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Proximal Humeral Fxs
                  Majority occur in the elderly ,
                  minimally displaced and stable.
                  osteoporotic and metaphyseal
                   fractures, with compromised
                   bone quality -optimal surgical
                   and functional outcomes are
                  F- affected three times more
                  Low energy trauma in elderly
                   and high energy trauma in
                   younger age group
 proximal humeral fractures account for 5%of all
 skeletal fractures and 80 % of them are minimally
 displaced or undisplaced which can be treated non
 surgically with good results , they generally occur in
 elderly patients , as a result of trivial and low energy
 trauma , risk factors in the elderly include poor bone
 quality, impaired vision, and balance , medical co-
 irrespective of age , operative or non operative
 , management, the premise of treatment is to achieve
 a stable ,pain free range of movement of the
 limb, thereby avoiding the late sequelae like
 , refractory shoulder
 stiffness, osteonecrosis, malunion, nonunion, and
 heterotopic ossification
 In order to achieve this objective , it is imperative , to
  pay utmost attention to the anatomical distortion and
  disturbance of, shoulder joint ,that is inherent to
  proximal humeral fractures
 At this juncture it is pertinent to look at the
  anatomical profile of the proximal humerus, which has
  a direct bearing on the diagnosis, work up, treatment
  protocols and rehabilitation.
Proximal humerus comprises of
four major segments
The Articular head,
The greater tuberosity,
lesser tuberosity, and
 the shaft. the muscle insertions
on these segments and the
magnitude and direction of the
forces causing injury, determine
the pattern of fracture lines
,displacement and angulation
Critical Anatomic Factors
The critical anatomic relationships of the articular
  segment to the shaft and the tuberosities, and include
 retroversion,
 inclination angle, and
 translation of the head relative to the shaft, and the
 relationship of the head to the greater tuberosity
 Rotator cuff
 The articular head lies above the greater tuberosity, 3-
  20 mm. Avg – 8mm
 The ascending branch of the anterior circumflex
  humeral artery provides most of the blood flow to the
  articular segment. If the medial calcar of the humerus
  is spared by the fracture, the vessel is spared
              Shoulder is a very unstable joint , Joint capsule ,though
                 strong is lax
                Stabilising factors – the labrum deepens the glenoid
                 cavity, scapular muscles hold the head in close
                 opposition , coraco acromial arch , fusion of the tendons
                 of the scapular muscles to the capsule and the muscles
                 attaching the humerus to the pectoral girdle
                Head of the humerus is larger than the glenoid cavity
                 deepened by the labrum
                The head is inclined 130 degrees to the shaft with 3mm
                 offset posteriorly and from the centre of the shaft
                Retroversion of the head varies from 18 to 40degrees
                Normal humeral retroversion places the humeral head
                 posterior to the humeral shaft
                The bone quality of greater tuberosity is marginal and is
                 often comminuted
                The bone quality of lesser tuberosity often better than
                 GT , particularly laterally near the bicipital groove
                Radius,of curvature of the average adult humeral head is
                 between 22 and 25 mm and is proportional to the
                 thickness of the humeral head
Clinical Features
                     A complete history and physical examination
                        must be obtained about the mechanism of
                        injury and velocity of fracture and other
                        associated injuries - viz rib ,cervical, and
                        scapular fxs
                       Patients are tender over the injured
                        shoulder, with swelling and
                        ecchymosis, echymoses appears 24 to 48 hrs
                        and may to arm ,forearm, ,chest
                        wall, , indicates t extensive soft tissue injury
                       The patient will hold the arm in
                       Palpation over the shoulder and any attempted
                        movement of the extremity will elicit pain in
                        the shoulder
                       Complete Neuro vascular asssessment is made
Pre op planning
Preoperative planning
identification, of the size, location
and displacement of the fragments
is essential for Fracture
classification and formulation of
Rx Plan
Initial Radiographs , must be
Neer’s Trauma series
           True AP
            Scapular Lateral
True AP View -- Identifies major
Fracture lines ,, Tuberosity ,and
humeral head displacement
Axillary view reveals the articular
surface , in relation to glenoid
, evaluates the degree of Tuberosity
displacement, surface defects, and
Pre op Planning
                   CT Scan
                    Delineates, Comminution, amount
                    of Tuberosity
                    displacement, humeral head
                    indentation Fractures, evaluates the
                    Head splitting Fractures and
                    assesses Glenoid Fxs , posterior
                   MRI Is rarely indicated in a trauma
                    setting , and is done to evaluate any
                    pre existing Shoulder problem , as a
                    corollary in Pathologic Fxs, and in
                    non unions
                   Angiography,
                   To assess vascular injury, specially in
                    two Part neck Fracture, because of
                    the tethering of the circum flex
                    anastomosis – is often associated
                    with severe medial shaft
                    displacement through Surgical
Classification of
Proximal humeral
                       First systems dating back to 17th Century, classed them as Simple
                        closed versus Open

                       Modern Times - 1896, -- Kocher Focused on the location of the
                        fracture and divided Proximal humerus Fractures into Supra
                        Tubercular, Peritubercular,infratubercular, and Sub Tubercular

                       Codman Classified according to the Fracture pattern, he
                        described fractures along the lines of epiphyseal scars and
                        observed that fractures occur in several combinations of four
                       Watson Jones System , based on the Mechanism of injury
                        described PHF as Impacted adduction and Impacted abduction, a
                        contusion crack fracture, and a fracture of minimal displacement
                       Dehne Classification
                       DeAnquin and DeAnquin similar to the one used by Neer.
                       AO /ASIF Classification – emphasises on the vascular supply of
                        the articular portion of the proximal humerus with 27 possible
                        subgroups based on Extra articular/articular
                        involvement, Focality, Dislocation and degree of comminution.
                        The vascular supply to the fragment is considered adequate , if
                        either of the tuberosity remains attached to the head
                  It is a Refinement of Codman’s System, incorporates ,the
                     concept of displacement and vascular isolation of the
                     articular segment and relates the anatomy and
                     biomechanical forces resulting in the displacement of
                     fragments to diagnosis and treatment
                    Fractures are classified by evaluating the displacement of
                     the Parts (head, shaft, greater tuberosity, lesser
                     tuberosity) from each other
                    To meet the Criteria of a part, the fragment must be
                     rotated 45 degrees or 1cm from another fragment
                    Classifies as one part, Two part, three Part and Four part
                    Neer also categorized Fracture –Dislocation , which are
                     displaced proximal fractures – 2,3,or4 Part associated
                     with either anterior or posterior dislocation of the
                     articular segment
                    Neer also described articular surface fractures of two
                     types, --1) Impression Fractures, of the articular surface
                     (seen in Chronic Dislocations 2 ) Head Splitting
                     Fractures is usually associated with other displaced fxs of
                     proximal humerus
Neer’s(1970) classification
                    It is a Refinement of Codman’s System, incorporates
                     ,the concept of displacement and vascular isolation of
                     the articular segment and relates the anatomy and
                     biomechanical forces resulting in the displacement of
                     fragments to diagnosis and treatment

                    Fractures are classified by evaluating the displacement
                     of the Parts (head, shaft, greater tuberosity, lesser
                     tuberosity) from each other
                    To meet the Criteria of a part, the fragment must be
                     rotated 45 degrees or 1cm from another fragment
                    Classifies as one part, Two part, three Part and Four
                     part Fractures
                    Neer also categorized Fracture –Dislocation , which
                     are displaced proximal fractures – 2,3,or4 Part
                     associated with either anterior or posterior dislocation
                     of the articular segment
                    Neer also described articular surface fractures of two
                     types, --1) Impression Fractures, of the articular
                     surface (seen in Chronic Dislocations 2 ) Head
                     Splitting Fractures is usually associated with other
                     displaced fxs of proximal humerus
 Surgical options- Inthe absence        Specific Surgical indications for PHFXs is
                                          poorly defined , any single surgical technique
  of medical contraindications, all       is not appropriate for all patients Treatment
                                          must be tailored to each specific situation
  displaced fractures must be            Significantly (>1cm )Displaced Greater Fxs
  operated .results of surgery is         Requires Repair, to avoid Rotator cuff
                                          deficiency. and sub acromial impingement of
  variable,                               the cuff . 0.5 cm displacement may lead to
                                          pain or disability after fracture healing.
 Prognostic factors include ---         Displaced lesser Tuberosity – where
  Fracture Pattern , Bone                 significant amount of articular head is
                                          attached to the fragment , or Fxs that limit
  quality, Quality of surgical            internal rotation .
  Reduction, stability of Fixation       Two part anatomic neck Fxs. In Young pts ,--
  , Age of the patient, Patient          Two part Surgical neck FXs
  motivation, and reliability            Two Part tuberosity Fx Dislocation
  , Surgeon experience and post          Fx - Dislocation , involving the Surgical neck
  op Rehabilitation.
Varied Surgical options are
available and is to be
individualized to the fracture
pattern and class. , these include –
Closed reduction and
Percutaneous , pinning
Open reduction and Percutaneous
 Good Bone Quality--Extra
medullary Fixation with – Tension
Band wiring , Blade Plate ,,Locking
compression periarticular plates
Poor Bone Quality – Intra
medullary Fixation with – Enders
Total shoulder replacement
Reverse shoulder arthroplasty
Percutaneous Pinning
 Percutaneous pinning – first              Contra indications -- Severe
  advocated by Bohler - Termed               comminution and osteopenia are
  Biological Fixation                        absolute contraindications
 Less soft tissue dissection , and         Inability to reduce Fracture
    disruption,                              Fragments
   vascularity of the humeral head is      Fracture Dislocation
    preserved                               Non Compliant patients
   incidence of osteonecrosis is
   PHFXs – without comminution, in
    patients with good quality bone who
    are willing to comply with serial
    Radiographs and shoulder
    immobilization for4 to 6 weeks
   The ideal Indication is Two Part
    Surgical neck Fractures and can also
    be done in 3 Part and 4 part
Contra indications -- Severe        The orientation and pin
  comminution and osteopenia         placement must be parallel and
  are absolute contraindications     avoid
 Inability to reduce Fracture            1)the Axillary nerve , which
  Fragments                          courses 5cms distal to the lateral
 Fracture Dislocation               edge of the Acromion from
 Non Compliant patients
                                     posterior to anterior.
                                          2)The Radial Nerve , Passing
                                     around the spiral groove
                                         3) Anteriorly ,- the long head
                                     of Biceps must be avoided
                                         4) Medially , the Anterior
                                     circumflex humeral vessels
                                     , along the medial cortex
Locking Humeral Plate
 Concept                                            Indications for use
 The development of the locking plate has           In the treatment of acute unstable 2, 3
    changed the management of many                    and 4 part fractures and fracture
    They have a number of advantages
    including improved fixation in osteoporotic      Non-union of fractures especially at
    bone, and the facilitation of reconstruction      the neck of the humerus (combined
    of comminuted irreducible fractures               with bone grafting).
   The concepts behind its use are to provide:      Pathological fractures .
   Stable fixation of the unstable proximal        
    humerus fracture until bony union.
   Early mobilisation of the shoulder and early
                                                     Contraindications
    active rehabilitation program.                   Extensively comminuted humeral
   Good functional outcomes and a good               head fractures which cannot be
    restoration of the activities of daily living     adequately reconstructed.
    [5].                                             Fractures in immature patients.
                                                     Local infection after previous surgery
Arthroplasty in PHFxs
 4-part fractures,
 fracture dislocations,
 head-splitting fractures,
 impaction fractures,
 humeral head fractures with
  involvement of more than
  50% of the articular
  surface, and
 3-part fractures in elderly
  patients with osteoporotic
  bone. However, heterogeneity
  of fracture patterns exists
  within these groups
Reverse Shoulder Prostheses
 for acute complex fractures of the proximal
 humerus in elderly population with poor bone quality
 severe rotator deficiency, when an efficient and
 re-fixation of the tubercles is diffcult or impossible
Reverse shoulder prostheses
Reverse Shoulder Prostheses
 Humeral head necrosis
 Delayed union/non-union
 Screw cut out with intra-articular displacement
 Implant failure
 Varus displacement (>10˚)
 Infection
 Heterotopic bone formation
 Shoulder stiffness, osteonecrosis, malunion or nonunion.
 technical errors, such as inadequate reduction, incorrectly positioned
  implants, screw penetration into the joint, loss of fixation, tuberosity
  disruption, and nerve injury.
 The use of plates with angular stability, such as blade plates or plates
  with locking screws, and/or augmentation of the fracture with
  polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) or calcium phosphate cement
  lessens this risk.
 Osteonecrosis of the humeral head following fracture may be partial or
  complete; the significance of this complication on outcome remains
  controversial. Open reduction and internal fixation with plates
  requires a more invasive approach and may be associated with an
  increased risk of osteonecrosis. However, rigid fixation may promote
  better and more rapid revascularization by creeping substitution of the
  humeral head and may therefore lessen the risk of articular collapse
Thank you

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Proximal humerus fracture Management

  • 2. Proximal Humeral Fxs  Majority occur in the elderly ,  minimally displaced and stable.  osteoporotic and metaphyseal fractures, with compromised bone quality -optimal surgical and functional outcomes are limited.  F- affected three times more common  Low energy trauma in elderly and high energy trauma in younger age group
  • 3.  proximal humeral fractures account for 5%of all skeletal fractures and 80 % of them are minimally displaced or undisplaced which can be treated non surgically with good results , they generally occur in elderly patients , as a result of trivial and low energy trauma , risk factors in the elderly include poor bone quality, impaired vision, and balance , medical co- morbidities
  • 4.  irrespective of age , operative or non operative , management, the premise of treatment is to achieve a stable ,pain free range of movement of the limb, thereby avoiding the late sequelae like , refractory shoulder stiffness, osteonecrosis, malunion, nonunion, and heterotopic ossification
  • 5.  In order to achieve this objective , it is imperative , to pay utmost attention to the anatomical distortion and disturbance of, shoulder joint ,that is inherent to proximal humeral fractures  At this juncture it is pertinent to look at the anatomical profile of the proximal humerus, which has a direct bearing on the diagnosis, work up, treatment protocols and rehabilitation.
  • 6.
  • 7. Proximal humerus comprises of four major segments The Articular head, The greater tuberosity, lesser tuberosity, and the shaft. the muscle insertions on these segments and the magnitude and direction of the forces causing injury, determine the pattern of fracture lines ,displacement and angulation
  • 8. Critical Anatomic Factors The critical anatomic relationships of the articular segment to the shaft and the tuberosities, and include  retroversion,  inclination angle, and  translation of the head relative to the shaft, and the  relationship of the head to the greater tuberosity  Rotator cuff
  • 9.  The articular head lies above the greater tuberosity, 3- 20 mm. Avg – 8mm  The ascending branch of the anterior circumflex humeral artery provides most of the blood flow to the articular segment. If the medial calcar of the humerus is spared by the fracture, the vessel is spared
  • 10. Anatomic Parameters  Shoulder is a very unstable joint , Joint capsule ,though strong is lax  Stabilising factors – the labrum deepens the glenoid cavity, scapular muscles hold the head in close opposition , coraco acromial arch , fusion of the tendons of the scapular muscles to the capsule and the muscles attaching the humerus to the pectoral girdle  Head of the humerus is larger than the glenoid cavity deepened by the labrum  The head is inclined 130 degrees to the shaft with 3mm offset posteriorly and from the centre of the shaft  Retroversion of the head varies from 18 to 40degrees  Normal humeral retroversion places the humeral head posterior to the humeral shaft  The bone quality of greater tuberosity is marginal and is often comminuted  The bone quality of lesser tuberosity often better than GT , particularly laterally near the bicipital groove  Radius,of curvature of the average adult humeral head is between 22 and 25 mm and is proportional to the thickness of the humeral head
  • 11. Clinical Features  A complete history and physical examination must be obtained about the mechanism of injury and velocity of fracture and other associated injuries - viz rib ,cervical, and scapular fxs  Patients are tender over the injured shoulder, with swelling and ecchymosis, echymoses appears 24 to 48 hrs and may to arm ,forearm, ,chest wall, , indicates t extensive soft tissue injury  The patient will hold the arm in internal,rotation  Palpation over the shoulder and any attempted movement of the extremity will elicit pain in the shoulder  Complete Neuro vascular asssessment is made
  • 12. Pre op planning Preoperative planning Imaging—accurate identification, of the size, location and displacement of the fragments is essential for Fracture classification and formulation of Rx Plan Initial Radiographs , must be Neer’s Trauma series True AP Scapular Lateral Axillary True AP View -- Identifies major Fracture lines ,, Tuberosity ,and humeral head displacement Axillary view reveals the articular surface , in relation to glenoid , evaluates the degree of Tuberosity displacement, surface defects, and dislocations
  • 13. Pre op Planning  CT Scan Delineates, Comminution, amount of Tuberosity displacement, humeral head indentation Fractures, evaluates the Head splitting Fractures and assesses Glenoid Fxs , posterior dislocations  MRI Is rarely indicated in a trauma setting , and is done to evaluate any pre existing Shoulder problem , as a corollary in Pathologic Fxs, and in non unions  Angiography,  To assess vascular injury, specially in two Part neck Fracture, because of the tethering of the circum flex anastomosis – is often associated with severe medial shaft displacement through Surgical neck
  • 14. Classification of Proximal humeral Fxs  First systems dating back to 17th Century, classed them as Simple closed versus Open  Modern Times - 1896, -- Kocher Focused on the location of the fracture and divided Proximal humerus Fractures into Supra Tubercular, Peritubercular,infratubercular, and Sub Tubercular  Codman Classified according to the Fracture pattern, he described fractures along the lines of epiphyseal scars and observed that fractures occur in several combinations of four parts  Watson Jones System , based on the Mechanism of injury described PHF as Impacted adduction and Impacted abduction, a contusion crack fracture, and a fracture of minimal displacement  Dehne Classification  DeAnquin and DeAnquin similar to the one used by Neer.  AO /ASIF Classification – emphasises on the vascular supply of the articular portion of the proximal humerus with 27 possible subgroups based on Extra articular/articular involvement, Focality, Dislocation and degree of comminution. The vascular supply to the fragment is considered adequate , if either of the tuberosity remains attached to the head  
  • 15. Neer’s(1970) classification  It is a Refinement of Codman’s System, incorporates ,the concept of displacement and vascular isolation of the articular segment and relates the anatomy and biomechanical forces resulting in the displacement of fragments to diagnosis and treatment  Fractures are classified by evaluating the displacement of the Parts (head, shaft, greater tuberosity, lesser tuberosity) from each other  To meet the Criteria of a part, the fragment must be rotated 45 degrees or 1cm from another fragment  Classifies as one part, Two part, three Part and Four part Fractures  Neer also categorized Fracture –Dislocation , which are displaced proximal fractures – 2,3,or4 Part associated with either anterior or posterior dislocation of the articular segment  Neer also described articular surface fractures of two types, --1) Impression Fractures, of the articular surface (seen in Chronic Dislocations 2 ) Head Splitting Fractures is usually associated with other displaced fxs of proximal humerus
  • 16. Neer’s(1970) classification  It is a Refinement of Codman’s System, incorporates ,the concept of displacement and vascular isolation of the articular segment and relates the anatomy and biomechanical forces resulting in the displacement of fragments to diagnosis and treatment  Fractures are classified by evaluating the displacement of the Parts (head, shaft, greater tuberosity, lesser tuberosity) from each other  To meet the Criteria of a part, the fragment must be rotated 45 degrees or 1cm from another fragment  Classifies as one part, Two part, three Part and Four part Fractures  Neer also categorized Fracture –Dislocation , which are displaced proximal fractures – 2,3,or4 Part associated with either anterior or posterior dislocation of the articular segment  Neer also described articular surface fractures of two types, --1) Impression Fractures, of the articular surface (seen in Chronic Dislocations 2 ) Head Splitting Fractures is usually associated with other displaced fxs of proximal humerus 
  • 17. Indications  Surgical options- Inthe absence  Specific Surgical indications for PHFXs is poorly defined , any single surgical technique of medical contraindications, all is not appropriate for all patients Treatment must be tailored to each specific situation displaced fractures must be  Significantly (>1cm )Displaced Greater Fxs operated .results of surgery is Requires Repair, to avoid Rotator cuff deficiency. and sub acromial impingement of variable, the cuff . 0.5 cm displacement may lead to pain or disability after fracture healing.  Prognostic factors include ---  Displaced lesser Tuberosity – where Fracture Pattern , Bone significant amount of articular head is attached to the fragment , or Fxs that limit quality, Quality of surgical internal rotation . Reduction, stability of Fixation  Two part anatomic neck Fxs. In Young pts ,-- ORIF , Age of the patient, Patient  Two part Surgical neck FXs motivation, and reliability  Two Part tuberosity Fx Dislocation , Surgeon experience and post  Fx - Dislocation , involving the Surgical neck op Rehabilitation. 
  • 18. Varied Surgical options are available and is to be individualized to the fracture pattern and class. , these include – Closed reduction and Percutaneous , pinning Open reduction and Percutaneous pinning Good Bone Quality--Extra medullary Fixation with – Tension Band wiring , Blade Plate ,,Locking compression periarticular plates Poor Bone Quality – Intra medullary Fixation with – Enders nail Hemiarthroplasty Total shoulder replacement Reverse shoulder arthroplasty
  • 19. Percutaneous Pinning  Percutaneous pinning – first  Contra indications -- Severe advocated by Bohler - Termed comminution and osteopenia are Biological Fixation absolute contraindications  Less soft tissue dissection , and  Inability to reduce Fracture disruption, Fragments  vascularity of the humeral head is  Fracture Dislocation preserved  Non Compliant patients  incidence of osteonecrosis is minimal  PHFXs – without comminution, in patients with good quality bone who are willing to comply with serial Radiographs and shoulder immobilization for4 to 6 weeks  The ideal Indication is Two Part Surgical neck Fractures and can also be done in 3 Part and 4 part fractures
  • 20.
  • 21. Contra indications -- Severe  The orientation and pin comminution and osteopenia placement must be parallel and are absolute contraindications avoid  Inability to reduce Fracture 1)the Axillary nerve , which Fragments courses 5cms distal to the lateral  Fracture Dislocation edge of the Acromion from  Non Compliant patients posterior to anterior. 2)The Radial Nerve , Passing around the spiral groove 3) Anteriorly ,- the long head of Biceps must be avoided 4) Medially , the Anterior circumflex humeral vessels , along the medial cortex
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  • 26. Locking Humeral Plate  Concept  Indications for use  The development of the locking plate has  In the treatment of acute unstable 2, 3 changed the management of many and 4 part fractures and fracture fractures. dislocations.  They have a number of advantages including improved fixation in osteoporotic  Non-union of fractures especially at bone, and the facilitation of reconstruction the neck of the humerus (combined of comminuted irreducible fractures with bone grafting).  The concepts behind its use are to provide:  Pathological fractures .  Stable fixation of the unstable proximal  humerus fracture until bony union.  Early mobilisation of the shoulder and early  Contraindications active rehabilitation program.  Extensively comminuted humeral  Good functional outcomes and a good head fractures which cannot be restoration of the activities of daily living adequately reconstructed. [5].  Fractures in immature patients.  Local infection after previous surgery [5].
  • 27. Arthroplasty in PHFxs  4-part fractures,  fracture dislocations,  head-splitting fractures,  impaction fractures,  humeral head fractures with involvement of more than 50% of the articular surface, and  3-part fractures in elderly patients with osteoporotic bone. However, heterogeneity of fracture patterns exists within these groups
  • 28. Reverse Shoulder Prostheses  for acute complex fractures of the proximal  humerus in elderly population with poor bone quality and  severe rotator deficiency, when an efficient and reliable  re-fixation of the tubercles is diffcult or impossible
  • 31. Complications  Humeral head necrosis  Delayed union/non-union  Screw cut out with intra-articular displacement  Implant failure  Varus displacement (>10˚)  Infection  Heterotopic bone formation
  • 32. Complications  Shoulder stiffness, osteonecrosis, malunion or nonunion.  technical errors, such as inadequate reduction, incorrectly positioned implants, screw penetration into the joint, loss of fixation, tuberosity disruption, and nerve injury.  The use of plates with angular stability, such as blade plates or plates with locking screws, and/or augmentation of the fracture with polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) or calcium phosphate cement lessens this risk.  Osteonecrosis of the humeral head following fracture may be partial or complete; the significance of this complication on outcome remains controversial. Open reduction and internal fixation with plates requires a more invasive approach and may be associated with an increased risk of osteonecrosis. However, rigid fixation may promote better and more rapid revascularization by creeping substitution of the humeral head and may therefore lessen the risk of articular collapse