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1. Michel Bauwens: introduction to
platform economics
2. European figures and examples
3. Michel continues
4. Discussion
Welcome to the special lunch session with Michel Bauwens here at the Hoerle lecture Hall
of the New School in the context of the platform cooperativism conference.
My name is Thomas Dönnebrink. I live in Berlin where I am one of the OuiShare Connectors
and working as a freelancer in the field of the collaborative economy and society. I am
particularly interested in the convergence of ideas, networks and movements aiming at
having an impact on changing the world for the better.
Thanks for the invitation to this conference and for the opportunity to moderate and add my
contribution to this lunch session with Michel
And here we go. Unless life wants to take a different road here is what to expect for the next
50 min.
After having presented Michel Bauwens we would like to hear his take on the overall
framework on platform economics.
Then I will take 12 min to kick in a few European and mainly German figures and projects
engaged with tech and experimenting with ownership and governance.
Against these or other examples we would like Michel to further elaborate on his overall
framework focusing on the aspects he considers most relevant and interesting for the topic
of the conference
Leaving enough time to open the discussion and take questions and imput from the crowd.
1. Presentation of
Michel Bauwens
I guess many of you know him already. For more than 10 years he is producing and
disseminating so much content around Commons based Peer Production and beyond to
keep everybody - trying to read and devour it all - busy 24/7.
He seems to be constantly travelling and must have attended conference/events/meeting in
the thousands by now. I can image Michel you are a bit weary of the standard presentation
most people here will know already anyhow. May I therefore introduce you and your work
with the answer you gave in the video interview we did during the OuiShareFest last May in
Paris? Having asked where you see your main focus you interestingly said: Well, the P2P
Foundation is like a collective intellectual, like Gramsci‘s organic intelectuals. May I ask you
to explain what you mean by that and present you and your work from that angle?
Meeting Michel at the UnCommon Conference in Berlin on the 22nd of Octobre he
presented there - for the first time - his 10 commandments of peer-production & commons
economics. On your blog Michel you wrote that you consider them to be the synthesis of
ten years of research at the P2P Foundation, on the emerging practices of the new
productive communities and the ethical entrepreneurial coalitions that create livelihoods for
shared resources. Michel, can you present us the stone tablets (you brought back from the
(The idea is to use them as an entry point for this lunch session)
• 1. Thou shall practice open business models based on shared knowledge
• 2. Thou shall practice open cooperativism
• 3. Thou shall practice open value or contributory accounting
• 4. Thou shall insure fair distribution and benefit-sharing through Copyfair licensing
• 5. Thou shall practice solidarity and mitigate the risks of work and life through Commonfare
• 6. Thou shall use open and sustainable designs for an open source circular economy
• 7. Thou shall move beyond an exclusive reliance on imperfect market price signals towards
mutual coordination of production through open supply chains and open book accounting
• 8. Thou shall practice cosmo-localization
• 9. Thou shall mutualize physical infrastructures
• 10. Thou shall mutualize generative capital
10 Commandments of peer-
production & commons economics
1. Thou shall practice open business models based on shared knowledge
Closed business models are based on artificial scarcity. Though knowledge is a non- or anti-rival good that gains in use value the more it is shared, and though it can be shared easily and
at very low marginal cost when it is in digital form, many extractive firms still use artificial scarcity to extract rents from the creation or use of digitized knowledge. Through legal repression
or technological sabotage, naturally shareable goods are made artificially scarce, so that extra profits can be generated. This is particularly galling in the context of life-saving or planet-
regenerating technological knowledge. The first commandment is therefore the ethical commandment of sharing what can be shared, and of only creating market value from resources that
are scarce and create added value on top or along these commons. Open business models are market strategies that are based on the recognition of natural abundance and the refusal to
generate income and profits by making them artificially scarce.
Thou shall find more information on this here at
2. Thou shall practice open cooperativism
Many new more ethical and generative forms are being created, that have a higher level of harmony with the contributory commons. The key here is to choose post-corporate forms that are
able to generate livelihoods for the contributing commoners.
Open cooperatives in particular would be cooperatives that share the following characteristics:
1) they are mission-oriented and have a social goal that is related to the creation of shared resources
2) they are multi-stakeholder governed, and include all those that are affected by or contributing to the particular activity
3) they constitutionally, in their own rules, commit to co-create commons with the productive communities
I often add the fourth condition that they should be global in organisational scope in order to create counter-power to extractive multinational corporations.
Cooperatives are one of the potential forms that commons-friendly market entitities could take. We see the emergence of more open forms such as neo-tribes (think of the workings of the
Ouishare community), or more tightly organized neo-builds, such as, Las Indias or the Ethos Foundation. Yet more open is the network form chose by the Sensorica open
scientific hardware community, which wants to more tightly couple contributions with generated income, by allowing all microtasked contributions in the reward system, through open value
or contributory accounting (more below).
Thou shall find more information on this at
3. Thou shall practice open value or contributory accounting
Peer production is based on distributed tasks, freely contributed by a open community-driven collaborative infrastructure. The tradition of salaries based on fixed job description may not be
the most appropriate way to reward those that contribute to such processes. Hence the emergence of open value accounting or contributory accounting. As practiced already by Sensorica,
this means that any contributor may add contributions, log them according to project number, and after peer evaluation is assigned ‘karma points’. When income is generated, it flows into
these weighted contributions, so that every contributor is fairly rewarded. Contributory accounting, or other similar solutions, are important to avoid that only a few contributors more closely
related to the market, capture the value that has been co-created by a much larger community. Open book accounting insure that the (re)distribution of value is transparent for all
Thou shall find more information on this at
4. Thou shall insure fair distribution and benefit-sharing through Copyfair licensing
The copyleft licenses allow anyone to re-use the necessary knowledge commons on the condition that changes and improvements are added to that same commons. This is a great
advance, but should not be abstracted from the need for fairness. When moving to physical production which involves findng resources for buildings, raw materials and payments to
contributors, the unfettered commercial exploitation of such commons favours extractive models. Thus the need to maintain the knowledge sharing, but to ask reciprocity for the commercial
exploitation of the commons, so that there is a level playing field for the ethical economic entities that do internalize social and environmental costs. This is achieved through copyfair
licenses which while allow full sharing of the knowledge, ask for reciprocity in exchange for the right of commercialization.
Thou shall find more information on this at
5. Thou shall practice solidarity and mitigate the risks of work and life through Commonfare practices
As one of the strong results of financial and neoliberal globalization, the power of nation-states has gradually weakened, and there is now a strong and integrated effort to unwind the
solidarity mechanisms that were embedded in the welfare state models. As long as we do not have the power to reverse this slide, it is imperative that we reconstruct solidarity mechanisms
of distributed scope, a practicde which we could call ‘commonfare’. Examples such as the Broodfonds (NL), Friendsurance (Germany) and the health sharing ministriesj (U.S.), or
cooperative entities such Coopaname in France, show us the new forms of distributed solidarity that can be developed to deal with the risks of life and work.
Thou shall find more information on this at
• 1. Thou shall practice open business models based on shared knowledge
• 2. Thou shall practice open cooperativism
• 3. Thou shall practice open value or contributory accounting
• 4. Thou shall insure fair distribution and benefit-sharing through Copyfair licensing
• 5. Thou shall practice solidarity and mitigate the risks of work and life through Commonfare
• 6. Thou shall use open and sustainable designs for an open source circular economy
• 7. Thou shall move beyond an exclusive reliance on imperfect market price signals towards
mutual coordination of production through open supply chains and open book accounting
• 8. Thou shall practice cosmo-localization
• 9. Thou shall mutualize physical infrastructures
• 10. Thou shall mutualize generative capital
10 Commandments of peer-
production & commons economics
6. Thou shall use open and sustainable designs for an open source circular economy
Open productive communities insure maximum particiation through modularity and granularity. Because they operate in a context of shared and
abundant resources, the practice of planned obsolesence, which is not a bug but a feature for profit-maximizing corporations, is alien to them.
Ethical enterpreneurial entities will therefore use these open and sustainable designs and produce sustainable good and services.
Thou shall find more information on this at
7. Thou shall move beyond an exclusive reliance on imperfect market price signals towards mutual coordination of production through open
supply chains and open book accounting
What decision-making is for planning, and pricing is for the market, mutual coordination is for the commons!
We will never achieve a sustainable ‘circular economy’, in which the output of one production processes is used as an input for another, with
closed value chains and which every cooperation has to be painfully negotiated in the conditions of lack of transparency. But enterpreneurial
coalitions who are already co-dependent on a collaborative commons can create eco-systems of collaboration through open supply chains, in
which the production processes become transparent, in through which every participant can adapt his behaviour based on the knowledge
available in the network. There is no need for over-production when the production realities of the network become common knowledge.
Thou shall find more information on this at
8. Thou shall practice cosmo-localization
“What is light is global, and what is heavy is local”: this is the new principle animating commons-based peer production in which knowledge is
globally shared, but production can take place on demand and based on real needs , through a network of distributed coworking and
microfactories. Certain studies have shown that up to two-thirds of matter and energy goes not to production, but to transport, which is clearly
unsustainable. A return to relocalized production is a since qua non for the transition towards sustainable production.
Thou shall find more information on this at
9. Thou shall mutualize physical infrastructures
Platform cooperatives, data cooperatives and fairshares forms of distributed ownership can be used to co-own our infrastructures of production.
The misnamed sharing economy from AirBnB and Uber shows the potential of matching idle resources. Co-working, skillsharing, ridesharing are
examples of the many ways in which we can re-use and share resources to dramatically augment the thermo-dynamic efficiencies of our
In the right context of co-ownership and co-governance, a real sharing economy can achieve dramatic advances in reduced resource use. Our
means of production, inclusive machines, can be mutualized and self-owned by all those that create value.
Thou shall find more information on this at
10. Thou shall mutualize generative capital
Generative forms of capital cannot rely on a extractive money supply that is based on compound interest that is due to extractive banks. We have
to abolish the 38% financial tax that is owed on all goods and services and transform our monetary system, and substantively augment the use of
mutual credit systems.
Thou shall find more information on this at
2. European figures and examples
• Figures from Germany
• 12 quickies
• 4 more detailed examples
Talking about cooperativism in Germany:
1/4 of the 80 Mio., e.g. 20 Mio. Germans are at least in one of 8800 registered cooperatives employing around
800.000 people.
To give three examples for certain sectors: almost 100% of all farmers are member of one or more of the 2300+
agricultural cooperatives. 90% of all bakers and butchers and 65% of all self-employed tax advisors are members of a
Almost 10% of the rented apartments in Germany are owned and administered by about 2000 housing cooperatives
providing 2.2 Mio housing units for more than 5 Mio. people of which are 2.8 million members.
Close to 1900 (1889) are labled consumer cooperatives, another 1250+ (1262) product & service cooperatives and
almost 1050 (1047) are cooperative banks and bank associations.
In the years previous to 2006 the number of cooperatives (not their members) was decreasing, however after 2006
the amount of cooperatives rose again due to a new cooperative law. The law still requires a hand-signed
application to be send by postal mail if one wants to enter or leave a cooperative, but everything else including
virtual general assemblies can be done online. These features allow to go beyond the traditional church tower of
cooperatives and enable more possibilities for participation. But according to the board of director of one of the
cooperative association I talked to, it was above all the public awareness that was created by the debate that caused
the following increase in new cooperatives. (So hopefully this conference will already have had its positive effect for
bringing up the topic of platform cooperativism)
Since 2006 new cooperatives in ever more diverse sectors have been founded: More than 1300 in the last eight
years, more than 500 in the last three. Starting from doctors and other medical background to more than 800
mostly citizen-owned energy cooperatives.
Now I will present some of these unconventional examples based on a platform or at least tech/Internet
engagement. Examples will be mainly from Germany and partially from other European countries
German Cooperativism
of Germans are members of co-ops
German Cooperativism
registered co-ops
German Cooperativism
800 000
people employed
(1% of the whole population)
German Cooperativism
• 2300+ agricultural
• 2000+ housing
• 1850+ consumer
• 1250+ product & service
• 1050 bank coops
German Cooperativism
1300 new co-ops in the last 8 years
2006 increase due to
new law AND debate
Examples (overview)
Fairmondo is one great example from Berlin. You might have heard its founder Felix Werth
yesterday evening presenting this cooperative approach to ebay with its more than >2000 coop
members. He is also offering a workshop today about his cooperative 2.0 model.
Goteo is another great example from Spain. Goteo is the cooperative approach to crowdfunding
platforms. Special also due to its open source approach and a high funding success of more than
Ulule is another crowdfunding platform I wanted to present as it is not a cooperative, but a BCorp,
the first European crowdplatform having done so - thus joining the almost 1500 BCorps existing
worldwide like Patagonia or
(During 5 years more than 10.300 cultural, solidarity, educative and environmental projects have
been financed over the platform.)
Sharetribe: Another example of a non-cooperative is Sharetribe, a not-just-for-profit organization
from Helsinki. In their shareholder agreements it says that the purpose of the company is to benefit
the society instead of just bringing profits for shareholders. I wanted to name it here also as coops
or cities can use its open source tool to create their own sharing economy platforms. (Sharetribe
founder Juho Makkonen is also attending the conference. See him if you want to know more.)
Coop – Fairmondo
Coop - Goteo
Across Spain
B-Corp. – Ulule
Paris – Barcelona - Montreal
Not-just-for-profit - Sharetribe
Bank Kitzingen: Banks have diverged from cooperativism. Currently most Coop banks have
members AND non-member customers and are usually not too keen on member partizipation.
Nevertheless – according to an interviewed expert – they are increasingly realizing they should
develop towards it again.
Therefore I want to present here the Coop bank of Kitzingen who's aim it is to exclusively work with
members again by 2017 and make providing best possible support to its members - and not
achieving the hightest ROI - its main target.
Good Data from London, is the World's first data cooperative which allows user to control data flow
at a browser level. Users who apply for membership own 100% of shares of TheGoodData which
claims that acting as the true owner of data makes companies treat one as a real customer, not
merely as a user or as the product.
BioBoden - Bio Soil is a citizen cooperative from Germany. Shares buy land that get provided to bio
farmers in oder to protect the soil, diversify agricultre, enable small scale farming livelihoods and
avoid land speculation.
Vive Berlin is a Berlin-based cooperative of autonomous guides from many countries working on a
common platform. No boss, working as equals, but supported by a structure that helps to organize
and develope new projects.
Coop - VR Bank Kitzingen
Coop – The Good Data
Coop - BioBoden
Coop – Vive Berlin
Landwege - land path - from North Germany is one example for a prosumer coop. It combines
consumer, producer and Landwege employees - and consists of 100 employees, 500 members and
30 ecological member farms.
Bürger-Energie-Berlin - Citizen-Energy-Berlin is a citizen cooperative currently supported by almost
900 (895) cooperative members (capital 776.000 €) and more than 1700 (1720) trustees (capital
10.9 Mio €) having raised > 11 Mio € so far with the intention to buy the concession for the
electricity grid of Berlin in order to take it away from Vattenfall, one of the four big corporate
energy providers in Germany and place it again into the hand of the community and foster a
sustainable and democratic energy policy.
GLS Bank was the first social and ecological bank in Germany (1974) and is supported by more than
32.000 cooperative members. The bank has now branches in 7 cities and is currently financing
around 23,000 cultural, social and ecological projects and businesses
(with loans a low as 2,5% pa. The balance sheet total was 3,2 billion € at the end of 2013 (31
December 2013) an increase of 19 % compared to the previous year (2012.)
Taz was founded in 1979 as a critical newspaper. When it ran into financial problems in 1991 it was
decided that instead of selling out to a corporate competitor to sell out to their readers and
transform into a cooperative. It started with 2000 members collecting 3 Mio. DM, the equivalent of
about 1,5 Mio €. Over the years it developped into a media cooperative of 15.000+ members and
capital resources of 12,7 Mio €
Coop Prosumer - Landwege
North Germany
Coop – BürgerEnergieBerlin
Coop – GLS Bank
Bochum + 7 cities in Germany
Coop - Taz
Due to a delayed session start
due to technical problems of Skype connection with Michel Bauwens
the following four examples where dropped
in favour of leaving enough time for discussion and audience participation.
Nevertheless this slideshare context allows for its incorporation.
Coop - WeChange
is an online platform and wants to become a kind of Facebook for activists supporting
readers to become leaders for good causes. The current structure is: User (currently 3000)
create profiles and can move beyond login within all portals.
Each portal has a forum where all users of a certain entity (e.g. Viva con agua) are
members and can interact.
Within each portal there are various groups (currently in average 20 per portal)
Within each groups there are various projects (1 to max. 10)
Portals are interconnected via the activity channel, e.g. if a user is moving around various
portals all information from the various portals and groups and projects he/she has chosen
to be a member will come together there. Thus promoting collaboration and cross-
pollination. All Portals, groups and projects can create an ouside view (microsite) for non-
registered users.
WeChange has applied for becoming a cooperative. As coop members, representatives of
portals should decide about future development of the open source platform turning it into a
need-based approach.
WeChange has secured some funds and support for further R&D
Coop – Healthbank
is the world’s first citizen-owned health data exchange platform. Only individuals can
become members of this Swiss cooperative. Health data from any source and any format
can be collected. Only the user determines with who to share or stop sharing data. Whether
it be family members, doctors or researchers willing to pay for having access to one's data.
Everyone interested in accessing ones data can apply, but it rests with the user to review
the details of the offer and decide if willing to allow access to data or participate in a
research. Payment of third parties are done to the healthbanks which pays then the
participating users.
So is it a good idea? According to Annemarie Naylor from Common Futures “Data
cooperatives may help rebalance the relationship between those that create data and those
that seek to exploit it whilst also creating the environment for fair and consensual
exchange.” So the answer might be yes.
But how much would an insurance company pay for a little leak in the database caused by a
frustrasted or underpayed programmer? The German doctor association is trying to prevent
exactly the collection of these kind of data. And who is collecting his medical data anyway or
would want to deal with technical API's trying to upload them?
Coop – Büchertisch
Büchertisch - book table -
is a cooperative since 2013. It collets books from inheritance or donations and sells them on
the one hand online and in three bookstores offline and on the other hand donates literature
to more than 100 school libraries, kindergarten and 80 other institutions including prisons.
This created 40 jobs and kept books from being wasted. I picked Büchertisch as I consider it
a nice example how the convergence of gift-, share-, circular economy and cooperative
structures are forming cooperative platforms and ecosystems that can create values in
multiple ways that go far beyond job creation and financial activity. As initiative the Berlin
book table has generated many positive social effects in the neighbourhood like bringing
together academics and homeless people and spinning off new projects.
Coop – VR Bank – Crowdfunding
Brühl + 70 in Germany
Bank Bühl:
As mentioned earlier Coop banks seem to realize they have to reconnect to their roots
which is people coming together to mutually fund/enable something. Crowdfunding and
cooperativism principles are actually very similiar if not identical. In this context it is no
surprise, but still good to see that the Coop Bank Bühl in Germany started on their
homepage a crowdfunding platform named “many achieve more". It is a white label solution
bought from startnext, Germany’s largest crowdfunding platform. To date it is running on 35
local bank platforms, contracts are signed with an additional 35 banks. So far about 400 -
mainly small local non-profit projects and initiatives like sport clubs or local red cross have
collected from around 34.000 supporters more than 1.3 Mio €.
Platform Cooperativism
What has to be done?
Quo Vadis?
And as coop banks can also become crowdfunding platforms, crowdfunding platforms could
and should also become cooperatives.
And this doesn't stop here: the digital world is predestinated for cooperative forms given that
the users and stakeholder could or should also be the shareholders as they are the ones
creating the value.
This is not (yet) the case. We currently transfer concepts/models/system from the analog to
the digital world and in environments like Facebook and Google the user is not the
shareholder but the product.
Currently we have hybrid systems:
On the front end - in the ideal case - a platform on which peers can meet, contribute,
connect, self-organise and fulfil each others needs directly, becoming producer and
consumer at the same time and thus getting the chance to play multiple roles and enjoy
opportunities evolving out of it. That's 21 century.
But what is happening on the back end? Usually VC sponsored startups are looking for fast
and high exit and ROI. So you still have the guys and thinking of the 20th century's
extractive and explotive economy sitting in the machine room. Personal data end up for
exclusive mining in silos, profits and power get concentrated in the hands of the few.
But this doesn't have to stay this way. What do we have to do to change this?
Thank you !
Thomas Dönnebrink
OuiShare Connector Germany
Freelancer Collaborative Economy
+49 176 32335744

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Platform Cooperativism: Special Lunch Session with Michel Bauwens - Response: Thomas Dönnebrink European Experiments With Worker Ownership And Self-Governance

  • 1.
  • 2. Structure 1. Michel Bauwens: introduction to platform economics 2. European figures and examples 3. Michel continues 4. Discussion
  • 3. Welcome to the special lunch session with Michel Bauwens here at the Hoerle lecture Hall of the New School in the context of the platform cooperativism conference. My name is Thomas Dönnebrink. I live in Berlin where I am one of the OuiShare Connectors and working as a freelancer in the field of the collaborative economy and society. I am particularly interested in the convergence of ideas, networks and movements aiming at having an impact on changing the world for the better. Thanks for the invitation to this conference and for the opportunity to moderate and add my contribution to this lunch session with Michel And here we go. Unless life wants to take a different road here is what to expect for the next 50 min. After having presented Michel Bauwens we would like to hear his take on the overall framework on platform economics. Then I will take 12 min to kick in a few European and mainly German figures and projects engaged with tech and experimenting with ownership and governance. Against these or other examples we would like Michel to further elaborate on his overall framework focusing on the aspects he considers most relevant and interesting for the topic of the conference Leaving enough time to open the discussion and take questions and imput from the crowd.
  • 5. I guess many of you know him already. For more than 10 years he is producing and disseminating so much content around Commons based Peer Production and beyond to keep everybody - trying to read and devour it all - busy 24/7. He seems to be constantly travelling and must have attended conference/events/meeting in the thousands by now. I can image Michel you are a bit weary of the standard presentation most people here will know already anyhow. May I therefore introduce you and your work with the answer you gave in the video interview we did during the OuiShareFest last May in Paris? Having asked where you see your main focus you interestingly said: Well, the P2P Foundation is like a collective intellectual, like Gramsci‘s organic intelectuals. May I ask you to explain what you mean by that and present you and your work from that angle? Meeting Michel at the UnCommon Conference in Berlin on the 22nd of Octobre he presented there - for the first time - his 10 commandments of peer-production & commons economics. On your blog Michel you wrote that you consider them to be the synthesis of ten years of research at the P2P Foundation, on the emerging practices of the new productive communities and the ethical entrepreneurial coalitions that create livelihoods for shared resources. Michel, can you present us the stone tablets (you brought back from the mountain)? (The idea is to use them as an entry point for this lunch session)
  • 6. I. OPEN AND FREE • 1. Thou shall practice open business models based on shared knowledge II. FAIR • 2. Thou shall practice open cooperativism • 3. Thou shall practice open value or contributory accounting • 4. Thou shall insure fair distribution and benefit-sharing through Copyfair licensing • 5. Thou shall practice solidarity and mitigate the risks of work and life through Commonfare practices III. SUSTAINABLE • 6. Thou shall use open and sustainable designs for an open source circular economy • 7. Thou shall move beyond an exclusive reliance on imperfect market price signals towards mutual coordination of production through open supply chains and open book accounting • 8. Thou shall practice cosmo-localization • 9. Thou shall mutualize physical infrastructures • 10. Thou shall mutualize generative capital 10 Commandments of peer- production & commons economics
  • 7. I. OPEN AND FREE 1. Thou shall practice open business models based on shared knowledge Closed business models are based on artificial scarcity. Though knowledge is a non- or anti-rival good that gains in use value the more it is shared, and though it can be shared easily and at very low marginal cost when it is in digital form, many extractive firms still use artificial scarcity to extract rents from the creation or use of digitized knowledge. Through legal repression or technological sabotage, naturally shareable goods are made artificially scarce, so that extra profits can be generated. This is particularly galling in the context of life-saving or planet- regenerating technological knowledge. The first commandment is therefore the ethical commandment of sharing what can be shared, and of only creating market value from resources that are scarce and create added value on top or along these commons. Open business models are market strategies that are based on the recognition of natural abundance and the refusal to generate income and profits by making them artificially scarce. Thou shall find more information on this here at II. FAIR 2. Thou shall practice open cooperativism Many new more ethical and generative forms are being created, that have a higher level of harmony with the contributory commons. The key here is to choose post-corporate forms that are able to generate livelihoods for the contributing commoners. Open cooperatives in particular would be cooperatives that share the following characteristics: 1) they are mission-oriented and have a social goal that is related to the creation of shared resources 2) they are multi-stakeholder governed, and include all those that are affected by or contributing to the particular activity 3) they constitutionally, in their own rules, commit to co-create commons with the productive communities I often add the fourth condition that they should be global in organisational scope in order to create counter-power to extractive multinational corporations. Cooperatives are one of the potential forms that commons-friendly market entitities could take. We see the emergence of more open forms such as neo-tribes (think of the workings of the Ouishare community), or more tightly organized neo-builds, such as, Las Indias or the Ethos Foundation. Yet more open is the network form chose by the Sensorica open scientific hardware community, which wants to more tightly couple contributions with generated income, by allowing all microtasked contributions in the reward system, through open value or contributory accounting (more below). Thou shall find more information on this at 3. Thou shall practice open value or contributory accounting Peer production is based on distributed tasks, freely contributed by a open community-driven collaborative infrastructure. The tradition of salaries based on fixed job description may not be the most appropriate way to reward those that contribute to such processes. Hence the emergence of open value accounting or contributory accounting. As practiced already by Sensorica, this means that any contributor may add contributions, log them according to project number, and after peer evaluation is assigned ‘karma points’. When income is generated, it flows into these weighted contributions, so that every contributor is fairly rewarded. Contributory accounting, or other similar solutions, are important to avoid that only a few contributors more closely related to the market, capture the value that has been co-created by a much larger community. Open book accounting insure that the (re)distribution of value is transparent for all contributors. Thou shall find more information on this at 4. Thou shall insure fair distribution and benefit-sharing through Copyfair licensing The copyleft licenses allow anyone to re-use the necessary knowledge commons on the condition that changes and improvements are added to that same commons. This is a great advance, but should not be abstracted from the need for fairness. When moving to physical production which involves findng resources for buildings, raw materials and payments to contributors, the unfettered commercial exploitation of such commons favours extractive models. Thus the need to maintain the knowledge sharing, but to ask reciprocity for the commercial exploitation of the commons, so that there is a level playing field for the ethical economic entities that do internalize social and environmental costs. This is achieved through copyfair licenses which while allow full sharing of the knowledge, ask for reciprocity in exchange for the right of commercialization. Thou shall find more information on this at 5. Thou shall practice solidarity and mitigate the risks of work and life through Commonfare practices As one of the strong results of financial and neoliberal globalization, the power of nation-states has gradually weakened, and there is now a strong and integrated effort to unwind the solidarity mechanisms that were embedded in the welfare state models. As long as we do not have the power to reverse this slide, it is imperative that we reconstruct solidarity mechanisms of distributed scope, a practicde which we could call ‘commonfare’. Examples such as the Broodfonds (NL), Friendsurance (Germany) and the health sharing ministriesj (U.S.), or cooperative entities such Coopaname in France, show us the new forms of distributed solidarity that can be developed to deal with the risks of life and work. Thou shall find more information on this at
  • 8. I. OPEN AND FREE • 1. Thou shall practice open business models based on shared knowledge II. FAIR • 2. Thou shall practice open cooperativism • 3. Thou shall practice open value or contributory accounting • 4. Thou shall insure fair distribution and benefit-sharing through Copyfair licensing • 5. Thou shall practice solidarity and mitigate the risks of work and life through Commonfare practices III. SUSTAINABLE • 6. Thou shall use open and sustainable designs for an open source circular economy • 7. Thou shall move beyond an exclusive reliance on imperfect market price signals towards mutual coordination of production through open supply chains and open book accounting • 8. Thou shall practice cosmo-localization • 9. Thou shall mutualize physical infrastructures • 10. Thou shall mutualize generative capital 10 Commandments of peer- production & commons economics
  • 9. III. SUSTAINABLE 6. Thou shall use open and sustainable designs for an open source circular economy Open productive communities insure maximum particiation through modularity and granularity. Because they operate in a context of shared and abundant resources, the practice of planned obsolesence, which is not a bug but a feature for profit-maximizing corporations, is alien to them. Ethical enterpreneurial entities will therefore use these open and sustainable designs and produce sustainable good and services. Thou shall find more information on this at 7. Thou shall move beyond an exclusive reliance on imperfect market price signals towards mutual coordination of production through open supply chains and open book accounting What decision-making is for planning, and pricing is for the market, mutual coordination is for the commons! We will never achieve a sustainable ‘circular economy’, in which the output of one production processes is used as an input for another, with closed value chains and which every cooperation has to be painfully negotiated in the conditions of lack of transparency. But enterpreneurial coalitions who are already co-dependent on a collaborative commons can create eco-systems of collaboration through open supply chains, in which the production processes become transparent, in through which every participant can adapt his behaviour based on the knowledge available in the network. There is no need for over-production when the production realities of the network become common knowledge. Thou shall find more information on this at 8. Thou shall practice cosmo-localization “What is light is global, and what is heavy is local”: this is the new principle animating commons-based peer production in which knowledge is globally shared, but production can take place on demand and based on real needs , through a network of distributed coworking and microfactories. Certain studies have shown that up to two-thirds of matter and energy goes not to production, but to transport, which is clearly unsustainable. A return to relocalized production is a since qua non for the transition towards sustainable production. Thou shall find more information on this at 9. Thou shall mutualize physical infrastructures Platform cooperatives, data cooperatives and fairshares forms of distributed ownership can be used to co-own our infrastructures of production. The misnamed sharing economy from AirBnB and Uber shows the potential of matching idle resources. Co-working, skillsharing, ridesharing are examples of the many ways in which we can re-use and share resources to dramatically augment the thermo-dynamic efficiencies of our consumption. In the right context of co-ownership and co-governance, a real sharing economy can achieve dramatic advances in reduced resource use. Our means of production, inclusive machines, can be mutualized and self-owned by all those that create value. Thou shall find more information on this at 10. Thou shall mutualize generative capital Generative forms of capital cannot rely on a extractive money supply that is based on compound interest that is due to extractive banks. We have to abolish the 38% financial tax that is owed on all goods and services and transform our monetary system, and substantively augment the use of mutual credit systems. Thou shall find more information on this at
  • 10. 2. European figures and examples • Figures from Germany • 12 quickies • 4 more detailed examples
  • 11. Talking about cooperativism in Germany: 1/4 of the 80 Mio., e.g. 20 Mio. Germans are at least in one of 8800 registered cooperatives employing around 800.000 people. To give three examples for certain sectors: almost 100% of all farmers are member of one or more of the 2300+ agricultural cooperatives. 90% of all bakers and butchers and 65% of all self-employed tax advisors are members of a cooperative. Almost 10% of the rented apartments in Germany are owned and administered by about 2000 housing cooperatives providing 2.2 Mio housing units for more than 5 Mio. people of which are 2.8 million members. Close to 1900 (1889) are labled consumer cooperatives, another 1250+ (1262) product & service cooperatives and almost 1050 (1047) are cooperative banks and bank associations. In the years previous to 2006 the number of cooperatives (not their members) was decreasing, however after 2006 the amount of cooperatives rose again due to a new cooperative law. The law still requires a hand-signed application to be send by postal mail if one wants to enter or leave a cooperative, but everything else including virtual general assemblies can be done online. These features allow to go beyond the traditional church tower of cooperatives and enable more possibilities for participation. But according to the board of director of one of the cooperative association I talked to, it was above all the public awareness that was created by the debate that caused the following increase in new cooperatives. (So hopefully this conference will already have had its positive effect for bringing up the topic of platform cooperativism) Since 2006 new cooperatives in ever more diverse sectors have been founded: More than 1300 in the last eight years, more than 500 in the last three. Starting from doctors and other medical background to more than 800 mostly citizen-owned energy cooperatives. Now I will present some of these unconventional examples based on a platform or at least tech/Internet engagement. Examples will be mainly from Germany and partially from other European countries
  • 12. German Cooperativism 25% of Germans are members of co-ops
  • 14. German Cooperativism 800 000 people employed (1% of the whole population)
  • 15. German Cooperativism • 2300+ agricultural • 2000+ housing • 1850+ consumer • 1250+ product & service • 1050 bank coops
  • 16. German Cooperativism 1300 new co-ops in the last 8 years 2006 increase due to new law AND debate
  • 17. Examples (overview) Fairmondo is one great example from Berlin. You might have heard its founder Felix Werth yesterday evening presenting this cooperative approach to ebay with its more than >2000 coop members. He is also offering a workshop today about his cooperative 2.0 model. Goteo is another great example from Spain. Goteo is the cooperative approach to crowdfunding platforms. Special also due to its open source approach and a high funding success of more than 70%. Ulule is another crowdfunding platform I wanted to present as it is not a cooperative, but a BCorp, the first European crowdplatform having done so - thus joining the almost 1500 BCorps existing worldwide like Patagonia or (During 5 years more than 10.300 cultural, solidarity, educative and environmental projects have been financed over the platform.) Sharetribe: Another example of a non-cooperative is Sharetribe, a not-just-for-profit organization from Helsinki. In their shareholder agreements it says that the purpose of the company is to benefit the society instead of just bringing profits for shareholders. I wanted to name it here also as coops or cities can use its open source tool to create their own sharing economy platforms. (Sharetribe founder Juho Makkonen is also attending the conference. See him if you want to know more.)
  • 20. B-Corp. – Ulule Paris – Barcelona - Montreal
  • 22. Bank Kitzingen: Banks have diverged from cooperativism. Currently most Coop banks have members AND non-member customers and are usually not too keen on member partizipation. Nevertheless – according to an interviewed expert – they are increasingly realizing they should develop towards it again. Therefore I want to present here the Coop bank of Kitzingen who's aim it is to exclusively work with members again by 2017 and make providing best possible support to its members - and not achieving the hightest ROI - its main target. Good Data from London, is the World's first data cooperative which allows user to control data flow at a browser level. Users who apply for membership own 100% of shares of TheGoodData which claims that acting as the true owner of data makes companies treat one as a real customer, not merely as a user or as the product. BioBoden - Bio Soil is a citizen cooperative from Germany. Shares buy land that get provided to bio farmers in oder to protect the soil, diversify agricultre, enable small scale farming livelihoods and avoid land speculation. Vive Berlin is a Berlin-based cooperative of autonomous guides from many countries working on a common platform. No boss, working as equals, but supported by a structure that helps to organize and develope new projects.
  • 23. Coop - VR Bank Kitzingen Kitzingen/Germany
  • 24. Coop – The Good Data London/UK
  • 26. Coop – Vive Berlin Berlin/Germany
  • 27. Landwege - land path - from North Germany is one example for a prosumer coop. It combines consumer, producer and Landwege employees - and consists of 100 employees, 500 members and 30 ecological member farms. Bürger-Energie-Berlin - Citizen-Energy-Berlin is a citizen cooperative currently supported by almost 900 (895) cooperative members (capital 776.000 €) and more than 1700 (1720) trustees (capital 10.9 Mio €) having raised > 11 Mio € so far with the intention to buy the concession for the electricity grid of Berlin in order to take it away from Vattenfall, one of the four big corporate energy providers in Germany and place it again into the hand of the community and foster a sustainable and democratic energy policy. GLS Bank was the first social and ecological bank in Germany (1974) and is supported by more than 32.000 cooperative members. The bank has now branches in 7 cities and is currently financing around 23,000 cultural, social and ecological projects and businesses (with loans a low as 2,5% pa. The balance sheet total was 3,2 billion € at the end of 2013 (31 December 2013) an increase of 19 % compared to the previous year (2012.) Taz was founded in 1979 as a critical newspaper. When it ran into financial problems in 1991 it was decided that instead of selling out to a corporate competitor to sell out to their readers and transform into a cooperative. It started with 2000 members collecting 3 Mio. DM, the equivalent of about 1,5 Mio €. Over the years it developped into a media cooperative of 15.000+ members and capital resources of 12,7 Mio €
  • 28. Coop Prosumer - Landwege North Germany
  • 30. Coop – GLS Bank Bochum + 7 cities in Germany
  • 32. Due to a delayed session start due to technical problems of Skype connection with Michel Bauwens the following four examples where dropped in favour of leaving enough time for discussion and audience participation. Nevertheless this slideshare context allows for its incorporation.
  • 34. WeChange is an online platform and wants to become a kind of Facebook for activists supporting readers to become leaders for good causes. The current structure is: User (currently 3000) create profiles and can move beyond login within all portals. Each portal has a forum where all users of a certain entity (e.g. Viva con agua) are members and can interact. Within each portal there are various groups (currently in average 20 per portal) Within each groups there are various projects (1 to max. 10) Portals are interconnected via the activity channel, e.g. if a user is moving around various portals all information from the various portals and groups and projects he/she has chosen to be a member will come together there. Thus promoting collaboration and cross- pollination. All Portals, groups and projects can create an ouside view (microsite) for non- registered users. WeChange has applied for becoming a cooperative. As coop members, representatives of portals should decide about future development of the open source platform turning it into a need-based approach. WeChange has secured some funds and support for further R&D
  • 36. healthbank is the world’s first citizen-owned health data exchange platform. Only individuals can become members of this Swiss cooperative. Health data from any source and any format can be collected. Only the user determines with who to share or stop sharing data. Whether it be family members, doctors or researchers willing to pay for having access to one's data. Everyone interested in accessing ones data can apply, but it rests with the user to review the details of the offer and decide if willing to allow access to data or participate in a research. Payment of third parties are done to the healthbanks which pays then the participating users. So is it a good idea? According to Annemarie Naylor from Common Futures “Data cooperatives may help rebalance the relationship between those that create data and those that seek to exploit it whilst also creating the environment for fair and consensual exchange.” So the answer might be yes. But how much would an insurance company pay for a little leak in the database caused by a frustrasted or underpayed programmer? The German doctor association is trying to prevent exactly the collection of these kind of data. And who is collecting his medical data anyway or would want to deal with technical API's trying to upload them?
  • 38. Büchertisch - book table - is a cooperative since 2013. It collets books from inheritance or donations and sells them on the one hand online and in three bookstores offline and on the other hand donates literature to more than 100 school libraries, kindergarten and 80 other institutions including prisons. This created 40 jobs and kept books from being wasted. I picked Büchertisch as I consider it a nice example how the convergence of gift-, share-, circular economy and cooperative structures are forming cooperative platforms and ecosystems that can create values in multiple ways that go far beyond job creation and financial activity. As initiative the Berlin book table has generated many positive social effects in the neighbourhood like bringing together academics and homeless people and spinning off new projects.
  • 39. Coop – VR Bank – Crowdfunding Brühl + 70 in Germany
  • 40. Bank Bühl: As mentioned earlier Coop banks seem to realize they have to reconnect to their roots which is people coming together to mutually fund/enable something. Crowdfunding and cooperativism principles are actually very similiar if not identical. In this context it is no surprise, but still good to see that the Coop Bank Bühl in Germany started on their homepage a crowdfunding platform named “many achieve more". It is a white label solution bought from startnext, Germany’s largest crowdfunding platform. To date it is running on 35 local bank platforms, contracts are signed with an additional 35 banks. So far about 400 - mainly small local non-profit projects and initiatives like sport clubs or local red cross have collected from around 34.000 supporters more than 1.3 Mio €.
  • 41. Platform Cooperativism What has to be done? Quo Vadis?
  • 42. And as coop banks can also become crowdfunding platforms, crowdfunding platforms could and should also become cooperatives. And this doesn't stop here: the digital world is predestinated for cooperative forms given that the users and stakeholder could or should also be the shareholders as they are the ones creating the value. This is not (yet) the case. We currently transfer concepts/models/system from the analog to the digital world and in environments like Facebook and Google the user is not the shareholder but the product. Currently we have hybrid systems: On the front end - in the ideal case - a platform on which peers can meet, contribute, connect, self-organise and fulfil each others needs directly, becoming producer and consumer at the same time and thus getting the chance to play multiple roles and enjoy opportunities evolving out of it. That's 21 century. But what is happening on the back end? Usually VC sponsored startups are looking for fast and high exit and ROI. So you still have the guys and thinking of the 20th century's extractive and explotive economy sitting in the machine room. Personal data end up for exclusive mining in silos, profits and power get concentrated in the hands of the few. But this doesn't have to stay this way. What do we have to do to change this?
  • 43. Thank you ! Thomas Dönnebrink OuiShare Connector Germany Freelancer Collaborative Economy @tdoennebrink +49 176 32335744

Editor's Notes

  1. Welcome to the special lunch session with Michel Bauwens here at the Hoerle lecture Hall of the New School in the context of the platform cooperativism conference. The Internet. Ownership & Democracy organized by Trevor Scholz and Nathan Schneider. Thanks Trevor and Nathan and everybody who have made this conference possible. My name is Thomas Dönnebrink. I live in Berlin where I am one of the OuiShare Connectors and working as a freelancer in the field of the collaborative economy and society. I am particularly interested in the convergence of ideas, networks and movements. Thanks for the invitation to this conference and for the opportunity to moderate and add my contribution to this lunch session with Michel
  2. And here we go. Unless live wants to take a different road here is what to expect for the next 50 min. After a presentation of Michel Bauwens we would like to hear his take on the overall framework on platform economics. Then I will kick in a few figures and projects from Europe - mainly Germany - engaged with tech and experimenting with ownership of governance. Against these or other examples we would like Michel to further elaborate on his overall framework focusing on the aspects /commandments most relevant and interesting for the topic of the conference Leaving enough time to open the discussion and take questions from the wisdom of the crowd.
  3. I guess many of you know him already. For more than 10 years he is producing and disseminating so much content around Commons based Peer Production and beyond to keep everybody - trying to read and devour it all - busy 24/7. Michel Bauwens - after having travelled and attended what must have been conference/events/meeting in the thousands I can image you are a bit weary of the standard presentation most people here know already anyhow. May I therefore introduce you with the answer you gave in the video interview we did during the OuiShareFest last May in Paris on my question: What is your main focus and where do you see your role in the process of transition. You interestingly said: Well, the P2P Foundation (you founded) is like a collective intellectual, like Gramsci‘s organic intelectuals. May I ask you to explain what you mean by that and present you and your work from that angle?
  4. Michel and I met last time in the context of the UnCommon Conference by the Berliner Gazette in Berlin on the 22nd of Octobre. At that Conference Michel presented - for the first time - and in the slightly provocative form of Commandments - his 10 commandments of peer-production & Commons economics. Michel you wrote you consider them to be the synthesis of ten years of research at the P2P Foundation, on the emerging practices of the new productive communities and the ethical entrepreneurial coalitions that create livelihoods for shared resources. Michel, do you want to bring and present us the stone tablets? The idea is to use them as an entry point for this lunch session and then please pick and further elaborate on the commandments you see most relevant and interesting for the theme of the conference and the crowd congregated here? Mit Michel Bauwens I. OPEN AND FREE 1. Thou shall practice open business models based on shared knowledge Closed business models are based on artificial scarcity. Though knowledge is a non- or anti-rival good that gains in use value the more it is shared, and though it can be shared easily and at very low marginal cost when it is in digital form, many extractive firms still use artificial scarcity to extract rents from the creation or use of digitized knowledge. Through legal repression or technological sabotage, naturally shareable goods are made artificially scarce, so that extra profits can be generated. This is particularly galling in the context of life-saving or planet-regenerating technological knowledge. The first commandment is therefore the ethical commandment of sharing what can be shared, and of only creating market value from resources that are scarce and create added value on top or along these commons. Open business models are market strategies that are based on the recognition of natural abundance and the refusal to generate income and profits by making them artificially scarce. Thou shall find more information on this here at II. FAIR 2. Thou shall practice open cooperativism Many new more ethical and generative forms are being created, that have a higher level of harmony with the contributory commons. The key here is to choose post-corporate forms that are able to generate livelihoods for the contributing commoners. Open cooperatives in particular would be cooperatives that share the following characteristics: 1) they are mission-oriented and have a social goal that is related to the creation of shared resources 2) they are multi-stakeholder governed, and include all those that are affected by or contributing to the particular activity 3) they constitutionally, in their own rules, commit to co-create commons with the productive communities I often add the fourth condition that they should be global in organisational scope in order to create counter-power to extractive multinational corporations. Cooperatives are one of the potential forms that commons-friendly market entitities could take. We see the emergence of more open forms such as neo-tribes (think of the workings of the Ouishare community), or more tightly organized neo-builds, such as, Las Indias or the Ethos Foundation. Yet more open is the network form chose by the Sensorica open scientific hardware community, which wants to more tightly couple contributions with generated income, by allowing all microtasked contributions in the reward system, through open value or contributory accounting (more below). Thou shall find more information on this at 3. Thou shall practice open value or contributory accounting Peer production is based on distributed tasks, freely contributed by a open community-driven collaborative infrastructure. The tradition of salaries based on fixed job description may not be the most appropriate way to reward those that contribute to such processes. Hence the emergence of open value accounting or contributory accounting. As practiced already by Sensorica, this means that any contributor may add contributions, log them according to project number, and after peer evaluation is assigned ‘karma points’. When income is generated, it flows into these weighted contributions, so that every contributor is fairly rewarded. Contributory accounting, or other similar solutions, are important to avoid that only a few contributors more closely related to the market, capture the value that has been co-created by a much larger community. Open book accounting insure that the (re)distribution of value is transparent for all contributors. Thou shall find more information on this at 4. Thou shall insure fair distribution and benefit-sharing through Copyfair licensing The copyleft licenses allow anyone to re-use the necessary knowledge commons on the condition that changes and improvements are added to that same commons. This is a great advance, but should not be abstracted from the need for fairness. When moving to physical production which involves findng resources for buildings, raw materials and payments to contributors, the unfettered commercial exploitation of such commons favours extractive models. Thus the need to maintain the knowledge sharing, but to ask reciprocity for the commercial exploitation of the commons, so that there is a level playing field for the ethical economic entities that do internalize social and environmental costs. This is achieved through copyfair licenses which while allow full sharing of the knowledge, ask for reciprocity in exchange for the right of commercialization. Thou shall find more information on this at 5. Thou shall practice solidarity and mitigate the risks of work and life through Commonfare practices As one of the strong results of financial and neoliberal globalization, the power of nation-states has gradually weakened, and there is now a strong and integrated effort to unwind the solidarity mechanisms that were embedded in the welfare state models. As long as we do not have the power to reverse this slide, it is imperative that we reconstruct solidarity mechanisms of distributed scope, a practicde which we could call ‘commonfare’. Examples such as the Broodfonds (NL), Friendsurance (Germany) and the health sharing ministriesj (U.S.), or cooperative entities such Coopaname in France, show us the new forms of distributed solidarity that can be developed to deal with the risks of life and work. Thou shall find more information on this at
  5. III. SUSTAINABLE 6. Thou shall use open and sustainable designs for an open source circular economy Open productive communities insure maximum particiation through modularity and granularity. Because they operate in a context of shared and abundant resources, the practice of planned obsolesence, which is not a bug but a feature for profit-maximizing corporations, is alien to them. Ethical enterpreneurial entities will therefore use these open and sustainable designs and produce sustainable good and services. Thou shall find more information on this at 7. Thou shall move beyond an exclusive reliance on imperfect market price signals towards mutual coordination of production through open supply chains and open book accounting What decision-making is for planning, and pricing is for the market, mutual coordination is for the commons! We will never achieve a sustainable ‘circular economy’, in which the output of one production processes is used as an input for another, with closed value chains and which every cooperation has to be painfully negotiated in the conditions of lack of transparency. But enterpreneurial coalitions who are already co-dependent on a collaborative commons can create eco-systems of collaboration through open supply chains, in which the production processes become transparent, in through which every participant can adapt his behaviour based on the knowledge available in the network. There is no need for over-production when the production realities of the network become common knowledge. Thou shall find more information on this at 8. Thou shall practice cosmo-localization “What is light is global, and what is heavy is local”: this is the new principle animating commons-based peer production in which knowledge is globally shared, but production can take place on demand and based on real needs , through a network of distributed coworking and microfactories. Certain studies have shown that up to two-thirds of matter and energy goes not to production, but to transport, which is clearly unsustainable. A return to relocalized production is a since qua non for the transition towards sustainable production. Thou shall find more information on this at 9. Thou shall mutualize physical infrastructures Platform cooperatives, data cooperatives and fairshares forms of distributed ownership can be used to co-own our infrastructures of production. The misnamed sharing economy from AirBnB and Uber shows the potential of matching idle resources. Co-working, skillsharing, ridesharing are examples of the many ways in which we can re-use and share resources to dramatically augment the thermo-dynamic efficiencies of our consumption. In the right context of co-ownership and co-governance, a real sharing economy can achieve dramatic advances in reduced resource use. Our means of production, inclusive machines, can be mutualized and self-owned by all those that create value. Thou shall find more information on this at 10. Thou shall mutualize generative capital Generative forms of capital cannot rely on a extractive money supply that is based on compound interest that is due to extractive banks. We have to abolish the 38% financial tax that is owed on all goods and services and transform our monetary system, and substantively augment the use of mutual credit systems. Thou shall find more information on this at
  6. First I briefly want to give you some figures and facts about the current cooperative situation in Germany for framing. Second a quick 2 sentence run-over some platforms Third a one-minute pitch each of 3-4 projects I picked. Some examples and thoughts beyond individual platform cooperatives     
  7. Talking about cooperativism in Germany: 1/4 of the 80 Mio., e.g. 20 Mio. Germans are at least in one of 8800 registered cooperatives employing around 800.000 people. Almost 100% of all farmers are member of one or more of the 2300+ agricultural cooperatives. Besides 90% of all bakers and butchers, 75% of all retail traders, 65% of all self-employed tax advisors are members of a cooperative. Almost 10% of the rented apartments in Germany are owned and administered by about 2000 housing cooperatives providing 2.2 Mio housing units for more than 5 Mio. people of which are 2.8 million members. Close to 1900 (1889) are labled consumer cooperatives, another 1250+ (1262) product & service cooperatives and more than 1000 (1047) are cooperative banks and bank associations. Until 2006 the amount of cooperatives (not their members) was decreasing, since 2006 the amount of cooperatives is increasing again due to a new cooperative law. This law still requires for entering or exiting a cooperative a hand-signed application to be send by postal mail, but everything else including virtual general assemblies can be done online. These features allow to go beyond the traditional church tower of cooperatives and enable more possibilities for participation. But according to the board of director of one cooperative association I talked to, it was above all the public awareness arount the debate that caused the consecutive increase in cooperatives (So hopefully in this sense this conference will already have had its positive effect on further platform cooperatives). Since then new cooperatives in ever more diverse sectors have been founded: More then 1300 in the last eight years, more than 500 in the last three. Starting from doctors and other medical background to more than 800 mostly citizen-owned energy cooperatives. Following now some of these unconventional examples based on a platform or at least tech/Internet engagement .Mainly from Germany, partially from other European countries Gesamtverband weltweit: International Cooperative Alliance ICA: Gesamtverband für Deutschland ist der DGRV:   Seit 2006 wieder Anstieg der Genossenschaften. v.a. durch die Diskussion um die Genossenschaftsreformmehr als um wegen des Gesetzes selber. -> Aufkommen von Ärzte Genossenschaften – Energie Genossenschaften -> Gründerfibel (2008) Virtuelle Vorversammlung Seit 2006 sind virtuelle Generallversammlung möglich Aufnahmeantrag muss noch schriftlich erfolgen: Ausdruck mit Originalunterschrift und postalischer Versand (rein und raus). Rest geht virtuell. Geht über Kirchturmprinzip hinaus. Virtuelle Realisierung verschafft Möglichkeit erhöhter Partizipation (Es ist schon alles gesagt, aber nicht von jedem (Brabbl hilft sie zu visualisieren) Chance der kleinen Coop Große Koalition wollte das ob in Genossenschaftsgesetz oder Vereinsgesetz 23.11. Herr Lange BMJV (Ausblick für die Zukunft – Neuer Referent – Einführung der kleinen Genossenschaft MdB SPD sagt wird es geben. MdB CDU sagt wird nicht geben. (Ziedler geht davon aus, dass es kommt    The Free Committee of German Cooperative Associations The DGRV - Deutscher Genossenschafts- und Raiffeisenverband e.V. (German Cooperative and Raiffeisen Confederation – reg. assoc.) and the GdW Bundesverband deutscher Wohnungs- und Immobilienunternehmen e.V (GdW – National Federation of German Housing and Real Estate Enterprises – reg. assoc.) together form a union called the Free Committee of German Cooperative Federations. Its purpose is to facilitate the exchange of ideas and experience in the fundamental issues of the cooperative system, as well as to ascertain the interests of the cooperative system as a whole in dealings with the public and with legislators. In the last three years, more then 500 new cooperatives have been founded under the DGRV umbrella. In the last eight years, more then 1300 new cooperatives in Germany in general 11 Neugründungen 2005 253 Neugründungen 2011 (2012 intern. Year of Cooperatives UN) Die Genossenschaftsgruppe ist die bei Weitem mitgliederstärkste Wirtschaftsorganisation in Deutschland. Mit 20 Millionen Mitgliedern und mehr als 800.000 Mitarbeitern in über 7.500 Genossenschaften 2.000 Wohnungsgenossenschaften bieten ca. 2,2 Mio. Wohnungen für mehr als 5 Millionen Menschen. 10 % Anteil der Genossenschaftswohnungen am Mietwohnungsbestand in Deutschland von 24 Mio. 2.316 landwirtschaftliche Waren- und Dienstleistungsgenossenschaften mit 1,4 Millionen Mitgliedern 1.047 deutschen Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken sowie die Verbundunternehmen der genossenschaftlichen FinanzGruppe. 1.262 gewerbliche Waren- und Dienstleistungsgenossenschaften mit rund 330.000 Mitgliedern und einem kumulierten Jahresumsatz von etwa 117 Milliarden Euro. 1889 definierte Konsumgenossenschaften als „Vereine zum gemeinschaftlichen Einkauf von Lebens- oder Wirtschaftsbedürfnissen“. Dabei bedeutet „Einkauf“ nicht, dass nur Handel betrieben wird. Die eigene Produktion ist traditionell Teil des konsumgenossenschaftlichen Konzepts. Schülergenossenschaften New cooperatives are being founded in the most diverse sectors. In recent years enterprises have been founded which take on such tasks as the administration of internet domains, human resource development and training courses, energy supply and services for doctors’ surgeries. The cooperative federations actively support these young companies. ‘A future through cooperation’ is a comprehensive compendium of work and information covering all there is to know about entrepreneurial cooperation and new cooperatives. The working group “New cooperatives” Die Übersicht der nationalen und regionalen Genossenschaftsverbände sind hier:   5 regionale Regionalverbände:
  8. Talking about cooperativism in Germany: 1/4 of the 80 Mio., e.g. 20 Mio. Germans are at least in one of 8800 registered cooperatives employing around 800.000 people. Almost 100% of all farmers are member of one or more of the 2300+ agricultural cooperatives. Besides 90% of all bakers and butchers, 75% of all retail traders, 65% of all self-employed tax advisors are members of a cooperative. Almost 10% of the rented apartments in Germany are owned and administered by about 2000 housing cooperatives providing 2.2 Mio housing units for more than 5 Mio. people of which are 2.8 million members. Close to 1900 (1889) are labled consumer cooperatives, another 1250+ (1262) product & service cooperatives and more than 1000 (1047) are cooperative banks and bank associations. Until 2006 the amount of cooperatives (not their members) was decreasing, since 2006 the amount of cooperatives is increasing again due to a new cooperative law. This law still requires for entering or exiting a cooperative a hand-signed application to be send by postal mail, but everything else including virtual general assemblies can be done online. These features allow to go beyond the traditional church tower of cooperatives and enable more possibilities for participation. But according to the board of director of one cooperative association I talked to, it was above all the public awareness arount the debate that caused the consecutive increase in cooperatives (So hopefully in this sense this conference will already have had its positive effect on further platform cooperatives). Since then new cooperatives in ever more diverse sectors have been founded: More then 1300 in the last eight years, more than 500 in the last three. Starting from doctors and other medical background to more than 800 mostly citizen-owned energy cooperatives. Following now some of these unconventional examples based on a platform or at least tech/Internet engagement .Mainly from Germany, partially from other European countries Gesamtverband weltweit: International Cooperative Alliance ICA: Gesamtverband für Deutschland ist der DGRV:   Seit 2006 wieder Anstieg der Genossenschaften. v.a. durch die Diskussion um die Genossenschaftsreformmehr als um wegen des Gesetzes selber. -> Aufkommen von Ärzte Genossenschaften – Energie Genossenschaften -> Gründerfibel (2008) Virtuelle Vorversammlung Seit 2006 sind virtuelle Generallversammlung möglich Aufnahmeantrag muss noch schriftlich erfolgen: Ausdruck mit Originalunterschrift und postalischer Versand (rein und raus). Rest geht virtuell. Geht über Kirchturmprinzip hinaus. Virtuelle Realisierung verschafft Möglichkeit erhöhter Partizipation (Es ist schon alles gesagt, aber nicht von jedem (Brabbl hilft sie zu visualisieren) Chance der kleinen Coop Große Koalition wollte das ob in Genossenschaftsgesetz oder Vereinsgesetz 23.11. Herr Lange BMJV (Ausblick für die Zukunft – Neuer Referent – Einführung der kleinen Genossenschaft MdB SPD sagt wird es geben. MdB CDU sagt wird nicht geben. (Ziedler geht davon aus, dass es kommt    The Free Committee of German Cooperative Associations The DGRV - Deutscher Genossenschafts- und Raiffeisenverband e.V. (German Cooperative and Raiffeisen Confederation – reg. assoc.) and the GdW Bundesverband deutscher Wohnungs- und Immobilienunternehmen e.V (GdW – National Federation of German Housing and Real Estate Enterprises – reg. assoc.) together form a union called the Free Committee of German Cooperative Federations. Its purpose is to facilitate the exchange of ideas and experience in the fundamental issues of the cooperative system, as well as to ascertain the interests of the cooperative system as a whole in dealings with the public and with legislators. In the last three years, more then 500 new cooperatives have been founded under the DGRV umbrella. In the last eight years, more then 1300 new cooperatives in Germany in general 11 Neugründungen 2005 253 Neugründungen 2011 (2012 intern. Year of Cooperatives UN) Die Genossenschaftsgruppe ist die bei Weitem mitgliederstärkste Wirtschaftsorganisation in Deutschland. Mit 20 Millionen Mitgliedern und mehr als 800.000 Mitarbeitern in über 7.500 Genossenschaften 2.000 Wohnungsgenossenschaften bieten ca. 2,2 Mio. Wohnungen für mehr als 5 Millionen Menschen. 10 % Anteil der Genossenschaftswohnungen am Mietwohnungsbestand in Deutschland von 24 Mio. 2.316 landwirtschaftliche Waren- und Dienstleistungsgenossenschaften mit 1,4 Millionen Mitgliedern 1.047 deutschen Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken sowie die Verbundunternehmen der genossenschaftlichen FinanzGruppe. 1.262 gewerbliche Waren- und Dienstleistungsgenossenschaften mit rund 330.000 Mitgliedern und einem kumulierten Jahresumsatz von etwa 117 Milliarden Euro. 1889 definierte Konsumgenossenschaften als „Vereine zum gemeinschaftlichen Einkauf von Lebens- oder Wirtschaftsbedürfnissen“. Dabei bedeutet „Einkauf“ nicht, dass nur Handel betrieben wird. Die eigene Produktion ist traditionell Teil des konsumgenossenschaftlichen Konzepts. Schülergenossenschaften New cooperatives are being founded in the most diverse sectors. In recent years enterprises have been founded which take on such tasks as the administration of internet domains, human resource development and training courses, energy supply and services for doctors’ surgeries. The cooperative federations actively support these young companies. ‘A future through cooperation’ is a comprehensive compendium of work and information covering all there is to know about entrepreneurial cooperation and new cooperatives. The working group “New cooperatives” Die Übersicht der nationalen und regionalen Genossenschaftsverbände sind hier:   5 regionale Regionalverbände:
  9. Talking about cooperativism in Germany: 1/4 of the 80 Mio., e.g. 20 Mio. Germans are at least in one of 8800 registered cooperatives employing around 800.000 people. Almost 100% of all farmers are member of one or more of the 2300+ agricultural cooperatives. Besides 90% of all bakers and butchers, 75% of all retail traders, 65% of all self-employed tax advisors are members of a cooperative. Almost 10% of the rented apartments in Germany are owned and administered by about 2000 housing cooperatives providing 2.2 Mio housing units for more than 5 Mio. people of which are 2.8 million members. Close to 1900 (1889) are labled consumer cooperatives, another 1250+ (1262) product & service cooperatives and more than 1000 (1047) are cooperative banks and bank associations. Until 2006 the amount of cooperatives (not their members) was decreasing, since 2006 the amount of cooperatives is increasing again due to a new cooperative law. This law still requires for entering or exiting a cooperative a hand-signed application to be send by postal mail, but everything else including virtual general assemblies can be done online. These features allow to go beyond the traditional church tower of cooperatives and enable more possibilities for participation. But according to the board of director of one cooperative association I talked to, it was above all the public awareness arount the debate that caused the consecutive increase in cooperatives (So hopefully in this sense this conference will already have had its positive effect on further platform cooperatives). Since then new cooperatives in ever more diverse sectors have been founded: More then 1300 in the last eight years, more than 500 in the last three. Starting from doctors and other medical background to more than 800 mostly citizen-owned energy cooperatives. Following now some of these unconventional examples based on a platform or at least tech/Internet engagement .Mainly from Germany, partially from other European countries Gesamtverband weltweit: International Cooperative Alliance ICA: Gesamtverband für Deutschland ist der DGRV:   Seit 2006 wieder Anstieg der Genossenschaften. v.a. durch die Diskussion um die Genossenschaftsreformmehr als um wegen des Gesetzes selber. -> Aufkommen von Ärzte Genossenschaften – Energie Genossenschaften -> Gründerfibel (2008) Virtuelle Vorversammlung Seit 2006 sind virtuelle Generallversammlung möglich Aufnahmeantrag muss noch schriftlich erfolgen: Ausdruck mit Originalunterschrift und postalischer Versand (rein und raus). Rest geht virtuell. Geht über Kirchturmprinzip hinaus. Virtuelle Realisierung verschafft Möglichkeit erhöhter Partizipation (Es ist schon alles gesagt, aber nicht von jedem (Brabbl hilft sie zu visualisieren) Chance der kleinen Coop Große Koalition wollte das ob in Genossenschaftsgesetz oder Vereinsgesetz 23.11. Herr Lange BMJV (Ausblick für die Zukunft – Neuer Referent – Einführung der kleinen Genossenschaft MdB SPD sagt wird es geben. MdB CDU sagt wird nicht geben. (Ziedler geht davon aus, dass es kommt    The Free Committee of German Cooperative Associations The DGRV - Deutscher Genossenschafts- und Raiffeisenverband e.V. (German Cooperative and Raiffeisen Confederation – reg. assoc.) and the GdW Bundesverband deutscher Wohnungs- und Immobilienunternehmen e.V (GdW – National Federation of German Housing and Real Estate Enterprises – reg. assoc.) together form a union called the Free Committee of German Cooperative Federations. Its purpose is to facilitate the exchange of ideas and experience in the fundamental issues of the cooperative system, as well as to ascertain the interests of the cooperative system as a whole in dealings with the public and with legislators. In the last three years, more then 500 new cooperatives have been founded under the DGRV umbrella. In the last eight years, more then 1300 new cooperatives in Germany in general 11 Neugründungen 2005 253 Neugründungen 2011 (2012 intern. Year of Cooperatives UN) Die Genossenschaftsgruppe ist die bei Weitem mitgliederstärkste Wirtschaftsorganisation in Deutschland. Mit 20 Millionen Mitgliedern und mehr als 800.000 Mitarbeitern in über 7.500 Genossenschaften 2.000 Wohnungsgenossenschaften bieten ca. 2,2 Mio. Wohnungen für mehr als 5 Millionen Menschen. 10 % Anteil der Genossenschaftswohnungen am Mietwohnungsbestand in Deutschland von 24 Mio. 2.316 landwirtschaftliche Waren- und Dienstleistungsgenossenschaften mit 1,4 Millionen Mitgliedern 1.047 deutschen Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken sowie die Verbundunternehmen der genossenschaftlichen FinanzGruppe. 1.262 gewerbliche Waren- und Dienstleistungsgenossenschaften mit rund 330.000 Mitgliedern und einem kumulierten Jahresumsatz von etwa 117 Milliarden Euro. 1889 definierte Konsumgenossenschaften als „Vereine zum gemeinschaftlichen Einkauf von Lebens- oder Wirtschaftsbedürfnissen“. Dabei bedeutet „Einkauf“ nicht, dass nur Handel betrieben wird. Die eigene Produktion ist traditionell Teil des konsumgenossenschaftlichen Konzepts. Schülergenossenschaften New cooperatives are being founded in the most diverse sectors. In recent years enterprises have been founded which take on such tasks as the administration of internet domains, human resource development and training courses, energy supply and services for doctors’ surgeries. The cooperative federations actively support these young companies. ‘A future through cooperation’ is a comprehensive compendium of work and information covering all there is to know about entrepreneurial cooperation and new cooperatives. The working group “New cooperatives” Die Übersicht der nationalen und regionalen Genossenschaftsverbände sind hier:   5 regionale Regionalverbände:
  10. Talking about cooperativism in Germany: 1/4 of the 80 Mio., e.g. 20 Mio. Germans are at least in one of 8800 registered cooperatives employing around 800.000 people. Almost 100% of all farmers are member of one or more of the 2300+ agricultural cooperatives. Besides 90% of all bakers and butchers, 75% of all retail traders, 65% of all self-employed tax advisors are members of a cooperative. Almost 10% of the rented apartments in Germany are owned and administered by about 2000 housing cooperatives providing 2.2 Mio housing units for more than 5 Mio. people of which are 2.8 million members. Close to 1900 (1889) are labled consumer cooperatives, another 1250+ (1262) product & service cooperatives and more than 1000 (1047) are cooperative banks and bank associations. Until 2006 the amount of cooperatives (not their members) was decreasing, since 2006 the amount of cooperatives is increasing again due to a new cooperative law. This law still requires for entering or exiting a cooperative a hand-signed application to be send by postal mail, but everything else including virtual general assemblies can be done online. These features allow to go beyond the traditional church tower of cooperatives and enable more possibilities for participation. But according to the board of director of one cooperative association I talked to, it was above all the public awareness arount the debate that caused the consecutive increase in cooperatives (So hopefully in this sense this conference will already have had its positive effect on further platform cooperatives). Since then new cooperatives in ever more diverse sectors have been founded: More then 1300 in the last eight years, more than 500 in the last three. Starting from doctors and other medical background to more than 800 mostly citizen-owned energy cooperatives. Following now some of these unconventional examples based on a platform or at least tech/Internet engagement .Mainly from Germany, partially from other European countries Gesamtverband weltweit: International Cooperative Alliance ICA: Gesamtverband für Deutschland ist der DGRV:   Seit 2006 wieder Anstieg der Genossenschaften. v.a. durch die Diskussion um die Genossenschaftsreformmehr als um wegen des Gesetzes selber. -> Aufkommen von Ärzte Genossenschaften – Energie Genossenschaften -> Gründerfibel (2008) Virtuelle Vorversammlung Seit 2006 sind virtuelle Generallversammlung möglich Aufnahmeantrag muss noch schriftlich erfolgen: Ausdruck mit Originalunterschrift und postalischer Versand (rein und raus). Rest geht virtuell. Geht über Kirchturmprinzip hinaus. Virtuelle Realisierung verschafft Möglichkeit erhöhter Partizipation (Es ist schon alles gesagt, aber nicht von jedem (Brabbl hilft sie zu visualisieren) Chance der kleinen Coop Große Koalition wollte das ob in Genossenschaftsgesetz oder Vereinsgesetz 23.11. Herr Lange BMJV (Ausblick für die Zukunft – Neuer Referent – Einführung der kleinen Genossenschaft MdB SPD sagt wird es geben. MdB CDU sagt wird nicht geben. (Ziedler geht davon aus, dass es kommt    The Free Committee of German Cooperative Associations The DGRV - Deutscher Genossenschafts- und Raiffeisenverband e.V. (German Cooperative and Raiffeisen Confederation – reg. assoc.) and the GdW Bundesverband deutscher Wohnungs- und Immobilienunternehmen e.V (GdW – National Federation of German Housing and Real Estate Enterprises – reg. assoc.) together form a union called the Free Committee of German Cooperative Federations. Its purpose is to facilitate the exchange of ideas and experience in the fundamental issues of the cooperative system, as well as to ascertain the interests of the cooperative system as a whole in dealings with the public and with legislators. In the last three years, more then 500 new cooperatives have been founded under the DGRV umbrella. In the last eight years, more then 1300 new cooperatives in Germany in general 11 Neugründungen 2005 253 Neugründungen 2011 (2012 intern. Year of Cooperatives UN) Die Genossenschaftsgruppe ist die bei Weitem mitgliederstärkste Wirtschaftsorganisation in Deutschland. Mit 20 Millionen Mitgliedern und mehr als 800.000 Mitarbeitern in über 7.500 Genossenschaften 2.000 Wohnungsgenossenschaften bieten ca. 2,2 Mio. Wohnungen für mehr als 5 Millionen Menschen. 10 % Anteil der Genossenschaftswohnungen am Mietwohnungsbestand in Deutschland von 24 Mio. 2.316 landwirtschaftliche Waren- und Dienstleistungsgenossenschaften mit 1,4 Millionen Mitgliedern 1.047 deutschen Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken sowie die Verbundunternehmen der genossenschaftlichen FinanzGruppe. 1.262 gewerbliche Waren- und Dienstleistungsgenossenschaften mit rund 330.000 Mitgliedern und einem kumulierten Jahresumsatz von etwa 117 Milliarden Euro. 1889 definierte Konsumgenossenschaften als „Vereine zum gemeinschaftlichen Einkauf von Lebens- oder Wirtschaftsbedürfnissen“. Dabei bedeutet „Einkauf“ nicht, dass nur Handel betrieben wird. Die eigene Produktion ist traditionell Teil des konsumgenossenschaftlichen Konzepts. Schülergenossenschaften New cooperatives are being founded in the most diverse sectors. In recent years enterprises have been founded which take on such tasks as the administration of internet domains, human resource development and training courses, energy supply and services for doctors’ surgeries. The cooperative federations actively support these young companies. ‘A future through cooperation’ is a comprehensive compendium of work and information covering all there is to know about entrepreneurial cooperation and new cooperatives. The working group “New cooperatives” Die Übersicht der nationalen und regionalen Genossenschaftsverbände sind hier:   5 regionale Regionalverbände:
  11. Talking about cooperativism in Germany: 1/4 of the 80 Mio., e.g. 20 Mio. Germans are at least in one of 8800 registered cooperatives employing around 800.000 people. Almost 100% of all farmers are member of one or more of the 2300+ agricultural cooperatives. Besides 90% of all bakers and butchers, 75% of all retail traders, 65% of all self-employed tax advisors are members of a cooperative. Almost 10% of the rented apartments in Germany are owned and administered by about 2000 housing cooperatives providing 2.2 Mio housing units for more than 5 Mio. people of which are 2.8 million members. Close to 1900 (1889) are labled consumer cooperatives, another 1250+ (1262) product & service cooperatives and more than 1000 (1047) are cooperative banks and bank associations. Until 2006 the amount of cooperatives (not their members) was decreasing, since 2006 the amount of cooperatives is increasing again due to a new cooperative law. This law still requires for entering or exiting a cooperative a hand-signed application to be send by postal mail, but everything else including virtual general assemblies can be done online. These features allow to go beyond the traditional church tower of cooperatives and enable more possibilities for participation. But according to the board of director of one cooperative association I talked to, it was above all the public awareness arount the debate that caused the consecutive increase in cooperatives (So hopefully in this sense this conference will already have had its positive effect on further platform cooperatives). Since then new cooperatives in ever more diverse sectors have been founded: More then 1300 in the last eight years, more than 500 in the last three. Starting from doctors and other medical background to more than 800 mostly citizen-owned energy cooperatives. Following now some of these unconventional examples based on a platform or at least tech/Internet engagement .Mainly from Germany, partially from other European countries Gesamtverband weltweit: International Cooperative Alliance ICA: Gesamtverband für Deutschland ist der DGRV:   Seit 2006 wieder Anstieg der Genossenschaften. v.a. durch die Diskussion um die Genossenschaftsreformmehr als um wegen des Gesetzes selber. -> Aufkommen von Ärzte Genossenschaften – Energie Genossenschaften -> Gründerfibel (2008) Virtuelle Vorversammlung Seit 2006 sind virtuelle Generallversammlung möglich Aufnahmeantrag muss noch schriftlich erfolgen: Ausdruck mit Originalunterschrift und postalischer Versand (rein und raus). Rest geht virtuell. Geht über Kirchturmprinzip hinaus. Virtuelle Realisierung verschafft Möglichkeit erhöhter Partizipation (Es ist schon alles gesagt, aber nicht von jedem (Brabbl hilft sie zu visualisieren) Chance der kleinen Coop Große Koalition wollte das ob in Genossenschaftsgesetz oder Vereinsgesetz 23.11. Herr Lange BMJV (Ausblick für die Zukunft – Neuer Referent – Einführung der kleinen Genossenschaft MdB SPD sagt wird es geben. MdB CDU sagt wird nicht geben. (Ziedler geht davon aus, dass es kommt    The Free Committee of German Cooperative Associations The DGRV - Deutscher Genossenschafts- und Raiffeisenverband e.V. (German Cooperative and Raiffeisen Confederation – reg. assoc.) and the GdW Bundesverband deutscher Wohnungs- und Immobilienunternehmen e.V (GdW – National Federation of German Housing and Real Estate Enterprises – reg. assoc.) together form a union called the Free Committee of German Cooperative Federations. Its purpose is to facilitate the exchange of ideas and experience in the fundamental issues of the cooperative system, as well as to ascertain the interests of the cooperative system as a whole in dealings with the public and with legislators. In the last three years, more then 500 new cooperatives have been founded under the DGRV umbrella. In the last eight years, more then 1300 new cooperatives in Germany in general 11 Neugründungen 2005 253 Neugründungen 2011 (2012 intern. Year of Cooperatives UN) Die Genossenschaftsgruppe ist die bei Weitem mitgliederstärkste Wirtschaftsorganisation in Deutschland. Mit 20 Millionen Mitgliedern und mehr als 800.000 Mitarbeitern in über 7.500 Genossenschaften 2.000 Wohnungsgenossenschaften bieten ca. 2,2 Mio. Wohnungen für mehr als 5 Millionen Menschen. 10 % Anteil der Genossenschaftswohnungen am Mietwohnungsbestand in Deutschland von 24 Mio. 2.316 landwirtschaftliche Waren- und Dienstleistungsgenossenschaften mit 1,4 Millionen Mitgliedern 1.047 deutschen Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken sowie die Verbundunternehmen der genossenschaftlichen FinanzGruppe. 1.262 gewerbliche Waren- und Dienstleistungsgenossenschaften mit rund 330.000 Mitgliedern und einem kumulierten Jahresumsatz von etwa 117 Milliarden Euro. 1889 definierte Konsumgenossenschaften als „Vereine zum gemeinschaftlichen Einkauf von Lebens- oder Wirtschaftsbedürfnissen“. Dabei bedeutet „Einkauf“ nicht, dass nur Handel betrieben wird. Die eigene Produktion ist traditionell Teil des konsumgenossenschaftlichen Konzepts. Schülergenossenschaften New cooperatives are being founded in the most diverse sectors. In recent years enterprises have been founded which take on such tasks as the administration of internet domains, human resource development and training courses, energy supply and services for doctors’ surgeries. The cooperative federations actively support these young companies. ‘A future through cooperation’ is a comprehensive compendium of work and information covering all there is to know about entrepreneurial cooperation and new cooperatives. The working group “New cooperatives” Die Übersicht der nationalen und regionalen Genossenschaftsverbände sind hier:   5 regionale Regionalverbände:
  12. One great example is Fairmondo from Berlin, Fairmondo is the cooperative approach to ebay with more than 1900 members. Felix Werth, the founder of fairmondo is also attending the conference and presenting his cooperative 2.0 model. --- Fairmondo is not designed to make anybody rich, but to benefit society. We also have defined a maximum salary range. The highest salary can be at max three times the lowest. One downside is that we have a special challenge in raising sufficient scaling capital (which would normally be several million Euros for a project like ours). But we have achieved other positive impact, for example by spreading our model. There are four more coops 2.0 now, And in 2014 we did our first „balance of common goods “Gemeinwohlbilanz", a tool to measure the social impact of any business though a variety of indicators. We are financed through the shares of our 1900+ members plus some private loans by our members. More than half of the shares we raised through crowdinvesting campaigns. just launched a new product, a system of monthly subscriptions to baskets of fair and sustainable goods. Behind the baskets are a strategy that involve local shops and transport by cargo-bikes, if you're interested in learning more, you can check it out here.
  13. Another great example is Goteo from Spain. Goteo is a cooperative approach to crowdfunding platforms. Special also due to its open source approach and a high funding success of more the 70%. I have seen Olivier Schulbaum from Goteo is also attending this conference, so he can tell you more.   Goteo es una plataforma de crowdfunding cívico y colaboración en torno a iniciativas ciudadanas, proyectos sociales, culturales, tecnológicos y educativos. Con réplicas y alianzas en varios países, gracias a su código abierto, además de reconocida y premiada internacionalmente desde 2011. Constituye una herramienta de generación de recursos, gota a gota, para una comunidad de comunidades compuesta por más de 65.000 personas, con un porcentaje de éxito de financiación superior al 70%. Pero en realidad Goteo es mucho más que eso. Tras la plataforma existe una fundación sin ánimo de lucro (con las consecuentes ventajas fiscales para donantes) y un equipo multidisciplinar desde el que desarrollamos herramientas y servicios de co-creación y financiación colectiva. Con una misión común vinculada siempre a principios de transparencia, progreso y mejora de la sociedad. ¿Qué queremos? Una Internet más ética y colaborativa en que la ciudadanía, a través de procesos cooperativos, tenga un papel activo en la mejora y el avance de sus comunidades. En términos económicos, medioambientales, educativos, políticos, sociales y/o culturales. Una sociedad en la que se proteja el valor y amplíe el reconocimiento de los bienes comunes, garantes de derechos fundamentales. ¿Qué ofrecemos? Diseñamos y creamos herramientas open source, tanto tecnológicas como metodológicas, que promueven la transparencia, el conocimiento abierto y el libre acceso a la información, para contribuir a crear redes más colaborativas y éticas. Trasladamos valores de la sociedad civil a la esfera institucional, participando y contribuyendo en la creación y adaptación de políticas públicas para que las instituciones entiendan su importancia, faciliten y estimulen la autoorganización y participación ciudadana. ¿A qué damos valor? Nuestras herramientas, como Goteo, movilizan recursos económicos y colaboraciones humanas; contribuyen a la creación de comunidad; divulgan y generan conciencia y compromiso en torno a causas ciudadanas; habilitan la colaboración entre iguales a gran escala; establecen conexiones y apoyos entre empresas, universidades y ciudadanos/as; promueven la apertura de la información y del conocimiento, para activar lógicas de transparencia y cooperación en lugar de opacidad y competición. Explicamos nuestro impacto con datos abiertos, compartimos el código fuente y publicamos nuestras cuentas.   El trabajo que realizamos desde Goteo es literalmente distribuido, con trabajadores y colaboradores residiendo en siete comunidades autónomas diferentes (por elección de vida personal, no basado en un criterio estratégico o comercial). Estamos presentes en diversas ciudades: Palma de Mallorca, Barcelona, Málaga y Madrid, equipo al que se suman colaboradores en Pontevedra, Bilbao y Cáceres. Nuestro equipo se compone en este momento de 10 personas, de las cuales 4 están en constante movimiento. ¿Cómo llevamos a cabo nuestro trabajo? Las personas que sostenemos Goteo trabajamos en red. Eso significa que se asumen principios de autonomía y responsabilidad por parte de quienes participamos en esta red de trabajo.
  14. Ulule is another crowdfunding platform I wanted to present as it not a cooperative, but has declaired themselves a BCorp – the first European crowdplatform taking this step. and thus joined the 1452 BCorps worldwide like Patagonia, Ben & Jerry o During 5 years more than 10.300 cultural, solidarity, educative and environmental projects have been financed over the platform. ---- Ulule ha sido declarada ‪#‎BCorp‬! La primera plataforma de ‪#‎crowdfunding‬ que pasa a ser BCorp en Europa. Ser mejor para el mundo, este es el leitmotiv de las empresas B Corp, y Ulule es una de ellas. A partir de ahora, Ulule formará parte del grupo de empresas certificadas con un modelo empresarial responsable y comprometido. En un contexto de fuerte crecimiento, Ulule quiere subrayar la importancia de los valores de responsabilidad y transparencia en su plan de negocios. La plataforma se une a los otras 1452 empresas certificadas como B Corp de todo el mundo que incluyen grandes empresas como Patagonia, Ben & Jerry o Todo el trabajo hacia el mismo objetivo: redefinir el éxito en los negocios. Esta etiqueta destaca el interés público en el seno de las empresas y promueve que no sólo se definan sus objetivos en torno a los criterios financieros. El B Lab, es una organización sin ánimo de lucro que otorga la certificación de B Corp teniendo en cuenta varios aspectos: La Dirección de la empresa. El trato con los empleados y proveedores. El impacto en las comunidades y localidades en las que opera la empresa. El impacto ambiental. El impacto del modelo de negocio.   Es un proceso largo y exigente que empuja a las empresas a mejorar constantemente. "La certificación B Corp es un proceso que debe ser re-evaluado a través del tiempo, no es un simple reconocimiento que se otorga una vez. Para una empresa joven en crecimiento como es Ulule es importante establecer una visión a largo plazo, y grabarla a fuego en todo lo que hagamos." Afirma Arnaud, CEO de Ulule. Durante 5 años, hay más de 10.340 proyectos culturales, solidarios, educativos y ambientales que han sido financiados a través de la plataforma. Tantas historias humanas que se crean alrededor de estos proyectos. Ya sea el equipo de la  Riborquestra, que fomenta la cultura y la solidaridad entre los más pequeños, Patxi y su equio de Wattio, que ayudan a miles de personas a ahorrar energía en sus casas , o Sandra, que ha revolucionado el alumbrado público, todo hecho en Ulule, una plataforma que está cambiando el mundo.
  15. Banks have diverged from cooperativism. Currently most Coop banks have members AND non-member customers and are usually not too keen on member partizipation. Nevertheless – according to interviewed expert – they are increasingly realizing they should develop towards it again. Therefore I want to present here the Coop bank of Kitzingen who's aim it is exclusively work with members by 2017 and make achieving best possible support in form of services and bonus points of its members and not hightest ROI its main target. --- Example of the branch Kitzingen of the VR Coop. Aim is to exclusively work with members (100%) by 2017 to achieve best possible support of its members not highest ROI (no investors) Giro account free-of-charge. regional Infrastructure in form of telling machines as well as brick and mortar bank branches. in Form von Geldautomaten und Geschäftsstellen verzichten. Yearly dividend distribution according to collected points (up to 10 one each for receipt of money per months & balance of account or use of credit beginning with each 10.000) and a member bonus - Events exclusively for members.
  16. Good Data is a cooperative from the London which allows user to control data flow at a browser level with benefits going to social causes. Users who apply for membership own 100% of shares of TheGoodData, world’s first data coop. Acting as the true owner of data makes companies treat one as a real customer, not merely as a user or as the product. ---- (Transparent (financials/features) – collaborative (open code/data and inclusive for participants (coders etc.) – you are shareholder () Not ready for Firefox yet   Mission? help people to enjoy ownership of their data. We want to do it following these Company Principles. WHY? GET A FAIR DEAL data will be a primary source of wealth in the new digital economy, in much the same way that land or labour has been up to now. Despite the fact that most data is “produced” by individuals, we tend not to act as the owners of it because most of that data being is processed and traded by corporations without our knowledge or fair agreement. BE AWARE OF DATA PRODUCED AND CONTROL ACCESS OR MAX BENEFIT IF SHARED. Objective: ensure people own their online data. BUSINESSPLAN: attract friendly sponsors and buyers interested in accessing anonymized data with people's consent. Why cooperative? Many users and best enabled through a platform which facilitates transparency, participation and fairness.   Our Values:Social Good, collaboration and openness.   We are The Good Data Cooperative Limited, an Industrial and Provident Society Registered in England under number 32340R. Our registered office is at Unit 3, 7-15 Greatorex Street, London E1 5NF.
  17. BioBoden - Bio Soil is a citizen cooperative from Germany. Shares buy land that get provided to Bio Farmer in oder to protect the soil, diversify agricultre, enable small scale farming livlihoods and avoid land speculation. Another example being oekonauten. Buying 1000€ shares – 3 shares = 2000m2 (one voice regardless of amount of shares) which will be provided Bio farmers with the aim to produce healthy food, protect the soil, diversify agriculture, promote biodiversity (400 members) Similar: Ökonauten eG Sydower Feld 4, 16359 Biesenthal - Tel: 01577-7795544 ist eine Bürgergenossenschaft. Von Bürgern, für Bürger, mit Bürgern. Zur Erhaltung und Förderung kleinstruktureller Landwirtschaft, für die Unterstützung von Jungbauern und zur Vermeidung von Bodenspekulationen. Gleichzeitig fördern wir für die Mitglieder die Produktion von qualitativ hochwertigen Lebensmitteln aus der Region.
  18. Vive Berlin is a young Berlin-based cooperative of autonomous guides from many countries working on a common platform. No boss, working as equals, but a structure that helps us to organize and develope new projects. ---- From: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Germany, Netherlands, Puerto Rico, Spain, Sweden, UK, USA and Venezuela. Flottwellstr. 16 - 10785 Berlin - +49(0)151-414 30 164 - +49(0)30-259 407 15
  19. Landwege - land path - from North Germany is one example for a prosumer coop. It combines conbines consumer, producer and Landwege employees and consists of 100 employees, 500 members and 30 ecological member farms. ---- 1988 als Erzeuger-Verbraucher-Gemeinschaft – die EVG – LANDWEGE gegründet, 1999 EVG LANDWEGE eG It is a Prosumer Coop and combines: consumer, producer and Landwege employees. 100 employees, 500 members and about 30 ecological member farms Beitritterklärung zum download 12 pager – competitors under one roof
  20. Bürger-Energie-Berlin is a citizen cooperative with more than 1000 members by now that want to buy the concession for the electricity grid of Berlin to take it away from Vattenfall, one of the four big corporate energy providers in Germany and place it again in the hand of the community and foster a sustainable and democratic energy policy. freier, parteiübergreifender Zusammenschluss von Bürgerinnen und Bürgern, die sich für eine zukunftsfähige, nachhaltige und demokratische Energiepolitik in Berlin engagieren
  21. The GLS Bank was the first social and ecological bank in Germany (1974) and is supported by 32.400 cooperative members. The bank has now branches in 7 cities and is currently financing around 23,000 cultural, social and ecological projects and businesses with loans a low as 2,5% pa. The balance sheet total was 3,2 billion € (31 December 2013) increase of 19 % compared to 2012. ------------------------------- GLS Bank Regionentreffen statt einmalige Jahresversammlung oder alle vierjährige Genossenschaftsvertreterversammlung The Bank focuses on cultural, social and ecological projects which try to tackle challenges in our society by developing creative solutions. What distinguishes the GLS Bank is not only the fact that the GLS invest their savers’ money responsibly, but also that savers with the GLS can choose the area in which their money will be invested with credit as low as 2014: 2,5 % p.a. in 2013 & 2014 head office: Bochum. Branches: Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Freiburg, Hamburg, Munich and Berlin. GLS cooperates with the GLS Treuhand in Bochum and the GLS Beteiligungsaktiengesellschaft. The bank is part of the German "Bundesverband der Deutschen Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken" and has signed up to their guarantee system for the depositors’ money. GLS stands for "Gemeinschaftsbank für Leihen und Schenken", which translates as "community bank for loans and gifts“ Loans are offered to projects like independent schools and kindergartens, organic farms, institutions using therapeutic pedagogy, nursing homes, projects for the unemployed, health-food stores and communal living projects, as well as sustainable businesses. Transparency is one of the main objectives of the GLS: details of all initiatives and companies that receive loans are published in its magazine "Bankspiegel", together with information on the development of the bank itself.
  22. The Taz was founded in 1979 as a critical newspaper, when it ran into financial problems in 1991 it was decided that instead of selling out to a corporate competitor to sell out to their readers and start a cooperative which began with 2000 members collecting 3 Mio. DM and evolved over the years into a cooperative of 15.000+ members and capital resources of 12,7 Mio € is a prominent criticial newspaper Taz Mediengenossenschaft eG *1991 / Berlin Ziel der taz-Genossenschaft ist die Sicherung der Pressevielfalt durch die wirtschaftliche Unterstützung der taz Ende Mai 2015 hatte die Genossenschaft 15.097 Mitglieder. 1991 stand die taz vor der Entscheidung, sich an einen Verlag oder die Leser zu verkaufen (2000 members collecting 3 Mio. DM) Nach „harter, öffentlicher Diskussion“[11] haben sich die Mitarbeiter für die Gründung einer Genossenschaft entschieden. TAZ eG = Holding (Eigenkapital 12.7 Mio €) Verbraucher und Mitarbeitergenossenschaft (Mitarbeitenden Versammlung (2 von 3 Aufsichtsratsmitglieder). Verbraucher könnten (Minderheitenrechte, damit sie nicht erdrückt werden)
  23. After this quick overfly maybe four a bit more in detail. WeChange is an online platform and wants to become a kind of Facebook for activists supporting readers to become leaders for good causes. The current structure is: User (currently 3000) create profiles and can move beyond login within all portals. Each portal has a forum where all users of a certain entity (e.g. Netzwerk Wachstumswende) are members and can interact. Within each portal there are various groups (currently in average 20 per portal) Within each groups there are various projects (1 to max. 10 projects) Portals are interconnected via the activity channel, e.g. if a user is moving around various portals all information from the various portals and groups and projects he/she has chosen to be a member will come together there. All Portals, groups and projects can create an ouside view (microsite) for non-registered users.     WeChange has applied for becoming a cooperative. As coop members, representatives of portals should decide about future development of the open source platform turning it into a need-based approach. WeChange has secured some funds and support for further R&D   FINANCE No fees for individual users and their cooperation with others within groups. No fees for projects Starting with group level (coordinating various projects) 5€/month Use of portals averaging 20 groups 100€/month + individual Installation costs. Covering costs for operation, maintainance and user support. Further strategic technical development (based on the feedback of users and representatives of portals Will be financed via cooperative grant applications approaching foundations etc. Robin & Boris 0175 242 2807 (Kiel Verena Salomon, Wupptertal, MetaMac, Michael Viva con Aqua – 7000 Mitglieder From reader zum leader (Aktivierung von Personen) Dez. Treffen Zukunftsmacher – Youwidu (wie Google challenge – Studenten die eine gesellschaftliche wichtige Idee haben) Jetzt Projektmanagement software mit community Anbindung Beirat (inhaltlich – outreach)    DeutscheBundersstiftungUmwelt Förderung – ENORM Chefredakteur – Brabbl als Diskussionstool (Simon Genosse) Vertikale Projektentwicklung Penetrationstest durch TÜV – AA gesponsert da verwendet für ukrainische Zivilgesellschaft
  24. healthbank is the world’s first citizen-owned health data exchange platform. Only individuals can become members of the cooperative (1 membership share of CHF 100). Health data from any source and any format can be collected. Only the user determines with who to share or stop sharing data with family or doctors. Researcher willing to pay for having access to one's data, can apply, but it rests with the user to review the details of the offer and decide if willing to participate in this research. Payment of third party are done to the healthbanks which pays then the participating users. Data is stored encrypted on Healthbanks servers in a certified data center in Switzerland. Accessing one's account always requires dual validation with user name, password, and QR code or SMS code validation. So is it a good idea? Quoting Annemarie Naylor “Data cooperatives may help rebalance the relationship between those that create data and those that seek to exploit it whilst also creating the environment for fair and consensual exchange.” the answer might be yes. But how much would an insurance company pay for a little leak in the database caused by a frustrasted or underpayed programmer? The German doctor association is trying to prevent exactly the collection of these kind of data. And who is collecting his medical data anyway or would want to deal with technical API's trying to upload them?    Why is healthbank a Swiss cooperative? More than 25% of Swiss GDP is generated from legal entities that are cooperatives and there is an extensive body of civil law cases clarifying and strengthening the Swiss Civic Code that has its origins in 1908.    Kritik Michael Ist Dir klar, was Versicherungsgesellschaften für so ein "kleines Leck" in so einer Datenbank zahlen würden, ? Wenn da mal nicht einer der frustrierten/unterbezahlten Programmierer / Möchte-gern-Assenge schwach wird ...Es gibt starke Bestrebungen in der - zumindest deutschen -Ärzteschaft, genau dieses Sammeln von Informationen zu verhindern. Was meinen die denn mit "Security the Swiss Way", soll das eine Anspielung auf die Steuer CD Affäre sein? Kritik Hasi Seh da wenig Sinn drin! 1. sammeln erfahrungsgemäß eher wenige ihre med. Daten. 2. sind die Berichte etc. als pdf eingescannt doch leicht zu archivieren und ggf. für Dritte freizugeben!3. sollte der Teilnahme an Wiss. Studien mit den eigenen Daten kein finanzielles Interesse zugrunde liegen! Wird hier aber angepriesen!4. erscheint das einspeisen von Daten zu aufwendig. Lt. FAQ muss man als Praxis zur IT Kontakt aufnehmen. Wer hat da schon Zeit und Lust ? Data cooperatives . French datact – new guilds ““personal data cooperative” or a “personal information mutual”, or any of a range of similar names. Compared with gathering and holding data about the public domain, personal information is much more challenging.” Simon Grant Cooperation for the creation of common good is a widely understood concept and in a world where value is often extracted by large organisations with opaque processes and ethics, they are starting to be seen as a way of reinvigorating value transactions within smaller, often under-represented communities of interest, and between organisations that create and use data. Finding already existing data cooperatives is not easy. Examples such as The Good Data which allow people to control data flow at a browser level and the Swiss-based Health Bank are two known examples, and as the principles of data custodianship for social good become understood there is little to challenge that more would develop.
  25. Büchertisch, book table - was founded as a private initiative in 2003 the Berlin booktable became a registered association in 2005 run by the founder. In 2013 44 employed and honorary employees constitute a cooperative. A team of five from among the employees are now running both entities. The project collets books from inheritance or donations and sells them online and in three bookstores offline and donates literature to more than 100 school libraries, kindergarten and 80 other institutions like prisons. This created 40 jobs. I picked the booktable as I consider it a nice example how the convergence of gift-, share-, circular and collaborative Economy with cooperatives are forming cooperative platforms and ecoystems can create values in multiple ways that go far beyond job creation and eco-financial activity. As initiative the Berlin booktable has generated many positive social effects in the neighbourhood like bringing together academics and homeless people and spinning off new projects.
  26. As mentioned earlier Coop banks seem to realize they have to reconnect to their roots which is people coming together to mutually fund/enable something. Crowdfunding and cooperativism principles are actually very similiar if not identical. In this context it is no surprise, but still good to see that the Coop Bank Bühl started on their homepage a crowdfunding platform named “many achieve more". It is a white label solution bought from startnext, Germany’s largest crowdfunding platform. To date it is running on 35 local bank platforms, contract signed with an additional 35 banks. So far about 400 - mainly small local non-profit projects and initiatives like sport clubs or local red cross have collected from around 34.000 supporters more than 1.3 Mio €. And as coop banks also become crowdfunding platforms, crowdfunding platsforms also should become cooperatives. (It works like on most crowdfunding platforms: ppplicant projects need to collect a certain amount of fans before being allowed to start a campaign on the platform and donated money can only be cashed when funding goal is reached.) And this doesn't stop here: the digital world is predestinated for cooperative forms given that the users and stakeholder could or should be the shareholders as they are the ones creating the value. This is not (yet) the case. We currently transfer concepts/models/system from the analog to the digital world and in environments like Facebook and Google the user is not the shareholder but the product. But this doesn't have to stay this way. What do we have to do Michel? The mentioned startnext employee, Markus Sauerhammer, remembers having read an interesting article: “What would be if Google were a cooperative” but when trying to recover the article neither him nor me could find it. Herr Thomas Berg, Leiter Gründungszentrum "Neue Genossenschaften“ aus seiner Sicht gibt es folgende wichtige Aspekte: Die sog. Crowdfunding-Plattformen lassen sich grundsätzlich auch genossenschaftlich gestalten bzw. können diese wiederum auch für genossenschaftliche Aspekte und Unternehmen verwendet werden.
  27. Talking about cooperativism in Germany: 1/4 of the 80 Mio., e.g. 20 Mio. Germans are at least in one of 8800 registered cooperatives employing around 800.000 people. Almost 100% of all farmers are member of one or more of the 2300+ agricultural cooperatives. Besides 90% of all bakers and butchers, 75% of all retail traders, 65% of all self-employed tax advisors are members of a cooperative. Almost 10% of the rented apartments in Germany are owned and administered by about 2000 housing cooperatives providing 2.2 Mio housing units for more than 5 Mio. people of which are 2.8 million members. Close to 1900 (1889) are labled consumer cooperatives, another 1250+ (1262) product & service cooperatives and more than 1000 (1047) are cooperative banks and bank associations. Until 2006 the amount of cooperatives (not their members) was decreasing, since 2006 the amount of cooperatives is increasing again due to a new cooperative law. This law still requires for entering or exiting a cooperative a hand-signed application to be send by postal mail, but everything else including virtual general assemblies can be done online. These features allow to go beyond the traditional church tower of cooperatives and enable more possibilities for participation. But according to the board of director of one cooperative association I talked to, it was above all the public awareness arount the debate that caused the consecutive increase in cooperatives (So hopefully in this sense this conference will already have had its positive effect on further platform cooperatives). Since then new cooperatives in ever more diverse sectors have been founded: More then 1300 in the last eight years, more than 500 in the last three. Starting from doctors and other medical background to more than 800 mostly citizen-owned energy cooperatives. Following now some of these unconventional examples based on a platform or at least tech/Internet engagement .Mainly from Germany, partially from other European countries Gesamtverband weltweit: International Cooperative Alliance ICA: Gesamtverband für Deutschland ist der DGRV:   Seit 2006 wieder Anstieg der Genossenschaften. v.a. durch die Diskussion um die Genossenschaftsreformmehr als um wegen des Gesetzes selber. -> Aufkommen von Ärzte Genossenschaften – Energie Genossenschaften -> Gründerfibel (2008) Virtuelle Vorversammlung Seit 2006 sind virtuelle Generallversammlung möglich Aufnahmeantrag muss noch schriftlich erfolgen: Ausdruck mit Originalunterschrift und postalischer Versand (rein und raus). Rest geht virtuell. Geht über Kirchturmprinzip hinaus. Virtuelle Realisierung verschafft Möglichkeit erhöhter Partizipation (Es ist schon alles gesagt, aber nicht von jedem (Brabbl hilft sie zu visualisieren) Chance der kleinen Coop Große Koalition wollte das ob in Genossenschaftsgesetz oder Vereinsgesetz 23.11. Herr Lange BMJV (Ausblick für die Zukunft – Neuer Referent – Einführung der kleinen Genossenschaft MdB SPD sagt wird es geben. MdB CDU sagt wird nicht geben. (Ziedler geht davon aus, dass es kommt    The Free Committee of German Cooperative Associations The DGRV - Deutscher Genossenschafts- und Raiffeisenverband e.V. (German Cooperative and Raiffeisen Confederation – reg. assoc.) and the GdW Bundesverband deutscher Wohnungs- und Immobilienunternehmen e.V (GdW – National Federation of German Housing and Real Estate Enterprises – reg. assoc.) together form a union called the Free Committee of German Cooperative Federations. Its purpose is to facilitate the exchange of ideas and experience in the fundamental issues of the cooperative system, as well as to ascertain the interests of the cooperative system as a whole in dealings with the public and with legislators. In the last three years, more then 500 new cooperatives have been founded under the DGRV umbrella. In the last eight years, more then 1300 new cooperatives in Germany in general 11 Neugründungen 2005 253 Neugründungen 2011 (2012 intern. Year of Cooperatives UN) Die Genossenschaftsgruppe ist die bei Weitem mitgliederstärkste Wirtschaftsorganisation in Deutschland. Mit 20 Millionen Mitgliedern und mehr als 800.000 Mitarbeitern in über 7.500 Genossenschaften 2.000 Wohnungsgenossenschaften bieten ca. 2,2 Mio. Wohnungen für mehr als 5 Millionen Menschen. 10 % Anteil der Genossenschaftswohnungen am Mietwohnungsbestand in Deutschland von 24 Mio. 2.316 landwirtschaftliche Waren- und Dienstleistungsgenossenschaften mit 1,4 Millionen Mitgliedern 1.047 deutschen Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken sowie die Verbundunternehmen der genossenschaftlichen FinanzGruppe. 1.262 gewerbliche Waren- und Dienstleistungsgenossenschaften mit rund 330.000 Mitgliedern und einem kumulierten Jahresumsatz von etwa 117 Milliarden Euro. 1889 definierte Konsumgenossenschaften als „Vereine zum gemeinschaftlichen Einkauf von Lebens- oder Wirtschaftsbedürfnissen“. Dabei bedeutet „Einkauf“ nicht, dass nur Handel betrieben wird. Die eigene Produktion ist traditionell Teil des konsumgenossenschaftlichen Konzepts. Schülergenossenschaften New cooperatives are being founded in the most diverse sectors. In recent years enterprises have been founded which take on such tasks as the administration of internet domains, human resource development and training courses, energy supply and services for doctors’ surgeries. The cooperative federations actively support these young companies. ‘A future through cooperation’ is a comprehensive compendium of work and information covering all there is to know about entrepreneurial cooperation and new cooperatives. The working group “New cooperatives” Die Übersicht der nationalen und regionalen Genossenschaftsverbände sind hier:   5 regionale Regionalverbände: