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PSYCH 645 Week 1 DQ 1
Define personality from a psychological viewpoint. How is that
different from a conversational comment that someone has a great
PSYCH 645 Week 1 DQ 2
How can a theory be reliable or consistent over time if personality is
believed to change?
PSYCH 645 Week 1 Individual Scientific Study of
Personality Paper (2 Papers)
This Tutorial contains 2 Papers of this Assignment
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that explores personality
Address the following in your paper:
• How do psychologists define personality? Provide an
overview of the definition of personality.
• Researchers use a number of different methods to study
personality. Three of the most commonly used methods
are case studies, correlational designs, and experimental
designs or true experiments.
o How do these methods differ?
o What kind of information does each provide?
o What are the advantages and disadvantages of each
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines, 6th Edition
Citations: Minimum of 4 Peer Reviewed Journal
Submit Certificate of Originality.
PSYCH 645 Week 2 DQ 1
Week 2 DQ 1 - Due Day 2 (Wednesday)
Mandatory: Locate one peer reviewed study on psychoanalytic theory
published in the last 5 years within a Peer Reviewed Journal. How
does the study present material differently than earlier analysts.
Include an APA citation of your chosen study in your response. How
are psychoanalytic concepts addressed in current research studies.
Provide examples.
PSYCH 645 Week 2 DQ 2
Week 2 DQ 2 - Due Day 4 (Friday)
Is Freud's theory a viable theory for this century? Provide reasons for
your view.
PSYCH 645 Week 2 Individual Assignment Psychodynamic
Theorist Paper (2 Papers)
This Tutorial contains 2 Papers of this Assignment
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper discussing Freud, Erikson, and two
other psychoanalytic or neo-psychoanalytic theorists.
Answer the following questions in your paper:
• Why was Freud’s work so influential?
• How did the analysts that followed Freud dissent from his viewpoint?
• What links the theorists in the psychoanalytic theory group?•
What are three or more psychoanalytic concepts that are
relevant to today’s culture? Explain their relevance and
provide an example of each.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Citations: Minimum of 6 Peer Reviewed Journal
Submit Certificate of Originality
PSYCH 645 Week 2 Learning Team Quiz 1
Multiple Choice
1. The text emphasizes that a big difference between intuitive theories
about people and scientific theories of personality is that the
personality scientist must
A) engage in scientific observation.
B) interrelate concepts about people systematically.
C) provide ideas that are testable.
D) all of the above.
2. A unique feature of a course in personality psychology is that,
unlike other courses, the focus is on
A) motivation.
B) nervous system functioning.
C) the whole person.
D) social systems and culture.
3. The text defines personality mainly in terms of
A) consistent patterns of behavior.
B) unconscious wishes.
C) traits.
D) all of the above.
4. In general terms, the text suggests that the science of personality
A) is the study of how individuals differ in their perceptions and how
these differences relate to their total functioning.
B) attempts to understand how people are alike while recognizing that
individuals are different in some ways.
C) attempts to develop strategies for further research.
D) all of the above.
5. Which of the following are emphasized as central to the study of
A) individual differences and consistent patterns of functioning.
B) individual differences and the operation of conscious processes.
C) patterns of organization and the operation of conscious processes.
D) all of the above.
6. Structural concepts refer to
A) stable aspects of personality.
B) dynamic aspects of personality.
C) parts of the body.
D) all of the above.
7. “Units of analysis” refer to
A) the basic variables of a given theory.
B) the original source of data for a given theory.
C) the research methods employed most frequently in a given theory.
D) the theoretical assumptions of a given theorist.
8. The personality concept that refers to individual consistency and
approximates the lay person's concepts to describe people is
A) response.
B) habit.
C) trait.
D) motive.
9. A clustering of traits is called a
A) unit of analysis.
B) type.
C) factor.
D) dimension.
8.99. Concepts such as trait and type fall into which of the following
A) structure.
B) process.
C) growth and development.
D) psychopathology.
Chapter: Chapter 02: The Scientific Study of People
Multiple Choice
1. The theories and research of scientific personality psychologists
differ from those of the ordinary person in being
A) more general and testable.
B) more explicit and testable.
C) more general and valid.
D) more explicit and valid
2. The text emphasizes that:
A) theory and research are separate endeavors.
B) one cannot have “theory-free research” because theory inevitably
informs research procedures.
C) to get a good theory, one first must engage in theory-free research,
with the research findings being used to generate a theory.
D) the measures used to assess personality, in doing personality
research, generally are, and should be, theory-free.
3. In clinical research there is
A) minimal experimental control and maximum emphasis on
naturally occurring phenomena.
B) maximum experimental control and maximum emphasis on
naturally occurring phenomena.
C) minimal experimental control and minimum emphasis on
naturally occurring phenomena.
D) maximum experimental control and minimum emphasis on
naturally occurring phenomena.
4. The approach to research emphasizing the intensive study of
individuals is
A) correlational.
B) clinical.
C) experimental.
D) naturalistic observation.
5. In clinical research
A) many variables can be considered at one time.
B) behavior can be observed naturally.
C) verbal reports can be used.
D) all of the above.
6. In clinical research, the investigator generally
A) makes things happen.
B) studies one person.
C) studies few aspects of the person.
D) all of the above.
7. Manipulating one variable and observing its effects on another
variable is characteristic of
A) clinical research.
B) experimental research.
C) correlational research.
D) none of the above.
8. The effort to gain control over the variables of interest and
establish if-then causal relationships is descriptive of which approach
to research?
A) correlational.
B) clinical.
C) naturalistic observation.
D) experimental.
9. Which of the following is not a characteristic distinctive of
experimental research?
A) manipulation of specific variables.
B) recording of data objectively.
C) establishment of cause-effect relationships.
D) all of the above are distinctive.
8.99. Which of the following is not a feature of experimental
A) establishment if-then relationships.
B) establishment consistent individual differences.
C) establishment experimental control over variables.
D) All of the above are features of experimental research.
PSYCH 645 Week 3 DQ 1
How do humanistic psychologists view the human, the quest for self-
actualization, and the limitations on reaching self-actualization?
PSYCH 645 Week 3 DQ 2
Week 3 DQ 2 - Due Day 4 (Friday)
Explain the fundamental differences between the theories of Freud
and Rogers. Discuss the social and cultural factors that contributed to
these differences. Describe at least two ways in which these theorists
are similar.
PSYCH 645 Week 3 History and Theory Paper (Freud and
Rogers)(2 Papers)
This Tutorial contains 2 Papers of this Assignment
Consider the eras, life histories, and personalities of Freud
and Rogers.
Identify two research articles published in the last 5 years:
one that investigates a psychoanalytic or Freudian construct
and one that investigates a client-centered, humanistic, or
Rogerian construct.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper about Freud and Rogers
that addresses the following:
• Provide a summary of each article, highlighting theprocesses that
contemporary psychologists use to develop the theories of Freud and
• Explain their views of human nature and their worldviews as
expressed in their respective theories.
• Which aspect of their theory do you think would be different if they
were alive and working today?
• Explain how social and cultural factors influenced the development
of Freud’s and Rogers’ respective theories of personality.
Format your paper according to APA guidelines. Citations: Please use
a minimum of 6 Peer Reviewed journal articles Submit Certificate of
PSYCH 645 Week 3 Learning Team Quiz 2
Quiz 2
Multiple Choice
1. Rogers' theory is primarily a theory of
A) the structure of personality.
B) the nature of psychology as a science.
C) the process of change.
D) psychopathology
2. Two main trends seen throughout Rogers' life are
A) a concern with the subjective-experiential and the objective-
B) concern with religion and philosophy.
C) concern with individuals and media.
D) concern with the correlational approach and the construct validity
3. Rogers' theory of personality is associated with a particular view of
human nature. That view is reflected in which of the following
A) to the extent that people are as Freud pictured them they are
B) human nature is basically negative.
C) self-actualization is essentially the same as Freud's concept of
D) people are basically sinful.
4. Which of the following statements does not accurately reflect an
aspect of Rogers' theory of personality?
A) A person's phenomenological field is made up of both conscious
and unconscious perceptions.
B) The most important determinants of behavior are those which are
C) A person's phenomenological field is made up of both symbolized
and unsymbolized perceptions.
D) The most important determinants of behavior are those which are
5. The phenomenological approach emphasizes
A) feelings-experiences.
B) perceptions.
C) self-report measures.
D) all of the above.
1. Within the Rogerian framework, the neurotic person is a person
A) whose psychic energy is released indirectly through pathological
behavior because direct expression of needs and drives would be too
threatening to the self.
B) whose self-concept reflects nothing more than his organismic
C) whose self-concept does not reflect accurately organismic
D) both (a) and (b).
2. The concept of flow relates to
A) water pressure on the brain.
B) positive states of consciousness.
C) the effects of rewards on performance.
D) the pleasure of water sports.
3. According to self-determination theory
A) people are innately rebellious.
B) people function at their best performing out of anxiety.
C) people prefer freely chosen to compelled activities.
D) all of the above.
4. Rogers' attitude toward making differential diagnoses in
psychopathology might be summed up in the following statement.
A) Differential diagnoses help a therapist to design individualized
treatment programs.
B) Differential diagnoses are useful in that they help point out the
individual's specific problem areas.
C) Differential diagnoses are relatively worthless as aids to
D) None of the above.
5. Which is not a defense mentioned by Rogers?
A) distortion.
B) denial.
C) projection.
D) sublimation.
PSYCH 645 Week 4 DQ 1
What do you think are the top five contributions to behavioral and
cognitive theories?
PSYCH 645 Week 4 DQ 2
Skinner discussed environmental control of behavior. Apply that
concept to today’s culture of social media, such as the Internet, You
Tube, camera crime prevention, and tweeting. Do our behaviors
change because of this type of environmental control?
PSYCH 645 Week 4 Individual Assignment Phobia Paper
(Little Hans, Dog Phobia, Public Speaking) (3 Papers)
This Tutorial contains 3 Papers of this Assignment
For this assignment, you will choose from the following
• Dog Phobia Paper
• Public Speaking Phobia Paper
• Little Hans Case Study
Read the University Material: Explaining Phobia
Paper located on the student website.
Submit Certificate of Originality
PSYCH 645 Week 4 Learning Team Quiz 3
Quiz 3
1. As a scientist, Kelly viewed the person as
A) basically good.
B) basically active.
C) basically evil.
D) a "tabula rasa" (blank slate).
2. Kelly's view of the person as a scientist implies that the person as
an organism is essentially
A) always trying to understand the present through an evaluation of
the past.
B) always trying to understand the present through an evaluation of
the present.
C) always trying to understand the past through an evaluation of the
D) always trying to understand the future through an evaluation of
the present.
3. Within Kelly's cognitive theory of personality, the term
"constructive alternativism" means
A) we have the ability to seek objective reality in many alternative
B) when we are limited by objective reality we have the ability to
express ourselves in alternative ways.
C) there is no objective reality - only alternative ways of constructing
D) none of the above.
4. People have many different notions about what the goals of science
are. Kelly felt that the goal of science is
A) the development of construct systems that are helpful in
anticipating events.
B) the discovery of truth.
C) the uncovering of things heretofore unknown.
D) none of the above.
5. Kelly suggested that a problem with psychologists is
A) they do not assume people act on the same basis they do.
B) they believe in absolute truths.
C) they reject the value of subjective, personal knowledge.
D) all of the above.
6. According to Kelly we are
A) free.
B) determined.
C) victims of the past or present.
D) depends on our construction of things.
7. According to Kelly, a theory has
A) reliability and validity.
B) loose and tight constructs.
C) a range of convenience and a focus of convenience.
D) all of the above.
8. For Kelly, theories are
A) part of the discovery of truth.
B) valid or invalid.
C) modifiable.
D) maintained until an inaccurate prediction.
9. The value of constructs is that they
A) help us to gratify our instincts.
B) help us to impose order and regularity on the world.
C) are associated with affect and motivation.
D) all of the above.
8.99. According to Kelly, a construct
A) always has two poles.
B) is not always verbal.
C) both (a) and (b).
D) neither(a) nor (b).
PSYCH 645 Week 5 DQ 1
1. Discuss the role of nature and nurture in one of the following cases:
o An individual with borderlinepersonalitydisorder who experiences
regular episodes of clinical depression
o A child suffering from malnutrition who is having trouble learning
basic skills in school
o An adult with type II diabetes who suffers from insomnia and
o A young adult who regularly drinks to excess in order to unwind
and relieve stress
PSYCH 645 Week 5 DQ 2
What influence do plasticity, twin studies, environment, and
rehabilitation have when considering brain damage and change of
PSYCH 645 Week 5 Individual Programmatic Assessment-
Personality Development Paper (2 Papers)
This Tutorial contains 2 Papers of this Assignment
Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper that examines the influences of
traits—such as trait theory—and biology—such as temperament—on
personality development. Answer the following questions in your
• How does the gene-environment interaction influence personality?
• Is culture a factor in personality expression?
• What do twin studies show us about the inheritability of
• What characteristics of temperament are stable over time and
contribute to our adult personality?
• Are specific characteristics consistent over situation and over time?
Include an explanation of how the following personality models may
be adapted to account for variation in the
personal, societal, and cultural factors discussed in your paper:
• Biological model
• Five-factor trait theory
• Temperament model of personality
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Citations: Use a minimum of 5 Peer Reviewed Journal
Submit Certificate of Originality
PSYCH 645 Week 5 Team Assignment Theory Tables (2
This Tutorial contains 2 Answers forthis Assignment
Complete the University Material: Theory Tables.
Report the major figures that influence trait and biological
theories, the key concepts that determine personality
formation, and how they explain disordered personality.
Evaluate each theory on its comprehensiveness, applicability,
cultural utility, and support from empirical research.
Discuss your findings with your team.
Submit the completed chart to your instructor.
Submit Certificate of Originality
PSYCH 645 Week 6 Individual Assignment Personality
Theory Paper (2 Papers)
This Tutorial contains 2 Papers of this Assignment
Read the University Material: Personality Theory
Paper located on the student website and follow the
instructions to complete the assignment.
Citations: A minimum of 7 Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Submit Certificate of Originality
PSYCH 645 Week 6 Team Assignment Gender and
Personality Presentation (2 PPT)
This Tutorial contains 2 PPT of this Assignment
Resource: Ch. 3, 9, & 13 of Personality.
Create a 8.99- to 15-slide presentation discussing gender and
Address the following questions in your presentation:
• Do men and women develop personality in a different
manner? Is there a difference in the expression of
personality in varying social and occupational roles?
• Are certain aspects of personality theory more applicable
to men and others more applicable to women?
• How does gender interact with biological, social, and
cultural factors to form personality?
• Do certain theories have strengths or limitations with
respect to gender and personality?
Citations: A minimum of 7 Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Submit Certificate ofOriginality

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PSYCH 645 RANK Achievement Education /

  • 1. PSYCH 645 Week 1 DQ 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Define personality from a psychological viewpoint. How is that different from a conversational comment that someone has a great personality? ============================================== PSYCH 645 Week 1 DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT How can a theory be reliable or consistent over time if personality is believed to change? ============================================== PSYCH 645 Week 1 Individual Scientific Study of Personality Paper (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
  • 2. This Tutorial contains 2 Papers of this Assignment Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that explores personality characteristics. Address the following in your paper: • How do psychologists define personality? Provide an overview of the definition of personality. • Researchers use a number of different methods to study personality. Three of the most commonly used methods are case studies, correlational designs, and experimental designs or true experiments. o How do these methods differ? o What kind of information does each provide? o What are the advantages and disadvantages of each method? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines, 6th Edition Citations: Minimum of 4 Peer Reviewed Journal References. Submit Certificate of Originality. ============================================== PSYCH 645 Week 2 DQ 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
  • 3. Week 2 DQ 1 - Due Day 2 (Wednesday) Mandatory: Locate one peer reviewed study on psychoanalytic theory published in the last 5 years within a Peer Reviewed Journal. How does the study present material differently than earlier analysts. Include an APA citation of your chosen study in your response. How are psychoanalytic concepts addressed in current research studies. Provide examples. ============================================== PSYCH 645 Week 2 DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Week 2 DQ 2 - Due Day 4 (Friday) Is Freud's theory a viable theory for this century? Provide reasons for your view. ============================================== PSYCH 645 Week 2 Individual Assignment Psychodynamic Theorist Paper (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
  • 4. This Tutorial contains 2 Papers of this Assignment Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper discussing Freud, Erikson, and two other psychoanalytic or neo-psychoanalytic theorists. Answer the following questions in your paper: • Why was Freud’s work so influential? • How did the analysts that followed Freud dissent from his viewpoint? • What links the theorists in the psychoanalytic theory group?• What are three or more psychoanalytic concepts that are relevant to today’s culture? Explain their relevance and provide an example of each. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Citations: Minimum of 6 Peer Reviewed Journal References. Submit Certificate of Originality ============================================== PSYCH 645 Week 2 Learning Team Quiz 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
  • 5. Multiple Choice 1. The text emphasizes that a big difference between intuitive theories about people and scientific theories of personality is that the personality scientist must A) engage in scientific observation. B) interrelate concepts about people systematically. C) provide ideas that are testable. D) all of the above. 2. A unique feature of a course in personality psychology is that, unlike other courses, the focus is on A) motivation. B) nervous system functioning. C) the whole person. D) social systems and culture. 3. The text defines personality mainly in terms of A) consistent patterns of behavior. B) unconscious wishes. C) traits. D) all of the above. 4. In general terms, the text suggests that the science of personality A) is the study of how individuals differ in their perceptions and how these differences relate to their total functioning. B) attempts to understand how people are alike while recognizing that individuals are different in some ways. C) attempts to develop strategies for further research. D) all of the above. 5. Which of the following are emphasized as central to the study of personality? A) individual differences and consistent patterns of functioning. B) individual differences and the operation of conscious processes.
  • 6. C) patterns of organization and the operation of conscious processes. D) all of the above. 6. Structural concepts refer to A) stable aspects of personality. B) dynamic aspects of personality. C) parts of the body. D) all of the above. 7. “Units of analysis” refer to A) the basic variables of a given theory. B) the original source of data for a given theory. C) the research methods employed most frequently in a given theory. D) the theoretical assumptions of a given theorist. 8. The personality concept that refers to individual consistency and approximates the lay person's concepts to describe people is A) response. B) habit. C) trait. D) motive. 9. A clustering of traits is called a A) unit of analysis. B) type. C) factor. D) dimension. 8.99. Concepts such as trait and type fall into which of the following areas? A) structure. B) process. C) growth and development. D) psychopathology.
  • 7. Chapter: Chapter 02: The Scientific Study of People Multiple Choice 1. The theories and research of scientific personality psychologists differ from those of the ordinary person in being A) more general and testable. B) more explicit and testable. C) more general and valid. D) more explicit and valid 2. The text emphasizes that: A) theory and research are separate endeavors. B) one cannot have “theory-free research” because theory inevitably informs research procedures. C) to get a good theory, one first must engage in theory-free research, with the research findings being used to generate a theory. D) the measures used to assess personality, in doing personality research, generally are, and should be, theory-free. 3. In clinical research there is A) minimal experimental control and maximum emphasis on naturally occurring phenomena. B) maximum experimental control and maximum emphasis on naturally occurring phenomena. C) minimal experimental control and minimum emphasis on naturally occurring phenomena. D) maximum experimental control and minimum emphasis on naturally occurring phenomena. 4. The approach to research emphasizing the intensive study of individuals is A) correlational. B) clinical. C) experimental.
  • 8. D) naturalistic observation. 5. In clinical research A) many variables can be considered at one time. B) behavior can be observed naturally. C) verbal reports can be used. D) all of the above. 6. In clinical research, the investigator generally A) makes things happen. B) studies one person. C) studies few aspects of the person. D) all of the above. 7. Manipulating one variable and observing its effects on another variable is characteristic of A) clinical research. B) experimental research. C) correlational research. D) none of the above. 8. The effort to gain control over the variables of interest and establish if-then causal relationships is descriptive of which approach to research? A) correlational. B) clinical. C) naturalistic observation. D) experimental. 9. Which of the following is not a characteristic distinctive of experimental research? A) manipulation of specific variables. B) recording of data objectively. C) establishment of cause-effect relationships. D) all of the above are distinctive.
  • 9. 8.99. Which of the following is not a feature of experimental research? A) establishment if-then relationships. B) establishment consistent individual differences. C) establishment experimental control over variables. D) All of the above are features of experimental research. ============================================== PSYCH 645 Week 3 DQ 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT How do humanistic psychologists view the human, the quest for self- actualization, and the limitations on reaching self-actualization? ============================================== PSYCH 645 Week 3 DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Week 3 DQ 2 - Due Day 4 (Friday)
  • 10. Explain the fundamental differences between the theories of Freud and Rogers. Discuss the social and cultural factors that contributed to these differences. Describe at least two ways in which these theorists are similar. ============================================== PSYCH 645 Week 3 History and Theory Paper (Freud and Rogers)(2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT This Tutorial contains 2 Papers of this Assignment Consider the eras, life histories, and personalities of Freud and Rogers. Identify two research articles published in the last 5 years: one that investigates a psychoanalytic or Freudian construct and one that investigates a client-centered, humanistic, or Rogerian construct. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper about Freud and Rogers that addresses the following: • Provide a summary of each article, highlighting theprocesses that contemporary psychologists use to develop the theories of Freud and Rogers.
  • 11. • Explain their views of human nature and their worldviews as expressed in their respective theories. • Which aspect of their theory do you think would be different if they were alive and working today? • Explain how social and cultural factors influenced the development of Freud’s and Rogers’ respective theories of personality. Format your paper according to APA guidelines. Citations: Please use a minimum of 6 Peer Reviewed journal articles Submit Certificate of Originality ============================================== PSYCH 645 Week 3 Learning Team Quiz 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Quiz 2 Multiple Choice 1. Rogers' theory is primarily a theory of A) the structure of personality. B) the nature of psychology as a science. C) the process of change. D) psychopathology 2. Two main trends seen throughout Rogers' life are
  • 12. A) a concern with the subjective-experiential and the objective- scientific. B) concern with religion and philosophy. C) concern with individuals and media. D) concern with the correlational approach and the construct validity approach. 3. Rogers' theory of personality is associated with a particular view of human nature. That view is reflected in which of the following statements? A) to the extent that people are as Freud pictured them they are neurotic. B) human nature is basically negative. C) self-actualization is essentially the same as Freud's concept of socialization. D) people are basically sinful. 4. Which of the following statements does not accurately reflect an aspect of Rogers' theory of personality? A) A person's phenomenological field is made up of both conscious and unconscious perceptions. B) The most important determinants of behavior are those which are unconscious. C) A person's phenomenological field is made up of both symbolized and unsymbolized perceptions. D) The most important determinants of behavior are those which are symbolized. 5. The phenomenological approach emphasizes A) feelings-experiences. B) perceptions. C) self-report measures. D) all of the above.
  • 13. 1. Within the Rogerian framework, the neurotic person is a person A) whose psychic energy is released indirectly through pathological behavior because direct expression of needs and drives would be too threatening to the self. B) whose self-concept reflects nothing more than his organismic experience. C) whose self-concept does not reflect accurately organismic experience. D) both (a) and (b). 2. The concept of flow relates to A) water pressure on the brain. B) positive states of consciousness. C) the effects of rewards on performance. D) the pleasure of water sports. 3. According to self-determination theory A) people are innately rebellious. B) people function at their best performing out of anxiety. C) people prefer freely chosen to compelled activities. D) all of the above. 4. Rogers' attitude toward making differential diagnoses in psychopathology might be summed up in the following statement. A) Differential diagnoses help a therapist to design individualized treatment programs. B) Differential diagnoses are useful in that they help point out the individual's specific problem areas. C) Differential diagnoses are relatively worthless as aids to psychotherapy. D) None of the above.
  • 14. 5. Which is not a defense mentioned by Rogers? A) distortion. B) denial. C) projection. D) sublimation. ============================================== PSYCH 645 Week 4 DQ 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT What do you think are the top five contributions to behavioral and cognitive theories? ============================================== PSYCH 645 Week 4 DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Skinner discussed environmental control of behavior. Apply that concept to today’s culture of social media, such as the Internet, You Tube, camera crime prevention, and tweeting. Do our behaviors change because of this type of environmental control?
  • 15. ============================================== PSYCH 645 Week 4 Individual Assignment Phobia Paper (Little Hans, Dog Phobia, Public Speaking) (3 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT This Tutorial contains 3 Papers of this Assignment For this assignment, you will choose from the following options: • Dog Phobia Paper • Public Speaking Phobia Paper • Little Hans Case Study Read the University Material: Explaining Phobia Paper located on the student website. Submit Certificate of Originality ============================================== PSYCH 645 Week 4 Learning Team Quiz 3 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
  • 16. Quiz 3 1. As a scientist, Kelly viewed the person as A) basically good. B) basically active. C) basically evil. D) a "tabula rasa" (blank slate). 2. Kelly's view of the person as a scientist implies that the person as an organism is essentially A) always trying to understand the present through an evaluation of the past. B) always trying to understand the present through an evaluation of the present. C) always trying to understand the past through an evaluation of the future. D) always trying to understand the future through an evaluation of the present. 3. Within Kelly's cognitive theory of personality, the term "constructive alternativism" means A) we have the ability to seek objective reality in many alternative ways. B) when we are limited by objective reality we have the ability to express ourselves in alternative ways. C) there is no objective reality - only alternative ways of constructing events. D) none of the above.
  • 17. 4. People have many different notions about what the goals of science are. Kelly felt that the goal of science is A) the development of construct systems that are helpful in anticipating events. B) the discovery of truth. C) the uncovering of things heretofore unknown. D) none of the above. 5. Kelly suggested that a problem with psychologists is A) they do not assume people act on the same basis they do. B) they believe in absolute truths. C) they reject the value of subjective, personal knowledge. D) all of the above. 6. According to Kelly we are A) free. B) determined. C) victims of the past or present. D) depends on our construction of things. 7. According to Kelly, a theory has A) reliability and validity. B) loose and tight constructs. C) a range of convenience and a focus of convenience. D) all of the above. 8. For Kelly, theories are A) part of the discovery of truth. B) valid or invalid. C) modifiable. D) maintained until an inaccurate prediction.
  • 18. 9. The value of constructs is that they A) help us to gratify our instincts. B) help us to impose order and regularity on the world. C) are associated with affect and motivation. D) all of the above. 8.99. According to Kelly, a construct A) always has two poles. B) is not always verbal. C) both (a) and (b). D) neither(a) nor (b). ============================================== PSYCH 645 Week 5 DQ 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT 1. Discuss the role of nature and nurture in one of the following cases: o An individual with borderlinepersonalitydisorder who experiences regular episodes of clinical depression o A child suffering from malnutrition who is having trouble learning basic skills in school o An adult with type II diabetes who suffers from insomnia and depression o A young adult who regularly drinks to excess in order to unwind and relieve stress ==============================================
  • 19. PSYCH 645 Week 5 DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT What influence do plasticity, twin studies, environment, and rehabilitation have when considering brain damage and change of personality? ============================================== PSYCH 645 Week 5 Individual Programmatic Assessment- Personality Development Paper (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT This Tutorial contains 2 Papers of this Assignment Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper that examines the influences of traits—such as trait theory—and biology—such as temperament—on personality development. Answer the following questions in your paper: • How does the gene-environment interaction influence personality? • Is culture a factor in personality expression?
  • 20. • What do twin studies show us about the inheritability of personality? • What characteristics of temperament are stable over time and contribute to our adult personality? • Are specific characteristics consistent over situation and over time? Include an explanation of how the following personality models may be adapted to account for variation in the personal, societal, and cultural factors discussed in your paper: • Biological model • Five-factor trait theory • Temperament model of personality Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Citations: Use a minimum of 5 Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Submit Certificate of Originality ============================================== PSYCH 645 Week 5 Team Assignment Theory Tables (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT This Tutorial contains 2 Answers forthis Assignment Complete the University Material: Theory Tables. Report the major figures that influence trait and biological theories, the key concepts that determine personality formation, and how they explain disordered personality. Evaluate each theory on its comprehensiveness, applicability,
  • 21. cultural utility, and support from empirical research. Discuss your findings with your team. Submit the completed chart to your instructor. Submit Certificate of Originality ============================================== PSYCH 645 Week 6 Individual Assignment Personality Theory Paper (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT This Tutorial contains 2 Papers of this Assignment Read the University Material: Personality Theory Paper located on the student website and follow the instructions to complete the assignment. Citations: A minimum of 7 Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Submit Certificate of Originality ============================================== PSYCH 645 Week 6 Team Assignment Gender and Personality Presentation (2 PPT) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
  • 22. This Tutorial contains 2 PPT of this Assignment Resource: Ch. 3, 9, & 13 of Personality. Create a 8.99- to 15-slide presentation discussing gender and personality. Address the following questions in your presentation: • Do men and women develop personality in a different manner? Is there a difference in the expression of personality in varying social and occupational roles? • Are certain aspects of personality theory more applicable to men and others more applicable to women? • How does gender interact with biological, social, and cultural factors to form personality? • Do certain theories have strengths or limitations with respect to gender and personality? Citations: A minimum of 7 Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Submit Certificate ofOriginality ==============================================