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Purgatory Level Analysis
space to create the facial expressions and areas to show scarification, hairstyle, jewelry, and other culturally specific areas that where important for
displaying greater details. To get to the second floor you can either take the elevator or the stairs, the stairs add to the story of the journey each
floor takes you on, the second floor is the Purgatory level. Purgatory is defined as a place or state of suffering inhabited by the souls of sinners
who are expiating their sins before going to heaven. By definition again I feel you should start the exhibit from the lower level of Hell first. For me
the Purgatory level was the most forgetful level it was almost like a chaos level so much was going on. At one point you see a confessional for... Show
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During the mask ceremony the dancer goes into deep trance, and during this state of mind he "communicate" with his ancestors. A wise man or
translator sometimes accompanies the wearer of the mask during the ritual. The dancer brings forth messages of wisdom from his ancestors.
Often the messages are grunted utterances and the translator will accurately decipher the meaning of the message and sometimes depending on
the ritual the force would be so powerful that no one was allowed to look upon the person wearing that mask. These masks can be considered
freighting for sure, as beautiful and scared as they may be but beauty comes in all forms even in fear. As you wrap around and continue down the
hall you get to an exhibit call the Conversation, the conversation for me displays life on earth. Its place perfectly to tie in the purgatory definition
together; It was filled with more conversational pieces that were filled with wild bright colors, and more modern day art as well as some famous
faces on our time that we would recognize. Each pieces was so mosaic, chaotic, yet beauty just like how life on earth it. Every day is colorful,
untamed, unpredictable, and there is always a bit of chaos. It was harder for myself to focus in this section of the museum for artistically and
creatively there was so much going on in one place behind each art work was something new and new colors were introduce the layout of this floor
was maze
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Analysis Of ' Dante Alihieri 's Purgatorio By Dante Is...
In Dante Alihieri's Purgatorio, Dante is climbing up the Mount of Purgatory. Dante encounters many trials that he must face with the help of Virgil
(human reason). The closer Dante gets the to the top of Purgatory the more and more Virgil fades away and when he finally does disappear Beatrice
is there to be Dante's guide.. Throughout Purgatorio, Alihieri uses Beatrice not only as a symbol to portray the medieval church but also a light. This
is why Dante is blinded by the sight of Beatrice when she drops the veil. Most commentators agree with idea of Beatrice being a symbol of both the
church and light while Bernard Stambler agrees with this but he expands upon that symbol. While most commentators believe that Beatrice is an
accurate example of the Church, others tend to believe that the chariot that Alihieri talks about in Canto 32 is a more accurate representation of the
church. John Carroll was one of the ones to believe this. In Stambler's book, Dante's Other World; the Purgatorio as Guide to the Divine Comedy, he
talks about how Beatrice is more than just one symbol in Canto 32 and 33 in Purgatorio. He says that "first, the essential function of the Church
throughout the purgatorial process and through the further preparation of the soul for its entrance to heaven; second, the material decay into which the
Church as an institution had fallen through her usurpation of temporal functions" (Stambler 271). He is saying that Beatrice is a symbol for Church
but he expands
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Creative Writing: Purgatory
Purgatory: A place where the most malignant/hazardous fiends are jailed due to their assailments on the human race. Their thirst for human blood
still lingered within them, even after centuries of being caged in Purgatory. They probed everywhere for a way out of the illimitable, gloomy, foggy
forest and rivers; killing themselves and others with hunger and insanity. Once a fiend is in, it's nearly impossible to get out without a Reaper's or
Knight's scythe. "Steward," said a smoky, modulated male voice from the bank of a river. "Come here." A red
–haired, hunchback male crawled on the
ground towards three, tall male figures wearing ebony cloaks. "Yes, milord?" his voice was taut and quavering as he bowed his head at the middle
figure.... Show more content on ...
He held his prehension as Steward struggled underneath the water. "Just breathe like you are breathing air. Take a nice, deep inhale and don't exhale."
The struggling ceased, and the Lord pulled the head out. He tossed the lifeless body on the rocks and turned to his adherents. "Get rid of the body. If
you want something done right, then do it yourself. You," he pointed at the purple–skinned one on the right. "Remind me to never hire a SicГn, again.
They're too chicken to fight back." He rose; his height was around six foot. He trailed off into the woods as the two adherents feasted on the
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Dante's Purgatory: Sacrifice For Suffering?
"The mountain's of such sort that climbing is hardest at the start; but as we rise the slope grows less unkind. Therefore, when this slope seems to you
so gentle that climbing farther up will be as restful as traveling downstream by boat, you will be where this pathway ends, and there you can expect to
put your weariness to rest" (Alighieri IV. 88–94). Purgatory is an arduous and painful journey, but as each step is taken, sin is put to rest. Every soul
in Purgatory endures and suffers through a series of punishments, in order to purify themselves from their earthly sins, eventually, leading their soul to
paradise. This purging of sin is necessary in order to enjoy the presence and beauty of God that we were made for and to neglect the sinfulness in our
heart. As Dante wrote... Show more content on ...
Undoubtedly, Dante is filled with sorrow and pity as he witnesses the suffering souls are enduring throughout Purgatory. However, the souls in
Purgatory praise God through prayer in the midst of the physical pain and suffering they are enduring. Throughout Purgatory hymns and psalms are
sung, and prayers are spoken, and the penitent souls in Dante's Purgatorio are almost all depicted at prayer (Armstrong). In Canto XVI of Dante's
Purgatorio, this takes place in the Third Terrace, for those who were wrathful, therefore are faced with the punishment of living in dark smoke. In
this canto, Dante remarks, "But I heard voices, and each seemed to pray unto the Lamb of God, who takes away our sins, for peace and mercy.
'Agnus Dei' was sung repeatedly as their exordium, words sung in such a way in unison that fullest concord seemed to be among them" (Alighieri XVI.
16–21). Although the souls in this terrace are enduring a painful punishment, they continue to worship God and sing "Agnus Dei" which translates to
"Lamb of God"
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Dante 's View On The Existence Of Hell, Purgatory And...
Who is Dante? He was a man that had a desire to find the truths of heaven and earth even from a very young age; his goal was to understand the
three worlds in his mind of hell, purgatory and paradise so that he could find the true everlasting happiness. In Dante's age there was not really a
separation between church and state. "Dante 's philosophical view was also a political view. In Dante 's time, there were two major political factions,
the Guelphs and the Ghibellines. Originally, the Ghibellines represented the medieval aristocracy, which wished to retain the power of the Holy
Roman Emperor in Italy, as well as in other parts of Europe. The Ghibellines fought hard in this struggle for the nobility to retain its feudal powers
over the land and the people in contrast, the Guelphs, of which Dante was a member, were mainly supported by the rising middle class, represented by
rich merchants, bankers, and new landowners. The enemy was politically, philosophically, and theologically wrong– and thus a Heretic" He was a
supporter of the papacy which was a direct opposition to the Holy Roman Emperor, therefore putting himself in danger of his beliefs. What did he
believe? He believed in the salvation which started out with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, and Eve tempted Adam to partake of the tree of
good and evil. After that they were casted out into the world in which Satan was present and has caused several troubles. For thy shall also find peace
and happiness in the
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Dante 's Journey Through Hell, Purgatory, And Heaven
Around 1314, Dante Alighieri completed the Inferno, the first section of what would make up The Divine Comedy, a collection of three poems
reflecting Dante's imaginative journey through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven. In these poems, Dante the poet describes the pilgrimage that Dante the
pilgrim must complete to attain salvation. With the Roman poet Virgil as his guide, Dante the pilgrim must purge himself of his own sinful nature,
which can only be achieved by observing and learning from those that have landed themselves in either Hell, Purgatory, or Heaven. Described in Inferno
, his excursion begins in Hell where Dante learns about the stories and the sufferings of many sinners. As Dante the pilgrim progresses through Hell it
is clear that he assumes different personas. In some instances, Dante the pilgrim is portrayed as an empathetic man who pities the sinners while on
other occasions, Dante the pilgrim is portrayed as a callous and indignant being in regard to the sinners. While Dante the pilgrim is depicted in these
two completely different ways, it is the insensitive portrayal that more precisely depicts Dante the pilgrim, as that is his true identity when he leaves
Hell. His journey affected him so greatly that by the end of his pilgrimage, Dante the pilgrim has transformed from a compassionate man into an
impervious and even cruel individual.
When Dante enters the second circle of Hell, where the licentious sinners suffer, Dante meets a woman named Francesca and
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William Shakespeare 's Hamlet
Hamlet–Religion and The Self in 1600 In 1600 Europe had abandoned the ideas and teachings of Catholic Christianity and began having a Protestant
view on the world. When Protestants changed their worldview they rejected the idea of purgatory, causing a key foundation of their new religion. The
Protestant Worldview and reaction of it can be reflected in William Shakespeare'sHamlet. In this time of religious and spiritual changes many people
are very confused which can be closely related to Prince Hamlet's immense amount of anxiety and "madness" that causes tension, due to the lack of
knowledge and the ghost of his father. In the first scene of the play the guards of the Kingdom of Denmark are frightened by a ghost that looks similar
to the recently deceased King Hamlet. These guards go to Prince Hamlet, the dead king's son, and report to him their sightings. Very intrigued, and
currently grieving over his fathers death, Hamlet decides to watch the next night in order to personally see the ghost. The following night the ghost
arrives and summons Hamlet to him. When Hamlet first sees the ghost he is questioning what the ghost actually is and his intentions, "be thou a spirit
of health or goblin damned, bring with thee airs from heaven or blasts from hell". Hamlet is questioning whether this figure is from heaven or hell.
This is one of the views of Protestants. There is a spiritual world and a human world. The spiritual world consists of Heaven and Hell, with nothing in
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Canto 1 Of Purgatory Analysis
After ascending up onto the other side of the world, Dante and Virgil find themselves at the time dawn on the shores of Mount Purgatory, leaving
behind the hopeless place of hell. Purgatory is the second realm where Dante the pilgrim must journey through past levels of suffering and spiritual
growth to become worthy of Heaven. The duo are confronted by the guardian of Mount Purgatory, a solitary old man named Cato, who acknowledges
the divine forces that call upon them to finish their journey and ushers them to begin making their way up. DorГ©'s illustration of Canto 1 of Purgatorio
pays homage to the Romantic theme of the vastness of the sublime and the grandeur of nature. Once again, the use of light and dark arrangements of
light and inky shadows dominate ... Show more content on ...
Cato is present in the photo, with his right hand extended above the waist as if to beckon the viewer's periphery towards the far–reaching landscape.
Mount Purgatory nor Virgil and Dante arriving at it the place of its shores is not depicted in DorГ©'s rendition; he decides to leave both out completely.
He forgoes the original literal depiction of the high, magical mountain and instead of portraying the high ascension of Mount Purgatory, he chooses a
horizontal orientation of natural topography. He applies the traditional, sublime landscape as a way to comment upon the Romantic theme of the ability
of man contrasted against the greater power of nature. Man can conquer much, however there are mysterious and infinite vistas out there that lie
beyond what he can grasp. This speaks to the allusive journey of Dante the pilgrim; his ascension up the mountain in hopes of purging his earthly
inclinations is representative the Christian life and its moral journey in hopes of achieving divine approval that lies beyond his
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Analysis Of Saint Sebastian And The Roman Emperor, Reign...
284 AD (anno domini) was the start of Diocletian 's, Roman emperor, reign and purgatory of Christians. In result, Saint Sebastian was one of
numerous victims during Rome's persecutions. Saint Sebastian was born a noble and a man of Gallia Narbonensis, a province north of the Alps of
what is now southern France. Narbonensis was world–renowned for its trading and liquidity to ports. On the other hand, Narbonensis was a tactical
masterpiece for the Romans as it worked as a territorial defense for Gallic attacks on Italy. Saint Sebastian has two different feast days depending on the
denomination of Christianity (January 20 for Catholicism and December 18 for Eastern Orthodox). The Catholic Church sets aside one date out of the
year for every canonized saint. The saints are remembered for all of their accomplishments in their lifetime along with dedicated prayers, mentions,
and scripture reading. This is undoubtedly parallel to a panegyric for each and every saint. In 286 AD it was discovered that Saint Sebastian was in
fact a Christian, following this epiphany, Sebastian was handed over to Mauretanian archers where they pierced his epidermis was punctured by
arrows. Post–arrow assault, Sebastian was nurtured back into good health by Saint Irene, but he was finally eradicated by way of clubs in 288 AD, in
Rome. Saint Sebastian was pre–congregation, so there was not a process for canonization. However, Saint Sebastian is a patron saint of athletes,
archers, and soldiers due to
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Hades Purgatory Beliefs
Many different cultures have a belief about what happens after we die. One example is the belief of Heaven Hell and Purgatory, this idea is
represented different ways in most beliefs around the world. One of the most historical beliefs similar to these beliefs is Greek mythology. Although
it is not popularly followed any more, Greek mythology inspires, and is featured in many things around the world. Such as sports teams, such as titans
trojans etc, brands such as nike and more. The afterlife associated with this belief is called Hades, which is runned by the lord Hades.
Similar to the likes of Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory, In Greek Mythology, when a person dies they either go to Elysium, Tartarus , or the Fields of
The place in Hades that only the most brave, heroic, and good people go to is Elysium. Elysium is the place in Hades that can be reassembled as
similar to Heaven. "In Homer's writings the Elysian Plain was a land of perfect happiness at the end of the Earth, on the banks of the Oceanus"
("Elysium"). Like Heaven, Elysium is a beautiful place, that is at the end of the earth, ... Show more content on ...
Essentially these souls did nothing, either good or bad, to influence their lives, " Elysium is a section in the Underworld where indifferent or ordinary
souls who lived a life of neither good or evil are sent to live after death" (Fields of Asphodel). The Fields of Asphodel is a combination of both
Elysium and Tartarus, as these people did no evil or good in their lives, and did not do anything such as being a hero or being a criminal. These
people were considered 'neutral', thus they would drink from a river before entering the fields. The river is toxic with a poison that turns them into
human machines, as they do not have any thought or personal identities. Much like Purgatory, it is a place where there is just a large field of
emptiness, and the people have no human like
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Dante 's View Of Hell And Purgatory
When one thinks about the idea of hell, they often find their minds wandering back to the great work of Dante Alighieri in The Inferno, or better
known as Dante's Inferno. In this story, Dante is lead through the nine circles of hell with his tour guide, Virgil the Roman poet to meet the final
destination of heaven. "Major and startling innovations, such as the choice of the poet Vergil as Dante 's guide through both hell and purgatory and the
inclusion in the Comedy of characters taken from classical antiquity, demonstrate the importance that ancient Roman literature, history, and mythology
held for "the chief imagination of Christendom," as Yeats defined our poet," (Scott). While this text not only demonstrates the ancient Roman... Show
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While Christianity has been divided into many different churches such as the Catholics, Baptists, and Presbyterians, the same theological ideas
remain. It is generally believed that one who does good actions will be rewarded with the right to enter Heaven. While those who display negative
moral actions will be forced into the fiery gates of hell. This is the man basis of religion in America. There are many other types of religions that
have the same type of ideas. "Death could scarce be more bitter than that place! But since it came to good, I will recount that all that I found
revealed there by God's grace," (Pg. 28). Thus, as so many people believe in religion and the ideas behind it, it is easily seen that the threat of hell is
something that can alter the actions of humans. Even America was founded on the idea of living under God, as stated in several documents. If the
threat of hell was nonexistent, or had no profound effect on human actions, then religion wouldn't hold such a high standard in any society. "In
accusing the popes of making gold and silver their gods, Dante is repeating the characteristic denunciation of idolatry leveled by the Old Testament
prophets against religious authorities," (Franke). Religion holds a high position in everyday life's, even Dante, as it does present the threat of hell
which will change a person's actions. Similar to religious reasons, the threat of hell does affect a person's moral actions
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Sir Orfeo Purgatory Rhyme Scheme
The polarization of the glorious images prior to the desolate lines describing the inside of the fairy castle does not interrupt the rhyme of the lay. The
pattern of rhyming couplets continues throughout the lay maintaining the sing–song feel and allowing the reader to follow the lines easily.
Furthermore, the lyrical rhyme provides a counterpoint to the horrific imagery presented in the excerpt. The author shows this in the rhyming couplet,
"Sum stode withouten hade, / And sum non armes nade" ("Sir Orfeo" 391–392). While describing people with missing heads and other appendages, the
rhyme keeps within the boundaries of a joyous and mystical lay. The choice to maintain the rhyme scheme throughout this grotesque portion allows for
a veil of ... Show more content on ...
In Ellen M. Caldwell's essay, "The Heroism of Heurodis: Self–Mutilation and Restoration in Sir Orfeo", she posits, "Further, the suspended animation
of these victims, a feature of the Celtic fairy world, is also a reminder of the 'altered state' under which the kingdom...operates while its king
prolongs his wilderness retreat" (301). While searching for Heurodis, Sir Orfeo undergoes a long retreat into the wilderness until he sees her
hunting with the group of fairy women. Throughout this time, Sir Orfeo selects a steward to rule the kingdom in his place. Sir Orfeo regains his
wife by striking a deal with the king of the fairies. Disguised as a minstrel, he plays the harp for the king in exchange for his wife. Once Sir Orfeo
returns to his own kingdom, he decides to test the faithfulness of his steward by dressing up as a beggar and returning to court. He recounts the story
of his time in the wilderness to the steward, "After the account of his own dismemberment and disfigurement, Orfeo reconstitutes in this incantation,
which returns him to 'life' and his kingdom's governance" (Caldwell 303). Realizing that the beggar before him is, indeed, his king, the steward
immediately gives up the throne, proving his loyalty to the king and essentially restoring Sir Orfeo's life as king. This form of reincarnation echoes
that of Heurodis as Sir Orfeo saves her from the death that griped her within
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Is It Worth The Doctrine Of Purgatory?
Purgatory can be identified as a process of purification after death for those who are saved. For the souls who desire to enter into God's holy kingdom
in heaven, it is necessary to be cleansed by entering through purgatory. There has been much speculation about this doctrine, because like many other
things, we are left with many questions. There is much debate about the time it can take for one to go through purgatory. However, it is argued that the
pains of hell cannot compare to the oaisn of hell (Akin 386). With purgatory there is hope that the pain will end and the suffering will be worth it.
The Doctrine of Purgatory has been around since before the time of Christ. That being said, when He was on Earth, He often had discussions with
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Martin Luther Purgatory Beliefs
Martin Luther, like most traditional Christians, believed that this life was simply a pilgrimage, a journey toward our destination. That destination was
an eternity spent either in heaven or in hell. There was nothing one could do to earn a spot in heaven–God freely forgave the sins of some, and they
could enter heaven. Luther disagreed strongly with the Roman Catholic teaching that there is also a place called purgatory, because purgatory is not
explicitly mentioned in the Bible. The belief in purgatory developed over the course of the middle Ages, driven by the logic of the Catholic system of
sanctification. Those who were baptized and thus cleansed of the stain of original sin still had to pay the debt for the offense of sin to a perfect God. In
addition, any additional sins must be paid for. You earned merits toward the debt by performing works, especially the sacraments. Lutheranism
believe that people are saved by God's mercy and forgiveness and not by righteousness for our past or even by a personal action of deciding to following
Jesus. Believing this Lutherans coined the phrase "By Faith Alone"
Current contemporary beliefs In Lutheran theology, the Law reveals sin and God's punishment for sin. The gospel proclaims the forgiveness of sins
and the gift ... Show more content on ...
Fundamentalism arose within evangelicalism in the 20th century as reaction to liberal protests and in society in a whole. Around the 1930's both
fundamentals and evangelicalism remain together. "The subsequent radicalization and separatism of fundamentalism led to a separation between
"mainline" evangelicalism and fundamentalism in the 1930s and 1940s. While fundamentalists may desire to see themselves as evangelicals, other
evangelicals would not be very comfortable with them in their
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Purgatory Dantes Inferno
Virgil brings Dante to the Gates of Hell where the initiation part of the monomyth begins.
The intertwined with the initiation is also the beginning of the long journey which related to the temple pattern. Dante begins this journey at the
Vestibule of Hell, where he begins to see spiritual indifference of neutrality. He quickly passes through this level of upperhell to come to the River
Acheron. Dante begins to go through one of his many trials at this point. He sees the souls that are standing on the banks waiting to be ferried by the
Charon. He is refused " the living man there! Stand aside.." but Virgil helps him to gain entrance. Dante enters into the 10 levels of Hell, which are
have 3 different divisions. Each level is to signify the ... Show more content on ...
The first lines in the Cantos of Paradise are "The glory of Him who moves all things penetrates the universe and shines in one part more and in
another less. I was in the heaven that most receives His light and I saw things which he that descends from it has not the knowledge or the power
to tell again; for our intellect, drawing near to its desire, sinks so deep that memory cannot follow. Nevertheless, so much of the holy kingdom as I
was able to treasure in my mind shall now be matter of my song." This statement is bearing that all that arrive at paradise acknowledge that God is a
supreme being. Dante has finally gained a moral compass and a spiritual map. Paradise teaches about contemplative life. In the 21st Cantos we
encounter the the metaphor of the Golden Ladder. This ladder is compared to Jacobs ladder as the throngs of angels are seen ascending and descending
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Freedom In Martin Luther's Freedom Of A Christian
In Freedom of a Christian, Martin Luther preaches countless concepts that relate to his religion. One of those concepts shows his perception of freedom
and that freedom has different meanings for different people. Freedom, to Martin Luther, was through his faith and relationship with God. His concept
of freedom led to other groups fighting for their religious freedom. Some people do not consider themselves to be spiritual, so the representation of
freedom must differ for them, and one such variant includes independence, which is a type of freedom. Independence does have a connection to Luther
through the indulgences
Luther preaches to the Christians about the idea of freedom and how they are free from the works, because their faith in God should be their top
priority. This is exemplified when he says that "a Christian is a perfectly free lord of all, subject to no one. A Christian is a perfectly dutiful servant of
all, subject to all" (Martin Luther, Freedom of a Christian). Martin Luther believes in the people's right to choose. They should choose to help
others, but they should not do it just so God will love them because God already loves them; doing it would be to the benefit of others instead of
oneself. To him, if people believe in God and remain faithful to him, then that will deliver them to Heaven. Even though "a Christian is thus free from
all works," Luther believes that a Christian should be "a servant to serve, help and in every way deal with his neighbor as he
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Purgatory Beliefs
Purgatory is defined as "a place or state of suffering inhabited by the souls of sinners who are correcting their sins before going to heaven". When
we die, we go through a judgement for our actions we made when we were on Earth. What many people don't know is that everyone goes to
purgatory is doesn't really matter who you were on Earth as a person. Purgatory is meant to purify the soul before the soul makes its way into heaven.
Catholics are taught to confess their sins in the Sacrament of Penance and believe that God will forgive them, but they have to be truly sorrowful for
their sins and actions for the sacrament to really affect you. Catholics aren't taught that purgatory as a place of torment and pain. Catholicism also
teaches that the souls that end up in purgatory want to actually be there in the first place. It's a place to achieve heaven for the one's that were too late
to confess their sins during the time on Earth. ... Show more content on ...
God will forgive anyone if you're one of the worst offenders, law breakers, or sinners in general. Since we are his children in the sense of religion, God
truly knows our guilt when we do commit these sins. Even a verse in scripture from Romans 3: 23–24 tells us about how the sinners are even brought
to justice by God himself. It states "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption
that is in Christ Jesus" (The Bible). The idea of Mercy helps give us the opportunity to achieve Heaven is giving the idea that once we die, our souls
won't go to hell immediately. Depending on the sin that was committed if there was sorrow after the action, then it will be taken into consideration by
God and he'll hopefully allow the soul to pass through
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The Five People You Meet In Purgatory Analysis
Love takes many forms. The love that Eddie and Marguerite shared was a deep, loyal one. They fell in love as teenagers, and that loved remained
strong throughout their lives. They both remained faithful during Eddie's time in the war, even when Eddie was held captive for several months.
Marguerite remained by Eddie's side as he recovered, and was a constant positive influence throughout Eddie's life. Eddie also remained loyal to
Marguerite while she was sick. Although they never had children, they had a love that never died. Marguerite stated that she felt Eddie's love even in
Upon his arrival in heaven, Eddie begins to run around. He runs and frolics and feels free, overcome with a child–like sense of wonder and energy, but
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This one act displays and connects to all of the themes––heaven, sacrifice, and reconciliation. Eddie sacrificed himself to save the girl, and because of
this, Eddie was sent on a journey to heaven. On this journey, Eddie realizes the importance of forgiveness, and he must forgive and be forgiven in
order to move on. If Eddie was in purgatory, the story would change in only one way: the title would be "The Five People You Meet in Purgatory".
Personally, I think the story makes more sense if Eddie is in purgatory. The story would then show his journey towards achieving a state of perfection
in order to enter heaven. All the lessons Eddie learns would be necessary teachings for him to live in communion with Christ. The end of the movie,
when Eddie finds himself at Ruby Pier, after being lead through the water by Tala (which would symbolize his re–birth), would be representative of the
final stage of Purgatory and the first stage of heaven, where Eddie can realize the effect he had on people in his life.
The first person Eddie meets in heaven is the Blue Man. The Blue Man was part of the freak show at Ruby Pier. His heaven is Ruby Pier, where he
felt truly at home. He teaches Eddie the importance of listening. He also explains that there are no "random acts", that everyone and every action is
connected in some way, and that fairness plays no role in life. "If it did, no good person would ever die so
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Personal Narrative: The Souls In Purgatory
The Souls in Purgatory: First Person
This time he left me a vest made of satin to be embroidered. I started crying enough tears to fill up the pacific ocean. I decided not to ask anymore of
the souls. Once I got up, I dried my tears and I saw the souls again, they said
"We will help you once more, Maria but you must invite us to your wedding. "W–wedding?" I was very surprised, I did not realize I was DIFFERENT
WORD getting married.
"Am I going to get married" The souls looked at each other and smiled
"Yes and if all goes well, very soon." The next day, when he came to my house, I handed him the vest, timidly. I was nervous, until he asked my aunt
for my hand in marriage. I didn't know what to feel, nervous or excited. I just knew he was ... Show more content on ...
My aunt told me I looked beautiful in my dress, but I wasn't sure. Everything in my life had been preparing for this moment. Everyone who lived
in our village was invited to our wedding. During the party we were all drinking brindes, to toast to our health and happiness. Three ugly hags who
I assumed were the souls came into the party room. One had an arm that reached to the ground and another that was very short, while there was
another who was completely bent over and had to look sideways to look up. Finally there was one more hag that had bulging bloodshot eyes, that
looked like a lobster. "Jesus , Maria, who are these people" he said nervously. I quickly put together an answer
"They are the...aunts of my father who I invited to the wedding" My husband thought it was weird, but did not question it. I saw my husband talking
to one of the hags. He then came to me and said "Go at once and tell the servants to burn your spinning wheel and never let me see you spinning
again!" I thought it was strange , and but I had a only a slight inkling to why he told me that . Only time would tell. Then he talked to the second hag,
when he came back and said "Burn your embroidering frame at once and never let me see you embroider another thing." I then knew my suspicions
were confirmed, I said
"Now Axel, don't be rude go talk to my third aunt"
And so he went I hoped I knew what would happen, sure enough when I came back he
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The Purgatory Annotated
For "Purgatory," I had a hard time revising this piece due the numerous aspects of the story. Initially, I wanted this plot to work on the subtleties
where a reader had to work to find the meaning instead of it being spoon fed. During workshop, there was mix reviews when it came to the amount of
detail and description in the story. The most popular was the surplus of detail when it came to setting, and the lack thereof on the main character. I left
the amount of detail as it was because I want the setting to be the strongest point of the story. I want the characters to work as pawns, with a focus of
the university student due to her level development and relatability.
For the main character, there was confusion with the repetition of "the ... Show more content on ...
From my workshop, there was a general consensus that her paper, and her need to do it, was too muted, which made the ending lack luster. To fix this,
I added more hints to her needing to complete her paper and lengthened her break down after the realization that she won't be able to finish it. As
for the ending, I changed it so, instead of the older woman telling her what Amelie should do, Amelie comes to the conclusion that she shouldn't
give up on her paper so easily. I ended it on the line "I guess I'll have to try" to hint to her spark of inspiration to find an answer to her problem,
whatever that may be. My main concern with this ending is that a reader will automatically believe that she will try to drive through the snow because
of the mention of her car, instead of the cars themselves reflecting her and the other inhabitants in the store. They are able to move but can't. That, in a
way, Amelie is becoming inspired by the cars to keep trying, hence her ability to see through the storm whereas she was unable to before.
I feel that these changes help the piece because it eliminates confusion that distracted the reader before. Also, motifs that were too ambiguous in the
first draft, the play on sound and music, are now more fleshed out where everything is connected to something. Each character has a reason to be stuck
in the superstore, alongside a regret, that keeps them there. The music reflects Amelie's mood and where she is emotionally. The music is the loudest
when she is ignoring her problems while, as she comes to grips with the situation she put herself in, it becomes quiet, symbolizing her loss of
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Purgatory Monologue
In easeful–death I roamed through the fiery darkness, a soul lost in perdition, damned to Damnation, doomed to roast in the fires of Purgatory
forever and ever. I knew that I was dead and that Purgatory was where I was; I was burning up. My father always yelled, "Damn your soul to
Purgatory" when he was mad at someone, and he was mad at me. The fear of his wrath was what had always kept me in line, but not this time; this
time, I was willfully disobedient. Many times, he warned me that if he ever caught me fraternizing with those heathens that lived down in Tidewater
Bayou that he would beat me to within an inch of my life. I had intentionally ignored his warning not to go to old Nanny Rue's house in the Bayou and
now I was paying the price.... Show more content on ...
Before I could make it all the way to Tidewater Bayou and Nanny Rue's house, he caught me; he then beat me to within an inch of my life just as he
said he'd do. For a while, I floated somewhere in the dark, vast crevasse that separates life and death, I thought for sure that I was dead, damned to
roast in the eternal fires of Purgatory forever and ever, but as the hours passed, I realized that I was alive, just barely from the feeling of it. And,
although every inch of my body hurts from the strapping he gave me, I know that when I'm able to get up and walk, I'm going to Nanny Rues and
find out what happened to Jubal. My father will just have to keep beating me until either he kills me or I make it to her house and find out what I
need to know. You see, the reason I'm not allowed to hang around with Jubal is that my father judges Jubal by his folks and where he lives; they
come from the poor side of town. He said they just 'poor white trash.' He ain't got any right to judge Jubal or his folks. If I learnt anything sitting on
a church pew all those years, it was that he didn't have any right to judge anyone; Judgment was supposed to be left up to the good Lord to do. Pops
couldn't see what was in folk's hearts, only the Lord can do
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Short Story: Purgatory
Mei went spiraling backward into the brick wall. She clenched her teeth and glared at the man before her. Turquoise eyes exploded with anger
towards the man. She pushed herself off of the wall, her pale skin now covered in streaked dirt. She lunged at the man, her fist connecting with his
jaw. A painful snapping sound rang through the alley as the man fell to the ground. Mei pulled out her switchblade. The blade had a black handle and
was about seven inches in length. She always held the blade incorrectly, while most people held it in a closed fist, Mei held it with her thumb on one
side of the hilt, her index finger laid flat on the top of the blade, and the rest of her fingers on the other side of the hilt. She placed her foot on the man's
chest and pushed on it. She pointed the blade at the man when another ... Show more content on ...
The gang was run by Justin Kane. While most the members didn't agree with the way he treated people in the gang, they agreed with his morals.
That was the only way that they stayed. Mei was determined to gain the leadership status one day. Purgatory consisted of five members, Justin
Kane, Mei O'Reilly, Patty Preciado, Chris Baker and Dean Walters. Justin was the oldest, Chris coming in second, then Dean, then Mei, then Patty.
Justin deemed since he was the oldest, he should become the leader. Justin wasn't always the leader, though. Mei's older brother Brian was the one
who created and lead Purgatory in the first place. However, Brian died about a year ago. Each member in Purgatory has a specialty, which is why the
gang is so small. Justin has the ability to organize what the gang does, Chris has explosives, Dean is a doctor, Mei has hand to hand combat and Patty
has sword fighting. The group's philosophy was that you didn't need multiple people for one job, therefore, they only hired someone with a skill that
they didn't already have.
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Forgiveness Vs. Condemnation In Dante Alighieri's The...
As the second part of Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy, The Purgatorio serves as an allegorical bridge between the two other works, much like
Purgatory serves as a bridge into Heaven. Purgatory is characterized by repentance as sinners here are given the chance to work towards redemption, as
opposed to Hell where sinners are punished for eternity with no hope for forgiveness. The idea of forgiveness versus condemnation can be seen in the
comparison of Cato and Virgil, a man forgiven and a man condemned. Cato, like Virgil, died before the birth of Christ but repented in the final
moments of his life and was given a place in Purgatory, despite being a pagan and committing suicide. Cato's story proves that choosing repentance is
the key and Virgil,... Show more content on ...
The psychological implications of nature versus nurture in one's later life and development have been contested for years, and I have a tendency
to stick very close to the middle; I believe Dante would as well. He gives a very clear answer as to whose responsibility it is (our own) to make
decisions and gain entrance into Purgatory, while also making some concessions for circumstance and nature, for Virgil says "the only road I could
have taken was the road I took," (I 62–63) emphasising how he was constrained by the options available. But this constrainment does not, in any way,
alleviate the responsibility we have for our own souls, but instead teaches us that we should act the best we can, given our lives and histories, in
order to be the most virtuous people we can be. The view is also somewhat more forgiving than other interpretations, as it is always possible to return
to the path and "Goodness has arms so wide that It accepts whoever would return" (III 122–123). This belief in redemption mimics my own belief in
the human ability to change and become better than we were before by choice. Dante repeatedly states that we must chose the path of goodness for
ourselves and can be guided but never forced, something I agree with wholeheartedly, for is a forced repentance really repentance at all? The
discussion of the afterlives of Cato and Virgil show the importance of choice, given Cato's
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Free Will In Dante's Journey Through Hell, Purgatory, And...
In The Divine Comedy, Dante the Pilgrim journeys through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven. The journey that Dante undertakes serves as a guide for how
we need to live our lives in order to realize true happiness. Free will plays a central role throughout Inferno, Purgatory, and Paradise. According to
Dante, God gives use free will, which we can exercise in any way, to do both good and evil. Dante discovers, through his journey, that ultimate
freedom, however, is found in aligning our free will with the will of God. According to Dante, meaning in life can be found when we come to this
realization. Dante claims that all humans are gifted free will from God. The importance of free will lies in the notion that, if everything were
pre–determined, our choices and our lives would effectively lose meaning. God grants us control over our destinies–that is, whether we go to Hell,
Purgatory, or Heaven. By giving humans free will, God allows us to either follow good or evil paths in our lives. This is particularly important
because if our choices were guided, it would lack the significance of our choosing to love God through the exercise of our own will. Through
Dante's travels in Inferno, Purgatory, and Paradise, he discovers that free will is God's greatest gift to us, and that it can lead us to ultimate
happiness or ultimate misery. If it is so easy for humans to stray from the path of God's love, why does he grant us free will in the first place? This
begs the question of why God would give humans free will, and the meaning behind giving humans the choice to use their will to do either good or
evil. Free will seems to be a representation for God's love. If we were predetermined to serve God, our love for Him would lose the meaning it has
when we choose to devote ourselves to Him. Free will also acts as a portrayal of God's trust in us. Trust is an essential part of love, and one could argue
that, without trust, love could not exist. God puts his trust in us to serve and love Him. Our free will allows us to either follow this or to turn away
from it. It is up to us as to whether we seek God's love, seek it in the wrong ways, or seek evil. The souls found in Inferno have effectively rejected
God's love in favour of
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Character Analysis: An Analysis Of Dante's 'Purgatory'
Canto I
The Outside of Purgatory
Dante and Virgil are on a shoreline
Four Stars– Fortitude, Temperance, Prudence, Justice
вћўSin Represented–
вћўVirtue Depicted–
вћўSignificant Characters–
The Muses
Calliope– head muse
Cato– old man who Dante and Virgil run into
Commited suicide
Canto II
Dante and Virgil are on a shoreline
вћўSin Represented–
вћўVirtue Depicted–
вћўPunishment and Correction–
вћўSignificant Characters–
Helmsman Angel– the boat guy who takes people into Purgatory
Casella– knew Dante in real life
Dante wrote poems and Casella sang them
Canto III
Ante–Purgatory– the place at the bottom of Purgatory
вћўSin Represented–
The ... Show more content on ...
Nicholas– very charitable and gave presents
Canto XXI
The Fifth Terrace of Purgatory
вћўSin Represented–
The Avaricious
The Prodigal
вћўVirtue Depicted–
вћўPunishment and Correction–
The avaricious and the prodigal are chained to the ground
вћўSignificant Characters–
Statius– a prodigal who is being sent to Heaven
Going to Heaven since the mountain
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Purgatory, By Dante And Virgil
Imagine yourself, finished in this world and ready to go into the internal life. How do you think God will judge you? Were you someone generous,
humility, loving, gentle, active, temperance, or Chasity? Do you believe that God would be proud in every single thing you have down on this earth?
Well, for the most part, no everyone is Jesus and have all of those qualities. That is why Dante have written the world of Purgatory. Purgatory is a
place after earth is a transformation process that helps every saved soul to perfect themselves for God. Through this process of transformation in
Purgatory, a soul must accept, forgive, and learn from their sin in order to be in Heaven.
1st Paragraph
Dante is truly a great poet. When he describes a place, he goes truly deeply than what's on the surface. In Purgatory, when Dante and Virgil are walking
through the gateway, Dante describes each step when walking in. "Once there, Dante and Virgil have to climb three steps to ascend to the gate (Purg.
IX, 76–77; Sayers 1955b) which is guarded by an angel. These three steps signify the confession of sin, contrition for sin and satisfaction for sin". He
first describes the first step by saying, "We came to the first step: white marble gleaming/ so polished and so smooth that in its mirror/ I saw my true
reflection past all seeming" (IX 94–96). In these first stanzas to the entrance of Purgatory demonstrates the color white as hope and desire of
improvement. This is very
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Themes In A Good Man Is Hard To Find
"She would have been a good woman if it had been somebody there to shoot her every minute of her life"(O'Connor 11). In A Good Man Is Hard
To Find, the grandma was at gunpoint, about to get shot by the Misfit, but she forgives him for all of the bad things he has done. This means that
she could have been a good person if there was someone there to shoot her every second of her life because it was when she was about to be shot
that she became a good person. In general throughout many of O'Connor's works, including A Good Man is Hard to Find, Revelation and A Late
Encounter With the Enemy she uses the theme of darkness to show how people react and who people are when in great conflict, just like in the
example above. Throughout O'Connor's stories, she uses the theme of darkness to show how people really are in times of greatest conflict. In the
story A Good Man is Hard to Find, O'Connor uses her dark theme to foreshadow that the grandma is going to die. Thefamily just got in the car and
were driving when the grandmother pointed out that there was the old family graveyard with five or six graves. They passed a large cotton field with
five or six graves, fenced in the middle of it, like a small island. "'Look at the Graveyard!' the grandmother said pointing it out. 'That was the old family
burying ground that belonged to the plantation'ВЁ (O'Connor 3). This is foreshadowing that they are going to die. While driving the grandmother
points out five or six graves that look new, there are 6 people their family, this is showing that they will all die because there are five or six new
graves. This shows that there is a common theme of darkness because this implying something dark will happen. Another example of a dark theme
is the family was going on a road trip. Everyone was dressed normally except the grandma who was dressed in really fancy clothes. "In case of an
accident, anyone seeing her dead on the highway would know at once that she was a lady"(O'Connor 2). This foreshadowed that the grandma was
going to get killed. The grandma cared more about her appearance than dying. This relates to the common theme of darkness because this foreshadows
the grandmaЕ› and family's death.
In a late Encounter With the
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Essay on The Pardons of Purgatory
Freedom is the ability one has to choose. Freedom is without consequence, fear of transgression, and lacks regret. Freedom is a fork in the road–a trail
that leads to fortune in a field of traps. Humans have freedom and hold it as children do crayons, straying beyond the lines of purpose only to get lost
in meaningless scribbles. Dante condemns these actions in his poem Purgatory. Dante invents a fictitious location in afterlife, liberating souls that
have become prisoners of their own disarray. With a collection of paradoxes, vivid imagery, and active examples, Dante establishes a thorough
process in which souls can be cleansed of the past and stride to their future. Purgatory is far from a place of punishment; it is rather a place... Show more
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Once liberated from one's tainted ability to reason, one must surrender him self to a higher power that will guide him accurately through the trials
hurdled toward him. If man alone was responsible to hold himself accountable, he would inevitably taste "the savor of some lesser good" and chase it,
destroying "the freedom of [his] will" (Dante 173) and fall victim to the seasons of his own desires. Men need "some rein or guide" (Dante 175) to
direct their "overhot desires" (Dante 265) or they will escalade like "weeds" growing over "a fertile field" (Dante 355). Men "see the goodness of the
matter" but "cannot do everything by the power of will" (Dante 231) allowing their discretion to "grow weary in the first battles" (Dante 173). As
Virgil, a symbol of man abandoned by his ability to "freely judge" (Dante 173), was prompted by divine grace before "he came" to rescue Dante from a
"Siren"–a being which "steals the might of" (Dante 203) men. Dante illustrates man's tendency to passively stand aside as his life is acted upon rather
than act on the decisions made by mindful consideration. Men must humble themselves to a greater power to lead them to ultimate freedom.
Solely a guide will not suffice the redemption of one's soul. One must make conscious and passionate decisions to move forward in growth and change,
without portraying doubt or becoming distracted by the shiny plastic gems saturating the world. Dante constantly
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What Is Dante Argument For The Existence Of Purgatory?
Obviously Dante was not trying to be completely literal in the Divine Comedy in his descriptions of Hell, Heaven, and Purgatory. Yet, he would
definitely argue for the existence of all three. Protestants would debate the existence of Purgatory, however, Dante does a wonderful job in
"Purgatory" creating a place that goes beyond being a beautiful setting for a story. This place follows Catholic belief about Purgatory, with some
added flare, that theologically could almost be considered completely accurate. The Biblical backing for the doctrine of Purgatory can be found in a
few key verses. Zechariah 13:9 states, "And I will put this third into the fire, and refine them as one refines silver, and test them as gold is tested.
They will call upon my name, and I will answer them. I will say, 'They are my people'; and they will say, 'The... Show more content on
Dante arranges purgatory so that it is a giant mountain one has to scale to reach heaven. However, at every terrace penance must be paid for a specific
sin. The way each terrace is arranged is poetically genius and something that would make sense with the way God is seen working in the rest of
the Bible. For example, the second terrace is the terrace of the envious. The people abound with love, which is the opposite of envy. A passerbyer
remarks, "Love those who do you harm" (Dante 139). The penance, or punishment, that the envious must endure is having their eyelids sew shut so
that they have to walk in a group with their hands on each other's shoulders (140). This is beautifully ugly because it forces the envious to rely on
other people and become thankful. This pattern is followed in all of the terraces where the penance fits the sin. So, what Dante did was create a very
theologically possible world which beautifully allows the grace of God to be shown through allowing the sinful to eventually reach
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Purgatory Research Paper
Finally, there's this place called Purgatory. Many people have heard of it but don't really appreciate its significance in the afterlife spectrum. It's
main purpose is to harbor souls of people who didn't really use their life to the full extent, or didn't do anything good or bad enough to deserve
Heaven or Hell. For a while, souls roamed free there because there was no overall figure of authority. Connor and Sydney both agreed this needed to
change, so they created Anna. Anna was meant to be a calm and collected leader who never tired of watching after boring souls, but neither of them
contributed to that happening. The angels tell me Sydney heard of the plan to give Purgatory a leader and forced Connor to allow her to help. Though
God didn't
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Essay on The Ideas of Hell and Purgatory
The Ideas of Hell and Purgatory
"Hell has probably caused more personal anxiety and distress than any other Christian belief. Hell has also motivated many Christians to follow the
Great Commission and attempt to convert the world to Christianity" ("Various Views of Hell: As seen by Conservative Christians").
The word "hell" derives from the Pagan Norse Queen of the Underworld, Hel. When Christianity first evolved, the church taught that nearly everyone
descended to this similar place to earth after dying. Included in this belief were the Pagan Gods and Goddesses from the Middle East, Rome, Greece,
and the Germanic and Celtic tribes. Nevertheless, hell was commonly envisioned based on an ... Show more content on ...
In the third century, when hell was considered an eternal punishment, Tertullian thought of a new place that he called the bosom of Abraham. "The
bosom of Abraham, though not in heaven, and yet above hell, offers the souls of the righteous an interim refreshment until the end of all things brings
about the general resurrection and the final reward" (Chidester 149). The idea of this mid–place caught the attention of many theologians of the time.
In the fourth century, hell was seen as a place of spiritual suffering by Gregory of Nyssa. At the same time, the Latin theologian Jerome theorized hell
as a place of pure physical torture. Augustine of Hippo proposed that "correctional fire" was used to free souls from sin (Chidester 152) in the fifth
century. He introduced the thought that suffering in hell was both spiritual and sensory, and that a purifying fire would cleanse the soul while being
agonizingly painful.
During the next century, Origen argued against the mainstream belief that hell was forever. He suggested that sinners in hell could be rehabilitated and
work toward heaven. Church leaders quickly rejected this view at the Council of Constantinople in 543. Instead, Augustine's cleansing fire idea reigned
most believable until the fourteenth century. "Out of this imagery of refining fire, the geography of the Christian afterlife was expanded to include a
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Examples Of Purgatory In Hamlet
The sixteenth century was immensely superstitious about the afterlife. The Roman Catholics believed that the souls of the dead were sent to heaven,
hell or purgatory. During this time, it was believed that if a soul was sent to heaven, it was because of good deeds, if a soul was sent to hell, it was
because of bad deeds, however, if a soul was sent to purgatory, that soul would work off his sins until the soul was allowed in heaven. Because of the
belief of purgatory, many people considered that souls wandered around civilians until they were accepted in heaven. In Hamlet, King Hamlet must
have performed particular sinful deeds if he was sent to purgatory: "I am thy father's spirit/doomed for a certain term to walk the night/ and for the
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Black Purgatory Analysis
After reading, Black Purgatory: Enslaved Women's Resistance in Nineteenth–Century Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, I realized I never knew that women
slaves were abused and tortured by their mistresses. All I could think about was the horrible abuse not only Maria had to endure from her master
and mistress while being enslaved but Maria having to watch her children be abused as well probably aided to push her over the edge. Maria slashed
both her children's throats and said the Devil made her do it and Maria tried to use the catholic religion to justify her actions. Most women can only
suffer so much abuse before they become violent themselves. However, women are natural nurturers and I believe Maria killed her children because
she did not want them
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Wynonna's Peace In Purgatory
If there's any peace in Purgatory, Wynonna finds it right when the sun comes up. When the world's still sleepy, or at least she is, and there's an easy
quiet, one she can stand. She drags Dolls out on a chilly Saturday night/ Sunday morning– for a walk out to the lake before there's any rays of sun. It
takes some nudging but eventually he's on his back in the tall grass, shoulder–to–shoulder with her– waiting for the world to wake up.
Eventually it starts to, and Wynonna leads Dolls the wrong way home on purpose– and he lets her– because it's still too short a night, even with the sun
creeping over them. She claps him on the shoulder and whispers, "you're it," before she took off.
"Earp." He still has to roll his eyes, chasing her down, and then they're running around trees, ducking and tugging at eachother. ... Show more content on ...
Standing about thirty feet away in the brush, is a man– or a kid, she figures he's probably around 20–or so, dressed head to toe in camo, hands up in
surrender, but a shotgun slung around his back.
"This territory's for hunting and you're scaring all the deer." The kid watched Wynonna lower her gun and he lowered his arms, turning to Dolls.
"Jesus, dude, take your freak girlfriend and go home, before I call the sheriff."
Dolls grabbed the kid by his camo shirt while he was storming passed
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Purgatory, By Alfred Bergesen And Andrew Greeley
The Catholic Church describes Purgatory as a place in which the soul is able fortify a relationship with God by enduring torture that leads to
salvation. God in the Movies, by Alfred Bergesen and Andrew Greeley, discusses the concept in specific reference to two films, Jacob's
Ladder(1998) and Flatliners(1990). Within the films, purgatory is depicted through cinematic representation. The interpretations of purgatory in
Jacob's Ladder and Flatliners will be examined through their use of intense imagery, the presence or lack in presence of God, and the films
underlying message of purgatory as either a blessing or a nightmare. Jacob's Ladder is a film which centers around, Jacob Singer, an American
soldier in the Vietnam War. When his unit comes under attack many soldiers are injured and killed while other soldiers exhibit a strange reaction
to the attack. Jacob tries to hide from the chaos in the jungle, but he is stabbed in the stomach with a bayonet by a fellow US soldier who is on a
drug, The Ladder, which causes homicidal tendencies. Jacob wakes up, four years later, in the New York City Subway, now with a job as a postal
worker and a girlfriend, Jezebel. Little did Jacob know that he never returned from the war, and the world he entered was purgatory. The extravagant
detail of Jacob's new life in purgatory seems real to him especially as Jacob begins to experience bizarre encounters such as multiple occasions of
attempts on his life (by demons), unsettling flashbacks of
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The Character Change In The Journey Of Dante's Inferno
Dante, the character, changes over the course of this journey. Dante begins his journey lost, and ignorant but then goes through a development when he
travels through the inferno, purgatorio, and Paradiso. Experiencing the depths of Hell and light of Heaven, Dante's life is then transformed. The
influencers and assistants that Dante comes across will change Dante and make him closer and more united with God in the end.
When Dante first begins in this story he was lost and clueless physically and mentally. Dante was located in a forest with his life ruined and not
knowing what was in store for him. Dante had given up on his future and had given up on finding the correct path of life for himself. However, when
he sees a sunset and a very important mountain that represent Heaven he will soon change. Dante is given an opportunity to change and turn his life
around but to do so he must first experience the darkness of Hell with the assistance of Virgil who helps him and guides him through what is right and
Virgil and Dante proceed down into Hell; in Hell Dante sins in every circle, committing the sin that represents each circle. After Dante sins in each
circle he begins to learn and grow as a person realizing his mistakes but Dante is still his proud, careless self. In the circle of the wrathful, containing
the sinners full of anger, Dante scolds one man saying "may you weep and wail to all eternity, for I know you hell–dog". Dante is becoming angry just
like the
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Purgatory During the Protestant Reformation Essay
Purgatory During the Protestant Reformation
All Souls Day, November 2nd, does anyone really understand why it is a holy day or is it just another meaningless holiday Catholics are asked to
attend church? All Souls Day is a day that the Catholic Church has set aside to help pray for all the souls not yet joined with god. During this day,
people are asked to pray for all of the departed who have passed on and are now in purgatory working very hard to have the privilege of joining to
god. Purgatory has been an important aspect of organized religion from the early days of the church until now, but never more controversial then during
the time of the protestant reformation. The following pages examine the belief of ... Show more content on ...
They were widely circulated in Germany and caused a great controversy. Luther was ordered to recant by Cardinal Cajetan but he refused. Some
people thought that Luther had a valid point, and those people were the ones who followed him. This is where we get the split of ideas and of the
churches themselves. This split in the churches has a lot to do with the idea of purgatory and the selling of indulgences. Indulgences were sold to
people to reduce their time in purgatory. These indulgences were sold at a very high price and most people either could not afford them or were
forced to sell all they owned to purchase them. "A soul is released from purgatory and carried to heaven as soon as the money tinkles in the box." (13 9
The existence of purgatory and indulgences were not what started the split it was the selling of the indulgences and the extremely high prices for them
that caused the split in the church and in the belief of purgatory itself. The doctrine of purgatory is not very involved in the Catholic Church. There are
only three paragraphs in the catechism. The basic understanding is that there is a third place after death where a person who has not sinned enough to
go to hell but has not been perfect goes to be purified. Also, God helps the people in purgatory so they are not completely cut off from Him like in
hell. The only other belief about purgatory is that the purification has to
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Purgatory Vs Catholic
The two main points I chose to discuss are the major differences between Protestant and Catholic views on purgatory.
According to McGrath," purgatory is perhaps best understood as an intermediate stage, in which those who have died in a state of grace are given an
opportunity to purge themselves of the guilt of their sins before finally entering heaven." The Roman Catholic Church believes that those who are
perfect at death are admitted to heaven. Those who have sin in their lives however, do not go to heaven, but rather go to purgatory where they
apparently go through a process of cleansing (or "purging"). Such souls are described as those who are oppressed with a sense of lack and suffer
certain pain. According to McGrath, the Roman Catholics ... Show more content on ...
Purgatory, can be classified as a false doctrine, because it can be easily discredited by proof from the scripture. When Jesus died on the cross for
our sins, the work of the cross was completed. Jesus said, "It is finished" (John 19:30). Jesus said, "I have brought you glory on earth by
completing the work you gave me to do" (John 17:4). "By one sacrifice he has made perfect for ever those who are being made holy." (Hebrews
10:14). Therefore, those who believe in Christ are "made perfect" forever; this statement lets us know that no further "purging" is necessary. The
word of God lets us know that, "The blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from sin." (1 John 1:7). "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for
those who are in Christ Jesus" (Romans 8:1). Jesus took care of our sins through the cross. He provided salvation for us. Jesus provided full
purification for our sins, therefore there is no need for purgatory. , Purgatory is understood by Catholics as a place of cleansing in preparation for
heaven. They do not realize that because of Jesus' sacrifice, we are already cleansed, declared righteous, forgiven, redeemed, reconciled, and
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Purgatory King Lear
Make thy two eyes like stars start from their spheres,
Thy knotted and combined locks to part,
And each particuler haire to stand an end,
Like quils upon the fearefull Porpentine,
But this eternall blazon must not be
To eares of flesh and blood, list, list, Гґ list:. (1.5, 9–23)
Here, the ghost confirms that he is indeed Hamlet's father, and that he is "confined to fast in fires" until his sins are purged. This is a reference to the
doctrine of purgatory and it is worth noting that when this play was produced in 1601, Elizabeth was still alive, and within the protestant faith there is
no purgatory in the Anglican Church. In the words of Quentin Skinner, "according to the Thirty–Nine Articles of the Church of England, there is no
such place ... Show more content on ...
Lear is stubborn, and defends his knights: "My train are men of choice and rarest parts/ That all particulars of duty know". (1.4, 255–256) Here, Lear
put his case forwards for his knight, to try to convince Goneril and Albany to let them stay. He suggest that they are men birth, and high regard,
and that they are the only people who are able to care for Lear's particular needs. Essentially, Lear's refusal to give up his entourage is his last
attempt to cling on to his identity as a man who has power. He must therefore learn to give up this power to terms with his end. As noted by Susan
Snyder the hundred knights "are not separate individuals but a collective representation of Lear's royal way of life" Lear's daughters refuse to take
part in these particulars, and when Lear arrives to the residence of Regan to object Goneril's decision, she states: "O, sir, you are old", before telling
him that he must apologize to Goneril and that he should be "ruled and led/ By some discretion that discerns your state/ Better than you yourself". (2.2,
339–342) Here, the daughters treat Lear as a child, and essentially take away his sense of self
... Get more on ...

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Purgatory Level Analysis

  • 1. Purgatory Level Analysis space to create the facial expressions and areas to show scarification, hairstyle, jewelry, and other culturally specific areas that where important for displaying greater details. To get to the second floor you can either take the elevator or the stairs, the stairs add to the story of the journey each floor takes you on, the second floor is the Purgatory level. Purgatory is defined as a place or state of suffering inhabited by the souls of sinners who are expiating their sins before going to heaven. By definition again I feel you should start the exhibit from the lower level of Hell first. For me the Purgatory level was the most forgetful level it was almost like a chaos level so much was going on. At one point you see a confessional for... Show more content on ... During the mask ceremony the dancer goes into deep trance, and during this state of mind he "communicate" with his ancestors. A wise man or translator sometimes accompanies the wearer of the mask during the ritual. The dancer brings forth messages of wisdom from his ancestors. Often the messages are grunted utterances and the translator will accurately decipher the meaning of the message and sometimes depending on the ritual the force would be so powerful that no one was allowed to look upon the person wearing that mask. These masks can be considered freighting for sure, as beautiful and scared as they may be but beauty comes in all forms even in fear. As you wrap around and continue down the hall you get to an exhibit call the Conversation, the conversation for me displays life on earth. Its place perfectly to tie in the purgatory definition together; It was filled with more conversational pieces that were filled with wild bright colors, and more modern day art as well as some famous faces on our time that we would recognize. Each pieces was so mosaic, chaotic, yet beauty just like how life on earth it. Every day is colorful, untamed, unpredictable, and there is always a bit of chaos. It was harder for myself to focus in this section of the museum for artistically and creatively there was so much going on in one place behind each art work was something new and new colors were introduce the layout of this floor was maze ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Analysis Of ' Dante Alihieri 's Purgatorio By Dante Is... In Dante Alihieri's Purgatorio, Dante is climbing up the Mount of Purgatory. Dante encounters many trials that he must face with the help of Virgil (human reason). The closer Dante gets the to the top of Purgatory the more and more Virgil fades away and when he finally does disappear Beatrice is there to be Dante's guide.. Throughout Purgatorio, Alihieri uses Beatrice not only as a symbol to portray the medieval church but also a light. This is why Dante is blinded by the sight of Beatrice when she drops the veil. Most commentators agree with idea of Beatrice being a symbol of both the church and light while Bernard Stambler agrees with this but he expands upon that symbol. While most commentators believe that Beatrice is an accurate example of the Church, others tend to believe that the chariot that Alihieri talks about in Canto 32 is a more accurate representation of the church. John Carroll was one of the ones to believe this. In Stambler's book, Dante's Other World; the Purgatorio as Guide to the Divine Comedy, he talks about how Beatrice is more than just one symbol in Canto 32 and 33 in Purgatorio. He says that "first, the essential function of the Church throughout the purgatorial process and through the further preparation of the soul for its entrance to heaven; second, the material decay into which the Church as an institution had fallen through her usurpation of temporal functions" (Stambler 271). He is saying that Beatrice is a symbol for Church but he expands ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Creative Writing: Purgatory Purgatory: A place where the most malignant/hazardous fiends are jailed due to their assailments on the human race. Their thirst for human blood still lingered within them, even after centuries of being caged in Purgatory. They probed everywhere for a way out of the illimitable, gloomy, foggy forest and rivers; killing themselves and others with hunger and insanity. Once a fiend is in, it's nearly impossible to get out without a Reaper's or Knight's scythe. "Steward," said a smoky, modulated male voice from the bank of a river. "Come here." A red –haired, hunchback male crawled on the ground towards three, tall male figures wearing ebony cloaks. "Yes, milord?" his voice was taut and quavering as he bowed his head at the middle figure.... Show more content on ... He held his prehension as Steward struggled underneath the water. "Just breathe like you are breathing air. Take a nice, deep inhale and don't exhale." The struggling ceased, and the Lord pulled the head out. He tossed the lifeless body on the rocks and turned to his adherents. "Get rid of the body. If you want something done right, then do it yourself. You," he pointed at the purple–skinned one on the right. "Remind me to never hire a SicГn, again. They're too chicken to fight back." He rose; his height was around six foot. He trailed off into the woods as the two adherents feasted on the ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Dante's Purgatory: Sacrifice For Suffering? "The mountain's of such sort that climbing is hardest at the start; but as we rise the slope grows less unkind. Therefore, when this slope seems to you so gentle that climbing farther up will be as restful as traveling downstream by boat, you will be where this pathway ends, and there you can expect to put your weariness to rest" (Alighieri IV. 88–94). Purgatory is an arduous and painful journey, but as each step is taken, sin is put to rest. Every soul in Purgatory endures and suffers through a series of punishments, in order to purify themselves from their earthly sins, eventually, leading their soul to paradise. This purging of sin is necessary in order to enjoy the presence and beauty of God that we were made for and to neglect the sinfulness in our heart. As Dante wrote... Show more content on ... Undoubtedly, Dante is filled with sorrow and pity as he witnesses the suffering souls are enduring throughout Purgatory. However, the souls in Purgatory praise God through prayer in the midst of the physical pain and suffering they are enduring. Throughout Purgatory hymns and psalms are sung, and prayers are spoken, and the penitent souls in Dante's Purgatorio are almost all depicted at prayer (Armstrong). In Canto XVI of Dante's Purgatorio, this takes place in the Third Terrace, for those who were wrathful, therefore are faced with the punishment of living in dark smoke. In this canto, Dante remarks, "But I heard voices, and each seemed to pray unto the Lamb of God, who takes away our sins, for peace and mercy. 'Agnus Dei' was sung repeatedly as their exordium, words sung in such a way in unison that fullest concord seemed to be among them" (Alighieri XVI. 16–21). Although the souls in this terrace are enduring a painful punishment, they continue to worship God and sing "Agnus Dei" which translates to "Lamb of God" ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Dante 's View On The Existence Of Hell, Purgatory And... Who is Dante? He was a man that had a desire to find the truths of heaven and earth even from a very young age; his goal was to understand the three worlds in his mind of hell, purgatory and paradise so that he could find the true everlasting happiness. In Dante's age there was not really a separation between church and state. "Dante 's philosophical view was also a political view. In Dante 's time, there were two major political factions, the Guelphs and the Ghibellines. Originally, the Ghibellines represented the medieval aristocracy, which wished to retain the power of the Holy Roman Emperor in Italy, as well as in other parts of Europe. The Ghibellines fought hard in this struggle for the nobility to retain its feudal powers over the land and the people in contrast, the Guelphs, of which Dante was a member, were mainly supported by the rising middle class, represented by rich merchants, bankers, and new landowners. The enemy was politically, philosophically, and theologically wrong– and thus a Heretic" He was a supporter of the papacy which was a direct opposition to the Holy Roman Emperor, therefore putting himself in danger of his beliefs. What did he believe? He believed in the salvation which started out with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, and Eve tempted Adam to partake of the tree of good and evil. After that they were casted out into the world in which Satan was present and has caused several troubles. For thy shall also find peace and happiness in the ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Dante 's Journey Through Hell, Purgatory, And Heaven Around 1314, Dante Alighieri completed the Inferno, the first section of what would make up The Divine Comedy, a collection of three poems reflecting Dante's imaginative journey through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven. In these poems, Dante the poet describes the pilgrimage that Dante the pilgrim must complete to attain salvation. With the Roman poet Virgil as his guide, Dante the pilgrim must purge himself of his own sinful nature, which can only be achieved by observing and learning from those that have landed themselves in either Hell, Purgatory, or Heaven. Described in Inferno , his excursion begins in Hell where Dante learns about the stories and the sufferings of many sinners. As Dante the pilgrim progresses through Hell it is clear that he assumes different personas. In some instances, Dante the pilgrim is portrayed as an empathetic man who pities the sinners while on other occasions, Dante the pilgrim is portrayed as a callous and indignant being in regard to the sinners. While Dante the pilgrim is depicted in these two completely different ways, it is the insensitive portrayal that more precisely depicts Dante the pilgrim, as that is his true identity when he leaves Hell. His journey affected him so greatly that by the end of his pilgrimage, Dante the pilgrim has transformed from a compassionate man into an impervious and even cruel individual. When Dante enters the second circle of Hell, where the licentious sinners suffer, Dante meets a woman named Francesca and ... Get more on ...
  • 7. William Shakespeare 's Hamlet Hamlet–Religion and The Self in 1600 In 1600 Europe had abandoned the ideas and teachings of Catholic Christianity and began having a Protestant view on the world. When Protestants changed their worldview they rejected the idea of purgatory, causing a key foundation of their new religion. The Protestant Worldview and reaction of it can be reflected in William Shakespeare'sHamlet. In this time of religious and spiritual changes many people are very confused which can be closely related to Prince Hamlet's immense amount of anxiety and "madness" that causes tension, due to the lack of knowledge and the ghost of his father. In the first scene of the play the guards of the Kingdom of Denmark are frightened by a ghost that looks similar to the recently deceased King Hamlet. These guards go to Prince Hamlet, the dead king's son, and report to him their sightings. Very intrigued, and currently grieving over his fathers death, Hamlet decides to watch the next night in order to personally see the ghost. The following night the ghost arrives and summons Hamlet to him. When Hamlet first sees the ghost he is questioning what the ghost actually is and his intentions, "be thou a spirit of health or goblin damned, bring with thee airs from heaven or blasts from hell". Hamlet is questioning whether this figure is from heaven or hell. This is one of the views of Protestants. There is a spiritual world and a human world. The spiritual world consists of Heaven and Hell, with nothing in ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Canto 1 Of Purgatory Analysis After ascending up onto the other side of the world, Dante and Virgil find themselves at the time dawn on the shores of Mount Purgatory, leaving behind the hopeless place of hell. Purgatory is the second realm where Dante the pilgrim must journey through past levels of suffering and spiritual growth to become worthy of Heaven. The duo are confronted by the guardian of Mount Purgatory, a solitary old man named Cato, who acknowledges the divine forces that call upon them to finish their journey and ushers them to begin making their way up. DorГ©'s illustration of Canto 1 of Purgatorio pays homage to the Romantic theme of the vastness of the sublime and the grandeur of nature. Once again, the use of light and dark arrangements of light and inky shadows dominate ... Show more content on ... Cato is present in the photo, with his right hand extended above the waist as if to beckon the viewer's periphery towards the far–reaching landscape. Mount Purgatory nor Virgil and Dante arriving at it the place of its shores is not depicted in DorГ©'s rendition; he decides to leave both out completely. He forgoes the original literal depiction of the high, magical mountain and instead of portraying the high ascension of Mount Purgatory, he chooses a horizontal orientation of natural topography. He applies the traditional, sublime landscape as a way to comment upon the Romantic theme of the ability of man contrasted against the greater power of nature. Man can conquer much, however there are mysterious and infinite vistas out there that lie beyond what he can grasp. This speaks to the allusive journey of Dante the pilgrim; his ascension up the mountain in hopes of purging his earthly inclinations is representative the Christian life and its moral journey in hopes of achieving divine approval that lies beyond his ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Analysis Of Saint Sebastian And The Roman Emperor, Reign... 284 AD (anno domini) was the start of Diocletian 's, Roman emperor, reign and purgatory of Christians. In result, Saint Sebastian was one of numerous victims during Rome's persecutions. Saint Sebastian was born a noble and a man of Gallia Narbonensis, a province north of the Alps of what is now southern France. Narbonensis was world–renowned for its trading and liquidity to ports. On the other hand, Narbonensis was a tactical masterpiece for the Romans as it worked as a territorial defense for Gallic attacks on Italy. Saint Sebastian has two different feast days depending on the denomination of Christianity (January 20 for Catholicism and December 18 for Eastern Orthodox). The Catholic Church sets aside one date out of the year for every canonized saint. The saints are remembered for all of their accomplishments in their lifetime along with dedicated prayers, mentions, and scripture reading. This is undoubtedly parallel to a panegyric for each and every saint. In 286 AD it was discovered that Saint Sebastian was in fact a Christian, following this epiphany, Sebastian was handed over to Mauretanian archers where they pierced his epidermis was punctured by arrows. Post–arrow assault, Sebastian was nurtured back into good health by Saint Irene, but he was finally eradicated by way of clubs in 288 AD, in Rome. Saint Sebastian was pre–congregation, so there was not a process for canonization. However, Saint Sebastian is a patron saint of athletes, archers, and soldiers due to ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Hades Purgatory Beliefs Many different cultures have a belief about what happens after we die. One example is the belief of Heaven Hell and Purgatory, this idea is represented different ways in most beliefs around the world. One of the most historical beliefs similar to these beliefs is Greek mythology. Although it is not popularly followed any more, Greek mythology inspires, and is featured in many things around the world. Such as sports teams, such as titans trojans etc, brands such as nike and more. The afterlife associated with this belief is called Hades, which is runned by the lord Hades. Similar to the likes of Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory, In Greek Mythology, when a person dies they either go to Elysium, Tartarus , or the Fields of Asphodel. The place in Hades that only the most brave, heroic, and good people go to is Elysium. Elysium is the place in Hades that can be reassembled as similar to Heaven. "In Homer's writings the Elysian Plain was a land of perfect happiness at the end of the Earth, on the banks of the Oceanus" ("Elysium"). Like Heaven, Elysium is a beautiful place, that is at the end of the earth, ... Show more content on ... Essentially these souls did nothing, either good or bad, to influence their lives, " Elysium is a section in the Underworld where indifferent or ordinary souls who lived a life of neither good or evil are sent to live after death" (Fields of Asphodel). The Fields of Asphodel is a combination of both Elysium and Tartarus, as these people did no evil or good in their lives, and did not do anything such as being a hero or being a criminal. These people were considered 'neutral', thus they would drink from a river before entering the fields. The river is toxic with a poison that turns them into human machines, as they do not have any thought or personal identities. Much like Purgatory, it is a place where there is just a large field of emptiness, and the people have no human like ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Dante 's View Of Hell And Purgatory When one thinks about the idea of hell, they often find their minds wandering back to the great work of Dante Alighieri in The Inferno, or better known as Dante's Inferno. In this story, Dante is lead through the nine circles of hell with his tour guide, Virgil the Roman poet to meet the final destination of heaven. "Major and startling innovations, such as the choice of the poet Vergil as Dante 's guide through both hell and purgatory and the inclusion in the Comedy of characters taken from classical antiquity, demonstrate the importance that ancient Roman literature, history, and mythology held for "the chief imagination of Christendom," as Yeats defined our poet," (Scott). While this text not only demonstrates the ancient Roman... Show more content on ... While Christianity has been divided into many different churches such as the Catholics, Baptists, and Presbyterians, the same theological ideas remain. It is generally believed that one who does good actions will be rewarded with the right to enter Heaven. While those who display negative moral actions will be forced into the fiery gates of hell. This is the man basis of religion in America. There are many other types of religions that have the same type of ideas. "Death could scarce be more bitter than that place! But since it came to good, I will recount that all that I found revealed there by God's grace," (Pg. 28). Thus, as so many people believe in religion and the ideas behind it, it is easily seen that the threat of hell is something that can alter the actions of humans. Even America was founded on the idea of living under God, as stated in several documents. If the threat of hell was nonexistent, or had no profound effect on human actions, then religion wouldn't hold such a high standard in any society. "In accusing the popes of making gold and silver their gods, Dante is repeating the characteristic denunciation of idolatry leveled by the Old Testament prophets against religious authorities," (Franke). Religion holds a high position in everyday life's, even Dante, as it does present the threat of hell which will change a person's actions. Similar to religious reasons, the threat of hell does affect a person's moral actions ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Sir Orfeo Purgatory Rhyme Scheme The polarization of the glorious images prior to the desolate lines describing the inside of the fairy castle does not interrupt the rhyme of the lay. The pattern of rhyming couplets continues throughout the lay maintaining the sing–song feel and allowing the reader to follow the lines easily. Furthermore, the lyrical rhyme provides a counterpoint to the horrific imagery presented in the excerpt. The author shows this in the rhyming couplet, "Sum stode withouten hade, / And sum non armes nade" ("Sir Orfeo" 391–392). While describing people with missing heads and other appendages, the rhyme keeps within the boundaries of a joyous and mystical lay. The choice to maintain the rhyme scheme throughout this grotesque portion allows for a veil of ... Show more content on ... In Ellen M. Caldwell's essay, "The Heroism of Heurodis: Self–Mutilation and Restoration in Sir Orfeo", she posits, "Further, the suspended animation of these victims, a feature of the Celtic fairy world, is also a reminder of the 'altered state' under which the kingdom...operates while its king prolongs his wilderness retreat" (301). While searching for Heurodis, Sir Orfeo undergoes a long retreat into the wilderness until he sees her hunting with the group of fairy women. Throughout this time, Sir Orfeo selects a steward to rule the kingdom in his place. Sir Orfeo regains his wife by striking a deal with the king of the fairies. Disguised as a minstrel, he plays the harp for the king in exchange for his wife. Once Sir Orfeo returns to his own kingdom, he decides to test the faithfulness of his steward by dressing up as a beggar and returning to court. He recounts the story of his time in the wilderness to the steward, "After the account of his own dismemberment and disfigurement, Orfeo reconstitutes in this incantation, which returns him to 'life' and his kingdom's governance" (Caldwell 303). Realizing that the beggar before him is, indeed, his king, the steward immediately gives up the throne, proving his loyalty to the king and essentially restoring Sir Orfeo's life as king. This form of reincarnation echoes that of Heurodis as Sir Orfeo saves her from the death that griped her within ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Is It Worth The Doctrine Of Purgatory? Purgatory can be identified as a process of purification after death for those who are saved. For the souls who desire to enter into God's holy kingdom in heaven, it is necessary to be cleansed by entering through purgatory. There has been much speculation about this doctrine, because like many other things, we are left with many questions. There is much debate about the time it can take for one to go through purgatory. However, it is argued that the pains of hell cannot compare to the oaisn of hell (Akin 386). With purgatory there is hope that the pain will end and the suffering will be worth it. The Doctrine of Purgatory has been around since before the time of Christ. That being said, when He was on Earth, He often had discussions with ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Martin Luther Purgatory Beliefs Martin Luther, like most traditional Christians, believed that this life was simply a pilgrimage, a journey toward our destination. That destination was an eternity spent either in heaven or in hell. There was nothing one could do to earn a spot in heaven–God freely forgave the sins of some, and they could enter heaven. Luther disagreed strongly with the Roman Catholic teaching that there is also a place called purgatory, because purgatory is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible. The belief in purgatory developed over the course of the middle Ages, driven by the logic of the Catholic system of sanctification. Those who were baptized and thus cleansed of the stain of original sin still had to pay the debt for the offense of sin to a perfect God. In addition, any additional sins must be paid for. You earned merits toward the debt by performing works, especially the sacraments. Lutheranism believe that people are saved by God's mercy and forgiveness and not by righteousness for our past or even by a personal action of deciding to following Jesus. Believing this Lutherans coined the phrase "By Faith Alone" Current contemporary beliefs In Lutheran theology, the Law reveals sin and God's punishment for sin. The gospel proclaims the forgiveness of sins and the gift ... Show more content on ... Fundamentalism arose within evangelicalism in the 20th century as reaction to liberal protests and in society in a whole. Around the 1930's both fundamentals and evangelicalism remain together. "The subsequent radicalization and separatism of fundamentalism led to a separation between "mainline" evangelicalism and fundamentalism in the 1930s and 1940s. While fundamentalists may desire to see themselves as evangelicals, other evangelicals would not be very comfortable with them in their ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Purgatory Dantes Inferno Virgil brings Dante to the Gates of Hell where the initiation part of the monomyth begins. The intertwined with the initiation is also the beginning of the long journey which related to the temple pattern. Dante begins this journey at the Vestibule of Hell, where he begins to see spiritual indifference of neutrality. He quickly passes through this level of upperhell to come to the River Acheron. Dante begins to go through one of his many trials at this point. He sees the souls that are standing on the banks waiting to be ferried by the Charon. He is refused " the living man there! Stand aside.." but Virgil helps him to gain entrance. Dante enters into the 10 levels of Hell, which are have 3 different divisions. Each level is to signify the ... Show more content on ... The first lines in the Cantos of Paradise are "The glory of Him who moves all things penetrates the universe and shines in one part more and in another less. I was in the heaven that most receives His light and I saw things which he that descends from it has not the knowledge or the power to tell again; for our intellect, drawing near to its desire, sinks so deep that memory cannot follow. Nevertheless, so much of the holy kingdom as I was able to treasure in my mind shall now be matter of my song." This statement is bearing that all that arrive at paradise acknowledge that God is a supreme being. Dante has finally gained a moral compass and a spiritual map. Paradise teaches about contemplative life. In the 21st Cantos we encounter the the metaphor of the Golden Ladder. This ladder is compared to Jacobs ladder as the throngs of angels are seen ascending and descending ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Freedom In Martin Luther's Freedom Of A Christian In Freedom of a Christian, Martin Luther preaches countless concepts that relate to his religion. One of those concepts shows his perception of freedom and that freedom has different meanings for different people. Freedom, to Martin Luther, was through his faith and relationship with God. His concept of freedom led to other groups fighting for their religious freedom. Some people do not consider themselves to be spiritual, so the representation of freedom must differ for them, and one such variant includes independence, which is a type of freedom. Independence does have a connection to Luther through the indulgences Luther preaches to the Christians about the idea of freedom and how they are free from the works, because their faith in God should be their top priority. This is exemplified when he says that "a Christian is a perfectly free lord of all, subject to no one. A Christian is a perfectly dutiful servant of all, subject to all" (Martin Luther, Freedom of a Christian). Martin Luther believes in the people's right to choose. They should choose to help others, but they should not do it just so God will love them because God already loves them; doing it would be to the benefit of others instead of oneself. To him, if people believe in God and remain faithful to him, then that will deliver them to Heaven. Even though "a Christian is thus free from all works," Luther believes that a Christian should be "a servant to serve, help and in every way deal with his neighbor as he ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Purgatory Beliefs Purgatory is defined as "a place or state of suffering inhabited by the souls of sinners who are correcting their sins before going to heaven". When we die, we go through a judgement for our actions we made when we were on Earth. What many people don't know is that everyone goes to purgatory is doesn't really matter who you were on Earth as a person. Purgatory is meant to purify the soul before the soul makes its way into heaven. Catholics are taught to confess their sins in the Sacrament of Penance and believe that God will forgive them, but they have to be truly sorrowful for their sins and actions for the sacrament to really affect you. Catholics aren't taught that purgatory as a place of torment and pain. Catholicism also teaches that the souls that end up in purgatory want to actually be there in the first place. It's a place to achieve heaven for the one's that were too late to confess their sins during the time on Earth. ... Show more content on ... God will forgive anyone if you're one of the worst offenders, law breakers, or sinners in general. Since we are his children in the sense of religion, God truly knows our guilt when we do commit these sins. Even a verse in scripture from Romans 3: 23–24 tells us about how the sinners are even brought to justice by God himself. It states "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus" (The Bible). The idea of Mercy helps give us the opportunity to achieve Heaven is giving the idea that once we die, our souls won't go to hell immediately. Depending on the sin that was committed if there was sorrow after the action, then it will be taken into consideration by God and he'll hopefully allow the soul to pass through ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Five People You Meet In Purgatory Analysis Love takes many forms. The love that Eddie and Marguerite shared was a deep, loyal one. They fell in love as teenagers, and that loved remained strong throughout their lives. They both remained faithful during Eddie's time in the war, even when Eddie was held captive for several months. Marguerite remained by Eddie's side as he recovered, and was a constant positive influence throughout Eddie's life. Eddie also remained loyal to Marguerite while she was sick. Although they never had children, they had a love that never died. Marguerite stated that she felt Eddie's love even in heaven. Upon his arrival in heaven, Eddie begins to run around. He runs and frolics and feels free, overcome with a child–like sense of wonder and energy, but ... Show more content on ... This one act displays and connects to all of the themes––heaven, sacrifice, and reconciliation. Eddie sacrificed himself to save the girl, and because of this, Eddie was sent on a journey to heaven. On this journey, Eddie realizes the importance of forgiveness, and he must forgive and be forgiven in order to move on. If Eddie was in purgatory, the story would change in only one way: the title would be "The Five People You Meet in Purgatory". Personally, I think the story makes more sense if Eddie is in purgatory. The story would then show his journey towards achieving a state of perfection in order to enter heaven. All the lessons Eddie learns would be necessary teachings for him to live in communion with Christ. The end of the movie, when Eddie finds himself at Ruby Pier, after being lead through the water by Tala (which would symbolize his re–birth), would be representative of the final stage of Purgatory and the first stage of heaven, where Eddie can realize the effect he had on people in his life. The first person Eddie meets in heaven is the Blue Man. The Blue Man was part of the freak show at Ruby Pier. His heaven is Ruby Pier, where he felt truly at home. He teaches Eddie the importance of listening. He also explains that there are no "random acts", that everyone and every action is connected in some way, and that fairness plays no role in life. "If it did, no good person would ever die so ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Personal Narrative: The Souls In Purgatory The Souls in Purgatory: First Person This time he left me a vest made of satin to be embroidered. I started crying enough tears to fill up the pacific ocean. I decided not to ask anymore of the souls. Once I got up, I dried my tears and I saw the souls again, they said "We will help you once more, Maria but you must invite us to your wedding. "W–wedding?" I was very surprised, I did not realize I was DIFFERENT WORD getting married. "Am I going to get married" The souls looked at each other and smiled "Yes and if all goes well, very soon." The next day, when he came to my house, I handed him the vest, timidly. I was nervous, until he asked my aunt for my hand in marriage. I didn't know what to feel, nervous or excited. I just knew he was ... Show more content on ... My aunt told me I looked beautiful in my dress, but I wasn't sure. Everything in my life had been preparing for this moment. Everyone who lived in our village was invited to our wedding. During the party we were all drinking brindes, to toast to our health and happiness. Three ugly hags who I assumed were the souls came into the party room. One had an arm that reached to the ground and another that was very short, while there was another who was completely bent over and had to look sideways to look up. Finally there was one more hag that had bulging bloodshot eyes, that looked like a lobster. "Jesus , Maria, who are these people" he said nervously. I quickly put together an answer "They are the...aunts of my father who I invited to the wedding" My husband thought it was weird, but did not question it. I saw my husband talking to one of the hags. He then came to me and said "Go at once and tell the servants to burn your spinning wheel and never let me see you spinning again!" I thought it was strange , and but I had a only a slight inkling to why he told me that . Only time would tell. Then he talked to the second hag, when he came back and said "Burn your embroidering frame at once and never let me see you embroider another thing." I then knew my suspicions were confirmed, I said "Now Axel, don't be rude go talk to my third aunt" And so he went I hoped I knew what would happen, sure enough when I came back he ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Purgatory Annotated For "Purgatory," I had a hard time revising this piece due the numerous aspects of the story. Initially, I wanted this plot to work on the subtleties where a reader had to work to find the meaning instead of it being spoon fed. During workshop, there was mix reviews when it came to the amount of detail and description in the story. The most popular was the surplus of detail when it came to setting, and the lack thereof on the main character. I left the amount of detail as it was because I want the setting to be the strongest point of the story. I want the characters to work as pawns, with a focus of the university student due to her level development and relatability. For the main character, there was confusion with the repetition of "the ... Show more content on ... From my workshop, there was a general consensus that her paper, and her need to do it, was too muted, which made the ending lack luster. To fix this, I added more hints to her needing to complete her paper and lengthened her break down after the realization that she won't be able to finish it. As for the ending, I changed it so, instead of the older woman telling her what Amelie should do, Amelie comes to the conclusion that she shouldn't give up on her paper so easily. I ended it on the line "I guess I'll have to try" to hint to her spark of inspiration to find an answer to her problem, whatever that may be. My main concern with this ending is that a reader will automatically believe that she will try to drive through the snow because of the mention of her car, instead of the cars themselves reflecting her and the other inhabitants in the store. They are able to move but can't. That, in a way, Amelie is becoming inspired by the cars to keep trying, hence her ability to see through the storm whereas she was unable to before. I feel that these changes help the piece because it eliminates confusion that distracted the reader before. Also, motifs that were too ambiguous in the first draft, the play on sound and music, are now more fleshed out where everything is connected to something. Each character has a reason to be stuck in the superstore, alongside a regret, that keeps them there. The music reflects Amelie's mood and where she is emotionally. The music is the loudest when she is ignoring her problems while, as she comes to grips with the situation she put herself in, it becomes quiet, symbolizing her loss of ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Purgatory Monologue In easeful–death I roamed through the fiery darkness, a soul lost in perdition, damned to Damnation, doomed to roast in the fires of Purgatory forever and ever. I knew that I was dead and that Purgatory was where I was; I was burning up. My father always yelled, "Damn your soul to Purgatory" when he was mad at someone, and he was mad at me. The fear of his wrath was what had always kept me in line, but not this time; this time, I was willfully disobedient. Many times, he warned me that if he ever caught me fraternizing with those heathens that lived down in Tidewater Bayou that he would beat me to within an inch of my life. I had intentionally ignored his warning not to go to old Nanny Rue's house in the Bayou and now I was paying the price.... Show more content on ... Before I could make it all the way to Tidewater Bayou and Nanny Rue's house, he caught me; he then beat me to within an inch of my life just as he said he'd do. For a while, I floated somewhere in the dark, vast crevasse that separates life and death, I thought for sure that I was dead, damned to roast in the eternal fires of Purgatory forever and ever, but as the hours passed, I realized that I was alive, just barely from the feeling of it. And, although every inch of my body hurts from the strapping he gave me, I know that when I'm able to get up and walk, I'm going to Nanny Rues and find out what happened to Jubal. My father will just have to keep beating me until either he kills me or I make it to her house and find out what I need to know. You see, the reason I'm not allowed to hang around with Jubal is that my father judges Jubal by his folks and where he lives; they come from the poor side of town. He said they just 'poor white trash.' He ain't got any right to judge Jubal or his folks. If I learnt anything sitting on a church pew all those years, it was that he didn't have any right to judge anyone; Judgment was supposed to be left up to the good Lord to do. Pops couldn't see what was in folk's hearts, only the Lord can do ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Short Story: Purgatory Mei went spiraling backward into the brick wall. She clenched her teeth and glared at the man before her. Turquoise eyes exploded with anger towards the man. She pushed herself off of the wall, her pale skin now covered in streaked dirt. She lunged at the man, her fist connecting with his jaw. A painful snapping sound rang through the alley as the man fell to the ground. Mei pulled out her switchblade. The blade had a black handle and was about seven inches in length. She always held the blade incorrectly, while most people held it in a closed fist, Mei held it with her thumb on one side of the hilt, her index finger laid flat on the top of the blade, and the rest of her fingers on the other side of the hilt. She placed her foot on the man's chest and pushed on it. She pointed the blade at the man when another ... Show more content on ... The gang was run by Justin Kane. While most the members didn't agree with the way he treated people in the gang, they agreed with his morals. That was the only way that they stayed. Mei was determined to gain the leadership status one day. Purgatory consisted of five members, Justin Kane, Mei O'Reilly, Patty Preciado, Chris Baker and Dean Walters. Justin was the oldest, Chris coming in second, then Dean, then Mei, then Patty. Justin deemed since he was the oldest, he should become the leader. Justin wasn't always the leader, though. Mei's older brother Brian was the one who created and lead Purgatory in the first place. However, Brian died about a year ago. Each member in Purgatory has a specialty, which is why the gang is so small. Justin has the ability to organize what the gang does, Chris has explosives, Dean is a doctor, Mei has hand to hand combat and Patty has sword fighting. The group's philosophy was that you didn't need multiple people for one job, therefore, they only hired someone with a skill that they didn't already have. Chapter ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Forgiveness Vs. Condemnation In Dante Alighieri's The... As the second part of Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy, The Purgatorio serves as an allegorical bridge between the two other works, much like Purgatory serves as a bridge into Heaven. Purgatory is characterized by repentance as sinners here are given the chance to work towards redemption, as opposed to Hell where sinners are punished for eternity with no hope for forgiveness. The idea of forgiveness versus condemnation can be seen in the comparison of Cato and Virgil, a man forgiven and a man condemned. Cato, like Virgil, died before the birth of Christ but repented in the final moments of his life and was given a place in Purgatory, despite being a pagan and committing suicide. Cato's story proves that choosing repentance is the key and Virgil,... Show more content on ... The psychological implications of nature versus nurture in one's later life and development have been contested for years, and I have a tendency to stick very close to the middle; I believe Dante would as well. He gives a very clear answer as to whose responsibility it is (our own) to make decisions and gain entrance into Purgatory, while also making some concessions for circumstance and nature, for Virgil says "the only road I could have taken was the road I took," (I 62–63) emphasising how he was constrained by the options available. But this constrainment does not, in any way, alleviate the responsibility we have for our own souls, but instead teaches us that we should act the best we can, given our lives and histories, in order to be the most virtuous people we can be. The view is also somewhat more forgiving than other interpretations, as it is always possible to return to the path and "Goodness has arms so wide that It accepts whoever would return" (III 122–123). This belief in redemption mimics my own belief in the human ability to change and become better than we were before by choice. Dante repeatedly states that we must chose the path of goodness for ourselves and can be guided but never forced, something I agree with wholeheartedly, for is a forced repentance really repentance at all? The discussion of the afterlives of Cato and Virgil show the importance of choice, given Cato's ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Free Will In Dante's Journey Through Hell, Purgatory, And... In The Divine Comedy, Dante the Pilgrim journeys through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven. The journey that Dante undertakes serves as a guide for how we need to live our lives in order to realize true happiness. Free will plays a central role throughout Inferno, Purgatory, and Paradise. According to Dante, God gives use free will, which we can exercise in any way, to do both good and evil. Dante discovers, through his journey, that ultimate freedom, however, is found in aligning our free will with the will of God. According to Dante, meaning in life can be found when we come to this realization. Dante claims that all humans are gifted free will from God. The importance of free will lies in the notion that, if everything were pre–determined, our choices and our lives would effectively lose meaning. God grants us control over our destinies–that is, whether we go to Hell, Purgatory, or Heaven. By giving humans free will, God allows us to either follow good or evil paths in our lives. This is particularly important because if our choices were guided, it would lack the significance of our choosing to love God through the exercise of our own will. Through Dante's travels in Inferno, Purgatory, and Paradise, he discovers that free will is God's greatest gift to us, and that it can lead us to ultimate happiness or ultimate misery. If it is so easy for humans to stray from the path of God's love, why does he grant us free will in the first place? This begs the question of why God would give humans free will, and the meaning behind giving humans the choice to use their will to do either good or evil. Free will seems to be a representation for God's love. If we were predetermined to serve God, our love for Him would lose the meaning it has when we choose to devote ourselves to Him. Free will also acts as a portrayal of God's trust in us. Trust is an essential part of love, and one could argue that, without trust, love could not exist. God puts his trust in us to serve and love Him. Our free will allows us to either follow this or to turn away from it. It is up to us as to whether we seek God's love, seek it in the wrong ways, or seek evil. The souls found in Inferno have effectively rejected God's love in favour of ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Character Analysis: An Analysis Of Dante's 'Purgatory' Canto I вћўSetting– The Outside of Purgatory Dante and Virgil are on a shoreline Four Stars– Fortitude, Temperance, Prudence, Justice вћўSin Represented– None вћўVirtue Depicted– None вћўPunishment– None вћўSignificant Characters– The Muses Calliope– head muse Cato– old man who Dante and Virgil run into Commited suicide Canto II вћўSetting– Dante and Virgil are on a shoreline вћўSin Represented– None вћўVirtue Depicted– None вћўPunishment and Correction– None вћўSignificant Characters–
  • 26. Helmsman Angel– the boat guy who takes people into Purgatory Casella– knew Dante in real life Dante wrote poems and Casella sang them Canto III вћўSetting– Ante–Purgatory– the place at the bottom of Purgatory вћўSin Represented– The ... Show more content on ... Nicholas– very charitable and gave presents Canto XXI вћўSetting– The Fifth Terrace of Purgatory вћўSin Represented– The Avaricious The Prodigal вћўVirtue Depicted– Charity вћўPunishment and Correction– The avaricious and the prodigal are chained to the ground вћўSignificant Characters– Statius– a prodigal who is being sent to Heaven Going to Heaven since the mountain ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Purgatory, By Dante And Virgil Intro: Imagine yourself, finished in this world and ready to go into the internal life. How do you think God will judge you? Were you someone generous, humility, loving, gentle, active, temperance, or Chasity? Do you believe that God would be proud in every single thing you have down on this earth? Well, for the most part, no everyone is Jesus and have all of those qualities. That is why Dante have written the world of Purgatory. Purgatory is a place after earth is a transformation process that helps every saved soul to perfect themselves for God. Through this process of transformation in Purgatory, a soul must accept, forgive, and learn from their sin in order to be in Heaven. 1st Paragraph Dante is truly a great poet. When he describes a place, he goes truly deeply than what's on the surface. In Purgatory, when Dante and Virgil are walking through the gateway, Dante describes each step when walking in. "Once there, Dante and Virgil have to climb three steps to ascend to the gate (Purg. IX, 76–77; Sayers 1955b) which is guarded by an angel. These three steps signify the confession of sin, contrition for sin and satisfaction for sin". He first describes the first step by saying, "We came to the first step: white marble gleaming/ so polished and so smooth that in its mirror/ I saw my true reflection past all seeming" (IX 94–96). In these first stanzas to the entrance of Purgatory demonstrates the color white as hope and desire of improvement. This is very ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Themes In A Good Man Is Hard To Find "She would have been a good woman if it had been somebody there to shoot her every minute of her life"(O'Connor 11). In A Good Man Is Hard To Find, the grandma was at gunpoint, about to get shot by the Misfit, but she forgives him for all of the bad things he has done. This means that she could have been a good person if there was someone there to shoot her every second of her life because it was when she was about to be shot that she became a good person. In general throughout many of O'Connor's works, including A Good Man is Hard to Find, Revelation and A Late Encounter With the Enemy she uses the theme of darkness to show how people react and who people are when in great conflict, just like in the example above. Throughout O'Connor's stories, she uses the theme of darkness to show how people really are in times of greatest conflict. In the story A Good Man is Hard to Find, O'Connor uses her dark theme to foreshadow that the grandma is going to die. Thefamily just got in the car and were driving when the grandmother pointed out that there was the old family graveyard with five or six graves. They passed a large cotton field with five or six graves, fenced in the middle of it, like a small island. "'Look at the Graveyard!' the grandmother said pointing it out. 'That was the old family burying ground that belonged to the plantation'ВЁ (O'Connor 3). This is foreshadowing that they are going to die. While driving the grandmother points out five or six graves that look new, there are 6 people their family, this is showing that they will all die because there are five or six new graves. This shows that there is a common theme of darkness because this implying something dark will happen. Another example of a dark theme is the family was going on a road trip. Everyone was dressed normally except the grandma who was dressed in really fancy clothes. "In case of an accident, anyone seeing her dead on the highway would know at once that she was a lady"(O'Connor 2). This foreshadowed that the grandma was going to get killed. The grandma cared more about her appearance than dying. This relates to the common theme of darkness because this foreshadows the grandmaЕ› and family's death. In a late Encounter With the ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Essay on The Pardons of Purgatory Freedom is the ability one has to choose. Freedom is without consequence, fear of transgression, and lacks regret. Freedom is a fork in the road–a trail that leads to fortune in a field of traps. Humans have freedom and hold it as children do crayons, straying beyond the lines of purpose only to get lost in meaningless scribbles. Dante condemns these actions in his poem Purgatory. Dante invents a fictitious location in afterlife, liberating souls that have become prisoners of their own disarray. With a collection of paradoxes, vivid imagery, and active examples, Dante establishes a thorough process in which souls can be cleansed of the past and stride to their future. Purgatory is far from a place of punishment; it is rather a place... Show more content on ... Once liberated from one's tainted ability to reason, one must surrender him self to a higher power that will guide him accurately through the trials hurdled toward him. If man alone was responsible to hold himself accountable, he would inevitably taste "the savor of some lesser good" and chase it, destroying "the freedom of [his] will" (Dante 173) and fall victim to the seasons of his own desires. Men need "some rein or guide" (Dante 175) to direct their "overhot desires" (Dante 265) or they will escalade like "weeds" growing over "a fertile field" (Dante 355). Men "see the goodness of the matter" but "cannot do everything by the power of will" (Dante 231) allowing their discretion to "grow weary in the first battles" (Dante 173). As Virgil, a symbol of man abandoned by his ability to "freely judge" (Dante 173), was prompted by divine grace before "he came" to rescue Dante from a "Siren"–a being which "steals the might of" (Dante 203) men. Dante illustrates man's tendency to passively stand aside as his life is acted upon rather than act on the decisions made by mindful consideration. Men must humble themselves to a greater power to lead them to ultimate freedom. Solely a guide will not suffice the redemption of one's soul. One must make conscious and passionate decisions to move forward in growth and change, without portraying doubt or becoming distracted by the shiny plastic gems saturating the world. Dante constantly ... Get more on ...
  • 30. What Is Dante Argument For The Existence Of Purgatory? Obviously Dante was not trying to be completely literal in the Divine Comedy in his descriptions of Hell, Heaven, and Purgatory. Yet, he would definitely argue for the existence of all three. Protestants would debate the existence of Purgatory, however, Dante does a wonderful job in "Purgatory" creating a place that goes beyond being a beautiful setting for a story. This place follows Catholic belief about Purgatory, with some added flare, that theologically could almost be considered completely accurate. The Biblical backing for the doctrine of Purgatory can be found in a few key verses. Zechariah 13:9 states, "And I will put this third into the fire, and refine them as one refines silver, and test them as gold is tested. They will call upon my name, and I will answer them. I will say, 'They are my people'; and they will say, 'The... Show more content on ... Dante arranges purgatory so that it is a giant mountain one has to scale to reach heaven. However, at every terrace penance must be paid for a specific sin. The way each terrace is arranged is poetically genius and something that would make sense with the way God is seen working in the rest of the Bible. For example, the second terrace is the terrace of the envious. The people abound with love, which is the opposite of envy. A passerbyer remarks, "Love those who do you harm" (Dante 139). The penance, or punishment, that the envious must endure is having their eyelids sew shut so that they have to walk in a group with their hands on each other's shoulders (140). This is beautifully ugly because it forces the envious to rely on other people and become thankful. This pattern is followed in all of the terraces where the penance fits the sin. So, what Dante did was create a very theologically possible world which beautifully allows the grace of God to be shown through allowing the sinful to eventually reach ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Purgatory Research Paper Finally, there's this place called Purgatory. Many people have heard of it but don't really appreciate its significance in the afterlife spectrum. It's main purpose is to harbor souls of people who didn't really use their life to the full extent, or didn't do anything good or bad enough to deserve Heaven or Hell. For a while, souls roamed free there because there was no overall figure of authority. Connor and Sydney both agreed this needed to change, so they created Anna. Anna was meant to be a calm and collected leader who never tired of watching after boring souls, but neither of them contributed to that happening. The angels tell me Sydney heard of the plan to give Purgatory a leader and forced Connor to allow her to help. Though God didn't ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Essay on The Ideas of Hell and Purgatory The Ideas of Hell and Purgatory "Hell has probably caused more personal anxiety and distress than any other Christian belief. Hell has also motivated many Christians to follow the Great Commission and attempt to convert the world to Christianity" ("Various Views of Hell: As seen by Conservative Christians"). The word "hell" derives from the Pagan Norse Queen of the Underworld, Hel. When Christianity first evolved, the church taught that nearly everyone descended to this similar place to earth after dying. Included in this belief were the Pagan Gods and Goddesses from the Middle East, Rome, Greece, and the Germanic and Celtic tribes. Nevertheless, hell was commonly envisioned based on an ... Show more content on ... In the third century, when hell was considered an eternal punishment, Tertullian thought of a new place that he called the bosom of Abraham. "The bosom of Abraham, though not in heaven, and yet above hell, offers the souls of the righteous an interim refreshment until the end of all things brings about the general resurrection and the final reward" (Chidester 149). The idea of this mid–place caught the attention of many theologians of the time. In the fourth century, hell was seen as a place of spiritual suffering by Gregory of Nyssa. At the same time, the Latin theologian Jerome theorized hell as a place of pure physical torture. Augustine of Hippo proposed that "correctional fire" was used to free souls from sin (Chidester 152) in the fifth century. He introduced the thought that suffering in hell was both spiritual and sensory, and that a purifying fire would cleanse the soul while being agonizingly painful. During the next century, Origen argued against the mainstream belief that hell was forever. He suggested that sinners in hell could be rehabilitated and work toward heaven. Church leaders quickly rejected this view at the Council of Constantinople in 543. Instead, Augustine's cleansing fire idea reigned most believable until the fourteenth century. "Out of this imagery of refining fire, the geography of the Christian afterlife was expanded to include a ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Examples Of Purgatory In Hamlet The sixteenth century was immensely superstitious about the afterlife. The Roman Catholics believed that the souls of the dead were sent to heaven, hell or purgatory. During this time, it was believed that if a soul was sent to heaven, it was because of good deeds, if a soul was sent to hell, it was because of bad deeds, however, if a soul was sent to purgatory, that soul would work off his sins until the soul was allowed in heaven. Because of the belief of purgatory, many people considered that souls wandered around civilians until they were accepted in heaven. In Hamlet, King Hamlet must have performed particular sinful deeds if he was sent to purgatory: "I am thy father's spirit/doomed for a certain term to walk the night/ and for the ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Black Purgatory Analysis After reading, Black Purgatory: Enslaved Women's Resistance in Nineteenth–Century Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, I realized I never knew that women slaves were abused and tortured by their mistresses. All I could think about was the horrible abuse not only Maria had to endure from her master and mistress while being enslaved but Maria having to watch her children be abused as well probably aided to push her over the edge. Maria slashed both her children's throats and said the Devil made her do it and Maria tried to use the catholic religion to justify her actions. Most women can only suffer so much abuse before they become violent themselves. However, women are natural nurturers and I believe Maria killed her children because she did not want them ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Wynonna's Peace In Purgatory If there's any peace in Purgatory, Wynonna finds it right when the sun comes up. When the world's still sleepy, or at least she is, and there's an easy quiet, one she can stand. She drags Dolls out on a chilly Saturday night/ Sunday morning– for a walk out to the lake before there's any rays of sun. It takes some nudging but eventually he's on his back in the tall grass, shoulder–to–shoulder with her– waiting for the world to wake up. Eventually it starts to, and Wynonna leads Dolls the wrong way home on purpose– and he lets her– because it's still too short a night, even with the sun creeping over them. She claps him on the shoulder and whispers, "you're it," before she took off. "Earp." He still has to roll his eyes, chasing her down, and then they're running around trees, ducking and tugging at eachother. ... Show more content on ... Standing about thirty feet away in the brush, is a man– or a kid, she figures he's probably around 20–or so, dressed head to toe in camo, hands up in surrender, but a shotgun slung around his back. "This territory's for hunting and you're scaring all the deer." The kid watched Wynonna lower her gun and he lowered his arms, turning to Dolls. "Jesus, dude, take your freak girlfriend and go home, before I call the sheriff." Dolls grabbed the kid by his camo shirt while he was storming passed ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Purgatory, By Alfred Bergesen And Andrew Greeley The Catholic Church describes Purgatory as a place in which the soul is able fortify a relationship with God by enduring torture that leads to salvation. God in the Movies, by Alfred Bergesen and Andrew Greeley, discusses the concept in specific reference to two films, Jacob's Ladder(1998) and Flatliners(1990). Within the films, purgatory is depicted through cinematic representation. The interpretations of purgatory in Jacob's Ladder and Flatliners will be examined through their use of intense imagery, the presence or lack in presence of God, and the films underlying message of purgatory as either a blessing or a nightmare. Jacob's Ladder is a film which centers around, Jacob Singer, an American soldier in the Vietnam War. When his unit comes under attack many soldiers are injured and killed while other soldiers exhibit a strange reaction to the attack. Jacob tries to hide from the chaos in the jungle, but he is stabbed in the stomach with a bayonet by a fellow US soldier who is on a drug, The Ladder, which causes homicidal tendencies. Jacob wakes up, four years later, in the New York City Subway, now with a job as a postal worker and a girlfriend, Jezebel. Little did Jacob know that he never returned from the war, and the world he entered was purgatory. The extravagant detail of Jacob's new life in purgatory seems real to him especially as Jacob begins to experience bizarre encounters such as multiple occasions of attempts on his life (by demons), unsettling flashbacks of ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Character Change In The Journey Of Dante's Inferno Dante, the character, changes over the course of this journey. Dante begins his journey lost, and ignorant but then goes through a development when he travels through the inferno, purgatorio, and Paradiso. Experiencing the depths of Hell and light of Heaven, Dante's life is then transformed. The influencers and assistants that Dante comes across will change Dante and make him closer and more united with God in the end. When Dante first begins in this story he was lost and clueless physically and mentally. Dante was located in a forest with his life ruined and not knowing what was in store for him. Dante had given up on his future and had given up on finding the correct path of life for himself. However, when he sees a sunset and a very important mountain that represent Heaven he will soon change. Dante is given an opportunity to change and turn his life around but to do so he must first experience the darkness of Hell with the assistance of Virgil who helps him and guides him through what is right and wrong. Virgil and Dante proceed down into Hell; in Hell Dante sins in every circle, committing the sin that represents each circle. After Dante sins in each circle he begins to learn and grow as a person realizing his mistakes but Dante is still his proud, careless self. In the circle of the wrathful, containing the sinners full of anger, Dante scolds one man saying "may you weep and wail to all eternity, for I know you hell–dog". Dante is becoming angry just like the ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Purgatory During the Protestant Reformation Essay Purgatory During the Protestant Reformation All Souls Day, November 2nd, does anyone really understand why it is a holy day or is it just another meaningless holiday Catholics are asked to attend church? All Souls Day is a day that the Catholic Church has set aside to help pray for all the souls not yet joined with god. During this day, people are asked to pray for all of the departed who have passed on and are now in purgatory working very hard to have the privilege of joining to god. Purgatory has been an important aspect of organized religion from the early days of the church until now, but never more controversial then during the time of the protestant reformation. The following pages examine the belief of ... Show more content on ... They were widely circulated in Germany and caused a great controversy. Luther was ordered to recant by Cardinal Cajetan but he refused. Some people thought that Luther had a valid point, and those people were the ones who followed him. This is where we get the split of ideas and of the churches themselves. This split in the churches has a lot to do with the idea of purgatory and the selling of indulgences. Indulgences were sold to people to reduce their time in purgatory. These indulgences were sold at a very high price and most people either could not afford them or were forced to sell all they owned to purchase them. "A soul is released from purgatory and carried to heaven as soon as the money tinkles in the box." (13 9 13) The existence of purgatory and indulgences were not what started the split it was the selling of the indulgences and the extremely high prices for them that caused the split in the church and in the belief of purgatory itself. The doctrine of purgatory is not very involved in the Catholic Church. There are only three paragraphs in the catechism. The basic understanding is that there is a third place after death where a person who has not sinned enough to go to hell but has not been perfect goes to be purified. Also, God helps the people in purgatory so they are not completely cut off from Him like in hell. The only other belief about purgatory is that the purification has to ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Purgatory Vs Catholic The two main points I chose to discuss are the major differences between Protestant and Catholic views on purgatory. According to McGrath," purgatory is perhaps best understood as an intermediate stage, in which those who have died in a state of grace are given an opportunity to purge themselves of the guilt of their sins before finally entering heaven." The Roman Catholic Church believes that those who are perfect at death are admitted to heaven. Those who have sin in their lives however, do not go to heaven, but rather go to purgatory where they apparently go through a process of cleansing (or "purging"). Such souls are described as those who are oppressed with a sense of lack and suffer certain pain. According to McGrath, the Roman Catholics ... Show more content on ... Purgatory, can be classified as a false doctrine, because it can be easily discredited by proof from the scripture. When Jesus died on the cross for our sins, the work of the cross was completed. Jesus said, "It is finished" (John 19:30). Jesus said, "I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do" (John 17:4). "By one sacrifice he has made perfect for ever those who are being made holy." (Hebrews 10:14). Therefore, those who believe in Christ are "made perfect" forever; this statement lets us know that no further "purging" is necessary. The word of God lets us know that, "The blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from sin." (1 John 1:7). "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus" (Romans 8:1). Jesus took care of our sins through the cross. He provided salvation for us. Jesus provided full purification for our sins, therefore there is no need for purgatory. , Purgatory is understood by Catholics as a place of cleansing in preparation for heaven. They do not realize that because of Jesus' sacrifice, we are already cleansed, declared righteous, forgiven, redeemed, reconciled, and ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Purgatory King Lear Make thy two eyes like stars start from their spheres, Thy knotted and combined locks to part, And each particuler haire to stand an end, Like quils upon the fearefull Porpentine, But this eternall blazon must not be To eares of flesh and blood, list, list, Гґ list:. (1.5, 9–23) Here, the ghost confirms that he is indeed Hamlet's father, and that he is "confined to fast in fires" until his sins are purged. This is a reference to the doctrine of purgatory and it is worth noting that when this play was produced in 1601, Elizabeth was still alive, and within the protestant faith there is no purgatory in the Anglican Church. In the words of Quentin Skinner, "according to the Thirty–Nine Articles of the Church of England, there is no such place ... Show more content on ... Lear is stubborn, and defends his knights: "My train are men of choice and rarest parts/ That all particulars of duty know". (1.4, 255–256) Here, Lear put his case forwards for his knight, to try to convince Goneril and Albany to let them stay. He suggest that they are men birth, and high regard, and that they are the only people who are able to care for Lear's particular needs. Essentially, Lear's refusal to give up his entourage is his last attempt to cling on to his identity as a man who has power. He must therefore learn to give up this power to terms with his end. As noted by Susan Snyder the hundred knights "are not separate individuals but a collective representation of Lear's royal way of life" Lear's daughters refuse to take part in these particulars, and when Lear arrives to the residence of Regan to object Goneril's decision, she states: "O, sir, you are old", before telling him that he must apologize to Goneril and that he should be "ruled and led/ By some discretion that discerns your state/ Better than you yourself". (2.2, 339–342) Here, the daughters treat Lear as a child, and essentially take away his sense of self ... Get more on ...