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Politics And International Relations Undergraduate Assessment
University of Southampton
Politics and International Relations Undergraduate Assessment
Student ID: 28372611
PAIR 1002 Political Systems
DUE: 11th November 2016
In comparison to other types of authoritarian regimes, military regimes are less likely to survive.
A military regime, alongside monarchical, personalist and single party regimes, is a classification of
an authoritarian regime. The regime is organised by a group of officers who decider a ruling
mechanism and exercise some influence on governmental policy (Geddes, 1999, p.125).
Authoritarian regimes arise through the eradication of an elected government and the majority party,
through a coup or a military intervention. Survival of authoritarian regimes has become increasingly
more difficult because of a developing democratic world which has now reached the 'third wave of
democratization' (Huntington, 1991). All types of regime are vulnerable to collapse but the military
regime is especially vulnerable as the institutional costs often counterbalance the benefits
(Nordlinger, 1977). Thus, the longevity of a military regime is far shorter than that of either
personalist or one–party regimes. The reasons as to why military regimes struggle to survive for
lengthy periods of time can be explained through; the corporate interest of the regime, the benefits
obtained from the regime during power or implementation, the vulnerability of the regime during
power and the consequences that would emerge if the regime dissolved.
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Free Will In Ancient Rome
Rome was a republic 2500 years ago for more than 500 years with a parliamentary system where no
one owned too much power. It was the first ever city with a million people in it. First establishment
ever which allowed free–will. An insight into the history of this massive empire brings home the
idea that when society is let loose to choose for itself, it progresses, rises quickly and then crumbles
at the same pace. My salute to this great ancient Rome– from here an empire sent out an army which
mastered the known world, for centuries Rome ruled over a quarter of people on the planet. The
greatest empire world has ever known; unmatched in its brutality, its genius, its lust for power. It
rose, became great and then crumbled. The stories of great ... Show more content on
But how could it? Why did it? Answers to these questions lay deep in the fact that when there is no
one to look after the proceedings or to take charge of any situation, things will certainly fall apart.
Free–will, as good and great it may sound, is a treacherous witch. The idea of free will does signify
freedom. However, it doesn't take into account free–will to what extent and doesn't necessitates that
every one must exercise it equally. This flaw led to a highly corrupt political machinery, corrupt
beauracracy, increasing economic disparity, massive social indifference and made a great empire to
fall despite the fact that both the Rome and the opponents wanted peace. All this forced, one man,
"Tibarius", to rise and create a revolutionary thinking amongst the people that country is for them
and by them and that without one prime leader passing of laws and governance can never be as
effective. Rome had to sustain a million people back then. This meant timely routing of resources
like food, water and
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The Single Party State : A Revolutionary Worst Nightmare
The Single–Party State: A Revolutionary's Worst Nightmare History has shown mankind that war
often makes or breaks a nation, and in the instance of North Korea, one could question which of
these it did. World War II and the Korean War in the mid–twentieth century led to the formation of
North Korea, as well as to the demise of Korea as a whole. A once peaceful state, the Northern
portion of the Korean peninsula has become a suffocated land of dictatorship. The wars left Korea in
tatters, and in doing so left an opening for the formation of and domination by the Korean Workers'
Party (KWP). No nation is perfect, so there were inevitably revolutionaries who were displeased
with the state of Korea prior to these events and had many small revolutions to gain rights or bring
about change. However, since the formation of the KWP revolutionaries have had no effect at all,
imprisoned or murdered for even the slightest offense against the government. The revolutionaries
are a courageous political group in North Korea. The single–party state in the nation has impacted
the revolutionaries in a negative way, suppressing and mistreating them to an unimaginable degree.
Revolutionaries in North Korea have spanned a broad range of social classes, with varying levels of
success in their revolts. As the upper class tend to be more satisfied with their current lives,
revolutionaries most often hail from the lower classes. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica
entry "Korea," 12th and 13th
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The Political Positions Of The Democratic And Republican...
This comparison will be examining the differences between the policies and political positions of
the Democratic and Republican parties on the major issues that or government is having such as the
healthcare, the role of government, gun control, entitlements, immigration, taxes, abortion and gay
rights and many other issues that or country is going throw. These two parties are the most powerful
in America 's political landscape but differ greatly in their philosophies and ideals. In which
Democrat and Republican platform are much different and similar, there is also much change in
developing of each over the years.
The Democratic Party origin from the anti–federalist faction around the time of America's
independence from British rule. These factions was organized into the Democratic – Republican
Party by Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and other influential people of the federalist in the 1792.
Where the Republican Party is a much newer then the Democratic Party. It was founded 1854 by
anti–slavery expansion activists and modernizers, the Republican Party rose to prominence with the
election of Abraham Lincoln he was the first republican president. The more tradition approach is to
see republican as historically conservative meaning they resist change and want to conserve what
they see good about American while Democrats are progressive. Meaning they want to see progress.
The democratic and republican party have different view in the platform in which it developed. The
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Compare And Contrast Health Care Plan
According to a study done by the Centers for Disease Control, 43.6 million Americans were
uninsured for health care as of 2008 (CDC). This number is too high! What can Americans do about
this growing problem? The Republicans and Democrats both have their separate plans for this
matter, both of which contain good ideas, but fall short of what this country needs. A mixture of the
two plans will solve this country's health insurance problems. The Republicans have very specific
beliefs on health care. They believe in helping out the individual by allowing them to take care of
their own health care options. One influential website states, plans, such as, Flexible Savings
Accounts and Medical Savings Accounts, are designed to do just ... Show more content on ...
The prominent source says their plan, unlike the Democrats, will save millions and even billions of
dollars ("Health Care–GOP"). The Republican's plan, has, as Mina Nguyen puts it, "four main
objectives: choice, affordability, quality, and portability" (Nguyen). Most of these ideas can only get
accomplished if Americans band together and all get insured. One expert states that, a big part of
their plan is choice, which they say Obama's plan eliminates. Another objective of the plan is to take
away benefits from companies and give them back to the people (Nguyen). The Republicans plan
differs from the Democrats in many ways. The Democrats have a strong belief in helping others
through health care among other things. One well–known website explains that they also wish to
expand the items health insurance covers as well as making it more inexpensive. One of the reasons
for this is, once again, to help to get everyone in America health insurance ("Democratic"). The
same distinguished website says how Democrats plan to change the Medicare system to make it
more suited to help those on it. They are trying to do this by making prescription drugs cheaper by
giving the extra supplies of medicine to Medicare to use ("Democratic"). One prominent website
describes how the Democrats want to get insurance for those who do not have it already, but they
also wish to protect those who have insurance ("Affordable"). They are also pushing for lower costs
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Bill Nelson Research Paper
Jason Rasten Delta
Bill Nelson
Clarence William "Bill" Nelson II is a politician who serves as the senior United States Senator from
Florida.He has been in office since 2001. Nelson started in the Florida House of Representatives,
where he work from 1973 to 1979. He was elected to United States House of Representatives in
1978, serving to 1991. January 1986, Nelson became the second United States Congress member to
fly in space. He was a Payload Specialist on the Space Shuttle Columbia.
Nelson was born in Miami, the only child of Nannie Merle and Clarence William Nelson. His father
died of a heart attack when Nelson was 14 and his mother of Lou Gehrig's disease when he was 24.
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In 1965, he joined the U.S. Army Reserve during the Vietnam War. He served on active duty from
1968 to 1970, gaining the rank of captain, and stayed in the Army until 1971. Nelson began
practicing law in Melbourne in 1970.
In 1986, Nelson became the second member of Congress to travel into space. He was a Payload
Specialist on 's STS–61–C mission from January 12 to 18, 1986. Columbia landed at Edwards AFB
at 5:59 a.m. PST, on January 18. Mission elapsed time was 6 days, 2 hours, 3 minutes, 51 seconds. It
was the last successful Space Shuttle flight before the Challenger.
He retired from Congress in 1990 to run for Governor of Florida but was unsuccessful. He became
Treasurer , Insurance Commissioner ,and Fire Marshal of Florida, serving from 1995 till
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Stalin and Mao
Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary School Education
School–based Assessment Task One
Study Outline
Name of Student : Cheng Ho Wai, Gavin Class : 5A Class No.: 06
Title :
Compare and contrast economic policies of Stalin (5 Years Plan) and Mao (First 5 Year Plan &
Three Red Banners)
Study Outline :
The first half of the 20th century saw the rise of some single–party states and the rise to power of
some of the famous and controversial figures. Leaders of these states, such as Hitler, Mao and
Stalin, not only influenced other countries around the world, but also changed their countries
internally as well. In Russia and China, Stalin and Mao built themselves up as a great and god–like
leaders, they ... Show more content on ...
According to the situations of their countries, they announced varies kinds of different economic
policies to boost the economy, which affects the country in many different aspects. This gives an
interest for me to study how the economic policies affect the whole country's development.
Also, both Stalin and Mao were famous and controversial leaders in the 20th century. They brought
success to their countries but also caused harms to it. This topic actually provides a great chance to
have an sight into two valuable leaders and quest their ups and downs in USSR and China
Besides that, the world is now protean. Each move or policies of a country can easily influence
others. Mao and Stalin both played a significant role in the 20th century world. Therefore, it is
interesting for me to explore the content of their economic policies of the two countries.
The economic policies of the two communist countries affected the world situation in the early 20th
century. Therefore, I aim at finding out how the economic policies affect the country itself and the
world's situation. Also, I aim to find out in what way did the economic policies lead to
modernization in USSR and China. Besides that, I will compare the economic policies of Stalin and
Mao as to find out
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The Reality Is The Degree Of Freedom
Each morning millions of men and women around the globe head to work, most if not all, have a
vision and goal to prosper. But for some that may never happen, there's a division between dream
and reality. The reality is the degree of freedom in which a Country offers its people. Freedom
regarding allowing and elevating an individual the right to choose their path in life. In 2015 the
World erupted on an ever more increasing struggle for power, and reach the highest 10–year decline
for World Freedom. Of course, there has been progressing for some; there remain more than half of
the 195 countries unfree or oppressed. While 72 Countries last year including America (increased in
government interference and regulation) has declined in Freedom, out of the unfree and or
oppressed countries. The analysis below compares China and Cuba of any similarities or differences
shared. Nearly 8,500 miles apart, yet both countries continue to have a well–established relation,
and China's interest in Cuba remains aggressive. Both China, a Single–party regime lead by XI
Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party. And Cuba, a Single–party regime controlled by Fidel
Castro's Brother Raul, which now leads both the Cuban government and the Cuban Communist
Party. Both Leaders are relatively new to the title, but not so much as to what the position entails,
considering both have been political involve for the greater portion of their career. Both are well
familiar with the ability and is currently
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Holmes Is Not A Successful Leader
Theranos Chairman, CEO, and Founder Elizabeth Holmes is a successful leader; However, Holmes
is not a successful manager. On a leadership basis Elizabeth Holmes has established a vision for
Theranos and has assembled many others to follow that vision, Holmes embraces change making
Theranos more efficient and effective, and Holmes is always looking ahead in order to make sure
Theranos stays innovative and goal–oriented. On a managerial spectrum, Holmes fails to set precise
standards, does not follow the controlling function of management, and ignores planning and
decision making necessary to the long–term survival of Theranos. "Leaders must communicate a
vision and rally others around that vision." (Nickels, p. 196) Elizabeth Holmes has repeatedly stated
envisions about "a world in which no one ever has to say goodbye too soon." (Stewart, 2015)
Holmes' vision has carried over to the company's mission statement. "Our mission is to make
actionable information accessible to everyone at the time it matters. By making actionable
information accessible to everyone in the world at the time it matters most, we are working to
facilitate the early detection and prevention of disease, and empower people everywhere to live their
best possible lives." (Theranos Inc.) Great leaders set a vision for an organization then use that
vision to build a mission statement. (Nickels, p. 189) A mission statement should outline an
organization's fundamental purpose. (Nickels, p. 189) Holmes is able
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Analysis Of Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince
When Niccolo Machiavelli wrote his famous publication The Prince in 1513, he never could have
imagined his novel's legacy, especially in a postmodern world consisting of a majority of
democracies rather than oligarchies. More than merely a testament to Renaissance history, the
book's advice is surprisingly pertinent to modern politics, especially concerning partisan feuds
within the US. Perhaps the most recently recognized example of this phenomenon is Donald
Trump's controversy over his acceptance of Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer's and House
minority leader Nancy Pelosi's debt deal. This debt deal passed on September 6th and provided aid
for hurricane Harvey victims and raised the debt ceiling (the limit of money the US government can
borrow) for three months. Trump accepted the Democrat's deal just a few hours after it was
proposed to him without negotiation or counter–offers – an action nearly unprecedented among
Trump's administration, causing much chagrin among the Republican party, many of whom were
highly opposed to raising the debt ceiling. When analyzing Trump's decision, however, one can
conclude his unusual cooperation with the Democrat's is not foolish, as many have criticized; it is
nothing short of Machiavellian. Trump's actions concerning the Schumer–Pelosi debt deal are
arguably verbatim from Machiavelli's The Prince, based not on the traditional Republican goals to
benefit the party, but only to benefit Trump himself. When examining Trump's
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Political Parties And The Democratic Party
When looking at the history of US political parties, and classifying these parties into distinct party
systems, five separate periods emerge leading up to the current party system. When classifying these
party systems, it is important to look at characteristics such as the number of major parties, how
these parties seek to gain support, and how the parties organize themselves. The earliest American
parties were relatively centralized organizations that represented elite level concerns. They formed
mainly at the national level, with low levels of grassroots connections. The first national party to
come to prominence was the Federalist Party, who were opposed by the Democratic–Republican
Party. The main cleavage that divided these parties was the degree to which the federal government
should be centralize power. With the Federalist Party arguing for a stronger role and the
Democratic–Republican Party supporting greater rights for the states. Both the modern day
Democrats and Republicans are the result of a fracturing of the Democratic–Republican Party.
Internal conflict caused by the expansion of the country and the issue of slavery caused the party to
split and form the Democrats and with the remaining faction joining with the Whig Party to Oppose
the Democrats. Further division on slavery caused the Whigs to also fracture, giving rise to the
Republican Party, who arose as the anti–slavery faction of the party. During the period following the
US Civil war, strong regional
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Senator Harry Reid Is A Democratic Senator
In the United States Senate, many senators gather to discuss policies and whether to vote on laws
elected by the House of Representatives. The Senate provides each states with two votes; ergo there
are two Senators that represent each state. The duties include writing and passing laws, approving
many presidential appointments, and ratifying treaties with other countries. This allows each state to
have equal representation regardless of their population, which in turn grants each Senator with
great power and responsibility. A model Senator is one who accurately projects the views of his or
her state and tries their best to act on those views in the Senate. Such a senator can be found in
Nevada; Senator Harry Reid is a democratic Senate ... Show more content on ...
It's very clear that Harry Reid works very hard in order to position the values of Nevada in front of
him. So, in order to see whether or not Senator Reid has been correctly advocating for those in
Nevada, this paper will outline Harry Reid's stances on Immigration and Health Care Reform. These
two topics remain has some of the hottest and most popular contentions of debate; and its important
to know every political figures stance on these points.
People come to the United States for the promise of freedom and opportunity. But the current
immigration system in the United States is broken families are separated, immigrant workers are
exploited, people die trying to cross the border, and there is rampant discrimination against
immigrants. Senator Reid wants to change that. Senator Reid believes tin reuniting and keeping
families together. He has fought to eliminate the long backlogs that keep families apart while they
wait to reunite in a legal standard. This concept brought in the first issue of the Comprehensive
Immigration Reform Act of 2007. This was a bill that the sole sponsor was Senator Harry Reid, (and
supported by President George W. Bush at the time) a bill that would have provided a legal status
and a path to citizenship for the approximately 12 million illegal immigrants resident in the United
States. This comprehensive reform act would have done a lot for guest work and legalization
programs. Some of these reforms include increases in border patrol,
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The National Grange Of The Patron Husbandry ( Or Simply...
The People's Party , more widely known as the Populist Party or simply Populists was a short–lived
political party of the late nineteenth century. The People's Party was one of the many movements of
Farmers' Crusade of the 'people' of the time, and perhaps even one of the most important, as it
inspired later movements and bills. However, the People's Party would have never came to be
without the support of movements and alliances prior to the party. (History book). (What I printed 1)
The National Grange of the Patron Husbandry (or simply the Grange) was formed in Washington,
D.C. 1867, only two years after the Civil War. The Grange was the prequel of the Populist Party, as
it was the first stage of the farmers' crusade in the nineteenth ... Show more content on ...
Later, membership would decrease rapidly in as many farmers would want to focus more on farm
cooperatives and put more effort into politics.
The Farmers' Alliance, founded by Charles W. Macune in 1875, had similar focus as the National
Grange of the Patron Husbandry with the exception of the political effort of the Alliance. Surges of
farmers from the South and Midwest joined the Alliance movement in the year 1886, as tenancy
rates were the highest in those regions. Farmers were drawn to the Alliance because its goals aligned
with their livelihoods. The Alliance were advocates of government regulated transportation, (at the
time railroads could charge what over they chose to charge from day to day, and for farmers
shipping crops trains were the only way of getting their goods to the North, and therefore the only
way for farmers to make a living). The Alliance also supported the termination of crop–lien system,
which was a corrupted credit system that was used broadly by farmers after the end of the Civil War,
it consisted of sharecroppers and tenants, which were, as explained by the textbook, America: A
Narrative History:
[Those] who had nothing to offer the land owner, but their labor, worked the owner's land in return
for seed, fertilizer, and supplies, and a share of the crop, generally about half. Tenants farmers,
hardly had it better off, might have their own mule, plow, and line of credit with the country store.
[Tenants] were
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Harry Mason Reid and Environmental Preservation
Harry Mason Reid, born December 2, 1939 is a U.S. Senator from Nevada and a associate of the
Democratic Party. He has remained Senate Majority Leader as of January 2007, and formerly
assisted as Minority Leader and Majority and Minority Whip. He is the third of four sons along with
his mother Inez Orena, and father Harry Reid. All of Reid's childhood was spent living in a shack
without an indoor toilet no hot water or telephone. Searchlight his home town did not have a high
school and as a result Reid lived with relatives about 40 miles away in a town called Henderson,
Nevada, and went to Basic High School. There he played football, and also participated in boxing.
Reid then went to Southern Utah University where he graduated double majoring in political science
and history. He also minored in economics from Jon M. Huntsman School of Business. From there
he went to George Washington University Law School and earned a J.D. in addition to working as a
United States Capitol Police. Formerly, Reid had been a member of the U.S. House of
Representatives. He represents Nevada's 1st congressional district, and worked in Nevada's state and
local government as city attorney. Also, if his term is completed, he would be one of three Senators
that have severed eight years as Majority Leader. Reid was born and raised in Searchlight, Nevada.
Harry Reid always has been a determined promoter in preserving Nevada's resources. Ever since he
came into Congress, he has battled to make sure
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The Life Of The Party
The Life of the Party
In the wake of disappointing presidential candidates and Congress shutdowns, many Americans are
left unsatisfied with their government. It has become obvious that the Republicans and Democrats
will not and cannot work cooperatively. America 's two–party system has become detrimental and
must be opened to third–party involvement. This would restore political competitiveness, forcing
candidates to prove themselves even further. Furthermore, this reveal many more opinions and
opportunities to the eye of the American public, allowing for entirely educated decisions from a
range of choices. This is a change in the government of the United States of America that is not only
certainly feasible, but also necessary.
Recently, ... Show more content on ...
This statistic is, in fact, not a causation of increased negative opinions throughout all Americans: it
is actually focused in negativity within the Republican Party. Not surprisingly, thirty–six percent of
independent voters felt dislike towards both parties. However, twenty–two percent of surveyed
Republicans also felt this way, up from only nine percent in January (Smith). This recent
dissatisfaction has also been reciprocated in independent voters. An astounding forty–seven percent
of Republican–leaning independent voters are displeased with both the Republican and Democratic
parties, the highest since 1992. Six months prior to this study, this figure was only at thirty–two
percent. This marks a recent change in opinion. Previously, there had always been more Democratic
leaners unhappy with the Democratic Party than Republican leaners unhappy with the Republican
Party. However, with now only twenty–two percent of Democratic leaners unhappy with the
Democrats, this statistic has switched. This extreme rise in unhappiness at our major political parties
have left many wondering if our two–party system is still working as it should be (Smith). For many
decades, the United States of America has been led by two political parties: the Democratic Party
and the Republican Party. However, there have been and are currently many other parties that have
attempted for political importance. These political parties, which are known
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The United States Made History
On a chilly November Tuesday in 2016, the United States made history. Following a divisive year
and a half of vitriol, mudslinging, rallies, and protests which occasionally teetered into violence, an
exhausted American people elected a president fundamentally different than any who had come
before. The forty–fifth president has historically low favorability ratings, and is one of the most
distrusted and disliked figures in contemporary American politics. I am talking, of course, about
Donald Trump. When President Trump takes the oath of office on January 20th , it will be to the
dismay of many Americans who could never imagine that a man who has never held elected office
(or without any political or military experience) could suddenly secure the highest one in our
country. But this result has been foreshadowed for decades, and we only heeded the warning signs
when it was too late. It wasn 't sexism that elected Trump. It wasn 't racism that elected Trump. It
wasn 't homophobia, Islamophobia, a mob of uneducated voters, Nativism, or ignorance. Trump was
able to take advantage of a political system that has eroded the power of political parties, and nearly
rendered them useless. Nearly everyone criticized Republican party regulars for not stopping Trump
early, but nobody explained how that could have been done. Stopping a political insurgency requires
organizing a coalition against it, but an incapacity to organize is the whole problem. Our country has
demonized political
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The Filibuster
The Filibuster
The Filibuster: Definition This means use of obstructive or irregular strategies by a member of a
legislative assembly to stop or prevent the adoption of a motion generally liked or forcing a decision
not accepted by the majority (Hornby, 1974).
The word originates from a Dutch word vrijbuiter "pirate", including the Spanish term filibuster,
"freebooting". The originate use of this word filibuster dates back to ancient Rome and the use of
this word has been common in states like Australia and England. The use of this term come to light
when it was used to label a senator who kept hostage his colleague through overtaking legislation. In
the seventeenth century, flee–booster assaulted the ... Show more content on ...
Shields of the filibuster alert against changing the framework, saying that the delay is a critical
security of minority–gathering rights. They say the filibuster backtracks to the authors' desire to
make a national government with deliberately built balanced governance and that increasing the
procedure debilitates the very condition of American majority rules system. A few Republicans call
the thought of demolishing the delay a Democratic power grab.
The plot of Mr. Smith Goes to Washington spins, obviously, around the delay. In that time period,
the Senate couldn't move onto different business if the delay was not determined – that is to say, the
filibusters needed to really be talking keeping in mind the end goal to keep up the delay. This
changed when Robert Byrd was Senate Majority Leader. Byrd (and his gathering) founded a "two–
track" framework, changing the standards so that the Senate could desert the delayed movement and
proceed onward to different business. This change was made in light of the fact that delays were
seen as valuable, however excessively obstructionist, and Byrd felt the Senate required the
adaptability to have the capacity to proceed onward to different things. In an unintended outcome,
minorities of late have found that Byrd basically made it allowed to delay. In the event that
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The Importance Of Federalism In The United States Government
When the founding fathers came together, they realized that they had important things to discuss.
Truthfully because The Articles of Confederation had not been efficient enough for the national
government. The Articles of Confederation left the national government without a judiciary and
independent executive, leaving Congress with most of the power; but it was largely a creature of the
states. This sparked conflicted amongst state which eventually lead to the government's debt. Once
The Founding Fathers realized the poor ethics that the Articles of Confederation had, the first topic
they felt the need to discuss had been federalism. As read in We the People textbook, federalism
means "the Constitution's division of governing authority between two levels, nation and states–was
the result of political bargaining." As I reflect back on previous lessons/discussions, I find it that
Federalism is an ideology that's written in the constitution to divide power between federal and state
government; even though the term is not bluntly stated. Honorably, the simulation mirrored what
took place in 1787, by having four interest groups and Senators from eight delegations representing
their states' interest. The Senators main objective had been to reform the Proposed Legislation for
Federal Anti–Smoking Standards bill that could potentially benefit both their locals and local
government. For the duration of the simulation, both the interest groups and Senators demonstrated
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Access the Methods Used by Either Peron or Lenin to...
The provisional government was deposed in early October by the Bolsheviks as a result of the
October Revolution. The storming and capitulation of the Winter Palace on the night of the 7th to
8th of November marked the beginning of Soviet rule. Lenin was elected as the Chair of the Council
of People's Commissars by the Russian Congress of Soviets. In April 1917 Lenin published his April
Thesis. This document outlined Lenin's aims for the future: to end the war; to give all power to the
Soviet; to give all property and land to the people and worldwide revolution. After the Bolsheviks
seizure of power, they soon faced many social and economic problems. Numerous observers during
the revolution, had thought that the new government would only ... Show more content on ...
Lenin ordered that any German conditions should be accepted but he had great difficulty in
convincing his colleagues such as Trotsky that this was the way forward. He realized that the
Bolsheviks needed to get a quick treaty from the Germans to bring about the end of the war so that
the Bolsheviks could concentrate on the work they needed to do in Russia. Eventually peace was
signed in March 1918 in the form of the Treaty of Brest–Litovsk. Under the treaty, Russia lost Riga,
Lithuania, Livonia, Estonia and some of White Russia. Russia ended up losing 62 million people,
27% of farm land, 26% of railway lines and 74% of iron and coal reserves. Some historians argue
that the signing of the Treaty of Brest–Litovsk was one of Lenin's major failures in his policies.
Lenin's practical and realistic approach enabled him to strengthen the Bolshevik party even more.
After the winning the Civil War against the Whites, the Russia economy was left in ruins. The
Bolshevik Party faced many problems; the Kronstadt rising, political opposition and economic crisis
this meant that Lenin had to remove 'War Communism' to avoid disaster. Lenin thought that the
collapse of Russian economy was mainly due to the introduction of 'War Communism' during the
Civil War. The majority of resources were allocated to the civil war fronts. In Russia, land was
seized and redistributed to be worked using limited resources and equipment. Any surplus in
production was seized by the
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Examine the Conditions That Led to the Rise of a...
proclaimed the establishment of the People's Republic of China" (IB Packet, 60). This date marked
the official beginning of the CCP's (Chinese Communist Party) rule under a single party rule.
However, one question remains: what exactly were the prominent conditions that led to this rise of
the CCP under Mao Zedong? Although one could easily isolate several specific variables that aided
the parties rise, such as the failure of the GMD (Nationalist Party) or even The May 4th Movement,
one must look at it more broadly to understand the bigger picture of the circumstances. When
looking at ... Show more content on ...
One last sort–of–social condition that led to the single party state rule had to do with the invasion of
Manchuria. Manchuria, being a Chinese region, was full of agricultural products, opportunities and
even mineral/natural resources. Ergo, Japan wanted to capture it, and this conflict led to a larger
scale war, and by the end, "The war with Japan had left China exhausted and weak" (Leung, 99).
Thus, this gave the possibility to the CCP (because they took more advantage of it) to rise and take
power over the GMD. Thus, the social and economic aspects of China in the time period also had a
rather large effect on China becoming ruled by a single party rule governed by Mao. In conclusion,
political, social and economic conditions in China were altogether very responsible for the rise of
the CCP. From the civil war (political) to the runaway inflation (economic) and even to the bad
relations between the GMD and scholars (social), all these aspects make up what was to become
Mao Zedong's rule. Failures, mainly from the part of the GMD, also helped the CCP rise, such as the
non–acknowledgment of the peasantry or even the failure to wipe out the CCP during the White
Terror. Altogether, there was a considerable amount of reasoning and conditions behind the rise of
Mao and his party. WORKS CITED PAGE Fairbank, John King. The Cambridge History of China:
Republican China 1912–1949, Part 2. 13.
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The Rise and Rule of Single-Party States
The Rise and Rule of single–party States
Contents1 The Rise and Rule of Single–party States * 1.1 The Emergence of single party states in
Europe after 1917 * 1.2 China– Mao Zedong * 1.3 Italy– Benito Mussolini * 1.4 Germany– Adolf
Hitler * 1.5 Russia– Josef Stalin * 1.6 Cuba– Fidel Castro |
* The 20th century produced many single–party states. The origins, ideology, form of government,
organization, nature, and impact of these should be studied in this topic. Questions will be set on
major themes. Some of these will require knowledge of two regions.
Major Themes * Origins of single–party states * conditions which produce single–party state. *
emergence of leader: aims, ... Show more content on ...
However, the King refused to give the Prime Minister special powers to stop the march. He instead
telegrammed Mussolini asking him to become the new Italian prime minister. The army leader
thought 10 or 12 arrests would be enough to stop the March on Rome. Train loads of fascist
supporters were stopped at check points. Some 20,000 of them were stopped by 200 policemen.
Only 5,000 men reached the assembly which was guarded by 28,000 troops. King Emmanuel III
never asked the military commander of Rome what the situation was, nor did him the powers
required to further disrupt the March.
Germany– Adolf Hitler
Rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi power in Germany (1919–1933/34) –German Workers party –
1921 Hitler was the Nazi party leader –Due to people being afraid and due to the bad state of
Germany people joined the Nazi party. –Totalitarian states want to test their power and start war.
"War is ultimate test" –People knew what Hitler was thinking, people knew of "Mein Kampf" –
Master race, sub–human, Aryan race –After Weimar Republic was over, Hitler breaks all laws and
does what he wants, he ignores the Treaty of Versailles and no one hinders him. –1921: Nazi party
sets up SA –1923: Tried to seize power in Munich (capital of Bavaria), Beer hall putsch, walked
through street, stopped by police and shot at, Hitler wounded and later arrested and sent to prison. –
1923: Nazi party choses Judge and the judge allows Hitler to speak freely/propaganda of the Treaty
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Canada And China 's Trading Relationship
Canada and China's trading relationship started growing in the early 1960's
Canadian government looking for new international markets for wheat and other grains
China had poor harvests for 2 consecutive years in a row
This led to $60 million worth of sale of wheat and barley to China
From 1960 to 1962, Canada's exports to China grew from $9 million to over $147 million
The Open Door policy was introduced in 1978, which led to further improvements in Canada's
access to Chinese markets
This led to an increase in the number of formal trade policy initiative
1980, China gave Canada a "preferential" trade status, reducing tariffs on imports from China by
over 1/3
Presently, China is Canada's fastest growing major trading ... Show more content on
Hong Kong: Hong Kong was the world's 7th largest trading entity in good in 2013, Tariff free
treatment to all Hong–Kong origin goods. Hong Kong has a strategic geographical location, well–
developed infrastructure and international communication network. Canada does not believe that
parliament should be more involved in the process of negotiating international treaties and
agreements in trade matters. Canada is one of very few democracies who don't require Parliament to
call in as the final authority to approve international treaties and agreements.
1. Population in 2014: 1.364 billion people
2. Upper Middle Income
3. China's population is equal to 10.24% of the world's population
4. Most populated country
5. Median age is 35.7 years
Only recognizes 5 religions: Buddhism, Catholicism, Daoism, Islam and Protestantism
Practice of any other faith is prohibited
Capital City: Beijing
Currency: Renminbi
Language: Standard Mandarin
GDP Per Capita: 9854.6 CAD
Time Difference: 12 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time
Climate: Northeast China experiences hot and dry summers and bitterly cold winters. North and
central regions experience continual rainfall, hot summers and cold winters. Southeast region has
substantial rainfall, semi tropical summers and cool winters. Central, southern and western regions
are susceptible to flooding.
Size and typical occupation of labour force:
Industry: 22% Services: 29% Agriculture: 49%
Labour force of 819.5 million
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Why Aren’T Third Party Candidates Successful?. Third Parties
Why Aren't Third Party Candidates Successful? Third parties offer voters an alternative to the same
two parties that run in the presidential election every four years, often with more concrete goals and
views, yet there has never been successful third party candidate. For over one and a half centuries,
the Republicans and Democrats have held a duopoly over the United States government (Diamond
2015). People have been growing more and more frustrated in their government and the two parties,
so why haven't third–party candidates gained any ground in the political sphere?
USLegal defines a third–party candidate as "a candidate who does not belong to the two main US
political parties, the Republicans or the Democrats ("USLegal"). Two–thirds ... Show more content
on ...
Despite the majority of voters disliking the other two candidates, even people who agreed with
Sarvis and preferred him as a candidate were afraid to vote for him (Conroy 2013). They didn't want
to waste their vote on somebody who could not win. Sometimes, voting for a third–party candidate
can be seen as "worse than wasted," such as in the 2000 election (Disch 2002). In winning 2.7
percent of the vote, Ralph Nader, the Green Party candidate drew away votes from Al Gore, which
may have lost Gore the election, and didn't even achieve the 5 percent needed for public financing
(Disch 2002). The election of 2000 showed the biggest problems of voting for a third–party
candidate. Green voters gained nothing from voting for Ralph Nader, and allowed a party even
further away from their own preferences to gain power. Another hurdle that third–party candidates
face is getting the funding they need to be viable. According to Mark McKinnon, cofounder of the
bipartisan group, No Labels, "the table stakes to get on the ballot is a minimum of $30 million"
(Conroy 2013). It costs a third–party candidate a huge sum of money to even become a real
candidate, even before knowing whether or not they can convince other people to support him.
Because of this, potential candidates will not run unless they feel they can win or get something out
of it. Beyond the difficulties of simply existing as a third party,
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Frequencies-Descriptive Statistics
Frequencies– Descriptive Statistics In terms of party identification, 1500 total people were surveyed
and all 1500 people responded with an answer to the survey. Before moving forward, it is vital to
note that there were 191 more Democrats than Republicans in the survey results but since the study
is focused on averages, it will not majorly effect the conclusions but it is still important to note. In
addition, interestingly, 490 respondents identified as Independents which means they are not linked
to a political party and for future studies, it would be an interesting group to look at in terms of their
average importance of religion. Next, in relation to the category of importance of religion, those
same 1500 people were surveyed with 1498 ... Show more content on ...
It seems that the bar chart shows that the difference is around one point which although seems small
is significant considering the range is only between one and four. So the bar chart provides further
evidence in support of the previously stated hypothesis. Finally it is vital to note that the hypothesis
cannot be proven statistically significant based on the statistics presented, there is enough evidence
to suggest that there is certainly a relationship between the two
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Ib History Rise of the Single State Parties
Hitler = Right Mao = Left Paper 1 – Peacemaking THE BIBLE! Questions Question 1 – Importance
and Message tips 1A= 5 min (3 marks) –try to put 4 points just in case one of ideas is wrong quote
the source or paraphrase the source in answer *make sure answer is focused and succinct *don't
spend too much time on this question 1B = 5 min (2 marks) –identify key figures, symbols,
labelings on the cartoon –describe these figures you found and put into the message *don't spend too
much time, focus 2 = 15 min (6 marks) –highlight key ideas –choose to make few ... Show more
content on ...
ies gained 1915 ○ Russia was ignored → didn't want to negotiate ○ Germany was not allowed to
join until 1929 ● Weaknesses ○ difficult to ensure decision taken against any aggressor ○ LON has
no military force (Article 16 – powers need to supply troops ○ The Geneva Protocol –– British
couldn't agree (public was strongly pacifist) –Early attempts at peacekeeping 1920–1925 ● London
Naval Conference (January 21 to April 22, 1930) ○ UK, the USA, France, Italy and Japan attended
■ Only UK, USA and Japan agreed ○ ratio between Britain, the US and Japan from 5:5:3 to 10:10:7
○ 5 years ○ Was supposed to expire in 1936 ● The Washington Conference 1921–22 ○ japanese
navy = ⅗ size of US navy ○ japan "gtfo" of Kiaochow and Shantung, but can keep former German
pacific islands ○ western powers said that they won't build any more naval bases near Japan ○ usa,
japan, britain, france all agree to guarantee china's neutrality + respect others ○ reality: japan
became the world's 3rd largest navy ● The Genoa Conference 1922 ○ lloyd george's (britain) idea ○
France want all the dinero from germany (don't wanna compromise) ○ USA didn't show up
● ●
○ Germany + Russia went off to sign Rapallo Treaty ○ FAILED The Dawes Plan 1924 ○ macdonald
(US), herriot (UK), Stresemann (Germany) ○ chaired by General Dawes the American ○ US loaned
Germany 800 million gold mars ○ france withdrew from ruhr ○ successful Rapollo Treaty 1922 ○
germany + russia ○ let's take over
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My Passion For Service And Community
I was raised up believing in the importance of service and community as I saw my family members
and neighbors selflessly help and be in community with people in need. It is therefore no surprise
that I discovered my passion for service and volunteerism while still young. In my hometown
Nairobi, Kenya, I did community service through various ways, including my involvement in the
charity walk for Street Children and Orphans in Kenya in 2003 and the 2007 Brookside Freedom
from Hunger Campaign. I participated in the charity walk for these causes and helped raise money
to support street children, orphans, ending hunger, and was recognized as one of the top three people
to raise the most funds. In high school, I volunteered at the St. Nicholas Children's home in Kenya,
where I served, played, and was in solidarity with the children. In 2013, I earned the President's
Bronze Standard award given to me by Honorable Mwai Kibaki, the third president of Kenya for
being a young person equipped with positive life skills and a change maker in my community,
country, and globally.
Understanding where I have come from and how blessed I have been to have an opportunity to
attend college is what drives me to excel academically. It is also what makes me feel I must give
While at Xavier, I continued my passion for service by gaining leadership positions in various
organizations, including the Students Government Association; African Students' Association; Black
Students' Association, and
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The Pros And Cons Of Planned Parenthood
V) Planned Parenthood
To reiterate how important symbol creation and media framing are to modern scandals, look no
further than the allegations brought on family planning organization Planned Parenthood in 2015. In
many ways, the scandals themselves were nearly identical in composition. David Daleiden, a
journalist and founder of the pro–life group the Center for Medical Progress, accumulated
undercover footage at eleven Planned Parenthood offices claiming to be a representative for a "fetal
tissue procurement business." In the footage, "abortion clinic doctors and executives [admit] that
their fetal tissue procurement agreements are profitable for clinics and help keep their bottom line
healthy." A report from the Center for Medical Progress goes into detail about Planned Parenthood
works with StemExpress, LLC, and several other companies which supposedly profit off of fetal
In fact, though the Center for Medical Progress does not seem to be affiliated with any larger
organization like was with Breitbart, there is a relatively noticeable attention to
academic detail in his approach to investigative journalism. The report previously mentioned has
full citations (most of them are either references to small, conservative news sites or citations from
their own website) and there is a portion of entirely dedicated to
archived documents taken from Planned Parenthood chapters, including fetus tissue invoices and
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Analyse the Methods Used by One Single Party State Ruler...
Josef Stalin is known throughout Russia for his legendry use of terror, political manipulation and
demanding policies who would stop at nothing to achieve his goals. However, the question of the
legitimacy of his position as leader of the Bolshevik party still remains. Following the death of
Lenin in 1924, a power vacuum developed within the Bolshevik party and it was clear that a
leadership race between candidates had begun. Stalin was able to rise above men like Trotsky,
Kamenev and Zinoviev to launch into new economic policies, collectivisation and industrialisation.
The main key to Stalin's success in gaining power after Lenin's death was held in his alignment with
the former 'hero' of Russia, as well as his ability to plan, manipulate ... Show more content on ...
He used this information to choose certain people to fill key positions who wouldn't oppose his
policies. It created a solid mass of Stalin followers within the Bolshevik party who owed their posts
to Stalin and dared not oppose him. These 'Stalinists' became crucial sources of support during the
mass purges of the party in later years. He had control over 700 party officials and the secret police,
a necessary tool to gain control over the majority of the Bolshevik party and the purges that would
later follow. Through this manipulation of elements within the communist party and even before
Lenin's death, Stalin built up vast local and national bases of support. With this in mind, he could
then use his power and influence to cut out any opposition. The power vacuum created by Lenin's
death gave rise for many of Stalin's opposition to challenge his bid for power and leadership of the
communist party. Leading up to Lenin's death, Trotsky and Stalin recognised they were the two
main contenders to take over the position as leader of the Bolshevik party. Stalin started a campaign
to discredit the 'ideological errors' of his main rival for power. He rallied Kamenev and Zinoviev to
isolate Trotsky, emphasising his Jewish background and disloyalty to the party as an ex–Menshevik
member. Trotsky's lack of devotion to the memory of Lenin further fuelled this anti–Trotsky
movement within the party. Stalin was a master of
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Summary Of WeRe Pas Thoughts And Prayers
Political strategist, Reed Galen, in his editorial article, "We're Pas Thoughts and Prayers", states that
people need to do something instead of "praying" and liking tweets or Facebook posts. Galen's
purpose is to get people involved instead staring from behind a screen. He adopts a very firm tone in
order to influence his readers to take the opportunities they get, to change things, and to make
something out of it. Galen begins his editorial by not accepting and disagreeing with the tragedy that
happened in Las Vegas. By using the words, "disturbed individual" he shows that he is using loaded
diction to describe the shooter in a negative way. He also uses examples such as: Columbine,
Newton, San Bernardino, Orlando, and Las Vegas to appeal to the reader's logic. He wants the
reader to realize that there has been too many massacres to just accept it as "just another tragedy".
Galen then uses statistics such as "... attacking a crowd of 20,000 people and killing or wounding
more than 600..." to validate his argument. Galen shifts his editorial by showing the reaction
government officials had on social media and the reaction the people had. He uses the quote,
"thoughts and prayers", to show what government officials are doing to help the tragedy in any way.
He uses Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Speaker Paul Ryan as examples. Mitch
McConnell "offered" his condolences to those who were lost in the Las Vegas tragedy knowing that
he nor Paul Ryan would do nothing
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Political Parties Are Essential For The Success And...
Political parties are fundamental to building democracy. These parties are organized by people with
a wide range of policy preferences, who then recruit, and run slates of candidates for office. Political
parties do this in an attempt to capture control of the National and State government(s). When a
political party controls the government, they are then capable of legislating public, and foreign
policy aligned with their party's ideology and preferences. An important way to look at the
importance of political parties is to consider all the things they do.
Countless decisions are made by political parties every day. Although they make poor decisions and
choices sometimes, many issues are quite complex and lack clear answers. Indeed, there are still a
myriad of benefits to having political parties in American government. Whether it's simplifying
voting, or promoting compromise and deliberation, political parties are instrumental to the success
and longevity of the United States.
A noticeable advantage of having political parties in America is that they simplify voting. Voting
isn't always easy to do in the first place. A myriad of reasons explain why people don't vote.
Whether it's a lack of time to vote, the distant location of where one has to vote, the early date
people need to register to vote in some states, or just a lack of interest in politics, countless people
do not end up making it to the polls to vote on Election days. Political parties, in short, are effective
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“Left Wing Single Party States Achieve Power as the...
Nenad Stefanovski
Ms Fleming
IB1 History
18 March 2013
"Left Wing single party states achieve power as the result of a revolutionary process against
tradition." Does this adequately explain how any one single party state that you have studied
acquired power? In 1917, a revolution took place in Russia that overthrew the traditional Tsarist
regime and brought a single party state, the Bolshevik Party, into power. The Bolshevik party
harnessed the revolutionary spirit from the overthrow of the Tsarist regime in order to overthrow the
Provisional government and eventually seize power. There are several reasons that the Bolshevik
Party went against tradition including the failure of the Tsarist regime and the failure of the
Provisional ... Show more content on ...
One of the main reasons that the Bolsheviks gained support in 1917 was due to the fact that Lenin
rejected any compromise with the propertied classes, and insisted that the power should be held by
the proletariat and the peasants, which was the majority of Russia's population. Another reason for
the Bolshevik's growing support was because the Mensheviks and Social Revolutionaries continued
to support the Provisional Government. The Provisional Government had failed to enact land
reforms demanded by the peasantry and had failed to keep the military from falling apart. As
previously mentioned, the Bolsheviks had harnessed the revolutionary mood of the workers and
garrison soldiers in order to successfully go through with the October Revolution (Connor 1). The
Petrograd Soviets and the Red Guards also supported the overthrow of the Provisional Government
as they did not feel it represented their interests. This gave even more support to the Bolsheviks as
they promised the overthrow of the traditional order. Lenin created the Sovnarkom, which would be
the new type of government in Russia, and would replace the Provisional Government (Provisional
Government). The Sovnarkom's initial objectives represented a revolt against tradition. This is
because the objectives included land collectivization, where land is taken from the nobles, church,
and tsar and given to the peasants, and to empower workers to set up factory committees to take
control of factories.
After the
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The Global Economy As A Positive Sum Game
From a liberalist perspective, one views the global economy as a positive–sum game. This means
that everyone stands to gain from cooperation. In essence, the positive–sum perspective views the
global economy as going from a smaller pie to a larger pie. Regardless of what percentage of the pie
each actor receives, cooperation still increases each actors "piece of the pie." Through cooperation,
liberalists point out, actors greatly benefit. The positive–sum perspective in the global economy can
be observed through trade. Whether a state has a comparative advantage in one good, or absolute
advantages in multiple goods, trade is beneficial. There is not a finite amount of wealth in the world.
Rather, if states trade between themselves, they will both help and benefit each other. The diffusion
of technology and innovation between states also contributes to the well–being of the global
economy and global population in general. Trade also leads to competition, a driving force in
increasing the "pie." Although competition with foreign producers might be perceived as a bad
thing, it actually facilitates economic growth in the world. Competition forces producers to
constantly update and improve their products. Without competition, a state becomes stagnant and
simply stays at the status quo for years to come. Thus, competition helps the global economy evolve
with new ideas and innovations. The instrumental role of competition and trade can be seen when
comparing the fate of
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Reasons For The Electoral College
Query 1: In the United States, the president is elected by the Electoral College, not the popular vote
as prescribed by the Article Two of the Constitution. Why would the Founding Fathers prefer the
Electoral College over a direct popular vote? According to a article, "The Reason for
the Electoral College" by Joe Miller, they were "afraid of democracy" and the idea that a majority
faction could effectively rule the nation which could "violate the rights of other citizens or would
harm the nation as a whole" (Miller). Also, they distrusted the judgment of the common people, and
they felt electors were more qualified and capable to chose the right candidate (Miller). However, in
recent times, "the Electoral College is mostly a formality", and electors don't actually get to choose a
candidate (Miler). In most states, the winner of that state gets all the electors regardless if they
support the winner or not. Thus, the College is outdated because it no longer has the freedom to
choose any candidate. Also, I feel the College is outdated because it is no longer necessary. Much of
the nation is educated and qualified enough to select the right candidate. American's don't need
someone to chose their president for them. Therefore, I feel the system needs to be changed. The
concern of a faction ruling the nation is still valid so the College still needs to exist to place a limit
on pure democracy. However, the voice of the nation's majority cannot be ignored. Both the
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Labors And Slavery During The Gilded Age
During the Gilded Age both labors and farmers had very strong reasons to have these complaints.
Labors were treated as minorities, controlled by their bosses and weren't getting paid what they
deserved so this led to the unionizations, strikes and vandalisms. Farmers were in declined because
bigger farms were taking over and they were getting less money. They didn't understand why this
was happening if they had new machines, so this led to the Green Revolution and several political
activities. However, these complaints that both labors and farmers have, have their similarities and
Labors did not have very good wages and it was problem during the Gilded Age. Labors' had to live
by paternalism, meaning that George Pullman owned them. It seems as if labors never got a profit
for the long hours that they worked in the sweatshops. All the money goes straight back to Pullman,
because they had to pay for rent and their goods and groceries provided by him. So basically,
Pullman didn't consider them valuable because there was always someone looking for a job. These
reasons led to several unionizations like the Knights of Labor where they had to pay their dues to go
on strike and fight for them. Anyone from radical to bosses could join this union except bankers and
lawyers, which made no sense. They fought for workplace rights but where they did wrong is when
they demanded outside workplace rights such as free public schools for their children. This union
caused deaths
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The Keystone Xl Pipeline Is A Proposed 1179 Mile Pipeline...
2. The Keystone XL pipeline is a proposed 1,179–mile pipeline that would travel from the oil sands
of Alberta, Canada, southeast to Steele City, Nebraska, where it would connect with a preexisting
pipe. The pipeline would transport 830,000 barrels of oil daily, which is around 50% more oil per
day than is currently transported from Canada. Supporters say that it will create thousands of jobs
and reduce the United States' dependence on foreign oil. Environmentalists who oppose the
Keystone XL state that increasing our supply of oil will only make it even more difficult to the slow
the current trend of climate change, as well as the fact that the proposed pipeline runs through many
ecologically sensitive areas, such as the Sandhills of Nebraska.
3. Article 1: This article tells about President Obama vetoing Keystone Jobs Bill on grounds that
approval of the construction of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline would damage the U.S.
effort to curb greenhouse gases. The article frames Obama as an environmental hero, quoting the
president in saying, "America is now a global leader when it comes to taking serious action to fight
climate change... And frankly, approving this project would have undercut that global leadership.
And that's the biggest risk we face – not acting." The authors also cite Secretary of State John Kerry
in saying "The United States cannot ask other nations to make tough choices to address climate
change if we are unwilling to make them ourselves." The
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Expanding Social Security Spending In recent decades,...
Expanding Social Security Spending In recent decades, entitlement programs have constituted a
substantial portion of the
United States federal budget. Social Security is the largest entitlement program in the United States.
In 2013, the total Social Security expenditures were $1.3 trillion, 8.4% of the $16.3 trillion GNP
( There has been an issue in the White House of either opposing the cut in Social Security
spending or advocating for a hike in payments. Expanding Social Security instead of reducing it
would benefit seniors, especially considering America's struggling middle class and that there are
more impoverished people than ever before.
Despite the retirement income crisis, Social Security should be expanded, not ... Show more content
on ...
Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, said, "President Obama's budget will be a powerful statement
of Democratic principles." The Obama budget emphasizes Democratic ideals rather than seek a
consensus between Democrats' desires and Republicans' insistence on cutting spending to bring
down the federal annual budget deficits. The senior official of the Congressional Budget Office said
Obama would still like a deal but that it is not as mathematically important because deficit spending
has fallen, and the Republican House has shown no interest in agreeing to one.
President Obama acknowledged that it is not his "ideal plan" for reducing the deficit or growing the
economy, according to a CBS News article by Stephanie Codon. Last year, the AARP released a
national survey showing that eighty–four percent of voters fifty years and older oppose reducing
Social Security benefits to reduce the Federal budget deficit. An entitlement reform would threaten
benefit security–"a core value" of the Democratic Party. Cutting benefits when pensions are
disappearing is the wrong direction.
By understanding the benefits of Social Security, every American would learn that millions of
seniors depend on it to survive. Cutting Social Security could a part of a grand bargain to trim
deficits, but Democrats have ruled out such cuts in the budget. America is in the
Ulit 2
Ulit 3 midst of a real and growing retirement crisis, affecting the middle class, so the last thing
America should
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Compare And Contrast Abraham Lincoln And The Civil War
In order to understand the American Civil War, one must know more about the leaders who
controlled both sides. As many Americans know, Abraham Lincoln participated in the command of
troops on the Northern side of the conflict. On the Southern side, a very influential leader was also
present; Nathan Bedford Forrest was a well–known general in the South and was renowned for his
brilliant tactics in combat. One is known as the great emancipator of the slaves, the other, as the first
leader of the Ku Klux Klan (Biography: Nathan Bedford Forrest, n.d.). The roles could have been
greatly reversed, had their upbringings been different. Despite their many differences, these two
influential figures had a surprising amount of similarities. Abraham ... Show more content on ...
After the war, Nathan Bedford Forrest returned to his old life as a businessman, working with
railroads and lumber companies to make his living. Later in the 1860s, Forrest was chosen to be the
first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan (Biography: Nathan Bedford Forrest, n.d.). It was here
where he led the Klan members on horseback to intimidate former slaves, republicans, and other
northern civilians. In 1869, he reportedly disbanded the cult, and when later asked about his
association, he denied all ties to the group. After this disbanding of the Ku Klux Klan, Forrest saw
his businesses fail and would manage a prison camp until he succumbed to complications with
diabetes (Biography: Nathan Bedford Forrest, n.d.).. When looking for similarities between Nathan
Bedford Forrest and Abraham Lincoln, it is important to look at their upbringings. When the
magnifying glass is put up to these influential figures, it is clear that they had extremely similar
childhoods. Lincoln and Forrest both started out poor and would go on to teach themselves how to
read and write. Later they would slowly rise to the occasion, and be put in a place of power. For
Forrest, that is when he started making money as a cotton plantation owner; for Lincoln, it is when
he became a lawyer and invested with politics.
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Third Parties In The United States: A Political Analysis
According to a 2015 study by the Pew Research Center, 81% of Americans have distrust for the
government, 74% believe elected officials put their own interests first, and 65% harbor distrust for
Republicans and Democrats. (Fingerhut). In spite of these numbers, main party candidates continue
to be elected into office. Americans cannot vote third party for fear of a wasted vote, or literally
cannot vote third party due to the historically unfair standards third parties must meet to gain ballot
access. There currently are third parties in the US but with the US's system of voting, no third party
can rise to the same level of the Democrats or Republicans. Historically, the US has had several
third parties run successful campaigns, but in modern ... Show more content on ...
It is no secret that Republicans and Democrats hogged the media spotlight during the 2016 election,
It was expected. But it also was expected that third party candidates would get some positive media
coverage. Elizabeth Jensen writer for NPR expressed the need for a third party by saying "This
[was] such an unusual year, and so much of the discussion ends up being about the personalities of
Trump and Clinton. Bringing in the third and fourth party candidates would help bring back the
discussion of policy" (Jensen). Respected pundit, Brandon Morse, cites unfair media coverage as the
major issue minor parties stay minor. "Trump and Clinton [are] some of the most unpopular
candidates to curse the political stage in quite a while, but despite the public yearning for another
way, the mainstream channels such as CBS, NBC, and ABC have only dedicated 0.03% of airtime to
talking about anyone outside of the Republican and Democrat parties"
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Disadvantages Of Party Fusion
Party Fusion Prompt Party fusion can be beneficial in many ways, it helps third/smaller parties and
the two dominant parties. While it can be seen by some as harmful to the Republicans and
Democrats in the long run, it has yet to fully harm the two main parties. Instead as party fusion
benefits smaller parties, the Republicans and Democrats reap benefits as well. Looking specifically
at Chief Justice Rehnquist's majority decision/statement, that in order to avoid voter confusion, and
to protect stability of political parties "the constitution permits the Minnesota legislation to decide
that political stability is best served through a healthy two party system", a hypocrisy is present. The
instability of the two party system isn't called out nor are the Republicans and Democrats described
as ever causing voter confusion. Analyzing Chief Justice's statement above, his reasoning on party
fusion and placing all blame on party fusion is critiqued. Chief Justice Rehnquist's statement in
conclusion to the 1997 ballot access lawsuit in Minnesota is very questioning. When we look at the
two party system standing on its own, with the high emphasis placed on the word healthy in the
"constitution permits the Minnesota legislation to decide that political stability is best served
through a healthy two party system" statement, he implies that a two party system is the best type of
system. However this isn't true, a two party system at the very least is simply what is traditional and
... Get more on ...

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Politics And International Relations Undergraduate Assessment

  • 1. Politics And International Relations Undergraduate Assessment University of Southampton Politics and International Relations Undergraduate Assessment Student ID: 28372611 PAIR 1002 Political Systems DUE: 11th November 2016 In comparison to other types of authoritarian regimes, military regimes are less likely to survive. A military regime, alongside monarchical, personalist and single party regimes, is a classification of an authoritarian regime. The regime is organised by a group of officers who decider a ruling mechanism and exercise some influence on governmental policy (Geddes, 1999, p.125). Authoritarian regimes arise through the eradication of an elected government and the majority party, through a coup or a military intervention. Survival of authoritarian regimes has become increasingly more difficult because of a developing democratic world which has now reached the 'third wave of democratization' (Huntington, 1991). All types of regime are vulnerable to collapse but the military regime is especially vulnerable as the institutional costs often counterbalance the benefits (Nordlinger, 1977). Thus, the longevity of a military regime is far shorter than that of either personalist or one–party regimes. The reasons as to why military regimes struggle to survive for lengthy periods of time can be explained through; the corporate interest of the regime, the benefits obtained from the regime during power or implementation, the vulnerability of the regime during power and the consequences that would emerge if the regime dissolved. ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. Free Will In Ancient Rome Rome was a republic 2500 years ago for more than 500 years with a parliamentary system where no one owned too much power. It was the first ever city with a million people in it. First establishment ever which allowed free–will. An insight into the history of this massive empire brings home the idea that when society is let loose to choose for itself, it progresses, rises quickly and then crumbles at the same pace. My salute to this great ancient Rome– from here an empire sent out an army which mastered the known world, for centuries Rome ruled over a quarter of people on the planet. The greatest empire world has ever known; unmatched in its brutality, its genius, its lust for power. It rose, became great and then crumbled. The stories of great ... Show more content on ... But how could it? Why did it? Answers to these questions lay deep in the fact that when there is no one to look after the proceedings or to take charge of any situation, things will certainly fall apart. Free–will, as good and great it may sound, is a treacherous witch. The idea of free will does signify freedom. However, it doesn't take into account free–will to what extent and doesn't necessitates that every one must exercise it equally. This flaw led to a highly corrupt political machinery, corrupt beauracracy, increasing economic disparity, massive social indifference and made a great empire to fall despite the fact that both the Rome and the opponents wanted peace. All this forced, one man, "Tibarius", to rise and create a revolutionary thinking amongst the people that country is for them and by them and that without one prime leader passing of laws and governance can never be as effective. Rome had to sustain a million people back then. This meant timely routing of resources like food, water and ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. The Single Party State : A Revolutionary Worst Nightmare The Single–Party State: A Revolutionary's Worst Nightmare History has shown mankind that war often makes or breaks a nation, and in the instance of North Korea, one could question which of these it did. World War II and the Korean War in the mid–twentieth century led to the formation of North Korea, as well as to the demise of Korea as a whole. A once peaceful state, the Northern portion of the Korean peninsula has become a suffocated land of dictatorship. The wars left Korea in tatters, and in doing so left an opening for the formation of and domination by the Korean Workers' Party (KWP). No nation is perfect, so there were inevitably revolutionaries who were displeased with the state of Korea prior to these events and had many small revolutions to gain rights or bring about change. However, since the formation of the KWP revolutionaries have had no effect at all, imprisoned or murdered for even the slightest offense against the government. The revolutionaries are a courageous political group in North Korea. The single–party state in the nation has impacted the revolutionaries in a negative way, suppressing and mistreating them to an unimaginable degree. Revolutionaries in North Korea have spanned a broad range of social classes, with varying levels of success in their revolts. As the upper class tend to be more satisfied with their current lives, revolutionaries most often hail from the lower classes. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica entry "Korea," 12th and 13th ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. The Political Positions Of The Democratic And Republican... This comparison will be examining the differences between the policies and political positions of the Democratic and Republican parties on the major issues that or government is having such as the healthcare, the role of government, gun control, entitlements, immigration, taxes, abortion and gay rights and many other issues that or country is going throw. These two parties are the most powerful in America 's political landscape but differ greatly in their philosophies and ideals. In which Democrat and Republican platform are much different and similar, there is also much change in developing of each over the years. The Democratic Party origin from the anti–federalist faction around the time of America's independence from British rule. These factions was organized into the Democratic – Republican Party by Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and other influential people of the federalist in the 1792. Where the Republican Party is a much newer then the Democratic Party. It was founded 1854 by anti–slavery expansion activists and modernizers, the Republican Party rose to prominence with the election of Abraham Lincoln he was the first republican president. The more tradition approach is to see republican as historically conservative meaning they resist change and want to conserve what they see good about American while Democrats are progressive. Meaning they want to see progress. The democratic and republican party have different view in the platform in which it developed. The point ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Compare And Contrast Health Care Plan According to a study done by the Centers for Disease Control, 43.6 million Americans were uninsured for health care as of 2008 (CDC). This number is too high! What can Americans do about this growing problem? The Republicans and Democrats both have their separate plans for this matter, both of which contain good ideas, but fall short of what this country needs. A mixture of the two plans will solve this country's health insurance problems. The Republicans have very specific beliefs on health care. They believe in helping out the individual by allowing them to take care of their own health care options. One influential website states, plans, such as, Flexible Savings Accounts and Medical Savings Accounts, are designed to do just ... Show more content on ... The prominent source says their plan, unlike the Democrats, will save millions and even billions of dollars ("Health Care–GOP"). The Republican's plan, has, as Mina Nguyen puts it, "four main objectives: choice, affordability, quality, and portability" (Nguyen). Most of these ideas can only get accomplished if Americans band together and all get insured. One expert states that, a big part of their plan is choice, which they say Obama's plan eliminates. Another objective of the plan is to take away benefits from companies and give them back to the people (Nguyen). The Republicans plan differs from the Democrats in many ways. The Democrats have a strong belief in helping others through health care among other things. One well–known website explains that they also wish to expand the items health insurance covers as well as making it more inexpensive. One of the reasons for this is, once again, to help to get everyone in America health insurance ("Democratic"). The same distinguished website says how Democrats plan to change the Medicare system to make it more suited to help those on it. They are trying to do this by making prescription drugs cheaper by giving the extra supplies of medicine to Medicare to use ("Democratic"). One prominent website describes how the Democrats want to get insurance for those who do not have it already, but they also wish to protect those who have insurance ("Affordable"). They are also pushing for lower costs all ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. Bill Nelson Research Paper Jason Rasten Delta Bill Nelson Clarence William "Bill" Nelson II is a politician who serves as the senior United States Senator from Florida.He has been in office since 2001. Nelson started in the Florida House of Representatives, where he work from 1973 to 1979. He was elected to United States House of Representatives in 1978, serving to 1991. January 1986, Nelson became the second United States Congress member to fly in space. He was a Payload Specialist on the Space Shuttle Columbia. Nelson was born in Miami, the only child of Nannie Merle and Clarence William Nelson. His father died of a heart attack when Nelson was 14 and his mother of Lou Gehrig's disease when he was 24. ... Show more content on ... In 1965, he joined the U.S. Army Reserve during the Vietnam War. He served on active duty from 1968 to 1970, gaining the rank of captain, and stayed in the Army until 1971. Nelson began practicing law in Melbourne in 1970. In 1986, Nelson became the second member of Congress to travel into space. He was a Payload Specialist on 's STS–61–C mission from January 12 to 18, 1986. Columbia landed at Edwards AFB at 5:59 a.m. PST, on January 18. Mission elapsed time was 6 days, 2 hours, 3 minutes, 51 seconds. It was the last successful Space Shuttle flight before the Challenger. He retired from Congress in 1990 to run for Governor of Florida but was unsuccessful. He became Treasurer , Insurance Commissioner ,and Fire Marshal of Florida, serving from 1995 till ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Stalin and Mao Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary School Education History School–based Assessment Task One Study Outline Name of Student : Cheng Ho Wai, Gavin Class : 5A Class No.: 06 Title : Compare and contrast economic policies of Stalin (5 Years Plan) and Mao (First 5 Year Plan & Three Red Banners) Study Outline : The first half of the 20th century saw the rise of some single–party states and the rise to power of some of the famous and controversial figures. Leaders of these states, such as Hitler, Mao and Stalin, not only influenced other countries around the world, but also changed their countries internally as well. In Russia and China, Stalin and Mao built themselves up as a great and god–like leaders, they ... Show more content on ... According to the situations of their countries, they announced varies kinds of different economic policies to boost the economy, which affects the country in many different aspects. This gives an interest for me to study how the economic policies affect the whole country's development. Also, both Stalin and Mao were famous and controversial leaders in the 20th century. They brought success to their countries but also caused harms to it. This topic actually provides a great chance to have an sight into two valuable leaders and quest their ups and downs in USSR and China respectively. Besides that, the world is now protean. Each move or policies of a country can easily influence others. Mao and Stalin both played a significant role in the 20th century world. Therefore, it is interesting for me to explore the content of their economic policies of the two countries. The economic policies of the two communist countries affected the world situation in the early 20th century. Therefore, I aim at finding out how the economic policies affect the country itself and the
  • 14. world's situation. Also, I aim to find out in what way did the economic policies lead to modernization in USSR and China. Besides that, I will compare the economic policies of Stalin and Mao as to find out ... Get more on ...
  • 15.
  • 16. The Reality Is The Degree Of Freedom Each morning millions of men and women around the globe head to work, most if not all, have a vision and goal to prosper. But for some that may never happen, there's a division between dream and reality. The reality is the degree of freedom in which a Country offers its people. Freedom regarding allowing and elevating an individual the right to choose their path in life. In 2015 the World erupted on an ever more increasing struggle for power, and reach the highest 10–year decline for World Freedom. Of course, there has been progressing for some; there remain more than half of the 195 countries unfree or oppressed. While 72 Countries last year including America (increased in government interference and regulation) has declined in Freedom, out of the unfree and or oppressed countries. The analysis below compares China and Cuba of any similarities or differences shared. Nearly 8,500 miles apart, yet both countries continue to have a well–established relation, and China's interest in Cuba remains aggressive. Both China, a Single–party regime lead by XI Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party. And Cuba, a Single–party regime controlled by Fidel Castro's Brother Raul, which now leads both the Cuban government and the Cuban Communist Party. Both Leaders are relatively new to the title, but not so much as to what the position entails, considering both have been political involve for the greater portion of their career. Both are well familiar with the ability and is currently ... Get more on ...
  • 17.
  • 18. Holmes Is Not A Successful Leader Theranos Chairman, CEO, and Founder Elizabeth Holmes is a successful leader; However, Holmes is not a successful manager. On a leadership basis Elizabeth Holmes has established a vision for Theranos and has assembled many others to follow that vision, Holmes embraces change making Theranos more efficient and effective, and Holmes is always looking ahead in order to make sure Theranos stays innovative and goal–oriented. On a managerial spectrum, Holmes fails to set precise standards, does not follow the controlling function of management, and ignores planning and decision making necessary to the long–term survival of Theranos. "Leaders must communicate a vision and rally others around that vision." (Nickels, p. 196) Elizabeth Holmes has repeatedly stated envisions about "a world in which no one ever has to say goodbye too soon." (Stewart, 2015) Holmes' vision has carried over to the company's mission statement. "Our mission is to make actionable information accessible to everyone at the time it matters. By making actionable information accessible to everyone in the world at the time it matters most, we are working to facilitate the early detection and prevention of disease, and empower people everywhere to live their best possible lives." (Theranos Inc.) Great leaders set a vision for an organization then use that vision to build a mission statement. (Nickels, p. 189) A mission statement should outline an organization's fundamental purpose. (Nickels, p. 189) Holmes is able ... Get more on ...
  • 19.
  • 20. Analysis Of Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince When Niccolo Machiavelli wrote his famous publication The Prince in 1513, he never could have imagined his novel's legacy, especially in a postmodern world consisting of a majority of democracies rather than oligarchies. More than merely a testament to Renaissance history, the book's advice is surprisingly pertinent to modern politics, especially concerning partisan feuds within the US. Perhaps the most recently recognized example of this phenomenon is Donald Trump's controversy over his acceptance of Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer's and House minority leader Nancy Pelosi's debt deal. This debt deal passed on September 6th and provided aid for hurricane Harvey victims and raised the debt ceiling (the limit of money the US government can borrow) for three months. Trump accepted the Democrat's deal just a few hours after it was proposed to him without negotiation or counter–offers – an action nearly unprecedented among Trump's administration, causing much chagrin among the Republican party, many of whom were highly opposed to raising the debt ceiling. When analyzing Trump's decision, however, one can conclude his unusual cooperation with the Democrat's is not foolish, as many have criticized; it is nothing short of Machiavellian. Trump's actions concerning the Schumer–Pelosi debt deal are arguably verbatim from Machiavelli's The Prince, based not on the traditional Republican goals to benefit the party, but only to benefit Trump himself. When examining Trump's ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. Political Parties And The Democratic Party When looking at the history of US political parties, and classifying these parties into distinct party systems, five separate periods emerge leading up to the current party system. When classifying these party systems, it is important to look at characteristics such as the number of major parties, how these parties seek to gain support, and how the parties organize themselves. The earliest American parties were relatively centralized organizations that represented elite level concerns. They formed mainly at the national level, with low levels of grassroots connections. The first national party to come to prominence was the Federalist Party, who were opposed by the Democratic–Republican Party. The main cleavage that divided these parties was the degree to which the federal government should be centralize power. With the Federalist Party arguing for a stronger role and the Democratic–Republican Party supporting greater rights for the states. Both the modern day Democrats and Republicans are the result of a fracturing of the Democratic–Republican Party. Internal conflict caused by the expansion of the country and the issue of slavery caused the party to split and form the Democrats and with the remaining faction joining with the Whig Party to Oppose the Democrats. Further division on slavery caused the Whigs to also fracture, giving rise to the Republican Party, who arose as the anti–slavery faction of the party. During the period following the US Civil war, strong regional ... Get more on ...
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  • 24. Senator Harry Reid Is A Democratic Senator In the United States Senate, many senators gather to discuss policies and whether to vote on laws elected by the House of Representatives. The Senate provides each states with two votes; ergo there are two Senators that represent each state. The duties include writing and passing laws, approving many presidential appointments, and ratifying treaties with other countries. This allows each state to have equal representation regardless of their population, which in turn grants each Senator with great power and responsibility. A model Senator is one who accurately projects the views of his or her state and tries their best to act on those views in the Senate. Such a senator can be found in Nevada; Senator Harry Reid is a democratic Senate ... Show more content on ... It's very clear that Harry Reid works very hard in order to position the values of Nevada in front of him. So, in order to see whether or not Senator Reid has been correctly advocating for those in Nevada, this paper will outline Harry Reid's stances on Immigration and Health Care Reform. These two topics remain has some of the hottest and most popular contentions of debate; and its important to know every political figures stance on these points. People come to the United States for the promise of freedom and opportunity. But the current immigration system in the United States is broken families are separated, immigrant workers are exploited, people die trying to cross the border, and there is rampant discrimination against immigrants. Senator Reid wants to change that. Senator Reid believes tin reuniting and keeping families together. He has fought to eliminate the long backlogs that keep families apart while they wait to reunite in a legal standard. This concept brought in the first issue of the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007. This was a bill that the sole sponsor was Senator Harry Reid, (and supported by President George W. Bush at the time) a bill that would have provided a legal status and a path to citizenship for the approximately 12 million illegal immigrants resident in the United States. This comprehensive reform act would have done a lot for guest work and legalization programs. Some of these reforms include increases in border patrol, ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. The National Grange Of The Patron Husbandry ( Or Simply... The People's Party , more widely known as the Populist Party or simply Populists was a short–lived political party of the late nineteenth century. The People's Party was one of the many movements of Farmers' Crusade of the 'people' of the time, and perhaps even one of the most important, as it inspired later movements and bills. However, the People's Party would have never came to be without the support of movements and alliances prior to the party. (History book). (What I printed 1) The National Grange of the Patron Husbandry (or simply the Grange) was formed in Washington, D.C. 1867, only two years after the Civil War. The Grange was the prequel of the Populist Party, as it was the first stage of the farmers' crusade in the nineteenth ... Show more content on ... Later, membership would decrease rapidly in as many farmers would want to focus more on farm cooperatives and put more effort into politics. The Farmers' Alliance, founded by Charles W. Macune in 1875, had similar focus as the National Grange of the Patron Husbandry with the exception of the political effort of the Alliance. Surges of farmers from the South and Midwest joined the Alliance movement in the year 1886, as tenancy rates were the highest in those regions. Farmers were drawn to the Alliance because its goals aligned with their livelihoods. The Alliance were advocates of government regulated transportation, (at the time railroads could charge what over they chose to charge from day to day, and for farmers shipping crops trains were the only way of getting their goods to the North, and therefore the only way for farmers to make a living). The Alliance also supported the termination of crop–lien system, which was a corrupted credit system that was used broadly by farmers after the end of the Civil War, it consisted of sharecroppers and tenants, which were, as explained by the textbook, America: A Narrative History: [Those] who had nothing to offer the land owner, but their labor, worked the owner's land in return for seed, fertilizer, and supplies, and a share of the crop, generally about half. Tenants farmers, hardly had it better off, might have their own mule, plow, and line of credit with the country store. [Tenants] were ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. Harry Mason Reid and Environmental Preservation Harry Mason Reid, born December 2, 1939 is a U.S. Senator from Nevada and a associate of the Democratic Party. He has remained Senate Majority Leader as of January 2007, and formerly assisted as Minority Leader and Majority and Minority Whip. He is the third of four sons along with his mother Inez Orena, and father Harry Reid. All of Reid's childhood was spent living in a shack without an indoor toilet no hot water or telephone. Searchlight his home town did not have a high school and as a result Reid lived with relatives about 40 miles away in a town called Henderson, Nevada, and went to Basic High School. There he played football, and also participated in boxing. Reid then went to Southern Utah University where he graduated double majoring in political science and history. He also minored in economics from Jon M. Huntsman School of Business. From there he went to George Washington University Law School and earned a J.D. in addition to working as a United States Capitol Police. Formerly, Reid had been a member of the U.S. House of Representatives. He represents Nevada's 1st congressional district, and worked in Nevada's state and local government as city attorney. Also, if his term is completed, he would be one of three Senators that have severed eight years as Majority Leader. Reid was born and raised in Searchlight, Nevada. Harry Reid always has been a determined promoter in preserving Nevada's resources. Ever since he came into Congress, he has battled to make sure ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. The Life Of The Party The Life of the Party In the wake of disappointing presidential candidates and Congress shutdowns, many Americans are left unsatisfied with their government. It has become obvious that the Republicans and Democrats will not and cannot work cooperatively. America 's two–party system has become detrimental and must be opened to third–party involvement. This would restore political competitiveness, forcing candidates to prove themselves even further. Furthermore, this reveal many more opinions and opportunities to the eye of the American public, allowing for entirely educated decisions from a range of choices. This is a change in the government of the United States of America that is not only certainly feasible, but also necessary. Recently, ... Show more content on ... This statistic is, in fact, not a causation of increased negative opinions throughout all Americans: it is actually focused in negativity within the Republican Party. Not surprisingly, thirty–six percent of independent voters felt dislike towards both parties. However, twenty–two percent of surveyed Republicans also felt this way, up from only nine percent in January (Smith). This recent dissatisfaction has also been reciprocated in independent voters. An astounding forty–seven percent of Republican–leaning independent voters are displeased with both the Republican and Democratic parties, the highest since 1992. Six months prior to this study, this figure was only at thirty–two percent. This marks a recent change in opinion. Previously, there had always been more Democratic leaners unhappy with the Democratic Party than Republican leaners unhappy with the Republican Party. However, with now only twenty–two percent of Democratic leaners unhappy with the Democrats, this statistic has switched. This extreme rise in unhappiness at our major political parties have left many wondering if our two–party system is still working as it should be (Smith). For many decades, the United States of America has been led by two political parties: the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. However, there have been and are currently many other parties that have attempted for political importance. These political parties, which are known ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. The United States Made History On a chilly November Tuesday in 2016, the United States made history. Following a divisive year and a half of vitriol, mudslinging, rallies, and protests which occasionally teetered into violence, an exhausted American people elected a president fundamentally different than any who had come before. The forty–fifth president has historically low favorability ratings, and is one of the most distrusted and disliked figures in contemporary American politics. I am talking, of course, about Donald Trump. When President Trump takes the oath of office on January 20th , it will be to the dismay of many Americans who could never imagine that a man who has never held elected office (or without any political or military experience) could suddenly secure the highest one in our country. But this result has been foreshadowed for decades, and we only heeded the warning signs when it was too late. It wasn 't sexism that elected Trump. It wasn 't racism that elected Trump. It wasn 't homophobia, Islamophobia, a mob of uneducated voters, Nativism, or ignorance. Trump was able to take advantage of a political system that has eroded the power of political parties, and nearly rendered them useless. Nearly everyone criticized Republican party regulars for not stopping Trump early, but nobody explained how that could have been done. Stopping a political insurgency requires organizing a coalition against it, but an incapacity to organize is the whole problem. Our country has demonized political ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. The Filibuster The Filibuster Name: Course: Date: The Filibuster: Definition This means use of obstructive or irregular strategies by a member of a legislative assembly to stop or prevent the adoption of a motion generally liked or forcing a decision not accepted by the majority (Hornby, 1974). Origin: The word originates from a Dutch word vrijbuiter "pirate", including the Spanish term filibuster, "freebooting". The originate use of this word filibuster dates back to ancient Rome and the use of this word has been common in states like Australia and England. The use of this term come to light when it was used to label a senator who kept hostage his colleague through overtaking legislation. In the seventeenth century, flee–booster assaulted the ... Show more content on ... Shields of the filibuster alert against changing the framework, saying that the delay is a critical security of minority–gathering rights. They say the filibuster backtracks to the authors' desire to make a national government with deliberately built balanced governance and that increasing the procedure debilitates the very condition of American majority rules system. A few Republicans call the thought of demolishing the delay a Democratic power grab. The plot of Mr. Smith Goes to Washington spins, obviously, around the delay. In that time period, the Senate couldn't move onto different business if the delay was not determined – that is to say, the filibusters needed to really be talking keeping in mind the end goal to keep up the delay. This changed when Robert Byrd was Senate Majority Leader. Byrd (and his gathering) founded a "two– track" framework, changing the standards so that the Senate could desert the delayed movement and proceed onward to different business. This change was made in light of the fact that delays were seen as valuable, however excessively obstructionist, and Byrd felt the Senate required the adaptability to have the capacity to proceed onward to different things. In an unintended outcome, minorities of late have found that Byrd basically made it allowed to delay. In the event that ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. The Importance Of Federalism In The United States Government When the founding fathers came together, they realized that they had important things to discuss. Truthfully because The Articles of Confederation had not been efficient enough for the national government. The Articles of Confederation left the national government without a judiciary and independent executive, leaving Congress with most of the power; but it was largely a creature of the states. This sparked conflicted amongst state which eventually lead to the government's debt. Once The Founding Fathers realized the poor ethics that the Articles of Confederation had, the first topic they felt the need to discuss had been federalism. As read in We the People textbook, federalism means "the Constitution's division of governing authority between two levels, nation and states–was the result of political bargaining." As I reflect back on previous lessons/discussions, I find it that Federalism is an ideology that's written in the constitution to divide power between federal and state government; even though the term is not bluntly stated. Honorably, the simulation mirrored what took place in 1787, by having four interest groups and Senators from eight delegations representing their states' interest. The Senators main objective had been to reform the Proposed Legislation for Federal Anti–Smoking Standards bill that could potentially benefit both their locals and local government. For the duration of the simulation, both the interest groups and Senators demonstrated the ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Access the Methods Used by Either Peron or Lenin to... The provisional government was deposed in early October by the Bolsheviks as a result of the October Revolution. The storming and capitulation of the Winter Palace on the night of the 7th to 8th of November marked the beginning of Soviet rule. Lenin was elected as the Chair of the Council of People's Commissars by the Russian Congress of Soviets. In April 1917 Lenin published his April Thesis. This document outlined Lenin's aims for the future: to end the war; to give all power to the Soviet; to give all property and land to the people and worldwide revolution. After the Bolsheviks seizure of power, they soon faced many social and economic problems. Numerous observers during the revolution, had thought that the new government would only ... Show more content on ... Lenin ordered that any German conditions should be accepted but he had great difficulty in convincing his colleagues such as Trotsky that this was the way forward. He realized that the Bolsheviks needed to get a quick treaty from the Germans to bring about the end of the war so that the Bolsheviks could concentrate on the work they needed to do in Russia. Eventually peace was signed in March 1918 in the form of the Treaty of Brest–Litovsk. Under the treaty, Russia lost Riga, Lithuania, Livonia, Estonia and some of White Russia. Russia ended up losing 62 million people, 27% of farm land, 26% of railway lines and 74% of iron and coal reserves. Some historians argue that the signing of the Treaty of Brest–Litovsk was one of Lenin's major failures in his policies. Lenin's practical and realistic approach enabled him to strengthen the Bolshevik party even more. After the winning the Civil War against the Whites, the Russia economy was left in ruins. The Bolshevik Party faced many problems; the Kronstadt rising, political opposition and economic crisis this meant that Lenin had to remove 'War Communism' to avoid disaster. Lenin thought that the collapse of Russian economy was mainly due to the introduction of 'War Communism' during the Civil War. The majority of resources were allocated to the civil war fronts. In Russia, land was seized and redistributed to be worked using limited resources and equipment. Any surplus in production was seized by the ... Get more on ...
  • 39.
  • 40. Examine the Conditions That Led to the Rise of a... Victor Heaulme IB History SL 28/02/12 EXAMINE THE CONDITIONS THAT LED TO THE RISE OF A SINGLE–PARTY STATE UNDER MAO ZEDONG. "In October 1949 Mao Zedong proclaimed the establishment of the People's Republic of China" (IB Packet, 60). This date marked the official beginning of the CCP's (Chinese Communist Party) rule under a single party rule. However, one question remains: what exactly were the prominent conditions that led to this rise of the CCP under Mao Zedong? Although one could easily isolate several specific variables that aided the parties rise, such as the failure of the GMD (Nationalist Party) or even The May 4th Movement, one must look at it more broadly to understand the bigger picture of the circumstances. When looking at ... Show more content on ... One last sort–of–social condition that led to the single party state rule had to do with the invasion of Manchuria. Manchuria, being a Chinese region, was full of agricultural products, opportunities and even mineral/natural resources. Ergo, Japan wanted to capture it, and this conflict led to a larger scale war, and by the end, "The war with Japan had left China exhausted and weak" (Leung, 99). Thus, this gave the possibility to the CCP (because they took more advantage of it) to rise and take power over the GMD. Thus, the social and economic aspects of China in the time period also had a rather large effect on China becoming ruled by a single party rule governed by Mao. In conclusion, political, social and economic conditions in China were altogether very responsible for the rise of the CCP. From the civil war (political) to the runaway inflation (economic) and even to the bad relations between the GMD and scholars (social), all these aspects make up what was to become Mao Zedong's rule. Failures, mainly from the part of the GMD, also helped the CCP rise, such as the non–acknowledgment of the peasantry or even the failure to wipe out the CCP during the White Terror. Altogether, there was a considerable amount of reasoning and conditions behind the rise of Mao and his party. WORKS CITED PAGE Fairbank, John King. The Cambridge History of China: Republican China 1912–1949, Part 2. 13. ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. The Rise and Rule of Single-Party States The Rise and Rule of single–party States Contents1 The Rise and Rule of Single–party States * 1.1 The Emergence of single party states in Europe after 1917 * 1.2 China– Mao Zedong * 1.3 Italy– Benito Mussolini * 1.4 Germany– Adolf Hitler * 1.5 Russia– Josef Stalin * 1.6 Cuba– Fidel Castro | Introduction * The 20th century produced many single–party states. The origins, ideology, form of government, organization, nature, and impact of these should be studied in this topic. Questions will be set on major themes. Some of these will require knowledge of two regions. Major Themes * Origins of single–party states * conditions which produce single–party state. * emergence of leader: aims, ... Show more content on ... However, the King refused to give the Prime Minister special powers to stop the march. He instead telegrammed Mussolini asking him to become the new Italian prime minister. The army leader thought 10 or 12 arrests would be enough to stop the March on Rome. Train loads of fascist supporters were stopped at check points. Some 20,000 of them were stopped by 200 policemen. Only 5,000 men reached the assembly which was guarded by 28,000 troops. King Emmanuel III never asked the military commander of Rome what the situation was, nor did him the powers required to further disrupt the March. Germany– Adolf Hitler Rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi power in Germany (1919–1933/34) –German Workers party – 1921 Hitler was the Nazi party leader –Due to people being afraid and due to the bad state of Germany people joined the Nazi party. –Totalitarian states want to test their power and start war. "War is ultimate test" –People knew what Hitler was thinking, people knew of "Mein Kampf" – Master race, sub–human, Aryan race –After Weimar Republic was over, Hitler breaks all laws and does what he wants, he ignores the Treaty of Versailles and no one hinders him. –1921: Nazi party sets up SA –1923: Tried to seize power in Munich (capital of Bavaria), Beer hall putsch, walked through street, stopped by police and shot at, Hitler wounded and later arrested and sent to prison. – 1923: Nazi party choses Judge and the judge allows Hitler to speak freely/propaganda of the Treaty of ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Canada And China 's Trading Relationship Canada and China's trading relationship started growing in the early 1960's Canadian government looking for new international markets for wheat and other grains China had poor harvests for 2 consecutive years in a row This led to $60 million worth of sale of wheat and barley to China From 1960 to 1962, Canada's exports to China grew from $9 million to over $147 million The Open Door policy was introduced in 1978, which led to further improvements in Canada's access to Chinese markets This led to an increase in the number of formal trade policy initiative 1980, China gave Canada a "preferential" trade status, reducing tariffs on imports from China by over 1/3 Presently, China is Canada's fastest growing major trading ... Show more content on ... Hong Kong: Hong Kong was the world's 7th largest trading entity in good in 2013, Tariff free treatment to all Hong–Kong origin goods. Hong Kong has a strategic geographical location, well– developed infrastructure and international communication network. Canada does not believe that parliament should be more involved in the process of negotiating international treaties and agreements in trade matters. Canada is one of very few democracies who don't require Parliament to call in as the final authority to approve international treaties and agreements. 1. Population in 2014: 1.364 billion people 2. Upper Middle Income 3. China's population is equal to 10.24% of the world's population 4. Most populated country 5. Median age is 35.7 years Only recognizes 5 religions: Buddhism, Catholicism, Daoism, Islam and Protestantism Practice of any other faith is prohibited Capital City: Beijing Currency: Renminbi Language: Standard Mandarin GDP Per Capita: 9854.6 CAD Time Difference: 12 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time Climate: Northeast China experiences hot and dry summers and bitterly cold winters. North and central regions experience continual rainfall, hot summers and cold winters. Southeast region has substantial rainfall, semi tropical summers and cool winters. Central, southern and western regions
  • 45. are susceptible to flooding. Size and typical occupation of labour force: Industry: 22% Services: 29% Agriculture: 49% Labour force of 819.5 million Government: ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Why Aren’T Third Party Candidates Successful?. Third Parties Why Aren't Third Party Candidates Successful? Third parties offer voters an alternative to the same two parties that run in the presidential election every four years, often with more concrete goals and views, yet there has never been successful third party candidate. For over one and a half centuries, the Republicans and Democrats have held a duopoly over the United States government (Diamond 2015). People have been growing more and more frustrated in their government and the two parties, so why haven't third–party candidates gained any ground in the political sphere? USLegal defines a third–party candidate as "a candidate who does not belong to the two main US political parties, the Republicans or the Democrats ("USLegal"). Two–thirds ... Show more content on ... Despite the majority of voters disliking the other two candidates, even people who agreed with Sarvis and preferred him as a candidate were afraid to vote for him (Conroy 2013). They didn't want to waste their vote on somebody who could not win. Sometimes, voting for a third–party candidate can be seen as "worse than wasted," such as in the 2000 election (Disch 2002). In winning 2.7 percent of the vote, Ralph Nader, the Green Party candidate drew away votes from Al Gore, which may have lost Gore the election, and didn't even achieve the 5 percent needed for public financing (Disch 2002). The election of 2000 showed the biggest problems of voting for a third–party candidate. Green voters gained nothing from voting for Ralph Nader, and allowed a party even further away from their own preferences to gain power. Another hurdle that third–party candidates face is getting the funding they need to be viable. According to Mark McKinnon, cofounder of the bipartisan group, No Labels, "the table stakes to get on the ballot is a minimum of $30 million" (Conroy 2013). It costs a third–party candidate a huge sum of money to even become a real candidate, even before knowing whether or not they can convince other people to support him. Because of this, potential candidates will not run unless they feel they can win or get something out of it. Beyond the difficulties of simply existing as a third party, ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Frequencies-Descriptive Statistics Frequencies– Descriptive Statistics In terms of party identification, 1500 total people were surveyed and all 1500 people responded with an answer to the survey. Before moving forward, it is vital to note that there were 191 more Democrats than Republicans in the survey results but since the study is focused on averages, it will not majorly effect the conclusions but it is still important to note. In addition, interestingly, 490 respondents identified as Independents which means they are not linked to a political party and for future studies, it would be an interesting group to look at in terms of their average importance of religion. Next, in relation to the category of importance of religion, those same 1500 people were surveyed with 1498 ... Show more content on ... It seems that the bar chart shows that the difference is around one point which although seems small is significant considering the range is only between one and four. So the bar chart provides further evidence in support of the previously stated hypothesis. Finally it is vital to note that the hypothesis cannot be proven statistically significant based on the statistics presented, there is enough evidence to suggest that there is certainly a relationship between the two ... Get more on ...
  • 50.
  • 51. Ib History Rise of the Single State Parties TOMORROW (during exam): USE A BLACK OR BLUE PEN. NO PENCILS, NO WHITEOUT. BRING YOUR SESSION NUMBER AND ALL THAT INFO PUT THINGS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER (__/) IB HISTORY STUDY GUIDE (.___.);; Hitler = Right Mao = Left Paper 1 – Peacemaking THE BIBLE! Questions Question 1 – Importance and Message tips 1A= 5 min (3 marks) –try to put 4 points just in case one of ideas is wrong quote the source or paraphrase the source in answer *make sure answer is focused and succinct *don't spend too much time on this question 1B = 5 min (2 marks) –identify key figures, symbols, labelings on the cartoon –describe these figures you found and put into the message *don't spend too much time, focus 2 = 15 min (6 marks) –highlight key ideas –choose to make few ... Show more content on ... ies gained 1915 ○ Russia was ignored → didn't want to negotiate ○ Germany was not allowed to join until 1929 ● Weaknesses ○ difficult to ensure decision taken against any aggressor ○ LON has no military force (Article 16 – powers need to supply troops ○ The Geneva Protocol –– British couldn't agree (public was strongly pacifist) –Early attempts at peacekeeping 1920–1925 ● London Naval Conference (January 21 to April 22, 1930) ○ UK, the USA, France, Italy and Japan attended ■ Only UK, USA and Japan agreed ○ ratio between Britain, the US and Japan from 5:5:3 to 10:10:7 ○ 5 years ○ Was supposed to expire in 1936 ● The Washington Conference 1921–22 ○ japanese navy = ⅗ size of US navy ○ japan "gtfo" of Kiaochow and Shantung, but can keep former German pacific islands ○ western powers said that they won't build any more naval bases near Japan ○ usa, japan, britain, france all agree to guarantee china's neutrality + respect others ○ reality: japan became the world's 3rd largest navy ● The Genoa Conference 1922 ○ lloyd george's (britain) idea ○ France want all the dinero from germany (don't wanna compromise) ○ USA didn't show up ● ● ● ● ● ●
  • 52. ● ● ● ○ Germany + Russia went off to sign Rapallo Treaty ○ FAILED The Dawes Plan 1924 ○ macdonald (US), herriot (UK), Stresemann (Germany) ○ chaired by General Dawes the American ○ US loaned Germany 800 million gold mars ○ france withdrew from ruhr ○ successful Rapollo Treaty 1922 ○ germany + russia ○ let's take over ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. My Passion For Service And Community I was raised up believing in the importance of service and community as I saw my family members and neighbors selflessly help and be in community with people in need. It is therefore no surprise that I discovered my passion for service and volunteerism while still young. In my hometown Nairobi, Kenya, I did community service through various ways, including my involvement in the charity walk for Street Children and Orphans in Kenya in 2003 and the 2007 Brookside Freedom from Hunger Campaign. I participated in the charity walk for these causes and helped raise money to support street children, orphans, ending hunger, and was recognized as one of the top three people to raise the most funds. In high school, I volunteered at the St. Nicholas Children's home in Kenya, where I served, played, and was in solidarity with the children. In 2013, I earned the President's Bronze Standard award given to me by Honorable Mwai Kibaki, the third president of Kenya for being a young person equipped with positive life skills and a change maker in my community, country, and globally. Understanding where I have come from and how blessed I have been to have an opportunity to attend college is what drives me to excel academically. It is also what makes me feel I must give back. While at Xavier, I continued my passion for service by gaining leadership positions in various organizations, including the Students Government Association; African Students' Association; Black Students' Association, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. The Pros And Cons Of Planned Parenthood V) Planned Parenthood To reiterate how important symbol creation and media framing are to modern scandals, look no further than the allegations brought on family planning organization Planned Parenthood in 2015. In many ways, the scandals themselves were nearly identical in composition. David Daleiden, a journalist and founder of the pro–life group the Center for Medical Progress, accumulated undercover footage at eleven Planned Parenthood offices claiming to be a representative for a "fetal tissue procurement business." In the footage, "abortion clinic doctors and executives [admit] that their fetal tissue procurement agreements are profitable for clinics and help keep their bottom line healthy." A report from the Center for Medical Progress goes into detail about Planned Parenthood works with StemExpress, LLC, and several other companies which supposedly profit off of fetal tissue. In fact, though the Center for Medical Progress does not seem to be affiliated with any larger organization like was with Breitbart, there is a relatively noticeable attention to academic detail in his approach to investigative journalism. The report previously mentioned has full citations (most of them are either references to small, conservative news sites or citations from their own website) and there is a portion of entirely dedicated to archived documents taken from Planned Parenthood chapters, including fetus tissue invoices and pricing ... Get more on ...
  • 57.
  • 58. Analyse the Methods Used by One Single Party State Ruler... Josef Stalin is known throughout Russia for his legendry use of terror, political manipulation and demanding policies who would stop at nothing to achieve his goals. However, the question of the legitimacy of his position as leader of the Bolshevik party still remains. Following the death of Lenin in 1924, a power vacuum developed within the Bolshevik party and it was clear that a leadership race between candidates had begun. Stalin was able to rise above men like Trotsky, Kamenev and Zinoviev to launch into new economic policies, collectivisation and industrialisation. The main key to Stalin's success in gaining power after Lenin's death was held in his alignment with the former 'hero' of Russia, as well as his ability to plan, manipulate ... Show more content on ... He used this information to choose certain people to fill key positions who wouldn't oppose his policies. It created a solid mass of Stalin followers within the Bolshevik party who owed their posts to Stalin and dared not oppose him. These 'Stalinists' became crucial sources of support during the mass purges of the party in later years. He had control over 700 party officials and the secret police, a necessary tool to gain control over the majority of the Bolshevik party and the purges that would later follow. Through this manipulation of elements within the communist party and even before Lenin's death, Stalin built up vast local and national bases of support. With this in mind, he could then use his power and influence to cut out any opposition. The power vacuum created by Lenin's death gave rise for many of Stalin's opposition to challenge his bid for power and leadership of the communist party. Leading up to Lenin's death, Trotsky and Stalin recognised they were the two main contenders to take over the position as leader of the Bolshevik party. Stalin started a campaign to discredit the 'ideological errors' of his main rival for power. He rallied Kamenev and Zinoviev to isolate Trotsky, emphasising his Jewish background and disloyalty to the party as an ex–Menshevik member. Trotsky's lack of devotion to the memory of Lenin further fuelled this anti–Trotsky movement within the party. Stalin was a master of ... Get more on ...
  • 59.
  • 60. Summary Of WeRe Pas Thoughts And Prayers Political strategist, Reed Galen, in his editorial article, "We're Pas Thoughts and Prayers", states that people need to do something instead of "praying" and liking tweets or Facebook posts. Galen's purpose is to get people involved instead staring from behind a screen. He adopts a very firm tone in order to influence his readers to take the opportunities they get, to change things, and to make something out of it. Galen begins his editorial by not accepting and disagreeing with the tragedy that happened in Las Vegas. By using the words, "disturbed individual" he shows that he is using loaded diction to describe the shooter in a negative way. He also uses examples such as: Columbine, Newton, San Bernardino, Orlando, and Las Vegas to appeal to the reader's logic. He wants the reader to realize that there has been too many massacres to just accept it as "just another tragedy". Galen then uses statistics such as "... attacking a crowd of 20,000 people and killing or wounding more than 600..." to validate his argument. Galen shifts his editorial by showing the reaction government officials had on social media and the reaction the people had. He uses the quote, "thoughts and prayers", to show what government officials are doing to help the tragedy in any way. He uses Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Speaker Paul Ryan as examples. Mitch McConnell "offered" his condolences to those who were lost in the Las Vegas tragedy knowing that he nor Paul Ryan would do nothing ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Political Parties Are Essential For The Success And... Political parties are fundamental to building democracy. These parties are organized by people with a wide range of policy preferences, who then recruit, and run slates of candidates for office. Political parties do this in an attempt to capture control of the National and State government(s). When a political party controls the government, they are then capable of legislating public, and foreign policy aligned with their party's ideology and preferences. An important way to look at the importance of political parties is to consider all the things they do. Countless decisions are made by political parties every day. Although they make poor decisions and choices sometimes, many issues are quite complex and lack clear answers. Indeed, there are still a myriad of benefits to having political parties in American government. Whether it's simplifying voting, or promoting compromise and deliberation, political parties are instrumental to the success and longevity of the United States. A noticeable advantage of having political parties in America is that they simplify voting. Voting isn't always easy to do in the first place. A myriad of reasons explain why people don't vote. Whether it's a lack of time to vote, the distant location of where one has to vote, the early date people need to register to vote in some states, or just a lack of interest in politics, countless people do not end up making it to the polls to vote on Election days. Political parties, in short, are effective ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. ‚ÄúLeft Wing Single Party States Achieve Power as the... Nenad Stefanovski Ms Fleming IB1 History 18 March 2013 "Left Wing single party states achieve power as the result of a revolutionary process against tradition." Does this adequately explain how any one single party state that you have studied acquired power? In 1917, a revolution took place in Russia that overthrew the traditional Tsarist regime and brought a single party state, the Bolshevik Party, into power. The Bolshevik party harnessed the revolutionary spirit from the overthrow of the Tsarist regime in order to overthrow the Provisional government and eventually seize power. There are several reasons that the Bolshevik Party went against tradition including the failure of the Tsarist regime and the failure of the Provisional ... Show more content on ... One of the main reasons that the Bolsheviks gained support in 1917 was due to the fact that Lenin rejected any compromise with the propertied classes, and insisted that the power should be held by the proletariat and the peasants, which was the majority of Russia's population. Another reason for the Bolshevik's growing support was because the Mensheviks and Social Revolutionaries continued to support the Provisional Government. The Provisional Government had failed to enact land reforms demanded by the peasantry and had failed to keep the military from falling apart. As previously mentioned, the Bolsheviks had harnessed the revolutionary mood of the workers and garrison soldiers in order to successfully go through with the October Revolution (Connor 1). The Petrograd Soviets and the Red Guards also supported the overthrow of the Provisional Government as they did not feel it represented their interests. This gave even more support to the Bolsheviks as they promised the overthrow of the traditional order. Lenin created the Sovnarkom, which would be the new type of government in Russia, and would replace the Provisional Government (Provisional Government). The Sovnarkom's initial objectives represented a revolt against tradition. This is because the objectives included land collectivization, where land is taken from the nobles, church, and tsar and given to the peasants, and to empower workers to set up factory committees to take control of factories. After the ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. The Global Economy As A Positive Sum Game From a liberalist perspective, one views the global economy as a positive–sum game. This means that everyone stands to gain from cooperation. In essence, the positive–sum perspective views the global economy as going from a smaller pie to a larger pie. Regardless of what percentage of the pie each actor receives, cooperation still increases each actors "piece of the pie." Through cooperation, liberalists point out, actors greatly benefit. The positive–sum perspective in the global economy can be observed through trade. Whether a state has a comparative advantage in one good, or absolute advantages in multiple goods, trade is beneficial. There is not a finite amount of wealth in the world. Rather, if states trade between themselves, they will both help and benefit each other. The diffusion of technology and innovation between states also contributes to the well–being of the global economy and global population in general. Trade also leads to competition, a driving force in increasing the "pie." Although competition with foreign producers might be perceived as a bad thing, it actually facilitates economic growth in the world. Competition forces producers to constantly update and improve their products. Without competition, a state becomes stagnant and simply stays at the status quo for years to come. Thus, competition helps the global economy evolve with new ideas and innovations. The instrumental role of competition and trade can be seen when comparing the fate of ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Reasons For The Electoral College Query 1: In the United States, the president is elected by the Electoral College, not the popular vote as prescribed by the Article Two of the Constitution. Why would the Founding Fathers prefer the Electoral College over a direct popular vote? According to a article, "The Reason for the Electoral College" by Joe Miller, they were "afraid of democracy" and the idea that a majority faction could effectively rule the nation which could "violate the rights of other citizens or would harm the nation as a whole" (Miller). Also, they distrusted the judgment of the common people, and they felt electors were more qualified and capable to chose the right candidate (Miller). However, in recent times, "the Electoral College is mostly a formality", and electors don't actually get to choose a candidate (Miler). In most states, the winner of that state gets all the electors regardless if they support the winner or not. Thus, the College is outdated because it no longer has the freedom to choose any candidate. Also, I feel the College is outdated because it is no longer necessary. Much of the nation is educated and qualified enough to select the right candidate. American's don't need someone to chose their president for them. Therefore, I feel the system needs to be changed. The concern of a faction ruling the nation is still valid so the College still needs to exist to place a limit on pure democracy. However, the voice of the nation's majority cannot be ignored. Both the ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Labors And Slavery During The Gilded Age During the Gilded Age both labors and farmers had very strong reasons to have these complaints. Labors were treated as minorities, controlled by their bosses and weren't getting paid what they deserved so this led to the unionizations, strikes and vandalisms. Farmers were in declined because bigger farms were taking over and they were getting less money. They didn't understand why this was happening if they had new machines, so this led to the Green Revolution and several political activities. However, these complaints that both labors and farmers have, have their similarities and differences. Labors did not have very good wages and it was problem during the Gilded Age. Labors' had to live by paternalism, meaning that George Pullman owned them. It seems as if labors never got a profit for the long hours that they worked in the sweatshops. All the money goes straight back to Pullman, because they had to pay for rent and their goods and groceries provided by him. So basically, Pullman didn't consider them valuable because there was always someone looking for a job. These reasons led to several unionizations like the Knights of Labor where they had to pay their dues to go on strike and fight for them. Anyone from radical to bosses could join this union except bankers and lawyers, which made no sense. They fought for workplace rights but where they did wrong is when they demanded outside workplace rights such as free public schools for their children. This union caused deaths ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. The Keystone Xl Pipeline Is A Proposed 1179 Mile Pipeline... 2. The Keystone XL pipeline is a proposed 1,179–mile pipeline that would travel from the oil sands of Alberta, Canada, southeast to Steele City, Nebraska, where it would connect with a preexisting pipe. The pipeline would transport 830,000 barrels of oil daily, which is around 50% more oil per day than is currently transported from Canada. Supporters say that it will create thousands of jobs and reduce the United States' dependence on foreign oil. Environmentalists who oppose the Keystone XL state that increasing our supply of oil will only make it even more difficult to the slow the current trend of climate change, as well as the fact that the proposed pipeline runs through many ecologically sensitive areas, such as the Sandhills of Nebraska. 3. Article 1: This article tells about President Obama vetoing Keystone Jobs Bill on grounds that approval of the construction of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline would damage the U.S. effort to curb greenhouse gases. The article frames Obama as an environmental hero, quoting the president in saying, "America is now a global leader when it comes to taking serious action to fight climate change... And frankly, approving this project would have undercut that global leadership. And that's the biggest risk we face – not acting." The authors also cite Secretary of State John Kerry in saying "The United States cannot ask other nations to make tough choices to address climate change if we are unwilling to make them ourselves." The ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Expanding Social Security Spending In recent decades,... Expanding Social Security Spending In recent decades, entitlement programs have constituted a substantial portion of the United States federal budget. Social Security is the largest entitlement program in the United States. In 2013, the total Social Security expenditures were $1.3 trillion, 8.4% of the $16.3 trillion GNP ( There has been an issue in the White House of either opposing the cut in Social Security spending or advocating for a hike in payments. Expanding Social Security instead of reducing it would benefit seniors, especially considering America's struggling middle class and that there are more impoverished people than ever before. Despite the retirement income crisis, Social Security should be expanded, not ... Show more content on ... Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, said, "President Obama's budget will be a powerful statement of Democratic principles." The Obama budget emphasizes Democratic ideals rather than seek a consensus between Democrats' desires and Republicans' insistence on cutting spending to bring down the federal annual budget deficits. The senior official of the Congressional Budget Office said Obama would still like a deal but that it is not as mathematically important because deficit spending has fallen, and the Republican House has shown no interest in agreeing to one. President Obama acknowledged that it is not his "ideal plan" for reducing the deficit or growing the economy, according to a CBS News article by Stephanie Codon. Last year, the AARP released a national survey showing that eighty–four percent of voters fifty years and older oppose reducing Social Security benefits to reduce the Federal budget deficit. An entitlement reform would threaten benefit security–"a core value" of the Democratic Party. Cutting benefits when pensions are disappearing is the wrong direction. By understanding the benefits of Social Security, every American would learn that millions of seniors depend on it to survive. Cutting Social Security could a part of a grand bargain to trim deficits, but Democrats have ruled out such cuts in the budget. America is in the Ulit 2 Ulit 3 midst of a real and growing retirement crisis, affecting the middle class, so the last thing America should ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Compare And Contrast Abraham Lincoln And The Civil War In order to understand the American Civil War, one must know more about the leaders who controlled both sides. As many Americans know, Abraham Lincoln participated in the command of troops on the Northern side of the conflict. On the Southern side, a very influential leader was also present; Nathan Bedford Forrest was a well–known general in the South and was renowned for his brilliant tactics in combat. One is known as the great emancipator of the slaves, the other, as the first leader of the Ku Klux Klan (Biography: Nathan Bedford Forrest, n.d.). The roles could have been greatly reversed, had their upbringings been different. Despite their many differences, these two influential figures had a surprising amount of similarities. Abraham ... Show more content on ... After the war, Nathan Bedford Forrest returned to his old life as a businessman, working with railroads and lumber companies to make his living. Later in the 1860s, Forrest was chosen to be the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan (Biography: Nathan Bedford Forrest, n.d.). It was here where he led the Klan members on horseback to intimidate former slaves, republicans, and other northern civilians. In 1869, he reportedly disbanded the cult, and when later asked about his association, he denied all ties to the group. After this disbanding of the Ku Klux Klan, Forrest saw his businesses fail and would manage a prison camp until he succumbed to complications with diabetes (Biography: Nathan Bedford Forrest, n.d.).. When looking for similarities between Nathan Bedford Forrest and Abraham Lincoln, it is important to look at their upbringings. When the magnifying glass is put up to these influential figures, it is clear that they had extremely similar childhoods. Lincoln and Forrest both started out poor and would go on to teach themselves how to read and write. Later they would slowly rise to the occasion, and be put in a place of power. For Forrest, that is when he started making money as a cotton plantation owner; for Lincoln, it is when he became a lawyer and invested with politics. ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Third Parties In The United States: A Political Analysis According to a 2015 study by the Pew Research Center, 81% of Americans have distrust for the government, 74% believe elected officials put their own interests first, and 65% harbor distrust for Republicans and Democrats. (Fingerhut). In spite of these numbers, main party candidates continue to be elected into office. Americans cannot vote third party for fear of a wasted vote, or literally cannot vote third party due to the historically unfair standards third parties must meet to gain ballot access. There currently are third parties in the US but with the US's system of voting, no third party can rise to the same level of the Democrats or Republicans. Historically, the US has had several third parties run successful campaigns, but in modern ... Show more content on ... It is no secret that Republicans and Democrats hogged the media spotlight during the 2016 election, It was expected. But it also was expected that third party candidates would get some positive media coverage. Elizabeth Jensen writer for NPR expressed the need for a third party by saying "This [was] such an unusual year, and so much of the discussion ends up being about the personalities of Trump and Clinton. Bringing in the third and fourth party candidates would help bring back the discussion of policy" (Jensen). Respected pundit, Brandon Morse, cites unfair media coverage as the major issue minor parties stay minor. "Trump and Clinton [are] some of the most unpopular candidates to curse the political stage in quite a while, but despite the public yearning for another way, the mainstream channels such as CBS, NBC, and ABC have only dedicated 0.03% of airtime to talking about anyone outside of the Republican and Democrat parties" ... Get more on ...
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  • 80. Disadvantages Of Party Fusion Party Fusion Prompt Party fusion can be beneficial in many ways, it helps third/smaller parties and the two dominant parties. While it can be seen by some as harmful to the Republicans and Democrats in the long run, it has yet to fully harm the two main parties. Instead as party fusion benefits smaller parties, the Republicans and Democrats reap benefits as well. Looking specifically at Chief Justice Rehnquist's majority decision/statement, that in order to avoid voter confusion, and to protect stability of political parties "the constitution permits the Minnesota legislation to decide that political stability is best served through a healthy two party system", a hypocrisy is present. The instability of the two party system isn't called out nor are the Republicans and Democrats described as ever causing voter confusion. Analyzing Chief Justice's statement above, his reasoning on party fusion and placing all blame on party fusion is critiqued. Chief Justice Rehnquist's statement in conclusion to the 1997 ballot access lawsuit in Minnesota is very questioning. When we look at the two party system standing on its own, with the high emphasis placed on the word healthy in the "constitution permits the Minnesota legislation to decide that political stability is best served through a healthy two party system" statement, he implies that a two party system is the best type of system. However this isn't true, a two party system at the very least is simply what is traditional and the ... Get more on ...