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Travis McNaughton’s
                  Education Portfolio
“A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.”
                                                                Henry Adams
Table of Contents
   Leadership               Teaching and Learning
   Teacher/Parent            Strategies
    Relationships            Teacher Planning
   Teacher/Student          Assessment
    Relationships            Professional
   Extra Curricular          Development
    Activities               Technology
   Student Service          Discipline
   Staff Relationships      Celebrations of Success
                              and Recognition
   “Example is not the main thing in leading
                                        others, it is the only thing.”
Leadership                                                           Albert Schwieter

Regularly fulfilled Acting
Administration duties

Led Professional Learning

   Administered Assemblies

 Collaborated to initiate new
technology trial policy

 Initiating Junior High Career
Technology Studies Program

 Contributed to initiation of
Renaissance Program – an award
based program promoting student
success in academics and behavior
   “It takes a whole village to raise a child.”

 Collaborating with parents is
essential to enabling students to
reach their potential

 I seek and encourage
often, effective communication with

 Parent volunteers are essential to
successful events and are vital to
the school community
   “Treat your students the way you want to
                                           be treated.”
Teacher/Student                                                          The Golden Rule

 Positive relationships between
students and the teacher is
imperative to education

 Respect is the cornerstone of my
relationships with students

 I express value to my students
by displaying an interest in them as

   Every student is unique

 I treat students with fairness
according to their individual needs,
however, not necessarily with

   …and I try to make them laugh!
   “Life is a learning experience, only if you
Extracurricular                                                                Yogi Berra

  Learning does not stop when the
“bell rings”

 Extracurricular activities provide
opportunity for students to
showcase their individual abilities
and interests

 I have coached the Junior High
Basketball Program for the last
three years

 I have co-coached the Junior
High Track team for the last four

  I have contributed to a number of
extracurricular events such as
yearbook, grade nine camping
trip, Christmas concert and many
   “He who wishes to secure the good of
                                          others, has already secured his own.”
Student Service

 My Junior High Extended
Physical Education option helped to
make Eldorado School’s Positive
Playground event a huge success
   “Individual commitment to a group effort
                                          – that is what makes a team work, a
                                          company work, a society work, a
Staff Relationships
                                          civilization work.”            Vince Lombardi

 Teachers should work together to
provide the best education for
students possible

  I make myself available to my
colleagues to collaborate and help
in any way I can

 I collaborated with colleagues on
a number of projects

       Creating a CTS program
      Physical Education
     differentiated Fitness unit
      Cross grade Space and
     Sky Science differentiated
   “A good teacher must be able to put
                                          himself in the place of those who find
Teaching and Learning
                                          learning hard.”
Strategies                                                                  Eliphas Levi

 Students are unique and learn in
unique ways

  I employ a multitude of
differentiated strategies to assist
students in their learning such as:

   Jigsaw groups

   Smart learning strategies

   Guided reading

   Peer evaluations
           “A good plan is like a road map: it shows
                                                                                                                              the final destination and usually the best
                                                                                                                              way to get there.”
           Teacher Planning                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      H. Stanley Judd

            I believe in being rigidly planned                                                                                                                                                         Knowl edge Struct ure of Badminton (A)

           and flexible enough to                                                                                                                                                                                   Kn ow led ge Stru ctu re of Badmin ton

           accommodate teachable moments
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Ba sic Sk ills                        Ap plic ati on o f Basi c Sk ills

                                                                                                                                                                                    Lo co mo tor                 Manip ula tive                           Strate gy
                                                                                                                                                                                                              (See Ch arts B, C, D )
            My year, unit, and lesson plans
           are working documents                                                                                                                                                  C out Mo vemen t                Sp ac e                Ti me                              Fo rce                          U nce rta inty

                                                                                                                                                                      Sh uffl e         Lu ng e        R un

            My reflection informs and
           improves my planning for the future
                                   Social Studies 9
                Lifestyle and Living Conditions in Communist Russia                                                                                                                                                                                                                Values and Ideologies
                             RAFT Writing Assignment

Imagine you are living in Russia when the economic system was a command economy.                     SCOPE & TEACHING SEQUENCE FOR BADMINTON                                                                                             Lesson Plan #5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Course: Social Studies 30/33                                      Class Length: 82 minutes
Your assignment is to write a paper exploring your lifestyle, living conditions, working                                                                  Name Of Activity: Badminton                                                    Teacher: Travis McNaughton
conditions, and major events in Russia during this time. In order to complete this
assignment you must choose:
                                                                                                                                                          Level of Learner: Beginner-                                                    General and Specific Outcomes: See unit plan
                                                                                                               N =New R=Review C=Continue A=Application                     Intermediate                                                    Activity         Teaching/ Learning                  Procedure                  Time       Evaluation

                                                                                             Steps                             Activity                       Session Number
   Role of the Writer - Who are you as the writer? (See Roles below)                                                                                                                                                                                             Strategies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Administration             N/A                     Take attendance                2 min           N/A
   Audience - To whom are you writing? Is your audience the Canadian people? A                                                                                                                                                                                                           o     Use teacher logic
friend? Your teacher? Readers of a newspaper? Your government?                                                                                            1   2   3      4    5     6      7       8   9   10                            Introduction            Teacher centered           Provide Direction for          2 min           N/A
    Format - What form will the writing take? Is it a letter? A classified ad? A speech? A            Introduction/Orientation                            N                                                                                                 lecture                    class
poem?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         o Provide                  o Quiz: Values and
                                                                                              1       Grips/General Swinging                              N   R   C                                                                                              focussed direction         Ideologies Vocabulary
    Topic + strong Verb - What's the subject or the point of this piece? Is it to persuade                                                                                                                                                                       for students            o Finalize group
your reader about your specific situation in the command economy? To provide support          2       Court Movement (shuffle, lunge, run)                N   R   C     C    C      C      A       A   A      A                                                  learning                   presentations for approx.
for your government? To inform your reader about your life in Russia?                         3       Serving (Deep/Shallow)                              N   R   C     C    C      C      A       A   A      A                                                                             15 min.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         o Group Presentations
                                                                                              4       Forehand Underhand Clear                                N   R     C    C      C      A       A   A      A                          Quiz: Values            Individual Student         Distribute quiz to students    20 min       Formal
Questions to Consider:
                                                                                              5       Forehand Overhead Clear                                 N   R     C    C      C      A       A   A      A                          and Ideologies     activity                     o Have students complete                   evaluation of quiz
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            the quiz working on their
   What are your living conditions and working conditions like?                               6       Backhand Underhand Clear                                    N     R    C      C      A       A   A      A                                                                             own
   Do you like working in a command economy?                                                  7       Backhand Overhead Clear                                     N     R    C      C      A       A   A      A                                                                          o Collect the quizzes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            when the students are
   Do you have a family and if so does working in the command economy help you and
your family?                                                                                  8       Forehand Underhand Drop                                           N    R      C      A       A   A      A                                                                             finished
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Group work                                                                        15 min
   Are any of your rights being compromised in the centrally planned economy? If so           9       Backhand Underhand Drop                                           N    R      C      A       A   A      A                          assignment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Student centered
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Finalize group
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       assignment so that students
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    evaluation based
what rights and is this okay?                                                                 10      Forehand Overhead Drop                                                 N      R      A       A   A      A                                                 Group work             are ready to present                         on how groups are
   What are your responsibilities in the centrally planned economy?                                                                                                                                                                                                                      o Put finishing touches on                 working and what
                                                                                              11      Backhand Overhead Drop                                                 N      R      A       A   A      A                                                                             assignment                              they have
Roles:                                                                                        12      Forehand Smash                                                                N     R/A      A   A      A                                                                          o Practice/plan for                        completed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            presentation (who is going
   1. Worker/Laborer: You are an average worker in Russia when the economic                   13      Backhand Smash                                                                N     R/A      A   A      A                                                                             to speak when etc.)
       system is a command economy. Choose a job of your choice (ie. janitor,                 14      Singles Game Strategy                                                                N       R   C      C                          Group                  Student centered            Group Presentations            15 min       Formal
       salesman etc.).                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Presentations:     approach                     o Remind students to                       evaluation of
   2. Professional: You are a professional working in Russia’s command economy (ie.           15      Doubles Game Strategy                                                                        N   R      C                          Features of            Group work                  provide utmost respect to               group
       doctor, dentist etc.).                                                                 16      Tournament Game Play                                                                         N   C      C                          Systems
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            classmates when they are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    presentations (see
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    marking rubric)
   3. Entrepreneur: You are a business owner (or were a business owner) in Russia’s                                                                                                                                                                                                      o Groups will present in
       command economy.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     order (groups 1-6)
   4. Farmer: You are a farmer who owns (or owned) your own land in Russia’s                                                                                                                                                                                                             o Collect each groups
       centrally planned economy.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           notes in order to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            photocopy and distribute
   5. Stalin: You are Stalin. Why did you introduce your five-year plans? Why is a                                                                                                                                                                                                          to classmates
       centrally planned economy best for Russia?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        o Start next lesson if
   6. Member of the government: You are a member of the Russian government.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 presentations do not take
       Choose which branch of the government you are working for (ie. Gosplan,                                                                                                                                                                                                              up the rest of class (lesson
       communist party etc.).
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Conclusion              Teacher centered           Provide conclusion for         2 min           N/A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            approach                   class
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Bring closure to        o Feedback
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            the class and provide        o Provide direction for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            direction for next class        next class (see lesson 6)
   “As long as there are tests, there will be
                                                                                                                       prayer in public schools.”

 I consistently use formative and
summative assessment in my

  The assessment of my students
is based on curricular outcomes
and informs my planning
                                                Social Studies:
                                                  Unit Plan

    Grade: 11                                                      Teacher: Travis McNaughton
    Number of Classes: 7                                           Class Length: 82 minutes
    Knowledge Objectives:
         Students will understand and be able to describe how Napoleon rose to power in France.
         Students will be able to describe the changes that occurred in France under the reign of Napoleon.
         Students will be able to identify and describe major Napoleonic battles that occurred.
         Students will be able to identify the countries, sites of major land battles, and major bodies of water
     in Napoleonic Europe.

    Skill Objectives:
          Reading for Comprehension
          Gathering main concepts for understanding
          Computer skills

    Lesson     General        Specific       Learning/Teaching Strategies and Points             Assessment /
              Outcomes       Outcomes                                                             Evaluation
      1            1             1.1           Provide Direction for class                         Informal
                   2             1.4           Review French revolution                       evaluation based
                                            o Where we left off: The reign of the             on class
                                               “Directory”                                    discussion
                                 1.8           Introduce Napoleon                                  Formal
                                 1.9        o Have students copy notes from                   evaluation of
                                1.11           overhead – Napoleon                            section review
                                 2.1           Section Review: pg 45 # 1-5 in “World               Content
                                 2.2       History: Patterns of Civilization”                 knowledge on
                                            o SS 23 - # 2-5                                   Unit exam
                                 2.3        o Due next day (lesson 2)
                                 2.4           Provide conclusion for class
                                            o Feedback
                                            o Provide direction for next class (see
                                               lesson 2)
      2            1             1.1           Provide Direction for class                        Informal
                   2             1.4           Mark Section Review pg 45                      evaluation based
                                            o Collect marks                                   on class
                                 1.6                                                          discussion
                                               Review notes on Napoleon
                                 1.8           Continue notes: The Rise of Napoleon               Formal
                                 1.9        o Take notes from overhead                        evaluation of
                                1.11           Section Review pg 48 #1-6 in “World            Section Review
                                 2.1       History: Patterns of Civilization”                     Content
                                 2.2              SS 23 – only do # 2-6                       knowledge on
                                                  Due next class (lesson 3)                   Unit exam
                                               Provide conclusion for class
                                            o Feedback
                                            o Provide direction for next class (see
                                               lesson 3)
      3            1             1.1           Provide Direction for class                        Informal
                   2             1.4           Mark Section Review pg 48                      evaluation based
                                            o Collect marks                                   on class
                                 1.6                                                          discussion
   “He who dares to teach, must never
                                         cease to learn.”
Professional                                                            Anonymous

   I love to learn

 I have attended many
professional development
opportunities this past year
including the Education
Symposium, Leading and
Learning, and Instructional
Coaching CARC conferences

 I am always reading books
related to teaching and leadership

 Everywhere I drive I listen to
podcasts and speaking regarding
personal, professional and
leadership development
   “If we teach today as we taught
                                             yesterday, we rob our children of
Technology                                                                       John Dewey

 I believe technology is a vital tool
to educating this generation

 I have had the privilege of
teaching Language Arts grade eight
and nine in the computer lab

I incorporate technology in some
way to almost every lesson I teach

 I consistently support staff by
helping them utilize technology

 I have ample experience in a
wide variety of computer programs
including SIRS

 I am confident in my ability to
learn virtually any computer
program quickly
   “Discipline is the refining fire by which
                                         talent comes ability.”
                                                                            Roy L. Smith

 I believe discipline should be
done with respect

 I believe action and programs
should be implemented to teach
values that decrease discipline

 Discipline is more than
consequences: it is a tool to help
students become their best

 I believe that inappropriate
student behavior should be
matched with natural
   “Most successful men have not achieved
Celebrations of                            their distinction by having some new talent or
Success and                                opportunity presented to them. They have
Recognition                                developed the opportunity that was at hand.”
                                                                                Bruce Barton

 Awarded the Wild Rose Public
Schools Student Select Award

 Nominated for Wild Rose School
Division Apple Award 2010

 My science grade six class
achieved 20% higher than the
provincial average on the Provincial
Achievement Test and 100% of
them wrote and met the acceptable
32 Landon Drive         Phone: 780-946-6008
   Spruce Grove, Alberta   Cell: 780-242-9037
   T7X 4S1                 E-mail:

         The End
Travis McNaughton’s Education Portfolio

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Portfolio Travis McNaughton

  • 1. Travis McNaughton’s Education Portfolio “A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” Henry Adams
  • 2. Table of Contents  Leadership  Teaching and Learning  Teacher/Parent Strategies Relationships  Teacher Planning  Teacher/Student  Assessment Relationships  Professional  Extra Curricular Development Activities  Technology  Student Service  Discipline  Staff Relationships  Celebrations of Success and Recognition
  • 3. “Example is not the main thing in leading others, it is the only thing.” Leadership Albert Schwieter Regularly fulfilled Acting Administration duties Led Professional Learning Communities  Administered Assemblies  Collaborated to initiate new technology trial policy  Initiating Junior High Career Technology Studies Program  Contributed to initiation of Renaissance Program – an award based program promoting student success in academics and behavior
  • 4. “It takes a whole village to raise a child.” Proverb Parent/Teacher Relationships  Collaborating with parents is essential to enabling students to reach their potential  I seek and encourage often, effective communication with parents  Parent volunteers are essential to successful events and are vital to the school community
  • 5. “Treat your students the way you want to be treated.” Teacher/Student The Golden Rule Relationships  Positive relationships between students and the teacher is imperative to education  Respect is the cornerstone of my relationships with students  I express value to my students by displaying an interest in them as individuals  Every student is unique  I treat students with fairness according to their individual needs, however, not necessarily with equality  …and I try to make them laugh!
  • 6. “Life is a learning experience, only if you learn.” Extracurricular Yogi Berra Activities  Learning does not stop when the “bell rings”  Extracurricular activities provide opportunity for students to showcase their individual abilities and interests  I have coached the Junior High Basketball Program for the last three years  I have co-coached the Junior High Track team for the last four years  I have contributed to a number of extracurricular events such as yearbook, grade nine camping trip, Christmas concert and many others
  • 7. “He who wishes to secure the good of others, has already secured his own.” Confucius Student Service  My Junior High Extended Physical Education option helped to make Eldorado School’s Positive Playground event a huge success
  • 8. “Individual commitment to a group effort – that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a Staff Relationships civilization work.” Vince Lombardi  Teachers should work together to provide the best education for students possible  I make myself available to my colleagues to collaborate and help in any way I can  I collaborated with colleagues on a number of projects  Creating a CTS program  Physical Education differentiated Fitness unit  Cross grade Space and Sky Science differentiated unit
  • 9. “A good teacher must be able to put himself in the place of those who find Teaching and Learning learning hard.” Strategies Eliphas Levi  Students are unique and learn in unique ways  I employ a multitude of differentiated strategies to assist students in their learning such as:  Jigsaw groups  Smart learning strategies  Guided reading  Peer evaluations
  • 10. “A good plan is like a road map: it shows the final destination and usually the best way to get there.” Teacher Planning H. Stanley Judd  I believe in being rigidly planned Knowl edge Struct ure of Badminton (A) and flexible enough to Kn ow led ge Stru ctu re of Badmin ton accommodate teachable moments Ba sic Sk ills Ap plic ati on o f Basi c Sk ills Lo co mo tor Manip ula tive Strate gy (See Ch arts B, C, D )  My year, unit, and lesson plans are working documents C out Mo vemen t Sp ac e Ti me Fo rce U nce rta inty Sh uffl e Lu ng e R un  My reflection informs and improves my planning for the future Social Studies 9 Lifestyle and Living Conditions in Communist Russia Values and Ideologies RAFT Writing Assignment Imagine you are living in Russia when the economic system was a command economy. SCOPE & TEACHING SEQUENCE FOR BADMINTON Lesson Plan #5 Course: Social Studies 30/33 Class Length: 82 minutes Your assignment is to write a paper exploring your lifestyle, living conditions, working Name Of Activity: Badminton Teacher: Travis McNaughton conditions, and major events in Russia during this time. In order to complete this assignment you must choose: Level of Learner: Beginner- General and Specific Outcomes: See unit plan N =New R=Review C=Continue A=Application Intermediate Activity Teaching/ Learning Procedure Time Evaluation Steps Activity Session Number Role of the Writer - Who are you as the writer? (See Roles below) Strategies Administration N/A Take attendance 2 min N/A Audience - To whom are you writing? Is your audience the Canadian people? A o Use teacher logic friend? Your teacher? Readers of a newspaper? Your government? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Introduction Teacher centered Provide Direction for 2 min N/A Format - What form will the writing take? Is it a letter? A classified ad? A speech? A Introduction/Orientation N lecture class poem? o Provide o Quiz: Values and 1 Grips/General Swinging N R C focussed direction Ideologies Vocabulary Topic + strong Verb - What's the subject or the point of this piece? Is it to persuade for students o Finalize group your reader about your specific situation in the command economy? To provide support 2 Court Movement (shuffle, lunge, run) N R C C C C A A A A learning presentations for approx. for your government? To inform your reader about your life in Russia? 3 Serving (Deep/Shallow) N R C C C C A A A A 15 min. o Group Presentations 4 Forehand Underhand Clear N R C C C A A A A Quiz: Values Individual Student Distribute quiz to students 20 min Formal Questions to Consider: 5 Forehand Overhead Clear N R C C C A A A A and Ideologies activity o Have students complete evaluation of quiz the quiz working on their What are your living conditions and working conditions like? 6 Backhand Underhand Clear N R C C A A A A own Do you like working in a command economy? 7 Backhand Overhead Clear N R C C A A A A o Collect the quizzes when the students are Do you have a family and if so does working in the command economy help you and your family? 8 Forehand Underhand Drop N R C A A A A finished Group work 15 min Are any of your rights being compromised in the centrally planned economy? If so 9 Backhand Underhand Drop N R C A A A A assignment Student centered approach Finalize group assignment so that students Informal evaluation based what rights and is this okay? 10 Forehand Overhead Drop N R A A A A Group work are ready to present on how groups are What are your responsibilities in the centrally planned economy? o Put finishing touches on working and what 11 Backhand Overhead Drop N R A A A A assignment they have Roles: 12 Forehand Smash N R/A A A A o Practice/plan for completed presentation (who is going 1. Worker/Laborer: You are an average worker in Russia when the economic 13 Backhand Smash N R/A A A A to speak when etc.) system is a command economy. Choose a job of your choice (ie. janitor, 14 Singles Game Strategy N R C C Group Student centered Group Presentations 15 min Formal salesman etc.). Presentations: approach o Remind students to evaluation of 2. Professional: You are a professional working in Russia’s command economy (ie. 15 Doubles Game Strategy N R C Features of Group work provide utmost respect to group Political doctor, dentist etc.). 16 Tournament Game Play N C C Systems classmates when they are presenting presentations (see marking rubric) 3. Entrepreneur: You are a business owner (or were a business owner) in Russia’s o Groups will present in command economy. order (groups 1-6) 4. Farmer: You are a farmer who owns (or owned) your own land in Russia’s o Collect each groups centrally planned economy. notes in order to photocopy and distribute 5. Stalin: You are Stalin. Why did you introduce your five-year plans? Why is a to classmates centrally planned economy best for Russia? o Start next lesson if 6. Member of the government: You are a member of the Russian government. presentations do not take Choose which branch of the government you are working for (ie. Gosplan, up the rest of class (lesson 6) communist party etc.). Conclusion Teacher centered Provide conclusion for 2 min N/A approach class Bring closure to o Feedback the class and provide o Provide direction for direction for next class next class (see lesson 6)
  • 11. “As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in public schools.” Anonymous Assessment  I consistently use formative and summative assessment in my classroom  The assessment of my students is based on curricular outcomes and informs my planning Social Studies: Napoleon Unit Plan Grade: 11 Teacher: Travis McNaughton Number of Classes: 7 Class Length: 82 minutes Knowledge Objectives: Students will understand and be able to describe how Napoleon rose to power in France. Students will be able to describe the changes that occurred in France under the reign of Napoleon. Students will be able to identify and describe major Napoleonic battles that occurred. Students will be able to identify the countries, sites of major land battles, and major bodies of water in Napoleonic Europe. Skill Objectives: Reading for Comprehension Gathering main concepts for understanding Computer skills Lesson General Specific Learning/Teaching Strategies and Points Assessment / Outcomes Outcomes Evaluation 1 1 1.1 Provide Direction for class Informal 2 1.4 Review French revolution evaluation based o Where we left off: The reign of the on class 1.6 “Directory” discussion 1.8 Introduce Napoleon Formal 1.9 o Have students copy notes from evaluation of 1.11 overhead – Napoleon section review 2.1 Section Review: pg 45 # 1-5 in “World Content 2.2 History: Patterns of Civilization” knowledge on o SS 23 - # 2-5 Unit exam 2.3 o Due next day (lesson 2) 2.4 Provide conclusion for class o Feedback o Provide direction for next class (see lesson 2) 2 1 1.1 Provide Direction for class Informal 2 1.4 Mark Section Review pg 45 evaluation based o Collect marks on class 1.6 discussion Review notes on Napoleon 1.8 Continue notes: The Rise of Napoleon Formal 1.9 o Take notes from overhead evaluation of 1.11 Section Review pg 48 #1-6 in “World Section Review 2.1 History: Patterns of Civilization” Content 2.2 SS 23 – only do # 2-6 knowledge on Due next class (lesson 3) Unit exam 2.3 Provide conclusion for class 2.4 o Feedback o Provide direction for next class (see lesson 3) 3 1 1.1 Provide Direction for class Informal 2 1.4 Mark Section Review pg 48 evaluation based o Collect marks on class 1.6 discussion
  • 12. “He who dares to teach, must never cease to learn.” Professional Anonymous Development  I love to learn  I have attended many professional development opportunities this past year including the Education Symposium, Leading and Learning, and Instructional Coaching CARC conferences  I am always reading books related to teaching and leadership  Everywhere I drive I listen to podcasts and speaking regarding personal, professional and leadership development
  • 13. “If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow.” Technology John Dewey  I believe technology is a vital tool to educating this generation  I have had the privilege of teaching Language Arts grade eight and nine in the computer lab I incorporate technology in some way to almost every lesson I teach  I consistently support staff by helping them utilize technology  I have ample experience in a wide variety of computer programs including SIRS  I am confident in my ability to learn virtually any computer program quickly
  • 14. “Discipline is the refining fire by which talent comes ability.” Roy L. Smith Discipline  I believe discipline should be done with respect  I believe action and programs should be implemented to teach values that decrease discipline issues  Discipline is more than consequences: it is a tool to help students become their best  I believe that inappropriate student behavior should be matched with natural consequences
  • 15. “Most successful men have not achieved Celebrations of their distinction by having some new talent or Success and opportunity presented to them. They have Recognition developed the opportunity that was at hand.” Bruce Barton  Awarded the Wild Rose Public Schools Student Select Award 2008  Nominated for Wild Rose School Division Apple Award 2010  My science grade six class achieved 20% higher than the provincial average on the Provincial Achievement Test and 100% of them wrote and met the acceptable standard
  • 16. 32 Landon Drive Phone: 780-946-6008 Spruce Grove, Alberta Cell: 780-242-9037 T7X 4S1 E-mail: The End Travis McNaughton’s Education Portfolio