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Planning and production
By Fintan Sedgwick
Colour scheme
These colour schemes vary quite a bit because I have decided to use a lot of dark colours in them
and made sure that the brighter colours have been made darker, because with my theme being
classified it has dark connotations and this I something I want to show in my work.
The top left colour scheme Is one which I am going to use a lot but throughout the different
pages I will be changing the colours quite a bit but I will be using black and white in every single
page because it will be either used for the background or the text because I want to add little
pieces to the page which are made from the other 3 colours in the colour scheme, also I may
change the colour of the photo depending on what I want the colours to be on that Individual by
for example making sure that I use a model wearing red with a page using a red colour scheme
so that they contrast each other. I will be using a lot more dark colour schemes in comparison to
light colours because they don’t work with what I want, I will more than likely use lighter colour
schemes when it comes to a photo which Is very bright because they will contrast each other and
I will need to show more than just a darker theme so that I reach a wider audience.
Some of the brighter colour schemes which I have done are quite dull colours because I want to
use something which matches and contrast the other colours which I have for example on the
bottom right which is quite a dark and dull blue which appears as grey.
Colour scheme
In my previous slide I mentioned which colour schemes would work and other which
wouldn’t and the reason behind these would be because it depends on the theme
which I decide to use because, for example if I chose a street look I would lean more
towards a darker colour scheme as it works with the grungy look of the streets, where
as if I where to chose summer theme I would pick very bright colours which would fit
into the clothing and how bright it is during summer. But also I feel like the colour
scheme can massively change the look of you work to your audience because the
younger audience would prefer a very vibrant and bright look as they are attracted to
brighter colours because they are more attractive where as I feel like there are specific
groups of people who are more interested in a very dark colour scheme because it is
something which they have grown to like over brighter colours. But I feel like I am
going to do something in between where I take colours from the brighter schemes and
then tone them down so that match with the darker colours so I get best of both
worlds which I think will help with appealing to different audiences as if I chose only
one genre of audience I am limiting myself massively when it comes getting my work
out there.
Location A location In which I will be using will be the studio because I want to have a difference between
my photography because they will be a variety of studio and outside photos. The studio Is good
to use because I can chose between two different background being black or white which is good
because it changes the theme depending on the background if I chose black it will be putting a
mysterious and quite a fearful theme on the photo, and then the complete opposite being a
white background which connotes purity and innocence. Also in the different pages of my
magazine the colours will match the different colour schemes. One thing which I positive of using
the studio would have to be that it doesn’t cost anything to use it besides people coming into
college which they already do so it wont cost them any more than it does already, but a problem
with the studio would have to be that I need to make sure that everything I correct because I
have to fake light which makes the image look a lot different than natural light. Another location
which I can think of would have to be the York Museum Gardens which is near the centre of York
which is a very nice location because it is such a large empty area and also is quite beautiful
because there are so many buildings around which could work very nicely alongside my models.
But a problem going into York would have to be that I would have to do it on a day in which
people are not working or going to college which may be quite difficult because I have quite a few
models who live In different locations which may cost a lot more than others because I would
have to pay for them to get transportation from point a to b. Also the only location out of the two
which I am thinking of which has risks would have to be York museum gardens because it is an
open area which is open to the public which in comparison when it comes to the studio they are
pretty much no risks which I can think because it is inside and also not many things in there which
could cause harm. Another location which I can think of which actually links to the street style
would be the stairs which are next to the “Henry VII Experience at Micklegate Bar” the reason I
chose this area would have to be that I looks quite gritty which is the look which I should be
looking, this area is very different from the gardens which doesn’t match the street look because
it is loads of statues and flowers which do not match the style of photography and clothing. Also
another area which I have found which would work very well would have to be Leeman Road
Underpass which looks very gritty and dark which is the style which I am aiming towards which
would work very well. Another area which is really close to this would have to be the bridge next
to the York Commuter car park on Leeman Road, which once again looks very gritty.
For the time side of this project it will take around 7 weeks and of those weeks around 5 of them I think will
be be on a computer because I a lot of my work will be done from there and then the other weeks will be
used collecting photos for my booklet, the reason I think that I the weeks will be set out this because for
the 1st week I will struggle to get things to work because I will need photos straight away so that I have
something to do so I am not bored so I am thinking of getting some photos on Thursday so that people
have enough time to get ready for the shoot. But before these I think that I will be working around things
such as copy, the way in which I may super impose designs onto peoples clothing because it I cannot get
images I will have to find something else to in the mean while. I could get a camera for the weekend before
the start of production but I don’t think that It is worthwhile because everyone who I have asked to model
for me are working which means I wont have any time to take images of them so I will wait for another
moment to get photos, for some of the places I want to take photos it may take quite a while until I get the
correct on which doesn’t have any interference because of other people, also to get to these places It takes
quite a while for example the location at the train station takes around 40 minutes to walk to from college
and then around 20 minutes on a bus which is very time consuming and also it costs a little bit for the bus
fair. The final time consuming section which I can think of would have to be the editing process because I
will be using loads of different designs trying to get the right image and look, also with the idea of adding
illustration to it may take quite a while because I may go back and forth between a loads of quality in it or
keep it quite plain with just solid block colours.
Facilities One piece of software which I am going to use will be Photoshop which will
allow me to edit the photos which I take and also add effects to them which
include the cartoon drawings which I have done in my experiments and this
is a lot easier to do in comparison to using illustrator, This will more than
likely be the only software I will use apart from InDesign which will help me
lay my work out and find a way to portray my work in a way which will
entice my audience. Those software are just a small amount of facilities
which I will use because when it comes to physical equipment, I will be
using loads of things which include reflector to create fake sunlight and also
a camera as the main part of this entire project, another piece of
equipment which I will be using will be tripod because it will make it easier
for me if I wanted to have a completely flat and still image of the model.
The software which I have mentioned will be used for post-production
because without It I would not be able to produce any piece of work when
it comes to making a portfolio/magazine, there will be many different
editing styles which I will have to trial before I come to a final outcome
because I will be using peer feedback to make sure that I know which photo
is the best and which was the best style of effects which I have put onto it.
Front cover/ possible page
Page layout
2 possible layouts for
both my pages or my
front covers, they are
both very similar but
the difference would be
that the page layout has
text underneath it
because I need to tell
the audience what I am
showing them.
This is idea for a layout of my front cover which I made in Photoshop.
This is a very simple idea for a front cover as I want something which
Is quite simple in my final project because I don’t want to over
complicate everything. The layout of this front cover is very easy to
replicate because it just a design in the centre of the page and then
text over it at an angle, the reason I wanted it angled would have to
be because when it comes to comes to classified you think of the tape
of a crime scene or the top secret text which is on a slanted angle
which is where I took my inspiration from. As this only an idea I think
that If I where to take this forward I would make it a square instead so
that the design fits perfectly because I think that it would look really
nice and also if I made it square it would give me some space to
change the designs for the different pages, and the photo placement.
Also by making it a square it sets it apart from the other
portfolios/magazine because they are make magazine rectangular so
that they have the ability to add more information to the page.
If I where to take this forward I would add more things to the page
because it is very baron at the moment which isn't something that I
want to happen, because I know I can make something better. As this
is an idea the font and actual logo isn't final so they would more than
likely change before I finish.
Camera For the camera there will be many things which I will be using, starting with the Angle of the
shots which will more than likely be either Medium shot or Longshot because I need to have
the entire model in shot or at least the upper half because I have to show their clothing off to
the audience, also using the different shots means that I can have a different scenario behind
the model because if I where to make it a longshot I would be able to have a scene which goes
from head to toe. Alongside the type of shot there is the angle of the camera on the model
because for example an angle looking up the person which make them dominant because they
are looking down on you and then the opposite when you look down at them which shows
they are weak. I think that if I where to use either of these it would have to be the low angle so
that I can show of my model and there attire, and also using this allows me to have a strange
feeling around the image because you could see the sky which would contrast the image. As
most of the time in magazine front covers they usually use a slightly low angle because they
want the model to look dominant as they don’t wont them to look weak at all. One camera
angles which I may use but I don’t know how to fit them into by work would have to be the
Dutch angle, because as it is a canted angle it makes in a little difficult to get everything in focus
as you are to straight on.
Another angle for a shot would be Worms eye which looks very strange because it is an
extremely low angle, which could work for mine because it would show off everything which
the model is wearing including the shoes all the way to the top. The examples on the left hand
side are of camera angles/shots which I will be definitely using in my final work because they
look outstanding and if I can make something similar to this I would be really impressed.
There are a few people who I will be using in my FMP, because I don’t want to have a really large
amount of people I have kept it to around 7 people which will be more than enough to fill out the
pages which I am planning on having, because I will more than likely have 2+ images of the same
person on each of the pages because I want to make sure that each double page are devoted to that
individual model because I want them to see there different styles which they have. One person who I
think is the best for this style of clothing which I have chosen to photography would be Louis because
his style is very different from the rest of the people who I have besides Emma who is also very
different in her style. I think that I should be able to rely on the models to come into college because
they are normally all here throughout the week, but one person who I think I will have to try and ask to
make sure they are into that day would have to be Louis as he is only in around once a week which will
be a problem because I will need to find another model if I cannot manage to arrange a time period
when he is in, besides than I think that everyone else will be there if I ask them to because I can rely on
them. All of the people that I have asked are going to me models because I am the photographer in
this work, so that is the only thin which that I have asked them to be. Also from the people who that I
have asked they all fit into the style which I am going to be photographing, which is good because I will
not really need to ask them to change their style, but I may need to ask a few of them If they have a
certain article of clothing which I would need them to wear for that specific shoot, because as I will
have different shots of each different person, wearing different clothing.
For the finance side of my FMP I will need to pay for transportation for both myself and my
model which shouldn’t cost a large amount of money because depending on the transport.
But a way in which I could cancel this cost out would be getting a relative to transport both
myself and the model to the location in which I need because I would try and do it on a day
where they are going in that direction so that It so doesn’t cost as much. The bus is the
main way of transportation through York and the average return ticket is around £2 which
isn't a lot but when you tally up for the amount of days which you may have to shoot,
because your images may not be up to scratch. Another method of transport would be the
train which cost upwards of £10 for either a return or a single which is a lot of money for
just a few hours of shooting, because not everyone will be able to afford this, which would
mean I may have to pay for them to come in which shouldn’t be too bad. Besides the
transport another finance which I may need to pay for would have to be printing which I
would be using a professional service so that I could hand out my work to either peers or
people at a meeting which I think would help my work, the price for this is dependent on
the size or the amount which varies from £3 per booklet upwards which is a fairly large
amount because if I where to print them I would want around ten copies which would cost
me around £30 which combined with the cost of transports will come up to around £50 or
more depending on the amount of days which I chose to shoot my photos.
Pagination 1
The pagination is very simple for this because it works similar to a fanzine, so it
will go in the following order:
This is what I am hoping for at this moment in time, but it could change in
the future depending on how many photos which I take that I really like
because I want to fill out my work with as many different shots as
possible using different effects on each one so depending on how things
go I could either reduce or increase the amount of pages but if I didn’t
have enough photos, I would need to reduce it by 4 pages or increase by
4 pages because otherwise the pages will not line up because it has to be
either 16,20 or 24. Each page will be used to show photos and they will
more than likely be the same person as I get to show off their different
styles. I will be laying my work out similar to a fanzine with a stapled
centre but I will have to the page quite thin and light and then I will have
the front and back cover thick and heavier because it will make more
Pagination 2
The pagination is very simple for this because it works similar to a fanzine, so it
will go in the following order:
To start of the 1st page will be my front cover and then page 20 will be my back cover as because it is planned out like a fanzine they
have to add up to 21 on each line. Then I will move onto the two pages which will be an introduction to my work and what you will be
seeing which may involve a slight overview of what I have made and then a design which I will make that I can show before I get into
the actual photography because I want to show of my design abilities, these pages are 19 and 18. when it comes to my photography I
will be using the rest of the pages which I have available which may increase depending on what I want to include so to begin with I will
be using my first which is Alex Sullivan Cree, who was the first model I approached about doing the modelling, and with his style I went
with a mix between old fashion and new because he is wearing some articles of clothing which are seen as more retro which I thought
fit in really well because with the era I chose to base it around it works really well and then I wanted to mix in some modern day
clothing to add a bit of diversity into my work. The second model I approached would have to be Libby Whitehorn who I chose because
she has fairly different style because once again she changes it up because she wears a lot of vintage looking clothing which I thought
would really work along side my previous model as they are both wearing and older looking clothing style as they are the two oldest
models I chose for my magazine, as well I wanted her to wear something which I had seen in many different modelling shoots which
was the iconic ripped Denham jacket which matched perfectly for the look I was going for. For the 3rd I chose someone who's clothing
style doesn’t match any of the others, which I think will work really well in my magazine because I will have one model who will stand
out from the rest because of her clothing style and also her look which I think worked well because she wears more modern looking
clothing which changes it up a bit in comparison to what I have done previously, the name of the model is Emma Garthwaite.
For the final model I decided to chose someone who I knew wore a more street/modern style of clothing which is James Case who was
probably one of the best models I think I could have chosen because he is very comfortable around a camera and is okay with taking
photographs of him, which Is going to be a positive because it wont be too hard to get all the photos I want in one day. From what I
have already gathered I think I will only be using four models because these where the only ones who where kind enough to let me
take photos of them.
Pagination 3
The pagination is very simple for this because it works similar to a fanzine, so it
will go in the following order:
One 2 pages of each of the models I will be doing some different styles which will include talking about their
arrests which are fake but they work alongside the theme of my work which Is the government, and by
talking about what they did I can also include what they where wearing at the time of arrest which works
well with the fact that it is a clothing/photography magazine so people can know what the model is wearing
which I thought was a really nice touch.
Also on the other page I will one which will be mainly text which will be a fake criminal complaint which will
talk about where they were caught and what they have done for them to be arrested, I felt like doing this so
that my audience could go along with it because it is kind of a story into what these people have done, and
at the same I wanted to give the models a bit of privacy so I will be taking away parts of the text so that the
audience have to try and fill in the blanks, also with some of the crimes I think that I will be trying to make
them quite serious but at the same time add a bit of humour to it because I don’t want them to sound to
These are going to be the only pages when it comes to the models which have text in them because I
wanted to the rest to be a look into the style of clothing they are going to be wearing and also what I have
done with the pictures to make them pop out and put a different theme on them so that it works with the
entire magazine.
Production schedule
• For my production schedule it will be quite hectic, as just because I put down I
want to this on one and something else on the other day but in the end I will
more than likely do the complete opposite on that because it is quite difficult
to organize everything when it comes to other peoples schedules. But more
than likely I am going to be starting of my doing my front covers and back
covers because these are pretty much the only things which photos are not
necessary because I don’t want to have my own photos on these because I
want them to be very simple and basic as I will leave the majority of it to the
middle of my booklet being the clothing and what I have done with the
models. After finishing of the front covers I will move onto getting
photographs of my models so that I can edit them down to what I want and
them get them into my booklet so that I can move with other sections of my,
although I haven't mentioned this in my Proposal I want to make a website
which I will more than likely leave till the end of production because I will able
to show people of the work which didn’t make it to the final product because I
either didn’t like them or they were not up to standard in comparison to the
rest of them.
Shot schedule
When it comes to my shot list they will be very similar in the plan that when I do want to
shoot they will be doing very similar stances to each other which I plan on doing because I
want the audience to be able to see what I am trying to sell to them. The one shot which I will
be replicating over and over again will be the shot of the model looking straight at the camera
and with a normal standing stand which allows the audience to see what they are wearing,
and you can clearly see the model and what they look like because a lot of audiences like
seeing the model. Another shot which I am going to be using a lot of will be both the side
angle and back shot because as I am going to be doing a website with a shop so I will need to
have angles of article of clothing I am selling so the back angles is one of the best because you
don’t have to get models face in their and also you can quite easily get everything in one
picture. The other shot which I plan on using on some occasion will be the angle looking gup
at the model because it makes the model seem dominant and their will few times when this is
easily done for example when the model is on a flight of stairs because that would be quite
good looking. A lot of these shots have been influenced from a lot of different sources and
brands, including Nike which do It very well because of their shop they do angles all around
the model to capture there articles of clothing and then their advertisement use angles which
are really out their such as angles which make the model look either week or dominant but
their most common angle would be a neutral angle because they don’t want to make that
celebrity seem weak as it would be quite insulting to them.

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Planning and production

  • 1. Planning and production By Fintan Sedgwick
  • 2. Colour scheme These colour schemes vary quite a bit because I have decided to use a lot of dark colours in them and made sure that the brighter colours have been made darker, because with my theme being classified it has dark connotations and this I something I want to show in my work. The top left colour scheme Is one which I am going to use a lot but throughout the different pages I will be changing the colours quite a bit but I will be using black and white in every single page because it will be either used for the background or the text because I want to add little pieces to the page which are made from the other 3 colours in the colour scheme, also I may change the colour of the photo depending on what I want the colours to be on that Individual by for example making sure that I use a model wearing red with a page using a red colour scheme so that they contrast each other. I will be using a lot more dark colour schemes in comparison to light colours because they don’t work with what I want, I will more than likely use lighter colour schemes when it comes to a photo which Is very bright because they will contrast each other and I will need to show more than just a darker theme so that I reach a wider audience. Some of the brighter colour schemes which I have done are quite dull colours because I want to use something which matches and contrast the other colours which I have for example on the bottom right which is quite a dark and dull blue which appears as grey.
  • 3. Colour scheme In my previous slide I mentioned which colour schemes would work and other which wouldn’t and the reason behind these would be because it depends on the theme which I decide to use because, for example if I chose a street look I would lean more towards a darker colour scheme as it works with the grungy look of the streets, where as if I where to chose summer theme I would pick very bright colours which would fit into the clothing and how bright it is during summer. But also I feel like the colour scheme can massively change the look of you work to your audience because the younger audience would prefer a very vibrant and bright look as they are attracted to brighter colours because they are more attractive where as I feel like there are specific groups of people who are more interested in a very dark colour scheme because it is something which they have grown to like over brighter colours. But I feel like I am going to do something in between where I take colours from the brighter schemes and then tone them down so that match with the darker colours so I get best of both worlds which I think will help with appealing to different audiences as if I chose only one genre of audience I am limiting myself massively when it comes getting my work out there.
  • 4. Location A location In which I will be using will be the studio because I want to have a difference between my photography because they will be a variety of studio and outside photos. The studio Is good to use because I can chose between two different background being black or white which is good because it changes the theme depending on the background if I chose black it will be putting a mysterious and quite a fearful theme on the photo, and then the complete opposite being a white background which connotes purity and innocence. Also in the different pages of my magazine the colours will match the different colour schemes. One thing which I positive of using the studio would have to be that it doesn’t cost anything to use it besides people coming into college which they already do so it wont cost them any more than it does already, but a problem with the studio would have to be that I need to make sure that everything I correct because I have to fake light which makes the image look a lot different than natural light. Another location which I can think of would have to be the York Museum Gardens which is near the centre of York which is a very nice location because it is such a large empty area and also is quite beautiful because there are so many buildings around which could work very nicely alongside my models. But a problem going into York would have to be that I would have to do it on a day in which people are not working or going to college which may be quite difficult because I have quite a few models who live In different locations which may cost a lot more than others because I would have to pay for them to get transportation from point a to b. Also the only location out of the two which I am thinking of which has risks would have to be York museum gardens because it is an open area which is open to the public which in comparison when it comes to the studio they are pretty much no risks which I can think because it is inside and also not many things in there which could cause harm. Another location which I can think of which actually links to the street style would be the stairs which are next to the “Henry VII Experience at Micklegate Bar” the reason I chose this area would have to be that I looks quite gritty which is the look which I should be looking, this area is very different from the gardens which doesn’t match the street look because it is loads of statues and flowers which do not match the style of photography and clothing. Also another area which I have found which would work very well would have to be Leeman Road Underpass which looks very gritty and dark which is the style which I am aiming towards which would work very well. Another area which is really close to this would have to be the bridge next to the York Commuter car park on Leeman Road, which once again looks very gritty.
  • 5.
  • 6. Time For the time side of this project it will take around 7 weeks and of those weeks around 5 of them I think will be be on a computer because I a lot of my work will be done from there and then the other weeks will be used collecting photos for my booklet, the reason I think that I the weeks will be set out this because for the 1st week I will struggle to get things to work because I will need photos straight away so that I have something to do so I am not bored so I am thinking of getting some photos on Thursday so that people have enough time to get ready for the shoot. But before these I think that I will be working around things such as copy, the way in which I may super impose designs onto peoples clothing because it I cannot get images I will have to find something else to in the mean while. I could get a camera for the weekend before the start of production but I don’t think that It is worthwhile because everyone who I have asked to model for me are working which means I wont have any time to take images of them so I will wait for another moment to get photos, for some of the places I want to take photos it may take quite a while until I get the correct on which doesn’t have any interference because of other people, also to get to these places It takes quite a while for example the location at the train station takes around 40 minutes to walk to from college and then around 20 minutes on a bus which is very time consuming and also it costs a little bit for the bus fair. The final time consuming section which I can think of would have to be the editing process because I will be using loads of different designs trying to get the right image and look, also with the idea of adding illustration to it may take quite a while because I may go back and forth between a loads of quality in it or keep it quite plain with just solid block colours.
  • 7. Facilities One piece of software which I am going to use will be Photoshop which will allow me to edit the photos which I take and also add effects to them which include the cartoon drawings which I have done in my experiments and this is a lot easier to do in comparison to using illustrator, This will more than likely be the only software I will use apart from InDesign which will help me lay my work out and find a way to portray my work in a way which will entice my audience. Those software are just a small amount of facilities which I will use because when it comes to physical equipment, I will be using loads of things which include reflector to create fake sunlight and also a camera as the main part of this entire project, another piece of equipment which I will be using will be tripod because it will make it easier for me if I wanted to have a completely flat and still image of the model. The software which I have mentioned will be used for post-production because without It I would not be able to produce any piece of work when it comes to making a portfolio/magazine, there will be many different editing styles which I will have to trial before I come to a final outcome because I will be using peer feedback to make sure that I know which photo is the best and which was the best style of effects which I have put onto it.
  • 8. Layout Photo Background Header Photo Header Background Text Front cover/ possible page Page layout 2 possible layouts for both my pages or my front covers, they are both very similar but the difference would be that the page layout has text underneath it because I need to tell the audience what I am showing them.
  • 9. This is idea for a layout of my front cover which I made in Photoshop. This is a very simple idea for a front cover as I want something which Is quite simple in my final project because I don’t want to over complicate everything. The layout of this front cover is very easy to replicate because it just a design in the centre of the page and then text over it at an angle, the reason I wanted it angled would have to be because when it comes to comes to classified you think of the tape of a crime scene or the top secret text which is on a slanted angle which is where I took my inspiration from. As this only an idea I think that If I where to take this forward I would make it a square instead so that the design fits perfectly because I think that it would look really nice and also if I made it square it would give me some space to change the designs for the different pages, and the photo placement. Also by making it a square it sets it apart from the other portfolios/magazine because they are make magazine rectangular so that they have the ability to add more information to the page. If I where to take this forward I would add more things to the page because it is very baron at the moment which isn't something that I want to happen, because I know I can make something better. As this is an idea the font and actual logo isn't final so they would more than likely change before I finish.
  • 10. Camera For the camera there will be many things which I will be using, starting with the Angle of the shots which will more than likely be either Medium shot or Longshot because I need to have the entire model in shot or at least the upper half because I have to show their clothing off to the audience, also using the different shots means that I can have a different scenario behind the model because if I where to make it a longshot I would be able to have a scene which goes from head to toe. Alongside the type of shot there is the angle of the camera on the model because for example an angle looking up the person which make them dominant because they are looking down on you and then the opposite when you look down at them which shows they are weak. I think that if I where to use either of these it would have to be the low angle so that I can show of my model and there attire, and also using this allows me to have a strange feeling around the image because you could see the sky which would contrast the image. As most of the time in magazine front covers they usually use a slightly low angle because they want the model to look dominant as they don’t wont them to look weak at all. One camera angles which I may use but I don’t know how to fit them into by work would have to be the Dutch angle, because as it is a canted angle it makes in a little difficult to get everything in focus as you are to straight on. Another angle for a shot would be Worms eye which looks very strange because it is an extremely low angle, which could work for mine because it would show off everything which the model is wearing including the shoes all the way to the top. The examples on the left hand side are of camera angles/shots which I will be definitely using in my final work because they look outstanding and if I can make something similar to this I would be really impressed.
  • 11. Personnel There are a few people who I will be using in my FMP, because I don’t want to have a really large amount of people I have kept it to around 7 people which will be more than enough to fill out the pages which I am planning on having, because I will more than likely have 2+ images of the same person on each of the pages because I want to make sure that each double page are devoted to that individual model because I want them to see there different styles which they have. One person who I think is the best for this style of clothing which I have chosen to photography would be Louis because his style is very different from the rest of the people who I have besides Emma who is also very different in her style. I think that I should be able to rely on the models to come into college because they are normally all here throughout the week, but one person who I think I will have to try and ask to make sure they are into that day would have to be Louis as he is only in around once a week which will be a problem because I will need to find another model if I cannot manage to arrange a time period when he is in, besides than I think that everyone else will be there if I ask them to because I can rely on them. All of the people that I have asked are going to me models because I am the photographer in this work, so that is the only thin which that I have asked them to be. Also from the people who that I have asked they all fit into the style which I am going to be photographing, which is good because I will not really need to ask them to change their style, but I may need to ask a few of them If they have a certain article of clothing which I would need them to wear for that specific shoot, because as I will have different shots of each different person, wearing different clothing.
  • 12. Finance For the finance side of my FMP I will need to pay for transportation for both myself and my model which shouldn’t cost a large amount of money because depending on the transport. But a way in which I could cancel this cost out would be getting a relative to transport both myself and the model to the location in which I need because I would try and do it on a day where they are going in that direction so that It so doesn’t cost as much. The bus is the main way of transportation through York and the average return ticket is around £2 which isn't a lot but when you tally up for the amount of days which you may have to shoot, because your images may not be up to scratch. Another method of transport would be the train which cost upwards of £10 for either a return or a single which is a lot of money for just a few hours of shooting, because not everyone will be able to afford this, which would mean I may have to pay for them to come in which shouldn’t be too bad. Besides the transport another finance which I may need to pay for would have to be printing which I would be using a professional service so that I could hand out my work to either peers or people at a meeting which I think would help my work, the price for this is dependent on the size or the amount which varies from £3 per booklet upwards which is a fairly large amount because if I where to print them I would want around ten copies which would cost me around £30 which combined with the cost of transports will come up to around £50 or more depending on the amount of days which I chose to shoot my photos.
  • 13. Pagination 1 The pagination is very simple for this because it works similar to a fanzine, so it will go in the following order: This is what I am hoping for at this moment in time, but it could change in the future depending on how many photos which I take that I really like because I want to fill out my work with as many different shots as possible using different effects on each one so depending on how things go I could either reduce or increase the amount of pages but if I didn’t have enough photos, I would need to reduce it by 4 pages or increase by 4 pages because otherwise the pages will not line up because it has to be either 16,20 or 24. Each page will be used to show photos and they will more than likely be the same person as I get to show off their different styles. I will be laying my work out similar to a fanzine with a stapled centre but I will have to the page quite thin and light and then I will have the front and back cover thick and heavier because it will make more sense.
  • 14. Pagination 2 The pagination is very simple for this because it works similar to a fanzine, so it will go in the following order: To start of the 1st page will be my front cover and then page 20 will be my back cover as because it is planned out like a fanzine they have to add up to 21 on each line. Then I will move onto the two pages which will be an introduction to my work and what you will be seeing which may involve a slight overview of what I have made and then a design which I will make that I can show before I get into the actual photography because I want to show of my design abilities, these pages are 19 and 18. when it comes to my photography I will be using the rest of the pages which I have available which may increase depending on what I want to include so to begin with I will be using my first which is Alex Sullivan Cree, who was the first model I approached about doing the modelling, and with his style I went with a mix between old fashion and new because he is wearing some articles of clothing which are seen as more retro which I thought fit in really well because with the era I chose to base it around it works really well and then I wanted to mix in some modern day clothing to add a bit of diversity into my work. The second model I approached would have to be Libby Whitehorn who I chose because she has fairly different style because once again she changes it up because she wears a lot of vintage looking clothing which I thought would really work along side my previous model as they are both wearing and older looking clothing style as they are the two oldest models I chose for my magazine, as well I wanted her to wear something which I had seen in many different modelling shoots which was the iconic ripped Denham jacket which matched perfectly for the look I was going for. For the 3rd I chose someone who's clothing style doesn’t match any of the others, which I think will work really well in my magazine because I will have one model who will stand out from the rest because of her clothing style and also her look which I think worked well because she wears more modern looking clothing which changes it up a bit in comparison to what I have done previously, the name of the model is Emma Garthwaite. For the final model I decided to chose someone who I knew wore a more street/modern style of clothing which is James Case who was probably one of the best models I think I could have chosen because he is very comfortable around a camera and is okay with taking photographs of him, which Is going to be a positive because it wont be too hard to get all the photos I want in one day. From what I have already gathered I think I will only be using four models because these where the only ones who where kind enough to let me take photos of them.
  • 15. Pagination 3 The pagination is very simple for this because it works similar to a fanzine, so it will go in the following order: One 2 pages of each of the models I will be doing some different styles which will include talking about their arrests which are fake but they work alongside the theme of my work which Is the government, and by talking about what they did I can also include what they where wearing at the time of arrest which works well with the fact that it is a clothing/photography magazine so people can know what the model is wearing which I thought was a really nice touch. Also on the other page I will one which will be mainly text which will be a fake criminal complaint which will talk about where they were caught and what they have done for them to be arrested, I felt like doing this so that my audience could go along with it because it is kind of a story into what these people have done, and at the same I wanted to give the models a bit of privacy so I will be taking away parts of the text so that the audience have to try and fill in the blanks, also with some of the crimes I think that I will be trying to make them quite serious but at the same time add a bit of humour to it because I don’t want them to sound to realistic. These are going to be the only pages when it comes to the models which have text in them because I wanted to the rest to be a look into the style of clothing they are going to be wearing and also what I have done with the pictures to make them pop out and put a different theme on them so that it works with the entire magazine.
  • 16. Production schedule • For my production schedule it will be quite hectic, as just because I put down I want to this on one and something else on the other day but in the end I will more than likely do the complete opposite on that because it is quite difficult to organize everything when it comes to other peoples schedules. But more than likely I am going to be starting of my doing my front covers and back covers because these are pretty much the only things which photos are not necessary because I don’t want to have my own photos on these because I want them to be very simple and basic as I will leave the majority of it to the middle of my booklet being the clothing and what I have done with the models. After finishing of the front covers I will move onto getting photographs of my models so that I can edit them down to what I want and them get them into my booklet so that I can move with other sections of my, although I haven't mentioned this in my Proposal I want to make a website which I will more than likely leave till the end of production because I will able to show people of the work which didn’t make it to the final product because I either didn’t like them or they were not up to standard in comparison to the rest of them.
  • 17. Shot schedule When it comes to my shot list they will be very similar in the plan that when I do want to shoot they will be doing very similar stances to each other which I plan on doing because I want the audience to be able to see what I am trying to sell to them. The one shot which I will be replicating over and over again will be the shot of the model looking straight at the camera and with a normal standing stand which allows the audience to see what they are wearing, and you can clearly see the model and what they look like because a lot of audiences like seeing the model. Another shot which I am going to be using a lot of will be both the side angle and back shot because as I am going to be doing a website with a shop so I will need to have angles of article of clothing I am selling so the back angles is one of the best because you don’t have to get models face in their and also you can quite easily get everything in one picture. The other shot which I plan on using on some occasion will be the angle looking gup at the model because it makes the model seem dominant and their will few times when this is easily done for example when the model is on a flight of stairs because that would be quite good looking. A lot of these shots have been influenced from a lot of different sources and brands, including Nike which do It very well because of their shop they do angles all around the model to capture there articles of clothing and then their advertisement use angles which are really out their such as angles which make the model look either week or dominant but their most common angle would be a neutral angle because they don’t want to make that celebrity seem weak as it would be quite insulting to them.