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Population And Its Effects On The World
In the world there are lots of different organisms. The number of organisms in a group can be
referred to as the organism's population. When the term population is thrown around, the human
race comes to mind. But what is the human population? Where is it most dense? Is it good or bad?
Let us learn. Population is defined as the number of inhabitants in a particular area. Currently on the
face of the earth there are approximately 7.2 billion people alive at this very moment and as of 2013,
36 million of these people live in Canada. The top 10 countries by population are: China with 1.4
billion people, India with 1.3 billion people, the United Sates with 322 million, Indonesia with 253
million, Brazil with 200 million, Pakistan with 185 million, Nigeria with 178 million, Bangladesh
with 158 million, Russia with 142.5 million and Japan with 127 million people. As can be seen a lot
of people live in Asia. To be specific, 61% of the world's population lives in Asia but why is this the
case? There are many reasons as to why there are so many people in Asia. One reason is Asia's
agricultural development. Asian culture thrived in the past because they mastered growing a high
amount of food in small areas. They grow such copious amounts of rice, and copious amounts of
other food types of food that they can support copious amounts of people. Another reason for high
Asian populations is the lack of cultural social safety net. In many of these countries, there is not
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Providing Sustainable Energy For Support The Growing...
Problem Statement
Providing sustainable energy to support the growing population of the world has been a debated
issue for many years. As prices for oil rise or unsustainable forms of energy become no longer
available, the need to provide society with a new form of sustainable energy becomes a necessity.
Although energy can be provided by other sustainable means (wind, solar, and water energy), those
resources require specific locations to work, for example, a mountain canyon with strong winds to
support a viable wind farm. However, not all areas of the world have windy mountainous canyons.
Some areas of the world do not have the means to support a growing population on sustainable
energy sources that are not readily available in their areas.
Nuclear energy is a low–carbon emissions source of electrical energy that can be added to multiple
locations as the need for more energy arises. However, nuclear power plants come with risks. If the
plant undergoes meltdown, the entire facility becomes unusable. Also, if the radiation from the tanks
escapes, the surrounding environment may become infected with radiation and the humans/animals
near the plant would be required to leave or face death due to the radiation poisoning.
Literature Review: Nuclear Power
Nuclear power is an energy alternative to burning coal. Nuclear power is considered a clean
alternative because it does not create any direct CO2 emissions and is low on emissions from sulfur
and nitrogen oxides (Bauer et
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How The Population Growth Has Had A Negative Effect On The...
Human population has been growing at an exponential rate over the past century. The Population
Reference Bureau released a report showing the significant change in populations around the world.
In 1950, the world's population was roughly 2.5 billion. Only 55 years later, the population had
sprung to as high as 6.5 billion worldwide. If our population was to continue at this rate, the
population would reach 9 billion in the year 2050. One may argue that growth in population
increases competition amongst people; thus allowing for a better and potentially more innovative
world, however, I will aim to challenge that view. I will explain how the population growth has had
a negative effect on the world's natural resources and other species as ... Show more content on ...
One of the biggest problems that we face today is over food. We constantly read and hear about
people who eat too much or too little, who and where there is access to food, and about the number
of people who go to bed hungry each night. These problems are heightened with the increasing
demands to feed more and more people. Fortunately, the production of food has been able to grow
with the increasing growth in population. Amusingly, despite having enough food to feed everyone
there are still millions left to starve. The United Nations World Food Programme was quoted saying
"some 795 million people in the world do not have enough food to lead a healthy active life. That's
about one in nine people on earth." Although we have the capability of increasing the amount of
food made, it does not mean that all of those people are being fed. The inflation of people in the
world is paralleled with the a growing number of those left to starve. The reason this is true is due to
the fact that places were food is usually stable (Europe, North America, Japan, etc) are steadily
decreasing in population. However, countries that are do not have a stable amount of food such as
(Africa, the Caribbean, and parts of Asia) are sharply increasing in human population. Those
countries have been having more children than their specific area can take. Until there becomes
more awareness in these areas, many individuals will die of hunger. As mentioned, not only are
there more humans
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An Expanding World Population And A Degrading Earth
An Expanding World Population & a Degrading Earth The world is currently home to around 7
billion people, but only a century ago there were only about 1.6 billion people living on it. It is
estimated that the world population will soar to approximately 9 or 10 billion within the next forty
years (Lambert 6). Along with the increasing global population, climate change and water scarcity
are also burdening the survival of our planet (Lambert 5). The FAO has warned that agriculture must
produce 70% more food within the next 40 years to feed our expanding population, but the world's
resources and land are dwindling as quickly as the population is expanding (Lambert 5). The world
urban populations have been increasing consistently and are ... Show more content on ...
A balance must be achieved as agriculture accounts for 30% of income in developing countries and
without food production, the current world population could not survive (Munesue 9). How is
humanity supposed to feed its future self of 10 billion people without destroying itself through
overuse of its Earth?
Is Food Security a Human Right? There are more hunger related deaths each year throughout the
world than AIDS malaria, and TB combined (Lambert 4). 25,000 people die everyday due to hunger
related deaths (Lambert 4). The International Conference on Nutrition in 1992 and the World Food
Summit in 1996 emphasized the importance of access to safe and nutritious food being recognized
as a fundamental human right (Lusamba 3). It has been an established principle that a country 's rate
of food insecurity is directly related to system of governance (Lambert 7). Democratic societies
have much lower rates of food insecurity than those countries with more authoritarian governments
(Lambert 7). In this paper, food insecurity is defined as a condition in which an individual or
population does not have access to safe culturally appropriate food that meets their caloric and
nutritional needs. This paper is a study of the current state of food insecurity in four different
countries throughout the world. A brief section is devoted to the U.S. as a tool for
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Globalization : The World Of Politics And The Human...
Globalization influences many aspects of human life, it is a process of change, the process of
collaboration and integration among the people and businesses of different nations, it is a process
propelled by trade, investment and technology. The process of globalization has great purpose for
bring people together and sharing ideas however, it has effects on the environment, culture, the
economy, politics and the human population (Globalization 101). Globalization has effected the
environment due to human productivity; cars, technology, mining, farming and the advancements of
different products. Globalization has effected culture due to the diffusion of ideas, beliefs and values
around the world extending the social relationships with people around the world. Globalization has
also effected the economy in the assimilation and cooperation of local, regional and national
economies around the world. Globalization has also effected the world of politics and the
collaboration of different governments in political affairs and policies. Globalization has also
impacted the human population due to the migration of people around the world, changes in birth
rates and also in the rate at which the elderly are passing due to improvements in medicine.
Although globalization provides societies with ways of interacting and sharing ideas; it is causing
harm to our planet in the way of global warming. Globalization effects many aspects of life such as
in culture, the economy, politics and the
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The Problems Of The World 's Population
The world's population has been increasing since the industrial revolution at a pace that has never
been seen in human history, and with that growth comes the societal obligation of maintaining stable
societies where everyone 's basic needs are met. Among the most important of these needs is the
drastically increasing demand to feed everyone. But just as technology sparked the industrial
revolution that initially caused this problem, it has also been responsible for the innovative solutions
we've created to solve it. For example, genetic engineering has been used as a tool to produce strains
that require less nutrients, water and pesticides to grow. These strains also produce bigger yields on
less land, and contain a higher nutrient density themselves. In addition, advanced growing
techniques like vertical farming in controlled environments can create more food safety and security
for growing metropolitan populations. In other words, although technology can create flaws inherent
to the world it creates, it can, moreover, act as a powerful tool for solving those very problems.
From the beginning of humanity's long history to the start of the industrial revolution the world's
population rose by approximately one billion, but in the less than two hundred years since then it has
grown by over six billion more. This growth has naturally been followed by an increase in
exploitation of the earth's natural resources and agriculturally viable spaces to meet the world 's
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The Overpopulation Of The World 's Population
Many people believe that today the world 's population is already too large for everyone to live
comfortably. Let us brainstorm for a while. According to the UN, we are living in the era of the most
intense growth of urbanization. Right now, when the level of urbanization is quite high, the remains
of the rural population of the planet dramatically swept into the city. Everyone knows that the urban
life style helps to reduce the birth rate to a subthreshold level. This means that neither sharp jump
nor sharp plummet is expected. If one opens the demographic map, one will see that Asia accounts
for half the world 's population! The largest in terms of population countries are India and China,
which together have 3 billion people. Despite many people believe the overpopulation to be an
issue, this problem is considered to be fake just as well as global worming which is claimed to be a
natural process. Konstantin Marsov claims "The current Voloshyn 3 population of the Earth is only a
5% of the territory. And if we do not take into account not suitable for human habitation natural
areas – deserts, jungles and taiga, is still a lot of space." According to some projections, the growth
of the world 's population will stop somewhere in the second half of the XXI century. But by that
moment it can reach 10 billion. In one of the most crowded countries in the world, in China, the
population density is 139.5 persons per square kilometer which one may consider high, but
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The Concentration Of Jewish Population During World War I...
Jews are human beings with their own history, philosophy, and eccentricities. They are a people
apart from others not because of their separate religious beliefs, but because they are an ancient
cultivating group of people who have their own original antiquities. At the end of the 19th century,
millions of Jews are living throughout Europe, and Jews do not have the freedom of movement and
live in areas where the government gives them special authorization . Anti–Semitism exists all in the
nineteenth century European societies. During the First World War, large Jewish communities
advance around the capitals. This concentration of Jewish population in large cities have a strong
impact on their lifestyle and make them more visible in the economy and in the culture .
During World War I, while most young nationals are fighting in the Trenches on the front lines,
many Jews migrate to the cities, filling jobs normally run by residents, which gives the Jews more
opportunities to earn a living . Under Russian rule, the Jews are suspected of collaboration with the
enemy, and 600,000 of them are banished from the front by the czarist army, a traumatic experience
and an economic catastrophe that was still felt long after the war . The Jews in other parts of Europe
in government segregation are ban from fighting, most Jews take advantage of the war efforts and
expand their businesses beyond normal economic flows. This economical movement results in
larger Jewish communities, which help
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The Current World 's Population
The current world 's population is approximately seven billion people, and the amount of time that it
takes for the population to increase by another billion is decreasing with each billion. According to
the World Population Data sheet, there will be about eight billion people by the year 2020, and this
is due to its continuation of growth (Southwick 159). A clear understanding of the causes and what
might possibly happen is the first step to dealing with the population crisis.
The world 's human population has been growing in what has been described as a j–shaped curve. In
the early 1900 's, the world 's population numbered nearly two billion; it has more than tripled since
then (Southwick 159). There are three theories or models for population growth. The Malthusian
theory predicts that human misery and eventual catastrophe will be the limiting factors for world
population. Logistic theory predicts that there will be some sort of gradual resolution as humans
adapt and are able to support a population between eight and ten billion. The domed model of
growth predicts that between eight and ten billion will signal overpopulation, so a readjustment of to
lower levels would be attained (Southwick 159). These three theories are important because each
has different implications for the environment.
Most ecologists consider human population growth to be one of the most pressing problems
contributing to environmental degradation. Human population growth works in conjunction
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Global population ageing means that by 2050 over 60s will...
Global population ageing means that by 2050 over 60s will comprise 22% of the world population at
2 billion (Banister et al, 2012). A report prepared by the Population Division for the World
Assembly on Ageing in 2002 shows that population ageing is 'unpredecedented,' 'pervasive' and
'enduring', having a wide range of consequences for many countries and governments (UN). This
wide spread phenomenon, therefore has many implications and this essay studies these in terms of
economic, social, environmental and health factors. It then examines the responses of governments
to these challenges and the use of innovation by scientists to reduce the negative impacts of an ever
increasing elderly population.
One of the major economic problems ... Show more content on ...
This is in comparison to the annual growth rate for the total population of just 1% (Blake and Simic,
2005). This increase, largely due to the increased numbers of people in this age group, is also a
consequence of high ownership rates for the over 60 year olds. By 2030 86.8% of 62–74 year olds
and 88.9% of the 85+ group are expected to own their homes (Blake and Simic). A third cause of an
increased housing demand could be attributable to an upsurge in retirees purchasing second homes,
either abroad or in their home country. In the UK the Survey of English Housing shows that there
was a 52% increase in the number of households with second homes in 2003/2004 than in
1994/1995 (Paris, 2006). This can have economic and social implications, especially for first time
buyers who are unable to afford the rising house prices and so are forced to move elsewhere.
Another problem of an ageing population is the effect of the one child policy in China. After being
introduced in 1979, the 4–2–1 problem has arisen (Woo et al, 2002). This reliance of 4 grandparents
and 2 parents on one child has major economic and social repercussions, the most important being
the lack of financial support one child can provide for 6 other adults. This is not only economically
straining on the child and the grandparents and parents, but also very stressful for the child.
Other social consequences of an ageing population are
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Hardin World Population Problem
1. What is Hardin's key concern? Be specific, min. 1 page. Hardin's key concern in his article is that
many believe that to solve the "world population" problem, there must be a technical solution.
Hardin is pointing out the flaw in this type of thinking by demonstrating how technical solutions
won't solve the problem, but rather "non–technical solutions" will be the answer. Wiesner and York
stated that "If the great powers continue to look for solutions in the area of science and technology
only, the result would be to worsen the situation." He also points out that many people want to solve
the population problem, but don't want to give up the privileges that they are afforded by
technology. Hardin feels that population control is the ... Show more content on ...
He demonstrated that the rules of the game would have to be altered to assure victory in an
unwinnable game. Hardin explains that a finite world can only support a finite population. This is
because the size of the population cannot outgrow to available resources. As the population grows,
the available land space decreases and more waste is produced. Hardin states that "the acquisition of
energy is the problem." Technological advances have been achieved to sustain the ever–growing
population. Hardin also uses the idea of "Tragedy of the Commons" to point out how humankind has
begun to aimlessly wipe out resources and producing even more waste without considering the
consequences. In the northern hemisphere, most countries have modern sewage systems to deal with
the overproduction of waste. "Each man is locked into a system that compels him to increase his
heard without limit–in a world that is limited." The creation of private property and inheritance has
changed humankind's philosophy of who owns what in nature. Land area can be sectioned off, but
not areas of sea and airspace. 3. What solutions (and agenda) is he suggesting? Carefully read and
reflect, min. 1
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The World Population Aging
Think of the world population aging
Abstract: Population aging is one of the world 's population development tendency. Of the world 's
population aging and the aging of the population in developed countries the same time.,China 's
aging population has intensified. The aging of the population have is social progress and economic
development. This paper will analysis about Chinese and American population ageing. But, the
aging of the population has led to the burden of the working population growing problems affecting
social and economic development, legal system and other material and the spirit of building the new
requirements.So the 21 st century the aging of population across the world.
Key worlds: Population old age Population burden Sustainable development
Abstract (Chinese & English)
1 . What is poplution aging?
1.1 Introduction Chinese aging problem
1.2 Introduction American aging problem
2 . Reason
2.1 The reason about Chinese aging problem
2.2 The reason about American aging problem
3.1 China solution
3.2 American solution
4. Conclusion
1. What is poplution aging?
The problem of old age is known as one of the most serious problem in today 's world. The old
people can be seen everywhere. As is shown in the graph, the number of people in the world over
the age of sixty will have increased to 600 million by the end of this century. And by the time, there
will also be twice as many people over the age of eighty. In the ten
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The World 's Largest Population
From the 3.68 billion people that will be added to the world population between 1995 and 2050,
Asia will contribute some 2 billion. This enormous increase is due to the already massive size of the
population. Most of this growth will occur in the next three decades. Between 1995 and 2025 Asia 's
population will grow by 1.35 billion – between 2025 and 2050 the increase is projected to be just
658 million. China is the world 's largest population, estimated to be around 1.24 billion in 1998. It
grows at a rate of 1.3% per year or 44,100 people a day. There are now more people living in China
than whole world 150 years ago. The population broke the billion mark in the 1982 census, the
results of which provided the justification for the strict one–child policy which effectively curbed
rapid population growth. In the 1990 census, China counted 1.133 billion people, over the next
decades the world population will inevitably age. This is an unavoidable consequence of large birth
cohorts during the 1950s and 1960s and the rapid fertility decline since the 1970s. In 2025 the "baby
boomers" of the 1950s and 60s will be between 65 and 75 years of age. These large aging cohorts
are followed by the relatively small "baby bust" generations of the worldwide fertility decline. In
1950 there were only 131 million people of age 65 and older; in 1995 their number had almost
tripled and was estimated at 371 million. Between now and 2025 the number will more than double
again; and by 2050 we
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The Problem Of A Growing World Population
Global perspective:
Countries with high average population density tend to be the same as those with large amounts of
arable land (e.g. Canada has the 11th lowest population density and very little arable land at 4,73%)
because large amounts of land are uninhabited. Generally, areas that are developing have higher
population densities, however, less developed areas generally have more population growth.
All solutions to the problem of a growing world population can be categorized into to categories –
creating sustainable growth or keeping the population under control.
The first way to create sustainable population growth is to raise education levels.
Above are two graphs – the left one showing the HDI (Human Development Index – a comparative
measure of life expectancy, literacy, education, standards of living and quality for life devised by the
UN) of countries around the world and the right one showing the birth rates of countries around the
The countries with the highest HDIs are shaded in green and the ones with the lowest are shaded in
red, while the darker the color of a country, the higher its birth rate. From these two graphs one can
see a definite correlation between having a high HDI and lower birth rates, leading to the fact that
on average, educated people have fewer children than uneducated people. The reason many parents
in poor regions of the Earth want many children is that they hope that at least one of the children
will survive a cruel
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World Population Problem Essay
During the course of the long history, the development of the world population directly depends on
the mode of social production, especially the level of development of productive forces. In the
history, mankind got the tremendous progress in productivity often with the population rapid
develop. In the primitive society, the primitive society 's population birth rate and the mortality rate
all maintained at about 50% because of the objective law and the social production mode. The
number of the population maintain in a state of high birth, high death, and almost stagnant growth.
After entering the era of capitalism, the population rapid grows due to the industrial revolution in
Europe in 18th. From the early nineteenth century to 1950, Europe, the United States and other
developed countries' population growth 2.35 times in the 150 years, meanwhile other developing
countries population growth of only 1.31 times. After World War II, the second wave of the
population happened in the whole world. In 1950–1988, the world population became doubled.
When entered the second half of the 20th century, the unprecedented population growth was
coming. Not only the population growth rate reached a historical peak level, and the population
increase over more than two million years of human history accumulated in the total population. As
we all know that population problem affect the state of the economy and it can cause many kinds
problems. Nowadays, effectively solving the population
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World Population Data Sheet At A Glance
Activity 1: The World Population Data Sheet at a Glance
A. Find answers to the following questions using the current World Population Data Sheet. Use your
blank world maps to locate, shade, and label the countries identified in the questions that follow.
What is the current population of the world?
The current population is 7.3 billion. 2. Rank, in descending order, the 10 countries with the largest
China, India, United States, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Russia, Mexico.
B. Rates are often used, instead of absolute numbers, to determine how frequently a population or
demographic event is occurring–rates show how common an event is. Rates also make it possible to
compare countries that vary greatly in ... Show more content on ...
Which African country has the highest proportion of people living in urban areas? In Asia? In Latin
America? In Europe? In Oceania?
Reunion in Africa, Bahrain, Qatar, and Singapore in Asia, Puerto Rico in Latin America, Monaco in
Europe, and Nauru in Oceana.
F. Gross national income in purchasing power parity per capita (GNI PPP/capita) converts income
into "international dollars" and indicates the amount of goods and services one could buy in the
United States with a given amount of money.
Which country is the wealthiest in terms of GNI PPP/capita? Which is the second wealthiest? Which
are the poorest two countries?
The wealthiest is Qatar, the second wealthiest is Kuwait, and the two poorest countries are Central
African Republic and Congo, Dominican Republic.
G. A population grows because there are more births than deaths or more people are moving in than
moving out. The difference between births and deaths is expressed as a percentage called the rate of
natural increase.
Which major region is growing the fastest through natural increase? Which Major region is growing
at the slowest rate? Within the major regions identified, which subregions are growing fastest? ...
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The World Population Data Sheet Reported
All residents of a specific area, city, or country comprise the total population. In my imagination, the
word "population" means all people from all over the world. As everyone knows, people are born,
grow, live, multiply, and make history, since the first living things appeared on the earth. Every two
years, the United Nations makes an assessment of past, present and future populations in all
countries and publishes their discoveries and predictions. Therefore, with this evaluation, they can
report on the number of people, and, based on this, they can conclude a hypothesis of what is likely
to happen with all us in the future. The World Population Data Sheet reported that in 2014, there
were 7,238,184,000 people on the earth. As implied by "Global Population Growth," 7.2 billion can
reach 11 billion or more than this in 2100 (49). The United Nations News Center reported that every
year, the population rises by 143,341,000 people. However, the relationship between population and
surroundings is complicated. Scientists are concerned when they estimate consumption of natural
resources, the demand of the population, and the limits of the earth's ability to support 4 billion
people more ("Global Population Growth" 49). Indeed, communities' effect on the environment
takes place in two greater parts, as reported by the "Unit 5: Human Population Dynamics Section 5:
Population Growth and the Environment." The first is that people consume more and more natural
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Population Control In Brave New World Essay
Intro Strategy– Primary assertion
Our society is moving towards a world like that of Brave New World. This is something we should
be looking forward to.
1. Population Control
2. Eugenics
3. Drugs
The world that we live in today is already starting to look like that of Huxley envision of Brave New
World. II. Second Topic: Population Control
In the Brave New World's society there was population control
" But a bokanovskified egg will bud, will proliferate, will divide. From eight to ninety–six buds, and
every bud will grow into a perfectly formed embryo, and every embryo into a full–sized adult"
(Huxley 6)
i. Analysis– This quote shows how the World State has control over the number of people "born"
through the Bokanovsky Process.
B. "So we allow ... Show more content on ...
The World State controls the citizens by controlling their fertility. This quote shows the power the
World State has over overpopulation because they are deciding the fertility rates.
C. BBC stated that "China's government says the one–child policy, officially in place since 1979,
has prevented 400 million births." ii. This is a step forward in Huxley's vision because it is
controlling the number of family members per unite instead of allowing each family to decide on its
own. It controls population growth with the goal to lower population to a stable number.
Alexandra Paul stated that "One of the advantages of having only a child in the family is the
opportunity given to the newborn of having a comfortable life. This is because all the attention, love
and financial resources of the parents will be enjoyed by the child." iii. Analysis: Having population
control children would live a better life due to the love they get. They would be more job
opportunity and many people would be content.
D. Our world is already taking steps toward that of Huxley's Brave New World due to the fact that
we are already placing policies like one child policy, which control the world's population.
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The Increase Mobility Of The World 's Population And The...
Immigration is a contested political issue, with both the costs and benefits under debate. Due to this,
the assignment will involve a discussion on the implications of the increased mobility of the world's
population and the impact on the migration of nurses on the United Kingdom's (U.K.) national
health system. It will also look at the impact of immigration upon the National Health Service
(NHS) and the increase in the demand on education and housing.
According to Levaggi and Montefiori (2013, pp.100) globalisation is likely to have a significant
impact on the population's health and it creates challenges for the financing and provisions of the
national health care system. The Office for National Statistics (2015) states ... Show more content on ...
According to the House of Lords (2013), one in five people in the UK will be over the age of 65 by
2030. Goldin, Cameron and Balarajan (2012, pp.6) argue that due to the increase in the ageing
population, there will be new demands for labor both skilled and less skilled migrants in developed
countries. The Department of Health (2011) states that anyone in the UK who is deemed to be
ordinarily a resident is entitled to free NHS hospital treatment in England but overseas immigrants
will have to prove they are entitled to be in the country before they are given access to GPs and
hospitals. The Department of Health (2015) however suggests that a charge can not be made or
recovered from any overseas visitor for accident and emergency services whether in hospital or at a
walk in center, for some treatment of certain infectious diseases, psychiatric treatment and family
planning services. Data provided by the Department of Health (2013) shows the population of
visitors and temporary migrants is around 2.5 million and the costs of them using the NHS estimated
to £2 billion per year; this total includes the use by nationals from countries which the UK has a
reciprocal agreement with and health tourists like people who come to the UK with the express
intent of using the health service which they were not entitled to, was estimated to cost between £60
million and £80 million per year. This compares to the annual
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The Growth Of The World Population
When considering the growth of the world's population there Is a concentrated look at Four Main
factors with a fifth element now ,slowly becoming a large factor.They are fertility rates, mortality
rates (life expectancy), the initial age profile of the population (whether it is comparatively old or
relatively young to begin with), migration, and now religion, where focus is placed on migrating to
or from a particular faction.
The forces behind population change
Population Change:A view at Growth
Fertility has been on a slow descent over the last decade and is expected to continue declining.As a
result,the world,s population rate is also slowing down. But from the year 2010–2050 ,the world's
population is expected to rise some 35%.That is approximately 2 Billion people.Fertility patterns
may differ between countries, and larger geographic locations for a myriad of reasons, including
cultural standards,degrees of economic improvement, education systems and government policies
that encourage ,or discourage, family planning. Female reproductive rates may also be a result of
infant fatality rates, participation in the labor market, income levels and social status, among other
factors.("Main Factors Driving Population Growth | Pew Research Center," 2015)
Life Expectancy,which is the expected life term we are given from infancy,has been on the up–rise,
and is expected to continue its ascent over the next four decades.Research has shown that people are
living longer, due
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The Causes Of Population Growth And Poverty In The World
The circle of life is an enviable thing. One person is born, one person dies. An animals is born, a
animal dies. It is something that occurs in nature everyday. But can it be an issue in the long run?
Over population has created issues over the years from poverty effecting one's lifestyle to heath
issue and effecting our loving environment. Population growth is an important global issue that
needs to be reduced not just by us, the people, but from those who have higher authority. If
population continues to grow, what will happen to our Earth in the future? One of the many issues
that occur with the growth of population is in fact poverty. As more and more people are born, it
cuts down many resources because of over population in the world. With poverty there's
unemployment. Going to the poorest cities in the world and able to see the struggles of over
population with, shakes for houses, stacked on top of one and other and lack of recourses many
struggle with. According to William and Mary Cunningham expert from Population Growth states;
"Some believe that population growth is the ultimate cause of poverty and environmental
degradation." (172) If population is the root cause of poverty for many around the world imagen
their environment recourses or their environment surroundings. Environmental degradation is a
cause of not taking care of our environment and letting things go. So how are the poorest cities with
their environment surroundings? Lack of agricultural land, food
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The World Aging Population Is On The Rise
The worlds aging population is on the rise and has been for some time. It is estimated that by the
year 2030 that there will be "seventy million Americans over the age of 65" of that "fifteen million
suffer from a mental disorder" of some kind (Gary S. Moak, 2011). This paper is intended to
showcase the issue as it relates to policy as well as recommendations needed to curtail this ever
increasing issue. With the rise in medical expenses, the aging and elderly community suffers from
inadequate health care (Gary S. Moak, 2011). In an effort to alleviate this growing health issue,
priority needs to be placed on key concepts such as "extensive knowledge of the aging process",
"proactive and anticipatory care", a practice structure with a multidisciplinary team", as well as, "
good communication skills", " and a clear sense of the patients values, goals and preferences" just to
name a few (Cassel, 2009). Mentally ill individuals are at a disadvantage from the onset of the
disease. This is because they are often times not diagnosed at the early stages. Older individuals are
at a larger disadvantage due to the fact that they mostly live alone. According to the article titled
Researchers Tackle the Underdiagnosis and Undertreatment of Late–Life Depression by Kanapaux
and Williams for the Psychiatric times dated June 2004 "certain groups were less likely to receive
treatment" for certain conditions. The article goes on to say that these groups include but are
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World History: Patterns Of Population
Nathan Carrington
WH 305
Dr. Hosselkus
October 20, 2014
Exam 1 Patterns of population are an extremely important and very interesting topic to consider
when looking at world history. Understanding the historical evidence that shows where humans
originated, how long it took them to populate the planet, as well as what factors contributed to the
rise and fall of various civilizations is critical to understand other world history related topics. It is
important to note, however, that many scholars disagree on the definition of "human," and thus
disagree on when the start of "human" history actually is. Some argue that the Homo habilis (handy)
species from about 2.5 million years ago is a fair account of a human since they chipped hand axes
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Similar to patterns of population, economics and exchange networks undergo various changes over
time. These changes are due to many factors that influence exchange, including available resources,
war, and how badly certain civilizations needed to trade in order to prevail. As the world became
more globalized and complex, trading became evermore important in that it allowed people farther
away to trade with each other and acquire the goods they desired. A good example to begin with
trade would be that of Minoan Crete, which was located in modern–day Greece on the island of
Crete. Minoan Crete was located on hot, dry, non–arable land that suffered from cold winters and
summer droughts. This area is also extremely prone to earthquakes. Unfortunately, not much is
known about the politics of Minoan Crete, however it is known that the state regulated the trade in
and out of Minoan Crete. It is also known that it was a very stratified society, meaning that citizens
were either really rich or really
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The World Should Stop Their Population From Reaching 9...
The world should stop its population from reaching 9 billion in 2050 by creating several laws
ensuring that women have the average number of children of 2.1. This is important because in the
future if/when the world becomes overpopulated, the quality of life itself will decrease. It is so
extremely important to work to limit the world population growth because not only will the world
become overpopulated with people, but the quality of those people's lives will equal to nothing.
Nobody wants that for themselves. So that is why it important to fix this epidemic now, before it's
too late. Because the world's population has been increasing so much over the past few decades, it
has been proved that this dilemma will greatly affect everyone's future. Experts have predicted that
over a time period of 50 years, the population will peak at 9 billion people. Even though there has
been an extreme increase on the world in generals population lately, in some parts of the world the
population has actually decreased. An example would be Europe. Their population has been steadily
decreasing with a population of 738 million people today and 646 million people in 2050. Other
countries have been steadily increasing. An example would be Chad. Their population has been
steadily increasing by 3.3% per year. Countries like Chad are having tons of problems because of
their overpopulation. They have a huge strain on major resources, therefore conflicts over water are
beginning to occur between
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Globalization And Its Impact On The World 's Population Essay
While the origins of globalization stems from within the interpretation of the individual. For better
or worse, we cannot deny the dramatic effect it has caused on a large percentage of the world's
population. In the United States, we tend to see a side of this phenomenon that serves to our favor.
Most of the commodities you encounter in your everyday life, from the coffee in your cup to the
freedom of worship, are all a result of the advantages brought forth by globalization. In contrast, the
lack of jobs and available opportunities, whatever or wherever they would be, can also be attributed
to the hands of globalization. As we focus on the particularities of Haitians that have resulted from
this global incorporation of services and goods, we will first have to derive a holistic view of the
logistics being called for by the process that maneuvers the nature of globalization.
Because of the broad interpretation of the term "origins of globalization", I will refrain from
establishing this term as referring to the original African diaspora that eventually led to our current
state of affairs. Rather, I will reserve the term for such period which marks the beginning when
developed sovereign states began to expand their economy, religion, politics, and conflict, as they
discover and exploit more of the worlds lands and resources. Our defined origins of globalization
would put us at the period when the potential for trade expanded to the worldwide stage, instead of
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The World 's Population Growth
The world's population is anticipated to reach nine billion by 2050, having almost ninety percent of
that growth occurring in the developing world. On top of that, the world's population will continue
to develop toward urban areas having approximately 70% living in urban populations by 2050 as
compared to around fifty percent today. The world has faced an unprecedented rise in population
during the past century having dramatic shifts in the production and consumption of food and for the
most part has accommodated this population explosion, but with the changes in the consumption of
meats in the world, the strain on resources will become more severe. In 1965, the per capita
consumption of meat in developing countries was around ten ... Show more content on ...
Without major technological intervention, the growth in yields will continue to level out. Globally
the annual rate of growth in yields of the major cereal crops is likely to slow, as it has from 3.2% per
year in 1960 to 1.5% percent in 2000.
The alterations in food consumption patterns are greatly driven by income growth and specific
demographic factors, particularly lifestyle changes brought about by urbanization. While income
growth is one of the most significant influences contributing to demand changes, urbanization has
been almost equally as important in changes in food consumption. Urban areas are usually
correlated with higher income levels, as well as higher levels of education and a larger collection of
food products available. Economic growth can continue indefinitely and go in cycles, yet,
urbanization has so far been a one–way progression and, as occurred in developed countries,
ultimately the rural share of the population becomes so low that urbanization is no longer a
significant factor in foretelling food demand. Among developing countries with a sizeable portion of
rural population and rapid rates of urbanization, development is expected to considerably alter
consumers ' diets with a greater consumption of meats, fruit, vegetables, and processed food
The agriculture and food sector must be given importance with the thought of the advancement of
healthy diets for individuals
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Population…A Problem That Most of the World Simply...
Population...A Problem That Most of the World Simply Disregards There are over Six Billion people
inhabiting the planet earth today and that number is growing. "In the six seconds it takes you to read
this sentence, eighteen more people will be added" (Ehrlich 9). The total population of the World,
projected on October 23, 2001 at 6:28:09 pm GMT was 6,181,600,089 people (U.S. Bureau of the
Census). Each hour there are 11,000 more mouths to feed; each year more than 95 million.
Nevertheless, the world has hundreds of billions fewer tons of topsoil and hundreds of trillions
fewer gallons of groundwater with which to grow food crops than it had in 1968. Millions of people
every year are dying because they are not getting enough ... Show more content on
They are linked "to food–production statistics, to the prospect of a billion or more deaths from
starvation and disease, and to the possible dissolution of society as we know it" (Ehrlich 11). Our
planet is overcrowded, we have too many people and that affects both our ecosystem, economic
system, and how our society runs. Nature has it's own way of eliminating a problem, and it's
problem is people. We're causing the problem for ourselves. We created global warming because we
emit too many CFC's into the atmosphere by driving gas–guzzling vehicles, and not monitoring our
industrial output. We've created huge holes in our protective ozone, which then cause droughts and
crop failures that may lead to premature deaths of a billion or more people in the next decade. In
addition to more frequent and more severe crop failures, projected consequences of the warming
include coastal flooding, desertification, the creation of as many as 300 million environmental
refugees (Menk 34), alteration of patterns of disease, water shortages, and general stress on natural
ecosystems. AIDS may have existed for thousands of years, but because people are in constant
contact with hundreds of other people, the disease has spread like a wildfire killing hundreds of
millions. Maybe this is nature's way of wiping out our surplus. People need to realize that a more
humane way of reducing our abundance is to use birth control! There are huge numbers of religious
and cultural oppositions
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How Did The World Population Change Over The Past Century
It is a widely known fact that the population of the world increases by a great factor every year.
However, not many people know what exactly is causing this upsurge. In the past century, the
population has radically grown. The main things increasing the world's population are medical care
and infant mortality rates because both have changed drastically over the past century.
Firstly, the infant mortality rate is one of the main factors that affect the world population. It has
plummeted in the past hundred years in the United States; in 1915, the infant mortality rate was 100,
and by 1995 it had dropped to less than ten (Doc C). This number varies from country to country.
According to Doc D, "The United States ranks 27th out of the 224 regions,
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The ever growing population of the world means that we...
The ever growing population of the world means that we need sustain and produce enough food in
order for the survival of humans and animals. It is thought that the world population will get around
9 billion by 2050 (Guardian, 2014). To ensure that future generations do not starve, through new
technology science can boost food related research. Genetically modified crops are an essential step
to meet the needs of the growing population. Genetically modified crops are plants that as had their
DNA genetically altered by genetic engineering, these alterations to the plants are done so the plants
benefits to both the survival of the plant in an ever changing environment and human health. With
these alterations also come the consequences and ... Show more content on ...
But this can cause unknown side effects that is can have unknown effects on human or animals. This
can have an uprise in numerous ethical issues in both changing crop materials and testing it
(Strachan. T & Read. A 2011). In many experiments livestock that have been feed genetically
modified crops has had infertility, early delivers and death. This raises many complications towards
crops that are genetically modified as they may carry viruses or bacteria that can be harmful towards
humans and animals. Many ethically issues arise from the side effects from these crops on animals
and humans. If livestock is affected by these crops this could also mean decrease in production on
meat and increase of meat prices because of the demand. The effects of genetically modified crops
have not been fully tested on humans and the consequences are not fully known. There have been
cases with Indian farmers having allergic reaction to genetically modified cotton (Kurunganti
K,2008). This is important in today's world as the population is growing consumers need to be
aware of the benefits and consequences of genetically modified crops.
Genetically modified crops are expensive, economically can be have some financial strain on the
farmers but in the long run it is effective as these genetically modified crops are altered so they grow
quicker than traditional crops. This will allow farmer to have more time off the field and increase
household income. Also some
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The Link Between Population Growth And World Health
The Link between Population Growth and World Health Raphael R. Arriola Argosy University,
Orange County The Global Environment and Public Health | SOC260 BLW Module 2, Assignment
2 Dr. Douglas Roberts Wednesday, October 14, 2015 The Link between Population Growth and
World Health It is estimated that between the year 2014 and 2060, the U.S. population is going to
increase from 319 million to 417 million, reaching 400 million in 2051. The population in the U.S.
is projected to grow slower in the future decades, than in the recent past; assuming that fertility rates
will continue to decline and that there will be a modest decline in the overall rate of net international
migration. One in five Americans is projected to be 65 years of ... Show more content on ...
The misuse of antibiotics is to blame, especially Beta–lactam antibiotics, vitamin supplementation,
is also to blame including folic acid; vitamin D especially. Also to blame are novel vectors for
sharing pathogens including blood donation, and lastly the widespread adoption of compulsory mass
vaccinations. During the beginning of the twentieth century, infectious diseases were the leading
cause of death worldwide. Three diseases in particular in the United States caused 30% of deaths;
tuberculosis, pneumonia, and diarrhoeal diseases. However, by the end of the twentieth century, in
most of the developed world, the mortality from infectious diseases had been replaced by mortality
from chronic illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, and stroke. In 2000, approximately 125 million
Americans, or 45% of the population, had chronic conditions and 61 million, or 21% of the
population, had multiple chronic conditions. According to a report in 2004, almost half of all
Americans, or 133 million people, live with a chronic condition. People with chronic conditions
account for 83 percent of health care spending and those with five or more chronic conditions have
an average of almost fifteen physician visits and fill over 50 prescriptions in a year according to
Partnership for Solutions National Program Office, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The lives of
many people in the world are being blighted and cut short by
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Feeding the Growing World Population
The quotations taken from Josh Schonwald and Marion Nestle support an alternative food system,
which includes technological methods to feed the growing world population while also protecting
the environment. Although both believe alternative food systems could be the change of our future,
each approach these subjects differently. Schonwald is not afraid to keep an open mind with the use
of technology, while Nestle focuses on important choices one needs to make for the environment.
Both of these come down to four factors that determine if alternative food systems should be
accepted. These factors include: food, environment, globalization and gender. The reasoning behind
this is that the journey our food goes through encounters the men and women and their roles. On top
of that is how our food choices affect the environment, our health and the local, even global
communities in which we live.
Food is a very important role when discussing alternative food systems. Not only does food keep us
alive everyday, it can provide many health benefits. As stated by Schonwald, "'We will soon have a
hamburger that won't cause heart attacks, but will stop them.' How? You'll just take out the saturated
fat, and replace it with omega–3 fatty acids" (Schonwald 125). Schonwald turns to technology when
looking at the our future food system. One example of this is petri dish meat. Schonwald believes
this will eliminate food borne illnesses because the production of meat can be made safe
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The Pros And Cons Of World Population Control
Have you ever wondered what the answer to world problems is? World population control is one
option, but it is not a good one. Some say that it would help improve life, and would help bring
balance to the world. However, I believe that population control would not truly help anyone. World
population control is not the answer to world problems, for it would take away human life, the right
to have kids, and in the long run would not help any living thing.
The idea of population control started out many years ago. The person who first started Planned
Parenthood wanted to control the population of African Americans because she wanted less of them
around (National Public Radio). She tried to persuade more African Americans to come to Planned
Parenthood than people of other races. In addition, there was forced population control during the
Holocaust, a time in World War II, when Nazi Germany tried to exterminate all Jews and others the
Germans did not like (National Public Radio). This was because Adolf Hitler discriminated against
anyone not white or German. In the late 20th century, the Chinese decided to make a rule to where
each family could only have one child (an ... Show more content on ...
A baby's cells begin to grow very soon within pregnancy and its life begins even from the first day
of conception (Pro–life Across America). For example, a baby boy named Rowan was 22 weeks old
when his mother decided she did not want another child, so she aborted him. His heart was injected
with a chemical called digoxin to kill him in what was perceived as the least painful way. However,
some babies survive abortions, and Rowan was one such baby. The next day, the mother gave birth
to an alive baby. The doctors had meant to kill Rowan, but nevertheless, he was born alive.
However, the chemical was still in him, so he died anyway (Live Action News). If women were
required to abort their babies after they had had a certain number, many could end up like
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Population Growth Pressures On World Resources
Population growth pressures on world resources:
How significant it is and steps we need to take to control it
The world's population is expected to grow from 7 billion today to 10 billion people by 2050. It's
growing, and it's growing exponentially. But the world we live in is not getting any bigger. We will
have the same amount of space we have today in 2050. However, will we have the same amount of
resources? Many believe the world is already over its carrying capacity. So in this scenario how will
it sustain 3 billion more humans with the resources already getting depleted? The common answer to
this problem seems to be sustainable development. The term has been mentioned in a number of
environmental related concerns in recent times. But what is sustainable development? And how do
we plan to solve the resource crisis through this development? This essay will briefly discuss what
sustainable development means, while focussing on how the world resources are getting depleted
and what steps need to be taken to ensure the sustainment of those resources for future generations.
A statement found in Brundtland Report, Our Common Future, released during the 1987 United
Nations World Commission on Environment and Development defined sustainable development as a
"development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs". Authors Wes Harry and Ina Ehnert describe sustainable
development in a unique way in their
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Prison Population Around The World
Samantha Talmo
Professor Wisz
8 August 2016
Research Paper Prison populations around the world are continuing to grow every single day." The
nation 's jail population flows like a torrential river with upwards of 12 million individuals moving
in and out of institutions annually" (Lyman, 167). The population is continuing to grow in jails
because of the growth in the crime itself. It is debated whether or not nonviolent criminals should be
given jail time. There are other punishments that could be given to criminals that have not created
violent crimes, for example serving community service, being on house arrest and speaking to a
parole officer. Another question that society considers is whether or not in the long run will society
itself benefit from nonviolent criminals not receiving jail time. Society would benefit if nonviolent
criminals were punished in other ways than jail time. Society would benefit since overcrowding in
jails wouldn't be an issue, tax costs would be reduced, and recidivism would decrease as a result. A
big issue in prisons are overcrowding, it was previously stated that 12 million inmates that around
the world that is in prison. Even after considering that that is the average of all prisons put together
there is still a huge amount of people living in one prison." Jails now hold some 730,000 people in
custody, more than triple their population in 1983"( Speiser). If the prisons population was triple the
population size in 1983 and it is
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The World 's Urban Population
1 Introduction background From 2011 to 2050 it is expected that the world urban population is rise
from 7.4 billion to 9 billon. Much of this will be in the cities of developing and less developing
countries (World Urbanization Prospects the 2011 Revision, 2012). Therefore maximum of the
development will happen in Asia and Africa. Population will be living in urban areas by 2020 and
2035 respectively. It is forecast that the world's urban population will grow by 1.4 billion during the
period of 2011 and 2030. China will be Share 276 million and India be 218 million in this
increment. India will account for slightly over 15.5% of increase the world urban population (World
Urbanization Prospects the 2011 Revision, 2012). Urban population is growing and that are going to
be face problem like congestion and pollution. India contribute 6% of world Road accidents and
10% of world road death rate. More than the 1.41 lakh people die in road accidents and more than 1
million deadly road accident take place every year. They are mostly of pedestrians or cyclist. For
them there is hardly devoted space on road (Jain, 2014). Indian cities are urbanizing and population
is increasing 280 million in 2001 and 590 million by 2030 probably. Motor vehicle population in
India has increase by 100 times from 1951 to 2004, while the road network as expended only 8
times. This has caused huge strain on the urban transport infrastructure, which is already of
overcapacity coupled with problems of
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Essay about Can the World Sustain an Increasing Population?
Countries in the world hold different attitudes to the population policy, some of them tend to delay
the increase of population while others introduce policies to encourage childbirth. After centuries of
continual growth, which started at the first industrial revolution, the global population reached over
7 billion individuals in 2013. Research by Ezeh, Bongaarts and Mberu (2012) states that increasing
population is a threat to individuals and societies by bring problems based on unsatisfied demand.
The "increasing population" in this essay can be defined as net rising in birth rate during a period,
especially in the poor developing countries. This essay will argue that the world cannot sustain an
increasing population. The reasons for ... Show more content on ...
However, the same degree of pollution increases in cities with population of 10 million people is
3.13 parts per billion (NASA, 2013). The contribution to air pollution from surface–level NO2 is
about a factor of five when population in cities increased from 1 million to 10 million people in
China. According to Engelman (2009), falling human numbers is a powerful key to long–term
environmental sustainability. Therefore it could be concluded that the world environment can hardly
maintain an increasing population for its limited resources and probably pollution.
Another reason for the world cannot continue to provide for increasing population is that rising rate
of birth especially in poorest developing countries aggravates the trend toward greater inequality,
which means the rich getting much richer while others are opposite. Ezeh, Bongaarts and Mberu
(2012) found that in general, the growth of population is rapider in poorer countries than developed
countries. For example, the World Bank points out that in sub–Saharan Africa where poverty
headcount ratio fluctuated of 50% from 1981 to 2010, the rate of population growth is more than 2%
per year. Poverty trend in here refers to people living on less than $1.25 a day. Malthus (as cited in
Martín–Guzmán, 2005), explains that because population pressure may overwhelm natural resources
as explained before,
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The World Population Increases The Global Food Production
Literature Review
Several studies (Oltjen et al., 1996; Dahlen et al., 2014; Thornton, 2010; and Tilman et al., 2002)
drawn the conclusion that as the world population increases the global food production must as well.
The current meat practices in the U.S are unsustainable in terms of being able to meet the future
demands of global society (Dahlen et al., 2014). Although livestock practices have changed
dramatically over time to make production more efficient it has negative impacts on the
environment and human health. Fortunately sustainable solutions do exist. Others livestock farmers
around the world are implementing sustainable practice that improve the quality of meat and
decrease their impacts on the environment.
Current ... Show more content on ...
In the next forty years food production will need to increase by one hundred percent if it is going to
meet the demands of global society (Dahlen et al., 2014). The reproduction of livestock has
undergone evolutionary changes over time all in favor of making production more efficient.
Artificial insemination (AI), estrous synchronization and fixed–time AI (TAI), semen and embryo
cryopreservation, multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET), in vitro fertilization, sex
determination of sperm or embryos, and nuclear transfer are technologies that are used to enhance
the production efficiency of beef operations (Dahlen et al., 2014). These are some of the newer
technologies that have been generated to increase meat production. Food provides energy and
nutrients, and its acquisition requires the expenditure of energy. In today's world unbalanced
nutritional diets lead to obesity and other serious health issues (McMichael et al., 2007). Livestock
raising is a major contributor to agriculture–related greenhouse gas emissions. Studies have been
conducted to analyze what changes the meat industry would need to undergo to reduce the
greenhouse gas emission levels. In order to reach the target level of greenhouse gas emissions the
world would need to reduce their demand of animal products significantly (McMichael et al., 2007).
The estimated average per–head intake of, at most, 90 g meat per day and not more than 50 g of this
should come from red meat from ruminant animals
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Population Growth Pressures On World Resources
Name: Maulik Sanghvi (500394039) Instructor: Valentina Capurri Course: GEO 702 Date:
November 5, 2014 Population growth pressures on world resources Introduction Not everyone
admits that the world is getting overpopulated each day. The truth is that; there are real issues that
are contributing to the expansion of population, one being food supplies. The World Resources
Institute asserts that, by 2050, the population will have gone up by 34%. It means that, there will be
an addition of 2.3 billion people on earth. The datum that the population world–wide was 2.5 billion
in 1950, the assertion posts a great danger a head since the earth is only one. Therefore, this paper
will discuss the growth pressures that exist on world resources as well as its significance and steps
that ought to be taken to control it. It is intuitive and obvious that, the more people are, the more
resources are required in meeting the needs of the people. More energy is also required. Even
though most of the countries are still growing, the relationship between the two aspects is not linear.
For instance, between 1990 and 2005, the population in China rose to about 15% yet the energy
usage, on the other end, almost doubled (Weddell 23). Today, China is the most populated country.
Although, research shows that, India is coming up too with a high population. Assertions are that, by
2028, India will overtake China (Weddell 25). The fact that more people are demanding more
resources everyday poses a real
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The Industrial Revolution: The Population In The World
Before watching this video, just like the beginning of the video. I thought that the population in the
world is out of control. I thought every thing in the world such as natural sources, space, and even
the environment does not enough for humans today. In this video, the professor mentioned that the
population before 1800 and after 1800 is really different. Not only because of the food and medical
resources became better, but also it was during the "Industrial Revolution", so people's lifestyle was
better than before. There is another important information in this video. The average babies per
woman is about 5. However, the rate of the "Developing Countries" about 7. The more babies for
per woman, the less source can the babies got. Although
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Population And Its Effects On The World

  • 1. Population And Its Effects On The World In the world there are lots of different organisms. The number of organisms in a group can be referred to as the organism's population. When the term population is thrown around, the human race comes to mind. But what is the human population? Where is it most dense? Is it good or bad? Let us learn. Population is defined as the number of inhabitants in a particular area. Currently on the face of the earth there are approximately 7.2 billion people alive at this very moment and as of 2013, 36 million of these people live in Canada. The top 10 countries by population are: China with 1.4 billion people, India with 1.3 billion people, the United Sates with 322 million, Indonesia with 253 million, Brazil with 200 million, Pakistan with 185 million, Nigeria with 178 million, Bangladesh with 158 million, Russia with 142.5 million and Japan with 127 million people. As can be seen a lot of people live in Asia. To be specific, 61% of the world's population lives in Asia but why is this the case? There are many reasons as to why there are so many people in Asia. One reason is Asia's agricultural development. Asian culture thrived in the past because they mastered growing a high amount of food in small areas. They grow such copious amounts of rice, and copious amounts of other food types of food that they can support copious amounts of people. Another reason for high Asian populations is the lack of cultural social safety net. In many of these countries, there is not unemployment ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Providing Sustainable Energy For Support The Growing... Problem Statement Providing sustainable energy to support the growing population of the world has been a debated issue for many years. As prices for oil rise or unsustainable forms of energy become no longer available, the need to provide society with a new form of sustainable energy becomes a necessity. Although energy can be provided by other sustainable means (wind, solar, and water energy), those resources require specific locations to work, for example, a mountain canyon with strong winds to support a viable wind farm. However, not all areas of the world have windy mountainous canyons. Some areas of the world do not have the means to support a growing population on sustainable energy sources that are not readily available in their areas. Nuclear energy is a low–carbon emissions source of electrical energy that can be added to multiple locations as the need for more energy arises. However, nuclear power plants come with risks. If the plant undergoes meltdown, the entire facility becomes unusable. Also, if the radiation from the tanks escapes, the surrounding environment may become infected with radiation and the humans/animals near the plant would be required to leave or face death due to the radiation poisoning. Literature Review: Nuclear Power Nuclear power is an energy alternative to burning coal. Nuclear power is considered a clean alternative because it does not create any direct CO2 emissions and is low on emissions from sulfur and nitrogen oxides (Bauer et ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. How The Population Growth Has Had A Negative Effect On The... Human population has been growing at an exponential rate over the past century. The Population Reference Bureau released a report showing the significant change in populations around the world. In 1950, the world's population was roughly 2.5 billion. Only 55 years later, the population had sprung to as high as 6.5 billion worldwide. If our population was to continue at this rate, the population would reach 9 billion in the year 2050. One may argue that growth in population increases competition amongst people; thus allowing for a better and potentially more innovative world, however, I will aim to challenge that view. I will explain how the population growth has had a negative effect on the world's natural resources and other species as ... Show more content on ... One of the biggest problems that we face today is over food. We constantly read and hear about people who eat too much or too little, who and where there is access to food, and about the number of people who go to bed hungry each night. These problems are heightened with the increasing demands to feed more and more people. Fortunately, the production of food has been able to grow with the increasing growth in population. Amusingly, despite having enough food to feed everyone there are still millions left to starve. The United Nations World Food Programme was quoted saying "some 795 million people in the world do not have enough food to lead a healthy active life. That's about one in nine people on earth." Although we have the capability of increasing the amount of food made, it does not mean that all of those people are being fed. The inflation of people in the world is paralleled with the a growing number of those left to starve. The reason this is true is due to the fact that places were food is usually stable (Europe, North America, Japan, etc) are steadily decreasing in population. However, countries that are do not have a stable amount of food such as (Africa, the Caribbean, and parts of Asia) are sharply increasing in human population. Those countries have been having more children than their specific area can take. Until there becomes more awareness in these areas, many individuals will die of hunger. As mentioned, not only are there more humans ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. An Expanding World Population And A Degrading Earth An Expanding World Population & a Degrading Earth The world is currently home to around 7 billion people, but only a century ago there were only about 1.6 billion people living on it. It is estimated that the world population will soar to approximately 9 or 10 billion within the next forty years (Lambert 6). Along with the increasing global population, climate change and water scarcity are also burdening the survival of our planet (Lambert 5). The FAO has warned that agriculture must produce 70% more food within the next 40 years to feed our expanding population, but the world's resources and land are dwindling as quickly as the population is expanding (Lambert 5). The world urban populations have been increasing consistently and are ... Show more content on ... A balance must be achieved as agriculture accounts for 30% of income in developing countries and without food production, the current world population could not survive (Munesue 9). How is humanity supposed to feed its future self of 10 billion people without destroying itself through overuse of its Earth? Is Food Security a Human Right? There are more hunger related deaths each year throughout the world than AIDS malaria, and TB combined (Lambert 4). 25,000 people die everyday due to hunger related deaths (Lambert 4). The International Conference on Nutrition in 1992 and the World Food Summit in 1996 emphasized the importance of access to safe and nutritious food being recognized as a fundamental human right (Lusamba 3). It has been an established principle that a country 's rate of food insecurity is directly related to system of governance (Lambert 7). Democratic societies have much lower rates of food insecurity than those countries with more authoritarian governments (Lambert 7). In this paper, food insecurity is defined as a condition in which an individual or population does not have access to safe culturally appropriate food that meets their caloric and nutritional needs. This paper is a study of the current state of food insecurity in four different countries throughout the world. A brief section is devoted to the U.S. as a tool for ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Globalization : The World Of Politics And The Human... Globalization influences many aspects of human life, it is a process of change, the process of collaboration and integration among the people and businesses of different nations, it is a process propelled by trade, investment and technology. The process of globalization has great purpose for bring people together and sharing ideas however, it has effects on the environment, culture, the economy, politics and the human population (Globalization 101). Globalization has effected the environment due to human productivity; cars, technology, mining, farming and the advancements of different products. Globalization has effected culture due to the diffusion of ideas, beliefs and values around the world extending the social relationships with people around the world. Globalization has also effected the economy in the assimilation and cooperation of local, regional and national economies around the world. Globalization has also effected the world of politics and the collaboration of different governments in political affairs and policies. Globalization has also impacted the human population due to the migration of people around the world, changes in birth rates and also in the rate at which the elderly are passing due to improvements in medicine. Although globalization provides societies with ways of interacting and sharing ideas; it is causing harm to our planet in the way of global warming. Globalization effects many aspects of life such as in culture, the economy, politics and the ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The Problems Of The World 's Population The world's population has been increasing since the industrial revolution at a pace that has never been seen in human history, and with that growth comes the societal obligation of maintaining stable societies where everyone 's basic needs are met. Among the most important of these needs is the drastically increasing demand to feed everyone. But just as technology sparked the industrial revolution that initially caused this problem, it has also been responsible for the innovative solutions we've created to solve it. For example, genetic engineering has been used as a tool to produce strains that require less nutrients, water and pesticides to grow. These strains also produce bigger yields on less land, and contain a higher nutrient density themselves. In addition, advanced growing techniques like vertical farming in controlled environments can create more food safety and security for growing metropolitan populations. In other words, although technology can create flaws inherent to the world it creates, it can, moreover, act as a powerful tool for solving those very problems. From the beginning of humanity's long history to the start of the industrial revolution the world's population rose by approximately one billion, but in the less than two hundred years since then it has grown by over six billion more. This growth has naturally been followed by an increase in exploitation of the earth's natural resources and agriculturally viable spaces to meet the world 's dietary ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. The Overpopulation Of The World 's Population Many people believe that today the world 's population is already too large for everyone to live comfortably. Let us brainstorm for a while. According to the UN, we are living in the era of the most intense growth of urbanization. Right now, when the level of urbanization is quite high, the remains of the rural population of the planet dramatically swept into the city. Everyone knows that the urban life style helps to reduce the birth rate to a subthreshold level. This means that neither sharp jump nor sharp plummet is expected. If one opens the demographic map, one will see that Asia accounts for half the world 's population! The largest in terms of population countries are India and China, which together have 3 billion people. Despite many people believe the overpopulation to be an issue, this problem is considered to be fake just as well as global worming which is claimed to be a natural process. Konstantin Marsov claims "The current Voloshyn 3 population of the Earth is only a 5% of the territory. And if we do not take into account not suitable for human habitation natural areas – deserts, jungles and taiga, is still a lot of space." According to some projections, the growth of the world 's population will stop somewhere in the second half of the XXI century. But by that moment it can reach 10 billion. In one of the most crowded countries in the world, in China, the population density is 139.5 persons per square kilometer which one may consider high, but ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. The Concentration Of Jewish Population During World War I... Jews are human beings with their own history, philosophy, and eccentricities. They are a people apart from others not because of their separate religious beliefs, but because they are an ancient cultivating group of people who have their own original antiquities. At the end of the 19th century, millions of Jews are living throughout Europe, and Jews do not have the freedom of movement and live in areas where the government gives them special authorization . Anti–Semitism exists all in the nineteenth century European societies. During the First World War, large Jewish communities advance around the capitals. This concentration of Jewish population in large cities have a strong impact on their lifestyle and make them more visible in the economy and in the culture . During World War I, while most young nationals are fighting in the Trenches on the front lines, many Jews migrate to the cities, filling jobs normally run by residents, which gives the Jews more opportunities to earn a living . Under Russian rule, the Jews are suspected of collaboration with the enemy, and 600,000 of them are banished from the front by the czarist army, a traumatic experience and an economic catastrophe that was still felt long after the war . The Jews in other parts of Europe in government segregation are ban from fighting, most Jews take advantage of the war efforts and expand their businesses beyond normal economic flows. This economical movement results in larger Jewish communities, which help ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. The Current World 's Population The current world 's population is approximately seven billion people, and the amount of time that it takes for the population to increase by another billion is decreasing with each billion. According to the World Population Data sheet, there will be about eight billion people by the year 2020, and this is due to its continuation of growth (Southwick 159). A clear understanding of the causes and what might possibly happen is the first step to dealing with the population crisis. The world 's human population has been growing in what has been described as a j–shaped curve. In the early 1900 's, the world 's population numbered nearly two billion; it has more than tripled since then (Southwick 159). There are three theories or models for population growth. The Malthusian theory predicts that human misery and eventual catastrophe will be the limiting factors for world population. Logistic theory predicts that there will be some sort of gradual resolution as humans adapt and are able to support a population between eight and ten billion. The domed model of growth predicts that between eight and ten billion will signal overpopulation, so a readjustment of to lower levels would be attained (Southwick 159). These three theories are important because each has different implications for the environment. Most ecologists consider human population growth to be one of the most pressing problems contributing to environmental degradation. Human population growth works in conjunction ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Global population ageing means that by 2050 over 60s will... Global population ageing means that by 2050 over 60s will comprise 22% of the world population at 2 billion (Banister et al, 2012). A report prepared by the Population Division for the World Assembly on Ageing in 2002 shows that population ageing is 'unpredecedented,' 'pervasive' and 'enduring', having a wide range of consequences for many countries and governments (UN). This wide spread phenomenon, therefore has many implications and this essay studies these in terms of economic, social, environmental and health factors. It then examines the responses of governments to these challenges and the use of innovation by scientists to reduce the negative impacts of an ever increasing elderly population. One of the major economic problems ... Show more content on ... This is in comparison to the annual growth rate for the total population of just 1% (Blake and Simic, 2005). This increase, largely due to the increased numbers of people in this age group, is also a consequence of high ownership rates for the over 60 year olds. By 2030 86.8% of 62–74 year olds and 88.9% of the 85+ group are expected to own their homes (Blake and Simic). A third cause of an increased housing demand could be attributable to an upsurge in retirees purchasing second homes, either abroad or in their home country. In the UK the Survey of English Housing shows that there was a 52% increase in the number of households with second homes in 2003/2004 than in 1994/1995 (Paris, 2006). This can have economic and social implications, especially for first time buyers who are unable to afford the rising house prices and so are forced to move elsewhere. Another problem of an ageing population is the effect of the one child policy in China. After being introduced in 1979, the 4–2–1 problem has arisen (Woo et al, 2002). This reliance of 4 grandparents and 2 parents on one child has major economic and social repercussions, the most important being the lack of financial support one child can provide for 6 other adults. This is not only economically straining on the child and the grandparents and parents, but also very stressful for the child. Other social consequences of an ageing population are ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Hardin World Population Problem 1. What is Hardin's key concern? Be specific, min. 1 page. Hardin's key concern in his article is that many believe that to solve the "world population" problem, there must be a technical solution. Hardin is pointing out the flaw in this type of thinking by demonstrating how technical solutions won't solve the problem, but rather "non–technical solutions" will be the answer. Wiesner and York stated that "If the great powers continue to look for solutions in the area of science and technology only, the result would be to worsen the situation." He also points out that many people want to solve the population problem, but don't want to give up the privileges that they are afforded by technology. Hardin feels that population control is the ... Show more content on ... He demonstrated that the rules of the game would have to be altered to assure victory in an unwinnable game. Hardin explains that a finite world can only support a finite population. This is because the size of the population cannot outgrow to available resources. As the population grows, the available land space decreases and more waste is produced. Hardin states that "the acquisition of energy is the problem." Technological advances have been achieved to sustain the ever–growing population. Hardin also uses the idea of "Tragedy of the Commons" to point out how humankind has begun to aimlessly wipe out resources and producing even more waste without considering the consequences. In the northern hemisphere, most countries have modern sewage systems to deal with the overproduction of waste. "Each man is locked into a system that compels him to increase his heard without limit–in a world that is limited." The creation of private property and inheritance has changed humankind's philosophy of who owns what in nature. Land area can be sectioned off, but not areas of sea and airspace. 3. What solutions (and agenda) is he suggesting? Carefully read and reflect, min. 1 ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. The World Population Aging Think of the world population aging Abstract: Population aging is one of the world 's population development tendency. Of the world 's population aging and the aging of the population in developed countries the same time.,China 's aging population has intensified. The aging of the population have is social progress and economic development. This paper will analysis about Chinese and American population ageing. But, the aging of the population has led to the burden of the working population growing problems affecting social and economic development, legal system and other material and the spirit of building the new requirements.So the 21 st century the aging of population across the world. Key worlds: Population old age Population burden Sustainable development Outline Abstract (Chinese & English) 1 . What is poplution aging? 1.1 Introduction Chinese aging problem 1.2 Introduction American aging problem 2 . Reason 2.1 The reason about Chinese aging problem 2.2 The reason about American aging problem 3.Solution 3.1 China solution 3.2 American solution 4. Conclusion 1. What is poplution aging? The problem of old age is known as one of the most serious problem in today 's world. The old people can be seen everywhere. As is shown in the graph, the number of people in the world over the age of sixty will have increased to 600 million by the end of this century. And by the time, there will also be twice as many people over the age of eighty. In the ten ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. The World 's Largest Population From the 3.68 billion people that will be added to the world population between 1995 and 2050, Asia will contribute some 2 billion. This enormous increase is due to the already massive size of the population. Most of this growth will occur in the next three decades. Between 1995 and 2025 Asia 's population will grow by 1.35 billion – between 2025 and 2050 the increase is projected to be just 658 million. China is the world 's largest population, estimated to be around 1.24 billion in 1998. It grows at a rate of 1.3% per year or 44,100 people a day. There are now more people living in China than whole world 150 years ago. The population broke the billion mark in the 1982 census, the results of which provided the justification for the strict one–child policy which effectively curbed rapid population growth. In the 1990 census, China counted 1.133 billion people, over the next decades the world population will inevitably age. This is an unavoidable consequence of large birth cohorts during the 1950s and 1960s and the rapid fertility decline since the 1970s. In 2025 the "baby boomers" of the 1950s and 60s will be between 65 and 75 years of age. These large aging cohorts are followed by the relatively small "baby bust" generations of the worldwide fertility decline. In 1950 there were only 131 million people of age 65 and older; in 1995 their number had almost tripled and was estimated at 371 million. Between now and 2025 the number will more than double again; and by 2050 we ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. The Problem Of A Growing World Population Global perspective: Countries with high average population density tend to be the same as those with large amounts of arable land (e.g. Canada has the 11th lowest population density and very little arable land at 4,73%) because large amounts of land are uninhabited. Generally, areas that are developing have higher population densities, however, less developed areas generally have more population growth. All solutions to the problem of a growing world population can be categorized into to categories – creating sustainable growth or keeping the population under control. The first way to create sustainable population growth is to raise education levels. Above are two graphs – the left one showing the HDI (Human Development Index – a comparative measure of life expectancy, literacy, education, standards of living and quality for life devised by the UN) of countries around the world and the right one showing the birth rates of countries around the world. The countries with the highest HDIs are shaded in green and the ones with the lowest are shaded in red, while the darker the color of a country, the higher its birth rate. From these two graphs one can see a definite correlation between having a high HDI and lower birth rates, leading to the fact that on average, educated people have fewer children than uneducated people. The reason many parents in poor regions of the Earth want many children is that they hope that at least one of the children will survive a cruel ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. World Population Problem Essay During the course of the long history, the development of the world population directly depends on the mode of social production, especially the level of development of productive forces. In the history, mankind got the tremendous progress in productivity often with the population rapid develop. In the primitive society, the primitive society 's population birth rate and the mortality rate all maintained at about 50% because of the objective law and the social production mode. The number of the population maintain in a state of high birth, high death, and almost stagnant growth. After entering the era of capitalism, the population rapid grows due to the industrial revolution in Europe in 18th. From the early nineteenth century to 1950, Europe, the United States and other developed countries' population growth 2.35 times in the 150 years, meanwhile other developing countries population growth of only 1.31 times. After World War II, the second wave of the population happened in the whole world. In 1950–1988, the world population became doubled. When entered the second half of the 20th century, the unprecedented population growth was coming. Not only the population growth rate reached a historical peak level, and the population increase over more than two million years of human history accumulated in the total population. As we all know that population problem affect the state of the economy and it can cause many kinds problems. Nowadays, effectively solving the population ... Get more on ...
  • 30.
  • 31. World Population Data Sheet At A Glance Activity 1: The World Population Data Sheet at a Glance A. Find answers to the following questions using the current World Population Data Sheet. Use your blank world maps to locate, shade, and label the countries identified in the questions that follow. What is the current population of the world? The current population is 7.3 billion. 2. Rank, in descending order, the 10 countries with the largest population. China, India, United States, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Russia, Mexico. B. Rates are often used, instead of absolute numbers, to determine how frequently a population or demographic event is occurring–rates show how common an event is. Rates also make it possible to compare countries that vary greatly in ... Show more content on ... Which African country has the highest proportion of people living in urban areas? In Asia? In Latin America? In Europe? In Oceania? Reunion in Africa, Bahrain, Qatar, and Singapore in Asia, Puerto Rico in Latin America, Monaco in Europe, and Nauru in Oceana. F. Gross national income in purchasing power parity per capita (GNI PPP/capita) converts income into "international dollars" and indicates the amount of goods and services one could buy in the United States with a given amount of money. Which country is the wealthiest in terms of GNI PPP/capita? Which is the second wealthiest? Which are the poorest two countries? The wealthiest is Qatar, the second wealthiest is Kuwait, and the two poorest countries are Central African Republic and Congo, Dominican Republic. G. A population grows because there are more births than deaths or more people are moving in than moving out. The difference between births and deaths is expressed as a percentage called the rate of natural increase. Which major region is growing the fastest through natural increase? Which Major region is growing at the slowest rate? Within the major regions identified, which subregions are growing fastest? ... ... Get more on ...
  • 32.
  • 33. The World Population Data Sheet Reported All residents of a specific area, city, or country comprise the total population. In my imagination, the word "population" means all people from all over the world. As everyone knows, people are born, grow, live, multiply, and make history, since the first living things appeared on the earth. Every two years, the United Nations makes an assessment of past, present and future populations in all countries and publishes their discoveries and predictions. Therefore, with this evaluation, they can report on the number of people, and, based on this, they can conclude a hypothesis of what is likely to happen with all us in the future. The World Population Data Sheet reported that in 2014, there were 7,238,184,000 people on the earth. As implied by "Global Population Growth," 7.2 billion can reach 11 billion or more than this in 2100 (49). The United Nations News Center reported that every year, the population rises by 143,341,000 people. However, the relationship between population and surroundings is complicated. Scientists are concerned when they estimate consumption of natural resources, the demand of the population, and the limits of the earth's ability to support 4 billion people more ("Global Population Growth" 49). Indeed, communities' effect on the environment takes place in two greater parts, as reported by the "Unit 5: Human Population Dynamics Section 5: Population Growth and the Environment." The first is that people consume more and more natural resources ... Get more on ...
  • 34.
  • 35. Population Control In Brave New World Essay Introduction Intro Strategy– Primary assertion Our society is moving towards a world like that of Brave New World. This is something we should be looking forward to. MAIN POINTS 1. Population Control 2. Eugenics 3. Drugs The world that we live in today is already starting to look like that of Huxley envision of Brave New World. II. Second Topic: Population Control In the Brave New World's society there was population control " But a bokanovskified egg will bud, will proliferate, will divide. From eight to ninety–six buds, and every bud will grow into a perfectly formed embryo, and every embryo into a full–sized adult" (Huxley 6) i. Analysis– This quote shows how the World State has control over the number of people "born" through the Bokanovsky Process. B. "So we allow ... Show more content on ... The World State controls the citizens by controlling their fertility. This quote shows the power the World State has over overpopulation because they are deciding the fertility rates. C. BBC stated that "China's government says the one–child policy, officially in place since 1979, has prevented 400 million births." ii. This is a step forward in Huxley's vision because it is controlling the number of family members per unite instead of allowing each family to decide on its own. It controls population growth with the goal to lower population to a stable number. Alexandra Paul stated that "One of the advantages of having only a child in the family is the opportunity given to the newborn of having a comfortable life. This is because all the attention, love and financial resources of the parents will be enjoyed by the child." iii. Analysis: Having population control children would live a better life due to the love they get. They would be more job opportunity and many people would be content. D. Our world is already taking steps toward that of Huxley's Brave New World due to the fact that we are already placing policies like one child policy, which control the world's population. III. ... Get more on ...
  • 36.
  • 37. The Increase Mobility Of The World 's Population And The... Immigration is a contested political issue, with both the costs and benefits under debate. Due to this, the assignment will involve a discussion on the implications of the increased mobility of the world's population and the impact on the migration of nurses on the United Kingdom's (U.K.) national health system. It will also look at the impact of immigration upon the National Health Service (NHS) and the increase in the demand on education and housing. Introduction According to Levaggi and Montefiori (2013, pp.100) globalisation is likely to have a significant impact on the population's health and it creates challenges for the financing and provisions of the national health care system. The Office for National Statistics (2015) states ... Show more content on ... According to the House of Lords (2013), one in five people in the UK will be over the age of 65 by 2030. Goldin, Cameron and Balarajan (2012, pp.6) argue that due to the increase in the ageing population, there will be new demands for labor both skilled and less skilled migrants in developed countries. The Department of Health (2011) states that anyone in the UK who is deemed to be ordinarily a resident is entitled to free NHS hospital treatment in England but overseas immigrants will have to prove they are entitled to be in the country before they are given access to GPs and hospitals. The Department of Health (2015) however suggests that a charge can not be made or recovered from any overseas visitor for accident and emergency services whether in hospital or at a walk in center, for some treatment of certain infectious diseases, psychiatric treatment and family planning services. Data provided by the Department of Health (2013) shows the population of visitors and temporary migrants is around 2.5 million and the costs of them using the NHS estimated to £2 billion per year; this total includes the use by nationals from countries which the UK has a reciprocal agreement with and health tourists like people who come to the UK with the express intent of using the health service which they were not entitled to, was estimated to cost between £60 million and £80 million per year. This compares to the annual ... Get more on ...
  • 38.
  • 39. The Growth Of The World Population Overview When considering the growth of the world's population there Is a concentrated look at Four Main factors with a fifth element now ,slowly becoming a large factor.They are fertility rates, mortality rates (life expectancy), the initial age profile of the population (whether it is comparatively old or relatively young to begin with), migration, and now religion, where focus is placed on migrating to or from a particular faction. The forces behind population change Population Change:A view at Growth Fertility has been on a slow descent over the last decade and is expected to continue declining.As a result,the world,s population rate is also slowing down. But from the year 2010–2050 ,the world's population is expected to rise some 35%.That is approximately 2 Billion people.Fertility patterns may differ between countries, and larger geographic locations for a myriad of reasons, including cultural standards,degrees of economic improvement, education systems and government policies that encourage ,or discourage, family planning. Female reproductive rates may also be a result of infant fatality rates, participation in the labor market, income levels and social status, among other factors.("Main Factors Driving Population Growth | Pew Research Center," 2015) Life Expectancy,which is the expected life term we are given from infancy,has been on the up–rise, and is expected to continue its ascent over the next four decades.Research has shown that people are living longer, due ... Get more on ...
  • 40.
  • 41. The Causes Of Population Growth And Poverty In The World The circle of life is an enviable thing. One person is born, one person dies. An animals is born, a animal dies. It is something that occurs in nature everyday. But can it be an issue in the long run? Over population has created issues over the years from poverty effecting one's lifestyle to heath issue and effecting our loving environment. Population growth is an important global issue that needs to be reduced not just by us, the people, but from those who have higher authority. If population continues to grow, what will happen to our Earth in the future? One of the many issues that occur with the growth of population is in fact poverty. As more and more people are born, it cuts down many resources because of over population in the world. With poverty there's unemployment. Going to the poorest cities in the world and able to see the struggles of over population with, shakes for houses, stacked on top of one and other and lack of recourses many struggle with. According to William and Mary Cunningham expert from Population Growth states; "Some believe that population growth is the ultimate cause of poverty and environmental degradation." (172) If population is the root cause of poverty for many around the world imagen their environment recourses or their environment surroundings. Environmental degradation is a cause of not taking care of our environment and letting things go. So how are the poorest cities with their environment surroundings? Lack of agricultural land, food ... Get more on ...
  • 42.
  • 43. The World Aging Population Is On The Rise The worlds aging population is on the rise and has been for some time. It is estimated that by the year 2030 that there will be "seventy million Americans over the age of 65" of that "fifteen million suffer from a mental disorder" of some kind (Gary S. Moak, 2011). This paper is intended to showcase the issue as it relates to policy as well as recommendations needed to curtail this ever increasing issue. With the rise in medical expenses, the aging and elderly community suffers from inadequate health care (Gary S. Moak, 2011). In an effort to alleviate this growing health issue, priority needs to be placed on key concepts such as "extensive knowledge of the aging process", "proactive and anticipatory care", a practice structure with a multidisciplinary team", as well as, " good communication skills", " and a clear sense of the patients values, goals and preferences" just to name a few (Cassel, 2009). Mentally ill individuals are at a disadvantage from the onset of the disease. This is because they are often times not diagnosed at the early stages. Older individuals are at a larger disadvantage due to the fact that they mostly live alone. According to the article titled Researchers Tackle the Underdiagnosis and Undertreatment of Late–Life Depression by Kanapaux and Williams for the Psychiatric times dated June 2004 "certain groups were less likely to receive treatment" for certain conditions. The article goes on to say that these groups include but are ... Get more on ...
  • 44.
  • 45. World History: Patterns Of Population Nathan Carrington WH 305 Dr. Hosselkus October 20, 2014 Exam 1 Patterns of population are an extremely important and very interesting topic to consider when looking at world history. Understanding the historical evidence that shows where humans originated, how long it took them to populate the planet, as well as what factors contributed to the rise and fall of various civilizations is critical to understand other world history related topics. It is important to note, however, that many scholars disagree on the definition of "human," and thus disagree on when the start of "human" history actually is. Some argue that the Homo habilis (handy) species from about 2.5 million years ago is a fair account of a human since they chipped hand axes ... Show more content on ... Similar to patterns of population, economics and exchange networks undergo various changes over time. These changes are due to many factors that influence exchange, including available resources, war, and how badly certain civilizations needed to trade in order to prevail. As the world became more globalized and complex, trading became evermore important in that it allowed people farther away to trade with each other and acquire the goods they desired. A good example to begin with trade would be that of Minoan Crete, which was located in modern–day Greece on the island of Crete. Minoan Crete was located on hot, dry, non–arable land that suffered from cold winters and summer droughts. This area is also extremely prone to earthquakes. Unfortunately, not much is known about the politics of Minoan Crete, however it is known that the state regulated the trade in and out of Minoan Crete. It is also known that it was a very stratified society, meaning that citizens were either really rich or really ... Get more on ...
  • 46.
  • 47. The World Should Stop Their Population From Reaching 9... The world should stop its population from reaching 9 billion in 2050 by creating several laws ensuring that women have the average number of children of 2.1. This is important because in the future if/when the world becomes overpopulated, the quality of life itself will decrease. It is so extremely important to work to limit the world population growth because not only will the world become overpopulated with people, but the quality of those people's lives will equal to nothing. Nobody wants that for themselves. So that is why it important to fix this epidemic now, before it's too late. Because the world's population has been increasing so much over the past few decades, it has been proved that this dilemma will greatly affect everyone's future. Experts have predicted that over a time period of 50 years, the population will peak at 9 billion people. Even though there has been an extreme increase on the world in generals population lately, in some parts of the world the population has actually decreased. An example would be Europe. Their population has been steadily decreasing with a population of 738 million people today and 646 million people in 2050. Other countries have been steadily increasing. An example would be Chad. Their population has been steadily increasing by 3.3% per year. Countries like Chad are having tons of problems because of their overpopulation. They have a huge strain on major resources, therefore conflicts over water are beginning to occur between ... Get more on ...
  • 48.
  • 49. Globalization And Its Impact On The World 's Population Essay While the origins of globalization stems from within the interpretation of the individual. For better or worse, we cannot deny the dramatic effect it has caused on a large percentage of the world's population. In the United States, we tend to see a side of this phenomenon that serves to our favor. Most of the commodities you encounter in your everyday life, from the coffee in your cup to the freedom of worship, are all a result of the advantages brought forth by globalization. In contrast, the lack of jobs and available opportunities, whatever or wherever they would be, can also be attributed to the hands of globalization. As we focus on the particularities of Haitians that have resulted from this global incorporation of services and goods, we will first have to derive a holistic view of the logistics being called for by the process that maneuvers the nature of globalization. Because of the broad interpretation of the term "origins of globalization", I will refrain from establishing this term as referring to the original African diaspora that eventually led to our current state of affairs. Rather, I will reserve the term for such period which marks the beginning when developed sovereign states began to expand their economy, religion, politics, and conflict, as they discover and exploit more of the worlds lands and resources. Our defined origins of globalization would put us at the period when the potential for trade expanded to the worldwide stage, instead of being ... Get more on ...
  • 50.
  • 51. The World 's Population Growth The world's population is anticipated to reach nine billion by 2050, having almost ninety percent of that growth occurring in the developing world. On top of that, the world's population will continue to develop toward urban areas having approximately 70% living in urban populations by 2050 as compared to around fifty percent today. The world has faced an unprecedented rise in population during the past century having dramatic shifts in the production and consumption of food and for the most part has accommodated this population explosion, but with the changes in the consumption of meats in the world, the strain on resources will become more severe. In 1965, the per capita consumption of meat in developing countries was around ten ... Show more content on ... Without major technological intervention, the growth in yields will continue to level out. Globally the annual rate of growth in yields of the major cereal crops is likely to slow, as it has from 3.2% per year in 1960 to 1.5% percent in 2000. The alterations in food consumption patterns are greatly driven by income growth and specific demographic factors, particularly lifestyle changes brought about by urbanization. While income growth is one of the most significant influences contributing to demand changes, urbanization has been almost equally as important in changes in food consumption. Urban areas are usually correlated with higher income levels, as well as higher levels of education and a larger collection of food products available. Economic growth can continue indefinitely and go in cycles, yet, urbanization has so far been a one–way progression and, as occurred in developed countries, ultimately the rural share of the population becomes so low that urbanization is no longer a significant factor in foretelling food demand. Among developing countries with a sizeable portion of rural population and rapid rates of urbanization, development is expected to considerably alter consumers ' diets with a greater consumption of meats, fruit, vegetables, and processed food products. The agriculture and food sector must be given importance with the thought of the advancement of healthy diets for individuals ... Get more on ...
  • 52.
  • 53. Population…A Problem That Most of the World Simply... Population...A Problem That Most of the World Simply Disregards There are over Six Billion people inhabiting the planet earth today and that number is growing. "In the six seconds it takes you to read this sentence, eighteen more people will be added" (Ehrlich 9). The total population of the World, projected on October 23, 2001 at 6:28:09 pm GMT was 6,181,600,089 people (U.S. Bureau of the Census). Each hour there are 11,000 more mouths to feed; each year more than 95 million. Nevertheless, the world has hundreds of billions fewer tons of topsoil and hundreds of trillions fewer gallons of groundwater with which to grow food crops than it had in 1968. Millions of people every year are dying because they are not getting enough ... Show more content on ... They are linked "to food–production statistics, to the prospect of a billion or more deaths from starvation and disease, and to the possible dissolution of society as we know it" (Ehrlich 11). Our planet is overcrowded, we have too many people and that affects both our ecosystem, economic system, and how our society runs. Nature has it's own way of eliminating a problem, and it's problem is people. We're causing the problem for ourselves. We created global warming because we emit too many CFC's into the atmosphere by driving gas–guzzling vehicles, and not monitoring our industrial output. We've created huge holes in our protective ozone, which then cause droughts and crop failures that may lead to premature deaths of a billion or more people in the next decade. In addition to more frequent and more severe crop failures, projected consequences of the warming include coastal flooding, desertification, the creation of as many as 300 million environmental refugees (Menk 34), alteration of patterns of disease, water shortages, and general stress on natural ecosystems. AIDS may have existed for thousands of years, but because people are in constant contact with hundreds of other people, the disease has spread like a wildfire killing hundreds of millions. Maybe this is nature's way of wiping out our surplus. People need to realize that a more humane way of reducing our abundance is to use birth control! There are huge numbers of religious and cultural oppositions ... Get more on ...
  • 54.
  • 55. How Did The World Population Change Over The Past Century It is a widely known fact that the population of the world increases by a great factor every year. However, not many people know what exactly is causing this upsurge. In the past century, the population has radically grown. The main things increasing the world's population are medical care and infant mortality rates because both have changed drastically over the past century. Firstly, the infant mortality rate is one of the main factors that affect the world population. It has plummeted in the past hundred years in the United States; in 1915, the infant mortality rate was 100, and by 1995 it had dropped to less than ten (Doc C). This number varies from country to country. According to Doc D, "The United States ranks 27th out of the 224 regions, ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. The ever growing population of the world means that we... The ever growing population of the world means that we need sustain and produce enough food in order for the survival of humans and animals. It is thought that the world population will get around 9 billion by 2050 (Guardian, 2014). To ensure that future generations do not starve, through new technology science can boost food related research. Genetically modified crops are an essential step to meet the needs of the growing population. Genetically modified crops are plants that as had their DNA genetically altered by genetic engineering, these alterations to the plants are done so the plants benefits to both the survival of the plant in an ever changing environment and human health. With these alterations also come the consequences and ... Show more content on ... But this can cause unknown side effects that is can have unknown effects on human or animals. This can have an uprise in numerous ethical issues in both changing crop materials and testing it (Strachan. T & Read. A 2011). In many experiments livestock that have been feed genetically modified crops has had infertility, early delivers and death. This raises many complications towards crops that are genetically modified as they may carry viruses or bacteria that can be harmful towards humans and animals. Many ethically issues arise from the side effects from these crops on animals and humans. If livestock is affected by these crops this could also mean decrease in production on meat and increase of meat prices because of the demand. The effects of genetically modified crops have not been fully tested on humans and the consequences are not fully known. There have been cases with Indian farmers having allergic reaction to genetically modified cotton (Kurunganti K,2008). This is important in today's world as the population is growing consumers need to be aware of the benefits and consequences of genetically modified crops. Genetically modified crops are expensive, economically can be have some financial strain on the farmers but in the long run it is effective as these genetically modified crops are altered so they grow quicker than traditional crops. This will allow farmer to have more time off the field and increase household income. Also some ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. The Link Between Population Growth And World Health The Link between Population Growth and World Health Raphael R. Arriola Argosy University, Orange County The Global Environment and Public Health | SOC260 BLW Module 2, Assignment 2 Dr. Douglas Roberts Wednesday, October 14, 2015 The Link between Population Growth and World Health It is estimated that between the year 2014 and 2060, the U.S. population is going to increase from 319 million to 417 million, reaching 400 million in 2051. The population in the U.S. is projected to grow slower in the future decades, than in the recent past; assuming that fertility rates will continue to decline and that there will be a modest decline in the overall rate of net international migration. One in five Americans is projected to be 65 years of ... Show more content on ... The misuse of antibiotics is to blame, especially Beta–lactam antibiotics, vitamin supplementation, is also to blame including folic acid; vitamin D especially. Also to blame are novel vectors for sharing pathogens including blood donation, and lastly the widespread adoption of compulsory mass vaccinations. During the beginning of the twentieth century, infectious diseases were the leading cause of death worldwide. Three diseases in particular in the United States caused 30% of deaths; tuberculosis, pneumonia, and diarrhoeal diseases. However, by the end of the twentieth century, in most of the developed world, the mortality from infectious diseases had been replaced by mortality from chronic illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, and stroke. In 2000, approximately 125 million Americans, or 45% of the population, had chronic conditions and 61 million, or 21% of the population, had multiple chronic conditions. According to a report in 2004, almost half of all Americans, or 133 million people, live with a chronic condition. People with chronic conditions account for 83 percent of health care spending and those with five or more chronic conditions have an average of almost fifteen physician visits and fill over 50 prescriptions in a year according to Partnership for Solutions National Program Office, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The lives of many people in the world are being blighted and cut short by ... Get more on ...
  • 60.
  • 61. Feeding the Growing World Population The quotations taken from Josh Schonwald and Marion Nestle support an alternative food system, which includes technological methods to feed the growing world population while also protecting the environment. Although both believe alternative food systems could be the change of our future, each approach these subjects differently. Schonwald is not afraid to keep an open mind with the use of technology, while Nestle focuses on important choices one needs to make for the environment. Both of these come down to four factors that determine if alternative food systems should be accepted. These factors include: food, environment, globalization and gender. The reasoning behind this is that the journey our food goes through encounters the men and women and their roles. On top of that is how our food choices affect the environment, our health and the local, even global communities in which we live. Food is a very important role when discussing alternative food systems. Not only does food keep us alive everyday, it can provide many health benefits. As stated by Schonwald, "'We will soon have a hamburger that won't cause heart attacks, but will stop them.' How? You'll just take out the saturated fat, and replace it with omega–3 fatty acids" (Schonwald 125). Schonwald turns to technology when looking at the our future food system. One example of this is petri dish meat. Schonwald believes this will eliminate food borne illnesses because the production of meat can be made safe ... Get more on ...
  • 62.
  • 63. The Pros And Cons Of World Population Control Have you ever wondered what the answer to world problems is? World population control is one option, but it is not a good one. Some say that it would help improve life, and would help bring balance to the world. However, I believe that population control would not truly help anyone. World population control is not the answer to world problems, for it would take away human life, the right to have kids, and in the long run would not help any living thing. The idea of population control started out many years ago. The person who first started Planned Parenthood wanted to control the population of African Americans because she wanted less of them around (National Public Radio). She tried to persuade more African Americans to come to Planned Parenthood than people of other races. In addition, there was forced population control during the Holocaust, a time in World War II, when Nazi Germany tried to exterminate all Jews and others the Germans did not like (National Public Radio). This was because Adolf Hitler discriminated against anyone not white or German. In the late 20th century, the Chinese decided to make a rule to where each family could only have one child (an ... Show more content on ... A baby's cells begin to grow very soon within pregnancy and its life begins even from the first day of conception (Pro–life Across America). For example, a baby boy named Rowan was 22 weeks old when his mother decided she did not want another child, so she aborted him. His heart was injected with a chemical called digoxin to kill him in what was perceived as the least painful way. However, some babies survive abortions, and Rowan was one such baby. The next day, the mother gave birth to an alive baby. The doctors had meant to kill Rowan, but nevertheless, he was born alive. However, the chemical was still in him, so he died anyway (Live Action News). If women were required to abort their babies after they had had a certain number, many could end up like ... Get more on ...
  • 64.
  • 65. Population Growth Pressures On World Resources Population growth pressures on world resources: How significant it is and steps we need to take to control it The world's population is expected to grow from 7 billion today to 10 billion people by 2050. It's growing, and it's growing exponentially. But the world we live in is not getting any bigger. We will have the same amount of space we have today in 2050. However, will we have the same amount of resources? Many believe the world is already over its carrying capacity. So in this scenario how will it sustain 3 billion more humans with the resources already getting depleted? The common answer to this problem seems to be sustainable development. The term has been mentioned in a number of environmental related concerns in recent times. But what is sustainable development? And how do we plan to solve the resource crisis through this development? This essay will briefly discuss what sustainable development means, while focussing on how the world resources are getting depleted and what steps need to be taken to ensure the sustainment of those resources for future generations. A statement found in Brundtland Report, Our Common Future, released during the 1987 United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development defined sustainable development as a "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs". Authors Wes Harry and Ina Ehnert describe sustainable development in a unique way in their ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Prison Population Around The World Samantha Talmo Professor Wisz 8 August 2016 Research Paper Prison populations around the world are continuing to grow every single day." The nation 's jail population flows like a torrential river with upwards of 12 million individuals moving in and out of institutions annually" (Lyman, 167). The population is continuing to grow in jails because of the growth in the crime itself. It is debated whether or not nonviolent criminals should be given jail time. There are other punishments that could be given to criminals that have not created violent crimes, for example serving community service, being on house arrest and speaking to a parole officer. Another question that society considers is whether or not in the long run will society itself benefit from nonviolent criminals not receiving jail time. Society would benefit if nonviolent criminals were punished in other ways than jail time. Society would benefit since overcrowding in jails wouldn't be an issue, tax costs would be reduced, and recidivism would decrease as a result. A big issue in prisons are overcrowding, it was previously stated that 12 million inmates that around the world that is in prison. Even after considering that that is the average of all prisons put together there is still a huge amount of people living in one prison." Jails now hold some 730,000 people in custody, more than triple their population in 1983"( Speiser). If the prisons population was triple the population size in 1983 and it is ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. The World 's Urban Population 1 Introduction background From 2011 to 2050 it is expected that the world urban population is rise from 7.4 billion to 9 billon. Much of this will be in the cities of developing and less developing countries (World Urbanization Prospects the 2011 Revision, 2012). Therefore maximum of the development will happen in Asia and Africa. Population will be living in urban areas by 2020 and 2035 respectively. It is forecast that the world's urban population will grow by 1.4 billion during the period of 2011 and 2030. China will be Share 276 million and India be 218 million in this increment. India will account for slightly over 15.5% of increase the world urban population (World Urbanization Prospects the 2011 Revision, 2012). Urban population is growing and that are going to be face problem like congestion and pollution. India contribute 6% of world Road accidents and 10% of world road death rate. More than the 1.41 lakh people die in road accidents and more than 1 million deadly road accident take place every year. They are mostly of pedestrians or cyclist. For them there is hardly devoted space on road (Jain, 2014). Indian cities are urbanizing and population is increasing 280 million in 2001 and 590 million by 2030 probably. Motor vehicle population in India has increase by 100 times from 1951 to 2004, while the road network as expended only 8 times. This has caused huge strain on the urban transport infrastructure, which is already of overcapacity coupled with problems of ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Essay about Can the World Sustain an Increasing Population? Countries in the world hold different attitudes to the population policy, some of them tend to delay the increase of population while others introduce policies to encourage childbirth. After centuries of continual growth, which started at the first industrial revolution, the global population reached over 7 billion individuals in 2013. Research by Ezeh, Bongaarts and Mberu (2012) states that increasing population is a threat to individuals and societies by bring problems based on unsatisfied demand. The "increasing population" in this essay can be defined as net rising in birth rate during a period, especially in the poor developing countries. This essay will argue that the world cannot sustain an increasing population. The reasons for ... Show more content on ... However, the same degree of pollution increases in cities with population of 10 million people is 3.13 parts per billion (NASA, 2013). The contribution to air pollution from surface–level NO2 is about a factor of five when population in cities increased from 1 million to 10 million people in China. According to Engelman (2009), falling human numbers is a powerful key to long–term environmental sustainability. Therefore it could be concluded that the world environment can hardly maintain an increasing population for its limited resources and probably pollution. Another reason for the world cannot continue to provide for increasing population is that rising rate of birth especially in poorest developing countries aggravates the trend toward greater inequality, which means the rich getting much richer while others are opposite. Ezeh, Bongaarts and Mberu (2012) found that in general, the growth of population is rapider in poorer countries than developed countries. For example, the World Bank points out that in sub–Saharan Africa where poverty headcount ratio fluctuated of 50% from 1981 to 2010, the rate of population growth is more than 2% per year. Poverty trend in here refers to people living on less than $1.25 a day. Malthus (as cited in Martín–Guzmán, 2005), explains that because population pressure may overwhelm natural resources as explained before, ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The World Population Increases The Global Food Production Literature Review Several studies (Oltjen et al., 1996; Dahlen et al., 2014; Thornton, 2010; and Tilman et al., 2002) drawn the conclusion that as the world population increases the global food production must as well. The current meat practices in the U.S are unsustainable in terms of being able to meet the future demands of global society (Dahlen et al., 2014). Although livestock practices have changed dramatically over time to make production more efficient it has negative impacts on the environment and human health. Fortunately sustainable solutions do exist. Others livestock farmers around the world are implementing sustainable practice that improve the quality of meat and decrease their impacts on the environment. Current ... Show more content on ... In the next forty years food production will need to increase by one hundred percent if it is going to meet the demands of global society (Dahlen et al., 2014). The reproduction of livestock has undergone evolutionary changes over time all in favor of making production more efficient. Artificial insemination (AI), estrous synchronization and fixed–time AI (TAI), semen and embryo cryopreservation, multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET), in vitro fertilization, sex determination of sperm or embryos, and nuclear transfer are technologies that are used to enhance the production efficiency of beef operations (Dahlen et al., 2014). These are some of the newer technologies that have been generated to increase meat production. Food provides energy and nutrients, and its acquisition requires the expenditure of energy. In today's world unbalanced nutritional diets lead to obesity and other serious health issues (McMichael et al., 2007). Livestock raising is a major contributor to agriculture–related greenhouse gas emissions. Studies have been conducted to analyze what changes the meat industry would need to undergo to reduce the greenhouse gas emission levels. In order to reach the target level of greenhouse gas emissions the world would need to reduce their demand of animal products significantly (McMichael et al., 2007). The estimated average per–head intake of, at most, 90 g meat per day and not more than 50 g of this should come from red meat from ruminant animals ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Population Growth Pressures On World Resources Name: Maulik Sanghvi (500394039) Instructor: Valentina Capurri Course: GEO 702 Date: November 5, 2014 Population growth pressures on world resources Introduction Not everyone admits that the world is getting overpopulated each day. The truth is that; there are real issues that are contributing to the expansion of population, one being food supplies. The World Resources Institute asserts that, by 2050, the population will have gone up by 34%. It means that, there will be an addition of 2.3 billion people on earth. The datum that the population world–wide was 2.5 billion in 1950, the assertion posts a great danger a head since the earth is only one. Therefore, this paper will discuss the growth pressures that exist on world resources as well as its significance and steps that ought to be taken to control it. It is intuitive and obvious that, the more people are, the more resources are required in meeting the needs of the people. More energy is also required. Even though most of the countries are still growing, the relationship between the two aspects is not linear. For instance, between 1990 and 2005, the population in China rose to about 15% yet the energy usage, on the other end, almost doubled (Weddell 23). Today, China is the most populated country. Although, research shows that, India is coming up too with a high population. Assertions are that, by 2028, India will overtake China (Weddell 25). The fact that more people are demanding more resources everyday poses a real ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. The Industrial Revolution: The Population In The World Before watching this video, just like the beginning of the video. I thought that the population in the world is out of control. I thought every thing in the world such as natural sources, space, and even the environment does not enough for humans today. In this video, the professor mentioned that the population before 1800 and after 1800 is really different. Not only because of the food and medical resources became better, but also it was during the "Industrial Revolution", so people's lifestyle was better than before. There is another important information in this video. The average babies per woman is about 5. However, the rate of the "Developing Countries" about 7. The more babies for per woman, the less source can the babies got. Although ... Get more on ...