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Outstanding teaching and
   learning for the 21st
  Practical strategies for
 developing independent
   Paget High School 2012
  Prepared and presented by
        Claire Gadsby
Your starter for 10 ….

 Where does one find
      the most
independent learners?
It is fundamentally important
      to keep talking about
  teaching and learning even
     if you are a successful
It is fundamentally important
      to keep talking about
  teaching and learning even
     if you are a successful
        school because ....
As many as 26,000 students (5%) leave
school without any GCSEs and over
75,000 (17%) of 15-year-olds have low
levels of literacy, despite ostensibly going
through eleven years of compulsory
education (Educational Working Group,
“Pick a card, any card ....”
T-Shirt time ....
The World is changing…

Women at the Cadbury factory in Bournville in the 1950s
picture here
Current Chocolate Production

     Cadbury factory in Bournville now
The world is changing…
or is it?
“The world our kids are
       going to live in is
     changing four times
   faster than our schools”

 Dr William   Daggett, 1992
“The illiterate of the 21st
 century will not be those
who cannot read and write,
but those who cannot learn,
   unlearn, and relearn.”

 Alvin Toffler – American author of Science Fiction
                      born 1928
What kind of teacher is needed
  to support this new kind of
Beware grandmothers
     and eggs
“Fresh Eyes”: What does this
       mean for me?
“Outstanding” descriptor for quality of teaching in the
                       school 2012
Much of the teaching in all key stages and most subjects is
outstanding and never less than consistently good. As a
result, almost all pupils are making rapid and sustained
progress. All teachers have consistently high expectations of
all pupils. Drawing on excellent subject knowledge, teachers
plan astutely and set challenging tasks based on systematic,
accurate assessment of pupils’ prior skills, knowledge and
understanding. They use well judged and often imaginative
teaching strategies that, together with sharply focused and
timely support and intervention, match individual needs
accurately. Consequently, pupils learn exceptionally well
across the curriculum. The teaching of reading, writing,
communication and mathematics is highly effective. Teachers
and other adults generate high levels of enthusiasm for,
participation in and commitment to learning.
“Outstanding” descriptor for quality of teaching in
                   the school 2012
 Teaching promotes pupils’ high levels of resilience,
 confidence and independence when they tackle
 challenging activities. Teachers systematically and
 effectively check pupils’ understanding throughout
 lessons, anticipating where they may need to intervene
 and doing so with notable impact on the quality of
 learning. Time is used very well and every opportunity is
 taken to successfully develop crucial skills, including
 being able to use their literacy and numeracy skills in
 other subjects. Appropriate and regular homework
 contributes very well to pupils’ learning. Marking and
 constructive feedback from teachers and pupils are
 frequent and of a consistently high quality, leading to
 high levels of engagement and interest.
“self-sabotaging” teacher .....
Dance             Egyptians
                                                                Sex Education
                                                                                               The Tudors



                          t if ic                                  ral
                                                                ltu                  Picasso

Team                                                         Self-managers       Independent enquirers
                                                                          Reflective              Creative
                                                                          learners                participators
It is all about the appropriate
learning culture in the classroom ...
What’s the difference?
Carol Dweck’s theories of motivation, ability
and intelligence offer important insights for
teaching. She describes two mindsets or
beliefs about our learning ability that affect
how we respond to challenges:
the fixed mindset and the growth
mindset. While both mindsets are normal, if
we believe that intelligence is fixed and can’t
change, this can limit and undermine our
motivation and learning; believing that
we are no good or hopeless at something
gets in the way of learning.
Fixed (Performance) Mindset: valuing
            looking good
Having a fixed mindset is about believing that:
• learning potential and ability are fixed and can
be measured, and
the goal is performance; and
• ability, not effort, is the way to overcome
challenges and setbacks.

Pupils with a fixed mindset think they’ve either
‘got it’ or they haven’t.
When they are faced with challenge they believe that
their ability, not effort, should help them overcome the
setback. So they can get used to coasting along on their
talents and the idea that good grades prove
their ability.

When these pupils experience failure, they see it as
something deficient or lacking in themselves. They can
crumble, showing a helpless response because of this
negative ‘I am just this smart and that is it’ mindset
(Perkins). Linking failure to their own lack of ability can
make them lack persistence, opt out of difficult learning
and be reluctant to try new things. They can become
overly concerned with looking good and feel bad if they
don’t look smart
Growth (Mastery) Mindset: valuing
Having a growth mindset is about:
• being resilient in the face of frustration and
failure; and
• having the ability to respond well to challenges,
believing that effort can lead to success.
A growth mindset enables pupils to create and
work towards learning goals because they believe
in themselves as learners with the capacity to
improve. It’s about having a robust self-efficacy
that shapes attitude, motivation and commitment
to learning.
Pupils with a growth mindset tend to respond to
failure by redoubling their efforts, because they
have hope that they will succeed. The harder it gets,
the harder they try. Seeing effort as the path to
mastery, they persevere when the going gets tough
and often talk themselves through difficulties. They
have a positive, can-do, bit-by-bit mindset.

The mastery response means that these pupils are
more attentive to what they can learn than to how
good they look or how bad they feel.
Eye of the Tiger!
It is time to take the stabilisers off…
“If you spoon-feed a
child, all he learns is
    the shape of the
The million dollar question ….

  How do you cultivate
   growth mindsets?
The   B strategy ...
  “Big Boss”
How we learn ....

  •    As passive learners, we
      remember only 10% of what we
  •    20% of what we hear,
  •    and 30% of what we see.
  •    When you teach someone else,
      you retain 70 % of what you
  •    When you tell and show
      someone you retain 90% of what
      you say and do!
“Failure is a great
Challenges for teachers?
Key message 1 ...

Pupils tend to know far more than
we think. We can help them to be
more independent by harnessing
what they know already and
avoiding the tendency to re-teach
what they may already know
Hole in the wall ...
Dr. Sugata Mitra, Chief Scientist at NIIT, is credited with the
discovery of Hole-in-the-Wall. As early as 1982, he had been
toying with the idea of unsupervised learning and computers.
Finally, in 1999, he decided to test his ideas in the field. On
26th January, Dr. Mitra's team carved a "hole in the wall" that
separated the NIIT premises from the adjoining slum in Kalkaji,
New Delhi. Through this hole, a freely accessible computer was
put up for use. This computer proved to be an instant hit among
the slum dwellers, especially the children. With no prior
experience, the children learnt to use the computer on their
own. This prompted Dr. Mitra to propose the following

The acquisition of basic computing skills by any set of children
can be achieved through incidental learning provided the
learners are given access to a suitable computing facility, with
entertaining and motivating content and some minimal (human)
New ofsted: inspectors will
           consider ...
 the extent to which teachers’ questioning
  and use of discussion promote learning
 the extent to which the pace and depth of
  learning are maximised as a result of
  teachers’ monitoring of learning during
  lessons and any consequent actions in
  response to pupils’ feedback
From rhetoric to reality ...

Rhetoric                  Reality
Stage 1

Planning for progress
OFSTED’s commonest finding:
does not
inform teaching
and learning.
“The agile teacher”
 Showing awareness of L M H pupils within
  a class
 Responding directly to the needs of these
  pupils within one lesson
How are you, as a teacher,
showing that you are aware of
prior learning and building on
What are you doing differently
in the lesson as a result of
knowledge gained through the
assessment of your pupils?
Current research suggests…
 Classrooms have 4x more influence on
  pupils than anything that happens at
  whole school level
 60% of pupils in secondary schools never
  have a conversation with an adult whilst in
 The average length of a pupil response is
  5 words
Teacher input currently
accounts for approximately
   ?% of each lesson
Current research suggests that
the single biggest cause of
academic underachievement is ?
“The Big 5”
So, what are the techniques we
 should be using in the classroom?
Dylan Wiliam has clarified the important elements as:
 Sharing learning intentions,
 engineering effective classroom
 formative feedback,
 activating learners as resources for
  each other
 activating learners as owners of their
  own learning
Some practical strategies ....
“Tap into the talent in the room” – instead
  of the facilitator providing input in the early
  stages, begin by drawing out what
  learners already know by getting them to
  seek out information from each other (e.g.
  trio discussion).
8 schools project – key
          message 1

It is fundamental that pupils have a clear
understanding of what they are trying to
learn (learning objectives), how they can
recognise achievement (learning
outcomes), what good looks like
(success criteria) and why they are
learning this in the first place (that is, the
bigger picture)
Fascinators ...
The pen of power
 ‘Pen of power’  technique – select a pupil
 to come to the front and use the ‘pen of
 power’ to highlight key words within the
 objective and to explain their choices.
Evaluate how
writers use linguistic
and structural
devices to achieve
particular effects.
“The Rolf Harris”
 Ask the pupils to suggest what the
 learning objective is before revealing it
 (e.g. could be completely concealed
 beneath sugar paper or possibly with
 some words visible). Discuss
Delete Petite
 Delete objective word by word    during
 the lesson. Challenge pupils to remember
 correctly by the end.
The Red Herring
 Add an extra learning objective    and ask
 pupils at the end of the lesson to identify
 which one has not been covered and
 how they know (a red herring!)
Guess who ?
 Distribute a range of learning
 objectives to pupils individually and, at
 the end of the lesson, ask them to work in
 groups to discuss who thinks that they
 have that lesson’s correct objective in
 front of them and how they know.
“Cloze but no cigar ...”
 Present the learning objectives as acloze
 activity where pupils are encouraged to
 fill in the missing words before the
 completed learning objective is revealed.
“Place your bets”
 Get pupils to speculate(bid) for verbs
 that could complete a learning objective
 (e.g. using plenary placemat/Bloom’s
 sentence stems).
And what else ....?
Now for the spaghetti .....
GCSE in Construction!
 You have 2 minutes to build a
 structure using marshmallows and
 spaghetti you have been provided
Success Criteria
 Level 2 – if it will stand on its own
 and it includes horizontal and
 vertical struts.

 Level 4 – if it goes up to two
 ‘floors’ and it includes diagonal

 Level 6 – if it goes up higher than
 two floors and can support an
8 Schools Project Report
Key message 2
 Pupils’ progress is accelerated when they
 are clear about the success criteria for the
 intended outcomes and are able to judge
 the quality of their work and know how to
 improve it. This requires teachers having a
 good understanding of progression in the
 key concepts and skills in their subject.
The ideal ….
“Teachers assess pupils’ progress
regularly and accurately and
discuss assessments with them
so that pupils know how well they
have done and what they need to
do to improve”.
 (Ofsted descriptor of “good” teaching and
learning 2012)
The reality …
Ofsted findings report that students
are often unclear about what they
are learning and why
“Lost in a sea of learning ....”

(or, beware the “happy, busy, good” pupil )
Success criteria: The Cinderella
Success Criteria--------The Missing Link

Possible use of………………..Must   Should   Could
The Holy Grail of AfL =
Genuine co-construction of
1. I have used the PEE chain in each paragraph, talking about why certain words are

2. In at least two of my paragraphs I have talked about the importance of when the play was
3. In each paragraph I have talked about a particular technique used by the playwright and
its effect o the audience.
4. I have written about characters and why their actions are important.
5. I have discussed the main ideas and themes of the play in some detail.
6. I have explained clearly and in some detail what is implied/suggested rather than told to
7. I have tried to suggest some different possible interpretations about what things might
8. I have used formal essay language and linked my paragraphs using connectives e.g.
secondly, furthermore etc

 You’ve used most of these key ingredients really well – 2 and 7 are missing.
              Can you re-write paragraph 3 to include these?
Extra Extra ...
 Give pupils a list of possible success
 criteria plus extras. Ask them which
 should be deleted and why
The competition
 Use group work – each group generates a
 list of possible success criteria. These can
 then be critiqued by the class and the
 “best” ones used
“2 for True”
 Teacher (or even better, pupils) call out a
 selection of possible success criteria.
 Pupils raise 2 hands if it is “true” (a
 good suggestion) or 1 hand if it is false
 (not suitable)
Pupil generated success criteria
1.Teacher “doing it wrong”
2.Presenting something wrong or
3. An excellent example
4. Products
5. Sloppy success criteria
6. Uplevelling
7. Demonstrate (visualiser)
8.Retrospective generalisation

“What makes good”
WMG Bingo ....
As adults, when we are engaged in a task
we are continually, and instinctively,
reviewing and adapting as we go along.
Pupils don’t automatically do this – how
can we encourage this behaviour?
“Cream of the crop?”
 Come to a stop
 Read what you have produced so far
 Evaluate your work against the
  success criteria
 Ask yourself - “Is this my best effort?”
 Make one small change before
  carrying on
After the task, always ensure
that you go back to the
success criteria and critique
“Are we happy that we don’t
use yellow?”
And what else ....?
dialogue and
“Word Poverty”
By the age of just three children from
impoverished environments use less than
half the number of words spoken by their
more advantaged peers.
What else might be causing
“word poverty”?
What does teacher-
 student dialogue
 usually look like?
Whole class discussion 1
Teacher: Remember the bell. There's the bell [holding up
  a bell in front of the class]. You did the experiment. If
  you held onto this bit here where the wires were
  [indicating], did you notice anything there?
Jason: There were sparks there.

Teacher: Heat, did you notice some heat?
Jason: There were sparks from there.

Teacher: There were?
Jason: Sparks.
Teacher: There were some sparks, yes. Let's just ignore
  the sparks a minute...some heat. There was a little bit of
  heat there with that one.

                                                Neil Mercer
Whole class discussion: Example 2
Teacher: Those of you that think he should not
  have changed his name, I'd like to hear your
  reasons, some of your reasons. Matthew?
Matthew: One reason is because Chang is part of
  his history, his life, his um culture, like if, he, just
  'cause he changed schools he didn't have to
  change his name, and even if they're all
  American, he lives in a Chinese part of town, and
  uh, it's his culture, all behind him, what, he does
  Chinese ceremonies and stuff, and um, he just
  shouldn't have changed his name, 'cause all his
  culture and stuff.
                                              Neil Mercer
Ceri Morgan HMI

The magical moment
of interaction between
teacher and learner ....
“ Taking a highly structured and responsive
  approach to each child’s learning, in order
  that all are able to progress, achieve and
  participate. It means strengthening the link
  between learning and teaching by
  engaging pupils – and their parents – as
  partners in learning.”
                                Christine Gilbert 2007
  needs to
So what makes a
good discussion?
Through an emotional
hook ....

A Thunk is a beguilingly simple-looking
question about everyday things that stops
you in your tracks and helps you start to
look at the world in a whole new light.
Would you rather .....

  Have foil teeth
  Feather fingers?
What if .....

Rubbish bins gave you £1
back for every sack of
What seems
puzzling in this
What key questions
could be asked to
help explore the
meaning of what you
Try “who could disapprove of
       this picture?”
Try inverting questions

   Inverting a question
    requires reasoning to be
    employed in the answer
   Instead of asking “Is
    Claudius a good king?”
    ask “What qualities might
    you expect to see in a
    good king?”
Sorting and classifying tasks
   These allow students
    to explore
    assumptions and
    investigate ideas
    without having to
    commit themselves to
    a single “solution”
De Bono’s direct thinking tools
Tool 2 -- Plus, Minus, Interesting
  Ensure that all sides of a matter have been considered
  before a decision or commitment is made.

  Tool 4 -- Consider All Factors
  Explore all factors related to an action, decision, plan,
  judgment, or conclusion.

  Tool 6 -- Alternatives, Possibilities, Choices
  Deliberately try to find other ways.

  Tool 7 -- Other People's Views
  Put yourself in others' shoes.
Tony Ryan’s Thinker’s Keys

2. The WHAT IF
You can ask virtually any What If question. They can be
   either serious or frivolous. One excellent means of
   displaying ideas from this key is to draw up an Ideas
1. What if the price of petrol was immediately doubled?
2. What if all cars turned into skateboards?
Tony Ryan Key 17

     The alternative
  Work out 3 ways to:
record a visual image of a
special event
without a camera or
drawing implements
Most teachers questions are
 answered in less than two
  seconds: just not by the
        students ….
Research shows ….
 Teachers typically use 300-400 questions
  everyday. Most are lower order, functional
 Increasing higher order questions to
  around 50% of the total can raise
  attainment and improve pupil attitudes
Key message – use WAIT TIME
 In the 1970s, Mary Rudd Rowe
 videotaped hours of elementary science
 classes, and noticed how teachers
 generally waited only one second before
 answering or repeating a question.

 After teachers were trained to allow 3 – 5
 seconds of wait time, the following effects
 were noticed …
 DECREASED                   INCREASED
   Students who failed to      Unsolicited but
    answer when called           appropriate
    on                           responses
                                Length of responses
                                Responses from less
                                 able students
                                Number of student
                                Student to student
Some golden rules ….
 Beware run-on questions but don’t be
  afraid of “off-piste” questioning
 Don’t always use hands down questioning.
  Research suggests that active student
  response can be helpful in promoting
  participation amongst socioeconomically
  disadvantaged students
 The best way to cut down your
  questioning is to increase the questions
  students ask of you
...the way to secure performance at the
     highest levels is to create a system that
     expects significantly more from more
     pupils; in so doing, we would succeed in
     raising the performance of the whole
     school population

   Summarised from Deborah Eyre
Real questions ....
“So, in your opinion, how effective is the
  author in conveying character so far?”
“Why might that dialogue have been
“Ryan, can you think of a less cliched word
  for the lion’s noise than roaring?”
From a year 4 primary classroom in
  Oxfordshire ......
Classroom dialogue
 How much of the classroom      dialogue is
  about learning and progress as opposed to
 Do pupils get to ask questions as well as
  answer them?
 Where are your pupils actively taught how to
  use talk as a tool for thinking and learning?
 What are you doing to encourage
  “basketball” dialogue as opposed to “ping
Feedback and feed-
    forward: How
formative feedback
    contribute to
Professor John Hattie’s
            research ...
 Looked at 50,000 studies.....
 Reminds us that effective feedback
  has the largest effect size of all
 Talks about the importance of
  “assessment literate pupils”
Question .....

What do you think Hattie
means by “assessment
   literate” pupils?
The ideal ….
“Teachers assess pupils’ progress
regularly and accurately and
discuss assessments with them
so that pupils know how well they
have done and what they need to
do to improve”.
 (Ofsted descriptor of “good” teaching and
learning 2012)
Some issues with feedback ….
“Well done. Next time expand your ideas in
  more detail.”
“Very good effort. Have another look at how
  the last paragraph - could you develop
  your idea further by introducing another
  quote from the play?”
“This is a very interesting story James, but
  remember to check your spellings!”
More issues with feedback
How clear is the feedback we give the students?
   ‘you must try harder’
   ‘develop these ideas further’
   ‘good work keep it up’
   ‘more detail needed here’
   ‘Use paragraphs’

How does the student interpret feedback?
   ‘This is one of my best because my hand writing is neat, I
    checked my spellings and I put in the date’
   How?
   ‘A tick means he probably likes it’
   ‘there is a lot of writing at the end—this means it’s bad’
    What sort of detail?
   If I knew how to use paragraphs I would have used them
We need more DIRT in
         lessons ....
(Dedicated Improvement and
      Reflection Time)
Feedback frames
   Read feedback carefully
   Ask if you don’t understand what is written down
   Decide which improvement you are going to make first
   Indicate which success criteria you are working on
   Colour of progress is purple – remember your purple
   Ask your partner to look at your improvements and to
    give you honest feedback
   Link your work to the feedback given by your
    teachers by telling them what you have done
    and why
The “purple pen of progress”
“Buy one, Get one free” ...
Pupil annotation of their own
“Post it and plant it” feedback
Guided work: A missing piece of
         the jigsaw?
Demonstrating learning
  and progress within
 the lesson: Activating
 learners as resources
   for themselves and
“Take over the Teacher ...”
Teacher as “guide on the side”
rather than “sage on the stage”
      (.e.g. Yes/no mode)
Is a particularly powerful way of evaluating
  the collaborative work happening in the
  classroom. When pupils are engaged in
     group work periodically ask them to
  pause, signal that it is “spotlighting time”,
    and then ask one group to resume its
    work while a metaphorical spotlight is
 shone on them. The role of the rest of the
   class is to observe and be prepared to
    offer formative feedback as required.
“Film stars”
“Film stars”
Experiment with filming learning as it
unfolds in the classroom. This footage
provides brilliant opportunities for pupils to
evaluate each other’s work and can be
used to show the difference before and
after feedback has been given.
Photographs can be used in much the
same way.
 Make them work for it ……
Public peer assessment …
Making definitions live …
Visual impact ….
Progress points ...
Competition and challenge …
Make them find the
They don’t need to ask you …
Put the tools in their hands ….
Tantalisers ….
‘Progress bite’ – in other words, a quick
 implementation/application task to
 demonstrate that pupils have grasped the
 main learning point. This could be one
 timed paragraph/equation/question which,
 again, can be dropped into a lesson at any
 point and would serve to provide a
 ‘portable plenary’.
“Portable plenaries"
Teach the tiger ….
 ‘Explain it to a five year old’  – asking
 pupils to simplify and synthesise their
 learning in order to explain it to a much
 younger pupil really exposes any gaps in
 their learning.
“Prove It Tasks”
Collaborative lesson
planning activity: from
   theory to practice
Dr Spencer Kagan’s
Cooperative Learning
Jot thoughts ....
Rally Robin
The Showdown
Rally Coach
Collective round table ....
Stand up, Hand up,
    Pair up …`
Talking chips ....
All too often we
 give children cut
 flowers when we
should be teaching
    them to grow
Contact details…

Claire Gadsby , Teaching and Learning
         Mobile: 07983 993777

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Paget high 25 oct 2012

  • 1. Outstanding teaching and learning for the 21st Century: Practical strategies for developing independent learners Paget High School 2012 Prepared and presented by Claire Gadsby
  • 2.
  • 3. Your starter for 10 …. Where does one find the most independent learners?
  • 4. It is fundamentally important to keep talking about teaching and learning even if you are a successful school
  • 5. It is fundamentally important to keep talking about teaching and learning even if you are a successful school because ....
  • 6. As many as 26,000 students (5%) leave school without any GCSEs and over 75,000 (17%) of 15-year-olds have low levels of literacy, despite ostensibly going through eleven years of compulsory education (Educational Working Group, 2006).
  • 7. “Pick a card, any card ....”
  • 8.
  • 10. The World is changing… Women at the Cadbury factory in Bournville in the 1950s
  • 11. picture here Current Chocolate Production Cadbury factory in Bournville now
  • 12. The world is changing…
  • 14. “The world our kids are going to live in is changing four times faster than our schools”  Dr William Daggett, 1992
  • 15. “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” Alvin Toffler – American author of Science Fiction born 1928
  • 16. What kind of teacher is needed to support this new kind of learner?
  • 18. “Fresh Eyes”: What does this mean for me?
  • 19.
  • 20. “Outstanding” descriptor for quality of teaching in the school 2012 Much of the teaching in all key stages and most subjects is outstanding and never less than consistently good. As a result, almost all pupils are making rapid and sustained progress. All teachers have consistently high expectations of all pupils. Drawing on excellent subject knowledge, teachers plan astutely and set challenging tasks based on systematic, accurate assessment of pupils’ prior skills, knowledge and understanding. They use well judged and often imaginative teaching strategies that, together with sharply focused and timely support and intervention, match individual needs accurately. Consequently, pupils learn exceptionally well across the curriculum. The teaching of reading, writing, communication and mathematics is highly effective. Teachers and other adults generate high levels of enthusiasm for, participation in and commitment to learning.
  • 21. “Outstanding” descriptor for quality of teaching in the school 2012 Teaching promotes pupils’ high levels of resilience, confidence and independence when they tackle challenging activities. Teachers systematically and effectively check pupils’ understanding throughout lessons, anticipating where they may need to intervene and doing so with notable impact on the quality of learning. Time is used very well and every opportunity is taken to successfully develop crucial skills, including being able to use their literacy and numeracy skills in other subjects. Appropriate and regular homework contributes very well to pupils’ learning. Marking and constructive feedback from teachers and pupils are frequent and of a consistently high quality, leading to high levels of engagement and interest.
  • 23. Dance Egyptians Magnetism Sex Education The Tudors Macbeth Sikhism Physical Sc ien t if ic ral ltu Picasso Cu Friction Experiences Leaning Team Self-managers Independent enquirers workers Reflective Creative learners participators
  • 24. It is all about the appropriate learning culture in the classroom ...
  • 26. Carol Dweck’s theories of motivation, ability and intelligence offer important insights for teaching. She describes two mindsets or beliefs about our learning ability that affect how we respond to challenges: the fixed mindset and the growth mindset. While both mindsets are normal, if we believe that intelligence is fixed and can’t change, this can limit and undermine our motivation and learning; believing that we are no good or hopeless at something gets in the way of learning.
  • 27. Fixed (Performance) Mindset: valuing looking good Having a fixed mindset is about believing that: • learning potential and ability are fixed and can be measured, and the goal is performance; and • ability, not effort, is the way to overcome challenges and setbacks. Pupils with a fixed mindset think they’ve either ‘got it’ or they haven’t.
  • 28. When they are faced with challenge they believe that their ability, not effort, should help them overcome the setback. So they can get used to coasting along on their talents and the idea that good grades prove their ability. When these pupils experience failure, they see it as something deficient or lacking in themselves. They can crumble, showing a helpless response because of this negative ‘I am just this smart and that is it’ mindset (Perkins). Linking failure to their own lack of ability can make them lack persistence, opt out of difficult learning and be reluctant to try new things. They can become overly concerned with looking good and feel bad if they don’t look smart
  • 29. Growth (Mastery) Mindset: valuing learning Having a growth mindset is about: • being resilient in the face of frustration and failure; and • having the ability to respond well to challenges, believing that effort can lead to success. A growth mindset enables pupils to create and work towards learning goals because they believe in themselves as learners with the capacity to improve. It’s about having a robust self-efficacy that shapes attitude, motivation and commitment to learning.
  • 30. Pupils with a growth mindset tend to respond to failure by redoubling their efforts, because they have hope that they will succeed. The harder it gets, the harder they try. Seeing effort as the path to mastery, they persevere when the going gets tough and often talk themselves through difficulties. They have a positive, can-do, bit-by-bit mindset. The mastery response means that these pupils are more attentive to what they can learn than to how good they look or how bad they feel.
  • 31. Eye of the Tiger!
  • 32. It is time to take the stabilisers off…
  • 33. “If you spoon-feed a child, all he learns is the shape of the spoon”
  • 34. The million dollar question …. How do you cultivate growth mindsets?
  • 35. The B strategy ... Board Book Brain Buddy “Big Boss”
  • 36. How we learn .... • As passive learners, we remember only 10% of what we read, • 20% of what we hear, • and 30% of what we see. • When you teach someone else, you retain 70 % of what you teach. • When you tell and show someone you retain 90% of what you say and do!
  • 37. “Failure is a great teacher”
  • 39.
  • 40. Key message 1 ... Pupils tend to know far more than we think. We can help them to be more independent by harnessing what they know already and avoiding the tendency to re-teach what they may already know
  • 41. Hole in the wall ...
  • 42. Dr. Sugata Mitra, Chief Scientist at NIIT, is credited with the discovery of Hole-in-the-Wall. As early as 1982, he had been toying with the idea of unsupervised learning and computers. Finally, in 1999, he decided to test his ideas in the field. On 26th January, Dr. Mitra's team carved a "hole in the wall" that separated the NIIT premises from the adjoining slum in Kalkaji, New Delhi. Through this hole, a freely accessible computer was put up for use. This computer proved to be an instant hit among the slum dwellers, especially the children. With no prior experience, the children learnt to use the computer on their own. This prompted Dr. Mitra to propose the following hypothesis: The acquisition of basic computing skills by any set of children can be achieved through incidental learning provided the learners are given access to a suitable computing facility, with entertaining and motivating content and some minimal (human) guidance.
  • 43. New ofsted: inspectors will consider ...  the extent to which teachers’ questioning and use of discussion promote learning  the extent to which the pace and depth of learning are maximised as a result of teachers’ monitoring of learning during lessons and any consequent actions in response to pupils’ feedback
  • 44. From rhetoric to reality ... Rhetoric Reality
  • 46. OFSTED’s commonest finding: Assessment does not sufficiently inform teaching and learning.
  • 47.
  • 48. “The agile teacher”  Showing awareness of L M H pupils within a class  Responding directly to the needs of these pupils within one lesson
  • 49. How are you, as a teacher, showing that you are aware of prior learning and building on that?
  • 50. What are you doing differently in the lesson as a result of knowledge gained through the assessment of your pupils?
  • 51.
  • 52. Classrooms Current research suggests…  Classrooms have 4x more influence on pupils than anything that happens at whole school level  60% of pupils in secondary schools never have a conversation with an adult whilst in school  The average length of a pupil response is 5 words
  • 53. Teacher input currently accounts for approximately ?% of each lesson
  • 54. Current research suggests that the single biggest cause of academic underachievement is ?
  • 56. So, what are the techniques we should be using in the classroom? Dylan Wiliam has clarified the important elements as:  Sharing learning intentions,  engineering effective classroom discussions,  formative feedback,  activating learners as resources for each other  activating learners as owners of their own learning
  • 57. Some practical strategies .... “Tap into the talent in the room” – instead of the facilitator providing input in the early stages, begin by drawing out what learners already know by getting them to seek out information from each other (e.g. trio discussion).
  • 58. 8 schools project – key message 1 It is fundamental that pupils have a clear understanding of what they are trying to learn (learning objectives), how they can recognise achievement (learning outcomes), what good looks like (success criteria) and why they are learning this in the first place (that is, the bigger picture)
  • 60.
  • 61. The pen of power  ‘Pen of power’ technique – select a pupil to come to the front and use the ‘pen of power’ to highlight key words within the objective and to explain their choices.
  • 62. Evaluate how writers use linguistic and structural devices to achieve particular effects.
  • 63. “The Rolf Harris”  Ask the pupils to suggest what the learning objective is before revealing it (e.g. could be completely concealed beneath sugar paper or possibly with some words visible). Discuss differences/commonalities.
  • 64. Delete Petite  Delete objective word by word during the lesson. Challenge pupils to remember correctly by the end.
  • 65. The Red Herring  Add an extra learning objective and ask pupils at the end of the lesson to identify which one has not been covered and how they know (a red herring!)
  • 66. Guess who ?  Distribute a range of learning objectives to pupils individually and, at the end of the lesson, ask them to work in groups to discuss who thinks that they have that lesson’s correct objective in front of them and how they know.
  • 67. “Cloze but no cigar ...”  Present the learning objectives as acloze activity where pupils are encouraged to fill in the missing words before the completed learning objective is revealed.
  • 68. “Place your bets”  Get pupils to speculate(bid) for verbs that could complete a learning objective (e.g. using plenary placemat/Bloom’s sentence stems).
  • 69. And what else ....?
  • 70. Now for the spaghetti .....
  • 71. GCSE in Construction! TASK  You have 2 minutes to build a structure using marshmallows and spaghetti you have been provided with.
  • 72. Success Criteria  Level 2 – if it will stand on its own and it includes horizontal and vertical struts.  Level 4 – if it goes up to two ‘floors’ and it includes diagonal struts  Level 6 – if it goes up higher than two floors and can support an apple.
  • 73. 8 Schools Project Report Key message 2 Pupils’ progress is accelerated when they are clear about the success criteria for the intended outcomes and are able to judge the quality of their work and know how to improve it. This requires teachers having a good understanding of progression in the key concepts and skills in their subject.
  • 74. The ideal …. “Teachers assess pupils’ progress regularly and accurately and discuss assessments with them so that pupils know how well they have done and what they need to do to improve”. (Ofsted descriptor of “good” teaching and learning 2012)
  • 75. The reality … Ofsted findings report that students are often unclear about what they are learning and why
  • 76. “Lost in a sea of learning ....” (or, beware the “happy, busy, good” pupil )
  • 77. Success criteria: The Cinderella aspect
  • 78. Success Criteria--------The Missing Link Possible use of………………..Must Should Could
  • 79.
  • 80. The Holy Grail of AfL = Genuine co-construction of learning
  • 81. 1. I have used the PEE chain in each paragraph, talking about why certain words are important. 2. In at least two of my paragraphs I have talked about the importance of when the play was written. 3. In each paragraph I have talked about a particular technique used by the playwright and its effect o the audience. 4. I have written about characters and why their actions are important. 5. I have discussed the main ideas and themes of the play in some detail. 6. I have explained clearly and in some detail what is implied/suggested rather than told to me. 7. I have tried to suggest some different possible interpretations about what things might mean. 8. I have used formal essay language and linked my paragraphs using connectives e.g. secondly, furthermore etc You’ve used most of these key ingredients really well – 2 and 7 are missing. Can you re-write paragraph 3 to include these?
  • 82. Extra Extra ...  Give pupils a list of possible success criteria plus extras. Ask them which should be deleted and why
  • 83. The competition  Use group work – each group generates a list of possible success criteria. These can then be critiqued by the class and the “best” ones used
  • 84. “2 for True”  Teacher (or even better, pupils) call out a selection of possible success criteria. Pupils raise 2 hands if it is “true” (a good suggestion) or 1 hand if it is false (not suitable)
  • 85. Pupil generated success criteria 1.Teacher “doing it wrong” 2.Presenting something wrong or incomplete 3. An excellent example 4. Products 5. Sloppy success criteria 6. Uplevelling 7. Demonstrate (visualiser) 8.Retrospective generalisation
  • 88. As adults, when we are engaged in a task we are continually, and instinctively, reviewing and adapting as we go along. Pupils don’t automatically do this – how can we encourage this behaviour?
  • 89. “Cream of the crop?”  Come to a stop  Read what you have produced so far  Evaluate your work against the success criteria  Ask yourself - “Is this my best effort?”  Make one small change before carrying on
  • 90. After the task, always ensure that you go back to the success criteria and critique “Are we happy that we don’t use yellow?”
  • 91. And what else ....?
  • 93. “Word Poverty” By the age of just three children from impoverished environments use less than half the number of words spoken by their more advantaged peers.
  • 94. What else might be causing “word poverty”?
  • 95.
  • 96. What does teacher- student dialogue usually look like?
  • 97. Whole class discussion 1 Teacher: Remember the bell. There's the bell [holding up a bell in front of the class]. You did the experiment. If you held onto this bit here where the wires were [indicating], did you notice anything there? Jason: There were sparks there. Teacher: Heat, did you notice some heat? Jason: There were sparks from there. Teacher: There were? Jason: Sparks. Teacher: There were some sparks, yes. Let's just ignore the sparks a minute...some heat. There was a little bit of heat there with that one. Neil Mercer
  • 98. Whole class discussion: Example 2 Teacher: Those of you that think he should not have changed his name, I'd like to hear your reasons, some of your reasons. Matthew? Matthew: One reason is because Chang is part of his history, his life, his um culture, like if, he, just 'cause he changed schools he didn't have to change his name, and even if they're all American, he lives in a Chinese part of town, and uh, it's his culture, all behind him, what, he does Chinese ceremonies and stuff, and um, he just shouldn't have changed his name, 'cause all his culture and stuff. Neil Mercer
  • 99. Ceri Morgan HMI The magical moment of interaction between teacher and learner ....
  • 100. Personalisation “ Taking a highly structured and responsive approach to each child’s learning, in order that all are able to progress, achieve and participate. It means strengthening the link between learning and teaching by engaging pupils – and their parents – as partners in learning.” Christine Gilbert 2007
  • 101. Questioning needs to become discussion
  • 102. So what makes a good discussion?
  • 103. Through an emotional hook .... A Thunk is a beguilingly simple-looking question about everyday things that stops you in your tracks and helps you start to look at the world in a whole new light.
  • 104. Would you rather ..... Have foil teeth or Feather fingers?
  • 105. What if ..... Rubbish bins gave you £1 back for every sack of rubbish?
  • 106. What seems puzzling in this picture? What key questions could be asked to help explore the meaning of what you see?
  • 107.
  • 108. Try “who could disapprove of this picture?”
  • 109. Try inverting questions  Inverting a question requires reasoning to be employed in the answer  Instead of asking “Is Claudius a good king?” ask “What qualities might you expect to see in a good king?”
  • 110. Sorting and classifying tasks  These allow students to explore assumptions and investigate ideas without having to commit themselves to a single “solution”
  • 111. De Bono’s direct thinking tools Tool 2 -- Plus, Minus, Interesting Ensure that all sides of a matter have been considered before a decision or commitment is made. Tool 4 -- Consider All Factors Explore all factors related to an action, decision, plan, judgment, or conclusion. Tool 6 -- Alternatives, Possibilities, Choices Deliberately try to find other ways. Tool 7 -- Other People's Views Put yourself in others' shoes.
  • 112. Tony Ryan’s Thinker’s Keys 2. The WHAT IF You can ask virtually any What If question. They can be either serious or frivolous. One excellent means of displaying ideas from this key is to draw up an Ideas Wheel. THE EXAMPLE: 1. What if the price of petrol was immediately doubled? 2. What if all cars turned into skateboards?
  • 113. Tony Ryan Key 17 The alternative Work out 3 ways to: record a visual image of a special event without a camera or drawing implements
  • 114. Most teachers questions are answered in less than two seconds: just not by the students ….
  • 115. Research shows ….  Teachers typically use 300-400 questions everyday. Most are lower order, functional requests  Increasing higher order questions to around 50% of the total can raise attainment and improve pupil attitudes
  • 116. Key message – use WAIT TIME  In the 1970s, Mary Rudd Rowe videotaped hours of elementary science classes, and noticed how teachers generally waited only one second before answering or repeating a question.  After teachers were trained to allow 3 – 5 seconds of wait time, the following effects were noticed …
  • 117.  DECREASED  INCREASED  Students who failed to  Unsolicited but answer when called appropriate on responses  Length of responses  Responses from less able students  Number of student questions  Student to student interactions
  • 118. Some golden rules ….  Beware run-on questions but don’t be afraid of “off-piste” questioning  Don’t always use hands down questioning. Research suggests that active student response can be helpful in promoting participation amongst socioeconomically disadvantaged students  The best way to cut down your questioning is to increase the questions students ask of you
  • 119. ...the way to secure performance at the highest levels is to create a system that expects significantly more from more pupils; in so doing, we would succeed in raising the performance of the whole school population  Summarised from Deborah Eyre
  • 120. Real questions .... “So, in your opinion, how effective is the author in conveying character so far?” “Why might that dialogue have been added?” “Ryan, can you think of a less cliched word for the lion’s noise than roaring?”
  • 121. From a year 4 primary classroom in Oxfordshire ......
  • 122. Classroom dialogue  How much of the classroom dialogue is about learning and progress as opposed to content?  Do pupils get to ask questions as well as answer them?  Where are your pupils actively taught how to use talk as a tool for thinking and learning?  What are you doing to encourage “basketball” dialogue as opposed to “ping pong”?
  • 123. Feedback and feed- forward: How formative feedback contribute to independence
  • 124. Professor John Hattie’s research ...  Looked at 50,000 studies.....  Reminds us that effective feedback has the largest effect size of all  Talks about the importance of “assessment literate pupils”
  • 125. Question ..... What do you think Hattie means by “assessment literate” pupils?
  • 126. The ideal …. “Teachers assess pupils’ progress regularly and accurately and discuss assessments with them so that pupils know how well they have done and what they need to do to improve”. (Ofsted descriptor of “good” teaching and learning 2012)
  • 127. Some issues with feedback ….
  • 128.
  • 129. “Well done. Next time expand your ideas in more detail.” “Very good effort. Have another look at how the last paragraph - could you develop your idea further by introducing another quote from the play?” “This is a very interesting story James, but remember to check your spellings!”
  • 130. More issues with feedback How clear is the feedback we give the students?  ‘you must try harder’  ‘develop these ideas further’  ‘good work keep it up’  ‘more detail needed here’  ‘Use paragraphs’ How does the student interpret feedback?  ‘This is one of my best because my hand writing is neat, I checked my spellings and I put in the date’  How?  ‘A tick means he probably likes it’  ‘there is a lot of writing at the end—this means it’s bad’  What sort of detail?  If I knew how to use paragraphs I would have used them
  • 131. We need more DIRT in lessons .... (Dedicated Improvement and Reflection Time)
  • 132. Feedback frames  Read feedback carefully  Ask if you don’t understand what is written down  Decide which improvement you are going to make first  Indicate which success criteria you are working on  Colour of progress is purple – remember your purple pen!  Ask your partner to look at your improvements and to give you honest feedback  Link your work to the feedback given by your teachers by telling them what you have done and why
  • 133. The “purple pen of progress”
  • 134. “Buy one, Get one free” ... Pupil annotation of their own work
  • 135. “Post it and plant it” feedback ….
  • 136. Guided work: A missing piece of the jigsaw?
  • 137. Demonstrating learning and progress within the lesson: Activating learners as resources for themselves and others
  • 138. “Take over the Teacher ...”
  • 139. Teacher as “guide on the side” rather than “sage on the stage” (.e.g. Yes/no mode)
  • 141. “Spot-lighting” Is a particularly powerful way of evaluating the collaborative work happening in the classroom. When pupils are engaged in group work periodically ask them to pause, signal that it is “spotlighting time”, and then ask one group to resume its work while a metaphorical spotlight is shone on them. The role of the rest of the class is to observe and be prepared to offer formative feedback as required.
  • 143. “Film stars” Experiment with filming learning as it unfolds in the classroom. This footage provides brilliant opportunities for pupils to evaluate each other’s work and can be used to show the difference before and after feedback has been given. Photographs can be used in much the same way.
  • 144.
  • 145. Dictogloss Make them work for it ……
  • 147.
  • 150.
  • 151.
  • 152.
  • 153.
  • 155.
  • 157. Make them find the connections…
  • 158.
  • 159. They don’t need to ask you …
  • 160. Put the tools in their hands ….
  • 162. ‘Progress bite’ – in other words, a quick implementation/application task to demonstrate that pupils have grasped the main learning point. This could be one timed paragraph/equation/question which, again, can be dropped into a lesson at any point and would serve to provide a ‘portable plenary’.
  • 165.  ‘Explain it to a five year old’ – asking pupils to simplify and synthesise their learning in order to explain it to a much younger pupil really exposes any gaps in their learning.
  • 167. Collaborative lesson planning activity: from theory to practice
  • 168. Dr Spencer Kagan’s Cooperative Learning Structures
  • 170.
  • 175. Stand up, Hand up, Pair up …`
  • 177. All too often we give children cut flowers when we should be teaching them to grow
  • 178. Contact details… Claire Gadsby , Teaching and Learning Consultant Email: Mobile: 07983 993777

Editor's Notes

  1. Provide each person with a sheet of newspaper (as it can get sticky!), 5 marshmallows and 12 sticks of spaghetti. After a couple of minutes give some really bland random feedback e.g. “that’s really good”, “you could work on that a bit more” etc. After 4 minutes show the success criteria. Alternative activity: Make potato animals – provide each participant with a potato 6 cocktail sticks and a choice of beads, pipe cleaners etc. Success criteria: 2 = it has a face, 4 = it also has ears, 6 = it also has a tail.
  2. Make sure you remove this slide from participants handouts! Once participants have levelled their work, ask them why you did the task in the way that you did it – they are likely to feel cheated by the task as they didn’t know what they were aiming for – it’s good for them to feel what this is like.
  3. More time spent on preparatory work of an assignment can reduce the need for remedial work