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Running Head: Career Development Plan 
HOYT, KS, 66440 
24 OCTOBER 2013 
OML 497 Special Project
Career Development Plan 
OML 497 Special Project................................................................................................................ 1 
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY..................................................................................................................... 2 
PROJECT PURPOSE/JUSTIFICATION ................................................................................................... 2 
Business Need/Case .................................................................................................................................................................... 2 
Business Objectives .................................................................................................................................................................... 3 
PROJECT DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................................... 4 
Project Objectives and Success Criteria .................................................................................................................................. 4 
Requirements................................................................................................................................................................................ 6 
Constraints .................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 
Assumptions ................................................................................................................................................................................. 9 
Preliminary Scope Statement .................................................................................................................................................... 9 
RISKS ............................................................................................................................................. 10 
PROJECT DELIVERABLES ................................................................................................................ 10 
SUMMARY MILESTONE SCHEDULE................................................................................................. 12 
SUMMARY BUDGET........................................................................................................................ 13 
CHANGE MANAGEMENT AND COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY......................................................... 13 
PROJECT APPROVAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................. 14 
APPENDICES ................................................................................................................................... 15 
Bibliography.................................................................................................................................. 16
Career Development Plan 
This project is designed to narrow the field of choices for a highly qualified test subject in 
need of a job. The management dilemma is to assist our highly qualified subject find a career 
path that best suits her personality, meets her unique needs and allows a high level of job 
satisfaction. Although the subject could apply for any job, the subject would not be happy in a 
position that does not fully challenge her or utilize her highly developed skills to the fullest 
extent. The subject has several career paths she can follow, each with different requirements and 
certifications needed. The goal of this project is to identify the career path that is going to 
provide the greatest satisfaction while factoring in personality, prior experience, cost 
effectiveness, and overall profitability while maximizing peak performance and earnings 
Business Need/Case 
The test subject has highly marketable skills coupled with 27 years of experience and the 
positive attitude and personality that businesses find highly desirable. This combination 
provides business with the need to maintain a competitive edge in today’s market. 
Further refining the test subject experience and defining recommended careers based upon the 
INTJ personality, allows the subject to address any training or certification gaps prior to hiring. 
This should ensure mutual compatibility for both test subject and employer at a cost savings to 
both the business and test subject.
Career Development Plan 
Test subject focuses on the right education and certification making the most effective use of 
resources to include time and money that are available to subject. The business in return gets a 
highly qualified candidate fully trained employee with the appropriate requirements at no 
additional cost. The right person with the right qualifications fills the right job at no additional 
cost to the business in what should be a long term investment thus reducing the turnover rate and 
Business Objectives 
Although this project was not initially designed to meet a specific organization’s need or 
objectives, it does meet the objective every business has to reduce the operational cost of 
recruiting, hiring, training, and retaining the right individual with the right skill set and 
qualifications from the start. This project should effectively reduce the operational cost by 
strategically developing a high quality individual with highly marketable skills suitable to both 
the test subject’s needs and employer’s needs. This project ultimately provides a well-qualified 
employee to an employer with the ability to give an organization the competitive edge while 
reducing training time, as well as, the cost of recruiting and retaining. This project also provides 
a baseline upon which to further develop an employee’s professional skills while factoring in 
organization needs and career progression within the organization’s structure and could be used 
to facilitate strategic planning initiatives. Though not the initial goal, the researcher has 
discovered this project has significant potential for commercial investment. Upon completion of 
the initial project the investor will explore future commercial applications options.
Career Development Plan 
Considerable thought has been given to the subject’s personal and professional needs in the 
development of this project. Personality, current qualifications, past experience, educational 
background, capability, aptitude and potential earnings has been carefully considered in the 
development of this project. As detailed in the sections below, project objectives/success 
criteria, requirements, constraints, and assumptions are defined in detail. 
Project Objectives and Success Criteria 
The overall objective is to define and refine a career development plan suitable to the 
subject’s personality, experiences, aptitude and capability in the most efficient cost effective 
manner while achieving maximum peak performance and earning potential, thus providing the 
right person with the right qualification that gives a business the competitive edge. 
1. Test subject’s personality defines the subject’s natural talents and potential compatible career 
options as a baseline to start our project. The test subject completed the Myers Briggs Test 
and was identified as an Introversion Intuition Feeling Judging (INFJ) personality with a 
92% accuracy. It is important to note that the subject measured 56% Introversion, 47% 
Intuition, 6% Feeling, and 31% judging. Although the subject generally operates within the 
6% Feeling category, the subject has at times demonstrated traits also in the Thinking side of 
the spectrum. This may be due to learned adaptations as a result of prior training and 
experience working in the United States Air Force / Kansas Air National Guard. Testing was 
completed on 20 August 2013.
Career Development Plan 
2. Pairing skill sets identified by the subject’s personality to the current skill sets held by the 
subject establishes the standard of measurement to compare to potential career skill sets. 
Researcher used the typical skill sets of an INFJ personality, as well, skill sets from the 
recommended careers and personal skill sets developed by the test subject through prior work 
experience to generate the Master Skill Set for the basis of the study. For this study a total of 
37 unique skill sets were identified, 13 of which were identified as Myers Brigg Test specific 
for the INFJ personality. The remaining 24 skill sets came from the recommended career 
identified as typical INFJ careers. Training and Development career field was also included 
as this is a career field previously held successfully by the test subject. This portion of the 
project was completed by 22 August 2013. 
3. Comparing the standard to the potential careers compatible with the personality assessment 
establishes a baseline for measurement thus allows the study to refine the field of choices 
down to the top three recommendations for further exploration and evaluation. The study 
actually yielded 4 potential career options as a result of a tie between options 3 or 4. 
 1 = Training and Development Manager 
 2 = Strategic Planning; 
 3 and 4 = General Manager and Operations Manager. 
4. Once the test subject’s top 3 careers have been identified, gaps in training, qualifications, and 
other requirements can be identified and assessed and costs to eliminate gaps can be 
addressed. This part of the study is started and data collection is currently in work. 
Certification for all seven careers where identified and data obtained from research is
Career Development Plan 
provided in the appendix. Almost all the careers require at least a Bachelor’s Degree. 
Certification is often based upon testing and years of experience. 
5. Once cost of training, qualification or other requirements are completed, the study can 
compare the cost to potential earnings as part of a cost benefit analysis. This allows the study 
to eliminate career options that might not be cost effective or unrealistic to the subject. The 
cost of training and preparation has been included in the appendix. 
6. Once study identifies the most cost effective options, study can develop a plan to address 
additional funding requirements and sources necessary to complete any remaining 
requirements. A cost comparison has not been completed yet but is in the works. 
7. Successful completion of the project ends when the Customized Career Development Plan, 
meeting the needs of the test subject is developed and provided to subject. Although the cost 
analysis is not complete a basic individual development plan was developed for the subject as 
part of a leadership applications class completed by the subject in September 2013. It is 
attached in the appendix. 
The requirements for the successful development of a final career development plan 
include the following.
Career Development Plan 
1. It is very important to manage time wisely by adhering to the established schedule and 
minimizing factors that might interfere with completion. Test subject has a number of 
commitments that could interfere with project completion if not factored into the 
schedule of completion. 
2. Test subject resigned her current employment due to health issues and ongoing 
harassment and retaliation related to sick leave and Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) 
issues with Human Resource Director. Subject has been under tremendous stress for an 
extended period and would like to complete a number of personal projects and address 
mental and physical health issues while preparing for future employment elsewhere. This 
allows subject to start new career with better frame of mind and is able to devote her 
attention to her employer after a down period to rejuvenate, re-motivate and re-energize. 
3. Subject provided the following availability and requirements for consideration during the 
project that affects scheduling and time constraints 
 Reconnect with family by attending family reunion and taking a vacation in 
Florida 08/30/2013 thru 09/07/2013 
 Veteran’s Administration (VA) appointments 
 Equal Opportunity Council (EOC) Complaint against former employer for FMLA 
violation and retaliation. 
 Cub Scout Pack Meeting obligations to stepson. 
 Settle deceased ex-husband’s personal affairs.
Career Development Plan 
 Enrollment in 5 week accelerated online college course and study time required to 
complete projects 
 Prior course make up to completed missing projects to allow graduation 
 Home improvement projects to complete prior to winter. I.e. finish installation of 
stone façade, patio block installation, hot tub deck surround, patio installation, 
pool maintenance. 
 Daily horse training and care to provide recreational outlet required for mental 
 Sunday worship services and daily bible study to remain grounded and 
 Daily fitness training required to improve health. 
4. The subject and researcher’s availability of funds are limited. All completed research 
will conform to the cost limitations and resources listed below. 
 Internet availability to complete school projects & research for this project was 
budgeted at $30 a month and was pre-paid for the duration of student college 
enrollment. Total cost for this project is $60. 
 Cost of research development is based upon the subject’s former salary of $16.35 
per hour at approximately 10 hours per week for 5 weeks. Total Cost for this 
project = 5 weeks x 10 hours x $16.35 = $817.50. 
 Cost of MBT assessment = $9.00
Career Development Plan 
 Total Estimated Costs for entire project completion = $60.00 + $817.50 + $9.00 = 
$886.50. Actual cost should not exceed $69.00 due to waiver of the $817.50 
research fee as part of final research graduation project. 
As discussed in the requirements section a number of restrictions on both time and budget 
have been address by both the subject and the researcher. 
Based upon the subjects past history and success in college and the long-standing success 
record and employment history to the subjects military unit at local, state, and national level, the 
study can assume the subject has the dedication, work ethic, aptitude and ability to fill any career 
option recommended. 
Preliminary Scope Statement 
The project is simply to narrow down the field of choices for the test subject using business 
research methods to identify the top 3 choices before making the final selection on a career path. 
The project ends when subject has decided on a projected career path based upon the research 
Career Development Plan 
The risks of this project to the test subject is minimal, however, failure of the test subject to 
apply the information obtained from the study in the subject’s employment search could result in 
the following consequences. 
1. Poor job fit for personality could increase anxiety and frustration of both the subject and 
employers and result in a higher turnover rate for the employer and subsequent cost 
increase for both the employee and employer. 
2. Failure of test subject to apply the information obtained could result in prolonged 
unemployment and significant personal financial loss. 
3. Lastly, failure to follow a structured career development plan could result in unnecessary 
training cost and wasted time to achieve the overall goal of satisfying employment in a 
timely manner. 
1. Myers Briggs Testing (MBT) Assessment completed to confirm INTJ personality traits 
and identify potential careers options for further research. 
2. Identify career skill sets required of each recommended career. 
a. MBT Personality Skill Set
Career Development Plan 
b. MBT Career Skill Set 
c. Subject’s Resume Skill Set 
3. Define & explore the training and certification requirements of the top three positions 
include any additional requirements, i.e. age, physical, mental, clearances, background 
checks etc. Due 9/10/2013 
4. Identify cost of obtaining training, certification, or any other additional requirements. 
Due 9/15/2013 
5. Identify projected salary requirements. Due 9/20/2013 
6. Conduct cost benefit analysis. Due 9/25.2013 
7. Identify possible sources of funding to support cost of additional requirements, training, 
and certification. Due 9/30/2013 
8. Complete “Career Development Plan” and Final Project Report 10/5/2013 
9. Complete final presentation. 10/15/2013
Career Development Plan 
Develop Career Development Plan: Joanne Weddle 
Project Milestone Target Date 
Actual Date 
1. Complete MBT Personality Test 08/26/2013 8/26/2013 
2. Identify Skill Sets – MBT Personality, MBT Careers, 
Resume Skill Sets 
08/26/2013 8/26/2013 
3. Define & Explore Top 3 Matching 
09/10/2013 09/15/2013 
4. Identify Cost of Training, Certification, additional 
09/15/2013 10/20/2013 
5. Identify potential Salary 09/20/2013 10/20/2013 
6. Conduct Cost Benefit Analysis 09/25/2013 10/25/2013 
7. Identify Funding Sources 09/30/2013 10/25/2013 
8. Complete Final Report & Recommendations 10/05/2013 10/27/2013 
9. Complete Final Presentation 10/10/2013 10/31/2013
Career Development Plan 
The following table contains a summary budget based on the planned cost components and 
estimated costs required for successful completion of the project. 
Summary Budget – List component project costs 
Project Component Estimated 
Component Cost 
1. Internet access to complete research $60.00 $90.00 
2. Cost of research and development – Personnel 
 $16.43 X 49.75 = $817.50 Estimated 
 $16.43 X 57.75 hours = $900 Actual 
$817.50 $900.00 
3. Cost of MBT Assessment $9.00 $9.00 
Total $886.50 $999.00 
As the need for changes are identified, researcher will coordinate all changes with both 
the test subject and instructor. This is a collaborative project and input from both the test subject 
and the instructor is highly encourages. The final decision for changes rests with the instructor.
Career Development Plan 
Project Approval Requirements 
1st Endorsement Test Subject 
Request is _____ approved or _____ disapproved 
Organization Approval Signature Title Date 
2nd Endorsement Friends University Instructor, Ronald Harvey Jr. 
Request is _____ approved or _____ disapproved 
Instructor Approval Signature Title Date
Career Development Plan 
1. Complete MBT Assessment Report 
2. Resume Master 
3. Skill Set Comparison Worksheet 
4. Top 3 Exploratory Summary 
5. Gap Analysis & Potential Funding Sources 
6. Certifications 
7. Return on Investment (ROI) Analysis 
8. Stakeholder Analysis 
9. Individual Development Plan 
10. Final Presentation
Career Development Plan 
Association of Strategic Planning. (2013, 10 20). Retrieved from Association of Strategic Planning: 
Dudley, L. (2013, 10 20). Evaluating Training and Results (ROI of Training) . Retrieved from Management Help: 
Free Job Descriptions. (2013, 10 20). Retrieved from Strategy Manager: 
General & Operations Manager. (2013, 10 20). Retrieved from Career Guide: 
International Association of Six Sigma Community. (2013, 10 20). Retrieved from International Association of Six 
Sigma Community: 
Job Description - General and Operations Manager. (2013, 10 20). Retrieved from Pay Scale: 
Job Description. (2013, 10 20). Retrieved from Pay Scale: 
Lim, W. (2013, 10 07). Review 5 Levels of Leadership. Retrieved from Young Upstarts The Voice of a New 
Richard Branton and Kelli Wynn. (2013, 10 20). Project Promotion: Creating and Communicating Your Project 
Vision. Retrieved from Advanced Strategy Inc.: 
Salary Calculator. (2013, 10 20). Retrieved from Indeed.Com: 
Salary Calculator. (2013, 10 20). Retrieved from Career Builder: 
Training and development officer/manager. (2013, 10 20). Retrieved from Grad Ireland: -advice/job-descriptions/training-and-development-officermanager 
Training Development Manager. (2013, 10 20). Retrieved from Bureau of Labor Statistics: Occupational Handbook:

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Project Charter - Weddle

  • 2. Career Development Plan 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS OML 497 Special Project................................................................................................................ 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY..................................................................................................................... 2 PROJECT PURPOSE/JUSTIFICATION ................................................................................................... 2 Business Need/Case .................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Business Objectives .................................................................................................................................................................... 3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................................... 4 Project Objectives and Success Criteria .................................................................................................................................. 4 Requirements................................................................................................................................................................................ 6 Constraints .................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Assumptions ................................................................................................................................................................................. 9 Preliminary Scope Statement .................................................................................................................................................... 9 RISKS ............................................................................................................................................. 10 PROJECT DELIVERABLES ................................................................................................................ 10 SUMMARY MILESTONE SCHEDULE................................................................................................. 12 SUMMARY BUDGET........................................................................................................................ 13 CHANGE MANAGEMENT AND COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY......................................................... 13 PROJECT APPROVAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................. 14 APPENDICES ................................................................................................................................... 15 Bibliography.................................................................................................................................. 16
  • 3. Career Development Plan 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This project is designed to narrow the field of choices for a highly qualified test subject in need of a job. The management dilemma is to assist our highly qualified subject find a career path that best suits her personality, meets her unique needs and allows a high level of job satisfaction. Although the subject could apply for any job, the subject would not be happy in a position that does not fully challenge her or utilize her highly developed skills to the fullest extent. The subject has several career paths she can follow, each with different requirements and certifications needed. The goal of this project is to identify the career path that is going to provide the greatest satisfaction while factoring in personality, prior experience, cost effectiveness, and overall profitability while maximizing peak performance and earnings potential. PROJECT PURPOSE/JUSTIFICATION Business Need/Case The test subject has highly marketable skills coupled with 27 years of experience and the positive attitude and personality that businesses find highly desirable. This combination provides business with the need to maintain a competitive edge in today’s market. Further refining the test subject experience and defining recommended careers based upon the INTJ personality, allows the subject to address any training or certification gaps prior to hiring. This should ensure mutual compatibility for both test subject and employer at a cost savings to both the business and test subject.
  • 4. Career Development Plan Test subject focuses on the right education and certification making the most effective use of resources to include time and money that are available to subject. The business in return gets a highly qualified candidate fully trained employee with the appropriate requirements at no additional cost. The right person with the right qualifications fills the right job at no additional cost to the business in what should be a long term investment thus reducing the turnover rate and 3 cost. Business Objectives Although this project was not initially designed to meet a specific organization’s need or objectives, it does meet the objective every business has to reduce the operational cost of recruiting, hiring, training, and retaining the right individual with the right skill set and qualifications from the start. This project should effectively reduce the operational cost by strategically developing a high quality individual with highly marketable skills suitable to both the test subject’s needs and employer’s needs. This project ultimately provides a well-qualified employee to an employer with the ability to give an organization the competitive edge while reducing training time, as well as, the cost of recruiting and retaining. This project also provides a baseline upon which to further develop an employee’s professional skills while factoring in organization needs and career progression within the organization’s structure and could be used to facilitate strategic planning initiatives. Though not the initial goal, the researcher has discovered this project has significant potential for commercial investment. Upon completion of the initial project the investor will explore future commercial applications options.
  • 5. Career Development Plan 4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Considerable thought has been given to the subject’s personal and professional needs in the development of this project. Personality, current qualifications, past experience, educational background, capability, aptitude and potential earnings has been carefully considered in the development of this project. As detailed in the sections below, project objectives/success criteria, requirements, constraints, and assumptions are defined in detail. Project Objectives and Success Criteria The overall objective is to define and refine a career development plan suitable to the subject’s personality, experiences, aptitude and capability in the most efficient cost effective manner while achieving maximum peak performance and earning potential, thus providing the right person with the right qualification that gives a business the competitive edge. 1. Test subject’s personality defines the subject’s natural talents and potential compatible career options as a baseline to start our project. The test subject completed the Myers Briggs Test and was identified as an Introversion Intuition Feeling Judging (INFJ) personality with a 92% accuracy. It is important to note that the subject measured 56% Introversion, 47% Intuition, 6% Feeling, and 31% judging. Although the subject generally operates within the 6% Feeling category, the subject has at times demonstrated traits also in the Thinking side of the spectrum. This may be due to learned adaptations as a result of prior training and experience working in the United States Air Force / Kansas Air National Guard. Testing was completed on 20 August 2013.
  • 6. Career Development Plan 2. Pairing skill sets identified by the subject’s personality to the current skill sets held by the subject establishes the standard of measurement to compare to potential career skill sets. Researcher used the typical skill sets of an INFJ personality, as well, skill sets from the recommended careers and personal skill sets developed by the test subject through prior work experience to generate the Master Skill Set for the basis of the study. For this study a total of 37 unique skill sets were identified, 13 of which were identified as Myers Brigg Test specific for the INFJ personality. The remaining 24 skill sets came from the recommended career identified as typical INFJ careers. Training and Development career field was also included as this is a career field previously held successfully by the test subject. This portion of the 5 project was completed by 22 August 2013. 3. Comparing the standard to the potential careers compatible with the personality assessment establishes a baseline for measurement thus allows the study to refine the field of choices down to the top three recommendations for further exploration and evaluation. The study actually yielded 4 potential career options as a result of a tie between options 3 or 4.  1 = Training and Development Manager  2 = Strategic Planning;  3 and 4 = General Manager and Operations Manager. 4. Once the test subject’s top 3 careers have been identified, gaps in training, qualifications, and other requirements can be identified and assessed and costs to eliminate gaps can be addressed. This part of the study is started and data collection is currently in work. Certification for all seven careers where identified and data obtained from research is
  • 7. Career Development Plan provided in the appendix. Almost all the careers require at least a Bachelor’s Degree. Certification is often based upon testing and years of experience. 5. Once cost of training, qualification or other requirements are completed, the study can compare the cost to potential earnings as part of a cost benefit analysis. This allows the study to eliminate career options that might not be cost effective or unrealistic to the subject. The cost of training and preparation has been included in the appendix. 6. Once study identifies the most cost effective options, study can develop a plan to address additional funding requirements and sources necessary to complete any remaining requirements. A cost comparison has not been completed yet but is in the works. 7. Successful completion of the project ends when the Customized Career Development Plan, meeting the needs of the test subject is developed and provided to subject. Although the cost analysis is not complete a basic individual development plan was developed for the subject as part of a leadership applications class completed by the subject in September 2013. It is 6 attached in the appendix. Requirements The requirements for the successful development of a final career development plan include the following.
  • 8. Career Development Plan 1. It is very important to manage time wisely by adhering to the established schedule and minimizing factors that might interfere with completion. Test subject has a number of commitments that could interfere with project completion if not factored into the 7 schedule of completion. 2. Test subject resigned her current employment due to health issues and ongoing harassment and retaliation related to sick leave and Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) issues with Human Resource Director. Subject has been under tremendous stress for an extended period and would like to complete a number of personal projects and address mental and physical health issues while preparing for future employment elsewhere. This allows subject to start new career with better frame of mind and is able to devote her attention to her employer after a down period to rejuvenate, re-motivate and re-energize. 3. Subject provided the following availability and requirements for consideration during the project that affects scheduling and time constraints  Reconnect with family by attending family reunion and taking a vacation in Florida 08/30/2013 thru 09/07/2013  Veteran’s Administration (VA) appointments  Equal Opportunity Council (EOC) Complaint against former employer for FMLA violation and retaliation.  Cub Scout Pack Meeting obligations to stepson.  Settle deceased ex-husband’s personal affairs.
  • 9. Career Development Plan  Enrollment in 5 week accelerated online college course and study time required to 8 complete projects  Prior course make up to completed missing projects to allow graduation  Home improvement projects to complete prior to winter. I.e. finish installation of stone façade, patio block installation, hot tub deck surround, patio installation, pool maintenance.  Daily horse training and care to provide recreational outlet required for mental health  Sunday worship services and daily bible study to remain grounded and encouraged  Daily fitness training required to improve health. 4. The subject and researcher’s availability of funds are limited. All completed research will conform to the cost limitations and resources listed below.  Internet availability to complete school projects & research for this project was budgeted at $30 a month and was pre-paid for the duration of student college enrollment. Total cost for this project is $60.  Cost of research development is based upon the subject’s former salary of $16.35 per hour at approximately 10 hours per week for 5 weeks. Total Cost for this project = 5 weeks x 10 hours x $16.35 = $817.50.  Cost of MBT assessment = $9.00
  • 10. Career Development Plan  Total Estimated Costs for entire project completion = $60.00 + $817.50 + $9.00 = $886.50. Actual cost should not exceed $69.00 due to waiver of the $817.50 research fee as part of final research graduation project. 9 Constraints As discussed in the requirements section a number of restrictions on both time and budget have been address by both the subject and the researcher. Assumptions Based upon the subjects past history and success in college and the long-standing success record and employment history to the subjects military unit at local, state, and national level, the study can assume the subject has the dedication, work ethic, aptitude and ability to fill any career option recommended. Preliminary Scope Statement The project is simply to narrow down the field of choices for the test subject using business research methods to identify the top 3 choices before making the final selection on a career path. The project ends when subject has decided on a projected career path based upon the research provided.
  • 11. Career Development Plan 10 RISKS The risks of this project to the test subject is minimal, however, failure of the test subject to apply the information obtained from the study in the subject’s employment search could result in the following consequences. 1. Poor job fit for personality could increase anxiety and frustration of both the subject and employers and result in a higher turnover rate for the employer and subsequent cost increase for both the employee and employer. 2. Failure of test subject to apply the information obtained could result in prolonged unemployment and significant personal financial loss. 3. Lastly, failure to follow a structured career development plan could result in unnecessary training cost and wasted time to achieve the overall goal of satisfying employment in a timely manner. PROJECT DELIVERABLES 1. Myers Briggs Testing (MBT) Assessment completed to confirm INTJ personality traits and identify potential careers options for further research. 2. Identify career skill sets required of each recommended career. a. MBT Personality Skill Set
  • 12. Career Development Plan 11 b. MBT Career Skill Set c. Subject’s Resume Skill Set 3. Define & explore the training and certification requirements of the top three positions include any additional requirements, i.e. age, physical, mental, clearances, background checks etc. Due 9/10/2013 4. Identify cost of obtaining training, certification, or any other additional requirements. Due 9/15/2013 5. Identify projected salary requirements. Due 9/20/2013 6. Conduct cost benefit analysis. Due 9/25.2013 7. Identify possible sources of funding to support cost of additional requirements, training, and certification. Due 9/30/2013 8. Complete “Career Development Plan” and Final Project Report 10/5/2013 9. Complete final presentation. 10/15/2013
  • 13. Career Development Plan 12 SUMMARY MILESTONE SCHEDULE Develop Career Development Plan: Joanne Weddle Project Milestone Target Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Actual Date (mm/dd/yyyy) 1. Complete MBT Personality Test 08/26/2013 8/26/2013 2. Identify Skill Sets – MBT Personality, MBT Careers, Resume Skill Sets 08/26/2013 8/26/2013 3. Define & Explore Top 3 Matching Requirements 09/10/2013 09/15/2013 4. Identify Cost of Training, Certification, additional requirements 09/15/2013 10/20/2013 5. Identify potential Salary 09/20/2013 10/20/2013 6. Conduct Cost Benefit Analysis 09/25/2013 10/25/2013 7. Identify Funding Sources 09/30/2013 10/25/2013 8. Complete Final Report & Recommendations 10/05/2013 10/27/2013 9. Complete Final Presentation 10/10/2013 10/31/2013
  • 14. Career Development Plan 13 SUMMARY BUDGET The following table contains a summary budget based on the planned cost components and estimated costs required for successful completion of the project. Summary Budget – List component project costs Project Component Estimated Component Cost Actual Component Cost 1. Internet access to complete research $60.00 $90.00 2. Cost of research and development – Personnel  $16.43 X 49.75 = $817.50 Estimated  $16.43 X 57.75 hours = $900 Actual $817.50 $900.00 3. Cost of MBT Assessment $9.00 $9.00 Total $886.50 $999.00 CHANGE MANAGEMENT AND COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY As the need for changes are identified, researcher will coordinate all changes with both the test subject and instructor. This is a collaborative project and input from both the test subject and the instructor is highly encourages. The final decision for changes rests with the instructor.
  • 15. Career Development Plan 14 PROJECT APPROVAL REQUIREMENTS Project Approval Requirements 1st Endorsement Test Subject Request is _____ approved or _____ disapproved Comments: Organization Approval Signature Title Date 2nd Endorsement Friends University Instructor, Ronald Harvey Jr. Request is _____ approved or _____ disapproved Comments: Instructor Approval Signature Title Date
  • 16. Career Development Plan 15 APPENDICES 1. Complete MBT Assessment Report 2. Resume Master 3. Skill Set Comparison Worksheet 4. Top 3 Exploratory Summary 5. Gap Analysis & Potential Funding Sources 6. Certifications 7. Return on Investment (ROI) Analysis 8. Stakeholder Analysis 9. Individual Development Plan 10. Final Presentation
  • 17. Career Development Plan Bibliography Association of Strategic Planning. (2013, 10 20). Retrieved from Association of Strategic Planning: 16 Dudley, L. (2013, 10 20). Evaluating Training and Results (ROI of Training) . Retrieved from Management Help: Free Job Descriptions. (2013, 10 20). Retrieved from Strategy Manager: job-descripti/4552638276 General & Operations Manager. (2013, 10 20). Retrieved from Career Guide: International Association of Six Sigma Community. (2013, 10 20). Retrieved from International Association of Six Sigma Community: Job Description - General and Operations Manager. (2013, 10 20). Retrieved from Pay Scale: Job Description. (2013, 10 20). Retrieved from Pay Scale: Lim, W. (2013, 10 07). Review 5 Levels of Leadership. Retrieved from Young Upstarts The Voice of a New Generation: Richard Branton and Kelli Wynn. (2013, 10 20). Project Promotion: Creating and Communicating Your Project Vision. Retrieved from Advanced Strategy Inc.: _Project_Vision.pdf Salary Calculator. (2013, 10 20). Retrieved from Indeed.Com: Salary Calculator. (2013, 10 20). Retrieved from Career Builder: development-manager/ Training and development officer/manager. (2013, 10 20). Retrieved from Grad Ireland: -advice/job-descriptions/training-and-development-officermanager Training Development Manager. (2013, 10 20). Retrieved from Bureau of Labor Statistics: Occupational Handbook: