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1.- Introduction and historical context.
2.- Republic Proclamation :
          The Constitution of 1931.
          Symbols of the New State.
          The elections and the provisional government.
          Parties and political organizations.
3.- Republican-Azañista Biennium(1931-1933) :
          The reforms.
          The Opposition and the reorganization of the right-wing
4.-Radical-CEDA Biennium (1934-1936):
          The Radical-CEDA Government.
          The Revolution of October 1934.
5.- February Elections. 1936: the government of the Frente Popular.
6.- Cultural Activity in the Second Republic.
   DEMOGRAPHY: during 1931-1935 mortality and birth rate came dow

   ECONOMY: period of crisis in the 1930´s based on 1929 depression
    o         on the United States of America.
              Laboral conflicts caused by the return of emigrants.

   SOCIATY: unbalanced distribution of incomes.
             Big grade of illiteracy.

   MENTALITY: two different groups:
                 - People who wanted a change
                 - People that did not want a change and believed in
    t              traditional customs.
   Resignation of Primo De Rivera on January 28, 1930.

   A return to the last political government was impossible because
          1.- The dynastic parties (conservatives and liberals)
    were r were run down.
          2.- The monarch was thought to be the responsible of the
    situ the situation.
          3.- The “Pacto De San Sebastian” made by antidynastic
    fores      forces.

   February 14,1931 the general Dámaso Berenguer resigned.

   Elections on the 12,1931 which had as a result the
    proclamation of the II Republic.

   Alfonso XIII went to exile.
   The initial government was composed of left-Republicans,
    right-Republicans, Socialists and the Regionalists. Niceto
    Alcalá Zamora was elected as the Prime Minister.

   The provisional government called a general election for June
    1931. The socialist Party (PSOE) and other left parties won
    an overwhelming victory. Niceto Alcala Zamora, a moderate
    Republican, became prime minister but included in his cabinet
    several radical figures such us Manuel Azaña, Francisco
    Largo Caballero and Indalecio Prieto.

   On 16th October 1931, Azaña replaced Niceto Alcala Zamora
    as prime minister.
   The constitution approved in December of 1931 reflected the
    ideas of the majority.

    These are the main characteristics:
   - Popular sovereignty.
   - Masculine and universal female suffrage.
   - Extensive declarations of rights and liberties:
                                              - civil divorce
                                              - right to education
   Powers of the state:
     - executive authority
     - president of the Republic with little powers.
     - head of government appointed by the president.
     -to be able judicial into the hands of the justice courts.
   For the first time in our history, the right of the regions
    established statutes of Autonomy.

Respect to the religious question, a secular state
 settles down:
 -separation of the Church and the State

 -the budget of cult and clergy disappears

 -prohibition to exert the education

 -freedom of brings: back to consciousness and cults
 Flag of the Second Republic :
The Flag of the Second Spanish Republic, also known as
  Spanish: la tricolor, was the official flag of Spain between
  1931 and 1939.
  Adopted: adopted :27 April 1931

   Colors :

   The flag had three colors : red, yellow and purple. The
    purpose of the third color was to represent Castile and
    León, the proverbial “ Pendón Morado ”

   El Himno de Riego is a song dating from the liberal
    trienium and named in honor of Colonel Rafael
    Riego. It was the national anthem of Spain during
    the Second Spanish Republic.(1931–1939).
  Spanish lyrics
 Serenos y alegres, valientes y osados,
Cantemos, soldados, el himno a la lid.
De nuestros acentos el orbe se admire
Y en nosotros mire los hijos del Cid.
Soldados, la patria nos llama a la lid.
Juremos por ella vencer o morir.
El mundo vio nunca, más noble osadía,
Ni vio nunca un día más grande el valor,
Que aquel, inflamados, nos vimos del fuego,
Excitar a Riego de Patria el amor.
Soldados, la patria nos llama a la lid.
Juremos por ella vencer o morir.
La trompa guerrera sus ecos al viento,
Horror al sediento, ya ruge el cañón.
A Marte sañudo la audacia provoca
Y el ingenio invoca de nuestra nación.
Soldados, la patria nos llama a la lid.
Juremos por ella vencer o morir.
   On the left, the parties and organizations can be considered the ones which reunite
    the following characteristics: Manifest adhesion to the Republic. The characteristics
    of the parties and groups that we classified as on the right can be defined as the
    clear or guarded antagonism to the republican form of State   .


                              Partido                   Esquerra                   PSOE
                            Republicano                Republicana                  PCE
      Acción                  Radical                      de                      POUM
    Republicana              socialista                 Cataluña.                   CNT
Right wing

Republican parties   Autonomous      Monarchic       Authoritarian
                        paties        parties          parties

    Partido                         Renovación
    Radical                          Española.
  Republicano        -La Lliga       Comunión
    (CEDA)                         Tradicionalista      Falange
                      - PNV
 New period presided by Manuel Azaña

 Niceto Alcalá Zamora was elected President of the

 The new democracy did not enjoy social and economic

 The crisis of 1929 is characterized by its
  unemployment, decrease of the exterior trade …

                              The agrarian reform ( 1932)
                              The socio-labor reforms
Its principal measures were
                              Autonomous field
The agrarian reform ( 1932) :

   Mechanism of action : the expropriated or confiscated
    lands passed to be a property of the Institute and
    transferred them to the provincial meetings. Later, they
    passed to the peasants' communities.

   Nobody remains satisfied.

   The consequences: the only solution the peasants still
    had was the revolution.
The socio-labor reforms:

 Promoted   by Largo Caballero :

-  Law of Contracts of Work
 - Law of Mixed Jurors

 - Law of Municipal areas

 - Law of the Necessary Working

 Procedure of work accidents and imposition of Labor
 Day of eight hours

   The Manuel Azaña's first military reforms were directed
    to adapt the quantity of military workforce to the real
    needs of the country.

   “Ley de Azaña”

   The Consejo Supremo de Justicia Militar was abolished

   The military education linked itself to the University and
    the Academy of Zaragoza was removed.
   Basic problem: high index of illiteracy (superior to 30 %), and the lack
    of education of almost the half of the infantile population.
   Search of the Secular State independent from the church
    Re          Religious centers were closed.
   Co-education
   Search of a lay, public and free education.
   The education was seeking to take to the rural way by means of the
    Pedagogical Missions
   Expulsion of the country of the Cardinal Segura
Autonomous field:
   In Cataluña, in 1931, the president of Esquerra Republicana
    proclaimed the Catalan Republic.

   Formation of an autonomous government, Generalitat, whose
    first task would be to write a State of Autonomy :    ->
    Nuria's Statute.

 The constitution which was approved in
December, offered a legal frame to the
Estatuto de Autonomía de Cataluña.
thanks to, Manuel Azaña, it was
approved in 1932.

                               ( Manuel Azaña )
   In the País Vasco, they approved in 1931 a project of
    statute opposition to the left republicanism and the

   After the victory of the conservatives in 1933, some
    reforms took place :
   - Alejandro stopped the agrarian reform.
   - The agricultural question confronted also the central
    government with the Generalitat of Cataluña.
   - Finally, the government of the Generalitat of Cataluña
    approved a new law very similar to the other one.

   On the other hand, the central government became
    enemies with the Basque nationalists.
   Luis Companys, proclaimed, on October 6, the
    Catalan Republic inside the Federal Spanish
    Republic. At the same time, a left-wing parties'
    alliance was organizing a general strike.

   The insurrection failed.

 The Revolution of October´s consequences
were notable. In relation with Cataluña,
the CEDA abolished the Generalitat and
the “ Ley de Contratos de Cultivo ” was
definitively annulled.

                               ( Luis Companys )
   The change of the regime coincided with the most
    serious phase of the economic world depression.

    In 1932 the anarchists propitiated a miners' revolt in
    Catalonia and in 1933, a peasants´ revolt in Andalucía
    called “Sucesos de las Casas Viejas”.

   The conflicts increased        worse economic

 All the sectors opposite to
the Republic to try to finish
with the coalition
republican - socialist.

   The republican reforms and the social conflict
    disliked to the economic, social and ideological
    elites (Church, big owners of lands, …).

   The center - right was restructured about Lerroux's
    Radical party.

   The CEDA possessed a great number of members
    and an indisputable leader: Jose Maria Gil Robles.
   Spanish renovation (Jose Calvo Sotelo), the
    Traditionalist Communion (Carlist) and in a special way
    the fascist groups of Falange and of the J.O.N.S.
    managed to create a dread´s climate that ended up by
    dragging to the set of the right.

   The general Sanjurjo realized a “golpe de estado” in
    1932, in order to force the turn of the Republic to the
    right, but he failed. In 1933 the Military Spanish Union
    (UME) was created. It will have active participation in
    the “golpe de estado” of July, 1936.

                 RI GHT S I DE

 After the elections, Lerroux formed a cabinet shaped
    exclusively by members of his party.

 Política de rectificación of the reforms of the previous
  biennium :
 - Paralyzation of the agrarian reform.

 - Paralyzation of the military reform and designation of
  important military positions to anti-republicans .
 - Conciliation with the Catholic Church.

 - Paralyzation of the educational reforms.

 - Clash with the peripheral nationalism.

   In a context of economic international crisis and the
    victory of radical parties in Europe . Spain was separated
    between the "right" and the "left“ sides.

 Right:
 CEDA ( Confederación Española de Derechas
  Autónomas )    Gil Robles

   Renovación Española        Calvo Sotelo

   Falange Española       Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera.
    Fused in 1934 with the (J.O.N.S)    Lesdema
  LEFT:
 Izquierda Republicana       Manuel Azaña

   PSOE ( Partido Socialista Obrero Español )          . ..
    Indalecio Prieto and Largo Caballero

   PCE ( Partido Comunista de España )       Dolores
    Ibárruri Gómez ( Pasionaria )

   CNT ( Confederación Nacional del Trabajo )      Ángel
    Pestaña .Was linked to acción revolucionaria

   Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya       Lluis

   The increasing tension between both political sides
    culminated with the entry of three secretaries of CEDA in
    the government in October, 1934.

    The government of left interpreted it as a warned of the
    imminent victory of fascism in Spain.

   This make the left side to proclaimed a general strike
    against the government.
   The movement failed in Madrid and Barcelona.

 But in Asturias the general strike triumphed and
  degenerated into a real revolution organized by
t the UGT (Unión General de Trabajadores) and the      .

   The repression was terrible : thousands of men died,
    were injured and arrested.

  Besides the government of right:
 - suspended the “Estatuto de Cataluña”

 - created a new agrarian reform law
    However the conflicts in the government

 The definitive crisis came with the scandal of

   This propitiated the end of the legislature and
    a call for new elections in February, 1936.
   February 16,1936 were celebrated de last elections of the II Republic.

   There were two parties:
          1.-Frente Popular: composed by left parties.
          2.-Frente Antirrevolucionario: formed by the CEDA.

   The result of the elections was the victory of the Frente Popular.

   February 18, the Republic President, Niceto Alcalá Zamora ordered
    Manuel Azaña to form a new government based in 4 fundamental
           1.-The continuation of the agrarian reform.
           2.-Intensify the development of education.
           3.-Amnesty of political prisoners.
           4.-reestablishment of the Generalitat of Cataluña and the approval
    of the Autonomous Statutes of Pais Vasco and Galicia.
   The government was assumed by Santiago
    Casaresde Quiroga.

   There was a deterioration of the public services
    expressed by:
        1.-Violence in the countryside with strikes and
    la      land occupation.
        2.- Attacks to ecclesiastical buildings.
        3.- Political crimes made by extreme groups such
    as Phalangists and Monarchists, in one hand and
    Communists and Anarchists in the other one.

   Murder José Calvo Sotelo on july the13th.
   Arrest of José Antonio Primo De Rivera.

   Division in the PSOE´s party:
         1.-Partisans of the social revolution led by
    Francisco Largo Caballero.
         2.-A more moderate group led by Idalecio
   The fail of the coup d'état of the general José Sanjurjo in 1932.

   The general Francisco Franco (head of state) suggested to declare
    the war but it was not accepted by republican politics.

   The general Emilio Mola prepared a new coup d'état more
    conscientious. This one should be fast and with a high level of

   It was expected to happen at the end of July but was advanced to
    the 18 of that month because of the emotional impact that the crime
    to Calvo Sotelo caused.

   The Spanish Civil War started.
( 1931 – 1933 )           ( 1933 – 1936 )         ( February – July 1936 )

BIENIO                  BIENIO                        FRENTE

Reforms:             • Paralyzation of the reforms      • Resumption of the
• Agrarian           • This provoked the                  reforms
• Socio – labor        indignation of:                  • Amnesty
• Military            Socialists (Asturias 1934 )      • Reinstatement of      th
• Religious           Catalans (proclamation             Estatuto Catalán
• Autonomous Field      of the Estatuto Catalán)

   Manuel Azaña                  Lerroux                   Casares Quiroga
 IIRepublic ideals: freedom, education and

 Supported     by intellectuals:

    Manuel Azaña
    Group  at the Service of the Republic: Antonio
       Machado, Gregorio Marañón, Ortega y Gasset.

 “Generación     del 27” -> Literature

 Federico    García Lorca -> “La Barraca”
 Pedagogical    Missions:
   Promote  Culture in rural areas (libraries, art
    expositions, concerts, films…).
   Analyze schools and courses for teachers.
   Celebrate meetings: review the political structure


   Pedagogical Missions patronage: Pedro Salinas,
   Jorge Guillén or Gerardo Diego.
Other cultural fields:

   Paintings and sculptures: Pablo Picasso /Joan Miró,
    Salvador Dalí (Surrealism).

   Films: Luis Buñuel (“Un perro andaluz”).

   Architecture: Fernando García Mercadal (“Jardines de
Active role of women (Constitution 1931) :
 María Moliner: librarianship, philologist and
  lexicographer. (Library Service Coordinator).

   María Zambrano: philosopher disciple of Ortega y
    Gasset. (Missionary).

   Carmen Conde Abellán: poet, writer and teacher.

                        ( María Zambrano )

    ( María Moliner )                        ( Carmen
                                               Conde Abellán )

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Presentación ii república

  • 1.
  • 2. INDEX 1.- Introduction and historical context. 2.- Republic Proclamation : The Constitution of 1931. Symbols of the New State. The elections and the provisional government. Parties and political organizations. 3.- Republican-Azañista Biennium(1931-1933) : The reforms. The Opposition and the reorganization of the right-wing parties. 4.-Radical-CEDA Biennium (1934-1936): The Radical-CEDA Government. The Revolution of October 1934. 5.- February Elections. 1936: the government of the Frente Popular. 6.- Cultural Activity in the Second Republic.
  • 4. CONTEXT  DEMOGRAPHY: during 1931-1935 mortality and birth rate came dow down.  ECONOMY: period of crisis in the 1930´s based on 1929 depression o on the United States of America. Laboral conflicts caused by the return of emigrants.  SOCIATY: unbalanced distribution of incomes. Big grade of illiteracy.  MENTALITY: two different groups: - People who wanted a change - People that did not want a change and believed in t traditional customs.
  • 5. FROM THE DICTATORSHIP TO THE REPUBLIC  Resignation of Primo De Rivera on January 28, 1930.  A return to the last political government was impossible because of: 1.- The dynastic parties (conservatives and liberals) were r were run down. 2.- The monarch was thought to be the responsible of the situ the situation. 3.- The “Pacto De San Sebastian” made by antidynastic fores forces.  February 14,1931 the general Dámaso Berenguer resigned.  Elections on the 12,1931 which had as a result the proclamation of the II Republic.  Alfonso XIII went to exile.
  • 7. REPUBLICAN PROCLAMATION. THE ELECTIONS AND PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT  The initial government was composed of left-Republicans, right-Republicans, Socialists and the Regionalists. Niceto Alcalá Zamora was elected as the Prime Minister.  The provisional government called a general election for June 1931. The socialist Party (PSOE) and other left parties won an overwhelming victory. Niceto Alcala Zamora, a moderate Republican, became prime minister but included in his cabinet several radical figures such us Manuel Azaña, Francisco Largo Caballero and Indalecio Prieto.  On 16th October 1931, Azaña replaced Niceto Alcala Zamora as prime minister.
  • 8. THE CONSTITUTION OF 1931  The constitution approved in December of 1931 reflected the ideas of the majority.  These are the main characteristics:  - Popular sovereignty.  - Masculine and universal female suffrage.  - Extensive declarations of rights and liberties: - civil divorce - right to education  Powers of the state:  - executive authority  - president of the Republic with little powers.  - head of government appointed by the president.  -to be able judicial into the hands of the justice courts.
  • 9. For the first time in our history, the right of the regions established statutes of Autonomy. Respect to the religious question, a secular state settles down:  -separation of the Church and the State  -the budget of cult and clergy disappears  -prohibition to exert the education  -freedom of brings: back to consciousness and cults
  • 10. SYMBOLS OF THE STATE  Flag of the Second Republic : The Flag of the Second Spanish Republic, also known as Spanish: la tricolor, was the official flag of Spain between 1931 and 1939. Adopted: adopted :27 April 1931  Colors :  The flag had three colors : red, yellow and purple. The purpose of the third color was to represent Castile and León, the proverbial “ Pendón Morado ”
  • 11. HYM OF THE SECOND REPUBLIC  El Himno de Riego is a song dating from the liberal trienium and named in honor of Colonel Rafael Riego. It was the national anthem of Spain during the Second Spanish Republic.(1931–1939).
  • 12. LYRICS  Spanish lyrics Serenos y alegres, valientes y osados, Cantemos, soldados, el himno a la lid. De nuestros acentos el orbe se admire Y en nosotros mire los hijos del Cid. Soldados, la patria nos llama a la lid. Juremos por ella vencer o morir. El mundo vio nunca, más noble osadía, Ni vio nunca un día más grande el valor, Que aquel, inflamados, nos vimos del fuego, Excitar a Riego de Patria el amor. Soldados, la patria nos llama a la lid. Juremos por ella vencer o morir. La trompa guerrera sus ecos al viento, Horror al sediento, ya ruge el cañón. A Marte sañudo la audacia provoca Y el ingenio invoca de nuestra nación. Soldados, la patria nos llama a la lid. Juremos por ella vencer o morir.
  • 13. 4 PARTIES AND POLITICAL ORGANIZATIONS  On the left, the parties and organizations can be considered the ones which reunite the following characteristics: Manifest adhesion to the Republic. The characteristics of the parties and groups that we classified as on the right can be defined as the clear or guarded antagonism to the republican form of State . Regional Autonomous Parties1 Partido Esquerra PSOE Republicano Republicana PCE Acción Radical de POUM Republicana socialista Cataluña. CNT
  • 14. Right wing Republican parties Autonomous Monarchic Authoritarian paties parties parties Partido Renovación Radical Española. Republicano -La Lliga Comunión (CEDA) Tradicionalista Falange - PNV Española
  • 16.  New period presided by Manuel Azaña  Niceto Alcalá Zamora was elected President of the Republic.  The new democracy did not enjoy social and economic tranquility.  The crisis of 1929 is characterized by its unemployment, decrease of the exterior trade … The agrarian reform ( 1932) The socio-labor reforms Its principal measures were Military Religious Autonomous field
  • 17. The agrarian reform ( 1932) :  Mechanism of action : the expropriated or confiscated lands passed to be a property of the Institute and transferred them to the provincial meetings. Later, they passed to the peasants' communities.  Nobody remains satisfied.  The consequences: the only solution the peasants still had was the revolution.
  • 18. The socio-labor reforms:  Promoted by Largo Caballero : - Law of Contracts of Work  - Law of Mixed Jurors  - Law of Municipal areas  - Law of the Necessary Working  Procedure of work accidents and imposition of Labor Day of eight hours
  • 19. Military:  The Manuel Azaña's first military reforms were directed to adapt the quantity of military workforce to the real needs of the country.  “Ley de Azaña”  The Consejo Supremo de Justicia Militar was abolished  The military education linked itself to the University and the Academy of Zaragoza was removed.
  • 20. Religious:  Basic problem: high index of illiteracy (superior to 30 %), and the lack of education of almost the half of the infantile population.  Search of the Secular State independent from the church Re Religious centers were closed.  Co-education  Search of a lay, public and free education.  The education was seeking to take to the rural way by means of the Pedagogical Missions  Expulsion of the country of the Cardinal Segura
  • 21. Autonomous field:  In Cataluña, in 1931, the president of Esquerra Republicana proclaimed the Catalan Republic.  Formation of an autonomous government, Generalitat, whose first task would be to write a State of Autonomy : -> Nuria's Statute.  The constitution which was approved in December, offered a legal frame to the Estatuto de Autonomía de Cataluña. thanks to, Manuel Azaña, it was approved in 1932. ( Manuel Azaña )
  • 22. In the País Vasco, they approved in 1931 a project of statute opposition to the left republicanism and the Socialists.  After the victory of the conservatives in 1933, some reforms took place :  - Alejandro stopped the agrarian reform.  - The agricultural question confronted also the central government with the Generalitat of Cataluña.  - Finally, the government of the Generalitat of Cataluña approved a new law very similar to the other one.  On the other hand, the central government became enemies with the Basque nationalists.
  • 23. Luis Companys, proclaimed, on October 6, the Catalan Republic inside the Federal Spanish Republic. At the same time, a left-wing parties' alliance was organizing a general strike.  The insurrection failed.  The Revolution of October´s consequences were notable. In relation with Cataluña, the CEDA abolished the Generalitat and the “ Ley de Contratos de Cultivo ” was definitively annulled. ( Luis Companys )
  • 24. SOCIAL DISPUTES  The change of the regime coincided with the most serious phase of the economic world depression.  In 1932 the anarchists propitiated a miners' revolt in Catalonia and in 1933, a peasants´ revolt in Andalucía called “Sucesos de las Casas Viejas”.  The conflicts increased worse economic situation.  All the sectors opposite to the Republic to try to finish with the coalition republican - socialist.
  • 25. THE RIGHTS REORGANIZATION. CRISIS OF THE GOVERNMENT  The republican reforms and the social conflict disliked to the economic, social and ideological elites (Church, big owners of lands, …).  The center - right was restructured about Lerroux's Radical party.  The CEDA possessed a great number of members and an indisputable leader: Jose Maria Gil Robles.
  • 26. Spanish renovation (Jose Calvo Sotelo), the Traditionalist Communion (Carlist) and in a special way the fascist groups of Falange and of the J.O.N.S. managed to create a dread´s climate that ended up by dragging to the set of the right.  The general Sanjurjo realized a “golpe de estado” in 1932, in order to force the turn of the Republic to the right, but he failed. In 1933 the Military Spanish Union (UME) was created. It will have active participation in the “golpe de estado” of July, 1936.
  • 28.  After the elections, Lerroux formed a cabinet shaped exclusively by members of his party.  Política de rectificación of the reforms of the previous biennium :  - Paralyzation of the agrarian reform.  - Paralyzation of the military reform and designation of important military positions to anti-republicans .  - Conciliation with the Catholic Church.  - Paralyzation of the educational reforms.  - Clash with the peripheral nationalism.
  • 29. RADICALIZATION OF THE POLITICAL CLASH: THE RADICAL GOVERNMENTS  In a context of economic international crisis and the victory of radical parties in Europe . Spain was separated between the "right" and the "left“ sides.  Right:  CEDA ( Confederación Española de Derechas Autónomas ) Gil Robles  Renovación Española Calvo Sotelo  Falange Española Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera. Fused in 1934 with the (J.O.N.S) Lesdema
  • 30.  LEFT:  Izquierda Republicana Manuel Azaña  PSOE ( Partido Socialista Obrero Español ) . .. Indalecio Prieto and Largo Caballero  PCE ( Partido Comunista de España ) Dolores Ibárruri Gómez ( Pasionaria )  CNT ( Confederación Nacional del Trabajo ) Ángel Pestaña .Was linked to acción revolucionaria  Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya Lluis Companys
  • 31. REVOLUTION OF OCTOBER 1934  The increasing tension between both political sides culminated with the entry of three secretaries of CEDA in the government in October, 1934.  The government of left interpreted it as a warned of the imminent victory of fascism in Spain.  This make the left side to proclaimed a general strike against the government.
  • 32. The movement failed in Madrid and Barcelona.  But in Asturias the general strike triumphed and degenerated into a real revolution organized by t the UGT (Unión General de Trabajadores) and the . CNT.  The repression was terrible : thousands of men died, were injured and arrested.  Besides the government of right:  - suspended the “Estatuto de Cataluña”  - created a new agrarian reform law
  • 33. However the conflicts in the government increased  The definitive crisis came with the scandal of “Estraperlo”.  This propitiated the end of the legislature and a call for new elections in February, 1936.
  • 35. THE ELECTIONS OF 1936 AND THE FRENTE POPULAR  February 16,1936 were celebrated de last elections of the II Republic.  There were two parties: 1.-Frente Popular: composed by left parties. 2.-Frente Antirrevolucionario: formed by the CEDA.  The result of the elections was the victory of the Frente Popular.  February 18, the Republic President, Niceto Alcalá Zamora ordered Manuel Azaña to form a new government based in 4 fundamental aspects: 1.-The continuation of the agrarian reform. 2.-Intensify the development of education. 3.-Amnesty of political prisoners. 4.-reestablishment of the Generalitat of Cataluña and the approval of the Autonomous Statutes of Pais Vasco and Galicia.
  • 36. The government was assumed by Santiago Casaresde Quiroga.  There was a deterioration of the public services expressed by: 1.-Violence in the countryside with strikes and la land occupation. 2.- Attacks to ecclesiastical buildings. 3.- Political crimes made by extreme groups such as Phalangists and Monarchists, in one hand and Communists and Anarchists in the other one.  Murder José Calvo Sotelo on july the13th.
  • 37. SOCIAL AND POLITICAL RADICALIZATION  Arrest of José Antonio Primo De Rivera.  Division in the PSOE´s party: 1.-Partisans of the social revolution led by Francisco Largo Caballero. 2.-A more moderate group led by Idalecio Prieto.
  • 38. MILITAR CONSPIRACY  The fail of the coup d'état of the general José Sanjurjo in 1932.  The general Francisco Franco (head of state) suggested to declare the war but it was not accepted by republican politics.  The general Emilio Mola prepared a new coup d'état more conscientious. This one should be fast and with a high level of violence.  It was expected to happen at the end of July but was advanced to the 18 of that month because of the emotional impact that the crime to Calvo Sotelo caused.  The Spanish Civil War started.
  • 39. ( 1931 – 1933 ) ( 1933 – 1936 ) ( February – July 1936 ) BIENIO BIENIO FRENTE REPUBLICANO - RADICAL - CEDISTA POPULAR AZAÑISTA Reforms: • Paralyzation of the reforms • Resumption of the • Agrarian • This provoked the reforms • Socio – labor indignation of: • Amnesty • Military  Socialists (Asturias 1934 ) • Reinstatement of th • Religious  Catalans (proclamation Estatuto Catalán • Autonomous Field of the Estatuto Catalán) Manuel Azaña Lerroux Casares Quiroga
  • 41.  IIRepublic ideals: freedom, education and progress.  Supported by intellectuals:  Manuel Azaña  Group at the Service of the Republic: Antonio Machado, Gregorio Marañón, Ortega y Gasset.  “Generación del 27” -> Literature  Federico García Lorca -> “La Barraca”
  • 43.  Pedagogical Missions:  Promote Culture in rural areas (libraries, art expositions, concerts, films…).  Analyze schools and courses for teachers.  Celebrate meetings: review the political structure CULTURAL AND POLITICAL AIM Pedagogical Missions patronage: Pedro Salinas, Jorge Guillén or Gerardo Diego.
  • 44. Other cultural fields:  Paintings and sculptures: Pablo Picasso /Joan Miró, Salvador Dalí (Surrealism).  Films: Luis Buñuel (“Un perro andaluz”).  Architecture: Fernando García Mercadal (“Jardines de Sabatini”)
  • 47. Active role of women (Constitution 1931) :  María Moliner: librarianship, philologist and lexicographer. (Library Service Coordinator).  María Zambrano: philosopher disciple of Ortega y Gasset. (Missionary).  Carmen Conde Abellán: poet, writer and teacher. ( María Zambrano ) ( María Moliner ) ( Carmen Conde Abellán )
  • 48.