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For my FMP I want to create a fanzine which many people haven't seen
before. I want a fanzine which I will be proud of in the end and what
people will like to see. My main idea is to interview people around the
country and see who there role models are. This will be difficult to
complete as making the initial contact will be something which I will try
work on. In this fanzine I want to add poems, illustrations and the
interviews. I will include the interviews as well as more information on the
actual role model. This will have an actual illustration of role model. Before
my fanzine had a range of different topics including; the 1900’s feminism,
movements in this day and age and influential women. Maybe I could
illustrate a quote which the role model has said and have a few designed
pages of the role model/interview.
This is the front cover and back
cover. I have decided to use the
same font as I used on my first
issue of the fanzine. I want to keep
the style the same as the first
fanzine which I created. I will have
various of different celebrities faces
on the front cover. I wanted to
have this so it would attract the
audience, the pastel colour theme
which is shown in my style sheet
would also help with attracting the
audience. I want to have a little bit
of text underneath the title of the
fanzine to let the audience know
what the fanzine is based on. I am
currently undecided on what I want
the back cover to be like, whether I
would like it to be an advert, a
poem or some sort of typography
The contents page will be over a
double page spread. I have yet to
decide whether to have an editors
letter, some of the
fanzines/magazines which I looked
at had a editors note. I might
further my research to see if other
fanzines have editors letters in. I
would like the contents page to
look very similar to the first
contents layout, this had a pastel
square in the middle of the page
and the text inside this, I would like
to use the same style but use a
different style. I think the only
problem with this layout is if I do
choose to do an editors letter then
my contents page wont have the
same layout as the first fanzine
which I created.
I think starting a fanzine with an
interview straight away can be
quite boring and not fun. This is
why I have decided to write an
article introducing the theme of
the fanzine. This double page
spread will look interesting and
aesthetic. I think the first page of
the actual product should stand
out and attract the audience. My
last fanzine which I created I had
different backgrounds for each
articles this time I want to change
the colour of the titles instead. I
think this will be another way how
to keep my audience interested
and interactive with my fanzine.
When I am waiting to interview my
interviewees I will write this article
as well as design it in InDesign.
These are the interview pages, this
will consist of 4 pages, the first
page with interview questions and
the responses, the second page
with an illustration of the role
model. When I was in my
experiments I created some text
with the graphics tablet, this is
what I will use for the main title.
The interview questions will be in
black bold text with the response
matching the title colour, this will
give a clear link between the title
and article. In the stand first, I will
introduce the interviewer and write
a bit about the person. I am quite
excited to see what this looks like.
This will be the third and fourth
page of the interview. The third
page will be exploring the role
model, this is finding out the
history of the role model, how they
became famous and what they do
to be someone's role model. I think
this will appeal to my audience
because I think people are always
looking for someone to aspire
themselves, so why not let them
know more about this role model
and why someone is inspired by
them. I think a nice way to end of
the feature is by creating a
illustration for the last page,
creating a poem or quote graphic
for them, this will still keep within
the style which I am trying to
achieve as well as the feature
After the first interview I wanted
something which breaks the
fanzine up rather than it being a
very boring layout. After
researching different features in
fanzines I noticed a repetitive
theme, most of the features were
linked to some type of social
media. I think this spread will look
aesthetic and plain. I want to have
the page very simple, but a very
detailed spread. I might have a
background which I have made
myself on Photoshop and add the
4-6 boxes around the page. I think
this will make the audience look at
the page because my target
audience are at the age when they
need someone to look up to and
by having these Instagram
Once again, I researched what features
magazines had, something which was
very different. I think you would
normally see a review page in music and
TV magazines but I thought because of
the theme being role models, I thought
that the audiences would like to see my
reviews on certain music albums
featuring someone who they will
recognise as well as Netflix original
series which might inspire them. One of
the series which I will look at is ‘Dirty
John’. There are many mix reviews about
it but I think it helps women see what a
bad relationship is and can see how you
can get out of that type of relationship.
My target audience are at the age where
they watch Netflix quite often, this will
attract them to the article as it includes a
good series to watch on Netflix.
This double page spread is
something which I am really
excited in making, I have found an
Instagram account which have
loads of poems with illustrations.
My main idea for these pages is to
have poems surrounding the
illustration in the middle, I want
poems which are deep and will
attract my audience. The
illustration will be created by me
and will link all of the poems
together. After a conversation with
the poet she has said I can use her
poems as long as I will give her
credit. I might have a different poet
on this page as well just to mix the
style of poems. As well as having
the poets name at the bottom of
the poem I will also include it on
This will be the last two pages of
my fanzine. The left hand side page
will be some type of nice aesthetic
background which I will create. It
will most likely have a variety of
drawings like flowers etc. On the
next page will be a contribution
page, this will include the
interviewees name which I have
interviewed as well as the poets. If I
take any illustrations from
somewhere will the artists
permission I will also include their
name. I think this can attract my
audience to look into more of the
poets and illustration artist, this
might give them more recognition.
I think the initial
problem within my
project is finding
someone who will be
willing to contribute to
my fanzine. With my
plan being to interview
people all around the
world trying to find
these people it is
going to be very
difficult. I have started
off with some feminist
Instagram pages. With
the subject being
feminism I thought this
was the best way to
get around finding a
range of different
people. I also am
planning my interviews
now as I don’t want to
get into production
and then not be able
to do anything
Using the Adobe Colour Wheel with the two of
illustrations from the style sheet. This could be an idea
for my illustrations, I could include darker pastel
colours to make the illustrations stand out compared
to the other articles.
Using the Adobe Colour Wheel with the two popular
front covers from primary research.
I think from my last fanzine I wanted to keep to the same colour theme to show the link of
the two fanzine. From my research, this is a reoccurring theme, most of the fanzines
issues have something in common with each issue. This is something which I want to use
as it can attract my audience. All the colours are pastel which looks very aesthetic next to
a white background or white text. I think the design is the main thing which my audience
will look for, when I look back at my primary research I asked my target audience what
front cover they prefer the most, there were 2 front covers which the audience preferred.
These were pastel colours with illustrations, this gave me an insight to what my audience
would like to see. From the two popular front covers, I used Adobe Colours CC to see
what colours they used and adapted it to my style sheet. When looking at the different
fonts I noticed I wanted handwritten fonts this time around, I think the fonts which I used
in my last fanzine seemed quite traditional, this time around I want a more aesthetic and
simple look. The fonts which I picked were all the theme which I wanted, however I want
to use the graphics tablet when writing the titles these fonts are simply just a guideline of
what I wanted. The poems in my style sheet are the style which I want to include in my
poem section as well as the quotes which I have included. The illustrations at the bottom
of the style sheet are the type of illustrations I want to create, I practiced with the style in
my experiments even though it was really hard to create I enjoyed the detail and the end
Stand first
This will be the type of font and style
which will be the title. Throughout my
fanzine I want to have the titles
handwritten with a graphics tablet. As I
have stated in my Problem Solving and
my development diary I started
creating the title in Photoshop but
noticed that it was very shaky but
when I started in illustration it smooths
the lines out straight away.
The titles will be changing colour for each feature, the
last fanzine had a different background for each feature I
still want to keep with the changing colours so this is a
subtle and new way of changing.
The font which I want to use for articles will be the same as the font
which I used in my fanzine ’Minion Pro’. I think this will make a clear
link that it is the same brand to the first fanzine which I created.
The background will be white so that everything else stands out, and the colour
theme for this exact title will be blue, I always think that blue is a very neutral and
calming colour so if I start my fanzine off with a calm colour it can relax the audience.
Introducing the interviewee and the
subject of article.
Q- in bold
Q- in bold
Q- in bold
Q- in bold
of the role
from the
role model.
To the right hand side there are the experiments which I
created in my problem solving week, this will be the type of
font which will be on the front of this feature. The text will
be in minion pro as all the articles would be, and the colour
will be matching the main colour in the illustration. I think
this will be a really good way to show how the features link
The title will change for the various role model features
that I will do, but for the first article I will have the
Michelle Obama text but I will create the text in illustrator
so it is less shaky.
I think it would only be right to have the same title font for
the second page of the feature saying ‘History’ I think this
will show the audience that it is the same feature and topic.
m picture
m picture
m picture
m picture
Info on
Instagram profile
Info on
Info on
Info on
Instagram profile
This is the type of images which will appear in this article, but I
want to make the designs more aesthetic maybe I could add
polaroid's of the accounts, this would make the double page
spread more detailed- I could always add a few doodles on the
actual polaroid as that would probably attract the audiences
attention. I would create my own polaroid template instead of
getting one of the internet as most of them aren't royalty free. I
think the title should be in the ‘Dominique’ font as I feel like it
would stand out more as well as look handwritten. I am unsure
what colour I will have the title at the moment- maybe a dark
pastel pink as this will stand out but not draw any attention from
the actual feature. The Instagram account is the type of account
which I would want to include, I would also do some background
research and add this into the section below the polaroid.
Star rating
Star rating
Star rating
Text Text
I came up with this layout by looking at all subject magazines-
I noticed that on one side of the page there was a larger
review which seemed to attract my attention more than the
rest of the double page spread. I think the larger images will
attract my audience so I have taken this into account when I
created my flat plans. I like how the Spiderman review article
goes over one of the pages, this is something which I could
look into but whether it would look weird considering my
aesthetic clean style. I think the title will be something that I
will work on in production as I don’t know whether I want it to
a minimal title and have all the focus on the reviews and the
text. The age of my audience will help when I look at Netflix
originals as 74 percent of video-on-demand users aged 18 to
29 subscribed to Netflix in 2018 so my audience will most
likely have Netflix and will be looking for something to watch.
I think the colour themes will be a neutral colour, maybe a
nice pastel green to not attract the audience too much but
still stands out to the audience for what this feature is about.
covering two
Poem title
Poem title
Poem title
Poem title
I want this page to stand out next to all the pastel colour themes,
the only colour I want to be in this double page spread will be the
illustration, all the poems I want to be in black text with a plain
undetailed text so all the attention is just on the poems and the
illustration. The poems which I want to include will be like the
style of Rupi Kaur’s but I will go through poems on Instagram and
ask people if I can use them with their credit. I think showcasing
someone else's talents will be good as it can also bring more
people to like their stuff, if they like their poems then they will
keep coming back to my fanzine because I showcase some good
talent. I don’t know what illustration I will create yet but it will be
based on the poems which I choose, on this style sheet I have
added in some of the illustrations I like the look of whether I will
do something similar will be decided in my production.
Contributions title
Create a
which looks
IDEA- Instead of a editors note start the fanzine with the same
wallpaper it will be ending with. Move the contributions page
to the left hand side so the wallpaper ends at the end, move
the contents page to where the editors note is and start the
fanzine with the wallpaper.
This is something new that I didn't include into my last fanzine
but I think if I am including someone else's work I should
include a thank you page of some sort, this can also mean the
audience can follow the poets/illustrators work on Instagram
etc. The contributions title will be in a pink/blue colour in a
handwritten font, this will mean it matches in with the theme. I
will most likely make the font myself with a graphics tablet so
the title will be made in production time with the software
illustrator. The wallpaper will be made in Photoshop, I like the
wallpapers to the right hand side but I will change the colours
to match the colour theme but this is the type of style I am
going for. I specifically like the spaceship wallpaper because I
could have so many different pastel colours in one wallpaper,
it would be very detailed so it also would depend on how
much time I would have left.
• Contents page (1)
• Editors note??- I didn't have one of these in my first fanzine so whether I should include one in this
fanzine is a tricky decision. Most of the fanzines/magazines which I looked at In my research
included these. (1)
• Why should we have role models? (2)
• First Interview/ role model history article/ illustration/ quote (4)
• Instagram accounts to follow to help building confidence etc (2)
• Second Interview/ role model history article/ illustration/ quote (4)
• Reviews on feminist films/music/series (2)
• Third Interview/ role model history article/ illustration/ quote (4)
• Illustrations/poems (2)
• Fourth Interview/ role model history article/ illustration/ quote (4)
• Illustrations (2)
• Contributions (2)
Week One Make a productive start on articles and interviewees. Write ‘Why we need role models’
Start with interviewing/ make questions/ find more
Week Two Try meet up with some of the interviewees, find poems
and create some illustrations.
Contact interviewees asking to meet them in person if
possible. Scroll through Instagram finding poems-
contact the people to see whether I can use them with
credit. Create the poem illustrations as well as front
cover illustrations.
Week Three Hopefully the interviews will be completed by then,
write them all up and start creating InDesign
Refer back to planning and see what layouts are for the
double page spreads as well as colour themes and text.
Create all titles on illustrator ready to add them all onto
the InDesign documents.
Week Four Get all the work on a InDesign document, ready to get
some feedback from class mates.
Hopefully by then most of the features will be
completed, spend this week fixing the booklet
document for people to look at and get feedback.
Week Five Look through all the feedback and write a list of what
needs to be completed.
Everyday a few tasks will be completed leading up to
the last week.
Week Six Look through all the feedback and write a list of what
needs to be completed.
Everyday a few tasks will be completed leading up to
the last week.
Week Seven Last week, print off the booklet and make
When its printed out read through all of the articles
looking for typos, get other people to look as well to
minimise the typos. Any last details to be completed in
this last week.
• PLANNING- 4th March to 15th March
• Plan the contents of the fanzine, create a pagination, style sheet and production schedule.
• PRODUCTION TO CHECK UP- 18th March to 11th April
• This will be 4 weeks into my production, have a fanzine finished by then. The aim for this check point is to
look back at my work and see what I can improve, take on board all feedback and improve in all ways.
• PRODUCTION TO FINAL DEADLINE- 18th April to 16th May
• 3 weeks to make improvements on the feedback which was given.
• EVALUATION- 18th May to 31st May
• Have all my production work finished and start with my evaluation. Look back at all my work and analyse
what the weaknesses and strengths are.
• PRESENTATION- 31st May to 6th June
• Create a presentation to show the class on your work. Hopefully by this time I will have a printed out

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The Last Polymath: Muntadher Saleh‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎The Last Polymath: Muntadher Saleh‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎
The Last Polymath: Muntadher Saleh‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎

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The Last Polymath: Muntadher Saleh‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎
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The Last Polymath: Muntadher Saleh‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎


  • 2. FIRST IDEA For my FMP I want to create a fanzine which many people haven't seen before. I want a fanzine which I will be proud of in the end and what people will like to see. My main idea is to interview people around the country and see who there role models are. This will be difficult to complete as making the initial contact will be something which I will try work on. In this fanzine I want to add poems, illustrations and the interviews. I will include the interviews as well as more information on the actual role model. This will have an actual illustration of role model. Before my fanzine had a range of different topics including; the 1900’s feminism, movements in this day and age and influential women. Maybe I could illustrate a quote which the role model has said and have a few designed pages of the role model/interview.
  • 4. PAGINATION This is the front cover and back cover. I have decided to use the same font as I used on my first issue of the fanzine. I want to keep the style the same as the first fanzine which I created. I will have various of different celebrities faces on the front cover. I wanted to have this so it would attract the audience, the pastel colour theme which is shown in my style sheet would also help with attracting the audience. I want to have a little bit of text underneath the title of the fanzine to let the audience know what the fanzine is based on. I am currently undecided on what I want the back cover to be like, whether I would like it to be an advert, a poem or some sort of typography
  • 5. PAGINATION The contents page will be over a double page spread. I have yet to decide whether to have an editors letter, some of the fanzines/magazines which I looked at had a editors note. I might further my research to see if other fanzines have editors letters in. I would like the contents page to look very similar to the first contents layout, this had a pastel square in the middle of the page and the text inside this, I would like to use the same style but use a different style. I think the only problem with this layout is if I do choose to do an editors letter then my contents page wont have the same layout as the first fanzine which I created.
  • 6. PAGINATION I think starting a fanzine with an interview straight away can be quite boring and not fun. This is why I have decided to write an article introducing the theme of the fanzine. This double page spread will look interesting and aesthetic. I think the first page of the actual product should stand out and attract the audience. My last fanzine which I created I had different backgrounds for each articles this time I want to change the colour of the titles instead. I think this will be another way how to keep my audience interested and interactive with my fanzine. When I am waiting to interview my interviewees I will write this article as well as design it in InDesign.
  • 7. PAGINATION These are the interview pages, this will consist of 4 pages, the first page with interview questions and the responses, the second page with an illustration of the role model. When I was in my experiments I created some text with the graphics tablet, this is what I will use for the main title. The interview questions will be in black bold text with the response matching the title colour, this will give a clear link between the title and article. In the stand first, I will introduce the interviewer and write a bit about the person. I am quite excited to see what this looks like.
  • 8. PAGINATION This will be the third and fourth page of the interview. The third page will be exploring the role model, this is finding out the history of the role model, how they became famous and what they do to be someone's role model. I think this will appeal to my audience because I think people are always looking for someone to aspire themselves, so why not let them know more about this role model and why someone is inspired by them. I think a nice way to end of the feature is by creating a illustration for the last page, creating a poem or quote graphic for them, this will still keep within the style which I am trying to achieve as well as the feature
  • 9. PAGINATION After the first interview I wanted something which breaks the fanzine up rather than it being a very boring layout. After researching different features in fanzines I noticed a repetitive theme, most of the features were linked to some type of social media. I think this spread will look aesthetic and plain. I want to have the page very simple, but a very detailed spread. I might have a background which I have made myself on Photoshop and add the 4-6 boxes around the page. I think this will make the audience look at the page because my target audience are at the age when they need someone to look up to and by having these Instagram
  • 12. PAGINATION Once again, I researched what features magazines had, something which was very different. I think you would normally see a review page in music and TV magazines but I thought because of the theme being role models, I thought that the audiences would like to see my reviews on certain music albums featuring someone who they will recognise as well as Netflix original series which might inspire them. One of the series which I will look at is ‘Dirty John’. There are many mix reviews about it but I think it helps women see what a bad relationship is and can see how you can get out of that type of relationship. My target audience are at the age where they watch Netflix quite often, this will attract them to the article as it includes a good series to watch on Netflix.
  • 15. PAGINATION This double page spread is something which I am really excited in making, I have found an Instagram account which have loads of poems with illustrations. My main idea for these pages is to have poems surrounding the illustration in the middle, I want poems which are deep and will attract my audience. The illustration will be created by me and will link all of the poems together. After a conversation with the poet she has said I can use her poems as long as I will give her credit. I might have a different poet on this page as well just to mix the style of poems. As well as having the poets name at the bottom of the poem I will also include it on
  • 18. PAGINATION This will be the last two pages of my fanzine. The left hand side page will be some type of nice aesthetic background which I will create. It will most likely have a variety of drawings like flowers etc. On the next page will be a contribution page, this will include the interviewees name which I have interviewed as well as the poets. If I take any illustrations from somewhere will the artists permission I will also include their name. I think this can attract my audience to look into more of the poets and illustration artist, this might give them more recognition.
  • 20. POTENTIAL INTERVIEWS I think the initial problem within my project is finding someone who will be willing to contribute to my fanzine. With my plan being to interview people all around the world trying to find these people it is going to be very difficult. I have started off with some feminist Instagram pages. With the subject being feminism I thought this was the best way to get around finding a range of different people. I also am planning my interviews now as I don’t want to get into production and then not be able to do anything
  • 25. STYLE SHEET Using the Adobe Colour Wheel with the two of illustrations from the style sheet. This could be an idea for my illustrations, I could include darker pastel colours to make the illustrations stand out compared to the other articles.
  • 26. STYLE SHEET Using the Adobe Colour Wheel with the two popular front covers from primary research.
  • 27. STYLE SHEET ANALYSIS I think from my last fanzine I wanted to keep to the same colour theme to show the link of the two fanzine. From my research, this is a reoccurring theme, most of the fanzines issues have something in common with each issue. This is something which I want to use as it can attract my audience. All the colours are pastel which looks very aesthetic next to a white background or white text. I think the design is the main thing which my audience will look for, when I look back at my primary research I asked my target audience what front cover they prefer the most, there were 2 front covers which the audience preferred. These were pastel colours with illustrations, this gave me an insight to what my audience would like to see. From the two popular front covers, I used Adobe Colours CC to see what colours they used and adapted it to my style sheet. When looking at the different fonts I noticed I wanted handwritten fonts this time around, I think the fonts which I used in my last fanzine seemed quite traditional, this time around I want a more aesthetic and simple look. The fonts which I picked were all the theme which I wanted, however I want to use the graphics tablet when writing the titles these fonts are simply just a guideline of what I wanted. The poems in my style sheet are the style which I want to include in my poem section as well as the quotes which I have included. The illustrations at the bottom of the style sheet are the type of illustrations I want to create, I practiced with the style in my experiments even though it was really hard to create I enjoyed the detail and the end product.
  • 29. WHY SHOULD WE HAVE ROLE MODELS FLAT PLAN WHY SHOULD WE HAVE ROLE MODELS? Stand first Article Article Article Article Photo Photo
  • 30. WHY SHOULD WE HAVE ROLE MODELS STYLE SHEET This will be the type of font and style which will be the title. Throughout my fanzine I want to have the titles handwritten with a graphics tablet. As I have stated in my Problem Solving and my development diary I started creating the title in Photoshop but noticed that it was very shaky but when I started in illustration it smooths the lines out straight away. The titles will be changing colour for each feature, the last fanzine had a different background for each feature I still want to keep with the changing colours so this is a subtle and new way of changing. The font which I want to use for articles will be the same as the font which I used in my fanzine ’Minion Pro’. I think this will make a clear link that it is the same brand to the first fanzine which I created. The background will be white so that everything else stands out, and the colour theme for this exact title will be blue, I always think that blue is a very neutral and calming colour so if I start my fanzine off with a calm colour it can relax the audience.
  • 31. FLAT PLANS FOR THE ROLE MODEL INTERVIEWS MICHELLE OBAMA ETC Introducing the interviewee and the subject of article. Q- in bold Q- in bold Q- in bold Q- in bold Answer Answer Answer Answer Illustration of the role model THE HISTORY Article Article Photo Quote graphic/ typography from the role model.
  • 32. ROLE MODEL INTERVIEW STYLE SHEET To the right hand side there are the experiments which I created in my problem solving week, this will be the type of font which will be on the front of this feature. The text will be in minion pro as all the articles would be, and the colour will be matching the main colour in the illustration. I think this will be a really good way to show how the features link together. The title will change for the various role model features that I will do, but for the first article I will have the Michelle Obama text but I will create the text in illustrator so it is less shaky. I think it would only be right to have the same title font for the second page of the feature saying ‘History’ I think this will show the audience that it is the same feature and topic.
  • 33. INSTAGRAM FLAT PLAN INSTAGRAM ACCOUNTS TO FOLLOW Instagra m picture Instagra m picture Instagra m picture Instagra m picture Info on Instagram profile Info on Instagram profile Info on Instagram profile Info on Instagram profile
  • 34. INSTAGRAM ARTICLE STYLE SHEET This is the type of images which will appear in this article, but I want to make the designs more aesthetic maybe I could add polaroid's of the accounts, this would make the double page spread more detailed- I could always add a few doodles on the actual polaroid as that would probably attract the audiences attention. I would create my own polaroid template instead of getting one of the internet as most of them aren't royalty free. I think the title should be in the ‘Dominique’ font as I feel like it would stand out more as well as look handwritten. I am unsure what colour I will have the title at the moment- maybe a dark pastel pink as this will stand out but not draw any attention from the actual feature. The Instagram account is the type of account which I would want to include, I would also do some background research and add this into the section below the polaroid.
  • 35. REVIEWS FLAT PLAN REVIEW TITLE Name Star rating Name Star rating Name Star rating PhotoPhotoPhoto Text Text Text
  • 36. REVIEW STYLE SHEET I came up with this layout by looking at all subject magazines- I noticed that on one side of the page there was a larger review which seemed to attract my attention more than the rest of the double page spread. I think the larger images will attract my audience so I have taken this into account when I created my flat plans. I like how the Spiderman review article goes over one of the pages, this is something which I could look into but whether it would look weird considering my aesthetic clean style. I think the title will be something that I will work on in production as I don’t know whether I want it to a minimal title and have all the focus on the reviews and the text. The age of my audience will help when I look at Netflix originals as 74 percent of video-on-demand users aged 18 to 29 subscribed to Netflix in 2018 so my audience will most likely have Netflix and will be looking for something to watch. I think the colour themes will be a neutral colour, maybe a nice pastel green to not attract the audience too much but still stands out to the audience for what this feature is about.
  • 37. POEMS FLAT PLAN Illustration covering two pages Poem title Poet Poem Poem title Poet Poem Poem title Poet Poem Poem title Poet Poem
  • 38. POEMS STYLE SHEET I want this page to stand out next to all the pastel colour themes, the only colour I want to be in this double page spread will be the illustration, all the poems I want to be in black text with a plain undetailed text so all the attention is just on the poems and the illustration. The poems which I want to include will be like the style of Rupi Kaur’s but I will go through poems on Instagram and ask people if I can use them with their credit. I think showcasing someone else's talents will be good as it can also bring more people to like their stuff, if they like their poems then they will keep coming back to my fanzine because I showcase some good talent. I don’t know what illustration I will create yet but it will be based on the poems which I choose, on this style sheet I have added in some of the illustrations I like the look of whether I will do something similar will be decided in my production.
  • 39. CONTRIBUTION FLAT PLAN Contributions title Name Create a wallpaper which looks different. Name Name Name Name Name Name
  • 40. CONTRIBUTION STYLE SHEET IDEA- Instead of a editors note start the fanzine with the same wallpaper it will be ending with. Move the contributions page to the left hand side so the wallpaper ends at the end, move the contents page to where the editors note is and start the fanzine with the wallpaper. This is something new that I didn't include into my last fanzine but I think if I am including someone else's work I should include a thank you page of some sort, this can also mean the audience can follow the poets/illustrators work on Instagram etc. The contributions title will be in a pink/blue colour in a handwritten font, this will mean it matches in with the theme. I will most likely make the font myself with a graphics tablet so the title will be made in production time with the software illustrator. The wallpaper will be made in Photoshop, I like the wallpapers to the right hand side but I will change the colours to match the colour theme but this is the type of style I am going for. I specifically like the spaceship wallpaper because I could have so many different pastel colours in one wallpaper, it would be very detailed so it also would depend on how much time I would have left.
  • 41. COPY
  • 42. COPY • ARTICLES WHICH NEED TO BE WRITTEN (in running order): • Contents page (1) • Editors note??- I didn't have one of these in my first fanzine so whether I should include one in this fanzine is a tricky decision. Most of the fanzines/magazines which I looked at In my research included these. (1) • Why should we have role models? (2) • First Interview/ role model history article/ illustration/ quote (4) • Instagram accounts to follow to help building confidence etc (2) • Second Interview/ role model history article/ illustration/ quote (4) • Reviews on feminist films/music/series (2) • Third Interview/ role model history article/ illustration/ quote (4) • Illustrations/poems (2) • Fourth Interview/ role model history article/ illustration/ quote (4) • Illustrations (2) • Contributions (2)
  • 44. PRODUCTION SCHEDULE WEEK AIM TASKS Week One Make a productive start on articles and interviewees. Write ‘Why we need role models’ Start with interviewing/ make questions/ find more people. Week Two Try meet up with some of the interviewees, find poems and create some illustrations. Contact interviewees asking to meet them in person if possible. Scroll through Instagram finding poems- contact the people to see whether I can use them with credit. Create the poem illustrations as well as front cover illustrations. Week Three Hopefully the interviews will be completed by then, write them all up and start creating InDesign documents. Refer back to planning and see what layouts are for the double page spreads as well as colour themes and text. Create all titles on illustrator ready to add them all onto the InDesign documents. Week Four Get all the work on a InDesign document, ready to get some feedback from class mates. Hopefully by then most of the features will be completed, spend this week fixing the booklet document for people to look at and get feedback. Week Five Look through all the feedback and write a list of what needs to be completed. Everyday a few tasks will be completed leading up to the last week. Week Six Look through all the feedback and write a list of what needs to be completed. Everyday a few tasks will be completed leading up to the last week. Week Seven Last week, print off the booklet and make improvements. When its printed out read through all of the articles looking for typos, get other people to look as well to minimise the typos. Any last details to be completed in this last week.
  • 46. DEADLINES • PLANNING- 4th March to 15th March • Plan the contents of the fanzine, create a pagination, style sheet and production schedule. • PRODUCTION TO CHECK UP- 18th March to 11th April • This will be 4 weeks into my production, have a fanzine finished by then. The aim for this check point is to look back at my work and see what I can improve, take on board all feedback and improve in all ways. • PRODUCTION TO FINAL DEADLINE- 18th April to 16th May • 3 weeks to make improvements on the feedback which was given. • EVALUATION- 18th May to 31st May • Have all my production work finished and start with my evaluation. Look back at all my work and analyse what the weaknesses and strengths are. • PRESENTATION- 31st May to 6th June • Create a presentation to show the class on your work. Hopefully by this time I will have a printed out fanzine.

Editor's Notes

  1. Coolors
  2. Adobe Colours CC
  3. Adobe Colours CC