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PSY 303 Entire Course
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PSY 303 Week 1 DQ 1 Abnormal Theories
PSY 303 Week 1 DQ 2 Psycho-Physiological Disorders
PSY 303 Week 2 DQ 1 Anxiety Disorders
PSY 303 Week 2 DQ 2 Dependency Issues
PSY 303 Week 2 Assignment Case Study Robert Jones
PSY 303 Week 3 DQ 1 Dissociative Disorders
PSY 303 Week 3 DQ 2 Depression
PSY 303 Week 3 Assignment Suicide Risks
PSY 303 Week 4 DQ 1 Schizophrenia
PSY 303 Week 4 DQ 2 Sleep/Eating and Antisocial Disorders
PSY 303 Week 5 DQ 1 Brian's Case
PSY 303 Week 5 DQ 2 Sexual and Cognitive Disorders
PSY 303 Week 5 Assignment Final Paper
PSY 303 Week 1 Discussion Controversy Agree
On A Definition Of Abnormal
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PSY 303 Week 1 Discussion Controversy:
Controversy: Agree on a Definition of Abnormal. You must successfully
complete the “Neurodevelopmental Disorders and the History of
Abnormal Psychology” quiz before you will be allowed to post in this
discussion forum. Before working on this discussion, please read
Chapter 1 in the course text, the articles by Szasz (1960) and Ausubel
(1961), and review any Instructor Guidance.
For this discussion, you will enter into a dialogue regarding a classic
and ongoing controversy within abnormal psychology. Specifically, what
is the definition of abnormal psychology?
As you enter into the conversation, provide your definition of abnormal
psychology. Relate historical events that influenced your thought
process as you created your definition. Identify a major theoretical
perspective that closely matches your definition. What diagnoses come
to mind when defining abnormal psychology?
Your challenge, as a class, is to come to a collective agreement on a
definition for abnormal psychology. The goal of this discussion is to
have a single dynamic and respectful conversation about the definition,
not a series of 20 to 30 separate conversations. This means that every
post should be in response to another post. Your instructor will be
posting the initial thread to which you will respond. Only start a new
discussion thread if you want to address an entirely different theme or
question(s) within the discussion subject area. Additionally, only post
after first carefully reading what all the others within the thread have
A simple agree or disagree statement is insufficient to be counted as a
response. When presenting your opinion, cite relevant sources (beyond
your text) to support your statements. Do not repeat what your
classmates have already written, and do not ignore them if they ask you
questions. Any questions asked of you must be answered, including
questions from your instructor. Try to keep the conversation moving
forward by presenting options, insights, alternative ideas on and/or
interpretations of the topics and research.
You must post a response within the discussion on at least three separate
days by Day 7, and your posts must total at least
800 words. There is no required word count for individual posts as long
as your posts together total at least 800 words. There is no maximum
number of posts for any discussion.
Once your discussion is graded, your instructor will provide you with a
summary of the week’s discussion and any conclusions or definitions
that the class agreed on in your grading feedback. Please keep this
summary in mind for future discussions in this course.
PSY 303 Week 1 Journal Your Personal
Attitudes Toward Psychopathology
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PSY 303 Week 1 Journal Your Personal Attitudes Toward
Your Personal Attitudes Toward Psychopathology. For this journal, you
have two tasks:
Task 1: Indicate which character or historical figure you will investigate
for your Week Two assignment, Week Three assignment, and your Final
Paper. The character must be the same for each assignment, and you
may not alter your choice after the conclusion of Week Two.
Review this list of movies or this list of historical case studies that are
approved for use for this assignment (these are available in your online
classroom). You must choose from the provided lists.
Task 2: This week’s discussion forum and readings may have triggered
some personal thoughts and feelings regarding abnormal psychology.
One of the most important aspects of developing competence in
abnormal psychology is to be honestly and completely aware of your
personal attitudes toward people who have mental health conditions.
This 250- to 500-word journal entry is an opportunity for you to
honestly reflect on your thoughts regarding abnormal psychology. For
instance, what insights on bias or prejudice does this topic raise? What
potential perception issues or conflicts between belief systems and
knowledge sets might arise? Consider any other questions that came up
for you over the course of this week’s assignments. You may share as
much or as little as you wish, as long as it is evident in your journal that
you have taken the time to reflect.
This journal does not require you to share personal information about
your mental health or the mental health of people you know. Psychology
instructors cannot ask students to divulge this kind of information for
grading. For further information see Standard 7.04 in the Ethical
Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct.
Your journal will be graded based on whether or not you provided a
substantial and thoughtfulentry.
PSY 303 Week 1 Quiz Neurodevelopmental
Disorders And The History Of Abnormal
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PSY 303 Week 1 Quiz Neurodevelopmental Disorders and the History of
Abnormal Psychology
1. In the medical model,
2. Society may determine these norms; however, they are codified in the
3. ________ remains the common treatment for Tourette’s.
4. Students in abnormal psychology often experience this condition
wherein they believe that they are suffering from the disease they are
5. _________ helped to establish many state mental hospitals in the
United States during her nationwide campaign to reform treatments of
the mentally ill.
6. Enuresis is
7. Child-onset conduct disorder requires onset before _____ years of
age and generally has a poor prognosis.
8. Which of the following is not a factor in Szasz’s conceptualization of
@The correct factors are found on page 2 (114) of the Szasz article.
“But whatever this norm might be, we can be certain of only one thing:
namely, that it is a norm that must be stated in terms of psychosocial,
ethical, and legal concepts.”
9. According to Freud, repression is seen as an unconscious defense
mechanism of the ego that keeps certain ideas separate from the one's
consciousness. When one is unable to appropriately express feelings, the
feelings can turn inward and lead to what?
10. This approach suggests that a disorder can be triggered by less
amounts of stress when the underlying vulnerabilities are high.
PSY 303 Week 1 Quiz 1
1. Question : Children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD) commonly are prescribed this stimulant:
2. Question : Encopresis is
3. Question : Students in abnormal psychology often
experience this condition wherein they believe that they are suffering
from the disease they are studying:
4. Question : If you lived during the Medieval era, you may
have been witness to this treatment for those suffering mental illness
which involved drilling holes to let evil spirits out.
5. Question : The use of this language has been shown to be a
more effective way to teach communication skills to children with autism
spectrum disorder:
6. Question : Society may determine these norms; however,
they are codified in the DSM-5.
7. Question : Statistical frequency sees behavior as abnormal
8. Question : Psychodynamic theory explores which the
9. Question : With regard to Szasz’s argument concerning
mental illness and moral responsibility, Ausubeldoes not assert that:
10. Question : This theory of psychology proposes that
dysfunction begins in infancy, and emphasizes the importance of
unconditional positive regard as a vehicle for becoming constructive
and productive adults.
PSY 303 Week 2 Assignment Taking The
Patient’s History (2 Paper)
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This Tutorial contains 2 Papers
PSY 303 Week 2 Assignment Taking the Patient’s History
Taking the Patient’s History. Each assignment in this course will help
you prepare your Final Paper. For each assignment, you will use the
movie character or historical figure you chose in your Week One
journal. Remember, after submitting this week’s assignment, you will not
be allowed to change your movie character or historical figure.
One of the first steps in any clinical assessment is to gather a thorough
history from the patient. This history includes, at minimum, the patient’s
identifying information, presenting problem, and relevant personal
history relating to their presenting problem.
For this assignment, you will write the first few sections of your
psychological report. View the complete instructions for the Final Paper
in the link within Week Five of your online course or the “Components
of Course Evaluation” section of this guide. This week, your assignment
must cover the following sections of your psychological report and
include the headings as listed:
1. Identifying Information
Within this section, you will record basic information on your patient,
including the person’s name, sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, race,
occupation, and location of residence (country, state, region).
2. Chief Complaint/Presenting Problem
Within this section you will include the patient’s primary complaint
verbatim to identify the main source of his or her distress and/or
concerns. If there is no verbatim complaint, include observable
information to create an overall picture of the presenting problem.
Typically, this section within a psychological report seeks to answer the
following question (further elaboration within this section is
encouraged where possible):
PSY 303 Week 2 Discussion Controversy
Evaluating Media’s Accuracy
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PSY 303 Week 2 Discussion Controversy Evaluating Media’s Accuracy
Controversy: Evaluating Media’s Accuracy. You must successfully
complete the “Mood and Personality Disorders” quiz before you will be
allowed to post in this discussion forum. Before working on this
discussion, please read Chapters 6 and 9 in the course text and review
any relevant Instructor Guidance.
For this discussion, you will enter into a dialogue on another ongoing
controversy and contemporary issue regarding abnormal psychology.
Specifically, how accurate are the various media representations of
As you enter into this conversation, analyze depictions of the
identification and treatment of abnormal behavior in media sources.
Then take a moment to consider and comment on the consequences of
accurate and inaccurate depictions of mental health conditions in
popular media. Identify at least one theoretical perspective (e.g.,
biological, cognitive, psychodynamic) from the literature that informs
your observations. Additionally, you should integrate information on
how media shapes our cultural expectations and norms with respect to
abnormal/maladaptive behavior. Be sure to utilize fundamental concepts
for the ethical application of psychology from Standards2.04 and 5.04
of the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct as you
create your responses.
If you chose to write about a movie character for your psychological
report, you are welcome to include your evaluation of that movie’s
depiction of psychopathology in this discussion forum. However, your
evaluation alone will not suffice in the completion of this discussion.
Again, the goal of this discussion forum is to have a single dynamic and
respectful conversation about how psychopathology is represented in the
media and the consequences of those representations, not a series of 20
to 30 separate conversations. This means that every post should be in
response to another post. Your instructor will be posting the initial
thread to which you will respond. Only start a new discussion thread if
you want to address an entirely different
theme or question(s) within the discussion subject area. Additionally,
only post after first carefully reading what all the thers within the thread
have written.
A simple agree or disagree statement is insufficient to be counted as a
response. When presenting your opinion, cite relevant sources (beyond
your text) to support your statements. Do not repeat what your
classmates have already written, and do not ignore them if they ask you
questions. Any questions asked of you must be answered, including
questions from your instructor. Try to keep the conversation moving
forward by presenting options, insights, alternative ideas on and/or
interpretations of the topics and research.
You must post a response within the discussion on at least three separate
days by Day 7, and your posts must total at least 800 words. There is no
required word count for individual posts as long as your posts together
total at least 800 words. There is no maximum number of posts for any
Once your discussion is graded, your instructor will provide you with a
summary of the week’s discussion and any conclusions or definitions
that the class agreed on in your grading feedback. Please keep this
summary in mind for future discussions in this course.
PSY 303 Week 2 Journal Responding To Bias
And Prejudice Toward Psychopathology
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PSY 303 Week 2 Journal Responding to Bias and Prejudice Toward
Responding to Bias and Prejudice Toward Psychopathology. In last
week’s journal, you honestly reflected on your thoughts regarding
abnormal psychology. Through that reflection, you may have recognized
that you have some biases or prejudices toward specific groups of
people. Recognizing any possible biases and prejudices is an essential
step toward becoming a scholar of psychology. Taking reasonable steps
toward resolving those biases and prejudices is a significant opportunity
for personal growth and professional development.
This 250- to 500-word journal entry is an opportunity for you to
describe ways that you might go about resolving any biases and
prejudices within yourself. Alternatively, you may want to write about
how you will respond to bias and prejudice you might encounter in your
everyday life.
For instance, what kinds of education or experiences might help you
address bias and prejudice within yourself? How might you respond to a
person who thinks that people with mental health conditions should be
locked away in institutions and never allowed to rejoin society? What
kind of education might you provide to a person who believes that
Autism is due to poor parenting? What resources might you draw from
to support healthy, accurate, and research-supported views regarding
psychopathology? What available resources might you point people to
who need more information on specific
issues? If you have any favorite websites or web resources, please add
entries for those into the Webliography for this course.
Consider any other questions that came up for you over the course of
this week’s activities. You may share as much or as little as you wish, as
long as it is evident in your journal that you have taken the time to
PSY 303 Week 2 Quiz Mood And Personality
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PSY 303 Week 2 Quiz Mood and Personality Disorders
1. When it comes to the topic of suicide, many people fall prey to many
different myths. Which of the following is NOT a myth regarding
2. If a psychologist is treating someone and the patient tells the
psychologist that he/she is actively
suicidal and ready to try to kill him/herself, the psychologist must
3. Which personality disorder is most appropriately associated with
people who are overly submissive, to the point where they may act
helpless to look after themselves and rely on the decisions of others?
4. An individual with a Cluster B disorder is often seen as
5. Which personality disorder might come to mind when you think about
a “conspiracy theorist” who always thinks that there is some foul plot
occurring that is designed to harm or wrong them?
6. When a person has not responded to psychotherapy or medications to
treat the symptoms of their depression, they may opt to undergo
7. Describing people using a standard set of personality categories
defines the approach to diagnosing personality
8. According to the theorists and followers of this theory of personality,
depression is considered to be related to the loss of relationships and
often involves self-blame, feeling unwanted and worthless.
9. According to our text, is considered to be a possible
explanation of the gender differences often found between the diagnosis
of men and women in terms of depression?
10. Which of the following strategies is not considered a biological
treatment for the manifestation of depression?
PSY 303 Week 3 Assignment Gathering
Collateral Information (2 Papers)
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This Tutorial contains 2 Papers
PSY 303 Week 3 Assignment Gathering Collateral Information
Gathering Collateral Information. Each assignment in this course will
help you prepare your Final Paper. For all assignments, you will use the
movie character or historical figure that you used in your Week Two
assignment and selected in your Week One journal.
After gathering your patient’s history, it is considered good practice to
contact people who interact with the patient on a regular basis and/or
are related to the patient. These people often provide valuable insights
into the patient’s behavior(s) and mindset. Typically, the gathered
information provides a context for the patient’s environment.
For this assignment, you will write another section of your Final Paper.
View the complete instructions for the Final Paper in the link within
Week Five of your online course or the “Components of Course
Evaluation” section of this guide.
Your assignment this week must cover the following section of your
psychological report and include the heading as
IX. Collateral
Within this section, you will interpret specific collateral information as it
relates to your patient’s abnormal behavior and behavior patterns. You
will also integrate information and knowledge regarding the patient’s
culture in your evaluation of the maladaptive behavior as reported by
the collateral sources.
Typically, this section within a psychological report seeks to answer the
following questions (further elaboration within this section is
encouraged where possible):
PSY 303 Week 3 Discussion Controversy Gender
Dysphoria Should It Be In The Dsm-5?
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PSY 303 Week 3 Discussion Controversy: Gender Dysphoria - Should It
Be in the DSM-5?
Controversy: Gender Dysphoria- Should It Be in the DSM-5? You must
successfully complete the “Stress, Trauma, Sexual Dysfunctions,
Paraphilic Disorders, and Gender Dysphoria Disorders” quiz before
you will be allowed to post in this discussion forum. Before working on
this discussion, please read Chapter 12 in the course text, the article by
Kamens (2011), watch the Beyond the Gender Binary: Yee Won Chong
at TEDxRainier video, and review any relevant Instructor Guidance.
For this discussion, you will enter into a conversation on another
ongoing controversy and contemporary issue regarding abnormal
psychology. Specifically, should gender dysphoria be included as a
diagnosis in the DSM-5? It is absolutely essential that you view the
required video and read the required article and your instructor’s initial
post before participating in this discussion.
As you enter into this conversation, carefully consider the historical
information you read regarding the rationale behind excluding the
DSM-IV-TR diagnosis of gender identity disorder from the DSM-5.
Then, take a moment to relate this historical background to the current
ethical, clinical, and social controversies regarding gender dysphoria
and the DSM-5. Analyze this controversy within the context of how
clinicians ethically identify and treat psychiatric conditions. Be sure to
integrate knowledge of any appropriate cultural considerations
psychologist must be aware of when diagnosing gender dysphoria.
Again, the goal of this discussion forum is to have a single dynamic and
respectful conversation about the inclusion of gender dysphoria as a
diagnosable condition in the DSM-5, not a series of 20 to 30 separate
conversations. This means that every post should be in response to
another post. Your instructor will be posting the initial thread to which
you will respond. Only start a new discussion thread if you want to
address an entirely different theme or question(s) within the discussion
subject area. Additionally, only post after first carefully reading what all
the others within the thread have written.
A simple agree or disagree statement is insufficient to be counted as a
response. When presenting your opinion, cite relevant sources (beyond
your text) to support your statements. Do not repeat what your
classmates have already written, and do not ignore them if they ask you
questions. Any questions asked of you must be answered, including
questions from your instructor. Try to keep the conversation moving
forward by presenting options, insights, alternative ideas on and/or
interpretations of the topics and research.
You must post a response within the discussion on at least three separate
days by Day 7, and your posts must total at least 800 words. There is no
required word count for individual posts as long as your posts together
total at least 800 words. There is no maximum number of posts for any
PSY 303 Week 3 Journal Questionable
Treatment Practices In Psychology
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PSY 303 Week 3 Journal Questionable Treatment Practices in
Questionable Treatment Practices in Psychology. This week’s discussion
touched on changes in perception regarding psychopathology in
response to shifts in societal attitudes toward specific behaviors. Now,
let us look critically at treatments in general. A number of treatments for
currently diagnosabledisorders have been discontinued, such as
trepanning and lobotomies, because they were discredited and are now
considered crude and/or barbaric. A number of disorders have been
completely removed from diagnostic manuals and their corresponding
treatments have been discredited and discontinued. For example, the
treatment known as conversion therapy or reparative therapy for
lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals is known to be ineffective and
even harmful.
In this 250- to 500-word journal entry, you will consider current
treatment methods (e.g., electroconvulsive therapy, exposure, and
response prevention). Choose a current treatment method and comment
on what ways future researchers might consider this current treatment
barbaric or crude. Explain why you chose to comment on this treatment.
What would need to happen for current acceptance of this treatment
procedure to change? What are the ethical implications involved in
using a questionable treatment option?
Consider any other questions that came up for you over the course of
this week’s assignments. You may share as much or as little as you wish,
as long as it is evident in your journal that you have taken the time to
Your journal will be graded based on whether or not you provided a
substantial and thoughtfulentry.
PSY 303 Week 3 Quiz Sleep-Wake, Feeding,
Eating, Sexual Dysfunctions, Paraphilic, And
Gender Dysphoria Disorders
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PSY 303 Week 3 Quiz Sleep-Wake, Feeding, Eating, Sexual
Dysfunctions, Paraphilic, and Gender Dysphoria Disorders
1. _____________ disorder is the only paraphilic disorder that seems to
affect females, although they are still a minority.
2. Lucille’s parents come into her room at scheduled times throughout
the night to wake her up. These scheduled awakenings are done about
30 minutes before Lucille has one of her sleep episodes. From which
sleep disorder does Lucille probably suffer?
3. According to the textbook, an individualsuffering from bulimia
nervosa will often binge on upwards of _________ calories in a single
sitting, an amount approximately equivalent to eating six McDonalds
Big Mac sandwiches in one meal.
4. The lethality of eating disorders is
5. 37-year-old Florence says that she has bulimia. Every time she binges
on approximately 3500 calories a day, she says she loses her excess
calories by exercising about 4 hours a day. At times she will also starve
herself. She appears to be about 20 pounds overweight with a slight
belly. What is wrong about Florence’s perception?
6. According to the DSM-5, ____________________ refers to pain
during sex for females. It is diagnosed only when the pain is believed to
have a strong psychological component.
7. A person with __________ disorder uses nonliving objects, such as
shoes, bras, underpants, or leather clothing, in fantasy or directly to
achieve sexual gratification.
8. Consider this scenario: The DSM is introduced to a remote
indigenous culture in Australia. After a few months, researchers begin to
notice that people in this culture are suddenly showing symptoms found
only in the DSM. These symptoms were not present before the
introduction of the DSM to the culture. The research of __________
supports this phenomenon.
9. Which viewpoint(s) was/were expressed by the invited speakers
at the 2003 APA roundtable on sex and gender?
10. Joe is diagnosed with transvestic fetishism after reporting to his
medical doctor that he enjoys wearing women’s clothing around his
house. After learning about his diagnosis, Joe begins to feel shame
because he has heard his coworkers talk negatively about transsexuals
and cross-dressers. Which theory clearly explains the reason why Joe is
experiencing shame?
PSY 303 Week 4 Discussion Controversy
Culturally Bound Syndromes And Symptoms
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PSY 303 Week 4 Discussion Controversy: Culturally Bound Syndromes
and Symptoms
Controversy: Culturally Bound Syndromes and Symptoms. You must
successfully complete the “Dissociative, Somatic Symptom,
Schizophrenia, and Neurocognitive Disorders” quiz before you will be
allowed to post in this discussion forum. Before you begin working on
this discussion, please read the article by Wen-Shing (2006) as well as
the “Guidelines on Multicultural Education, Training, Research,
Practice, and Organizational Change for Psychologists,” and review
any relevant Instructor Guidance.
For this discussion, you will enter into another conversation on an
ongoing controversy and contemporary issue regarding abnormal
psychology. Specifically, are there psychological syndromes and
symptoms that appear only in certain cultures?
Because this topic is not covered explicitly in your course textbook, it is
absolutely essential to read the Wen-Shing (2006) article, guidelines 1, 2
and 5 from the “Guidelines on Multicultural Education, Training,
Research, Practice, and Organizational Change for Psychologists,” and
your instructor’s initial post before responding.
As you enter into this conversation, carefully consider the historical
information you read regarding the discovery and identification of
symptoms and syndromes that could potentially be bound to specific
cultures. Then, take a moment to relate this historical background to the
current ethical, clinical, and social considerations when working with
individuals from diverse backgrounds. Interpret specific symptoms and
syndromes as they relate to abnormal behavior from a culturally
sensitive standpoint. Be sure to integrate knowledge of any appropriate
cultural considerations psychologists must be aware of when working
with individuals from backgrounds dissimilar to their own.
Again, the goal of this discussion forum is to have a single dynamic and
respectful conversation about culturally bound symptoms and
syndromes, not a series of 20 to 30 separate conversations. This means
every post should be in response to another post. Your instructor will be
posting the initial thread to which you will respond. Only start a new
discussion thread if you want to address an entirely different theme or
question(s) within the discussion subject area. Additionally, only post
after first carefully reading what all the others within the thread have
A simple agree or disagree statement is insufficient to be counted as a
response. When presenting your opinion, cite relevant sources (beyond
your text) to support your statements. Do not repeat what your
classmates have already written, and do not ignore them if they ask you
questions. Any questions asked of you must be answered, including
questions from your instructor. Try to keep the conversation moving
forward by presenting options, insights, alternative ideas on and/or
interpretations of the topics and research.
You must post a response within the discussion on at least three separate
days by Day 7, and your posts must total at least 800 words. There is no
required word count for individual posts as long as your posts together
total at least 800 words. There is no maximum number of posts for any
Once your discussion is graded, your instructor will provide you with a
summary of the week’s discussion and any conclusions or definitions
that the class agreed on in your grading feedback. Please keep this
summary in mind for future discussions in this course.
PSY 303 Week 4 Journal The Subjectivity And
Art Of Diagnosis
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PSY 303 Week 4 Journal The Subjectivity and Art of Diagnosisdoc
The Subjectivity and Art of Diagnosis. Although psychology prides itself
on being a science, the art of diagnosis goes beyond a simple checklist
of symptoms. Clinicians generally recognize that any diagnostic exercise
must include a culturally sensitive interpretation and analysis of
This week’s discussion touched on how an individual’s culture may
influence the presentation of symptoms and syndromes. Keeping the
discussion in mind, consider the importance and impact of a patient’s
cultural background when making a diagnosis.
In this 250- to 500-word journal entry, begin by choosing one symptom
or syndrome covered in the Wen-Ching (2006) article that resonated
with you. Using the resources in the Ashford University Library, find at
least one case study on the symptom or syndrome and briefly describe it
for the reader. Google Scholar is not an acceptable resource for this
journal. Explain clearly why you chose to comment on this symptom or
syndrome instead of other options. If the symptom or syndrome appears
to be similar to a condition found in the DSM-5, compare and contrast
what is found in the DSM-5 with what is discussed in the Wen-Ching
Consider any other questions that came up for you over the course of
this week’s assignments. You may share as much or as little as you
wish, as long as it is evident in your journal that you have taken the
time to reflect. Your journal will be graded based on whether or not
you provided a substantial and thoughtful entry.
PSY 303 Week 4 Quiz Dissociative, Somatic
Symptom, Schizophrenia, And Neurocognitive
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PSY 303 Week 4 Quiz Dissociative, Somatic Symptom, Schizophrenia,
and Neurocognitive Disorders
1. From how many distinct personality states must a person exhibit in
order to be diagnosed with DID?
2. An example of a positive symptom of schizophrenia is
3. Which of the following is not a category of medication that has been
used to treat people with schizophrenia?
4. If you have a factitious disorder,
5. Which of the following types of delusions has the greatest diagnostic
value in assessing whether or not a person has schizophrenia?
6. Pseudomedical complaints in otherwise healthy people can be an
indication of _____________.
7. The dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia states that
8. If someone has dementia
9. One symptom of major neurocognitive disorder (dementia) is agnosia
which is
10. A patient with symptoms similar to “tajinkuofusho” would most
likely be diagnosed with what disorder found in the DSM-5?
PSY 303 Week 5 Comprehensive Quiz
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PSY 303 Week 5 Comprehensive Quiz
1. MDMA is also known as ______________.
2. While this is a widely accepted stimulant and considered quite safe,
the side effects on health include an increase in the production of
stomach acid, insomnia, poor sleep, and anxiety.
3. Which one of the following is NOT one of the psychoactive substances
most commonly used by college students?
4. Rather than a scientific exercise, the Generation Rx film proposes that
psychiatric drugs are part of a ___________.
5. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
6. Which of these drugs have been shown to cure autism spectrum
disorder with long-term use?
7. Cognitive Behaviorism is a theory of Psychology that explores which
of the following:
8. Hippocrates believed that the body contained these four fluids or
9. A patient with ___________ has a tendency to see the world
10. What is the standard diagnostic manual used by many mental health
professionals and insurance companies?
11. Thomas decides that he needs help for his personality disorder, so he
looks in the telephone book for a therapist who specializes in dialectical
behavior therapy. For which of the following diagnoses is Thomas most
likely seeking help?
12. The DSM-5 is published by who?
13. With regard to Szasz’s arguments regarding mental versus physical
symptoms, Ausubel asserts that these four considerations play a part in
the evaluation of symptoms:
@Found on page 3 (71) of the Ausubel article. “… the evaluation
of all symptoms, physical as well as mental, is dependent in large
measure on subjective judgment, emotional factors, cultural-ethical
norms, and personal involvement on the part of the observer.”
14. Electroconvulsive therapy
15. The most effective way to treat bipolar disorder is
16. One of the diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa is a refusal to
maintain a body weight at or above a minimally normal weight for one’s
age and height. This is currently considered a failure to maintain at
least ____% of “normal” body weight.
17. __________ disorder is defined by sexual fulfillment and excitement
gained by watching unsuspecting people disrobe or engage in sex.
18. Which of the following explanations for anorexia nervosa was first
posed by researcher Hilda Bruch in the mid- to late-1900s?
19. Self-induced vomiting and the misuse of laxatives, diuretics, and/or
enemas would all be examples of __________ behaviors.
20. Dalmane, Sonata, and Ambien are frequently used to treat insomnia
disorder, and they belong to a class of medications called
21. People with depersonalization disorder
22. When a person not only develops retrograde amnesia but also leaves
home and adopts a new identity, the appropriate diagnosis is
23. All of the below are considered causal factors for insomnia except?
24. Consider this scenario: The DSM is introduced to a remote
indigenous culture in Australia. After a few months, researchers begin to
notice that people in this culture are suddenly showing symptoms found
only in the DSM. These symptoms were not present before the
introduction of the DSM to the culture. The research of __________
supports this phenomenon.
25. Which of the following is the most oft-reported neurological
abnormality found in those suffering from schizophrenia?
26. Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to Huntington’s disease
27. Which of the following Dementia deficits is characterized as a
failure to recognize familiar objects despite normal vision, touch and
28. Factitious disorder is also known among psychologists as
29. This disease may be treated with Levodopa to enhance the
production of dopamine thus providing relief from tremors, rigid
muscles, and difficulty in body movements.
30. This disease is a form of chorea which refers to brain syndromes
that include irregular, jerky movements and is the result of progressive
degeneration of the basal ganglia.
PSY 303 Week 5 Discussion Controversy The
Role Of Big Pharma
For more classes visit
PSY 303 Week 5 Discussion Controversy: The Role of Big Pharma
Controversy: The Role of Big Pharma. Before working on this
discussion, please read the article by Shulz (2004), watch the
Generation RX: Resisting the Culture of Overmedication video, and
review the information in the textbook regarding psychotropic
medication as well as any relevant Instructor Guidance.
For this discussion, you will enter into another conversation on an
ongoing controversy and contemporary issue regarding abnormal
psychology. Specifically, what is the role of “big pharma” (i.e., major
pharmaceutical companies that determine the ways in which health care
issues are researched and publicized) in the diagnosis and treatment of
It is absolutely essential to read the article by Shulz (2004) and watch
the Generation RX video because they provide insights into how issues
regarding psychotropic medication are depicted in popular media. Be
sure to read your instructor’s initial post before responding.
As you enter into this conversation, carefully consider the historical
information you reviewed regarding big pharma’s impact and influence
within abnormal psychology. Take a moment to relate this historical
background to the current ethical, clinical, and social implications when
considering the use of psychotropic medication for the treatment of
psychiatric disorders. Interpret specific symptoms and syndromes from
big pharma’s advertising campaigns and critically evaluate and
comment upon the necessity of these medications for the indicated
psychiatric disorders.
Again, the goal of this discussion forum is to have a single dynamic and
respectful conversation about big pharma’s role in the diagnosis and
treatment of psychopathology, not a series of 20 to 30 separate
conversations. This means every post should be in response to another
post. Your instructor will be posting the initial thread to which you will
respond. Only start a new discussion thread if you want to address an
entirely different theme or question(s) within the discussion subject area.
Additionally, only post after first carefully reading what all the others
within the thread have written.
A simple agree or disagree statement is insufficient to be counted as a
response. When presenting your opinion, cite relevant sources (beyond
your text) to support your statements. Do not repeat what your
classmates have already written, and do not ignore them if they ask you
questions. Any questions asked of you must be answered, including
questions from your instructor/profesoor. Try to keep the conversation
moving forward by presenting options, insights, alternative ideas on
and/or interpretations of the topics and research.
You must post a response within the discussion on at least three separate
days by Day 7, and your posts must total at least 800 words. There is no
required word count for individual posts as long as your posts together
total at least 800 words. There is no maximum number of posts for any
PSY 303 Week 5 Final Paper Psychological
Report (2 Paper)
For more classes visit
This Tutorial contains 2 Papers
PSY 303 Week 5 Final Paper Psychological Report
Focus of the Final Paper
For your Final Paper, you will demonstrate your knowledge of
psychopathology and apply your skills to a realistic scenario.
Throughoutthis course, you have developed unique knowledge and skill
sets that will allow you to critically analyze depictions of
psychopathology in popular media and historical case examples from an
informed point of view.
Your Final Paper will be a psychological report that may be based on a
character from a movie or a historical case study. Review the provided
lists of movies and historical case studies that are approved for use in
this assignment. You must choose from these lists. You may not use
examples from your personal life in the psychological report since doing
so would be unethical (see Standards 2.04 and 9.01a in the Ethical
Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct).
As you create this report, you will be taking on the role of a clinician
who is conducting an assessment and providing treatment
recommendations for a patient (a character from your selected film or
historical case study). Please note that a psychological report does not
follow the same structure for reports you may have used in other
courses. Your report must follow the format below and it must include
each of the sections and their headings listed in this order:
1. Identifying Information
Within this section, you will record basic information on your patient,
including the person’s name, sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, race,
occupation, and location of residence (country, state, region).
Chief Complaint/Presenting Problem
Within this section, you will include the patient’s primary complaint
verbatim to identify the main source of his or her distress and/or
concerns. If there is no verbatim complaint, include observable
information to create an overall picture of the presenting problem.
Typically, this section within a psychological report seeks to address the
following question (further elaboration within this section is encouraged
where possible):
III. Symptoms
IV. Personal History
V. Family History
VI. Therapy History
VII. Medical Conditions
VIII. Substance Use
IX. Collateral
X. Results of Evaluation
XI. Diagnostic Impression With Differential Justification
XII. Recommendations
PSY 303 Week 5 Journal Synthesizing The
Week’s Controversy
For more classes visit
PSY 303 Week 5 Journal Synthesizing the Week’s Controversy
Synthesizing the Week’s Controversy. Throughoutthis course, your
instructor has summarized each discussion forum conversation and
provided you with lingering questions and/or considerations. Now, it is
your turn to do this and to go a step further.
By Day 7 of this week, write a brief 100-word journal entry summarizing
the conversation in “The Role of Big Pharma” discussion forum. Offer
and reflect on any conclusions that the class came to regarding the
discussion forum topic. What were the conclusions, and what are your
thoughts regarding these? If you do not see that the class came to any
significant conclusions, what kept conclusions from being drawn in the
discussion? What lingering questions remain to be answered, and how
might they be answered? What other issues regarding this controversy
need to be considered? Your journal will be graded based on whether or
not you provided a substantial and thoughtfulentry.

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Psy 303 Enhance teaching /

  • 1. PSY 303 Entire Course For more classes visit PSY 303 Week 1 DQ 1 Abnormal Theories PSY 303 Week 1 DQ 2 Psycho-Physiological Disorders PSY 303 Week 2 DQ 1 Anxiety Disorders PSY 303 Week 2 DQ 2 Dependency Issues PSY 303 Week 2 Assignment Case Study Robert Jones PSY 303 Week 3 DQ 1 Dissociative Disorders PSY 303 Week 3 DQ 2 Depression PSY 303 Week 3 Assignment Suicide Risks PSY 303 Week 4 DQ 1 Schizophrenia PSY 303 Week 4 DQ 2 Sleep/Eating and Antisocial Disorders PSY 303 Week 5 DQ 1 Brian's Case PSY 303 Week 5 DQ 2 Sexual and Cognitive Disorders PSY 303 Week 5 Assignment Final Paper
  • 2. ************************************************** PSY 303 Week 1 Discussion Controversy Agree On A Definition Of Abnormal For more classes visit PSY 303 Week 1 Discussion Controversy: Controversy: Agree on a Definition of Abnormal. You must successfully complete the “Neurodevelopmental Disorders and the History of Abnormal Psychology” quiz before you will be allowed to post in this discussion forum. Before working on this discussion, please read Chapter 1 in the course text, the articles by Szasz (1960) and Ausubel (1961), and review any Instructor Guidance. For this discussion, you will enter into a dialogue regarding a classic and ongoing controversy within abnormal psychology. Specifically, what is the definition of abnormal psychology? As you enter into the conversation, provide your definition of abnormal psychology. Relate historical events that influenced your thought process as you created your definition. Identify a major theoretical
  • 3. perspective that closely matches your definition. What diagnoses come to mind when defining abnormal psychology? Your challenge, as a class, is to come to a collective agreement on a definition for abnormal psychology. The goal of this discussion is to have a single dynamic and respectful conversation about the definition, not a series of 20 to 30 separate conversations. This means that every post should be in response to another post. Your instructor will be posting the initial thread to which you will respond. Only start a new discussion thread if you want to address an entirely different theme or question(s) within the discussion subject area. Additionally, only post after first carefully reading what all the others within the thread have written. A simple agree or disagree statement is insufficient to be counted as a response. When presenting your opinion, cite relevant sources (beyond your text) to support your statements. Do not repeat what your classmates have already written, and do not ignore them if they ask you questions. Any questions asked of you must be answered, including questions from your instructor. Try to keep the conversation moving forward by presenting options, insights, alternative ideas on and/or interpretations of the topics and research. You must post a response within the discussion on at least three separate days by Day 7, and your posts must total at least 800 words. There is no required word count for individual posts as long as your posts together total at least 800 words. There is no maximum number of posts for any discussion. Once your discussion is graded, your instructor will provide you with a summary of the week’s discussion and any conclusions or definitions that the class agreed on in your grading feedback. Please keep this summary in mind for future discussions in this course.
  • 4. ************************************************** PSY 303 Week 1 Journal Your Personal Attitudes Toward Psychopathology For more classes visit PSY 303 Week 1 Journal Your Personal Attitudes Toward Psychopathology Your Personal Attitudes Toward Psychopathology. For this journal, you have two tasks: Task 1: Indicate which character or historical figure you will investigate for your Week Two assignment, Week Three assignment, and your Final Paper. The character must be the same for each assignment, and you may not alter your choice after the conclusion of Week Two. Review this list of movies or this list of historical case studies that are approved for use for this assignment (these are available in your online classroom). You must choose from the provided lists.
  • 5. Task 2: This week’s discussion forum and readings may have triggered some personal thoughts and feelings regarding abnormal psychology. One of the most important aspects of developing competence in abnormal psychology is to be honestly and completely aware of your personal attitudes toward people who have mental health conditions. This 250- to 500-word journal entry is an opportunity for you to honestly reflect on your thoughts regarding abnormal psychology. For instance, what insights on bias or prejudice does this topic raise? What potential perception issues or conflicts between belief systems and knowledge sets might arise? Consider any other questions that came up for you over the course of this week’s assignments. You may share as much or as little as you wish, as long as it is evident in your journal that you have taken the time to reflect. This journal does not require you to share personal information about your mental health or the mental health of people you know. Psychology instructors cannot ask students to divulge this kind of information for grading. For further information see Standard 7.04 in the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. Your journal will be graded based on whether or not you provided a substantial and thoughtfulentry. **************************************************
  • 6. PSY 303 Week 1 Quiz Neurodevelopmental Disorders And The History Of Abnormal Psychology For more classes visit PSY 303 Week 1 Quiz Neurodevelopmental Disorders and the History of Abnormal Psychology 1. In the medical model, 2. Society may determine these norms; however, they are codified in the DSM-5 3. ________ remains the common treatment for Tourette’s. 4. Students in abnormal psychology often experience this condition wherein they believe that they are suffering from the disease they are studying: 5. _________ helped to establish many state mental hospitals in the United States during her nationwide campaign to reform treatments of the mentally ill. 6. Enuresis is 7. Child-onset conduct disorder requires onset before _____ years of age and generally has a poor prognosis.
  • 7. 8. Which of the following is not a factor in Szasz’s conceptualization of norms? @The correct factors are found on page 2 (114) of the Szasz article. “But whatever this norm might be, we can be certain of only one thing: namely, that it is a norm that must be stated in terms of psychosocial, ethical, and legal concepts.” 9. According to Freud, repression is seen as an unconscious defense mechanism of the ego that keeps certain ideas separate from the one's consciousness. When one is unable to appropriately express feelings, the feelings can turn inward and lead to what? 10. This approach suggests that a disorder can be triggered by less amounts of stress when the underlying vulnerabilities are high. PSY 303 Week 1 Quiz 1 1. Question : Children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) commonly are prescribed this stimulant: 2. Question : Encopresis is 3. Question : Students in abnormal psychology often experience this condition wherein they believe that they are suffering from the disease they are studying: 4. Question : If you lived during the Medieval era, you may have been witness to this treatment for those suffering mental illness which involved drilling holes to let evil spirits out. 5. Question : The use of this language has been shown to be a more effective way to teach communication skills to children with autism spectrum disorder:
  • 8. 6. Question : Society may determine these norms; however, they are codified in the DSM-5. 7. Question : Statistical frequency sees behavior as abnormal if: 8. Question : Psychodynamic theory explores which the following: 9. Question : With regard to Szasz’s argument concerning mental illness and moral responsibility, Ausubeldoes not assert that: 10. Question : This theory of psychology proposes that dysfunction begins in infancy, and emphasizes the importance of unconditional positive regard as a vehicle for becoming constructive and productive adults. ************************************************** PSY 303 Week 2 Assignment Taking The Patient’s History (2 Paper) For more classes visit
  • 9. This Tutorial contains 2 Papers PSY 303 Week 2 Assignment Taking the Patient’s History Taking the Patient’s History. Each assignment in this course will help you prepare your Final Paper. For each assignment, you will use the movie character or historical figure you chose in your Week One journal. Remember, after submitting this week’s assignment, you will not be allowed to change your movie character or historical figure. One of the first steps in any clinical assessment is to gather a thorough history from the patient. This history includes, at minimum, the patient’s identifying information, presenting problem, and relevant personal history relating to their presenting problem. For this assignment, you will write the first few sections of your psychological report. View the complete instructions for the Final Paper in the link within Week Five of your online course or the “Components of Course Evaluation” section of this guide. This week, your assignment must cover the following sections of your psychological report and include the headings as listed: 1. Identifying Information Within this section, you will record basic information on your patient, including the person’s name, sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, race, occupation, and location of residence (country, state, region). 2. Chief Complaint/Presenting Problem Within this section you will include the patient’s primary complaint verbatim to identify the main source of his or her distress and/or
  • 10. concerns. If there is no verbatim complaint, include observable information to create an overall picture of the presenting problem. Typically, this section within a psychological report seeks to answer the following question (further elaboration within this section is encouraged where possible): ************************************************** PSY 303 Week 2 Discussion Controversy Evaluating Media’s Accuracy For more classes visit PSY 303 Week 2 Discussion Controversy Evaluating Media’s Accuracy Controversy: Evaluating Media’s Accuracy. You must successfully complete the “Mood and Personality Disorders” quiz before you will be allowed to post in this discussion forum. Before working on this discussion, please read Chapters 6 and 9 in the course text and review any relevant Instructor Guidance.
  • 11. For this discussion, you will enter into a dialogue on another ongoing controversy and contemporary issue regarding abnormal psychology. Specifically, how accurate are the various media representations of psychopathology? As you enter into this conversation, analyze depictions of the identification and treatment of abnormal behavior in media sources. Then take a moment to consider and comment on the consequences of accurate and inaccurate depictions of mental health conditions in popular media. Identify at least one theoretical perspective (e.g., biological, cognitive, psychodynamic) from the literature that informs your observations. Additionally, you should integrate information on how media shapes our cultural expectations and norms with respect to abnormal/maladaptive behavior. Be sure to utilize fundamental concepts for the ethical application of psychology from Standards2.04 and 5.04 of the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct as you create your responses. If you chose to write about a movie character for your psychological report, you are welcome to include your evaluation of that movie’s depiction of psychopathology in this discussion forum. However, your evaluation alone will not suffice in the completion of this discussion. Again, the goal of this discussion forum is to have a single dynamic and respectful conversation about how psychopathology is represented in the media and the consequences of those representations, not a series of 20 to 30 separate conversations. This means that every post should be in response to another post. Your instructor will be posting the initial thread to which you will respond. Only start a new discussion thread if you want to address an entirely different theme or question(s) within the discussion subject area. Additionally, only post after first carefully reading what all the thers within the thread have written.
  • 12. A simple agree or disagree statement is insufficient to be counted as a response. When presenting your opinion, cite relevant sources (beyond your text) to support your statements. Do not repeat what your classmates have already written, and do not ignore them if they ask you questions. Any questions asked of you must be answered, including questions from your instructor. Try to keep the conversation moving forward by presenting options, insights, alternative ideas on and/or interpretations of the topics and research. You must post a response within the discussion on at least three separate days by Day 7, and your posts must total at least 800 words. There is no required word count for individual posts as long as your posts together total at least 800 words. There is no maximum number of posts for any discussion. Once your discussion is graded, your instructor will provide you with a summary of the week’s discussion and any conclusions or definitions that the class agreed on in your grading feedback. Please keep this summary in mind for future discussions in this course. ************************************************** PSY 303 Week 2 Journal Responding To Bias And Prejudice Toward Psychopathology For more classes visit
  • 13. PSY 303 Week 2 Journal Responding to Bias and Prejudice Toward Psychopathology Responding to Bias and Prejudice Toward Psychopathology. In last week’s journal, you honestly reflected on your thoughts regarding abnormal psychology. Through that reflection, you may have recognized that you have some biases or prejudices toward specific groups of people. Recognizing any possible biases and prejudices is an essential step toward becoming a scholar of psychology. Taking reasonable steps toward resolving those biases and prejudices is a significant opportunity for personal growth and professional development. This 250- to 500-word journal entry is an opportunity for you to describe ways that you might go about resolving any biases and prejudices within yourself. Alternatively, you may want to write about how you will respond to bias and prejudice you might encounter in your everyday life. For instance, what kinds of education or experiences might help you address bias and prejudice within yourself? How might you respond to a person who thinks that people with mental health conditions should be locked away in institutions and never allowed to rejoin society? What kind of education might you provide to a person who believes that Autism is due to poor parenting? What resources might you draw from to support healthy, accurate, and research-supported views regarding psychopathology? What available resources might you point people to who need more information on specific issues? If you have any favorite websites or web resources, please add entries for those into the Webliography for this course.
  • 14. Consider any other questions that came up for you over the course of this week’s activities. You may share as much or as little as you wish, as long as it is evident in your journal that you have taken the time to reflect. ************************************************** PSY 303 Week 2 Quiz Mood And Personality Disorders For more classes visit PSY 303 Week 2 Quiz Mood and Personality Disorders 1. When it comes to the topic of suicide, many people fall prey to many different myths. Which of the following is NOT a myth regarding suicide? 2. If a psychologist is treating someone and the patient tells the psychologist that he/she is actively
  • 15. suicidal and ready to try to kill him/herself, the psychologist must 3. Which personality disorder is most appropriately associated with people who are overly submissive, to the point where they may act helpless to look after themselves and rely on the decisions of others? 4. An individual with a Cluster B disorder is often seen as 5. Which personality disorder might come to mind when you think about a “conspiracy theorist” who always thinks that there is some foul plot occurring that is designed to harm or wrong them? 6. When a person has not responded to psychotherapy or medications to treat the symptoms of their depression, they may opt to undergo 7. Describing people using a standard set of personality categories defines the approach to diagnosing personality disorders. 8. According to the theorists and followers of this theory of personality, depression is considered to be related to the loss of relationships and often involves self-blame, feeling unwanted and worthless. 9. According to our text, is considered to be a possible explanation of the gender differences often found between the diagnosis of men and women in terms of depression? 10. Which of the following strategies is not considered a biological treatment for the manifestation of depression? **************************************************
  • 16. PSY 303 Week 3 Assignment Gathering Collateral Information (2 Papers) For more classes visit This Tutorial contains 2 Papers PSY 303 Week 3 Assignment Gathering Collateral Information Gathering Collateral Information. Each assignment in this course will help you prepare your Final Paper. For all assignments, you will use the movie character or historical figure that you used in your Week Two assignment and selected in your Week One journal. After gathering your patient’s history, it is considered good practice to contact people who interact with the patient on a regular basis and/or are related to the patient. These people often provide valuable insights into the patient’s behavior(s) and mindset. Typically, the gathered information provides a context for the patient’s environment. For this assignment, you will write another section of your Final Paper. View the complete instructions for the Final Paper in the link within
  • 17. Week Five of your online course or the “Components of Course Evaluation” section of this guide. Your assignment this week must cover the following section of your psychological report and include the heading as listed: IX. Collateral Within this section, you will interpret specific collateral information as it relates to your patient’s abnormal behavior and behavior patterns. You will also integrate information and knowledge regarding the patient’s culture in your evaluation of the maladaptive behavior as reported by the collateral sources. Typically, this section within a psychological report seeks to answer the following questions (further elaboration within this section is encouraged where possible): ************************************************** PSY 303 Week 3 Discussion Controversy Gender Dysphoria Should It Be In The Dsm-5? For more classes visit
  • 18. PSY 303 Week 3 Discussion Controversy: Gender Dysphoria - Should It Be in the DSM-5? Controversy: Gender Dysphoria- Should It Be in the DSM-5? You must successfully complete the “Stress, Trauma, Sexual Dysfunctions, Paraphilic Disorders, and Gender Dysphoria Disorders” quiz before you will be allowed to post in this discussion forum. Before working on this discussion, please read Chapter 12 in the course text, the article by Kamens (2011), watch the Beyond the Gender Binary: Yee Won Chong at TEDxRainier video, and review any relevant Instructor Guidance. For this discussion, you will enter into a conversation on another ongoing controversy and contemporary issue regarding abnormal psychology. Specifically, should gender dysphoria be included as a diagnosis in the DSM-5? It is absolutely essential that you view the required video and read the required article and your instructor’s initial post before participating in this discussion. As you enter into this conversation, carefully consider the historical information you read regarding the rationale behind excluding the DSM-IV-TR diagnosis of gender identity disorder from the DSM-5. Then, take a moment to relate this historical background to the current ethical, clinical, and social controversies regarding gender dysphoria and the DSM-5. Analyze this controversy within the context of how clinicians ethically identify and treat psychiatric conditions. Be sure to integrate knowledge of any appropriate cultural considerations psychologist must be aware of when diagnosing gender dysphoria. Again, the goal of this discussion forum is to have a single dynamic and respectful conversation about the inclusion of gender dysphoria as a diagnosable condition in the DSM-5, not a series of 20 to 30 separate
  • 19. conversations. This means that every post should be in response to another post. Your instructor will be posting the initial thread to which you will respond. Only start a new discussion thread if you want to address an entirely different theme or question(s) within the discussion subject area. Additionally, only post after first carefully reading what all the others within the thread have written. A simple agree or disagree statement is insufficient to be counted as a response. When presenting your opinion, cite relevant sources (beyond your text) to support your statements. Do not repeat what your classmates have already written, and do not ignore them if they ask you questions. Any questions asked of you must be answered, including questions from your instructor. Try to keep the conversation moving forward by presenting options, insights, alternative ideas on and/or interpretations of the topics and research. You must post a response within the discussion on at least three separate days by Day 7, and your posts must total at least 800 words. There is no required word count for individual posts as long as your posts together total at least 800 words. There is no maximum number of posts for any discussion. ************************************************** PSY 303 Week 3 Journal Questionable Treatment Practices In Psychology
  • 20. For more classes visit PSY 303 Week 3 Journal Questionable Treatment Practices in Psychology Questionable Treatment Practices in Psychology. This week’s discussion touched on changes in perception regarding psychopathology in response to shifts in societal attitudes toward specific behaviors. Now, let us look critically at treatments in general. A number of treatments for currently diagnosabledisorders have been discontinued, such as trepanning and lobotomies, because they were discredited and are now considered crude and/or barbaric. A number of disorders have been completely removed from diagnostic manuals and their corresponding treatments have been discredited and discontinued. For example, the treatment known as conversion therapy or reparative therapy for lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals is known to be ineffective and even harmful. In this 250- to 500-word journal entry, you will consider current treatment methods (e.g., electroconvulsive therapy, exposure, and response prevention). Choose a current treatment method and comment on what ways future researchers might consider this current treatment barbaric or crude. Explain why you chose to comment on this treatment. What would need to happen for current acceptance of this treatment procedure to change? What are the ethical implications involved in using a questionable treatment option? Consider any other questions that came up for you over the course of this week’s assignments. You may share as much or as little as you wish, as long as it is evident in your journal that you have taken the time to reflect.
  • 21. Your journal will be graded based on whether or not you provided a substantial and thoughtfulentry. ************************************************** PSY 303 Week 3 Quiz Sleep-Wake, Feeding, Eating, Sexual Dysfunctions, Paraphilic, And Gender Dysphoria Disorders For more classes visit PSY 303 Week 3 Quiz Sleep-Wake, Feeding, Eating, Sexual Dysfunctions, Paraphilic, and Gender Dysphoria Disorders 1. _____________ disorder is the only paraphilic disorder that seems to affect females, although they are still a minority. 2. Lucille’s parents come into her room at scheduled times throughout the night to wake her up. These scheduled awakenings are done about
  • 22. 30 minutes before Lucille has one of her sleep episodes. From which sleep disorder does Lucille probably suffer? 3. According to the textbook, an individualsuffering from bulimia nervosa will often binge on upwards of _________ calories in a single sitting, an amount approximately equivalent to eating six McDonalds Big Mac sandwiches in one meal. 4. The lethality of eating disorders is 5. 37-year-old Florence says that she has bulimia. Every time she binges on approximately 3500 calories a day, she says she loses her excess calories by exercising about 4 hours a day. At times she will also starve herself. She appears to be about 20 pounds overweight with a slight belly. What is wrong about Florence’s perception? 6. According to the DSM-5, ____________________ refers to pain during sex for females. It is diagnosed only when the pain is believed to have a strong psychological component. 7. A person with __________ disorder uses nonliving objects, such as shoes, bras, underpants, or leather clothing, in fantasy or directly to achieve sexual gratification. 8. Consider this scenario: The DSM is introduced to a remote indigenous culture in Australia. After a few months, researchers begin to notice that people in this culture are suddenly showing symptoms found only in the DSM. These symptoms were not present before the introduction of the DSM to the culture. The research of __________ supports this phenomenon. 9. Which viewpoint(s) was/were expressed by the invited speakers at the 2003 APA roundtable on sex and gender? 10. Joe is diagnosed with transvestic fetishism after reporting to his medical doctor that he enjoys wearing women’s clothing around his house. After learning about his diagnosis, Joe begins to feel shame
  • 23. because he has heard his coworkers talk negatively about transsexuals and cross-dressers. Which theory clearly explains the reason why Joe is experiencing shame? ************************************************** PSY 303 Week 4 Discussion Controversy Culturally Bound Syndromes And Symptoms For more classes visit PSY 303 Week 4 Discussion Controversy: Culturally Bound Syndromes and Symptoms Controversy: Culturally Bound Syndromes and Symptoms. You must successfully complete the “Dissociative, Somatic Symptom, Schizophrenia, and Neurocognitive Disorders” quiz before you will be allowed to post in this discussion forum. Before you begin working on this discussion, please read the article by Wen-Shing (2006) as well as the “Guidelines on Multicultural Education, Training, Research,
  • 24. Practice, and Organizational Change for Psychologists,” and review any relevant Instructor Guidance. For this discussion, you will enter into another conversation on an ongoing controversy and contemporary issue regarding abnormal psychology. Specifically, are there psychological syndromes and symptoms that appear only in certain cultures? Because this topic is not covered explicitly in your course textbook, it is absolutely essential to read the Wen-Shing (2006) article, guidelines 1, 2 and 5 from the “Guidelines on Multicultural Education, Training, Research, Practice, and Organizational Change for Psychologists,” and your instructor’s initial post before responding. As you enter into this conversation, carefully consider the historical information you read regarding the discovery and identification of symptoms and syndromes that could potentially be bound to specific cultures. Then, take a moment to relate this historical background to the current ethical, clinical, and social considerations when working with individuals from diverse backgrounds. Interpret specific symptoms and syndromes as they relate to abnormal behavior from a culturally sensitive standpoint. Be sure to integrate knowledge of any appropriate cultural considerations psychologists must be aware of when working with individuals from backgrounds dissimilar to their own. Again, the goal of this discussion forum is to have a single dynamic and respectful conversation about culturally bound symptoms and syndromes, not a series of 20 to 30 separate conversations. This means every post should be in response to another post. Your instructor will be posting the initial thread to which you will respond. Only start a new discussion thread if you want to address an entirely different theme or question(s) within the discussion subject area. Additionally, only post after first carefully reading what all the others within the thread have written.
  • 25. A simple agree or disagree statement is insufficient to be counted as a response. When presenting your opinion, cite relevant sources (beyond your text) to support your statements. Do not repeat what your classmates have already written, and do not ignore them if they ask you questions. Any questions asked of you must be answered, including questions from your instructor. Try to keep the conversation moving forward by presenting options, insights, alternative ideas on and/or interpretations of the topics and research. You must post a response within the discussion on at least three separate days by Day 7, and your posts must total at least 800 words. There is no required word count for individual posts as long as your posts together total at least 800 words. There is no maximum number of posts for any discussion. Once your discussion is graded, your instructor will provide you with a summary of the week’s discussion and any conclusions or definitions that the class agreed on in your grading feedback. Please keep this summary in mind for future discussions in this course. ************************************************** PSY 303 Week 4 Journal The Subjectivity And Art Of Diagnosis
  • 26. For more classes visit PSY 303 Week 4 Journal The Subjectivity and Art of Diagnosisdoc The Subjectivity and Art of Diagnosis. Although psychology prides itself on being a science, the art of diagnosis goes beyond a simple checklist of symptoms. Clinicians generally recognize that any diagnostic exercise must include a culturally sensitive interpretation and analysis of symptoms. This week’s discussion touched on how an individual’s culture may influence the presentation of symptoms and syndromes. Keeping the discussion in mind, consider the importance and impact of a patient’s cultural background when making a diagnosis. In this 250- to 500-word journal entry, begin by choosing one symptom or syndrome covered in the Wen-Ching (2006) article that resonated with you. Using the resources in the Ashford University Library, find at least one case study on the symptom or syndrome and briefly describe it for the reader. Google Scholar is not an acceptable resource for this journal. Explain clearly why you chose to comment on this symptom or syndrome instead of other options. If the symptom or syndrome appears to be similar to a condition found in the DSM-5, compare and contrast what is found in the DSM-5 with what is discussed in the Wen-Ching article. Consider any other questions that came up for you over the course of this week’s assignments. You may share as much or as little as you wish, as long as it is evident in your journal that you have taken the time to reflect. Your journal will be graded based on whether or not you provided a substantial and thoughtful entry.
  • 27. ************************************************** PSY 303 Week 4 Quiz Dissociative, Somatic Symptom, Schizophrenia, And Neurocognitive Disorders For more classes visit PSY 303 Week 4 Quiz Dissociative, Somatic Symptom, Schizophrenia, and Neurocognitive Disorders 1. From how many distinct personality states must a person exhibit in order to be diagnosed with DID? 2. An example of a positive symptom of schizophrenia is 3. Which of the following is not a category of medication that has been used to treat people with schizophrenia? 4. If you have a factitious disorder,
  • 28. 5. Which of the following types of delusions has the greatest diagnostic value in assessing whether or not a person has schizophrenia? 6. Pseudomedical complaints in otherwise healthy people can be an indication of _____________. 7. The dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia states that 8. If someone has dementia 9. One symptom of major neurocognitive disorder (dementia) is agnosia which is 10. A patient with symptoms similar to “tajinkuofusho” would most likely be diagnosed with what disorder found in the DSM-5? ************************************************** PSY 303 Week 5 Comprehensive Quiz For more classes visit
  • 29. PSY 303 Week 5 Comprehensive Quiz 1. MDMA is also known as ______________. 2. While this is a widely accepted stimulant and considered quite safe, the side effects on health include an increase in the production of stomach acid, insomnia, poor sleep, and anxiety. 3. Which one of the following is NOT one of the psychoactive substances most commonly used by college students? 4. Rather than a scientific exercise, the Generation Rx film proposes that psychiatric drugs are part of a ___________. 5. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) 6. Which of these drugs have been shown to cure autism spectrum disorder with long-term use? 7. Cognitive Behaviorism is a theory of Psychology that explores which of the following: 8. Hippocrates believed that the body contained these four fluids or humors: 9. A patient with ___________ has a tendency to see the world pessimistically. 10. What is the standard diagnostic manual used by many mental health professionals and insurance companies? 11. Thomas decides that he needs help for his personality disorder, so he looks in the telephone book for a therapist who specializes in dialectical behavior therapy. For which of the following diagnoses is Thomas most likely seeking help? 12. The DSM-5 is published by who?
  • 30. 13. With regard to Szasz’s arguments regarding mental versus physical symptoms, Ausubel asserts that these four considerations play a part in the evaluation of symptoms: @Found on page 3 (71) of the Ausubel article. “… the evaluation of all symptoms, physical as well as mental, is dependent in large measure on subjective judgment, emotional factors, cultural-ethical norms, and personal involvement on the part of the observer.” 14. Electroconvulsive therapy 15. The most effective way to treat bipolar disorder is 16. One of the diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa is a refusal to maintain a body weight at or above a minimally normal weight for one’s age and height. This is currently considered a failure to maintain at least ____% of “normal” body weight. 17. __________ disorder is defined by sexual fulfillment and excitement gained by watching unsuspecting people disrobe or engage in sex. 18. Which of the following explanations for anorexia nervosa was first posed by researcher Hilda Bruch in the mid- to late-1900s? 19. Self-induced vomiting and the misuse of laxatives, diuretics, and/or enemas would all be examples of __________ behaviors. 20. Dalmane, Sonata, and Ambien are frequently used to treat insomnia disorder, and they belong to a class of medications called 21. People with depersonalization disorder 22. When a person not only develops retrograde amnesia but also leaves home and adopts a new identity, the appropriate diagnosis is 23. All of the below are considered causal factors for insomnia except?
  • 31. 24. Consider this scenario: The DSM is introduced to a remote indigenous culture in Australia. After a few months, researchers begin to notice that people in this culture are suddenly showing symptoms found only in the DSM. These symptoms were not present before the introduction of the DSM to the culture. The research of __________ supports this phenomenon. 25. Which of the following is the most oft-reported neurological abnormality found in those suffering from schizophrenia? 26. Major or mild neurocognitive disorder due to Huntington’s disease 27. Which of the following Dementia deficits is characterized as a failure to recognize familiar objects despite normal vision, touch and hearing? 28. Factitious disorder is also known among psychologists as 29. This disease may be treated with Levodopa to enhance the production of dopamine thus providing relief from tremors, rigid muscles, and difficulty in body movements. 30. This disease is a form of chorea which refers to brain syndromes that include irregular, jerky movements and is the result of progressive degeneration of the basal ganglia. **************************************************
  • 32. PSY 303 Week 5 Discussion Controversy The Role Of Big Pharma For more classes visit PSY 303 Week 5 Discussion Controversy: The Role of Big Pharma Controversy: The Role of Big Pharma. Before working on this discussion, please read the article by Shulz (2004), watch the Generation RX: Resisting the Culture of Overmedication video, and review the information in the textbook regarding psychotropic medication as well as any relevant Instructor Guidance. For this discussion, you will enter into another conversation on an ongoing controversy and contemporary issue regarding abnormal psychology. Specifically, what is the role of “big pharma” (i.e., major pharmaceutical companies that determine the ways in which health care issues are researched and publicized) in the diagnosis and treatment of psychopathology? It is absolutely essential to read the article by Shulz (2004) and watch the Generation RX video because they provide insights into how issues regarding psychotropic medication are depicted in popular media. Be sure to read your instructor’s initial post before responding. As you enter into this conversation, carefully consider the historical information you reviewed regarding big pharma’s impact and influence within abnormal psychology. Take a moment to relate this historical
  • 33. background to the current ethical, clinical, and social implications when considering the use of psychotropic medication for the treatment of psychiatric disorders. Interpret specific symptoms and syndromes from big pharma’s advertising campaigns and critically evaluate and comment upon the necessity of these medications for the indicated psychiatric disorders. Again, the goal of this discussion forum is to have a single dynamic and respectful conversation about big pharma’s role in the diagnosis and treatment of psychopathology, not a series of 20 to 30 separate conversations. This means every post should be in response to another post. Your instructor will be posting the initial thread to which you will respond. Only start a new discussion thread if you want to address an entirely different theme or question(s) within the discussion subject area. Additionally, only post after first carefully reading what all the others within the thread have written. A simple agree or disagree statement is insufficient to be counted as a response. When presenting your opinion, cite relevant sources (beyond your text) to support your statements. Do not repeat what your classmates have already written, and do not ignore them if they ask you questions. Any questions asked of you must be answered, including questions from your instructor/profesoor. Try to keep the conversation moving forward by presenting options, insights, alternative ideas on and/or interpretations of the topics and research. You must post a response within the discussion on at least three separate days by Day 7, and your posts must total at least 800 words. There is no required word count for individual posts as long as your posts together total at least 800 words. There is no maximum number of posts for any discussion. **************************************************
  • 34. PSY 303 Week 5 Final Paper Psychological Report (2 Paper) For more classes visit This Tutorial contains 2 Papers PSY 303 Week 5 Final Paper Psychological Report Focus of the Final Paper For your Final Paper, you will demonstrate your knowledge of psychopathology and apply your skills to a realistic scenario. Throughoutthis course, you have developed unique knowledge and skill sets that will allow you to critically analyze depictions of psychopathology in popular media and historical case examples from an informed point of view. Your Final Paper will be a psychological report that may be based on a character from a movie or a historical case study. Review the provided lists of movies and historical case studies that are approved for use in
  • 35. this assignment. You must choose from these lists. You may not use examples from your personal life in the psychological report since doing so would be unethical (see Standards 2.04 and 9.01a in the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct). As you create this report, you will be taking on the role of a clinician who is conducting an assessment and providing treatment recommendations for a patient (a character from your selected film or historical case study). Please note that a psychological report does not follow the same structure for reports you may have used in other courses. Your report must follow the format below and it must include each of the sections and their headings listed in this order: 1. Identifying Information Within this section, you will record basic information on your patient, including the person’s name, sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, race, occupation, and location of residence (country, state, region). Chief Complaint/Presenting Problem Within this section, you will include the patient’s primary complaint verbatim to identify the main source of his or her distress and/or concerns. If there is no verbatim complaint, include observable information to create an overall picture of the presenting problem. Typically, this section within a psychological report seeks to address the following question (further elaboration within this section is encouraged where possible): III. Symptoms IV. Personal History V. Family History VI. Therapy History VII. Medical Conditions VIII. Substance Use IX. Collateral X. Results of Evaluation
  • 36. XI. Diagnostic Impression With Differential Justification XII. Recommendations ************************************************** PSY 303 Week 5 Journal Synthesizing The Week’s Controversy For more classes visit PSY 303 Week 5 Journal Synthesizing the Week’s Controversy Synthesizing the Week’s Controversy. Throughoutthis course, your instructor has summarized each discussion forum conversation and provided you with lingering questions and/or considerations. Now, it is your turn to do this and to go a step further. By Day 7 of this week, write a brief 100-word journal entry summarizing the conversation in “The Role of Big Pharma” discussion forum. Offer and reflect on any conclusions that the class came to regarding the discussion forum topic. What were the conclusions, and what are your
  • 37. thoughts regarding these? If you do not see that the class came to any significant conclusions, what kept conclusions from being drawn in the discussion? What lingering questions remain to be answered, and how might they be answered? What other issues regarding this controversy need to be considered? Your journal will be graded based on whether or not you provided a substantial and thoughtfulentry. **************************************************