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Katie L. Organ
Purdue University
Author Note
Katie L. Organ, graduate student, Brain Lamb School of Communications, Purdue
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Katie Organ, 1225
Yorkshire Dr N, Sycamore, IL 60178.
Analysis study of data from a Purdue University survey
regarding the Communications major
Method for Creating Codes
I read and reviewed all the comments prior to beginning any attempts at coding the data.
By reading all the comments first, I allowed me to find some basic themes that were clearly
present in the data, such as career opportunities and pay scale on the ‘disadvantages’ side. As
discussed in the Tracy chapter, this pre-review is described as “primary-cycle coding” (Tracy,
2013, p. 190). I had two main codes identified for both sets of data after the primary cycle was
complete. I then began writing down the themes on the side of the print-out of the comments,
applying these themes as my first-level codes (Tracy, 2013, p. 189).
As I moved through the data, coding the basic two themes, it became clear that I need a
third, fourth, and even sub-categories of the themes. These additional codes are defined by Tracy
as “second-level codes”. I wrote down the initial concepts for the additional themes and sub-
themes on a separate sheet of paper before I assigned them to data. I then translated my first level
codes into an electronic spreadsheet. I felt it was easier assign the second-level codes
electronically, as the codes were likely to change and be reassigned or re-evaluated as I
continued to work. Moving into an electronic environment helped to code the data more quickly.
Perceptions determine codes
Every individual brings different life experiences to any situation they may find
themselves experiencing. Diversity in experiences is valued in business environments as they
tend to result in more diverse and dynamic results. The experiences I have had in my
professional and academic career shape the way I have coded the data. Someone with different
experience will most likely code the data differently. Berends and Johnston discovered when
conducting their research, which included multiple coders with a variety of backgrounds,
“Benefits rested in the inclusion of multiple perspectives in researcher backgrounds and in the
opportunities to discuss coding disagreements and refine the coding system” (2005). I viewed
the data like I would an employee satisfaction survey from within my company. The students’
answers are like my internal customers. I could see that within the data, there were themes that
revolved around a level of understanding of what career options are available with a
communications degree. Someone who has a different background from me may have
interpreted this theme different.
What is important to remember in the coding process is that there is no one correct way
to code. Any bias that may exist with the coder should be documented within the research itself.
Additionally, the researcher(s) should take steps towards mitigating the known biases, which
could include using a cross-functional, multi-disciplined team to code the data individually and
then cross reference together as a team.
Evaluation of the methodology
Creating the codebook was not difficult. Have the data electronically increased the ease
of creating the codebook. I imaging when computing was not an option, it was more critical to
have a strong codebook so that the data was easier to manage. I used the process outlined in the
Tracy texted to create my codebook. What I found interesting was a realization that I have
created codebooks in the past for my job responsibilities as a communications manager, but I did
not know that is what I was doing. The codebook process felt intuitive, which ultimately made
the creating of the codebook relatively easy.
Using the Tracy text as a guide for creating the codebook, some improvements became
apparent within the creation of the questions. The two open-ended questions of students’
evaluations of advantages and disadvantages of a communications major were almost too broad.
Perhaps there could be additional open-ended questions that require a more narrowed answer,
which could then be coded further, in to the relation of the details of the answers provided.
Lynda Berends & Jennifer Johnston (2005) Using multiple coders to enhance qualitative
analysis: The case of interviews with consumers of drug treatment, Addiction Research &
Theory, 13:4, 373-381
McDaniel, C., & Gates, R. (2015). Marketing research (10th edition). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley
& Sons, Inc.
Tracy, S. (2013). Qualitative research methods: Collecting evidence, crafting analysis,
communicating impact. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, Ltd.
COMS 60411 - Fall 2015
Katie Organ Week 3 Assignment
Code Book
Abbreviation Code Definition Examples
E Ease
The course work is preceived
to be easy, which translates
into a "good" reason to be a
Comms major.
80. It tends to have an easier courseload, so
it should be easier to attain a higher gpa. If a
student dislikes math and science, this
major steers clear. A communication major
is good for those who want to write.
Job - placement
and availability
Wide variety of jobs and
careers that majors can be a
part of
90. One of the advantages of being a
communication major is that we can choose from
many different jobs. There is no particular job
that we have to do. There are many
opportunities that we can choose from.
No - does not find
One response - no advantage
to beging a Communications
78. For me as an Engineering Major I do not see
any advantages of becoming a communications
N/A Not applicable
The response does not add
any value or provide insight
into the question. 23. It matches with my character and personality.
Skills - learning
and application
Improving and learning skills
as apart of the course work
70. The advantages of being a communication
major is that I am able to adapt in any situation I
encounter, I can communicate effectively, work
with almost anyone and everyone. Being able to
communicate effectively is a great and important
skill to have in the real world and the work world.
I am able to understand others communication
styles and adjust mine accordingly.
First-level codes
Second-level codes
G General skills
The comments relate to
general skills improvements
69. I think a communications major or minor is a
very smart thing to have under your belt. In
today's world, it is becoming more and more
important to have good communication.
P Practical skills
The skills gained are practical
and applicable to jobs/careers;
mainly focused on public
speaking skills
34. It allows you to become a better public
speaker than most of the other majors that exist.
This can prove to be quite useful in multiple
different places.
R Relationship skills
The skills gained are related to
inter-personal communications
and relationship buidling
31. Advanced communication skills,
interpersonal relationship building, better
understanding of why we communicate the way
we do
W Work skills
The comments relate to
employeers looking for skills
19. Becoming a better communicator. Employers
look for individuals that can communicate
effectively in the workplace. Communication
major has a wide range of outcomes in the job
C Career options
Concern regarding career
options after graduation
26. You have to specialize in very specific areas,
which might not give you as much flexibility as
you want later. Also, many people go into COM;
lots of competition for jobs.
F Focus
Field of study seems too
broad, not involved with any
tech/technical study
42. There are many aspects of communication to
choose from
I Interest
Field of study is not interesting
to respondent due to
perceived level of effort
required 59. too much writing
PAY Salary
Field is perceived to be low
84. Low income potential (in general), some
fields very competitive, difficult to find jobs in
other markets.
First-level codes
U Understanding
Respondants have a lack of
understanding of skills
acquired during study and
application to career paths
67. In my opinion, going into a communication
major may hinder a person's opportunities to get
a job or to grow from a starting position in a
company. Communication majors spend so
much time discussing presentations letting them
know everything about them inside and out. This
shows they can be a vital part of any project
team that needs to showcase its findings to
others. However, what else can drawn out of it?
Besides perfecting presentations or teaching, I
don't see where someone with only a
communication major can go in life. I think those
people will be stuck in the same spot for most of
their life, being very repetitive in the work that is
being done.
V Validity
Field of study is perceived to
be of no value to employeers
and students
12. Some people don't take you as seriously
because it is often considered a very easy major
A Academia
The major is broad, not
enough focus on what to study
14. Since a communication major is broad, the
student would not specialize in a particular area,
which may cause the student to blend in with the
rest of the competition.
D Difficult Difficulty in finding a job
43. It would be difficult to find a job in this field
after college.
Lack of
Respondants have a lack of
awareness of career fields /
40. I'm not sure how the career outlook is for
communication majors. it is not a technical field,
and it is not hands on.
PS Public Speaking
A dislike for having to perform
public speaking / a perception
that public speaking is the only
option for employeement 80. Having to speak to large crowds.
Second-level codes
SK Skills association
A perception that employeers
may not understand what skills
the major produces
87. In contrast of job opportunity and
specialization of communication being an
advantage, this can also be seen as a
disadvantage. Many students may find the field
too broad, and thus not find a specific area to
become competent in. This can be a huge
disadvantage in defining a career field.
CODE What do you see as the ADVANTAGES of being a communication major?
1st level 2nd level
J 1. I have a versatile major from a respectable college so I will have a lot of options coming out of college
2. Advantages I see for being a communication major include: The classes are said to be relatively easy, I
would have a good amount of free time due to the lack of lab science classes, I would (hopefully) learn how to
very effectively convey my own thoughts and opinions, as well as how to effectively persuade others to my own
perspectives, and I would gain skills to network well in order to find work after college.
S G 3. well spoken. good job placement.
S P 4. Becoming exceptional at public speaking
5. I am not a communication major, however a communication major opens a door for a lot of opportunities to
get into a plethora of fields of work.
J 6. you really get to learn how to communicate well, which is the key to life
S G 7. Useful skills that can be translated to many other fields, create a large network
8. Being a communication major allows me to pick a broad range of jobs. By being a com major, I feel way
more qualified for a variety of jobs rather than just one certain position at any given place.
J 9. Better interpersonal skills, including competency in conflict resolution and persuading others.
S G 10. Learning skills required for every career.
11. The advantages of being communications major is a broad area of study. Also communication is relevant in
everything. In everything you do communication is a beneficial skill.
12. I think that being a communication major would allow you to branch out and have good skills for the real
world. I think you would also learn things that would be applicable to the real world and many different careers
J 13. Job placement
14. Majoring in communications causes people that hire to view you as a positive addition to their team. They
would infer that with this major, you contain quality skills such as effective leadership abilities, knowing how to
organize and express thoughts, and persuasive public speaking.
S W 15. It gives us a one-up in the work force because many students today are lacking in communication skills.
16. Advantages include more courses targeting critical communication job skills including public and small
group speaking, technical writing, as well as language.
S R 17. Some advantages might be learning how people interact and how to communicate with other people.
18. Communication is vital in any field, so communication majors have an upper hand. It is very broad, can go
anywhere with a communications degree.
19. Becoming a better communicator. Employers look for individuals that can communicate effectively in the
workplace. Communication major has a wide range of outcomes in the job field.
20. can maintain better communication skills thus build a better relationships with people. And relationships are
become more and more important these days.
21. Although I am not a communication major or minor I still believe communication is important for everyone.
Some advantages I see are recognizing different peoples, recognizing different views, careful planning for
effective communication, and having more awareness behind a person's words or expressions.
J 22. It helps student to engage in more effective and efficient interaction in the career.
N/A 23. It matches with my character and personality.
24. it is one of the biggest major of Purdue and it can be applied to any other fields. it is flexible major for
25. -There are a lot of networking opportunities / -Teachers from all different professional backgrounds teaching
you / -An organized system to graduate on time / -Learn skills for various fields (meaning we will be able to
communicate effectively in any business environment
26. You would be widely marketable, as COM majors can go into many fields and can specialize in many
different areas. Also, our world depends more and more on national and global communication, so there would
be many opportunities for jobs.
27. As a communication major, the advantages are being able to deliver a message effectively and being very
comfortable when giving a presentation.
28. I think communication is an important skill that is very advantageous. Being able to convey thoughts and
ideas is incredibly important. After all what is the point of having knowledge if you cannot share it.
29. Communication is a great major for everyone because it teaches you how to talk about your point in a
persuasive and professional manner
J 30. You could more easily get a job in many different fields as a director or presenter.
31. Advanced communication skills, interpersonal relationship building, better understanding of why we
communicate the way we do
J 32. Variety of job opportunities, and good a public speaking.
33. The advantages of being a communication major could include knowing how to influence your colleagues,
persuade your superiors to get support for a new project, or being able to effectively portray information of a
program or product.
34. It allows you to become a better public speaker than most of the other majors that exist. This can prove to
be quite useful in multiple different places.
S W 35. Being able to communicate in any workplace is extremely important.
S P 36. You can conquer the fear of public speaking and be able to work with people at all times.
S P 37. Confidence when talking to people
S G 38. gain good speaking skills
S P 39. speaking in front of audiences and being able to communicate in a professional manner.
S P 40. Being able to effectively communicate in most situations to all different groups of people.
41. Gain real world knowledge, endless job opportunities, work in a business environment and option of
J 42. You would be able to complete elevator pitches to company heads much better.
43. There are many advantages of "Communication" as a major, it allows you to be able to find and be
successful in a career in a wide variety of places. You learn how to effectively work with all types of people,
utilize technology in the workforce, and are prepared for graduate and law school as well. The wide range of
career options associated with a communication major is a significant advantage of this.
44. The ability to be able to coordinate with teammates in a more efficient way, as well as being able to present
a certain topic to a board or at a meeting in an organized and persuasive method.
N/A 45. I am not a communications major so I do not really know any advantages of being in the major.
J 46. There isn't one single job path; there are lots of opportunities
47. The advantages include having good "people skills" and in this day and age its not entirely based on your
education but by your connections. With a communication major (or minor) it would really help grow you as a
person and in your career.
S G 48. lots of skills
49. I see being able to take communication classes an advantage, and the fact that you are able to
communicate with people as a main part of your career.
50. As a current IT employee, I see so many issues related to poor communication skills, especially conflict
resolution, that I feel adding a degree in Communication to my resume can help me make a real difference.
51. Well, your communication skills become stronger. I think it is helpful when it comes to interviewing and
working with new people. I also think it has helped me to receive a job I have now. You're more approachable if
you communicate well.
52. For me the advantages to being a communication major are its marketability in the work place. There is so
many fields that a Com degree can be used in. Film industry PR to name a few.
53. Being able to communicate is helpful in a job setting. You will always need to do presentations unless you
are a manual laborer.
S G 54. Being able to successfully display a strong communication ability (verbally and written) /
S R 55. You learn about how to communicate with different kinds of the people in the best way possible.
S P 56. If I choose communication as my major, I could be more confident when I communicate to others
J 57. It is a very broad major and you can do a lot of different things with this degree
J 58. can be applied anywhere
59. In-depth knowledge of interpersonal communication skills and how to work through challenging situations
involving communication
S R 60. Can communicate with others and interpret responses well
J 61. Wide variety of options
62. You need to communicate for every single thing in life. People and business will always need someone to
help create the best communication systems.
J 63. Being able to get a lot of jobs in the future
64. I feel those enrolled in communication programs are essential to delivering the messages of math and
science professionals.
J 65. The flexibility to go into several different fields after graduation
66. With being a Communications major, advantages easily can be seen with presenting information, whether it
be formally or informally, to other people. Communications majors spend lots of time figuring out what the best
way to present information for specific reasons and why to do this. Looking at engineering for example,
engineers are more focused on the work behind a presentation. If the engineers can't transfer the information
over to their peers in a good manner, then the project or task that was executed pretty much is a complete
waste. Communications majors, however, can take this information, transform it into a presentation that can
easily be understood by people not on the project team, allowing for it to be understood easily. Also,
communications majors can put the presentation work they do and learn to real-life conversations with other
people. They can be more prepared and more personal for one-on-one meetings or just daily "water-cooler"
conversations, showing that they are a professional person, both in front of a large audience and in the break
J 67. Can get a good job and work with lots of interesting people
68. One advantage to being a communication major is the fact that communication majors learn great
communication skills that will help them in the real world.
69. I think a communications major or minor is a very smart thing to have under your belt. In today's world, it is
becoming more and more important to have good communication.
70. The advantages of being a communication major is that I am able to adapt in any situation I encounter, I
can communicate effectively, work with almost anyone and everyone. Being able to communicate effectively is
a great and important skill to have in the real world and the work world. I am able to understand others
communication styles and adjust mine accordingly.
J 71. It could be applied to almost any job.
72. You would probably be able to get a job very easily, and having a communication education would benefit
you no matter what job you ended up in.
S R 73. Working well with others, clearly expressing ideas or opinions to others
S P 74. You develop skills that will be applicable to many disciplines, such as people skills and presentation skills.
S R 75. Being able to effectively communicate with individuals and the mass
N/A 76. i am not a com major
77. Being able to easily express your thoughts and communicate with other individuals as well as enhancing
your ability to persuade others.
N 78. For me as an Engineering Major I do not see any advantages of becoming a communications major.
S P 79. Being able to talk in front of people smoothly.
80. It tends to have an easier courseload, so it should be easier to attain a higher gpa. If a student dislikes math
and science, this major steers clear. A communication major is good for those who want to write.
81. Communication is something that is very broad in my opinion. This means that someone in that major has
many options on what they can choose to focus on while in school and there are a lot of career options.
Communicating with people and understanding theories of communication can be very beneficial to know when
communication with other people in personal settings or in a professional environment.
N/A 82. That is great for this class.
S R 83. Knowing how people tick, being able to communicate well and efficiently, wide breadth of job options.
84. The advantages I see of being a communication major I can speak very highly of. I recently just switched to
an Agribusiness major and dropped my communication major. I did not do this because I was no longer
stimulated by the thought of being a communication major but because I just found something more suitable for
myself. The advantages are being able to speak for people who can't communicate for themselves, connecting
and communicating the facts to the public, and being able to interpret and reciprocate communication in your
own way.
85. Because you are exposed to such a wide variety of material, you have a lot of experience in different things.
Writing, reading, speaking, and learning a foreign language are just a few of the areas communication students
are exposed to
86. I believe one of the biggest advantages of being a communication major is the level of writing proficiency
students gain. Introductory courses, especially at Purdue University, are not simply "weed-out" courses, but
extremely challenging and very valuable. Additionally, the amount of jobs available to communication majors is
an advantage, as there are many directions you can go with it.
J 87. It is the best suited major for the job that I am pursuing.
88. Having a communications major could help in any area of work. Companies are looking for people that can
relay there messages on to other people effectively.
S G 89. you can learn lot of stratigies of cmmunication and sort of skills as well
90. One of the advantages of being a communication major is that we can choose from many different jobs.
There is no particular job that we have to do. There are many opportunities that we can choose from.
91. learn how to develop critical thinking / 2. learn communication theories that can be applied in real life / 3.
learn how to read, write, speak and present in an academical style
91. The advantages I see from being a communication major is being to able to apply my skills I learn to a
variety of different jobs. Another advantage of being a communication major is the privilege of studying under
many knowledge and professional faculty.
J 92. Bigger opportunity for this major
S R 93. You can influence the way people think or view a product.
94. You would be given a lot of opportunity to learn the best ways to communicate with people whether that be
through a presentation or just interpersonal communication skills.
95. can gain strong writing, reading and speaking skills, be good at communicating with others, have better
ability to deal with interpersonal relationships
J 96. There are many opportunities for different kinds of jobs.
CODE What do you see as the DISADVANTAGES of being a communication major?
1st level 2nd level
1. There are a lot of people who believe communications is a bogus degree and there are a lot of slackers
who try to get a degree in it
2. Disadvantages I see of being a communication major are: The degree is often not well-respected
because it has a reputation of being an easy major, and there is not as much of a guarantee of a job after
college as there is for majors such as science and engineering.
PAY 3. small pay. not very reputable.
I PS 4. Becoming exceptional at public speaking
5. A communication major may have a hard time finding a job that he/she likes, as a com major could go
into an array of fields and have a hard time narrowing it down to a specific job.
I 6. not the most interesting topic
V 7. can be seen as a dud major
8. Many times, a lot of people don't understand what a communications degree involves. Then you have to
explain yourself a lot and explain why you are qualified for a various selection of jobs.
9. It is not taken very seriously compared to business degrees, or having a more refined concentration. Not
as many as career opportunities as a health care professional or utility services.
10. It has a reputation of being a "catch-all" major. If a person doesn't know what to major in, many choose
communication because it's very general. Also, there's no specific job that requires a "communication major,"
which makes it iffy for career choices.
V 11. Sometimes the major isn't taken seriously.
12. Some people don't take you as seriously because it is often considered a very easy major
C D 13. Job availability
14. Since a communication major is broad, the student would not specialize in a particular area, which may
cause the student to blend in with the rest of the competition.
15. There is no set job directed for a communication major. With Engineering you become and engineer,
and there isn't a specific job for a communicator.
F A 16. Disadvantages include not being exposed to hands-on learning and tactile subjects.
F A 17. The disadvantages might be that you might be selected on what you learn.
V 18. sometimes is too broad, many do not take you seriously, they say it is easy
F A 19. You are not focus on one certain topic in general.
C LA 20. don't know what kind of job this major can get.
21. I still think communication is important, just not devoting it as a whole field of study. I feel one of the
biggest disadvantages is not having a tangible skill, like when someone asks what can you do.
22. It takes a lot of effort to become a good communicator in different aspects of our life, in terms of giving
F 23. it is broad field. it would be advantage, but also disadvantage
V 24. Lack of specific professionalism like engineering or science. everyone could do it.
N/A 25. #NAME?
26. You have to specialize in very specific areas, which might not give you as much flexibility as you want
later. Also, many people go into COM; lots of competition for jobs.
C D 27. It is hard to find a job related to communications.
V 28. Its not a very prestigious major and I think its not very marketable
29. They do not get any other skills besides how to communicate
C 30. You might have to bounce around in the company to where ever needs you.
31. Bigger chance of overanalyzing communication situations
C D 32. It is not a straight forward major, therefore it could be harder to find a job.
33. The disadvantages of being a communication major could include being less knowledgeable in growing
areas of study like engineering, computer science, and technology.
34. It does limit you to only doing things that involve speaking. Typically, a communications major does not
give as high of a payout as engineering would.
PAY 35. Not high paying
36. The classes may not be as fun, at least for me personally. I dread my communication class.
PAY 37. low income
I PS 38. having to speak in public
F 39. It's a very broad major
40. I'm not sure how the career outlook is for communication majors. it is not a technical field, and it is not
hands on.
V 41. People don't take you seriously, expected to be an extrovert, too much travel
F 42. There are many aspects of communication to choose from
C D 43. It would be difficult to find a job in this field after college.
44. The disadvantages of being a communication major are coming across those that consider it to be a
"blow off" major or do not take it as serious as it is. They consider it to be a major that only consists of
speaking and don't understand what exactly a communication major does.
45. There is added workload that would not be very much fun at all, involving a lot of speech preparation and
audience analysis study. Also time might be spent towards another major to be helpful such as business or
46. I am not a communications major so I do not know the disadvantages of being in this major.
PAY 47. Salary for entry level
48. this could just be my ignorance but it doesn't seem like there is much of a career after college. Those that
do tend to not pay very well.
I 49. lots of papers, homework
C LA 50. There doesn't seem like there are many career options.
51. A lot of people still do not understand what a Communication major is, i.e., most think of marketing or PR.
52. You stray away from subjects such as math and science. I was a science major before switching into
communications. You are looked down on as a communications major which is very unfortunate because we
have a lot to offer.
53. For me I think that the disadvantages of being a communication major is that there is a rather large pool
of candidates to choose from, when looking for a job after school
54. It's too general and not specialized. I feel that it would be hard to land a job unless you specialize in
something else. /
55. People do not think all that highly of communication majors because it isn't as hard as others like
56. It can be a very broad major which could make it difficult to find a job if you don't know exactly what you
want to do.
57. It may be lack of science thoughts like mathematics methods in actual practice.
F A 58. I think it is hard to pick something to do because it is so broad.
I 59. too much writing
V 60. Perception that we all communicate so why do you need to study it.
PAY 61. Job prospects and salaries are low, not stimulating
V 62. Sometimes not respected
PAY 63. It doesnt make a lot of money.
C D 64. Having too many options to choose from for jobs
V 65. Some view communication majors as useless.
N/A 66. N/A
67. In my opinion, going into a communication major may hinder a person's opportunities to get a job or to
grow from a starting position in a company. Communication majors spend so much time discussing
presentations letting them know everything about them inside and out. This shows they can be a vital part of
any project team that needs to showcase its findings to others. However, what else can drawn out of it?
Besides perfecting presentations or teaching, I don't see where someone with only a communication major
can go in life. I think those people will be stuck in the same spot for most of their life, being very repetitive in
the work that is being done.
PAY 68. Can't get paid enough.
C LA 69. I am not completely sure about what kinds of jobs you get with that degree.
V 70. Lacking in technical areas that are what today's world is all the about.
71. The only disadvantage I see as being a communication major is that our degree isn't taken seriously.
People view communication as an "easy" degree when in fact it isn't.
C LA 72. There probably are not as many specific jobs from communication.
73. You wouldn't have STEM experience unless you minored in a science or took lots of electives.
F SK 74. Not becoming qualified in a particular skill/technology
75. Outside of academia, I am not sure what sort of jobs the major directly leads to.
C D 76. Job opportunities are hazy and unpredictable
N 77. i am not a com major
78. Lack of concrete position within the society. By this I mean that engineering major becomes an engineer,
accounting major becomes an accountant, but how about someone who is a communication major? Is there
a specific & common position designated for the major? or is it just a general study where you can go into
multiple fields? I see that as a disadvantage of communication as a major
79. I think that being a communications major could have some disadvantages in the particular versatility of
the degree.
I PS 80. Having to speak to large crowds.
81. The job market is much smaller for this major. The starting income for careers attained from this major
are much lower than other popular college majors.
82. Some people label communication as an easy major. People's may have a negative perception of people
who choose to major in communication. Also, if someone does not get good at a specific area of
communication, they could have trouble finding a job because they only have general knowledge about a
variety of things.
N/A 83. Nothing
84. Low income potential (in general), some fields very competitive, difficult to find jobs in other markets.
85. The disadvantages of being a communication major include having to put your values, and opinions to
the side for a minute to truly be able to communicate the message without a bias opinion. Another
disadvantage includes learning to "read" people. That can be extremely challenging.
86. You are not really good at one thing, you're good at a lot of things, but it can be hard to stand out. Plus,
since you are only required one math class (not including stat), we typically are not that good in math.
87. In contrast of job opportunity and specialization of communication being an advantage, this can also be
seen as a disadvantage. Many students may find the field too broad, and thus not find a specific area to
become competent in. This can be a huge disadvantage in defining a career field.
N 88. There are no disadvantages.
C D 89. There may not be as many jobs in a communication major.
C D 90. there may not have too many jobs that has to do with communication major
91. A disadvantage of being a communication major is that many people think that we are not smart enough
because they think it is an easy major. I also think that a disadvantage is that communication major don't
make a lot of money.
92. some of the knowledge can be too theoratical / 2. there is a lot of reading material to cover almost
everyday / 3. writing paper is challenging / 4. may not be easy to find a job
93. The disadvantage I see from being a communication major is being under looked for having a liberal arts
C SK 94. not the leader in this tech age
95. It is difficult to find entry level positions in communications - many end up being sales.
96. I don't see many disadvantages with being a communication major. The only thing I can think is that it
won't be seen as being that important. But I don't necessarily think that that is true.
97. not much technical things to learn, so com major students are easy to be replaced by others.
V 98. I think some people look down on a Communication major.

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Qualitative Research Assignment

  • 1. Running head: QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS 1 ANALYSIS STUDY DATA FROM PURDUE UNIVERISTY: QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS ASSINGMENT Katie L. Organ Purdue University Author Note Katie L. Organ, graduate student, Brain Lamb School of Communications, Purdue University. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Katie Organ, 1225 Yorkshire Dr N, Sycamore, IL 60178. Contact:
  • 2. QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS 2 Analysis study of data from a Purdue University survey regarding the Communications major Method for Creating Codes I read and reviewed all the comments prior to beginning any attempts at coding the data. By reading all the comments first, I allowed me to find some basic themes that were clearly present in the data, such as career opportunities and pay scale on the ‘disadvantages’ side. As discussed in the Tracy chapter, this pre-review is described as “primary-cycle coding” (Tracy, 2013, p. 190). I had two main codes identified for both sets of data after the primary cycle was complete. I then began writing down the themes on the side of the print-out of the comments, applying these themes as my first-level codes (Tracy, 2013, p. 189). As I moved through the data, coding the basic two themes, it became clear that I need a third, fourth, and even sub-categories of the themes. These additional codes are defined by Tracy as “second-level codes”. I wrote down the initial concepts for the additional themes and sub- themes on a separate sheet of paper before I assigned them to data. I then translated my first level codes into an electronic spreadsheet. I felt it was easier assign the second-level codes electronically, as the codes were likely to change and be reassigned or re-evaluated as I continued to work. Moving into an electronic environment helped to code the data more quickly. Perceptions determine codes Every individual brings different life experiences to any situation they may find themselves experiencing. Diversity in experiences is valued in business environments as they tend to result in more diverse and dynamic results. The experiences I have had in my professional and academic career shape the way I have coded the data. Someone with different experience will most likely code the data differently. Berends and Johnston discovered when conducting their research, which included multiple coders with a variety of backgrounds, “Benefits rested in the inclusion of multiple perspectives in researcher backgrounds and in the
  • 3. QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS 3 opportunities to discuss coding disagreements and refine the coding system” (2005). I viewed the data like I would an employee satisfaction survey from within my company. The students’ answers are like my internal customers. I could see that within the data, there were themes that revolved around a level of understanding of what career options are available with a communications degree. Someone who has a different background from me may have interpreted this theme different. What is important to remember in the coding process is that there is no one correct way to code. Any bias that may exist with the coder should be documented within the research itself. Additionally, the researcher(s) should take steps towards mitigating the known biases, which could include using a cross-functional, multi-disciplined team to code the data individually and then cross reference together as a team. Evaluation of the methodology Creating the codebook was not difficult. Have the data electronically increased the ease of creating the codebook. I imaging when computing was not an option, it was more critical to have a strong codebook so that the data was easier to manage. I used the process outlined in the Tracy texted to create my codebook. What I found interesting was a realization that I have created codebooks in the past for my job responsibilities as a communications manager, but I did not know that is what I was doing. The codebook process felt intuitive, which ultimately made the creating of the codebook relatively easy. Using the Tracy text as a guide for creating the codebook, some improvements became apparent within the creation of the questions. The two open-ended questions of students’ evaluations of advantages and disadvantages of a communications major were almost too broad. Perhaps there could be additional open-ended questions that require a more narrowed answer, which could then be coded further, in to the relation of the details of the answers provided.
  • 4. QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS 4 References Lynda Berends & Jennifer Johnston (2005) Using multiple coders to enhance qualitative analysis: The case of interviews with consumers of drug treatment, Addiction Research & Theory, 13:4, 373-381 7 McDaniel, C., & Gates, R. (2015). Marketing research (10th edition). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Tracy, S. (2013). Qualitative research methods: Collecting evidence, crafting analysis, communicating impact. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, Ltd.
  • 5. COMS 60411 - Fall 2015 Katie Organ Week 3 Assignment Code Book Abbreviation Code Definition Examples E Ease The course work is preceived to be easy, which translates into a "good" reason to be a Comms major. 80. It tends to have an easier courseload, so it should be easier to attain a higher gpa. If a student dislikes math and science, this major steers clear. A communication major is good for those who want to write. J Job - placement and availability Wide variety of jobs and careers that majors can be a part of 90. One of the advantages of being a communication major is that we can choose from many different jobs. There is no particular job that we have to do. There are many opportunities that we can choose from. N No - does not find value One response - no advantage to beging a Communications major. 78. For me as an Engineering Major I do not see any advantages of becoming a communications major. N/A Not applicable The response does not add any value or provide insight into the question. 23. It matches with my character and personality. S Skills - learning and application Improving and learning skills as apart of the course work 70. The advantages of being a communication major is that I am able to adapt in any situation I encounter, I can communicate effectively, work with almost anyone and everyone. Being able to communicate effectively is a great and important skill to have in the real world and the work world. I am able to understand others communication styles and adjust mine accordingly. First-level codes Second-level codes ADVANTAGES
  • 6. G General skills The comments relate to general skills improvements 69. I think a communications major or minor is a very smart thing to have under your belt. In today's world, it is becoming more and more important to have good communication. P Practical skills The skills gained are practical and applicable to jobs/careers; mainly focused on public speaking skills 34. It allows you to become a better public speaker than most of the other majors that exist. This can prove to be quite useful in multiple different places. R Relationship skills The skills gained are related to inter-personal communications and relationship buidling 31. Advanced communication skills, interpersonal relationship building, better understanding of why we communicate the way we do W Work skills The comments relate to employeers looking for skills 19. Becoming a better communicator. Employers look for individuals that can communicate effectively in the workplace. Communication major has a wide range of outcomes in the job field. C Career options Concern regarding career options after graduation 26. You have to specialize in very specific areas, which might not give you as much flexibility as you want later. Also, many people go into COM; lots of competition for jobs. F Focus Field of study seems too broad, not involved with any tech/technical study 42. There are many aspects of communication to choose from I Interest Field of study is not interesting to respondent due to perceived level of effort required 59. too much writing PAY Salary Field is perceived to be low paying 84. Low income potential (in general), some fields very competitive, difficult to find jobs in other markets. DISADVANTAGES First-level codes
  • 7. U Understanding Respondants have a lack of understanding of skills acquired during study and application to career paths 67. In my opinion, going into a communication major may hinder a person's opportunities to get a job or to grow from a starting position in a company. Communication majors spend so much time discussing presentations letting them know everything about them inside and out. This shows they can be a vital part of any project team that needs to showcase its findings to others. However, what else can drawn out of it? Besides perfecting presentations or teaching, I don't see where someone with only a communication major can go in life. I think those people will be stuck in the same spot for most of their life, being very repetitive in the work that is being done. V Validity Field of study is perceived to be of no value to employeers and students 12. Some people don't take you as seriously because it is often considered a very easy major A Academia The major is broad, not enough focus on what to study 14. Since a communication major is broad, the student would not specialize in a particular area, which may cause the student to blend in with the rest of the competition. D Difficult Difficulty in finding a job 43. It would be difficult to find a job in this field after college. LA Lack of awareness Respondants have a lack of awareness of career fields / opportunities 40. I'm not sure how the career outlook is for communication majors. it is not a technical field, and it is not hands on. PS Public Speaking A dislike for having to perform public speaking / a perception that public speaking is the only option for employeement 80. Having to speak to large crowds. Second-level codes
  • 8. SK Skills association A perception that employeers may not understand what skills the major produces 87. In contrast of job opportunity and specialization of communication being an advantage, this can also be seen as a disadvantage. Many students may find the field too broad, and thus not find a specific area to become competent in. This can be a huge disadvantage in defining a career field.
  • 9. CODE What do you see as the ADVANTAGES of being a communication major? 1st level 2nd level J 1. I have a versatile major from a respectable college so I will have a lot of options coming out of college E 2. Advantages I see for being a communication major include: The classes are said to be relatively easy, I would have a good amount of free time due to the lack of lab science classes, I would (hopefully) learn how to very effectively convey my own thoughts and opinions, as well as how to effectively persuade others to my own perspectives, and I would gain skills to network well in order to find work after college. S G 3. well spoken. good job placement. S P 4. Becoming exceptional at public speaking S G 5. I am not a communication major, however a communication major opens a door for a lot of opportunities to get into a plethora of fields of work. J 6. you really get to learn how to communicate well, which is the key to life S G 7. Useful skills that can be translated to many other fields, create a large network S W 8. Being a communication major allows me to pick a broad range of jobs. By being a com major, I feel way more qualified for a variety of jobs rather than just one certain position at any given place. J 9. Better interpersonal skills, including competency in conflict resolution and persuading others. S G 10. Learning skills required for every career. S G 11. The advantages of being communications major is a broad area of study. Also communication is relevant in everything. In everything you do communication is a beneficial skill. S G 12. I think that being a communication major would allow you to branch out and have good skills for the real world. I think you would also learn things that would be applicable to the real world and many different careers J 13. Job placement S W 14. Majoring in communications causes people that hire to view you as a positive addition to their team. They would infer that with this major, you contain quality skills such as effective leadership abilities, knowing how to organize and express thoughts, and persuasive public speaking. S W 15. It gives us a one-up in the work force because many students today are lacking in communication skills. S P 16. Advantages include more courses targeting critical communication job skills including public and small group speaking, technical writing, as well as language. S R 17. Some advantages might be learning how people interact and how to communicate with other people. S G 18. Communication is vital in any field, so communication majors have an upper hand. It is very broad, can go anywhere with a communications degree. S W 19. Becoming a better communicator. Employers look for individuals that can communicate effectively in the workplace. Communication major has a wide range of outcomes in the job field.
  • 10. S R 20. can maintain better communication skills thus build a better relationships with people. And relationships are become more and more important these days. S R 21. Although I am not a communication major or minor I still believe communication is important for everyone. Some advantages I see are recognizing different peoples, recognizing different views, careful planning for effective communication, and having more awareness behind a person's words or expressions. J 22. It helps student to engage in more effective and efficient interaction in the career. N/A 23. It matches with my character and personality. E 24. it is one of the biggest major of Purdue and it can be applied to any other fields. it is flexible major for everything. S G 25. -There are a lot of networking opportunities / -Teachers from all different professional backgrounds teaching you / -An organized system to graduate on time / -Learn skills for various fields (meaning we will be able to communicate effectively in any business environment J 26. You would be widely marketable, as COM majors can go into many fields and can specialize in many different areas. Also, our world depends more and more on national and global communication, so there would be many opportunities for jobs. S P 27. As a communication major, the advantages are being able to deliver a message effectively and being very comfortable when giving a presentation. S P 28. I think communication is an important skill that is very advantageous. Being able to convey thoughts and ideas is incredibly important. After all what is the point of having knowledge if you cannot share it. S P 29. Communication is a great major for everyone because it teaches you how to talk about your point in a persuasive and professional manner J 30. You could more easily get a job in many different fields as a director or presenter. S R 31. Advanced communication skills, interpersonal relationship building, better understanding of why we communicate the way we do J 32. Variety of job opportunities, and good a public speaking. S R 33. The advantages of being a communication major could include knowing how to influence your colleagues, persuade your superiors to get support for a new project, or being able to effectively portray information of a program or product. S P 34. It allows you to become a better public speaker than most of the other majors that exist. This can prove to be quite useful in multiple different places. S W 35. Being able to communicate in any workplace is extremely important. S P 36. You can conquer the fear of public speaking and be able to work with people at all times. S P 37. Confidence when talking to people S G 38. gain good speaking skills
  • 11. S P 39. speaking in front of audiences and being able to communicate in a professional manner. S P 40. Being able to effectively communicate in most situations to all different groups of people. J 41. Gain real world knowledge, endless job opportunities, work in a business environment and option of travelling J 42. You would be able to complete elevator pitches to company heads much better. S R 43. There are many advantages of "Communication" as a major, it allows you to be able to find and be successful in a career in a wide variety of places. You learn how to effectively work with all types of people, utilize technology in the workforce, and are prepared for graduate and law school as well. The wide range of career options associated with a communication major is a significant advantage of this. S R 44. The ability to be able to coordinate with teammates in a more efficient way, as well as being able to present a certain topic to a board or at a meeting in an organized and persuasive method. N/A 45. I am not a communications major so I do not really know any advantages of being in the major. J 46. There isn't one single job path; there are lots of opportunities S R 47. The advantages include having good "people skills" and in this day and age its not entirely based on your education but by your connections. With a communication major (or minor) it would really help grow you as a person and in your career. S G 48. lots of skills S R 49. I see being able to take communication classes an advantage, and the fact that you are able to communicate with people as a main part of your career. S R 50. As a current IT employee, I see so many issues related to poor communication skills, especially conflict resolution, that I feel adding a degree in Communication to my resume can help me make a real difference. S W 51. Well, your communication skills become stronger. I think it is helpful when it comes to interviewing and working with new people. I also think it has helped me to receive a job I have now. You're more approachable if you communicate well. J 52. For me the advantages to being a communication major are its marketability in the work place. There is so many fields that a Com degree can be used in. Film industry PR to name a few. S W 53. Being able to communicate is helpful in a job setting. You will always need to do presentations unless you are a manual laborer. S G 54. Being able to successfully display a strong communication ability (verbally and written) / S R 55. You learn about how to communicate with different kinds of the people in the best way possible. S P 56. If I choose communication as my major, I could be more confident when I communicate to others J 57. It is a very broad major and you can do a lot of different things with this degree J 58. can be applied anywhere
  • 12. S G 59. In-depth knowledge of interpersonal communication skills and how to work through challenging situations involving communication S R 60. Can communicate with others and interpret responses well J 61. Wide variety of options S G 62. You need to communicate for every single thing in life. People and business will always need someone to help create the best communication systems. J 63. Being able to get a lot of jobs in the future S R 64. I feel those enrolled in communication programs are essential to delivering the messages of math and science professionals. J 65. The flexibility to go into several different fields after graduation S R 66. With being a Communications major, advantages easily can be seen with presenting information, whether it be formally or informally, to other people. Communications majors spend lots of time figuring out what the best way to present information for specific reasons and why to do this. Looking at engineering for example, engineers are more focused on the work behind a presentation. If the engineers can't transfer the information over to their peers in a good manner, then the project or task that was executed pretty much is a complete waste. Communications majors, however, can take this information, transform it into a presentation that can easily be understood by people not on the project team, allowing for it to be understood easily. Also, communications majors can put the presentation work they do and learn to real-life conversations with other people. They can be more prepared and more personal for one-on-one meetings or just daily "water-cooler" conversations, showing that they are a professional person, both in front of a large audience and in the break room. J 67. Can get a good job and work with lots of interesting people S P 68. One advantage to being a communication major is the fact that communication majors learn great communication skills that will help them in the real world. S G 69. I think a communications major or minor is a very smart thing to have under your belt. In today's world, it is becoming more and more important to have good communication. S P 70. The advantages of being a communication major is that I am able to adapt in any situation I encounter, I can communicate effectively, work with almost anyone and everyone. Being able to communicate effectively is a great and important skill to have in the real world and the work world. I am able to understand others communication styles and adjust mine accordingly. J 71. It could be applied to almost any job. J 72. You would probably be able to get a job very easily, and having a communication education would benefit you no matter what job you ended up in. S R 73. Working well with others, clearly expressing ideas or opinions to others
  • 13. S P 74. You develop skills that will be applicable to many disciplines, such as people skills and presentation skills. S R 75. Being able to effectively communicate with individuals and the mass N/A 76. i am not a com major S R 77. Being able to easily express your thoughts and communicate with other individuals as well as enhancing your ability to persuade others. N 78. For me as an Engineering Major I do not see any advantages of becoming a communications major. S P 79. Being able to talk in front of people smoothly. E 80. It tends to have an easier courseload, so it should be easier to attain a higher gpa. If a student dislikes math and science, this major steers clear. A communication major is good for those who want to write. J 81. Communication is something that is very broad in my opinion. This means that someone in that major has many options on what they can choose to focus on while in school and there are a lot of career options. Communicating with people and understanding theories of communication can be very beneficial to know when communication with other people in personal settings or in a professional environment. N/A 82. That is great for this class. S R 83. Knowing how people tick, being able to communicate well and efficiently, wide breadth of job options. S G 84. The advantages I see of being a communication major I can speak very highly of. I recently just switched to an Agribusiness major and dropped my communication major. I did not do this because I was no longer stimulated by the thought of being a communication major but because I just found something more suitable for myself. The advantages are being able to speak for people who can't communicate for themselves, connecting and communicating the facts to the public, and being able to interpret and reciprocate communication in your own way. S P 85. Because you are exposed to such a wide variety of material, you have a lot of experience in different things. Writing, reading, speaking, and learning a foreign language are just a few of the areas communication students are exposed to S P 86. I believe one of the biggest advantages of being a communication major is the level of writing proficiency students gain. Introductory courses, especially at Purdue University, are not simply "weed-out" courses, but extremely challenging and very valuable. Additionally, the amount of jobs available to communication majors is an advantage, as there are many directions you can go with it. J 87. It is the best suited major for the job that I am pursuing. J 88. Having a communications major could help in any area of work. Companies are looking for people that can relay there messages on to other people effectively. S G 89. you can learn lot of stratigies of cmmunication and sort of skills as well J 90. One of the advantages of being a communication major is that we can choose from many different jobs. There is no particular job that we have to do. There are many opportunities that we can choose from.
  • 14. S P 91. learn how to develop critical thinking / 2. learn communication theories that can be applied in real life / 3. learn how to read, write, speak and present in an academical style J 91. The advantages I see from being a communication major is being to able to apply my skills I learn to a variety of different jobs. Another advantage of being a communication major is the privilege of studying under many knowledge and professional faculty. J 92. Bigger opportunity for this major S R 93. You can influence the way people think or view a product. S R 94. You would be given a lot of opportunity to learn the best ways to communicate with people whether that be through a presentation or just interpersonal communication skills. S P 95. can gain strong writing, reading and speaking skills, be good at communicating with others, have better ability to deal with interpersonal relationships J 96. There are many opportunities for different kinds of jobs.
  • 15. CODE What do you see as the DISADVANTAGES of being a communication major? 1st level 2nd level V 1. There are a lot of people who believe communications is a bogus degree and there are a lot of slackers who try to get a degree in it V 2. Disadvantages I see of being a communication major are: The degree is often not well-respected because it has a reputation of being an easy major, and there is not as much of a guarantee of a job after college as there is for majors such as science and engineering. PAY 3. small pay. not very reputable. I PS 4. Becoming exceptional at public speaking C D 5. A communication major may have a hard time finding a job that he/she likes, as a com major could go into an array of fields and have a hard time narrowing it down to a specific job. I 6. not the most interesting topic V 7. can be seen as a dud major V 8. Many times, a lot of people don't understand what a communications degree involves. Then you have to explain yourself a lot and explain why you are qualified for a various selection of jobs. V 9. It is not taken very seriously compared to business degrees, or having a more refined concentration. Not as many as career opportunities as a health care professional or utility services. V 10. It has a reputation of being a "catch-all" major. If a person doesn't know what to major in, many choose communication because it's very general. Also, there's no specific job that requires a "communication major," which makes it iffy for career choices. V 11. Sometimes the major isn't taken seriously. V 12. Some people don't take you as seriously because it is often considered a very easy major C D 13. Job availability F A 14. Since a communication major is broad, the student would not specialize in a particular area, which may cause the student to blend in with the rest of the competition. C LA 15. There is no set job directed for a communication major. With Engineering you become and engineer, and there isn't a specific job for a communicator. F A 16. Disadvantages include not being exposed to hands-on learning and tactile subjects. F A 17. The disadvantages might be that you might be selected on what you learn.
  • 16. V 18. sometimes is too broad, many do not take you seriously, they say it is easy F A 19. You are not focus on one certain topic in general. C LA 20. don't know what kind of job this major can get. C SK 21. I still think communication is important, just not devoting it as a whole field of study. I feel one of the biggest disadvantages is not having a tangible skill, like when someone asks what can you do. I PS 22. It takes a lot of effort to become a good communicator in different aspects of our life, in terms of giving speeches. F 23. it is broad field. it would be advantage, but also disadvantage V 24. Lack of specific professionalism like engineering or science. everyone could do it. N/A 25. #NAME? C 26. You have to specialize in very specific areas, which might not give you as much flexibility as you want later. Also, many people go into COM; lots of competition for jobs. C D 27. It is hard to find a job related to communications. V 28. Its not a very prestigious major and I think its not very marketable 29. They do not get any other skills besides how to communicate C 30. You might have to bounce around in the company to where ever needs you. 31. Bigger chance of overanalyzing communication situations C D 32. It is not a straight forward major, therefore it could be harder to find a job. F SK 33. The disadvantages of being a communication major could include being less knowledgeable in growing areas of study like engineering, computer science, and technology. PAY 34. It does limit you to only doing things that involve speaking. Typically, a communications major does not give as high of a payout as engineering would. PAY 35. Not high paying I 36. The classes may not be as fun, at least for me personally. I dread my communication class. PAY 37. low income I PS 38. having to speak in public F 39. It's a very broad major C LA 40. I'm not sure how the career outlook is for communication majors. it is not a technical field, and it is not hands on. V 41. People don't take you seriously, expected to be an extrovert, too much travel F 42. There are many aspects of communication to choose from
  • 17. C D 43. It would be difficult to find a job in this field after college. V 44. The disadvantages of being a communication major are coming across those that consider it to be a "blow off" major or do not take it as serious as it is. They consider it to be a major that only consists of speaking and don't understand what exactly a communication major does. I PS 45. There is added workload that would not be very much fun at all, involving a lot of speech preparation and audience analysis study. Also time might be spent towards another major to be helpful such as business or management. N 46. I am not a communications major so I do not know the disadvantages of being in this major. PAY 47. Salary for entry level C LA 48. this could just be my ignorance but it doesn't seem like there is much of a career after college. Those that do tend to not pay very well. I 49. lots of papers, homework C LA 50. There doesn't seem like there are many career options. U 51. A lot of people still do not understand what a Communication major is, i.e., most think of marketing or PR. V 52. You stray away from subjects such as math and science. I was a science major before switching into communications. You are looked down on as a communications major which is very unfortunate because we have a lot to offer. C D 53. For me I think that the disadvantages of being a communication major is that there is a rather large pool of candidates to choose from, when looking for a job after school F SK 54. It's too general and not specialized. I feel that it would be hard to land a job unless you specialize in something else. / V 55. People do not think all that highly of communication majors because it isn't as hard as others like engineering. C D 56. It can be a very broad major which could make it difficult to find a job if you don't know exactly what you want to do. 57. It may be lack of science thoughts like mathematics methods in actual practice. F A 58. I think it is hard to pick something to do because it is so broad. I 59. too much writing V 60. Perception that we all communicate so why do you need to study it. PAY 61. Job prospects and salaries are low, not stimulating V 62. Sometimes not respected
  • 18. PAY 63. It doesnt make a lot of money. C D 64. Having too many options to choose from for jobs V 65. Some view communication majors as useless. N/A 66. N/A U 67. In my opinion, going into a communication major may hinder a person's opportunities to get a job or to grow from a starting position in a company. Communication majors spend so much time discussing presentations letting them know everything about them inside and out. This shows they can be a vital part of any project team that needs to showcase its findings to others. However, what else can drawn out of it? Besides perfecting presentations or teaching, I don't see where someone with only a communication major can go in life. I think those people will be stuck in the same spot for most of their life, being very repetitive in the work that is being done. PAY 68. Can't get paid enough. C LA 69. I am not completely sure about what kinds of jobs you get with that degree. V 70. Lacking in technical areas that are what today's world is all the about. V 71. The only disadvantage I see as being a communication major is that our degree isn't taken seriously. People view communication as an "easy" degree when in fact it isn't. C LA 72. There probably are not as many specific jobs from communication. 73. You wouldn't have STEM experience unless you minored in a science or took lots of electives. F SK 74. Not becoming qualified in a particular skill/technology 75. Outside of academia, I am not sure what sort of jobs the major directly leads to. C D 76. Job opportunities are hazy and unpredictable N 77. i am not a com major V 78. Lack of concrete position within the society. By this I mean that engineering major becomes an engineer, accounting major becomes an accountant, but how about someone who is a communication major? Is there a specific & common position designated for the major? or is it just a general study where you can go into multiple fields? I see that as a disadvantage of communication as a major F SK 79. I think that being a communications major could have some disadvantages in the particular versatility of the degree. I PS 80. Having to speak to large crowds. C D 81. The job market is much smaller for this major. The starting income for careers attained from this major are much lower than other popular college majors.
  • 19. V 82. Some people label communication as an easy major. People's may have a negative perception of people who choose to major in communication. Also, if someone does not get good at a specific area of communication, they could have trouble finding a job because they only have general knowledge about a variety of things. N/A 83. Nothing PAY 84. Low income potential (in general), some fields very competitive, difficult to find jobs in other markets. 85. The disadvantages of being a communication major include having to put your values, and opinions to the side for a minute to truly be able to communicate the message without a bias opinion. Another disadvantage includes learning to "read" people. That can be extremely challenging. F SK 86. You are not really good at one thing, you're good at a lot of things, but it can be hard to stand out. Plus, since you are only required one math class (not including stat), we typically are not that good in math. F SK 87. In contrast of job opportunity and specialization of communication being an advantage, this can also be seen as a disadvantage. Many students may find the field too broad, and thus not find a specific area to become competent in. This can be a huge disadvantage in defining a career field. N 88. There are no disadvantages. C D 89. There may not be as many jobs in a communication major. C D 90. there may not have too many jobs that has to do with communication major V 91. A disadvantage of being a communication major is that many people think that we are not smart enough because they think it is an easy major. I also think that a disadvantage is that communication major don't make a lot of money. 92. some of the knowledge can be too theoratical / 2. there is a lot of reading material to cover almost everyday / 3. writing paper is challenging / 4. may not be easy to find a job V 93. The disadvantage I see from being a communication major is being under looked for having a liberal arts degree. C SK 94. not the leader in this tech age C D 95. It is difficult to find entry level positions in communications - many end up being sales.
  • 20. V 96. I don't see many disadvantages with being a communication major. The only thing I can think is that it won't be seen as being that important. But I don't necessarily think that that is true. C SK 97. not much technical things to learn, so com major students are easy to be replaced by others. V 98. I think some people look down on a Communication major.