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Single camera production
Single camera means when if you’re filming you can only use one camera for the whole
scene which means everytime you need to have the characters stay in their position as it
could look weird. Every Time a scene changes you can use a different camera. Single
camera has some advantages because it seems a lot easier to have one camera as it
doesn't take too much space because if you have a small room then it's not enough room for
more cameras. Another advantage is that
it's cheap if you don’t have enough money
because with every camera you need all
the equipment that comes with it and it's
very expensive to buy 2 or more sets of
camera equipment. You would have to
worry about another camera being seen if
there's only one The last advantage is that
using one camera tests your skills to see if
your able to have people stay in the right
position but always swap places with the
camera. Its an excellent skill for example Doctor Who is a
classic science-fiction series, and they use one camera to film
as BBC don't like to spend money they like to save money and
if they don't need another camera than they won't buy it
because most BBC series want to save money. Another
example is The Big Bang Theory it’s an American television
sitcom they use one camera as the locations they use are small
and there's not enough space for them to put more in. most
comedy central series don't use multi cameras as the locations
they use aren't big.
The disadvantages are, you could lose your footage if one of
them breaks and as if the room is tight space. By having one
camera it means you have to move it every time and keep setting it back in the right place
every few seconds. This takes very long. If they have to move sets to another location they
have to take it everywhere.
Using single camera has some advantages and some disadvantages if you use one camera
an advantage, it means less crew need to be hired on set it’s better to have less for a film
with small location as it’s difficult for the crew to not be in the way. There’s more space to
walk around and film if there’s only one camera. Another advantage is that it saves money
as if you buy the camera it means you have to buy the equipment you need with it such as
all lighting equipment and batteries, it’s just easier. For films with a big location and if two or
more things are happening at the same time then you will need more than one camera.
The disadvantages are that it would take more time to film because you would need to do
more shots from each angle. As this is very long and it can delay the film and take longer
than it should be. Another disadvantage is that it’s easier to make continuity errors because
you will need to hire more continuity manger’s, also if people stay in the same position
because it wouldn’t work any other way than people need to keep an eye on the one person
to make sure he is doing the right thing and he is the right position.
To make a film its very expensive all the characters to hire, props. Camera equipment and
more means everything needs to be right the first time because if you don’t finish it before
the camera dies than it will cause problems with time and money to hire the camera again.
This will speed things up and some things might go wrong if things speed up because filming
is a hard job.
Genre: Horror
They choose a girl to be possessed rather than an adult because children show innocence.
Mise en scene
In the conjuring 2 they used a lot of
props throughout the film. Without
props it wouldn't make sense evy film
has props to make the filmrealistic and
for the audience to understand.
Ouija board is an important prop
because it starts the understanding of
the film because the ouija board is where you can contact dead people which means that
the little girl started playing it and then that night she sleepwalks but she is being controlled
by the owner of this house. The guitar is used to try and have a fun moment and a laugh just
to try and get through it. When Ed draws the painting it is used throughout the whole film
because the face in the painting comes to life in loraines visions but her visions comes true
but when she finds out her name lorain has power to destroy it. The music box is to scare
the audience with the creepy music. The mood in the house was always very dull and it was
always dark in the house. At the beginning of the film they use a lot of camera equipment as
they are trying to find supernatural information. These props already show the audience
that the filminvolves trying to find spirit and it’s going to be a scary thrilling film. Knifes are
shown in the kitchen when Billy the little boy goes in there's all knifes in the table but there
wasn't a few seconds later but it was the cut that made it look like someone put in there
and it shows the audience that knives can kill which makes something pop up as it was very
quiet and janet says not to go into the kitchen.There are some props that are in a certain
places such as the mirror, the mirror is in the middle of the room because it leads
throughout the film and is used more than once. The film had lots of furniture, vehicles and
clothing that made it look like it was set in the 70s. The clothing the characters very given to
where is nothing like people wear today.
The wall paper was very plain as they
didn’t have wall paper we have today In
conjuring 2 they use a lot of dark shots
for the scary scenes and a lot of shadows
for the audience to know that a scary
parts is going to come up.
Camera work
Jump scares- there were many jump
scares and there were a few times
when the music would be really loud
but nothing would pop up. Jump scares
make conjuring
Supernatural. Most of the time they
used single camera as the locations
were always small and could only fit one
camera. But there are some elements of
multi camera production. The location is
tight spaced and it’s not needed for more
than one camera.Most scenes were always
entertaining as it was jumpy and very
sudden and quick. There were elements of
silence in conjunctions with the jump
scares. There were sound of silence to make
it seemlike a jump scare. There are close
ups throughout the film to show the emotions on the characters to show if it's a happy
moment or a sad moment.
Sound is a very important and it’s the key thing to make a horror filmscary the effects that
are used in the conjuring are to make the audience really focused on the film and make
them jump. Synchronous sound means dialogue which means the inside noise and is the
real life sound that is supposed to be there on purpose. As asynchronous sound is sound
effects they bring in to help make the film change most films bring sound effects in
especially action films and horror films. In the film there is footsteps at the end of the film
when Ed is entering the house in the basement. The music makes the film connect and
when the music becomes faster the audience knows something scary is happening and it’s
when they're rushing to do something when they all get locked out the music begins to
happen especially when Ed is in the basement in the water its emotional music as he left his
wife to do it on his own. The conjuring 2 had heart beat sounds which made your own
heartbeat. It also had scratching on the walls, footsteps, screaming, gasping The audience
would expect either something to pop up or someone to die. Sound is one of the most
important thing and to get the beat or the effect to come in at the exact time you need is
hard to do.
It’s linear, the whole storyline is in order it's much Easier for the audience to follow because
if it's muddled up then the audience would find it confusing. It's a closed ending because
they live happily ever after
and none of them died which
in most horror films you see
death but they defeated Bill
who is dead. There was no
jump scare at the end which
everyone thought there
would be because the music
was going along with the
camera and the camera was zooming towards the chair and the audience would think the
ending would be a jump scare to show that there could be another one.
Its multi strand because there are 2 families in the film so there are more storylines that
meet. The story at the beginning and throughout the film have a neighbour that is where
they stay over because they think the problem is the house but it's actually the little girl.
The conjuring 2 is multi strand this is because there’s more than one story. There are 2
families in the film. When they run to the neighbours as they think someone is in their
house and they stay over that’s when they get introduced to the audience. The family from
Amityville are shown in the trailer so the audience know what they do as there in conjuring
1 and they are still the same as they were they investigate. Amityville is in America so we
know this is multi strand because there’s more than one storyline the families meet each
other as he people that live in america come to help the family in enfield.
Editing editing is a hard element to do
especially in scary films where they need
to cut at the exact bit and in the
conjuring 2 a lot of scary music is being
played and they need to cut it on the
beats in some horror films where people
are being possessed such as conjuring 2
it’s hard to video the furniture being
thrown and when the girl comes off the ground. Parallel editing was used for lorraine trying
to open the door to get to edit. Parallel editing is used when there's two or more storylines
coming together.
Editing does different effects and to make the lady come out of the wall but basically from
the painting which is called computer imagery something that isn’t real but is out into the
computer then in the film. There's a use of dissolve at the end when it’s all over and they
have defeated the dead as it goes
straight to the next day or that’s what it
seems like because there is an ambulance
outside their house to check everyone
out and to suspect the house.
The quarantine
genre - horror but the sub genre is zombie. The filmis unconventional because everyone
dies one by one and the zombies want to attack not get fed. But in most zombie films they
just go for blood to feed themselves. But in the quarantine it's a disease which rats cause
and it's called rabies so it's a different disease to in other zombie films because in the
quarantine zombies don't act like that in other films.
It’s a story where a news reporter and a camera man go to a fire station, they go to the next
incident just to report what it’s like and how it works. But the place they go to is a tight
spaced dull building it doesn't seem that big there's not many people in the building but
when the fireman gets in their there isn't a fire but there is a lady that has turned into a
zombie but the fireman and the police try to help her as they dont know whats going on at
the moment as its the beginning and they just got in the building. Its linear because
everything goes in order. If the film didn’t go in order the filmwouldn’t make sense and it
would confuse the audience Most of the film is just straight footage to show that there's a
man holding the camera throughout the entire film. The majority of the film is informal
mode of address as there is some slang used by some characters related but there are some
characters who are calm and hardly talk. The firemen are formal when they are being
recorded as they want to show that
they are good and set an example but
when they're not on camera they act
informal and have a joke.
In the film at the beginning they go into
the apartment where the lady is sick but
then the cameraman shows the rat that
is which is what caused the lady from
getting ill. This shows that it tells the
audience right from the beginning that
the rat is causing it and that's what the
film will be about.
Mise en scene
The only locations were the fire station
right at the beginning which seemed
like a happy and safe place which i
found that they introduced the filmwell
because the fire men seemed like it was
a joke and it was a relaxed atmosphere
and it everyone felt comfortable where
they were especially when they went in
the shower with the female reporter it just
shows the audience that it’s not serious
and there relaxed with their body
language. The job is a joke especially as it
was being recorded they need to respect the camera. But there showing that it’s a fun place
to be at. When they were in the fire engine it was very dark as it was night time. As they got
in the building it didn’t feel as dark. The main props that were used were a needle which
was used to inject people to sleep and the fireman who they injected didn’t work. The
policeman’s gun was used and it symbolises that he is in control. As everyone was panicking
the policeman had the power to point the gun at people to tell them to be quiet and still
respect the policeman as they don’t know what’s going on in this part of the film.
The fireman mainly took the hammer and this symbolised he was tough and would stick
himself in front of other people. Keys were an important prop because it told the audience
that there is always a way out because of how many keys there were. The tape recording
and the newspaper articles that they found at the end of the filmwas a really important
prop because it told the audience everything they needed to know and that they knew this
would happen.
The background makes the scene more realistic because they are using a building with
apartments and a fire station which makes the location seem more real and it’s a real
The fireman wore blue at the beginning which symbolises bravery, the policeman in black
symbolises power and he is the one in charge. The colour of the apartments and the
building were very dark brown and grey. The old man is the owner of the building and he
seemed a bit suspicious.
Quarantine had no editing as it was a found footage and the cameraman would video all
footage there would be some cuts but that would only be if the cameraman turns the
camera off. There wasn’t much editing because it’s supposed to give the impression them
videoing footage in the actual movie and showing them footage as the movie is based on a
news report. The news reporter is to show what firemen do as their job and when they in
the car the firemen get told to go to a different incident so to go a different way which tells
the audience that something bad will happen.
There aren’t many cuts because they can’t really edit because the style of the film is found
footage and if they edit then it will look fake and the audience will be confused with what’s
going on. As there’s no editing being used this makes the actors have to do the whole scene
in one even in the very long scenes because it’s very quick the way the movie goes and as
there are no cuts they have to constantly act without stopping. There are 2 cuts when the
cameraman turns off the camera until about an hour later as nothing was happening at the
time but apart from that there wasn’t any more cuts. The actors will need to be in the same
position every time they go through each bit so that means more continuity manger’s as
that’s a really important part. As there is a lot of makeup and props used. Editing is a key
element in most films especially in horror films as its theres a lot of being dragged and
objects being thrown etc.
Single camera is used in the whole of quarantine this is because it’s all found footage so only
one camera is used, because they are using single camera there is only one man that videos
the whole film and every part that they see the audience sees. The camera man is an actor
but is only seen a few times at the end of the filmas his role is to be behind the camera and
video himself. This is a good way of scaring the audience because when the camera man
makes a sudden move it’s like we are being dragged with the cameraman which makes the
audience get scared more. If the cameraman zooms in or drops the camera the sound of
the drop on the floor makes the audience jump. The cameraman seems very brave because
if something is jumpy he would move the camera and jump this shows that bravery is used
same with the fireman.
At the very beginning of the film
they do a report to the news and
she is interviewing firemen with the
camera to show on the news but
the camera they used is only
camera the whole film which shows
that it was all taken place in one
night and all in one shot. When they
go into the fire station they go
through every section of the whole
fire station to show the audience
and the news with what is in the fire
station. They went in the showers,
the squash court, rooms and the
basketball court. At the very start of
the film they use a mid-shot to
show they are presenting
something. They use a mid shot to
show where the location is and
what’s happening behind them. A mid-shot was the perfect shot to use a long shot wouldn’t
work neither would a close up because then we wouldn’t know where the location is it
would be hard for the audience to tell. Close ups are used a lot in the film for example at
the beginning when they go to the room where the old lady is the cameraman zooms in to
the room to see her and the cameraman puts the flash on which makes the lady with the
disease react and she kills a character at this point no one knows what’s going on still. The
reason why the cameraman zooms in is to see characters emotions and what is going on
with the certain person and how they feel. When the reported tells the cameraman to turn
the camera off it cuts but she runs in the camera and because she is very loud and angry it’s
scary and it gets so loud and the cameraman zooms in to show her crying and she is very
upset and wants to get out. When the lights go off and it’s just the reporter and the
cameraman the camera is recording the lady and she is in tears and that's all you see as this
is the end where its two left and the audience know there’
no way of them making it out
with the zombies there to kills
them. This picture shows the
cameraman is recording
himself and the old lady walks
past this shows the audience.
Most of the filmdiegetic sound, the film had to be as realistic as possible as the sounds had
to happen at the right time as there wasn’t editing for them to put sound in.
Its found footage so they can’t add sound in the filmso every part had to seemso real. They
use diegetic sound which the actors and the audience can both hear which makes it more
realistic. The film use some Asynchronous sound such that only only the audience can hear
the helicopter noise when they smash the window open it tells the audience what is a
happening outside and that it’s a serious matter the amount of police outside and snipers. If
someone screams it tells the audience that something bad is happening and they run to the
scream this scares the audience. Every scare filmhas to have sound and effects because
without sound the filmwouldn’t be scary and it would be hard to understand what’s going

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  • 1. Single camera production Single camera means when if you’re filming you can only use one camera for the whole scene which means everytime you need to have the characters stay in their position as it could look weird. Every Time a scene changes you can use a different camera. Single camera has some advantages because it seems a lot easier to have one camera as it doesn't take too much space because if you have a small room then it's not enough room for more cameras. Another advantage is that it's cheap if you don’t have enough money because with every camera you need all the equipment that comes with it and it's very expensive to buy 2 or more sets of camera equipment. You would have to worry about another camera being seen if there's only one The last advantage is that using one camera tests your skills to see if your able to have people stay in the right position but always swap places with the camera. Its an excellent skill for example Doctor Who is a classic science-fiction series, and they use one camera to film as BBC don't like to spend money they like to save money and if they don't need another camera than they won't buy it because most BBC series want to save money. Another example is The Big Bang Theory it’s an American television sitcom they use one camera as the locations they use are small and there's not enough space for them to put more in. most comedy central series don't use multi cameras as the locations they use aren't big. The disadvantages are, you could lose your footage if one of them breaks and as if the room is tight space. By having one camera it means you have to move it every time and keep setting it back in the right place every few seconds. This takes very long. If they have to move sets to another location they have to take it everywhere. Using single camera has some advantages and some disadvantages if you use one camera an advantage, it means less crew need to be hired on set it’s better to have less for a film with small location as it’s difficult for the crew to not be in the way. There’s more space to walk around and film if there’s only one camera. Another advantage is that it saves money as if you buy the camera it means you have to buy the equipment you need with it such as all lighting equipment and batteries, it’s just easier. For films with a big location and if two or more things are happening at the same time then you will need more than one camera.
  • 2. The disadvantages are that it would take more time to film because you would need to do more shots from each angle. As this is very long and it can delay the film and take longer than it should be. Another disadvantage is that it’s easier to make continuity errors because you will need to hire more continuity manger’s, also if people stay in the same position because it wouldn’t work any other way than people need to keep an eye on the one person to make sure he is doing the right thing and he is the right position. To make a film its very expensive all the characters to hire, props. Camera equipment and more means everything needs to be right the first time because if you don’t finish it before the camera dies than it will cause problems with time and money to hire the camera again. This will speed things up and some things might go wrong if things speed up because filming is a hard job. Genre: Horror They choose a girl to be possessed rather than an adult because children show innocence. Mise en scene In the conjuring 2 they used a lot of props throughout the film. Without props it wouldn't make sense evy film has props to make the filmrealistic and for the audience to understand. Ouija board is an important prop because it starts the understanding of the film because the ouija board is where you can contact dead people which means that the little girl started playing it and then that night she sleepwalks but she is being controlled by the owner of this house. The guitar is used to try and have a fun moment and a laugh just to try and get through it. When Ed draws the painting it is used throughout the whole film because the face in the painting comes to life in loraines visions but her visions comes true but when she finds out her name lorain has power to destroy it. The music box is to scare the audience with the creepy music. The mood in the house was always very dull and it was always dark in the house. At the beginning of the film they use a lot of camera equipment as they are trying to find supernatural information. These props already show the audience that the filminvolves trying to find spirit and it’s going to be a scary thrilling film. Knifes are shown in the kitchen when Billy the little boy goes in there's all knifes in the table but there wasn't a few seconds later but it was the cut that made it look like someone put in there and it shows the audience that knives can kill which makes something pop up as it was very quiet and janet says not to go into the kitchen.There are some props that are in a certain places such as the mirror, the mirror is in the middle of the room because it leads throughout the film and is used more than once. The film had lots of furniture, vehicles and clothing that made it look like it was set in the 70s. The clothing the characters very given to
  • 3. where is nothing like people wear today. The wall paper was very plain as they didn’t have wall paper we have today In conjuring 2 they use a lot of dark shots for the scary scenes and a lot of shadows for the audience to know that a scary parts is going to come up. Camera work Jump scares- there were many jump scares and there were a few times when the music would be really loud but nothing would pop up. Jump scares make conjuring Supernatural. Most of the time they used single camera as the locations were always small and could only fit one camera. But there are some elements of multi camera production. The location is tight spaced and it’s not needed for more than one camera.Most scenes were always entertaining as it was jumpy and very sudden and quick. There were elements of silence in conjunctions with the jump scares. There were sound of silence to make it seemlike a jump scare. There are close ups throughout the film to show the emotions on the characters to show if it's a happy moment or a sad moment. Sound Sound is a very important and it’s the key thing to make a horror filmscary the effects that are used in the conjuring are to make the audience really focused on the film and make them jump. Synchronous sound means dialogue which means the inside noise and is the real life sound that is supposed to be there on purpose. As asynchronous sound is sound effects they bring in to help make the film change most films bring sound effects in especially action films and horror films. In the film there is footsteps at the end of the film when Ed is entering the house in the basement. The music makes the film connect and when the music becomes faster the audience knows something scary is happening and it’s when they're rushing to do something when they all get locked out the music begins to
  • 4. happen especially when Ed is in the basement in the water its emotional music as he left his wife to do it on his own. The conjuring 2 had heart beat sounds which made your own heartbeat. It also had scratching on the walls, footsteps, screaming, gasping The audience would expect either something to pop up or someone to die. Sound is one of the most important thing and to get the beat or the effect to come in at the exact time you need is hard to do. It’s linear, the whole storyline is in order it's much Easier for the audience to follow because if it's muddled up then the audience would find it confusing. It's a closed ending because they live happily ever after and none of them died which in most horror films you see death but they defeated Bill who is dead. There was no jump scare at the end which everyone thought there would be because the music was going along with the camera and the camera was zooming towards the chair and the audience would think the ending would be a jump scare to show that there could be another one. Its multi strand because there are 2 families in the film so there are more storylines that meet. The story at the beginning and throughout the film have a neighbour that is where they stay over because they think the problem is the house but it's actually the little girl. The conjuring 2 is multi strand this is because there’s more than one story. There are 2 families in the film. When they run to the neighbours as they think someone is in their house and they stay over that’s when they get introduced to the audience. The family from Amityville are shown in the trailer so the audience know what they do as there in conjuring 1 and they are still the same as they were they investigate. Amityville is in America so we know this is multi strand because there’s more than one storyline the families meet each other as he people that live in america come to help the family in enfield. Editing editing is a hard element to do especially in scary films where they need to cut at the exact bit and in the conjuring 2 a lot of scary music is being played and they need to cut it on the beats in some horror films where people are being possessed such as conjuring 2 it’s hard to video the furniture being thrown and when the girl comes off the ground. Parallel editing was used for lorraine trying
  • 5. to open the door to get to edit. Parallel editing is used when there's two or more storylines coming together. Editing does different effects and to make the lady come out of the wall but basically from the painting which is called computer imagery something that isn’t real but is out into the computer then in the film. There's a use of dissolve at the end when it’s all over and they have defeated the dead as it goes straight to the next day or that’s what it seems like because there is an ambulance outside their house to check everyone out and to suspect the house. The quarantine genre - horror but the sub genre is zombie. The filmis unconventional because everyone dies one by one and the zombies want to attack not get fed. But in most zombie films they just go for blood to feed themselves. But in the quarantine it's a disease which rats cause and it's called rabies so it's a different disease to in other zombie films because in the quarantine zombies don't act like that in other films. It’s a story where a news reporter and a camera man go to a fire station, they go to the next incident just to report what it’s like and how it works. But the place they go to is a tight spaced dull building it doesn't seem that big there's not many people in the building but when the fireman gets in their there isn't a fire but there is a lady that has turned into a zombie but the fireman and the police try to help her as they dont know whats going on at the moment as its the beginning and they just got in the building. Its linear because everything goes in order. If the film didn’t go in order the filmwouldn’t make sense and it would confuse the audience Most of the film is just straight footage to show that there's a man holding the camera throughout the entire film. The majority of the film is informal mode of address as there is some slang used by some characters related but there are some characters who are calm and hardly talk. The firemen are formal when they are being
  • 6. recorded as they want to show that they are good and set an example but when they're not on camera they act informal and have a joke. In the film at the beginning they go into the apartment where the lady is sick but then the cameraman shows the rat that is which is what caused the lady from getting ill. This shows that it tells the audience right from the beginning that the rat is causing it and that's what the film will be about. Mise en scene The only locations were the fire station right at the beginning which seemed like a happy and safe place which i found that they introduced the filmwell because the fire men seemed like it was a joke and it was a relaxed atmosphere and it everyone felt comfortable where they were especially when they went in the shower with the female reporter it just shows the audience that it’s not serious and there relaxed with their body language. The job is a joke especially as it was being recorded they need to respect the camera. But there showing that it’s a fun place to be at. When they were in the fire engine it was very dark as it was night time. As they got in the building it didn’t feel as dark. The main props that were used were a needle which was used to inject people to sleep and the fireman who they injected didn’t work. The policeman’s gun was used and it symbolises that he is in control. As everyone was panicking the policeman had the power to point the gun at people to tell them to be quiet and still respect the policeman as they don’t know what’s going on in this part of the film. The fireman mainly took the hammer and this symbolised he was tough and would stick himself in front of other people. Keys were an important prop because it told the audience that there is always a way out because of how many keys there were. The tape recording and the newspaper articles that they found at the end of the filmwas a really important
  • 7. prop because it told the audience everything they needed to know and that they knew this would happen. The background makes the scene more realistic because they are using a building with apartments and a fire station which makes the location seem more real and it’s a real building. The fireman wore blue at the beginning which symbolises bravery, the policeman in black symbolises power and he is the one in charge. The colour of the apartments and the building were very dark brown and grey. The old man is the owner of the building and he seemed a bit suspicious. Editing Quarantine had no editing as it was a found footage and the cameraman would video all footage there would be some cuts but that would only be if the cameraman turns the camera off. There wasn’t much editing because it’s supposed to give the impression them videoing footage in the actual movie and showing them footage as the movie is based on a news report. The news reporter is to show what firemen do as their job and when they in the car the firemen get told to go to a different incident so to go a different way which tells the audience that something bad will happen. There aren’t many cuts because they can’t really edit because the style of the film is found footage and if they edit then it will look fake and the audience will be confused with what’s going on. As there’s no editing being used this makes the actors have to do the whole scene in one even in the very long scenes because it’s very quick the way the movie goes and as there are no cuts they have to constantly act without stopping. There are 2 cuts when the cameraman turns off the camera until about an hour later as nothing was happening at the time but apart from that there wasn’t any more cuts. The actors will need to be in the same position every time they go through each bit so that means more continuity manger’s as that’s a really important part. As there is a lot of makeup and props used. Editing is a key element in most films especially in horror films as its theres a lot of being dragged and objects being thrown etc. Single camera is used in the whole of quarantine this is because it’s all found footage so only one camera is used, because they are using single camera there is only one man that videos the whole film and every part that they see the audience sees. The camera man is an actor but is only seen a few times at the end of the filmas his role is to be behind the camera and video himself. This is a good way of scaring the audience because when the camera man makes a sudden move it’s like we are being dragged with the cameraman which makes the audience get scared more. If the cameraman zooms in or drops the camera the sound of the drop on the floor makes the audience jump. The cameraman seems very brave because
  • 8. if something is jumpy he would move the camera and jump this shows that bravery is used same with the fireman. At the very beginning of the film they do a report to the news and she is interviewing firemen with the camera to show on the news but the camera they used is only camera the whole film which shows that it was all taken place in one night and all in one shot. When they go into the fire station they go through every section of the whole fire station to show the audience and the news with what is in the fire station. They went in the showers, the squash court, rooms and the basketball court. At the very start of the film they use a mid-shot to show they are presenting something. They use a mid shot to show where the location is and what’s happening behind them. A mid-shot was the perfect shot to use a long shot wouldn’t work neither would a close up because then we wouldn’t know where the location is it would be hard for the audience to tell. Close ups are used a lot in the film for example at the beginning when they go to the room where the old lady is the cameraman zooms in to the room to see her and the cameraman puts the flash on which makes the lady with the disease react and she kills a character at this point no one knows what’s going on still. The reason why the cameraman zooms in is to see characters emotions and what is going on with the certain person and how they feel. When the reported tells the cameraman to turn the camera off it cuts but she runs in the camera and because she is very loud and angry it’s scary and it gets so loud and the cameraman zooms in to show her crying and she is very upset and wants to get out. When the lights go off and it’s just the reporter and the cameraman the camera is recording the lady and she is in tears and that's all you see as this is the end where its two left and the audience know there’
  • 9. no way of them making it out with the zombies there to kills them. This picture shows the cameraman is recording himself and the old lady walks past this shows the audience. Sound Most of the filmdiegetic sound, the film had to be as realistic as possible as the sounds had to happen at the right time as there wasn’t editing for them to put sound in. Its found footage so they can’t add sound in the filmso every part had to seemso real. They use diegetic sound which the actors and the audience can both hear which makes it more realistic. The film use some Asynchronous sound such that only only the audience can hear the helicopter noise when they smash the window open it tells the audience what is a happening outside and that it’s a serious matter the amount of police outside and snipers. If someone screams it tells the audience that something bad is happening and they run to the scream this scares the audience. Every scare filmhas to have sound and effects because without sound the filmwouldn’t be scary and it would be hard to understand what’s going on.