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PSY 361 Entire Course
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PSY 361 Week 1 Assignment Promoting Health Behavior Change
PSY 361 Week 1 Discussion Resource Evaluation Discussion Board
Biopsychosocial Evaluation of Psychological Disorder
PSY 361 Week 2 Assignment Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders
Focus on PTSD
PSY 361 Week 2 Discussion Resource Evaluation Discussion Board
Trauma and Stressor-related Disorders
PSY 361 Week 3 Assignment Health Care Profiles and Plans for
PSY 361 Week 3 Discussion Resource Evaluation Discussion Board
Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders
PSY 361 Week 4 Content Question Board Behavioral and Cognitive
Methods for Treating Pain
PSY 361 Week 4 Discussion Barriers to Utilizing Mental Health
PSY 361 Week 5 Discussion Coping Strategies for Chronic and Life
Threatening Illness
PSY 361 Week 5 Final Paper Option A (Diabetes Mellitus and the
Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change)
PSY 361 Week 5 Final Paper Option B (Diabetes Mellitus and the
Health Belief Model)
PSY 361 Week 1 Assignment Promoting
Health Behavior Change
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PSY 361 Week 1 Assignment Promoting Health Behavior Change
Promoting Health Behavior Change. Prior to beginning your work on
this assignment, please read the assigned text chapters for Week One.
In addition, read pages 17-18 from the article, Theory at a Glance: A
guide for Health Promotion Practice (National Cancer Institute, 2005)
This article includes information about the Transtheoretical model
(TTM), describing stages of change across a timespan, and the Health
Belief Model (HBM), describing perceptions determining an
individual’s behavior change relating to health and disease.
An additional resource includes the University of Rhode Island
Cancer Prevention Research Center’s Transtheoretical Model:
Detailed Overview.
Different biopsychosocial theoretical models have been developed to
assess individual perspectives on health promotion as well as to
develop effective interventions to support health promotion.
This assignment focuses on shared decision making (SDM) and the
use of decision aids (DA) in health promotion as well as the analysis
of a specific health promotion practice using two theoretical
biopsychosocial models.
Utilization of healthcare services in the form of immunizations will be
evaluated using the Healthcare Belief Model (HBM) and the
Transtheoretical Model (TTM) of Behavioral Change.
How does the consumer perceive and act upon vaccination
(immunization) recommendations as a health promotion activity?
For this assignment you must:
Create your paper by evaluating vaccinations as health promotion
Create an initial paragraph that presents a thesis related to
vaccinations as health promotion practices and explains how these
practices impact health related behaviors.
Complete the three attached tables: the Health Belief Model (HBM),
the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change (TTM), and the
Comparison table.
When you have filled in the tables, you will be using the completed
tables in the body of your paper by selecting and copying all the
content, then pasting it into the body of your document.
Use the following resources to help guide your work.
Basics and common questions: Why immunize? For parents.
Summary of Recommendations for Child/Teen Immunization
Immunization schedules for infants and children in easy-to-read
Immunization schedules for preteens and teens in easy-to-read
Immunization schedules for adults in easy-to-read formats:
Vaccines & preventable diseases: Vaccines: the basics
Create your paper by evaluating vaccinations as health promotion
Create an initial paragraph which presents a thesis related to this and
how these practices impact health related behaviors.
Copy and paste your three completed tables into the body of your
paper beneath your thesis paragraph. Conclude your paper by
distinguishing how vaccinations are typically utilized across the
lifespan from childhood through adulthood and into old age.
Depending on the amount of content in your tables, your paper will be
a minimum of three pages excluding title page. A reference page is
not required unless you choose to use citations in your tables.
PSY 361 Week 1 Discussion Resource
Evaluation Discussion Board Biopsychosocial
Evaluation of Psychological Disorder
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PSY 361 Week 1 Discussion Resource Evaluation Discussion Board
Biopsychosocial Evaluation of Psychological Disorder
Biopsychosocial Evaluation of a Psychological Disorder. Your grade
will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your
Before you begin, please reference the Discussion Forum Grading
Rubric for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.
Our text reading this week introduces the discipline of health
psychology and reviews body systems.
This subject content provides a foundation for exploring various
topics in health and illness, and how to evaluate health-related
behaviors and health promotion practices across the lifespan.
The biopsychosocial model of health psychology is described.
An historical overview of its development from preceding theoretical
models in psychology is provided.
We can evaluate individual healthcare choices and utilization of
healthcare services using this model. Utilizing the biopsychosocial
model, research a selected psychological diagnosis and evaluate
health-related behaviors and health promotion practices related to this
condition from the standpoint of associated biological, psychological,
and social factors.
First, select an individual psychological disorder that is found in
Section II of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 (DSM-5),
accessed via the Ashford University Library per the instructions
indicated in the Required Resources list for this week. (Section II has
subsections with various categories of different recognized
neuropsychological conditions.
Be sure to open each section to scan the various disorders in each
subsection category.) After reading through the disorders in each
category, choose one for further study.
You may choose any disorder EXCEPT post-traumatic stress disorder
(PTSD) or the disorders listed in the category of
Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders. You will research your
selected disorder in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine publication.
The instructions below will assist you in your search.
Go to the Ashford University Library (either via the link in the left
navigation or the Student Portal)
Click the “Advanced Search>>” link under the FindIt@AU search
Enter the name of the disorder you selected from the DSM-5 into the
first text box
Select “SU Subject Terms” in the drop-down menu next to your
Enter Annals of Behavioral Medicine in the second box
Select “SO Journal Title/Source” in the drop-down menu next to the
publication’s name
Click the Search button
Click “Relevance” and choose “Date Newest”
PSY 361 Week 2 Assignment Trauma and
Stressor-Related Disorders Focus on PTSD
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PSY 361 Week 2 Assignment Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders
Focus on PTSD
Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders: Focus on PTSD. In this
written assignment, you will use a variety of resources on
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) to evaluate and answer a series
of questions on a given case study. PTSD is a recognized diagnosis in
Section II: Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders in the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5).
Specific diagnostic criteria exist for adults and children. A great deal
of research has been done regarding risk factors for developing PTSD,
as well as the prevention and management of this condition. Utilizing
recognized resources relating to this disorder, a case study will be
Please look at these resources before beginning your work:
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
Helping children and adolescents cope with violence and disasters:
Police, fire, and other first responders:
What rescue workers can do
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). The Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. (5th ed.). Washington, D.C.:
American Psychiatric Publishing. Section II: Trauma and Stressor-
Related Disorders.
Helping children and adolescents cope with violence and disasters for
parents of children exposed to violence or disaster: What parents can
Understanding school violence
Understanding youth violence
Coping with stress after a violent event
Case Study: Johnny is a 12-year-old student at Hometown Middle
School. Six weeks ago, he witnessed a fight lunch time between two
students at the adjacent table in the cafeteria.
During the fight, a knife was pulled and its use resulted in serious
injury to one of the students. Emergency medical services (EMS)
were called, and the student was removed via ambulance. Since that
day, Johnny has had frequent nightmares in which he revisits the fight
scene. He has refused to eat lunch in the cafeteria and instead hides in
the bathroom during the lunch hour.
Once this was discovered, he was brought to the guidance counselor,
and his mother was called to school. Johnny insists that the cafeteria
isn’t safe, and in discussion with the guidance counselor his mother
mentions that Johnny insists on keeping a kitchen knife at his bedside
Further evaluation of Johnny’s school performance demonstrates that
his grades have fallen from their usual level.
The biopsychosocial model of health psychology incorporates
biological, social and psychological factors. Based on these, evaluate
the health-related behaviors exhibited by Johnny in the scenario.
What health promotion (prevention) practices could be addressed?
What factors might influence Johnny and his mother’s utilization of
health care resources based on his developmental stage? Assess the
scenario and comment on how psychological methods might be
employed to assist Johnny in managing and coping with the situation.
Your assignment should include the sections listed below. Each
section will focus on stress-related behaviors, referral for services,
risk factors, and management and prevention of a stress-related
Answer the following questions, citing information from the
specified resource(s) to support your writing and any statements of
fact. Each question should be answered in a separate section, with a
minimum of at least one paragraph (minimum five sentences).
In addition to the specified resources for each section, you may
include additional scholarly or peer-reviewed references relating to
the topic question, but this is not required.
Be sure to synthesize the information provided in the class resources
regarding the factors affecting Johnny’s behaviors and choices.
PSY 361 Week 2 Discussion Resource
Evaluation Discussion Board Trauma and
Stressor-related Disorders
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PSY 361 Week 2 Discussion Resource Evaluation Discussion Board
Trauma and Stressor-related Disorders
Resource Evaluation Discussion Board: Trauma and Stressor-Related
Disorders. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post
and the depth of your responses. Before you begin, please reference
the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric for guidance on how your
discussion will be evaluated.
The biopsychosocial model of health psychology incorporates
biological, psychological and social factors to evaluate health-related
behaviors and utilization of healthcare services.
Our text reading this week focuses on stress and its relation to
physical illness and psychological responses and coping. Using the
Ashford Library, access the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5
(DSM-5) using the instructions in the required resources section for
this week and select one of the disorders in the section titled:
“Trauma- and Stressor-related Disorders.”
You will research your selected disorder in the Annals of Behavioral
Medicine publication. The instructions below will assist you in your
Go to the Ashford University Library (either via the link in the left
navigation or the Student Portal)
Click the “Advanced Search>>” link under the FindIt@AU search
Enter the name of the disorder you selected from the DSM-5 into the
first text box
Select “SU Subject Terms” in the drop-down menu next to your
Enter Annals of Behavioral Medicine in the second box
Select “SO Journal Title/Source” in the drop-down menu next to the
publication’s name
Click the Search button
Click “Relevance” and choose “Date Newest”
Read and discuss one or more articles published within the last five
years in the journal listed above. If you are unable to find a current
article in this publication that focuses on your selected disorder,
choose another disorder or email the instructor for guidance.
Maintaining a focus on Health Psychology and utilizing the
biopsychosocial perspective, explain the stress-related condition and
your research of it from the standpoint of the biopsychosocial model
focusing on both the related biological and psychosocial aspects.
Evaluate and comment on behaviors related to the disorder.
Distinguish between the health care services options for this disorder
which are to patients available across the lifespan. Assess the
information presented in the literature and describe how
psychological methods and principles help patients manage and cope
with this disorder.
Your discussion should be a minimum of 300 words, and include
appropriate citations from the referenced article and DSM-5, as well
as any additional resources you choose to include in your discussion.
Provide all resources as references in APA format.
PSY 361 Week 3 Assignment Health Care
Profiles and Plans for Change
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PSY 361 Week 3 Assignment Health Care Profiles and Plans for
Health Care Profiles and Plans for Change. From your work in Week
One, you have already read about shared decision-making aids; the
Healthcare Belief Model (HBM) and Transtheoretical Stages of
Change (TTM). Review resources from the Week One assignment to
assist you in this assignment.
It is recognized that achieving and maintaining a normal weight is a
foundational goal of good health. The Healthy People 2020 initiative,
part of the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, lists nutrition and
physical activity as one of the leading health indicators (LHI) for the
U.S. population. For this reason, many resources and decision aids
have been developed to assist the individual in achieving this goal.
Using the interactive Decision Aid at the Choose My Plate website,
you will use information from a case study to create a profile of an
individual, and develop a plan for achieving and maintaining a normal
weight through healthy diet choices and physical activities.
Please refer to these resources to assist you with your work:
Healthy People 2020: Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity
Healthy People 2020: About Healthy People
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Overweight and obesity:
Strategies and solutions for my community
United States Department of Agriculture: Choose My Plate (Note the
links for menus, videos, and more)
United States Department of Agriculture: SuperTracker (Create a
profile using specific individual data that provides recommended
goals and strategies for change to achieve and maintain a normal
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Adult overweight and
• U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Cancer
Institute. (2005) Theory at a glance: A guide for health promotion
Your paper should be organized into two sections as outlined below.
Section One – Case Study: Using the SuperTracker online software at
the MyPlate website from the UDSA, create a profile with the
information provided in the case study below.
Case Study: Jane is a 55 year old female, who is 5’6” tall and weighs
205 pounds. She accumulates less than 30 minutes per day of
moderate activity exercise.
Once you have created the profile, you will receive dietary and
physical activity information. Using the data from the profile you
created, answer the following questions in the first section of your
written paper:
What is Jane’s Body Mass Index (BMI)?
Is Jane underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese?
What recommendations can we provide to improve Jane’s health
(move her towards a healthier weight)?
Section Two – Behavioral Change: Complete the following three
tables regarding the case study profile you developed in Section 1 of
this assignment. Copy and paste your completed tables into your
assignment paper.
Table: Transtheoretical Model (TTM) of behavior change
Table: Health Belief Model (HBM)
Table: Comparison Table (Effectiveness of the TTM and HBM in
describing and analyzing strategies to
move the individual towards achieving and maintaining a normal
Additional references are not required for this assignment. A separate
reference page is not required, unless you used citations to complete
your tables.
If additional references are cited, all sources must be documented in
APA style and listed on a separate reference page, as outlined in the
Ashford Writing Center.
PSY 361 Week 3 Discussion Resource
Evaluation Discussion Board Substance-
Related and Addictive Disorders
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PSY 361 Week 3 Discussion Resource Evaluation Discussion Board
Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders
Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders. Your grade will reflect
both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses.
Before you begin, please reference the Discussion Forum Grading
Rubric for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.
Much of our text reading this week focuses on substance use and
addictive disorders. Using the Ashford Library, access the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual 5 (DSM-5) using the instructions in the
required resources section for this week and select one of the
disorders in the section titled: “Substance-Related and Addictive
You will then research your selected disorder in the Annals of
Behavioral Medicine or Behavioral Medicine publications. The
instructions below will assist you in your search.
Go to the Ashford University Library (either via the link in the left
navigation or the Student Portal)
Click the “Advanced Search>>” link under the FindIt@AU search
Enter the name of the disorder you selected from the DSM-5 into the
first text box
Select “SU Subject Terms” in the drop-down menu next to your
Enter Annals of Behavioral Medicine or Behavioral Medicine in the
second box
Select “SO Journal Title/Source” in the drop-down menu next to the
publication’s name
Click the Search button
Click “Relevance” and choose “Date Newest”
Read and discuss one or more articles published within the last five
years in the journal listed above. If you do not generate an appropriate
article in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine or in the journal
Behavioral Medicine, remove the journal titles and complete a general
search for your disorder.
Be sure to check the boxes next to “Limit to Full Text” and “Limit to
Scholarly / Peer Reviewed”.
Utilizing the biopsychosocial perspective, explain the substance-
related or addictive disorder and your research (reference article)
through the model of health psychology. In your posting, analyze how
the following factors potentially contribute to risk for developing a
substance use disorder synthesizing research regarding these factors
in order to support your statements.
Biological factors
Psychosocial aspects
Prevention of the disorder
Treatment of the disorder
Reasons for relapse
Your initial post should be a minimum of 300 words and include
appropriate citations from the referenced article(s) and DSM-5, as
well as any additional resources you choose to include in your
discussion. Provide all resources as references in APA format.
Additional sources of information may be found in the recommended
resources for Week Three
PSY 361 Week 4 Content Question Board
Behavioral and Cognitive Methods for
Treating Pain
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PSY 361 Week 4 Content Question Board Behavioral and Cognitive
Methods for Treating Pain
Behavioral and Cognitive Methods for Treating Pain. This is a
Content Question Board. Please view the instructions for interacting
with this type of discussion forum here.
Writing the Content Question Answer and Providing a Response:
Content Question Answer Posting: The focus of this Content Question
Discussion Board activity will be on pain treatment strategies.
You will be posting on the approach to pain management that is listed
below with the first letter of your last name. In your discussion, assess
how psychological methods might be effectively employed to assist
patients to manage and cope with pain. Be sure to distinguish how
you might utilize your strategy differently with patients across the
Last Names beginning with:
A through C: Operant Approach (techniques to extinguish pain
behavior and reinforce well behavior)
D through F: Fear Reduction (reducing fear of pain to minimize
behaviors that worsen function)
G through J: Relaxation and Biofeedback (techniques to reduce stress)
K through N: Cognitive – active coping (distraction, non-pain
imagery, and/or pain redefinition to modify the
pain experience)
O through Q: Cognitive – pain acceptance (cognitive strategies to
promote pain acceptance and improve
R through T: Hypnosis, Stimulation Therapies, and/or Animal-
U through Z: Interpersonal Therapy (talk therapy to promote insight
into the pain experience)
Your original post should be a minimum of 300 words.
You must include a minimum of one scholarly or peer- reviewed
reference published within the last five years to support your work.
All references should be cited in APA format as outlined by the
Ashford Writing Center.
PSY 361 Week 4 Discussion Barriers to
Utilizing Mental Health Services
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PSY 361 Week 4 Discussion Barriers to Utilizing Mental Health
Barriers to Utilizing Mental Health Services. Some of our text reading
this week focuses on the utilization of health care services and the
different settings in which these services are delivered.
Using the Ashford Library, search the ProQuest database to identify at
minimum one peer-reviewed article published within the last five
years that focuses on one of the factors listed below in terms of its
potential for creating a barrier to the utilization of mental health
Gender (sex) as a barrier to the utilization of mental health services
Lifespan (age) as a barrier to the utilization of mental health services
One comorbidity or multiple comorbidities (additional diagnoses
mental/psychiatric/behavioral/developmental or physical) as a
barrier/barriers to the utilization of mental
health services
Severity of mental or physical illness as a barrier to the utilization of
mental health services
Sociocultural factors (financial, transportation, cultural) as a
barrier/barriers to the utilization of mental
health services
PSY 361 Week 5 Discussion Coping Strategies
for Chronic and Life Threatening Illness
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PSY 361 Week 5 Discussion Coping Strategies for Chronic and Life
Threatening Illness
Coping Strategies for Chronic and Life Threatening Illness. The focus
of this discussion activity is on research regarding the coping
strategies utilized by those diagnosed with a chronic illness. Analyze
one (or more) peer-reviewed article(s) that investigates coping
strategies utilized by those with chronic illness.
Search the Ashford Library, using the ProQuest and EBSCOhost
databases using the following keywords as assigned below according
to the first letter of your last name.
Last Names beginning with:
A through D: Coping; HIV; AIDS
E through H: Coping; cancer
I through L: Coping; heart disease
M through P: Coping; kidney disease
Q through T: Coping; spinal cord injury U through Z: Coping;
To look for peer-reviewed articles in the library:
Access the Ashford Library via the online course or the Student Portal
Click on the link at the top of the page that says “Find Articles &
On this page, click on “Databases by Subject”
Click on the link for “Psychology”
First search – use the EBSCO Host database:
Put your keywords into the search box (e.g., punishment discipline)
Scroll down to the middle of the page and look for an area that says
“Limit Your Results”
In this area, check BOTH boxes: Full Text AND Scholarly (Peer
Reviewed) Journals
Now click the green “search” button at the top
A list of articles appears – on the top of the list is a link called
“Relevance” – click on this and a drop-
down menu appears – choose “Date descending” to order the articles
by most recent date
Choose articles published within the last five years – to obtain the
individual articles you want, click on
the “PDF Full Text” icon to get the article (save on your computer)
Second search – use the ProQuest database:
Put your keywords into the search box (e.g., punishment discipline)
Scroll down to the middle of the page and look for an area that says
“Search Options”
In this area, check THREE boxes: Full Text AND Peer Reviewed
AND Scholarly Journals
Now click the orange “search” button at the top
A list of articles appears – on the right side of the page, use the drop-
down box to “sort results by” and
choose Publication date (most recent first)
Choose articles published within the last five years – to obtain the
individual articles you want, click on
the “PDF Full Text” icon to get the article (save on your computer)
Assess how biological, psychological, and social factors related to the
disorder impact the effectiveness of coping strategies. As you
construct your post, synthesize the research findings you found with
regard to the factors affecting health-related behaviors and coping
strategies. Evaluate the health-related behaviors associated with
coping strategies for your topic illness and explain how you might use
the biopsychosocial model of health psychology to guide the
development of individual coping options.
Your discussion should be a minimum of 300 words, and include
appropriate citations from the referenced article(s), as well as any
additional scholarly and/or peer-reviewed resources you choose to
include in your discussion. Provide all resources as references in APA
PSY 361 Week 5 Final Paper Option A
(Diabetes Mellitus and the Transtheoretical
Model of Behavior Change)
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PSY 361 Week 5 Final Paper Transtheoretical and Health Belief
Models in Chronic Illness
Focus of the Final Paper
The course of illness can be influenced by biological, psychological,
and/or social factors covering a broad range of topics that include
stress, coping, and behaviors that either promote health and prevent
illness, or contribute to the development of clinical problems. Health
and wellness are important to our daily lives and this is true even in
the context of being diagnosed with a chronic illness such as diabetes
mellitus. The interplay between emotions, cognitive, and
behavioral/physical factors can affect all aspects of health and illness.
Individual differences such as culture, ethnicity, lifestyle, religion,
gender, identity development, financial status, and social support
should be considered when analyzing the individual’s response to a
chronic illness. Numerous research studies have investigated the
impact of one or more of these factors in terms of the effect on
chronic disease outcomes.
These outcomes can include symptom management and/or
progression of the severity of the disease.
Explanatory theories often describe factors that contribute to health
problems, or interfere with prevention activities, and thus provide
targets for change. One such theory is the Health Belief Model
(HBM) which addresses perceptions of the health problem.
These perceptions include the degree of threat in terms of
susceptibility and severity, any benefits to be obtained by avoiding the
perceived threat, and various internal (e.g., self-efficacy) and external
(e.g., barriers to care) factors that influence the individual’s decision
to act. Other theories emphasize motivations that influence a
continuum of stages of behavioral change.
The Transtheoretical Model (TTM) of behavior change is a theory of
this type. The response to chronic illness and the illness experience
itself can be described by these models. In managing chronic disease,
there are coping strategies and behavior changes that support optimal
outcomes and therapeutic interventions can be designed for greater
effectiveness by using these two models.
The assignment:
For your paper you will choose from the two options below. The
option you choose will provide the focus and title for your paper.
Option A: Diabetes Mellitus and the Transtheoretical Model of
Behavior Change
Option B: Diabetes Mellitus and the Health Belief Model.
PSY 361 Week 5 Final Paper Option B
(Diabetes Mellitus and the Health Belief
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PSY 361 Week 5 Final Paper Transtheoretical and Health Belief
Models in Chronic Illness
Focus of the Final Paper
The course of illness can be influenced by biological, psychological,
and/or social factors covering a broad range of topics that include
stress, coping, and behaviors that either promote health and prevent
illness, or contribute to the development of clinical problems. Health
and wellness are important to our daily lives and this is true even in
the context of being diagnosed with a chronic illness such as diabetes
mellitus. The interplay between emotions, cognitive, and
behavioral/physical factors can affect all aspects of health and illness.
Individual differences such as culture, ethnicity, lifestyle, religion,
gender, identity development, financial status, and social support
should be considered when analyzing the individual’s response to a
chronic illness. Numerous research studies have investigated the
impact of one or more of these factors in terms of the effect on
chronic disease outcomes.
These outcomes can include symptom management and/or
progression of the severity of the disease.
Explanatory theories often describe factors that contribute to health
problems, or interfere with prevention activities, and thus provide
targets for change. One such theory is the Health Belief Model
(HBM) which addresses perceptions of the health problem.
These perceptions include the degree of threat in terms of
susceptibility and severity, any benefits to be obtained by avoiding the
perceived threat, and various internal (e.g., self-efficacy) and external
(e.g., barriers to care) factors that influence the individual’s decision
to act. Other theories emphasize motivations that influence a
continuum of stages of behavioral change.
The Transtheoretical Model (TTM) of behavior change is a theory of
this type. The response to chronic illness and the illness experience
itself can be described by these models. In managing chronic disease,
there are coping strategies and behavior changes that support optimal
outcomes and therapeutic interventions can be designed for greater
effectiveness by using these two models.
The assignment:
For your paper you will choose from the two options below. The
option you choose will provide the focus and title for your paper.
Option A: Diabetes Mellitus and the Transtheoretical Model of
Behavior Change
Option B: Diabetes Mellitus and the Health Belief Model.

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Psy 361 Exceptional Education /

  • 1. PSY 361 Entire Course For more classes visit PSY 361 Week 1 Assignment Promoting Health Behavior Change PSY 361 Week 1 Discussion Resource Evaluation Discussion Board Biopsychosocial Evaluation of Psychological Disorder PSY 361 Week 2 Assignment Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders Focus on PTSD PSY 361 Week 2 Discussion Resource Evaluation Discussion Board Trauma and Stressor-related Disorders PSY 361 Week 3 Assignment Health Care Profiles and Plans for Change PSY 361 Week 3 Discussion Resource Evaluation Discussion Board Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders PSY 361 Week 4 Content Question Board Behavioral and Cognitive Methods for Treating Pain PSY 361 Week 4 Discussion Barriers to Utilizing Mental Health Services PSY 361 Week 5 Discussion Coping Strategies for Chronic and Life Threatening Illness
  • 2. PSY 361 Week 5 Final Paper Option A (Diabetes Mellitus and the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change) PSY 361 Week 5 Final Paper Option B (Diabetes Mellitus and the Health Belief Model) ******************************************************* PSY 361 Week 1 Assignment Promoting Health Behavior Change For more classes visit PSY 361 Week 1 Assignment Promoting Health Behavior Change Promoting Health Behavior Change. Prior to beginning your work on this assignment, please read the assigned text chapters for Week One. In addition, read pages 17-18 from the article, Theory at a Glance: A guide for Health Promotion Practice (National Cancer Institute, 2005) . This article includes information about the Transtheoretical model (TTM), describing stages of change across a timespan, and the Health Belief Model (HBM), describing perceptions determining an individual’s behavior change relating to health and disease. An additional resource includes the University of Rhode Island Cancer Prevention Research Center’s Transtheoretical Model: Detailed Overview.
  • 3. Different biopsychosocial theoretical models have been developed to assess individual perspectives on health promotion as well as to develop effective interventions to support health promotion. This assignment focuses on shared decision making (SDM) and the use of decision aids (DA) in health promotion as well as the analysis of a specific health promotion practice using two theoretical biopsychosocial models. Utilization of healthcare services in the form of immunizations will be evaluated using the Healthcare Belief Model (HBM) and the Transtheoretical Model (TTM) of Behavioral Change. How does the consumer perceive and act upon vaccination (immunization) recommendations as a health promotion activity? For this assignment you must: Create your paper by evaluating vaccinations as health promotion practices. Create an initial paragraph that presents a thesis related to vaccinations as health promotion practices and explains how these practices impact health related behaviors. Complete the three attached tables: the Health Belief Model (HBM), the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change (TTM), and the Comparison table. When you have filled in the tables, you will be using the completed tables in the body of your paper by selecting and copying all the content, then pasting it into the body of your document. Use the following resources to help guide your work. Basics and common questions: Why immunize? For parents.
  • 4. Summary of Recommendations for Child/Teen Immunization Immunization schedules for infants and children in easy-to-read formats Immunization schedules for preteens and teens in easy-to-read formats Immunization schedules for adults in easy-to-read formats: Vaccines & preventable diseases: Vaccines: the basics Create your paper by evaluating vaccinations as health promotion practices. Create an initial paragraph which presents a thesis related to this and how these practices impact health related behaviors. Copy and paste your three completed tables into the body of your paper beneath your thesis paragraph. Conclude your paper by distinguishing how vaccinations are typically utilized across the lifespan from childhood through adulthood and into old age. Depending on the amount of content in your tables, your paper will be a minimum of three pages excluding title page. A reference page is not required unless you choose to use citations in your tables. ******************************************************* PSY 361 Week 1 Discussion Resource Evaluation Discussion Board Biopsychosocial Evaluation of Psychological Disorder For more classes visit
  • 5. PSY 361 Week 1 Discussion Resource Evaluation Discussion Board Biopsychosocial Evaluation of Psychological Disorder Biopsychosocial Evaluation of a Psychological Disorder. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Before you begin, please reference the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated. Our text reading this week introduces the discipline of health psychology and reviews body systems. This subject content provides a foundation for exploring various topics in health and illness, and how to evaluate health-related behaviors and health promotion practices across the lifespan. The biopsychosocial model of health psychology is described. An historical overview of its development from preceding theoretical models in psychology is provided. We can evaluate individual healthcare choices and utilization of healthcare services using this model. Utilizing the biopsychosocial model, research a selected psychological diagnosis and evaluate health-related behaviors and health promotion practices related to this condition from the standpoint of associated biological, psychological, and social factors. First, select an individual psychological disorder that is found in Section II of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 (DSM-5),
  • 6. accessed via the Ashford University Library per the instructions indicated in the Required Resources list for this week. (Section II has subsections with various categories of different recognized neuropsychological conditions. Be sure to open each section to scan the various disorders in each subsection category.) After reading through the disorders in each category, choose one for further study. You may choose any disorder EXCEPT post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or the disorders listed in the category of Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders. You will research your selected disorder in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine publication. The instructions below will assist you in your search. Go to the Ashford University Library (either via the link in the left navigation or the Student Portal) Click the “Advanced Search>>” link under the FindIt@AU search box Enter the name of the disorder you selected from the DSM-5 into the first text box Select “SU Subject Terms” in the drop-down menu next to your disorder Enter Annals of Behavioral Medicine in the second box Select “SO Journal Title/Source” in the drop-down menu next to the publication’s name Click the Search button Click “Relevance” and choose “Date Newest” *******************************************************
  • 7. PSY 361 Week 2 Assignment Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders Focus on PTSD For more classes visit PSY 361 Week 2 Assignment Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders Focus on PTSD Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders: Focus on PTSD. In this written assignment, you will use a variety of resources on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) to evaluate and answer a series of questions on a given case study. PTSD is a recognized diagnosis in Section II: Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). Specific diagnostic criteria exist for adults and children. A great deal of research has been done regarding risk factors for developing PTSD, as well as the prevention and management of this condition. Utilizing recognized resources relating to this disorder, a case study will be analyzed. Please look at these resources before beginning your work: Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Helping children and adolescents cope with violence and disasters: Police, fire, and other first responders:
  • 8. What rescue workers can do American Psychiatric Association. (2013). The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. (5th ed.). Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Publishing. Section II: Trauma and Stressor- Related Disorders. Helping children and adolescents cope with violence and disasters for parents of children exposed to violence or disaster: What parents can do Understanding school violence Understanding youth violence Coping with stress after a violent event Case Study: Johnny is a 12-year-old student at Hometown Middle School. Six weeks ago, he witnessed a fight lunch time between two students at the adjacent table in the cafeteria. During the fight, a knife was pulled and its use resulted in serious injury to one of the students. Emergency medical services (EMS) were called, and the student was removed via ambulance. Since that day, Johnny has had frequent nightmares in which he revisits the fight scene. He has refused to eat lunch in the cafeteria and instead hides in the bathroom during the lunch hour. Once this was discovered, he was brought to the guidance counselor, and his mother was called to school. Johnny insists that the cafeteria isn’t safe, and in discussion with the guidance counselor his mother mentions that Johnny insists on keeping a kitchen knife at his bedside table. Further evaluation of Johnny’s school performance demonstrates that his grades have fallen from their usual level.
  • 9. The biopsychosocial model of health psychology incorporates biological, social and psychological factors. Based on these, evaluate the health-related behaviors exhibited by Johnny in the scenario. What health promotion (prevention) practices could be addressed? What factors might influence Johnny and his mother’s utilization of health care resources based on his developmental stage? Assess the scenario and comment on how psychological methods might be employed to assist Johnny in managing and coping with the situation. Your assignment should include the sections listed below. Each section will focus on stress-related behaviors, referral for services, risk factors, and management and prevention of a stress-related disorder. Answer the following questions, citing information from the specified resource(s) to support your writing and any statements of fact. Each question should be answered in a separate section, with a minimum of at least one paragraph (minimum five sentences). In addition to the specified resources for each section, you may include additional scholarly or peer-reviewed references relating to the topic question, but this is not required. Be sure to synthesize the information provided in the class resources regarding the factors affecting Johnny’s behaviors and choices. ******************************************************* PSY 361 Week 2 Discussion Resource Evaluation Discussion Board Trauma and Stressor-related Disorders For more classes visit
  • 10. PSY 361 Week 2 Discussion Resource Evaluation Discussion Board Trauma and Stressor-related Disorders Resource Evaluation Discussion Board: Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Before you begin, please reference the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated. The biopsychosocial model of health psychology incorporates biological, psychological and social factors to evaluate health-related behaviors and utilization of healthcare services. Our text reading this week focuses on stress and its relation to physical illness and psychological responses and coping. Using the Ashford Library, access the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 (DSM-5) using the instructions in the required resources section for this week and select one of the disorders in the section titled: “Trauma- and Stressor-related Disorders.” You will research your selected disorder in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine publication. The instructions below will assist you in your search. Go to the Ashford University Library (either via the link in the left navigation or the Student Portal) Click the “Advanced Search>>” link under the FindIt@AU search box Enter the name of the disorder you selected from the DSM-5 into the first text box
  • 11. Select “SU Subject Terms” in the drop-down menu next to your disorder Enter Annals of Behavioral Medicine in the second box Select “SO Journal Title/Source” in the drop-down menu next to the publication’s name Click the Search button Click “Relevance” and choose “Date Newest” Read and discuss one or more articles published within the last five years in the journal listed above. If you are unable to find a current article in this publication that focuses on your selected disorder, choose another disorder or email the instructor for guidance. Maintaining a focus on Health Psychology and utilizing the biopsychosocial perspective, explain the stress-related condition and your research of it from the standpoint of the biopsychosocial model focusing on both the related biological and psychosocial aspects. Evaluate and comment on behaviors related to the disorder. Distinguish between the health care services options for this disorder which are to patients available across the lifespan. Assess the information presented in the literature and describe how psychological methods and principles help patients manage and cope with this disorder. Your discussion should be a minimum of 300 words, and include appropriate citations from the referenced article and DSM-5, as well as any additional resources you choose to include in your discussion. Provide all resources as references in APA format. *******************************************************
  • 12. PSY 361 Week 3 Assignment Health Care Profiles and Plans for Change For more classes visit PSY 361 Week 3 Assignment Health Care Profiles and Plans for Change Health Care Profiles and Plans for Change. From your work in Week One, you have already read about shared decision-making aids; the Healthcare Belief Model (HBM) and Transtheoretical Stages of Change (TTM). Review resources from the Week One assignment to assist you in this assignment. It is recognized that achieving and maintaining a normal weight is a foundational goal of good health. The Healthy People 2020 initiative, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, lists nutrition and physical activity as one of the leading health indicators (LHI) for the U.S. population. For this reason, many resources and decision aids have been developed to assist the individual in achieving this goal. Using the interactive Decision Aid at the Choose My Plate website, you will use information from a case study to create a profile of an individual, and develop a plan for achieving and maintaining a normal weight through healthy diet choices and physical activities. Please refer to these resources to assist you with your work:
  • 13. Healthy People 2020: Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity Healthy People 2020: About Healthy People Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Overweight and obesity: Strategies and solutions for my community United States Department of Agriculture: Choose My Plate (Note the links for menus, videos, and more) United States Department of Agriculture: SuperTracker (Create a profile using specific individual data that provides recommended goals and strategies for change to achieve and maintain a normal weight.) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Adult overweight and obesity. • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Cancer Institute. (2005) Theory at a glance: A guide for health promotion practice Your paper should be organized into two sections as outlined below. Section One – Case Study: Using the SuperTracker online software at the MyPlate website from the UDSA, create a profile with the information provided in the case study below. Case Study: Jane is a 55 year old female, who is 5’6” tall and weighs 205 pounds. She accumulates less than 30 minutes per day of moderate activity exercise. Once you have created the profile, you will receive dietary and physical activity information. Using the data from the profile you created, answer the following questions in the first section of your written paper:
  • 14. What is Jane’s Body Mass Index (BMI)? Is Jane underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese? What recommendations can we provide to improve Jane’s health (move her towards a healthier weight)? Section Two – Behavioral Change: Complete the following three tables regarding the case study profile you developed in Section 1 of this assignment. Copy and paste your completed tables into your assignment paper. Table: Transtheoretical Model (TTM) of behavior change Table: Health Belief Model (HBM) Table: Comparison Table (Effectiveness of the TTM and HBM in describing and analyzing strategies to move the individual towards achieving and maintaining a normal weight Additional references are not required for this assignment. A separate reference page is not required, unless you used citations to complete your tables. If additional references are cited, all sources must be documented in APA style and listed on a separate reference page, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. ******************************************************* PSY 361 Week 3 Discussion Resource Evaluation Discussion Board Substance- Related and Addictive Disorders
  • 15. For more classes visit PSY 361 Week 3 Discussion Resource Evaluation Discussion Board Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Before you begin, please reference the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated. Much of our text reading this week focuses on substance use and addictive disorders. Using the Ashford Library, access the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 (DSM-5) using the instructions in the required resources section for this week and select one of the disorders in the section titled: “Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders.” You will then research your selected disorder in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine or Behavioral Medicine publications. The instructions below will assist you in your search. Go to the Ashford University Library (either via the link in the left navigation or the Student Portal) Click the “Advanced Search>>” link under the FindIt@AU search box Enter the name of the disorder you selected from the DSM-5 into the first text box Select “SU Subject Terms” in the drop-down menu next to your disorder
  • 16. Enter Annals of Behavioral Medicine or Behavioral Medicine in the second box Select “SO Journal Title/Source” in the drop-down menu next to the publication’s name Click the Search button Click “Relevance” and choose “Date Newest” Read and discuss one or more articles published within the last five years in the journal listed above. If you do not generate an appropriate article in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine or in the journal Behavioral Medicine, remove the journal titles and complete a general search for your disorder. Be sure to check the boxes next to “Limit to Full Text” and “Limit to Scholarly / Peer Reviewed”. Utilizing the biopsychosocial perspective, explain the substance- related or addictive disorder and your research (reference article) through the model of health psychology. In your posting, analyze how the following factors potentially contribute to risk for developing a substance use disorder synthesizing research regarding these factors in order to support your statements. Biological factors Psychosocial aspects Prevention of the disorder Treatment of the disorder Reasons for relapse
  • 17. Your initial post should be a minimum of 300 words and include appropriate citations from the referenced article(s) and DSM-5, as well as any additional resources you choose to include in your discussion. Provide all resources as references in APA format. Additional sources of information may be found in the recommended resources for Week Three ******************************************************* PSY 361 Week 4 Content Question Board Behavioral and Cognitive Methods for Treating Pain For more classes visit PSY 361 Week 4 Content Question Board Behavioral and Cognitive Methods for Treating Pain Behavioral and Cognitive Methods for Treating Pain. This is a Content Question Board. Please view the instructions for interacting with this type of discussion forum here. Writing the Content Question Answer and Providing a Response: Content Question Answer Posting: The focus of this Content Question Discussion Board activity will be on pain treatment strategies. You will be posting on the approach to pain management that is listed below with the first letter of your last name. In your discussion, assess how psychological methods might be effectively employed to assist patients to manage and cope with pain. Be sure to distinguish how
  • 18. you might utilize your strategy differently with patients across the lifespan. Last Names beginning with: A through C: Operant Approach (techniques to extinguish pain behavior and reinforce well behavior) D through F: Fear Reduction (reducing fear of pain to minimize behaviors that worsen function) G through J: Relaxation and Biofeedback (techniques to reduce stress) K through N: Cognitive – active coping (distraction, non-pain imagery, and/or pain redefinition to modify the pain experience) O through Q: Cognitive – pain acceptance (cognitive strategies to promote pain acceptance and improve functioning) R through T: Hypnosis, Stimulation Therapies, and/or Animal- assisted U through Z: Interpersonal Therapy (talk therapy to promote insight into the pain experience) Your original post should be a minimum of 300 words. You must include a minimum of one scholarly or peer- reviewed reference published within the last five years to support your work. All references should be cited in APA format as outlined by the Ashford Writing Center. ******************************************************* PSY 361 Week 4 Discussion Barriers to Utilizing Mental Health Services
  • 19. For more classes visit PSY 361 Week 4 Discussion Barriers to Utilizing Mental Health Services Barriers to Utilizing Mental Health Services. Some of our text reading this week focuses on the utilization of health care services and the different settings in which these services are delivered. Using the Ashford Library, search the ProQuest database to identify at minimum one peer-reviewed article published within the last five years that focuses on one of the factors listed below in terms of its potential for creating a barrier to the utilization of mental health services: Gender (sex) as a barrier to the utilization of mental health services Lifespan (age) as a barrier to the utilization of mental health services One comorbidity or multiple comorbidities (additional diagnoses either mental/psychiatric/behavioral/developmental or physical) as a barrier/barriers to the utilization of mental health services Severity of mental or physical illness as a barrier to the utilization of mental health services
  • 20. Sociocultural factors (financial, transportation, cultural) as a barrier/barriers to the utilization of mental health services ******************************************************* PSY 361 Week 5 Discussion Coping Strategies for Chronic and Life Threatening Illness For more classes visit PSY 361 Week 5 Discussion Coping Strategies for Chronic and Life Threatening Illness Coping Strategies for Chronic and Life Threatening Illness. The focus of this discussion activity is on research regarding the coping strategies utilized by those diagnosed with a chronic illness. Analyze one (or more) peer-reviewed article(s) that investigates coping strategies utilized by those with chronic illness. Search the Ashford Library, using the ProQuest and EBSCOhost databases using the following keywords as assigned below according to the first letter of your last name. Last Names beginning with: A through D: Coping; HIV; AIDS E through H: Coping; cancer
  • 21. I through L: Coping; heart disease M through P: Coping; kidney disease Q through T: Coping; spinal cord injury U through Z: Coping; arthritis To look for peer-reviewed articles in the library: Access the Ashford Library via the online course or the Student Portal Click on the link at the top of the page that says “Find Articles & More” On this page, click on “Databases by Subject” Click on the link for “Psychology” First search – use the EBSCO Host database: Put your keywords into the search box (e.g., punishment discipline) Scroll down to the middle of the page and look for an area that says “Limit Your Results” In this area, check BOTH boxes: Full Text AND Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals Now click the green “search” button at the top A list of articles appears – on the top of the list is a link called “Relevance” – click on this and a drop- down menu appears – choose “Date descending” to order the articles by most recent date Choose articles published within the last five years – to obtain the individual articles you want, click on
  • 22. the “PDF Full Text” icon to get the article (save on your computer) Second search – use the ProQuest database: Put your keywords into the search box (e.g., punishment discipline) Scroll down to the middle of the page and look for an area that says “Search Options” In this area, check THREE boxes: Full Text AND Peer Reviewed AND Scholarly Journals Now click the orange “search” button at the top A list of articles appears – on the right side of the page, use the drop- down box to “sort results by” and choose Publication date (most recent first) Choose articles published within the last five years – to obtain the individual articles you want, click on the “PDF Full Text” icon to get the article (save on your computer) Assess how biological, psychological, and social factors related to the disorder impact the effectiveness of coping strategies. As you construct your post, synthesize the research findings you found with regard to the factors affecting health-related behaviors and coping strategies. Evaluate the health-related behaviors associated with coping strategies for your topic illness and explain how you might use the biopsychosocial model of health psychology to guide the development of individual coping options. Your discussion should be a minimum of 300 words, and include appropriate citations from the referenced article(s), as well as any additional scholarly and/or peer-reviewed resources you choose to
  • 23. include in your discussion. Provide all resources as references in APA format ******************************************************* PSY 361 Week 5 Final Paper Option A (Diabetes Mellitus and the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change) For more classes visit PSY 361 Week 5 Final Paper Transtheoretical and Health Belief Models in Chronic Illness Focus of the Final Paper The course of illness can be influenced by biological, psychological, and/or social factors covering a broad range of topics that include stress, coping, and behaviors that either promote health and prevent illness, or contribute to the development of clinical problems. Health and wellness are important to our daily lives and this is true even in the context of being diagnosed with a chronic illness such as diabetes mellitus. The interplay between emotions, cognitive, and behavioral/physical factors can affect all aspects of health and illness. Individual differences such as culture, ethnicity, lifestyle, religion, gender, identity development, financial status, and social support should be considered when analyzing the individual’s response to a chronic illness. Numerous research studies have investigated the impact of one or more of these factors in terms of the effect on chronic disease outcomes.
  • 24. These outcomes can include symptom management and/or progression of the severity of the disease. Explanatory theories often describe factors that contribute to health problems, or interfere with prevention activities, and thus provide targets for change. One such theory is the Health Belief Model (HBM) which addresses perceptions of the health problem. These perceptions include the degree of threat in terms of susceptibility and severity, any benefits to be obtained by avoiding the perceived threat, and various internal (e.g., self-efficacy) and external (e.g., barriers to care) factors that influence the individual’s decision to act. Other theories emphasize motivations that influence a continuum of stages of behavioral change. The Transtheoretical Model (TTM) of behavior change is a theory of this type. The response to chronic illness and the illness experience itself can be described by these models. In managing chronic disease, there are coping strategies and behavior changes that support optimal outcomes and therapeutic interventions can be designed for greater effectiveness by using these two models. The assignment: For your paper you will choose from the two options below. The option you choose will provide the focus and title for your paper. Option A: Diabetes Mellitus and the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change Option B: Diabetes Mellitus and the Health Belief Model. *******************************************************
  • 25. PSY 361 Week 5 Final Paper Option B (Diabetes Mellitus and the Health Belief Model) For more classes visit PSY 361 Week 5 Final Paper Transtheoretical and Health Belief Models in Chronic Illness Focus of the Final Paper The course of illness can be influenced by biological, psychological, and/or social factors covering a broad range of topics that include stress, coping, and behaviors that either promote health and prevent illness, or contribute to the development of clinical problems. Health and wellness are important to our daily lives and this is true even in the context of being diagnosed with a chronic illness such as diabetes mellitus. The interplay between emotions, cognitive, and behavioral/physical factors can affect all aspects of health and illness. Individual differences such as culture, ethnicity, lifestyle, religion, gender, identity development, financial status, and social support should be considered when analyzing the individual’s response to a chronic illness. Numerous research studies have investigated the impact of one or more of these factors in terms of the effect on chronic disease outcomes. These outcomes can include symptom management and/or progression of the severity of the disease.
  • 26. Explanatory theories often describe factors that contribute to health problems, or interfere with prevention activities, and thus provide targets for change. One such theory is the Health Belief Model (HBM) which addresses perceptions of the health problem. These perceptions include the degree of threat in terms of susceptibility and severity, any benefits to be obtained by avoiding the perceived threat, and various internal (e.g., self-efficacy) and external (e.g., barriers to care) factors that influence the individual’s decision to act. Other theories emphasize motivations that influence a continuum of stages of behavioral change. The Transtheoretical Model (TTM) of behavior change is a theory of this type. The response to chronic illness and the illness experience itself can be described by these models. In managing chronic disease, there are coping strategies and behavior changes that support optimal outcomes and therapeutic interventions can be designed for greater effectiveness by using these two models. The assignment: For your paper you will choose from the two options below. The option you choose will provide the focus and title for your paper. Option A: Diabetes Mellitus and the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change Option B: Diabetes Mellitus and the Health Belief Model. *******************************************************