SlideShare a Scribd company logo
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
1 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
WF.XX.YY Wireframe Name (Command+Shift+Select to Edit)
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
2 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
WF.XX.YY Wireframe Name (Command+Shift+Select to Edit)
” Strategy is done above the shoulders, tactics are done
below the shoulders...”
I would consider my self being more strategic, than tactical. That means that as UX professional I am more interested in answering the question “What
are we trying to accomplish?” than just “How are we going to accomplish it?” So I would rather create a plan, a method, and series of different activities
that are designed to achieve the goal and deliver unique solution. This plan usually includes a set of tactics, but the main accent is on the plan creation
that will lead to the usage of tactics.
I also find myself being more empowering than forceful. That means that even in situations where certain style of work is not leading to a solution, and
the project is dragging around, I try to motivate people around me, give some suggestions that will engage people, not force them to do something.
But in general I think that that versatility is the solution – being empowering or forceful, depends on a situation. In the situations when you want to improve
quality, innovate, stay competitive, being empowering is the solution. In situations where the fundamental change is needed, strong, forceful leadership is
the answer.
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
3 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
WF.XX.YY Wireframe Name (Command+Shift+Select to Edit)
I am passionate about creating attractive and usable interfaces
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
4 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
Website Design
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
5 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
The website was designed for Architectural
Design Company “M architecture”.
Main accent was on reating visual appealing
and attractive website.
On the Home page there is a slide show of
About Page has short description of company.
Google - Internet Explorer _ £ Ð Ù Ú
Google - Internet Explorer _ £ Ð
WF.01 	Website Design - M architecture
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
6 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
Page Projects is devided into three sections:
Residential, Interiors and Public.
By clicking on each of those user gets to
another page, with several projects displayed,
and clicking on an image of a project,
slideshow appears with the rest of the images
for particular project.
Google - Internet Explorer _ £ Ð Ù Ú
Google - Internet Explorer _ £ Ð
WF.01 Website Design - M architecture
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
7 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
I started with a representative content audit
of the website so that I had a full
understanding of how the site is set up and
functions for its users. This step allows listing
of content types and a rating of how effective
they are for the users. It also brings to light
any general content issues that need to be
addressed. Throughout the audit I felt two
important ideas surfaced; social media could
have a much larger presence and the overall
structure could be changed to allow for easier
access to research articles.
I researched two organizations; AIA and
ASID, that are in the same general field and
learned how they relay social media and
research content to their users. The learnings
from those sites, along with the content
analysis help guide the new content strategy
recommendations I constructed for
These new strategies revolve around two main
First, to increase Social Media presence, and
Second to increase information access with
both member and non-member benefits.
I’ve also made recommendations about how
the navigation and tagging systems within could be structured to better suit
user groups.
Finally, I provided recommendations into the
governance of content moving forward.
New Proposed Solution of Edra website is
designed in Joomla.
Google - Internet Explorer _ £ Ð
WF.02 Reconstruction of Website - Edra
Current Edra Website
Proposed Solution
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
8 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
The goal was to design the information
architecture (“IA”) for an interface that allows
a user to post, search, view, examine, and
comment on costumes based on specific
costume types, and view video/photo/
instructional tutorials for costume construction
assistance. The IA includes the site map
and wireframes showing the navigational
organization of the site.
At the begining I conducted the content
inventory that was consisting 163 items, based
on that invertory, I did a card sort with 16 users,
using a tool offered by Then
I analyzed the results based on summaries
and tree graph data presentation formats.
The card sort results suggested trends in user
categorization of items of including costumes,
masks, accessories, makeup, patterns,
materials, and tutorials, and established a
basis for designing a high-level navigational
structure reflecting the same.
The resulting design enables the user to
effectively and efficiently search and post
costumes, costume related items, post
comments, and view photo/video tutorials.
This is the Home Page where user can see
most atttractive cosumes, search particular
one, see the latest news and go trough main
navigation further in website content.
Google - Internet Explorer _ £ Ð
WF.03 Wireframe for Costume Website
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
9 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
In this scenario, the user enters the search
word “fairy” and clicks on the magnifying glass
to begin the search. The search results screen
The user can enter new text into this box and/
or select a costume type and/or accessory type
to narrow the results to only those costumes
that meet all of those criteria.
It is assumed that because the user wants
to narrow their search, that one costume
type and/or one type of accessory would be
selected, so the drop-down controls here are
limited to a single selection.
Once the screen is complete, the user clicks
the Search button to start the search.
Google - Internet Explorer _ £ Ð
WF.03 Wireframe for Costume Website
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
10 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
Spike -o-matic is plant monitoring system.
The spike-o-matic sensor can be set up
outside in a garden or inside home in
individual pots. It’s very versatile, made from
quality titanium, meant to withst and time and
The spike’s special sensors track the moisture,
light, temperature, and pH balance of the
soil where the plant lives and the air that it
The system stores data collected from the
spike in a database that can be accessed from
a website and mobile application.
System also analyzes the data collected and
is able to diagnose why a plant might be doing
poorly or make recommendations for plants
that will do well in similar situations.
WF.04 Wireframe for Spike-o-matic system
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
11 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
I created three scenarios of system usage.
Based on those scenarios, I developed
the funcionallity of the website and mobile
This is the Home page of Spike-o-matic
website, after user already created profile
and entered the plants he has in his house or
Icons-images of plants are clickable and take
user to status pages for each plant.
Google - Internet Explorer _ £ Ð
WF.04 Wireframe for Spike-o-matic system
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
12 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
First Page represents status of a plant. User
can view the Moisture, Temperature, Light
status and Ph Balance.
There is is a short description of plant, current
reminders, and recommendations
Under reccomendations there is a Research
link wich takes user to Reserach page, where
user can see which plants would do well in
similar conditions.
Google - Internet Explorer _ £ Ð Ù Ú
Google - Internet Explorer _ £ Ð
WF.04 Wireframe for Spike-o-matic system
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
13 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
First Page is Research Diagnose page,
where user can see the diagnose and
recommendation or particular plant.
Second page is Settings page where
user creates the settings for his plants
location, wather it is his house or
apartment, indoor, or outdorr plant.
Google - Internet Explorer _ £ Ð Ù Ú
Google - Internet Explorer _ £ Ð
WF.04 Wireframe for Spike-o-matic system
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
14 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
This was a group project of website evaluation
for DalaiLama Center.
Our challenge was to:
Develop recommendations for an improved
Dalai Lama Center’s (DLC) website that aligns
with the DLC’s vision while engaging users in a
way that elicits more donations and funders.
We did:
Competitive Analysis,
Heuristic Evaluation,
Expert Evaluation
Card Sort
We also created Short and Long-term
Recommendations with wireframes.
WF.05 Website Evaluation - Dalai Lama Center
Competitive Analysis
Expert and Heurisitc
Card Sort
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
15 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
This was a group project of website evaluation
for DalaiLama Center.
Our challenge was to:
Develop recommendations for an improved
Dalai Lama Center’s (DLC) website that aligns
with the DLC’s vision while engaging users in a
way that elicits more donations and funders.
We did:
Competitive Analysis,
Heuristic Evaluation,
Expert Evaluation
Card Sort
We also created Short and Long-term
Recommendations with wireframes.
Wireframe Solution - Home Page
WF.05 Website Evaluation - Dalai Lama Center
Wireframe Solution - Events Page
Wireframe Solution - Blog Page Suggested Site Navigation
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
16 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
I assisted in creation of this website for Serbian
Orthodox Church. The biggest challenge
was to handle big content, so beside Main
navigation on the top, we used Left side menu,
which is visible on every page.
Also we deciced to use a lot of clickable
images and big slideshow on Home page,
which makes website attractive and visually
Google - Internet Explorer _ £ Ð
WF.06 Website for Holy Resurection Orthodox Serbian Church
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
17 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
Mobile Applications Design
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
18 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
TV Zombie is designed to allow friends to
watch TV together; interactively via live chat.
It also helps recommend and keep track of
favorite shows via an interactive TV Guide and
favorite list.
WF.01 TV.Net Mobile Application
The interactive schedule helps user keep
track of watched episodes
User can browse upcoming shows or discover
new favorites
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
19 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
TV Zombie integrates with user existing
accounts such as Hulu, Netflix and Facebook
to name a few.
WF.01 TV.Net Mobile Application
Favorites list reminds user when his favorite
shows will be on next
Shows on his favorite list will auto update by
syncing with your Hulu or Netflix account(s)
The chat feature is a core function of TV.NET
In portrait view it can be shown/hidden
In landscape mode it is side to side with the
show information
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
20 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
The challenge was to design funcional and
attractive music application for a mobile phone.
First screen presents a hompe page. User can
click on an image icon and get to the second
page with list of songs for particular artist.
Clicking the song in the song list takes user to
screen with particular song playing.
WF.02 Music Application
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
21 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
Tho other screens I added here are : Playlist
Page, and More Page. On both pages, icon
images are clickable, and lead to playlist Page,
or on second screen lead to chosen radio
Now playing leads to screen with song that is
currently playing, and Back button leads to a
previous page.
WF.02 Music Application
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
22 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
The Weather Application is created to show the
temperature both in Fahrenheit and Celsius,
with an option to see temperature for particular
Therefore this application consists of two
microinteractions which are user initiated:
1. The conversion of temperature from
Fahrenheit to Celsius, (and the opposite)
2. Choosing the city from droplist
First microinteraction is initiated with the
trigger in the form of button, located next
to the temperature, which does conversion
with single click. To return to previous value
of temperature, user should click the button
Second microinteraction is initiated with a
trigger in the form of button and drop list,
where user chooses the name of the city from
droplist, and clicks on the button View, and
then new temperature values for chosen city is
WF.03 Weather Application
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
23 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
Design process for Healthcare Application
began with sketching home screens. These
two were possible solutions I created, but since
it was a group projet, we decided to move on
with simplified version of Home screen.
WF.04 Healthcare Application
Wireframe Solution - Version 1 Wireframe Solution - Version 2
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
24 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
The objetive of the project:
Provide patients custom tailored access to our
newly digitized discharge instruction content.
Patients often don’t read the stacks of paper
we discharge them with, relying mostly on the
conversations they have with their doctors
before being discharged after their care.
We can now offer them this content in the
form of videos that have short bullet points
that accompany them.
As we can see here, Healthcare application
provide user information about: Medical
Records, Billing and Insurance, Medication,
and Discharge Instructions. Also user can
create Profile, Check his Calendar and receive
and send messages to a hospital.
WF.04 Healthcare Application
This is the Home Page screen. The icons are
clickable and take user to other screens.
This is the Profile Page screen. This is were
user can view and edit the profile.It contains
Patient info, Doctor Info,and Pharmacy Info
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
25 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
These are the Medications screens, where
user get when he clicks on Medications icon.
WF.04 Healthcare Application
When user clicks on Medications icon
he gets into this screen. He can now choose
the medications for particular desease.
When user clicks on HipSurgery Medications
tab, he gets to this screen, where he can get all
the information about medicine and dosage.
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
26 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
This is mobile version of Spike-o-matic
It is much simplified then Destop version.
WF.05 Spike-o-matic Application
This is the Home Page screen. When user
clicks on each tab, enters antother screen.
This is the Status Page Screen, when user gets
when clicks on Status tab on previous creen.
This is where user gets information about
plants,Indoor, or outdoor. Red leaf means
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
27 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
On Peace lIly status Page user can see the
Moisture status, Light status and Temperature
status. If the status has green leaf next to it,
then plant is in good condition, but if it has red
leaf next to it, something needs to be done.
Since spike-o-matic is connected to water
reservoir, user can automatically water the
plant, by clicking on 4 ounces or 8 ounces tab.
WF.05 Spike-o-matic Application
When user clicks on a Peace Lily tab on
previous page, he gets into status page for
Peace Lily,
When user clicks on Moisture status tab, he
gets to this screen, where he can see the
message and what needs to be done.
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
28 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
Spike-o-matic is capable of sending
notifications to user based on saved locations.
WF.05 Spike-o-matic Application
Since user is close to saved location of
the store, user received a message about
Neutralizer he has to pick up for his plant.
By clicking on info button on previous screen
user gets to the screen where he can see
information about what needs to be done.
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
29 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
Reminder Application is created for different
things user needs to be remineded of.
Unique to the Reminder Application is that it
has ability to send notifications to user based
on locations, date and time.
Wireframe is created in Adobe InDesign, and
it’s available in clickable pdf version.
WF.06 Reminder Application
This is the Home screen. User just
received notification that grocerie
store is close by. User can click on
tab and see the list of grocerie stores
By clicking on Notification Tab user gets to
Locations screen. He clicks on Map it button, on
first location and goes to next screen.
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
30 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
Reminder Application is created for different
things user needs to be remineded of.
Unique to the Reminder Application is that it
has ability to send notifications to user based
on locations, date and time.
WF.06 Reminder Application
Here on this screen user can see the map of
location and the exact address.
By clicking on back button on previous screen
user gets to Home screen, where he can click
the grocerie tab, to see what he needs to buy.
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
31 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
Reminder Application is created for different
things user needs to be remineded of.
Unique to the Reminder Application is that it
has ability to send notifications to user based
on locations, date and time.
WF.04 Reminder Application
This is the Grocerie screen, where
user can see list of grocerie items,
and check them after shopping.
By clicking on a Add new button on previous
screen user gets to a new screen where he can
add new item to the list.
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
32 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
This is
This is the mobile version, of Costume website,
that was previusly presented.
The mobile version is simplified, but still has
almost all funcionallity like website.
WF.07 Costume Application
This is the Home screen for Costume Application.
Here user can see whats new , and latest tutorials.
By clicking on arrow on Menu tab, user can see
a drop down menu. By clicking on Tutorials tab
user gets to Tutorial Page.
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
33 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
This isIf user clisk
This is the mobile version, of Costume website,
that was previusly presented.
The mobile version is simplified, but still has
almost all funcionallity like website.
This is the tutorials screen, which displays all the
tutorials recently added.
By clicking on Wter Fairy link on previous
screen, user gets to tutorial about how to create
Fairy Wings.
WF.07 Costume Application
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
34 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
Visual Design Examples
This isIf user clisk
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
35 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
This is Cover Design, and Menu design
for Blue Ray Disc. The Menu prototype is
designed in Flash.
Cover Design
Design Cover and Menu for Blue Ray Disc
Menu Design - Home
Menu Design - Scenes Screen Menu Design - Features
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
36 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
The main goal for this project is to design
animation that would be interesting, visually
appealing and that would have characterization
and storytelling. I decided to create animation
that would be based on a movie Vertigo from
Alfred Hitchcock, because it’s an interesting
story that can be interpreted in many different
The main character Madeline became my
inspiration for a story about beautiful and
strange woman her strong feelings and
In the meantime I found that the new
soundtrack “After Disco” from Broken Bells
would be a great music background for my
story, and that music brought even more
inspiration and ideas of how the story should
I used the images, incorporated video and
dialog from the movie, but I tried to incorporate
it in a new way, so it has different meaning.
Scene 1
Flash Cut Animation Design
Scene 2
Scene 3 Scene 4
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
37 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
The main goal for this project is to design
animation that would be interesting, visually
appealing and that would be interactive.
I decided to create animation that would be
the presentation of famous women in XX
century. I used the example of Chicago Tribune
Iconographic example with a time line as
an idea, and then developed a little different
My goal was to make this iconographic
animation as an interesting journey for user,
so he can click on different buttons and see
different things changing, like time on the time
pie chart, birth location of characters, and
display of images and text.
Home Screen
Interactive Animation Design
Time and Map display
Image Display Text display
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
38 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
This is design for web banner, animated,
created in Flash.
You can see several versions for different
dimensions used for different positions on web
Version 1
Banner Design
Version 2
Version 3 Version 4
UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic
39 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014
The goal of this project was to design the back
side and front side of a playing card.
Version 1 - front side
Transformation Card Design
Version 1 - back side
Version 2 - front side Version 2 - back side

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Portfolio_UX Designer Miona Bojanovic

  • 1. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 1 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 WF.XX.YY Wireframe Name (Command+Shift+Select to Edit) PortfolioPortfolio
  • 2. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 2 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 WF.XX.YY Wireframe Name (Command+Shift+Select to Edit) ” Strategy is done above the shoulders, tactics are done below the shoulders...” I would consider my self being more strategic, than tactical. That means that as UX professional I am more interested in answering the question “What are we trying to accomplish?” than just “How are we going to accomplish it?” So I would rather create a plan, a method, and series of different activities that are designed to achieve the goal and deliver unique solution. This plan usually includes a set of tactics, but the main accent is on the plan creation that will lead to the usage of tactics. I also find myself being more empowering than forceful. That means that even in situations where certain style of work is not leading to a solution, and the project is dragging around, I try to motivate people around me, give some suggestions that will engage people, not force them to do something. But in general I think that that versatility is the solution – being empowering or forceful, depends on a situation. In the situations when you want to improve quality, innovate, stay competitive, being empowering is the solution. In situations where the fundamental change is needed, strong, forceful leadership is the answer.
  • 3. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 3 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 WF.XX.YY Wireframe Name (Command+Shift+Select to Edit) I am passionate about creating attractive and usable interfaces
  • 4. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 4 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 Website Design
  • 5. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 5 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 The website was designed for Architectural Design Company “M architecture”. Main accent was on reating visual appealing and attractive website. On the Home page there is a slide show of projects. About Page has short description of company. Ù Ú Google - Internet Explorer _ £ Ð Ù Ú Google - Internet Explorer _ £ Ð WF.01 Website Design - M architecture link:
  • 6. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 6 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 Page Projects is devided into three sections: Residential, Interiors and Public. By clicking on each of those user gets to another page, with several projects displayed, and clicking on an image of a project, slideshow appears with the rest of the images for particular project. Ù Ú Google - Internet Explorer _ £ Ð Ù Ú Google - Internet Explorer _ £ Ð WF.01 Website Design - M architecture link:
  • 7. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 7 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 I started with a representative content audit of the website so that I had a full understanding of how the site is set up and functions for its users. This step allows listing of content types and a rating of how effective they are for the users. It also brings to light any general content issues that need to be addressed. Throughout the audit I felt two important ideas surfaced; social media could have a much larger presence and the overall structure could be changed to allow for easier access to research articles. I researched two organizations; AIA and ASID, that are in the same general field and learned how they relay social media and research content to their users. The learnings from those sites, along with the content analysis help guide the new content strategy recommendations I constructed for These new strategies revolve around two main topics; First, to increase Social Media presence, and Second to increase information access with both member and non-member benefits. I’ve also made recommendations about how the navigation and tagging systems within could be structured to better suit user groups. Finally, I provided recommendations into the governance of content moving forward. New Proposed Solution of Edra website is designed in Joomla. Ù Ú Ù Ú Google - Internet Explorer _ £ Ð WF.02 Reconstruction of Website - Edra link: Current Edra Website Proposed Solution
  • 8. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 8 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 The goal was to design the information architecture (“IA”) for an interface that allows a user to post, search, view, examine, and comment on costumes based on specific costume types, and view video/photo/ instructional tutorials for costume construction assistance. The IA includes the site map and wireframes showing the navigational organization of the site. At the begining I conducted the content inventory that was consisting 163 items, based on that invertory, I did a card sort with 16 users, using a tool offered by Then I analyzed the results based on summaries and tree graph data presentation formats. The card sort results suggested trends in user categorization of items of including costumes, masks, accessories, makeup, patterns, materials, and tutorials, and established a basis for designing a high-level navigational structure reflecting the same. The resulting design enables the user to effectively and efficiently search and post costumes, costume related items, post comments, and view photo/video tutorials. This is the Home Page where user can see most atttractive cosumes, search particular one, see the latest news and go trough main navigation further in website content. Ù Ú Google - Internet Explorer _ £ Ð WF.03 Wireframe for Costume Website link:
  • 9. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 9 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 In this scenario, the user enters the search word “fairy” and clicks on the magnifying glass to begin the search. The search results screen appears. The user can enter new text into this box and/ or select a costume type and/or accessory type to narrow the results to only those costumes that meet all of those criteria. It is assumed that because the user wants to narrow their search, that one costume type and/or one type of accessory would be selected, so the drop-down controls here are limited to a single selection. Once the screen is complete, the user clicks the Search button to start the search. Ù Ú Google - Internet Explorer _ £ Ð WF.03 Wireframe for Costume Website link:
  • 10. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 10 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 Spike -o-matic is plant monitoring system. The spike-o-matic sensor can be set up outside in a garden or inside home in individual pots. It’s very versatile, made from quality titanium, meant to withst and time and elements. The spike’s special sensors track the moisture, light, temperature, and pH balance of the soil where the plant lives and the air that it breathes.. The system stores data collected from the spike in a database that can be accessed from a website and mobile application. System also analyzes the data collected and is able to diagnose why a plant might be doing poorly or make recommendations for plants that will do well in similar situations. WF.04 Wireframe for Spike-o-matic system link:
  • 11. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 11 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 I created three scenarios of system usage. Based on those scenarios, I developed the funcionallity of the website and mobile application. This is the Home page of Spike-o-matic website, after user already created profile and entered the plants he has in his house or apartment. Icons-images of plants are clickable and take user to status pages for each plant. Ù Ú Google - Internet Explorer _ £ Ð WF.04 Wireframe for Spike-o-matic system link:
  • 12. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 12 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 First Page represents status of a plant. User can view the Moisture, Temperature, Light status and Ph Balance. There is is a short description of plant, current reminders, and recommendations Under reccomendations there is a Research link wich takes user to Reserach page, where user can see which plants would do well in similar conditions. Ù Ú Google - Internet Explorer _ £ Ð Ù Ú Google - Internet Explorer _ £ Ð WF.04 Wireframe for Spike-o-matic system link:
  • 13. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 13 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 First Page is Research Diagnose page, where user can see the diagnose and recommendation or particular plant. Second page is Settings page where user creates the settings for his plants location, wather it is his house or apartment, indoor, or outdorr plant. Ù Ú Google - Internet Explorer _ £ Ð Ù Ú Google - Internet Explorer _ £ Ð WF.04 Wireframe for Spike-o-matic system link:
  • 14. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 14 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 This was a group project of website evaluation for DalaiLama Center. Our challenge was to: Develop recommendations for an improved Dalai Lama Center’s (DLC) website that aligns with the DLC’s vision while engaging users in a way that elicits more donations and funders. We did: Interviews, Competitive Analysis, Heuristic Evaluation, Expert Evaluation Card Sort We also created Short and Long-term Recommendations with wireframes. Interviews WF.05 Website Evaluation - Dalai Lama Center Competitive Analysis Expert and Heurisitc Evaluation Card Sort
  • 15. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 15 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 This was a group project of website evaluation for DalaiLama Center. Our challenge was to: Develop recommendations for an improved Dalai Lama Center’s (DLC) website that aligns with the DLC’s vision while engaging users in a way that elicits more donations and funders. We did: Interviews, Competitive Analysis, Heuristic Evaluation, Expert Evaluation Card Sort We also created Short and Long-term Recommendations with wireframes. Wireframe Solution - Home Page WF.05 Website Evaluation - Dalai Lama Center Wireframe Solution - Events Page Wireframe Solution - Blog Page Suggested Site Navigation
  • 16. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 16 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 I assisted in creation of this website for Serbian Orthodox Church. The biggest challenge was to handle big content, so beside Main navigation on the top, we used Left side menu, which is visible on every page. Also we deciced to use a lot of clickable images and big slideshow on Home page, which makes website attractive and visually appealing. Ù Ú Google - Internet Explorer _ £ Ð WF.06 Website for Holy Resurection Orthodox Serbian Church link:
  • 17. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 17 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 Mobile Applications Design
  • 18. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 18 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 TV Zombie is designed to allow friends to watch TV together; interactively via live chat. It also helps recommend and keep track of favorite shows via an interactive TV Guide and favorite list. WF.01 TV.Net Mobile Application The interactive schedule helps user keep track of watched episodes User can browse upcoming shows or discover new favorites
  • 19. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 19 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 TV Zombie integrates with user existing accounts such as Hulu, Netflix and Facebook to name a few. WF.01 TV.Net Mobile Application Favorites list reminds user when his favorite shows will be on next Shows on his favorite list will auto update by syncing with your Hulu or Netflix account(s) The chat feature is a core function of TV.NET In portrait view it can be shown/hidden In landscape mode it is side to side with the show information
  • 20. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 20 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 The challenge was to design funcional and attractive music application for a mobile phone. First screen presents a hompe page. User can click on an image icon and get to the second page with list of songs for particular artist. Clicking the song in the song list takes user to screen with particular song playing. WF.02 Music Application link:
  • 21. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 21 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 Tho other screens I added here are : Playlist Page, and More Page. On both pages, icon images are clickable, and lead to playlist Page, or on second screen lead to chosen radio playing. Now playing leads to screen with song that is currently playing, and Back button leads to a previous page. WF.02 Music Application link:
  • 22. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 22 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 The Weather Application is created to show the temperature both in Fahrenheit and Celsius, with an option to see temperature for particular city. Therefore this application consists of two microinteractions which are user initiated: 1. The conversion of temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius, (and the opposite) 2. Choosing the city from droplist First microinteraction is initiated with the trigger in the form of button, located next to the temperature, which does conversion with single click. To return to previous value of temperature, user should click the button again. Second microinteraction is initiated with a trigger in the form of button and drop list, where user chooses the name of the city from droplist, and clicks on the button View, and then new temperature values for chosen city is displayed. WF.03 Weather Application link:
  • 23. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 23 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 Design process for Healthcare Application began with sketching home screens. These two were possible solutions I created, but since it was a group projet, we decided to move on with simplified version of Home screen. WF.04 Healthcare Application link: Wireframe Solution - Version 1 Wireframe Solution - Version 2
  • 24. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 24 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 The objetive of the project: Provide patients custom tailored access to our newly digitized discharge instruction content. Patients often don’t read the stacks of paper we discharge them with, relying mostly on the conversations they have with their doctors before being discharged after their care. We can now offer them this content in the form of videos that have short bullet points that accompany them. As we can see here, Healthcare application provide user information about: Medical Records, Billing and Insurance, Medication, and Discharge Instructions. Also user can create Profile, Check his Calendar and receive and send messages to a hospital. WF.04 Healthcare Application link: This is the Home Page screen. The icons are clickable and take user to other screens. This is the Profile Page screen. This is were user can view and edit the profile.It contains Patient info, Doctor Info,and Pharmacy Info
  • 25. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 25 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 These are the Medications screens, where user get when he clicks on Medications icon. WF.04 Healthcare Application link: When user clicks on Medications icon he gets into this screen. He can now choose the medications for particular desease. When user clicks on HipSurgery Medications tab, he gets to this screen, where he can get all the information about medicine and dosage.
  • 26. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 26 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 This is mobile version of Spike-o-matic Application. It is much simplified then Destop version. WF.05 Spike-o-matic Application link: This is the Home Page screen. When user clicks on each tab, enters antother screen. This is the Status Page Screen, when user gets when clicks on Status tab on previous creen. This is where user gets information about plants,Indoor, or outdoor. Red leaf means warning.
  • 27. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 27 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 On Peace lIly status Page user can see the Moisture status, Light status and Temperature status. If the status has green leaf next to it, then plant is in good condition, but if it has red leaf next to it, something needs to be done. Since spike-o-matic is connected to water reservoir, user can automatically water the plant, by clicking on 4 ounces or 8 ounces tab. WF.05 Spike-o-matic Application link: When user clicks on a Peace Lily tab on previous page, he gets into status page for Peace Lily, When user clicks on Moisture status tab, he gets to this screen, where he can see the message and what needs to be done.
  • 28. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 28 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 Spike-o-matic is capable of sending notifications to user based on saved locations. WF.05 Spike-o-matic Application link: Since user is close to saved location of the store, user received a message about Neutralizer he has to pick up for his plant. By clicking on info button on previous screen user gets to the screen where he can see information about what needs to be done.
  • 29. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 29 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 Reminder Application is created for different things user needs to be remineded of. Unique to the Reminder Application is that it has ability to send notifications to user based on locations, date and time. Wireframe is created in Adobe InDesign, and it’s available in clickable pdf version. WF.06 Reminder Application This is the Home screen. User just received notification that grocerie store is close by. User can click on tab and see the list of grocerie stores By clicking on Notification Tab user gets to Locations screen. He clicks on Map it button, on first location and goes to next screen.
  • 30. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 30 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 Reminder Application is created for different things user needs to be remineded of. Unique to the Reminder Application is that it has ability to send notifications to user based on locations, date and time. WF.06 Reminder Application Here on this screen user can see the map of location and the exact address. By clicking on back button on previous screen user gets to Home screen, where he can click the grocerie tab, to see what he needs to buy.
  • 31. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 31 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 Reminder Application is created for different things user needs to be remineded of. Unique to the Reminder Application is that it has ability to send notifications to user based on locations, date and time. WF.04 Reminder Application This is the Grocerie screen, where user can see list of grocerie items, and check them after shopping. By clicking on a Add new button on previous screen user gets to a new screen where he can add new item to the list.
  • 32. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 32 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 This is This is the mobile version, of Costume website, that was previusly presented. The mobile version is simplified, but still has almost all funcionallity like website. WF.07 Costume Application This is the Home screen for Costume Application. Here user can see whats new , and latest tutorials. By clicking on arrow on Menu tab, user can see a drop down menu. By clicking on Tutorials tab user gets to Tutorial Page.
  • 33. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 33 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 This isIf user clisk This is the mobile version, of Costume website, that was previusly presented. The mobile version is simplified, but still has almost all funcionallity like website. This is the tutorials screen, which displays all the tutorials recently added. By clicking on Wter Fairy link on previous screen, user gets to tutorial about how to create Fairy Wings. WF.07 Costume Application
  • 34. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 34 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 Visual Design Examples This isIf user clisk
  • 35. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 35 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 This is Cover Design, and Menu design for Blue Ray Disc. The Menu prototype is designed in Flash. Cover Design Design Cover and Menu for Blue Ray Disc Menu Design - Home Menu Design - Scenes Screen Menu Design - Features
  • 36. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 36 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 The main goal for this project is to design animation that would be interesting, visually appealing and that would have characterization and storytelling. I decided to create animation that would be based on a movie Vertigo from Alfred Hitchcock, because it’s an interesting story that can be interpreted in many different ways. The main character Madeline became my inspiration for a story about beautiful and strange woman her strong feelings and sadness. In the meantime I found that the new soundtrack “After Disco” from Broken Bells would be a great music background for my story, and that music brought even more inspiration and ideas of how the story should develop. I used the images, incorporated video and dialog from the movie, but I tried to incorporate it in a new way, so it has different meaning. Scene 1 Flash Cut Animation Design link: Scene 2 Scene 3 Scene 4
  • 37. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 37 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 The main goal for this project is to design animation that would be interesting, visually appealing and that would be interactive. I decided to create animation that would be the presentation of famous women in XX century. I used the example of Chicago Tribune Iconographic example with a time line as an idea, and then developed a little different concept. My goal was to make this iconographic animation as an interesting journey for user, so he can click on different buttons and see different things changing, like time on the time pie chart, birth location of characters, and display of images and text. Home Screen Interactive Animation Design Time and Map display Image Display Text display
  • 38. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 38 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 This is design for web banner, animated, created in Flash. You can see several versions for different dimensions used for different positions on web page. Version 1 Banner Design Version 2 Version 3 Version 4
  • 39. UX Designer / Miona Bojanovic 39 / 39Version 0.1 published March 26, 2014 The goal of this project was to design the back side and front side of a playing card. Version 1 - front side Transformation Card Design Version 1 - back side Version 2 - front side Version 2 - back side