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Dr. Lala Shourav Das
DEM Student
Department of Endocrinology
 Commonly encountered in clinical practice.
 Hypercalcemia affects 0.5% to 1% of the general population.
 Diagnosis is often made incidentally.
 Hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia due to malignancy
cause 90% of all hypercalcemia.
 Hypercalcemic crisis is a medical emergency.
 Hypercalcemia is a corrected total serum calcium value
above the upper limit of the normal range or an elevated
ionized calcium value.
 The skeleton contains 99% of total body calcium. The
remaining 1% circulates through out the body.
 Among circulating calcium, 50% is free (ionized), 40%
protein-bound, and 10% complexed to phosphate, citrate,
bicarbonate, sulfate, and lactate. Only elevations in the
free calcium are associated with symptoms and signs.
Distribution of circulating calcium
Reference: Greenspan's Basic and Clinical Endocrinology – 9th
Conversion factor: 0.2495
Classification of Hypercalcemia:
 According to level of corrected total serum calcium value
hypercalcemia can be classified into:
o Mild Hypercalcemia (Corrected Ca level >10.5 mg/dL
to less than 12 mg/dL)
o Moderate Hypercalcemia (Corrected Ca Level 12 to 14
o Severe Hypercalcemia (A level greater than 14 mg/dL)
 Corrected Calcium = (4.0 mg/dL – [Serum Albumin]) x 0.8 +
[Observed Calcium]
Clinical Features of Hypercalcemia
 Can be completely asymptomatic.
 Central nervous system effects:
 Lethargy, depression, psychosis, ataxia, stupor, and coma
 Neuromuscular effects:
 Weakness, proximal myopathy, and hypertonia
 Cardiovascular effects:
 Hypertension, bradycardia (and eventually asystole), a shortened QT interval
 Renal effects:
 Stones, decreased GFR, polyuria, nephrocalcinosis;
 Gastrointestinal effects:
 Nausea, vomiting, constipation and anorexia
 Eye findings such as band keratopathy
 Systemic metastatic calcification.
Normal calcium balance & Hypercalcemia
Mechanism of
Variables affecting
Calcium metabolism
Target organs for
Calcium Metabolism
Increased bone
Increased renal
reabsorption or
Increased gut
hormone (PTH)
Fibroblast growth
factor-23 (FGF-23)
Common causes of Hypercalcemia
hyperparathyroidism results from the excessive secretion
of PTH and typically produces frank hypercalcemia.
 Primary hyperparathyroidism is approximately 2 to 3 times
more common in women than in men.
 The diagnosis of primary hyperparathyroidism in a
hypercalcemic patient can be made by determining intact
PTH level.
 The definitive treatment of primary hyperparathyroidism
is parathyroidectomy.
Common causes of Hypercalcemia (cont.)
associated hypercalcemia is the second most common
form of hypercalcemia.
 It can be presented as a part of paraneoplastic syndrome
(eg: parathyroid hormone (PTH)-related protein (PTHrP))
or due to direct bony metastasis.
 It is most common in squamous cell carcinoma of the lung,
head, and neck, renal cell carcinoma, breast cancer,
multiple myeloma, and lymphoma.
Common causes of Hypercalcemia (cont.)
 Calcium & Vitamin D (Hypervitaminosis –D) over
 Sarcoidosis and Other granulomatous disorders
 ENDOCRINOPATHIES: Thyrotoxicosis, Adrenal Insufficiency.
 ENDOCRINE TUMORS: pheochromocytoma (may be associated
with MEN-2), VIPomas.
 Thiazide Diuretics & Indapamide
 Hypervitaminosis A
 Milk Alkali Syndrome (Rare nowadays)
 Immobilization
 Acute Renal Failure due to rhabdomyolyses
Investigations for management of
 General Investigations:
 S. Calcium Level
 S. PO4 Level
 S. Alkaline phosphates
 S. Parathyroid level
 S. Vitamin-D level
 S. Total protein, S. Albumin
 Specific Investigations: Varies according to cause.
Indication of treatment of
 Patients with asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic (eg,
constipation) hypercalcemia (calcium <12 mg/dL [3 mmol/L])
do not require immediate treatment.
 Similarly, a serum calcium of 12 to 14 mg/dL (3 to 3.5 mmol/L)
may be well tolerated chronically and may not require
immediate treatment.
 However, an acute rise to these concentrations may cause
marked changes in sensorium, which requires more aggressive
 In addition, patients with a serum calcium concentration >14
mg/dL (3.5 mmol/L) require treatment, regardless of
Treatment approach for mild hypercalcemia
 Patients with asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic
hypercalcemia (calcium <12 mg/dL) do not require
immediate treatment.
 However, they should be advised to avoid factors that can
aggravate hypercalcemia, including thiazide diuretics,
volume depletion, prolonged bed rest or inactivity, and a
high calcium diet (>1000 mg/day).
 Adequate hydration (at least six to eight glasses of water
per day) is recommended to minimize the risk of
 Additional therapy depends mostly upon the cause of the
Treatment approach for moderate
 Asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic individuals with
chronic moderate hypercalcemia (calcium between 12 and
14 mg/dL) may not require immediate therapy.
 It is important to note that an acute rise to these
concentrations may cause marked changes in sensorium,
which requires more aggressive therapy.
 In these patients, treatment with saline hydration and
bisphosphonates, as described for severe hypercalcemia
on next page.
Treatment approach for severe hypercalcemia
 Patients with calcium >14 mg/dL (3.5 mmol/L) require more
aggressive therapy.
 Volume expansion with isotonic saline at an initial rate of 200 to
300 mL/hour that is then adjusted to maintain the urine output at
100 to 150 mL/hour.
 In the absence of renal failure or heart failure, loop diuretic
therapy to directly increase calcium excretion is not
recommended, because of potential complications.
 Administration of salmon calcitonin (4 IU/kg) and repeat
measurement of serum calcium in several hours. It can be
repeated every 6 to 12 hours (4 to 8 IU/kg).
 The concurrent administration of zoledronic acid (ZA; 4 mg
intravenously [IV] over 15 minutes) or pamidronate (60 to 90 mg
over two hours), preferably ZA because it is superior to
pamidronate in reversing hypercalcemia related to malignancy.
Treatment approach for severe hypercalcemia
 The administration of calcitonin plus saline should result
in substantial reduction in serum calcium concentrations
within 12 to 48 hours. The bisphosphonate will be
effective by the second to fourth day, thereby maintaining
control of the hypercalcemia.
 Additional, more aggressive measures are necessary in the
rare patient with very severe, symptomatic
 Hemodialysis should be considered, in addition to the
above treatments, in patients who have serum calcium
concentrations in the range of 18 to 20 mg/dL and
neurologic symptoms but a stable circulation or in those
with severe hypercalcemia complicated by renal failure.
Preventing recurrence of hypercalcemia
 Follow-up therapy is aimed at preventing recurrence of
hypercalcemia. In patients with hypercalcemia of
malignancy, progressive hypercalcemia will inevitably
accompany tumor progression, and therefore, the
underlying disease causing the hypercalcemia should be
treated, if at all possible.
 Many patients with malignancy may also have metastatic
bone disease and will have to receive IV ZA or
pamidronate every three to four weeks as part of their
treatment to prevent skeletal complications.
Normal Saline 200-300 mL/h IV Cardiopulmonary function with
examination, central venous pressure and
chest radiograph
Furosemide 20-80 mg every
2-4 h or
40 mg/h CI
IV Serum and urine electrolytes. Replace K,
Mg, and PO4 based on serum levels and
urinary losses.
4-8 IU/kg every
6-12 h
IM, SC Allergic reaction. Give a skin test of 1 IU
intradermally before treatment. Effective
only during first 48-72 h.
4 mg IV over
15 min every
2-4 weeks PRN
IV Drug of choice for malignancy-associated
hypercalcemia. Caution with chronic kidney
disease and myeloma.
Cinacalcet 30-90 mg b.i.d.-
PO Take with meals. Monitor parathyroid
hormone, Ca, and PO4 at least 12 h
after dose.
200 mg/m2/day CI
over 4 h PRN for
5 days
IV Avoid in renal failure. Monitor creatinine,
PO4, and complete blood count.
Dialysis Low or no calcium
Hypercalcemic crisis or refractory
hypercalcemia. Useful in renal failure.
Therapy Advantages Limitations
CALCITONIN Safe and relatively nontoxic, Although a
relatively weak agent, it works rapidly,
lowering the serum calcium concentration
by a maximum of 1 to 2 mg/dL (0.3 to 0.5
mmol/L) beginning within four to six hours.
It’s most useful with hydration.
The efficacy of calcitonin is
limited to the first 48 hours,
even with repeated doses,
indicating the development of
tachyphylaxis, perhaps due to
receptor downregulation.
BISPHOSPHONATES They are effective in treating
hypercalcemia resulting from excessive
bone resorption of any cause. They are
more potent than calcitonin and saline for
patients with moderate or severe
Their maximum effect occurs in
two to four days, so that they
are usually given in conjunction
with saline and/or calcitonin,
which reduce calcium
concentration more rapidly.
Bisphosphonates have potential
Zolendronic Acid in Renal impairment
 The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Novartis
Pharmaceuticals have advised healthcare professionals
about dose reductions for zoledronic acid injection
(Zometa) when treating advanced cancer in patients with
mild to moderate renal impairment.
 Dose Modification:
 CrCl >60 mL/min: 4 mg
 CrCl 50-60 mL/min: 3.5 mg
 CrCl 40-49 mL/min: 3.3 mg
 CrCl 30-39 mL/min: 3 mg
 CrCl <30 mL/min: Not recommended
 In clinical trials of zoledronic acid for the treatment of
hypercalcemia of malignancy, patients with serum
creatinine concentrations as high as 4.5 mg/dL were
eligible for participation.
 However, physician must be cautious when using IV
bisphosphonates to treat hypercalcemia in patients with
impaired renal function (creatinine >4.5 mg/dL).
 Adequate hydration with saline and treatment with a
reduced dose and/or slower infusion rate may minimize
Alternative treatment in hypercalcemia with
severe renal impairment
 Denosumab: Denosumab is an option for patients with hypercalcemia
that is refractory to zoledronic acid (ZA) or in whom bisphosphonates
are contraindicated due to severe renal impairment.
 Denosumab, unlike bisphosphonates, is not cleared by the kidney,
and as a consequence, there is no restriction of its use in patients
with chronic kidney disease, for whom bisphosphonates are used
with caution or contraindicated.
 Severe renal impairment (serum creatinine 2.5 to 5.7 mg/dL),
denosumab improved serum calcium within two to four days.
 However, the optimal dose of denosumab in the setting of renal
impairment is uncertain.
 Dialysis — Hemodialysis with little or no calcium in the dialysis fluid
and peritoneal dialysis (though it is slower) are both effective therapies
for hypercalcemia and are considered treatments of last resort.
Outcome of few cases of
Hypercalcemia in Endocrinology
dept. of BIRDEM
Brief case summary (1):
 Mrs. Nur Jahan Begum, 76 years old female patient with h/o
HTN for 40 years and CKD for 8 months presented with
complaints of:
Altered mental status and drowsiness for 5 days
Right leg swelling, pain and redness for 8 days.
 Patient got admitted in Endocrinology dept. as a referred
case of hypercalcemia (suffering for 8 months, no h/o
calcium or vit-D supplementation with high iPTH level).
 On clinical examination, Patient was severely dehydrated.
Pulse: 68b/m, BP: 100/60mmHg. Temp: 100 degree F. R/R: 18
breaths/min. GCS: 13/15. There was no focal neurological
 S. Total Calcium 13.5mg/dL. Corrected calcium: 14.188 mg/dL
 S. Total Protein: 56.7 gm/L. S. Albumin: 31.4 g/L.
 S. PO4 : 1.6 mg/dL.
 ALP: 256 U/L
 iPTH: 982 pg/ml
 S. Creatinine: 1.92 mg/dL
 24 hour urinary calcium: 273 mg/day
 ECG: Short QT interval.
 USG of W/A: Suggestive of Early renal parenchymal disease.
 USG of Neck: Multiple Nodules in both lobes of thyroid gland.
 X-ray Both Hand: Osteopenia
 X-ray Skull: Osteopenia, No Lytic Lesion.
 BMD: T Score: Osteoporosis. (T Score: -3.6 in AP Spine)
 Vitamin-D level: Report Pending
 Sestamibi scan: Pending
 Other routine investigations were also done.
Diagnosis & management
 Diagnosis: HTN, CKD, Hypercalcemia due to (?) Primary
Hyperparathyroidism, Osteoporosis, Cellulitis of right leg.
 Management: For management of severe hypercalcemia and
dehydration, we started Infusion normal saline with proper
maintenance of intake output chart. Later added Tab.
Frusemide 40mg (1 + 0 + 0).
 After correction of dehydration, her serum Ca2+ started to
decline and become 9.9 mg/dl (Corrected) and remained stable
through out the hospital stay.
 Other supportive management was given, as well management
of cellulitis was also done.
 Injectable bisphosphonate therapy was advised after resolving
of the cellulitis during discharge (DOR).
 Patient party has been advised to do Sestamibi scan as early as
possible and come to follow up for definitive management.
Brief case summary (2):
 Mrs. Rezina Anju, 71 years old patient with h/o DM, HTN,
Hypothyroidism on replacement got admitted with
complaints of:
altered behavior, decreased talk and response for 8
h/o fecal and urinary incontinence.
 On Drug history: Patient was receiving both calcium and
vitamin –D (Calcitriol) as a part of osteoporosis treatment
but was not having regular follow up.
 On Examination, Patient was clinically stable with normal
vitals. Generalized weakness was present. Planter was
equivocal. Focal neurological signs were absent.
On routine investigations:
S. Calcium Level: 10.8mg/dl (Corrected: 11.4mg/dl)
S. TP: 73.3 gm/L. S. Albumin: 32.6 gm/L
ALP: 74 U/L
Vitamin – D Level: Report pending.
S. Creatinine: 0.9mg/dl
BMD: Osteoporosis. T Score – 2.9 on Femur (Done Previously)
ECG: Normal Sinus Rhythm
Other investigations reveals normal findings.
CT Scan of Brain: Left cerebral infract. Peri and paraventricular
white matter ischemic changes. Mild Degenerative cortical
atrophy of brain.
Diagnosis & management
 Diagnosis: DM, HTN, Hypothyroidism (on replacement),
Ischemic Stroke, Dementia, Hypercalcemia (Iatrogenic)
 Management: Calcium and Vitamin – D supplementation
has been stopped. Neurology consultation was taken for
Ischemic Stroke. Conservative management has been
 During discharge, Patient has been advised to come after
1 week on follow up with S. Vit-D level and Ca2+.
Brief case summary (3):
 Md. Zahirul Islam khan, 55 years old patient with h/o DM for 10
years and CKD for 2 years got admitted in Endocrinology dept. of
BIRDEM with complaints of:
Generalized weakness for last 2 months.
Multiple joint pain for 2 months.
High blood sugar for 2 months.
 Patient gives history of multiple episodes of acute and chronic
pancreatitis since 2013. That time his S. Ca2+ was also above
normal range but it was not properly evaluated.
 2 months back, he has suffered from chikungunya fever. For joint
pain, uncontrolled DM and weakness, he got admitted in a hospital
outside BIRDEM, where he was ultrasonologically diagnosed as a
case of nephrocalcinosis with pancreatic calculi. On evaluation,
He was diagnosed as a case of hypercalcemia with
hyperparathyroidism. For further management, he was referred to
BIRDEM Endocrinology department.
Clinical examination
[Patient is currently under treatment on our dept. (Bed: 1240)]
On general examination, Patient is ill looking his body built is
below average.
Anemia: +
BP: 110/60 mmHg, Pulse: 88b/m, regular. R/R: 18b/m, Temp:
Edema: ++
Bed side albumin: +, Acetone: Nil.
Thyroid gland: Not palpable
Fundus: Appears normal.
Gross muscle wasting present. Muscle power is 4/5 in all limbs.
Jerks are slightly diminished.
Metatarsal joint tenderness present.
No features of acromegaly, visual difficulty.
Rest of the findings are normal.
 S. Total Calcium 12.6mg/dL. Corrected Ca2+: 13.27 mg/dL
 S. Total Protein: 66.1 gm/L. S. Albumin: 29.1 g/L.
 S. PO4 : 2.4 mg/dL.
 ALP: 188 U/L
 iPTH: 751 pg/ml
 S. Creatinine: 2.8 mg/dL (eGFR: 25.22).
 24 hour urinary calcium: report pending
 ECG: Short QT interval. 384 ms. Left ventricular
hypertrophy. Sinus rhythm.
 USG of W/A: Suggestive of pancreatic calculi with dilated
PD. Nephropathy. Suggestive of left renal calculi. Mild
 USG of neck: Bilateral Nodular goiter.
 X-ray both hand: Osteopenia
 X-ray skull: Osteopenia, No Lytic Lesion. Sella turcica
appears to be enlarged.
 Urinary bence jones protein: Negative
Investigations (Cont):
 DEXA: Pending
 Vitamin-D level: Report Pending
 Sestamibi scan: Pending
For evaluation of MEN Syndrome:
 ACTH: 5.0 pg/ml
 Basal Cortisol: 425 nmol/L
 S. TSH: 1.19 uIU/mL
 FT4: 14.31 pmol/L
 S. Prolactin: Pending
 MRI of sella and parasellar region: Pending.
Diagnosis & management
 Working Diagnosis: DM, Hyperparathyroidism (? Primary),
Hypercalcemia, Post Chikungunya Arthritis, CKD (Stage – 4)
 Management: For management of severe hypercalcemia and
dehydration, we started infusion normal saline along with
injection frusemide (40mg in each liter) to maintain forced
diuresis with careful monitoring of renal function.
 Injectable albumin has been advised for correction of
 Serum Calcium level initially decreased then again increase
 Inj. Calcitonin (100u) S/C BD has been advised with careful
monitoring of Ca2+ along with hydration. (Also per advise of
Nephrology consultation)
 Inj. Bisphosphonate is yet to be advised after careful
assessment of risk benefit ratio.
 Greenspan's Basic and Clinical Endocrinology, 9E
 Endocrinology Secrets 6E
 UpToDate online, Management of Hypercalcemia.

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  • 1. Hypercalcemia Dr. Lala Shourav Das DEM Student Department of Endocrinology
  • 2. Introduction  Commonly encountered in clinical practice.  Hypercalcemia affects 0.5% to 1% of the general population.  Diagnosis is often made incidentally.  Hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia due to malignancy cause 90% of all hypercalcemia.  Hypercalcemic crisis is a medical emergency.
  • 3. Definition  Hypercalcemia is a corrected total serum calcium value above the upper limit of the normal range or an elevated ionized calcium value.  The skeleton contains 99% of total body calcium. The remaining 1% circulates through out the body.  Among circulating calcium, 50% is free (ionized), 40% protein-bound, and 10% complexed to phosphate, citrate, bicarbonate, sulfate, and lactate. Only elevations in the free calcium are associated with symptoms and signs.
  • 4. Distribution of circulating calcium Reference: Greenspan's Basic and Clinical Endocrinology – 9th Edition Conversion factor: 0.2495
  • 5. Classification of Hypercalcemia:  According to level of corrected total serum calcium value hypercalcemia can be classified into: o Mild Hypercalcemia (Corrected Ca level >10.5 mg/dL to less than 12 mg/dL) o Moderate Hypercalcemia (Corrected Ca Level 12 to 14 mg/dL) o Severe Hypercalcemia (A level greater than 14 mg/dL)  Corrected Calcium = (4.0 mg/dL – [Serum Albumin]) x 0.8 + [Observed Calcium]
  • 6. Clinical Features of Hypercalcemia  Can be completely asymptomatic.  Central nervous system effects:  Lethargy, depression, psychosis, ataxia, stupor, and coma  Neuromuscular effects:  Weakness, proximal myopathy, and hypertonia  Cardiovascular effects:  Hypertension, bradycardia (and eventually asystole), a shortened QT interval (ECG)  Renal effects:  Stones, decreased GFR, polyuria, nephrocalcinosis;  Gastrointestinal effects:  Nausea, vomiting, constipation and anorexia  Eye findings such as band keratopathy  Systemic metastatic calcification.
  • 7.
  • 8. Normal calcium balance & Hypercalcemia
  • 9. Mechanism of hypercalcemia Variables affecting Calcium metabolism Target organs for Calcium Metabolism Increased bone resorption Increased renal reabsorption or decreased excretion Increased gut absorption Parathyroid hormone (PTH) 1,25(OH)2D Calcitonin Calcium Phosphate Fibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF-23) Bones Gut Kidneys
  • 10. Common causes of Hypercalcemia  PRIMARY HYPERPARATHYROIDISM: Primary hyperparathyroidism results from the excessive secretion of PTH and typically produces frank hypercalcemia.  Primary hyperparathyroidism is approximately 2 to 3 times more common in women than in men.  The diagnosis of primary hyperparathyroidism in a hypercalcemic patient can be made by determining intact PTH level.  The definitive treatment of primary hyperparathyroidism is parathyroidectomy.
  • 11. Common causes of Hypercalcemia (cont.)  MALIGNANCY-ASSOCIATED HYPERCALCEMIA: Malignancy- associated hypercalcemia is the second most common form of hypercalcemia.  It can be presented as a part of paraneoplastic syndrome (eg: parathyroid hormone (PTH)-related protein (PTHrP)) or due to direct bony metastasis.  It is most common in squamous cell carcinoma of the lung, head, and neck, renal cell carcinoma, breast cancer, multiple myeloma, and lymphoma.
  • 13. Common causes of Hypercalcemia (cont.)  Calcium & Vitamin D (Hypervitaminosis –D) over Supplimentation  Sarcoidosis and Other granulomatous disorders  ENDOCRINOPATHIES: Thyrotoxicosis, Adrenal Insufficiency.  ENDOCRINE TUMORS: pheochromocytoma (may be associated with MEN-2), VIPomas.  Thiazide Diuretics & Indapamide  Hypervitaminosis A  Milk Alkali Syndrome (Rare nowadays)  Immobilization  Acute Renal Failure due to rhabdomyolyses
  • 14. Investigations for management of hypercalcemia  General Investigations:  S. Calcium Level  S. PO4 Level  S. Alkaline phosphates  S. Parathyroid level  S. Vitamin-D level  S. Total protein, S. Albumin  ECG  Specific Investigations: Varies according to cause.
  • 15. Indication of treatment of Hypercalcemia  Patients with asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic (eg, constipation) hypercalcemia (calcium <12 mg/dL [3 mmol/L]) do not require immediate treatment.  Similarly, a serum calcium of 12 to 14 mg/dL (3 to 3.5 mmol/L) may be well tolerated chronically and may not require immediate treatment.  However, an acute rise to these concentrations may cause marked changes in sensorium, which requires more aggressive measures.  In addition, patients with a serum calcium concentration >14 mg/dL (3.5 mmol/L) require treatment, regardless of symptoms.
  • 16. Treatment approach for mild hypercalcemia  Patients with asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic hypercalcemia (calcium <12 mg/dL) do not require immediate treatment.  However, they should be advised to avoid factors that can aggravate hypercalcemia, including thiazide diuretics, volume depletion, prolonged bed rest or inactivity, and a high calcium diet (>1000 mg/day).  Adequate hydration (at least six to eight glasses of water per day) is recommended to minimize the risk of nephrolithiasis.  Additional therapy depends mostly upon the cause of the hypercalcemia.
  • 17. Treatment approach for moderate hypercalcemia  Asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic individuals with chronic moderate hypercalcemia (calcium between 12 and 14 mg/dL) may not require immediate therapy.  It is important to note that an acute rise to these concentrations may cause marked changes in sensorium, which requires more aggressive therapy.  In these patients, treatment with saline hydration and bisphosphonates, as described for severe hypercalcemia on next page.
  • 18. Treatment approach for severe hypercalcemia  Patients with calcium >14 mg/dL (3.5 mmol/L) require more aggressive therapy.  Volume expansion with isotonic saline at an initial rate of 200 to 300 mL/hour that is then adjusted to maintain the urine output at 100 to 150 mL/hour.  In the absence of renal failure or heart failure, loop diuretic therapy to directly increase calcium excretion is not recommended, because of potential complications.  Administration of salmon calcitonin (4 IU/kg) and repeat measurement of serum calcium in several hours. It can be repeated every 6 to 12 hours (4 to 8 IU/kg).  The concurrent administration of zoledronic acid (ZA; 4 mg intravenously [IV] over 15 minutes) or pamidronate (60 to 90 mg over two hours), preferably ZA because it is superior to pamidronate in reversing hypercalcemia related to malignancy.
  • 19. Treatment approach for severe hypercalcemia (Cont.)  The administration of calcitonin plus saline should result in substantial reduction in serum calcium concentrations within 12 to 48 hours. The bisphosphonate will be effective by the second to fourth day, thereby maintaining control of the hypercalcemia.  Additional, more aggressive measures are necessary in the rare patient with very severe, symptomatic hypercalcemia.  Hemodialysis should be considered, in addition to the above treatments, in patients who have serum calcium concentrations in the range of 18 to 20 mg/dL and neurologic symptoms but a stable circulation or in those with severe hypercalcemia complicated by renal failure.
  • 20. Preventing recurrence of hypercalcemia  Follow-up therapy is aimed at preventing recurrence of hypercalcemia. In patients with hypercalcemia of malignancy, progressive hypercalcemia will inevitably accompany tumor progression, and therefore, the underlying disease causing the hypercalcemia should be treated, if at all possible.  Many patients with malignancy may also have metastatic bone disease and will have to receive IV ZA or pamidronate every three to four weeks as part of their treatment to prevent skeletal complications.
  • 21. THERAPY DOSE ROUTE MONITOR/COMMENT Normal Saline 200-300 mL/h IV Cardiopulmonary function with examination, central venous pressure and chest radiograph Furosemide 20-80 mg every 2-4 h or 40 mg/h CI IV Serum and urine electrolytes. Replace K, Mg, and PO4 based on serum levels and urinary losses. Salmon calcitonin 4-8 IU/kg every 6-12 h IM, SC Allergic reaction. Give a skin test of 1 IU intradermally before treatment. Effective only during first 48-72 h. Zoledronic acid 4 mg IV over 15 min every 2-4 weeks PRN IV Drug of choice for malignancy-associated hypercalcemia. Caution with chronic kidney disease and myeloma. Cinacalcet 30-90 mg b.i.d.- q.i.d. PO Take with meals. Monitor parathyroid hormone, Ca, and PO4 at least 12 h after dose. Gallium nitrate 200 mg/m2/day CI over 4 h PRN for 5 days IV Avoid in renal failure. Monitor creatinine, PO4, and complete blood count. Dialysis Low or no calcium dialysate Hemodialysis/ peritoneal dialysis Hypercalcemic crisis or refractory hypercalcemia. Useful in renal failure.
  • 22. Therapy Advantages Limitations CALCITONIN Safe and relatively nontoxic, Although a relatively weak agent, it works rapidly, lowering the serum calcium concentration by a maximum of 1 to 2 mg/dL (0.3 to 0.5 mmol/L) beginning within four to six hours. It’s most useful with hydration. The efficacy of calcitonin is limited to the first 48 hours, even with repeated doses, indicating the development of tachyphylaxis, perhaps due to receptor downregulation. BISPHOSPHONATES They are effective in treating hypercalcemia resulting from excessive bone resorption of any cause. They are more potent than calcitonin and saline for patients with moderate or severe hypercalcemia. Their maximum effect occurs in two to four days, so that they are usually given in conjunction with saline and/or calcitonin, which reduce calcium concentration more rapidly. Bisphosphonates have potential nephrotoxicity.
  • 23. Zolendronic Acid in Renal impairment  The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Novartis Pharmaceuticals have advised healthcare professionals about dose reductions for zoledronic acid injection (Zometa) when treating advanced cancer in patients with mild to moderate renal impairment.  Dose Modification:  CrCl >60 mL/min: 4 mg  CrCl 50-60 mL/min: 3.5 mg  CrCl 40-49 mL/min: 3.3 mg  CrCl 30-39 mL/min: 3 mg  CrCl <30 mL/min: Not recommended
  • 24.  In clinical trials of zoledronic acid for the treatment of hypercalcemia of malignancy, patients with serum creatinine concentrations as high as 4.5 mg/dL were eligible for participation.  However, physician must be cautious when using IV bisphosphonates to treat hypercalcemia in patients with impaired renal function (creatinine >4.5 mg/dL).  Adequate hydration with saline and treatment with a reduced dose and/or slower infusion rate may minimize risk.
  • 25. Alternative treatment in hypercalcemia with severe renal impairment  Denosumab: Denosumab is an option for patients with hypercalcemia that is refractory to zoledronic acid (ZA) or in whom bisphosphonates are contraindicated due to severe renal impairment.  Denosumab, unlike bisphosphonates, is not cleared by the kidney, and as a consequence, there is no restriction of its use in patients with chronic kidney disease, for whom bisphosphonates are used with caution or contraindicated.  Severe renal impairment (serum creatinine 2.5 to 5.7 mg/dL), denosumab improved serum calcium within two to four days.  However, the optimal dose of denosumab in the setting of renal impairment is uncertain.  Dialysis — Hemodialysis with little or no calcium in the dialysis fluid and peritoneal dialysis (though it is slower) are both effective therapies for hypercalcemia and are considered treatments of last resort.
  • 26. Outcome of few cases of Hypercalcemia in Endocrinology dept. of BIRDEM
  • 27. Brief case summary (1):  Mrs. Nur Jahan Begum, 76 years old female patient with h/o HTN for 40 years and CKD for 8 months presented with complaints of: Altered mental status and drowsiness for 5 days Right leg swelling, pain and redness for 8 days.  Patient got admitted in Endocrinology dept. as a referred case of hypercalcemia (suffering for 8 months, no h/o calcium or vit-D supplementation with high iPTH level).  On clinical examination, Patient was severely dehydrated. Pulse: 68b/m, BP: 100/60mmHg. Temp: 100 degree F. R/R: 18 breaths/min. GCS: 13/15. There was no focal neurological symptoms.
  • 28. Investigations:  S. Total Calcium 13.5mg/dL. Corrected calcium: 14.188 mg/dL  S. Total Protein: 56.7 gm/L. S. Albumin: 31.4 g/L.  S. PO4 : 1.6 mg/dL.  ALP: 256 U/L  iPTH: 982 pg/ml  S. Creatinine: 1.92 mg/dL  24 hour urinary calcium: 273 mg/day  ECG: Short QT interval.  USG of W/A: Suggestive of Early renal parenchymal disease.  USG of Neck: Multiple Nodules in both lobes of thyroid gland.  X-ray Both Hand: Osteopenia  X-ray Skull: Osteopenia, No Lytic Lesion.  BMD: T Score: Osteoporosis. (T Score: -3.6 in AP Spine)  Vitamin-D level: Report Pending  Sestamibi scan: Pending  Other routine investigations were also done.
  • 29. Diagnosis & management  Diagnosis: HTN, CKD, Hypercalcemia due to (?) Primary Hyperparathyroidism, Osteoporosis, Cellulitis of right leg.  Management: For management of severe hypercalcemia and dehydration, we started Infusion normal saline with proper maintenance of intake output chart. Later added Tab. Frusemide 40mg (1 + 0 + 0).  After correction of dehydration, her serum Ca2+ started to decline and become 9.9 mg/dl (Corrected) and remained stable through out the hospital stay.  Other supportive management was given, as well management of cellulitis was also done.  Injectable bisphosphonate therapy was advised after resolving of the cellulitis during discharge (DOR).  Patient party has been advised to do Sestamibi scan as early as possible and come to follow up for definitive management.
  • 30. Brief case summary (2):  Mrs. Rezina Anju, 71 years old patient with h/o DM, HTN, Hypothyroidism on replacement got admitted with complaints of: altered behavior, decreased talk and response for 8 days h/o fecal and urinary incontinence.  On Drug history: Patient was receiving both calcium and vitamin –D (Calcitriol) as a part of osteoporosis treatment but was not having regular follow up.  On Examination, Patient was clinically stable with normal vitals. Generalized weakness was present. Planter was equivocal. Focal neurological signs were absent.
  • 31. Investigations: On routine investigations: S. Calcium Level: 10.8mg/dl (Corrected: 11.4mg/dl) S. TP: 73.3 gm/L. S. Albumin: 32.6 gm/L ALP: 74 U/L Vitamin – D Level: Report pending. S. Creatinine: 0.9mg/dl BMD: Osteoporosis. T Score – 2.9 on Femur (Done Previously) ECG: Normal Sinus Rhythm Other investigations reveals normal findings. CT Scan of Brain: Left cerebral infract. Peri and paraventricular white matter ischemic changes. Mild Degenerative cortical atrophy of brain.
  • 32. Diagnosis & management  Diagnosis: DM, HTN, Hypothyroidism (on replacement), Ischemic Stroke, Dementia, Hypercalcemia (Iatrogenic)  Management: Calcium and Vitamin – D supplementation has been stopped. Neurology consultation was taken for Ischemic Stroke. Conservative management has been advised.  During discharge, Patient has been advised to come after 1 week on follow up with S. Vit-D level and Ca2+.
  • 33. Brief case summary (3):  Md. Zahirul Islam khan, 55 years old patient with h/o DM for 10 years and CKD for 2 years got admitted in Endocrinology dept. of BIRDEM with complaints of: Generalized weakness for last 2 months. Multiple joint pain for 2 months. High blood sugar for 2 months.  Patient gives history of multiple episodes of acute and chronic pancreatitis since 2013. That time his S. Ca2+ was also above normal range but it was not properly evaluated.  2 months back, he has suffered from chikungunya fever. For joint pain, uncontrolled DM and weakness, he got admitted in a hospital outside BIRDEM, where he was ultrasonologically diagnosed as a case of nephrocalcinosis with pancreatic calculi. On evaluation, He was diagnosed as a case of hypercalcemia with hyperparathyroidism. For further management, he was referred to BIRDEM Endocrinology department.
  • 34. Clinical examination [Patient is currently under treatment on our dept. (Bed: 1240)] On general examination, Patient is ill looking his body built is below average. Anemia: + BP: 110/60 mmHg, Pulse: 88b/m, regular. R/R: 18b/m, Temp: N. Edema: ++ Bed side albumin: +, Acetone: Nil. Thyroid gland: Not palpable Fundus: Appears normal. Gross muscle wasting present. Muscle power is 4/5 in all limbs. Jerks are slightly diminished. Metatarsal joint tenderness present. No features of acromegaly, visual difficulty. Rest of the findings are normal.
  • 35. Investigations:  S. Total Calcium 12.6mg/dL. Corrected Ca2+: 13.27 mg/dL  S. Total Protein: 66.1 gm/L. S. Albumin: 29.1 g/L.  S. PO4 : 2.4 mg/dL.  ALP: 188 U/L  iPTH: 751 pg/ml  S. Creatinine: 2.8 mg/dL (eGFR: 25.22).  24 hour urinary calcium: report pending  ECG: Short QT interval. 384 ms. Left ventricular hypertrophy. Sinus rhythm.  USG of W/A: Suggestive of pancreatic calculi with dilated PD. Nephropathy. Suggestive of left renal calculi. Mild splenomegaly.  USG of neck: Bilateral Nodular goiter.  X-ray both hand: Osteopenia  X-ray skull: Osteopenia, No Lytic Lesion. Sella turcica appears to be enlarged.  Urinary bence jones protein: Negative
  • 36. Investigations (Cont):  DEXA: Pending  Vitamin-D level: Report Pending  Sestamibi scan: Pending For evaluation of MEN Syndrome:  ACTH: 5.0 pg/ml  Basal Cortisol: 425 nmol/L  S. TSH: 1.19 uIU/mL  FT4: 14.31 pmol/L  S. Prolactin: Pending  MRI of sella and parasellar region: Pending.
  • 37. Diagnosis & management  Working Diagnosis: DM, Hyperparathyroidism (? Primary), Hypercalcemia, Post Chikungunya Arthritis, CKD (Stage – 4)  Management: For management of severe hypercalcemia and dehydration, we started infusion normal saline along with injection frusemide (40mg in each liter) to maintain forced diuresis with careful monitoring of renal function.  Injectable albumin has been advised for correction of hypoalbuminemia.  Serum Calcium level initially decreased then again increase (14.2mg/dL).  Inj. Calcitonin (100u) S/C BD has been advised with careful monitoring of Ca2+ along with hydration. (Also per advise of Nephrology consultation)  Inj. Bisphosphonate is yet to be advised after careful assessment of risk benefit ratio.
  • 38. References:  Greenspan's Basic and Clinical Endocrinology, 9E  Endocrinology Secrets 6E  UpToDate online, Management of Hypercalcemia. 