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Part A 
What I Said and What I Meant: 
Cross Cultural Communication 
NAIS People of Color Conference 2014 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee 
Seattle Girls’ School 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
About Seattle Girls’ School 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
 Cross Cultural Communication 
 Cultural Values, Norms of Behavior, 
and Communication 
 Activity: Nonverbal Violations 
 Cultural Identifiers, Power, and 
 Discussion: Conflict Re-understood 
 So What? Now What? 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Cultural Competency: 
Many Models 
Steven Jones 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Dimensions of Identity and Culture 
This model of identifiers and culture was created by Karen Bradberry and Johnnie Foreman for NAIS Summer Diversity Institute, 
adapted from Loden and Rosener’s Workforce America! (1991) and from Diverse Teams at Work, Gardenswartz & Rowe (SHRM 2003). 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Cross Cultural Communication 
 What is it? 
 How is it Different from Intercultural 
 CCC Theories 
– Face-Negotiation Theory 
– Conversational Constraints Theory 
– Expectancy Violation Theory 
– Anxiety/Uncertainty Management Theory 
– Communication Accommodation Theory 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Dimensions of Variability 
Individual - Collectivistic 
Low Context - High Context 
Task - Relationship 
Low Uncertainty - High Uncertainty 
Vertical - Horizontal 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Factors that Influence 
 Personality Orientation 
 Individual Values 
- Allocentric 
- Idiocentric 
 Self Construal 
- Independent 
- Interdependent 
 Individual Socialization 
 Cultural Norms and Rules 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Discussion: My Style 
In hearing about 
differences, what would 
you describe as your 
cultural communication 
style? Have you noticed 
stark differences 
compared to others? 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Cultural Values 
Norms, and Rules 
 Values 
 Value Priorities 
 Norms of Behavior 
 Non-Verbal 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Cultural Value Differences 
self-reliance, independence 
group interdependence 
(mindless follower) 
directness, give and take discussion 
(rude and abrupt) 
indirectness, protect "face" 
(stiff and impersonal) 
individual achievement 
(egotistical, show-off) 
group achievement 
(avoiding doing work or taking responsibility) 
fairness, belief in equal opportunity 
(being picky, on a soapbox) 
privilege of status or rank 
(power hungry or avoiding accountability) 
Use of Time 
"Time is money" 
(doesn’t get the important things in life) 
Passage of Time 
"Time is for life" 
(lazy and irresponsible) 
Adaptability ensures survival 
(muckraker, stirs up trouble) 
Stability ensures survival 
(old-school, afraid of change) 
Action orientation 
"Make things happen" 
(rushes without thinking) 
"Being" orientation 
"Let things happen" 
(indecisive and slow) 
Efficiency is always best 
(impersonal and unscrupulous) 
Always maintain principles 
(naïve and impractical) 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Exercise: Non-Verbal Violations 
1: Please pick a partner and stand. 
2: You and your partner will receive 
different instructions for nonverbal 
behaviors. Do not share the 
3: Begin to converse about your interests 
and hobbies. 
4: INCREMENTALLY dramatize the 
nonverbal behavior. 
5: Make note of thoughts or feelings you 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Non-Verbal Violations: Partner 1 
You signal respect by standing 
physically close to your partner. Stand 
Approximately 6 inches away from 
him/her. You enjoy asking a lot of 
questions to signal conversational 
excitement and involvement. You also 
like to touch your partner's arm from 
time-to-time to signal approval for a 
good idea. 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Non-Verbal Violations: Partner 2 
You signal respect by standing at 
least an arm's length away from your 
partner. You constantly check your 
watch or the clock for fear of running 
out of time in the conversation. You 
also like to make loud sounds (ahs, 
oohs, uh-huhs, sighs, etc.) to signal 
your approval and great contentment 
of the conversation. 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Debrief: Nonverbal Violations 
Did the INTENT of your described 
behaviors allow you to display 
them more enthusiastically? 
What was the IMPACT of the 
behaviors of your partner? 
Did knowing that “odd” behaviors 
may be part of the exercise 
help you accept your partner’s 
In working with people from 
various communities, what do 
you take away from this 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Cultural Effectiveness 
“To be culturally effective doesn’t 
mean you are an authority in the 
values and beliefs of every culture. 
What it means is that you hold a 
deep respect for cultural differences 
and are eager to learn, and willing to 
accept, that there are many ways of 
viewing the world” 
Okokon O. Udo 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Part B 
What I Said and What I Meant: 
Cross Cultural Communication 
NAIS People of Color Conference 2014 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee 
Seattle Girls’ School 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
 Cross Cultural Communication 
 Cultural Values, Norms of Behavior, 
and Communication 
 Activity: Nonverbal Violations 
 Cultural Identifiers, Power, and 
 Discussion: Conflict Re-understood 
 So What? Now What? 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Identifiers, Power, 
and Communication 
Internalized Oppression/Dominance 
Stereotype Threat 
Accumulated Impact/ 
Code/Mode Switching 
Fish Seeing the Water 
“Normal” versus “Good” 
“Intent” versus “Impact” 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Discussion: Conflict Re-understood 
Think about a recent conflict which you 
now know to be true to be at heart a n 
identity and power difference. Using 
some of the terminology introduced, 
discuss with a partner or group of three 
what was going on to cause the conflict. 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
So What? Now What? 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Assumptions and Interpretations 
• Mental Models 
• Ladder of Inference 
Selective Data 
Observable Data 
• Tools of Action 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Examining the Self 
William Taylor’s Reflective Competence Model 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Checking Assumptions and 
Interpretations: Steps to Analyze 
1. What did you see/hear (raw data)? 
2. What are your personal filters (cultural 
values, norms, and identifiers)? 
3. What was your interpretation of what you 
saw/heard (inference)? 
4. How did you feel as a result? 
5. What do you want? 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Navigating the “Ouch” Moment 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Speaking From the Heart 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
What We’re Thinking and Feeling 
When Receiving the Ouch 
Did that really 
happen? Do they 
realize? I want to 
trust, but I’ve had 
this happen so 
many times before. 
I am so stressed, 
confused, hurt…. 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
What We End Up Saying 
When Receiving the Ouch 
That was so 
I can’t believe 
you did that! 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Self Advocacy Through the Ouch Moment 
 Affirm the person or relationship 
 Describe the behavior without judgment 
 Explain the emotion/impact and your filters 
 Assume positive intent 
 Request or suggest different behavior 
*** Key Points: timing, I statements, actions not 
adjectives, inside feelings not outside feelings*** 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Self Advocacy Through the Ouch Moment: 
An Example 
Is this an okay time to talk to you about something 
that happened earlier? I really appreciate having 
you as a friend. You’ve helped me through tough 
times, and we have so much fun together. Earlier 
today, when I got my math test back and I got 98%, 
I heard you say, “Well of course you got a 98% - 
you’re Asian!” I was really hurt when I heard that. 
I work so hard in all my classes and spend a lot of 
effort to earn good grades, and it seems like so 
many people assume it’s because of my race. It’s 
frustrating and saddening to feel like I don’t get to 
fully own my accomplishments. I imagine you 
didn’t mean for me to feel that way. Can I ask that 
you please don’t say things like that anymore? 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Practice Round: 
Self Advocacy Through the Ouch Moment 
 Affirm the person or relationship 
 Describe the behavior without judgment 
 Explain the emotion/impact and your filters 
 Assume positive intent 
 Request or suggest different behavior 
*** Key Points: timing, I statements, actions not 
adjectives, inside feelings not outside feelings*** 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Being A Witness 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
What We’re Thinking and Feeling 
When Witnessing the Ouch 
I can’t believe this 
is happening. 
That’s SO not 
right. Should I 
say something? 
Am I butting in? 
Would it help? 
I am so upset! 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
What We End Up Saying 
When Witnessing the Ouch 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
What Others Hear When We Say Nothing 
See? They 
agree with me! 
I am so right 
about this. 
No one sees or 
understands. I 
am alone. 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
NCBI Effective 
Interventions Model 
 Reduce Defensiveness 
– Tone 
– Body Language 
– Respect 
 Keep the Conversation Going 
– Hear Them Out 
– Ask Open-Ended Questions 
– Set Aside Your Feeling for the Moment 
– Dialogue 
 Build the Relationship 
 Stop the Behavior 
 Win an Ally 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Say Something to Somebody 
 Now or Later (or Say It Now About a Later) 
 Target, Agent, Fellow Bystanders, Authority Figures 
“In the End, we will remember not the words of 
our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” 
Martin Luther King, Jr. 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Intervening in the Ouch Moment: Examples 
 Seek pleasure and delight in the other person 
– “How many blondes does it take to screw in a light bulb?” 
– “I’m SO glad you told me that joke. I’ve been trying to figure out why we think people 
with yellow hair are stupid.” 
 Find out the experience motivating the comment 
– “Why can’t they just speak English around here?” 
– “It must be hard not to understand what people are saying around you.” 
– “I’m sick of my tuition paying for scholarship students.” 
– “Tell me more about that.” 
 Use exaggerated humor to highlight what’s going on 
(use sparingly) 
– “That movie is so gay.” 
– “That movie is attracted to other movies? I didn’t know that was possible!” 
 Join the person and do not make yourself superior 
– “She got that award because she’s black and female.” 
– “You know, I hear that a lot. I’ve been trying to figure out why we seem to think when a 
black woman gets recognized it must be because of ‘diversity’ stuff rather than that she 
earned it.” 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Practice Round: 
Intervening in the Ouch Moment 
 Seek pleasure and delight in the other person 
 Find out the experience motivating the comment 
 Use exaggerated humor to highlight what’s going 
on (use sparingly) 
 Join the person and do not make yourself superior 
***Ask open ended questions*** 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Listening to the Real Message 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
What Was Said During the Intervention 
Those words or 
actions are 
hurtful to me. 
Please stop. 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
What We Hear During the Intervention 
You are a 
bad, bad 
person, and I 
hate you! 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
What We Should Hear 
During the Intervention 
You are basically a good 
and decent person. As 
with all of us, you’ve 
made a mistake in 
behavior or words, and 
you may not know the 
impact they have on 
others. I am going to 
give you the gift of 
information so that you 
might act in congruence 
with your values. 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
When You’re Told About 
the Ouch Moment You Created 
 Listen with full attention 
 Don’t try to defend or respond right away 
– Take deep breaths 
– Acknowledge your feelings 
 Your mistakes don’t define you 
– Be worthy of their trust and gift 
 Prioritize the Impact over Intent 
– Apologize for real 
*** Moving through these moments with grace is 
called shame resilience. It’s a vital skill*** 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
When You’re Told About 
the Ouch Moment You Created: 
 “I really appreciate your telling me this.” 
 “I’m so embarrassed that I did that.” 
 “I’m so sorry my words and actions made you feel 
that way. No matter what I intended, it hurt you.” 
 “I’m pretty overwhelmed right now, and I don’t 
want to respond in a way I’d regret. Do you think 
you can help me come up with a better way to 
handle that situation after I get into a calmer 
 “I wanted to go back to a moment I don’t think I 
handled very well… Can we talk?” 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Final Words of Advice: 
Recognize Your Triggers 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Find Your Bucket People 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Practice Makes 
Less Heart-Attack-Inducing 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
If You Messed Up and You Know It, 
Don’t Wait for the Intervention – 
Just Apologize 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
If You’re Really Sorry, 
Work to Improve 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Build Authentic Relationships 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Inclusive Communities 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Presenter Information 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee 
6th Faculty and 
Professional Outreach 
Seattle Girls’ School 
2706 S Jackson Street 
Seattle WA 98144 
(206) 805-6562 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Communication Resources 
• “Stereotype Threat” by Joshua Aronson 
• Brenda J. Allen, Difference Matters: Communicating 
Social Identity 
• William Gudykunst, Cross-Cultural and Intercultural 
• Milton Bennett, PhD, Intercultural Communication 
• “Non-Verbal Communication Across Cultures” by Erica 
Hagen, Intercultural Communication Resources 
• Thrive! Team Dynamics 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Miscellaneous Resources 
• Karen Bradberry and Johnnie Foreman, “Privilege and 
Power,” Summer Diversity Institute, National Association 
of Independent Schools, 2009 
• Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman, Nurture Shock 
• Kevin Jennings, GLSEN (Gay Lesbian and Straight Education 
• Allan G. Johnson, Privilege, Power, and Difference 
• Johnnie McKinley, “Leveling the Playing Field and Raising 
African American Students’ Achievement in Twenty-nine 
Urban Classrooms,” New Horizons for Learning, 
Michael J Nakkula and Eric Toshalis, Understanding Youth. 
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (

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PoCC 2014 Cross Cultural Communication

  • 1. Part A What I Said and What I Meant: Cross Cultural Communication NAIS People of Color Conference 2014 Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee Seattle Girls’ School Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 2. About Seattle Girls’ School Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 3. Agenda PART A  Cross Cultural Communication  Cultural Values, Norms of Behavior, and Communication  Activity: Nonverbal Violations PART B  Cultural Identifiers, Power, and Communication  Discussion: Conflict Re-understood  So What? Now What? Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 4. Cultural Competency: Many Models Steven Jones Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 5. Dimensions of Identity and Culture This model of identifiers and culture was created by Karen Bradberry and Johnnie Foreman for NAIS Summer Diversity Institute, adapted from Loden and Rosener’s Workforce America! (1991) and from Diverse Teams at Work, Gardenswartz & Rowe (SHRM 2003). Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 6. Cross Cultural Communication  What is it?  How is it Different from Intercultural Communication?  CCC Theories – Face-Negotiation Theory – Conversational Constraints Theory – Expectancy Violation Theory – Anxiety/Uncertainty Management Theory – Communication Accommodation Theory Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 7. Dimensions of Variability Individual - Collectivistic Low Context - High Context Task - Relationship Low Uncertainty - High Uncertainty Vertical - Horizontal Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 8. Factors that Influence  Personality Orientation  Individual Values - Allocentric - Idiocentric  Self Construal - Independent - Interdependent  Individual Socialization  Cultural Norms and Rules Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 9. Discussion: My Style In hearing about communication differences, what would you describe as your cultural communication style? Have you noticed stark differences compared to others? Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 10. Cultural Values Norms, and Rules  Values  Value Priorities  Norms of Behavior  Non-Verbal Communication Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 11. Cultural Value Differences RELATIONAL Individualism self-reliance, independence (selfish) Collectivism group interdependence (mindless follower) Informality directness, give and take discussion (rude and abrupt) Formality indirectness, protect "face" (stiff and impersonal) Competition individual achievement (egotistical, show-off) Cooperation group achievement (avoiding doing work or taking responsibility) AUTHORITY Egalitarianism fairness, belief in equal opportunity (being picky, on a soapbox) Hierarchy privilege of status or rank (power hungry or avoiding accountability) TEMPORAL Use of Time "Time is money" (doesn’t get the important things in life) Passage of Time "Time is for life" (lazy and irresponsible) Change/Future Adaptability ensures survival (muckraker, stirs up trouble) Tradition/Past Stability ensures survival (old-school, afraid of change) ACTIVITY Action orientation "Make things happen" (rushes without thinking) "Being" orientation "Let things happen" (indecisive and slow) Practicality Efficiency is always best (impersonal and unscrupulous) Idealism Always maintain principles (naïve and impractical) Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 12. Exercise: Non-Verbal Violations 1: Please pick a partner and stand. 2: You and your partner will receive different instructions for nonverbal behaviors. Do not share the information. 3: Begin to converse about your interests and hobbies. 4: INCREMENTALLY dramatize the nonverbal behavior. 5: Make note of thoughts or feelings you experience. Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 13. Non-Verbal Violations: Partner 1 You signal respect by standing physically close to your partner. Stand Approximately 6 inches away from him/her. You enjoy asking a lot of questions to signal conversational excitement and involvement. You also like to touch your partner's arm from time-to-time to signal approval for a good idea. Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 14. Non-Verbal Violations: Partner 2 You signal respect by standing at least an arm's length away from your partner. You constantly check your watch or the clock for fear of running out of time in the conversation. You also like to make loud sounds (ahs, oohs, uh-huhs, sighs, etc.) to signal your approval and great contentment of the conversation. Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 15. Debrief: Nonverbal Violations Did the INTENT of your described behaviors allow you to display them more enthusiastically? What was the IMPACT of the behaviors of your partner? Did knowing that “odd” behaviors may be part of the exercise help you accept your partner’s behavior? In working with people from various communities, what do you take away from this exercise? Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 16. Cultural Effectiveness “To be culturally effective doesn’t mean you are an authority in the values and beliefs of every culture. What it means is that you hold a deep respect for cultural differences and are eager to learn, and willing to accept, that there are many ways of viewing the world” Okokon O. Udo Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 17. Part B What I Said and What I Meant: Cross Cultural Communication NAIS People of Color Conference 2014 Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee Seattle Girls’ School Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 18. Agenda PART A  Cross Cultural Communication  Cultural Values, Norms of Behavior, and Communication  Activity: Nonverbal Violations PART B  Cultural Identifiers, Power, and Communication  Discussion: Conflict Re-understood  So What? Now What? Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 19. Identifiers, Power, and Communication Internalized Oppression/Dominance Stereotype Threat Accumulated Impact/ Microaggressions Code/Mode Switching Fish Seeing the Water “Normal” versus “Good” “Intent” versus “Impact” Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 20. Discussion: Conflict Re-understood Think about a recent conflict which you now know to be true to be at heart a n identity and power difference. Using some of the terminology introduced, discuss with a partner or group of three what was going on to cause the conflict. Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 21. So What? Now What? Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 22. Assumptions and Interpretations • Mental Models • Ladder of Inference Belief Conclusions Selective Data Observable Data • Tools of Action Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 23. Examining the Self William Taylor’s Reflective Competence Model Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 24. Checking Assumptions and Interpretations: Steps to Analyze 1. What did you see/hear (raw data)? 2. What are your personal filters (cultural values, norms, and identifiers)? 3. What was your interpretation of what you saw/heard (inference)? 4. How did you feel as a result? 5. What do you want? Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 25. Navigating the “Ouch” Moment Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 26. Speaking From the Heart Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 27. What We’re Thinking and Feeling When Receiving the Ouch Did that really happen? Do they realize? I want to trust, but I’ve had this happen so many times before. I am so stressed, confused, hurt…. Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 28. What We End Up Saying When Receiving the Ouch That was so offensive! I can’t believe you did that! Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 29. Self Advocacy Through the Ouch Moment  Affirm the person or relationship  Describe the behavior without judgment  Explain the emotion/impact and your filters  Assume positive intent  Request or suggest different behavior *** Key Points: timing, I statements, actions not adjectives, inside feelings not outside feelings*** Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 30. Self Advocacy Through the Ouch Moment: An Example Is this an okay time to talk to you about something that happened earlier? I really appreciate having you as a friend. You’ve helped me through tough times, and we have so much fun together. Earlier today, when I got my math test back and I got 98%, I heard you say, “Well of course you got a 98% - you’re Asian!” I was really hurt when I heard that. I work so hard in all my classes and spend a lot of effort to earn good grades, and it seems like so many people assume it’s because of my race. It’s frustrating and saddening to feel like I don’t get to fully own my accomplishments. I imagine you didn’t mean for me to feel that way. Can I ask that you please don’t say things like that anymore? Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 31. Practice Round: Self Advocacy Through the Ouch Moment  Affirm the person or relationship  Describe the behavior without judgment  Explain the emotion/impact and your filters  Assume positive intent  Request or suggest different behavior *** Key Points: timing, I statements, actions not adjectives, inside feelings not outside feelings*** Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 32. Being A Witness Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 33. What We’re Thinking and Feeling When Witnessing the Ouch I can’t believe this is happening. That’s SO not right. Should I say something? Am I butting in? Would it help? I am so upset! Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 34. What We End Up Saying When Witnessing the Ouch Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 35. What Others Hear When We Say Nothing See? They agree with me! I am so right about this. No one sees or understands. I am alone. Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 36. NCBI Effective Interventions Model  Reduce Defensiveness – Tone – Body Language – Respect  Keep the Conversation Going – Hear Them Out – Ask Open-Ended Questions – Set Aside Your Feeling for the Moment – Dialogue  Build the Relationship  Stop the Behavior  Win an Ally Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 37. Say Something to Somebody  Now or Later (or Say It Now About a Later)  Target, Agent, Fellow Bystanders, Authority Figures “In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” Martin Luther King, Jr. Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 38. Intervening in the Ouch Moment: Examples  Seek pleasure and delight in the other person – “How many blondes does it take to screw in a light bulb?” – “I’m SO glad you told me that joke. I’ve been trying to figure out why we think people with yellow hair are stupid.”  Find out the experience motivating the comment – “Why can’t they just speak English around here?” – “It must be hard not to understand what people are saying around you.” – “I’m sick of my tuition paying for scholarship students.” – “Tell me more about that.”  Use exaggerated humor to highlight what’s going on (use sparingly) – “That movie is so gay.” – “That movie is attracted to other movies? I didn’t know that was possible!”  Join the person and do not make yourself superior – “She got that award because she’s black and female.” – “You know, I hear that a lot. I’ve been trying to figure out why we seem to think when a black woman gets recognized it must be because of ‘diversity’ stuff rather than that she earned it.” Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 39. Practice Round: Intervening in the Ouch Moment  Seek pleasure and delight in the other person  Find out the experience motivating the comment  Use exaggerated humor to highlight what’s going on (use sparingly)  Join the person and do not make yourself superior ***Ask open ended questions*** Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 40. Listening to the Real Message Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 41. What Was Said During the Intervention Those words or actions are hurtful to me. Please stop. Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 42. What We Hear During the Intervention You are a bad, bad person, and I hate you! Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 43. What We Should Hear During the Intervention You are basically a good and decent person. As with all of us, you’ve made a mistake in behavior or words, and you may not know the impact they have on others. I am going to give you the gift of information so that you might act in congruence with your values. Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 44. When You’re Told About the Ouch Moment You Created  Listen with full attention  Don’t try to defend or respond right away – Take deep breaths – Acknowledge your feelings  Your mistakes don’t define you – Be worthy of their trust and gift  Prioritize the Impact over Intent – Apologize for real *** Moving through these moments with grace is called shame resilience. It’s a vital skill*** Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 45. When You’re Told About the Ouch Moment You Created: Examples  “I really appreciate your telling me this.”  “I’m so embarrassed that I did that.”  “I’m so sorry my words and actions made you feel that way. No matter what I intended, it hurt you.”  “I’m pretty overwhelmed right now, and I don’t want to respond in a way I’d regret. Do you think you can help me come up with a better way to handle that situation after I get into a calmer place?”  “I wanted to go back to a moment I don’t think I handled very well… Can we talk?” Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 46. Final Words of Advice: Recognize Your Triggers Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 47. Find Your Bucket People Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 48. Practice Makes Less Heart-Attack-Inducing Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 49. If You Messed Up and You Know It, Don’t Wait for the Intervention – Just Apologize Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 50. If You’re Really Sorry, Work to Improve Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 51. Build Authentic Relationships Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 52. Inclusive Communities Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 53. Presenter Information Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee 6th Faculty and Professional Outreach Seattle Girls’ School 2706 S Jackson Street Seattle WA 98144 (206) 805-6562 Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 54. Communication Resources • “Stereotype Threat” by Joshua Aronson • Brenda J. Allen, Difference Matters: Communicating Social Identity • William Gudykunst, Cross-Cultural and Intercultural Comunication • Milton Bennett, PhD, Intercultural Communication Institute • “Non-Verbal Communication Across Cultures” by Erica Hagen, Intercultural Communication Resources • • Thrive! Team Dynamics • history.htm Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 55. Miscellaneous Resources • Karen Bradberry and Johnnie Foreman, “Privilege and Power,” Summer Diversity Institute, National Association of Independent Schools, 2009 • Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman, Nurture Shock • Kevin Jennings, GLSEN (Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network) • Allan G. Johnson, Privilege, Power, and Difference • Johnnie McKinley, “Leveling the Playing Field and Raising African American Students’ Achievement in Twenty-nine Urban Classrooms,” New Horizons for Learning, mckinley.htm Michael J Nakkula and Eric Toshalis, Understanding Youth. Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (