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Electrolyte Abnormalities in
Children and Fluid therapy
Presenter- Sushanta Paudel
Composition of body fluids
🠶Total body water as a percentage of body weight
declines with age.
 Early fetal life TBW= 90%
 At birth TBW= 75-80%
 By the end of 1st year to puberty TBW= 60%
Body Composition
15% Interstitial
40% Intracellular
Body Composition
5% Intravascular
Intracellular fluid
Interstitial fluid
Non Water
Intravascular volume
Water balance
Input Output
Water intake:
Fluid 60%
Food 30%
Urine 60%
Stool 8%
Sweat 4%
Water of
oxidation 10
loss 28%
(skin, lungs)
Water intake is
regulated by
osmoreceptors in
Water loss is
regulated by ADH
from post.
Electrolyte composition of extracellular and intracellular fluid
4 2.5 1.1
🠶 Osmolality is the solute concentration of a fluid expressed
as mOsm/kg.
🠶 Fluid/water moves from lower osmolality to higher
osmolality across biological membranes.
🠶 Normal Plasma osmolality = 285 to 295 mOsm/kg
🠶 Tightly regulated within 1-2% of normal.
Sosm = (2 x Na+) + (BUN / 2.8) + (Glu / 18)
Regulation of sodium and water balance
Maintenance fluid & electrolyte
🠶 Holliday-Segar method
🠶 Maximum fluid/day = 2400ml/day
Body weight Per day Per hour
0-10 kg 100ml/kg 4ml/kg
10-20 kg 50 ml/kg beyond 10 kg
2ml/kg beyond
>20 kg 20ml/kg beyond 20 kg
1ml/kg beyond
Maintenance fluid & electrolyte
🠶 Daily sodium requirement = 3meq/kg (children)
🠶 Daily potassium requirement = 2meq/kg
🠶 Daily chloride requirement = 2meq/kg
Maintenance fluid & electrolyte
🠶 Fluid/electrolyte requirements calculated on Holliday-segar
method are generally hypotonic (N/4 or N/5)
🠶 Recent evidence shows use of hypotonic fluids esp. in sick
children can cause hyponatremia.
🠶 0.9% NS can be safely used in standard maintenence
(except in CHF, renal/hepatic failure, diabetes insipidus).
Maintenance fluid & electrolyte
🠶 No single i.v fluid is suitable in all situations, therapy to be
🠶 Monitor with daily wt, input/output, serum electrolytes.
🠶 Maintenance fluids provide only about 20% of calories, therefore
child will lose wt due to catabolism.
Conditions that alter maintenance
fluid requirements
🠶 Increased fluid requirement
 Fever (10-15% per 0C above
380C )
 Radiant warmer/Phototherapy
 Burns
 Excessive sweating
 High physical activity
 Hyperventilation
 Diarrhoea/vomiting
 Polyuria
 VLBW babies
Conditions that alter maintenance
fluid requirements
🠶 Decreased fluid requirement
 Oliguria/Anuria
 Humidified ventilator/incubator
 Hupothyroidism
🠶 Most abundant ion of the extracellular compartment
🠶 Normal serum sodium = 135 to 145 mEq/l.
🠶 Daialy sodium requirement is 2 to 3 mEq/kg body weight.
🠶 Requirement is nearly 2 to 3 fold higher in term & VLBW
preterm babies.
🠶 Adult requirements decreases to 1.5mEq/kg/day.
🠶 Extrarenal sodium losses can be significant via profuse
sweating ,burns, severe vomiting or diarrhoea.
🠶 Defined as serum Na < 135 meq/l.
🠶 Usually symptomatic when Na is < 125mEq/l or the decline is
acute(<24 hour).
🠶 Early features : headache, nausea, vomiting, lethargy and
🠶 Advance manifestations: seizures, coma, decorticate posturing,
dilated pupil, anisocoria, papilledema, cardiac arrhythmias,
myocardial ischemias and central diabetes insipidus.
🠶 CAUSES of hyponatremia
 Hypovolemic hyponatremia
🠶 Renal loss: diuretic use, osmotic diuresis, renal salt
wasting, adrenal insufficiency.
🠶 Extra-renal loss: diarrhoea, vomiting, sweat,cerebral salt
wasting syndrome, third spacing(effusion,ascites)
🠶 CAUSES of hyponatremia
 Normovolemic hyponatremia
🠶 Conditions that predispose to SIADH - Inflammatory central
nervous system disease(meningitis, encephalitis), tumors,
pulmonary disease(severe asthma, pneumonia),drugs
(cyclophosphamide, vincristine).
🠶 CAUSES of hyponatremia
 Hypervolemic hyponatremia
🠶 CHF, Cirrhosis, Nephrotic syndrome, Acute or chronic
renal failure
🠶 Determine whether hyponatremia is acute(<24 hr) or chronic(>48hr),
🠶 Evaluate the volume status (hypervolemia, euvolemia, hypovolemia).
🠶 Sodium deficit (meq) = 0.6*Body wt(kg) * [desired Na – observed Na]
🠶 Treat hypotension first (NS/RL/5%albumin), asymptomatic cases
prefer ORS.
🠶 Rate of correction = 0.6 to 1.0 mEq/l/hr till Na is 125 then at slower
rate over 48 to 72 hours.
🠶 For symptomatic cases give 3%NS @ 3-5 ml/kg over 1-2 hr. (increases
serum Na by 5-6mEq/l)
🠶 Stop further therapy with 3%NS when patient is symptom free or
acute rise in serum sodium is 10mEq/l in first 5 hour.
🠶 Rise in serum Na can be estimated by Adrogue Madias formula-
Δ 𝑁𝑎 =
𝐼𝑛𝑓𝑢𝑠𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑁𝑎 + 𝐼𝑛𝑓𝑢𝑠𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝐾 −𝑆𝑒𝑟𝑢𝑚 𝑁𝑎
Δ[Na]= expected change in serum sodium/L of fluid given
TBW= total body water is 0.6*Body wt (kg)
🠶 Fluid restriction alone is needed for SIADH.
🠶 Sodium and water restriction for hypervolemic hyponatremia.
🠶 V2-receptor antagonists or vaptans may be used in SIADH &
hypervolemic hyponatremia.
🠶 Diuretics for refractory cases.
🠶 Defined as serum Na >150mEq/l
Clinical features
🠶 Lethargy or mental status change which can proceed to coma and
🠶 Acute severe hypernatremia leads to osmotic shift of water from
neurons causing shrinkage of brain and tearing of meningeal vessels -
intracranial hemorrhage.
🠶 Causes of Hypernatremia
 Net water loss
🠶 Insensible losses
🠶 Diabetes insipidus
🠶 Inadequate breastfeeding
🠶 Hypotonic fluid loss
🠶 Renal: osmotic diuretics, post obstructive, polyuric phase of acute tubular
🠶 GI: vomiting,nasogastric drainage, diarrhea, laxative.
🠶 Causes of Hypernatremia
 Hypertonic Sodium gain
🠶 Excess sodium intake
🠶 Sodium bicarbonate, saline infusion
🠶 Hypertonic feeds, boiled skimmed milk
🠶 Ingestion of sodium chloride
🠶 Hypertonic dialysis
🠶 Endocrine: Primary hyperaldosteronism, Cushing syndrome
Hypernatremia- Treatment
🠶 Treat hypotension first (NS/RL/5% Albumin bolus)
🠶 Correct deficit over 48 to 72 hours. Recommended rate of drop is
0.5mEq/l/hr (10-12mEq/l/day)
🠶 Hypotonic infusates are used as N/4 or N/5 saline, avoid sodium free
fluids. ( Calculate expected fall in Na by Adrogue Madias formula ).
Hypernatremia- Treatment
🠶 Seizures during correction of hypernatremia are treated using
3%NS as 5-6ml/kg infusion over 1-2 hr.
🠶 For significant hypernatremia ( >180-200mEq/l ) with concurrent
renal failure and or volume overload, renal replacement therapy
(peritoneal or hemodialysis, hemofiltration) is indicated.
Differentiation b/w few important conditions
🠶 Normal serum concentration=3.5-5.0mEq/l and intracellular 150mEq/l .
🠶 Source of potassium include meats, beans, fruits and potatoes.
🠶 Majority in muscles and majority of extracellular K in bones.
🠶 More significant in males around puberty.
🠶 Serum K concentration increases by approximately 0.6mEq/l with each
10 mOsm rise in plasma osmolality
Physiologic function of Potassium
🠶 Electrical responsiveness of nerve and muscle cells.
🠶 Contractility of cardiac, skeletal and smooth muscle cells.
🠶 Maintains cell volume.
Potassium Excretion
🠶 Normally 10% of K is excreted.
🠶 Excretion is increased by aldosterone, loop diuretics, osmotic diuresis,
glucocorticoids, ADH and delivery of negatively charged ions to the
collecting duct(e.g. bicarb).
🠶 Insulin, ß agonists and alkalosis enhance potassium entry into cells.
🠶 Serum K<3.5mEq/l.
🠶 Clinical features
🠶 Severe hypokalemia (<2.5mEq/l) cause muscle weakness (neck
flop, abdominal distension, ileus) and arrhythmia.
🠶 Hypokalemia increases the risk of digoxin toxicity by promoting
its binding to myocyte, potentiating its action and decreasing its
🠶 ECG changes-
🠶 The trans-tubular potassium gradient (TTKG) is used to
interpret urinary potassium concentration.
𝑈𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝐾 ∗ 𝑆𝑒𝑟𝑢𝑚 𝑂𝑠𝑚
TTKG = 𝑆𝑒𝑟𝑢𝑚 𝐾 ∗ 𝑈𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑂𝑠𝑚
🠶 TTKG<4 suggest that kidney is not wasting excessive
potassium, TTKG ≥4 signify renal loss.
Causes of Hypokalemia
 Incresed Lossed
🠶 Renal
🠶 Extrarenal
 Decreased intake or stores
 Intracellular shift
Causes of Hypokalemia
 Increased losses
🠶 Renal –
 RTA(proximal or distal)
 Drugs (diuretics, amphotericin B, aminoglycosides,
 Cystic fibrosis
 Mineralocorticoid excess (cushing syndrome, CAH, high
renin(renin secreting tumors, renal artery stenosis)
 Gittelman, Bartter and Liddle syndrome
Causes of Hypokalemia
 Increased losses
🠶 Extrarenal –
 Diarrhea/vomiting/nasogastric suction
 Sweating
 Potassium binding resins(sodium polystyrene sulfonate).
Causes of Hypokalemia
 Decreased intake or stores
🠶 Potassium poor parenteral nutrition
🠶 Malnutrition, anorexia nervosa
 Intracellular shift
🠶 alkalosis, high insulin state, drugs (ß agonist, theophylline,
barium, hydroxycholoroquine), refeeding syndrome,
hypokalemic periodic paralysis, malignant hyperthermia.
🠶 Determine the underlying cause, whether associated with
hypertension and acidosis or alkalosis.
🠶 Hypertension may be due to primary hyperaldosteronism, renal
artery stenosis, CAH, glucocorticoid, liddle syndrome.
🠶 Relative hypotension and alkalosis suggest diuretic use or
tubular disorder (Bartter/Gittelman syndrome).
🠶 Decrease ongoing losses (stop loop diuretics, replace GI losses). Use K
sparing diuretics, restore i.v volume, correct hypomagnesemia.
🠶 Disease specific therapy , e.g Indomethacin/ACE inhibitors for
Bartter/Gittelman syndrome.
🠶 Correct deficit over 24 hours.
🠶 Replace the deficit : oral route safer. Dose 2-4mEq/kg/day (max-120-
240mEq/day) in 3 or 4 divided doses.
🠶 IV correction is used under strict ECG monitoring.
🠶 For rapid correction in severe hypokalemia (<2.5 or
arrhythmias) 0.5 to 1.0mEq/kg (max-40 mEq ) is given over 1
🠶 Infusate K should not exceed 40-60 meq/L.
🠶 Serum K>5.5mEq/l.
🠶 Factitious or pseudo hyperkalemia: squeezing of extremities during
phlebotomy, sample from limb being infused with K containing fluid or
hemolysed sample.
🠶 Clinical features: nausea vomiting paresthesias, muscle weakness(skeletal,
respiratory), fatigue, ileus, arrhythmia.
🠶 ECG changes-
Causes of Hyperkalemia
 Decreased losses
 Increased intake
 Extracellular shift
 Cellular breakdown
Causes of Hyperkalemia
 Decreased losses:
🠶 Renal failure
🠶 Renal tubular disorder- pseudohypoaldosteronism, urinary tract
🠶 Drugs- ACE inhibitors, ARB, K sparing diuretics, NSAIDS,
🠶 Mineralocorticoid deficiency - Addision disease and 21-
hydroxylase deficiency.
Causes of Hyperkalemia
 Increased intake
🠶 IV/Oral intake, PRBC transfusion.
 Extracellular shift
🠶 Acidosis, low insulin state, drugs (ß blocker, digitalis,
succinylcholine, fluoride), hyperkalemic periodic paralysis,
malignant hyperthermia.
 Cellular breakdown
🠶 tumor lysis syndrome, crush injury, massive hemolysis.
Hyperkalemia- Treatment
🠶 It’s a medical emergency.
🠶 Discontinue K+ containing fluids.
🠶 ECG monitoring.
🠶 If K > 7 or symptomatic with ECG changes- Administer Calcium
gluconate to stabilise myocardium (0.5ml/kg of 10%
Ca.gluconate over 5-10 min).
Hyperkalemia- Treatment
🠶 Enhance Cellular uptake of potassium-
 Regular Insulin with glucose i.v (0.3 IU/g glucose over 2 hr).
 NaHCO3 i.v 1-2 meq/kg over 20-30 min.
 ß- agonist (salbutamol/terbutaline nebulized or i.v)
Hyperkalemia- Treatment
🠶 Ensure K elimination
 K binding resin (kayexalate oral/per rectal 1g/kg)
 Loop or thiazide diuretic ( if renal functions maintained )
 Hemodialysis
🠶 Correct hypoaldosteronism if present : steroids.
Types of fluid therapy
Types of fluid Examples
• Oral fluid
• Glucose based ORS
• Cereal based ORS
• ReSoMal
• IV fluid • Crystalloids (Normal saline,
Ringer’s lactate, 5% Dextrose).
• Colloids (Human Albumin,
Dextran, Haemaccel)
Crystalloids Vs Colloids
Features Crystalloids Colloids
1. Content
2. Ability to
cross a semi-
1. Na (as a major
active particle)
2. Yes
1. High molecular
wt substances
2. Largely Not
Common IV fluids and their uses
Types of IV
1. NS
(0.9% NaCl)
• Uses: Shock, Intravascular resuscitation, AGE, Metabolic
alkalosis, Blood transfusion, Hyponatremia, DKA.
• Use with caution in CCF, edema or hypernatremia.
• For 100 ml blood loss -- Give 400 ml NS.
• Can lead to fluid overload.
2. Ringer’s Lactate
• Dehydration, Burns, GIT fluid loss, Acute blood loss,
• Can cause hyperkalemia in renal patients
• Avoid in liver disease, cerebral edema.
• Incompatible with blood
3. Dextrose (%)
• D5,
• D10,
• D25,
• D50
• Hypernatremia, Dehydration, Hypoglycemia.
• Avoid in resuscitation
• Use cautiously in renal failure patients.
• Incompatible with blood
Differences between ORS and
ORS (New) ReSoMal
1. Constituents
• Na (mmol/L)
• Cl (mmol/L)
• K (mmol/L)
• Citrate (mmol/L)
• Glucose (mmol/L)
2. Other constituents
(Mg, Zn, Cu)
3. Osmolality (mOsmol/L)
4. Specific use
• 75
• 65
• 20
• 10
• 75
• Absent
• 245
• Dehydration
a/w diarrhea
• 45
• 70
• 40
• 07
• 125
• Present
• 300
• Dehydration
Differences between RL
and NS
Features RL NS
1. Constituents
• Sodium (mmol/L)
• Chloride (mmol/L)
• Glucose (%)
• Other constituents (K, Ca, Lactate)
2. Osmolality (mOsm/L)
3. Fluid overload
4. Risk of metabolic acidosis
5. Contraindications
• 130
• 109
• 1.4
• Present
• 272
• Unlikely
• None
• LA, M. alkalosis,
• 154
• 154
• None
• Absent
• 308
• Possible
• Increased
• CCF, edema,
RL is considered a more physiologically compatible fluid than NS
Calculation of Maintenance fluid and
electrolytes requirements
Calculation of Maintenance fluid flow rates
Holiday-Segar Method
Example: A 30-kg child would require (100 x 10) + (50 x 10) + (20 x10) = 1,700 ml/day.
Or (4 x10) + (2 x10) + (1 x10) = 70 ml/hr = 70 x 15 = 17.5 drops/min = 70 micro drops/min.
So weight in kg + 40 = Maintenance IV flow rate/hour (for any person weighing > 20 kg)
Weight Ml/kg/day Ml/kg/hr
(“4/2/1 rule”)
• 0 – 1 month
NB (< 3.5 kg)
• First 10 kg
(3.5 -10 kg)
100 4 ml/kg/hr
• Next 10 kg
(11-20 kg)
50 2 ml/kg/hr
• > 20 kg 20 1 ml/kg/hr Maximum of
2400 ml daily
Depends upon age of baby ( eg., D1 – 60 ml/kg/day)
Factors affecting maintenance fluid requirements
Factors increasing
maintenance fluid
Factors decreasing
maintenance fluid
• Fever
(1 C > 38 C  12% fluid)
• Hyperventilation
• Increased environmental
• Burns
• Ongoing losses
(diarrhea, vomiting, NG tube
• Skin: Mist tent, Incubator (PT
• Lungs: humidified ventilator
• Renal: Oliguria/anuria
• Hypothyroidism
Maintenance Electrolyte Requirements
Electrolytes mEq/100 ml of
• Na • 2-3 • 2 - 3
• K • 1 - 2 • 1 - 2
• Chloride • 2
Calculation of
electrolyte deficit
Amount to be calculated
(by using a formula)
• Na • 0.6 x Body weight x
(Desired concentration –
Current concentration)
• Do not replace Na faster
than 10 – 12 mEq/L/24
• K • 0.4 x body weight x
(desired conc. – Current
• Maximum rate of infusion
< 0.5 mEq/L
• HCO3 • Base deficit x 0.3 x Body
weight in kg
Special circumstances
Term Neonates Burn
• Day 1 : 50 - 60 ml/kg/day
• Day 2 : 70 - 80 ml/kg/day
• Day 3 : 80 -100 ml/kg/day
• Day 4 : 100 – 120 ml/kg/day
• Day 5 : 120 – 150 ml/kg/day
• Parkland formula:
Total fluid requirement in 24 hours
• 50 % to be given in 1st 8 hours,
• 50 % to be given in next 16 hours.
4 ml x TBSA (%) x Weight ( kg)
Thank you

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presentation fluid.pptx

  • 1. Electrolyte Abnormalities in Children and Fluid therapy Presenter- Sushanta Paudel
  • 2. Composition of body fluids 🠶Total body water as a percentage of body weight declines with age.  Early fetal life TBW= 90%  At birth TBW= 75-80%  By the end of 1st year to puberty TBW= 60%
  • 3. Body Composition 40%Intracellular 15% Interstitial 40% Intracellular fluid Body Composition 5% Intravascular Intracellular fluid Interstitial fluid Non Water Intravascular volume
  • 4. Water balance Input Output Water intake: Fluid 60% Food 30% Urine 60% Stool 8% Sweat 4% Water of oxidation 10 % Insensible loss 28% (skin, lungs) Water intake is regulated by osmoreceptors in hypothalamus Water loss is regulated by ADH from post. pituitary
  • 5. Electrolyte composition of extracellular and intracellular fluid compartments 4 2.5 1.1 104 24 14 6 2 160 140 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 mmol/ l Plasma 140 13 7 107 40 10 3 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 mmol/ l Intracellular
  • 6. Osmolality 🠶 Osmolality is the solute concentration of a fluid expressed as mOsm/kg. 🠶 Fluid/water moves from lower osmolality to higher osmolality across biological membranes. 🠶 Normal Plasma osmolality = 285 to 295 mOsm/kg 🠶 Tightly regulated within 1-2% of normal. Sosm = (2 x Na+) + (BUN / 2.8) + (Glu / 18)
  • 7. Regulation of sodium and water balance
  • 8. Maintenance fluid & electrolyte requirements 🠶 Holliday-Segar method 🠶 Maximum fluid/day = 2400ml/day Body weight Per day Per hour 0-10 kg 100ml/kg 4ml/kg 10-20 kg 50 ml/kg beyond 10 kg 2ml/kg beyond >20 kg 20ml/kg beyond 20 kg 1ml/kg beyond
  • 9. Maintenance fluid & electrolyte requirements 🠶 Daily sodium requirement = 3meq/kg (children) 🠶 Daily potassium requirement = 2meq/kg 🠶 Daily chloride requirement = 2meq/kg
  • 10. Maintenance fluid & electrolyte requirements 🠶 Fluid/electrolyte requirements calculated on Holliday-segar method are generally hypotonic (N/4 or N/5) 🠶 Recent evidence shows use of hypotonic fluids esp. in sick children can cause hyponatremia. 🠶 0.9% NS can be safely used in standard maintenence volume. (except in CHF, renal/hepatic failure, diabetes insipidus).
  • 11. Maintenance fluid & electrolyte requirements 🠶 No single i.v fluid is suitable in all situations, therapy to be individualized. 🠶 Monitor with daily wt, input/output, serum electrolytes. 🠶 Maintenance fluids provide only about 20% of calories, therefore child will lose wt due to catabolism.
  • 12. Conditions that alter maintenance fluid requirements 🠶 Increased fluid requirement  Fever (10-15% per 0C above 380C )  Radiant warmer/Phototherapy  Burns  Excessive sweating  High physical activity  Hyperventilation  Diarrhoea/vomiting  Polyuria  VLBW babies
  • 13. Conditions that alter maintenance fluid requirements 🠶 Decreased fluid requirement  Oliguria/Anuria  Humidified ventilator/incubator  Hupothyroidism
  • 14. Sodium 🠶 Most abundant ion of the extracellular compartment 🠶 Normal serum sodium = 135 to 145 mEq/l. 🠶 Daialy sodium requirement is 2 to 3 mEq/kg body weight. 🠶 Requirement is nearly 2 to 3 fold higher in term & VLBW preterm babies. 🠶 Adult requirements decreases to 1.5mEq/kg/day. 🠶 Extrarenal sodium losses can be significant via profuse sweating ,burns, severe vomiting or diarrhoea.
  • 15. Hyponatremia 🠶 Defined as serum Na < 135 meq/l. 🠶 Usually symptomatic when Na is < 125mEq/l or the decline is acute(<24 hour). 🠶 Early features : headache, nausea, vomiting, lethargy and confusion. 🠶 Advance manifestations: seizures, coma, decorticate posturing, dilated pupil, anisocoria, papilledema, cardiac arrhythmias, myocardial ischemias and central diabetes insipidus.
  • 16. Hyponatremia 🠶 CAUSES of hyponatremia  Hypovolemic hyponatremia 🠶 Renal loss: diuretic use, osmotic diuresis, renal salt wasting, adrenal insufficiency. 🠶 Extra-renal loss: diarrhoea, vomiting, sweat,cerebral salt wasting syndrome, third spacing(effusion,ascites)
  • 17. Hyponatremia 🠶 CAUSES of hyponatremia  Normovolemic hyponatremia 🠶 Conditions that predispose to SIADH - Inflammatory central nervous system disease(meningitis, encephalitis), tumors, pulmonary disease(severe asthma, pneumonia),drugs (cyclophosphamide, vincristine).
  • 18. Hyponatremia 🠶 CAUSES of hyponatremia  Hypervolemic hyponatremia 🠶 CHF, Cirrhosis, Nephrotic syndrome, Acute or chronic renal failure
  • 19. Hyponatremia-Treatment 🠶 Determine whether hyponatremia is acute(<24 hr) or chronic(>48hr), symptomatic/asymptomatic. 🠶 Evaluate the volume status (hypervolemia, euvolemia, hypovolemia). 🠶 Sodium deficit (meq) = 0.6*Body wt(kg) * [desired Na – observed Na]
  • 20. Hyponatremia-Treatment 🠶 Treat hypotension first (NS/RL/5%albumin), asymptomatic cases prefer ORS. 🠶 Rate of correction = 0.6 to 1.0 mEq/l/hr till Na is 125 then at slower rate over 48 to 72 hours. 🠶 For symptomatic cases give 3%NS @ 3-5 ml/kg over 1-2 hr. (increases serum Na by 5-6mEq/l) 🠶 Stop further therapy with 3%NS when patient is symptom free or acute rise in serum sodium is 10mEq/l in first 5 hour.
  • 21. Hyponatremia-Treatment 🠶 Rise in serum Na can be estimated by Adrogue Madias formula- Δ 𝑁𝑎 = 𝐼𝑛𝑓𝑢𝑠𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑁𝑎 + 𝐼𝑛𝑓𝑢𝑠𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝐾 −𝑆𝑒𝑟𝑢𝑚 𝑁𝑎 [𝑇𝐵𝑊+1] Δ[Na]= expected change in serum sodium/L of fluid given TBW= total body water is 0.6*Body wt (kg)
  • 22. Hyponatremia-Treatment 🠶 Fluid restriction alone is needed for SIADH. 🠶 Sodium and water restriction for hypervolemic hyponatremia. 🠶 V2-receptor antagonists or vaptans may be used in SIADH & hypervolemic hyponatremia. 🠶 Diuretics for refractory cases.
  • 23. Hypernatremia 🠶 Defined as serum Na >150mEq/l Clinical features 🠶 Lethargy or mental status change which can proceed to coma and convulsions. 🠶 Acute severe hypernatremia leads to osmotic shift of water from neurons causing shrinkage of brain and tearing of meningeal vessels - intracranial hemorrhage.
  • 24. Hypernatremia 🠶 Causes of Hypernatremia  Net water loss 🠶 Insensible losses 🠶 Diabetes insipidus 🠶 Inadequate breastfeeding 🠶 Hypotonic fluid loss 🠶 Renal: osmotic diuretics, post obstructive, polyuric phase of acute tubular necrosis 🠶 GI: vomiting,nasogastric drainage, diarrhea, laxative.
  • 25. Hypernatremia 🠶 Causes of Hypernatremia  Hypertonic Sodium gain 🠶 Excess sodium intake 🠶 Sodium bicarbonate, saline infusion 🠶 Hypertonic feeds, boiled skimmed milk 🠶 Ingestion of sodium chloride 🠶 Hypertonic dialysis 🠶 Endocrine: Primary hyperaldosteronism, Cushing syndrome
  • 26. Hypernatremia- Treatment 🠶 Treat hypotension first (NS/RL/5% Albumin bolus) 🠶 Correct deficit over 48 to 72 hours. Recommended rate of drop is 0.5mEq/l/hr (10-12mEq/l/day) 🠶 Hypotonic infusates are used as N/4 or N/5 saline, avoid sodium free fluids. ( Calculate expected fall in Na by Adrogue Madias formula ).
  • 27. Hypernatremia- Treatment 🠶 Seizures during correction of hypernatremia are treated using 3%NS as 5-6ml/kg infusion over 1-2 hr. 🠶 For significant hypernatremia ( >180-200mEq/l ) with concurrent renal failure and or volume overload, renal replacement therapy (peritoneal or hemodialysis, hemofiltration) is indicated.
  • 28. Differentiation b/w few important conditions
  • 29. Potassium 🠶 Normal serum concentration=3.5-5.0mEq/l and intracellular 150mEq/l . 🠶 Source of potassium include meats, beans, fruits and potatoes. 🠶 Majority in muscles and majority of extracellular K in bones. 🠶 More significant in males around puberty. 🠶 Serum K concentration increases by approximately 0.6mEq/l with each 10 mOsm rise in plasma osmolality
  • 30. Physiologic function of Potassium 🠶 Electrical responsiveness of nerve and muscle cells. 🠶 Contractility of cardiac, skeletal and smooth muscle cells. 🠶 Maintains cell volume.
  • 31. Potassium Excretion 🠶 Normally 10% of K is excreted. 🠶 Excretion is increased by aldosterone, loop diuretics, osmotic diuresis, glucocorticoids, ADH and delivery of negatively charged ions to the collecting duct(e.g. bicarb). 🠶 Insulin, ß agonists and alkalosis enhance potassium entry into cells.
  • 32. Hypokalemia 🠶 Serum K<3.5mEq/l. 🠶 Clinical features 🠶 Severe hypokalemia (<2.5mEq/l) cause muscle weakness (neck flop, abdominal distension, ileus) and arrhythmia. 🠶 Hypokalemia increases the risk of digoxin toxicity by promoting its binding to myocyte, potentiating its action and decreasing its clearance.
  • 34. Hypokalemia 🠶 The trans-tubular potassium gradient (TTKG) is used to interpret urinary potassium concentration. 𝑈𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝐾 ∗ 𝑆𝑒𝑟𝑢𝑚 𝑂𝑠𝑚 TTKG = 𝑆𝑒𝑟𝑢𝑚 𝐾 ∗ 𝑈𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑂𝑠𝑚 🠶 TTKG<4 suggest that kidney is not wasting excessive potassium, TTKG ≥4 signify renal loss.
  • 35. Causes of Hypokalemia  Incresed Lossed 🠶 Renal 🠶 Extrarenal  Decreased intake or stores  Intracellular shift
  • 36. Causes of Hypokalemia  Increased losses 🠶 Renal –  RTA(proximal or distal)  Drugs (diuretics, amphotericin B, aminoglycosides, corticosteroids),  Cystic fibrosis  Mineralocorticoid excess (cushing syndrome, CAH, high renin(renin secreting tumors, renal artery stenosis)  Gittelman, Bartter and Liddle syndrome
  • 37. Causes of Hypokalemia  Increased losses 🠶 Extrarenal –  Diarrhea/vomiting/nasogastric suction  Sweating  Potassium binding resins(sodium polystyrene sulfonate).
  • 38. Causes of Hypokalemia  Decreased intake or stores 🠶 Potassium poor parenteral nutrition 🠶 Malnutrition, anorexia nervosa  Intracellular shift 🠶 alkalosis, high insulin state, drugs (ß agonist, theophylline, barium, hydroxycholoroquine), refeeding syndrome, hypokalemic periodic paralysis, malignant hyperthermia.
  • 39. Hypokalemia-Treatment 🠶 Determine the underlying cause, whether associated with hypertension and acidosis or alkalosis. 🠶 Hypertension may be due to primary hyperaldosteronism, renal artery stenosis, CAH, glucocorticoid, liddle syndrome. 🠶 Relative hypotension and alkalosis suggest diuretic use or tubular disorder (Bartter/Gittelman syndrome).
  • 40. Hypokalemia-Treatment 🠶 Decrease ongoing losses (stop loop diuretics, replace GI losses). Use K sparing diuretics, restore i.v volume, correct hypomagnesemia. 🠶 Disease specific therapy , e.g Indomethacin/ACE inhibitors for Bartter/Gittelman syndrome. 🠶 Correct deficit over 24 hours. 🠶 Replace the deficit : oral route safer. Dose 2-4mEq/kg/day (max-120- 240mEq/day) in 3 or 4 divided doses.
  • 41. Hypokalemia-Treatment 🠶 IV correction is used under strict ECG monitoring. 🠶 For rapid correction in severe hypokalemia (<2.5 or arrhythmias) 0.5 to 1.0mEq/kg (max-40 mEq ) is given over 1 hour. 🠶 Infusate K should not exceed 40-60 meq/L.
  • 42. Hyperkalemia 🠶 Serum K>5.5mEq/l. 🠶 Factitious or pseudo hyperkalemia: squeezing of extremities during phlebotomy, sample from limb being infused with K containing fluid or hemolysed sample. 🠶 Clinical features: nausea vomiting paresthesias, muscle weakness(skeletal, respiratory), fatigue, ileus, arrhythmia.
  • 44. Causes of Hyperkalemia  Decreased losses  Increased intake  Extracellular shift  Cellular breakdown
  • 45. Causes of Hyperkalemia  Decreased losses: 🠶 Renal failure 🠶 Renal tubular disorder- pseudohypoaldosteronism, urinary tract obstruction. 🠶 Drugs- ACE inhibitors, ARB, K sparing diuretics, NSAIDS, heparin. 🠶 Mineralocorticoid deficiency - Addision disease and 21- hydroxylase deficiency.
  • 46. Causes of Hyperkalemia  Increased intake 🠶 IV/Oral intake, PRBC transfusion.  Extracellular shift 🠶 Acidosis, low insulin state, drugs (ß blocker, digitalis, succinylcholine, fluoride), hyperkalemic periodic paralysis, malignant hyperthermia.  Cellular breakdown 🠶 tumor lysis syndrome, crush injury, massive hemolysis.
  • 47. Hyperkalemia- Treatment 🠶 It’s a medical emergency. 🠶 Discontinue K+ containing fluids. 🠶 ECG monitoring. 🠶 If K > 7 or symptomatic with ECG changes- Administer Calcium gluconate to stabilise myocardium (0.5ml/kg of 10% Ca.gluconate over 5-10 min).
  • 48. Hyperkalemia- Treatment 🠶 Enhance Cellular uptake of potassium-  Regular Insulin with glucose i.v (0.3 IU/g glucose over 2 hr).  NaHCO3 i.v 1-2 meq/kg over 20-30 min.  ß- agonist (salbutamol/terbutaline nebulized or i.v)
  • 49. Hyperkalemia- Treatment 🠶 Ensure K elimination  K binding resin (kayexalate oral/per rectal 1g/kg)  Loop or thiazide diuretic ( if renal functions maintained )  Hemodialysis 🠶 Correct hypoaldosteronism if present : steroids.
  • 50. Types of fluid therapy Types of fluid Examples • Oral fluid (ORS) • Glucose based ORS • Cereal based ORS • ReSoMal • IV fluid • Crystalloids (Normal saline, Ringer’s lactate, 5% Dextrose). • Colloids (Human Albumin, Dextran, Haemaccel)
  • 51. Crystalloids Vs Colloids Features Crystalloids Colloids 1. Content 2. Ability to cross a semi- permeable membrane 1. Na (as a major osmotically active particle) 2. Yes 1. High molecular wt substances 2. Largely Not
  • 52. Common IV fluids and their uses Types of IV fluids indications/Precautions/Complications 1. NS (0.9% NaCl) • Uses: Shock, Intravascular resuscitation, AGE, Metabolic alkalosis, Blood transfusion, Hyponatremia, DKA. • Use with caution in CCF, edema or hypernatremia. • For 100 ml blood loss -- Give 400 ml NS. • Can lead to fluid overload. 2. Ringer’s Lactate (Hartmann's solution) • Dehydration, Burns, GIT fluid loss, Acute blood loss, Hypovolemia. • Can cause hyperkalemia in renal patients • Avoid in liver disease, cerebral edema. • Incompatible with blood 3. Dextrose (%) • D5, • D10, • D25, • D50 • Hypernatremia, Dehydration, Hypoglycemia. • Avoid in resuscitation • Use cautiously in renal failure patients. • Incompatible with blood
  • 53. Differences between ORS and ReSoMal ORS (New) ReSoMal 1. Constituents • Na (mmol/L) • Cl (mmol/L) • K (mmol/L) • Citrate (mmol/L) • Glucose (mmol/L) 2. Other constituents (Mg, Zn, Cu) 3. Osmolality (mOsmol/L) 4. Specific use • 75 • 65 • 20 • 10 • 75 • Absent • 245 • Dehydration a/w diarrhea • 45 • 70 • 40 • 07 • 125 • Present • 300 • Dehydration + malnutrition
  • 54. Differences between RL and NS Features RL NS 1. Constituents • Sodium (mmol/L) • Chloride (mmol/L) • Glucose (%) • Other constituents (K, Ca, Lactate) 2. Osmolality (mOsm/L) 3. Fluid overload 4. Risk of metabolic acidosis 5. Contraindications • 130 • 109 • 1.4 • Present • 272 • Unlikely • None • LA, M. alkalosis, Renal insufficiency. • 154 • 154 • None • Absent • 308 • Possible • Increased • CCF, edema, liver cirrhosis RL is considered a more physiologically compatible fluid than NS
  • 55. Calculation of Maintenance fluid and electrolytes requirements
  • 56. Calculation of Maintenance fluid flow rates Holiday-Segar Method Example: A 30-kg child would require (100 x 10) + (50 x 10) + (20 x10) = 1,700 ml/day. Or (4 x10) + (2 x10) + (1 x10) = 70 ml/hr = 70 x 15 = 17.5 drops/min = 70 micro drops/min. So weight in kg + 40 = Maintenance IV flow rate/hour (for any person weighing > 20 kg) Weight Ml/kg/day Ml/kg/hr (“4/2/1 rule”) Remarks • 0 – 1 month NB (< 3.5 kg) • First 10 kg (3.5 -10 kg) 100 4 ml/kg/hr • Next 10 kg (11-20 kg) 50 2 ml/kg/hr • > 20 kg 20 1 ml/kg/hr Maximum of 2400 ml daily Depends upon age of baby ( eg., D1 – 60 ml/kg/day)
  • 57. Factors affecting maintenance fluid requirements Factors increasing maintenance fluid requirements Factors decreasing maintenance fluid requirements • Fever (1 C > 38 C  12% fluid) • Hyperventilation • Increased environmental temperature • Burns • Ongoing losses (diarrhea, vomiting, NG tube aspiration/output) • Skin: Mist tent, Incubator (PT baby) • Lungs: humidified ventilator • Renal: Oliguria/anuria • Hypothyroidism • SIADH
  • 58. Maintenance Electrolyte Requirements Electrolytes mEq/100 ml of water/day mEq/kg/day • Na • 2-3 • 2 - 3 • K • 1 - 2 • 1 - 2 • Chloride • 2
  • 59. Calculation of electrolyte deficit Electrolyte deficit Amount to be calculated (by using a formula) Remarks • Na • 0.6 x Body weight x (Desired concentration – Current concentration) • Do not replace Na faster than 10 – 12 mEq/L/24 hrs. • K • 0.4 x body weight x (desired conc. – Current conc.) • Maximum rate of infusion < 0.5 mEq/L • HCO3 • Base deficit x 0.3 x Body weight in kg
  • 60. Special circumstances Term Neonates Burn • Day 1 : 50 - 60 ml/kg/day • Day 2 : 70 - 80 ml/kg/day • Day 3 : 80 -100 ml/kg/day • Day 4 : 100 – 120 ml/kg/day • Day 5 : 120 – 150 ml/kg/day • Parkland formula: Total fluid requirement in 24 hours = • 50 % to be given in 1st 8 hours, • 50 % to be given in next 16 hours. 4 ml x TBSA (%) x Weight ( kg)

Editor's Notes

  1. Ml/kg/hr (“4/2/1 rule”) 4 ml/kg/hr 2 ml/kg/hr 1 ml/kg/hr
  2. Fever (each 1 degree C rise over 38 C increases maintenance fluid requirements by 12 %)
  3. Do not replace Na faster than 10 – 12 mEq/L/24 hrs.  Central pontine myelinosis: rapid brain cell shrinkage with rapid increase in ECF Na.