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            (Summary of chapter 3 and 4)

    Qualitative research methodology assignment
          Lecture: DR. Alfan Zuhairi, M.Pd

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       In this chapter, we discuss about fieldwork. We focus on how you, as researcher should
conduct yourself-from gaining access to leaving the field-and the issues involved in maintaining
and establishing rapport (close relationship and understanding).
       Fieldwork refers to being out in the subjects‟ world, which we have described not as a
person who pauses while passing by, but as a person who has come for a visit; not as a person
who knows everything, but as a person who has come to learn; not as a person who wants to be
like them, but as a person who wants to know what it is like to be them. You work toward
winning their acceptance, not as an end, but because it allows you to do or reach your research
goals (Geertz, 1979, p.241)
       To achieve quality of fieldwork is the goal in establishing relation, whether the research
method is participant observation, interviewing, or searching documents. In interview, researcher
often makes a repeat visits to his or her subjects and sometimes interviewing them for many
hours in their own homes or other places where they normally spend their time.

      Covert research that is undertaken without the consent or knowledge of respondents. This
type of social research is most strongly associated with participant observational work where a
researcher joins a group or organization assuming a covert role in order to observe firsthand the
functioning and daily life of the group. Covert research has a strong tradition in sociological and
criminological work.
      The first problem face in the fieldwork is getting permission to conduct your study. Some
circumvent this problem by doing covert research, the collecting of data without their subject
knowledge; they might for example get jobs at school or enroll as students without announcing
to the school what they are doing.

      Our advice to the novice (person who is new and inexperience) could use the overt
research (with the requirement that research proposals must be approved by the institutional
review board, so it is doubtful that research using covert approach would be permitted).
      Some have analyzed this approach and called the researchers to be more confrontational
and deceptive. Feminist methodologist have advocated for less hierarchical relationship between
interviewer and informant, and sometimes shared decision-making and authorship.
      While we have been talking about gaining access as if it was something that only occurred
at the beginning of your study, throughout many studies, permission would have to seek and
cooperation gained as you move out into new theories and meet new people. Following is a list
of common questions with suggestion about how to respond.
   1. What are you actually going to do?
   2. Will you be disruptive?
   3. What are you going to do with your finding?
   4. Why us?
   5. What will we get out of this?
      As you can see, negotiating permission is tricky. We offer three bits of advice:
   1. Be persistent
   2. Be flexible
   3. Be creative

      Here are some suggestions to make your first day in the field less painful:
   1. Do not take what happens in the field personally.
   2. Set up your first visit so someone is there to introduce you.
   3. Do not try to accomplish too much the first view days.
   4. Remain relatively passive.
   5. Be friendly.

      Gold has discussed the spectrum of possible roles for observers to play. At one extreme is
the complete observer. Here the researcher does not participate in activities at the setting. He or
she looks at the scene, literally or figuratively, through one-way mirror. At the other hand, it is
complete involvement at the site, with little discernible difference between observer‟s and the
subject behaviors.

      In one sense, all qualitative research is dome in another cultural. However, studies you do
vary in the degree to which the people you study share your language, customs, and other aspects
of everyday life. Some places you study are radically different from your own background. This
“border crossing” may raise some particular problems for fieldwork. Doing fieldwork in another
country often means being in a different culture but in multicultural America you may find
dramatic differences within the same city or even neighborhood.
         In different cultures, there are many different rules about human communication and
relationship. It is easy to misinterpret rapport and other aspects of fieldwork relation if you are
not familiar with these cultural variations. Try to find out about these by discussing them with

         In addition, to understand general aspects of the culture you are studying you have to
understand how your personal characteristics and status might affect your fieldwork relationships
with individual subjects you encounter. To the subjects, you are likely to be seen not just as a
researcher. You may for example, be identified as a middle African American male in his late
twenties with an Ivy League Education. Based on such identifiers or markers, you may be
defining as dangerous, insignificant, or untrustworthy.
         Some characteristics in some settings make establishing rapport are easier. Being closer in
age to your subjects or being the same gender may facility rapport. However, this does not mean
that your characteristics always exclude you from studying people who are different from you.
These differences just to have to be taking into account and strategies have to be working out to
convert potential difficulties into advantages.

          BE DISCREET
         If you conduct your research in a systematic and rigorous way can develop trust, you soon
will become privy to certain information and opinions about which even all insiders might be
aware. It is important, however, not to display too much of your knowledge while talking with
subject, since they may feel uncomfortable for being in the presence of a “know at all”. Do not
discuss anything that has been telling to you in private by one subject with another.

         It is common for human service organization to have dissention and political wrangling.
The level can be form mild to intense. Debates on politics and procedures often rage in schools,
hospitals, welfare offices and other such setting staff and client can be distrustful of each other
and those who visit from the outside. This can be particular problem for the researcher. When the
trust level is low, when people are sensitive to particular topics, when they have a lot of gain or
lose by what they say and with whom they speak, or when there are clearly delineated factions
and subgroups, the researcher need to tread with care. Listen carefully and talk a little. If you ask
question phrase them carefully.
      The researchers‟ own feelings and prejudices as possible sources of bias. Qualitative
researchers record their feelings as a method of controlling bias. Here, we approach the topic of
feelings in a different light, for positive impact on research; feelings are an importance vehicle
for establishing rapport and for gauging subjects‟ perspective (Johnson, 1975).
      Another topic related to feelings, but somewhat different, has done with stress and strains
of being researchers. Fieldwork can be physically and emotionally drain. Be aware of stress and
strain fieldwork can produce and try to do things to eliminate some of it.

      As we suggested, for the first few days limit the sessions to an hour or less. As your
confidence and knowledge of the setting increase, so you can spend your time in any time.
Sometimes, after being in the field a few times, researchers feel that they have not had enough
time with the subjects to establish sufficient rapport. They may decide to spend a longer period.

      In qualitative research, interviews may be use in two ways. They may be the dominant
strategy for data collection, or they may be employee in conjunction with participant
observation, document analysis, or other techniques. In all this situation, the interview is used to
gather descriptive data in the subject‟ own words so that the researcher can develop insights on
how subjects interpret some piece of the word.
      Qualitative research interviews vary in the degree to which they are structured. Some
interviews although relatively open-ended, are focus on around particular topics or may be guide
by some general questions.
      Good interviews are those in which subjects are at ease and talk freely about their point of
view. Good interviewers produce rich data filled with words that reveal the respondents‟
perspectives. Transcripts are filled with detail and examples. Good interviewers communicate
personal interest and attention to subjects by being attentive, nodding their heads, and using
appropriate facial expression to communicate.
      Certainly, a key strategy for the qualitative interviewers in the field is avoided as much as
possible questions that can be answered by “yes” or “no”. Not all people are equally articulate or
perspective, but it is important for the qualitative researcher not to give up on an interviewee too
      In qualitative research, the emphasis is on standardized procedures in collecting interview
material. When filling out questionnaires with subject, for example researchers are supposed to
act the same in all interviews. They are instructed to follow the standard protocol. Qualitative
researchers believe that each subject needs to be approached somewhat differently.
      Good interviewers need to have patience. You often do not know why respondents reply as
they do, and you must wait to find out the full explanation. Interviewers have to be detectives,
fitting bits and pieces of conversation, personal histories and experiences together in order to
develop an understanding of the subject‟s perspective.

      Researcher engaged in qualitative research varies considerably in the degree to which they
use a camera while doing the fieldwork. A few researchers rely extensively on still a video
footage, even employing visual recording, as the prime data collecting approach, most do not.
Cameras have significant potential as a data collecting aid but many qualitative researchers are
shy away from them. Camera can be used in an uncomplicated and unobtrusive manner (to take
inventories of objects in setting).

      Recently, the word „triangulation‟ has been used wide discussion of qualitative research.
Triangulation was a first borrowed in the social sciences to convey the idea that to establish a
fact you need more than one source of information. For example, to be confident that a train
arrived in a certain station on a certain day you need more that the entry from the diary of a
person who was on the train (the person might be inaccurate).

      During the first day in the field, you feel awkward and unwanted. As time progresses begin
to feel more comfortable, a part of the scene. Then comes the point when you have accomplished
and what you set out to do and you have to leave. Leaving can be difficult (Maines, Saffir &
Turrowets, 1980).
      Many fieldworkers report that they maintain ties with the people with whom they were
involved, returning to the research sites periodically to keep up with subjects‟ activities and
situations. Sometimes subjects become lifelong friends. Qualitative researchers have reported
that they enter and leave a site periodically, studying the same people and places longitudinally.

                                    QUALITATIVE DATA

       The term data refers to the rough materials researchers collect from the world they are
studying; they are particulars form the basis of analysis. Data includes the materials the people
doing the study effectively record, such as an interview transcripts and participant observation
field notes. Data also includes what the other have created and the researchers finds, such as
diaries, photographs, official documents, and the newspaper articles.
       Data are both evidence and the clues. Gathered carefully, they serve as the stubborn facts
that save the writing you will do from unfounded speculation. Data ground you into empirical
world, and when systematically and rigorously collected, link qualitative research to another
form of science. Data involves particulars you need to think soundly and deeply about the
aspects of life you will explore.
       Some qualitative studies rely exclusively on one type of data, interview transcripts, for
example, but most use a variety of data sources. Initiate to keep your data physically well
organized, develop a plan about the location of files, about other aspects of your data gets
upsetting, and hinder analysis.

      After returning from observation, interview, or other research session, the researcher
typically writes out, preferably on a computer, what happened, he or she renders a description of
people, objects, places, events, activities, and conservations. In addition, it is as part of such
notes. The researcher will record ideas, strategies, reflections and hunches, as well as note
patterns that emerge. These are fieldnotes – the written account of what the researcher hears,
sees, experiences, and thinks in the course of collecting and reflecting data in qualitative study.

      Fieldnotes consist of two kinds of material. The first is descriptive (the concern is to
provide a word-picture of the setting, people, actions, and conversations as observed). The
second is reflective (the part of captures more of observer‟s frame of mind, ideas, and concerns).

      The descriptive part of the fieldnotes, by far the longest part, represents the researcher‟s
best effort to objectively record the details of what they has occurred in the field. The goal is to
capture the slice of life. Aware that all description represents choices and judgments to some
degrees (decisions about what to put down the exact use of words) the qualitative research strives
for accuracy under these limitations.
      When we say that the researcher attempts to be as descriptive as possible, we mean that
whatever he or she observes should be presented in detailed rather that summarized or evaluate.
It is particularly important in working on description not to use abstract words (unless you are
quoting the subject).
      The descriptive aspects of fieldnotes encompass the following areas:
   1. Portraits of the subjects
   2. Reconstruction of the dialogue
   3. Description of physical setting
   4. Account of particular events
   5. Depiction of activities
   6. The observer‟s behavior

      In addition to descriptive material, fieldnotes contain sentences and paragraphs that reflect
a more personal account of the course of the inquiry. Here you record the more subjective side of
journey. The emphasis is on the speculation, feelings, problems, ideas, hunches, impressions, and
prejudices. In addition, it included material in which you lay out plans for future researcher as
well as classify and correct mistakes or misunderstandings in your fieldnotes. The expectation is
that you let it all hang out; confess your mistakes, your inadequacies, your prejudices, your likes
and dislikes. Speculate about what you think you are learning, what you are going to do next,
and what the outcome of the study is going to be. The purpose of reflection here is not therapy
but to improve the notes. Because of you are so central to the collection of the data and its
analysis. You must be extremely aware of your own relationship to the setting and of the
evolution of the design and analysis. In order to do a good study, you must be self-reflective and
keep on an accurate record of methods, procedures, and evolving analysis. It is difficult to get the
right balance between reflective and descriptive material.
      We categorize the materials to elaborate and clarify. Observer‟s comments, memos, and
other such materials contain:
   1. Reflections on analysis
   2. Reflections on method
   3. Reflections on ethical dilemmas and conflicts
   4. Reflections on the observer‟s frame of mind
   5. Points of clarification
   a. The first page
     The exact form and content may vary, we suggest that the first page of each set of notes
(by set we mean those notes written for a particular observation sessions) contain a heading with
such information as when the observation took place, and the number of this set of notes in the
total study. The headings help you to keep the notes in order and maintain a record of the
conditions under which the notes were taken, they also mare retrieval of information easier.
   b. Paragraph and margins
     Most methods of analyzing qualitative data require a procedure called „coding‟. Coding
and other aspects of data analysis are more easily accomplished if the fieldnotes consist of many
paragraphs. When writing notes, every time a change we occur in the topic of conversation,
when a new person enters the setting, or whatever-start a new paragraph. When in doubt, start a
new paragraph. Another way to make your notes useful for analysis is to leave large margins on
the left-hand side of the page. These provide room for notation and coding. Some methods of
coding require pages in which the lines down one side are numbered.

     One problem everyone worries about is memory. Memories can be disciplined. More
important and more immediately helpful in making the most of the ability you presently have,
however, are some helpful hints to employ while writing up fieldnotes.
The person in our story illustrates some of them:
   1. Get right to the task. Do not procrastinate.
   2. Do not talk about your observation before you record it.
   3. Find a quiet place away from distractions and with adequate equipment to record and get
   4. Set aside an adequate amount of time to complete the notes.
   5. Start by jotting down the notes.
   6. Try to go through the course of the observation session chronologically.
   7. Let the conversations and events flow from your mind onto the paper.
   8. If, after you have finished a section of the notes, you realize that you have forgotten
       something, and add it.
   9. Understand that note-taking is laborious and burdensome.

     As with fieldnotes, a heading at the start of each interview helps to organize your data and
to retrieve a specific segment when you want them. Here the heading consist of the person
interviewed, the time of interview occurred, the site of the interview, and any other information
that may help you to remember the content.
      In typing, the transcripts must be sure that every time a new person speaks, you start a new
line, noting on the left who the speaker is. The transcripts should paralleling the interview, be
dominated by the subject‟s remark appropriately. When a subject talks for a long stretch of time,
break the monologue into frequent paragraph to facilitate.
      Tape recorders can create the illusion that research is effortless. Aside from the short
fieldnotes describing the setting and subject, the interviewer usually does not have to worry
about extensive writing after the session. Because of this the researcher might think that the
machine does all the work.

      Documents can be categorized as personal documents, official documents, and popular
culture documents. Sometimes these documents are used in connection with, or in support of, the
interviews and participants observation. Documents the subject writes themselves or are written
about them such as autobiographies, personal letters, diaries, memos, minutes from meeting, new
letters, policy documents, proposals, codes of ethics, statements of philosophy, year book, new
releases, scrapbook, letter to the record and folders are included in the data.
      The different kinds of documents as a data:
   1. Personal documents: intimates diaries, personal letter, autobiographies.
   2. Official documents: internal documents, external communication, students‟ records and
       personnel files.
   3. Popular culture documents.
The guidelines may be used in popular culture documents:
         a. How interest groups read popular culture documents
         b. Your pleasure is significant
         c. Decisions about emphasis
         d. Individual or group interviews and observations
         e. Systematic organization of textual data
   4. Photography.
   5. Found photography.
   6. Researcher-Produced Photograph.

      While we have discussed photography‟s uses in educational research, it is also important to
see photography and the world of picture-takers as important subject matter for study in their
own right. We have to understand hoe society affects and is affected by the photography
enterprise. Only when we do this more fully than we have to date can we explore in-depth the
analytic worth of photographs. Photography can be an educational researcher‟s tool, but it must
be understood as a cultural product and as a producer of culture.

      The question to be answered first is “what are the picture suppose to show?” is the goal to
have „inventory‟ photos of research setting, very little skill may be required. If subtle events of
interpersonal behavior must be captured, it might take quite a bit of discipline and practice to
learn how to capture them with camera. The key is to be able to specify ahead of time what the
content of the desired photo will be.
      The final impediment to doing qualitative research with photography is the model release,
for publication, it is imperative that each recognizable individual in each picture sign a release
that gives permission to publish his or her picture. In setting up a study and gaining access to a
site, you will have obtained permission to visit and take some photo, but this is not the same as
the model release. Thus, unless releases also are obtained, you will wind up with a store of
photographic data you cannot use.

      While conducting studies, the qualitative researcher often comes across quantitative data,
others have compiled. Schools, as we have said, keep and generate tremendous amount of data,
teachers may choose to keep the data for their own purposes, the administration collect data on
racial composition, language spoken, handicapping conditions, the number of acts of violence
and suspension, and a host of other numerical computations. At time the qualitative researcher,
find it useful to generate his or her own numerical data.
      Statistical data also can serve as a check on ideas that you develop during research. You
might learn through observation, for example, that while male trainees in a job-training program
do not speak of training as important in their lives, female trainees do. Looking at actual official
statistic and comparing them to what subjects verbally report can be helpful in exploring
      While qualitative data collected by others (evaluators, administrators, other researcher) can
be conventionally useful, as we have described, qualitative researchers critically dispose
themselves to the collection of qualitative data. It is not that the numbers themselves hold on
value. The qualitative approach to quantitative data focuses on understanding how counting
actually takes place, not on how it should take place.
The following describes eight ways of thinking about the quantitative data may find in a
school or human services organization (Bogdan & Ksader, 1980) to sensitize you to the
qualitative perspective:
   1. The concept of “real rate” is a misnomer
   2. Singling out people, object, and events to quantify changes their meaning
   3. Quantifying has a temporal dimension
   4. Quantification involves many different participants and can only be understood as a
       multilevel phenomenon
   5. Both the person and his or her motivation for counting affect the meaning the process and
       the figures generated
   6. Counting releases, social processes within the setting where the counting takes place in
       addition to and beyond the activities directly tied to counting
   7. People who produce data in educational settings are subjects to social processes and
       structural forces similar to those that affect other work group
   8. Enumeration and its products have strong affective and ritualistic meaning in the U.S
      The discussion of quantitative data, a researcher may come across in the course of a study
is designed to sensitize you to a qualitative perspective on “hard data”.

      We have to describe the qualitative approach to data as well as the various forms that
qualitative data can take. We have not been exhaustive. Some people make extensive use of
videotape equipment and film to pursue qualitative research; we have not covered their activities.
Others analyze themes and images of women and minority groups as presented in the mass
media as well as in school textbooks. They also have been neglected. School yearbooks and
literary magazines provide another area of data that we only touch upon in our discussion. While
these and other types of data also exist, we shall move on, hoping that you have grasped the
perspective that data are not only what one collect in course of study, but what things look like
when approached in a “research” frame of mind. Being a good qualitative researcher is in part,
learning this perspective: specific details are useful clues to understanding your subjects‟ world.
      Qualitative research involves holding objects and events up to the sensitive instrument of
your mind to discern their values as data. It means to have a grasp on the reason the objects were
produced and how that affects the form are as well as the information potential of what you are
surveying. It also involves knowing when to discount certain pieces of data as being of dubious
value and when to pursue them.

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Fieldwork and qualitative data

  • 1. FIELDWORK AND QUALITATIVE DATA (Summary of chapter 3 and 4) Qualitative research methodology assignment Lecture: DR. Alfan Zuhairi, M.Pd Disusun oleh: By: Praise Evelynna Nurhadie NPM: 2111040226 PROGRAM PASCA SARJANA PENDIDIKAN BAHASA INGGRIS UNIVERSITAS ISLAM MALANG 2012
  • 2. CHAPTER 3 FIELDWORK In this chapter, we discuss about fieldwork. We focus on how you, as researcher should conduct yourself-from gaining access to leaving the field-and the issues involved in maintaining and establishing rapport (close relationship and understanding). Fieldwork refers to being out in the subjects‟ world, which we have described not as a person who pauses while passing by, but as a person who has come for a visit; not as a person who knows everything, but as a person who has come to learn; not as a person who wants to be like them, but as a person who wants to know what it is like to be them. You work toward winning their acceptance, not as an end, but because it allows you to do or reach your research goals (Geertz, 1979, p.241) To achieve quality of fieldwork is the goal in establishing relation, whether the research method is participant observation, interviewing, or searching documents. In interview, researcher often makes a repeat visits to his or her subjects and sometimes interviewing them for many hours in their own homes or other places where they normally spend their time.  GAINING ACCES  COVERT RESEARCH Covert research that is undertaken without the consent or knowledge of respondents. This type of social research is most strongly associated with participant observational work where a researcher joins a group or organization assuming a covert role in order to observe firsthand the functioning and daily life of the group. Covert research has a strong tradition in sociological and criminological work. The first problem face in the fieldwork is getting permission to conduct your study. Some circumvent this problem by doing covert research, the collecting of data without their subject knowledge; they might for example get jobs at school or enroll as students without announcing to the school what they are doing.  OVERT RESEARCH Our advice to the novice (person who is new and inexperience) could use the overt research (with the requirement that research proposals must be approved by the institutional review board, so it is doubtful that research using covert approach would be permitted).
  • 3.  COOPERATIVE STYLE Some have analyzed this approach and called the researchers to be more confrontational and deceptive. Feminist methodologist have advocated for less hierarchical relationship between interviewer and informant, and sometimes shared decision-making and authorship. While we have been talking about gaining access as if it was something that only occurred at the beginning of your study, throughout many studies, permission would have to seek and cooperation gained as you move out into new theories and meet new people. Following is a list of common questions with suggestion about how to respond. 1. What are you actually going to do? 2. Will you be disruptive? 3. What are you going to do with your finding? 4. Why us? 5. What will we get out of this? As you can see, negotiating permission is tricky. We offer three bits of advice: 1. Be persistent 2. Be flexible 3. Be creative  FIRST DAY IN THE FIELD Here are some suggestions to make your first day in the field less painful: 1. Do not take what happens in the field personally. 2. Set up your first visit so someone is there to introduce you. 3. Do not try to accomplish too much the first view days. 4. Remain relatively passive. 5. Be friendly.  THE PARTICIPANT OR OBSERVER CONTINUUM Gold has discussed the spectrum of possible roles for observers to play. At one extreme is the complete observer. Here the researcher does not participate in activities at the setting. He or she looks at the scene, literally or figuratively, through one-way mirror. At the other hand, it is complete involvement at the site, with little discernible difference between observer‟s and the subject behaviors.  DOING FIELDWORK IN ANOTHER CULTURE In one sense, all qualitative research is dome in another cultural. However, studies you do vary in the degree to which the people you study share your language, customs, and other aspects
  • 4. of everyday life. Some places you study are radically different from your own background. This “border crossing” may raise some particular problems for fieldwork. Doing fieldwork in another country often means being in a different culture but in multicultural America you may find dramatic differences within the same city or even neighborhood. In different cultures, there are many different rules about human communication and relationship. It is easy to misinterpret rapport and other aspects of fieldwork relation if you are not familiar with these cultural variations. Try to find out about these by discussing them with other.  RESEARCHER CHARACTERISTICS AND SPECIAL PROBLEMS WITH RAPPORT In addition, to understand general aspects of the culture you are studying you have to understand how your personal characteristics and status might affect your fieldwork relationships with individual subjects you encounter. To the subjects, you are likely to be seen not just as a researcher. You may for example, be identified as a middle African American male in his late twenties with an Ivy League Education. Based on such identifiers or markers, you may be defining as dangerous, insignificant, or untrustworthy. Some characteristics in some settings make establishing rapport are easier. Being closer in age to your subjects or being the same gender may facility rapport. However, this does not mean that your characteristics always exclude you from studying people who are different from you. These differences just to have to be taking into account and strategies have to be working out to convert potential difficulties into advantages.  BE DISCREET If you conduct your research in a systematic and rigorous way can develop trust, you soon will become privy to certain information and opinions about which even all insiders might be aware. It is important, however, not to display too much of your knowledge while talking with subject, since they may feel uncomfortable for being in the presence of a “know at all”. Do not discuss anything that has been telling to you in private by one subject with another.  RESEARCHING IN POLITICALLY CHARGED AND CONFLICT-RIDDEN SETTING It is common for human service organization to have dissention and political wrangling. The level can be form mild to intense. Debates on politics and procedures often rage in schools, hospitals, welfare offices and other such setting staff and client can be distrustful of each other and those who visit from the outside. This can be particular problem for the researcher. When the
  • 5. trust level is low, when people are sensitive to particular topics, when they have a lot of gain or lose by what they say and with whom they speak, or when there are clearly delineated factions and subgroups, the researcher need to tread with care. Listen carefully and talk a little. If you ask question phrase them carefully.  FEELING The researchers‟ own feelings and prejudices as possible sources of bias. Qualitative researchers record their feelings as a method of controlling bias. Here, we approach the topic of feelings in a different light, for positive impact on research; feelings are an importance vehicle for establishing rapport and for gauging subjects‟ perspective (Johnson, 1975). Another topic related to feelings, but somewhat different, has done with stress and strains of being researchers. Fieldwork can be physically and emotionally drain. Be aware of stress and strain fieldwork can produce and try to do things to eliminate some of it.  HOW LONG SHOULD AN OBSERVATION SESSION BE? As we suggested, for the first few days limit the sessions to an hour or less. As your confidence and knowledge of the setting increase, so you can spend your time in any time. Sometimes, after being in the field a few times, researchers feel that they have not had enough time with the subjects to establish sufficient rapport. They may decide to spend a longer period.  INTERVIEWING In qualitative research, interviews may be use in two ways. They may be the dominant strategy for data collection, or they may be employee in conjunction with participant observation, document analysis, or other techniques. In all this situation, the interview is used to gather descriptive data in the subject‟ own words so that the researcher can develop insights on how subjects interpret some piece of the word. Qualitative research interviews vary in the degree to which they are structured. Some interviews although relatively open-ended, are focus on around particular topics or may be guide by some general questions. Good interviews are those in which subjects are at ease and talk freely about their point of view. Good interviewers produce rich data filled with words that reveal the respondents‟ perspectives. Transcripts are filled with detail and examples. Good interviewers communicate personal interest and attention to subjects by being attentive, nodding their heads, and using appropriate facial expression to communicate. Certainly, a key strategy for the qualitative interviewers in the field is avoided as much as possible questions that can be answered by “yes” or “no”. Not all people are equally articulate or
  • 6. perspective, but it is important for the qualitative researcher not to give up on an interviewee too quickly. In qualitative research, the emphasis is on standardized procedures in collecting interview material. When filling out questionnaires with subject, for example researchers are supposed to act the same in all interviews. They are instructed to follow the standard protocol. Qualitative researchers believe that each subject needs to be approached somewhat differently. Good interviewers need to have patience. You often do not know why respondents reply as they do, and you must wait to find out the full explanation. Interviewers have to be detectives, fitting bits and pieces of conversation, personal histories and experiences together in order to develop an understanding of the subject‟s perspective.  VISUAL RECORDING AND FIELDWORK Researcher engaged in qualitative research varies considerably in the degree to which they use a camera while doing the fieldwork. A few researchers rely extensively on still a video footage, even employing visual recording, as the prime data collecting approach, most do not. Cameras have significant potential as a data collecting aid but many qualitative researchers are shy away from them. Camera can be used in an uncomplicated and unobtrusive manner (to take inventories of objects in setting).  TRIANGULATION Recently, the word „triangulation‟ has been used wide discussion of qualitative research. Triangulation was a first borrowed in the social sciences to convey the idea that to establish a fact you need more than one source of information. For example, to be confident that a train arrived in a certain station on a certain day you need more that the entry from the diary of a person who was on the train (the person might be inaccurate).  LEAVING THE FIELD During the first day in the field, you feel awkward and unwanted. As time progresses begin to feel more comfortable, a part of the scene. Then comes the point when you have accomplished and what you set out to do and you have to leave. Leaving can be difficult (Maines, Saffir & Turrowets, 1980). Many fieldworkers report that they maintain ties with the people with whom they were involved, returning to the research sites periodically to keep up with subjects‟ activities and situations. Sometimes subjects become lifelong friends. Qualitative researchers have reported that they enter and leave a site periodically, studying the same people and places longitudinally.
  • 7. CHAPTER 4 QUALITATIVE DATA The term data refers to the rough materials researchers collect from the world they are studying; they are particulars form the basis of analysis. Data includes the materials the people doing the study effectively record, such as an interview transcripts and participant observation field notes. Data also includes what the other have created and the researchers finds, such as diaries, photographs, official documents, and the newspaper articles. Data are both evidence and the clues. Gathered carefully, they serve as the stubborn facts that save the writing you will do from unfounded speculation. Data ground you into empirical world, and when systematically and rigorously collected, link qualitative research to another form of science. Data involves particulars you need to think soundly and deeply about the aspects of life you will explore. Some qualitative studies rely exclusively on one type of data, interview transcripts, for example, but most use a variety of data sources. Initiate to keep your data physically well organized, develop a plan about the location of files, about other aspects of your data gets upsetting, and hinder analysis.  FIELDNOTES After returning from observation, interview, or other research session, the researcher typically writes out, preferably on a computer, what happened, he or she renders a description of people, objects, places, events, activities, and conservations. In addition, it is as part of such notes. The researcher will record ideas, strategies, reflections and hunches, as well as note patterns that emerge. These are fieldnotes – the written account of what the researcher hears, sees, experiences, and thinks in the course of collecting and reflecting data in qualitative study.  THE CONTENT OF FIELDNOTES Fieldnotes consist of two kinds of material. The first is descriptive (the concern is to provide a word-picture of the setting, people, actions, and conversations as observed). The second is reflective (the part of captures more of observer‟s frame of mind, ideas, and concerns).  DESCRIPTIVE FIELDNOTES The descriptive part of the fieldnotes, by far the longest part, represents the researcher‟s best effort to objectively record the details of what they has occurred in the field. The goal is to capture the slice of life. Aware that all description represents choices and judgments to some
  • 8. degrees (decisions about what to put down the exact use of words) the qualitative research strives for accuracy under these limitations. When we say that the researcher attempts to be as descriptive as possible, we mean that whatever he or she observes should be presented in detailed rather that summarized or evaluate. It is particularly important in working on description not to use abstract words (unless you are quoting the subject). The descriptive aspects of fieldnotes encompass the following areas: 1. Portraits of the subjects 2. Reconstruction of the dialogue 3. Description of physical setting 4. Account of particular events 5. Depiction of activities 6. The observer‟s behavior  REFLECTIVE FIELDNOTES In addition to descriptive material, fieldnotes contain sentences and paragraphs that reflect a more personal account of the course of the inquiry. Here you record the more subjective side of journey. The emphasis is on the speculation, feelings, problems, ideas, hunches, impressions, and prejudices. In addition, it included material in which you lay out plans for future researcher as well as classify and correct mistakes or misunderstandings in your fieldnotes. The expectation is that you let it all hang out; confess your mistakes, your inadequacies, your prejudices, your likes and dislikes. Speculate about what you think you are learning, what you are going to do next, and what the outcome of the study is going to be. The purpose of reflection here is not therapy but to improve the notes. Because of you are so central to the collection of the data and its analysis. You must be extremely aware of your own relationship to the setting and of the evolution of the design and analysis. In order to do a good study, you must be self-reflective and keep on an accurate record of methods, procedures, and evolving analysis. It is difficult to get the right balance between reflective and descriptive material. We categorize the materials to elaborate and clarify. Observer‟s comments, memos, and other such materials contain: 1. Reflections on analysis 2. Reflections on method 3. Reflections on ethical dilemmas and conflicts 4. Reflections on the observer‟s frame of mind 5. Points of clarification
  • 9.  THE FORM OF FIELDNOTES a. The first page The exact form and content may vary, we suggest that the first page of each set of notes (by set we mean those notes written for a particular observation sessions) contain a heading with such information as when the observation took place, and the number of this set of notes in the total study. The headings help you to keep the notes in order and maintain a record of the conditions under which the notes were taken, they also mare retrieval of information easier. b. Paragraph and margins Most methods of analyzing qualitative data require a procedure called „coding‟. Coding and other aspects of data analysis are more easily accomplished if the fieldnotes consist of many paragraphs. When writing notes, every time a change we occur in the topic of conversation, when a new person enters the setting, or whatever-start a new paragraph. When in doubt, start a new paragraph. Another way to make your notes useful for analysis is to leave large margins on the left-hand side of the page. These provide room for notation and coding. Some methods of coding require pages in which the lines down one side are numbered.  THE PROCESS OF WRITING FIELDNOTES One problem everyone worries about is memory. Memories can be disciplined. More important and more immediately helpful in making the most of the ability you presently have, however, are some helpful hints to employ while writing up fieldnotes. The person in our story illustrates some of them: 1. Get right to the task. Do not procrastinate. 2. Do not talk about your observation before you record it. 3. Find a quiet place away from distractions and with adequate equipment to record and get work. 4. Set aside an adequate amount of time to complete the notes. 5. Start by jotting down the notes. 6. Try to go through the course of the observation session chronologically. 7. Let the conversations and events flow from your mind onto the paper. 8. If, after you have finished a section of the notes, you realize that you have forgotten something, and add it. 9. Understand that note-taking is laborious and burdensome.  THE FORM OF TRASCRIPTS As with fieldnotes, a heading at the start of each interview helps to organize your data and to retrieve a specific segment when you want them. Here the heading consist of the person
  • 10. interviewed, the time of interview occurred, the site of the interview, and any other information that may help you to remember the content. In typing, the transcripts must be sure that every time a new person speaks, you start a new line, noting on the left who the speaker is. The transcripts should paralleling the interview, be dominated by the subject‟s remark appropriately. When a subject talks for a long stretch of time, break the monologue into frequent paragraph to facilitate. Tape recorders can create the illusion that research is effortless. Aside from the short fieldnotes describing the setting and subject, the interviewer usually does not have to worry about extensive writing after the session. Because of this the researcher might think that the machine does all the work.  DOCUMENTS Documents can be categorized as personal documents, official documents, and popular culture documents. Sometimes these documents are used in connection with, or in support of, the interviews and participants observation. Documents the subject writes themselves or are written about them such as autobiographies, personal letters, diaries, memos, minutes from meeting, new letters, policy documents, proposals, codes of ethics, statements of philosophy, year book, new releases, scrapbook, letter to the record and folders are included in the data. The different kinds of documents as a data: 1. Personal documents: intimates diaries, personal letter, autobiographies. 2. Official documents: internal documents, external communication, students‟ records and personnel files. 3. Popular culture documents. The guidelines may be used in popular culture documents: a. How interest groups read popular culture documents b. Your pleasure is significant c. Decisions about emphasis d. Individual or group interviews and observations e. Systematic organization of textual data 4. Photography. 5. Found photography. 6. Researcher-Produced Photograph.  PHOTOGRAPH AS ANALYSIS While we have discussed photography‟s uses in educational research, it is also important to see photography and the world of picture-takers as important subject matter for study in their
  • 11. own right. We have to understand hoe society affects and is affected by the photography enterprise. Only when we do this more fully than we have to date can we explore in-depth the analytic worth of photographs. Photography can be an educational researcher‟s tool, but it must be understood as a cultural product and as a producer of culture.  TECHNIQUE AND EQUIPMENT The question to be answered first is “what are the picture suppose to show?” is the goal to have „inventory‟ photos of research setting, very little skill may be required. If subtle events of interpersonal behavior must be captured, it might take quite a bit of discipline and practice to learn how to capture them with camera. The key is to be able to specify ahead of time what the content of the desired photo will be. The final impediment to doing qualitative research with photography is the model release, for publication, it is imperative that each recognizable individual in each picture sign a release that gives permission to publish his or her picture. In setting up a study and gaining access to a site, you will have obtained permission to visit and take some photo, but this is not the same as the model release. Thus, unless releases also are obtained, you will wind up with a store of photographic data you cannot use.  OFFICIAL STATISTICS AND OTHER QUALITATIVE DATA While conducting studies, the qualitative researcher often comes across quantitative data, others have compiled. Schools, as we have said, keep and generate tremendous amount of data, teachers may choose to keep the data for their own purposes, the administration collect data on racial composition, language spoken, handicapping conditions, the number of acts of violence and suspension, and a host of other numerical computations. At time the qualitative researcher, find it useful to generate his or her own numerical data. Statistical data also can serve as a check on ideas that you develop during research. You might learn through observation, for example, that while male trainees in a job-training program do not speak of training as important in their lives, female trainees do. Looking at actual official statistic and comparing them to what subjects verbally report can be helpful in exploring perception. While qualitative data collected by others (evaluators, administrators, other researcher) can be conventionally useful, as we have described, qualitative researchers critically dispose themselves to the collection of qualitative data. It is not that the numbers themselves hold on value. The qualitative approach to quantitative data focuses on understanding how counting actually takes place, not on how it should take place.
  • 12. The following describes eight ways of thinking about the quantitative data may find in a school or human services organization (Bogdan & Ksader, 1980) to sensitize you to the qualitative perspective: 1. The concept of “real rate” is a misnomer 2. Singling out people, object, and events to quantify changes their meaning 3. Quantifying has a temporal dimension 4. Quantification involves many different participants and can only be understood as a multilevel phenomenon 5. Both the person and his or her motivation for counting affect the meaning the process and the figures generated 6. Counting releases, social processes within the setting where the counting takes place in addition to and beyond the activities directly tied to counting 7. People who produce data in educational settings are subjects to social processes and structural forces similar to those that affect other work group 8. Enumeration and its products have strong affective and ritualistic meaning in the U.S The discussion of quantitative data, a researcher may come across in the course of a study is designed to sensitize you to a qualitative perspective on “hard data”.  CONCLUDING REMARKS We have to describe the qualitative approach to data as well as the various forms that qualitative data can take. We have not been exhaustive. Some people make extensive use of videotape equipment and film to pursue qualitative research; we have not covered their activities. Others analyze themes and images of women and minority groups as presented in the mass media as well as in school textbooks. They also have been neglected. School yearbooks and literary magazines provide another area of data that we only touch upon in our discussion. While these and other types of data also exist, we shall move on, hoping that you have grasped the perspective that data are not only what one collect in course of study, but what things look like when approached in a “research” frame of mind. Being a good qualitative researcher is in part, learning this perspective: specific details are useful clues to understanding your subjects‟ world. Qualitative research involves holding objects and events up to the sensitive instrument of your mind to discern their values as data. It means to have a grasp on the reason the objects were produced and how that affects the form are as well as the information potential of what you are surveying. It also involves knowing when to discount certain pieces of data as being of dubious value and when to pursue them.