9096, 13397, 11998, 1899, 39100, 106101, 70102, 104103, 135104, 76105, 10106, 140107, 86108, 40109, 58110, 51111, 108112, 26113, 34114, 67115, 137116, 127117, 144118, 16
  • 19. 16119, 36120, 56121, 89122, 63123, 95124, 80125, 84126, 20127, 136128, 91129, 72130, 6131, 113132, 28133, 49134, 43135, 23136, 27137, 121138, 1139, 99140, 53141, 82142, 37143, 128144, 30145, 431, 722, 793, 1104, 1315, 1186, 777, 948, 349, 1110, 12011, 2012, 3213, 214, 8715, 8916, 5317, 12718, 3319, 13220, 12521, 7022, 4423, 4224, 2525, 13326, 8627, 12228, 10129, 8230, 14531, 8332, 13533, 9734, 8035, 7636, 11637, 13038, 13739, 4640, 1741, 5742, 5943, 1044, 7545, 1446, 3947, 2348, 4149, 3550, 12951, 852, 9953, 9554, 5655, 3156, 2257, 12858, 7359, 7160, 10761, 11962, 1263, 6864, 5265, 6566, 14467, 8468, 4569, 10070, 11271, 6072, 10673, 9074, 3075, 3676, 146 5577, 9278, 7879, 5480, 14081, 10382, 14683, 2784, 4085, 4886, 2987, 788, 2689, 11190, 9891, 13492, 6193, 8594, 3895, 8896, 1397, 2498, 2199, 126100, 4101, 124102, 64103, 58104, 67105, 18106, 66107, 143108, 9109, 49110, 15111, 141112, 109113, 81114, 62115, 121116, 47117, 138118, 6119, 51120, 102121, 91122, 117123, 63124, 28125, 114126, 105127, 5128, 69129, 142130, 136131, 3132, 50133, 104134, 16135, 93136, 113137, 96138, 19139, 1140, 37141, 123142, 74143, 139144, 115145, 108146, 1311, 472, 693, 854, 285, 1116, 1297, 1038, 649, 8610, 4211, 11512, 8013, 2614, 12515, 9916, 117, 1718, 2519, 13220, 6021, 13722, 223, 14124, 11725, 3926, 1227, 12028, 12629, 3030, 9431, 5532, 9733, 3334, 4935, 7036, 337, 6238, 5439, 6640, 5841, 8442, 3543, 12444, 6845, 9646, 1447, 6148, 11249, 1650, 10651, 4352, 10953, 6354, 1855, 10256, 12157, 658, 7159, 7960, 13661, 9262, 8863, 4664, 9165, 9366, 9867, 3468, 5969, 13870, 10471, 11072, 13373, 13574, 14075, 14776, 147 7277, 4178, 13479, 3680, 14381, 1982, 12383, 3184, 2385, 5186, 11887, 788, 7389, 8990, 8391, 11692, 12293, 1394, 3295, 5096, 2797, 2198, 899, 29100, 144101, 44102, 45103, 67104, 57105, 82106, 37107, 114108, 76109, 11110, 24111, 52112, 77113, 15114, 10115, 101116, 113117, 5118, 119119, 139120, 20121, 146122, 4123, 142124, 40125, 128126, 105127, 81128, 87129, 75130, 38131, 48132, 56133, 107134, 127135, 9136, 100137, 95138, 108139, 90140, 145141, 74142, 53143, 65144, 78145, 130146, 22147, 571, 352, 1403, 214, 935, 1056, 497, 508, 249, 410, 4311, 11112, 13313, 1314, 5915, 12716, 7517, 6918, 3319, 2820, 5521, 8622, 11323, 3724, 4625, 10626, 3427, 13228, 5329, 12830, 14431, 532, 5833, 1634, 2235, 7836, 1037, 13638, 11539, 5140, 2641, 8842, 14143, 1944, 11045, 1146, 8247, 14548, 12549, 8950, 1751, 4252, 11653, 13154, 2955, 13556, 9057, 13758, 3659, 7660, 4761, 6262, 10063, 6064, 7765, 7366, 7967, 10368, 7269, 3870, 8771, 5672, 9273, 10174, 1475, 4476, 12277, 148 11978, 4179, 9880, 14681, 10882, 8083, 6684, 13085, 4086, 12187, 6388, 14389, 990, 12691, 2592, 3193, 394, 12095, 9196, 11797, 4598, 13499, 32100, 124101, 104102, 85103, 30104, 107105, 1106, 112107, 18108, 20109, 48110, 83111, 2112, 102113, 68114, 96115, 97116, 123117, 147118, 74119, 84120, 67121, 99122, 8123, 114124, 65125, 27126, 39127, 70128, 64129, 94130, 71131, 95132, 138133, 81134, 109135, 61136, 118137, 142138, 23139, 6140, 7141, 52142, 15143, 129144, 148145, 139146, 12147, 54148, 1051, 872, 1143, 784, 345, 586, 1067, 78, 759, 4810, 3111, 6612, 12313, 13114, 9615, 7116, 13817, 3618, 3919, 10720, 12421, 622, 13923, 5524, 6325, 7226, 11727, 9028, 4229, 1930, 14531, 8332, 2233, 434, 535, 7336, 14437, 12638, 5939, 7740, 241, 13542, 5743, 8444, 8545, 2946, 4647, 11848, 11649, 4950, 10151, 14052, 14153, 9954, 2055, 14256, 12557, 6558, 3559, 4560, 12861, 7662, 12163, 13064, 11165, 12966, 11267, 14768, 5469, 2570, 14971, 1872, 2773, 6874, 8875, 149 10276, 2477, 7978, 8079, 11980, 2381, 6982, 4783, 5284, 14385, 12286, 5187, 2888, 14889, 13290, 7091, 3092, 7493, 894, 10395, 9496, 197, 14698, 6299, 113100, 21101, 53102, 9103, 61104, 38105, 82106, 95107, 17108, 89109, 33110, 14111, 44112, 13113, 86114, 11115, 110116, 10117, 56118, 91119, 12120, 92121, 97122, 50123, 136124, 93125, 43126, 60127, 109128, 115129, 32130, 26131, 133132, 81133, 120134, 127135, 134136, 40137, 3138, 15139, 104140, 108141, 41142, 67143, 98144, 100145, 16146, 137147, 64148, 37149, 150 751, 1142, 923, 554, 1015, 146, 567, 528, 299, 11010, 8911, 7212, 10213, 2614, 4415, 13716, 9117, 4118, 9819, 9720, 6721, 522, 4523, 14424, 2725, 4926, 3527, 13028, 229, 14930, 8231, 11632, 6233, 14834, 14235, 3836, 5337, 4638, 9339, 13540, 12741, 7842, 10743, 11844, 13845, 2846, 17
  • 20. 4047, 11748, 449, 8350, 5951, 3152, 10953, 12554, 5455, 6556, 6357, 11958, 9059, 6160, 3261, 1162, 10063, 14664, 11265, 6466, 14767, 8768, 7769, 2370, 10871, 12372, 14373, 12874, 7175, 776, 14077, 13178, 13979, 3080, 13381, 8882, 9483, 1784, 7985, 8486, 2587, 2488, 7489, 11390, 991, 7392, 2093, 13694, 4795, 10396, 10497, 3798, 12299, 42100, 58101, 51102, 76103, 95104, 69105, 145106, 129107, 96108, 22109, 36110, 13111, 12112, 1113, 8114, 85115, 111116, 50117, 19118, 16119, 15120, 80121, 60122, 106123, 99124, 39125, 81126, 126127, 66128, 10129, 86130, 18131, 43132, 134133, 33134, 3135, 141136, 124137, 48138, 121139, 70140, 115141, 150142, 6143, 34144, 120145, 68146, 105147, 21148, 132149, 57150, 1381, 632, 353, 784, 705, 556, 337, 1218, 539, 4710, 1811, 912, 1113, 12514, 7315, 15116, 12917, 6418, 13119, 4320, 4121, 5922, 1223, 11124, 8425, 13726, 427, 10528, 2729, 6230, 12231, 13332, 4233, 11634, 8335, 7936, 10437, 9638, 1939, 7640, 3441, 5642, 7443, 2544, 845, 7146, 2047, 3848, 10849, 2650, 8551, 12052, 13653, 8954, 14155, 1456, 4057, 14458, 359, 8260, 2361, 4662, 10363, 4964, 11965, 566, 10667, 1768, 6769, 3170, 7771, 4472, 5073, 2974, 1375, 11276, 11077, 9778, 151 8779, 12780, 5881, 3282, 8683, 184, 9485, 14586, 12887, 688, 9989, 7590, 1591, 6192, 10093, 14794, 9595, 9896, 6897, 3698, 11499, 132100, 88101, 115102, 69103, 39104, 140105, 146106, 149107, 28108, 130109, 24110, 91111, 2112, 57113, 7114, 139115, 109116, 45117, 80118, 22119, 21120, 48121, 123122, 113123, 90124, 150125, 92126, 135127, 51128, 54129, 117130, 101131, 60132, 52133, 102134, 66135, 93136, 143137, 134138, 126139, 10140, 16141, 118142, 148143, 72144, 65145, 30146, 81147, 37148, 142149, 124150, 107151, 171, 222, 1473, 834, 1145, 56, 977, 908, 239, 12710, 6911, 6312, 5413, 12814, 15215, 7116, 3717, 9618, 10919, 1120, 15121, 13822, 1423, 2724, 125, 4526, 11627, 12128, 229, 1930, 10531, 1832, 2533, 2834, 7035, 9936, 1337, 4038, 9839, 13240, 4741, 11742, 14443, 644, 14145, 4446, 1247, 6248, 12949, 10050, 12251, 15052, 10453, 13954, 11155, 1056, 6557, 5258, 10659, 3160, 13461, 9162, 8663, 4364, 5765, 6166, 3467, 2668, 10769, 10270, 6671, 11972, 13673, 3974, 4875, 7476, 152 3277, 978, 5179, 3080, 7381, 7782, 10883, 9384, 14085, 886, 3887, 1588, 14889, 5890, 2491, 12092, 8993, 14694, 2995, 4696, 5097, 8498, 3399, 64100, 85101, 149102, 130103, 59104, 112105, 103106, 131107, 21108, 94109, 41110, 4111, 110112, 7113, 42114, 53115, 16116, 101117, 123118, 92119, 145120, 143121, 72122, 142123, 126124, 125125, 3126, 76127, 49128, 82129, 113130, 60131, 133132, 137133, 88134, 35135, 67136, 95137, 55138, 80139, 135140, 56141, 124142, 68143, 87144, 81145, 115146, 75147, 78148, 36149, 79150, 118151, 20152, 951, 1142, 383, 834, 1365, 1496, 607, 1308, 1039, 8910, 8411, 4812, 8613, 5714, 4315, 7816, 14117, 8018, 9019, 9120, 2921, 1622, 12423, 2124, 8525, 2226, 6827, 11828, 14529, 5630, 12531, 8232, 12133, 10134, 14835, 6136, 13337, 13938, 739, 2440, 5541, 7942, 943, 644, 9945, 146, 2547, 9448, 2349, 15250, 12251, 10552, 4253, 14054, 2055, 13556, 9757, 3958, 3159, 4160, 12061, 11162, 363, 1164, 7265, 6266, 1567, 10268, 15169, 13170, 3671, 11572, 10973, 7674, 3575, 6476, 153 4477, 3078, 9279, 11080, 8881, 10082, 4083, 7484, 10485, 13786, 15087, 5288, 2689, 2890, 9391, 3292, 1493, 9894, 7195, 7396, 9697, 5998, 12899, 142100, 49101, 27102, 129103, 153104, 18105, 47106, 37107, 77108, 70109, 147110, 146111, 65112, 12113, 143114, 34115, 4116, 45117, 75118, 19119, 108120, 116121, 123122, 134123, 67124, 87125, 33126, 113127, 81128, 107129, 69130, 54131, 8132, 138133, 13134, 117135, 144136, 63137, 46138, 132139, 17140, 51141, 112142, 126143, 58144, 53145, 66146, 5147, 2148, 10149, 127150, 119151, 106152, 50153, 154 41, 672, 703, 274, 1465, 946, 27, 698, 99, 4310, 6611, 12212, 813, 13714, 8315, 7216, 14017, 4718, 10019, 1820, 7421, 3422, 11823, 5224, 8925, 326, 2527, 5928, 6529, 13030, 5631, 14332, 4033, 11934, 4635, 12436, 11237, 3838, 4439, 8240, 13941, 15342, 9343, 3344, 10445, 13346, 4947, 14248, 13449, 1150, 11151, 1352, 10753, 6354, 11655, 12356, 5357, 2858, 3059, 3160, 9861, 7962, 14563, 14864, 4565, 15466, 14767, 668, 9669, 1470, 7771, 10672, 9973, 3774, 11075, 6476, 13877, 578, 6879, 9080, 3281, 10582, 15183, 12884, 15085, 11386, 13687, 5488, 8089, 12090, 15291, 8192, 10293, 5094, 14995, 3996, 3597, 10398, 5599, 75100, 73101, 121102, 23103, 87104, 131105, 58106, 141107, 78108, 108109, 1110, 16111, 88112, 29113, 125114, 129115, 10116, 114117, 48118, 71119, 76120, 42121, 101122, 126123, 97124, 26125, 62126, 51127, 15128, 21129, 36130, 127131, 17132, 135133, 92134, 91135, 19136, 24137, 60138, 57139, 85140, 84141, 109142, 117143, 115144, 18
  • 21. 132145, 20146, 95147, 12148, 144149, 7150, 86151, 22152, 41153, 61154, 401, 1452, 923, 544, 195, 256, 537, 738, 1479, 4210, 3011, 11612, 7913, 414, 815, 14116, 14217, 8718, 519, 8520, 1021, 6922, 6523, 4924, 12525, 9626, 14427, 6328, 13229, 11130, 11431, 11832, 12033, 2734, 15535, 9836, 14937, 4738, 1539, 10240, 2641, 1742, 13443, 744, 8345, 7646, 10847, 13048, 9749, 10650, 951, 3952, 8253, 1654, 6855, 6156, 257, 14358, 659, 10960, 5061, 3762, 363, 7564, 3365, 4566, 3867, 1368, 5669, 1270, 13971, 11972, 14673, 9974, 4675, 15276, 10477, 11278, 155 8479, 3180, 2381, 15082, 11383, 6284, 9485, 15186, 13587, 6488, 7089, 11790, 6091, 13892, 7193, 3294, 12495, 3496, 11597, 15498, 12399, 20100, 52101, 51102, 128103, 107104, 148105, 29106, 153107, 101108, 131109, 127110, 22111, 77112, 18113, 74114, 67115, 57116, 59117, 122118, 72119, 86120, 28121, 1122, 36123, 126124, 24125, 81126, 78127, 58128, 121129, 140130, 35131, 14132, 103133, 41134, 89135, 93136, 136137, 137138, 90139, 43140, 80141, 91142, 21143, 66144, 129145, 105146, 48147, 95148, 11149, 55150, 100151, 133152, 44153, 110154, 88155, 891, 652, 1103, 734, 1445, 1156, 1377, 1558, 419, 12410, 3211, 6112, 11913, 8414, 4315, 13416, 917, 9618, 14819, 11620, 1121, 5922, 1823, 13524, 10825, 5526, 4427, 13828, 10129, 7930, 6631, 1232, 14933, 834, 14035, 13236, 3537, 10738, 5839, 12540, 10641, 3042, 13343, 12144, 6445, 12646, 14147, 7648, 5749, 7050, 13651, 3752, 9253, 8054, 2555, 3956, 14557, 8858, 9159, 3360, 2161, 4562, 2063, 6064, 10465, 2766, 6267, 10968, 3469, 12370, 8271, 172, 10573, 11874, 12775, 156 1376, 13177, 8178, 7779, 12980, 9881, 4682, 14783, 4884, 14385, 4786, 5387, 588, 5689, 1690, 10091, 6992, 5093, 4094, 11295, 15296, 9097, 7498, 12899, 31100, 103101, 23102, 28103, 26104, 72105, 67106, 24107, 83108, 150109, 38110, 78111, 71112, 7113, 36114, 156115, 114116, 139117, 142118, 4119, 6120, 15121, 22122, 2123, 63124, 151125, 85126, 117127, 102128, 122129, 113130, 154131, 93132, 68133, 14134, 51135, 52136, 95137, 3138, 99139, 49140, 17141, 130142, 97143, 42144, 86145, 10146, 87147, 29148, 111149, 75150, 54151, 153152, 94153, 120154, 146155, 19156, 1491, 462, 1053, 444, 315, 366, 347, 758, 519, 4210, 6311, 3512, 4713, 5914, 11415, 5416, 14617, 12018, 7019, 8520, 10721, 1622, 2223, 7124, 9325, 15626, 3927, 11728, 15029, 14130, 12331, 2932, 12633, 1834, 12535, 7336, 13437, 9838, 6739, 9040, 1941, 10842, 8143, 8444, 6445, 15246, 1347, 13848, 3849, 1550, 351, 14352, 7453, 3254, 555, 656, 12157, 9958, 14759, 6060, 6161, 15162, 10363, 15364, 9665, 7966, 6867, 13068, 2669, 2070, 15571, 4372, 14873, 2374, 12475, 2776, 7277, 157 4178, 15479, 12880, 1081, 14482, 4883, 13684, 9785, 6986, 11887, 12988, 13989, 6690, 10991, 4092, 11593, 2494, 7695, 13396, 14097, 5098, 6599, 89100, 37101, 157102, 91103, 145104, 55105, 106106, 57107, 110108, 101109, 82110, 142111, 88112, 100113, 77114, 86115, 135116, 127117, 83118, 11119, 113120, 25121, 87122, 45123, 9124, 4125, 7126, 28127, 78128, 17129, 104130, 116131, 119132, 111133, 122134, 112135, 33136, 132137, 30138, 49139, 131140, 56141, 21142, 8143, 95144, 1145, 53146, 92147, 52148, 58149, 80150, 137151, 94152, 2153, 14154, 62155, 12156, 102157, 831, 1502, 393, 924, 805, 826, 1367, 1188, 49, 1410, 11511, 5012, 13713, 11614, 13315, 4816, 1917, 10818, 5919, 12220, 11921, 4422, 13123, 10424, 2925, 13926, 1327, 11128, 4029, 11330, 7031, 5532, 11733, 3234, 235, 14236, 3737, 14638, 5439, 12840, 9941, 9342, 12343, 15544, 8445, 3846, 8947, 5148, 12049, 6750, 1051, 10152, 9053, 15854, 555, 15456, 7557, 14958, 14559, 7660, 9661, 6562, 4163, 7164, 4765, 6266, 5367, 9468, 11469, 2070, 7971, 972, 10673, 6674, 3175, 3076, 4277, 15178, 6879, 10280, 15781, 13882, 10783, 8684, 5885, 13486, 14187, 13088, 6489, 14090, 158 91 57 , 10992, 8793, 2394, 2195, 3396, 6097, 11098, 6999, 77100, 8101, 129102, 16103, 12104, 61105, 49106, 125107, 35108, 63109, 56110, 72111, 103112, 132113, 28114, 24115, 143116, 6117, 11118, 25119, 91120, 124121, 156122, 15123, 88124, 144125, 105126, 100127, 98128, 26129, 73130, 52131, 34132, 135133, 152134, 36135, 3136, 153137, 46138, 126139, 148140, 17141, 7142, 43143, 78144, 121145, 147146, 95147, 97148, 18149, 85150, 74151, 127152, 45153, 22154, 27155, 1156, 112157, 81158, 159 411, 1332, 1343, 444, 65, 1396, 1477, 538, 999, 11410, 5911, 2712, 313, 814, 7015, 2516, 10117, 4018, 1119, 6720, 12021, 9422, 8423, 15124, 14625, 3526, 11327, 15928, 13029, 8330, 431, 232, 10233, 6334, 8935, 2936, 13537, 11538, 13839, 15240, 8541, 6142, 15643, 5044, 12345, 9246, 4647, 12148, 749, 15850, 5551, 4752, 6253, 2154, 11755, 7656, 557, 7358, 12959, 3660, 8861, 7962, 19
  • 22. 7263, 8764, 10365, 15466, 5667, 12868, 5769, 10070, 12571, 3772, 1073, 5174, 4575, 4376, 15577, 7478, 9679, 2680, 10481, 6082, 8283, 11684, 9785, 3886, 12487, 1988, 1389, 990, 4891, 10692, 14993, 14894, 14195, 10896, 11897, 2098, 15099, 93100, 109101, 153102, 34103, 52104, 112105, 95106, 14107, 22108, 24109, 49110, 136111, 32112, 145113, 127114, 28115, 33116, 69117, 157118, 1119, 98120, 66121, 86122, 68123, 131124, 110125, 54126, 18127, 30128, 111129, 132130, 42131, 78132, 90133, 143134, 75135, 144136, 64137, 65138, 142139, 16140, 39141, 140142, 23143, 91144, 81145, 126146, 80147, 105148, 71149, 122150, 137151, 15152, 31153, 119154, 77155, 58156, 17157, 12158, 107159, 861, 942, 403, 804, 1245, 516, 827, 558, 1309, 11510, 15611, 14812, 1513, 4914, 6315, 14116, 11117, 4418, 10719, 14320, 8521, 7222, 3523, 10824, 525, 1726, 3727, 2828, 7329, 10230, 15831, 6432, 3633, 4334, 5335, 14536, 237, 5638, 11339, 4240, 2641, 5442, 12043, 7444, 13145, 9346, 447, 8848, 7049, 13450, 13751, 7652, 6253, 7954, 4555, 12956, 6057, 8158, 2459, 9860, 7861, 3462, 15263, 9964, 1465, 12366, 3867, 14768, 369, 1170, 13971, 10672, 7773, 12574, 10575, 9276, 10477, 11878, 12279, 2080, 10081, 3182, 4883, 14484, 12185, 15986, 8987, 3288, 14989, 5790, 160 91 87 , 15792, 13393, 11494, 12795, 4796, 8397, 9598, 6999, 12100, 97101, 67102, 101103, 13104, 18105, 9106, 65107, 150108, 132109, 110110, 46111, 126112, 119113, 25114, 52115, 112116, 7117, 91118, 154119, 27120, 41121, 22122, 19123, 142124, 151125, 8126, 16127, 6128, 138129, 68130, 84131, 103132, 140133, 23134, 1135, 21136, 30137, 50138, 10139, 155140, 146141, 96142, 29143, 160144, 128145, 109146, 117147, 75148, 58149, 136150, 59151, 153152, 135153, 61154, 116155, 71156, 66157, 90158, 39159, 33160, 1381, 832, 1513, 814, 1445, 686, 827, 1558, 679, 14610, 4911, 512, 3913, 1114, 10115, 916, 15217, 15418, 7619, 9020, 8621, 5022, 3123, 1324, 4325, 5826, 8527, 7528, 10329, 4130, 4831, 3232, 1833, 4634, 7435, 14236, 7937, 11538, 6339, 9240, 12141, 15042, 12843, 14744, 9345, 16046, 6247, 9748, 11149, 3650, 10451, 9552, 13253, 5354, 4055, 13156, 4757, 10258, 14859, 11760, 11661, 5462, 7263, 2564, 13365, 2966, 7867, 2068, 5569, 3370, 1771, 14372, 9873, 15374, 2475, 1576, 2877, 4278, 11379, 3480, 13081, 16182, 4483, 13984, 485, 7386, 7087, 688, 15989, 161 12590, 6491, 2292, 14593, 2194, 10795, 12696, 15897, 5998, 6099, 137100, 91101, 100102, 27103, 87104, 8105, 135106, 19107, 12108, 96109, 23110, 149111, 119112, 88113, 38114, 108115, 106116, 3117, 122118, 51119, 10120, 65121, 69122, 99123, 94124, 105125, 114126, 61127, 56128, 127129, 77130, 45131, 157132, 26133, 89134, 80135, 110136, 16137, 129138, 112139, 118140, 124141, 30142, 156143, 1144, 123145, 71146, 35147, 66148, 2149, 37150, 84151, 141152, 109153, 14154, 57155, 120156, 140157, 7158, 52159, 136160, 134161, 61, 682, 443, 154, 815, 586, 1047, 1018, 1599, 6310, 8511, 10912, 15013, 6714, 5415, 1816, 4717, 9118, 7319, 1420, 12021, 12622, 12423, 14824, 2725, 2026, 13627, 10628, 929, 1930, 3931, 15232, 2633, 7034, 4535, 9936, 1137, 6138, 11039, 8340, 11141, 7442, 15543, 5344, 5045, 12746, 7247, 2948, 12549, 11650, 10851, 12152, 6053, 15854, 5255, 5156, 7857, 14658, 8259, 14560, 3161, 3762, 2363, 11964, 10265, 4666, 1767, 16068, 14169, 6670, 13271, 4072, 12273, 5774, 9575, 2476, 10577, 13378, 7679, 13780, 1381, 782, 7983, 10384, 9885, 6486, 3087, 5588, 7189, 14990, 4991, 162 11392, 8793, 8994, 16295, 896, 4197, 3598, 14299, 161100, 154101, 114102, 48103, 153104, 93105, 156106, 56107, 107108, 134109, 151110, 96111, 90112, 143113, 22114, 97115, 21116, 32117, 131118, 16119, 140120, 129121, 144122, 3123, 25124, 77125, 135126, 10127, 2128, 92129, 112130, 118131, 43132, 65133, 157134, 38135, 62136, 5137, 42138, 28139, 117140, 147141, 115142, 80143, 12144, 94145, 88146, 1147, 4148, 123149, 84150, 59151, 86152, 36153, 69154, 128155, 139156, 100157, 138158, 75159, 34160, 130161, 33162, 163 351, 1322, 13, 1584, 615, 1616, 497, 648, 1449, 7710, 2011, 712, 9713, 8514, 2515, 8916, 8617, 9818, 9219, 10120, 11921, 8022, 6723, 4324, 4525, 10026, 6027, 13828, 6229, 1130, 11331, 9432, 7633, 2834, 635, 1336, 5637, 4638, 8439, 5440, 4041, 9142, 2143, 12044, 1045, 1946, 7847, 13748, 5549, 7550, 4251, 13352, 2953, 9654, 5155, 9956, 14257, 3358, 5759, 960, 12361, 7462, 263, 6864, 7265, 10666, 15267, 14068, 12169, 6970, 14571, 15072, 7373, 14774, 12275, 14876, 1777, 8278, 4879, 3980, 3781, 16082, 5983, 8884, 8185, 12686, 14187, 7188, 13989, 1490, 14691, 12792, 15793, 1694, 2795, 10296, 12597, 15498, 1299, 41100, 8101, 3102, 130103, 151104, 50105, 111106, 20
  • 23. 163107, 128108, 114109, 4110, 134111, 109112, 34113, 22114, 36115, 149116, 135117, 110118, 23119, 131120, 136121, 65122, 5123, 105124, 18125, 38126, 143127, 117128, 26129, 90130, 83131, 112132, 155133, 53134, 15135, 118136, 162137, 107138, 159139, 108140, 30141, 95142, 87143, 52144, 156145, 44146, 58147, 104148, 115149, 47150, 153151, 24152, 70153, 93154, 103155, 124156, 79157, 63158, 66159, 31160, 116161, 32162, 129163, 521, 1462, 283, 1204, 1035, 686, 1077, 318, 579, 9210, 12911, 9412, 1013, 11114, 12815, 7116, 3817, 11518, 13619, 11820, 1521, 16322, 8123, 10824, 3625, 13426, 2027, 14128, 4829, 9630, 6331, 1932, 14533, 14334, 11035, 7736, 4137, 3938, 5639, 2140, 10441, 2442, 15843, 9144, 1745, 4646, 2547, 6748, 14749, 5950, 4251, 10652, 16253, 7654, 15455, 1356, 13157, 3358, 11359, 7460, 4461, 7262, 12363, 8864, 665, 1166, 15067, 12768, 14869, 16470, 11771, 5072, 8273, 3774, 3075, 12176, 16177, 8478, 9879, 4580, 9981, 2382, 4383, 4784, 12685, 5886, 9787, 2688, 5189, 11690, 164 91 22 , 13392, 3493, 10094, 795, 7596, 13297, 13898, 15399, 18100, 3101, 130102, 40103, 1104, 124105, 29106, 93107, 4108, 35109, 54110, 16111, 144112, 155113, 85114, 140115, 105116, 89117, 69118, 14119, 149120, 49121, 65122, 137123, 102124, 159125, 119126, 53127, 8128, 62129, 156130, 2131, 157132, 61133, 66134, 32135, 139136, 73137, 60138, 122139, 27140, 95141, 70142, 83143, 80144, 90145, 55146, 64147, 112148, 152149, 9150, 86151, 114152, 125153, 160154, 135155, 79156, 151157, 87158, 101159, 5160, 109161, 78162, 142163, 12164, 1141, 372, 133, 1404, 515, 1156, 417, 1648, 19, 1110, 12911, 13512, 1513, 10614, 12015, 13816, 717, 7718, 7519, 1020, 10021, 13022, 10823, 924, 9325, 13226, 7127, 6928, 3129, 14530, 7631, 7232, 4433, 1234, 3435, 10536, 8237, 8038, 8139, 10140, 241, 3942, 7343, 5544, 2345, 9846, 4947, 12848, 14349, 350, 10351, 11152, 853, 5454, 5755, 3256, 657, 9958, 5359, 12560, 16161, 15862, 8763, 12364, 465, 5066, 567, 15468, 14469, 5870, 14171, 12672, 13673, 6374, 10275, 9076, 8677, 12278, 12779, 3880, 11681, 13982, 10483, 2184, 10785, 9686, 4087, 11788, 15189, 8390, 3091, 165 92 91 , 6193, 4394, 8895, 9296, 14297, 7098, 8599, 84100, 152101, 35102, 16103, 66104, 65105, 46106, 20107, 149108, 119109, 24110, 27111, 148112, 109113, 42114, 19115, 64116, 146117, 133118, 150119, 59120, 157121, 78122, 155123, 48124, 165125, 29126, 36127, 97128, 131129, 17130, 118131, 47132, 26133, 52134, 45135, 163136, 33137, 22138, 28139, 18140, 156141, 153142, 60143, 121144, 67145, 94146, 137147, 147148, 162149, 56150, 134151, 160152, 159153, 95154, 124155, 68156, 74157, 14158, 79159, 62160, 113161, 25162, 110163, 89164, 112165, 1251, 852, 1523, 754, 285, 1186, 977, 1268, 689, 9610, 5311, 10912, 16513, 9914, 13115, 11016, 3617, 4718, 14419, 3320, 4621, 11222, 12323, 7124, 13425, 8026, 527, 15528, 6929, 8130, 11931, 13732, 15133, 3934, 1935, 8936, 7437, 10438, 14539, 5940, 6341, 4542, 3043, 12744, 145, 8346, 10247, 5248, 16449, 1450, 1551, 6252, 5153, 11654, 16355, 2956, 10357, 9258, 3259, 10160, 12461, 4062, 10563, 7864, 8665, 9866, 5467, 9168, 1069, 2170, 1771, 3872, 3473, 1174, 7775, 9476, 4877, 1878, 11379, 12280, 13981, 3582, 2783, 14084, 6785, 16286, 387, 2588, 16189, 5690, 12191, 166 92 6 , 4993, 7694, 13595, 14696, 5597, 14798, 3199, 87100, 166101, 84102, 111103, 100104, 93105, 148106, 142107, 115108, 156109, 44110, 158111, 150112, 129113, 154114, 57115, 159116, 120117, 12118, 66119, 72120, 136121, 130122, 7123, 132124, 9125, 42126, 138127, 50128, 26129, 24130, 90131, 133132, 143133, 41134, 60135, 107136, 141137, 149138, 23139, 128140, 106141, 20142, 153143, 2144, 95145, 22146, 73147, 157148, 4149, 70150, 43151, 65152, 16153, 117154, 82155, 64156, 37157, 88158, 13159, 108160, 61161, 114162, 58163, 79164, 8165, 160166, 167 691, 272, 183, 704, 1185, 456, 1247, 1038, 469, 7810, 13711, 2112, 913, 5214, 515, 9716, 14017, 15118, 1919, 15420, 3521, 5122, 16223, 13324, 10525, 3426, 14427, 5928, 11229, 9030, 4031, 10432, 9133, 12534, 2635, 16336, 14737, 11738, 6639, 640, 16641, 10242, 8043, 8944, 12845, 746, 1747, 4148, 7549, 7650, 11351, 9952, 8853, 4854, 14555, 456, 5557, 2558, 2959, 2360, 6161, 7762, 15663, 3664, 13465, 9266, 6067, 14868, 13669, 8570, 11671, 11072, 11473, 4774, 375, 5476, 1077, 15378, 14179, 6880, 16481, 8282, 9383, 184, 2085, 12986, 8787, 7288, 5889, 10190, 9891, 5792, 8193, 894, 6595, 14696, 3897, 13598, 1699, 127100, 115101, 131102, 43103, 155104, 94105, 83106, 100107, 50108, 24109, 95110, 67111, 132112, 30113, 86114, 74115, 150116, 120117, 62118, 152119, 79120, 106121, 158122, 142123, 108124, 32125, 71126, 84127, 64128, 160129, 161130, 56131, 107132, 109133, 139134, 159135, 130136, 39137, 53138, 121139, 13140, 138141, 49142, 167143, 21
  • 24. 157144, 73145, 14146, 33147, 31148, 143149, 149150, 119151, 63152, 2153, 12154, 15155, 11156, 122157, 28158, 126159, 22160, 165161, 111162, 37163, 42164, 96165, 44166, 123167, 1141, 892, 183, 654, 1555, 776, 1527, 78, 159, 8810, 4511, 16112, 2913, 7014, 4815, 2016, 13117, 2118, 13219, 6120, 2521, 10322, 1323, 12524, 4125, 9726, 9927, 14428, 5929, 4930, 10531, 11532, 8233, 834, 3135, 7136, 7837, 15438, 7939, 14540, 3041, 5842, 7543, 16544, 15745, 14646, 14147, 5748, 949, 2450, 11351, 3752, 12453, 14054, 2355, 11056, 16757, 158, 14359, 1960, 9061, 11662, 13363, 16264, 1265, 4266, 8567, 9868, 10969, 5570, 13971, 16072, 1073, 12774, 3375, 11976, 11177, 4678, 12979, 11280, 14281, 14982, 383, 8784, 3285, 16486, 9287, 3988, 14889, 13690, 168 91 34 , 6792, 2293, 10494, 5695, 10196, 6397, 12098, 6699, 137100, 159101, 93102, 53103, 153104, 117105, 123106, 150107, 80108, 38109, 158110, 84111, 14112, 60113, 68114, 69115, 102116, 4117, 28118, 134119, 44120, 86121, 11122, 51123, 100124, 76125, 126126, 35127, 26128, 6129, 81130, 107131, 73132, 74133, 52134, 118135, 163136, 130137, 106138, 151139, 94140, 36141, 122142, 168143, 40144, 2145, 95146, 138147, 62148, 16149, 128150, 64151, 47152, 108153, 83154, 91155, 43156, 27157, 156158, 54159, 147160, 96161, 135162, 5163, 72164, 166165, 17166, 121167, 50168, 1621, 512, 293, 1304, 525, 636, 37, 128, 439, 1810, 14111, 16012, 16113, 12814, 13115, 16816, 8717, 11918, 3019, 620, 8821, 9622, 14323, 4924, 3325, 1026, 15827, 8428, 16629, 230, 2031, 5632, 6533, 16534, 11435, 12636, 15137, 3938, 7839, 13740, 3141, 14042, 6443, 4244, 15245, 1746, 6947, 6648, 1449, 9550, 4451, 11752, 11253, 4654, 12255, 7156, 14457, 13558, 11659, 14560, 6861, 7562, 13363, 11064, 13465, 12166, 6067, 2268, 3269, 3570, 1371, 15372, 7273, 15074, 1175, 2576, 9477, 11378, 1579, 3480, 2781, 782, 1983, 7084, 11585, 13686, 2887, 4888, 7789, 11890, 169 11191, 10692, 5393, 12994, 5795, 5596, 4597, 5498, 8199, 156100, 125101, 16102, 93103, 86104, 107105, 67106, 37107, 132108, 90109, 149110, 100111, 4112, 8113, 142114, 58115, 169116, 139117, 155118, 164119, 47120, 127121, 97122, 79123, 154124, 108125, 38126, 24127, 124128, 167129, 73130, 61131, 138132, 74133, 23134, 89135, 59136, 103137, 5138, 146139, 163140, 105141, 99142, 123143, 62144, 157145, 159146, 76147, 98148, 102149, 148150, 104151, 21152, 26153, 85154, 40155, 83156, 9157, 109158, 147159, 1160, 36161, 101162, 120163, 91164, 41165, 50166, 80167, 92168, 82169, 1001, 1372, 663, 564, 55, 816, 807, 518, 89, 14410, 10411, 5212, 8813, 7214, 14115, 14516, 6117, 11518, 15119, 1720, 14021, 13222, 4523, 8324, 10725, 1026, 5727, 1828, 11029, 4930, 7131, 11632, 11933, 7734, 1335, 14336, 8637, 9138, 12039, 9840, 1441, 9042, 9743, 2244, 7045, 13046, 4247, 13148, 10849, 9650, 10951, 5552, 2053, 11154, 13455, 15956, 13857, 16358, 13559, 6260, 10161, 7962, 15863, 1564, 16165, 9266, 6467, 14968, 9969, 7570, 271, 4772, 4873, 8274, 1275, 5076, 12677, 10578, 15479, 13380, 3581, 2482, 8783, 6584, 11285, 9486, 3287, 8588, 3889, 12590, 170 4491, 2192, 5893, 6894, 16595, 7696, 11497, 2798, 15799, 113100, 67101, 156102, 95103, 93104, 168105, 136106, 63107, 103108, 46109, 117110, 162111, 4112, 84113, 39114, 37115, 26116, 148117, 25118, 123119, 139120, 54121, 169122, 127123, 11124, 53125, 146126, 102127, 7128, 3129, 155130, 33131, 147132, 19133, 9134, 36135, 78136, 160137, 129138, 28139, 34140, 29141, 124142, 41143, 23144, 150145, 128146, 170147, 30148, 122149, 1150, 118151, 60152, 106153, 69154, 166155, 6156, 167157, 74158, 164159, 121160, 40161, 59162, 153163, 31164, 142165, 73166, 16167, 152168, 43169, 89170, 171 1311, 1092, 273, 194, 1615, 1206, 417, 888, 1569, 3710, 3311, 14112, 10013, 8414, 12515, 12416, 2217, 14918, 6019, 12920, 11621, 15322, 2923, 6624, 3225, 126, 5927, 10328, 11829, 7930, 2131, 7732, 7833, 13634, 5335, 15036, 8137, 7638, 17039, 13840, 3141, 14842, 5743, 14644, 4045, 16546, 11447, 14748, 849, 15450, 551, 16452, 9253, 7454, 11255, 10656, 9557, 14358, 259, 1060, 1861, 6862, 3563, 7264, 6165, 15566, 10867, 7368, 5169, 2870, 471, 9172, 10773, 12274, 14075, 13476, 9677, 8378, 679, 4380, 781, 3682, 10283, 5884, 985, 8786, 6587, 5288, 11089, 1590, 13791, 4792, 2593, 11594, 2495, 16296, 4297, 3098, 6399, 34100, 145101, 46102, 101103, 45104, 94105, 127106, 159107, 158108, 168109, 62110, 23111, 16112, 44113, 55114, 56115, 117116, 144117, 75118, 135119, 130120, 67121, 128122, 166123, 3124, 54125, 17126, 14127, 64128, 171129, 126130, 50131, 111132, 39133, 160134, 121135, 86136, 12137, 48138, 157139, 13140, 71141, 49142, 90143, 133144, 80145, 38146, 20147, 105148, 82149, 99150, 142151, 98152, 167153, 11154, 104155, 93156, 22