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Chloe Ross
Main location :
My main location for filming is my house, 78 Princess Drive. I plan to do most of my scenes here which will mainly be focusing on the detective
trying to solve who the murderer is and how to open the puzzle box the killer have left them. I also plan to use my back garden as one of the
crime scenes I will be showing in my trailer, I will place my actor who is playing the dead body against my back wall and cover them in fake
blood to make it look like quite a gruesome murder. I plan to use my living room as the main investigation scene, setting up a detective board
with newspaper clippings and sketches about the killer that will all be linked together with string. This board and setting will show the audience
how serious the killers crimes have been and give a better indication as to how long the detective has been trying to find this serial killer. I also
plan to do a over the shoulder shot outside my house from the perspective of the killer and the camera will be looking into the window. This
will show the audience that the protagonist is always being watched and gives no sense of safety. The scenes set in my house, when I edit my
trailer together I plan to keep switching from my house to the other locations I plan to film in so it shows that it’s not set in just one place. This
will also be easier to film in if lockdown is still in place, however, from the 8th march lockdown will of eased which gives me a little more
freedom with my locations but having my house as the main set guarantees the availability of filming there.
Opening scene location:
At the beginning of my trailer I plan to make an opening scene which will be set near the river Ouse. I plan to set up a crime scene
where a dead body that will feature a bag over their head, puzzle box in one hand and tape recorder in the other, will be propped up
against a street light. I have planned to use this location because it I think it will set the right atmosphere to start off my trailer,
especially when it’s dark I can catch the scenery such as the street lights reflecting off the river in that picture. The area I plan to film in
will also be quite so I won’t get any unwanted noise or any interruptions, especially late at night it’s more quite than it is during the
day. The area as well I think will be a good area to set a thriller scene, or a murder especially when it’s in a public area and the dead
body is found it makes more scary. Lockdown would of eased by the time I start production so I will be allowed to film in this area, if
I’m not then I have a backup plan to film this opening scene at my local park which is the least likely option to happen but it’s a
backup plan if I need it.
Stand off scene location:
Another major scene I plan to include in my trailer is a stand off between the detective and the killer. This I plan for it to take place at
York Minster. This scene will be a reveal scene of my killer, but I plan for my killer to be dressed in this creepy mask so it doesn’t give
away their identity. This will be a short scene to show the audience at some point in the film the killer and the detective will come to a
stand off against each other, I also wanted to show how creepy the killer was because I was thinking of using a mask similar to what
scarecrow wears in Batman Begins. I think filming this scene near the York Minster, especially at night will create a really good
atmosphere for my film especially for a stand off scene I think it will make it even more dramatic to watch. Also, the York Minster at
night creates this thriller atmospheric effect and because I’m filming at night there’s usually not a lot of people around that area
compared to if I was filming during the day. I also know a few streets that can be quite if the main street near the minster is busy, but
I can still capture the Minster in the background.
Sovereign park Museum gardens Hope Street
Crime Scene Photoshoot
These locations I have chosen I don’t plan to film in them, these locations are so I can take pictures of the other victims that my killer has
killed in my trailer. Because I plan to set props up in the detectives office I plan to print these photos out of the other murders and plant
them on the detectives desk. This is so it can show the audience that the murder I show in the first scene isn’t the only victim that has been
killed my killer and to show that my detective has been on this case for a long time. I have chosen these places to take the victims pictures
because Sovereign park is a two minute walk from my house and it’s a quite area I think I would be a good place to set a murder. The
museum gardens in town can also be quite depending on the area I choose to take picture I did want to set the body against an old ruin
but it depends if it’s too busy or not, if it is then I can find a more secluded place in the gardens. I have also planned to set up another
murder victim down hope street, this is where my grandparents live so I was hoping to set the body up against one of the railings. Having
different locations of each murder will show they don’t just happen in one place and there has to be some sort of connection between the
locations which I will show my detective trying to find that out in my trailer.
F I N A N C E ( E Q U I P M E N T )
Tripod (booking out from college) Boom Mic (Booking out from college) Canon camera (Borrowing)
Battery powered portable filming
Fake Blood (purchased)
F I N A N C E ( P R O P S )
Detective’s trench coat
Fedora black detective hat (purchased)
Japanese puzzle box (owned)
Villains mask (Purchased)
Digital tape recorder (Purchased)
Sandbags to cover victims face
F I N A N C E ( S U M M A R Y )
Equipment total cost
For the equipment most of it I’m either borrowing or
booking it out of college. The equipment I need to buy
are the portable lights and the fake blood. The lights I
was searching for you needed to plug in and because
most of my scenes are going to be filmed on location
and I won’t have an electricity outlet to plug the into.
Instead I had to search for portable lights for filming that
work on batteries and the cheapest one I found was for
£44.99. This is a little over the price I was expecting it to
be, however lighting is going to be essential in my trailer
and because these are portable and also include different
coloured filters I though that these would be the most
suitable for my project. I have also bought some fake
blood, this is also another aspect that is going to be
essential to my trailer as I want it to be quite gory so the
victims need to be covered in blood. I have found some
fake blood that should be enough to use in my trailer
and that cost £9.00. The total cost my equipment has
come to is £53.99.
Props total cost
The props I need I only own two of, the detectives coat
which I am borrowing and the puzzle box which is going to
play a major role in my trailer. The rest of my props have
either bought or am going to buy. The detectives hat is to
go along with the trench coat, that cost me £6.99. The
villains mask I wanted it to be creepy but because the killers
victims are going to have a bag over their head I wanted to
do something similar with my villains costume so I found a
mask that is quite creepy and is similar to how the victims
will look and that has cost me £15.60. For the tape recorder
I couldn’t find a fake one or a prop one so I had to buy a
real one that was more than I would of liked to spend but I
could use it to record my audio with for my trailer as well so
not just as a prop and that cost me £26.99. The last prop I
needed was the bags to go over my victims heads for this I
have just bought some empty sandbags that can just slip
over their heads and it looks similar to my villains mask and
hat cost me £10.91. All together the total cost for props is
Total cost
The total cost of my equipment came to £53.99 and the total cost of my props came to £60.49.
Because I am filming in public areas also it means I don’t need to pay to book out anything
and my cast and crew have agreed to do this for free. So the total cost of my production
comes to £114.48. This is a bit more than I intended it to cost because of the portable lights
and tape recorder but it is still affordable and I have purchased most of these items already, I
have also saved some money by owning or borrowing most of the equipment and props as
Week of production Plan
1. 8/03/21 – 14/03/21 Collecting audio In my first week I plan to collect all the audio I need, this includes the soundtrack and
the voice overs I plan to have in my trailer. I also need to collect some foley sounds as
well in case in production my mic doesn’t pick everything up. This will make me more
prepared in production as the only sounds I will need to pick up is the dialogue that is
happening in the scene. However, because it’s a trailer most of it will be voice over
dialogue. I will have 7 days to collect all this audio which should be more than enough
2. 15/03/21-21/03/21 Taking pictures the murders and setting up
In my second week I plan to take pictures of the different crime scenes, because these
will be used as props in my trailer and it will make the detectives office look more
realistic with actual crime scene investigation evidence placed around the desk. I also
need to set up all the different props, including putting the outfits together and setting
up everything I need to bring when I film on location. This will make me more prepared
for when I film.
3. 22/03/21 – 28/03/21 Poster designs I plan to do different poster designs with stock images to see what would look the best
for my poster, then when it comes to making my actual poster I can use the same
design and replace the stock images with my actual pictures I would of taken.
3. 30/03/21 – 2/04/21 Start filming (Easter Holidays) I plan to do most of my filming during the easter holidays. This is because my crew
won’t be at college during this time and it give me more time to film. I have given
myself a spread of 3 days to film in the easter Holidays, the first day of filming I plan to
film my opening scene. This should take me a couple of hours to do because I will have
to set everything up and hopefully if my actors come prepared with knowing their line
we should be able to finish shooting that scene in just under 2 hours. I plan to shoot
my opening scene around 7:00pm because after I have shot that it should be dark
enough to go to the minster and shoot my stand off scene. This should take around 30
minutes to shoot because there’s no dialogue just the protagonist and antagonist
starring at each other, the thing that will take up the time is getting the villains costume
ready. On the 25th I plan to film all the scenes that will be inside my house, this will be
inside the detectives office, this should only take a couple of hours to film as well,
maybe a bit longer and then after I plan to film a scene down near the park near me
where the villain is setting up the dead body, I plan to do this sat night so around
9:00pm to make sure it’s dark, if I prepare the costumes before we go to the park this
should only take 20 minutes to film because it’s quite a short sequence. On he 26th I
plan to go over all my footage to see if anything needs to be re shot or if I need to add
Week of production Plan
4. 06/04/21 - 07/04/21 Extra filming (Easter holidays) In the second week of the easter holidays, if I need to go
out and do any extra filming I plan to do this take at least
two days out if I need to re shoot anything or add any
more scenes in. Filming in the easter holidays will allow
me to get all the footage I need so I can spend the rest of
my production time editing my trailer together and
making my poster and other products to go along with
my project, this should give me at least 5 weeks to do
5. 12/04/21 – 18/04/21 Editing When I return to college I plan to give myself 2 weeks of
editing time to edit my trailer together. I will also download
premiere on my laptop so I can continue editing at home, this
will give me even more time to make sure everything is edited
together properly.
6. 19/04/21 – 25/04/21 Editing This will be my final week of editing, if I need longer I plan to
do another 2 weeks in my schedule to make my poster and
DVD covers and I have given myself the last week to go
through everything to make sure my trailer is edited together
to the best standard and if I need to do anything extra I can
use that week to do it.
7. 26/04/21 – 2/05/21 Poster and DVD covers I plan to give myself a week to make the poster, I do plan on
making a couple of designs for it and I will continue this in my
next week of production as well as starting on my DVD covers.
8. 03/05/21 – 09/05/21 Finishing everything off This will be my last week of production so if I need to finish my
posters or DVD cover designs off I will do it in that week as
well as adding anything to my trailer. By this time I will
hopefully have everything done in time to the best standard I
can do.
For my production of my trailer I have a total of four people helping me, because lockdown would of just lifted when I
start filming I’m not allowed a lot of people to help me film. I have organised my production so the I will only need 4
people on set, plus me which makes it five. For most of my scenes I will film however, I will only need around 3 people
to help me film. It’s only for one scene that the maximum people I will need will five including me. Because I am
filming in the Easter holidays, I am allowed to meet with up to 6 people outside which is why I plan to film then.
Cast & Crew
Chloe Ross (me)
Filming crew:
Luke Ross - Lighting & audio recording
Chloe Ross - Camera
Connor Wiffen – Detective Ripley
Ellie Barton – Officer Shelby
Toni Powell – Dead Body
Luke Ross – The killer
Cast & Crew – Skills & Experience
Ellie Barton
I plan for Ellie to be one of my main actors in it, I have chosen Ellie because
she took Drama class as a GSCE in school so I know she has experience
acting, as well as memorising lines so I think she is the best person to cast
in my production.
Toni Powell
Toni has also taken drama class as a GSCE in school along with Ellie so she
has the same level of experience. However, she said she would rather have
a non speaking role which is why I have casted her to play the dead bodies.
I will get her to change her clothing for the different dead bodies she will
be playing so it looks like they’re different people. But because she took
drama I think she would act pretty well in it.
Connor Wiffen
I have casted Connor as my main role, he detective. I know he has had
experience with acting before because he had to act in his own
productions. Connor also studies film so he has experience with working
on sets and when he’s not acting he can help me with the filming.
Luke Ross
Luke will be helping me with the setting up of my production and helping
me film. Luke has had a lot of experience with filming on sets because he
studies Film and television at university so he if something’s not right or
goes wrong I can count on him to help me out with it. I was also going to
get him to play the killer because he has a deep voice he will be able to
make the killer sound scary in my trailer.
Availability & Costs
I plan to film in the easter holidays which is when I know all
my cast and crew will be available. I have planned it out so I
will get all my filming done within those two weeks of the
holidays and made it so we need to do any more filming I
have taken 2 extra days to do any re shoots that might
need to be done once I go through the original footage.
My cast and crew I have chosen to help me with the
production have agreed to do it for free and don’t expect
me to pay them, because they’re not professional actors I’m
hiring, they’re my friends. I have bought all the props and
costumes for them as well so don’t expect them to pay for
anything either and I am providing food and drinks for
them as well during production.
I have messaged my cast and crew, asking if they were
happy to help me out with filming. They have all agreed to
helping me film so I made a group chat with them all
explaining all the information, such as what date we are
going to be filming on, the times we are going to meet and
how long filming will be and they have all said there are
happy to do it and are free at the dates and times I have
given them. I haven’t finished the final draft of my script yet
but once that is finished I will send them the script and I will
highlight the lines they will need to learn for it before we
film. That way they know what the trailer is about and the
type of character they will be playing and it will make
production run more smoothly if everyone remembers their
lines before hand.
E Q U I P M E N T ( P R O D U C T I O N & P O S T )
I will be using a range of different equipment during my production, such as cameras, tripods, boom mics, audio recorders etc… I will
also be using a range of different software's that will contribute a lot towards me making my final project to a high standard. Most of
this equipment I will be borrowing from college but I will also be using some of my own equipment as well which I might not be able
to get from college.
Filming equipment
- 700D Canon
- 700D Canon
Camera Battery
- SD Card For
- Boom
Mic and
- Portable
Battery Powered
- Tripod
Audio Equipment
- Handheld audio recorder
Software equipment
- Photoshop is the software I am going to
use to create my poster and other
merchandise designs for my project.
- Premiere pro is the software I will be
using to edit my trailer together, as well
as doing a bit of audio testing's with it.
- Adobe Audition is the software I am
going to use to create the audio and
also foley for my trailer. This is the main
software I will be using to create my
villains voice.
I will be using these software's on the apple macs at college but
I will also be downloading photoshop and premiere on my
Microsoft laptop as well so I can work from home if I need to.
S C R I P T ( D R A F T )
The first script draft I did, I wasn’t very happy with it. I thought the dialogue I did was very weak because I wanted the villain
to come across as an intelligent psychopath and the dialogue in my first script draft I felt like it just didn’t do it. I also felt like
in my first script the scenes were too long, instead of it being a trailer I did full scenes that you would usually see in a film so
that was a problem. In my final draft for my script I decided to have the only dialogue come from my antagonist, and I
needed to get across his reasons for doing what he is doing all the while making him sound psychotic. I decided his reason
for killing these people were for an experiment and the detective is essentially his lab rat, and his experiment his focused on
fear. He believes what he is doing is right and he wants to see how far he can go to break the detective. In the dialogue I
focused on the theme of fear, the film is based on a puzzle box but behind it, there is so much more going on than the
detective just solving a puzzle. I thought him just focusing on that puzzle box would be boring, and to me making a trailer
about someone trying to solve a puzzle with nothing more to it uninterests me. Instead I decided I needed to build the
character of the detective and the villain as they are the main focus and I needed them both to come across as interesting
characters you want to watch in a film. I didn’t give my detective any dialogue, instead I wanted his character to come across
visually such as when he’s walking up to the crime scene he immediately studies the scene and he sees something off which
is why he asks ‘the same as the others’. In the first scene I want him to come across as a sort of Sherlock Holmes character.
Then as the trailer progresses we see the detective breaking and we see a dark side to him, this shows to the viewer that he
isn’t a morally good person he has a dark side but he ultimately wants to do what is right in the end. This is how I tried to
right it in my final script, after writing the first draft I realised it needed a lot more work to it to come across as I have
described but I am quite happy with how my final draft has turned out. After creating the shot list and getting my crew
together hopefully I will create a trailer that sticks exactly the same as how I pictured it while writing my script.
I have drawn some concept art of how I imagine some of my shots
looking and the characters. In this sketch this is how I want my
crime scene to look, I probably wont put a number on the bag and
instead keep it plain. The puzzle box will be in one of their hands
and I have done it so instead of the tape being in their hand as
well the officer will just give the tape to the detective.
I drew some graves in the background to give it more of a
horror feel to the scene, in my actual trailer there won’t be
any graves I just thought it would set the tone of it in my
concept art. The victims will also be covered in blood but I
will have a few shots of all the different victims looking pretty
much the same as the sketch.
The next concept art I drew were sketches of my puzzle box and how
it opens. The puzzle box I am using is a Japanese one with different
designs so this isn’t an exact copy, it also opens by pushing these slots
into different positions but I tried to draw that in my concept art but it
didn’t look right so I just drew a box with the top open instead but
this is similar to how my puzzle box will look in my trailer.
In my trailer I didn’t plan on showing what was in the box because if it
was a film then that would spoil the plot of the film, so I won’t actually
have the detective open it. However, I do plan on showing the
detectives process of opening the box and show the audience an idea
of how it will open.
My final concept art I drew is of my villain in my trailer, this is roughly
how I am hoping they will look. I plan for them to wear this mask that
has sunken eye sockets and a stitched up mouth. This is loosely based
off the Scarecrow who is one of Batman’s villains he is actually where I
got inspiration to what my antagonist will look like and his motives of
fear as well, but it’s not a copy of him I tried to do my own thing my
villain. I think the mask will be pretty scary especially with his stitched
up mouth and sunken eyes.
One of the main features my antagonist will have is a noose tied around
their neck. I want my villain to represent death and having a noose
around their neck I feel makes them a lot more scarier and darker to the
audience. It also shows what type of villain the protagonist is dealing
with and it shows how psychotic they are. It also give a bit of
representation as to what the villain is doing to the detective, the
antagonist is edgy my detective on the edge of suicide which will be
shown in my trailer and having the noose around their neck can
represent this. The will also have a big hood and cloak that will go over
the mask and their body which again can represent death as it could be
seen as the cloak the grim weeper wears.
M A T E R I AL S ( C O S T U ME S & P R O P S )
I have sorted out a range of props and equipment that will be featuring in my trailer in my finance
section. This is a full list of all the props and costumes, some of which aren’t in my finance section
because I already own them, that will be featuring in my trailer:
- Knife
- Sandbag
- Fake blood
- Tape recorder
- Puzzle box
- Rope
- Camera
- Fedora hat
- Trench coat
- Scarecrow mask
- Dark Hoodie
- Shirt
- Tie
- Police badges
The props and costumes I have chosen will help set the tone and scene for my trailer, I plan to do a lot
of visually storytelling in my trailer rather than having a lot of dialogue, so these props and the way
the costumes will be worn will say a lot about the character I have created and convey to the viewer
what is happening in the scene. I have bought most of these props and costumes and the majority of
it has a arrived and the rest should come before I start production so all these props and costumes
will hopefully be featured in my trailer.
C A M E R A ( F R A M I N G , A N G L E S , M O V E M E N T S , L I G H T I N G , S E T T I N G E T C . . )
I have created a shot list that explains the different shots I will be including in my trailer and it explains what scene
it is for and what is happening in my scene. The angles I have chosen to include in my trailer I have done so we
can see the characters emotions and what is happening in the scene. For example one of the shots I have included
is a Dutch tilt, this is in the scene where we see the hostage and the detective is looking at them, not knowing
what to do. I have chosen to use the Dutch tilt in this scene to convey the emotions the detective is feeling, he is
on edge and is scared and the Dutch tilt will help convey this as well as the actors emotions. The lighting in my
trailer, I don’t plan on using a lot of it because it is a thriller trailer and the content of the film is quite dark and I
want that to come across visually as well. Most of the scenes will be shot at night to create the tense and
foreboding atmosphere I want my trailer to give off. Some of the shots I have chosen to feature in my trailer are:
- Dolly zoom
- Dutch tilt
- Close up
- Eye level
- Medium length
- Low angle
- Long shot
- Extreme close up
- Over the shoulder
- Perspective shot
As in my shot list most of these shots will be repeated throughout my trailer, the most common shots being the
Medium length shot and the close up shots. I plan to attempt the Dolly zoom when we pull out of the
photograph, if this doesn’t work well then I will just do a normal zoom out but I thought it would look better if I
did the dolly zoom so I will be practicing with that shot.
S O U N D ( A M B I E N C E & F O L E Y )
For my trailer I don’t actually plan on using that many Foley sounds, because it’s a trailer the main
sounds I will be using will be the dialogue and the soundtrack I plan to put in. The only time I will be
using foley sounds such as footsteps and rain etc. will be in my opening scene. In my opening scene I
plan for it to be like an opening for a film so the soundtrack will be on in the background but very faintly
so the main focus will be on the dialogue and the whole atmosphere of the scene which will be created
by the foley sounds I will be using. The rest of my trailer you will visually see the scenes but the sounds
that will be in those scenes will be cut over by the dialogue the villain will be saying, who is essentially
narrating the trailer and the soundtrack music which after the opening scene transitions into the trailer
the volume of the music will increase and stay the same throughout the trailer. I will have to make sure
that the volume of my soundtrack isn’t too loud though because the villains dialogue needs to be clear
over it so the audience can hear what they are saying.
Foley sounds that will be used in my opening scene:
- Footsteps
- Rain pouring
- Handling the tape recorder
- Camera flashing
- Dialogue (If needed to be dubbed over
I haven’t yet decided what my soundtrack is going to be, I do have a list of different soundtracks I could
use in my trailer. Once I edit all my scenes together I can choose a soundtrack that will fit with the tone
and style of the trailer. I also want the soundtrack to be on beat with what is happening in the scene, for
example when the scene of the victims change into a photograph I want that to fit with the pace and the
tempo of the soundtrack I choose. So once I edit my videos together I will put soundtracks over it to see
which fits the best.
Poster Colour Scheme
Poster colour scheme
For the colours I’m going to use in my poster, I was thinking about making the main colour a
burgundy red with shades of black featuring in it. Dark shades of red feature a lot in thriller films I
have found, because it represents death, blood and murder. It’s also quite a stand out colour and
I want my poster to be eye catching, I was thinking of having the background of my poster either
dark grey or a light shade of black and I was going to tint some patches of the background with a
burgundy red colour to make it seem like a sort of wound in the background. My main feature of
my poster is going to be my detective I was going to colour grade them so half their face is
covered in darkness and the other side is light so it can be light vs dark. And an idea I got from
researching the silence of the lambs poster I was going to tint the specs of my characters eyes red
to show that he has seen death. So the main colours I will be using in my poster is red, white, dark
grey and shadowy black. I think if I use these colours well I can create great symbolism for my
trailer and it will be eye catching to the audience.
Trailer colour scheme
Trailer colour scheme
The colour scheme I am going to use in my trailer will mainly be dark shades of grey. I will
have different locations of filming, when I am filming in the detective office scenes I am
going to use the colours that are in the light section of the colour schemes I have
collected. The office scenes are going to look lighter than the other scenes I will have in my
trailer because I want to give a sense of safety while the detective is in his office. This is
because when he is in his office he believes he is safe and is in control where as when he
goes outside the colour scheme will be much darker to show that he is no longer safe.
Colour grading is going to be a very important aspect in my trailer that I need to get right,
I don’t want to make it too dark or else the audience won’t be able to see what’s
happening and I don’t want to make it too bright because it will ruin the tone of the trailer.
The lighting on set will also be essential to making sure I will be able to correlate these
colour schemes together and the lighting will also set the tone and atmosphere of the film.
I will be using the colour red for the blood on the victims and against the darkness of my
trailer I’m hoping to make the red more vibrant so it stands out more and it links to the
look of my poster as well. Using these colours will immediately set the thriller tone of my
trailer, if done right. So I need to make sure when I am shooting the lighting in the scenes
are perfect so when I edit it I can work n the colour grading.
The colour red stands out against
the dark grey colour gradings used
in the Insidious film, similar to what
I plan to do in my trailer but with
For the credits that will feature in my trailer I want them to be in
quite a bold black font but I don’t want it overly bold. The
background that my credits will appear on I want to be black but
with a sort of red smoke effect in the middle which is where my title
credits will appear. This will make the credits stand out because it’s
black against smoky red I think this will create an eye catching
effect. It will also link to the colours I plan to use in my poster,
because the main colours featuring in that are black and red the
trailer and poster will link together. This will also stay in tone with
the rest of my trailer, continuing the thriller style and making it eye
catching to the viewer.
The tone of my trailer I want it to come off quite dark and
mysterious. I will be doing this by using low and soft lighting
in most of my scenes to create a mysterious and tense
atmosphere. The music and ambient sound I will be using in
my trailer will also help with the tone, Scores that go higher
in pitch can increase the tension for example the shower
scene in psycho the pitch went higher when Bates killed the
woman. I will also be using extreme close up shots as well,
mainly used on the eyes to continue the mysterious tone of
the trailer. Using all these techniques will help me create the
right tone for my film and create a sense of mystery and
tension surrounding it as well as making it memorable to my
Mise en scene
I plan to have a lot of visual narrative in my trailer rather than
dialogue carrying the story. This will be shown through mise en
scene for example, the way I plan my detective to look will reflect his
personality. His tie will be loosened and shirt untucked and he will
wear his hat crookedly. This is how I plan for him to appear in my
opening scene of my trailer and it will visually show the audience
that the protagonist in this film isn’t a perfect character and he is
flawed. This costume will contrast with the police officers costume
who will have a tucked in shirt, straitened tie and a perfect posture.
This will show the difference between the characters and how the
officer is new at the job in contrast with the detective who looks
worn down and has been doing it for a while. I will also feature
pictures of different crime scenes in the trailer that will be laid out
on the detectives desk. This will show the audience that the killer
has been murdering people more than once and the victim we will
see in the opening scene is not a one time occurrence. This will also
increase threat of the killer as well and the audience will see how
serious this case is especially when they keep killing people and
setting them up the same way as his previous victims. Throughout
the trailer I also plan for the detective to be more worn down and
tired as we go, so in contrast to the opening scene with parts of his
shirt untucked, throughout it the shirt will become completely
untucked and his tie completely loosened and his hair a mess. This
will show the effect the case is having on him as his mental state is
Character break down
Detective Ripley
Detective Ripley is going to be the
protagonist in my trailer. They are in
know way a perfect character meaning
he isn’t morally good, he does have a
dark side but overall he is trying to do
the right thing. We will see his dark side
in the trailer and the overall effect the
villain will have on him. He will soon be
obsessed with bringing in the villain he
will start to loose himself along the way.
Officer Shelby
Officer Shelby won’t be a main feature in
my trailer but she will have some impact
in it. Shelby is going to be a sort of side
kick to Ripley but unlike the detective
Shelby doesn’t have a dark side she is a
new officer and she sticks to the law. She
will be aiding Ripley with the killer
investigation and will try and stop him
from being consumed with the murders
and the murderer.
The killer
The killer in my will be a psychopath. This
will come across in the dialogue where
he explains why he is doing this which is
because to him this is all an experiment
about how fear can consume and corrupt
someone. And that someone is the
Detective who the killer is essentially
using as a lab rat. The killer will be
wearing a mask with a sewn up mouth
and a noose around their neck as a
symbol of death and silence. My killer
has no moral compass but he thinks
what he is doing is right.
Potential Fonts
The fonts I have gathered are all from the website this has given me a range of different font
styles I could use for my poster and in my trailer as well. This font
that I have chosen, I typed in puzzle fonts and this is one of the
example it came up with, I wanted my font title to match with the
tone and theme of my trailer and I think this font does match with
the theme but I’m not too sure about the tone. I will experiment
once I make my poster and trailer which fonts will look the best but
I’m not overly sure about this one.
This font style is much more simpler than the first one, it kind of
reminds me of the font they used in the film Seven which is similar
to what my trailer is going to be like. I think having a simple font is
better than having a massive bold one because I do want the main
focus of my poster to be on the image. I am kind of going for a
Silence of the lambs style poster which also has a simple font to it.
This font is probably my favourite font out of the ones I have chosen,
I feel like it fits the tone of my trailer and I really like the style of it as
well. It’s simple but it does give off a thriller sort of vibe so this will be
the first font I will test out in my poster to see if it fits with the rest of
my poster design.
These last two fonts I have chosen are probably my least favourites
but I wanted to try them out in my poster just to see how it looks. I
feel like these last fonts don’t really fit with the tone and style of my
trailer especially the last one. But I will try them out just to see. My
favourite font that I think I will definitely be using in my poster is the
font above this one because I feel like that definitely matches with the
tone and theme of my trailer.
Audio Levels
When I’m editing my trailer I need to get the audio levels right. To make
sure my audio is clear I am first going to edit it in audition, this will allow
me to change the pitch and volume of the audio I can amp it up or
down. I will be taking the audio dialogue of the villain into audition and
changing the pitch so the voice will be much deeper and unrecognisable,
I want to make it creepy sounding as well and audition will be the perfect
software to be able to edit it in. Because I will be having music playing
throughout my trailer in the background I need to be careful that it
doesn’t interrupt the dialogue so I will need to adjust the volume of my
trailer so it is loud enough to hear but also so it doesn’t muddle with the
dialogue. I also plan for my soundtrack to fit on beat with everything that
his happening in the trailer so I will need to edit and adjust it so it will be
able to do that.
The transition I plan to use in my trailer, I don’t want to overcomplicate it so I will
be mainly using the fade to black between each scene, I did plan to do some
transition effects with the camera so in my opening scene I plan to have someone
take a photograph of the murder and then that will transition to the camera
zooming out of the actual photograph taken that will be on the detectives desk so
we will be jumping locations. I plan to so repeat this transition when we look at the
other murder’s they will all transition from being at the real scene to jumping to
being a photograph hung up in the detectives office. I think this would make a
good and effective transition and if it’s done right it will look quite smooth and
changes it up a bit from using the same dip to black transition I plan to use on my
other scenes. I also need to add title cards in between some of the scenes as well
so that will be used as a break up between different clips. I might also see if I can
find a puzzle transition effect where the scenes slides into different slots like a
puzzle, but that might be too complicated and might ruin the flow of the trailer.
Jump cuts
I wasn’t really expecting to use many jump cuts in my trailer, I was thinking of
maybe adding some in my opening scene when my detective is walking down
the path I could use a jump cut in between so we’re not watching them walk
for ages and it makes the flow of the trailer run more smoothly. I also planned
to use a jump cut when my detective is in his office looking at all the paper
work he on the investigation, I was going to use a jump cut where it shows the
detective still looking at the investigation but his hair is messier and so are his
clothes and his posture is more crooked. Using these jump cuts will help show
the pass of time in some of my clips. However, because I am making a trailer I
won’t be using jump cuts that often because most of the scenes I am shooting
will be quite short with mainly only one camera angle used and I will be
constantly transitioning between different credits and different scenes I don’t
think using many jump cuts will be necessary but I will be using it quite a lot in
my opening scene because I will be switching between different camera
Colour Correction
I will be colour grading and correcting all my shots in my scene. From the colour
schemes I have decided to use the main colour grading I am going for in my scenes
are a mixture between dark and light shades of grey and murky green blue. The blood
that will feature in my scenes I plan to make quite vibrant because I want the red to
stand out against the dark and grim colours of the scene. I will need to spend a lot of
time making sure the colour grading is right for every scene because I want every
scene to keep in tone with the rest of the trailer and the colour grading and look is
one of the main aspects that will get this across. The colours I will be using in my title
cards that will appear in between my scenes in my trailer I also have to make sure that
it keeps in tone with my other scenes which is why I thing a black background with
red smoke will keep in tone with this because ethe red smoke will be like the blood
that will appear in my trailer and the black background will match with the darkness of
it as well. So it is very important I get the colour correcting right in my trailer in order
to make my scene give off the right tone and atmosphere to my viewer.
Personnel – To manage my cast and crew and to make sure everyone is organised and know what they are doing I have sent out
the script they all need to read and have told each member what role they will be playing. I have also sent them all the information
they need such as what days we are filming, the times we are meeting and where as well as an approximation of how long the
filming will last. Sending all my cast and crew this information will make sure that they know what role they will be playing during
my production as well as when and where we will be meeting on what day. I have also told them what they will need to bring so for
some of them they will need to come in their costumes and with the person playing the dead body I have told them to bring
different jumpers so it will look like a different person as the dead body. I will remind them a week in advance all the same
information I have given them to make sure they don’t forget and they actually turn up on the day of shooting.
Equipment- I have booked out all the equipment I will need to film including a tripod and boom mic. I have already got a camera I
will be able to use to film instead of borrowing the college ones, because I am filming during the holidays I thought it would be
better to borrow my friends camera rather than using colleges because someone else might need to use that camera and if I can
borrow my friends it would be better. I have also got most of my props including the villains mask, detective badges, sandbags,
tape recorder, detectives hat and the rest of the props I already own. The week before production I plan to make the rest of my set
props, I plan to make a detectives board where I will use random newspaper clippings and pictures and pin them to my board and
that will be the main set piece for my detectives office. So I will have everything prepared for when I start production.
Potential issues- Some issues I could come across in production is if, despite me telling my crew to bring the stuff they need and
the forget that could be an issue so I will need to bring back up props in case they do the only thing I have told them to bring is
clothes so that won’t be an issue for me to bring as a backup. Another issue I have just realised is I will have a lot of props and
equipment I will need to take to my different filming locations so I am slightly worried about carrying that around town, which is
where my main filming location will be. So I will bring a backpack where I can put most of my props in and then I will get some of
my crew to help me carry the different equipment around so I won’t be overwhelmed with carrying everything. These are just some
examples of things I could have difficulty with, also the weather I will be checking the weather forecast on the days I am filming
because I can’t film when it’s really bright and sunny because that doesn’t fit with the tone of my trailer so I need it to be quite
foggy and dark when I film which is why I will be filming at night. I think all these potential issues I will be able to overcome.

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Inter-Dimensional Girl Boards Segment (Act 3)

Post production & planning

  • 2. L O C A T I O N S Main location : My main location for filming is my house, 78 Princess Drive. I plan to do most of my scenes here which will mainly be focusing on the detective trying to solve who the murderer is and how to open the puzzle box the killer have left them. I also plan to use my back garden as one of the crime scenes I will be showing in my trailer, I will place my actor who is playing the dead body against my back wall and cover them in fake blood to make it look like quite a gruesome murder. I plan to use my living room as the main investigation scene, setting up a detective board with newspaper clippings and sketches about the killer that will all be linked together with string. This board and setting will show the audience how serious the killers crimes have been and give a better indication as to how long the detective has been trying to find this serial killer. I also plan to do a over the shoulder shot outside my house from the perspective of the killer and the camera will be looking into the window. This will show the audience that the protagonist is always being watched and gives no sense of safety. The scenes set in my house, when I edit my trailer together I plan to keep switching from my house to the other locations I plan to film in so it shows that it’s not set in just one place. This will also be easier to film in if lockdown is still in place, however, from the 8th march lockdown will of eased which gives me a little more freedom with my locations but having my house as the main set guarantees the availability of filming there. Opening scene location: At the beginning of my trailer I plan to make an opening scene which will be set near the river Ouse. I plan to set up a crime scene where a dead body that will feature a bag over their head, puzzle box in one hand and tape recorder in the other, will be propped up against a street light. I have planned to use this location because it I think it will set the right atmosphere to start off my trailer, especially when it’s dark I can catch the scenery such as the street lights reflecting off the river in that picture. The area I plan to film in will also be quite so I won’t get any unwanted noise or any interruptions, especially late at night it’s more quite than it is during the day. The area as well I think will be a good area to set a thriller scene, or a murder especially when it’s in a public area and the dead body is found it makes more scary. Lockdown would of eased by the time I start production so I will be allowed to film in this area, if I’m not then I have a backup plan to film this opening scene at my local park which is the least likely option to happen but it’s a backup plan if I need it. Stand off scene location: Another major scene I plan to include in my trailer is a stand off between the detective and the killer. This I plan for it to take place at York Minster. This scene will be a reveal scene of my killer, but I plan for my killer to be dressed in this creepy mask so it doesn’t give away their identity. This will be a short scene to show the audience at some point in the film the killer and the detective will come to a stand off against each other, I also wanted to show how creepy the killer was because I was thinking of using a mask similar to what scarecrow wears in Batman Begins. I think filming this scene near the York Minster, especially at night will create a really good atmosphere for my film especially for a stand off scene I think it will make it even more dramatic to watch. Also, the York Minster at night creates this thriller atmospheric effect and because I’m filming at night there’s usually not a lot of people around that area compared to if I was filming during the day. I also know a few streets that can be quite if the main street near the minster is busy, but I can still capture the Minster in the background.
  • 3. L O C A T I O N S Sovereign park Museum gardens Hope Street Crime Scene Photoshoot These locations I have chosen I don’t plan to film in them, these locations are so I can take pictures of the other victims that my killer has killed in my trailer. Because I plan to set props up in the detectives office I plan to print these photos out of the other murders and plant them on the detectives desk. This is so it can show the audience that the murder I show in the first scene isn’t the only victim that has been killed my killer and to show that my detective has been on this case for a long time. I have chosen these places to take the victims pictures because Sovereign park is a two minute walk from my house and it’s a quite area I think I would be a good place to set a murder. The museum gardens in town can also be quite depending on the area I choose to take picture I did want to set the body against an old ruin but it depends if it’s too busy or not, if it is then I can find a more secluded place in the gardens. I have also planned to set up another murder victim down hope street, this is where my grandparents live so I was hoping to set the body up against one of the railings. Having different locations of each murder will show they don’t just happen in one place and there has to be some sort of connection between the locations which I will show my detective trying to find that out in my trailer.
  • 4. L O C A T I O N R E C C E S
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  • 8. F I N A N C E ( E Q U I P M E N T ) Tripod (booking out from college) Boom Mic (Booking out from college) Canon camera (Borrowing) Battery powered portable filming lights (£44.99) Including/dp/B082FTPXL8/ref=sr_1_9?crid=1DK1FE0UBO0O&dchild=1&keywords=battery+p owered+filming+lights&qid=1614257985&sprefix=filming+lights+batte%2Caps%2C288&sr= 8-9 Fake Blood (purchased) (£9.00) Venous/dp/B082DJPH6K/ref=sr_1_4_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=fake+blood&qid=1614258564&sr=8 -4- spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyQzdNUUxaSlg5TFNFJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPU EwNjU0MTMyMzYxWTFDWlNHQ0tWRyZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwODYwMDQzSTYyWTdHSDBRRD NBJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ=
  • 9. F I N A N C E ( P R O P S ) Detective’s trench coat (Borrowing) Fedora black detective hat (purchased) (£6.99) accessory- Gangster/dp/B0085AZMD2/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords =fedora+detective+hats&qid=1614260045&sr=8-1 Japanese puzzle box (owned) Villains mask (Purchased) (£15.60) Decorations-Scarecrow-Carnival- Costume/dp/B08FMVRK8W/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1 &keywords=the+scarecrow+mask&qid=1614261 323&sr=8-5 Digital tape recorder (Purchased) (£26.99) Professional-Dictaphone-Rechargeable- Lectures-Black- Black/dp/B07C5HDM1H/ref=sr_1_10?dchild= 1&keywords=cheap+tape+recorder&qid=16 14262157&sr=8-10 Sandbags to cover victims face (purchased) (£10.91) Protection/dp/B06XJYTCFQ/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=10519LMKAZ56G&dchild=1&key words=empty%2Bsandbags&qid=1614263796&sprefix=empty%2Bsand%2Caps%2 C179&sr=8-1- spons&smid=A1MQTKOJO23WSK&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExRE1K UVZRRUQ2TlozJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNTg5NTQ2STdXMkNPTUxRR1JTJmVuY3J5c HRlZEFkSWQ9QTA1Nzc1NjQxTkc4VTJCM0ExQkVNJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJm FjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ&th=1
  • 10. F I N A N C E ( S U M M A R Y ) Equipment total cost For the equipment most of it I’m either borrowing or booking it out of college. The equipment I need to buy are the portable lights and the fake blood. The lights I was searching for you needed to plug in and because most of my scenes are going to be filmed on location and I won’t have an electricity outlet to plug the into. Instead I had to search for portable lights for filming that work on batteries and the cheapest one I found was for £44.99. This is a little over the price I was expecting it to be, however lighting is going to be essential in my trailer and because these are portable and also include different coloured filters I though that these would be the most suitable for my project. I have also bought some fake blood, this is also another aspect that is going to be essential to my trailer as I want it to be quite gory so the victims need to be covered in blood. I have found some fake blood that should be enough to use in my trailer and that cost £9.00. The total cost my equipment has come to is £53.99. Props total cost The props I need I only own two of, the detectives coat which I am borrowing and the puzzle box which is going to play a major role in my trailer. The rest of my props have either bought or am going to buy. The detectives hat is to go along with the trench coat, that cost me £6.99. The villains mask I wanted it to be creepy but because the killers victims are going to have a bag over their head I wanted to do something similar with my villains costume so I found a mask that is quite creepy and is similar to how the victims will look and that has cost me £15.60. For the tape recorder I couldn’t find a fake one or a prop one so I had to buy a real one that was more than I would of liked to spend but I could use it to record my audio with for my trailer as well so not just as a prop and that cost me £26.99. The last prop I needed was the bags to go over my victims heads for this I have just bought some empty sandbags that can just slip over their heads and it looks similar to my villains mask and hat cost me £10.91. All together the total cost for props is £60.49. Total cost The total cost of my equipment came to £53.99 and the total cost of my props came to £60.49. Because I am filming in public areas also it means I don’t need to pay to book out anything and my cast and crew have agreed to do this for free. So the total cost of my production comes to £114.48. This is a bit more than I intended it to cost because of the portable lights and tape recorder but it is still affordable and I have purchased most of these items already, I have also saved some money by owning or borrowing most of the equipment and props as well.
  • 11. T I M E S C H E D U L E Week of production Plan 1. 8/03/21 – 14/03/21 Collecting audio In my first week I plan to collect all the audio I need, this includes the soundtrack and the voice overs I plan to have in my trailer. I also need to collect some foley sounds as well in case in production my mic doesn’t pick everything up. This will make me more prepared in production as the only sounds I will need to pick up is the dialogue that is happening in the scene. However, because it’s a trailer most of it will be voice over dialogue. I will have 7 days to collect all this audio which should be more than enough time. 2. 15/03/21-21/03/21 Taking pictures the murders and setting up props. In my second week I plan to take pictures of the different crime scenes, because these will be used as props in my trailer and it will make the detectives office look more realistic with actual crime scene investigation evidence placed around the desk. I also need to set up all the different props, including putting the outfits together and setting up everything I need to bring when I film on location. This will make me more prepared for when I film. 3. 22/03/21 – 28/03/21 Poster designs I plan to do different poster designs with stock images to see what would look the best for my poster, then when it comes to making my actual poster I can use the same design and replace the stock images with my actual pictures I would of taken. 3. 30/03/21 – 2/04/21 Start filming (Easter Holidays) I plan to do most of my filming during the easter holidays. This is because my crew won’t be at college during this time and it give me more time to film. I have given myself a spread of 3 days to film in the easter Holidays, the first day of filming I plan to film my opening scene. This should take me a couple of hours to do because I will have to set everything up and hopefully if my actors come prepared with knowing their line we should be able to finish shooting that scene in just under 2 hours. I plan to shoot my opening scene around 7:00pm because after I have shot that it should be dark enough to go to the minster and shoot my stand off scene. This should take around 30 minutes to shoot because there’s no dialogue just the protagonist and antagonist starring at each other, the thing that will take up the time is getting the villains costume ready. On the 25th I plan to film all the scenes that will be inside my house, this will be inside the detectives office, this should only take a couple of hours to film as well, maybe a bit longer and then after I plan to film a scene down near the park near me where the villain is setting up the dead body, I plan to do this sat night so around 9:00pm to make sure it’s dark, if I prepare the costumes before we go to the park this should only take 20 minutes to film because it’s quite a short sequence. On he 26th I plan to go over all my footage to see if anything needs to be re shot or if I need to add
  • 12. T I M E S C H E D U L E C O N T I N U E D Week of production Plan 4. 06/04/21 - 07/04/21 Extra filming (Easter holidays) In the second week of the easter holidays, if I need to go out and do any extra filming I plan to do this take at least two days out if I need to re shoot anything or add any more scenes in. Filming in the easter holidays will allow me to get all the footage I need so I can spend the rest of my production time editing my trailer together and making my poster and other products to go along with my project, this should give me at least 5 weeks to do this. 5. 12/04/21 – 18/04/21 Editing When I return to college I plan to give myself 2 weeks of editing time to edit my trailer together. I will also download premiere on my laptop so I can continue editing at home, this will give me even more time to make sure everything is edited together properly. 6. 19/04/21 – 25/04/21 Editing This will be my final week of editing, if I need longer I plan to do another 2 weeks in my schedule to make my poster and DVD covers and I have given myself the last week to go through everything to make sure my trailer is edited together to the best standard and if I need to do anything extra I can use that week to do it. 7. 26/04/21 – 2/05/21 Poster and DVD covers I plan to give myself a week to make the poster, I do plan on making a couple of designs for it and I will continue this in my next week of production as well as starting on my DVD covers. 8. 03/05/21 – 09/05/21 Finishing everything off This will be my last week of production so if I need to finish my posters or DVD cover designs off I will do it in that week as well as adding anything to my trailer. By this time I will hopefully have everything done in time to the best standard I can do.
  • 13. P E R S O N N E L For my production of my trailer I have a total of four people helping me, because lockdown would of just lifted when I start filming I’m not allowed a lot of people to help me film. I have organised my production so the I will only need 4 people on set, plus me which makes it five. For most of my scenes I will film however, I will only need around 3 people to help me film. It’s only for one scene that the maximum people I will need will five including me. Because I am filming in the Easter holidays, I am allowed to meet with up to 6 people outside which is why I plan to film then. Cast & Crew Director: Chloe Ross (me) Filming crew: Luke Ross - Lighting & audio recording Chloe Ross - Camera Cast: Connor Wiffen – Detective Ripley Ellie Barton – Officer Shelby Toni Powell – Dead Body Luke Ross – The killer Cast & Crew – Skills & Experience Ellie Barton I plan for Ellie to be one of my main actors in it, I have chosen Ellie because she took Drama class as a GSCE in school so I know she has experience acting, as well as memorising lines so I think she is the best person to cast in my production. Toni Powell Toni has also taken drama class as a GSCE in school along with Ellie so she has the same level of experience. However, she said she would rather have a non speaking role which is why I have casted her to play the dead bodies. I will get her to change her clothing for the different dead bodies she will be playing so it looks like they’re different people. But because she took drama I think she would act pretty well in it. Connor Wiffen I have casted Connor as my main role, he detective. I know he has had experience with acting before because he had to act in his own productions. Connor also studies film so he has experience with working on sets and when he’s not acting he can help me with the filming. Luke Ross Luke will be helping me with the setting up of my production and helping me film. Luke has had a lot of experience with filming on sets because he studies Film and television at university so he if something’s not right or goes wrong I can count on him to help me out with it. I was also going to get him to play the killer because he has a deep voice he will be able to make the killer sound scary in my trailer. Availability & Costs I plan to film in the easter holidays which is when I know all my cast and crew will be available. I have planned it out so I will get all my filming done within those two weeks of the holidays and made it so we need to do any more filming I have taken 2 extra days to do any re shoots that might need to be done once I go through the original footage. My cast and crew I have chosen to help me with the production have agreed to do it for free and don’t expect me to pay them, because they’re not professional actors I’m hiring, they’re my friends. I have bought all the props and costumes for them as well so don’t expect them to pay for anything either and I am providing food and drinks for them as well during production.
  • 14. C A L L S H E E T
  • 15. M E E T I N G S I have messaged my cast and crew, asking if they were happy to help me out with filming. They have all agreed to helping me film so I made a group chat with them all explaining all the information, such as what date we are going to be filming on, the times we are going to meet and how long filming will be and they have all said there are happy to do it and are free at the dates and times I have given them. I haven’t finished the final draft of my script yet but once that is finished I will send them the script and I will highlight the lines they will need to learn for it before we film. That way they know what the trailer is about and the type of character they will be playing and it will make production run more smoothly if everyone remembers their lines before hand.
  • 16. M E E T I N G S
  • 17. E Q U I P M E N T ( P R O D U C T I O N & P O S T ) I will be using a range of different equipment during my production, such as cameras, tripods, boom mics, audio recorders etc… I will also be using a range of different software's that will contribute a lot towards me making my final project to a high standard. Most of this equipment I will be borrowing from college but I will also be using some of my own equipment as well which I might not be able to get from college. Filming equipment - 700D Canon Camera - 700D Canon Camera Battery - SD Card For Camera - Boom Mic and Handle - Portable Battery Powered Lights - Tripod Audio Equipment - Handheld audio recorder Software equipment - Photoshop is the software I am going to use to create my poster and other merchandise designs for my project. - Premiere pro is the software I will be using to edit my trailer together, as well as doing a bit of audio testing's with it. - Adobe Audition is the software I am going to use to create the audio and also foley for my trailer. This is the main software I will be using to create my villains voice. I will be using these software's on the apple macs at college but I will also be downloading photoshop and premiere on my Microsoft laptop as well so I can work from home if I need to.
  • 18. S C R I P T ( D R A F T )
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  • 23. S C R I P T F I N A L
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  • 28. SCRIPT SUMMARY The first script draft I did, I wasn’t very happy with it. I thought the dialogue I did was very weak because I wanted the villain to come across as an intelligent psychopath and the dialogue in my first script draft I felt like it just didn’t do it. I also felt like in my first script the scenes were too long, instead of it being a trailer I did full scenes that you would usually see in a film so that was a problem. In my final draft for my script I decided to have the only dialogue come from my antagonist, and I needed to get across his reasons for doing what he is doing all the while making him sound psychotic. I decided his reason for killing these people were for an experiment and the detective is essentially his lab rat, and his experiment his focused on fear. He believes what he is doing is right and he wants to see how far he can go to break the detective. In the dialogue I focused on the theme of fear, the film is based on a puzzle box but behind it, there is so much more going on than the detective just solving a puzzle. I thought him just focusing on that puzzle box would be boring, and to me making a trailer about someone trying to solve a puzzle with nothing more to it uninterests me. Instead I decided I needed to build the character of the detective and the villain as they are the main focus and I needed them both to come across as interesting characters you want to watch in a film. I didn’t give my detective any dialogue, instead I wanted his character to come across visually such as when he’s walking up to the crime scene he immediately studies the scene and he sees something off which is why he asks ‘the same as the others’. In the first scene I want him to come across as a sort of Sherlock Holmes character. Then as the trailer progresses we see the detective breaking and we see a dark side to him, this shows to the viewer that he isn’t a morally good person he has a dark side but he ultimately wants to do what is right in the end. This is how I tried to right it in my final script, after writing the first draft I realised it needed a lot more work to it to come across as I have described but I am quite happy with how my final draft has turned out. After creating the shot list and getting my crew together hopefully I will create a trailer that sticks exactly the same as how I pictured it while writing my script.
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  • 34. S H O T L I S T
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  • 36. C O N C E P T A R T I have drawn some concept art of how I imagine some of my shots looking and the characters. In this sketch this is how I want my crime scene to look, I probably wont put a number on the bag and instead keep it plain. The puzzle box will be in one of their hands and I have done it so instead of the tape being in their hand as well the officer will just give the tape to the detective. I drew some graves in the background to give it more of a horror feel to the scene, in my actual trailer there won’t be any graves I just thought it would set the tone of it in my concept art. The victims will also be covered in blood but I will have a few shots of all the different victims looking pretty much the same as the sketch.
  • 37. CONCEPT ART The next concept art I drew were sketches of my puzzle box and how it opens. The puzzle box I am using is a Japanese one with different designs so this isn’t an exact copy, it also opens by pushing these slots into different positions but I tried to draw that in my concept art but it didn’t look right so I just drew a box with the top open instead but this is similar to how my puzzle box will look in my trailer. In my trailer I didn’t plan on showing what was in the box because if it was a film then that would spoil the plot of the film, so I won’t actually have the detective open it. However, I do plan on showing the detectives process of opening the box and show the audience an idea of how it will open.
  • 38. C O N C E P T A R T My final concept art I drew is of my villain in my trailer, this is roughly how I am hoping they will look. I plan for them to wear this mask that has sunken eye sockets and a stitched up mouth. This is loosely based off the Scarecrow who is one of Batman’s villains he is actually where I got inspiration to what my antagonist will look like and his motives of fear as well, but it’s not a copy of him I tried to do my own thing my villain. I think the mask will be pretty scary especially with his stitched up mouth and sunken eyes. One of the main features my antagonist will have is a noose tied around their neck. I want my villain to represent death and having a noose around their neck I feel makes them a lot more scarier and darker to the audience. It also shows what type of villain the protagonist is dealing with and it shows how psychotic they are. It also give a bit of representation as to what the villain is doing to the detective, the antagonist is edgy my detective on the edge of suicide which will be shown in my trailer and having the noose around their neck can represent this. The will also have a big hood and cloak that will go over the mask and their body which again can represent death as it could be seen as the cloak the grim weeper wears.
  • 39. M A T E R I AL S ( C O S T U ME S & P R O P S ) I have sorted out a range of props and equipment that will be featuring in my trailer in my finance section. This is a full list of all the props and costumes, some of which aren’t in my finance section because I already own them, that will be featuring in my trailer: Props: - Knife - Sandbag - Fake blood - Tape recorder - Puzzle box - Rope - Camera Costumes: - Fedora hat - Trench coat - Scarecrow mask - Dark Hoodie - Shirt - Tie - Police badges The props and costumes I have chosen will help set the tone and scene for my trailer, I plan to do a lot of visually storytelling in my trailer rather than having a lot of dialogue, so these props and the way the costumes will be worn will say a lot about the character I have created and convey to the viewer what is happening in the scene. I have bought most of these props and costumes and the majority of it has a arrived and the rest should come before I start production so all these props and costumes will hopefully be featured in my trailer.
  • 40. C A M E R A ( F R A M I N G , A N G L E S , M O V E M E N T S , L I G H T I N G , S E T T I N G E T C . . ) I have created a shot list that explains the different shots I will be including in my trailer and it explains what scene it is for and what is happening in my scene. The angles I have chosen to include in my trailer I have done so we can see the characters emotions and what is happening in the scene. For example one of the shots I have included is a Dutch tilt, this is in the scene where we see the hostage and the detective is looking at them, not knowing what to do. I have chosen to use the Dutch tilt in this scene to convey the emotions the detective is feeling, he is on edge and is scared and the Dutch tilt will help convey this as well as the actors emotions. The lighting in my trailer, I don’t plan on using a lot of it because it is a thriller trailer and the content of the film is quite dark and I want that to come across visually as well. Most of the scenes will be shot at night to create the tense and foreboding atmosphere I want my trailer to give off. Some of the shots I have chosen to feature in my trailer are: - Dolly zoom - Dutch tilt - Close up - Eye level - Medium length - Low angle - Long shot - Extreme close up - Over the shoulder - Perspective shot As in my shot list most of these shots will be repeated throughout my trailer, the most common shots being the Medium length shot and the close up shots. I plan to attempt the Dolly zoom when we pull out of the photograph, if this doesn’t work well then I will just do a normal zoom out but I thought it would look better if I did the dolly zoom so I will be practicing with that shot.
  • 41. S O U N D ( A M B I E N C E & F O L E Y ) For my trailer I don’t actually plan on using that many Foley sounds, because it’s a trailer the main sounds I will be using will be the dialogue and the soundtrack I plan to put in. The only time I will be using foley sounds such as footsteps and rain etc. will be in my opening scene. In my opening scene I plan for it to be like an opening for a film so the soundtrack will be on in the background but very faintly so the main focus will be on the dialogue and the whole atmosphere of the scene which will be created by the foley sounds I will be using. The rest of my trailer you will visually see the scenes but the sounds that will be in those scenes will be cut over by the dialogue the villain will be saying, who is essentially narrating the trailer and the soundtrack music which after the opening scene transitions into the trailer the volume of the music will increase and stay the same throughout the trailer. I will have to make sure that the volume of my soundtrack isn’t too loud though because the villains dialogue needs to be clear over it so the audience can hear what they are saying. Foley sounds that will be used in my opening scene: - Footsteps - Rain pouring - Handling the tape recorder - Camera flashing - Dialogue (If needed to be dubbed over I haven’t yet decided what my soundtrack is going to be, I do have a list of different soundtracks I could use in my trailer. Once I edit all my scenes together I can choose a soundtrack that will fit with the tone and style of the trailer. I also want the soundtrack to be on beat with what is happening in the scene, for example when the scene of the victims change into a photograph I want that to fit with the pace and the tempo of the soundtrack I choose. So once I edit my videos together I will put soundtracks over it to see which fits the best.
  • 42. C O L O U R S C H E M E Poster Colour Scheme Poster colour scheme For the colours I’m going to use in my poster, I was thinking about making the main colour a burgundy red with shades of black featuring in it. Dark shades of red feature a lot in thriller films I have found, because it represents death, blood and murder. It’s also quite a stand out colour and I want my poster to be eye catching, I was thinking of having the background of my poster either dark grey or a light shade of black and I was going to tint some patches of the background with a burgundy red colour to make it seem like a sort of wound in the background. My main feature of my poster is going to be my detective I was going to colour grade them so half their face is covered in darkness and the other side is light so it can be light vs dark. And an idea I got from researching the silence of the lambs poster I was going to tint the specs of my characters eyes red to show that he has seen death. So the main colours I will be using in my poster is red, white, dark grey and shadowy black. I think if I use these colours well I can create great symbolism for my trailer and it will be eye catching to the audience. Trailer colour scheme Trailer colour scheme The colour scheme I am going to use in my trailer will mainly be dark shades of grey. I will have different locations of filming, when I am filming in the detective office scenes I am going to use the colours that are in the light section of the colour schemes I have collected. The office scenes are going to look lighter than the other scenes I will have in my trailer because I want to give a sense of safety while the detective is in his office. This is because when he is in his office he believes he is safe and is in control where as when he goes outside the colour scheme will be much darker to show that he is no longer safe. Colour grading is going to be a very important aspect in my trailer that I need to get right, I don’t want to make it too dark or else the audience won’t be able to see what’s happening and I don’t want to make it too bright because it will ruin the tone of the trailer. The lighting on set will also be essential to making sure I will be able to correlate these colour schemes together and the lighting will also set the tone and atmosphere of the film. I will be using the colour red for the blood on the victims and against the darkness of my trailer I’m hoping to make the red more vibrant so it stands out more and it links to the look of my poster as well. Using these colours will immediately set the thriller tone of my trailer, if done right. So I need to make sure when I am shooting the lighting in the scenes are perfect so when I edit it I can work n the colour grading. The colour red stands out against the dark grey colour gradings used in the Insidious film, similar to what I plan to do in my trailer but with blood.
  • 43. S T Y L E S H E E T Credits For the credits that will feature in my trailer I want them to be in quite a bold black font but I don’t want it overly bold. The background that my credits will appear on I want to be black but with a sort of red smoke effect in the middle which is where my title credits will appear. This will make the credits stand out because it’s black against smoky red I think this will create an eye catching effect. It will also link to the colours I plan to use in my poster, because the main colours featuring in that are black and red the trailer and poster will link together. This will also stay in tone with the rest of my trailer, continuing the thriller style and making it eye catching to the viewer. Tone The tone of my trailer I want it to come off quite dark and mysterious. I will be doing this by using low and soft lighting in most of my scenes to create a mysterious and tense atmosphere. The music and ambient sound I will be using in my trailer will also help with the tone, Scores that go higher in pitch can increase the tension for example the shower scene in psycho the pitch went higher when Bates killed the woman. I will also be using extreme close up shots as well, mainly used on the eyes to continue the mysterious tone of the trailer. Using all these techniques will help me create the right tone for my film and create a sense of mystery and tension surrounding it as well as making it memorable to my viewers. Mise en scene I plan to have a lot of visual narrative in my trailer rather than dialogue carrying the story. This will be shown through mise en scene for example, the way I plan my detective to look will reflect his personality. His tie will be loosened and shirt untucked and he will wear his hat crookedly. This is how I plan for him to appear in my opening scene of my trailer and it will visually show the audience that the protagonist in this film isn’t a perfect character and he is flawed. This costume will contrast with the police officers costume who will have a tucked in shirt, straitened tie and a perfect posture. This will show the difference between the characters and how the officer is new at the job in contrast with the detective who looks worn down and has been doing it for a while. I will also feature pictures of different crime scenes in the trailer that will be laid out on the detectives desk. This will show the audience that the killer has been murdering people more than once and the victim we will see in the opening scene is not a one time occurrence. This will also increase threat of the killer as well and the audience will see how serious this case is especially when they keep killing people and setting them up the same way as his previous victims. Throughout the trailer I also plan for the detective to be more worn down and tired as we go, so in contrast to the opening scene with parts of his shirt untucked, throughout it the shirt will become completely untucked and his tie completely loosened and his hair a mess. This will show the effect the case is having on him as his mental state is eroding. Character break down Detective Ripley Detective Ripley is going to be the protagonist in my trailer. They are in know way a perfect character meaning he isn’t morally good, he does have a dark side but overall he is trying to do the right thing. We will see his dark side in the trailer and the overall effect the villain will have on him. He will soon be obsessed with bringing in the villain he will start to loose himself along the way. Officer Shelby Officer Shelby won’t be a main feature in my trailer but she will have some impact in it. Shelby is going to be a sort of side kick to Ripley but unlike the detective Shelby doesn’t have a dark side she is a new officer and she sticks to the law. She will be aiding Ripley with the killer investigation and will try and stop him from being consumed with the murders and the murderer. The killer The killer in my will be a psychopath. This will come across in the dialogue where he explains why he is doing this which is because to him this is all an experiment about how fear can consume and corrupt someone. And that someone is the Detective who the killer is essentially using as a lab rat. The killer will be wearing a mask with a sewn up mouth and a noose around their neck as a symbol of death and silence. My killer has no moral compass but he thinks what he is doing is right.
  • 44. FONTS Potential Fonts The fonts I have gathered are all from the website this has given me a range of different font styles I could use for my poster and in my trailer as well. This font that I have chosen, I typed in puzzle fonts and this is one of the example it came up with, I wanted my font title to match with the tone and theme of my trailer and I think this font does match with the theme but I’m not too sure about the tone. I will experiment once I make my poster and trailer which fonts will look the best but I’m not overly sure about this one. This font style is much more simpler than the first one, it kind of reminds me of the font they used in the film Seven which is similar to what my trailer is going to be like. I think having a simple font is better than having a massive bold one because I do want the main focus of my poster to be on the image. I am kind of going for a Silence of the lambs style poster which also has a simple font to it. This font is probably my favourite font out of the ones I have chosen, I feel like it fits the tone of my trailer and I really like the style of it as well. It’s simple but it does give off a thriller sort of vibe so this will be the first font I will test out in my poster to see if it fits with the rest of my poster design. These last two fonts I have chosen are probably my least favourites but I wanted to try them out in my poster just to see how it looks. I feel like these last fonts don’t really fit with the tone and style of my trailer especially the last one. But I will try them out just to see. My favourite font that I think I will definitely be using in my poster is the font above this one because I feel like that definitely matches with the tone and theme of my trailer.
  • 45. POST PRODUCTION Audio Levels When I’m editing my trailer I need to get the audio levels right. To make sure my audio is clear I am first going to edit it in audition, this will allow me to change the pitch and volume of the audio I can amp it up or down. I will be taking the audio dialogue of the villain into audition and changing the pitch so the voice will be much deeper and unrecognisable, I want to make it creepy sounding as well and audition will be the perfect software to be able to edit it in. Because I will be having music playing throughout my trailer in the background I need to be careful that it doesn’t interrupt the dialogue so I will need to adjust the volume of my trailer so it is loud enough to hear but also so it doesn’t muddle with the dialogue. I also plan for my soundtrack to fit on beat with everything that his happening in the trailer so I will need to edit and adjust it so it will be able to do that. Transitions The transition I plan to use in my trailer, I don’t want to overcomplicate it so I will be mainly using the fade to black between each scene, I did plan to do some transition effects with the camera so in my opening scene I plan to have someone take a photograph of the murder and then that will transition to the camera zooming out of the actual photograph taken that will be on the detectives desk so we will be jumping locations. I plan to so repeat this transition when we look at the other murder’s they will all transition from being at the real scene to jumping to being a photograph hung up in the detectives office. I think this would make a good and effective transition and if it’s done right it will look quite smooth and changes it up a bit from using the same dip to black transition I plan to use on my other scenes. I also need to add title cards in between some of the scenes as well so that will be used as a break up between different clips. I might also see if I can find a puzzle transition effect where the scenes slides into different slots like a puzzle, but that might be too complicated and might ruin the flow of the trailer. Jump cuts I wasn’t really expecting to use many jump cuts in my trailer, I was thinking of maybe adding some in my opening scene when my detective is walking down the path I could use a jump cut in between so we’re not watching them walk for ages and it makes the flow of the trailer run more smoothly. I also planned to use a jump cut when my detective is in his office looking at all the paper work he on the investigation, I was going to use a jump cut where it shows the detective still looking at the investigation but his hair is messier and so are his clothes and his posture is more crooked. Using these jump cuts will help show the pass of time in some of my clips. However, because I am making a trailer I won’t be using jump cuts that often because most of the scenes I am shooting will be quite short with mainly only one camera angle used and I will be constantly transitioning between different credits and different scenes I don’t think using many jump cuts will be necessary but I will be using it quite a lot in my opening scene because I will be switching between different camera angles. Colour Correction I will be colour grading and correcting all my shots in my scene. From the colour schemes I have decided to use the main colour grading I am going for in my scenes are a mixture between dark and light shades of grey and murky green blue. The blood that will feature in my scenes I plan to make quite vibrant because I want the red to stand out against the dark and grim colours of the scene. I will need to spend a lot of time making sure the colour grading is right for every scene because I want every scene to keep in tone with the rest of the trailer and the colour grading and look is one of the main aspects that will get this across. The colours I will be using in my title cards that will appear in between my scenes in my trailer I also have to make sure that it keeps in tone with my other scenes which is why I thing a black background with red smoke will keep in tone with this because ethe red smoke will be like the blood that will appear in my trailer and the black background will match with the darkness of it as well. So it is very important I get the colour correcting right in my trailer in order to make my scene give off the right tone and atmosphere to my viewer.
  • 46. MANAGEMENT Personnel – To manage my cast and crew and to make sure everyone is organised and know what they are doing I have sent out the script they all need to read and have told each member what role they will be playing. I have also sent them all the information they need such as what days we are filming, the times we are meeting and where as well as an approximation of how long the filming will last. Sending all my cast and crew this information will make sure that they know what role they will be playing during my production as well as when and where we will be meeting on what day. I have also told them what they will need to bring so for some of them they will need to come in their costumes and with the person playing the dead body I have told them to bring different jumpers so it will look like a different person as the dead body. I will remind them a week in advance all the same information I have given them to make sure they don’t forget and they actually turn up on the day of shooting. Equipment- I have booked out all the equipment I will need to film including a tripod and boom mic. I have already got a camera I will be able to use to film instead of borrowing the college ones, because I am filming during the holidays I thought it would be better to borrow my friends camera rather than using colleges because someone else might need to use that camera and if I can borrow my friends it would be better. I have also got most of my props including the villains mask, detective badges, sandbags, tape recorder, detectives hat and the rest of the props I already own. The week before production I plan to make the rest of my set props, I plan to make a detectives board where I will use random newspaper clippings and pictures and pin them to my board and that will be the main set piece for my detectives office. So I will have everything prepared for when I start production. Potential issues- Some issues I could come across in production is if, despite me telling my crew to bring the stuff they need and the forget that could be an issue so I will need to bring back up props in case they do the only thing I have told them to bring is clothes so that won’t be an issue for me to bring as a backup. Another issue I have just realised is I will have a lot of props and equipment I will need to take to my different filming locations so I am slightly worried about carrying that around town, which is where my main filming location will be. So I will bring a backpack where I can put most of my props in and then I will get some of my crew to help me carry the different equipment around so I won’t be overwhelmed with carrying everything. These are just some examples of things I could have difficulty with, also the weather I will be checking the weather forecast on the days I am filming because I can’t film when it’s really bright and sunny because that doesn’t fit with the tone of my trailer so I need it to be quite foggy and dark when I film which is why I will be filming at night. I think all these potential issues I will be able to overcome.